iqair, ·...

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Recently, Beijing IP Courtduring the first hearing, reject- ed the decision made by the Trade- mark Review and Adjudication Board (TRAB) under the State Administra- tion for Industry and Commerce (SA- IC), and ordered TRAB to make a new decision on the trademark related to IQ Air. Before that, IQAir once re- quested TRAB to announce the invali- dation of the IQ Air which was filed for registration by IQAir (Beijing) S&T Company in Class 11 products, but was rejected by TRAB. IQAir was established in 1963. In 2001, IQAir expanded to Asia, and then entered into Chinese market. Af- ter more than fifty yearsdevelop- ment, IQAir has become a famous brand in global purifier market. At present, IQAir has established a sub- sidiary in China to distribute the air purifier in that market. IQAir, however, had not been reg- istered as a trademark in China. In 2013, IQAir requested TRAB to an- nounce the invalidation of NO.4887041 trademark registered by IQ Air Beijing. The NO.4887041 trademark IQ Air was filed for registration in Sep- tember 2005, and it was approved in 2008, certified to be used in Class 11 air conditioning equipment products. After examination, TRAB held that the evidences provided by IQAir failed to prove the IQAirs prior us- ing in the same or similar products be- fore IQ Air filed for registration by IQAir Beijing. So the scramble for registering of IQ Air does not consti- tuted according to the Trademark Law of China. TRAB then maintained the registration of No.4887041 IQ Air trademark. The disgruntled IQAir brought the case to Beijing IP Court on May 8, 2015, and requested the Court to re- voke the decision made by TRAB. The Court held that the trademark had already been used within the Chi- nese territory and was well received by the public. The evidences provid- ed by IQAir could prove the IQAir trademark used on air purifier has be- come influential in China before IQ Air was registered. Having known the IQ Air trademark has already been used and was an influential trademark, IQAir Beijing still filed for registration of almost same trade- mark with prior trademark in similar products. Based on the above fact and reason, the Court revoked the de- cision made by TRAB and ordered TRAB to make a new decision. (by Zhu Wenming) 本报记者 祝文明 作为全球知名的净化器产品提 供商之一,瑞士艾可灵环境保护发展 和经销企业(下称艾可灵公司)刚刚 在中国经历了一起关于其名下知名 品牌“IQAir”的诉讼,并取得了初步 胜利。近日,北京知识产权法院对涉 及“IQ Air”商标的行政案件作出一 审判决,撤销中国国家工商行政管理 总局商标评审委员会(下称商标评审 委员会)针对“IQ Air”商标作出的裁 定,由商标评审委员会重新作出裁 定。此前,艾可灵公司向商标评审委 员会提出请求宣告由爱客华诚(北 京)科技有限公司(下称爱客华诚公 司)注 册 在 国 际 分 类 第 11 类 上 的 “IQ Air”商标无效,但商标评审委员 会裁定维持该商标予以注册。 据了解,“IQAir”品牌创设于 1963 年 。 2001 年,“IQAir”向亚洲市 场扩张,并进入中国。经过半个多世 纪的发展, “IQAir”品牌产品成为全球 净化器领域知名品牌。如今, “IQAir” 已经在中国成立全资子公司,专业生 产该品牌的空气净化器等产品。 然而,“IQAir”一直没有在中国 进行商标注册。直到2013年,艾可灵 公司才向商标评审委员会提出无效 宣告请求,请求宣告爱客华诚公司注 册的第4887041号“IQ Air”商标无效。 据了解,爱客华诚公司的第 4887041号“IQ Air”商标注册于2005年 9 月, 2008年核准注册,核定使用在国际 分类第 11类空气调节设备等产品上。 商标评审委员会经审查后认为, 艾可灵公司提交的证据尚不足以证 明在爱客华诚公司申请注册“IQ Air” 商标前,其已在与该商标核定使用的 商品相同或类似的商品上在先使用 并使其具有一定影响。因此,难以认 定爱客华诚公司的注册行为构成中 国商标法所指的抢注情形。据此,商 标评审委员会维持了爱客华诚公司 第4887041号“IQAir”商标注册。 艾可灵公司不服该裁定,于2015年 5月8日向北京知识产权法院提起行 政诉讼,请求法院判决撤销该裁定。 北京知识产权法院审理后认 为,在中国境内实际使用并为一定 范围的相关公众所知晓的商标,应 认定属于已经使用并有一定影响的 商标。根据艾可灵公司提供的证 据,可以证明在爱客华诚公司申请 注册“IQAir”商标之前,艾可灵公司 使 用 在 空 气 净 化 器 上 的“IQAir”商 标已经在中国境内使用并具有一定 影响。爱客华诚公司在明知该商标 他人已经使用并有一定影响的情况 下,仍在类似商品上申请注册与在 先商标几乎相同的商标,恶意明 显。基于以上事实与理由,判决撤 销商标评审委员会的裁定,并要求 其重新作出裁定。 IQAir, IQ Air trade punches over trademark in Beijing Court 一审赢得“IQAir”商标权 瑞士艾可灵驱散商标抢注“雾霾” As one of the four famous embroideries in China, Xiang Embroidery uses pure silk, hard satin, soft satin and nylon as its material, which is connected with colorful silk floss. Xiang Embroidery is a traditional handicraft and cultural brand of Hu- nan province, and it was selected the first national intangible cultural heritage list. Photo by Zhang Zihong 作为中国四大名绣之一,湘绣主要以纯丝、硬缎、软缎、尼纶等为原料,配以各色的丝绒线绣制而成。湘绣是湖南 省传统手工艺产品,也是该省的一个文化品牌。目前,湘绣已入选第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 本报记者 张子弘 摄影报道 英文翻译 Translator Liu Peng 责任编辑 Executive Editor Sun Di 实习编辑 Practice Editor Li Qian A superstar of the city of printing supplies A superstar of the city of printing supplies 打印耗材之都 打印耗材之都的一颗闪亮之星 的一颗闪亮之星 C hina is looking to draw private investors, including those from outside the country, into its aerospace program to supplement funding from the government for commercial satellite launches. The vice minister of China National Space Administration said China in- tends to be among the worlds top three aerospace powers by 2030. (China invites investors, including foreign- ers, into space effort, by Bloomberg News) 中国尝试吸引包括外国人在 内的民间投资者加入到中国航空 航天项目中来,为商业卫星发射活 动提供更多的资金。中国国家航 天 局 有 关 负 责 人 表 示 ,到 2030 年 , 中国将成为世界前三的航天强 国。 (“中国邀请包括外国人在内的 投资者加入太空计划”,彭博社) Comment Depending on the governments investment to build China into an aerospace power is far from enough. Only when the government, enter- prises, and people from all walks of life at home and abroad join their hands, make greater investment in the innovation and R & D, and get eclectic to attract talent, can Chinas goal of becoming a world power of technological innovation be achieved by 2050. 点评 航天强国的建设只依靠政府 的投资力量是不够的,需要政府、 企业、中外各界人士共同努力,下 大力气投入创新研发,不拘一格吸 纳 人 才 ,方 能 实 现 到 2050 年 建 成 世 界科技创新强国的目标。 I n recent months an unmissable fleet of fluorescent orange, canary yellow and ocean blue bicycles has hit the streets of urban China as part of a hi- tech bike- sharing boom that entrepreneurs hope will make them rich while simultaneously trans- forming the countrys traffic-clogged cities. (Bike- sharing revolution aims to put China back on two wheels, by The Guardian) 近几个月来,作为高科技不容 错过的热潮,亮橙、淡黄、海蓝色的 共享单车正在中国城市风靡。创 业者们希望这股热潮在创富的同 时,进一步减轻城市交通拥堵。 (“共享单车革命推动中国重回‘两 轮世界’”,卫报) Comment As the pioneer in Internet Plus, bike- sharing has become the new darling of investors. Innovative technologies behind this emerging industry would escort the sound development of it. 点评 作为“互联网+”时代的一大先 驱者,共享单车成为了投资人的新 宠。其背后的创新与知识产权保 护将为这一新兴的产业保驾护 航。 (李 倩) IQ IQAir Air If all the printing supplies compa- nies in Zhuhai lockout for a week, the price of global printing supplies would change significantly, said Zhang Tao, the Secretary General of Zhuhai Printing Consumable Indus- try Association. The ribbon, remanu- factured cartridge and inkjet cartridge produced in Zhuhai accounted for more than 70%, 60% and 30% respec- tively of the worlds supply. Zhuhai Print- Rite Limited is a superstar of the city of printing supplies. Many printing supplier companies in Zhuhai suffered from lawsuits relat- ed to patent infringement. Fifteen years ago, EPSON filed a lawsuit against Print-Rite in the U.S. for IP in- fringement. The case lasted for five years until reached a settlement in 2005. Since then, we realized that we can only ensure technological leader- ship and competitve advantage in a fiercely competitive market by mas- tering core technologies and develop- ing own brand. Print- Rite must lead the way in technology and innova- tion, because that is the only way for Print-Rite to increase its capability to avoid risks, said Print- Rite president He Liangmei. From then on, Print- Rite focused on R&D work and developed its own innovation and IPR development strat- egy. The company spent nearly 10% of its yearly sale revenue and trained a group of 400 engineers and dozens of lawyers, and established some high- level R&D centers and laboratories. A comprehensive IPR management sys- tem has been built. In 2010, He Liangmei and his team engineered an extraordinary turn- around. In this year, EPSONs request for invalidation of two patent rights of Print- Rite was rejected by the Patet Reexamination Board of SIPO, which paving the foundation for Print-Rite in international printing supplies indus- try. At present, Print-Rite has obtained 2,536 patents, accounting for more than one third of the whole industry and ranked the top in the global print- er consumable industry. Facts have proved that while attain- ing its own development, Print- Rite has also promoted the prosperity of the whole industry. The company is al- so inspiring the whole industry to fo- cus on IPR creation for nine consecu- tive years in a competition called Print-Rite Cup. (by Liu Peng) “如果珠海打印耗材企业全部停 工一周,全球通用耗材价格一定会发 生明显变化。”珠海市耗材行业协会 秘书长张涛曾如此描述“打印耗材之 都”珠海在全球市场上的地位。珠海 打印耗材产业供应了全球70%以上 的 色 带 、60%的 兼 容 墨 盒 、30%的 通 用 硒鼓,产业链配套完整、上下游齐全、 在全球占据主要市场份额。而珠海 天威控股有限公司(下称天威)正是 “打印耗材之都”一颗闪亮之星。 以“侵犯专利权”为名的官司,曾 让珠海不少企业深受其苦。天威董 事长贺良梅讲述了这样一个故事: “15年前,爱普生在美国以侵犯知识 产权为由起诉天威。这场专利纠纷 案耗时5年,一直到2005年才以双方 达成庭外和解而告终。此后,我们痛 定思痛,意识到只有掌握核心技术、 打造自主品牌,注重知识产权保护才 能确保企业在激烈市场竞争中的技 术优势和竞争能力,只有坚持走在技 术革新的前沿,才能增强有效抵御和 规避各种风险的能力。” 从那时起,天威下大力气展开研 发工作,进一步确定了自主创新和知 识产权发展战略,每年投入年销售收 入 的 近 10% ,培 养 了 一 支 拥 有 400 余 名工程师及几十名律师组成的团队, 建立了一批拥有国家相关资质鉴定 部门认可的实验室科研工作站等高 水平创新平台,建立健全了知识产权 管理体系。 2010 年 ,贺 良 梅 带 领 天 威 战 队 打 了一场漂亮的翻身仗。这一年,爱普 生向国家知识产权局专利复审委员 会提出天威两件专利权无效的请求 被驳回。这场胜利为天威在国际耗 材领域奠定了坚实的基础。如今,天 威 已 经 拥 有 2536 件 专 利 ,数 量 占 整 个打印耗材行业1/3以上,稳居世界 通用打印耗材行业之首。 在自身发展的同时,天威也不忘 带领全行业共同提高。天威耗材已 连续举办了九届“天威杯”打印耗材 专利大奖赛,激励全行业投身知识产 权创造,取得了良好的社会效益。 (柳 鹏)

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Page 1: IQAir, · 2017-10-23 · IQAir was established in 1963. In 2001, IQAir expanded

[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语双语 CHINA REPORTINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

社址:北京市海淀区蓟门桥西土城路6号 邮编:100088 电邮:[email protected] 编辑中心:82803936 采访中心:82803956 办公室:82803009 发行部:82034385 广告部:82034358 印刷:解放军报印刷厂


主 编:吴 辉

副 主 编:柳 鹏


January 4,2017Published on WednesdayEditor-in-Chief: Wu HuiDeputy Editor-in-Chief: Liu PengEnglish Reviser: Cui Weiguo

As one of the famous purifier pro-ducers in the world, the Switzer-land- based IQAir company,

was a witness in the company’s trade-mark lawsuit against a Beijing compa-ny in China. Recently, Beijing IPCourt,during the first hearing, reject-ed the decision made by the Trade-mark Review and Adjudication Board(TRAB) under the State Administra-tion for Industry and Commerce (SA-IC), and ordered TRAB to make anew decision on the trademark relatedto IQ Air. Before that, IQAir once re-quested TRAB to announce the invali-dation of the IQ Air which was filedfor registration by IQAir (Beijing)S&T Company in Class 11 products,but was rejected by TRAB.

IQAir was established in 1963. In

2001, IQAir expanded to Asia, andthen entered into Chinese market. Af-ter more than fifty years’develop-ment, IQAir has become a famousbrand in global purifier market. Atpresent, IQAir has established a sub-

sidiary in China to distribute the airpurifier in that market.

IQAir, however, had not been reg-istered as a trademark in China. In2013, IQAir requested TRAB to an-nounce the invalidation of

NO.4887041 trademark registered byIQ Air Beijing.

The NO.4887041 trademark IQAir was filed for registration in Sep-tember 2005, and it was approved in2008, certified to be used in Class 11air conditioning equipment products.

After examination, TRAB heldthat the evidences provided by IQAirfailed to prove the IQAir’s prior us-ing in the same or similar products be-fore IQ Air filed for registration byIQAir Beijing. So the scramble forregistering of IQ Air does not consti-tuted according to the Trademark Lawof China. TRAB then maintained theregistration of No.4887041 IQ Airtrademark.

The disgruntled IQAir brought thecase to Beijing IP Court on May 8,2015, and requested the Court to re-voke the decision made by TRAB.

The Court held that the trademarkhad already been used within the Chi-nese territory and was well receivedby the public. The evidences provid-ed by IQAir could prove the IQAirtrademark used on air purifier has be-come influential in China before IQAir was registered. Having knownthe IQ Air trademark has alreadybeen used and was an influentialtrademark, IQAir Beijing still filedfor registration of almost same trade-mark with prior trademark in similarproducts. Based on the above factand reason, the Court revoked the de-cision made by TRAB and orderedTRAB to make a new decision.

(by Zhu Wenming)

本报记者 祝文明







及“IQ Air”商标的行政案件作出一



委员会)针对“IQ Air”商标作出的裁





司)注 册 在 国 际 分 类 第 11 类 上 的

“IQ Air”商标无效,但商标评审委员


据 了 解 ,“IQAir”品 牌 创 设 于

1963 年。2001 年,“IQAir”向亚洲市







进行商标注册。直到 2013年,艾可灵



册的第 4887041号“IQ Air”商标无效。

据 了 解 ,爱 客 华 诚 公 司 的 第

4887041号“IQ Air”商标注册于2005年

9 月,2008年核准注册,核定使用在国际




明在爱客华诚公司申请注册“IQ Air”







第 4887041号“IQ Air”商标注册。


5 月 8 日向北京知识产权法院提起行


北 京 知 识 产 权 法 院 审 理 后 认




商 标 。 根 据 艾 可 灵 公 司 提 供 的 证


注册“IQ Air”商标之前,艾可灵公司

使 用 在 空 气 净 化 器 上 的“IQAir”商





先 商 标 几 乎 相 同 的 商 标 ,恶 意 明




IQAir, IQ Air trade punches over trademark in Beijing Court一审赢得“IQ Air”商标权


As one of the four famous embroideries in China, Xiang Embroidery uses pure silk, hard satin, soft satin and nylon as itsmaterial, which is connected with colorful silk floss. Xiang Embroidery is a traditional handicraft and cultural brand of Hu-nan province, and it was selected the first national intangible cultural heritage list. (Photo by Zhang Zihong)



本报记者 张子弘 摄影报道

英文翻译 柳 鹏

Translator Liu Peng

责任编辑 孙 迪

Executive Editor Sun Di

实习编辑 李 倩

Practice Editor Li Qian

A superstar of the city of printing suppliesA superstar of the city of printing supplies““打印耗材之都打印耗材之都””的一颗闪亮之星的一颗闪亮之星

China is looking to draw privateinvestors, including thosefrom outside the country, into

its aerospace program to supplementfunding from the government forcommercial satellite launches. Thevice minister of China NationalSpace Administration said China in-tends to be among the world’s topthree aerospace powers by 2030.(China invites investors, including foreign-ers, into space effort, by Bloomberg News)





天局有关负责人表示,到 2030 年,

中 国 将 成 为 世 界 前 三 的 航 天 强




Depending on the government’sinvestment to build China into anaerospace power is far from enough.Only when the government, enter-prises, and people from all walks oflife at home and abroad join theirhands, make greater investment inthe innovation and R & D, and geteclectic to attract talent, can China’sgoal of becoming a world power oftechnological innovation beachieved by 2050.






纳人才,方能实现到 2050 年建成世


In recent months an unmissablefleet of fluorescent orange, canaryyellow and ocean blue bicycles

has hit the streets of urban China aspart of a hi- tech bike- sharing boomthat entrepreneurs hope will makethem rich while simultaneously trans-forming the country’s traffic-cloggedcities. (Bike- sharing revolution aims toput China back on two wheels, by TheGuardian)





时 ,进 一 步 减 轻 城 市 交 通 拥 堵 。




As the pioneer in Internet Plus, bike-sharing has become the new darlingof investors. Innovative technologiesbehind this emerging industry wouldescort the sound development of it.





护 将 为 这 一 新 兴 的 产 业 保 驾 护

航。 (李 倩)


“If all the printing supplies compa-nies in Zhuhai lockout for aweek, the price of global printing

supplies would change significantly,”said Zhang Tao, the Secretary Generalof Zhuhai Printing Consumable Indus-try Association. The ribbon, remanu-factured cartridge and inkjet cartridgeproduced in Zhuhai accounted formore than 70%, 60% and 30% respec-tively of the world’s supply. ZhuhaiPrint- Rite Limited is a superstar ofthe city of printing supplies.

Many printing supplier companiesin Zhuhai suffered from lawsuits relat-ed to patent infringement. “Fifteenyears ago, EPSON filed a lawsuitagainst Print-Rite in the U.S. for IP in-fringement. The case lasted for fiveyears until reached a settlement in2005. Since then, we realized that wecan only ensure technological leader-ship and competitve advantage in a

fiercely competitive market by mas-tering core technologies and develop-ing own brand. Print- Rite must leadthe way in technology and innova-tion, because that is the only way forPrint-Rite to increase its capability toavoid risks,”said Print- Rite presidentHe Liangmei.

From then on, Print- Rite focusedon R&D work and developed its owninnovation and IPR development strat-egy. The company spent nearly 10%of its yearly sale revenue and traineda group of 400 engineers and dozensof lawyers, and established some high-level R&D centers and laboratories. Acomprehensive IPR management sys-tem has been built.

In 2010, He Liangmei and his teamengineered an extraordinary turn-around. In this year, EPSON’s requestfor invalidation of two patent rights ofPrint- Rite was rejected by the Patet

Reexamination Board of SIPO, whichpaving the foundation for Print-Rite ininternational printing supplies indus-try. At present, Print-Rite has obtained2,536 patents, accounting for morethan one third of the whole industryand ranked the top in the global print-er consumable industry.

Facts have proved that while attain-ing its own development, Print- Ritehas also promoted the prosperity ofthe whole industry. The company is al-so inspiring the whole industry to fo-cus on IPR creation for nine consecu-tive years in a competition calledPrint-Rite Cup. (by Liu Peng)






打印耗材产业供应了全球 70%以上









“15 年前,爱普生在美国以侵犯知识


案耗时 5 年,一直到 2005 年才以双方











入的近 10%,培养了一支拥有 400 余












威已经拥有 2536 件专利,数量占整

个打印耗材行业 1/3 以上,稳居世界







(柳 鹏)