guia parte i

1 Departamento de Idiomas Modernos Cátedra de Inglés I FOLLETO ÚNICO INGLÉS I ÍNDICE 1. A Day in the Life of an Industrial Engineer Uso del Diccionario / Cognados 2. Alternative Fuel Vehicle Oración Básica 3. Magnetic Transistor Means Changeable Chips Frases Nominales 4. How Bridges Work Frases Verbales 5. Fiber Optics Voz Pasiva 6. How to Change Motor Oil Lenguaje de Instrucción 7. Hot Solar Wind: Magnetic Turbulence Trumps Collisions to Heat Solar Wind Forma –Ing 8. Which Spring to Choose: Coiled Wire Vs. Machined, a Comparison Referentes Textuales 9. What Is Superconductivity? Repaso 10. Centrifuges Repaso 11. What is Hydrogen? Coordinación y Subordinación de Ideas 12. New Bionic Eye Could Restore Sight Señales de Transición 13. Neutron Stars and String Theory in a Lab: Chilled Atoms Give Clues to Deep Space and Particle Physics Signos de Puntuación

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Page 1: Guia parte I


Departamento de Idiomas ModernosCátedra de Inglés I



1. A Day in the Life of an Industrial Engineer Uso del Diccionario / Cognados

2. Alternative Fuel Vehicle Oración Básica

3. Magnetic Transistor Means Changeable Chips Frases Nominales

4. How Bridges Work Frases Verbales

5. Fiber Optics Voz Pasiva

6. How to Change Motor Oil Lenguaje de Instrucción

7. Hot Solar Wind: Magnetic Turbulence Trumps Collisions to Heat Solar Wind

Forma –Ing

8. Which Spring to Choose: Coiled Wire Vs. Machined, a Comparison

Referentes Textuales

9. What Is Superconductivity? Repaso

10. Centrifuges Repaso

11. What is Hydrogen? Coordinación y Subordinación de Ideas

12. New Bionic Eye Could Restore Sight Señales de Transición

13. Neutron Stars and String Theory in a Lab: Chilled Atoms Give Clues to Deep Space and Particle Physics

Signos de Puntuación

14. MASER Power Comes out of the Cold: Solid-State MASER Can Operate at Room Temperature


15. Clean Your Air and Brighten Your Day with Houseplants Repaso

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Escriba el significado en español de la siguiente lista de palabras y clasifíquelas en verbos, adjetivos, sustantivos, preposiciones, etc.

a our were because

I one from made

in can said like

an man this back

to for when they

of his that your

is her more only

we him have many

he has such before

it two than through

as she also which

no who with about

be its what there

on and some their

so not been these

do out most would(be)

if but them could

or did over after

me had time first

by the must years

up all then where

was you even called

new may down often

now any much take

into will(be)

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Según las investigaciones realizadas por Haber y Haber (1981) las palabras anteriormente señaladas conforman el 50% de cada página impresa en el Idioma Inglés.

A Day in the life of an Industrial Engineer Industrial engineers analyze and evaluate methods of production and point out ways to improve them. They decide how a company should allocate its limited tangible resources (equipment and labor) within the framework of existing physical constraints (physical plant). Each company that hires an industrial engineer, either as a consultant or as an internal manager, has its own specific limitations. An industrial engineer must quickly become an expert not only in the manufacturing and production processes of the industry, but also in the specific culture, problems, and challenges that the company faces. This may mean face-to-face meetings with executives, extensive stays on manufacturing floors, and review of historical production data. Industrial engineers receive information from others about what goes on in the day-to-day work environment, but they must also make their own observations of these activities. Many employees are uncomfortable being “watched” by industrial engineers, and industrial engineers often walk a thin line between being an analyst and being a detective. An industrial engineer’s most difficult task is communicating his observations and suggestions to company executives, many of whom are emotionally invested in their traditional way of doing business. Industrial engineers must be tactful in what they say and in how they say it. In addition to tact, being a successful industrial engineer requires charm and the willingness to stand by one’s recommendations even in the face of unresponsive management. The large majority of industrial engineers—around 70 percent—works at manufacturing companies, and many have specific areas of specialization, such as assembly, raw-product processing, or administrative (paperwork) practices. Most industrial engineers have good working conditions, intellectually challenging work, and a high level of satisfaction. Hours can be long, but this tends to be outweighed by the satisfaction derived from the education that each different project brings.

Paying Your Dues

To become an industrial engineer, you must have a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering. Recommended coursework includes statistics, computer skills, ergonomics, management science, quality control, sociology, psychology, organizational behavior, economics, finance, labor relations, and mathematics. Those who plan to specialize in manufacturing areas find it useful to study shipping, billing, and automated systems, along with computer science. Graduate programs in industrial engineering are primarily for those who wish to enter academia. Employers consider production or manufacturing experience extremely useful; they also favorably view administrative experience in large-paperwork industries (such as insurance, health care, or brokerage). Many find joining a professional organization supportive of their careers (some join while still in school) because it helps them to keep them abreast of important topics and trends in industrial engineering.

Associated Careers

Most industrial engineers are consultants in the manufacturing and administrative industries. The expertise they gain as consultants or internal managers leads many of them to accept management positions in these industries. Since the core of an industrial engineer’s job is the proper allocation of resources, industrial engineers are valuable to any organization with limited resources and large responsibilities.

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Identificar términos cognados y falsos cognados. Buscar en el diccionario el significado de los vocablos desconocidos de acuerdo a la función

gramatical que estos cumplen en el texto. Responder preguntas de comprensión lectora.


1. ¿Cómo define Usted a la ingeniería?2. ¿Qué es la ingeniería industrial?3. ¿Cuáles son las actividades que desarrolla un ingeniero industrial en su trabajo?


Allocation: asignación, distribuciónBrokerage: corretajeDay-to-day: día a día, diario, diariamenteFramework: marcoFace-to-face: cara a cara, en persona

Outweigh(ed): pesar más, vales más, ser más importanteTactfull: diplomático, con tacto, discretoTask: tarea, trabajo, asignaciónInvest(ed): sumir, sumido


Lea el texto y responda, EN ESPAÑOL, las siguientes preguntas:

1. ¿Qué hace un ingeniero industrial?






2. ¿Cuál es la tarea más difícil que lleva a cabo el ingeniero industrial y por qué?




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3. Cite algunos de los diferentes cursos o estudios que deben tener los ingenieros industriales. Discuta con su profesor(a) la utilidad de los mismos.






4. ¿Qué otras actividades asociadas con su carrera pueden ejecutar los ingenieros industriales y por qué?







A. De la lectura, complete EN ESPAÑOL los espacios en blanco con la información necesaria.

1. This may mean ___________________________________ with ______________________,

extensive stays on ________________________________________________, and review of


2. The large majority of ____________________________________________________ works at

________________________________________________________________, and many have

_______________________________________________________________________ such as

assembly, _________________________________________________________________, or

________________________________________ (paperwork). Most industrial engineers have

_________________________________________________, intellectually challenging work, and


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3. Employers consider _____________________________________________ extremely useful; they

also favorably view _______________________________________________________________

(such as) _____________________________________________________________________.

B. Del párrafo II, extraiga cognados, falsos cognados y luego tradúzcalos según el contexto

EjemploCognado Falso cognado

organization: organización Primarily: básicamente

C. Identifique la función gramatical que cumplen las siguientes palabras según su afijo.


Primarily: primary – ly adverbio








Either as… or as…: ya sea como… o como…Not only… but also…: no solamente (únicamente)… sino también…But: pero, sin embargo

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Large: gran, enorme, grandeStill: todavía, aúnBecause: ya que, debido a que, porque

Fiber OpticsFiber Optics, the technique of transmitting light through transparent, flexible fibers of glass or plastic. The fibers, called optical fibers, can channel light over a curved path. Bundles of parallel fibers can be used to illuminate and observe hard-to-reach places. Optical fibers of very pure glass are able to carry light over long distances ranging from a few inches or centimeters to more than 100 miles (160 km) with little dimming. Cables containing such fibers are used in certain types of communications systems. Some individual fibers are thinner than human hair and measure less than 0.00015 inch (0.004 mm) in diameter.

Fiber optics is based on the optical phenomenon known as total internal reflection. With the simplest form of optical fiber, light entering one end of the fiber strikes the boundary of the fiber and is reflected inward. The light travels through the fiber in a succession of zigzag reflections until it exits from the other end of the fiber. Other forms of optical fibers are designed in such a way that the zigzagging of the light is greatly reduced or virtually eliminated.

Most optical fibers made today consist of at least two parts: a core through which the light is transmitted and a protective cladding (either glass or plastic) that surrounds the core and helps prevent light from leaking from the core. The cladding bends or reflects inward the light rays that strike its inside surface. A detector, such as a photosensitive device or the human eye, receives the light at the other end of the fiber.

Optical fiber bundles are either coherent or incoherent. In a coherent bundle, the fibers are arranged so that images, as well as illumination, can be transmitted. In incoherent bundles, the fibers are not arranged in any particular way and can transmit only illumination. There are two basic types of optical fibers: single-mode fibers and multi-mode fibers. Single mode fibers are designed for the transmission of a single ray as a carrier and is used for high-speed signal transmission over long distances. They have much smaller cores than multi-mode fibers, and they accept light only along the axis of the fibers. Tiny lasers send light directly into the fiber.

Low-loss connectors may be used to join fibers within the system without reducing the light signal. Such connectors also join fibers to the detector. Multi-mode fibers are designed to carry multiple light rays. They have much larger core diameter compared to those of single-mode fibers, and they accept light from a variety of angles. Multi-mode fibers use more types of light sources and cheaper connectors than single-mode fibers. They are mostly used for communication over shorter distances.

The uses of optical fibers are numerous. In medicine, optical fibers enable physicians to look and work inside the body through tiny incisions without having to perform surgery. They are used for endoscopes instruments for viewing the interior of hollow organs in the body. Most endoscopes have two sets of fibers: an outer ring of incoherent fibers that supplies the light, and an inner coherent bundle that

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transmits the image. Endoscopes may be designed to look into specific areas. For example, physicians use an arthroscope to examine knees, shoulders, and other joints. In some models, a third set of fibers transmits a laser beam that is used to stop bleeding or to burn away diseased tissue. Body temperatures can be measured using optical fiber. They can also be used for insertion into blood vessels to give a quick, accurate analysis of blood chemistry.

In scientific research and in manufacturing, fiber optic devices carry light to and from hazardous areas, vacuum chambers, and confined spaces within machines. Some instruments use optical-fiber coils as a sensing device; changes in the fiber produced by changes in pressure, temperature, or some other condition cause a measurable change in the properties of the light transmitted through the fiber. Optical fibers are used to measure temperature, pressure, acceleration, and voltage in industries.

Fiber-optic communication systems have a number of advantages that make them more efficient than systems that use traditional copper cables. They have a much larger information-carrying capacity, are not bothered by electrical interference, and require fewer amplifiers than copper-cable systems. As part of a communications system, an optical fiber transmits information in the form of light signals usually as flashes of light. The signals are generated by a small semiconductor laser or light-emitting diode (LED) at one end of the fiber and detected by a light-sensitive device at the other end. An optical-fiber cable can transmit much more information than an electrical cable of the same size. A major application of optical-fiber cable is in linking telephone switching offices. Many communication companies have installed large networks of fiber-optic cables across the continents and under the oceans to provide information worldwide.

The first studies of fiber optics were made in the late 1800s, but practical development did not begin until the early 1950s. The development of fiber optics was spurred by the introduction of lasers in the early 1960s and by the production of the first optical fibers of very pure glass in 1970. The commercial use of fiber optics, especially in communications systems, developed rapidly in the 1980s.


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Identificar la voz pasiva en inglés. Interpretar la voz pasiva adecuadamente en español. Responder ejercicios de comprensión de acuerdo a la lectura.


1. Do you know what fiber-optic communications systems are?2. Can you give an example of these systems?


Bundles: paquetesDimming: oscurecimientoCore: núcleoCladding: revestimientoEndoscope: endoscopio

Arthroscope: artroscopioBlood vessels: vasos sanguíneosCoils: bobinas, serpentinesFlashes: destellosSpur(red): estimular, estimulado


A. Lea el texto y responda, EN ESPAÑOL, las siguientes preguntas:

1. What is Fiber Optics?





2. Explain on what is Fiber Optics based.






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3. What do most optical fibers today consist of?








4. What is the difference between an optical fiber incoherent bundle and a coherent bundle?






5. Explain the two basic types of optical fibers.









6. Name the uses of optical fibers.

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7. What are the advantages of Fiber-Optics communication systems?





B. Complete, EN ESPAÑOL, los espacios en blanco con la frase o palabra adecuada.

1. Bundles of ___________________________________ can be used _________________________

_______________________________________. Optical fibers of __________________________

are able to carry ___________________________________________ ranging from a few inches or


2. For example, ______________________________________ to examine _____________________

______________________________________. In some models, ___________________________

a laser beam _________________________ bleeding or __________________________________.

Body temperatures ___________________________ using ___________________________.

They _________________________________ for insertion into

________________________________ to give


3. The signals _______________________ by ____________________________________________

______________________________________________at one end of the fiber and_____________

by____________________________________________ at the other end. An optical-fiber cable


of the same size.


Subraye las frases verbales que se encuentren en voz pasiva en las siguientes oraciones. Luego traduzca las oraciones.

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1. Fiber Optics is based on total internal reflection.


2. A core through which the light is transmitted and a protective cladding…

________________________________________________________________________________3. Tiny lasers send light directly into the fiber.

________________________________________________________________________________4. Multi-mode fibers are designed to carry multiple light rays.


5. Many communication companies have installed large networks of fiber optic cables…


6. Cables containing such fibers are used in certain types of communication systems.


7. Bundles of parallel fibers can be used to illuminate and observe hard-to-reach places.


8. Single mode fibers are designed for the transmission of a single ray as a carrier.


9. Low-loss connectors may be used to join fibers within the system without reducing the light signal.



10. The development of Fiber Optics was spurred by the introduction of lasers in the early 1950s.




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As: comoAs well as: así comoIn such a way: de tal maneraSo: de este modo, así, por tantoSuch: tal, tales

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How to Change Motor Oil

One of the most important things you can do to make sure your vehicle runs efficiently is to change your engine oil every 3,000 miles or 3 months. Doing so, you will increase the engine life and functionality. If you have a busy schedule it can be difficult to schedule an appointment with a garage. Learn how to change your own oil and do it when it is convenient for you.

What You Will Need:

1. Car Manual  2.  5-7 quarts of motor oil (type and amount depend on your vehicle) 3. New oil filter 4. Oil filter wrenches 5. Oil drain pan 6. Plastic container (to properly discard oil) 7. Funnel 8. Gloves 9. Old Rags 10. Wheel Ramp or Car Jacks 11. Blocks to wedge behind tires 12. Adjustable Wrench

Step One: Before changing your motor oil, run your vehicle for at least 10 minutes. Warm oil will drain faster than cold oil. However be careful not to burn yourself on the engine block or oil.

Step Two: Make sure you park your car on a flat surface. Even a slight incline could cause the car to roll. There are two different ways you can elevate your car up, by using car jacks or wheel ramps. If you chose car jacks, you would need jack stands as well to secure the front of your vehicle after it’s lifted. When using wheel ramps, position them ahead of your front tires and then drive up the ramp. It is a good idea to have someone outside the vehicle to guide you, so you do not drive off. Put your emergency brake on and wedge blocks behind your rear tires to secure the vehicle.

Step Three: Once the vehicle is safely supported, crawl under. For comfort, you may use a car creeper to lie on and roll under the vehicle. Now you will need to drain out the old oil. Find the oil drain plug. Your car manual can probably tell you the exact location. Place the drain pan underneath the plug. Using your wrench unscrew the drain plug. When you are able to loosen the plug by hand continue to apply pressure so the oil does not leak onto your hands. Also be careful the plug may be hot, wear gloves. Adjust the position of your drain pan to catch all the oil. Wait until the oil finishes draining then wipe off the drain plug and drain opening with some old rags. Screw the plug back in.

Step Four: Now look for your oil filter they are usually located on the side of the engine. Use your oil filter wrench and turn counterclockwise. The wrench will tighten around the filter and then you can unscrew it. Be careful when pulling the old filter out, left over oil may leak out. Using a little bit of new oil, lubricate the side of the filter that comes in contact with the engine. Screw the new oil filter in by hand, do not over tighten.

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Step Five: Next you need to refill the oil. Find the oil cap on top of the engine. Remove the cap and place a funnel in the hole. Fill the engine with the appropriate amount and type of oil. Check your car manual for this information or consult a local auto parts store. If you are not sure put a little in at a time and check the dip stick to make sure you have enough. Run your engine for a minute then check the dip stick again to make sure you have the correct amount. Finally check to make sure no oil is leaking around the plug and filter. Tighten the drain plug or oil filter slightly to stop the leaking.

Step Six: After the used oil cools pour it into a plastic container and dispose of it properly. Bring the oil somewhere that will recycle it. Never poor the used oil into the ground or sewer system. Job well done! You have completed your first of many oil changes.

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Identificar verbos que indiquen instrucciones. Interpretar correctamente el lenguaje de instrucción. Responder a preguntas en español.


1. Have you ever changed your car´s engine oil? 2. Do you know how to do it?


Car jack: gato hidráulicoJack stand: gato de soporte, caballetesCar creeper: camilla (para taller mecánico) Drain pan: bandeja recolectora de aceite Funnel: embudo Oil filter wrench: llave o pinza saca filtroPlug: tapónCap: tapa

Adjustable wrench: llave ajustable, llave inglesaRamp: rampaGarage: taller mecánicoEngine: motorOil: aceiteWedge block: cuñaDip stick: varilla del aceiteRun: funcionar, encender


A. Answer, IN SPANISH, the following questions:

1. Why is it important to change your motor oil?






2. What do you need to change your motor oil?





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3. What must be done before changing the motor oil? Why?




4. Explain the different ways you can elevate your car up.







5. Explain how is the old oil drained out?









6. Why must you be careful when pulling the old filter out?



7. How is the used oil disposed properly? What must you never do?





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Step 2 Step 3

Step 4

Step 1

Step 5Step 6

B. Complete, IN SPANISH, the following diagram summarizing the steps for changing your motor oil.

Changing Motor Oil


A. Underline the verbs giving instructions in the following sentences. Then, translate the sentence:

1. However be careful not to burn yourself on the engine block or oil.


2. Make sure you park your car on a flat surface.


3. Put your emergency brake on and wedge blocks behind your rear tires to secure the vehicle.



4. Use your oil filter wrench and turn counterclockwise.


5. Using a little bit of new oil, lubricate the side of the filter that comes in contact with the engine.


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6. Run your engine for a minute then check the dip stick again to make sure you have the correct amount.________________________________________________________________________________


B. Fill out the following table with verbs giving instructions from Steps Four and Five.

VERB MEANINGe.g. Look for Ubica


After: después deAlso: además,tambiénBefore: antes deEven: inclusoHowever: sin embargo, no obstante

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If: si, (condicional)Next: luego, entonces, Then: entonces, luego, Once: Una vez (que)