homemade frozen treats! - sharkclean.com · 2009-09-16 · ice cream ingredients 4 cups fresh...

Homemade Frozen Treats!

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Page 1: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk

HHoommeemmaaddee FFrroozzeenn TTrreeaattss!!

Page 2: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk

TThhaannkk yyoouuffoorr ppuurrcchhaassiinngg aa BBrraavveettttiiiiccee ccrreeaamm mmaakkeerr.. WWee ppuutt

ttooggeetthheerr tthhiiss bbooookk ooff aall ll --ttiimmeeffaavvoorriitteess ttoo hheellpp yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr

ffaammiillyy mmaakkee ddeelliicciioouuss hhoommee mmaaddeeffrroozzeenn ddeesssseerrttss.. WWee hhooppee yyoouu wwiill lleennjjooyy uussiinngg tthhiiss pprroodduucctt aanndd iittwwiill ll ggiivvee yyoouu llaassttiinngg mmeemmoorriieess

ooff ggrreeaatt ffaammiillyy ffuunn!!

Page 3: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk



Vanilla Ice Cream Peppermint Stick Ice Cream Orange Sorbet Strawberry Ice Cream Peanut Butter Ice Cream Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Cookies N Cream Ice Cream Strawberry Sorbet Butter Pecan Ice Cream Coffee Ice Cream Rum Raisin Ice Cream Pistachio Ice Cream Lemon Sorbet Praline Almond Fudge Ice Cream Raspberry Ice Cream Vanilla Frozen Yogurt Raspberry Frozen Yogurt Non-Dairy Vanilla Ice Cream

2233445566 778899


Table ofContents

Page 4: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


VVaanniillllaaIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

5 egg yolks2/3 cups sugar

1 cup half and half

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup whipping cream

2 teaspoons vanilla extract


• Beat yolks and sugar until blended.

• Pour in top of double boiler.

• Stir in half and half.

• Cook and stir over boiling wateruntil thickens.

• Set aside - stir in butter.

• While cooling on a rack, stir mixtureoccasionally until room temperature.

• Stir in whipping cream and vanilla.

• Pour into bowl and refrigerate for2 hours.

• Add mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

PPeeppppeerrmmiinntt SSttiicckkIIccee CCrreeaamm Ingredients

5 egg yolks2/3 cups sugar

1 cup half and half

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup whipping cream

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Crushed peppermint candies


• Beat yolks and sugar until blended.

• Pour in top of double boiler.

• Stir in half and half.

• Cook and stir over boiling wateruntil thickens.

• Set aside - stir in butter.

• While cooling on a rack, stir mixtureoccasionally until room temperature.

• Stir in whipping cream and vanilla.

• Pour into bowl and refrigerate for2 hours.

• Add mixture and peppermintcandies into frozen gel container,prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 5: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk



2 cups fresh orange juice

Juice of 1 lemon

1 cup water

1 cup sugar


• Heat 1 cup of water and the sugarin a saucepan until dissolved.

• Bring to a boil, simmer 2 minutesand leave to cool.

• Stir the orange juice and lemonjuice into the sugar syrup.

• Chill the mixture for 1-2 hours.

• Add the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

SSttrraawwbbeerrrryyIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

1 cup sugar, divided

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

Dash of salt

11/2 cups milk

2 eggs, slightly beaten

11/2 cups sieved or pureed freshstrawberries

11/2 cups whipping cream

11/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 teaspoon almond extract


• Combine 3/4 cup sugar, flour, andsalt; set aside.

• Scald milk in top of a doubleboiler; add a small amount of milkto sugar mixture, stirring to make asmooth paste.

• Stir sugar mixture into remainingmilk; cook, stirring constantly, untilthickened.

• Cover and cook 10 minutes.

• Stir a small amount of hot mixtureinto eggs.

• Stir eggs into remaining hotmixture; cook, stirring constantly,l minute.

• Let cool for 2 hours in refrigerator.

• Combine strawberries, remaining1/4 cup sugar, whipping cream, andflavorings; stir into custard.

• Add the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 6: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


PPeeaannuutt BBuutttteerrIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

2 eggs1/2 cup sugar1/2 cup chunky peanut butter

11/2 cups heavy cream

11/2 cups milk


• Whisk together the eggs and sugaruntil light and fluffy.

• Pour in top of double boiler.

• Add the peanut butter and whiskuntil smooth.

• Cook and stir over boiling wateruntil thick.

• Mix in the whipping cream andmilk.

• Pour into bowl and refrigerate for2 hours.

• Transfer the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

MMiinntt CChhooccoollaattee CChhiippIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

11/4 cup heavy cream

1 cup milk1/3 cup sugar

1 cup mint chocolate chips

2 egg yolks1/8 teaspoon salt


• Combine 11/4 cups heavy cream, themilk, sugar and the mint chocolatechips in a saucepan.

• Cook over low heat, stirring with awire whisk, until the chips aremelted and mixture is smooth.

• Remove from heat.

• In a medium bowl, beat the eggyolks and the salt until thick.

• Gradually add the chocolatemixture.

• Beat until well blended and chill2 hours.

• Pour the chilled chocolate/eggmixture into frozen gel container,prepare as directed.*

• Cover and store in freezer untilready to serve.


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 7: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


CCooookkiieess NN CCrreeaammIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

21/4 cups sugar1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour1/2 teaspoon salt

5 cups milk

4 eggs, beaten

2 cups half and half

4 cups whipping cream

2 tablespoons vanilla extract

Chocolate sandwich cookies,quantity as desired


• Combine sugar, flour and salt insaucepan.

• Gradually stir in milk.

• Cook over medium heatapproximately 15 minutes or untilthickened, stirring constantly.

• Gradually stir about 1 cup of hotmixture into the beaten eggs.

• Add egg mixture to remaining hotmixture, stirring constantly.

• Cook 1 minute; remove from heat.

• Refrigerate 2 hours.

• Combine whipping cream andvanilla in large bowl; add chilledmixture, stirring with wire whisk tocombine.

• Pour the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

• Add crumbled chocolate sandwichcookies during freezing process.


4 cups fresh or frozen strawberries,pureed1/2 cup sugar

1 cup water

1 tablespoon lemon juice


• Combine sugar and water insaucepan and heat to boiling.

• Reduce heat until sugar dissolves.

• Remove from heat and coolcompletely for 2 hours.

• Combine with other ingredients andadd to frozen gel container, prepareas directed.*.


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 8: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


BBuutttteerr PPeeccaannIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

2 cups light cream

1 cup brown sugar

2 tablespoons butter

2 cups heavy cream

1 teaspoon vanilla extract1/2 cup toasted chopped pecans


• Combine the light cream, sugar,and butter in a medium saucepan.

• Cook, stirring constantly over lowheat until bubbles form around theedges of the pan.

• Let the mixture cool.

• Stir in heavy cream and vanilla.

• Pour into bowl and refrigerate for2 hours

• Add the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

• Add pecans after ice cream beginsto harden.

CCooffffeeeeIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

1 cup milk1/4 cup ground coffee

1 cup sugar

3 large eggs, beaten1/8 tsp. salt

1 Tbs. vanilla extract

3 cups half and half


• Heat milk in a heavy saucepan overmedium high heat.

• When bubbles form around theedges of pan, remove from heat.

• Stir in coffee and half the sugar.

• In a slow and steady stream, whiskhot mixture into bowl with beateneggs, whisking constantly.

• Return to saucepan.

• Add remaining sugar and salt. Stirconstantly over medium high heat3-4 minutes until mixture isthickened.

• Stir in vanilla and 1 cup half andhalf and chill in refrigerator for2 hours.

• Strain through a very fine sieve orcheesecloth.

• Add remaining half and half.

• Pour mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 9: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


RRuumm RRaaiissiinnIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients3/4 cup raisins1/2 cup rum

1 cup milk1/2 cup sugar

2 eggs

2 cups cream


• Pour rum over raisins, cover, letstand overnight.

• Warm the milk in a small pan.

• Whisk the eggs with the sugar in aseparate bowl.

• Slowly add warm milk to mixturecontinuing to whisk.

• Pour mixture back in the pan andheat slowly until thickened, stirringconstantly (looks like very liquidpudding).

• Do not boil!

• Let cool to room temperature, addcream, and chill in refrigerator for2 hours.

• Pour mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

• Add rum raisins at the end of thefreezing process.

PPiissttaacchhiiooIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

11/4 cups pistachio

21/2 cups milk

3 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 cup heavy cream whipped

1 teaspoon almond extract

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


• Shell the pistachio.

• Blanch the nuts by placing them ina bowl and pouring boiling waterover it.

• Let stand for 1 minute.

• Drain, and peel the pistachios.

• Blend nuts, milk, eggs, and sugartogether until you have a greensmooth liquid.

• Pour into a saucepan.

• Cook over low heat until themixture thickens, about 25 minutesor so.

• Do not boil!

• Let the mixture cool and addvanilla and almond extracts.

• Stir and fold in whipped cream andmix well.

• Remove from heat and refrigeratefor 2 hours.

• Add mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 10: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk



1 cup water

1 cup sugar3/4 cup lemon juice

5 tablespoons lemon zest


• In a medium saucepan, heat thewater and sugar in a saucepan untildissolved.

• Bring to a boil, simmer 2 minutesand leave to cool.

• Add the lemon juice and lemonzest to the sugar syrup.

• Chill the mixture inrefrigerator for 2 hours.

• Add mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

PPrraalliinnee AAllmmoonndd FFuuddggeeIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients3/4 cup brown sugar1/8 teaspoon salt

2 cups whole milk

2 eggs, beaten

1 cup whipping cream

1 teaspoon vanilla3/4 cup slivered almonds

2 tablespoons butter1/2 cup chocolate fudge topping


• Combine brown sugar, salt andmilk in saucepan.

• Cook over medium heat unitmixture starts to bubble around edges.

• Gradually stir about 1 cup of hotmilk mixture into the beaten eggs.

• Add the remaining hot milk,stirring constantly.

• Continue cooking 1 minute.

• Remove from heat.

• Refrigerate 2 hours.

• Combine whipping cream andvanilla in a large bowl.

• Add chilled mixture, stirring well.

• Sauté almonds in butter over lowheat about 5 minutes.

• Stir into ice cream mixture.

• Pour into frozen gel container,prepare as directed.*

• During last 5 minutes of freezing,pour chocolate fudge throughopening in top of lid to combineall ingredients.


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 11: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


RRaassppbbeerrrryyIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

4 cups fresh raspberries

11/2 cups sugar

Juice of half a lemon

2 eggs

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup milk


• Toss the raspberries, 3/4 cup sugar,and the lemon juice together in abowl.

• Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours,stirring every 30 minutes.

• Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowluntil light and fluffy, add theremaining 3/4 cup sugar, a little at atime, then continue whisking untilcompletely blended.

• Pour in the heavy cream and milkand whisk to blend.

• Drain the juice from the raspberriesinto the cream mixture and blend.

• Mash the raspberries until puréedand stir them into the creammixture.

• Transfer the mixture to frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*

VVaanniillllaa FFrroozzeennYYoogguurrttIngredients

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

21/4 cup milk1/2 cup sugar

1 envelope gelatin1/8 teaspoon salt

11/2 cup plain yogurt1/4 cup corn syrup


• Combine the milk, sugar, gelatin,and salt.

• Let stand 1 minute.

• Cook over low heat for 5 minutesor until the gelatin dissolves.

• Let the mixture cool completely.

• Stir in the vanilla extract, yogurt,and corn syrup.

• Pour into a bowl, cover and chillfor 4 hours.

• Add the mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 12: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


RRaassppbbeerrrryy FFrroozzeennYYoogguurrttIngredients

3 cups raspberries2/3 cup sugar

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 cup milk1/4 cup corn syrup

1 cup plain yogurt


• In food processor purée theraspberries for about 1 minute oruntil smooth.

• Strain and discard seeds.

• Set aside.

• Combine the sugar and cornstarchin a small saucepan.

• Add the milk and bring to a boil.

• Cook 1 minute, stirring constantly.

• Remove from the heat.

• Stir in raspberry purée and cornsyrup.

• Let the mixture cool completely.

• Combine the raspberry mixture andyogurt in a bowl; stir well.

• Cover and chill 8 hours.

• Pour raspberry mixture into frozengel container, prepare as directed.*

NNoonn--DDaaiirryy VVaanniillllaaIIccee CCrreeaammIngredients

2 teaspoons kosher gelatin1/4 cup apple juice1/4 cup honey

31/4 cups vanilla soy milk

2 teaspoons vanilla


• In a small bowl, sprinkle gelatinover apple juice.

• Let sit, stirring occasionally, untilgelatin is dissolved and softened,about 10 minutes.

• In a medium saucepan, whisktogether honey and 2 cups soymilk. Cook until just hot, stirringfrequently; remove from heat.

• Add softened gelatin to hot milkmixture, stirring until gelatin iscompletely dissolved.

• Stir in remaining soy milk andvanilla; let cool, cover, andrefrigerate until very well-chilled.

• Pour mixture into frozen gelcontainer, prepare as directed.*


* Refer to Owners Manual for Instructions.

Page 13: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


MMyy RReecciippeess

Page 14: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


MMyy RReecciippeess

Page 15: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk
Page 16: Homemade Frozen Treats! - SharkClean.com · 2009-09-16 · Ice Cream Ingredients 4 cups fresh raspberries 11/ 2 cups sugar Juice of half a lemon 2 eggs 2 cups heavy cream 1 cup milk


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