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Hyperbolic Crochet


  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 1/12

    F R I D A Y , A P R I L 1 , 2 0 1 1

    Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    When in 1977 I

    started to teach

    geometry in the

    University of

    Latvia, there was

    a small collection

    of old


    models with their

    titles in German

    on little uniform

    signs attached to

    their sides or

    bottoms -

    some plaster

    models and some

    were string

    models. All we

    knew that they were from early 20th century. I remembered those

    models used in geometry classes when we studied quadratic surfaces.

    With computers more and more becoming a part of teacher

    education, the use of the models became old fashioned and they were

    neglected. Nobody objected when I collected what was left of them

    and displayed on a shelf next to my desk in an office I shared with

    three other people. (oh, that office was a big improvement - for my

    first 5 years as a faculty I shared a desk with two other people...). By

    then the string models were damaged and the plaster models looked

    A B O U T M E




    Mixing together my

    math education +

    experience in knitting and crochet +

    love of art, I came up with my book

    Crocheting Adventures with the

    Hyperbolic Planes and this blog. If

    you would like me to give a talk or

    workshop about art and math (not

    only about this connection in my own

    work), on history of mathematics,

    some fun with math,or something

    else - please contact me directly. I

    would be happy to participate with

    my work in your event - let me

    know!To see my art please visit



    M Y B O O K S

    Crocheting Adventures with

    Hyperbolic Planes

    Experiencing Geometry: Euclidean

    and non-Euclidean with History

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    H Y P E R B O L I C C R O C H E T - S O M E F I B E R F O R T H O U G H T S

    A B O U T A R T , M A T H , C R O C H E T , A N D A L L T H E V A R I O U S

    T H R E A D S I N O U R L I V E S . M Y A R T W O R K I S A T

    H T T P : / /D A I N A T A I M I N A . B L O G S P O T . C O M /

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 2/12

    quite sad also, but I still enjoyed to look at them as to little

    sculptures. I even tricked one of my students to repair one of the

    string models by promising to count it as a final exam for the class.

    He happily agreed thinking that he got a good deal. When he arrived

    in my office 5 minutes before the final exam - as was the deadline

    for turning in his work - he said: "You knew it! It was easy to take it

    apart but in order to put it back together correctly, I had to study

    everything about those surfaces! Well, now I really know them."

    When I last visited my former office in Riga couple years ago,

    models were gone and nobody knew where.

    I remembered those models in Latvia when I saw some mathematical

    models on a shelf in Cornell Mathematics Library. When in 2002 I

    joined a team in Cornell to develop kinematic model digital library, I

    discovered that some of the models in the kinematic model

    collection were purely mathematical and I became interested in the

    history of models, even wrote couple papers, (the latest).

    Universities late 19th century and early 20th century used to have

    these model collections displayed as in an art museum - you can see

    it in the picture of Cornell Kinematic model collection at its

    beginnings as published in Scientific American in 1885. Some places

    still have these nice model collections and have displayed them, I

    wish one day to go and see mathematical models in West Point ( Prof

    Fred Rickey has researched the history of Olivier models) recently I

    saw nice models in Vassar College. Some of the model collections are

    digitized, like The Altgeld Mathematical models collection in Illinois.

    [It can be tricky to search for mathematical models on the Internet

    because nowadays mathematical model does not mean only the

    tactile model you can physically hold in your hands. Google search

    may return results like "mathematical model of compile time garbage

    collection". ]

    Angela Vierling-Claassen has gathered a list of Collections of

    mathematical models and also has some notes on Influence of

    mathematical models on art.

    E X H I B I T S A N D T A L K S

    Crackers, Oranges, and Pringles:

    Family Friday in MoMath, April 26,


    Weaving and Knitting: The Art of

    Gail Rothschild and Daina

    Taimina, Mattatuck Museum,

    November, 2013-January 2014

    Invited talk Illinois Teachers

    conference, Macomb, IL, March

    22, 2013

    Geometry beyond Euclid

    Crocheting Adventures with the

    Hyperbolic Planes - talk in

    TEDxRiga, June 14, 2012

    Gave a talk and participated in !Aha!

    exhibit @ G4G10, Atlanta, GA

    March18-April1, 2012

    Knit and Crochet goes Cerebral -

    Easton, PA, January 8-February 5,


    "Entlang des Fadens" Das Textile als

    Medium der zeitgenssischen

    Kunst - October 2011-February

    2012, Darmstadt, Germany

    From Mathematics to Fiber arts -

    November 4, 2011, University of

    New England, Biddeford, Maine

    From Mathematics to Fiber Arts -

    October 21, 2011, Springfield

    Illinois, November 4, 2011

    Hyperbolic: Reefs, Rubbish, and

    Reason, Williamson Gallery,

    Pasadena, CA, June 8-August 21,


    Small wonders - Norman Y. Mineta

    San Jose International Airport,

    North Concourse June 2010 June


    Measure for Measure - Central

    Booking, DUMBO, Brooklyn, NY,

    February 10-April 4, 2011

    talk in Houghton College, March 8,


    Seeing Between Folds, Latvian

    Canadian Centre, Toronto,

    Canada, February 26,27, 2011

    Vassar College, February 11, 2011

    Fleisher Art Memorial, January 21,

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 3/12

    When in Paris, we never made to Conservatoire des Arts et

    Mtiers (on a list for next time!) but we did visited mathematical

    models collection in the Institut Henri Poincare. Our guides

    there were Brigitte Yvon-Deyme and Dominique Dartron - thank you

    both so much for your kindness and your time! (photos of models in

    this posting are used by permission of Bibliotheque IHP).

    In my introduction to Crocheting Adventures with the Hyperbolic

    Planes I mentioned the International Congress of Mathematicians in

    1954. I was trying to find some picture from this Congress but did

    not have any success before a book was sent to a print. Now I have a

    picture I would've loved to have in the book - it was the very first

    thing David spotted on a wall in IHP.

    During the library hours anybody can visit the library to see several

    cases of the models on a permanent display.


    Herbert F. Johnson Art Museum,

    November 21, 2010, Ithaca, NY

    CCCG talk, September 10, 2010, MIT

    campus, Cambridge, MA

    Exploratorium, San Francisco, August

    21, 2010

    Lectures in Riga, November 5;10;11,


    Lion Brand Yarn Studio, New York

    City, August 12, 2010

    plenary talk in conference Textures -

    June 15, 2010, Riga, Latvia

    talk in Science Gallery - June 2,

    2010, Dublin, Ireland

    I S U G G E S T T O V I S I T



    2020 science

    MoMath: Museum of Mathematics



    Lela Nargi news

    Crochet Insider

    Coming of age in our 50's and 60's

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    Gail Rothschild

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    2011 (27)

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  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 4/12

    With a little wink in her eyes M-me Yvon-Deyme pointed out

    that most of the visitors come to see models not out of mathematical

    curiousity but they are people interested in art, particularly the ones

    who wish to see models photographed by Man Ray. In the 1930s, the

    surrealists were interested in various geometries. According to Neil

    Baldwin, Max Ernst "had taken Man Ray to see the objects on display

    at the Poincare institute in Paris and had photographed them in a

    deliberately impressionistic style". These are some of Man Ray's


    July (2)

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    Mathematicians in Paris - V

    New York Hall of Science

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  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 5/12

    The last photo is an interesting mathematical object - can somebody

    come up with the equation describing it?

    Man Ray's photographs were published in Cahiers d'Art (May 1936,

    No. 1-2, p. 21-26.) and the series was first shown at the New

    Burlington Gallery (June 11- July 4, 1936).

    Man Ray very much agreed with Henri Vuibert who wrote in 1912:

    To help students see in space, we materialized the majorfigures of geometry and descriptive geometry. The use offigures in relief would provide valuable aid to education,especially if one was building these figures by the students."(Anaglyphs The geometric . Par is: Librair ie Vuibert, 1912, p. 8).

    Man Ray returned to these mathematical models about a decade later

    when he created series of paintings Shakespearean Equations.

    Man Ray Shakespearean Equations: Twelfth Night, 1948 :Hirshhorn Museum

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 6/12

    Man Ray Shakespearean Equations: King Lear, 1948: Hirshhorn Museum

    In this excerpt (part 5) from Jean-Paul Fargier documentary about

    Man Ray notice how photos of mathematical models are transforming

    into paintings. Some more mathematical models appear in part 7.

    Surrealists interest sparked public interest about IHP mathematical

    models and since then the models of the IHP have participated

    in many exhibitions starting with the one at the Palais de la

    Dcouverte, built for the Exposition Internationale des Arts in 1937.

    On a personal note here I should add that my interest about 1937

    exhibition was because of mathematical models and surprised I

    discovered that famous sculpture Worker and Kolkhoz Woman by Vera

    Mukhina (born in Riga!) was the centerpiece of Soviet Pavillion in

    this exhibition. For me that sculpture always associated with the

    VDNH (Exhibition of Achievements of the People's Economy) in

    Moscow and also with the opening of Mosfilm movies.

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

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    Here are some of my photos of mathematical models in IHP in Paris.

    These constant width solids caught my interest because they are

    generalization of the curves with constant width.

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

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  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

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  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

    hyperbolic-crochet.blogspot.in/2011/04/mathematicians-in-paris-iv-mathematical.html 10/12

    Among all of the IHP mathematical models there will now also be a

    place for crocheted hyperbolic plane :-)

    PS. Geometry continues to be the inspiration for artists - as one can

    see it in current exhibit Geometric Days.


    6 C OM M EN T S :

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    Tija April 2, 2011 at 4:21 AM

    Superb visual geometrics! Or is it mathematical arts?

    Anyway, it's absolutely amazing and visually beautiful.


    Daina April 3, 2011 at 8:05 PM

    Here is the answer to April fool's part in this post - there is

    no equation for the object in that last Man Ray's picture - it

    is just a stand for a model that has been lost.


    Amy April 14, 2011 at 12:35 PM

    Old-fashioned or not, there's something much more intuitive

    in a 3-D geometrical model that you can touch and rotate in

    your hands than in a computer-generated 3-D drawing.


    Warren January 31, 2012 at 3:56 PM

    Any idea what the equation is for the first picture after

    "these are some of Man Ray's pictures"?


    Daina January 31, 2012 at 5:03 PM

    Warren - I do not really have notes on all models, you can

    write to the Henri Poincare Institute - they should be able to

    tell because all models were marked what is their equation.

    My guess it is one of 4th degreee algebraic surfaces.


    david press July 18, 2012 at 11:59 PM

  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

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    Thanks for the great pictures! - David Press (ISAMA)


  • 01/01/2014 hyperbolic crochet: Mathematicians in Paris - IV (mathematical models)

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