how does the myanmar legal framework support company-community relations?

How does the Myanmar legal framework support company- community relations Vicky Bowman, Director Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business မန္မာ့စီးပြားေရးက႑ တာ၀န္ယူမႈရွိေရး အေထာက္အကူျပဌာန (MCRB) Yangon 30 August 2016 အမွတ္ ၁၅၊ ရွမ္းရိပ္သာလမ္း (ဆာကူရာ ေဆးရံုအနီး) စမ္းေခာင္းၿမိ႔နယ္၊ ရန္ကုန္ၿမိ႕ ဖုန္း / ဖက္(စ္ ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

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How does the Myanmar legal

framework support company-

community relations

Vicky Bowman, Director

Myanmar Centre for Responsible Businessျမနမာစးပြားေရးက႑ တာ၀နယမႈရေရး အေထာကအကျပဌာန (MCRB)

Yangon 30 August 2016

အမတ ၁၅၊ ရမးရပသာလမး

(ဆာကရာ ေဆးရအနး)

စမးေခာငးၿမ ႔နယ၊ ရနကနၿမ႕

ဖနး / ဖက(စ) ၀၁ ၅၁၀၀၆၉

Professor John Ruggie, Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary General, 2005-2011

• Policies မ၀ါဒမား• Regulation စညးမဥးမား• Adjudication စရငခကချခငး

State duty to protect ႏငငေတာ၏ကာကြယရနတာ၀န

• Act with due diligence to avoid infringement ထခကနစနာမႈမား၊အခြငအေရး ခးေဖာကမႈ မားက ေရာငၾကဥရန ၾကတငစမးစစ၊ကာကြယတားစးျခငးမားလပေဆာငရနလ

• Address impacts သကေရာကထခကမႈမားကေျဖရငးရနလအပမႈ

Corporate responsibility to respect စးပြားေရးလပငနးၾကးမား၏ေလးစားလကနာရနတာ၀န

• Effective access for victims ထခကနစနာခရသမားအတြကထေရာကေသာကစားမႈက လကလမးမမႈ

• Judicial and non-judicial တရားဥပေဒ၊ တရားရးႏငဆငေသာ နစနာခကမား ကစားမႈ/ တရားရးမားႏငမဆငဘျပငပ၌ နစနာခကမား ကစားမႈ

Access to remedy ျပနလညေကာငးမြနေအာငျပျပငျခငး / ထခကနစနာမႈမားက ကစားျခငးမားကလကလမးမမႈ

Consultation and disclosure in different phasesArt 13: The Project Proponent shall:◦ a) arrange for appropriate public consultation through all phases of

the IEE and EIA process as required by Articles 34, 50, and 61, and ◦ b) disclose to the public in a timely manner all relevant Project-

related information in accordance with this Procedure except that which may relate to National Security concerns as informed by the Ministry.

Challenges:◦ New◦ Poorly implemented – lack of government and company capacity;

cost◦ Not viewed by project proponents as a continuing process of

engagement and relationship building◦ Tickbox

Article 5 ‘hta-nay tain-yin-tha [usual phrase for Indigenous People] should receive complete and precise information about extractive industry projects and other business activities in their areas before project implementation so that negotiations between the groups and the Government/companies can take place.’

“ဌာေနတငးရငးသား မားသည ယငးတ႔၏ ေဒသနယေျမအတြငးသဘာ၀ သယဇာတမား တးေဖာထတလပမႈႏငအျခားစးပြားေရးလပငနးမား မစတငမ ၿပးျပညစၿပး တကေသာသတငးအခကအလကမား ရရရန လအပေၾကာငး၊ သ႔မသာ အစးရသ႔မဟတ ကမၸဏမားႏင ေဒသခမားအၾကား ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားျပလပႏငမညျဖစေၾကာငး ပါရပါသည။ ဤအခက၏ အေရးပါပကေအာကတြင ဆကလကေဆြးေႏြးသြားပါမည။

Not yet tested…..

Chapter II objectives (c) To promote people’s participation and collaboration particularly

ethnic nationalities, women and smallholder farmers in decision making related to land and natural resource management;

(ဂ) ေျမႏင႔သဘာဝအရငးအျမစမား စမအပခပမႈဆငရာ ဆးျဖတခကမားခမတေဆာငရြကရာတြင ျပညသမား အထးသျဖင႔ တငးရငးသားလမးမား၊အမးသမးမားႏင႔ လပကြကငယေတာငသလယသမားတ႔၏ပးေပါငးပါဝငေဆာငရြကမႈက ပမျမင႔တငရန။

Chapter III basic principle (e) To promote inclusive public participation and consultation in decision

making processes related to land use and land resource management; ေျမအသးခမႈႏင႔ ေျမအရငးအျမစမား စမခန႔ခြျခငးတ႔ႏင႔ စပလဥး၍ဆးျဖတခကမား ခမတေဆာငရြကရာတြင ျပညသမားပမ ပါဝင ဆးျဖတခြင႔ျပရန။

Part ( V ) Procedures related to Land Acquisition, Relocation, Compensation, Rehabilitation and Restitutionေျမသမးဆညးျခငး၊ ျပနလညေနရာခထားျခငး ၊ ေလာေၾကးေပးျခငး၊ ျပနလညထေထာငျခငးႏင႔ ျပနလညအစားထး ျဖည႔ဆညးေပးျခငးဆငရာ လပထးလပနညးမား

38. When managing the relocation, compensation, rehabilitation and restitution related activities that result from land acquisition and allocation, unfair land confiscation or displacement due to the civil war, clear international best practices and human rights standards shall be applied, and participation by township, ward or village tract level stakeholders, civil society, representatives of ethnic nationalities and experts shall be ensured.

၃၈။ ။ေျမသမးဆညးျခငးနင ေျမခြေဝေနရာခထားျခငးတ႔ေၾကာင႔လညးေကာငး ေျမကမတရားသမးဆညးခရျခငးသ႔မဟတ စစေဘးစစဒဏခရ၍ ေျမကစြန႔လြတခ႔ရျခငးေၾကာင႔လညးေကာငးေျဖရငးေဆာငရြကရနလအပသည႔ ျပနလညေနရာခထားျခငး ေလာေၾကးေပးျခငး၊ ျပနလည ထေထာငျခငးႏင႔ ျပနလညအစားထး ျဖည႔ဆညးေပးျခငးဆငရာ ကစၥရပမားက စမခန႔ခြရာတြင ၿမ ႔နယ၊ ရပကြက သ႔မဟတ ေကးရြာအပစ အဆင႔ရအကးသကဆငသမား၊ အရပဘကလမႈအဖြ႔အစညးမား တငးရငးသားလမးစကယစားလယမားႏင႔ က ြမးကငသမား ပါဝင၍ အျပညျပညဆငရာ ရငးလငးသည႔အေကာငးဆးနညး လမးမားႏင႔ လ႔အခြင႔အေရးစမားက ကင႔သးေဆာငရြကရမည

Gender: Women’s Participation ကား/မ ။ အမးသမးပါဝငမႈPart (VIII) Land Use Rights of the Ethnic Nationalitiesအပငး၈။ ။တငးရငးသားလမးမား၏ ေျမအသးခမႈ အခြင႔အေရးမား 67. Ethnic leaders, elders and women shall be involved in decision making

processes related to land tenure rights of individual stakeholders or groups practicing traditional cultivation methods on customary lands, monitoring, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

ေရး႐းစဥလာေျမက ႐းရာနညးလမးမားႏင႔ စကပးေသား တစသးပဂၢလအကးသကဆငသမား သ႔မဟတ အဖြ႔အစညးမား၏ေျမလပပငခြင႔ႏင႔ စပလဥး၍ဆးျဖတခကခမတျခငး၊ ေစာင႔ၾကည႔ေလ႔လာျခငးႏင႔ အျငငးပြားမႈအပၚဆးျဖတသည႔လပငနးစဥမား၌ တငး႐ငးသားလမးစေခါငးေဆာငမား ၊ရပမရပဖမားႏင အမးသမးမား ပါဝငေစရမည။

Part IX also provides equal rights of men and women in terms of land tenure and also in participating and representing the community regarding various land related issues. အပငး (၉ )တြင အမးသမးမားႏင႔ အမးသားမား ေျမအသးခမႈက တနးတညမမႈရေစရနျပ႒ာနးထားျပး။ အမးမးေသာ ေျမရာကစၥရပမားတြင ပါဝငေဆာငရြကခြင႔ႏင႔လ႔အဖြ႔အစညးက ကယစားျပပငခြင႔အစရသည႔ တနးတအခြင႔အေရးရရရနလညးပါဝငပါသည။

Chapter II Formation of the Workplace Coordinating Committee အပငး ၂ အလပသမားေရးရာ လပငနးညႏႈငးေရးရာ ေကာမတဖြ႔စညးျခငး3. In any trade in which more than 30 workers are employed, the employer, with the view to negotiating and concluding collective agreement, shall: (a) if there is any labour organization, form the Workplace Coordinating Committee with the view to make a collective bargaining as follows: (i) two representatives of workers nominated by each of the labour organizations; (ii) an equivalent number of representatives of employer;၃။ အလပသမား၃၀ဥးႏင႔အထက အလပလပကငေနေသာလပငနးတစခခတြငစေပါငးသေဘာတညခကက ေဆြးေႏြးရရႏငရန အလပရငသည -(က) အလပသမားအဖြ႔အစညးရလငစေပါငးေတာငးဆမႈျပလပႏငေရးအတြကအလပသမားေရးရာလပငနးညႏႈငးေရးေကာမတက ေအာကပါအတငးဖြ႔ရမည။

(၁)အလပသမားအဖြ႔အစညး တစခခငးကအဆျပသည အလပသမားကယစားလယႏစဥးစ(၂)အလပသမားကယစားလယ ဥးေရႏင အေရအတြကတညသညအလပရငကယစားလယမား

Chapter III Formation of the Conciliation Body အခနး ၃ အျငငးပြားမႈ ညႏႈငးဖနေျဖေရးအဖြ႔ဖြ႔စညးျခငး10.The Region or State Government shall form the Conciliation Body in the townships within the Region or State as follows: (a) a person assigned duty Chairperson by the relevant Region or State Government (b) three representatives elected by Member the employers or employer organizations (c) three representatives elected by Member workers or the labour organizations (d) a departmental representative of Member the relevant township level (e) two distinguished persons trusted Member and accepted by employer and the labour organizations (f) a person assigned duty by Secretary the Ministry၁၀။ တငးေဒသၾကး သ႔မဟတ ျပညနယအစးရအဖြ႔သည တငးေဒသႀကး သ႔မဟတျပညနယအစးရအတြငးရ ၿမ ႔နယမားတြင အျငငးပြားမႈညႏႈငးဖနေျဖေရး အဖြ႔ကေအာကပါအတငးဖြ႔ စညးရမည။(က)ဥကဌအျဖစ သကဆငရာတငးေဒသၾကး သ႔မဟတျပညနယအစးရ အဖြ႕ကတာ၀နေပးအပသတစဥး (ခ)အဖြ႔ဝငအျဖစ အလပရငမားသ႔မဟတ အလပရငအဖြ႕ အစညးမားက ေရြးခယေပးေသာ ကယစားလယသးဥး (ဂ) အဖြ႔ဝငအျဖစ အလပသမားမား သ႔မဟတ အလပသမားအဖြ႕အစညးမားက ေရြးခယေပးေသာကယစားလယသးဥး (ဃ)အဖြ႔ဝငအျဖစ သကဆငရာၿမ ႕နယအဆင အစးရ ဌာနဆငရာကယစားလယတစဥး (င)အဖြ႔ဝငအျဖစ အလပရငႏင႔အလပသမားအဖြ႔အစညး မားကယၾကညလကခသည ဂဏသေရရပဂၢလႏစဥး (စ)အတြငးေရမး အျဖစ၀နႀကးဌာနကတာ၀နေပးအပသတစဥး

The SEZ expects that companies doing business in the SEZ will2. Engage with stakeholders: Companies should consult with all those affected by their activities, operations, and impacts, be they workers, consumers, or communities, as well as other stakeholders, so that companies have access to accurate and useful information about their actions and can create a two-way dialogue.…….5. Ensure effective grievance mechanisms: Those affected adversely by acompany’s activities need access to effective remedies. This includes establishinggrievance mechanism(s) that are accessible (including in the local language) toindividuals, workers, consumers, and communities and the company’s participationin and cooperation with the grievance mechanism. Companies can refer to GuidingPrinciples 29 and 31 of the UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rightsfor further information. Grievance mechanisms should be legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, rights--‐compatible, and a source ofcontinuous learning. They should be designed in collaboration with potential usersof the grievance mechanism.6. Be transparent…7. Create Shared Value….8. Support the communities in which they operate…..

Reflecting both Myanmar needs and regional discussions led by PACT/Mekong partnership for the Environment (intended to develop Regional Guidelines

Ideally should incorporate IFC Performance Standard 1 on Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts whose objectives are:◦ To identify and evaluate environmental and social risks and impacts of

the project◦ To adopt a mitigation hierarchy to anticipate and avoid, or where

avoidance is not possible, minimize, and, where residual impacts remain, compensate/offset for risks and impacts to workers, Affected Communities, and the environment.

◦ To promote improved environmental and social performance of clients through the effective use of management systems.

◦ To ensure that grievances from Affected Communities and external communications from other stakeholders are responded to and managed appropriately.

◦ To promote and provide means for adequate engagement with Affected Communities throughout the project cycle on issues that could potentially affect them and to ensure that relevant environmental and social information is disclosed and disseminated.

MCRB has recommended that MIC require all companies in receipt of an MIC Permit to: a) Publish, within six months of the end of the company’s financial year,

an annual sustainability report in Myanmar language, (and other languages where appropriate). This report should address how the company has invested responsibly in Myanmar. It should be published on the company website. The web link for the report should be notified to DICA.

b) Establish, within six months of receipt of the MIC Permit, an effective grievance mechanism designed in collaboration with affected stakeholders. This should be notified to DICA, and any relevant line ministry, together with the name and contact details of the responsible officer. This mechanism should be publicised on the company’s website as well as being accessible to those who the company may affect. A short report on the implementation of the grievance mechanism should be included in the annual sustainability report.

Need full implementation of Thilawa Notification 4/2015

Is there scope for a form of ‘community development agreement (CDA)’/’benefits sharing agreement’ in all SEZs (Thilawa, Dawei, Kyaukphyu) or other major projects, setting a framework for project-community-government relations?

MCRB has proposed: similar provisions on grievance mechanisms for

the draft regulations under the Mining Law (currently in preparation) ◦ See

That the regulations could include either encouragement or a requirement for mines to enter into Community Development Agreements

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