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1 HEBREWS A Study in Contrasts Self-Study Guides

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HEBREWS A Study in Contrasts

Self-Study Guides


Table of Contents

1. Study of Chapters 1-2…………………………………………………..3

2. Jesus and David (on 1:5)……………………………………………….5

3. Review of 1-3; Jesus’ Priesthood (ch. 4)………………………..6

4. Review of 1-3………………………………………………………………..7

5. Evaluate your knowledge of chs. 1-3……………………………..11

6. Study of themes in 4:14-16……………………………………………15

7. Study of themes in 5:1-14……………………………………………..17

8. Researching Motifs in chs.1-7

a. The Son…………………………………………………………………18

b. Christ’s Priesthood………………………………………………..20

c. Contrasts……………………………………………………………….22

d. OT Scriptures…………………………………………………………24

e. Believers……………………………………………………………….26

f. Warnings………………………………………………………………28

g. Good Things………………………………………………………….30

9. Ch. 1-9 Review: The Priesthood…………………………………….32

10. Ch. 10: Good Things……………………………………………..33

11. Heb. 10:19-22, Exhortation.…………………………………..34

12. Heb. 10:32-39, Personal Knowledge……………………….35

13. Heb. 11, the Exempla……………………………………………..36

14. Heb. 12, Running the Race & Discipline…………………..37

15. Heb. 12:18-24, the Mountains………………………………..39

16. Review of Contrasts in Hebrews……………………………..40

17. Heb. 13, Leaders……………………………………………………..41

18. Quiz yourself on the themes in Hebrews by chapter….42


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Chapters 1-2

Read Hebrews 1-2. Why is the author quoting from the OT in these


In what ways is Jesus different from the angels?

Why do NT authors sometimes use/refer to OT passages?


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Chapters 1-2 (cont’d)

NT using the OT

NT Texts OT Gist of Original NT Application

Heb. 1:5a

Ps. 2:7

Heb. 1:5b

2 Sam. 7:14

Heb. 1:6

Deut. 32:43


Heb. 1:7

Ps. 104:4

Heb. 1:8-9

Ps. 45:6-7

Heb. 1:10-12

Ps. 102:25-27

Heb. 1:13

Ps. 110:1


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Jesus & David (Heb. 1:5)

Directions: For each passage, note what is happening (speaker, event, etc.) and

what connection is being stressed between Jesus and David. This is just a

sampling of the many, many similar texts we could look at!

Passage Connection or Purpose

Heb. 1:5b, quoting 2 Sam. 7:14 This is part of God’s promise to David that he would have a descendant who would reign as king forever, and who would be known as God’s Son.

The author is stressing that Jesus is that promised Forever King of the line of David, and God’s Son. In this passage, Jesus’ superiority to the angels is also being emphasized.

Luke 1:32-33

Luke 1:68-71

Matthew 1:1

Mark 10:47-48

John 19:19-22 (compare with 2 Sam. 7:11b-16)

Acts 4:24-28

Acts 13:22-23


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts (4:14-16 & 5:1-10)

Outline Challenge: Where are the major OT quotations in Hebrews (up

through the end of chapter 3)?

o ___________ quoting ____________________________________

o ___________ quoting ____________________________________

o ___________ quoting ____________________________________

Heb. 4:14-16 – List any words or ideas that you recognize from previous

passages in Hebrews:

Jesus’ Priesthood


Any human high priest (Heb. 5:1-4)

Moses (Heb. 3:1-6)

Aaron (esp. Heb. 5:4)

Melchizedek (just from Heb. 5:6 & 10 so far)


Hebrews Study Extensions – Review of Chapters 1-3

1. Speech, Messages, and Listening

Trace these themes in Chapters 1-3. Note who speaks, the content of the

messages, and who listened (or refused), and any other details that strike you as

important. Then summarize what our author is trying to impress on his


Heb. 1:1-2

Heb. 2:1

Heb. 2:2

Heb. 2:3

Heb. 3:5 (think of Moses as a prophet here)

Heb. 3:7-8a

Heb. 3:13

Heb. 3:16

Summary of what’s important:


2. Contrasting Worldviews

During the “rebellion” that our author refers to in 3:8 & 16, the people displayed

an unbelieving worldview (wrong ideas about reality). Joshua countered this with

a statement of faith. Summarize the focus of each worldview below:

The People (Num. 13:32-33; 14:1-4) Wrong Thinking about Reality

Joshua (Num.5-9) The Faithful Worldview

So far our author has not explicitly blamed his audience for specific wrong ideas

about reality; but given his arguments in chapters 1-3 we can guess at some of the

theological errors he wanted to correct. First summarize the author’s faithful

worldview (what does he stress as TRUE in these chapters?), then imagine what

wrong thinking he was addressing.

The Author’s Faithful Worldview (1-3) Wrong Thinking about Reality

(Review of Chs. 1-3, cont’d)


3. Signs and wonders

Our author says that God bore witness to the gospel “by signs and wonders and

various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will”

(Heb. 2:4). Research these verses to find this idea of the Father’s emphatic

affirmation of Jesus’ (and the apostles’) ministry in the Gospels and Acts.

Summarize your findings below.

John 9:30-33

John 10:25b-26

Acts 2:22-24

Acts 2:43

Acts 4:29-30

Acts 5:12

Acts 6:8

Acts 8:4-8

Acts 11:14-18 (“gifts of the Holy Spirit”)

(Review of Chs. 1-3, cont’d)


4. The Way of the Son

In Heb. 2:5-9 our author uses Psalm 8 to introduce the idea of Jesus’ humiliation as

the pathway to his glorious victory. Trace “the Way of the Son” in the following

passages, noting the details that are mentioned about each of the stages.

Hebrews 1-2

Glory (before incarnation) Humiliation (Incarnation) Final Victory & Exaltation

John 13:1-5 Glory (before incarnation) Humiliation (Incarnation) Final Victory & Exaltation

Philippians 2:5-11

Glory (before incarnation) Humiliation (Incarnation) Final Victory & Exaltation

(Review of Chs. 1-3, cont’d)


Evaluate Your Knowledge of Hebrews 1-3!

This evaluation is entirely for you – use it as you like. I suggest approaching it in

three different ways: 1) see what you can answer from memory; then 2) with your

Bible open; then 3) with your study notes and my summaries.

Outline of Hebrews 1-3 (Write a brief “main idea” for each section, plus any

special features you can remember.)

Heb. 1:1-4 = ________________________________________________________

Heb. 1:5-14 = _______________________________________________________

Heb. 2:1-4 = ________________________________________________________

Heb. 2:5-9 = (Midrash on )___________________________________

Heb. 2:10-18 = ______________________________________________________

Heb. 3:1-6 = ________________________________________________________

Heb. 3:7-19 = (Midrash on )______________________________

Hebrews Chapter 1

In what ways has God communicated to his people in history?

How is the Son said to be LIKE God?

What is a “string of pearls” argument?

Where does our author use this, and what is his point?


Hebrews Chapter 1 (cont’d)

What true statements can you make about angels, based on Hebrews 1?

List some specific ways that the Son is said to be superior to the angels.

Which version of the OT does our author quote from (accounting for some

difference in wording between his quotations and your OT!)?

Hebrews Chapter 2

Why all the buildup about Jesus being superior to the angels?

What two messages are contrasted in the first paragraph of Hebrews 2?

What is the connection between the angels and the delivery of the Mosaic law

(mentioned in Hebrews 2:2)?

Where else in the NT is this idea mentioned?

What is the first command given in Hebrews?

What is the first warning?

(Chs. 1-3 Evaluation, cont’d)


Hebrews Chapter 2 (cont’d)

What is a “midrash”?

Which psalm is quoted in Hebrews 2:6-8? What is it about?

In what ways does Jesus closely identify with his people?

What are the benefits that come to us because of his solidarity with us?

What do we learn about the devil in this chapter?

Hebrews Chapter 3

What is the second command given in Hebrews?

Who is Jesus compared to in 3:1-6?

How are they alike?

How are they different?

Why does our author call Jesus the “apostle” of our confession?

Which psalm is quoted in Hebrews 3:7-11?

What OT story does this psalm refer to? Where is it found?

(Chs. 1-3 Evaluation, cont’d)


Hebrews Chapter 3 (cont’d)

Why does the author bring up this story and quote this psalm?

What characterizes unbelief in this chapter?

What can believers do for one another?

Why does it make sense for our author to speak warnings to the congregation?

What benefit can these warnings have, even for true children of God?

In the space below, write a favorite verse or a striking thing you have learned so

far from Hebrews:

(Chs. 1-3 Evaluation, cont’d)


Hebrews Study Extensions – 4:14-16

The All-Seeing Eyes of God

“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to

whom we must give account.” Heb. 4:13

Is this a good thing, or a scary thing? Research the OT verses listed below, copying (or

summarizing) them and deciding for yourself when God’s watchful eye is a positive and when it

is a negative reality for human beings.

Ps. 33:13-19

Ps. 66:5-7

Pr. 15:3

Jer. 24:4-7

1 Kings 9:1-3

2 Sam. 22:28

Job 34:21

Ps. 139:15-16

Job 7:17-20


Jesus the Great High Priest

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one

who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.” Heb. 4:15

Jesus’ high priesthood is a major theme in Hebrews, especially in the section we are

about to begin (chs. 5-10). Read any of these passages and jot down on your own paper details

about his priestly role and how he serves us (or has served us) in this way. What aspects of the

priesthood are important to our author? (Note that some of the passages are fairly long and

will require some extra time – don’t expect to do this exercise all in one sitting! Some of the

selections may contain puzzling information. Don’t worry about trying to understand

everything; just look for details about Jesus’ priesthood.)

Heb. 1:3

Heb. 2:17-18

Heb. 3:1-2

Heb. 4:14-16

Heb. 5:1-6

Heb. 6:19-20 (the context includes


Heb. 7:23-25

Heb. 7:26-28

Heb. 8:1-6

Heb. 9:11-14 (the context includes


Heb. 9:23-28 (the context includes


Heb. 10:11-14

Heb. 10:19-22

Drawing Near

This idea is mentioned a surprising number of times in Hebrews! Research these

verses, either copying them out or paraphrasing them. What do you learn about

“drawing near”? Choose one or more of these to memorize.

Heb. 4:16

Heb. 7:19

Heb. 7:25

Heb. 10:1

Heb. 10:22

Heb. 11:6

Heb. 12:18

Heb. 12:2

(Themes in 4:14-16, cont’d)


Hebrews – A Study in Contrasts (Heb. 5:1-14)

Pop Quiz: Where are these figures first named in Hebrews? What is their significance in our

author’s argument?








From Hebrews 5:11-14:

The Immature The Mature


Research Project #1: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(I) How is the Son described in Hebrews? What do we learn about Him?

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #1: The Son)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


All of ch. 1 2:8-18 4:14-16 6:6 (notice what info is given

2:3 3:1-6 5:7-10 in passing here)

(Research Project #1: The Son, cont’d)


Research Project #2: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(II) How is Christ’s priesthood presented in Hebrews? What do we learn

about His work, and the benefits that come to us from it? How is his

priesthood different?

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #2: Christ’s Priesthood)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


1:3 4:14-16 7:3

2:17-18 5:5-6 7:11-19

3:1-2 6:17-20 7:20-28

(Research Project #2: Christ’s Priesthood, cont’d)


Research Project #3: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(III) What contrasts do we find in Hebrews 1-7? Look for differences

between Old and New, between an Original and an Improvement, and

between the Inferior and the Superior.

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #3: Contrasts)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


1:1-2 2:16 5:13-14 7:4-8 7:23-25

1:4-14 3:5-6 6:7-8 7:11-19 7:26-27

2:2-3 4:2-3 6:11-12 7:20-22 7:28

(Research Project #3: Contrasts, cont’d)


Research Project #4: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(IV) How does this sermon-letter show a high view of the OT Scriptures?

How are they spoken of? Where are they used, and for what purposes?

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #4: OT Scriptures)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


1:1, 5-13 2:12-13 3:7-19 5:1-4 6:13-15

2:2 2:16 4:4-5 5:5-6 Chapter 7

2:6-9 3:1-6 4:7-8 6:12

(Research Project #4: OT Scriptures, cont’d)


Research Project #5: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(V) What does the book of Hebrews teach about believers? Who are they?

What are they to be like? What are they to avoid? What are they to do?

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #5: Believers)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


1:2, 3 2:12-18 3:12-14 4:11 5:11-14 6:17-20

2:1-4 3:1 4:1-3 4:14-16 6:1-3 7:25

2:10-11 3:6 4:9-10 5:9 6:9-12

(Research Project #5: Believers, cont’d)


Research Project #6: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(VI) What conditional statements*, warnings, and negative examples has

our author given so far?

1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

* A conditional is an “if-then” statement. For example, “____ will be true IF ______ happens.”

(Research Project #6: Warnings)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


2:1-3a 4:1 6:4-8

3:6 4:11-13

3:12-14 5:11-14

(Research Project #6: Warnings, cont’d)


Research Project #7: Motifs in Hebrews 1-7

(VII) What good things are available (or promised) to those who are in


1. Brainstorm what you remember from chs. 1-7, writing phrases here.

(Try to do this without flipping through the chapters, at least at first!)

2. Find the specific verses that teach these truths, and write their

addresses near your phrases above. Add any other details that you see as

you skim through the text.

3. Look over the list of verse references on the next page and research

any that you did not include above. Add those details to your collection

(you can also use the space below).

(Research Project #7: Good Things)


4. Organize the information in a way that makes sense to you.


1:1-3 2:9, 10, 11 4:2 5:9 7:22

1:14 2:14-18 4:3, 9-10 16:17-20 7:25

2:3 3:1 4:14-16 7:19 7:26

(Research Project #7: Good Things, cont’d)


Hebrews 1-9: The Priesthood

How is Jesus’ priesthood like and unlike the Levitical priesthood?

o Do as much as you can from memory. Try these questions:

What chapters mention the priesthood?

How is Jesus’ priesthood LIKE the Levitical priesthood?

In what ways is his priesthood BETTER THAN that priesthood?

Try filling out the chart below from memory. If you get stuck, check the



Qualifications (Heb. 5:1-4)

Lineage/Order (Heb. 7:11, 13-14)

Length of service (Heb. 7:23-24)

Effectiveness of sacrifice

(Heb.7:25; 9:9)

Means of Appointment

(Heb. 7:20-21, 28)

How often (Heb. 9:8; 25-26)

For whom (Heb. Heb. 9:7;


What sanctuary (Heb. 9:11, 24)

What blood (Heb. 9:25, 12)


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Chapter 10

“The Good Things to Come” (from the perspective of the Law, at least):

o See if you can find and record all of the “good things” in Christ that are described

or implied in these verses:

10:1 –

10:2 –

10:10 –

10:12 –

10:14 –

10:16 –

10:17 –

10:18 –


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – 10:19-22

Read these passages and note how they promote the NT theme of access or approach

to God:

Eph. 2:18 –

Rom. 5:2 –

Eph. 3:11-12 –

1 Pet. 3:18 –

John 14:6 –

o This exhortation paragraph contains countless connections with other parts of

Hebrews! Try finding other mentions of these words:








Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – 10:32-39

The list of past experiences in this paragraph calls to mind also the writer’s personal

knowledge of his immediate audience, which we have glimpsed from time to time in this

letter. Take a look at these passages and note down the different things that we have

learned (plus a couple things we’ll encounter in later chapters) about these people:

Heb. 2:1-4

Heb. 5:11-14

Heb. 6:9-12

Heb. 12:4

Heb. 13:22-25

There have been hints already in Hebrews that our author is concerned that his friends

are motivationally compromised – that is, they’re stuck, they need help advancing in

maturity. Check out the following passages and see how he expresses his concern:

o 2:1

o 3:3, 12-13

o 4:1

o 5:11-12

o 6:11-12


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Ch. 11, the Exempla

(11:23-28) Moses himself, the man of faith, has been mentioned six times already in the

book of Hebrews. Here’s a little Bible study to remind you of those instances. What’s

the point each time?

o 3:2-6

o 3:16

o 8:5-6

o 9:19-21, 13-14

o 10:28-29

In what situations are WE given seemingly impossible things to do or think? We don’t

get personalized revelation like Abraham, Noah, Moses, Joshua, Gideon; but still we’ve

been given plenty of specific instruction to carry out. Here’s a sampling of those

instructions! Jot down the marching orders that you read in these passages:

o Mt. 5:11-12

o Mt. 5:14-16

o Mt. 5:38-42

o Rom. 12:9-13

o Rom. 12:14-18


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Chapter 12

Review: Running the Race (Heb. 12:1-3)

o How would you go about “laying aside weights and the sin that entangles”?

o What is the “race marked out for us”?

Eugene Peterson calls the Christian life “a long obedience in the same

direction.” Other commitments mirror this marathon: marriage, church

membership, friendship. Consider:

What motivates you to keep going for the long haul in these earthly but

important relationships, despite difficulties and challenges?

How does looking to Jesus help you, both in “laying aside sin” and in

“running with perseverance”?

Review: The Lord’s Discipline (Heb. 12:4-11)

o When and why is God’s discipline needed by the believer? What forms does God’s

discipline take?

o When discipline is for the purpose of “strength training,” the Lord is working

through our hardships to make us battle-ready. Julius Caesar, when he was a

Roman general, voluntarily chose a soldier’s plain fare and uncomfortable lodgings

even when he was not engaged in battle, lest he grow soft and unready for the next

skirmish. In our lives, sometimes little hardships prepare us for the bigger

demands that will be made of us later. Consider how you handle small

annoyances and inconveniences, temporary illnesses and minor discomfort, and

those day-to-day personal disappointments that we all run into. If you change

your perspective regarding these small setbacks so that you see them as God’s

provision for your battle-training, what could these experiences teach you for the

future handling of significant crises, long-term illnesses or chronic pain, and

deeper loss?


o God’s discipline for strength training helps to enable his people to do the hard

things he’s called them to do. Consider these exhortations found in Hebrews:

What does God want his sons and daughters to be able to DO?

Heb. 12:1


Heb. 3:12-14

Heb. 4:1, 11

Heb. 4:14

Heb. 5:14

Heb. 6:11-12

Heb. 10:23-39

(Hebrews 12, cont’d)


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – 12:18-24

The Mountains (12:18-24)

o This paragraph is a carefully sculpted pair of contrasts between two mountains:

In an effort to highlight the reality that is theirs in Christ, our author offers his readers a

powerful sensory description of the Israelites’ encounter with God at Mt. Sinai, stressing

the holiness and inapproachability that characterized the Old Covenant. As you read the

passage, notice how carefully balanced the depictions of the two mountains are. List

the characteristics of each:


“You have not come…”

“But you have come…”


(The Scary One)


(The Party One)


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – Review of Contrasts!

In this “study in contrasts,” the most prominent comparison in the letter is probably

this one between OLD and NEW, LAW and GOSPEL. Where else do you remember

seeing it? A challenge for personal study: skim back through the chapters of Hebrews to

find this particular contrast. Record what you find on this chart (I didn’t do a count, so

you may need more or fewer spaces!):

OLD (Law, Covenant, Sanctuary, Past)

NEW (Gospel, Covenant, Sanctuary, Present)


Hebrews: A Study in Contrasts – 13:17-25

v.17 Leaders and People

Consider the duties and benefits involved when leaders and congregation

are in step with the Spirit, as Paul puts it:

Leaders People



What decisions on YOUR part can promote JOY in your leaders?

How about GROANING?

o v.18-19 Prayer Requests

What hints do you get about this author’s theology of prayer here?

(i.e., what does he believe is a goal of prayer?)

What hints do you have here of this author’s special relationship with

these people?

Given what you know about his personality through his writing by now,

what do you think this congregation valued most about his company?

o vv.20-21 A Prayer for the Readers

What is the author’s specific request?

How is he part of the answer to his own prayer?


Hebrews Themes by Chapter – Quiz yourself!

1. _______________________________

2. _______________________________


3. _______________________________


4. _______________________________

5. _______________________________


6. _______________________________


7. _______________________________

8. _______________________________


9. _______________________________

10. _______________________________


11. _______________________________

12. _______________________________

13. _______________________________

Themes in Hebrews

High Priest

New Covenant

Practical Exhortations

Sun Superior to Angels

Wilderness Generation

Faithful Saints

Jesus Superior to Moses



Sabbath Rest

Christ’s Solidarity with Us

Gospel Superior to Law

Oaths & Promises

Superior Sacrifice


Superior Sanctuary

Superior Priest