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  • 8/10/2019 Intisari Abstract Tere



    Pelayanan kefarmasian merupakan kegiatan yang dituntut mengikuti basisilmu pengetahuan dan kontrol pedoman.Di Indonesia, upaya pengendalian

    penyakitkhususnyaasma belum terlaksana dengan baik,sehingga

    dalampelaksanaannyaperlu penyesuaian dengan standar pelayananberupapharmaceutical care pasien asma. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah mengetahui

    gambarandalam penerapan pharmaceutical care pasien asma di instalasi

    farmasirawatjalanrumah sakit umum di Kota Yogyakarta berdasarkan Kepmenkes RINomor 1197/MENKES/SK/X/2004 dan Kepmenkes RI Nomor

    1027/MENKES/SK/IX/2004.Hasildaripenelitianini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan

    kualitas pelayanan dan menurunkan angka kekambuhan asma.

    Jenis penelitianadalah deskriptif dengan pendekatankualitatifdenganmengambil data selamaperiodeFebruari 2014-Maret 2014. Instrumen

    penelitian adalah panduan wawancaraterstrukturmengenaipenerapanaspekpharmaceutical carekepadaapoteker. Data

    disajikansecarathematicanalysiskemudianditampilkandalambentuktabel.Hasil penelitian dari 14 responden diketahuibahwapenerapanpharmaceutical

    care pasien asma di rumahsakitbelummemenuhi standar pelayanan kefarmasian.

    Sehingga perlu adanya evaluasi dan pembinaan lebih lanjut kepada apotekermengenai standarpharmaceutical carebagi pasien asma.

    Kata Kunci:Apoteker,pharmaceutical care,danasma.

  • 8/10/2019 Intisari Abstract Tere



    Pharmaceutical care is an activity that required to be followedby science

    base and guideliness control. In Indonesia, disease monitoring especially on asthma

    hasnt been done well, so adjustment on the standard that have been established in theform of pharmaceutical care to patients with asthma is needed. Purpose of this study

    is to determine the description of the application of pharmaceutical care inoutpatient

    with asthma in hospitals pharmacy in Yogyakarta based onKepmenkes RI

    1197/Menkes/SK/X/2004 and Kepmenkes RI 1027/Menkes/SK/IX/2004. The resultsfrom this study hoped can improve the quality of existing services and reduce the

    recurrence of asthma.

    This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach using datafrom February 2014 to March 2014. The research instrument is a structured interview

    guide about implementation aspects of pharmaceutical care to pharmacist. The data

    isdisplayed by thematically analysisin a tabular form.

    These results found from 14 respondents about the application ofpharmaceutical care for patient with asthma in public hospitals isnt meet the

    standards of pharmaceutical care yet,so there are needsto conduct evaluation and

    guidance to pharmacists regarding the standard of pharmaceutical care for patientswith asthma.

    Keywords:Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical care, and asthma.