iodine, iodolipids, antioxidants, cancer & evolution

Corso di aggiornamento per MMG della AUSL di Rimini Dr. Sebastiano Venturi Pennabilli AUSL-Rimini Iodine, Iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer & Evolution Rimini, 16 Febbraio 2013 Lo IODIO Un vecchio ma valido strumento terapeutico , per oltre un secolo, nella TBC, arteriosclerosi, artropatie , linfatismo (deficit immunitari), dermatiti, cataratta , BPCO, alcune tireopatie e come estratto della tiroide nel cancro della mammella (Beatson, 1896) e nel cancro gastrico (Diesing,1911).

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Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer & Evolution.


Page 1: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Corso di aggiornamento per MMG della AUSL di Rimin i

Dr. Sebastiano VenturiPennabilli


Iodine, Iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer & Evolution

Rimini, 16 Febbraio 2013

Lo IODIOUn vecchio ma valido strumento terapeutico , per oltre un secolo, nella TBC, arteriosclerosi, artropatie, linfatismo (deficit immunitari), dermatiti, cataratta, BPCO, alcune tireopatie e come estratto della tiroide nel cancro della mammella (Beatson, 1896) e nel cancro gastrico (Diesing,1911).

Page 2: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution


14 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 2013


Secondo le ultime ricerche lo iodio avrebbe anche una importantissima attività antiossidante ma sono necessari ulteriori studi per comprendere esattamente il suo meccanismo d'azione.

Secondo queste “recenti” acquisizioni lo iodio sarebbe in grado di proteggere l'organismo dai danni dell‘ ipercolesterolemiae da molte malattie cardiovascolari :

aterosclerosi ed ipertensione .

Per i soggetti strettamente vegetariani o che non consumano pesce èconsigliata una supplementazione di 200 mcg di iodio al giorno

Page 3: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Dec. 25, 2012

More Pregnant, Nursing Women Iodine Deficient, Some Experts Say

A growing number of pregnant and nursing women in the U.S.

have iodine deficiencies ,

according to a group of experts who wrote an opinion paper p ublishedin the

Journal of the American Medical AssociationJAMA

calling for potassium iodide to be included in all prenatal vitamins.

Iodine deficiency causes low thyroid hormone levels in mothers and can lead to

brain development disorders in babies .

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JAMA ArticleReleased: 12/17/2012

Critical Need for Iodineduring Pregnancy and Nursing

Page 5: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Diet and academic performance ... a national survey of schoolchildren in 2003-04

has confirmed the re-emergence of iodine deficiency.

Professor of medicine at the University of Sydney, Cres Eastman

The Sydney Morning HeraldJanuary 9, 2013

Students may need more iodine


Page 6: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Tuesday 6 November 2012


Iodine preventbreast cancer

Page 7: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

7 agosto 2013


(ANSA) - ROMA, 7 AGO - 2013.Una ricerca del Royal Free Hospital di Londra . Secondo gli studiosi, che hanno notato come

la diminuzione iodio abbia portato a un aumento dei deficit cognitivi nei bimbi britannici ,quello che verrebbe a mancare all'organismo e' una quantita' importante di iodio, essenziale per la crescita. Una mancanza anche lieve di questo prezioso minerale in gravidanza, come dimostrano alcune precedenti

ricerche, influisce negativamente sul quoziente intellettivo dei bambini.

Infine, concludono gli studiosi del Royal Free Hospital, poco iodio potrebbe

essere responsabile anche di tumori al seno

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Page 9: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Interdisciplinary studies demonstrate that :

IodideIodide constitutesconstitutes the firstthe firstinorganicinorganic antioxidantantioxidant in a livingin a livingsystem.system.

- Venturi S, Venturi M. (1999). Iodide, thyroid and stomach carcinogenesis: evolutionary story of a primitive antioxidant ? Eur J Endocrinol;140(4):371.

- Packer, L. (2008). Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology. XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International; October 18-22, 2008. Beijing (China).

- Küpper, F.C ., Carpenter, L.J., McFiggans, G.B., et al. (2008). "Iodide accumulation provides kelp with an inorganic antioxidant impacting atmospheric chemistry". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (19): 6954–8.

Page 10: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Le prime due reviews della letteratura medica internaz ionalesu


Oggi su GOOGLE: 2.520.000 paginecitano “Venturi S” : 1.390.000

Venturi S .Is there a role for iodine in breast diseases?

Breast . 2001 Oct;10(5):379-82.

Venturi S , Donati FM, Venturi A, Venturi M, Grossi L, Guidi A.

Role of iodine in evolution and carcinogenesis of

thyroid, breast and stomach.Adv Clin Path. 2000 Jan;4(1):11-7. Review.

Page 11: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

SuSuSuSu ““““PIANETA DONNAPIANETA DONNAPIANETA DONNAPIANETA DONNA””””14 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 201314 Febbraio 2013


Secondo le ultime ricerche lo iodio avrebbe anche un'importantissima attività antiossidante ma sono necessari ulteriori studi per comprendere esattamente il suo meccanismo d'azione.

Secondo queste recenti acquisizioni lo iodio sarebbe in grado di proteggere l'organismo dai danni dell‘ ipercolesterolemiae da molte malattie cardiovascolari :

aterosclerosi ed ipertensione .

Per i soggetti strettamente vegetariani o che non consumano pesce èconsigliata una supplementazione di 200 mcg di iodio al giorno

Page 12: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

In 1883, Kocher observed that atherosclerosis, frequently appeared following thyroid extirpation and suggested that hypothyroidism may be

causally associated with atherosclerosis .

In 1930-50’s, potassium iodide has long been used empirically in patients with arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases by European physicians ,

and Turner reported the efficacy of iodine and desiccated thyroid in preventing the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits.

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L’atomo di iodio (costituito da 53 elettroni e 53 protoni + 74 neutroni) rappresenta una “cenere nucleare”. Infatti deriva da un processo di

nucleo-sintesi avvenuto più di 10 miliardi di anni fa ’ in una stella-supernova, che esplodendo lo ha disperso nel pulvis colo primordiale che,

circa 5 miliardi di anni fa’, ha formato il nostro pianeta-Terra.

Page 16: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Storia del 54° elettrone dello ioduro• Ioduro 54 elettroni • Iodio 53 elettroni

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Thermodynamic History of Life = H2O and of first Antioxidant = IODIDE and IODATE

Formula weight: 18.015

The the iodate anion, IO3−

weight ofKIO3 = 214.00097

Il radicale idrossilico •OH, ha 1 elettrone in meno

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The sea is rich in iodine, about 60 micrograms per liter, since most of the iodine was removed and washed away from the soil ac cumulated due to rains and the glacial ages.

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Lo iodio “difende” i doppi legami c=c dei PUFAs delle membranedallo OSSIGENO e li protegge dalla perossidazione lipidica, per cui si chiama "Numero di iodio“ il numero di doppi legami.

The Canadian Government has recognized the importance ofDHA omega-3:

"DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, supports the normal

development of the brain, eyes and nerves." Importante nella evoluzione dell’ Homo Sapiens:

Savana o Litorale?

Page 21: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

Recently Aceves et al. (2005) reported that the percentage of radiolabeled iodide in cellular homogenate of breast tissue is

40 % in lipid fraction ,

50 % in protein fraction

and 8 % in nuclear fraction.

Aceves also reported that in mammary gland homogenates from virgin rats, the addition of iodine significantly decreases lipoperoxidation measured by the thiobarbituric acid reaction and expressed as malondialdehyde (MDA).

Page 22: Iodine, iodolipids, Antioxidants, Cancer &  Evolution

The structural, metabolic and synergic actions of iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs ) are of crucial importance for life evolution on the earth and for the “membrane lipid language” of the cells (2) (FIG.8) .

Iodide (I-), acts in marine and terrestrial organisms as an electron-donor through peroxidase enzymes and it is the most primitive inorganic antioxidant in all iodide-concentrating cells from primitive marine algae to more recent vertebrates.

About 500 million years ago, thyroid cells (which had their origin in the primitive vertebrate foregut) migrated and they specialized in the uptake and storage of iodo-compounds in the thyroid, a new follicular organ. At the same time, ectodermic cells differentiated into neuronal cells and became the primitive nervous system and brain. (2, 3).

Both these cells types synthesize iodolipids, as a novel “words” of the chemical “lipid language” that developed among cell membranes as an adaptation to the terrestrial environment. The study of iodo-lipids might be a new study area for research on apoptosis, carcinogenesis and degenerative diseases as well as on the so-called

“littoral/waterside/(semi)aquatictheory of human evolution ” .


About 3.5 billion years ago (BYA) in the sea, primitive oxygenic and photosynthetic algae, the basis of the marine food chain, accumulated iodine and selenium as protective trace-elements of their fragile membranePUFAs against peroxidation. Fishes do not produce omega-3 fatty acids but only accumulate them by eating algae.

Antioxidant mechanism of iodides :iodide acts as a primitive electron-donor, through peroxidase.

2 I- ���� I2 + 2 e- (electrons) = - 0.54 Volt

2 I- + Peroxidase + H 2O2 + 2 Tyrosine ����

2 Iodo-Tyrosine + H 2O + 2 e-


2 e- + H2O2 + 2 H+ ( of physiological water-solution) ���� 2 H2O


2 I- + Peroxidase + H 2O2 + Tyrosine, Histidine, Lipids, Carbons ���� Iodo-Compounds + H 2O + 2 e- (antioxidants)

Iodocompounds : Iodotyrosine, Iodohistidine, Iodolipids , Iodocarbons

IODIDE is the most ancient and the most powerful natural antioxidant (4, 5).

Packer L, 2008 ; Küpper F et al., 2008 ; Venturi S, 2011

In chemistry, the amount of unsaturation(double bonds) in PUFAs is called the iodine value or iodine number.

Human Evolution: Past, Present & Future: Anthropological, Medical & Nutritional Considerations. London, 8-10th May 2013

Iodine, PUFAs and Iodolipids in Health and Diseases: an evolutionary perspective (1)

Sebastiano Venturi - Servizio di Igiene AUSL - Pennabilli (RN), Italy - Phone : 0541 928205 - E-mail: [email protected]

Iodide and T4 trigger the amphibian metamorphosis that transforms the vegetarian tadpole in an adult carnivorous frog , with better neurological, visuospatial, olfactory And cognitive abilities for hunting, as seen in other predatory animals. Similarly happens in the neotenicamphibian salamanders , which,withoutintroducing iodine, don’t transform in terrestrial adult and live and reproduce in the larval form of aquatic axotolt. In amphibians metamorphosisn environ-mental iodine and T4stimulate the spectacular apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the cells of the larval gills, tail and fins trans -forming the aquatic tadpole into a “ more advanced” terrestrial frog (6).

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

REFERENCES1- Venturi S . (2013). Iodine, PUFAs and iodolipids in health and diseases: an evolutionary perspective.

Accepted for publication in Nutrition & Health.2- Crawford, M. A. (2010). The language of lipids. In: Cunnane S, Stewart K, Eds. Human Brain Evolution,

The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources. Wiley-Blackwell, NJ, 2010, 13-28. 3- Cunnane, S. (2010). Brain-Selective Nutrients. In: Cunnane S, Stewart K, Eds. Human Brain Evolution,

The Influence of Freshwater and Marine Food Resources, Wiley-Blackwell , NJ, 2010: 33-61.4- Küpper, F.C ., Carpenter, L.J., McFiggans, G.B., et al. (2008). "Iodide accumulation provides kelp with an

inorganic antioxidant impacting atmospheric chemistry". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (19): 6954–8.

5- Packer, L. (2008). Oxidants and Antioxidants in Biology. XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International; October 18-22, 2008. Beijing (China).*

6- Venturi, S. (2011). Evolutionary Significance of Iodine. Current Chem. Biol., 5 ,3 :155-162.

Fig.3. Iodine in EvolutionOver three billion years ago in the primitive sea, blue-green algae were the first living Prokaryota to produce oxygen and halocarbons (such as CH3I) in the atmosphere, andalso PUFAs in lipid membranes. About 500 million years ago, when the primitive brain evolved in marine animals, thyroid cells originated from the primitive fore-gut in vertebrates, migrated and specialized in uptake and storage of iodocompounds in a novel follicular “thyroidal” structure, as a reservoir for iodine. 350 Mya some vertebrates evolved into amphibians and reptiles when they colonized the I-deficient land. In vertebrates, thyroid hormones became active in the metamorphosis and thermogenesis as an adaptation to the terrestrial environment. (Venturi, 2000).

Figs. 4, 5. Sequence of 123-iodide total-body scintiscans of a woman after intravenous injection of 123-iodide (half-life: 13 hours); (from left) respectively at 30 minutes, and at 6, 20 and 48 hours.

The highest and rapid concentration of radio-iodide is evident in stomach, salivary glands, peri-encephalic liquor,choroid plexus and oral mucosa. In the thyroid, the iodide-concentration is more progressive, as in a reservoir [ from 1% (after 30 minutes) to 5.8 % (after 48 hours) of the total injected dose ]. (Venturi, 2011; Ahn, 2011).

Figs. 6, 7. Distribution of 131-iodine ( half-life: 8 days) in radioautographies of the body of the ratsafter subcutaneous injection of radioiodine. High I-concentration is evident in iodo-compounds and iodo-lipidsof choroid plexus, retina, hypothalamus, gastric mucosa and epidermis, where it is detectable up to 5 daysafter injection. (Courtesy of Path Biol. 1961 and Acta Radiol Ther Physics Biology, 1964 )

Membrane chemistry

Phospholipids contain 2 fatty acids one saturated and one unsaturated (shown by the double bond) linked to a glycerol.

“membrane lipid language” (FIG.8)Arachidonic Acid Pathway

Leukotriene, Prostaglandin, Thromboxane Synthesis

DHA - iodolactone (5-iodo-4-hydroxy-7,10,13,16,19-docosapentaenoic acid, gamma-lactone ) and

AA – iodolactone (6-iodo-5-hydroxy-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic acid,


Structure of some best known iodolipid molecules

Contrary to the amphibian metamorphosis, in mammals and humans the thyroidectomy and iodine deficient hypothyroidism might be considered as a sort of metabolic and phylogenetic regression to our antecedentreptile stage.

Indeed, many symptoms of the hypothyroid humans seem to be reptile-like: dry, hairless, scaly, cold skin with a general slowdown of metabolism, digestion, heart rate, nervous reflexes, lethargy and hypothermia (6) (Fig. 2).

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Sequence of I-123 total-body scintiscans of a woman after intravenous injection of I-123 (half-life: 13 hours); (from left) respectively at 30 minutes, and at 6, 20 and 48 hours. It is evident the highest and rapid concentration of radio-iodide (in white) in gastric mucosa of the stomach, salivary glands, peri-encephalic liquor an d oral mucosa . In gastric mucosa of the stomach, 131-I (half-life: 8 days) persists in scintiscans for more than 72 hours. In the thyroid I-concentration is more progressive, as in a reservoir [from 1% (after 30 minutes) to 5.8 % (after 48 hours) of the total injected dose].(Venturi, 2000)

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Scintiscans that show (white, at left), the significant presence in peri-encephalic liquor in human brain of 123-radio-iodine at 30 minutes after intravenous injection.

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• Secondo S. Cunnane (2005)lo iodio è stato il nutriente cerebralepiù importante, assieme ai PUFA,nella evoluzione del cervello umano.

• Secondo J. Dobson (1998) la minore efficienza del NIS e l’ habitat nell’ entroterra carente di iodio avrebbero favorito ca. 35.000 anni fa’la scomparsa dell’ Uomo di Neanderthal (che ha caratteristiche osse dei cretini-iportiroidei).

• Secondo L. Cordain (2005) il rapido sviluppo della agricoltura ca. 10.000 anni fa’ e la conseguente dieta ricca di amidi e carboidrati avrebbero favorito lo sviluppo delle malattie cronico-degenerative attuali su base carenziale . Le malattie degenerative sarebbero state più rare negli uomini raccoglitori-cacciatori-pescatoriche possedevano un genoma giàadattato alla dieta carnivora e pescivora da alcuni milioni di anni.

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Assunzione giornaliera di iodio, secondo la Food and Nutrition Board, Istitutodi Medicina, U.S.A. 2001. Si noti che un apporto di iodio ottimale per la mammella di 6,0 mg è stato riportato da Kessler in Breast J. 2004, 10:328-36

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Living organisms were confined to the sea-water for more than 3 billion years.When about 500 million years ago plants and animals began to transfer from the sea to estuaries, rivers and land, environmental deficiency of antioxidant minerals (and iodine) was a challenge to the evolution of ter restrial life .

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Algae contain the highest amount of iodine (1-3 % of dry weight) and were the first living cells to produce oxygen in the atmosphere. About 80% of the Earth's oxygen is now produced by marine planktonic algae.

Brown algae accumulate iodine more than 30,000-70,000 times the concentration of this element in seawater.

Algal phytoplankton is the basis of marine food-cha in and acts as a biological accumulator of iodides, selenium (and n-3 fatty acids ).

Therefore, we suggested that algal cells required a protective antioxidant action, in which iodides, seem to have had this specific role.

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When about 500-300 Mya some living plants and animals began

to transfer from the sea to rivers and land,

in marine-fishes, plants and animals the terrestrial diet becamedeficient in many essential marine minerals, including iodine, selenium, etc.

Terrestrial plants, in replacement of marine antioxidants, optimized the production of other new endogenousantioxidants such as ascorbic acid, polyfenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, tocoferols etc., some of which became “essentialvitamins ” in the diet of terrestrial animals and humans (asvitamins C, A, E, etc .)

Chordates (the primitive vertebrates) began to usethe “new” thyroidal follicles , as reservoir of antioxidant iodine.

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In “ Evolution of Dietary Antioxidant Defences” (2007) we have recently suggested that it possible differentiate 3 chronologic stages :

1) The primitive antioxidants , which are active in seawater from more than 3.5 billion years.

2) The middle-aged antioxidants ( as ascorbic acid, and some carotenoids, flavonoids, tocoferols etc.), which are active, firstly, in estuary-waters from about 500 million years ago.

3) The more recent antioxidants ( as some pigmentedpolyfenols, carotenoids, flavonoids,etc.), which appeared, firstly, in fruits and flowers of Angiosperm Plants from about 200-50 million years ago.

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In “Evolution of Terrestrial Antioxidants” we have recently suggestedthat it possible differentiate 3 chronologic stage s.

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500 million years ago, new endogenous antioxidantsappeared in plants as ascorbic acid, polyfenols, carotenoids, flavonoids, etc.

A few of these appeared more recently, about 200-50 millionyears ago in fruits and flowers of angiosperm plants .

In the wide range of antioxidants , we hypothesise an

“evolutionary hierarchy”,

where the most ancient antioxidants might be more essentialthan the modern ones in the developing stages of animal and human organisms.

(Venturi, 2007)

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Bjelakovic G , Nikolova D , Gluud LL , Simonetti RG , Gluud C .

JAMA. 2007 Feb 28;297(8):842-57.

Mortality in randomized trials of antioxidant suppl ements for primary and secondary prevention: systematic review and meta-an alysis.

The Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, Copenhagen Trial Unit

CONTEXT: Antioxidant supplements are used for prevention of several diseases. OBJECTIVE : To assess the effect of antioxidant supplements on mortality in randomized primary and secondary prevention trials.


Treatment with beta carotene, vitamin A, and vitami n E

may increase mortality .

The potential roles of vitamin C and selenium on mo rtality need further study.

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In terrestrial ( and fresh-water) animals a new kind of diseases appeared:

mal-nutritional diseases,

as goiter, Keshan's disease,and probably cancer, atherosclerosis, etc.

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In iodine-deficient mainland, the two types of animal and plant cellshave followed two different and opposite paths :the animal cell has used the " thyroid follicle " as reservoir of iodine:

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On the contrary, plant cells eliminated iodine from its own metabolism and used "anti-iodine" substances as cyanide, thiocyanate and cyanogenic glycosides (-CN) , such as pesticides for defense against animal cells of parasites and herbivores:(Meccanismi biochimici dei vegetali terrestri , che hanno eliminato lo iodio dal loro metabolismo ed usano sostanze gozzigene ad azione “anti-iodio” come di difesa anti parassitaria (cianuri e glicosidi cianogenici) contro la CELLULA


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Evolution of iodine from non-hormonal to hormonal f unctionswas made in 3 steps:

1) Formation of the thyroidal-follicle as reservoir of iodine.

2) Utilization of the thyroxine as an iodide transpo rter.

3) The new hormonal action was made possible by the formationof T3-Receptors (proteins and genes ) in the cells of vertebrates.

Firstly, about 500 Mya, in marine chordates, the primitive T3-Rs with a metamorphosing action appeared.

Then, about 250-200 Mya , in the birds and mammalians, others more recent T3-Rs with metabolic and thermogenetic actionswere formed.

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Cultured freshwater salmons showing nutritionally induced spinal curvature (scoliosis and lordosis) by vitamin C deficiency .

If these fishes are housed in iodine-rich sea-water with algae and marine phytoplankton, symptoms of vitamin C deficiency improved , probably because of the presence of other antioxidants in sea-water.

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Cancerous Lesions in South River FishSkin cancer . These catfish from the South River have the highest skin tumorrate and second highest liver tumor rate."

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October 7, 1999

“U.S.A. Committee of the House and Senate regarding Marine Research”

encourages basic research through the study of the immune system of these marine animals and the examination of bioactive molecules from shark, skate, and ray cells and tissues that have the potential to inhibit disease processes in humans ".

In fact, iodine-deficient fresh-water fishes suffer of higherincidence of infective, parasitic, and in particula r ofneoplastic , and atherosclerotic diseases than marine fishes.

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Various tumors that developed spontaneously in freshwate r fishes .(a,b) thymic lymphoma . (c,d) Adenocarcinoma found in the right gill (e,f) Retinoblastoma in the

right eye (g,h) A germ cell tumor found in the anterior upper part of the peritoneal cavity. Arrowheads indicate tumors. Note the exophthalmos

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Iodide and T4 trigger the amphibian metamorphosis that transforms the vegetarian tadpole in an adult carnivorous frog , with better neurological, visuospatial, olfactory and cognitive abilities for hunting, as seen in other predatory animals. Similarly happens in the neotenic amphibian salamanders , which,withoutintroducing iodine, don’t transform in terrestrial adult and live and reproduce in the larval form of aquatic axotolt. In amphibians metamorphosisn environ-mental iodine and

T4stimulate the spectacular apoptosis (programmed cell death) of the cells of the larval gills, tail and fins transforming the aquatic tadpole into a “more developed ”

terrestrial frog.

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We reported that, on the contrary way to amphibian metamorphosis , in the mammals

hypothyroidism might be considered like a sort of phylogenetical and metabolical regressionto a former stage of reptilian life .

In fact, many disorders, similar to reptilian features , such as a dry, hair-less, scaly, cold skin and a general slowdown of metabolism, digestion, heart rate, nervous reflexes with lethargic cerebration, hyperuricemia, and hypothermia afflict hypothyroid humans .

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Contrary to the amphibian metamorphosis , in mammals and humans the thyroidectomy and iodine deficient hypothyroidism might be considered as a sort of

metabolic and phylogenetic regression to our antecedent reptile stage.

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World map of prevalence of iodine-deficient goitre (1920), before iodine-prophylaxis (Ip). Oblique lines show areas of iodine-deficient endemic go itre before Ip. and blue areas show chains of mountains: n shows the % of gastric cancer mortality fromall cancers (1977), and (n) shows the % of GC mortality in nations where a satisfactoryiodine intake was been reached. Some coastal regions of Japan and China have iodine-excess endemic goitre. (from WHO, 1960).

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The thyroid gland is, embryogenetically and phylogenet ically, derivedfrom primitive stomach, in fact,

Stomach and Thyroid share :

1) Iodine-concentrating ability,

2) cell polarity and apical microvilli,

3) similar organ-specific antigens and associated autoimmune diseases,

4) secretion of similar mucinous glycoproteins(thyroglobulin and mucin) and peptide hormones,

5) the digesting and reabsorbing ability and,

6) similar ability to form iodotyrosines by peroxida ses.

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Fig. 7 . A sinistra, la mappa italiana della distribuzione provinciale per mortalità da cancro gastrico (1975-1977, da Cislaghi e al.) è pressoché sovrapponibile alla mappa dei territori con gozzo a destra

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Mucosa from hamster’s stomach. Autoradiographs showed selective concentration of iodide in the cells of surface epithelium and ga stric pits of the fundus and pyloric part of the stomach (in lower part).In upper part, the correspondent section stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin.Selective iodide-concentration was not observed in the fore-stomach gastric glands ,

duodenum, jejunum, ileum or colon. (Modified, reproduced with permission from Logotheto poulos and Myant, 1956; Courtesy of J. Physiol.)

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Different national trends of gastric cancer mortali ty in relation to the beginning (arrows ) of iodine prophylaxis (Ip.) and to the percentage of the population in which Ip. is used. Japan and most of Chile and Italy never used iodized salt.

In the USA iodized salt has been used since 1920-30 and is the most iodine-concentrated (100 mg of potassium iodide per kg). Canada, Australia and New Zealand show similar trends to the USA, since they have used similar iodized salt during the same period of time. (Venturi et al. 1993)

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Gastric cancer mortality trend in Italy compared with th e trends of the nearendemic provinces of Cuneo and Aosta (M+F, crude rate s). Only Aosta had carried out iodine-prophylaxis since 1930-35, but it wasinterrupted in 1975. After some years, its trend started to reverse and inc rease.

The same happened in Guatemala after 1976. ( From Ven turi et al. 1993 ).

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Fig. 7. A sinistra, la mappa italiana della distribuzione provinciale per mortalità da cancro gastrico (1975-1977, da Cislaghi e al.) è pressoché sovrapponibile alla mappa dei territori con gozzo, a destra

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In Italy gastric cancer is more frequent in farmers than in fishermen , whose diet is richer in iodine.

Comparing the years 1980 to 1995, we found that Italians, whose gastric cancer mortality has decreased , have increased their yearly fish consumption (from 8.7 to 14.4 kg per person),

and decreased their consumptions of fruit(from 86.6 to 84.9 kg per person) and vegetables (from 111.4 to 108.2 kg per person).

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Gołkowski F, Szybiński Z, Rachtan J, Sokołowski A, Buziak-Bereza M, Trofimiuk M, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk A, Przybylik-Mazurek E, Huszno B.

Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum, Faculty of Medicine, Krakow, Poland.

Iodine prophylaxis: the protective factor against stomachcancer in iodine deficient areas.

Eur J Nutr. 2007 Aug; 46(5):251-6.

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Trend of Gastric Cancer Mortality per 100,000 in t he city of Urbino (in blue)(M+F standardized rates), compared with Italian Gastric Cancer Mortalityafter iodine- prophylaxis started in 1984.

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Goiter (thyroid hyperplasia) in fresh-water salmon

When about 400 Mya some animals began to transfer from the sea to rivers and land,terrestrial diet became deficient in many marine trace-elements (as iodine, selenium, etc.).

In terrestrial iodine-deficient fresh-waters some salm onids suffer of thyroid hypertrophy or related metabolic disorders.

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Carenza iodica congenita nell’agnello nato da pecora carente di iodio (sopra), confrontato con l’agnello normale (sotto). Si notano danni (cerchiati) di alcuni organi iodio-captanti : l’epidermide con assenza del vello , lesioni osteo-scheletriche, microcefalia con riduzione delle cellule nervose cerebrali ed inoltre importanti deficit immunitari . Questo quadro è assimilabile a quello del cretinismo endemico nell’uomo. ( Da Hetzel, modificata )

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Nutr Health. 2009;20(2):119-34. Iodine in Evolution of Salivary Glands and in Oral Health

Sebastiano Venturi and Mattia Venturi

Sequence of 123-I total-body scintiscans of a thyroidectomized woman (for thyroid cancer) after intravenous injection of 123-I; (from left) respectively at 1, 6 and 24 hours. The highest and rapid concentration of radio-iodide in oral mucosa and salivary glands and in gastric mucosa of the stomach and urinary I-excretion is evident. Upper right: I-concentration in salivary glands and oral mucosa after 1 hour. Bottom right: I-concentration in salivary glands and oral mucosa after 24 hours. ( From Venturi, 2000).

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Iodine, thymus, and immunity.

Venturi S, Venturi M. Nutrition. 2009 Sep;25(9):977-9.Distribution of I-131 (white) in the abdomen of a pregnant mouse 24h after intravenous injection. Two fetuses with a high concentration of I-131 in the thyroid gland, thymus, placenta, and gastric

mucosa [6]. The concentration is also high in the milk gland of the mother. (Reproduced with permission from Acta Radiologica.)

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Sebastiano VenturiPennabilli

La carenza iodica in Romagna

Rimini, 16 Febbraio 2013

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Fig. 7. A sinistra, la mappa italiana della distribuzione provinciale per mortalità da cancro gastrico (1975-1977, da Cislaghi e al.) è pressoché sovrapponibile alla mappa dei territori con gozzo, a destra

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Dr. Sebastiano VenturiCorrispondenza tra territori geologici della EMILIA-ROMAGNA soggetti a

maggiore dilavamento (anche dello iodio) e quindi con maggiore franosità ed aree con maggiore ENDEMIA di GOZZO da carenza iodica (in viola e arancio)

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La figura n. 4 mostra la correlazione in Romagna tra territori (USL) di montagna e di pianura affetti da gozzo endemico (in nero e grigio) comparati con la provincia costiera di Rimini, dove la mortalità per cancro gastrico (G.C.) era minore e c’era una più bassa prevalenza di gozzo (Venturi, 1985).

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Nel 1984-85 il dott. Pietro Riva,allora primario di medicina nucleare nell’ospedale di Cesena, per conto dell’Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo , svolse una vasta indagine epidemiologica, su tutti gli scolari dell’entroterra romagnolo(Forlì, Cesena e Rimini ) in cui rilevò una prevalenza di

gozzo nel 30-70% di bambini

con valori medi di ioduria di 57,5 microgrammi/litro .

In particolare nell’entroterra riminese comprendente anche il comune di Bellaria-Igea arina, su 2.396 bambini esaminati delle scuole elementari e medie

il gozzo era presente nel 49,8%

con punte di 71,4% nel comune di Saludecio .

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Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo Studio della endemia di gozzo in Romagna _ (palpabile) _

Bambini delle scuole elementari e medie (numero)Dr. Pietro RIVA (IOR- Cesena). Anni: 1984-5

Valle del SENIO (504 )- GOZZO % 32,3

Valle del RABBI (561)- GOZZO 63,3

Valle del MONTONE (486)-GOZZO 24,5

Valle del SAVIO (1119)- GOZZO 44,5

Valle del RUBICONE (927 )-GOZZO 37,4

Valle del BIDENTE (779 )- GOZZO 43,2

Bassa-ValMarecchia ( 1797) – GOZZO 44,8

Alta-ValMarecchia - GOZZO 55,0

Valle del CONCA (599 )- GOZZO 60,6

Dati in rosso del Venturi – Anni 1980-82

Valle del RUBICONE IODURIE medie (mcg/L)

Mercato Saraceno 58,11 Sarsina 55,8Ranchio 37,2S. Piero in Bagno 67,5Verghereto 56,9Alfero 63,9Longiano 101,2 Sogliano 74,9 Borghi 85,8Roncofreddo 78,7

Valle del CONCAMondaino 70,1Montegridolofo 49,8Saludecio 40,8Morciano 57,5Montefiore Conca 68,4

Alta-ValMarecchia - 47,2

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In population of Montefeltro , a mountainous andiodine-deficient in Romagna-Marche regions ofcentral Italy, in 1970’s, we have reported a

significant high rates of :

1. iodine-deficient endemic goiter2. cretinism and mental deficit3. gastric cancer mortality4. immune-deficiencies5. oral and dental pathologies 6. cardio-vascular diseases

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“I Dati della Regione Emilia-Romagna _2011 " per uso- FARMACIdisaggregati per Nucleo di Cure Primarie della AUSL di Rimini ", sembrano confermare la correlazione tra carenza iodica e talune patologie degenerative croniche ( malattie tiroidee, gastriche, cardiovascolari e neuropsichiche) delle quali,nella Alta Valmarecchia , noi, come "NCP Alta Valmarecchia", abbiamo il triste primato nella media AUSL e nella media REGIONALE:

N.C.P. “A lta Val Marecchia ” RIMINI REGIONE E-R

Pat. cardio-vascolari : A. V.M- = 331 _ AUSL= 312 _ RER= 310

Disordini gastrici : A. V.M- = 182 _ AUSL= 151 _ RER= 145

Malattie psichiatriche : A. V.M- = 93 _ AUSL= 70 _ RER= 74

Malattie della TIROIDE : A. V.M- = 71 _ AUSL= 55 _ RER= 63

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7 agosto 2012


Lo iodio è importante per combattere problemi di sviluppo cerebrale, infertilita' e cancro .

La ricerca del Royal Free Hospital di Londra afferma che

la diminuzione iodio abbia portato a un aumento dei

deficit cognitivi nei bimbi britannici,

influendo negativamente sul quoziente intellettivo dei bambini.

Infine, concludono gli studiosi del Royal Free Hospital, poco iodio

potrebbe essere responsabile anche dei tumori al seno .

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IN CONCLUSIONE,spero che quando si parlerà di IODIO non si parlerà più solo di

TIRODE, ma anche di altri non meno importanti organi!

GIOPPINO: famosa ed emblematica maschera BERGAMASCA

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