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Paper . . • •

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. School Notes •

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Proves 'Faith. in Newspaper_ Ads

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< Ola C. JoneS, Co. School Supt.)

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fC 1111 II ... ..~ ·1\·-11.,.:

• ' . _ ... ,. . ReUel Given J!!4113t~ r-.j '' ·an~ ll'a'rmjng Stll.t.~; • _.:..,. , _ : INPUSTJUAL. states, ail~lr .qs llllnnra.

'tnihat ',..," ' ' ~ . '

• . '

,-' . . The •Jln1laL Arl~ona ·fie'~"'~~ ll4~rvllce· dlvlalci!i ·,;t ·ihe. ·

qf •El!lj" will 11e -llelll., tD. · . · th~ ; . 'l7r.:Mt!.I'Y -~.}JP.

. X Jl Ulnt\1 rt.-\UUJ~-= NeiV York, l'enns}'ltll'llhl 111111. c .:_

ulti!IDII:b t!•e¥ PBf".lllQ~t, nr ~hit~ hl)f!rPfiPI . .,.,.IIi teveJII!e taxes, tl!Ccfv.e ·mut:ll. . , __ _

. federal rlll.lef lllll!'e!ISe U1ii!J sneh. 'JJJ:Jrl-<d :~=~~-..~~~:i.,i ~ulturnl stnteiJ liB Nortlnm!1 8oitth ..,,_,·"·•·• SJa•'i!r C::e~1111et ,Tfsr·ot~,h, . kotll • .all. 8.81sslnpl, 'Ainb, lli.QB, l"¢1V. a v I l

·leo, Arlransa~··an!l· Mlzoli,ll.-- ?:1114 ...... .:n· · . - .,OtJS'l"ON; ·'T~~AS;.;,..;,. -. :a;.·

19, ']1", A .• ·llllc:beJ,: .st11te . till! prl!te!,!tlori :fit tbo-imoolince!l . ' · . · · . . · • · · · • ·· Un.lt!ld Rtntell, h.l,lr. ' The Artz~n~tat!l TI\X,CQ~mlsalon,- .rrest4ent·Eicet~ \vlth •through tta lfqJ!.Qr,_dJ~BIQD'J llcq!IB!Id sul'l'·~·~!l$!1!liJ'' .ot ornunterteltlng;;

. .g,63ll llltll\!!!-'llm.!l!!tf )J4lf'aio.. fOJ' . A .. J,WJtb: -{b~ ·(bVE~I!tl·, !t!~·t 'ton ·Of -¥1olatlonl!-

. '

By .. •

Death of Charles Curtis, Former Vice President

CIIAJII.V.I:l CUJITil:l, rorrner VIce l•ro•okll'fll of the Vnlted l:lllttes und

hefore lhul represenlntJve nnd lfCDII· tor from J{u nsus, . died auddenly of

::<:-"M • heo rt cllsl'ooe at the Wnohlngton homa of

,>his brotlwr-ln·low and "later, lllr. ·and l>Jra. V.dWurcl E. Ounn. lie woo aeventy-slx )'enra uld, and wu11 lho nnt 101111 or lndlun blood l'ver to pn•alde. over rho uenule. lie wna tJnl~<JUDrler Kaw ln· <'ftl:u, bla ~rronclriiother

· huvlng beon l'rloceaa Chari•• J nile of lhnt tribe wlro1 Curtle married n Fr~<nc:h voy~

ngeur. lu lila hoyhnocl eurllu was 11

J••<'kc•y, pru.J lutN n reJ•orlcr. llnvlnl: arudh·d low, ho bocnme n pr-osecutor at !he UlfC or rwenly-rour In ShnwneQ rounly, l{nnmu, oud wua clc<'led to t'OIIICfi'IIB In lillY.!, lie Wal IllUde 11ell• 111or In 1007, wno dcfenlecl In 1012. nnd two yc•ora lultlr wua ognln clccled aentftor. Jlo wua elncrl!d Vlco J•real· dcml on 1 ho ll.:kel hen dod by llerbcrl Jloovcr, and wou rcnoml'!olocl ror tbnt JIOIIIIon In 10:12.

llr. Curlla wna grClatly liked b)' bla omsoclntca In Woahlnglon and bl.a dentb I'IIU&I'd lCllllUIIIU gr1cr. l'reuldont llOOIIO· vult aalcl:

ul am d~<l'ply cllatrcued to lcnrn ot Jho audcJrn pualng or my old rrtond, t•hurh•a 1 'urt)P. W belhcr they know him n• n APJlnlor, n11 lho \'Ire l'ri'DI· doni ,,r tho Unltc•d Stlltcu, or na tho rnan hn "'"" In hla own rlgbl, hla lo· ~:tun or frlrnda will rcornetnbor him,

· nlu-nya ntrrl'llonntcly, nne! will mourn hiD JIDDXIOfl.u

\'lro l'rctDiclc•nl Clorner Dille!: ~I wau al<ruya fnncl of blm. I wna

oaaol'loll'cl wllh hlm In lhc honoo and arnalt~. llv waa 11 nne moo .nod a aood rfr.,ud.,.. . .. •

Fnncral aP"Inoa ror Mr. Curll.a and I bo IDil'rmonl "'""' In 'fop«?II.O, Kao.

Long Newapnpcr Tax h Held Unconutltutlonal

0 NCFJ aaaln tho flupromo court of the Unllocl 8tnlrt come1 to tho

l'tliCUo of • fl't'O t~rnL Unnn1moual7 tho oint~ Jualll't'll ruled that tho Loulll· •na law lmJIOIIIIlll 11 puniUYe tax on tbo ac!YC7rltllng or Cllo prloefp:ll IIO'W'IJ)a,: J>Orl o! that ltllto 11 uncoDJtltuttooal. Tbo law Will piUIIII'd by a Je~1laturc controlled b7 tha Lato Senator U0117 Long. Tho court uld or II:

•u t• bncl b•.:au~. In tho ll~tht of Ita hlalor1 noel of lla prunnt lotUDl!, II I• I~'«~D to bo n cle>llbnmlo and cal· CUIIIIIlcl clonlco In tl10 l!llllo or 1!1 ta.J: to llmll tho cln:ulallon of loformaUoo to o-blc-h the public 11 eoUUod lo Ylrtoe or fiJp C'OillltllniJoOOI l!llaranl~

• A troo prcu etnnaa c. 6Do of tho Jlr-MI lniPrprl'!Ota oolwoen tho I:OYilrD• mont anct tt•o proplo. To allow It to oo r .. lle>rtotl Ia Jo fri!Pr ournelteL

•tn YIPw of tho pc1nllllcmt Horeb for """' aub)I'<'IA of larallon, It 11 not o-tthout algnllk'anco that. With tho l)hlfhl Pl[('e>pllon or thO Lottlala011 811111111', 10 far liD WO r&D dlUOYC!r, P\J

11n1o clurlna tho lft() JC:an of our na· llonnl orlairnC'o boa undertaken to lmpoh a tns IIIIo · that now Ia qut.t­tlon.

"Tbp form In \lobl.L'b lbo tiU II Ill)· 1lOIH"d- tlt tn itAl't~dm:v-, It u-nur mn~aur-t'd or· lltnll<'d b7 tho volumo of ad.-ertlllf'mt>nl. II Ia mraao~ olonP b7 the> ""'"ol ot tho rlrl'nlatlon or lito rmbllrotton In o-bll'b fiiC! odvetUt .. mrnla .,,... rorrlf'd. ttllh tho pltlln pat­JIOAI'I or ,,..,,.lldna tho ptJbllahom nlf) t'UrtOIIIIlli I btl dHnln'tlon IJf n lt'ICl'fQ:f arou p of n~WCJlDfK'Ml."

. Raakob Sued for Alleged Income 1;.1x Dcflcleney

A('TlOS al!nlnat Jobb _J. Rna!rob, former tbalrmon of tho Dcmo­

tTallr national rommlttlitl When AI Smith "no the l'rnslcJenllal nomlnoo, and who 11 now prmtl• c1l'nl or lhc Amcrlcnn l.loorty lraauc, boa b<>cu hl'!liiD b7 tbo gotl'lmtnent ror nn al· ll'lll!d doOrlent'J of $1,· o:ro.:uo on bl• 10211

· nmcndmont to fho pclo litton R!alnU, llllld ngniDJt l'le,... 8. du -l'ont two data bl!foro ·

'AI Smith bad bitterly J .• J-, Raakob tlllllnllod tllo NPw IJtonl. 111 the pelt• tlon, t\'blch ltaalrob deBCrlbed oa "Now Dool 114'rti«IIUDU," llr, du Pont was alle(led to hnvo untlentnt~ bls 1&29 Income b7 tl.i:l07,8:12 and an addl· tloual 1111 of $GIT.St0 wna uk&d. In tho Dlilllodlld [IC!tltlon II~UIIIlJ lfr, Jlaakob, It wnt· that · · and lnduatrlartflt In tlo!~r' ulea or lo-a tot:nror f.\lfJ,m~o or . - . .

New ~imt BUU>lllhtd ~ for · · Adjoul'1$.itllt L ot bOPi!

1 -.

-·-pointed, o~•t 11:1 ~a stntl;!ment .: : _-: · · ·. · "':IY$ said~~-tll'ere wa$ onl:r, by the llllnoi.IJ .lllnnutallturers' : · ·_ •IJ'\IlP,g;p~r~p~:~~l}p .could con·_ Uon Which compnres. tbQ ln~!!i'nal . • .me. thAt ;, Gc!Qfg~ ll~fQi\r~ Jipue coJle~tJons ot the Vllrloua . · ' · "· - 't.: ·- - - · t wlth the nmonnt ench state received . . :w;ts not t.,~ · ~martes maQ' rellet 'tunds !or year' .ending June. . ~~he :.world~CJJ.ld that- perljon 1035. " · ~·oe""George B.ern~rd Sbaw. , Ullnola c;oUecte03:)3,138,003 ggd A.nd, by gum, he did l.t I ·For this celved In te<lernl relief grants . ' . Jill began tbe, dlsiJlusJonlng Jqb $ll8,:t.flll,SOO or 35 per cent of what I~ W;; J!lfk tl~.\l. tle was sent to the United ~tntea ()vCfo'"lll~te;' iellln~ · ns.

Pickard ir.l Wmdn N<w</>llPcr Un14i! •

IDiliJent nq.utrullf)' leg:ltJintlon jlO b1 th!t board. , \ ~ .

t«!t41 reY~nue of U24,1Jp7.~0. · -:. · t}le tnrm to11n; !lCt, the wnr-A gajn of. il6i! etud~nt,, · Iii n!ral, - - $orpprntlo~;~ ·fW.t, ll!lCtttm 71»

IIClloola or Eaay coun~y. liliw. Mp~l~g, . World wn~ Ji.dJWiliftt.compen-w~ TiJi!lrte!l· b;v.· o. E~· ~JI!!PCPTA t:o~l!: ~AtJP6 1!9t, ·IJ~d tile lfct ~r ;Jl¢.cem~er-tf auperl~teD!Ient, · · · .' :U, lll2Q, ~httlns to thl! ~IIUJI.Wrtelt·

Jolm c. 111.111, who. 'd~Ye~J'h9 JMt of coverJJnumt }rj\Mpor~q~pn re-l!tago· ~o"'c'b between · l>enVer · ll.nd and with ·sucb other• lli!ltters: SIUlta .Be..,ll.i!Jox.Q. t)lli! lro!l b-or!lo came Telatln.IJ to· the- T-~~.asury depnrtment bi. iUed at Aubt;lqueraue 1U tbe age 11/3 ll~ dlrecte!l ~Y Jll~ ,sec~etary ot' of 9f. · . ,. .. · • Jha trensury. , •:; · ·

The new bufldlng for tbe New . ====:;::::··-::;::====;;::::· ;;· ;::;:=:::-.;lc;o Edu~tloruJ,l AllBOCII\tlon, .. a, 5U.,OQlO"I . •

The ra~m bll1· aa rewritten .bY the serujte n•tlculture com1111ttee IJ bnsed rm the soil erosion prevention SJ:heme, Home Uemocrnts joloW With man1 ne­publlcnnB In opposing the menwr.o, one or them being Senator Waleh ot :&las· &achuaetls. In n statement Issued to tbe pruoa be declare!) It WIIS a "dan· geroilll" bill confe-rrinG "nutocrutlc and blanket nulhorlty" on tbe eecretnry of ngrll!ulture. Ho snld the mensu~e wna "nPlthi!r vnmr In low nor valid Ju economics."

New fork collecte!l _ If!:! iffDIJJ{ly "ivhnt ailed. got bnek U62,868.!1M or liD per cent us, nod on the prescl)t

_ w!uH 1t aen.t ro tho Unltll!J Sthtn . trip• be- already ury. , . llnJslled .up the con·.

I•ennsylvanla nnd Ohio dJd somewhat · tract. When t1 mqn, lllf better. l'ennsylvnnla collected $244,•' - matter· how _grent be

WfA proJect. wlll be. placed. 09: .Marq ·N·. '0 ....... :_ -_· ·.u· _· -·r .. ··s E--y· .·s .. · . lltreet, 111 Snnt11. Fe, northeast or. thq City ~~au. 1

The Rocky Mountllln Electflcal A•· ' ~ ~ . ~octntlou ot Wyoming, CoJo~?o 1111'!_

Chnlrmnn Dought6n of the bouse wnys and . menns committee Bald ~o 1•xpected definite word from the Wlltte llouuo or treasury soon on Ute nmoqnt nnd kfnd of taxes thnt might be lm· posed to llnnnco tho now farm pro­gram.

Speukor Byrns l!llld be' could seo no reason why rho lax menauro should not emerge trow tho committee b.f tho end of February.

llo and Doughton Instated they bad no ndvnn~e Information on wbat tJ1o admlniBtrotlon ml,~tht propo.se, Afuny congreumen who oro uaunll1 well lD· formed aald they looked tpr a recom· mendnUon tor levies to rolso more lhan fl\00,000,000, per~npJ tbrqugb, ex-ciao taxe1. • .

Liberty League Hlu at Share-Wealth Schemes-'

AMERICAN LIDEJtTY LEAOUEI hill laaucd n dot'Ument concerning

plnm t.or abnrlns: t!JO nntlonol wenlth, coiling them "not ooly lmproetlcnl bot utterly lmpoaalbla." llcmlndlng tbat wr.Aitb Ia not mona7, but land, build· lnrr•. lndmlry, rallwa711, rnw matc­rlala. mnnufoctured aoodll and mclnlt, tho leu~:uo BDid tbq moat tenalblo method of dhlctlna It cquoll)' omon~rnll

• tho pcoplo would bo for tho corcrn• ment to luuo aecurltlca agnlnat all proportJ', and tbrn to mko over Ita mann~:cment.

Actual dlt<llllnn ot wcnllh· mlldit "~:lvo o ciiJ' apartment dweller an uoweJ. como Pill or abucp," tho 1l:ltomont addod, whllo t!Jo former ml,~tht ret!1llvo on cquollf uawrh:O!Il!l Jllcett ot lltb.an propc1rty. DIYitlon CliO WOC]d llt!llro.J wealth, tho ICIIlZUO brl!llcd, botauao npnralo uolll ot _lnt.omo-produclllg wealth "would han co flllua." .

ll.'\5,721 nnd""Tecelved Ill relief; tuod•, wn'it In tho p a-8 t. tt13,11il.a:l2 nr..Sl per eent. Oh!o col• rea!!h~i · thtt p o Ill~

New Mexico wm have Ill &JlDU&l­rn~eUni In santa Fe about tho mld.dl#l

lected $JG4.o70,273 and received $107,. · where ·lie mlatnkf.l.ll 7~,053 or 00 per oent. . rudeness to bls bosts

ot September. TI!Q atthrJley gonerW'• ortlcl! nile4

that 1ntl)rest recelvcjd from bQiid. <If tbe Homo Ormera' ~n- CorporaUpll Irs JJO~ tAxable under tllo New ;Mexico

Nouth Dalwtn received $27,005,Q43 iot · pr()(Jt or hfs own and co11e<'ted only $1,640,705; Jn . lrvJo Cob~· ln1111nnc:y, l,nstead ot words, South Dakota r:ot baclc from• ·, just bad mnnA(1J'!I-tlla United Stntl!s government ne __ DI.rJy·i well, to mo one 'nt W$ ,ll}o~t dlstressto~: JQcomo tax act. · • . . eighteen times the nmount paid In sights. on this earth Is that ot ~an c~· ternnl revenue. 'flnct crnter still trying to bo tho t!nm·

Oov. B. B. Moour ba!l.~pPi,JI!,l(ed Hj~J. Gen. ;Akjxnnder M. Tlltblll;u.ad.f\ltant generAl ()f tho Arh:onafNaUonal Guard to au~:ccqd Drlj;. Gen. pt~car ll. T~mpl•,

North Dnkotn got npproxlmntcly .Jog volenno It once Wa_B! tor ench $1.76 pnld In 1nxe1, recelvlnc • • • • $21Ml87,B27 and co!lectlng only $1,148,• 'IVho (fled rccenU1· _ . .

011IJ' for W!l•teraera Oscar Lfnbei"g!-aiSIBtant tioJtmuter ~1. Ml•alulppl received $18,74M17 · ID

relict tund11 or nearly seven and one­halt tlmea the nmoon.t C911CC~ed In ln·

W HAT, I 1111k you, Is th.c use nr ot Lu Vegne, .N. M., bas annQll.llced being a cooalatont old llnv llu- tJ:mt thoro bad been a 10 pet cent Jrl: _

publican back Elwt. with floe b!l.llklnt: creil.sc In tho outgol~g a(nnoU · 1ln.ca connccUona, when an you're permitted tbo ~orvlc:o wa11 lna\l~c4. a 7ear ternol rorenou to do, as the other fellows start draw· ago, lng their hamill tor this year'11 bfg Sponaons ot CLIIIa. Gra.IIdo'o Dnst an·

Senator Borah :Fo~ally sum.,, Ill to !UillJ wf\b tho dlacnrda1 uual Cowbcl;v Dny11 celebration ,report Enters Nomination Race Why, lots or n11 c:iln remember,wben 11uc:ccn11 with tho nret ohow. Tho:v roo

W ILLlAll E. 80RA11, tho liberal It wun't regnrcled llll fn tal to tho Pru. ported on attcndnnco of more Uum Jlepubllenn senator trom ld11bo, ldenUal prospect ()f ll brlgl1t member li,COD, 11nd proceeds· .ot mora than·

II now 4 tun ncdr:ed c:nndldato tor the ot tho G. 0. I•. rounfler eet It bo hap- 'S,IiOD. · , . nopubll~an PreJidentlal nomination. Jll!lllld to I'Cllldo ()oo.(ho \Vall Stroot aldo Tho No\v Mexico Bt11t.o Oil Coll.!ler-

Uo formally put him- or Uto Alll"ohcor ruountalntJ. lD tnc:t, Yotfou Commlealoncvlll bold au lmpo"' aolt In tho runnlDi b1 qullo tbe corftrnry. tut hearing oa .vcbruaey 2ri wboa announcluz t b a t be. .No\'V lt .Bt!1liD.II 1J•ero'11 a rulo tbat onl7 11111ttera ~X~rtatnlng to tbo Monument. would cn.sr tho prJ• WC!Itcrners may look JonBfniiiY toward Cooper !l.lld MaiJillllllr-Om)'burs tlolda IQDJ7 In OJtiD which tl1o Whlto Iloulle without belns nc· will bo dlscuGllcd. will be held lf03' 12. cu11~ ot trylns to peep In tho dc.>ck bo. Tho Burcnu or lntcmal novcnuo rc-Thnt atctc rcqulrea fore tbo di!IIL ported 110 lncrct~co ot J10,2C5 during t h d t tho cMdl44to • • • 1035 Ia doc:umcnl!ley at!l.lllp ID.xno col· a!JQII cfcclnro hlmiiQlf So.C.Iled "Saaar Soutb" ,. lcetcd JD t!lo Roc)cy ~lOtJntlllo atotoo. lt1 wri'Uog, and th~ J F TilE .pootSe pl(!nl.!t!m wbo fll'llt TltO lncrcnllo wM over_ tho 1034 coli Mr. Bomb rmld he chrUtcncd thll lower cro1111 GC1!Uoo tccUorus In No\.'/" !fox leo. • · would do. , of our country Cbo Sunny South cnrao !foSor Cnrl E. Dyrcl, formerly nl;ll·

Tho 11onntor'a atato- bltbc\' ot Chi.IJ llt'Wl.On or U1o )'CAr, '1 tloned nt Fort Dllao, '1\oXIlll. bllo bo-Stnator Dor.ah mrnt tollo'l'l'l: thlnk I know ubnt actuated 'thom. .. como commrmc1cr or tbo Tucun dlvl·

"Attcr o thorouab aorve7 ot tho Ohio hey cntJ~ Dlxlo U1o Bonn)' South alou ot tho cc:c. Jlo oue«c:d11 llollllca elluotJon I am convinCed that tho Ptfloo tor tho IIOUIO ttru:soo that nnturallam J. l'llulllil. uho ts rcturnlnt to rciU111r plo ot that atoto ahoui(J bo glroo an bnvo Dtu:lllld a t!1lttoln 17VO ot Atrlcnn crm)' lttwlco at. Fort DIIJio. opportunity to oxprcn their cholco lr1 b7cn!l cho, ltllliJ!Ins: bi€!®-not bcalnft-n JUeh3rd swnn~ D.:iaUab"llTOf~WJor tho PthldcnUnl primary, Oil May 12. tho ""~uro Jjlagha CD otteD,zt bo- at tho UnJTCTI!IlY of .Arl:Oil!l, bllo an­Under tim ao-ca.UOd 'fa vorl to aon' Plan eauao ho taur;hl 10 nJcJom thllt. oot· noun~ tb11t Zltll fJI'llt I!ovcl, .,Dark 1hll privilege Ia denied them. 'tlmlly attract. all~Uon. - 1ltodoo~m,,. wltb a TUcll<m aatUnr, will

"l'o obtato an <apiU.Ilon ot ~u!&r .Utor C<nltemplaUmi 1011' lli or bo publlthttl tbla faiL Somml!ra ta tho wtu tt ta mt lntcnUon to Plnro at Jtut Jc&~lli lldtll for 4 •trA~Mbt t~ dn,y., •uthor ol U1'Qtl.l WJ~tctn. atoJIU. CJI&ht eandldtltea or dclrpU. at .~.,t.>l~ tltllnnlq~fl. 'lf'On4ett whf~r U.o 'T John J. :Emmc~1 a p~mmt:nt tl&·

Mlcl)Jpa Party Chltf tn tbo ttl4. sun b111 rcUN!d .rro:n flualuw pgrma· tlro to ttcK.ltlloy ceti!lty, fi. ll .. bnnk· Convicted of Fraud "l ahaJI mall:o a number ot IPf«ho. nl!otl.v. l'tbha!lly a!nlut z:Q:t July I'll tog circles tor \M pul twonty.two

EIMER n. O'IIA.RA, DrunoaaUe In Ohio and Pfe~Qnt tho luuct u l wtlh bo IJad. ycii.Nl, J'C.IIJped tho pn:al~oney of tho at a to chairman ot Mlthlran and ate them.., • •. - • • • Fine Stato Dank at o.IIup and wm

former ~lork ot Wa7no countt, whtcb • ' Valu!IS. AtlYiu CD&fllto Jn llrc:atca and. wool tnalDcu. Include. Detroit; Stato Senator A. J. Mrt. Huo7 Long Takes TODAi" J n1n toto ID1 old and m~ro llugb L. HAfi"Qll, PJ'Cllldco& ot tho

Wllkowakl and · 10 Htuband'• Senate Su't trlcn4. n~~ae~t lnckety. llo arm Wlellll4 I..&nd na.ntr. cwntrJoc:~ Uat. otbm ot Jt.uu prom. .,. p LOl't..,.. 111 ct to tho c:ow bu.clncu ~bnm:11 Will .Dog• tAnn wco 1D Now l!lU.Ico tcta.Uc4 loenco wtre contldcd Mn:-a ~:.:~~tor ~ ~ana. 0,. w110 vll::lnetiJ t.tOOJ lt. Otberwl.&e, 111,828.08 In Jlllt:&.r7 aod UH.Z3L11 In Detroit of ·bati.Dg took bill' te!lt to tho ae.nate to comp!eU thl!tt'IIJOutbw~mtllt'ly mngea might bnro tor tho dJ»trict. Do wtf tllo J)<ttC'Cilt• attempted to atw tho nue7•1 un.llollhed ttmn, becomlor the vrottucoo oce rmiro corn·fl!d phtltn~o- ego gntn fOf', 1llllG •u ::~5 ovllt' lllllt ln."U Cllectlon. Etgbt .utoo4 WO!IlAD momlK!r C1f tfle uppor plw:o.!J~rlat wUb • nntlonal ~ fln' tlta dt.IIU1ct. · ~etoodnnta -fn the ro' hoUH. After olo<:c!n mootba lho wlU taUon. DofortollUont ll\ fhll arth'o cruat 1n count cnac. wblcb bad bo lll~c4 tJy Allen AUetkltt, IPtU• During tho dq>~on. ~u trl6!1 .~at:ctla YSU bo atuc11cd bt ~tdrc:d WI I•-& b«!o oo tttal for er or tbo LoulllllDA houao ()f fCPNJCD~· to borrow a &tl!lbUr r.un from B gt!li- atm. atata btt~ or mlDea. gctl2oglat Ol!llrl)' 12 Wll1lla, wen at1vc., who wu cc!lll!lllttd tor the na• UC!miW with a m!ll~l'ld N!Sitltatlon at tho Uruventt)' of Arl:oms. who ba atQUruca. 'l'wG • ofller uru tenn. ,· for trugaUt7. 1t wu a forlorn bOlK\ bcon a;;;iOIDl.td a member of tho Nt· dl)fendatlla pin)tJOUilJ Lo mJdAtA _., !1 . fu t8 axor I(Qted Dowtt. t!ml!rgltlg ffC!:) tJQ1"110f JWI()UTCQ CoUDdJ'I emnmllt.H b.d . onJ•~'""A -~~.... . lln. D~ ..... a ..... an 1!0 ll&¥t ... ~ ~·

., ... u~.. • .... ..., lltd tho IJJtt!flltcmo. '119 cUdn•t let mo ""'o ot ~ltht en taehtowea. -llmtl' 8. thu1 briD&Int to :W : nny mo~, bot en IJMiloa ho gnve co ~~~=~~l!lcorU;:~~e~rn~0Artno,a bIg b O'Hara ... 0 num"·r tadng len. "'n m7 mind I baf'll a hllSJ' Idea

1 "' t1a

"' "" about Ulo thlnp I unnt to do, but I tttO ot' c:lulrgo £Omo ~u~!P~I ad'l ce. ~u~ tenco tor th._elr .lllrt to tllo 'roto t:econnt im cot ret rgally_ 1o annoru:eo illetn. n:cumett,. 1n1 IICn, he IUJd. ootllf teed .Atbooa. Stalo Tc&tbe:n Collg:go an. conaplroC')', 1 want to tnko m1 seat 1n tho aeru\l.e ;-otlt atbclc d17 foddl!l' lo wtnd,y 'n'rntb- r:t:ttn~d tho nnnua1 cloh:lto tlr'Jtn&o

For o·norn. tho Tel'l11c:t camo u L .. l'U """' lot Q', t cUd Ul!lt In Marth or 1631 eod tms t:eeu ClllltQll_ c:1. Setlgrnan tho -ulmt-tlon or a ;.h·'tt ot calllml· lind at~t rlgut to wor-.- D"""" a " ~ uw -n of luck." ono &bock bJt!W tlW03' on ~

tU~~c~a~l~o,.:,.olb~r:~leJ~ti;~~~cn~r~ll1l:r:i,~J..;.a~l}tf.;.;::==:,~~:':==-:;.:;~-::,·- -1--~·----~~~~~---~-~-~ VandenbM"O" Douotll Value Loa."• Hullla• .E.daret .ct SUW~ Jat::llll B. XOl'li)' ad,llln>lll to W111t:11, round hie ltlllt7 --.,. LAltS CUJUtLE:S, LA.-1 m~ ttl ru:m~tt:d U:o Ar::Ou ~cnrlt( 'Will or brlbe17 In a dntiDDIOO ti'IIC13ctloo lD of 'Florida Canal dl~ for tlllY r;:nn•11 r:;~ory, be he!d ffi!~et:lbe2' 8, nn!S 111U'tled tllat rot~DN-tlon wttb n;:tl ttlato dellla ho s~on VANDEl-t"DEllG ot MidiS. btlt tor m~ CllfOn<J of 13 t?b::t ~ l:et:!lnaUt:l p~ and tclftftms fC%' bad !Illli!o beforo ltW Wblltl to GOo pn has grayo ilollbla of tht ~ wiD! $0~ t!:e V1lr."Sj1 that Willi t?rit• names t:J. CfuJ !!late tlcktJt tntllt t.9 tered politic. Dod WQI et~tte4 Wayno flo:::l!e '&E«Ultf or Vl11ao. .t W@. allf_n teru:tboot llitlttilil;:: Rnvilr eight ~tv.. ro~ Mtl~ l!a•t!--(orly £7• t:.GHJON­county t'ler~c. ITo awatr.."1liCllll!lVLtctenll:ce~-~~·1ellUirn~Jltth~ at f.l ootng- aug aCWD m:ltml ~ au eJ;lltapb; "WbUe -bo ttved. flo tbU1 tililet;- dan"prtor 1o U:3t date. uodl!r that c:dnvleUon. Atlllf • mtt c~e!'llll Ill tho ~ny; com. 11.,~ In dov~;r. but'Ubl!ll he died, ~lle Th:a Afll!()tUI SUIUI 'tax ~1m bo wa• remond from omte. o:wco commiUto a ~uuoo tor lDva- tUM nU over." lovfw agamst :u t::lld:arutai Cl~lccs

lo tho I"N""untCilceO'Unrnwi\Jtloond t!Jntlon t17 a ajlOO!\J commlUee. tn t wo~ll..hav" .:1fd tbnt Bee; u:~g"i!?f tn-..Jatml\17' fOJ<n--tGUJ-of fl;lllO. ~.fa­s;ullty on fhrw cou_nta, permltUng ilnpprirt ct hfa move- 1m' pru;Juwi 1ct• rnaclltce._ btJr:g ~~alb' a oce-m::to t.o1al 1'\rVetJt~o of $101.9!15.4!7, Elt:lrltuaua .ot!ten to alter bllllota, conJplring to ten trom clGt'tlll C:COPatliU operaU.C, t·bm~o~eb~lnc.. twllld alert fllUlog to Pl~ ltQttora patd ~O,COC-MJ-;,tobicetl3, $ZI1 ... pormiHitbem W Cltl!f b:lll(!ta, and c:oo- atqmahl~ b$lcz thet _woo.td t::Gt tlM' l' - .~tlfei' they burlM bltn. Dot If L."6.24: ~ $1tll!!Ml, I::Qe:, $:).­lJlltlng 16 permit othen to conduct the canal even .U nb tollt were cll&l'g'fd. """t- ..,..A0..,.. ond 11 ......,.edol and. tight !ia5.,.._"_ (); ~osclltft:S. $3.214.50: and at:mt• tho 1'\'C:OUnt Ia liD unlawful ril!l.tmU lltl4 ...._ · •""' tb ""'""'"'*0 "f e"-n!o" ,~ """"' ,,... ~"-'~

.o.uC!Y uaor..,.. • """""'"' "' ..,., ,. wi'U!lg; 1t lonctloll!l, Peopto hero ·1n~~~. $tlZt.~. _ cbnngo tho rault ot the .N~n~r. tnc canal 1>Uor. added to Qle rbt of still ~ili!te til 1l!l vo1ides, aUU tle"" 'tho tfnlvenltY of ArWma exlenafon 1034.- elccUon. • - · damago to ahlpa ;would crtaet aavtnr f)ettl:lt& llf& OJ'gitntzat1oii, t'JR endorse ~rvfoo added t(lrrczpondeneo rounea

In navt.'catJon coat& • · Ills cleSf<mtt. lt~t dictators .atp tt.o In. Ule h!Jt.o-ey of edoc!atlon tn . tbo RlcJd Polley AnrioUliced ., .....

on FHA Mortgages . , the eana1. wbtch. I~ c:ompleUd. wUI It~ t. ()no who trom tho tomb looms eolatiles, the Jllal)aDI(lo.AttlerJWJ teo HOUSEUOLDERSdetaliifllit ODIOT•OOO. coatOOO.betwcea ~40,000,000 and $.200.- almost U taU o pubUes, anct brO coutllell 1o Ulo prlo-

ercmeDt·JibAI'IUltetd • renol'atlon wnJkCld tn tho. fl~h. - - , clptu ot _ . aod de~ate and mOrtg11(11 notta h lio • P •uch a ~i~~~~~

1!~t,~;!!~ tusruea-~----t ~ lo~.!!· . . . administration thln are . c ~ - - fi-0 'tlitJ oWt6 ct (1c:JY, Cltdo 'l'irllle:V bU qll&J\la b)' tb_e Treaauey dtPatbli_eli_t. A·~:nt n fl&m tb . u Ia inllCUiletd that ddplto ~tel' months, ste!"att li!!DOnald, FlU admhilatti• Yl' TUEiW. rnuet _..,.. auo- .~ • - • tratt.lo Jn New Meitco tal!old•

,,, I L Buro~ OteU lldtltn pro~ to "' ..... -. tat loz; BllJ'I w~ .hal been & pnttal 10 .. h lfl nt.dlntU. 'th&- .IOtetnD:Iebt S. Tit.fre- 1J1 Jt&adlei> . int bp ~'temarbol)' 'fi'eu. . ., ue 8 .e.

0. · tJit" ln C.ll.lJ!llrat~ c!_l'ett .. patch ot

·ANY mother knowa · tho re:110n when her clilld atopa r>layb:Jr. eats.

JltUe, fa h!Ud to mllJlllse. Co!ilf!jxillf!!:.. B"ut' wbat. a pity. ao few know. """' acnsll)Jo way to Jet ~lllp rislltl

Tho otdfua.ry lnxatlv~ of e\ten crdinary .uenUQJ. znust. bC.card'u!Jy rqulatid us to da,!Jie.

A liquid J~tlvo b the. ana.wu, znothm. Tho ~er tq1 QJJ }'O!.lr worries over coust_!P.aUon; A I~ · Cllll be mtasuraJ. Tho d~ c:aa 1M) exneUy lUlled to IUIY a_it! or UWI. Just reduce tho dD!o c:lth-11~ unW the bowels are znovlng of thelr own. QCCOrd and need no bdp. ·~ This «f.re:ltment wW aucceed with any chUd 'tmd w/Jh anu aduU. ·

The dottoro ute liquid JnxaUves. !Wpltllls utC tho ~d form. If It Is b~t. lor their uu1 It Is bet lor homo uee. Tho llqula Jwtlvo lllo.5t romille!! utc b Dr. CAidwtll'a Smp P«;1:in. Any ·clruisbt hu lt. •

• tii'Mtii:l'".where thl_n ... _· _ .. ''Wben a- tilt mod• ... ~ .. .... · BUreau -on. ~itlttit1 ~1. ptobabb _ Pltnstor •• ot atie.- ·It ~,tan ell. ·- ~~~~~~=H~~~! a tbt ~ilal.OlJ. alld ot' kDOW th~ lint oli1J tlJO . _ In

"'!ll~· 'Wllll--ltt:l : .. _them uauromti:" 1ln~~r.--llOtt-farm -..· IOU . . ' ~" . l · to parllimelit ilUtl the oiMr ~ ilJio oetr1ca. latin. ·

aa<t tt· 1a ~ald 'wlU 1ol:lk for- 'the · . JtoDywddd 6f Uit · hfa ~s.tah-_-~· JQ&'. t.lf!): t>i!s•q·~



Page 3: i -- -~ ..archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · for """' aub)I


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.... •




''\.. • • ' . • ' •• .- • • • • ' .. ' • '. • "·- I •• '"I • • . - • • ' . • ' ~' ' • . ' . . .... • . . ' , .•..• - •• •' ·' ·• . • P, ;s; • •-•K. Ll ~~ 11\(,M )41< J,C ,,..i(Ojj_F.i•JI,¢ti!¢',fiR ,CJil •11,1 )IOhj I, l EL t so' o, o 1,4411 o ~ 1 ·" :; oo :;_s ,it,},. II

··~ -· sc :· . . ...... ,d ..... p.'""' '*.- '9-·~-'i~:-~:"'*1~ ... c":·:.. . : 1\,.~ t:-t;· ~~ -~ i \. .. • • . . ,.- -' -., . ..

' . '

. " - · .. . enes .~JD ... ·• ·erson$ ui 'klt(. ~ent,g,.,~_· ·. · •. :'tJ.*Cblilm.9.ll;. J~!)n.~y' .~~s~~i:. ~i~nar·~ew,.,

.' . : '' s·ense 81.John ~lake .·. ~ Natu~nal ·Mo~~~~~~~ ~~. ~~t~r~>-.,. J3&11 s:y~~dll?of,tt,-..WNtl'l!ervlce. . . •. · • · ~-

• · D).IIY • bo Qeog 111 -vnrlous stnl:'es or _._ -· . . lll'Q!Iir n;e;11U'1ilglny.int~~~~ti-n-g- 'Huge .Sto:Q6-Statues--W~os 'C:OIIqlllltlnn; Ill' -snmtt C:Rlll!!l !My' nre ..

-- 7

~·· f)


' .. '

-- •

plnnet; Jendlng n Jlto Ulnt Jf! filled ,ffib Origin Ba!.Cles Arche· completely cnrved but hnvo not been woudeTII. .. ·] • · Ar L · cut llWJ»' from their bnSO$. Enrly Wha~ nre you go- 0 QglSts . e ure. vtsltors to tho lslnn~ found stop& I.

lndiffdrenc~ . lng to do .nbout lt? · tools stre1vo nbout th~ nunrry n11 Ju~t . ·move nlong No longer will exn\orora.nnd curio though · worltmcu stopped sur,lllenly

wlt~ the crowd-set your ld~.us 0t·ure hunters hnve tbe freedom of Errstl'r nnd niwer returned to cqmplete their '!tom tlut screen, nnd be contented It lslnnd, lonely lnntlspot In tbc Pn· work. Why, no one kn<>.ws. Script· r _ you !!an_ spend 1111 occuslonnl Snturdny clOc ocenri- moro-thn:n two thousayttl coxcred \V()Oden 'pnnel§ lul\'e been or Suudiay 011 a golf coUrse. miles olf the Clt)leim coast,. The fouuct but they huvo fulled to yield

Do yoti o\:er tooltllr~ulld--llt the trees Clllltmn. go\"'ernment reccmt1y de- the secret ot the lslnnd'll pnst. The and the. skle~ ... ,:il.ld think u!Jout how clnrl'd the lslqnd 11- nntlonnl morlll; 2:10 lnhnbltnnts, clusterc>d In n Vll". they ••worlt?... ment In order to protcct.lts fRI)IOUS lngo o,n •'tho west~>rn al•lt• of tho »

Do you ever, when yo\1 find 80010 stntues. ' lshUHI. bD\·.e llai.'IP 1·rrslons of l~nsten pz·oblem that you understand, hunt up 11 "Eustor Island Ia the ensternmost Island's hllltory but these nrc ottl'Jl !lhl

.book by somebody who does understand hnllltnt M tho r•olynfislan race," says fnntnstlc l!\ be crc>dlhll'. The nntli'PS it and read It through~ a bulletin rrnm th11· Nntlounl Ot•n- know cnttle rtllslng, their only In·

. • • • gmphlc so~lety, "yet It Is In no othl.'r clustry, but tbe hnhlts or their for-

Nnturnlly yon ·woulcl llko to gl't along-to succeed In- whutcJI'er you nr.-. doln;:. · ' How can you o~c::t to do tbnt If you don't 'set the COU\'OIUtlOlJH In thnt br:~ln or soura at worlt, und llet'JI It ut work till It lfres out'l

How cnu. you eXI•\~t--t.,...ltQ.W. n job vory long, lt tho ·otie'url~;hr ISIIIII In tlw duy 111 •JUittlua: tlme? ,

rt'11 uU right to go to the 11lcture 11hnws, Lf )'ou don't ;:o too- oftc>n,

l'lqy lbr lillY kind ls :.:ood ror )'on. It )'OU tlun'r rrmkv to too ruuch oC u h:aiJit.

• • •

WilY compnrnblo to otfwr lsltii'uls ot IJenrs ls unknnwn tn thom. •

the South sens m:cepl, that It Is ,,r I'Oll•nnll' url~ln,

Dotfed 'i{lth Inactive Volcanoes. "Ftrty squnre mllcs In nren, It hau1

no I!Jsh rc•rt•.,ts unci no pnlm·frlni:NI cunstJI, It Is ll.bcrnlly dolled with \'oll'nnnes thnt ton~: 111:0 RIO(I!II'll .. tlo.urln~: rnoltun ln,·n ol'l'r tlw1r rlrus. • 'l'lw hm .. r JIOrtlon or till' Is lund Is


Don't • •

Guess But . . .

KnoW .·--·-

1.-Tbo Erll). ltnlt ot 11 now ,clnss ot 2',00Q.ton gunllontap nontctl nt tho Brooklyn nnvy ynrc.l. 2-Grou11 '()f o . .A. n VOBt c:ommllnlh!ru receh·cd by l're.sldcnt noouovelt wlum tiler \Vere In \¥n111tllll:top_ to make urrnogerncnll! Cor tJ1o nntlonul

'encnmJimeut In September. :l-.Motlcl ot tho mllllpn tlollnr rDC(uorlni' shnft thnt wlli l!o crt>cted 011 tho l:lno Jnetuto bnt tloflcld nenr Uouoton, To:rno. for tllo 'Tc:rns C~ntcnulnl cc(Cbrutlon; It wlll be MO rcct hlsh. ·

U~mt•lllllc>r that In tltelll' tlnys tbc>ro nre· fur morCJ trnlnl'll Pll'll nnd wonwn rlt'IU thoro eH•r hD\'e> bt•en bt>fnro. nnd r hut It you don't kCl'l• on tho niL•rl 1 ht•y will hc.o;tt you '" tillllll' or thl' lntJIOtllllll

· l'tllllJttlsc>ll ur llhc>c>ts or lnm, which nnw nro"lll ttrnrN~>I of tllshH••~:rntlun. WnlklnJ: •O\'Cr thlllll' tu~1·or nrNJD Is t>xtrl'rn!il)' tiresome, 1111ll In plncl'll nl· most lrupnsslllle; nnd rhllnJ: IK n WI'J' slotv 11roel•dnr••. Thl~ JIUrfm•eu of till' ru•mntnln shiP& nnd lllllil nrt• jl'ellllrnlly smnnth 61111'1! lht>)' nrt• rurrnc>cl or lint• l'nh-llnll• nuh, Both tllll lnwlundll nntl hlgbluntls nru cov· •

Whether the ."Pain'! Remedy You Use

is SAFE?


Bn_.sincss Smell_cd Bad, So He Took Up Toys

JW!t a tow yenru n~;o Clyde U. llh•l· ton ot Do&e, Tt!Xflll. lteutled o tt:J.IlOO.· ()()() cntcrprlne and \Yil.ll l:nown no the .. World'a Dermttdu Oaloo lOng." Tho


". )

4k>P~Ipn ~ml'. bnnk .fmJQWJ \T~ed:t'd tho ClllloclQJ ctrudure ot b~lnf:.ruz. and todAy ho fg .tl&ftUoa bht wny bnek to «<nomtc tndi!J)eodcneo CUI l'l oolecmnn ot to1a In o 11toro In Pall!ldcnn. Olllf.

• En~peror of Japan at Army


... ., .•. -- '


' .

IIIDcl'll lu l•fo, · K~1• ur work. 1\~·L'l' nlt•rt. Uou'r IJ••

arruld !hut you ''Ill 11~1·u u rut•atul brr.;t!1dowu wllc~~Jt you ,-nu 111•••o•J mort•

'111111'· In 111!1)'111;: nrotwtl tbun you do on tlat• job. . '

Talw caro uf your diet, and tlllh••:M )'OU IIU ,.,, UUIIIIJllilll!: Cl•fll.llltl the Ill.! I h•r \\'II !1 ) uu ro•1 "Ill ho In no du n;:cr or llrt•ctlilrl~ down.

• • • lmt at•artn~:ty, ut•l tilt•nl.) or •'"''I'·

rt~Jot lutellts;t•rnt,-· \l'riUl•n btlulla, 1111!

Otoro lhrlll :, ru•t <1•11t of 1111'111 nuu•la, IIC'I'JI lnfurrnt'tl on lhl• nclh'IIINI orouncl you by rl'nclln;: llw lit•W•Itttt•erll rr;;ulur­ly, Clllcl Jolt will nnt be buuou.•tl. ~lth thp fcoar ut roCiurt• . •

1Jn11'1 P\'t•r Jlalnll ubout rauure. Thlnll n!Jout ~~hl'rt1 ron u·anz to 110. dutl how

I'Tl'•l with J;rliiiJI,

"Tht> tslnnd l:"t lfa nnruo rrnrn tht• rnrt thnt tho 1lr111 hno\\'n.,whlh• nmn.

·a llUil'h nni'IS:nlt>r, lnntle•l thoro on l~n,..tl'r olny In ~~~.

"ll.)')ru: ufT tlw nsu.ul ohiJlpln~t ruuh•11 · or tlw Suur h l'nrlfle. l~itMIPr. llllo111l : hun UIJI't•r hvo•n a ruurlat "''llll•r. ,\ I rt•W 61111(1\\'fl1<'lll'd nll>n hll\'1.' fonntl It

• •

Don't:-Entrust Your Own or Your Family's

Well- Being to Unknown' P.repnrations'

t n hnp•n nntl u t'hll••ctu ¢llDIIJ;my hnM ' Tim penon lo ru~k \\hcthl'r the tctlt•d It ror <'(!tilt• rnhdm: Tmtlt•ra; prepnrnlzon you or your rnmil) hottt•h II : hut ltn rltlc•r I UN• lh•n In ' nrll lallins ror the rehcr or he:ularltc Jru 'rttntm•a, hUI%1' Nlnntt IJlnntlllll'hlll jt lA SAIIJ! to 1100 rl'f!Uiurly 111 you· whono orh:ln bnn bnfTI11tl nrl'ho•e•ln. fnmlly doclor. 1\nk him purticula~: ;:tnt11 unci blulurlnno aiD«> tblt lslnnd'n about Genuine U/\ Y m-t 1\SPIIUt~. dlnt'olwy. tro will tell you that brfct~ the

r.lony StAtuco Remain Unnntohod. . di:rovrrp o! Uaycr Anpinn zrto!ll "pain' rcmedlcll \\'ere advlsoo

"In "111Hf lll'h!J, Ill qunrrlcn, nntl i agailllll by phyoidanb a.s bad for lbo nlou;: tht• rtl~tll of !Ito cen, tbeJw r:ro· I ntomncb and, ollch, lor lito hrarl ll•tquo llitn~l'!l uro to bu funneL Sultw

1 Whlrb is food tor · U10ugbl it yot · aton.J n11 lhl'Y ll'l:'fll plnc11d liy tbr• na ..;. c:cek ctuicll, #qft rdicl'.

• ,. • • !h'm1: no oru• kno\\11 wbun. Olht>ru : Srlt>nlinb mto Unyer l\!lplrin .Alw _ • , hnT" fniiPn nil thrlr ,!lhlc'll nr 11arlj'llJ. ~ mnoDA ~ fadul mtllwd• -vrl diD-

to llOI th,.rl',

but! \7 -':Jil, don t •~ J:::aloue ~t 1Uim1'l whllo 'utlll ollu•ro now oro fnl-'4' dli\TR• , cr.vrrtd fur Ute rt'hd of lacudarbo 1 '' cc ~:ot-. l'Plllr J• nrn "' 11"' .Jull ward ot 1.ntrlt'4L W~tlln !tc>y ctllf(lr tn • and thll pain~ c/1 rb(lllmollnrQ, ncu-

DI(':mt I~> "o. ' 'l 1 I . A I I .. " , 1 nlte, lltl'.)' nr" nlml In llhnl11', rt'l>- n 1!1 nm nrura fltn. 111 I ll' np~rt· ConccntraJ(I ptl Yt>flf rtQMu to llf'IIIIIR I rl'!WIIIIns: llalf·IPII!:Ih htnnnn 01%\lrt"ll. ; cnec of tnllhoM or ll!:t'N lm~ JlfU\'Cd

t.htre ro:md/. cncJ 1/ ,ou u-ork hard I with ltrmt!A ml't•tlnu In frunt ur lhl' I ll ~t ~or trc avcmi!c p!!rr~n l# u~ ~noullh thl! chlltln:J or• that you udl or· lnadh'll. Ull«• lttl')' ndnrnmt nlune tnmhll ~~~ ~i,IJ.n your oa•n II ac re-o ril'll' thlltfl!, "' d{\('\•ilnt•cl llllandc>rll, but nntr tt te" I y n t G 1 D • • · r • • OU Cll · (1G tt'IIU DIJ a~r

AIJ ftllg In not linl~g to htt c::tl!J'. 1 or lilt> tnrnmt rornnlu. ThPrc nrt• 1 Aspirin alnny druontono _ nimply Uut notllln~ thnt11 wnrth 11 rnp lu ntolurp rrum lhrf'l• In mnrc1 Ucnn I l.y o~kinn for It !,ly H~ fJlll mune

tblg llf" rn roq, or t!1'1.'r u-111 bP. rli1rty0 fl'{ll Dll%11 lmr moil! ~or lllt!llt nrt• . U.\ YHR:.ASPIRIN. Make ll ~·

• • • • 12 to 2IJ rwt ln. IPIIllth. Nom~,> 1\'c>IS::h' point to do tbl!l . ..-.and ~to lbaL.you eblldrrn ll':lrTI by- ar~ltllllt QUI'lltlonA. Ill" II)' lOIII. Vllillom Wl>niiPr bow : Od 'tl'hol you \'.'llfit,

8t1 du ~rown·tllJ!I, ror lhllt IUOUl'r • thl'JII.' hl':tV)' pl111l11'9 l'l'llfP trnnnpn!'1Pd l Wllt'D f'ltlll'l'll or In thl'lr- flO!lt1lomf' anmollml'll ClliiPn! B~ yer. Aspirin

. Hungry motbPra nru ruo rnnn quarrlrll. Mounted oo bla fovotlto dlartrer; "':iblrnynkl," the ttmfl(lror of Jn(lOn, Ulro- Mindo 111:11), (tr too tanoront ·rn one ,quarry. ot-orc• or 1m.1ge•

hlto, n-ltb prtnca- ot U10 lilood nod mllltnry lrodem of hl9 empire. n!Tlettl)d tM to rt'fllt wlllln~:Jy 10,000 troopa atnttoned In lbll J'nl)ilneco ctipltnl on tho· Yoroal pnrndo g..ouodg. nl'ltl · -lntl'lflgently 1~ · the eun111ont

• ijOI.'rll"ll their oiTllilrlnWJ put to Un;ow. -• •

tbl'y lll!t'd >~Jot bt• aurvrllll'il and nn· noy(td lr lltl' dtJldreo do not dcvl'lllp any more rapidly thiUl lht>y tJn, Museum7-to Show President's Sailfish ·---~

Or Dh•la• To borrnw 111 butnan-to 11111

111 Ollloundlna. ,


• • • If your child ub you qutstlam

whose cnswel'll you do not lmow, lllllko It a point to enlighten yattrull lint,

.~..~- the yatmpter nherward. Uo nut 4:lJ tel blm rosually: "tou •

t;-oaldn"l uotlef'#tond that U I roi(J you .,:armer Cit• new hll'l>tl bom.J)-

rou 'll't> lno yOliD!;.. '1 Wlitti'{''A lila! blUto I told .JOU to lokl' fler opoon lbe I!UIIJI't't. ond Whl'D rou out anti hD\"P oh'!"? . • .,

'tml;\T UiQ!ililffl!5Ji morP iilivii Ji; ·rulf --~~ .Jlttlltf-llt<J. ~~ :mm f H--¥~~ In tbe kid and g-1.-e tllm II little llj.!l'lrue· . tlwu;;:hl ,--ou a:Jlll llhOI. r .-e

•' • . '-


' i•" ,.. ~~ ;-tf.

;~.~ ... .:-.. ·~.:"' :.-.\. .... -~ _)'"-;;;~. . ' --


' . "' "


- '

"" ···- ·-·. ---·· ..

lion. )J('{'n .lmr.Jin' bttr.:-IIOlllon (-;n•nlllli: ~l've:- tenr lhnt lle tron't pn1 11111 01• "rran~tlpl.

ll'nllrm to lt. -----,--11~ fl:IJI attt>nfloo to 1'1'M')'tllllll1 Ill'

~ea. nntl, If It b samet!!&ng 111n1 be Ill lnteresrM In, l'li! Wtit ·cOlt~ to you fur Inform'! lion.

• • • It Is tor mnl't' Important to you lbnn

It 19 to tfte n:l'Tl til' tfm wumrn wtu ba1'e .roar tblld'a otCTJPaUun to dl red, to k('tlp_, his c:urloslty cto:nerl. n 1111 see tlr.ll It Is fed.

As a ruiP. tmmiJ ehlldtl'D ore rutl· Ollll about M'er;Ullnl!- rhl'y AeE>.

Natural t."1ldrlad7 (obseftin;: attlfll'n am:1ll

nan drDtrlng plrturrnl-i oln think l.fur.Frll r-tnt'r, rttnm. ltE! must fiDte lnlmled ll from hl11 rntber-Tit·Hilll (London).

PreJanee o: lUnd "Call lhnt a l~rtu:() record? The

'IJU!II 1!1 aln~ting In Uc>rm:m. ~ "\'ell, air. The rerord frnn b('tln

trarmlntoo.•---'-Sehelspa1rn (Zurlell} •

W. L. Brown. chief taxldennlltt ot the Smltrlsonlnn Institution, mounUng a !}. toot' 8 lncb sailfish landed by President Roosevelt at Cocos lltl!Uld, otr Casta Rlt'ti, lnst October, whfcb WiU be ptnced In tl!e .NaUonnl Museum.

Dan'l reburr tlll!m wbl'n they 11~!1 you about tblt clr tftdr. O.nd the whyy ancl wllereforea or It,

l':neoumge them to come to you Wltb rhett·trueatlons.

Time for £yerytlllal' Snltor-I ttlsb to marry :your

dnug' •• • sir. Da ·Do )''bU drink, :vonng man?

.. > .

. .

.• . .



. '




. '


' .

- / ~,...

f \I , • -11'

- .. - -

V'i.o1a's Best Sweetie· Mlb \'told Sl!llth ot Wlttte Plolnl,

:4, Y.. Is. Ute verliatllo. snow queen of

Don't t4lk to them 118 It 1111-'1 wct"P lr.lblcS: t.:Xplaln . •

. . . ~·

For I!Xllllipte; every imoll dtfltJ' i• lntereate&J In n utomobUC!1. . ·

Toll them lt019 and Wh)', by a; ae-riCJl or little C*ploa1008 tbeS(f D'ldC!lllnes are made u tuJL

. ~~~!Jh~{Il:~~;;~~!~~~.~ ~~;- ~rr.o!!-d vet; small roundal1ona tot tll~lt Jdea~ a~!)l~t lli~eltnnlt!Jt. ·

. ~~f~f.~~~d·; clt11ill1!tL.Ui.teato:...therni()JY(!I. · i .exJ~~m. but .You cin. Jt you

Sultor-Tblillks a liJt, .but iet'a 'iet·~

A WAft OUT ---

• • • She---I don't spllak to 8tl'tlllgort • US;-Well, nil I want ·tiJ tiY :ot -n.,.

qlldfnteiL ''rhetl wo won't· bo etrnn• g'ets •

Eu1 to PI•••• nn

I .

1-:-------·-....,J.· ·' • . . '· ' .... ---·. l • •• -

. . '" - ,_ .. - - .'.:: . -- -. :""" •

0 ' '

. .

.. ;;~~

_,.>1 ,. . .,.

' . ' t ; · .. ... , -,. . . . ,

• . ··.


,. (

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• •

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. .

- '- . '


.. , .


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' ~ - ·' . . . ... . ~... . .

'•. ··7·~~~-~~~-~~~~-~=-~~~~·~··.·~-·=,···=··-~:-~·-·!···~·-·.·.·.-.... -.. ~.---·~·~ ~-~~-~~~~~~~~~d·~~-~~~~~~-~·~· ~~~-~-~s·~·~-~-~~~~~~~~~~·~~----,,. ·, . -·-· ' . ---~ ~ .__.,.,., "' -'; ~""-.-:;~-~ ••4"'" .... : '!'"' . --~ -- '_, .,-_+'<·- ;-. '- ', 1----::h-""71'"'" ... ~-···------·- ,, .. -- ~- ;-~ ----.... --·- ..... -. ' - .. ' ' .

'tin~ln CoUPty News ·Notte.~ .• ::·~~~..... lf~~~~i~~~=AIJ~.:·.·~···J .al . · ~~~-- · ... . .· · · ..... : __ "'!' -.~·; ~--··.':·,.~--,:~· ..• -.~-~~·,;~~: ... ~·.~. ~--~--. .,.·~-~--~-.~. ~ ...... ·:---~--~..;.;.: _._ ...... ~-··

• • ·~

i . ...... .. ·-~ ' ~·-

, ..

. -·

lubliahed Every Friday Dl!partment Of"The r wrior A. ~,.. 10~~~ at '. N~;»JI~. for . ~pbQ¢JltJop ' :Rollah d's Dtug' store 18~~~:~:-::::':H:·:t rc:~·;w!:~'i~!: General·, ~nd . ·omc: 'at .J;..·a8·1 ·:~,·~.,·ot lfeJ·t·. a':!~·~·~·. ~··-~~~-T ·.~:tn<~10m~, ~986 . . ' ' . . . .· ' . ' ' .:·.~ . . : .. ...... ad•• the.Ut otalarch 3,18'1~- Cruces, New ·Mexico January 17, 1'1!114 ,-. . ·,I;'!; .. ~,,.ill·'+·' . . ' • ' ·.· ' ' . . . . . ·. '

· . . - . . . 19.86. · ,·. ... · . . . .. · . .. •. i!S l\eteby ·g,ven . . ~ . . , v -·Thl) prQpose .. ·· wor .. · ·· · ·

••bMiriptloa, Ia adnpce, $2.00 per fl,~tr N t' . . h l.w • 4-'- t · · t tl .. t • --- o Ice JS ere";!' g~.ven .,ua ond b.tldge cons J:UC on 11n.. s · · ·

H k , N I)' deacrlb~a Ill t'oJiow.s;. who, on JDI1e'.oJB; li93l.tiJladt3"1

,u,m~~~q ,_ ,.,...... "._,_ · Elvin I. ar ey, o. AncJlo, • "·onxs jl':ROGBAlll ·t f Mrx., wbo, o!f'M'a)!'2',1:9311 made ·. r:RoJECY.r NO; W. 'P. !L s. · . . . · . · · en, ry,, . · .. · or

FRIDAY, FElt 21, 1936 homestead' entey; l¢o. 043670, for This pro]losal Is for the . S:4Sl Sec: 17, S~. .S:Ei~Wi •

- - ;In clioosiniow·ni~dicin~ w.e-·bve- ·been ~~rmul ~ · ·.to ~elect thQse compPUJideq by th~ ~eatest che~tS in.-th~ world.. Th~y b~v~ bpilt pp their, reputatjp~d;U~C3use. they are reliable. , •

• •

. '

SEJ. Se. a 8 NJ. N. J.S•L B"ction tplon; ottNWowrkaP :;~ogrs a~.,. . . . Sec, 18, NE}.(. ~SWl . ·-·· ... - -dl_l_d___ 1'1 .1' . . h1

' 6Bs' RB117?'E• 'N .... M p ,:OI.~~col:· Co~nty ~~ u."'s':"mshWI\Y . 19, .NEiNlill See. ·20, NEl ""· Era B. lhnllh, ,• E tr •• ,· owns IP ., • ., • • • . c rri d 0 T . .Ol.. 7 C! ···· ~-;...· -· .:...;· ..::;-.;.;,· ·.::;·· ;;;;;;:.;::.::;.;;.·· ;;;;.;::;;;;.;;;;:.;;;;;;~-.::;···-;;.. Meridi.an, has filed notice of in~ Route No. 54 betwe,en · a ~;ogt:~l N}V 7.f J Sec. 3 ' OWD~»d'P ,..., - . Corona. The llpproxlmate len . .If Ran e 7 E. N. M', P. MeridUm

The N c;ed For' Profits tention to make 3 ye~ Proof~ .. to M.92 mne11. · ,_ · g · ~ ' • · f · . . • , esiablish clai_m to the land above The propo:~ed work eons.,ts of. lu~s· fUeij notice · ·o · mtentlon to

. Ma~azloesi• <andy . . (l~arS. Cltartttes •

Preur~tions carefully· · tomppaoded

grading, minor dralii'age llt.ructu.-.1!, k 3 vea PrQO' f to es• .. bliph described, before Frank J. Sager, foul' multiple IPM !l!l!lCrete box cyl- m.a, e ., r , . . ""'. .

Why is America the world's u.s. Coni'missioner, at Ca~ozo, vcrta §nob over 20 ft. · · . cla1m to the land abovedeaenbed, greatest nation? Because it guar- N. Mcx. , on the 28th day of ~:~::U~~!~Ing and .. . .. . . b~fo~ .Frank.T. ~ger, tT.S. Coin .. antees to each individual the February, 1936. · . The contractor will b·e require~ w mi.BS!Oner, at Carnzozo, N:· Met.~

. -·~ -' . Rol~ai~d's·_-Drug Store


. '

I ht ,,. I , . start work within 10 do.ys trom aa.to on the 29th day~ of. Feb"''""" f~., ,

r g ...., accumu a~e. Claimaint names as witnesses: of notlftcatlon of a. ward of contract 06 ' · · • -..~ · 1--------•;_--------~------~......: • 1\mericans, in their desire to WI' II!. am E. Kelt, LUld t.o ma.lntnll\ pn" the job at !ill ,. • " '

I d h t f time a a mn:dmum · efllclent working Cl • . t · ~ •t • • L;:;:::;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;.._;;;i================== accumu ate, surpasse t e res o H -j1o, K It b .. th. f C rri force to the l!atlsfactlo. n ot tho :Engl· , . atman nam.ea as WI neases. ~.J' ..... e world 1.11· develqpt' ng the erman J!i, e • o o a za. 11u N M ne(lr .. The Engineer may at a.ny tJmo Doyle Rentfrow ~r-~.-------· _, . ...., _______ ,...;. _______ _,.~

. f m ' t b . zo, . t·~ex. ' order the contractor to pla.ce a4dl· • • . , bo h . v \.J. l"i, science o c·T~•en usme~lman:- W. R. Ferguson, tiona! men and eq~lpmerit on tho Wilham A. Yatel, t of Carri· RAINBOW TRUCK -LINES, J,nc. ~ v. gement. cy were a ~ o Hugh Cathy both of. Ancbo, N. job. zozo, N. Mex., attract money from the rest of M . ' This COJltract must be c;omplete<l ln Ester I Griffin' . • -

( . · t h ex. Dilll hUJldr.ed. oJgbtv , UB!ll weatber . • ' ' Givina_de"~"-da.ble T. hr_. · .. da_v .Jl. 'W''"'• .. k Se...,t'co

tho world, or lnvestml'n ere, Paul A. Roach working daya. Llquldllted dBmagell esse w; Withers, both of Abooe~ • -· --- # ~... .. ,.

before there \vM enough in tfie -.. Register. ~$1~~m;0~~; ~~~ i~n~~~c~~~fo:. N. Mex. out of El Paao,and Al•moaordo fAist <tatr«t Jfillll~) United States to really count. ea.ch weather working day noce..,ey ·Paul A. Roach, \ ·

The one thing that made poll- Jan. 24-Feb. -21 to complete thlll contract nttor tho Rpter. Carrizozo 'bl th · tt · t' ( th t Co el'gn ------------ t>xplrntton of the allotted time. . Lv. Arri. ,., O C B rae 10n O a r :Eo.ch bid muot bo on proposal form J 24-·Feb. 21. ' .. ·

money was profit. The profit -··- · -- '04311;1 ot tho Highway Dopa.rtmont and naturally was roinveated to •uu'"''l must bo a.ccompanled by a corttfled Notice lor P1,1bUcatloo check ln tho 11mount ot flvo thoucand more profit,· and the cycle onv«~ dollarll ($5000.00). No Cll!lbler'a the United Staten, with only 7 per . Department of 'Pte Interior chocka or pcroonal chccka will bu. ac-

. .

El Cibola -Hotel

• a.m. a.m. Mon.12:00 ·Tues. 6:00 Wed. 12:00 • Thurs. 6:00 I

Fri. 12:00 .·Sat. 6:00 •


Alamoiordo Lv. Arri. a.m.

Tuet. 8:80 • Mon. Thurs. 8:80 • Wed. Sat. 8:80· Fri.

cent of the world'o population, 68 G e l Land Offi at Las co~~~~ LUld apeelllc:atfona may ·be J>t'r cent of the telephone and · en ra ICC exa.mlned o.t the otflc:o ot the Stat.o telegraph fncilitieo, 76. per cent of sc:uceo, New Mexico, Jan. 17, 19· Highway Engineer, Sllnta Fe, or a.t Under The Management

Of ~ B. D. Garner

• For Further Information Call Phone· 51. u •.he otllce of Dl~trlct Englnoor, w. n.

the aut.omohih.>o, 44 per cent of N. OTICE I h b--~ .' th t Eeclea, RoDWell. th d

· d d ' 8 ere Y giVCD a Except In cxocutfvo, admlnlatro• o ra 1os, an 110 on an on. J h n 1 R bi f A h 1 .,. • o n ~u nn o nson, o nc o, t ve, oupervlaoey ~d highly skilled

• N M h F b 18 poaltlona, only .porocin11 cortllled for · · ex., w o, on e ruary ' llllalsnmont to work. by tho u. a. Em-

Bnuttrul, Airy RDflms J .. J. [BUSTERl BOONE, Agent

• -• •

p.m . 2:30 2:80 2:80

,Mr. Henry Hoffman went to 1931, made homestead entry, No. ploymcnt Bcrvlco ohnll bo omnioyod El Pnoc1 loot Monday to have. hia 043113, ror No Sec. 34, N~, Sec- antl prctorcnco In tho employm1lnt ct

poroon~IO cortlllcd by the u. e. Em· knee Xrayc_d. Mr. Hoffman's tio~ 36, Township 2 S., Rtlngo 11 ploymcmt aorvlco altall ~ alvon.


knc•t WWJ Injured when he was E., N. M.• P. h~cridian, bu til~ when they oro qullllflod, to those etrurk by nn automobile last notice of intention to make 8 !~:fed th~:~~~!~ r;:;!otcor:!~~l~~h:fo September. year Proof1 to establish claim to thoao llatett In tho SpccttlcaUol1ll un•

the II.Uld above de~~cribcdC before dor thq clnaalfle11Uon of aklllott labor . M C D B is U S -r~ Tho detdgnatod loeo.l . qmployment Q~ • U 0 ' • • OmW~~r rcn y to Ll c 1 C t •- 1 o.A 062630 sion" nt Corona, N. Mex. on .... " r P.

0 n oun Y ... OC4...,.. " :t a.& ncawcu, MI-a. a L. Stpvcna, Act. Notice lor PubUcatJon the 2 h day of February, l91S6. Mnn11cor. .

Clnimi.Ultllnmca as~............... Englncere eatlmnte ot cott • .

.w • • .,. ··-7~ ,.,.,.fl '" BRVE YOII

T. E. KELLEY · . Funeral Director ~d Lieenaed Embalmer

'Pbone 88 .. • .n .. ~ h-wlll . nol bo 11Ubll.ahod, Leater E. Jones, Contractor• ahould bo tamlll.a.r Carrizoso

. Archie J. Jonet, ::b~r. Now Moxloo 1Awo rolatlna to Department of 'J'he Interior

General l..and Office • • •• • • • N. Ma:.

-----------"·~-at Snntn Fe, New MexiCO' Chnrlro L. Davis; Tho mJnlmum waco Jlllld tb all

Jan 30 1930 B h' D ,_ 11 r Dklllcd mbor Clllploycd on thle con-. 048110

Work Called. For and Delivered •

- c-- ua • • •

Phone 50 • Carrizozo, N. Mex.

" .

N t I I h b l • h i ert . Inn !1Vut, a o Ancho, N • tract rilillll bo nlpoty eont.a <OOc> per 0 ('C D . ('J'C r R ven t ll Mcx. hour. ~

John W. FontRr, he1r and for the p I A Ro b 'l'ho minimum ...,ago pa.td to Ail ht>iro ot John A. I<'onter, decenned, au • R "7 • fntermcdmto labor employed on lhJ.a

No~lce ,f~r P~~ca\Jo~ I . Department of tht? lnterior ===~-===l~=~=====:;.==:t::====

of Cnplta,n, Nc•w Mex., who, on egatm:. =~t~~/ball bo alxty ccnlll <OOo~ April 6, 1031, made additional J. 24. · Feb. 21. 'l'ho minimum wQRo paid to all

General Land Office at Las· Cruces, New Mexico, February 14, 1936.

h d N OG2G30 l ~nDitlllcd mbor employed on WI&

oml'nl,•a l'ntry, o. , nr ---~---- · eontruet aho.ll bo rorty ecnlA <COo) · 8 1'.18\V '4, Sec.l; NE'i, Sec. 11: 043329 per hour. Notice is hercb~-Jriven thnt

N6NWt. Sl'rtion 12. Township· '6 • Whoro ampo aro operated by tho Lorenzo M. Casatw, ol Claunch, N tl f Pobu tl eontrnelor, or by porooru1 . affiliated ·

S., Rnnu<' 16 E., N.M .P. Mllridion, 0 ce or ca OD with UJo contractor, nD ch!!rgo ot N.Mex., who, on March 6, 1931, hns fllrd nolit'C of intention Dli~'~artm· ""'t. "'f T"'" In•"'"'O.. moro tbt1n Soventy·Ovo ConlA (75e) made. homestead entry, ,No. 048-

t" '"' v uu ~u • per do.y for hMr4 lind lodging wUI · make three year proof, to t>atnl. <! bo allowed. lAborero \7111 not bo to> 110, tor all or, Section 6, ~own· linh claim to tho land above de- General Land Office at. La 8 qulrcd to bo:u'd and lodge at eueb ship 3 S., Range 10 E., N. M. F.

. " ucribed, hPforo Frank J. Sager, ~Orucea, New Mexico, Jan.l7/l9- ea.~r·b,:~~': .~'::14 ~ e~:,;Jdod ·with Meridian, hu 6fed notice ot fn· Unitl'd Staten Commillllioner, at . ' . . a oot ot NIIW Maxteo Standard Bpeel- tention to make 3 year Pr&.Jf, to Carrizozo, New Mexico, on. tho 10 NOTICE •18 heft!bY given .that oenuon• for Road and Drldgo Con· establish claim to the land above

Jea:~c W W1tbe of Ad be N lllrueuon, $i:dtuon ot tOM. • . dny of March, 1036. • rs, 0 • • Atunlton fl dlrectod to tho Speclal descnbed, before Mary C. Dubois, . Clnimant nnmen ns witnesses: Mex., who, on March 14, 1931, Provtllloru~ . eove,riJ1!£. aubJott!PJL..; .S~ "~-=-toner at Corona mnde.ho tend ,..., N 043- IUll!Tgnln;. 'fl\o ecmtrii'et: ~J.llWI.IIal 1 · .. ·"~ J. H. Huff, May Lealie, John D. mes en ... ,. o. Speellll upeelllaUoru~ tnelndtng N. Mex., on the 27th day of

. Leo F. Sanchez, Register. · SEJt, Section 17, ToWllJhip 7 S., Feb. 14-Mnt. 13. Range 7 E., N. M. P. Meridian,

··--·-- · -~ · hno filed notiee of intention to • ' make 3 Ye&r'' Proof, to cstablilh

"1>45292 claim to tho l&nd above aeaeribed Notice for PubUcatlon before Fronk J:o-Sager, u.s. Com·

Depnrtment ol The Interior misaioner, at Carrizozo1 N. Mex.,. GeneroJ Land Offie() on the 29th day of Febf1IIJ7193G.

. at l..as Cruces, New Mexico, Claimant name. u witne•e.: ·. February 7 1036 Doylo Rentfrow; .

NotiM is hcrcby give~ ' _'Yilllatn A. Yt_te., both of Carri· ArLhur 0. Parker, or· Ancho, N. mozo, N. ¥ex., Mex., who, on February 5, 1982, Est;r I. Grif}ln,

,made homestead cnlry, No. lrvmg V. W1tbers, both of A~obe, Ot5292, Cor S~ Sec.l7, NM, Sec- N.Mex. tlon 20, 4 8., · Range 16 hut A. Roach,

• notice of intenllon to mako 8 year 24.-Feb. 21. ., • Proof, to eatnblish claim to tho •. _ _._,........ ·:...· ·''-· ......... ...., .. _. __ ··-· --land aboVo dcaeribed, · bul(!li! ~-_..,........., ___ ~----Frank J. Snger, U.S. Commission~ er. at. Carrizozo, N. MM., on tho 20Ul day o! Marcb,193G •

acltt!dutes, prgpollal tormiJ and March 1936 1 truet accom~ll!d ' ' ·

• 045601

Notlee for PubUeatJoll

- . ' •


==RADIO== Isn't Working, I ean fix it

. . If it ia._working, I can improvn it . GUARANTEED REPAIR SERUICE

Let mo install an extension spealror in ~our · home, or burglar alarm, eleetrity your phonograph,· instnU a remote control, etc. ·

· MUREL BURNETT · · .. PHONE 61 Carrizozo, New Mexico

• • -


. ..... .

Santa Ftf New Mexican -

, ' (Dally Except Sunday) • -Sub3cription rates: One vear $6.00; six

months 3.00; one" month 6Uc. - . . • •

• PATAllt'lt fit ADVANClf

• • •




• . ... . .,. Claimant nainea as wltt1rU8: ~.-.. .................. _~."!". •: -.. • • . - • . . ·-~-;. ------- ....... "1 . -

L. P. Hall, Barney~ Wilson, Arthut' Drab, all or Anehp, N.

• ' t· • ·•

-;:---- -·-. , . ·-.Cbarlti -Wade, of . Corona,. ~-" ·-- . .ldu. ... . - . -~-............... ......:..,.· ·-~--lt~~~;;.--e""'::"~~-·~:--l:oc-c.'cC~:)-...fJ..il;..;

• •

" . .. hull-. R~ch, ReaiiUl-4--. • ---- r •• t -- --------~. --•

, MarchtS ' ' . - . . -

'4;';1=:! ittiihiii:lii"l · "i ·;n,; •i _,;-- ( ial 'i!o;· a r<; : •·-,noi: ••• · · ei*

. JOliN E. HALL . . '.

. 3 .

. . &117. _..nt ... -Plttcls~lG~!f'~- .

JOHN ELttsor~a-. ' . . a.t~ttlcf .·

. . . '-'

• ' ......

' -< ~·---·"'- ............... _,.;.,_____.,_,._,,__._ ... :-..-·- ---~ • "r .... ,~-~ ~- -·- ' . '-~ ·~- --- ·= ~---..... - • · •.

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. . ,.

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C'c · I .. ' .• ·. 043t04:--()8810Q, ·. . . •. ' ' ,· •· . ' ·" . i' ' " • • . ,. l ' '

~': · ·.- · :Notice lo:r··liuflncattii''' ', ··, ' : .; '. j .. ~; '

,., '

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. .. ;Department' of The:lJlteri6r..: · • , ~ •r I I • • • ~-.. '

J~~~nenll'Land Office Jlt. L·~.·$. • ·.·~Cruces, jN. M~~, J~n.;·2~, 198(;. : ·

. . ' . ' '

~ttir E. Jones; of ;Bo:~to .Ji

, - . _, :• '.' ..

; . :PeP;~ntent of Tb.e. Interi?:r . Ip dressers, tables, chairs. ·All ej[cellel!Hypewriter ~heap. Cold ~eral La.nd Office ·at L ~ weathe~ is cop!ing, see . .ql.fr good b~atEjtS ·reason~l>ly .priced at

· Cruc~s, N. Mex., Jan.~ 14, 1986. '

: : tET ··,n·s, 'As· .SIJ.....,;. ~~--u· . ::JN, ···a·· l:'~f· N. ·a-'' ·~t··o· .. ~ '-:' . . .. -· ... "-'· .· --·- . ,. ~-.. _ .... ~~--~· , .. _ n.. _ .. ~n~t~ .. ~ . :F:Q~. '~VlLDJ~'(k, 'OR: ' R~AIRJN<l ly()tJR: ·.· . UQME.: '/.' . .·.·-.· . •' ' ,- :.---. ' ' ......... _ ' ' . ~ \ '. •, .. ·.



• • ' . . ·; .· -r ' ' '>' .. , , • ' - . . • '' .• •'"

'' ' . ' . . -·· .

' '· . ' , ·, ·(-. LOM B·ER-·~.i ·~ ~·- ~-·- :. . --- - ~

' .. .t

. ' . ..

- . ~-.. ~ "•"\~ . . - - . -: .. ,.' l• '. t- '

. ', .. ,.

· P. G. PETERS, Pl'op. . -•. ') ' . ~ -

" .

· · ~b9i.,&.Mex.1 who~· on .· F e·l ~ri!~~~~ 9, 1~31, ~ade original· an.d au~tl· ti9nal homestead entries, No. 04:B~

. 10~ and No. 0~3105, for S~ Sec, ·~9, ·tots 3, 4;, Eiswu, SEt,. S_!lc.

WindowiJ -"'Boors- Pamt ... Giau • Builder$• Hard~ w~re- Cement· Rovfing .. ~e • Thr~P,ly. Wg\1 ·

.. .Notice .is hereby tdY§n ·.-·=='·H-· Archie J. J.'ones, of Box 52, Ancho, . N;M;ex., who, ,.pn February 9, Jl !931, made o.riginal. and addition-


a,p~~mestead entri:s, ·No. 043106 ~ apd No. 048107, forE~ Sec. 31,! · Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, E ':'> W~, Section -. _....,.-:--..--~~---....,--~------...:..--1

. • " • t

' . '

. ' I r

. t


SO, Township 2 S., Range 11 }!:., Board .. Rope - Pipe • Pipe Fittinss. Bolts. , · 31, Townah1p 2 S., n.ange 11 E.,~ ~· =========:;·=========::::::::--, N. M.P. Me d' dian, bas filed I · · . 'N~ M. P. M e r i d i a n ~ has·fileq

notice of intention to· make 3 year Proof, tQ establish claim ·to the lana above des~ribed, Mary C. DuBois, U. S. C.::ommis:. aion.er, at Coron~. N. Mex., on .

· thr: 6tP. ·day Q! March, 1986. Claimant names as witness~: . -

. · ·Fair. Prices · •

Hone$t G.rades



notice· of intention to make 3 =--;:o:::::=:=, =""'""' ====··o;o=--"""""""""~. 'd;. .. --!--·""·~----. year Proof, to es~blish claim to · · in AdditiQn tOl'lnndling the land above described, .before - · FIRE INSURANCE AND SURETY':' BONDS Mary C. DuBois, U. S. CQmmfs-' sioner, at Corona, N.' Mex., on: or all kil)dS, I have been, appointed RepJ:ef!entative for the the 6th day of-March, 1936. MUTUAL LIFE INSURA~CE COMPANY ·Claimant names as witnesses~: Of'New York, which givt!S me a ~eneral Insurance Agency aet

up, whereby I can take care of your needs in any line pertainiq

J. Q. Robi~son, · M~bie Jon~s, qeorge Straley,

Lester E. Jones, . _ tQ..Insurance., Inquiries concerning your rieeda for any tl . J. Q~ Robinson, · above lines will be appreciated.

--·--. ' · ._ Youn~ man C!r young. woman to George Straley, . SEARS Il':JSURANCE AGENCY

Local and ·Personal

J. D. Smith, all ot-Aneho, N. M. · Paul A. Roach,

Mm. Mary Dozier and Mrs; ~ke an educational survey in J.D. Smith, all of A 11 c h o, N. PERRY SEARS, Manager • - - Capitan, New Me;ric• (}ladys Gardenhire aJld ebiliinm Carrizozo, N~w Mexico and vicin- Max. ... , ::...-=--··---·----.. -----,---"'!""·•--_.

Tularosa spent the night ity - work to apply on tuition. Paul A. Roach, with Mrs. c. C,arl Friday of Jut Will also pay cash bon\18. · Ex- Register.

Register. J. 31-Feb. 28.

· week. . , cellent opportunity to get a -. - • 1 040782 money-making education at low J. 81-Feb. 28·

Notice lor PobUcatlon Mrs. Edith Sammons, Write for full details at ---~· ------Department of The Interior school wacher was quite ill the one('. . Draughon's College; Lub. 1

G I La d Om t-n first of the weE'k. bock,TexaQ. - ·

enem n ce a a s .. "' N M J 24 1986 Mr. and Mrs• Harry Comrey of . vruces, . • ex., an., , . . . G T. M-r:o •

Notice is hereby given that Capitan. were businesa · •or••· .- ~nrr.)' William A. YAtes of Canizozo here last ~esday. Regiatered Engineer and

N • ' Land Surveyor

· Mex., who, on. July 29, 1931, Judge A. H. Hudspeth of Santa B 274.. Ph 185 made homestead entry, No. 040- . nd ox one

.Re-Sale Baraaina! Stoves-·· Radio!f-Diahcs

Utenaim-l''urniture-_ ... Rugs-Men's Coats, Guns

INCUBATORS Petty's Re-Sale Store

.. ... as a• • --- --------- .

THE BANK'S PLACE. IN BUSINESS WE arc hero to help business--it is our job in the busineoo world. There is always money avnilnble at ' this bank for the responsible buoiness man w h 0 u e wheels of busine85 are turning.

Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Uincoln County Aaency Cit.izens State Bank of Vnugbn

Carrizozo, :·: :-: :•: :-· New Mexieo

~:·.:.: 782, for SW!NEi, SElNWJ, No· Fe spen.t. !)aturda.y a ·Sunday 1405 New York Ave. . SEl, Lota 1 and 4 Sec. 9, 'SWl- here vl.rnttng friends. Alamoiordo . , New Mextco . SWi Sec. 10, NWiNWJ!, E~ Mr. C. A. Snow left on No. 8 -==;::, ===~=. =_==~-:-:-.~·-============-==-::':".=--=:-: ... :=-=.-:-::.-=-=-~--=-=-=· =-·=::.-=-==-··=-:-::·====::====:=-NW }.(, WlNE}i, Sec. 16, Towta· Tuesday nl~ht for PhoeniJ, Ariz~ ahtp 7 S., Range 6 E., N. M · P. ona, having received a message

Meridian hns .filed notice M in· that her lather Mr. W. tentlon ~ make 3 year Proof, to was dangcrotlnly 111 at his home etJtablinh claim to the land ab()VC there. deaerlbcd, before Frank J. Sager, Me--..srs. ~. M. Brickley, of

• • I

.. .. ;j U.S. Commissioner, at Carrizozo, Carlnbad, and John Bricklcy1 of

N.Mci., on the 6th day or Mnrcb, Luna, were vinitoro hero last Sun· •

' •

''' . ' •

' 19M. day.

Clalmnnt names as wilneooen: Mrn. Don Engliob ls Carrizozo Sam. Dilltlrd, agent for the Tucumcari Floral Mro. Maud Dillard, Co. WeopeC'iali%e In floral sprays Arthur Helm, · · and cmblemn. Your patronaie Homer Latfinm,.ntl or Osearo, -~. wiJI be greatly appreciated. Phone Mex. ' . 97J. 8-6

• Pau} A. Roach, ... Thone who attended the boskct Rcginter. ball game nt Cnpitan IMt Satur·

. J. 81. -Feb. 28. · day night wPte; ·Mrn. T. A. Spen·

• v

- C'C'r, MiM Jane Spencer, Mr. T. A. . Spl!n('er, Jr., Mrn. D. S. Elliott.

Margaret Elliott. Mrs. Wm. Nor-­m:m, Milmen Edith nnd Jane Nor. man, Evelyn Clnuneh...:and Euna Sloan. -------------------

. ·' '

. '


Da.·w. ~. ltOC!CtaltJ:. 1"~ llll••"*ntot. nn Tnl'f11 A.--rert Wcttb, Tau.

h«-tus ttct:l t'.!talt* ehcut& -!:l1l::lteau .!!I'm• m~~ ter • ,_..s, ... b!t11 trd t:te••• ~ t ... -tba~ bftaau 1fU~ ·

Leap Y.ear . Da~ce · -

Baptist Church - •

• •

·ow p£ai'BcT~o HYDRAULic saA.KBs •• . • I • '(;'> •


. ' -r ~


• •

-~ make-Che1nolet the wo~ld's gzeatest truck value • • • • •

• •


' I

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' • r ' ..

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\ {

}I •

e&lhoila · · · • . ...

- . . . . ' _, • • -• '

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~.u;.... ____ - •.. ' . • • • • • " ', ., .. . • ,. __ '

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·New Id~sFtom:Kriii .. CYo9b:et &e~ln1_ i' ~ .

' • ,. .•. \ ~.. ··~·· '1 ·'

' '

Qy CJIERIE;.r,«:C~Q~4§.;., 1 ·~· ,,. .. ,,.,..,

WIll·~!'. Ia lho l••trlwlo;:lrnl lniiiUIIIIt

1u "IN•tl I<J rour luallllnrt't Jllabl boW, bohH't'D GI'QliOIJI. 'l'hO JH•m·t•rul oflt•rmath or a ma•ldllulnl!, whlrllu~. awlrllnr:, dlnrlnl!: br~llr boll· tiny ruat(, U1o blhadul. tnhl·nrctllon lull bPiwl'l 1l1o llnaurlns: rnrpwoll or win· 11'1' nod lho hon<>lnn.hurrl"'l atlnnl of •J•rlns:· 'lla "nt•l>nrtunlt y knDf'kl nu ot Ibn door" or ttiiiWf 'llnlttora nnd l'ff>­

rllf'lvra l'rn. lndrrd. ~~· run limn to bt•l!lb

to tJUrl nUP, lin floP, t'bOID-Atllt'b h­nntl rboln·Dillr llu•rfl, It )'Oil \\oold bn hnYifil: In rc•ndlnr.u 0 rollN'llon or ''"'"" ~>'(l;lrabka lo conbnnm.lho rori!J romlna •1•rtosr And IUmlllH w art\ro!w It you n~ 1uxtdln; tn:Jib Jd['QII to Ubllt your rulhuahtnm. tho lllualrnllnn nf· rrra IU•nttll or lllP Yr>tJ DIIWI'III In JIJo

· ff!alrn of lhlnu• knlllt'd nn•l rrltl'hl!tl'd. II a•mnlna blouw I Wr Ollfl'<> uottb

JOU. What with till bla!J rollrd mllnr . wbll'b t!lui-1tJJ uni!Pr U10 chin uollta UD·

mtataknblo rhlr, Ita unrquo rolu•. lla coYcol l!!b rrnnt, nod Ita erocllot:rord• f'<lllt'd "MMIirt all'f'Yt'll lho l'1'1't<'O'Ic1Pd "IIDml'lhlna •llffrrcont .. ID arblc•f:'d wllh empboaiJL 11 h lmllh"d ot n nry 1111· ohio llnlllltlll and <'l'OfbPt MII'!Jl u-hldl romn In brAYf'DIJ rolor:a. '\'a (li!Jld• Ina the> Qtlc:>rJ on lbo lip or roor ton~~:u") tho nn~ml'r Ia In lllo alllmuUwt>, It woehc>a to J)(lffN'tlnn.

Jual what you11 00 wanllna-n trtnNI Jol~<~l In an llfll('(lfully n!AI'lld­lna dD1YD tho front nf ynur dnt1l OOJ· limo dfPIIJI(>II. Tbco one> f•lrturad Ill 1':101 lo mnliP, rnu tn <>t'ar and o allldDnn:o llh;:hl In Dfll"«latho I!J«'ll. It Abnuld t;o lillllli11T MortllNI to i!ltc! It tUJ tlllre.

' • t

.~"'< Mo*~e-' : · . .

**'*By VlltGIN~ VALE **"!I! j

Gn{qE.J~;ROGE~~ !s a ~rt'~ . . b~ PIU~d. JJlqqgn .. yp.~ .

not . think so wll<~n )'QU

" those gay, glamorous pictur~s P;~;~ 11!10 makes wlt)l tho nimble-tooted F .A11tnlrc. But It's becoUBil. pf tl)oll'q aqmo pictures tllut Ginger bd.nl gJ:lev· nnci?,

nat and Qloven7 'J'o bo 11uro, and . aren't thoJ ntrtr? A moro matter of n tow leiAuro hlltr boum, n boll or GO

lcnll·<'ml'bot colton In Ulo color you IIIIo bt•et, nlmb1o nns:qra nod n ""Ill to dnrr, and tb11llO eh4r11llns ti!Xt'l!lloriCll \Till bo JOUr rG\1'QnJ.

Tho lllllo eloco.tllUDJ; bot IIJl'lOkn

J)'or It's ns a result or all that dane:· lng that Glngcr:s teet hurt. She haJJ

to .. vrnetlce the varl­uus new-routines tor diU'S at 11 stretch, aod the!) dQ them over ani) over agnln for tho pll:­ture.

Y o u'd thln!I thnt .. ' would wakli' ller reel that, wL\en her wor.k \VIlli done, she'd bad enough dancing. But not nt all-when she arrived lb New York

Olngcr RogQre recently tqr 11 vacn• Lion ubo llDDounecd

that she WIIB going to 1100 a lot ot new playa-and do a lot or dnncln~; I Ao tor her pqrtncr, Fred Alltalre, be'a so hnppy thcoo dnytJ becnuoo oC tbe nrrl· vnl or hlu bmnll new ison Uu:1t · be tlooan't" know \Vhctlacr- be'11 on Ills bend or blu beelll.


Kay Frarlcla haa ~ lot of fun whpn cho deurta Hollrwoodf oho 11 ono of tho few ·actrei.MI who docan't look nctrnsy. whiiil' aho'l not worklnol •• 11 roeult of th11t fact, taw people roe. ogniZD har and &he can go to thoatore ond night clubo without bolng mobbed by admlrore. tlho dotan't depend on dark gla&Dtt; either, •

. -it llcro'o ~:ooll non>rs for nil of WL F.d

Wynn and 'Jock l'earl oro to be heard on lbo nlr wavco again, ami ll'n qullo likely that ,n. 11. llolto will aloo re­turn oo a ,'Bnturd111 c:ovenlng vroa:mm­on•J an a rcaull of Jbo man)' lcllcns that have poured In nuklos: f<1r bhn. Sd'; rou e«>, tbo ll.'ttons that yiJU 'l'lrllo your mdlo rnvoriU!ll n!ally do bavo oomo err eel.

.,Joquenlly In trttlll of tbo notNIOo . -·-"ogutub popcorn 111ltrb. T11o tnll pllllk It rou hnYo 1111t nod ouftncl1 lllrounll Is olonu linen ot amartnllt flllllloon lllnro umo of tho aborta that aupplem!!ntro tho nowe!il mlltlnl!f'7 aa~turo tronlh to fc.:lturo plctura~o nod dcddftl lllnt )'Oa 'Cl'J'tnroo -hoto:ht 'l'llo bcoutr -nt tbo- ~h1 lhln!r w btrttct- ~noD -.1'otlrttM, knll-croehot colton uolllda Ia o~red tor hr;>ro•o your cb!Ul(Cp ~otaur l'lllmn, a lla m!llltna !11, tbnt bolnJ:r 111ronll cod IU7t1 oraMlmttoo, \TOU1d tiko to bnv., Orm It auutdl a bat th11t oUI otny Ia tbo public aubmlt ldena tor 11bort oubo olmpt'. '11'111 not bo hot ancl et'r~tlrby jl.!cto-nnll thoTII a;lro aonr an auto. ant1, bruat of nil. It will eomo from o roobllo CM:b 4tty Cor Ulo OO!It hltm proo tnbblps looking oa uodd aa noo. It 11 !'"'"""!.. " on I'Strt!moly )'OUbli nnll C!llli:llilflll C:rt'll• --tc=- · • tlon. Ertor 'Flynn, wbo bct"~ttno Camtroll

TIJo la"T alort'JI crotlultftl or mu• owerntgbt ct o rat!U ot hfA looha and «'rlal'd ronon uuec«'-d In "ronnln,; tho bto ot:Uil!r to "Cap­aauntlct"' baU'oay ccd moro up to tho taJo IJWM,.. t. cno (!lbtn7. Which menr.o )'ou boro to h~ of tho te>:~ mOt~o ctllra on k~tna: em C'rotb(ltlnu. for qnlto w!w hnro roaU1 writ· Mtr.tl limo In order to atrtvo at Juat 11:1 0 book-wrltlon It tllo r1abt point. 1111 lllmt:.!!lt; I ml'an. A

A blgbly lntet'UIIDS: blt of flll'ITI In ioml P"JbUllhM' hlul ne· ~ord to lhlo;;.a crocbal"d (t)llleo f'r()m «vleld 11. Whltb l't!­f'trtbt. Wo ft!fC!r to thv faodtot l!Uto- r.rtndll~utan lrto<-omeml abnwl·llfJUt. wbJcll hll1~ th~ oonount~.~Umbl -or p«~JUot lntplmtloo t.a a; QDnlct ant! of .tho Mrol thnl Jean eo10TfuJ DJJ (tltl ""· Tbi'M ntQ 1}1'0W• llarto\1 VIlli t::ltd tO bl:J Ina trondl!rl'ully PIIP'Jior and plc:tur- m1tlotr. clfer co lona -tf!~DO at tiorn at l't'JWtll tbtn otntcr. tlg(l, end o1 tbo rt1- £rrol Flynn Wllb ""' t~hnt~l.amrt tbero't n bot. porto tbat It C1!1'or ollhllr 11 Dtm\T ~ptlllcl! erowo~ with Cllmo to an1thlog bM'.ncJ:<t abn bnd a mnleblll!:l ctc~bllt or I!!Ce o lltnnll ~tt!t qoaml wltb thl:! pen:on t?to tt~ly or turb:~n. trtuJ mlUag It tbr ha. Ellal Lnt:iU

• bAll t7riUc:n c:eve:nl muvetll thnf btttll ~ ll'JbU~d. ct ~: tbey"ro goud ~~tlgb aa thllt IIllo ~tl OIIMI:!~::J tto

-- ~;,!!~~~~NT -- -~l . .J-~~G~~O~~W~N~S!]F~O~~R~. 'rRA~141VE~=-:-:L-.fJJ~a:tntt7'nt. -o~~~o '\C: tll Ill J.!l. ... I · atn~ btZe!ly C!lC l~::g lli"o flot Ito l)!ny

'- •• -. • -'

Sill; ~ lo obltt>. lo P!IM"lg. or to I:&IY l!llllU nro rn;a ror lco::llec::~, ~klalla cr for \Tt'llr at ~~bl ate~ o!T11 on O'tllsat a t.aa!llan ttlat ~~On!te­ly mnJJ m emt~~t& mmer Tn ar!lllo llceo,. whtto ~tult tC!lU.ar (& WtY a:::Att ac:f dit!'~t~e). tr £a -.blto auroP, (f;" lUndeil 11b9wn fo t!io pooto ~ 11 plnco ln ~VQty trove!~• w1u·d· rotw. It Ill crtr.lt:"'-'11; grn~tpt on ll::o toot, fltl tmiuUflllf1 tc" a'ho:'lfif !lll 1'9' l:lltdPd u a "tltU1" In mt~ a!!~

J'or moot; alltodlp, t~bero tr:o r.rnta dn?ltll ot blactr or whllo el'llrt<la Is rot• met, nmt tor tho mote tonll::ll ~tso otc:tUIIoca, a smart aboa ltot1! bru ro­llted tbo "c:'l)l'tl!lf:ll,. kid l:lndn~·ln utll· cnteJ1 Oowerod dman.

' Slerte!el' Effect Achfe•ed

tnlll C!}t a sro~ acd o~ ~<::e'o goU:;r Co o::~ke m::::o o::>m t!~ Ia Eng• bt:!l

Mtq Piekfotd Juat ea1l't ttop wetk• ln~ AI II predaein~ pleturat waren't ti'IOtlgh, &be'l going to btO.:!:aat again -thl• Uma rtetri tt~• prOlt~cn teom of htr hom•. Pt~ldalr.

l~ltSUll ot lt. !lave~ J01ot Otl . 1t BP"fllS..

-1~. ' . l>opt114l' tooth~ pl«ym uaed to a€!11

Wilda Mter they. wfln\ .t:radnat~ tror:n tJ>Uilge. Nnw lb£7 go lnto tlut movl,'ll. lt they·, ttlO. N,l.,dt ~nu, ·•- ~otre Da!llc stAt. u thQ li\test ~ttult. . · ,

, • 'i1 -·-¥ ·.- I

· "'tiDDS &b- f:..ilf~ ~ .. ~:fAct.~t ...... mri. b/8hif Cf~y".ftMI-~i1411t . ~, Gfft, .. tsl" . u.. .. . . .


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. early


.PJ.'llPIU:ed hY Dr. Burt, pro­fel!s(lr 'ot QQCII\.1 etlllt:r:i 11t the .,Rnr.t·

. rord . !l'heo1oglcf!.l l!emlnnry. ·. ACcori1-fng t11- tbls cbnrt the nges . nt whlcb ·' the c)lllncc ot tnllrltnl happiness Is · tPath~a.tlenily sr~a~t. are thirty· 'three for the mo.n alitl' twenty.seven

• Now Yorll on that .Fcbruney 22. po wan 11)1)\'ln« from tho Frank lin houJI(I, at tho rorncr or therrr apll Pearl 11twctll. to tbo llt'Corub mansion on llroadii'!IY. ncar tbn newly rebuilt Trinity church. 111• diary tortho day rcwala hlrn na an nrUvc llupcrlntcnd· ont or tho dlupoanl or bill rurnlturc. On tho twt.>nty·lhlrd he tmnllfdrrcd hlo ram}ly to 1110' now nttDdt>, while uotll'r­Dwndlntt ciiiT.I.tM ltlndly atayocl away rrom tbn t day'u rcs:ulor lev eo. ,

llt':Jmvbllo 1n all 13 ntnll!ll, birthday tr.alla lind brt>n bolt!, not only by U1o clliM wltb tbc>lr lll~thrr noctnl rlrctt'a, • but oleo to bamloUJ tlmt could only

N!tua.ter o born for a ballroom and a ..._._,;;,;,.,_ ana Outo for an orcbtllltrn. Sol·

GEOJIOE WASDI'NOTON ''lM!·wm·.l dlcro l1ad parodlld. Onn11 llad boomofi occupied tho Whllo uou«>. lllll !lnd cl1urc:-b b(lllo rnnn"o 1Jnonaro aml t!%1X't1Uro monrdo11.11 Wt'J'O (em- nrmtvu nod tr"m1b:mdo trod illozonl!d

potnry, 'and c41ftcd trom Ne"' Xork to fortb the nome and orten tho lloen· l'ldiDdoltlhln ~flllo tho Whllo Uon~~:o rr.mtA of \\'nllblnzton. r.ota' llilll n drt.Ofl1i 'O~C'IJ n q-rltcr In r.o 171)1. tho Socll!IY of lbo Clncln­tbo ,NQ\'1 Yo~,l£ TlrQt!L Only lito llllmt'. rmU held lr.a llmt Wll.llblngton•n blrtb­(llpa )b!lt d~!n-"' nhl~b~ \'tllll btfl, ven~ cby 1'1!lC!braUon In 'No\1 'tort:, IIQ'IIng to tho cUr oa U10 l,totowl!c. tollcmoeld 'ramm.'lnfa c:~U~mt~lo b7 W.

nut 1(1 tho ~~ of ll10 tormntJ~o soolwlll;: to m'lrl: tbo datt1 C':lt!b y~r. y~ra 11o- \1'0J1 n~n:ombi!Wtl with \11dc:o. ThO l'rc;d!lent and t!lo roo~;M. (nn:1 ap:ctld f~UdUets at fllo llrtJl blrttltlny n1ll0 tho cllplffiJ of tho United StoU!a), nttill' lllo I®U!;!Ur•Uon. Jndt'CI1, Ulo bod meon\11lllo f(Jtll!rl't'd toiJillornrJiy IUlnlVctc:li'Y llnd ~0 hnll{'d 0,(!0 ror• to Pbllndo!:-bl!l, nut even New Yorll'll ncr, aia«J tlle lll'llt PtW!Ident \1!111 a dlltOJll)OIDtment did DOt pr«ent Tall)o

1 m11n1 tr<r.n \")'lnlf 'W'ltb tho . t!XClWIIYO nnUOtWI tc:o Oll(l betoro bo grtUJpcd orgnnlM\IOD of f\9VolaUolllll'J' offl«"!rtl tlio ~it,t ot tcm'lrnm~r. . to do honor to tho d!ly.

l1Dii!e4 toldtet'.ll bod Dilled hll:n o, pn· _., .. Ulrifle ti1tUH1l!J." tu't:i>''llf. Vllll"ey ltt.rae Al:lu. tho good t~ennu ..... not O[lo

4il Uw bitter uw. dnm By 1100, after John Jay bnd roort day t h 0 t rome kltl: from En11lllllil ll'lUI lilil

, ~~ d<r.:eiJ 11111 tort)'· llal()d tr'rot;, Tamrnnny 'W'llSJ flor«!b' n •clxlb )'~ar. F~lcm· tor rovo1oUnnn.r.v Frnnco: :reftettf)n

U'M IUJ god.: Ol!fJrgo Wllllhlogton \1'Clll Vlrglntnno .lind trod nctunlly beJng dnbb~ In 'PnbtiC', ll titoo n blrlbdn.v meatroro F.ng11sb '!'iriAtOd"llt: and thnte t~bo ccle-at . nttllmtl'lld In ~ 1 1781, llaf1ltlnd ofld brot~tl Mil b1rllldny \1tll'e l'O d 1 oc-Nw \'ork 11 0 d ~~ of ooltlg (omling Otlll!t thJcga) to.'lllle-d htm t~l:en booUickel'll, ldoloton, noytlllllUI nod bo vng Q"et~pbnntlb 'l'be ~lf1•trldo blttb­nn~ ahead .. In s;~ ... bt d:ly bO't:ill"!! of tfult r~r. thoaab even

' "' m- t~. 'll""" n-.. v-•reraus thnn nlnlnl. ot ~ to: bill '"" ·• ~.. uu """ iU'l'::llJ 110d for hls ~ iM the f1m1 IJ!:le tl:o 0~

[Of It ', /•


~· itliiltlt ...-. t.~•r • • • ' .... - (.> . ,,

t!rt thll bride. ' · H~;~.wever, tlie ~h11rt shows a rang,a

Qt ,~;reo test ch!lr;ICe of married hnppl· ·neSs corresponding tC' groom's age11 between twenty-nine rnd tblrty·seveo .. and tbe bride's ages between twenty· tlll'~ · l!,!!d thlr~ne.-: Pathfin~er Magazine.




Time for All Tblac• One wbo Joolro on tbo bright aldr

'1'/bl!ll JQU \?DDt to 1:1'11!1'0 CDIJ &ron('la 111 a nulannco; and bod bottcr tok" h!Ulllclt oil'.

The ltlaht Wa1 Ia Not Ta Bvers po ot chnnco lA a wro

thltlg, btit a man usu~11 ootl thG wroo~ way. •

; .


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• · Raialn1 tfiil Rat

lat1t 111 atlll a · ma,rk' of a gontteznan; tt abe atop' to speak with him, he wltl reliiQYe hill bnt for 'the convemtJon. .~il enrry Uln hta,band unlell!J, be­cause bf hta n~e or of Inclement !Weather, wHe tequl!stt ftlm to roplacl' lt • If wlll ~ttdln rnlae hta bat when 11hl! Tlle tact that

meQ td ·

.i!lifce we h.lvt!l ·

. . . ~--·-.---. _,.., ... · .


,. . Lovely, ~!ley rlcbnesa.t\~s ln · Mrt.JaLJ'lUcr:••c:iuon myitOdlach

cholco llCPcoc'k lllet crocliet chnL: w .. .o ba<ll coqld not cat or .Ieep. Even IInck set. tbllt Puyono -enn nmko-both JWhearth\irt. Tboflrit do~ofAdlcrlka easily Qnd IP~Jlcnslvcly-or dura bit> b«iu~tbt me rc:llef. Now I cat aal wkb, string, Th~ pcncoclt, tlmt most gut'. ~Jeep fino· and never felt better." geous or .. all birds, ·will ndd a decorn· Glvc;IM)~ •tomach and bowel• aREAl.. iJve note to your homo na well ftd ~eaniln" with Adlerika and ICC! how protect your turnlture You'll tln•J ,&Qoclyou!eel. J.uat 0~ do.so re11cvea

• ' GAS ana chronic constlpatlpn. SOld the lnrgo lllet mesh goes \'cry qulci(· bY. all druiclat• and dru!C dcpartmentl. ly. ·And you cnn Plso u~e the deslgll _. __ ....._ ____ ....., ___ _ Cor Bi:11rt ends,

• b Santa Real7 PpUern 1110 comes to you dotall~dlrelltlons · and charts tor mnklng the 11et shown; llll lllustrn· tlon of It nnd of tbe stitches needed': 1untcrlnl requlromentll.

A ~rry fellow wns never yet a reape~:tl!blo IDQo.-Chesterlleld. .

Send 10 c<!IIIQ In etnmpa or coins (coins prcre~red) to 1'ho Sewing Clr· cle, Nocdlecrntt Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., Now York, N. Y. ·

~tiD Coughing? No mattel' how num,y medlclnee

~!J11have tned tor your oouab, chelt ""'. or bronchtalliTita~ srou em

rellef now . With Oreoomls1Qh Crhten•• of Ethiopia ·· UJ 'trouble lll!lY J>tlble=

Abdut clsthty mlleu llonthwest ot :t'OU cannot a1l'orc1 to ta1to -. ClW Addle Abnbn In Elblopln tbprc Ia ll 'WI.th anytblntr less than crtoanul­trlbo of . peonJo called Orlotonll3 clon/L Which BOOS rlabt to the teat

•· of ml:' trouble to aid nature to whoue lnn~:un1.~ Is nllll'd to tho of· I!OOtho ond hcnl tho lnllamcd mom-llclnl lpngu!lgo of tho country, Am· .::anes M tho scnn·lll<1cn pbJoem hnrlc. These JICOplo nll belong to ~cd and cxpcUe<L tho Coptic church. They keep fnata t1.utdn d~~ 0\rc,el"dle= ~ nnd J1oly dnyo lnuuwornblc. llut ~bt J5 authortzcd to guwt.cc ttw · pcoplo nrc pnguno nt henrt, Otcomul!lon nnd to rotUnd ~ openly worshiping Sntnn, 11ncrlllclng =~ 11J'IU r:' not ntl511eriL~ to him In tlml'o ot ulcknellll. act orcom~~ J3h~ ::;, ~



Amazingly Fast RelieJ Now From ., Acid Indigestion"

· Ovcr.Jlndulgimce, Nausea ~~~~~~~ •and Upset~

TF you W!Uit rrolly quick rclW .I (rom 11n upact or p::Un!ul itolllllcli rondltion-<uii:lng from acidity following o\'cr-roting, ·emotdng, mixtt1m1 of foadJ or atimuhnli:l- jWit try thU: . ' Ta:ke-2 tcanpoon[ula of Phif·

Up:~' Milk of Mngnccla In a ' fq11' g~ of waU!t. OR - 2

Philllpa' Milk of Mngn~la Tnb!clll, ·the cxnct cquivnlent

. or the liquid form. m llctll nlm®t lmmrolntcly ty nlknlize tho exa;:a ndd In the 1t0mach. Ncutrnllus the ocldll that C'llUIX! headncht'll, nnutro, nnd indigt'lltion p:Un;. You fed reJtJIJ.tm Dnce.

Try lt. AND - fJ you cw n

Hia Peen?


frequent.· rnlfTerer from "4dcl stom11ch," we PhillipJ' Mlllz cJ MoenesitJ Sf) miuukJ ofln nu:ili. You'll forget)~u l:~n atonud!f

Wht<n you buy, .ccc that any . box or bottle you ncapt l.11 clc:tr­. ly lllllrkro "Genuine Phlllipo'

MUle of MngnCilla."


INDICATE "ACID flO MACH" fl:J IJllllllliQ UtutiUitU IIWll tl trUUlU IC:ttsml utm• lf:Jtl c:Jm uw dr &num &en an.ua


Foil,. Conrounda

A man ot wit would o(teo be vrry much ot o loll!! n'lthout the comp:my nt fooJa.-L.'l nnchefou~utd.

It Ill the folly or thP \7orld con­Rillnlly whlt'll conrounda lUI \?!ados. -Uolmea.

• 1iow do I feeL ..• .Roffen_! why do you -ask,?"

· ~'Becmue, - 'fOU tlrtt '"?~ 'fOUI'Iel/1"

• •

- 4. ·-- < ·---- , __ ~-

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· where. Prices .. • ~re 'Always.

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our MEATS And Where

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