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報告名稱:P-contact metal oxide in efficient organometal halide perovskite/fullerene hybrid solar cells





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中華民國 103 年 09 月 01 日摘要

2014 SPIE Optics+Photonics 會議於美國 San Diego 市舉辦,此項會議為光學與光電子學研究領域的一項重要年度會議。在今年的會議主要區分為 4 大領域,共由將近 70 個分項研討會所組成,會議討論的主題非常的重要深入。此次會議我主要參與的 session 為 NanoScience + Engineering: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII,Solar Energy + Technolog: Organic Photovoltaics XV,Organic Photonics + Electronics: Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XVIII,Organic Photovoltaics XV,Organic Field-Effect Transistors XIII,並於 20 日在此次會議 Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII 之 Properties and application of Novel Perovskite-based Nanomaterials II 進行口頭報告(oral presentation)團隊近期的研究工作,題目為“P-contact metal oxide in efficient organometal halide perovskite/fullerene hybrid solar cells”,此一研究主題於近期相當受到國際上太陽能電池團隊的重視,我們延續去年的工作繼續報導此項主題,我們的成果亦受到全世界研究單位高度的引用。而今年我們更是全世界首創以無機金屬氧化物(NiO)作為一電洞傳輸材料,成功的製作高效率的 perovskite-based 混成太陽能電池。此項工作相當創新新穎,開創了一項全新的研究方法,我們亦已將成果整理發表於 Adv. Mater. 26, 4107 (2014)和 Sci. Rep. 4, 4756 (2014)。在會議期間與會眾進行實質的交流研究討論,並獲得相當的熱烈的反應,推展與國際第一流研究團隊參與實際的合作計畫。

AbstractThe conference of 2014 SPIE Optics+Photonics is located at San Diego, USA this year. This is an annual important meeting for Optics and Photonics societies. There are four divisions and 70 sub-symposiums for this conference. I participate the sessions of NanoScience + Engineering: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII, Solar Energy + Technolog:


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Organic Photovoltaics XV, and Organic Photonics + Electronics: Organic Light Emitting Materials and Devices XVIII, Organic Photovoltaics XV, Organic Field-Effect Transistors XIII. In this meeting, I have a 30 minutes presentation entitled “P-contact metal oxide in efficient organometal halide perovskite/fullerene hybrid solar cells” on 08/20 in the session of Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII, Properties and application of Novel Perovskite-based Nanomaterials II. Our research team did the very good progress on this topic recently. One of the papers published last year had become the highly cited article in SCI system. Additionally, we reported the application NiO electrode interlayer for fabricating efficient perovskite-based solar cells. Again, we are the word first group to successfully demonstrate the concept of this approach. We had summarized the results and published the data in Adv. Mater. 26, 4107 (2014) and Sci. Rep. 4, 4756 (2014). During the symposium, we tried to set up the collaborative research work with the top researchers in this society and received the very positive responses.


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目次 頁次

摘要………………………………………………………………………………… 2一、 目的 ………………………………………………………………………… 5二、 過程 ………………………………………………………………………… 6三、 心得 ………………………………………………………………………… 6四、 建議 ………………………………………………………………………… 9


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一、目的2014 SPIE Optics+Photonics 會議於 2014 年 08 月 17 日至 08 月 21 日在美國

San Diego 市舉辦,此項會議為光學與光電子學研究領域的一項重要的年度會議。在今年的會議主要區分為 4 大領域,和往年相同,包含 NanoScience +

Engineering、Solar Energy + Technology、Organic Photonics + Electronics、和Optical Engineering + Application 領域,共由將近 70 個分項研討會所組成,會議討論的主題非常的重要深入。此次會議我主要參與的 session 為 NanoScience +

Engineering: Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII,Solar Energy +

Technolog: Organic Photovoltaics XV,Organic Photonics + Electronics: Organic Light

Emitting Materials and Devices XVIII,Organic Photovoltaics XV,Organic Field-

Effect Transistors XIII,這幾項分項研討會與過去數年來來的議程相似,參加的會眾均已相當熟識,相互之間的交流討論非常的熱切。我並於 2014 年 08 月 20 日在此次會議 Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials XIII 之 Properties

and application of Novel Perovskite-based Nanomaterials II 進行一項 30 分鐘的口頭報告(oral presentation)團隊近期的研究工作,題目為“P-contact metal oxide in

efficient organometal halide perovskite/fullerene hybrid solar cells”,此一研究主題於近期相當受到國際上太陽能電池團隊的重視,我們延續去年的工作繼續報導此項主題,我們的成果亦受到全世界研究單位高度的引用,研究團隊去年發表於 Adv. Mater. 25, 3727 (2013)的論文在 1 年左右時間已被引用達 70 次,為一篇SCI 高度引用(highly cited)的期刊。而今年我們更是全世界首創以無機金屬氧化物(NiO)作為一電洞傳輸材料,成功的製作高效率的 perovskite-based 混成太陽能電池。此項工作相當創新新穎,開創了一項全新的研究方法,我們亦已將成果整理發表於 Adv. Mater. 26, 4107 (2014)和 Sci. Rep. 4, 4756 (2014),而其中發表於 Adv. Mater. 26, 4107 (2014)的論文更在 2 個月內以受到 10 次的引用。在會議期間與會眾進行實質的交流研究討論,並獲得相當的熱烈的反應,推展與國際第一流研究團隊參與實際的合作計畫。


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二、過程我於 08 月 14 日下午自台灣桃園機場搭機經由大陸廣州前往美國 Los

Angeles 市,於美國當地時間晚上 8:00 左右到達 LAX 機場,住宿 LAX 機場附近的旅社,經過休息後於 08 月 16 日自 Los Angeles 市開車前往 San Diego 市,於當日下午抵達 San Diego 市。我在 08 月 17 日上午抵達會場,完成註冊手續後,全程參加 08 月 17 日至 08 月 21 日期間所有研討會、大會演講、和 poster

sessions。我在 08 月 21 日下午最後一場演講結束後才離開會場,開車前往 Los

Angeles,並於 08 月 23 日晚間自 Los Angeles 搭機前往大陸廣州市,繼續參加下一項國際研討會(Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2014

Guangzhou)),之後於 08 月 28 日上午自廣州機場搭機返回台灣,並於 08 月 28

日下午 1:30 返抵桃園機場,結束此次參加研討會議所有的行程。


sessions 中幾項重要的演講內容,依序整理於以下:1. Session 9183-10: Prof. Yongli Gao, University of Rochester, USA, "Surface

analytical investigation on orgamometal triode perovskite", Prof. Gao 使用 XPS

和 UPS 表面分析光譜儀探討 perovskite 材料的表面特性,他認為 C60 可以在加熱後擴散進入 perovskite 材料內部,與 perovskite 的表面態反應,降低相反載子的再結合反應,大幅的增加元件光電轉換效率值。他亦觀測到在 1/4 單層 C60 薄膜下元件可以有最佳的電子傳導效率值的表現,此外,perovskite 在加熱後進行熱分解會由 p 型轉變為 n型的半導體材料的特性。

2. Session 9183-20: Prof. Andrew P. Monkman, Durham University, United Kindom,

"The photophysics of intramolecular charge transfer molecules and TADF:

effects of CT singlet triplet coupling", Prof. Monknan 藉由使用不同功率強度6

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的雷射,由實驗上區別共軛分子中藉由 TTA 和 TADF 效應所造成的放光現象,

他亦認為作為主體的共軛分子會對 TTA 放光的機制造成影響,而在 TADF 效應中 singlet-triplet 的轉換則是受到 hyperfine coupling 效應所影響。

3. Session 9183-23: Prof. Hiroumi Kinjo, Chiba University, Japan "Unusual

photoemission by lower photon energy than ionization energy for organic EL

materials with giant surface potential", Prof. Kinjo 認為在共軛有機分子表面和金屬之間會產生一個分子極化的偶極,此偶極的大小可以使用 NI-PES 表面分析光譜偵測之。而表面電荷與極化作用有利於電荷載子的注入,是有機電子元件內電子傳輸材料作用的主要運作的機制。

4. Session 9183-29: Prof. Jong-Lam Lee, Pohang University of Science and

Technology, Korea "Towards highly transparent conducting electrode for organic

flexible devices", Prof. Lee 發展各種 dielectric-metal-dielectric (DMD)結構,穿透度可達 90%,作為有機電子元件穿透式的電極使用,製作可撓曲、高穿透度的有機發光二極體元件。其中金屬氧化物介電層的 work function 大小決定電荷載子注入的能力,並影響元件的效率值。

5. Plenary Sessions: Prof. Henning Sirringhaus, Cavendish Lab., University of

Cambridge, United Kingdom "Charge and spin transport physics of organic

semiconductors", Prof. Henning Sirringhau 在此場 plenary talk 中報導電荷於有機分子的傳導與其自旋傳導的特性,他報導一項 Hanle effect 來解釋共軛有機分子在 Hall measurement 所觀測到的自旋傳輸特性,並以此推斷有機電荷載子的 spin diffusion length 和 lifetime。

6. Session 9165-29: Prof. Artem A. Bakulin, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular

Physics, Netherlands, "Charge trapping and instraband relaxation in colloidal

quantum dots and perovskite photovoltaic materias", Prof. Bakulin 使用光學 pump-push 的方式研究 perovskite 材料 ferroelectric 的特性,他發現分子晶體


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具有特定的方向性,而 CH3NH3 的官能機分子則會在晶格中轉動,時間大約 2

ps 左右,此項研究工作有助於我們了解 perovskite 材料的基本特性。7. Session 9165-31: Prof. Jacques Moser, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne,

Switzerland, "Time-resolved spectroscopy insights into chrge transfer processes

in organic-lead iodide perovskite solar cells", Prof. Moser 是暫態光譜量測的專家,他從光譜中歸納出若能有效的降低相反電荷載子於 TiO2 的再結合反應,


8. Session 9165-33: Prof. Tze Chien Sum, Nanyang Technological University,

Singapore, "The photophysics of perovskite solar cells", Prof. Sum 亦是與 Gratzel 團隊合作,使用暫態光譜量測的方法研究 perovskite 元件的光物理機制與原理,近期他們已將研究工作轉移到 perovskite lasing 的方向,是一項必須值得注意的研究主題。

9. Session 9165-34: Prof. Valy Vardeny, The University of Utah, USA

"Photoexcitations and charge photogeneration in donor-acceptor blends based on

low band-gap polymers for OPV applications", Prof. Vardeny 研究 low band-gap

共軛高分子材料的暫態光物理現象,並歸納出共軛分子之中 singlet 激發態分子 fission 成 2 個 triplet 分子的現象,使得電荷載子的密度增加,然而,Prof.

Verdeny 仍無法解釋其轉換的能量並未增加,low band-gap 共軛分子材料之 fission 作用與元件光電能轉換效率效能增加的直接關聯性。

10. Session 9165-2: Prof. Christopher J. Bardeen, University of Claifornia Riverside,

USA, "How molecular packing affects the rate of singlet exciton fission", Prof.

Bardeen 研究共軛分子的 singlet exciton 在不同分子堆疊下的 fission 效應,並可以藉由施以一外部磁場,觀測到 fission 效應對於元件外部表現的影響。在實驗上,我們於成大的研究團隊可以研究磁場下 singlet excitons 之 fission 效


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應,可以要求學生嘗試研究 pentacene 摻雜於 tetracene 分子的二極體元件於外部磁場作用下的電性特徵,和其與 fission 效應有關聯性的磁場效應。

11. Session 9184-48: Prof. Wallace C. H. Choy, The University of Hong Kong, Hong

Kong, China "Plasmonic-electrical effects and carieer accumulation effects of

metal nanomaterials for high performance organic solar cells", Prof. Choy 的報告為本次研討會的最後一場演講,Prof. Choy 在共軛有機分子元件中添加奈米顆粒,並研究其特殊的表面電漿子增益現象。其中比較特別的是在 TiO2

奈米結構中添加 Au 奈米顆粒後,在照光激發之後造成電荷載子的聚集累積現象,有點類似 photo-doping 的作用,增加電荷載子於 TiO2 奈米結構中的遷移率與元件整體的效率值。我於會後與 Prof. Choy 進行討論,構想將 Au 奈米顆粒摻雜於 NiO 金屬氧化物中,應用於 perovskite-based 元件的研究。

四、建議相較於前幾年 SPIE 的會議,此次會議參與的研究人員相對的較多,但在有機


近期對於論文 impact factor 和 citation 的問題ㄧ再的被提起,可以注意到全世界大多數的研究學者均已有能力發表論文於所謂高影響系數的期刊,然而,這也是近期研究的問題所在,過渡的追求論文的影響系數與引用數將導致熱門的研究主題越熱、冷門的越冷,使得整體研究的方向受到侷限,不容易發展創新的研究思維,


以下附件中所示為參與此次會議發表發表論文摘要、與 oral presentation 之首尾


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兩頁 slides。


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P-contact metal oxide in efficient organometal halide perovskite/fullerene hybrid solar cells

Jun-Yuan Jeng, Kuo-Cheng Chen, Tsung-Yu Chiang, Tzung-Fang Guo, and Peter Chen

Department of Photonics, Advanced Optoelectronic Technology Center, Research Center for Energy Technology and Strategy, National Cheng Kung University,

No. 1 Ta-Hsueh Rd., Tainan, Taiwan 701

Tel: + 886 - 6 - 2757575 ext.63914, Fax: +886- 6 -209 - 5040E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]

The work successfully presented the application of nickel oxide as the p-contact to fabricate the decent

perovskite-based photovoltaics.1,2 The p-type nickel oxide exhibits several optical, electrical, and

chemical advantages being the potential electrode-interlayer. A respectful solar to electrical PCE of

7.8% with a VOC = 0.92 V, a JSC = 12.43 mA/cm2, and a FF = 0.68 has been achieved with the device

configuration of the glass/ITO/NiOx/CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite/PCBM/BCP/Al structure under standard 1

sun AM 1.5G simulated solar irradiation, as shown in Fig. 1.1 In addition, the device composed of the

mesoscopic nanocrystalline NiO/peroskite/PCBM configuration exhibits a VOC = 1.04 V, a JSC = 13.24

mA/cm2, and a FF = 0.69, corresponding to a higher magnitude of PCE to 9.51%.2 To the best of our

knowledge, this is the highest magnitude of PCE for perovskite-based solar cells applying p-contact

metal oxide electrode interlayer. NiO electrode interlayer is a p-type semiconductor of high work

function of 5.4 eV, which is close to the valence band edge level of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite (5.4 eV).

The alignment of energy level minimizes the interfacial energy losses for the hole transfer and

optimizes the photovoltage output of device. Additionally, the higher magnitude of JSC and PCE also

results from the better surface coverage (93%) of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite film on the glass/ITO/NiOx

substrate. The efficient hole transfer at perovskite/NiO heterojunction was verified by photo-induced

absorption spectroscopy, showing a broad spectral feature above 800 nm, the long-lived charge-

separation state of NiO+/P-.2 The success of this new style device configuration of p-type metal oxide

material has the advantages of providing robust perovskite-based thin film solar cells in future. Our

findings reveal the design principle for enhancing the photovoltaic performance of CH3NH3PbI3

perovskite/PCBM hybrid PHJ3,4 solar cells through the judicious selection of the metal oxide electrode



Fig. 1 The energy diagram and J-V curves of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite-based solar

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References[1] J. –Y. Jeng, K. –C. Chen, T. –Y. Chiang, P. –Y. Lin, T. –D. Tsai, Y. –C. Chang, T. –F. Guo, and P.

Chen "Nickel oxide electrode interlayer in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite/PCBM planar-heterojunction hybrid solar cells" Adv. Mater. 26, 4107 (2014).

[2] K. –C. Wang, J. –Y. Jeng, P. –S. Shen, Y. –C. Chang, E. W. –G. Diau, C. –H. Tsai, T. Y. Chao, H. –C. Hsu, P. –Y. Lin, P. Chen, T. –F. Guo, and T. –C. Wen "p-type Mesoscopic nickel oxide/organometallic perovskite heterojunction solar sells " Sci. Rep. 4, 4756 (2014).

[3] J. –Y. Jeng, Y. –F. Chiang, M. –H. Lee, S. –R. Peng, T. –F. Guo, P. Chen, and T. –C. Wen "CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite/fullerene planar-heterojunction hybrid solar cells" Adv. Mater. 25, 3727 (2013).

[4] Y. –F. Chiang, J. –Y. Jeng, M. –H. Lee, S. –R. Peng, P. Chen, T. –F. Guo, T. –C. Wen, Y. –J. Hsu, C. –M. Hsu "High voltage and efficient bilayer heterojunction solar cells based on organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite absorber with low-cost flexible substrate " Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 6033 (2014).


Fig. 1 The energy diagram and J-V curves of CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite-based solar

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