i 1 ih k i hiiv't spo f)...

llflOt +4 the jaurnaljol fnsnfwhcl ilJMsjnnKJr, tfoi|tftn*hftjii | fossil fcff SO JftIhfc «*n»fbt< of a tr*. g gtiAufaiun tool His fojrse jsjSd eonvfryfd m i to< whit »• tinw. (r««t THa «ur •ntgniflc which if*, i<> whlen <»f iho ci great ehuLrn was iljrof n, WaSC* (5* H*^© it * i J?i^H"*V MrtQrt» ho wars v< s ioo<> 'II why I In acqusiln. wWch j Cwljfieh •stwt of presoot p . tl*, #yer/ wfigut .• .j 1 rhtitldn, ajnd iu Sund •trsarn ^•arlwj nimaof tly«r. M chtimt! it i M but IHt DOM I tr* •ntftirMS of wwchwm I wut«r>l) or cataract, effort (of ib* it. this ljl requires 4<J*up. lit soms ftrhote age, far [from •llu«tcd'.sorn# diftUnct below, no i | * tcrrjtlMiion njT tfot chasm, am )us sjnd throilgli Of Ow niolir Q»I KaaUpnl by tlio, »ho thktgij >ta htah I hiiV't spo) »D, Uv i k f MigHBrldjJt,, »adlh <*d, .ndi^no*, b>a to alpcol Urns, anjlit mimbortrj w if* fciMwi IAS •Vbf! bod to; pijomii rdmori V.H., bk jho lurp« M wit | | i W must rleoj-di rnent, fng It onn fWfeJ ^ow*»r, g«lH«ir| Thi ttWir moat ii KsSM, or, Ilk 4K) thi •okt iriths) tobl*. U r krniwr 1 CMAIM My th) >n4 visit on my rail |ih •••if-! ; r- : iMIt pr«fi»\ory in it. ipijoit of w|iat to s««omffiodst« it to my Urn (jr Iraparfact, Information ithout mudb th« Isjnlr for thti r prosjN uul iht IIM stms faroto ifhoorh ltd chl]dr uftod 4>o ni hti 'tn|byir«vftli|i V |kidtlli4it •rittsW Into/ Iht mi Alttotlq Ltilvt *• lht« 4 to on r hundred ths n»m# of too lllifl rdJ Mid vlllc, g faf j i in Iht J J, and 1 firrnngt- tj> Oolltfit th« Us bid. forpo. fin ft* wafer oda land A irsW the tjsr^kr mbo of litat tbt Otai fhichyou Lw. wsir,baj •oWrooavaadlsi wkkji*»atA Iks «*»%lM»rta»tt4»te«i • ^^a^P ^ s j p ^ j ^ ^ ^M^Sv former U d of th* rircr was moijt than a hundred f««l dirtxMljr o**r tht pn tea ont> Th« wlflo ft|rm1of Jlie country gijvcs prob* this cniijoctur^ Tho lays ploughed l|a giant a light lyditp till the «tj,r«ain ofigliiftl. Lndy tui L "tho aajid woj iced and drlAed with lbs otki becorrie bnri>, and preioiii mymer fuutfd producejd by tojno vi^Wnt cone it»flgio Homo* *Bhi« ohastti, iui pn see t and Atturoa lining plw*t-or rather iti «p| olnt. d i ray to th^» lako—WAi formsd In the mou Idl ag of o ration, o the at realm which ocoupiek i|« the margih of tho llsauro j>r ahfttm nature, br waa fujrrqwc fort, by Frorr above* i and dov tert, th< border* upon Ihei terrific. I left enchant tfon, wi my thou jhu ma|y a time atnee w^nde(ring you loiik over the tall ba n upon Iht awift and ripj •cone rijicft above the lufaj tlemcnit ling \va< lime and hit yild, d apol, jrtfter ft vtry alight Inapcc- h deep regret; and ihfijve found back ani linger I delight i bout dt from a kind of the "brief notes* A TRAV hat ihe Mtn tu' our Washington advioaa i fyltf-CtiIhoun Treaty for re\t qlonff Wj li Texjut ons third of Mexico U> tht {unit id Stolfas, (to whicii U wins before el \imed to belong) his virtu given up as dead by If* advdeate* i Dfuffte in roducJtig instead a Joint rtwt 4ht ou* in thro' g n dual- cu *ruoi, theh the and it! Was •«ion of out, in w|j(olo o r i n •"HTrjp T»«a»r«j" Jc t PlatUliurgh, ^h# •i|j ; OCOMIOO <?s on ^ »erloj n ar •pot lop^trH W ao4 w igra that h%H American vtlur vt and pur country got ill glo We have been acci stotn age to the octor*, and to vuj|ory obtained on ^ aoaiti for divii [PliAtsjbur.gh. W e arc object presents itself W* ate called upon to and mute but our regt BeekntaniowD* ^ gratitud How muc^ g or mi«di reeled ! Whc ty which might have w born heroes, had t claims been known be laurel to pny horn prpud of the rious I lth a But a new ir *adniifatl|on ido oqr gratit the beroei has shalll tell qun f tod hti kr LLER. wilj be for ihe Annexation of Texas to the Union wiihout qualifications or conditions. VVej hope the Senate will make no halfway *)(k win thisbr>tkny other propesitioti of tha kind but uccidedlvreject it. If" any bddy wa its to invflsl John ^ler.^Uh the pewer y Annuxing Texas to tl4 Onion, tsrtn'st &o. we trust he [does not *'• ajWhfg. Tnkune. ] , , II* been faijMc Reaolu- rjlll hiii paswd. tho A*r ejection tho clol orga tci, providing for tlb choico >rt In all the State*] on ONB toj b'e on Tuesday, njext after fonday inNovember In view of the app roncfiing i ylet's Annexatioi i Trejafv »nni|». John Jones, in iho cm- of Thursday evenin r, grinds l l i i f i j y g t the following agitato furiojo move- B | : > ' ' I Bonfir nisantl tht lo shoi lha Iritish a P (lth«i Now d it is i IUS con le elder refuj Tug I,am* miy been plrejJ lb l y * pj piacei to <»lebraio tlu *e. sUr'pf oor "(amiljy ttroup Id trie People be dfta loo, through the influcncjs.of id Mexican gold, who pan tyre- this is absolutely hofrl.^ uite too bad for Mr Jones t< Iy shocking thoiwi vesofall y g y ladies In the rtatio nd bloody ANUc't ild horse Iquso,of red in CO! rriing inf* pain f byjhis in the mid«t otj mI * " " «" Tl*"" "Vl»»»l ••• »••« I1UV** Ull « «f<#tfltU* lose prali le, urjged on by iht whips of 4 le- gion of d( mons;, - • I am a oomot, driven pyVth- jlae thrpugU uuHmitsd ispace, with neithei \*- \ * . - - . . >-. J . ':•'•••.: sen gult, tAss<d by furious wiode abbn a tHo/eleiM ooeaji, whoe« waves assault tHt ihronja of Heaven, ohd anon sink down ftit Atlhornttie abyss. 1 I h M81L».~ g y fired *o as to rake the advancing Columns, and although their rankja we II art k chronometer With a brbken bal. a. tee, onrard driftn, rtiardlffes of time or s|a«t; iOd though shulia may b,r*»k and os)gs drc i oCrt in (be giddy whirl, i»y nSottoS «rid advancod upon hi B |woy —*»Onwsrd, onward." f [ Pheir march or Bring My bijain is a furnace, my hesirt )s an || h«s meo from Ui^ig tr^mplev JLet ui haaten tothe L amends tot our lonj ^j q been he lot of tiibae eir v ilor, virtue* <lnd jre t altai with far saeri flees. Let Us pay j>romj)t!y, and whl ' 'sy 'iht; fttting oesi biYorf Time, her l»in their ranks, led ihftt the brilliuut j hoiior« due to theee h< like the a word, shall fui It may ^>eil be euppo victory onf the lake at P a:ts >urgh, has serv. •d to dazzle the eyet of he vWld, and eclipse the no less, imp >rtajtt, li^tJeos im poking victory lit Beeki lanlj >wn. We confess that, cor ting Up &\ this late day for our especial wo idet, it is pardona in one to questioti its i lluima., Glut on a i\ill and fuir prusonlat gn rt entertftin no doubt os to what iho at ntii^em of o grate Ail people will be regan ingi its morita. It will be our first,!) present, necessity that been fought on tho Var 11 th September, und (hen (hctn showing the batt U. on,the 6th Sept. | / The present necessitj e V e n fought here : "Tho Clinton |«>cintion," is con»poscd iriduals SOIM of whom, itifurtuale as to be d forces i n the campnlgn >ftho "association,*'whi arioj ho fortunate as o have bad fathers in th ittached themselves to ho fynnor and thus partake in thoir glory. Tht "association" to show the bi<iJUe should have qi» or before the x> examine the ually fought at a btUtlo should land is found Military as- ban,d of jndi* jpe fortundto or (covered abundnnt evidepde, no lack of speech-make gy for its ultimate obje notion of its members that ill-politics, nnd |o croato a fuSid fi»r belves, they have been o new buttle. When the to be feasible, there up from a dinnerl removed*' and j|nagnifj| achievement at when it was ser tor was speakinglhis ow|i We ar* conhdpni thu le pla^ table Beekinjantojwn, cspecJuJly that, men u construction oft "association" a ft many intelligent It is an effort to keep to keep the people in an of brass and broad cl more humbugs into plac The necessity of the facts shewing the battle »r vcrej awn| of anpj B srtijne scrvice.have in,to $14. the ]and • Others :t, Ue political pro- 't hcvve seen glory is above par, utuie use, to ilium- ligc cl to invent this pT was thought s ir imediatcly dis d h y and there was ps, who could, get afte thi the cloth was glories of the ndiifctly, the oitt- tprilsc. is mv strained •Vievrs of the r con^ultinjg thb sense! of >on this subject. ; alive! tho war spirit, azomtmt by the did oth-^and smuggle and preferment* :ase wing-seen, the ficluaflj/ fought are next tobe observed. In the first plai e, it is manor Q( ,historical/act, that notiirrg was done on the «yarki at Plattsburgl ei. ther-on before the glorlo js I lth Jthafin any way contributed to the{lories of that] day the land on tho Lake. No rcpuiar took place at any time, between forces. It was the mer D«t skir nishtn j The battle of Boekmant pwn *»A< ih thi rex tent no more." Major 1vW was sent out with a body of men on the roat to Beek. mamown to learn the position or the uva- ding army. Il was a rrere soout attepided with no fightiog. anJ w'as no. other thing than that no' b^dfy was lifirt. Bo far from there bt>| at Beekmaotnwn or or road, it is related by that on the approach the village, he ordered fid k h an engagement Boekroanltowo Wool himsoU f th( invader,, near bi artillery, and mown down by the ahot, ye y h a t is an g p , my pulmis a dtatr> wateti, who«« tht eniimy, by n aking a spssdy retreat, ti I h l d b i H d f th*di p > , ating announces tht approach o f nih d d i A U g t ppch f g f anguish and despair. AoontU at the diontr tiblt i nionsof my vision* andI troublodl the statistics of his b lotoho ei ery af age grfg »ught •limy defctki exhale a stenoh as oaussous «j| aHtygiah lake. [/.• . , V. : ;';[ I This ii my reeking piece. But ers ma l«ogrtgktM myriads of ooisom^ Its fMt hutch!^rnMflc iu t bog like tJti y, y I shpuld be oi »y visiont and troublodf • M fl«wn in stagnnot pools, whoa«| rltltg lietlt s)wr( .%' stagnant sorfiet tf th< rlth acafe* trtct, ah< fir* sirt tkm&4m my tuogt Iritlts) ltd npsjrsstd by at low. ' ttiMl ton*; art > 4 t 4 splri, tr bf si lo«<f#<J n|«, seeks o ButlefgSMaodknUei and flenlletwia*, ar i grasp. »#d, IW* « o i felB»l.,*jt4iM of Kittens i touchy—£*!• men eAgaged, arid t'i wourtjed. 1 'ib ip«<et eat that dinrw i le t have al wayi tho performed nil Uujt cou in that l p^ protest airalost itkis att asstmbled, oster they|ia8tajjtjly closed up ibjoot checking anil ho saved under foot bj g p Hged o an bl i' h they tllo, Dumber of killed Wl stifvtved to 4 l - bec jhat ajbly on redound to theirs own btttwhlohi/thajftUI 4isgtaet of aU opQot Why attempt this buodrtds ytt IWng, i b tntan f b stroylng tht hombeg »»y thing, In H, tht w ofUbt&t. A wHatatst w Peru, 8«pt, l y of the*draiort woojd furnish the number oi Our milltit jcpected ofthem But 1 ... ri iy the men who for iipioi^s) service^ SX WpttsVuwh, to . 11 sysUooeed,will >*rtof*l glory *.tooc, r*do0od to the h thdet eeene*. there are their owi^ tttfiog andde 4 *«d ketn Isttt rem4 kis ore fcritdiu till ths MORBNd. Boston •41 M* aodt hand.jlNL Col'd ibpra +# *gH trot « y ffoiy raoBt Mixed AT1 INITWMUI Tlu y «r s hUo pi clitngi >• to - mukingl tend t > ha re lh«t i| Th >.v iu e now pn de*cr UerT M«fiu<it •ill ty Da IVoi«rU J B>m til? Yird, >nnud« i TJ, yil l Ikir price rTMit JL Inhitl VajUoring he I a* jhat opon 8tor ," ii recrlv ov «'oml, finye* 4c. V< vutitig tin b«»!neai b 'onelieA, to| fhi»'.bu*t 4nd •nog»* r •D+.'M (foal*. Pan uloor a and nil ind donna ed J cw H Of k and P and C duo4 reu« A Got COllll J of or \*di&..&[ What'rent >( 4ixtenr| artejrded^linxlhHJB dre nc whi'li leairea *<Tr« on t r lio he t, A to x onf « <|nly roi n 'Jfhe ainj /( uulk haih > \ut)-(ion.. rninnj f «nid i^ liated -3 0 for most ved'iit po MORT A. PR A f Nev/ Y \n*ei in pdrcil nf Hex coi>n( in* of lit thotlliQlMj nmetv-fi na' aiip north whioji naaighed ind ell therei kept hy nget 393 a orded in on pag :>unt now H.»rs nncS been mud ot the taid nd tuk d in Elist ct nl 12 tgu^o'Ri av the S4t RODNfi C TJIOUSAND e, May BRIUSMAtD :f, M lw»t deaWipt'roit 0 re it•»ynrjeiy of gooc V< lers o^othern to of a and h^t they Ml lity 11 B<>i»lo n. wi , plutW i Vt. ( are N and H|| or New Y I TACL».«, CH ]n V fft* tl em lo adva g^ve fluilmne j g riven, to »o p|licali<n. Clock Ve ?of<« M « . P'v Nefii »««VeWil phtjt artioto Comnl in«u will find i ey are aold d union Fur , "cor/i. pi e iinenl*, nd'tnni, and iicnl i fiervhandise, i ahor l, wa E. PROOFf^ACK.Finey LANNEL8. nring' I BROAD perolixHi by urod to e»ch] red Good* fljn t bnalnwe* 1 in Iti t»ffo|iis Uattcbaa, ava, CMnary ma- ~'U, mid in- firm June, the above Wool, or to ujlfu wieji to •om'c C*«li NOLD, |Ko«W«U<>,JAJ d by teive a af Cotfla, Ot| (•her gnrme 5h«re*> or by oinern wiKh. r Wool at a i Co.. ould hvicjby inform tl>e oe«evlle aid vicinity, that A whop, in he "YetUne the Shoe ("l^re of Whll- <j[n pro»r'> it TAiLOttlfVG in nil HK pnrsoiuU at to hi* care, of (he i»uiio rpHB | p X' fMr x rtjw* from *?»Mh*g»i it JfaWm** «<*«nit.v to Lull* ChJiiitplaJfl In llt« ««only of fym*, hy »IM» art of lliff J4Ui April l R 4 l J f W i Stfb^i ^ I h 4i i JUi p 4l inqr t^x In the «mjnly o4i ideittllands in «aid 'cot Am't. noitratideittj lands in mid'oo^'tr, agreaabl* the proviaicjna of a«iid ac(. , v ' TOWld orfttt)BI AH. Farad** Traa-^Loi» N< a. 310211 # J f «M) north part 200 8311 310 3*0 &8(> 334 notth hlf 339 340 3^90 338 389 320409 41 420427423370 North rl>et 0 411412 413 4 Traci 11 12 17 18 10 20 23 118 IS corner 42 43 44 46 47 49 »4 {55 56 57 59 60 62 63 8 88J890O j j; Towiuhjp 49, Totlen «f h 2 3 p p 10 11 1213 14 15 f Tuhjp 49, Ten f fi purchase—>n, w. pi rt 12 3 4 5 0 7 6 0 11 1213 14 516 1821 822324 12 6 1821 itp 44—n,. part 5-k. cor. 0 0. pn^lt 1213 14 15 e.pu^ 1920212*2 23 24 frown»hip 45-~». e' part , »lid in I fie rafhshionii, timet.cj" en to mqke tin. her ^;Veiaf*, mude wi.tli inobt npprc\- id warranted H'hort notice, country pro- mot iot.wrMtl JOHN WHAM. Jr. y, 1844. M . 4.,.r, AOE SALlK Iheh l , k. duly moijt^agod to Joint ifh nd Rtalc of fV o. four in wo ith *m«t «t quarter |o#ed pno hi Ihe and %* x<n\ oonlnined e Ctork n| 399; and »>k L. of t 188. lit tltAt certain flic town of York, bemy ogeiK* Pultrnl ijncl fitly dcre* qudjrjisr, one liuifi- >ne hundred went'coruoi, [W'enly-fivoi in the pny f a.tc thtown, oj 1644. y. tfiera. poillldit gt>|t >od quuiity. '.VS & Firm, <fe BRGli Jiavo ROM*, •"i 12 ih , iMilli^rm, Patent,.aaiM ± fMbrvt* Httr*ry, «S tB Thorn'* aurr^y ng W G 2 4 415 410 •86 97 LotsNo*. 6 27«. W.•';•> i. part 50 85 86 87 •00 61 822324 12255 234 5 0 7i910Ul2" Iff 14 W.li 21 2223 ^4 25 s. e. part 2f 3132 a. w. part 33 s. e. pa cof. 38 s. e. cor. 89 Fownshiip 48—s. c. part, Township 3 0 - 1 3 1416 Tract west »f road patent—n TICONDEROGA. W tn> Cockbum $ Co''spatent - 3 4 6 4 50 Si bdicision ofSumner vale—107 138 103 116 10* 87 89 , • 15*0 BCBRO'ON. . e. dor. lot No. 9 Township 30 lot 10 Tcittcn <k Gr^aficld purchase 11 12 12 90 £ l>ship : !4f s. w. cor. targe lot 1 8 9 s. jw. part l{0 a. w. cor. 11 H> part 16 23 20 37 38 39 40 41 49 *<aae k>wn«hip, U pattint HV lW T ip 2W 7 «i>:<2 in f L u, p ft 6 7 17 »H I ? 20 *l 9 11 »2 13 14 15 ^17" 81920 8J « 2 8 9 ^ 7 88^91 W 33'37 83 » 4* 43 4 4b 47 69 60 61 ®>, 63 64 «6 06 (17 6d 60 7 71 Tl 73 74 75 76 %7 78 79 Hti 471& #991 9l9i*i 04 »59fin « Wounded « « b ; 27 n e W 47 and U w . Township S8, <»d « and W l>y the /»•• r,.tj I Clwnd!«r. A it by Cnssjfield* . \ NQ9 TliT«,ile H e aide, Tpwnalrip ISO. 8485959697 03 t.16 17 18 J M7 lie lyo 6.4 8Oj| T ovrnn.nip 46. nrt tf '«' No I bound- >tvo>tii|> tinr, e 4>y J. Cojvjn. ' a e corn«r of r«,«xcept r »0 acred oiT m 40 41 42 43 44 45 No, n « corner 4 If) 30 SI «rfe* n w parf 38 1 63 m 7^^0fir89 83 ) 100 101 Kri »U^, 104 t l|2 lmUlK,! IKi .' j ft 3.1 14 t& iC 27 2829*0 31 6 , T JT4) 3$ 3 44 45 6 , T JT4) 3$ ip. No W , i f H r t e r 3420 arre* l i 8ii N 3 e J6 4 51 apfH n wcorner \fi J5 g« ?7 28 rsteirt U2 p x< ept 179 nrrcn n <v pr( 40 41 4« 4* 44 - 5 4647 48 40W>-i<< |U 90 nfre* n ** coit -t st:«am<* low n-«liip T>'Z 15 |G <T I pubcliv 7 1 3ubdiv Bubdiv Subdivil i Irjcd nnd five I» «nnie irtore Maid John f Lew* p«n»h d«f of ijded"wMh tho p Bonk If, of he foimty of di lbitgo|ea kept air hundred sttla, and de- ttlenl thereof, be'ot n|n tho 24th <Iuy i ofthaldajr, * ' . . . 4.1,3 sido cor 17 *. an of lot No. 2—1 2 4 5 0 fjlot No. 4 — 1 2 3 4 5 0 8 1(4 n. i«ide 24 30 a. & w . » n. & e. sid«4 acre* on n, sid Plait Rage, large lot No. ^ subdivision-of SehroonTn 10 21 22 2 17 10 21 22 2J3 24 25 26 27 31 31 35 undivd^ 1 -3 30 (2 3 pd by H. f| In le-timonr v.n and lienn for »aU low HEliS I, Bur. to welLoi the low*, k (tric*»i nmvhnlrmat* or c s , JKWKLRJ and other ijnetai iM/KinaA, le line, nitrf benide* (he oodi*. we lire keeping a at. whofeur le to Aupply tl agnjn, 4jid wt invite \Tractwet\toj 78 9 lit 23 24 25 <& 7 3^30 49J50 51 M 5 62 60 67 66 960 8162-8 90 89 100 (0 107 110 l it 121 122 12$ 1 bronJ, a*stu igt»oda l buy thefti age, and jtatnluchon promptly the I«OM, ng euitotnerw ^ and ot the and (ivlip'wWr we II sell ao that Order* from jond good by pcrannnl Iy thai box or |iiot»d pointed .Morriipn'n CoUab<bru<«he<i, (I other rut Iu , tackle, M t ;• for l lie di' rhoraea. w Wara, Rnz»f*. RI uie, FMIUI itt*, vi^irk boxe«. Muni- and doubjh buna viola, enialler in*iunaenu' and nil any tin I Wf have a ried a«*or(0 enI of A me 167 258 i. sidn 259 $d 2 3 1 s ad 247 234 255(256 s. side 268 860 270 271 272 276 274 277 278 282 J283 284 285 286 287 290 ami Pur re fully % a i h iait." PANCY are tiint Ihe it lo nut IhUn ao low'tbal jvould not btfa mors favoi- and tu/aa cheap l gjUjaj •liver WaJch r, and l#Mve v sfl artw/e not auit, Wre lor attention ••K y a*>». Oar 4»y«lber d tfr the va«h t ion to u ik Movitt SK exchange* ur own Watch n BRI , Vi., M Sniith) 37 3S( 54i ' 80 82 83 u H. Smith] 43 144 14 Paradox 18121 20 5.154 55 69 (ft 136 137 1391 154 157 759ijdO X 109 170 i f l MC lots 17 latch] whajlq jof 1 191 192 19jl tjndiJ B Bakeri rided i of8 lot No. b-4 7 8 ot No. 0—1 2 3 oi No. 7.:.12 3 5 00 1 9 70 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 side 16 n. side undivi-. r.17 IP 192^0 21 2223 J9 272830s.4cw.sd31 36 37 e. ad 42 o. «d 43* w. side 45 47 n. o'eo s. w. qr.48 whok 49 47 05 •$• $Co'* pttenf- .w. 8 05 30 4 p pf , 3 s. e. prj. of fame 4, w, part of No. 4 Tract...in w. cor. \- rt...:) 4 5 67 8 9 i0 11 i. on the 1 th|h lux! If vi«4 tif*^ p> ;vi<tioti qf aaid Ci rthntfo in I d p11 in, in the rouiilJ at _ tontn>ta*ibner« | () r llood U'H» Cartilage \\ ffirpon. cbiinfy IA rjifca Tim ftptuln \n Eftel teo : a uy, bj t!*« act ol 14thApril. ] Hll, do c^riify llmi they ha\-r ftjvied llie abovf u i ntjreeitlfk? u» Iho ; r*v| : ''" J "' ol «aid *rt< pHle4 ftt l-iizult-flUywri! the day of May, ^t>44^ . I The owner or o\| In ml, lire htraby n o f Alexander '8. J. M DAVID JUDD. tified U> hf»ji«»of ni |lha.Ji<;'ttV•]• Ftiirtflvnnt,' In fh<s fpwri- of fth dav-ot June niotf, to pay sHine ii|;N'etiH;e (0 Mil* , tar caniilnl. ling » Itoad fi^wii Coiiuty, Mo (<aic"< Apnl 14. of 1814. •'...•• : AEIiSfi .••;; ...- ;.-' v ;;->|v'- .• ; ^ UAMD ^>v" StTBRCQATKNO rTlJIF; p6op2«f ••! i ie fiiit** i.l ; X -iroce.vf fJoil ie^SHII IIXJRI own. I tie AKI-8/iN J. 'fMJACtJ/ iMNia UDI>. law «f RKA T (•redicorr. tiexl o( in IbeeHtale of Qii of ClMi-lerfi^J iit —(Jrei'tiog. YOM a ixi enefco/ pear before oiir "u of June next af 10 day,_at the inn of NOTfCK A«w k wife. hv of theq M<*tt/i>inenl of 1 lie p I thereof. of oAvt-r 43. 44 40 47 48 49 50 by II Smith] 75 76 77 divided I 307 [2-3 pd {99 undivided 1 3 105 ^radJey] ^ . 6D3b oa v dl^afi'»il-..8. parf3 4 14 15 16 1819 21 22 t 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S , 55 56 57 58 00 61 0 7374 75 70 77 7 8 . 84 88 89 90 9293 95 102 103 104 105 106 2115 117 118 I IfH20 j 124133 139140141 142 > of ol ,otir ioff-We*«>f ihe aai oliii'U io I'lizaUet dtiytof .VltiVf * *<i thoiii*o«id eitfht li 3 uour.Rjr \v. 109 22 -w. part 3 13 14 17 30 31 8333 34 36 76 81 $6 87 88 89 A 1C 0 1 06 92 102 1 105 113 122 135 17 148 149150 153 62163106166168 173 174 undivided 5[2 3pdbyCB 187 188 189*190 2195[I2 P a s. aide 212 217 un. 0 2124 225 226 227 II 242 243 244 245 207 298^2 309 310 3 Hague In Hnsrne H A lot of I N. 8c W. b John t'olnoi A trai't ol mwn landm nby lhe»5c Ship S'o 16. 14 1516 17] tepif, 3 4 6 »9J300 301 302 305 307 309 PTIIIE p X iheHnnof J*o hy mutui j in IMHJ «// j»or«(Hki hf nJ'wwera, /ale'ojf the ynti AM »\(-AH:I in itrriod and lfiere 10 atfn<r«hr a<!iini>.8.ra>or reof we lt»ve r<ia«<> «tirroir;»ie lo bo ihe iiije, irt tl*e. «.uirr<>gate'a i in «ai<l rouflfcr the S^iil year .oK our jiord oiw ni>4 f«»rr>? foiir.' •.. * y .IV1XGSTON." lMol»tion. ip d: VV«*tott th 1[Keb« ai»l heretofore o^enp We fhou/J fa v«| have il fur u««, but fliui tiiat without a Att nccounff no \vU to into r-lh«r tnoau what vine »aj irirtttt of o p bearing data t d b D g executed by aeouri* the paymer t of fifteen h i t i h i h I consent AlMN VVE^toX..:. ; TcCTHRft \ •':' -. ' /..••• V \ii ilms nhdtc $rni Mt'iU nl n*#!n>rl lime at ti»e o^ic« ,by iih« »ub*rTi'A"r*»* y giiHi'ofpiV froi«Hh*4e Wbb^ arU^otueiil we in««l huvo,_ y «nne«*c8r»ry y wilhin foiir week* haud* fi«r adjustment.-—We iau. ie ilthd-iy of Jtmmty'lsZti. t B. Vot to Jltij^r jP py mwutionet, ed in Libor'G. o< ed in LborG. 3 >l licpt by and a Minty of H\»ex a f Wkh ,.. 313-J 6-7 10. 20 27 12 ]l|rael bounded enrt hy ioU 23 liv line of tract, 400 rtd in Elli*' paten', bftWdr<( flnsjie Tract, and ii. &j E. by 600 acre*, i .. ' id bounded vr by S 0 Slier- ay, Wm, OuiM putrni. ai|de & rooD tm<'4, 145 onea next, at two, «« ihe vil|ag< which ia in tb# Stow. which mortf J£o was o»i page* 380 cstt n fhe^>Itice of Hie Clark in Ui« lli 4 o fift< etith iday «l January H34, Af whjk'h Me arV the aa«ijtb*-e>* by nvirt from Pttulir IWesl lo ujbotti fftajsajMne w-** aa*iguee by t i«/Md.Po^crfV aod o.i %\fe . It there IHdue;at, iUi jfii-nt pu\>!icati •B«i t <•*•, t'.e Mwm of o io bunjrrd bml fifyfiv^ ilitl- ItrVand fifty ee»t " • •• - — • • It" —W e *h:ill rn o'c!t>rk. •V.o at public (fcat part vl il •f •.« t««ii» I) .j MINERVA. Cro$$tU$ purehatt 11 . Tow.»«l»i l6 11 If JJ 24«5 OT 40 41 AH 41 54 66 67 « W 60 61 73 74 767«j 77Tri 79 Tbtrn- t)9 1011 19 13 8 1920 2J 29fl:J24 37 42 No 25. n w p't Oniley'Moa- M19 13 14 1510 17 18 90 31 ft* 70 ii W53«S .fhlp, o « p*l, 1 8.T4.. -,„ 4^17 Id Iff «0ftl 2923^405 • T 19*08 N«9fl, I 2 4 r , 6nhtf7 89 4 15 16M7 18 19 20*1 2? $3 ncr'iffiation rJK». 1814. IK «nden«»irijed Umr-io Ke)tiib(ifaM wffice. find na aotl iaiprovementa in to of the made tmiM every dMa>-r*uttion 1 JOB JOB ftrlrtli prou»pine**. a «ij /e «Hat u* wllh aaliatetftury In aU 4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 G2 63 <4 6% 66 67 69 81 8^ f*3 . a.*i 84 V?90*l u 99 im m u* i:o milt<is of iho«« ektmp sjtr ra*fc. bre* aaatle wHkr Mr. a 19 tbi* f i#af« io nV» wpo Baow CM. Atfi f with jg Mrork in <)tract** Mr. 9yflMN» ia a laad* p t 1914 16 1617 1919 9M il It if Ro«i P*U»t, 58U4 IMtM ttr ItfS ti 166 tiff 1«8 119 d trelbop*- o+r * MW on town llntf on «a«t HINI Mt«f Q mm fbo rt 19 4* 4* 6t> # . Oiba «• Method}* rn 4- 0*1 S 14 It t*W ar

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Page 1: I 1 ih k I hiiV't spo f) Anyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031741/1844-05-29/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · llflOt +4 the jaurnaljol fnsnfwhcl ilJMsjnnKJr, tfoi|tftn*hftjii | fossil fcff SO

llflOt + 4 the jaurnaljolfnsnfwhclilJMsjnnKJr,tfoi|tftn*hftjii

|fossilfcff SO JftIhfc «*n»fbt< of a tr*.

g gtiAufaiun tool His fojrsejsjSd eonvfryfd mi to< whit »•



THa «ur•ntgniflcwhich if*,i<> whlen<»f iho ci

great ehuLrnwas iljrof n,WaSC*

( 5 * H*^© it *i J?i^H"*VMrtQrt»

ho wars v<s ioo<>


why I In




Cwljfieh•stwt ofpresoot


. t l * ,

#yer/ wfigut .• .j 1

rhtitldn, ajnd i u



^ • a r l w jnimaoftly«r.M

chtimt!it i Mbut IHtDOM I

tr* •ntftirMS of wwchwm

Iwut«r>l) or cataract,effort (of ib*

it. this

ljl requires4<J*up.

lit soms ftrhote age,far [from•llu«tcd'.sorn# diftUnct below, no

i |* tcrrjtlMiion njT tfot chasm, am

)us sjndthroilgli



niolir Q»IKaaUpnl

by tlio,»ho thktgij


htah I hiiV't spo) » D , Uv

i k f

• MigHBrldjJt,, »adlh<*d, .ndi^no*, b>a


alpcolUrns, anjlit mimbortrj w

i f *fciMwi



bod to; pijomii


V.H., bk jho lurp«M w i t| | i Wmust rleoj-di


It onn




moat ii

KsSM,or, Ilk4K) thi•oktiriths)


Ur krniwr1 CMAIM

My th)>n4 visit

on my rail


• • • i f - ! ; r - :

iMIt pr«fi»\ory in it.ipijoit of w|iat

to s««omffiodst« it to my Urn(jr b« Iraparfact,


ithout mudb



for thtir prosjN

uul ihtIIM stms

• farotoifhoorh

ltd chl]druftod 4>o






Alttotlq Ltilvt*•

lh t«4

to on r hundred

ths n»m# of






gfaf j

iin Iht


J, and 1firrnngt-

tj> Oolltfit

th«Us bid.forpo.

fin ft*



A irsWthe tjsr^kr r«










• ^a^P ^sjp^j^^ ^M^Sv

former U d of th* rircr was moijt than ahundred f««l dirtxMljr o**r tht pn tea ont>Th« wlflo ft|rm1of Jlie country gijvcs prob*

this cniijoctur^ Tholays ploughed l|a giant

a lightlyditptill the«tj,r«ain


Lndy tui L "tho aajid wojiced and drlAed with lbsotki becorrie bnri>, and

preioiii mymerfuutfd

producejd by tojno vi Wnt cone

it»flgio Homo* *Bhi« ohastti, iui pn see t andAtturoa lining plw*t-or rather iti «p| olnt.d i ray to th » lako—WAi formsd In the

mou Idl ag of o ration, o

the at realm which ocoupiek i|«the margih of tho llsauro j>r ahfttm

nature, br waa fujrrqwcfort, by

Frorrabove* iand dovtert, th<border* upon Ihei terrific. I leftenchanttfon, wimy thou jhu ma|y a time atnee w^nde(ring

• you loiik over the tall ban upon Iht awift and ripj•cone rijicft above the lufaj

tlemcnitling \va<lime andhit yild,

d apol, jrtfter ft vtry alight Inapcc-h deep regret; and ihfijve found

back ani linger Idelight i bout

dt from

a kind of

the "brief notes*A TRAV

hat iheMtn tu' our Washington advioaa ifyltf-CtiIhoun Treaty for re\tqlonff Wj li Texjut ons third of Mexico U>tht {unit id Stolfas, (to whicii U winsbefore el \imed to belong) his virtugiven up as dead by If* advdeate* iDfuffte in roducJtig instead a Joint

rtwt 4ht



gn dual-cu *ruoi,

theh theand

it! Was•«ion of

out, in w|j(olo orin

•"HTrjp T»«a»r«j"

J ct PlatUliurgh,

^h#• i | j ; OCOMIOO

<?s on^ »erloj n ar

•pot lop trH W ao4 w igrathat h%H American vtlur vtand pur country got ill glo

We have been acci stotnage to the octor*, and tovuj|ory obtained on ^


[PliAtsjbur.gh. W e arcobject presents itselfW* ate called upon to

and mute but our regtBeekntaniowD*

^ gratitudHow muc^ gor mi«di reeled ! Whcty which might have

w born heroes, had tclaims been known be


to pny hornprpud of the

rious I lth aBut a new

ir *adniifatl|onidooqr gratit

the beroei

hasshalll tell qun




wilj be

for ihe Annexation of Texas to theUnion wiihout qualifications or conditions.VVej hope the Senate will make no halfway*)(k win thisbr>tkny other propesitioti oftha kind but uccidedlvreject it. If" anybddy wa its to invflsl John ^ler.^Uh thepewer y Annuxing Texas to t l4 Onion,

tsrtn'st &o. we trust he [does not*'• ajWhfg. Tnkune. ] , ,

II* beenfaijMc


rjlll hiii paswd. tho


thoclol orga

tci, providing for tlb choico>rt In all the State*] on ONB

toj b'e on Tuesday, njext afterfonday in November

In view of the app roncfiingi ylet's Annexatioi i Trejafv

»nni|». John Jones, in iho cm-of Thursday even in r, grindsl l i i f i j

y gt the following agitato furiojo move-

B | : > • • ' ' • • I

Bonfirnisantltht lo


Iritish aP(lth«i

Nowd it is i

IUS conle elderrefuj


miy been plrejJl b l

y * pjpiacei to <»lebraio tlu

*e. sUr'pf oor "(amiljy ttroupId trie People be dftaloo, through the influcncjs.of

id Mexican gold, who pan tyre-

this is absolutely hofrl.^uite too bad for Mr Jones t<

Iy shocking thoiwi vesofally gy ladies In the rtationd bloody

ANUc'tild horse


red inCO!rriing




in the mid«t otjm I * " " «" Tl*"" "Vl»»»l ••• »••« I1UV** Ull « «f<#tfltU*

lose prali le, urjged on by iht whips of 4 le-gion of d( mons;, - •

I am a oomot, driven pyVth-jlae thrpugU uuHmitsd ispace, with neithei

\ * - \ * . • - - . . >-. J . ':•'•••.:

sen gult, tAss<d by furious wiodeabbn a tHo/eleiM ooeaji, whoe« waves assaulttHt ihronja of Heaven, ohd anon sink down

ftit Atlhornttie abyss.1 I h


g yfired *o as to rake the advancing Columns,and although their rankja we

II art k chronometer With a brbken bal.a. tee, on rard driftn, rtiardlffes of time ors | a « t ; iOd though shulia may b,r*»k andos)gs drc i oCrt in (be giddy whirl, i»y nSottoS «rid advancod upon hi

B|woy —*»Onwsrd, onward." f [ Pheir march or BringMy bijain is a furnace, my hesirt ) s an || h«s meo from Ui^ig tr^mplev

JLet ui haaten to theL

amends tot our lonj

j qbeen he lot of tiibaeeir v ilor, virtue* <lndjre taltai with far saeri

flees. Let Us pay j>romj)t!y, and whl' 'sy 'iht; fttting

oesi biYorf Time,her l»in their ranks,led ihftt the brilliuut

jhoiior« due to theee h<like the a word, shall fui

It may ^>eil be euppovictory onf the lake at P a:ts >urgh, has serv.•d to dazzle the eyet of he vWld, andeclipse the no less, imp >rtajtt, li^tJeos impoking victory lit Beeki lanlj >wn.

We confess that, cor ting Up &\ this lateday for our especial wo idet, it is pardona

in one to questioti its i lluima., Glut ona i\ill and fuir prusonlat gn rt entertftin nodoubt os to what iho at ntii^em of o grateAil people will be regan ingi its morita.

It will be our first,!)present, necessity thatbeen fought on tho Var11 th September, und (hen(hctn showing the battU. on,the 6th Sept. | /

The present necessitje V e n fought

here : "Tho Clinton|«>cintion," is con»poscdiriduals SOIM of whom,itifurtuale as to be dforces i n the campnlgn>ftho "association,*'whi arioj ho fortunate aso have bad fathers in thittached themselves to ho fynnor and thuspartake in thoir glory. Tht "association"

to show thebi<iJUe should haveqi» or before the

x> examine theually fought at

a btUtlo shouldland is found

Military as-ban,d of jndi*

jpe fortundto or

(covered abundnnt evidepde,no lack of speech-make

gyfor its ultimate obje

notion of its membersthat ill-politics,nnd |o croato a fuSid fi»rbelves, they have been onew buttle. When theto be feasible, there

up from a dinnerlremoved*' and j|nagnifj|achievement atwhen it was sertor was speakinglhis ow|i

We ar* conhdpni thule pla^


Beekinjantojwn, cspecJuJlythat,

men u

construction oft"association" a ftmany intelligent

It is an effort to keepto keep the people in anof brass and broad clmore humbugs into plac

The necessity of thefacts shewing the battle


B srtijne scrvice.have


the ]and• Others

:t, Ue political pro-'t hcvve seen

glory is above par,utuie use, to ilium-ligc cl to invent thispT was thoughts ir imediatcly dis

d hy

and there wasps, who could, getaftethi

the cloth wasglories of the

ndiifctly, the oitt-tprilsc.

is mv strained•Vievrs of the

r con^ultinjg thb sense! of>on this subject. ;alive! tho war spirit,azomtmt by the didoth-^and smuggle

and preferment*:ase wing-seen, the

ficluaflj/ fought arenext tobe observed. In the first plai e, itis manor Q( ,historical/act, that notiirrgwas done on the «yarki at Plattsburgl ei.ther-on before the glorlo js I lth Jthafin anyway contributed to the{lories of that] day

the landon tho Lake. N o rcpuiartook place at any time, betweenforces. It was the mer D«t skir nishtn jThe battle of Boekmant pwn *»A< ih thi rextent no more." Major 1 v W was sent outwith a body of men on the roat to Beek.mamown to learn the position or the uva-ding army. Il was a rrere soout attepidedwith no fightiog. anJ w'asno. other thing than that no' b dfy was lifirt.

Bo far from there bt>|at Beekmaotnwn or orroad, it is related bythat on the approachthe village, he orderedfid k h

an engagementBoekroanltowoWool himsoU

f th( invader,, nearbi artillery, and

mown downby the ahot, ye

y h a t is an g p, my pulmis a dtatr> wateti, who«« tht eniimy, by n aking a spssdy retreat,ti I h l d b i H d f t h * d i

p > ,ating announces tht approach of n i h d d i A U

g t p p c h f gf anguish and despair. AoontU at the diontr tiblt inionsof my vision* andI troublodl the statistics of his b

lotohoei eryaf age


•limy defctki exhale a stenoh as oaussous «j|aHtygiah lake. [/.• . , V . : ; ' ; [

I This i i my reeking piece. But ers mal«ogrtgktM myriads of ooisom^

Its fMt hutch!^rnMflc iu t bog like tJti

y, yI shpuld be oi

»y visiont and troublodf• M fl«wn in stagnnot pools, whoa «|




. % 'stagnant sorfiet tf th<rlth acafe* trtct, ah<

fir* sirt tkm&4m my tuogtIritlts) l t d npsjrsstd by at low.

' ttiMl ton*; art > 4 t 4 splri,tr bf si lo«<f#<J n|«, seeks o

ButlefgSMaodknUeiand flenlletwia*, ar i

grasp. »#d, IW* « o ifelB»l.,*jt4iM of Kittens i


men eAgaged, arid t'iwourtjed. 1 'ib ip«<eteat that dinrw i le

t have al wayi thoperformed nil Uujt couin that lp ^protest airalost itkis attasstmbled, oster

they|ia8tajjtjly closed upibjoot checkinganil ho saved

under foot b jg p

Hged o anbl i' hthey

tllo,Dumber of killed

Wl stifvtved to



onredound to theirs ownbtttwhlohi/thajftUI4isgtaet of aU opQotWhy attempt thisbuodrtds ytt IWng,

i b tntanf bstroylng tht hombeg»»y thing, In H, tht wofUbt&t. A

wHatatst wPeru, 8«pt, l

yof the*draiortwoojd furnish

the number oi

Our milltitjcpected ofthem

But 1...ri iy the men whofor iipioi s) service^

SX WpttsVuwh, to. 1 1 sysUooeed,will>*rtof*l glory *.tooc,

r*do0od to theh thdet eeene*.

there aretheir owi^

tttfiog andde4 *«d ketn

Isttt rem4k i s ore

fcritdiu till thsMORBNd.




+# *gHtrot

«y ffoiy


H «

AT1 I N I T W M U ITlu y «r s hUo pi

clitngi >• to - mukingltend t > ha re lh«t i |

Th >.v iu e now pnde*cr UerT M«fiu<it•ill ty Da

I V o i « r U J B > mtil? Yird, >nnud« i

TJ, y i l lIkir price

rTMit „JL Inhitl


he I a* jhat opon8tor ," ii recrlv ov«'oml, fin ye* 4c. V<vutitig tin b«»!neai

b 'onelieA,to| fhi»'.bu*t


•D+.'M (foal*.Pan uloor a and nil

ind donnaed J cw H Of k and P


duo4 reu«


COll l lJ of

or\*di&..&[What'rent>( 4ixtenr|

artejrded^linxlhHJBdrencwhi'li leairea*<Tr« on tr


het, Ato

x onf« <|nly roin

'Jfhe ainj/(

uulk haih>


f«nid i

liated -3


for w«most

ved'iit po

MORTA. PR Af Nev/ Y\n*ei inpdrcil nfHex coi>n(in* of litthotlliQlMj

nmetv-fina' aiip

• northwhioji


ell thereikept hy

nget 393 aorded in

on pag:>unt nowH.»rs nncSbeen mudot the taidnd tukd in Elist

ct nl 12tgu^o'Ri

av the S4tRODNfi


e, May


:f,Mlw»t deaWipt'roit 0re it•»ynrjeiy of goocV< lers o^othern toof a andh^t theyMl lity 11


n. wi, plutW

i Vt.( areN

and H||

or New Y



Vfft* tl em lo adva

g^ve fluilmnej

g riven, to »op|licali<n. Clock

Ve?of<« M « . P'v Nefii

W« »««Ve Wilphtjt artioto



will find iey are aold


union Fur, "cor/i. pie

iinenl*,nd'tnni, andiicnl i fiervhandise,i ahor l, wa


LANNEL8.nring' I

BROADperolixHi byurod to e»ch]red Good*



in I t i t»ffo|iis Uattcbaa,ava,

CMnary ma-~'U, mid in-

firm June,the above

Wool, or toujlfu wieji to

•om'c C*«liNOLD,


d by

teive a af

Cotfla, O t |(•her gnrme

5h«re*> or byoinern wiKh.r Wool at a

i Co..

ould hvicjby inform tl>eoe«evlle aid vicinity, that

A whop, in he "YetUnethe Shoe ("l re of Whll-

<j[n pro»r'>

it TAiLOttlfVG in nil HKpnrsoiuU atto hi* care,of (he i»uiio

rpHB | pX' fMr x rtjw* from *?»Mh*g»i it JfaWm** «<*«nit.v

to Lull* ChJiiitplaJfl In llt« ««only of fym*, hy»IM» art of lliff J4Ui April lR4lJ f W iStfb^i ^ I h 4i

i JUi p 4linqr t x In the «mjnly o4iideittllands in «aid 'cot


noitratideittj lands in mid'oo^'tr, agreaabl* u»the proviaicjna of a«iid ac(. ,

v ' TOWld o r fttt)B I AH.Farad** Traa-^Loi» N< a. 310211

# J f «M) north part 200 8311 310 3*0&8(> 334 notth hlf 339 340 3 90 338 389320409 41420427423370

North rl>et

0 411412 413 4

Traci11 12 17 18 10 20 23 118 IScorner 42 43 44 46 47 49»4 {55 56 57 59 60 62 63 888J890O j j ;

Towiuhjp 49, Totlen «fh 2 3p p

10 11 1213 14 15f

T u h j p 49, Ten f fipurchase—>n, w. pi rt 12 3 4 5 0 7 6 0

11 1213 14 516 1821 822324 126 1821itp 44—n,. part 5-k. cor. 0 0.

pn^lt 1213 14 15 e.pu^1920212*2 23 24

frown»hip 45-~». e' part

, »lid in I fierafhshionii,

timet.cj"en to mqke tin.her

^ ; V e i a f * ,mude wi.tli

inobt npprc\-id warranted

H'hort notice,

country pro-mot iot.wrMtl

JOHN WHAM. Jr.y, 1844. M . 4.,.r,

AOE SALlKIheh l ,

k. duly moijt agod to Jointifh

ndRtalc of fVo. four inwoith *m«t«t quarter

|o#ed pno hi

Iheand %* x<n\oonlninede Ctork n |399; and»>k L. of t


lit tltAt certainflic town ofYork, bemy

ogeiK* Pultrnlijncl fitly dcre*

qudjrjisr, one liuifi->ne hundredwent'coruoi,

[W'enly-fivoiin the pny

f a . t cthtown, oj



tfiera.poillldit gt>|t>od quuiity.

'.VS &

Firm,<fe BRGli


•"i12 ih

, iMilli^rm,Patent,.aaiM

± fMbrvt* Httr*ry, «S tB

Thorn'* aurr^y ngW G 2

4 415 410•86 97

LotsNo*.6 2 7 « . W . • ' ; • >

i. part 5085 86 87

•00 61

822324 12255

2 3 4 5 07 i 9 1 0 U l 2 " Iff 14 W.li21 22 23 4 25 s. e. part 2f3132 a. w. part 33 s. e. pacof. 38 s. e. cor. 89

Fownshiip 48—s. c. part,Township 30-13 1416

Tract west »f road patent—n• TICONDEROGA.

W tn> Cockbum $ Co''spatent - 3 4 6 4 50Si bdicision ofSumner vale—107 138103 116 10* 87 89 , • 15*0

BCBRO'ON. .e. dor. lot No. 9 Township 30 lot 10

Tcittcn <k Gr^aficld purchase 11 12 12 90£ l>ship:!4f s. w. cor. targe lot 1 8 9s. jw. part l{0 a. w. cor. 11 H> part 16 23 20

37 38 39 40 41 49 *< aae k>wn«hip, Upattint H V lW

T ip 2W 7«i>:<2

inf L u , p

ft 6 7 17 »H I ? 20 *l

9 11 »2 13 14 15^17"81920 8J « 2 8 9 ^ 7 88^91 W

33'37 83 » 4* 43 4 4b 47 69 60 61 ®>, 6364 «6 06 (17 6d 60 7 71 Tl 73 74 75 76 %778 79 Hti 471& #991 9l9i*i 04 »59fin «

Wounded ««b; 27 n e W 47 and U w

. Township S8,<»d « and W l>y the

/ » • • r,.tj I Clwnd!«r. A it byCnssjfield* . \NQ9 TliT«,ile

H e aide,Tpwnalrip ISO.

8485959697 03

t.16 17 18 J M7 l i e lyo6.4 8Oj| T ovrnn.nip 46.

nrt tf '«' No I bound->tvo>tii|> tinr, e 4>y J.Cojvjn. ' a e corn«r ofr«,«xcept r»0 acred oiTm

40 41 42 43 44 45

No,n « corner 4If) 30 SI«rfe* n w parf 38

1 63 m 7^^0 fir 89 83) 100 101 Kri »U , 104t l |2 l m U l K , ! IKi

.' j ft 3.114 t& iC 27 2829*0 31

6 , T JT4) 3$3 44 45 6 , T JT4) 3$ip. No W , i f H r t e r 3420 arre* l i 8iiN 3 e J6 4

51 apfH n w corner \fiJ5 g« ?7 28 rsteirt U2

p x< ept 179 nrrcn n <v pr(:« 40 41 4« 4* 44 - 5 4647 48 40W>-i<< |U90 nfre* n ** coit -t st:«am<* low n-«liip T>'Z

15 |G <TI

pubcliv7 13ubdivBubdiv


i Irjcd nnd fiveI» «nnie irtore

Maid Johnf Lew*

p«n»h d«f ofijded"wMh thop Bonk If, ofhe foimty ofdi

lbitgo|ea kept

air hundredsttla, and de-

ttlenl thereof,be'ot

n|n o«tho 24th <Iuyi ofthaldajr,* • • ' • . • • : • . .


sido• cor17 *.

an of lot No. 2—1 2 4 5 0

fjlot No. 4 — 1 2 3 4 5 0 8


n. i«ide 2430 a. & w . »n. & e. sid«4acre* on n, sid

Plait Rage,large lot No. subdivision-of

SehroonTn10 21 22 217 10 21 22 2J3 24 25 26 27 31

31 35 undivd^ 1 -3 30 (2 3 pd by H. f| In le-timonr v.n

and liennfor »aU low

HEliSI, Bur.

to welLoi the low*,k (tric*»i nmvhnlrmat* orcs, JKWKLRJand other ijnetai

iM/KinaA,le line, nitrf benide* (heoodi*. we lire keeping aat. whofeur le to Aupplytl agnjn, 4jid wt invite

\Tractwet\toj7 8 9 lit

23 24 25 <&7 3^30

49J50 51 M 562 60 67 66

960 8162-890 89 100 (0107 110 l i t121 122 12$ 1

bronJ, a*stuigt»oda l

buy theftiage, andjtatnluchon

promptlythe I«OM,

ng euitotnerw^ and ot the


(ivlip'wWr weII sell ao thatOrder* from

jond a« goodby pcrannnl

Iy thai box or|iiot»d pointed


(I other rut Iu ,tackle,M t

;• for l lie di'rhoraea.w Wara,Rnz»f*. RI

uie, FMIUI

itt*, vi^irk boxe«. Muni-and doubjh buna viola,

enialler in*iunaenu' and

nil any tin I Wf have aried a«*or(0 en I of A me

167 258 i. sidn 259$d 231s ad

247 234 255 (256s. side 268 860 270 271 272 276 274277 278 282 J283 284 285 286 287 290

ami Purre fully % ai h

iait." PANCYare tiint Ihe

it lo nut IhUn ao low'tbaljvould not btfa mors favoi-

andtu/aa cheap


•liver WaJchr, and l#Mvev

sfl artw/enot auit,

Wrelor attention


ya*>». Oar4»y«lber

d tfr the va«h t

ion to uik Movitt SK

exchange*ur own

Watch nBRI

, Vi., M

Sniith) 37 3S(54i '

80 82 83 uH. Smith]

43 144 14Paradox

18121 205.154 55 69 (ft

136 137 1391154 157 759 ijdO X109 170 i f lMC lots 17latch] whajlq jof 1

191 192 19jl tjndiJB Bakeri

rided i of8

lot No. b-4 7 8ot No. 0—1 2 3

oi No. 7.:.12 3

5 001

9 70

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12side 16 n. side undivi-.

r.17 IP 192^0 21 2223J9 272830s.4cw.sd3136 37 e. ad 42 o. «d 43*w. side 45 47 n.


s. w. qr.48 whok 49 47 05•$• $Co'* pttenf- .w.

8 0530

4 p pf, 3 s. e. prj. of fame 4,w, part of No. 4Tract...in w. cor. \-rt...:) 4 5 67 89 i0 11

i. on the 1th|h lux! If vi«4 tif*p> ;vi<tioti qf aaidCi rthntfo in I dp11 in, in the rouiilJ


_ tontn>ta*ibner« |()rllood U'H» Cartilage \\ J» ffirpon.

cbiinfy IA rjifca Tim ftptuln \n Eftel teo:a uy, bj t!*«act ol 14th April. ] Hll, do c^riify llmi they ha\-rftjvied llie abovf u i ntjreeitlfk? u» Iho |»;r*v|:''"J"'ol «aid *rt< pHle4 ftt l-iizult-flUywri! theday of May, t>44

. IThe owner or o\|

In ml, lire htraby no f Alexander ' 8 .


tified U> hf»ji«»of ni |lha.Ji<;'ttV•]•Ftiirtflvnnt,' In fh<s fpwri- o ffth dav-ot June niotf, to pay

sHine ii|;N'etiH;e (0 Mil*, tar caniilnl. ling » Itoad fi wii

Coiiuty, Mo (<aic"<Apnl 14.of

1814. • ' . . . • • : AEIiSfi.••;; ...- ;.-'v;;->|v'- .•;^ U A M D

^ > v " StTBRCQATKNOrTlJIF; p6op2«f ••! i ie fiiit** i.l ;X -iroce.vf fJoil ie^SHII IIXJRI

own. I tieAKI-8/iN J. 'fMJACtJ/i M N i a UDI>.

law «fRKA

T(•redicorr. tiexl o(in IbeeHtale of Qiiof ClMi-lerfi^J iit—(Jrei'tiog.

YOM a ixi enefco/pear before oiir "uof June next af 10day,_at the inn of

NOTfCKA « w k wife. hv

of theqM<*tt/i>inenl of 1 lie p

I thereof.


43. 44 40 47 48 49 50

by II Smith] 75 76 77divided I 307 [2-3 pd

{99 undivided 1 3 105^radJey] ^ . 6D3b

oavdl afi'»il-..8. parf3 414 15 16 1819 21 22

t 28 29 30 31 32 34 3542 43 44 45 46 47 4S ,

55 56 57 58 00 610 7 3 7 4 75 70 77 7 8 .

84 88 89 90 9293 95102 103 104 105 1062115 117 118 I IfH20 j

124133 139140141 142 >

of ol ,otir

ioff-We*«>f ihe aaioliii'U io I'lizaUetdtiytof .VltiVf * *<ithoiii*o«id eitfht li

3 uour.Rjr \v.

109 22-w. part 3 13 14 1730 31 83 33 34 3676 81 $6 87 88 89 A

1C0 1



1 105 113 122 13517 148 149 150 15362163106166168173 174 undivided

5[2 3pdbyCB187 188 189*190

2 1 9 5 [ I 2 P as. aide 212 217 un.0 2124 225 226 227

II 242 243 244 245

207 298^2309 310 3

HagueIn HnsrneHA lot of I

N. 8c W. bJohn t'olnoi

A trai't olmwn land mnby lhe»5c

Ship S'o 16.14 1516 17]

tepif, 3 4 6

»9J300 301 302 305 307 309

PTIIIE pX iheHnnof J*o

hy mutui

jin IMHJ «// j»or«(Hkihf nJ'wwera, /ale'ojf the

ynti AM

»\(-AH:I initrriodand lfiere 10 atfn<r«hr


reof we lt»ve r<ia«<>«tirroir;»ie lo bo


iiije, irt tl*e. «.uirr<>gate'ai in «ai<l rouflfcr the S iilyear .oK our jiord oiw

ni>4 f«»rr>? foiir.' •.. *y.IV1XGSTON."


d: VV«*tott th

1[Keb« ai»l

heretofore o^enpWe fhou/J fa v«|

have il fur u««, butfliui tiiat without a

Att nccounff no\vU to into r-lh«rtnoau what vine »aj

irirtttt of o pbearing data t

d b Dg

executed byaeouri* the paymer t of fifteenh i t i h i h

I consent

AlMN VVE^toX..:. ;* » T c C T H R f t \ •':' -. ' /..••• V

\ii ilms nhdtc $rni Mt'iUnl n*#!n>rl lime at ti»e o^ic«,by iih« »ub*rTi'A"r*»*y giiHi'ofpiV froi«Hh*4e Wbb

arU^otueiil we in««l huvo,_y «nne«*c8r»ry y

wilhin foiir week*haud* fi«r adjustment.-—We


ie ilthd-iy of Jtmmty'lsZti.t B. Vot to Jltij^r jP

p ymwutionet,

ed in Libor'G. o<ed in LborG.3 >l licpt by anda Minty of H\»ex a

f Wkh

,.. 313-J6-7 10. 20 27 12

]l|rael bounded enrt hy ioU 23liv line of tract, 400rtd in Elli*' paten', bftWdr<(flnsjie Tract, and ii. &j E. by600 acre*, i .. 'id bounded vr by S 0 Slier-

ay, Wm, OuiM putrni. ai|de &rooD tm<'4, 145 onea

next, at

two, «« ihe vil|ag<which ia in tb#Stow.

which mortf J£o waso»i page* 380 cstt

n fhe^>Itice of Hie Clark in Ui«lli4o fift< etith iday «l January

H34, Af whjk'h M e arV the aa«ijtb*-e>* bynvirt from Pttulir n« IWesl lo ujbotti fftajsajMnew-** aa*iguee by t i«/Md.Po^crfV aod o.i %\fe . Itthere IH due;at, iUi jfii-nt pu\>!icati •B«it <•*•, t'.e Mwm of o io bunjrrd bml fifyfiv^ ilitl-ItrVand fifty ee»t " • •• - — • • •

It"—W e *h:illrn o'c!t>rk.•V.o at public

(fcat part vl i l

• f•.«


I) .j MINERVA.Cro$$tU$ purehatt —


. Tow.»«l»il6 11 If JJ24«5 5« OT40 41 AH 4154 66 67 « W 60 6173 74 76 7«j 77Tri 79

Tbtrn-t)9 1011 19 13

8 1920 2J 29 fl:J 24 37 42No 25. n w p't Oniley'M oa-

M 19 13 14 1510 17 18 90 31ft* Q» 70 ii W53«S

.fhlp, o « p*l, 1 8 . T 4 . . -,„4 ^ 1 7 Id Iff «0ftl 2923^405

• • T 19*08N«9fl, I2 4r, 6 n h t f 7 894 15 16M7 18 19 20*1 2? $3

ncr'iffiationrJK». 1814.

IK «nden«»irijed Umr-ioKe)tiib(ifaM wffice. find

na aotl iaiprovementa into

of themade tmiM

every dMa>-r*uttion1 JOBJOB

ftrlrtli prou»pine**. a «ij /e «Hatu* wllhaaliatetftury In aU

4 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 G2 63<4 6% 66 67 69

81 8^ f*3 . a.*i 84V?90*l

u 99 im m u*i:o milt<is

of iho««ektmp sjtr ra*fc.

bre* aaatle wHkr Mr.a

19 tbi* f i#af« ionV» wpo BaowC M . Atfi

f with

jgMrork in

<)tract**Mr. 9yflMN» ia a


pt 1914 16 16 17 1919 9M i l It

if Ro«i P*U»t,58U4 IMtM ttr ItfS

ti166 tiff 1«8 119

d trelbop*- o+r *MWon town llntf on «a«t HINI Mt«f Q mm fbo

rt 19 4* 4* 6t>

# . Oiba «•Method}*

rn4- 0*1 S

14 It t*W
