homework #5

Homework #5 Homework #5 Due 2/26/13

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Homework #5. Due 2/26/13. Problem 1. Eye resolution. Photoreceptor spacing This sets best possible resolution Angle = 2s/f and spatial frequency v = f/2s Pupil diffraction can degrade receptor resolution Frequency = 1/w = D /λ So D/λ ≥ f/2s. Problem 1. Angle. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Homework #5Homework #5

Due 2/26/13

Problem 1. Eye resolutionProblem 1. Eye resolution

• Photoreceptor spacing This sets best possible resolutionAngle = 2s/f and spatial frequency v =


• Pupil diffraction can degrade receptor resolutionFrequency = 1/w = D /λ

So D/λ ≥ f/2s

Problem 1. AngleProblem 1. Angle

• Photoreceptor angle, 2s /f = 2*2um/16,000um = 0.00025 rad =


Spatial frequency = 4000 cycles / rad

• For pupil not to limit this resolutionD/λ ≥ 4000 soD ≥ 4000 * 500 x 10-9 m * 1e3 mm / m = 2 mm

1c Bionic eye1c Bionic eye

• Each pin stimulates an area equal to spacing btn pins

= 7 mm / 10 pins = 0.7 mm• Resolution = f / 2s= 16 mm / 2*0.7mm= 11.4 cycles / rad

which is nearly 350x worse than a normal eye

1d. What a bionic receptor sees1d. What a bionic receptor sees

0.5 m


So x = 0.021m = 2.1 cm

So if letters are big enough you So if letters are big enough you could read 1-2 letters at a timecould read 1-2 letters at a time




Problem #2 : ReflectionProblem #2 : Reflection

2a. Reflection at water / cornea

2b. Reflection at aqueous humour / lens

So no reflective losses since indices are so similar

Problem #1 : RefractionProblem #1 : Refraction

2c. Refraction at water / cornea interface

2d. Refraction at aqueous humour / lens

2e. So lens does the most bending!

Compare Compare terrestrial terrestrial vs aqueous vs aqueous


Reflection at cornea

0.025 0.00029

Reflection at lens

0.00065 0.0055

Refraction at cornea (24° in)

17.2° bends 6.8°

23.1° bends 0.9°

Refraction at lens (24° in)

22.7°bends 1.3°

20.5°Bends 3.5°

Sensitivity and Sensitivity and resolutionresolution

D and d are not D and d are not the samethe same

D=aperture diameterD=aperture diameterd=receptor diameterd=receptor diameter

• Sensitivity S = 0.62 D2 Δρ2 Pabs

• Resolution, 1/Δρ = f/d focal length / receptor diam

Problem 3aProblem 3a

• Resolution = 1/Δρ= f/d

• Sensitivity = 0.62 D2 Δρ2 Pabs

= 0.62 D2 d2 Pabs / f2

• Increasing lens focal length, fIncreases resolution f x2

resolution x2 Decreases sensitivity f x2 sensitivity


Problem 3bProblem 3b

• Resolution = 1/Δρ= f/d

• Sensitivity = 0.62 D2 Δρ2 Pabs

= 0.62 D2 d2 Pabs / f2

• Increasing photoreceptor diameter, dDecreases resolution d x2 resolution

x1/2 Increases sensitivity d x2 sensitivity x4

Problem 3cProblem 3c

• Resolution = 1/Δρ= f/d

• Sensitivity = 0.62 D2 Δρ2 Pabs

= 0.62 D2 d2 Pabs / f2

• Increasing eye aperture, DNo effect on resolution (except in

diffraction limit)

Increases sensitivity D x2 sensitivity x4

3c caveat3c caveat

• Increasing D does not affect resolution

• Decreasing D will get into diffraction limitDiffraction angle w = λ/DDiffraction limited resolution =

1/w=D / λ

Receptor defined resolution = f / d

Receptor determined resolutionReceptor determined resolution

f=20 mmd=2 um

Diffraction will decrease resolution Diffraction will decrease resolution where diffraction is limitingwhere diffraction is limiting

f=20 mmd=2 um

Problem 3dProblem 3d

• To increase Pabs

A = 1 - T = 1 - exp(-εCl)As εCl gets largeexp(-εCl) gets smallA gets large

Problem 3dProblem 3d

• Increase εCl• ε = extinction coefficient

Property of molecule - could put in a more strongly absorbing pigment but probably not easy to vary

• C = concentrationPack more pigment into receptor

• l = receptor lengthMake receptor longer

Problem 3d caveatProblem 3d caveat

• Increasing aperture D will get more photons to receptor

• This is separate factor from Pabs

Sensitivity = 0.62 D2 Δρ2 Pabs

• Both work together to increase sensitivity

Problem 3eProblem 3e

• How can diurnal organisms increase resolution?Resolution = 1/Δρ = f / d

Increase lens focal lengthDecrease receptor size

Problem 3fProblem 3f

• How can nocturnal organisms increase sensitivity?S = 0.62 D2 Δρ2Pabs Δρ =


Increase pupil / lens diameter, D Increase receptor diameter, dDecrease lens focal length, fMake receptors longer

4. Number of photons4. Number of photons

• A) Photons reaching receptor

If photoreceptor only absorbs If photoreceptor only absorbs 30% of photons30% of photons

• Number of photons detected =30% of 300 photons / s = 90 photons /


• Minimum detectable contrast is 10.5%