İstatistiklerle türkiye (1)

TÜRKİYE İSTATİSTİK KURUMU Turkish Statistical Institute İSTATİSTİKLERLE TÜRKİYE Turkey in Statistics 2011 TÜİK

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TÜRKİYE İSTATİSTİK KURUMUTurkish Statistical Institute





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Page 3: İstatistiklerle Türkiye (1)

MTB: 2011-548-10 Adet -Copies

ISBN 978-975-19-5134-2

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011



Toplumun pek çok alanna yönelikresmi istatistiklerin genel çerçeveitibariyle sunuldu u ve ülke profilihakkndaki özet bilgilere eri im imkansa layan statistiklerle Türkiye,Türkiye statistik Kurumu (TÜ K)tarafndan yaymlanmaktadr.

Turkey in Statistic, in which officialstatistics related to many aspects ofthe society are presented generallyand which provides immediateaccess to information regardingcountry profile, is being published byTurkish Statistical Institute(TurkStat).

Yaynda yer alan bilgiler, yaymland zaman dilimindeki mevcut en sonverileri içermektedir. Tablo sonlarndayer alan veri kaynaklarnn ise, dahadetayl istatistiklere eri mek isteyenkullanclar için iyi bir ba langçnoktas olaca dü ünülmektedir. BuYayna, webadresinden de eri mek mümkündür.

Information in the publication coversthe most recent data availableduring the publication period. Datasources given at the last chapter ofthe publication are assumed to be agood starting point for the userswho want to reach more detailedinformation. It is also possible toreach this publication on

statistiklerle Türkiye yaynnn genikullanc kitlesine hizmet verece i veara trmaclar her bir konununkayna na götürece i inancylaistatistiki bilgi üretilmesine kaynaksa layan tüm bireylere, kurum vekurulu lara, yaynn hazrlanmasndaeme i geçenlere katklarndan dolayte ekkür ederim.

With the belief that Turkey inStatistics would serve a wide rangeof users and take the researchers tothe source of each subject, I thankall individuals and organizationswhich provided data to the statisticalinformation production, and allpeople who have contributed to thepreparation of this publication.

A. Ömer TOPRAKBa kan V.

Acting President

Foreword Önsöz

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Önsöz III Foreword

çindekiler V Contents

Açklama VII Explanation

Arazi ve klim Land and Climate1.1 Türkiye anakaras'nn uç noktalar 2 1.1 Extreme points of Turkey

1.2 Co rafik göstergeler 2 1.2 Geographic indicators

1.3 Türkiye ve illerin yüzölçümleri 3 1.3 Area of Turkey and provinces

1.4 Aylk maksimum scaklk, 2010 4 1.4 Monthly maximum temperature,2010

1.5 Aylk minimum scaklk, 2010 4 1.5 Monthly minimum temperature, 2010

Çevre Environment2.1 Kükürtdioksit (SO2) ve partiküler

madde (duman) ortalamalarnn en yüksek oldu u il ve ilçe merkezleri, 2010

6 2.1 Provincial and district centers having the maximum sulphur dioxide and particulate matter concentrations, 2010

2.2 Sektörlere göre CO2 emisyonu, 2007-2009

6 2.2 CO2 emissions by sectors, 2007-2009

2.3 Belediye çevre göstergeleri, 2006, 2008

7 2.3 Environmental indicators for municipalities, 2006, 2008

2.4 malat sanayi çevre göstergeleri, 2008

7 2.4 Environmental indicators for manufacturing industry, 2008

2.5 Kamu sektörünün cari ve yatrmharcamalar, 2007-2009

7 2.5 Environmental current and investment expenditure of public sector, 2007-2009

Nüfus ve Göç Population and Migration3.1 Nüfus, yllk nüfus art hz ve nüfus

yo unlu u, 1927-2000 8 3.1 Population, annual growth rate of

population and population density, 1927-2000

3.2 Nüfus, yllk nüfus art hz ve nüfus yo unlu u, 2007-2010

9 3.2 Population, annual growth rate of population and population density, 2007-2010

3.3 l, ilçe, belde belediyesi ve köy says,2008-2010

9 3.3 Number of provinces, districts, towns and villages, 2008-2010

3.4 Cinsiyete göre il/ilçe merkezi ve belde/köy nüfusu, 2008-2010

11 3.4 Province/district centers and towns/villages population by sex, 2008-2010

3.5 Ortanca ya ve ya ba mllk oran,2008-2010

11 3.5 Median age and age dependency ratio, 2008-2010

3.6 llere göre nüfus, 2010 12 3.6 Population by provinces, 2010

3.7 Ya grubu ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2010

13 3.7 Population by age group and sex, 2010

3.8 Yasal medeni durum ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2010

14 3.8 Population by legal marital status and sex, 2010

3.9 Okuryazarlk ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2008-2010

14 3.9 Population by literacy and sex, 2008-2010

3.10 2009-2010 dönemi net göç hznagöre en fazla göç alan, göç veren iller

15 3.10 The provinces with highest in-migration and out-migration by rate of net migration in 2009-2010 period

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İçindekiler Contents



Demografi Demography

4.1 Do umlar, 2007-2009 16 4.1 Births, 2007-2009

4.2 Ya a özel do urganlk hz, 2007-2009

16 4.2 Age specific fertility rate, 2007-2009

4.3 Evlenmeler ve bo anmalar, 2007-2009

17 4.3 Marriages and divorces, 2007-2009

4.4 Evlilik süresine göre bo anmalar,2007-2009

17 4.4 Divorces by duration of marriage, 2007-2009

4.5 Ölümler, 2006-2008 18 4.5 Deaths, 2006-2008

4.6 ntiharlar, 2007-2009 18 4.6 Suicides, 2007-2009

4.7 Ya grubuna göre intiharlar, 2007-2009

18 4.7 Suicides by age group, 2007-2009

4.8 Demografik göstergeler, 2011, 2015, 2020

19 4.8 Demographic indicators, 2011, 2015, 2020

Sa lk Health

5.1 Baz sa lk personelinin saylar, 2008-2010

20 5.1 Number of some health professionals, 2008-2010

5.2 Dallara göre hastane saylar, 2008-2010

21 5.2 Number of hospitals by branches, 2008-2010

5.3 Baz seçilmi enfeksiyon hastalklarnn vaka saylar, 2008-2010

22 5.3 Number of cases of some selected infectious diseases, 2008-2010

5.4 Organ nakli says, 2008-2010 23

5.4 Number of organ transplantations, 2008-2010

5.5 Cinsiyete göre en sk görülen kanser türünün insidans, 2006-2008

235.5 Incidence of the most common

cancer by sex, 2006-20085.6 0-6 ya grubundaki çocuklarn son

6 ay içinde geçirdi i hastalklarncinsiyete göre da lm, 2008

24 5.6 Percentage of children in 0-6 age group who were exposed to diseases/accidents in the past 6 months by sex, 2008

5.7 7-14 ya grubundaki çocuklarn son 6 ay içinde geçirdi i sorun/ hastalklarn cinsiyete göre da lm,2008

24 5.7 Percentage of children in 7-14 age group who were exposed to health conditions/diseases in the past 6 months by sex, 2008

5.8 Hekim tarafndan te his edilen hastalk/sa lk sorunlarnn cinsiyete göre da lm, 2008

25 5.8 The percentage of diseases/health problems diagnosed by a medical doctor by sex, 2008

5.9 Bireylerin tütün kullanma durumunun cinsiyete göre da lm,2008

25 5.9 Percentage of persons by detailed smoking status and sex, 2008

E itim ve Kültür Education and Culture

6.1 Ö retim yl ve okul grubuna göre okulla ma oran, 2008-2011

266.1 Schooling ratio by group of schools

and the education year, 2008-20116.2 E itim kurumlarna göre ö renciler,

2009-2011 27 6.2 Enrollments by educational

institutions, 2009-20116.3 Yüksek ö retim kurumlarnda (lisans

ve önlisans) ö retim alanna göre ö renciler, 2009/'10

28 6.3 Higher educational institutions enrollments by fields of study, 2009/'10

6.4 Ö retim elemanlarnn akademik görevlerine göre saylar, 2009/'10

28 6.4 Number of teaching staff by academic title, 2009/'10

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E itim ve Kültür Education and Culture

6.5 Yurtd nda ö renim yapan resmi burslu ö renci saylar, 2009-2010

29 6.5 Number of Turkish Government sponsored students educated abroad, 2009-2010

6.6 Sinema, gösterilen film ve seyirciler, 2007-2009

29 6.6 Cinemas, movies and attendances, 2007-2009

6.7 Tiyatro, oynanan eser, gösterim says ve seyirciler, 2006-2009

30 6.7 Theaters, shows, performances and attendances, 2006-2009

6.8 Opera ve bale, oynanan eser, gösterim says ve seyirciler, 2006-2009

30 6.8 Operas and ballets, shows, performances and attendances, 2006-2009

6.9 Kütüphane ve müze saylar, 2007-2009

30 6.9 Number of library and museums, 2007-2009

6.10 Müze ve müzelere ba l halka açkören yeri ziyaretçileri ve gelirleri, 2007-2009

31 6.10 Museums and ruins under the responsibility of the museums open to the public, visitors and receipts, 2007-2009

6.11 Gazetelerin ve dergilerin co rafikapsama göre says, 2007-2009

31 6.11 Number of newspapers and magazines by geographical coverage, 2007-2009

Turizm Tourism

7.1 Gelen ve giden yabanclar, 2008-2010

32 7.1 Foreigners arriving and departing, 2008-2010

7.2 Gelen ve giden vatanda lar, 2008-2010

32 7.2 Citizens arriving and departing, 2008-2010

7.3 Seçilmi milliyetlere göre gelen yabanc ziyaretçiler, 2008-2010

32 7.3 Foreign visitors arrivals by selected nationalities, 2008-2010

7.4 Turizm gideri, 2008-2010 33 7.4 Tourism expenditures, 2008-2010

7.5 Turizm geliri, 2008-2010 33 7.5 Tourism income, 2008-2010

Adalet Justice

8.1 Cinsiyet, ya grubu ve e itimdurumuna göre ceza infaz kurumuna giren hükümlüler, 2007-2009

34 8.1 Convicts received into prison by sex, age group and education level, 2007-2009

8.2 Suç türüne göre çocuk ceza infaz kurumu ve e itimevine giren hükümlü çocuklar, 2007-2009

35 8.2 Juvenile convicts received into juvenile prison and reformatory by type of crime, 2007-2009

Seçimler Elections

9.1 Milletvekili Genel Seçimi sonuçlar,1999, 2002, 2007

36 9.1 Results of the General Election of Representatives, 1999, 2002, 2007

9.2 Mahalli dareler Seçimi sonuçlar,2009

37 9.2 Results of the Local Administration Elections, 2009

9.3 Halk Oylamas sonuçlar, 1988, 2007, 2010

37 9.3 Results of the Referendum, 1988, 2007, 2010

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İçindekiler Contents



Sosyal Güvenlik Social Security

10.1 Emekli Sand , Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu ve Ba -Kur'dan aylk alanlar, 2007-2009

38 10.1 Persons receiving monthly benefits from the Government Employees Retirement Fund, Social Insurance Institution and Ba -Kur 2007-2009

10.2 SSK, Ba -Kur ve Emekli Sand nayaplan bütçe transferleri, 2007-2009

38 10.2 Budget transfers to Social Insurance Institution, Ba -Kur and Government Employees Retirement Fund, 2007-2009

10.3 Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun gelir ve gider dengesi, 2008-2010

39 10.3 Revenues and expenditures of Social Security Institution, 2008-2010

10.4 Türkiye Kurumuna yaplanba vurular ve i e yerle tirilenler,2008-2010

39 10.4 Applications to and placements by the Turkish Employment Organization, 2008-2010

10.5 Türkiye Kurumunca yurtd nda i eyerle tirilen i çiler, 2008-2010

39 10.5 Workers placed abroad by the Turkish Employment Organization, 2008-2010

Çal ma Labour

11.1 Kurumsal olmayan nüfusun i gücüdurumu, 2010

40 11.1 Labour force status of non-institutional population, 2010

11.2 Ya grubuna göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

40 11.2 Employed persons by age groups, 2010

11.3 teki durum ve ekonomik faaliyete göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

41 11.3 Employed persons by status in employment and branch of economic activity, 2010

11.4 Ekonomik faaliyete göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

42 11.4 Employed persons by branch of economic activities, 2010

11.5 Ya grubuna göre i sizler, 2010 43 11.5 Unemployed persons by age groups, 2010

11.6 E itim durumuna göre i sizler, 2010 43 11.6 Unemployed persons by educational status, 2010

Tarm Agriculture

12.1 Tarm ve orman alanlar, 2008-2010 44 12.1 Agricultural land and forest area, 2008-2010

12.2 Seçilmi tarla ürünleri üretimi, 2008-2010

45 12.2 Selected field crop production, 2008-2010

12.3 Seçilmi sebzelerin üretimi, 2008-2010

45 12.3 Selected vegetable production, 2008-2010

12.4 Seçilmi meyvelerin üretimi, 2008-2010

46 12.4 Selected fruit production, 2008-2010

12.5 Türlerine göre hayvanlar, 2007-2009 46 12.5 Livestocks by type, 2007-2009

12.6 Süt üretimi, 2007-2009 46 12.6 Milk production, 2007-2009

12.7 Et üretimi, 2008-2010 47 12.7 Meat production, 2008-2010

12.8 Kümes hayvancl , 2007-2009 47 12.8 Poultry and egg production, 2007-2009

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statistikleri Business Statistics

13.1 Radyo ve televizyon kurumlar temel göstergeleri, 2008-2009

48 13.1 Basic indicators on radio and television institutions, 2008-2009

13.2 Mali sektörlerde istihdam ve temel göstergeler, 2009

49 13.2 Employment and basis indicators in financial sectors, 2009

13.3 Ksmlara göre sanayi ve hizmet sektörlerinde, istihdam ve baz temel göstergeler, 2008

50 13.3 Employment and some basic indicators by economic activity in industry and service sectors, 2008

13.4 Sanayi üretim, 2008-2010 52 13.4 Industrial production, 2008-2010

13.5 Otomotiv sanayii üretimi, 2008-2010 52 13.5 Automotive vehicle production, 2008-2010

13.6 Sanayi üretim endeksi, 2008-2010 53 13.6 Industrial production index, 2008-2010

13.7 Üç aylk sanayi istihdam endeksi, sanayide çal lan saat endeksi ve sanayide brüt ücret-maa endeksi, 2008-2010

53 13.7 Quarterly indices of industrial employment index, hours worked index in industry and gross wages-salaries index in industry, 2008-2010

13.8 Seçilmi madenlerin üretimi, 2008-2010

53 13.8 Production of selected minerals, 2008-2010

13.9 Yap izin istatistikleri, 2008-2010 54 13.9 Building permit statistics, 2008-2010

13.10 Üç aylk in aat sektörü istihdam endeksi, brüt ücret-maa endeksi çal lan saat endeksi, ciro endeksi ve üretim endeksi, 2008-2010

54 13.10 Quarterly number of persons employed index in construction, gross wages salaries index in construction, hours worked index in construction, turnover index in construction, production index in construction, 2008-2010

13.11 Bina in aat maliyet endeksi, 2010 55 13.11 Building construction cost index, 2010

Enerji Energy

14.1 Elektrik santrallerinin kurulu gücü ve enerji kaynaklarna göre elektrik enerjisi üretimi, 2007-2009

56 14.1 Installed capacity of electricity power plants and electricity generation by energy resources, 2007-2009

14.2 Elektrik tüketimi, 2007-2009 57 14.2 Electricity consumption, 2007-2009

Ula trma ve Haberle me Transportation/Communication

15.1 Otoyol, devlet, il ve köy yollaruzunlu u, 2008-2010

58 15.1 Length of motorways, state highways, provincial roads, village roads, 2008-2010

15.2 Otoyol, devlet ve il yollar üzerinde seyir ve ta malar, 2009-2010

58 15.2 Circulation and transportation on motorways, state highways and provincial roads, 2009-2010

15.3 Motorlu kara ta tlar, 2008-2010 59 15.3 Road motor vehicles, 2008-2010

15.4 Yl içinde kayd yaplan ve kaydsilinen motorlu kara ta t says, 2009-2010

59 15.4 Number of road motor vehicles registered and erased in the year, 2009-2010

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Ula trma ve Haberle me Transportation/Communication

15.5 Motorlu kara ta tlar ve trafik kazalar, 2008-2010

60 15.5 Road motor vehicles and traffic accidents in road, 2008-2010

15.6 Demiryollarnda koltuk-kilometre, yolcu says ve yolcu-kilometre, 2008-2010

60 15.6 Seat-kilometers, number of passengers carried and passenger-kilometers in railways, 2008-2010

15.7 Hava trafi i, yolcu says ve ta nanyük, 2008-2010

61 15.7 Air traffic, number of passengers and freight carried, 2008-2010

15.8 Haberle me araçlar abone saylar,2008-2010

61 15.8 Number of subscribers of communication activities, 2008-2010

D Ticaret Foreign Trade

16.1 D ticaret göstergeleri, 2008-2010 62 16.1 Main indicators of foreign trade, 2008-2010

16.2 Ekonomik faaliyete göre d ticaret, 2008-2010

63 16.2 Foreign trade by economic activity, 2008-2010

16.3 Geni ekonomik gruplarnsnflamasna göre d ticaret, 2008-2010

63 16.3 Foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2008-2010

16.4 Uluslararas standart ticaret snflamasna göre d ticaret, 2009-2010

64 16.4 Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2009-2010

16.5 En çok ithalat ve ihracat yaplan 10 ülke, 2010

65 16.5 First 10 countries by exports and imports, 2010

16.6 D ticaret endeksleri, 2009-2010 65 16.6 Foreign trade indices, 2009-2010

Fiyat ve Endeksler Prices and Indexes

17.1 Üretici fiyatlar endeksi, 2008-2010 66 17.1 Producer price index, 2008-2010

17.2 Tüketici fiyatlar endeksi, 2008-2010 67 17.2 Consumer price index, 2008-2010

Satnalma Gücü Paritesi Purchasing Power Parity

18.1 OECD ülkelerinde satnalma gücü paritesi de erleri, 2008-2010

68 18.1 Purchasing power parity values in OECD countries, 2008-2010

18.2 Bölgeler itibaryla, tüketim harcamalarna ili kin fiyat düzeyi endeksleri, BBS 2, 2008-2010

69 18.2 Price level indices for consumption expenditures by regions, SR 2, 2008-2010

Para ve Banka Money and Banking

19.1 Uluslararas rezervler, 2008-2010 70 19.1 International reserves, 2008-2010

19.2 Altn fiyatlar, 2008-2010 71 19.2 Gold prices, 2008-2010

19.3 Döviz kurlar, 2008-2010 72 19.3 Exchange rates, 2008-2010

19.4 Parasal sektör analitik bilançosu, 2008-2009

73 19.4 Monetary sector analytical balance sheet, 2008-2009

Maliye Finance

20.1 Merkezi Yönetim bütçe gerçekle meleri, 2008-2010

74 20.1 Realization of Central Government budget, 2008-2010

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Maliye Finance

20.2 Türkiye brüt d borç stoku, 2008-2010

74 20.2 Gross external debt profile of Turkey, 2008-2010

20.3 Merkezi Yönetim iç borç stoku, 2008-2010

75 20.3 Central Government domestic debt stock, 2008-2010

20.4 l özel idareleri ve belediyeler bütçe gerçekle meleri, 2008-2010

75 20.4 Special provincial administrations and municipalities budget realizations, 2008-2010

Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts

21.1 Gayri safi yurtiçi hasla, 2008-2010 76 21.1 Gross domestic product, 2008-2010

21.2 Ki i ba na gayri safi yurtiçi hasla,2008-2010

77 21.2 Per capita gross domestic product, 2008-2010

21.3 Cari fiyatlarla bölgesel gayrisafi katma de er temel fiyatlarla, 2007

78 21.3 Regional gross value added at current basic prices, 2007

21.4 Cari fiyatlarla bölgesel gayrisafi katma de er temel fiyatlarla, 2008

79 21.4 Regional gross value added at current basic prices, 2008

21.5 Ki i ba na gayrisafi katma de er(GSKD), 2007

80 21.5 Per capita gross value added (GVA), 2007

21.6 Ki i ba na gayrisafi katma de er(GSKD), 2008

81 21.6 Per capita gross value added (GVA), 2008

Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar Income and Living Conditions

22.1 E de er hanehalk kullanlabilirgelirine göre sral yüzde 20'lik gruplar itibariyle yllk gelirlerin da lm, 2009

82 22.1 Distribution of annual incomes by quintiles ordered by equivalised household disposable income, 2009

22.2 E de er hanehalk kullanlabilirgelirine göre sral yüzde 20'lik gruplar ve gelir türlerine göre yllkgelirlerin oransal da lm (Dikey %), 2009

83 22.2 Quintiles ordered by equivalised household disposable income and proportional distribution of annual incomes by types of income (Vertical %), 2009

22.3 Hanehalk fertlerinin esas i tekidurumlarna göre yllk ortalama esas i gelirleri, 2008-2009

84 22.3 Average annual main job incomes of individuals by employment status at main job, 2008-2009

22.4 Gelire dayal göreli yoksulluk snrlarna göre yoksul saylar ve yoksulluk oran, 2009

85 22.4 Number of poors and poverty rate by relative poverty thresholds based on income, 2009

Tüketim Harcamalar Consumption Expenditures

23.1 Hanehalk tüketim harcamas, 2008-2009

86 23.1 Household consumption expenditure, 2008-2009

23.2 Hanehalk büyüklü üne göre tüketim harcamasnn da lm, 2008-2009

87 23.2 Distribution of consumption expenditures by household size, 2008-2009

23.3 Gelire göre sral %20'lik gruplar ayrmnda hanehalk tüketim harcamasnn da lm, 2009, Türkiye

88 23.3 Distribution of consumption expenditures by quintiles ordered by income, 2009, Turkey

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Tüketim Harcamalar Consumption Expenditures

23.4 Yoksulluk snr yöntemlerine göre yoksulluk oranlar, 2008-2009

89 23.4 Poverty rates according to poverty line methods, 2008-2009

23.5 Hanehalk büyüklü üne göre yoksulluk oranlar, 2008-2009

89 23.5 Poverty rates according to household size, 2008-2009

gücü Maliyeti Labour Cost

24.1 Saatlik i gücü maliyeti endeksi, 2009-2010

90 24.1 Hourly labour cost index, 2009-2010

24.2 Saatlik kazanç endeksi, 2009-2010 90 24.2 Hourly earnings index, 2009-2010

24.3 Aylk ortalama i gücü maliyeti ve bile enleri, 2008

91 24.3 Monthly average labour cost and components, 2008

Bilim ve Teknoloji Science and Technology

25.1 Gayri safi yurtiçi Ar-Ge harcamas,2007-2009

92 25.1 Gross domestic expenditures on R&D, 2007-2009

25.2 Yenilik faaliyeti yürüten giri imlerinoran, 2006-2008

93 25.2 Proportion of enterprises with innovation activities, 2006-2008

25.3 Yerle im yeri ve cinsiyete göre bilgisayar/ nternet kullanm oranlar,2010

93 25.3 Proportion of computer and internet use by places of residence and gender, 2010

25.4 Hanelerde bili im teknolojileri sahiplik durumu, 2009-2010

94 25.4 Availability of ICT equipments in households, 2009-2010

25.5 2010 yl Ocak aynda bilgisayar kullanlan ve nternet eri imine sahip giri imlerin oran

95 25.5 Proportion of enterprises which have access to Internet and use computer by economic activity in January 2010

Ya am Memnuniyeti Life Satisfaction

26.1 Genel mutluluk düzeyi, 2008-2010 96 26.1 General level of happiness, 2008-2010

26.2 Umut düzeyi, 2008-2010 97 26.2 Level of hope, 2008-2010

26.3 Kamu hizmetlerinden memnuniyet, 2010

98 26.3 Satisfaction from public services, 2010

26.4 2011 ylndan beklentiler 99 26.4 Expectations for year 2011

statistiki Bölge Birimleri Snflamas ( BBS)

100 Statistical Regions (SR)

Simge ve Ksaltmalar Symbol and Abbreviations

Bilgi geçicidir Data is provisional

Bilgi elde edilememi tir Data not available

Bilgi yoktur Denotes magnitude nil

2008'den - 2010 (dahil) ylna kadar 2008 to 2010 inclusive

2008'de ba layan ve 2010'da bitenürün yl, mali yl, ö renim dönemivb.

Crop year, financial year, school yearetc. beginning in 2008 ending in2010





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Önsöz III Foreword

çindekiler V Contents

Arazi ve klim 2 Land and Climate

Çevre 6 Environment

Nüfus ve Göç 8 Population and Migration

Demografi 16 Demography

Sa lk 20 Health

E itim ve Kültür 26 Education and Culture

Turizm 32 Tourism

Adalet 34 Justice

Seçimler 36 Elections

Sosyal Güvenlik 38 Social Security

Çal ma 40 Labour

Tarm 44 Agriculture

statistikleri 48 Business Statistics

Enerji 56 Energy

Ula trma ve Haberle me 58 Transportation and Communication

D Ticaret 62 Foreign Trade

Fiyat ve Endeksler 66 Prices and Indexes

Satnalma Gücü Paritesi 68 Purchasing Power Parity

Para ve Banka 70 Money and Banking

Maliye 74 Finance

Ulusal Hesaplar 76 National Accounts

Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar 82 Income and Living Conditions

Tüketim Harcamalar 86 Consumption Expenditures

gücü Maliyeti 90 Labour Cost

Bilim ve Teknoloji 92 Science and Technology

Ya am Memnuniyeti 96 Life Satisfaction

statistiki Bölge Birimleri Snflamas ( BBS)

100 Statistical Regions (SR)

Contents İçindekiler

Page 14: İstatistiklerle Türkiye (1)

TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


1.1 Türkiye anakaras'nn uç noktalar - Extreme points of Turkey

Yönler ve uç noktalar Enlem (Kuzey) Boylam (Do u)

Location of points Latitude (North) Longitude (East)

Do u Küçük A r Da 'nn 34 km do usundaTürk- ran- Azerbaycan (Nahcivan) snrlarnn kav ak noktas

East Point of intersection of Turkish-Iranian-Azerbaijan

boundaires 34 km east of Mt.Küçük A r 390 37' 440 49'

Bat Gökçeada'da nceburunWest Cape nceburun Gökçeada Island 400 08' 250 40'

Kuzey Sinop ilinde nceburunNorth Cape Inceburun Sinop province 420 06' 340 57'

Güney Hatay ili Yaylada ilçesinin Topraktutan(Beysun) Köyü'nün güneyi

South South of Topraktutan (Beysun) village

Yaylada district Hatay province 350 48' 360 09'

Not. Harita Genel Komutanl na ait topo rafik haritalardan 1' do ruluklaelde edilmi tir.Note. Data are calculated from the topographic maps of General Command of Mapping

with 1' accuracy.

1.2 Co rafik göstergeler - Geographic indicators

En yüksek da - Highest mountain Büyük A r 5 137 m

En uzun akarsu - Longest river Kzlrmak 1 355 km

En büyük baraj gölü - Highest dammed lake Atatürk 817 km2

En büyük do al göl - Highest natural lake Van 3 713 km2

En büyük ada - Highest island Gökçeada 286.84 km2

1 Arazi ve İklim Land and Climate

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

1.3 Türkiye ve illerin yüzölçümleri

Area of Turkey and provinces (km2)

l Yüzölçümü l Yüzölçümü l Yüzölçümü

Province Area Province Area Province Area

Türkiye -Turkey 785 347

Adana 14 125 Giresun 6 831 Samsun 9 352

Adyaman 7 644 Gümü hane 6 440 Siirt 5 499

Afyonkarahisar 14 772 Hakkâri 7 228 Sinop 5 805

A r 11 520 Hatay 5 867 Sivas 28 619

Amasya 5 702 Isparta 8 913 Tekirda 6 339

Ankara 25 437 Mersin 15 620 Tokat 10 073

Antalya 20 909 stanbul 5 313 Trabzon 4 662

Artvin 7 359 zmir 12 007 Tunceli 7 705

Aydn 7 943 Kars 9 939 anlurfa 19 451

Balkesir 14 272 Kastamonu 13 136 U ak 5 382

Bilecik 4 310 Kayseri 17 170 Van 21 334

Bingöl 8 277 Krklareli 6 304 Yozgat 14 097

Bitlis 8 855 Kr ehir 6 544 Zonguldak 3 306

Bolu 8 341 Kocaeli 3 623 Aksaray 7 997

Burdur 7 174 Konya 41 001 Bayburt 3 741

Bursa 10 882 Kütahya 12 043 Karaman 8 924

Çanakkale 9 955 Malatya 12 146 Krkkale 4 575

Çankr 7 490 Manisa 13 269 Batman 4 680

Çorum 12 797 Kahramanmara 14 525 rnak 7 203

Denizli 11 861 Mardin 8 858 Bartn 2 076

Diyarbakr 15 272 Mu la 12 974 Ardahan 5 156

Edirne 6 119 Mu 8 090 I dr 3 546

Elaz 9 313 Nev ehir 5 407 Karabük 4 103

Erzincan 11 746 Ni de 7 400 Kilis 1 444

Erzurum 25 355 Ordu 5 952 Yalova 850

Eski ehir 13 925 Rize 3 919 Osmaniye 3 215

Gaziantep 6 887 Sakarya 4 878 Düzce 2 574

Not. Harita Genel Komutanl na ait 1/1 000 000 ölçekli Mülki dari

Bölümleri Haritas vektör verisinden hesaplanarak elde edilmi tir.

Note. Data are calculated from the vector data of the Map of Administrative Division

of General Command of Mapping with scaled to 1/1 000 000.

Land and Climate Arazi ve İklim

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

Arazi ve İklim Land and Climate

1.4 Aylk maksimum scaklk, 2010

stasyon Ocak ubat Mart Nisan Mays

Stations January February March April May

Kilis 18.4 19.4 25.0 28.2 34.3

Kahramanmara 15.4 18.2 25.8 28.4 35.6

anlurfa 18.8 19.7 25.2 29.2 36.8

Adyaman 18.4 18.1 25.0 28.4 35.0

Aydn 21.7 22.2 24.6 29.8 41.5

Manisa 24.0 26.4 24.2 29.0 36.1

Antalya 21.8 22.2 28.6 28.1 35.8

Diyarbakr 15.8 18.5 23.1 26.7 34.1

Batman 16.4 18.2 25.0 28.0 34.4

Karabük 19.4 21.5 28.6 28.6 35.0

Not. A ustos ay baz alnm tr.

1.5 Aylk minimum scaklk, 2010

stasyon Ocak ubat Mart Nisan Mays

Stations January February March April May

Erzurum -33.9 -24.1 -10.0 -5.6 -1.1

A r -28.5 -25.0 -8.0 -3.2 1.5

Bayburt -22.2 -14.3 -10.3 -4.3 0.2

Ardahan -21.0 -18.2 -12.9 -5.0 -0.2

Kars -19.1 -16.0 -11.0 -4.0 1.9

Gümü hane -19.0 -9.5 -8.8 -2.4 2.2

Kayseri -17.9 -10.0 -7.6 -1.2 2.5

Hakkari -16.6 -10.9 -6.9 -2.6 3.0

Sivas -16.6 -11.0 -8.0 -2.4 2.2

Nev ehir -16.4 -8.6 -6.2 0.3 4.4

Not. Ocak ay baz alnm tr.

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

1.4 Monthly maximum temperature, 2010 (oC)

Haziran Temmuz A ustos Eylül Ekim Kasm Aralk

June July August September October November December

41.0 44.0 45.0 37.0 32.3 28.6 25.7

40.8 44.5 44.0 39.2 29.4 26.2 24.0

42.2 45.2 43.6 40.0 32.1 28.5 26.0

40.2 43.8 43.5 40.2 30.5 27.0 26.5

39.9 39.2 42.9 36.2 29.5 26.3 25.0

39.3 38.0 42.8 36.0 27.1 26.1 24.7

41.4 39.8 42.7 39.2 31.9 28.2 25.4

42.0 43.3 42.7 39.7 31.0 24.0 22.5

43.0 43.2 42.4 40.4 32.4 24.0 22.6

37.1 43.0 42.0 36.2 23.7 25.8 23.7

Note. Based on the month of August.

Land and Climate Arazi ve İklim

1.5 Monthly minimum temperature, 2010 (oC)

Haziran Temmuz A ustos Eylül Ekim Kasm Aralk

June July August September October November December

4.6 5.5 6.6 2.9 -4.7 -10.3 -14.3

7.0 8.0 10.5 6.8 -0.7 -7.3 -13.5

7.9 10.6 9.3 6.9 -1.6 -4.7 -7.6

5.0 9.0 7.2 3.9 -4.2 -10.2 -15.2

7.0 10.0 10.0 4.4 -4.6 -8.5 -14.4

10.2 11.7 11.8 9.8 1.0 -3.2 -6.5

9.6 12.6 10.3 8.0 -1.0 -3.5 -6.4

10.2 15.2 14.2 13.2 3.3 0.0 -10.6

10.0 11.8 10.0 8.4 0.8 -3.2 -6.0

10.0 13.8 11.2 9.8 -0.4 -0.4 -4.0

Note. Based on the month of January.

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

2.1 Kükürtdioksit (SO2) ve partiküler madde (duman) ortalamalarnn en

yüksek oldu u il ve ilçe merkezleri, 2010

Provincial and district centers having the maximum sulphur dioxide and particulate

matter concentrations, 2010 (mg/m3)

Kükürtdioksit (SO2) Partiküler madde (PM10)Sulphur dioxide (SO2) Particulate matter (PM10)

Tekirda 134 Batman 143

Hakkari 123 I dr 135

Mu la 60 Osmaniye 127

Edirne 45 Siirt 124

Krkkale 40 Mu 123

Kaynak: Çevre ve Orman Bakanl

Source: Ministry of Environment and Forestry

2.2 Sektörlere göre CO2 emisyonu, 2007-2009

CO2 emissions by sectors, 2007-2009 (Bin ton - Thousand tonnes)

2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 307 916 297 124 299 106

Yaktlarn yanmas - Fuel combustion 282 834 270 862 271 109

Elektrik üretimi - Electricity production 106 603 105 941 102 516

Sanayi - Industry 80 374 55 973 55 097

Ula trma - Transport 51 011 47 048 46 707

Di er (konut, tarm, vs.)

Other (residential, agriculture, etc.) 44 846 61 900 66 788

Endüstriyel prosesler - Industrial processes 25 082 26 262 27 997

Ki i ba CO2 emisyonlar (ton/ki i)

CO2 emissions per capita (tonnes/capita) 4.38 4.18 4.16

2 Çevre Environment

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

2.3 Belediye çevre göstergeleri, 2006, 2008

Environmental indicators for municipalities, 2006, 2008

2006 2008

Anket uygulanan belediye says

Number of municipalities questionned 3 225 3 225

Ki i ba çekilen günlük su miktar (litre/ki i-gün)

Water abstraction per capita in municipalities (liters/capita-day) 245 215

Ki i ba günlük atksu miktar (litre/ki i-gün)

Amount of wastewater per capita (litres/capita-day) 181 173

Ki i ba ortalama atk miktar (kg/ki i-gün)

Amount of waste per capita (kg/capita-day) 1.21 1.15

Environment Çevre

2.4 malat sanayi çevre göstergeleri, 2008

Environmental indicators for manufacturing industry, 2008

Çekilen su miktar (Bin m3/yl)

Amount of water abstracted (Thousand m3/year) 1 313 878

De arj edilen atksu miktar (Bin m3/yl)

Amount of wastewater discharged (Thousand m3/year) 1 027 838

Toplam atk miktar (Bin ton/yl)

Total amount of waste (Thousand tonnes/year) 12 487

Tehlikeli atk miktar (Bin ton/yl)

Amount of hazardous industrial waste (Thousand tonnes/year) 1 141

2.5 Kamu sektörünün cari ve yatırım harcamaları, 2007-200�

Environmental current and investment expenditure of public sector, 2007-2009


2007 2008 2009

Toplam çevresel harcamaları

Total environmental expenditure 9 154 682 829 9 042 514 654 9 712 399 676

Cari harcamalar

Current expenditure 4 741 328 128 5 546 210 654 6 480 742 573

Yatırım harcamaları

Investment expenditure 4 413 354 701 3 496 304 001 3 231 657 103

Page 20: İstatistiklerle Türkiye (1)

TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

3.1 Nüfus, yllk nüfus art hz ve nüfus yo unlu u, 1927-2000

Population, annual growth rate of population and population density, 1927-2000

Yllk nüfus art hz Nüfus yo unlu u

Saym yl Nüfus Annual growth rate Population

Census year Population of population (‰) density (1) (2)

1927 13 648 270 - 18

1935 16 158 018 21.10 21

1940 17 820 950 17.03 (3) 23

1945 18 790 174 10.59 24

1950 20 947 188 21.73 27

1955 24 064 763 27.75 31

1960 27 754 820 28.53 36

1965 31 391 421 24.62 41

1970 35 605 176 25.19 46

1975 40 347 719 25.00 52

1980 44 736 957 20.65 58

1985 50 664 458 24.88 65

1990 56 473 035 21.71 73

2000 67 803 927 18.28 88

(1) Türkiye'nin yüzölçümü 769 604 km2'dir.

Surface area of Turkey is 769 604 km2.(2) Yüzölçümüne do al göller ve baraj gölleri dahil de ildir. Harita Genel

Komutanl 'ndan alnan 1/1 000 000 ölçekli harita baz alnarak

hesaplanm tr.

Lakes and dams are excluded from the surface area. It was calculated according

to 1/1 000 000 scaled map provided from General Command of Mapping.

(3) Hatay ilinin nüfusu toplama dahil edilerek hesap edilmi tir.

It was calculated by including the population of Hatay province to total population.

� Nüfus ve Göç Population and Migration

Page 21: İstatistiklerle Türkiye (1)

TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011

3.2 Nüfus, yllk nüfus art hz ve nüfus yo unlu u, 2007-2010

Population, annual growth rate of population and population density, 2007-2010

Yllk nüfus art hz

Yl Nüfus Annual growth rate Nüfus yo unlu u

Year Population of population (‰) Population density

2007 70 586 256 - 92

2008 71 517 100 13.10 93

2009 72 561 312 14.50 94

2010 73 722 988 15.88 96

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonuçlar

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

Population and Migration Nüfus ve Göç

3.3 l, ilçe, belde belediyesi ve köy says, 2008-2010

Number of provinces, districts, towns and villages, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

l says - Number of provinces 81 81 81

lçe says - Number of districts 892 892 892

Belde/ilk kademe belediyesi says

Number of towns and submunicipalities 1 981 1 978 1 977

Köy says - Number of villages 34 349 34 367 34 402

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonuçlar

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

Not. l, ilçe, belediye ve köy saylar belirlenirken; Nüfus ve Vatanda lk leri

Genel Müdürlü ü tarafndan, ilgili mevzuat ve idari kaytlar uyarnca Ulusal

Adres Veri Taban (UAVT)’nda yerle im yerlerine yönelik olarak yaplan idari

ba llk ve tüzel ki ilik de i iklikleri dikkate alnm tr.

Note. Number of provinces, districts, municipalities and villages are determined by taking

into account administrative attachment and legal entity changes recorded by the General

Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs (GDPCA) in the National Address

Database (NAD) in accordance with the related regulation and administrative registers.

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İK, İstatistiklerle T

ürkiye, 2


1TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011




s ve Gö

ç P



n an

d M



10 - 3940 - 59

60 - 99100 - 500

501 - 2551Adrese Dayalı Nüfus Kayıt Sistemi 2010 sonuçlarına göre hazırlanmıştır. Prepared according to the results of Address Based Population Registration System 2010

Nüfus yoğunluğu (kişi/km )Population density (person per km )



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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


3.4 Cinsiyete göre il/ilçe merkezi ve belde/köy nüfusu, 2008-2010

Province/district centers and towns/villages population by sex, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Toplam nüfus - Total population 71 517 100 72 561 312 73 722 988

l ve ilçe merkezi

Province and district centers

Erkek - Males 26 946 806 27 589 487 28 308 856

Kadn - Females 26 664 917 27 217 732 27 913 500

Belde ve köy

Towns and villages

Erkek - Males 8 954 348 8 872 983 8 734 326

Kadn - Females 8 951 029 8 881 110 8 766 306

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonuçlar

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

Population and Migration Nüfus ve Göç

3.5 Ortanca ya ve ya ba mllk oran, 2008-2010

Median age and age dependency ratio, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Ortanca ya - Median age 28.47 28.77 29.22

Toplam ya ba mllk oran

Total age dependency ratio 49.51 49.25 48.89

Ya l ba mllk oran (65+ ya )

Elderly dependency ratio (age 65 and over) 10.23 10.46 10.76

Genç ba mllk oran (0-14 ya )

Youth dependency ratio (age 0-14) 39.28 38.79 38.13

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonuçlar

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


Nüfus ve Göç Population and Migration

3.6 llere göre nüfus, 2010

Population by provinces, 2010

l Nüfus l Nüfus l Nüfus

Province Population Province Population Province Population

Türkiye-Turkey 73 722 988

Adana 2 085 225 Giresun 419 256 Samsun 1 252 693

Adyaman 590 935 Gümü hane 129 618 Siirt 300 695

Afyonkarahisar 697 559 Hakkâri 251 302 Sinop 202 740

A r 542 022 Hatay 1 480 571 Sivas 642 224

Amasya 334 786 Isparta 448 298 Tekirda 798 109

Ankara 4 771 716 Mersin 1 647 899 Tokat 617 802

Antalya 1 978 333 stanbul 13 255 685 Trabzon 763 714

Artvin 164 759 zmir 3 948 848 Tunceli 76 699

Aydn 989 862 Kars 301 766 anlurfa 1 663 371

Balkesir 1 152 323 Kastamonu 361 222 U ak 338 019

Bilecik 225 381 Kayseri 1 234 651 Van 1 035 418

Bingöl 255 170 Krklareli 332 791 Yozgat 476 096

Bitlis 328 767 Kr ehir 221 876 Zonguldak 619 703

Bolu 271 208 Kocaeli 1 560 138 Aksaray 377 505

Burdur 258 868 Konya 2 013 845 Bayburt 74 412

Bursa 2 605 495 Kütahya 590 496 Karaman 232 633

Çanakkale 490 397 Malatya 740 643 Krkkale 276 647

Çankr 179 067 Manisa 1 379 484 Batman 510 200

Çorum 535 405 Kahramanmara 1 044 816 rnak 430 109

Denizli 931 823 Mardin 744 606 Bartn 187 758

Diyarbakr 1 528 958 Mu la 817 503 Ardahan 105 454

Edirne 390 428 Mu 406 886 I dr 184 418

Elaz 552 646 Nev ehir 282 337 Yalova 203 741

Erzincan 224 949 Ni de 337 931 Karabük 227 610

Erzurum 769 085 Ordu 719 183 Kilis 123 135

Eski ehir 764 584 Rize 319 637 Osmaniye 479 221

Gaziantep 1 700 763 Sakarya 872 872 Düzce 338 188

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi Sonuçlar (ADNKS), 2010

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2010

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


3.7 Ya grubu ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2010

Population by age group and sex, 2010

Ya grubu - Age group Toplam - Total Erkek - Males Kadn - Females

Toplam - Total 73 722 988 37 043 182 36 679 806

0-4 6 178 723 3 173 092 3 005 631

5-9 6 131 118 3 148 210 2 982 908

10-14 6 568 741 3 369 995 3 198 746

15-19 6 277 307 3 219 221 3 058 086

20-24 6 267 787 3 200 959 3 066 828

25-29 6 437 922 3 275 153 3 162 769

30-34 6 209 967 3 146 214 3 063 753

35-39 5 566 117 2 798 870 2 767 247

40-44 4 594 723 2 344 747 2 249 976

45-49 4 700 291 2 358 913 2 341 378

50-54 3 706 289 1 871 231 1 835 058

55-59 3 264 313 1 614 971 1 649 342

60-64 2 491 954 1 190 577 1 301 377

65-69 1 807 292 848 726 958 566

70-74 1 420 784 633 016 787 768

75-79 1 118 047 502 175 615 872

80-84 664 301 245 975 418 326

85-89 244 362 83 179 161 183

90+ 72 950 17 958 54 992

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi Sonuçlar (ADNKS), 2010

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2010

Population and Migration Nüfus ve Göç

Yaş grubu - Age group

Nüfus piramidiPopulation pyramide


Erkek - Males

Kadın - Females

6 4 2 0 2 4 6

90+85 - 8980 - 8475 - 7970 - 7465 - 6960 - 6455 - 5950 - 5445 - 4940 - 4435 - 3930 - 3425 - 2920 - 2415 - 1910 - 14

5 - 90 - 4 (%)

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


Nüfus ve Göç Population and Migration

3.9 Okuryazarlk ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2008-2010

Population by literacy and sex, 2008-2010

[6 > ya - age]

2008 2009 2010

Erkek - Males

Okuma yazma bilmeyen - Illiterate 986 790 915 054 700 400

(%) 3.30 2.96 2.21

Okuma yazma bilen - Literate 28 873 257 30 039 678 30 983 102

(%) 96.70 97.04 97.79

Kadn - Females

Okuma yazma bilmeyen - Illiterate 3 943 222 3 757 203 3 125 244

(%) 13.09 12.10 9.87

Okuma yazma bilen - Literate 26 188 528 27 304 701 28 542 644

(%) 86.91 87.90 90.13

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi (ADNKS) Sonuçlar

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

Not.1. Oranlar hesaplanrken bilinmeyen kapsanmam tr.

Note.1. Proportions are calculated by excluding unknown.

2. Yabanclar kapsama alnmam tr.

2. Foreigners are not included.

3.8 Yasal medeni durum ve cinsiyete göre nüfus, 2010

Population by legal marital status and sex, 2010

[15 > ya - age]

Toplam Erkek Kadn

Total Males Females

Toplam - Total 54 671 391 27 271 726 27 399 665

Hiç evlenmedi - Never married 15 064 319 8 650 505 6 413 814

Evli - Married 35 098 388 17 563 753 17 534 635

E i öldü - Widowed 2 946 602 417 558 2 529 044

Bo and - Divorced 1 562 082 639 910 922 172

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi Sonuçlar (ADNKS), 2010

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2010

Not. Yabanclar kapsama alnmam tr.

Note. Foreigners are not included.

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Population and Migration Nüfus ve Göç

3.10 2009-2010 dönemi net göç hzna göre en fazla göç alan, göç veren iller

The provinces with highest in-migration and out-migration by rate of net migration

in 2009-2010 period

ADNKS Net göç hz

2010 nüfusu Rate of net

Population of Ald göç Verdi i göç migration

ABPRS In-migration Out- migration (‰)

Net göç hzna göre en fazla göç alan iller

The provinces with highest in-migration according to their net migration rate

Tekirda 798 109 41 307 29 433 14.99

Antalya 1 978 333 86 907 61 662 12.84

Ankara 4 771 716 182 845 133 440 10.41

Kocaeli 1 560 138 64 503 49 379 9.74

Erzincan 224 949 14 198 12 365 8.18

Net göç hzna göre en fazla göç veren iller

The provinces with highest out-migration according to their net migration rate

Çankr 179 067 11 536 17 958 -35.23

Yozgat 476 096 16 181 29 618 -27.83

Tokat 617 802 25 430 40 995 -24.88

Krkkale 276 647 12 488 19 229 -24.07

Kars 301 766 9 906 16 657 -22.12

Kaynak: Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi Sonuçlar (ADNKS), 2010

Source: Results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), 2010

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TÜİK, İstatistiklerle Türkiye, 2011TurkStat, Turkey in Statistics, 2011


4.1 Do umlar, 2007-2009

Births, 2007-2009

[31/08/2010 tarihi itibariyle - Date as of 31/08/2010]

2007 2008 2009

Do um says - Number of births 1 279 087 1 281 302 1 241 617

Erkek - Males 656 958 658 120 639 357

Kz - Females 622 129 623 182 602 260

Kaba do um hz - Crude birth rate (‰) 18.2 18.0 17.3

Genel do urganlk hzGeneral fertility rate (‰) 75.8 75.3 72.3

Toplam do urganlk hz (çocuk says)Total fertility rate (number of children) 2.15 2.14 2.06

Kaynak: Nüfus ve Vatanda lk leri Genel Müdürlü üSource: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

4.2 Ya a özel do urganlk hz, 2007-2009 Age specific fertility rate, 2007-2009

[31/08/2010 tarihi itibariyle - Date as of 31/08/2010] (‰)

Annenin ya grubu - Age group of mother 2007 2008 2009

15-19 39 38 34

20-24 121 122 116

25-29 130 128 124

30-34 86 87 83

35-39 38 39 42

40-44 13 11 10

45-49 2 2 2

Kaynak: Nüfus ve Vatanda lk leri Genel Müdürlü üSource: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

� Demografi Demography

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4.3 Evlenmeler ve bo anmalar, 2007-2009

Marriages and divorces, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Evlenmeler - Marriages 638 311 641 973 591 742

Bo anmalar - Divorces 94 219 99 663 114 162

Kaba evlenme hz - Crude marriage rate (%0) 9.09 9.03 8.23

Kaba bo anma hz - Crude divorce rate (%0) 1.34 1.40 1.59

Kaynak: Nüfus ve Vatanda lk leri Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

Demography Demografi

4.4 Evlilik süresine göre bo anmalar, 2007-2009

Divorces by duration of marriage, 2007-2009

Evlilik süresi (yl)

Duration of marriage (year) 2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 94 219 99 663 114 162


-1 4.01 3.92 3.52

1 9.80 9.70 9.14

2 8.16 8.16 8.04

3 7.41 7.28 7.09

4 6.60 6.70 6.46

5 5.86 5.60 5.87

6-10 22.15 21.41 20.92

11-15 13.54 13.91 14.57

16+ 22.47 23.07 24.02

Bilinmeyen - Unknown - 0.24 0.37

Kaynak: Nüfus ve Vatanda lk leri Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality

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Demografi Demography

4.6 ntiharlar, 2007-2009

Suicides, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 2 793 2 816 2 898

Erkek - Males 1 808 1 924 2 111

Kadn - Females 985 892 787

4.5 Ölümler, 2006-2008

Deaths, 2006-2008

[ l ve ilçe merkezleri - Province and district centers]

2006 2007 2008

Toplam - Total 210 146 212 731 215 562

Erkek - Males 116 923 118 059 119 391

Kadn - Females 93 223 94 672 96 171

4.7 Ya grubuna göre intiharlar, 2007-2009

Suicides by age group, 2007-2009

Ya grubu - Age group 2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 2 793 2 816 2 898


-15 3.29 2.70 3.28

15-24 24.70 25.60 20.81

25-34 21.63 19.32 20.32

35-44 14.79 15.77 16.56

45-54 12.42 12.57 16.39

55-64 7.13 7.78 10.46

65-74 4.98 6.32 6.21

75+ 4.62 5.22 5.49

Bilinmeyen - Unknown 6.44 4.72 0.48

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Demography Demografi

4.8 Demografik göstergeler, 2011, 2015, 2020

Demographic indicators, 2011, 2015, 2020

2011 2015 2020

Toplam do urganlk hz (kadn ba na)

Total fertility rate (per woman) 2.09 2.05 2.01

Katkl yenilenme hz (kadn ba na)

Gross reproduction rate (per woman) 1.02 1.00 0.98

Net yenilenme hz (kadn ba na)

Net reproduction rate (per woman) 1.00 0.98 0.97

Çocuk do urmada ortalama ya

Mean age of childbearing 27.1 26.9 26.8

Bebek ölüm hz - Infant mortality rate (‰) Toplam - Total 12.6 11.0 9.9

Erkek - Males 14.5 12.7 11.4

Kz - Females 10.5 9.2 8.4

Do u ta beklenen ya am süresi (yl)

Expectation of life at birth (year)

Toplam - Total 74.5 74.9 75.4

Erkek - Males 72.0 72.3 72.7

Kadn - Females 77.1 77.7 78.3

Not. 2008 Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemine göre Nüfus Projeksiyonlar.

Nüfus Projeksiyonlar, 2008 Türkiye Nüfus ve Sa lk Ara trmas kesin

sonuçlarna göre revize edilmi tir.

Note. Population Projections were based on 2008 Address Based Population Registration

System. Population projections have been revised according to the final result of

2008 Turkey Demographic and Health Survey.

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5.1 Baz sa lk personelinin saylar, 2008-2010

Number of some health professionals, 2008-2010

[Tüm sektörler - All sectors]

2008 2009 2010

Toplam hekim - Physicians total 113 151 118 641 123 447

Uzman hekim - Specialist physicians 56 973 60 655 63 563

Pratisyen hekim - General practitioners 35 763 35 911 38 818

Asistan hekim - Medical residents 20 415 22 075 21 066

Di hekimi - Dentists 19 959 20 589 21 432

Eczac - Pharmacists 24 778 25 201 26 506

Sa lk memuru - Health officers 83 993 92 061 94 443

Hem ire - Nurses 99 910 105 176 114 772

Ebe - Midwives 47 673 49 357 50 343

Kaynak: Sa lk Bakanl , Personel Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Personnel

Not. Di er kamu kurumlar ve yerel idarelerde çal an sa lk personeli

saylar dahildir. MSB'ye ba l kurum ve kurulu larda çal an sa lk

personeli saylar dahil de ildir.

Note. Other covers personnel assigned in other public establishments and local

administrations. Personnel working in the MoD-affiliated facilities are not included.

� Sağlık Health

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5.2 Dallara göre hastane saylar, 2008-2010

Number of hospitals by branches, 2008-2010

Dallar - Branches 2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total 1 350 1 389 1 439

Genel hastane - General hospital 1 171 1 219 1 266

Acil yardm ve travmatoloji hastanesi

Emergency and traumatology hospital 5 3 2

Çocuk hastalklar hastanesi

Child diseases hospital 8 6 7

Di hastanesi - Dental hospital 3 5 5

Diyabet hastanesi - Diabetes hospital 2 2 2

Fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon merkezleri

Physical treatment and rehabilitation centers 12 12 14

Gö üs hastalklar hastanesi

Chest diseases hospital 22 19 18

Gö üs kalp damar cerrahisi merkezleri

Chest and cardiovascular diseases centers 7 11 11

Göz hastalklar hastanesi

Ophtalmology hospital 18 24 26

Kadn do um ve çocuk hastalklar hastanesi

Obstetric and child hospital 74 63 63

Kardiyoloji hastanesi - Cardiology hospital 5 1 1

Kemik hastalklar hastanesi

Bone diseases hospital 3 3 3

Lepra hastanesi - Lepra hospital 2 1 1

Meslek hastalklar hastanesi

Occupational diseases hospital 2 2 2

Onkoloji hastanesi - Oncology hospital 4 5 5

Psikiyatri hastanesi - Psychiatry hospital 11 12 12

Zührevi hastalklar hastanesi

Veneral diseases hospital 1 1 1

Kaynak: Sa lk Bakanl , Tedavi Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Curative Services

Not.Di er kamu kurulu lar ve yerel idarelere ait hastaneler genel hastanelere

dahil edilmi tir.

Note. Hospitals owned by other public establishments and local administrations were

included in general hospitals.

Health Sağlık

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Sağlık Health

5.3 Baz seçilmi enfeksiyon hastalklarnn vaka saylar, 2008-2010

Number of cases of some selected infectious diseases, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Kzamk - Measles(1) 4 4 7

Tetanoz - Tetanus 14 12 25

Neonatal tetanoz - Neonatal tetanus 7 0 2

Bo maca - Pertussis 21 10 48

Hepatit B - Hepatitis B 5 849 5 005 3 099

Difteri - Diptheria 0 0 0

A DS - AIDS 49 75 70

HIV Enfeksiyonu - HIV Infectious 401 453 557

Tüberküloz - Tuberculosis(2) 17 600 16 757 -

Stma - Malaria(3) 215 84 78

Kaynak: Temel Sa lk Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü ü, Stma Sava Dairesi

Ba kanl , Verem Sava Dairesi Ba kanl

Source: General Directorate of Primary Health Care Services, Department of Malaria

Control, Department of Tuberculosis Control.

(1) 2008 yl 4 kzamk vakasnn 1’i yurt d kaynakl olup di er 3’ü bu vaka

ile ili kilidir. Yerli vaka says 0'dr. 2009 yl 4 kzamk vakasnn 3’ü yurt

d kaynakl olup 1‘i bu vaka ile ili kilidir. Yerli vaka says 0'dr. 2010 yl

7 kzamk vakasnn tamam yurt d kaynakl olup yerli vaka says 0'dr.

1 of 4 measles cases reported in 2008 was an imported measles case and other

3 cases were import-related cases. No local cases were reported. 3 of 4 measles

cases reported in 2009 were imported measles cases and other 1 case was an

import-related case. No local cases were reported. All of 7 measles cases reported

in 2010 were imported cases and no local cases were reported in 2010.

(2) 2010 yl tüberküloz vaka says Dünya Sa lk Örgütü (DSÖ) tarafndan

2011 Küresel TB raporunda yaymland nda verilebilecektir.

Tuberculosis incidence 2010 will be provided once it is published in the Global

TB Report 2011 of the World Health Organization (WHO).

(3) 2008 yl stma vakalarnn 49’u, 2009 yl stma vakalarnn 46’s yurtd

kaynakl vakadr. 2010 ylnda 78 yurtd kaynakl, 9 nüks vaka tespit

edilmi tir. Yerli vaka says 0'dr.

49 of malaria cases reported in 2008 and 46 of malaria cases reported in 2009

were import-related cases. 78 imported-cases and 9 recurrent cases were reported

in 2010. No local cases were noted.

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Health Sağlık

5.4 Organ nakli says, 2008-2010

Number of organ transplantations, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total 2 362 3 074 3 336

Böbrek - Kidney 1 665 2 362 2 502

Karaci er - Liver 602 593 695

Kalp - Heart 50 55 86

Kalp kapakç - Heart valve 29 38 18

Akci er - Lung 0 7 3

Kalp-Akci er - Heart-Lung 3 0 0

Pankreas - Pancreas 10 18 29

nce ba rsak - Small intestine 3 1 3

Kaynak: Sa lk Bakanl , Tedavi Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Curative Services

5.5 Cinsiyete göre en sk görülen kanser türünün insidans, 2006-2008

Incidence of the most common cancer by sex, 2006-2008

[100 000'de, Dünya standart nüfusu - per 100 000, World standard population]

2006 2007 2008

Kadn - Females

Meme - Breast 37.6 38.5 41.6

Troid - Thyroid 10.8 14.4 15.3

Kolorektal - Colorectal 12.5 13.3 13.5

Erkek - Males

Trakea, akci er ve bron

Trachea, lung and bronch 68.9 68.2 69.8

Prostat - Prostate 28.9 33.3 36.3

Mesane - U. Bladder 21.0 22.8 21.5

Kaynak: Kanserle Sava Dairesi Ba kanl

Source: Department of Cancer Control

Not. 2007-2008 yllarna ait veri toplama, dublikasyon kontrolü, kalite

çal malar devam etti inden bu veriler tahmin de erleridir. Veriler, Aktif

Kanser Kayt Sisteminden alnm tr.

Note. These data are the estimates because data collection and duplication and quality

checks of the 2007-2008 data are not finished yet. Data were obtained from the

"Active Cancer Registration System".

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Sağlık Health

5.6 0-6 ya grubundaki çocuklarn son 6 ay içinde geçirdi i hastalklarn

cinsiyete göre da lm, 2008

Percentage of children in 0-6 age group who were exposed to diseases/accidents

in the past 6 months by sex, 2008 (%)

Hastalk/Kaza türü Toplam Erkek Kadn

Diseases/Accidents Total Males Females

Üst solunum yolu enfeksiyonu

(tonsilit, orta kulak iltihab, farenjit)

Upper respiratory tract infection

(Tonsillitis, middle ear infections, pharyngitis) 38.7 41.1 36.3

shal - Diarrhea 26.0 27.7 24.3

Kanszlk - Anemia 11.3 12.2 10.3

A z ve di sa l sorunlar

Oral and dental health problems 9.0 10.6 7.4

Bula c hastalklar - Communicable diseases 9.1 9.8 8.4

Kaynak: Türkiye Sa lk Ara trmas, 2008

Source: Turkish Health Survey, 2008

5.7 7-14 ya grubundaki çocuklarn son 6 ay içinde geçirdi i sorun/

hastalklarn cinsiyete göre da lm, 2008

Percentage of children in 7-14 age group who were exposed to health

conditions/diseases in the past 6 months by sex, 2008 (%)

Toplam Erkek Kadn

Total Males Females

Enfeksiyöz hastalklar - Infectious diseases 46.2 45.8 46.6

A z ve di sa l sorunlar

Oral and dental health problems 26.8 26.4 27.3

Göz ile ilgili sorunlar - Visual problems 16.1 16.0 16.2

Beslenme ile ili kili hastalklar

Diseases related with nutrition 8.5 8.2 8.8

Cilt hastalklar - Skin diseases 8.4 7.0 10.0

Kaynak: Türkiye Sa lk Ara trmas, 2008

Source: Turkish Health Survey, 2008

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Health Sağlık

5.8 Hekim tarafndan te his edilen hastalk/sa lk sorunlarnn cinsiyete

göre da lm, 2008

The percentage of diseases/health problems diagnosed by a medical doctor

by sex, 2008

[15 ya - age] (%)

Toplam Erkek Kadn

Total Males Females

Bel bölgesi kas iskelet sistem problemleri (bel a rs,

bel ft , di er bel defektleri) - Back musculoskeletal system

disorders (lumbago, back hernia, other back defections) 15.9 11.5 20.2

Romatizmal eklem hastal (romatoid artrit)

Rheumatismal joint desease (romatoid artrit) 13.8 8.5 18.8

Ülser (mide, gastrik veya oniki parmak ba rsa ülseri)

Ulser (stomach, gastritit or duodenum ulser) 12.9 10.7 14.9

Migren ve benzeri iddetli ba a rs

Migraine and severe headache 10.3 5.3 15.1

Hipertansiyon - High blood pressure (hypertension) 13.5 8.9 17.9

Kaynak: 2008 Sa lk Ara trmas

Source: 2008 Health Survey

5.9 Bireylerin tütün kullanma durumunun cinsiyete göre da lm, 2008

Percentage of persons by detailed smoking status and sex, 2008

[15 ve daha yukar ya - 15 years old and over] (%)

Tütün kullanma durumu Toplam Erkek Kadn

Smoking status Total Males Females

Halen tütün kullanan - Current tobacco smoker 31.2 47.9 15.2

Her gün kullanan - Daily smoker 27.4 43.8 11.6

Ara sra kullanan - Occasional smoker 3.8 4.1 3.6

Halen ara sra, geçmi te her gün kullanan

Occasional smoker, former daily 1.8 2.1 1.5

Halen ara sra, geçmi te hiç kullanmayan

Occasional smoker, never daily 2.0 2.0 2.1

Halen tütün kullanmayan - Non-smoker 68.8 52.1 84.8

Geçmi te her gün kullanan - Former daily smoker 10.5 17.2 4.1

Her gün kullanmam olan - Never daily smoker 58.2 34.9 80.7

Geçmi te ara sra kullanan - Former occasional smoker 5.4 4.9 5.9

Hiç kullanmayan - Never smoker 52.8 30.0 74.8

Kaynak: Küresel Yeti kin Tütün Ara trmas, 2008

Source: Global Adult Tobacco Survey, 2008

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6.1 Ö retim yl ve okul grubuna göre okulla ma oran, 2008-2011

Schooling ratio by group of schools and the education year, 2008-2011 (%)

E itim seviyesi Brüt Net Brüt Net Brüt Net

Level of educational Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net

lkö retimPrimary education 103.84 96.49 106.48 98.17 107.58 98.41

Erkek - Males 104.91 96.99 107.05 98.47 107.36 98.59

Kadn - Females 102.71 95.97 105.88 97.84 107.81 98.22

Orta ö retimSecondary education 76.62 58.52 84.19 64.95 93.34 69.33

Erkek - Males 80.96 60.63 89.14 67.55 99.06 72.35

Kadn - Females 72.05 56.30 78.97 62.21 87.31 66.14

Yüksek ö retimHigher education 44.27 27.69 53.43 30.42 - -

Erkek - Males 49.05 29.40 58.14 31.24 - -

Kadn - Females 39.28 25.92 48.48 29.55 - -

Not 1. Yl ortas nüfus projeksiyonlar kullanlm tr.Note 1. The mid-year population projections were used.

2. Okulla ma oranlar 2007/'08 ö retim ylndan itibaren Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemi sonuçlarna göre hesaplanmaktadr. 2. Schooling ratios from 2007-2008 educational year were calculated according

to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System.

2008/'09 2009/'10 2010/'11

� Eğitim ve Kültür Education and Culture

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6.2 E itim kurumlarna göre ö renciler, 2009-2011

Enrollments by educational institutions, 2009-2011

Okul Ö renci Okul Ö renci

School Enrollment School Enrollment

Okul öncesi e itim - Pre-school (1) 26 681 980 654 27 606 1 115 818

lkö retim - Primary education 33 310 10 916 643 32 797 10 981 100

Genel lise - General high schools (1) 4 067 2 420 691 4 102 2 676 123

Mesleki ve teknik lise

Vocational and technical high schools (1) 4 846 1 819 448 5 179 2 072 487

Fakülte ve yüksek okul

Higher educational institutions (2) 1 617 3 322 559 - -

Kaynak: Milli E itim statistikleri, 2010/'11

Source: MONE, National Education Statistics, 2010/'11

(1) Resmi ve özel okullar kapsar.

It covers public and private schools.

(2) Bilgiler Yüksek Ö retim Kurulu Ba kanl 'ndan alnm tr.

Data are provided by the Council of Higher Education.

2009/'10 2010/'11

Education and Culture Eğitim ve Kültür

Öğrencilerin eğitim kurumlarına göre dağılımıThe distribution of enrollment by educational institutions


Okul öncesi eğitimPre-school

İlköğretimPrimary education

Genel liseGeneral high schoolsMesleki ve teknik liseVocational and technical high schools

Fakülte ve yüksek okulHigher educational institutions



%12 %56

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Eğitim ve Kültür Education and Culture

6.3 Yüksek ö retim kurumlarnda (lisans ve önlisans) ö retim alanna göre

ö renciler, 2009/'10

Kadn Erkek

Ö retim alan - Field of education Females Males

Toplam - Total 1 472 453 1 850 106

E itim - Education 139 716 117 563

nsani bilimler ve sanat - Human sciences and art 137 424 117 278

Sosyal bilimler, i yönetimi, hukuk

Social sciences, business, law 826 117 1 015 228

Müspet ve do a bilimleri - Positive and natural sciences 88 793 119 104

Mühendislik, üretim ve yap

Engineering, production and construction 76 443 279 235

Ziraat, ormanclk, su ürünleri ve veterinerlik

Agriculture, forestry, fishery and veterinary 57 713 61 556

Sa lk ve sosyal hizmetler - Health and social services 112 255 62 821

Hizmetler - Services 33 992 77 321

Kaynak: ÖSYM, 2009/'10 Ö retim Yl Yüksekö retim statistikleri

Source: Student Selection and Replacement Center, 2009/'10 Higher Education Statistics

Higher educational institutions enrollments by fields of study, 2009/'10

6.4 Ö retim elemanlarnn akademik görevlerine göre saylar, 2009/'10

Number of teaching staff by academic title, 2009/'10

Kadn Erkek

Females Males

Profesör - Professor 4 038 10 533

Doçent - Associate professor 2 494 5 333

Yardmc doçent - Assistant professor 6 992 12 791

Ö retim görevlisi - Instructor 6 375 10 063

Okutman - Language instructor 4 685 3 123

Uzman - Specialist 1 402 1 733

Ara trma görevlisi - Research assistant 17 111 18 666

Çevirici - Translator 12 6

E itim-ö retim planlamacs

Education-training planner 22 48

Kaynak: ÖSYM, 2009/'10 Ö retim Yl Yüksekö retim statistikleri

Source:Student Selection and Replacement Center, 2009/'10 Higher Education Statistics

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Education and Culture Eğitim ve Kültür

6.5 Yurtd nda ö renim yapan resmi burslu ö renci saylar, 2009-2010

Number of Turkish Government sponsored students educated abroad, 2009-2010

[10.01.2011 tarihi itibariyle - As of 10.01.2011]

2009 2010

Dil - Language 487 419

Lisans - Undergraduate 2 -

Yüksek lisans - Master 622 875

Doktora - Doctorate 295 510

Staj - Internship 4 1

Kaynak: Milli E itim Bakanl ; Yüksekö retim Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: The Ministry of National Education; General Directorate of Higher Education

6.6 Sinema, gösterilen film ve seyirciler, 2007-200�

Cinemas, movies and attendances, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Sinema salonu sayısı

Number of movie houses 1 140 1 514 1 647

Gösterilen film sayısı - Number of movies 28 733 32 003 34 947

Yerli film - National production 8 340 9 455 13 275

Yabancı film - Foreign production 20 393 22 548 21 672

Seyirci sayısı - Number of attendances 20 659 569 31 132 231 31 334 447

Kaynak: Sinema müdürlükleri

Source: Directorates of cinemas

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Eğitim ve Kültür Education and Culture

6.7 Tiyatro, oynanan eser, gösterim says ve seyirciler, 2006-2009

Theaters, shows, performances and attendances, 2006-2009

2006/'07 2007/'08 2008/'09

Tiyatro salonu says - Number of theater halls 130 204 201

Oynanan eser says - Number of shows 848 2 122 2 217

Gösterim says - Number of performances 10 289 17 410 18 803

Seyirci says - Number of attendances 2 419 262 3 380 214 4 320 729

Kaynak: Devlet Tiyatrolar Genel Müdürlü ü, belediye, resmi kurum ve özel

tiyatro müdürlükleri

Source: General Directorate of State Theaters, municipalities, directorates of official

and private theaters

6.8 Opera ve bale, oynanan eser, gösterim says ve seyirciler, 2006-2009

Operas and ballets, shows, performances and attendances, 2006-2009

2006/'07 2007/'08 2008/'09

Opera ve bale salonu says

Number of operas and ballets halls 7 10 7

Oynanan eser says - Number of shows 84 203 143

Gösterim says - Number of performances 289 650 441

Seyirci says - Number of attendances 451 271 325 364 181 605

Kaynak: Devlet Opera ve Balesi Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of State Operas and Ballets

6.� Kütüphane ve müze sayıları, 2007-200�

Number of library and museums, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Milli Kütüphane - National Library 1 1 1

Halk kütüphaneleri - Public libraries 1 162 1 156 1 149

Üniversite kütüphaneleri - University libraries 320 416 435

Müze sayısı - Museums 165 159 183

Etnografya - Ethnography 34 38 39

Arkeoloji - Archaeology 61 57 60

Genel - General 70 64 84

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Education and Culture Eğitim ve Kültür

6.10 Müze ve müzelere ba l halka açk ören yeri ziyaretçileri ve gelirleri,


Museums and ruins under the responsibility of the museums open to the public,

visitors and receipts, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Ziyaretçi says - Number of visitors(1) 18 023 618 22 736 238 23 000 957

Müze - Museums 11 936 591 12 422 148 14 137 870

Ören yeri - Ruins 6 087 027 10 314 090 8 863 087

Gelir - Income(2) (TL) 71 890 414 116 331 539 148 955 195

Kaynak: Kültür Varlklar ve Müzeler Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums

(1) Ücretli ve ücretsiz ziyaretçi says dahildir.

Number of visitors paying or not paying entrance fee is included.

(2) Giri ücreti, foto raf ve film çekim ücretleri dahildir.

Admission fee and fee for taking films and photography are included.

6.11 Gazetelerin ve dergilerin co rafi kapsama göre says, 2007-2009

Number of newspapers and magazines by geographical coverage, 2007-2009

Yayn bölgesi

Region of publishing 2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 2 336 2 479 2 604 3 338 3 186 3 469

Yerel - Local 2 140 2 304 2 368 1 404 1 239 1 284

Bölgesel - Regional 58 58 73 229 258 278

Ulusal - National 138 117 163 1 705 1 689 1 907

Gazete - Newspapers Dergi - Magazines

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7.1 Gelen ve giden yabanclar, 2008-2010

Foreigners arriving and departing, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Gelen yabanclar - Foreigners arriving 26 336 677 27 077 114 28 632 204

Giden yabanclar - Foreigners departing 26 431 124 27 347 977 28 510 852

Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Public Security

7.2 Gelen ve giden vatanda lar, 2008-2010

Citizens arriving and departing, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Gelen vatanda - Citizens arriving 9 690 814 10 242 183 10 921 427

Giden vatanda - Citizens departing 9 869 521 10 493 175 11 000 817

Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Public Security

7.3 Seçilmi milliyetlere göre gelen yabanc ziyaretçiler, 2008-2010

Foreign visitors arrivals by selected nationalities, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Almanya - Germany 4 415 525 4 488 350 4 385 263

Rusya Fed. - Russian Fed. 2 879 278 2 694 733 3 107 043

ngiltere - United Kingdom 2 169 924 2 426 749 2 673 605

ran - Iran 1 134 965 1 383 261 1 885 097

Bulgaristan - Bulgaria 1 255 343 1 406 604 1 433 970

Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Public Security

� Turizm Tourism

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7.4 Turizm gideri, 2008-2010

Tourism expenditures, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Vatanda ziyaretçi says

Number of citizen visitors 4 892 717 5 561 355 6 557 233

Turizm gideri

Tourism expenditure ($) 3 506 888 204 4 145 740 850 4 825 214 101

Ki i ba ortalama harcama

Average expenditures per person ($) 717 745 736

Not. Bilgiler "Vatanda Giri Anketi" sonuçlarna aittir.

Note. Data cover "The Arriving Citizens Survey" results.

Tourism Turizm

(Milyar $ - Billion $)

Turizm geliri - Tourism income

2008 2009 2010*













7.5 Turizm geliri, 2008-2010

Tourism income, 2008-2010 ($)

2008 2009 2010*

Yabanc - Foreigners 16 801 617 895 15 853 074 510 15 577 356 752

Vatanda - Citizens 5 149 188 667 5 396 260 135 5 229 351 692

Not. Bilgiler "Çk Yapan Ziyaretçiler Anket" sonuçlarna aittir.

Note. Data cover "The Departing Visitors Survey" results.

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8.1 Cinsiyet, ya grubu ve e itim durumuna göre ceza infaz kurumuna giren

hükümlüler, 2007-2009

Convicts received into prison by sex, age group and education level, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009*

Toplam - Total 127 304 76 607 74 404

Cinsiyet - Sex

Erkek - Males 122 787 73 933 71 349

Kadn - Females 4 517 2 674 3 043

Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 12

Ya grubu - Age group

11 - 14 61 123 187

15 - 17 779 1 065 900

18 - 24 24 391 15 636 14 036

25 - 34 41 349 25 854 18 638

35 - 44 35 807 20 357 15 569

45 - 54 18 616 10 002 8 073

55 - 64 5 034 2 843 2 373

65 + 1 267 727 536

Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 14 092

E itim durumu - Education level

Okuryazar olmayan - Illiterate 3 089 2 137 2 040

Okuryazar olup da bir okul bitirmeyenLiterate but not graduated from a school 2 397 1 795 2 375

Bitirilen okul - Completed school 121 818 72 675 65 115

lkokul - Primary school 72 844 42 683 31 715

lkö retim - Primary education 9 779 8 303 10 377

Ortaokul/dengi meslek okulu - Junior high school

and vocational school at junior high school level 15 283 8 078 7 356

Lise/dengi meslek okulu - High school

and vocational school at high school level 19 495 11 049 12 675

Yüksek ö retim - Higher education 4 417 2 562 2 992

Bilinmeyen - Unknown - - 4 874

Not. Yeni T.C.K'ya göre ceza sorumluluk ya 12 olmu tur.

Note. The criminal responsibility age has been 12 years old by the T.C.L.

� Adalet Justice

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8.2 Suç türüne göre çocuk ceza infaz kurumu ve e itimevine giren

hükümlü çocuklar, 2007-2009

Juvenile convicts received into juvenile prison and reformatory by type of

crime, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009*

Toplam - Total 236 429 652

Öldürme - Homicide 21 39 34

Hrszlk - Theft 47 121 194

Irza geçmek - Rape 30 7 -

Fiili livata - Sodomy 5 28 -

Cinsel suçlar - Sexual crimes - - 42

Yaralama - Assault 14 9 13

Gasp - Robbery 100 171 271

Di er - Other 19 54 98

Justice Adalet












2005 2006 2007 2008 2009*

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009*

Ceza infaz kurumuna giren hükümlülerConvicts received into prison

(Bin kişi - Thousand persons)

(Bin kişi - Thousand persons)

Erkek - Males

Kadın - Females

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�.1 Milletvekili Genel Seçimi sonuçları, 1���, 2002, 2007

Results of the General Election of Representatives, 1999, 2002, 2007

1999 2002 2007

Kayıtlı seçmen - Registered voters 37 495 217 41 407 027 42 799 303

Oy kullanan seçmen - Actual voters 32 656 070 32 768 161 36 056 293

Seçime katılma oranı

Participation rate (%) 87.1 79.1 84.2

Geçerli oy sayısı - Number of valid votes 31 184 496 31 528 783 35 049 691

Milletvekili sayısı

Number of representatives 550 550 550

Erkek - Males 527 526 500

Temsil oranı - Representation rate (%) 95.8 95.6 90.9

Kadın - Females 23 24 50

Temsil oranı - Representation rate (%) 4.2 4.4 9.1

Milletvekili Genel Seçimi sonuçlarıResults of the General Election of Representatives


Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AK PARTi)Justice and Development Party

Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP)Republican People’s Party

Milliyetçi Hareket Partisi (MHP)Nationalist Movement PartyBağımsızlarIndependents







� Seçimler Elections

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9.2 Mahalli dareler Seçimi sonuçlar, 2009

Results of the Local Administration Elections, 2009

l genel Büyük ehir Belediye

meclisi üyeleri belediye b k. meclisi üyeleri

Provincial Mayor of Belediye Municipal

general council metropolitan ba kanl council

members municipality Mayor members

Kaytl seçmen

Registered voters 48 049 446 22 677 450 39 809 274 39 809 272

Oy kullanan seçmen

Number of actual voters 40 932 260 18 861 493 33 510 343 33 461 620

Katlm oran

Participation rate (%) 85.2 83.2 84.2 84.1

Geçerli oy says

Number of valid votes 39 988 763 18 183 894 32 299 515 32 086 214

Elections Seçimler

9.3 Halk Oylamas sonuçlar, 1988, 2007, 2010

Results of the Referendum, 1988, 2007, 2010

A. Alnan oy - Votes polled B. Oy oran - Ratio of vote

1988 2007 2010

Kaytl seçmen - Registered voters 26 739 227 42 690 252 52 051 828

Oy kullanan seçmen - Actual voters 23 750 873 28 819 319 38 369 099

Katlm oran - Participation rate (%) 88.8 67.5 73.7

Geçersiz oy says

Number of unvalid votes 793 995 651 658 725 062

Oran - Ratio (%) 3.3 2.3 1.9

Geçerli oy says

Number of valid votes 22 956 878 28 167 661 37 644 037

Oran - Ratio (%) 96.7 97.7 98.1

Evet - Yes A 8 034 933 19 422 714 21 787 244

Oran - Ratio (%) B 35.0 68.9 57.9

Hayr - No A 14 921 945 8 744 947 15 856 793

Oran - Ratio (%) B 65.0 31.1 42.1

Not. Resmi Gazete sonucudur. Gümrük kaplarndaki halk oylamas sonuçlar,

Türkiye toplam içinde gösterilmi tir.

Note. It is the result of the Official Gazette. The results of the referendum at customs

gates are shown in Turkey total.

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10.1 Emekli Sand , Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu ve Ba -Kur'dan aylk

alanlar, 2007-2009

Persons receiving monthly benefits from the Government Employees

Retirement Fund, Social Insurance Institution and Ba -Kur 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Emekli Sand (1) (4/c) Government Employees Retirement Fund 1 749 378 1 807 419 1 845 351

Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu (4/a)

Social Insurance Institution 4 763 434 5 024 696 5 290 270

Ba -Kur (4/b)

Ba -Kur 1 817 685 1 965 247 2 088 146

(1) Emekli saysna, sand a tabi hizmeti olup di er sosyal güvenlik

kurumlarndan emekli olanlar kapsanmam tr.

Data concerning the retired persons does not cover persons who are in

other social security institutions eventhough they belong.

10.2 SSK, Ba -Kur ve Emekli Sand na yaplan bütçe transferleri, 2007-2009

Budget transfers to Social Insurance Institution, Ba -Kur and Government

Employees Retirement Fund, 2007-2009

(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

2007 2008 2009

SSK - Social Insurance Institution 15 804 628 23 451 270 41 627 730

Ba -Kur - Ba -Kur 6 070 873 2 154 482 1 534 110

Emekli Sand

Government Employees Retirement Fund 7 260 878 9 410 651 9 437 851

10 Sosyal Güvenlik Social Security

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10.3 Sosyal Güvenlik Kurumunun gelir ve gider dengesi, 2008-2010

Revenues and expenditures of Social Security Institution, 2008-2010

(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

2008 2009 2010

Gelirler - Revenues 67 257 484 78 072 788 94 679 381

Giderler - Expenditures 93 159 462 106 775 443 121 403 499

Açk - Deficit -25 901 978 -28 702 655 -26 724 118


Not. Nakit hareketler tablosu dikkate alnarak hazrlanan geçici gerçekle me


Note. These are provisional numbers prepared according to the table of cash flows.

Social Security Sosyal Güvenlik

10.4 Türkiye Kurumuna yaplan ba vurular ve i e yerle tirilenler, 2008-2010

Applications to and placements by the Turkish Employment Organization, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

isteyen - Applications 1 275 674 1 435 024 1 217 936

e yerle tirilen - Placements 109 595 118 278 205 231

Kaynak: Türkiye Kurumu

Source: Turkish Employment Organization

10.5 Türkiye Kurumunca yurtd nda i e yerle tirilen i çiler, 2008-2010

Workers placed abroad by the Turkish Employment Organization, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total 58 602 59 494 54 848

Vasfsz i çiler - Unskilled workers 5 676 10 497 13 031

Vasfl i çiler - Skilled workers 52 926 48 997 41 817

Kaynak: Türkiye Kurumu

Source: Turkish Employment Organization

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11.1 Kurumsal olmayan nüfusun i gücü durumu, 2010

Labour force status of non-institutional population, 2010

[15 > ya - age] (Bin - Thousand)

Toplam Kent Kr Erkek Kadn

Total Urban Rural Males Females

Toplam nüfus - Total population 71 343 49 170 22 172 35 401 35 941

15 > ya nüfus - Population 15 > age 52 541 36 576 15 965 25 801 26 740

gücü - Labour force 25 641 17 105 8 536 18 257 7 383

gücüne katlma oran

Labour force participation rate (%) 48.8 46.8 53.5 70.8 27.6

stihdam edilenler - Employed 22 594 14 679 7 915 16 170 6 425

siz - Unemployed 3 046 2 425 621 2 088 959

sizlik oran - Unemployed rate (%) 11.9 14.2 7.3 11.4 13.0

gücüne dahil olmayanlar

Not in labour force 26 901 19 472 7 429 7 544 19 357

11.2 Ya grubuna göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

Employed persons by age groups, 2010

[15 > ya -age] (Bin - Thousand)

Toplam Kent Kr Erkek Kadn

Total Urban Rural Males Females

Toplam - Total 22 594 14 679 7 915 16 170 6 425

15-24 3 465 2 253 1 212 2 269 1 196

25-44 13 128 9 392 3 736 9 533 3 595

45-64 5 411 2 890 2 521 3 944 1 468

65+ 590 144 446 424 166

11 Çalışma Labour

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11.3 teki durum ve ekonomik faaliyete göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

Employed persons by status in employment and branch of economic activity, 2010

[15 > ya -age] (Bin - Thousand)

teki durum - Status in employment Tarm Sanayi Hizmetler

ICSE 91 Agriculture Industry(1) Services(2)

Erkek - Males 2 959 4 905 8 306

Ücretli, maa l ve yevmiyeli 308 4 124 6 070

Regular and casual employee

veren - Employer 85 354 681

Kendi hesabna - Self employed 1 993 365 1 368

Ücretsiz aile i çisi - Unpaid family worker 573 62 187

Kadn - Females 2 724 1 022 2 679

Ücretli, maa l ve yevmiyeli 219 826 2 215

Regular and casual employee

veren - Employer 10 9 64

Kendi hesabna - Self employed 426 155 241

Ücretsiz aile i çisi - Unpaid family worker 2 069 32 159

Not. NACE Rev. 2'ye göre verilmi tir.

Note. Given by NACE Rev.2.

(1) Madencilik ve ta ocakçl , imalat sanayii, elektrik, gaz, su ve in aat.

Mining and quarrying, manufacturing, electricity, gas, water, construction.

(2) Toptan ve perakende ticaret, lokanta ve oteller, ula trma, haberle me

ve depolama, mali kurumlar, sigorta, ta nmaz mallara ait i ler, toplum

hizmetleri, sosyal ve ki isel hizmetler.

Wholesale and retail trade, restaurants and hotels, transportation, communication

and storage, financial institutions, insurance, business services related to real

estates, community, social and personnel services.

Labour Çalışma


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010





İşsizlik oranı - Unemployed rate[15 > yaş - age]

Erkek - Males

Kadın - Females

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Çalışma Labour

11.4 Ekonomik faaliyete göre istihdam edilenler, 2010

Employed persons by branch of economic activities, 2010

[15 > ya -age] (Bin - Thousand)

Toplam Erkek Kadn

NACE Rev.2 Total Males Females

Toplam - Total 22 596 16 170 6 426

Tarm, ormanclk ve balkçlk

Agriculture, forestry and fishing 5 683 2 959 2 724

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl - Mining and quarrying 114 110 4

malat sanayi - Manufacturing 4 215 3 265 950

Elektrik, gaz, buhar, su ve kanalizasyon

Electricity, gas, steam, water supply, sewerage etc. 165 153 12

n aat ve bayndrlk i leri - Construction 1 432 1 376 56

Toptan ve perakende ticaret

Wholesale and retail trade 3 326 2 697 629

Ula trma ve depolama

Transportation and storage 1 008 949 59

Konaklama ve yiyecek hizmeti faaliyetleri

Accommodation and food service activities 1 084 917 167

Bilgi ve ileti im - Information and communication 204 153 51

Finans ve sigorta faaliyetleri

Financial and insurance activities 274 158 116

Gayrimenkul faaliyetleri - Real estate activities 61 47 14

Mesleki, bilimsel ve teknik faaliyetler

Professional, scientific and technical activities 428 292 136

dari ve destek hizmet faaliyetleri

Administrative and support service activities 766 591 175

Kamu yönetimi ve savunma

Public administration and defence 1 292 1 100 192

E itim hizmetleri - Education 1 019 541 478

nsan sa l ve sosyal hizmet faaliyetleri

Human health and social work activities 590 259 331

Kültür, sanat, e lence, dinlence ve spor

Arts, entertainment and recreation 102 84 18

Di er hizmet faaliyetleri - Other social, community

and personal service activities 832 518 314

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Labour Çalışma

11.5 Ya grubuna göre i sizler, 2010

Unemployed persons by age groups, 2010

[15 > ya -age] (Bin - Thousand)

Toplam Erkek Kadn Erkek Kadn

Total Males Females Males Females

Toplam - Total 3 047 1 604 821 483 138

15-24 963 442 300 161 59

25-44 1 623 843 459 251 70

45-64 452 312 62 69 9

65+ 9 7 0 2 0

Not. 2 bin ki iden az de erlerde örnek büyüklü ü güvenilir tahminler için

yeterli de ildir.

Note. Sample size is too small for reliable estimates for figures less than two

thousand persons.

Kent - Urban Kr - Rural

11.6 E itim durumuna göre i sizler, 2010

Unemployed persons by educational status, 2010

[15 > ya -age] (Bin - Thousand)

E itim durumu - Educational status Toplam Erkek Kadn

ISCED, 97 Total Males Females

Toplam - Total 3 046 2 088 958

Okuma yazma bilmeyen - Illiterate 69 49 20

Okuma yazma bilen fakat bir okul bitirmeyen

Literate but no school completed 155 121 34

lkokul mezunu - Primary school graduate 959 750 209

lkö retim mezunu - Primary education graduate 399 303 96

Ortaokul veya dengi meslek okul mezunu - Junior

high school or equivalent vocational school graduate 254 200 54

Genel lise - High school 433 255 178

Lise dengi meslek okul mezunu

Vocational school at high school level graduate 332 205 127

Yüksek ö retim - Higher education graduate 445 205 240

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12.1 Tarm ve orman alanlar, 2008-2010

Agricultural land and forest area, 2008-2010

(Bin hektar - Thousand hectares)

2008(1) 2009(1) 2010*(1)

Tahllar ve di er bitkisel ürünlerin alan

Area of cereals and other crop products 20 719 20 540 20 560

Ekilen alan - Sown area 16 460 16 217 16 311

Nadas - Fallow land 4 259 4 323 4 249

Sebze bahçeleri alan

Area of vegetable gardens 836 811 802

Ba alan - Area of vineyard 483 479 478

Meyveler, içecek ve baharat bitkileri alan

Area of fruits, beverage and spices crops 1 693 1 686 1 749

Zeytin a açlarnn kaplad alan

Area of olive trees 774 778 826

Daimi çayr ve mera arazisi

Permanent meadow and pasture(2) 14 617 14 617 14 617

Orman alan - Forest area 21 189 21 390 21 390

(1) CPA 2002 kullanlm tr.

CPA 2002 were used.

(2) 2001 Genel Tarm Saym, Köy Genel Bilgi Anketi sonucudur.

2001 Census of Agriculture, results of Village Information Survey.

12 Tarım Agriculture

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12.2 Seçilmi tarla ürünleri üretimi, 2008-2010

Selected field crop production, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

2008 2009 2010

Bu day - Wheat 17 782 000 20 600 000 19 660 000

Msr - Maize 4 274 000 4 250 000 4 310 000

Çeltik - Rice in the husk 753 325 750 000 860 000

Arpa - Barley 5 923 000 7 300 000 7 240 000

Patates - Potatoes 4 225 168 4 425 439 4 548 085

Nohut - Chick pea 518 026 562 564 530 634

Mercimek - Lentils 131 188 302 181 447 400

Ayçiçe i - Sunflower 992 000 1 057 125 1 320 000

Tütün - Tobacco 93 403 81 053 55 000

eker pancar - Sugar beet 15 488 332 17 274 674 17 942 112

Pamuk (Kütlü) - Cotton (Raw) 1 820 000 1 725 000 2 150 000

Agriculture Tarım

12.3 Seçilmi sebzelerin üretimi, 2008-2010

Selected vegetable production, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

2008 2009 2010

So an (Kuru) - Onion (Dry) 2 007 118 1 849 582 1 900 000

Domates - Tomatoes 10 985 355 10 745 572 10 052 000

Hyar - Cucumber 1 682 776 1 735 010 1 739 191

Biber - Pepper 1 796 177 1 837 003 1 986 700

Patlcan - Eggplant 813 686 816 134 846 998

Fasulye (Taze) - Bean (Green) 563 056 603 653 587 967

Kavun - Melon 1 749 935 1 679 191 1 611 695

Karpuz - Watermelon 4 002 285 3 810 205 3 683 103

Lahana - Cabbages 674 617 706 855 693 002

Marul - Lettuce 439 641 438 038 419 298

(Bin ton - Thousand tons)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1 400

1 200

1 000






Et üretimi - Meat production

Tavuk - Poultry

Büyükbaş - Bovine

Küçükbaş - Sheep and goats

Tarım ve orman alanlarıAgricultural land and forest area








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Tarım Agriculture

12.4 Seçilmi meyvelerin üretimi, 2008-2010

Selected fruit production, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

2008 2009 2010

Üzüm - Grapes 3 918 442 4 264 720 4 255 000

Portakal - Oranges 1 427 156 1 689 921 1 710 500

Mandalina - Mandarin 756 473 846 390 858 699

Limon - Lemons 672 452 783 587 787 063

Elma - Apples 2 504 494 2 782 365 2 600 000

Armut - Pears 355 476 384 244 380 003

eftali - Peaches 551 906 547 219 539 403

Kays - Apricots 716 415 660 894 450 000

Fndk - Hazelnuts 800 791 500 000 600 000

Zeytin üretimi - Olive production 1 464 248 1 290 654 1 415 000

12.5 Türlerine göre hayvanlar, 2007-2009

Livestocks by type, 2007-2009 (Ba - Head)

2007 2008 2009

S r - Cattle 11 036 753 10 859 942 10 723 958

Manda - Buffalo 84 705 86 297 87 207

Koyun - Sheep 25 462 293 23 974 591 21 749 508

Kl keçi - Ordinary goat 6 095 292 5 435 393 4 981 299

Tiftik keçi - Angora goat 191 066 158 168 146 986

At - Horse 188 640 179 855 166 753

E ek - Donkey 296 114 273 520 234 182

Katr - Mule 68 199 62 248 51 548

Deve - Camel 1 057 970 1 041

Domuz - Pig 1 813 1 717 1 896

12.6 Süt üretimi, 2007-2009

Milk production, 2007-2009 (Bin ton - Thousand tons)

2007 2008 2009

nek - Cow 11 279 11 255 11 583

Manda ine i - Buffalo cow 30 31 32

Koyun - Sheep 783 747 734

Keçi - Goats 237 210 192

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Agriculture Tarım

12.7 Et üretimi, 2008-2010

Meat production, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

2008 2009 2010(1)

S r - Cattle 370 619 325 286 618 584

Manda - Buffalo 1 334 1 005 3 387

Koyun - Sheep 96 738 74 633 135 687

Keçi - Goats 13 753 11 675 23 060

Deve - Camel 14 18 -

Domuz - Pig - 3 -

(1) 2009 ylna kadar sadece mezbahane üretimini ve derisi THK'na veriler

kesilen hayvanlardan elde edilen eti kapsayan et üretimi 2010 ylndan

itibaren mezbahane ve mezbahane d üretimi kapsamaktadr.

Data on meat production covered slaughterings only in slaughterhouses and

slaughtered animals during Kurban Festival of which skins were given to Turkish

Air Association until 2009. Data on meat production in 2010 covers total meat

production either in slaughterhouses or outside of the slaughterhouses.

12.8 Kümes hayvancl , 2007-2009

Poultry and egg production, 2007-2009 (Bin adet - Thousand number)

2007 2008 2009

Tavuk - Hen 269 368 244 280 229 969

Et tavu u - Broiler 205 082 180 915 163 469

Yumurta tavu u - Laying hen 64 286 63 365 66 500

Hindi - Turkey 2 675 3 230 2 755

Ördek - Duck 482 470 413

Kaz - Geese 1 023 1 063 945

Tavuk eti (Bin ton)

Chicken meat (Thousand tons) 1 068 1 088 1 293

Tavuk yumurtas - Number of hen eggs 12 724 959 13 190 696 13 832 726

(Bin ton - Thousand tons)

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1 400

1 200

1 000






Et üretimi - Meat production

Tavuk - Poultry

Büyükbaş - Bovine

Küçükbaş - Sheep and goats

Tarım ve orman alanlarıAgricultural land and forest area








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13.1 Radyo ve televizyon kurumlar temel göstergeleri, 2008-2009

Basic indicators on radio and television institutions, 2008-2009

[Tüm yayn türleri - All type of broadcasting]

NACE Rev.2 2008 2009(1)

Yayn kurumu says

Number of broadcasting institutions 1 036 1 098

Ücretli çal anlarn yllk ortalama says

Annual average number of employees 13 341 14 278

Çal anlarn yllk ortalama says

Annual average number of persons engaged 15 500 16 312

Personel maliyeti

Personnel cost (TL) 508 744 652 552 433 217

Mal ve hizmet satn al lar

Purchases of goods and services (TL) 2 132 897 774 2 303 671 602


Turnover (TL) 2 239 078 384 2 112 049 679

Üretim de eri

Production value (TL) 2 939 026 912 2 878 981 491

Faktör maliyetiyle katma de er

Value-added at factor costs (TL) 787 755 161 642 456 492

(1) Uydu ve kablolu yayn yapan kurumlar 2009 referans ylndan itibaren

kapsama dahil edilmi tir.

Institutions broadcasting via satellite and cable have been included since the

reference year 2009.

13 İş İstatistikleri Business Statistics

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13.2 Mali sektörlerde istihdam ve temel göstergeler, 2009

Employment and basis indicators in financial sectors, 2009

Finansal hizmet Sigorta, Finansal

faaliyetleri reasürans ve hizmetler ve

(Sigorta ve emeklilik fonlar sigorta faal.

emeklilik (Zorunlu sosyal için yardmc

fonlar hariç) güvenlik hariç) faaliyetler

Financial service Insurance, Activities auxiliary

activities reinsurance and to financial

(Except insurance pension funding services and

and pension (Except compulsory and insurance

NACE Rev.2 funding)(1) social security)(2) activities(3)

Giri im says

Number of enterprises 269 57 17 340

Ücretle çal anlarn yllk

ortalama says - Annual

average number of employees 198 469 15 815 56 352

Çal anlarn yllk ortalama

says - Annual average number

of persons engaged 198 529 15 815 71 462

Personel maliyeti

Personnel cost (TL) 11 249 313 373 913 900 414 1 367 313 824

Mal ve hizmet satn al lar

Purchase of goods, services(TL) 12 635 961 856 2 622 079 854 1 762 704 162

Üretim de eri

Production value (TL) 68 178 697 301 4 890 702 651 3 828 141 081

Faktör maliyetiyle katma de er

Value added at factor costs (TL) 55 542 735 445 2 268 622 797 2 065 436 919

(1) Bankalar, Özel Finans Kurumlar, Finansal Kiralama, Faktoring irketleri

ve Tarm Kredi Kooperatifleri kapsanmaktadr.

Included Banks, Special Finance Houses, Financial Leasing Companies, Factoring,

Agricultural Credit Cooperatives.

(2) Hayat Sigortas, Hayatd Sigorta ve Reasürans dahildir.

Life Insurance, Non Life Insurance and Reassurance are included.

(3) Menkul De erler Araclk irketleri, Döviz Bürolar, Sigorta Acenteleri

(tüzel ki i) kapsanmaktadr.

Included Mutual Funds Companies, Foreign Exchange Office and Activities of

Insurance Agents (legal entity).

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İş İstatistikleri Business Statistics

13.3 Ksmlara göre sanayi ve hizmet sektörlerinde, istihdam ve baz temel

göstergeler, 2008

Madencilik ve

ta ocakçl

Genel toplam Mining and

NACE Rev. 1.1 General total quarrying

Giri im says - Number of enterprise 2 583 099 2 442

Çal anlar says

Number of persons employed 10 087 751 97 742

Ücretli çal anlarn says

Number of employees 7 380 490 95 429

Personel maliyetleri - Personnel cost (TL) 117 823 139 049 2 332 473 224

Maa ve ücretler - Wages and salaries (TL) 100 282 441 020 1 957 518 389

Ciro - Turnover (TL) 1766 486 418 815 15 152 478 578

Üretim de eri - Production value (TL) 1019 306 315 984 15 077 870 007

Faktör maliyetiyle katma de er

Value-added at factor cost (TL) 270 493 624 299 7 246 034 554

Ula trma, depolama

Oteller ve ve haberle me

lokantalar Transport,

Hotels and storage and

restaurants communication

Giri im says - Number of enterprise 210 809 437 640

Çal anlar says

Number of persons employed 665 514 997 114

Ücretli çal anlarn says

Number of employees 442 330 558 458

Personel maliyetleri - Personnel cost (TL) 4 795 335 211 13 224 534 197

Maa ve ücretler - Wages and salaries (TL) 4 022 915 499 11 537 126 113

Ciro - Turnover (TL) 24 971 418 347 138 623 874 414

Üretim de eri - Production value (TL) 24 791 919 856 118 724 084 464

Faktör maliyetiyle katma de er

Value-added at factor cost (TL) 7 514 828 498 34 024 089 002

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Business Statistics İş İstatistikleri

13.3 Employment and some basic indicators by economic activity in industry and

service sectors, 2008

Toptan ve perakende tic.;

Elektrik, gaz, motorlu ta t, motosiklet,

buhar ve scak ki isel ve ev e ya. onarm

su üretimi Wholesale and retail trade;

ve da tm repair of motor vehicles,

malat Electricity, gas n aat motorcycles and personal

Manufacturing and water supply Construction household goods

321 652 2 710 94 781 1 177 710

2 858 485 96 382 717 148 3 127 826

2 538 318 96 286 632 832 1 830 328

43 682 175 379 3 682 016 087 6 668 552 144 24 593 410 035

37 160 929 095 3 135 407 070 5 551 207 655 20 889 887 594

499 430 702 785 74 602 287 562 91 696 388 543 842 604 772 771

477 136 614 405 74 810 181 771 96 479 540 479 133 492 614 896

93 803 616 114 9 268 740 943 19 032 607 149 62 608 376 377

Gayrimenkul, Di er sosyal, toplumsal

kiralama ve Sa lk i leri ve ve ki isel hizmet faal.

i faaliyetleri sosyal hizmetler Other community, social

Real estate, renting, E itim Health and and personal

business activities Education social work service activities

161 270 8 561 39 279 126 245

913 032 170 500 198 071 245 937

753 984 162 770 161 480 108 275

11 469 874 247 2 773 096 184 2 990 593 348 1 611 078 993

9 743 760 380 2 358 507 531 2 562 416 727 1 362 764 967

54 531 385 294 5 812 275 515 10 433 781 441 8 627 053 565

53 958 281 713 5 798 327 800 10 410 467 728 8 626 412 865

25 482 647 597 3 263 003 008 5 195 877 926 3 053 803 131

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13.4 Sanayi üretim, 2008-2010

Industrial production, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

Ürün ad - Name of product 2008 2009 2010

Gda sanayii - Food industry

Margarin - Margarine 619 298 702 850 599 678

lenmi sv süt

Processed liquid milk 803 888 843 874 940 693

Un - Flour 3 934 866 4 194 787 4 459 989

Makarna - Macaroni 445 444 481 169 563 107

Bisküvi - Biscuits 440 304 440 790 563 823

eker - Sugar 2 132 187 2 522 423 2 465 619

Çay - Tea 226 621 159 535 196 734

Ka t sanayii - Paper industry 4 303 157 4 190 864 5 001 857

plik - Yarn

Pamuk - Cotton 677 063 619 056 711 446

Yün - Wool 41 387 32 521 34 844

Sentetik - Synthetic 744 633 671 279 938 141

Çimento - Cement 54 027 283 55 741 176 60 580 652

Ham demir - Crude iron 6 697 372 6 913 325 7 676 592

Sv çelik - Crude steel 26 809 050 25 303 741 29 029 789

Cam snai kap - Industrial glassware 487 607 334 855 719 126

Cam ev e yas - Glassware 396 266 175 970 358 225

13.5 Otomotiv sanayii üretimi, 2008-2010

Automotive vehicle production, 2008-2010 (Adet - Unit)

2008 2009 2010*

Kamyon - Truck 35 662 9 073 20 119

Kamyonet - Pick-up truck 162 742 84 243 - (1)

Otomobil - Automobile 899 338 752 365 885 135

Otobüs - Bus 8 124 5 991 5 243

Minibüs-midibüs - Minibus and midibus 34 252 16 509 23 220

Traktör - Tractor 31 016 21 041 43 406

(1) 5429 sayl Türkiye statistik Kanunu gere i gizlilik ilkesine göre bilgi

verilememi tir.

Data pertaining are not given by Turkish Statistical Law no: 5429 which is


İş İstatistikleri Business Statistics

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13.6 Sanayi üretim endeksi, 2008-2010

Industrial production index, 2008-2010

[Katma de er a rlkl - Weighted by value added] (2005 = 100)

NACE Rev.2 2008 2009 2010

Toplam sanayi - Total industry 114.2 102.9 116.4

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 125.9 124.9 127.5

malat sanayii - Manufacturing industry 112.7 99.9 114.3

Elektrik, gaz,buhar ve iklimlendirme

üretimi ve da tm - Electricity, gas,

steam and air conditioning supply 122.6 119.8 129.8

13.7 Üç aylk sanayi istihdam endeksi, sanayide çal lan saat endeksi ve

sanayide brüt ücret-maa endeksi, 2008-2010

Quarterly indices of industrial employment index, hours worked index in industry

and gross wages-salaries index in industry, 2008-2010 [2005=100]

NACE Rev.2 2008 2009 2010

Sanayi istihdam endeksi

Industrial employment index 106.3 96.2 100.5

Sanayide çal lan saat endeksi

Hours worked index in industry 105.9 94.3 98.6

Sanayide brüt ücret-maa endeksi

Gross wages-salaries index in industry 143.6 140.9 163.2

13.8 Seçilmi madenlerin üretimi, 2008-2010

Production of selected minerals, 2008-2010 (Ton - Tons)

2008 2009 2010*

(Tuvenan - Run of mine)

Ta kömürü - Hard coal 3 343 410 3 773 603 3 666 675

Linyit - Lignite 86 074 626 82 263 104 74 437 425

Demir - Iron 3 990 111 4 169 972 5 188 197

Bakr - Copper 5 483 309 4 064 105 4 820 604

Krom - Chromium 1 294 264 1 573 993 1 904 461

(Üretim - Production)

Ham petrol - Crude petroleum 2 222 594 2 489 913 2 602 115

Do al gaz - Natural gas (m3) 894 666 915 660 390 731 625 713 249

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İş İstatistikleri Business Statistics

13.9 Yap izin istatistikleri, 2008-2010

Building permit statistics, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

n aat ruhsatlarna göre

According to construction permits

Yap says - Number of buildings 95 193 92 342 132 589

Yüzölçümü - Floor area (m²) 103 846 233 100 726 544 166 999 697

De er - Value (TL) 59 006 449 177 54 367 862 313 96 438 036 831

Daire says

Number of dwelling units 503 565 518 475 858 143

Yap kullanma izin belgelerine göre

According to occupancy permits

Yap says - Number of buildings 76 069 94 772 78 740

Yüzölçümü - Floor area (m²) 70 957 036 94 567 729 82 763 578

De er - Value (TL) 39 002 256 405 49 356 423 320 45 950 034 877

Daire says

Number of dwelling units 357 286 469 981 415 757

13.10 Üç aylk in aat sektörü istihdam endeksi, brüt ücret-maa endeksi

çal lan saat endeksi, ciro endeksi ve üretim endeksi, 2008-2010

Quarterly number of persons employed index in construction, gross wages

salaries index in construction, hours worked index in construction, turnover

index in construction, production index in construction, 2008-2010


NACE Rev.2 2008 2009 2010*

n aat sektörü istihdam endeksi - Number

of persons employed index in construction 109.4 88.1 90.4

n aat sektörü brüt ücret-maa endeksi

Gross wages-salaries index in construction 154.7 144.8 164.6

n aat sektörü çal lan saat endeksi

Hours worked index in construction 109.2 88.9 90.3

n aat sektörü ciro endeksi

Turnover index in construction 161.5 139.2 132.6

n aat sektörü üretim endeksi

Production index in construction 115.5 96.6 113.7

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Business Statistics İş İstatistikleri

13.11 Bina in aat maliyet endeksi, 2010

Building construction cost index, 2010 [2005=100]

çilikler Malzemeler

Toplam toplam toplam

Total Labour total Materials total

Ortalama endeks - Average index

Bina (Konut + Di er)

Building (Residential buildings + Other usage) 144.59 167.40 138.67

ki ve daha fazla daireli ikamet amaçl binalar

Two and more dwelling residential buildings 144.85 167.34 138.97

Bir daireli ikamet amaçl binalar

One dwelling residential buildings 144.79 167.28 138.48

Konut - Residential buildings 144.84 167.34 138.92

Di er - Other (1) 143.89 167.58 137.97

Bir önceki yln ayn dönemine göre

de i im oranlar - Rates of change according

to the same period of the previous year (%)

Bina (Konut + Di er)

Building (Residential buildings + Other usage) 5.75 5.59 5.80

ki ve daha fazla daireli ikamet amaçl binalar

Two and more dwelling residential buildings 5.68 5.54 5.73

Bir daireli ikamet amaçl binalar

One dwelling residential buildings 5.20 5.70 5.03

Konut - Residential buildings 5.63 5.55 5.65

Di er - Other (1) 6.10 5.69 6.22

(1) Ticari, idari, okul ve shhi binalar kapsar.

Covers commercial, administrative, school and medical buildings.

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14.1 Elektrik santrallerinin kurulu gücü ve enerji kaynaklarna göre

elektrik enerjisi üretimi, 2007-2009

Installed capacity of electricity power plants and electricity generation by

energy resources, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Kurulu güç - Installed capacity (MW) 40 835.7 41 817.2 44 761.2

Brüt üretim - Gross production (GWh) 191 558.1 198 418.0 194 812.9

Ta kömürü+ithal kömür+asfaltit

Hard coal+imported coal+asphaltite 15 136.2 15 857.5 16 595.6

Linyit - Lignite 38 294.7 41 858.1 39 089.5

Fuel oil - Fuel oil 6 469.6 7 208.6 4 439.8

Motorin - Diesel oil 13.3 266.3 345.8

Do al gaz - Natural gas 95 024.8 98 685.3 96 094.7


Hydraulic+geothermal+wind 36 361.9 34 278.7 37 889.5

Di er - Other (1) 257.6 263.5 358.1

Kaynak: TE A , Türkiye Elektrik Üretim - letim statistikleri

Source: TETC Electricity Generation - Transmission Statistics of Turkey

(1) Nafta, LPG, biogaz, endüstriyel atk vb.

Naphtha, LPG, biogas, industrial waste etc.

14 Enerji Energy

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14.2 Elektrik tüketimi, 2007-2009

Electricity consumption, 2007-2009 Miktar - Quantity (MWh)

2007 2008 2009

Toplam - Total 155 135 260 161 947 528 156 894 070

Mesken - Residential 36 475 825 39 583 598 39 147 505

Ticaret - Commercial 23 141 161 23 903 332 25 018 856

Resmi daire - Government offices 6 933 182 7 344 252 6 989 641

Sanayi - Industrial 73 794 540 74 850 263 70 470 076

Tarmsal sulama - Irrigate 4 110 541 4 730 976 3 661 805

Aydnlatma - Illumination 4 052 642 3 970 228 3 844 834

Di er - Other 6 627 369 7 564 879 7 761 353

Kaynak: TEDA , Türkiye Elektrik Da tm ve Tüketim statistikleri

Source: TEDC, Electricity Distribution and Consumption Statistics of Turkey

Energy Enerji

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

225 000

200 000

175 000

150 000

125 000

Elektrik enerjisi üretimi - Generation of electricity[Brüt üretim - Gross production]

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

165 000

155 000

145 000

135 000

125 000

Elektrik enerjisi tüketimi - Consumption of electricity

(10 kWh)6

(10 kWh)6

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15.1 Otoyol, devlet, il ve köy yollar uzunlu u, 2008-2010

Length of motorways, state highways, provincial roads, village roads, 2008-2010


2008 2009 2010*

Otoyol - Motorways 1 922 2 036 2 080

Devlet yolu - State highways 31 311 31 271 31 395

l yolu - Provincial roads 30 712 30 948 31 390

Köy yolu - Village roads 288 013 298 405 302 398

Kaynak: Karayollar Genel Müdürlü ü, Mahalli dareler Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate for Local Authorities

15.2 Otoyol, devlet ve il yollar üzerinde seyir ve ta malar, 2009-2010

Circulation and transportation on motorways, state highways and provincial

roads, 2009-2010 (Milyon - Million)

2009 2010* 2009 2010* 2009 2010*

Toplam - Total 72 432 80 124 176 455 190 365 212 464 226 913


Motorways 13 908 14 949 40 515 42 941 47 481 50 378

Devlet yolu

State highways 51 932 58 159 127 211 138 921 147 253 158 072

l yolu

Provincial roads 6 592 7 016 8 729 8 503 17 730 18 463

Kaynak: Karayollar Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Highways

Ta t-km






15 Ulaştırma ve Haberleşme Transportation and Communication

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15.3 Motorlu kara ta tlar, 2008-2010

Road motor vehicles, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Yolcu ta tlar - Passenger vehicles

Otomobil - Car 6 796 629 7 093 964 7 544 871

Minibüs - Minibus 383 548 384 053 386 973

Otobüs - Bus 199 934 201 033 208 510

Yük ta tlar - Cargo vehicles

Kamyonet - Pick-up truck 2 066 007 2 204 951 2 399 038

Kamyon - Truck 744 217 727 302 726 359

Di er yolcu ve yük ta tlar

Other passenger and cargo vehicles

Motosiklet - Motorcyle 2 181 383 2 303 261 2 389 488

Özel amaçl ta tlar

Special purpose vehicles 35 100 34 104 35 492

Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of Public Security

Transportation and Communication Ulaştırma ve Haberleşme

15.4 Yl içinde kayd yaplan ve kayd silinen motorlu kara ta t says, 2009-2010

Number of road motor vehicles registered and erased in the year, 2009-2010

2009 2010* 2009 2010*

Toplam - Total 715 090 930 603 163 785 151 700

Otomobil - Car(1) 357 986 485 619 60 651 34 712

Minibüs - Minibus 9 526 10 628 9 021 7 708

Otobüs - Bus 9 322 12 708 8 223 5 231

Kamyonet - Small truck(1) 163 355 219 167 24 411 25 080

Kamyon - Truck 14 787 26 347 31 702 27 290

Motosiklet - Motorcyle 141 663 135 608 19 785 49 381

Özel amaçl ta tlar

Special purpose vehicles 1 449 2 277 2 445 889

Traktör - Tractor 17 002 38 249 7 547 1 409

(1) Arazi ta t dahildir.

Land vehicle is included.

Yl içinde kayd silinenYl içinde kayd yaplan

Vehicles registered

during the year

Vehicles erased

during the year

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Ulaştırma ve Haberleşme Transportation and Communication

15.5 Motorlu kara ta tlar ve trafik kazalar, 2008-2010

Road motor vehicles and traffic accidents in road, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Motorlu kara ta tlar says

Motor vehicles 13 765 395 14 316 700 15 095 603

Toplam kaza - Total accident 950 120 1 053 346 1 106 201

Ölümlü, yaralanmal kaza

Accident involving death and personal injury 104 212 111 121 116 804

Ölü says - Number of persons killed 4 236 4 324 4 045

Yaral says - Number of persons injured 184 468 201 380 211 496

Kaynak: Emniyet Genel Müdürlü ü, Jandarma Genel Komutanl

Source: General Directorate of Public Security, General Command of Gendarmerie

Not. Jandarma ve trafik polisi sorumluluk bölgesindeki kazalar kapsar.

Note. Road traffic accidents in responsibility area of traffic police and gendarmerie

are included.

15.6 Demiryollarnda koltuk-kilometre, yolcu says ve yolcu-kilometre, 2008-2010

Seat-kilometers, number of passengers carried and passenger-kilometers in

railways, 2008-2010 (Bin - Thousand)

2008 2009 2010*

Koltuk-kilometre - Seat-kilometers 8 303 000 8 537 000 7 515 000

Yolcu says - Number of passenger 79 187 80 092 84 173

Yolcu-kilometre - Passenger-kilometers 5 097 000 5 374 000 5 491 000

Kaynak: Devlet Demiryollar Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of State Railways

(Bin - Thousand)

Trafik kaza sayısı - Number of accidents in road traffic

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010*

1 100

1 000







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Transportation and Communication Ulaştırma ve Haberleşme

15.8 Haberle me araçlar abone saylar, 2008-2010

Number of subscribers of communication activities, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Telefon - Telephone 17 502 205 16 534 356 16 201 466

Cep telefonu - Mobile phone 65 824 110 62 779 554 61 769 635

nternet - Internet 5 804 923 6 782 657 8 672 376

Kaynak: Bilgi Teknolojileri ve leti im Kurumu

Source: Information and Communication Technologies Authority

15.7 Hava trafi i, yolcu says ve ta nan yük, 2008-2010

Air traffic, number of passengers and freight carried, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

Hava trafi i - Air traffic 688 189 715 544 919 411

Türk uçaklar - Turkish airplanes 525 480 561 611 739 131

Yabanc uçaklar- Foreign airplanes 162 709 153 933 180 280

Yolcu says - Number of passengers 74 968 329 78 742 075 102 800 392

ç hat - Domestic services

Gelen - Entering 16 368 885 18 225 246 25 360 682

Giden - Leaving 16 520 708 18 285 342 25 214 744

D hat - International services

Gelen - Entering 20 541 167 20 664 287 25 778 756

Giden - Leaving 21 537 569 21 567 200 26 446 210

Ta nan yük (Ton) - Freight carried (Tons) 1 534 619 1 597 699 2 021 076

ç hat - Domestic services

Gelen - Entering 196 762 226 223 278 044

Giden - Leaving 202 766 218 670 276 666

D hat - International services

Gelen - Entering 560 896 561 475 706 874

Giden - Leaving 574 195 591 331 759 492

Kaynak: Devlet Hava Meydanlar letmesi Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: General Directorate of State Airports

Not. 2008 ve 2009 yllarnda Sabiha Gökçen, Batman, Zonguldak-Çaycuma ve

Eski ehir Anadolu Üniversitesi Hava Alannda yaplan ta malar dahil de ildir.

Note. For the years 2008 and 2009 transportation in the Sabiha Gökçen, Batman,

Zonguldak-Çaycuma and Eski ehir Anadolu University Airports are not included.

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16.1 D ticaret göstergeleri, 2008-2010

Main indicators of foreign trade, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010*

hracat - Exports (Milyon $ - Million $) 132 027 102 143 113 981

De i im - Change (%) 23.1 -22.6 11.6

thalat - Imports (Milyon $ - Million $) 201 964 140 928 185 542

De i im - Change (%) 18.8 -30.2 31.7

D ticaret dengesi (Milyon $)

Foreign trade balance (Million $) -69 936 -38 786 - 71 561

D ticaret hacmi (Milyon $)

Foreign trade volume (Million $) 333 991 243 071 299 522

hracat/ thalat kar lama oran

Proportion imports covered by exports (%) 65.4 72.5 61.4

(Milyar $ - Billion $)

Dış ticaret göstergeleri - Main indicators of foreign trade

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010*










İthalat - Imports

İhracat - Exports

16 Dış Ticaret Foreign Trade

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16.2 Ekonomik faaliyete göre d ticaret, 2008-2010

Foreign trade by economic activity, 2008-2010 (Milyon $ - Million $)

ISIC, Rev.3 2008 2009 2010*

hracat - Exports 132 027 102 143 113 981

Tarm ve ormanclk

Agriculture and forestry 3 937 4 347 4 940

Balkçlk - Fishing 240 189 156

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 2 155 1 683 2 677

malat - Manufacturing 125 188 95 449 105 570

Di erleri - Others 507 474 639

thalat - Imports 201 964 140 928 185 542

Tarm ve ormanclk

Agriculture and forestry 6 392 4 594 6 457

Balkçlk - Fishing 41 31 33

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 35 650 20 625 25 932

malat - Manufacturing 150 252 111 031 145 367

Di erleri - Others 9 628 4 648 7 753

Foreign Trade Dış Ticaret

16.3 Geni ekonomik gruplarn snflamasna göre d ticaret, 2008-2010

Foreign trade by classification of broad economic categories, 2008-2010

(Milyon $ - Million $)

Ana mal gruplar - Major commodity groups

BEC 2008 2009 2010*

hracat - Exports 132 027 102 143 113 981

Sermaye mallar - Capital goods 16 725 11 117 11 775

Ara mallar - Intermediate goods 67 734 49 734 56 440

Tüketim mallar - Consumption goods 47 077 40 733 45 355

Di erleri - Others 491 559 411

thalat - Imports 201 964 140 928 185 542

Sermaye mallar - Capital goods 28 021 21 463 28 818

Ara mallar - Intermediate goods 151 747 99 510 131 443

Tüketim mallar - Consumption goods 21 489 19 290 24 735

Di erleri - Others 707 666 546

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Dış Ticaret Foreign Trade

16.4 Uluslararas standart ticaret snflamasna göre d ticaret, 2009-2010

Foreign trade by standard international trade classification, 2009-2010

(Milyon $ - Million $)

Maddeler - Commodities

SITC, Rev.3 2009 2010* 2009 2010*

Toplam - Total 102 143 113 981 140 928 185 542

Canl hayvanlar ve gda maddeleri

Food and live animals 9 126 10 507 3 591 4 505

çkiler ve tütün - Beverages and tobacco 933 898 479 450

Akaryakt hariç, yenilmeyen hammaddeler

Inedible crude materials, except fuels 2 557 3 860 9 936 15 393

Madeni yaktlar, ya lar vb. ilgili

maddeler - Mineral fuels, lubricants and

related materials 3 921 4 506 29 905 38 496

Hayvansal ve bitkisel sv ya lar, kat

ya lar ve mumlar - Animal and vegetable

oils, fats and waxes 427 346 1 122 1 047

Ba ka yerde belirtilmeyen kimya

sanayi ürünleri - Chemicals and related

products, n.e.s. 5 293 6 807 20 266 25 446

Ba lca snflara ayrlarak i lenmi

mallar - Manufactured goods classified

chiefly by material 28 600 33 214 23 187 31 802

Makine ve ula trma araçlar

Machinery and transport equipment 28 789 31 823 41 055 53 876

Çe itli mamul e ya

Miscellaneous manufactured articles 17 581 19 780 9 325 11 638

SITC'da hiç bir yerde snflandrlmam

e ya ve mamüller - Commodities and

transactions not classified elsewhere in

the SITC 4 915 2 239 2 062 2 888

hracat - Exports thalat - Imports

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Foreign Trade Dış Ticaret

16.6 D ticaret endeksleri, 2009-2010

Foreign trade indices, 2009-2010 [2003=100]

ISIC Rev.3 2009 2010 2009 2010

Miktar endeksi - Quantity index

Genel endeks - General index 154.8 164.6 143.2 173.0

Tarm ve ormanclk

Agriculture and forestry 116.5 123.2 128.2 149.8

Balkçlk - Fishing 218.4 165.7 - -

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 248.8 338.4 101.8 112.0

malat - Manufacturing 155.5 164.6 153.4 188.6

Birim de er endeksi - Unit value index

Genel endeks - General index 139.7 146.5 141.9 154.6

Tarm ve ormanclk

Agriculture and forestry 176.0 189.1 141.3 170.0

Balkçlk - Fishing 107.2 112.1 - -

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 144.2 168.6 224.7 256.6

malat - Manufacturing 138.3 144.4 129.9 138.4

hracat - Exports thalat - Import

16.5 En çok ithalat ve ihracat yaplan 10 ülke, 2010

First 10 countries by exports and imports, 2010 (Milyon $ - Million $)

Almanya - Germany 11 487 Rusya Fed. - Russia 21 600

ngiltere - United Kingdom 7 238 Almanya - Germany 17 549

talya - Italy 6 509 Çin - China 17 181

Fransa - France 6 055 A.B.D. - USA 12 319

Irak - Iraq 6 042 talya - Italy 10 204

Rusya Fed. - Russia 4 631 Fransa - France 8 177

A.B.D. - USA 3 771 ran - Iran 7 645

spanya - Spain 3 563 spanya - Spain 4 840

B.A.E. - U.A.E 3 338 Güney Kore - South Korea 4 764

ran - Iran 3 044 ngiltere - United Kingdom 4 681

Di er - Others 58 302 Di er - Others 76 583

hracat - Exports thalat - Imports

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17.1 Üretici fiyatlar endeksi, 2008-2010

Producer price index, 2008-2010 [2003=100]

2008 2009 2010

Genel endeks - All items 158.9 160.9 174.6

Tarm - Agriculture 162.2 166.0 199.1

Tarm, avclk ve ormanclk

Agriculture, hunting and forestry 162.2 165.1 198.1

Balkçlk, balk üretme çiftlikleri

Fishing, fish production farms 162.6 196.7 234.3

Sanayi - Industry 157.9 159.5 169.3

Madencilik ve ta ocakçl

Mining and quarrying 191.0 206.6 225.7

malat sanayii - Manufacturing 157.0 156.1 165.5

Elektrik, gaz ve su

Electricity, gas and water 157.5 182.9 189.4

[2003 = 100]

Üretici ve Tüketici fiyat endeksleriProducer and Consumer price index

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010












[2003 = 100]

Üretici ve Tüketici fiyat endeksleriProducer and Consumer price index


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12







Aylar - Months

17 Fiyat ve Endeksler Prices and Indexes

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17.2 Tüketici fiyatlar endeksi, 2008-2010

Consumer price index, 2008-2010 [2003=100]

2008 2009 2010

Genel endeks - All items 154.7 164.3 178.4

Gda ve alkolsüz içecekler

Food and non-alcoholic beverages 155.9 168.4 186.2

Alkollü içecekler ve tütün

Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 192.5 216.9 292.4

Giyim ve ayakkab - Clothing and footwear 118.2 119.2 124.6

Konut, su, elektrik, gaz ve di er yaktlar

Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels 179.9 195.7 208.0

Mobilya, ev aletleri ve ev bakm hizmetleri

Furnishings, household equipment, routine

maintenance of the house 138.0 139.2 142.3

Sa lk - Health 123.0 126.7 127.6

Ula trma - Transportation 155.6 155.9 171.0

Haberle me - Communications 108.6 112.4 112.1

E lence ve kültür - Recreation and culture 129.9 142.7 145.9

E itim - Education 166.7 176.4 185.9

Lokanta ve oteller - Restaurant and hotels 191.7 209.3 229.1

Çe itli mal ve hizmetler

Miscellaneous goods and services 158.6 179.2 191.7

Prices and Indexes Fiyat ve Endeksler

[2003 = 100]

Üretici ve Tüketici fiyat endeksleriProducer and Consumer price index

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010












[2003 = 100]

Üretici ve Tüketici fiyat endeksleriProducer and Consumer price index


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12







Aylar - Months

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18.1 OECD ülkelerinde satnalma gücü paritesi de erleri, 2008-2010 Purchasing power parity values in OECD countries, 2008-2010 (ABD=1 USA=1)

[Bir Amerikan dolar kar l ulusal para birimi - National currency per USA Dollar]

2008 2009 2010

Türkiye - Turkey 0.89 0.93 0.99

ABD - USA 1.00 1.00 1.00

Almanya - Germany 0.81 0.81 0.80

Avustralya - Australia 1.48 1.45 1.52

Avusturya - Austria 0.85 0.84 0.85

Belçika - Belgium 0.87 0.87 0.87

Çek Cumhuriyeti - Czech Republic 13.69 13.52 13.39

Danimarka - Denmark 8.03 7.96 8.10

Finlandiya - Finland 0.92 0.91 0.92

Fransa - France 0.89 0.88 0.87

Hollanda - Netherlands 0.85 0.85 0.85

ngiltere - United Kingdom 0.64 0.64 0.66

rlanda - Ireland 0.95 0.90 0.88

spanya - Spain 0.72 0.71 0.71

sveç - Sweden 8.80 8.94 8.95

sviçre - Switzerland 1.55 1.53 1.52

talya - Italy 0.79 0.78 0.78

zlanda - Iceland 118.57 127.78 134.09

Japonya - Japan 116.85 114.70 111.45

Kanada - Canada 1.23 1.20 1.22

Kore - Korea 785.72 804.72 822.24

Lüksemburg - Luxembourg 0.91 0.90 0.91

Macaristan - Hungary 128.75 128.19 128.92

Meksika - Mexico 7.47 7.72 7.95

Norveç - Norway 8.71 8.85 9.13

Polonya - Poland 1.85 1.86 1.88

Portekiz - Portugal 0.65 0.63 0.63

Slovak Cumhuriyeti - Slovak Republic 0.53 0.51 0.50

Yeni Zelanda - New Zealand 1.49 1.50 1.53

Yunanistan - Greece 0.70 0.71 0.73

Kaynak - Source: OECD, Main Economic Indicators, 2011

18 Satınalma Gücü Paritesi Purchasing Power Parity

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18.2 Bölgeler itibaryla, tüketim harcamalarna ili kin fiyat düzeyi endeksleri,

BBS 2, 2008-2010

Price level indices for consumption expenditures by regions, SR 2, 2008-2010

(Türkiye - Turkey =100)

2008 2009 2010

TR Türkiye - Turkey 100.00 100.00 100.00

TR10 stanbul 114.18 114.33 114.25

TR21 Tekirda , Edirne, Krklareli 102.67 102.20 102.09

TR22 Balkesir, Çanakkale 102.38 102.15 103.07

TR31 zmir 105.21 105.68 105.62

TR32 Aydn, Denizli, Mu la 101.69 101.25 101.00

TR33 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, U ak 99.31 99.10 99.05

TR41 Bursa, Eski ehir, Bilecik 103.46 103.03 103.10

TR42 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova 104.82 104.57 104.21

TR51 Ankara 105.03 105.82 106.49

TR52 Konya, Karaman 96.88 96.33 96.27

TR61 Antalya, Isparta, Burdur 103.99 104.00 103.43

TR62 Adana, Mersin 99.07 99.94 99.42

TR63 Hatay, Kahramanmara , Osmaniye 94.86 95.56 95.45

TR71 Krkkale, Aksaray, Ni de, Nev ehir, Kr ehir 95.27 95.62 95.61

TR72 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat 97.21 97.41 97.68

TR81 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartn 101.47 99.65 98.96

TR82 Kastamonu, Çankr, Sinop 97.63 97.46 97.54

TR83 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya 98.00 97.67 97.61

TR90 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin,

Gümü hane 103.02 103.24 103.66

TRA1 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt 98.12 97.72 97.90

TRA2 A r, Kars, I dr, Ardahan 96.81 95.93 96.64

TRB1 Malatya, Elaz , Bingöl, Tunceli 96.47 96.60 96.92

TRB2 Van, Mu , Bitlis, Hakkari 97.04 98.21 98.71

TRC1 Gaziantep, Adyaman, Kilis 96.55 96.94 96.32

TRC2 anlurfa, Diyarbakr 95.55 95.92 96.02

TRC3 Mardin, Batman, rnak, Siirt 93.30 93.65 92.98

Purchasing Power Parity Satınalma Gücü Paritesi

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1�.1 Uluslararası rezervler, 2008-2010

International reserves, 2008-2010 (Milyon $ - Million $)

2008 2009 2010

Altın - Gold 3 229 4 121 5 264

Brüt döviz rezervleri

Gross foreign exchange reserves 111 374 105 091 100 816

Merkez Bankası - Central Bank 71 008 70 716 80 696

Ticari bankalar - Commercial banks 40 366 34 375 20 120

Brüt uluslararası rezervler

Gross international reserves 114 603 109 212 106 080

Muhabir açıkları - Overdrafts 1 1 1

Net rezervler - Net reserves 114 602 109 211 106 079

Kaynak: T.C. Merkez Bankası

Source: Central Bank of Turkey


Cumhuriyet altını - Cumhuriyet gold(Ortalama - Average)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010








Avrupa Para Birimi - Euro

ABD Doları - US Dollar


Döviz kurları - Exchange ratesAlış - Buying









Veri için tablo 19.3’e bakınız.For data, see table 19.3.

1� Para ve Banka Money and Banking

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19.2 Altn fiyatlar, 2008-2010

Gold prices, 2008-2010 (TL)

2008 2009 2010

Re at altn - Re at gold

En az - Minimum 223.00 319.50 363.00

En çok - Maximum 300.00 382.00 477.80

Ortalama - Average 256.57 338.64 411.71

Cumhuriyet altn - Cumhuriyet gold (1)

En az - Minimum 219.75 295.60 354.50

En çok - Maximum 262.27 367.75 461.00

Ortalama - Average 245.16 327.48 400.74

Külçe altn - Ingot gold(2)

En az - Minimum 32.70 44.00 52.78

En çok - Maximum 40.13 54.94 68.04

Ortalama - Average 36.33 48.58 59.49

Kaynak: T.C. Merkez Bankas

Source: Central Bank of Turkey

Not. Borsa d serbest fiyatlardr.

Note. Data represents free market prices.

(1) 916 2/3 ayarnda ve 7.21657 gram veznindedir.

Weight is 7.21657 grams and standard of fineness is 916 2/3.

(2) Bir gramn fiyatdr.

Price of 1 gram.

Money and Banking Para ve Banka


Cumhuriyet altını - Cumhuriyet gold(Ortalama - Average)

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010








Avrupa Para Birimi - Euro

ABD Doları - US Dollar


Döviz kurları - Exchange ratesAlış - Buying









Veri için tablo 19.3’e bakınız.For data, see table 19.3.

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Para ve Banka Money and Banking

19.3 Döviz kurlar, 2008-2010

Exchange rates, 2008-2010 (TL / YP - TRY / FX)

2008 2009 2010

Avrupa Para Birimi - Euro

Al - Buying 2.14080 2.16030 2.04910

Sat - Selling 2.15110 2.17070 2.05900

ABD Dolar - US Dollar

Al - Buying 1.51230 1.50570 1.54600

Sat - Selling 1.51960 1.51300 1.55350

Avustralya Dolar - Australian Dollar

Al - Buying 1.04430 1.34290 1.56850

Sat - Selling 1.05110 1.35170 1.57880

Danimarka Kronu - Danish Krone

Al - Buying 0.28728 0.29024 0.27489

Sat - Selling 0.28869 0.29167 0.27624

ngiliz Sterlini - Pound Sterling

Al - Buying 2.19240 2.38920 2.38860

Sat - Selling 2.20390 2.40170 2.40110

sveç Kronu - Swedish Krona

Al - Buying 0.19452 0.20822 0.22619

Sat - Selling 0.19654 0.21039 0.22854

sviçre Frang - Swiss Franc

Al - Buying 1.43000 1.44920 1.64380

Sat - Selling 1.43920 1.45850 1.65440

Japon Yeni - Japanese Yen(1)

Al - Buying 1.67320 1.63020 1.89330

Sat - Selling 1.68430 1.64100 1.90590

Norveç Kronu - Norwegian Krone

Al - Buying 0.21604 0.25891 0.26166

Sat - Selling 0.21750 0.26066 0.26342

S. Arabistan Riyali - S. Arabian Riyal

Al - Buying 0.40416 0.40262 0.41349

Sat - Selling 0.40489 0.40335 0.41424

Kaynak: T.C. Merkez BankasSource: Central Bank of Turkey

Not. Dönem sonu.Note. End of period.

(1) 100 Japon Yeni olarak verilmi tir. Values are given as 100 Japanese Yen.

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Money and Banking Para ve Banka

19.4 Parasal sektör analitik bilançosu, 2008-2009

Monetary sector analytical balance sheet, 2008-2009

[M3 Para arz ve kar lk kalemleri - M3 money supply and counterpart items]

(Bin TL - Thousand TRY)

2008 2009

Kar lk kalemleri - Counterpart items

Toplam - Total 459 142 846 519 002 577

1 D varlklar - Foreign assets (net) 73 615 157 68 191 002

2 Yurtiçi krediler - Domestic credits 491 396 996 589 925 978

3 Di er kalemler - Other items (net) (1) -105 869 307 -139 114 402

Para arzlar - Money supply

1 M1 85 476 230 107 346 558

1.1 Bankalar d ndaki para - Currency outside banks 29 271 922 34 233 281

1.2 Vadesiz mevduat (TL) - Demand deposits (TRY) 33 062 653 44 691 869

1.3 Vadesiz mevduat (YP) - Demand deposits (FX) 23 141 654 28 421 408

2 M2 436 380 326 493 060 975

2.1 Vadeli mevduat (TL) - Time deposits (TRY) 238 699 280 266 796 432

2.2 Vadeli mevduat (YP) - Time deposits (FX) 112 204 816 118 917 985

3 M3 459 142 846 519 002 577

3.1 Repo i lemlerinden sa lanan fonlar

Funds received from repo transactions 2 898 959 3 551 623

3.2 Para piyasas fonlar (B tipi likit fonlar)

Money market funds (B type liquid funds) 19 863 561 22 389 979

Not. Bu tablodaki para arz kar lk kalemleri, parasal durumdaki kar lk

kalemlerinden farkllk göstermektedir. Bunun nedeni resmi para arz

tanmlarna giren pek çok kalemin parasal durumda farkl bölümde

kaydedilmesidir. Bu de erlendirme farkll nedeni ile parasal durumdaki

parasal büyüklüklerle resmi para arzlar ve kar lk kalemleri farkl olmaktadr.

Note. The money supply counterpart items in this table are different from those in

monetary survey. The reason is that the items included in the official money supply

definitions are categorised in different sections of the monetary survey. Consequently,

monetary survey aggregates are slightly different from the official money supply and

counterpart items.

(1) 2009 Eylül ayna kadar “Di er kalemler (net)” içerisinde izlenmekte

olan “SDR tahsisat”, bu tarihten itibaren “D yükümlülükler” altnda

snflandrlmaya ba lanm tr.

“SDR allocation” followed under “Other items (net)” until September 2009, is

started to be classified as “Foreign liabilities” since then.

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20.1 Merkezi Yönetim bütçe gerçekle meleri, 2008-2010

Realization of Central Government budget, 2008-2010 (Bin TL - Thousand TL)

2008 2009 2010

Harcamalar - Expenditures 227 030 562 268 219 185 293 628 219

Faiz hariç harcama- Excluding interest 176 369 257 215 018 291 245 331 810

Faiz harcamalar - Interest 50 661 305 53 200 894 48 296 409

Gelirler - Budget Revenues 209 598 472 215 458 341 254 028 479

Bütçe dengesi - Budget balance - 17 432 090 - 52 760 844 - 39 599 740

Faiz d bütçe dengesi

Balance excluding interest 33 229 215 440 050 8 696 669

Kaynak: Maliye Bakanl , Muhasebat Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: Ministry of Finance, General Directorate of Public Accounts

20.2 Türkiye brüt d borç stoku, 2008-2010

Gross external debt profile of Turkey, 2008-2010 (Milyon $ - Million $)

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total 280 444 268 764 290 350

(Borçlu da lm - By borrower)

Ksa vadeli borçlar - Short term 53 104 49 716 78 641

Uzun vadeli borçlar - Long term 227 340 219 048 211 709

(Alacakl da lm - By lender)

Borç - Loan 241 538 227 864 244 966

Ksa vadeli borçlar - Short term 53 104 49 716 78 641

Uzun vadeli borçlar - Long term 188 434 178 148 166 325

Tahvil - Bonds (1) 38 907 40 899 45 385

Kaynak-Source: (31.03.2011)

(1) Yurt d na ihraç edilen senetlerin tamam uzun vadeli olup, ilk ihraç

bilgilerine göre alacakl snflamas "parasal kurulu lar"dr.

All the bonds issued in foreign markets are long term securities and the lender class

of the bonds is "financial institutions" according to the primary market issuance.

20 Maliye Finance

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20.3 Merkezi Yönetim iç borç stoku, 2008-2010

Central Government domestic debt stock, 2008-2010

(Milyon TL - Million TL)

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total 274 827 330 005 352 841

Tahviller - Government bords 260 849 315 969 343 317

Hazine bonolar - Treasury bills 13 978 14 036 9 525

Kaynak : Hazine Müste arl

Source: Undersecretariat of Treasury

Finance Maliye

(Milyar TL - Billion TL)

Merkezi Yönetim iç borç stokuCentral Government domestic debt stock

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010








20.4 l özel idareleri ve belediyeler bütçe gerçekle meleri, 2008-2010

Special provincial administrations and municipalities budget realizations, 2008-2010

(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

2008 2009 2010

l özel idareleri - Special provincial administrations

Harcamalar - Expenditures 6 838 966 7 553 284 8 652 767

Gelirler - Revenues 7 121 956 7 299 672 9 752 093

Bütçe dengesi - Budget balance 282 990 - 253 612 1 099 326

Belediyeler - Municipalities

Harcamalar - Expenditures 30 959 084 31 012 132 34 474 935

Gelirler - Revenues 25 736 012 26 844 961 34 233 863

Bütçe dengesi - Budget balance -5 223 072 -4 167 171 - 241 072

Kaynak: Maliye Bakanl , Muhasebat Genel Müdürlü ü

Source: Ministry of Finance, General Directorate of Public Accounts (01.06.2011)

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21.1 Gayri safi yurtiçi hasla, 2008-2010

Gross domestic product, 2008-2010 (1998 bazl - 1998 based)

2008 2009 2010

Cari fiyatlarla (Milyon TL)

At current prices (Million TL) 950 534 952 559 1 105 101

Geli me hz - Growth rate (%) 12.7 0.2 16.0

Cari fiyatlarla (Milyon $)

At current prices (Million $) 742 094 616 703 735 828

Geli me hz - Growth rate (%) 14.4 -16.9 19.3

Sabit fiyatlarla (Milyon TL)

Constant prices (Million TL) 101 922 97 003 105 680

Geli me hz - Growth rate (%) 0.7 -4.8 8.9

(Milyar TL - Billion TL)

Gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla - Gross domestic product[Cari fiyatlarla - At current prices]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 200

1 100

1 000





GSYH gelişme hızı - GDP growth rate[Cari fiyatlarla - At current prices]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010






21 Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts

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21.2 Ki i ba na gayri safi yurtiçi hasla, 2008-2010

Per capita gross domestic product, 2008-2010

2008 2009 2010

Yl ortas nüfus (Bin)

Mid-year population (Thousand) (1) 71 095 72 050 73 003

Cari fiyatlarla - In current prices (TL) 13 370 13 221 15 138

Cari fiyatlarla - In current prices ($) 10 438 8 559 10 079

Sabit (1998) fiyatlarla - At (1998) prices (TL) 1 434 1 346 1 448

(1) 2008 Adrese Dayal Nüfus Kayt Sistemine göre nüfus tahminleri

Population estimations are based on 2008 Address Based Population Registration


National Accounts Ulusal Hesaplar

(Milyar TL - Billion TL)

Gayri safi yurtiçi hasıla - Gross domestic product[Cari fiyatlarla - At current prices]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

1 200

1 100

1 000





GSYH gelişme hızı - GDP growth rate[Cari fiyatlarla - At current prices]

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010






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Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts

21.3 Cari fiyatlarla bölgesel gayrisafi katma de er temel fiyatlarla, 2007

Regional gross value added at current basic prices, 2007

(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

BBS 2 - SR 2

TR Türkiye - Turkey 754 384 542

TR10 stanbul 210 163 922

TR21 Tekirda , Edirne, Krklareli 19 869 898

TR22 Balkesir, Çanakkale 15 320 106

TR31 zmir 49 695 246

TR32 Aydn, Denizli, Mu la 27 317 922

TR33 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, U ak 26 751 665

TR41 Bursa, Eski ehir, Bilecik 50 843 318

TR42 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova 45 329 209

TR51 Ankara 64 063 334

TR52 Konya, Karaman 17 707 924

TR61 Antalya, Isparta, Burdur 30 012 066

TR62 Adana, Mersin 30 708 639

TR63 Hatay, Kahramanmara , Osmaniye 18 317 284

TR71 Krkkale, Aksaray, Ni de, Nev ehir, Kr ehir 11 415 859

TR72 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat 17 881 627

TR81 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartn 10 693 407

TR82 Kastamonu, Çankr, Sinop 5 669 381

TR83 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya 20 530 783

TR90 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin, Gümü hane 19 576 656

TRA1 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt 6 636 141

TRA2 A r, Kars, I dr, Ardahan 4 706 945

TRB1 Malatya, Elaz , Bingöl, Tunceli 10 045 910

TRB2 Van, Mu , Bitlis, Hakkari 7 436 404

TRC1 Gaziantep, Adyaman, Kilis 12 093 643

TRC2 anlurfa, Diyarbakr 13 106 837

TRC3 Mardin, Batman, rnak, Siirt 8 490 417

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National Accounts Ulusal Hesaplar

21.4 Cari fiyatlarla bölgesel gayrisafi katma de er temel fiyatlarla, 2008

Regional gross value added at current basic prices, 2008

(Bin TL - Thousand TL)

BBS 2 - SR 2

TR Türkiye - Turkey 854 585 214

TR10 stanbul 236 293 086

TR21 Tekirda , Edirne, Krklareli 23 227 726

TR22 Balkesir, Çanakkale 18 453 821

TR31 zmir 55 859 157

TR32 Aydn, Denizli, Mu la 30 798 743

TR33 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, U ak 30 970 272

TR41 Bursa, Eski ehir, Bilecik 56 670 413

TR42 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova 52 576 318

TR51 Ankara 72 784 720

TR52 Konya, Karaman 20 270 377

TR61 Antalya, Isparta, Burdur 32 941 880

TR62 Adana, Mersin 34 120 118

TR63 Hatay, Kahramanmara , Osmaniye 21 880 965

TR71 Krkkale, Aksaray, Ni de, Nev ehir, Kr ehir 12 939 573

TR72 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat 20 059 248

TR81 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartn 11 402 299

TR82 Kastamonu, Çankr, Sinop 6 289 362

TR83 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya 24 141 055

TR90 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize, Artvin, Gümü hane 22 600 000

TRA1 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt 7 557 603

TRA2 A r, Kars, I dr, Ardahan 5 257 444

TRB1 Malatya, Elaz , Bingöl, Tunceli 11 393 014

TRB2 Van, Mu , Bitlis, Hakkari 8 662 709

TRC1 Gaziantep, Adyaman, Kilis 13 489 538

TRC2 anlurfa, Diyarbakr 14 441 022

TRC3 Mardin, Batman, rnak, Siirt 9 504 753

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Ulusal Hesaplar National Accounts

21.5 Ki i ba na gayrisafi katma de er (GSKD), 2007

Per capita gross value added (GVA), 2007

Ki i ba na GSKD Ki i ba na GSKD

Sra Sra

BBS 2 - SRE 2 2007 Order 2007 Order

TR Türkiye - Turkey 10 744 8 267

TR10 stanbul 16 799 1 12 925 1

TR21 Tekirda , Edirne, Krklareli 13 733 5 10 567 5

TR22 Balkesir, Çanakkale 9 624 10 7 404 10

TR31 zmir 13 384 6 10 298 6

TR32 Aydn, Denizli, Mu la 10 496 9 8 076 9

TR33 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, U ak 9 079 11 6 986 11

TR41 Bursa, Eski ehir, Bilecik 15 231 2 11 719 2

TR42 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova 15 029 3 11 563 3

TR51 Ankara 14 471 4 11 134 4

TR52 Konya, Karaman 8 124 13 6 251 13

TR61 Antalya, Isparta, Burdur 12 351 7 9 503 7

TR62 Adana, Mersin 8 569 12 6 593 12

TR63 Hatay, Kahramanmara , Osmaniye 6 497 19 4 999 19

TR71 Krkkale, Aksaray, Ni de, Nev ehir,

Kr ehir 7 722 17 5 941 17

TR72 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat 7 801 15 6 002 15

TR81 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartn 10 523 8 8 097 8

TR82 Kastamonu, Çankr, Sinop 7 756 16 5 968 16

TR83 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya 7 514 18 5 781 18

TR90 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize,

Artvin, Gümü hane 7 880 14 6 063 14

TRA1 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt 6 137 21 4 722 21

TRA2 A r, Kars, I dr, Ardahan 4 125 25 3 174 25

TRB1 Malatya, Elaz , Bingöl, Tunceli 6 297 20 4 845 20

TRB2 Van, Mu , Bitlis, Hakkari 3 814 26 2 934 26

TRC1 Gaziantep, Adyaman, Kilis 5 403 22 4 157 22

TRC2 anlurfa, Diyarbakr 4 441 23 3 417 23

TRC3 Mardin, Batman, rnak, Siirt 4 426 24 3 405 24

($) (TL)

Per capita GVA Per capita GVA

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National Accounts Ulusal Hesaplar

21.6 Ki i ba na gayrisafi katma de er (GSKD), 2008

Per capita gross value added (GVA), 2008

Ki i ba na GSKD Ki i ba na GSKD

Sra Sra

BBS 2 - SRE 2 2008 Order 2008 Order

TR Türkiye - Turkey 12 020 9 384

TR10 stanbul 18 689 1 14 591 1

TR21 Tekirda , Edirne, Krklareli 15 682 5 12 243 5

TR22 Balkesir, Çanakkale 11 528 9 9 000 9

TR31 zmir 14 817 6 11 568 6

TR32 Aydn, Denizli, Mu la 11 626 8 9 076 8

TR33 Manisa, Afyonkarahisar, Kütahya, U ak 10 575 11 8 256 11

TR41 Bursa, Eski ehir, Bilecik 16 630 3 12 983 3

TR42 Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Yalova 16 990 2 13 265 2

TR51 Ankara 16 136 4 12 598 4

TR52 Konya, Karaman 9 239 13 7 213 13

TR61 Antalya, Isparta, Burdur 13 236 7 10 334 7

TR62 Adana, Mersin 9 431 12 7 363 12

TR63 Hatay, Kahramanmara , Osmaniye 7 605 19 5 937 19

TR71 Krkkale, Aksaray, Ni de, Nev ehir,

Kr ehir 8 696 17 6 789 17

TR72 Kayseri, Sivas, Yozgat 8 726 16 6 813 16

TR81 Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartn 11 187 10 8 734 10

TR82 Kastamonu, Çankr, Sinop 8 551 18 6 676 18

TR83 Samsun, Tokat, Çorum, Amasya 8 855 15 6 914 15

TR90 Trabzon, Ordu, Giresun, Rize,

Artvin, Gümü hane 9 042 14 7 059 14

TRA1 Erzurum, Erzincan, Bayburt 7 071 20 5 520 20

TRA2 A r, Kars, I dr, Ardahan 4 613 25 3 601 25

TRB1 Malatya, Elaz , Bingöl, Tunceli 7 066 21 5 517 21

TRB2 Van, Mu , Bitlis, Hakkari 4 379 26 3 419 26

TRC1 Gaziantep, Adyaman, Kilis 5 888 22 4 597 22

TRC2 anlurfa, Diyarbakr 4 770 24 3 724 24

TRC3 Mardin, Batman, rnak, Siirt 4 882 23 3 812 23

Per capita GVA Per capita GVA

(TL) ($)

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22.1 E de er hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirine göre sral yüzde 20'lik gruplar

itibariyle yllk gelirlerin da lm, 2009

Distribution of annual incomes by quintiles ordered by equivalised household

disposable income, 2009

Toplam 1. %20 2.%20 3.%20 4.%20 5.%20

Total 1st20%(1) 2nd20% 3rd20% 4th20% 5th20%(1)

Türkiye - Turkey

Yüzde - Percentage 100.0 5.6 10.3 15.1 21.5 47.6

Ortalama (TL)

Average (TL) 9 396 2 617 4 832 7 083 10 085 22 368

Medyan-Median (TL) 7 044 2 730 4 815 7 044 9 939 17 690

Kent - Urban

Yüzde - Percentage 100.0 6.0 10.7 15.0 21.1 47.3

Ortalama (TL)

Average (TL) 10 738 3 210 5 712 8 076 11 329 25 365

Medyan-Median (TL) 8 050 3 360 5 753 8 050 11 218 19 875

Kr - Rural

Yüzde - Percentage 100.0 6.1 10.9 15.9 23.1 44.0

Ortalama (TL)

Average (TL) 6 369 1 949 3 468 5 061 7 339 14 050

Medyan-Median (TL) 5 016 2 064 3 454 5 025 7 310 11 712

Türkiye - Turkey Kent - Urban Kr - Rural

Gini katsays

Gini coefficient 0.41 0.41 0.38

Kaynak: TÜ K, 2009 Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar Ara trmas

Source: TurkStat, 2009 Income and Living Conditions Survey

Not. Gelir referans dönemleri bir önceki takvim yldr.

Note. Reference periods of income information is the previous calendar year.

Yüzde 20'lik fert gruplar - Quintiles

22 Gelir ve Yaşam Koşulları Income and Living Conditions

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22.2 E de er hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirine göre sral yüzde 20'lik gruplar ve

gelir türlerine göre yllk gelirlerin oransal da lm (Dikey %), 2009

Quintiles ordered by equivalised household disposable income and proportional

distribution of annual incomes by types of income (Vertical %), 2009

Gelir türleri Toplam 1. %20 2.%20 3.%20 4.%20 5.%20

Types of income Total 1st20%(1) 2nd20% 3rd20% 4th20% 5th20%(1)

Toplam - Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

Maa -ücret - Wage and salary 42.9 25.5 40.0 42.8 45.8 43.8

Yevmiye - Casual 3.5 21.5 9.7 5.1 2.7 0.8

Müte ebbis - Entreprenurial 20.4 23.4 20.9 18.7 16.0 22.3

Tarm - Agricultural 5.4 14.5 10.1 7.1 5.7 3.1

Tarm d - Non-agricultural 15.0 8.9 10.8 11.6 10.3 19.3

Gayrimenkul - Rental income 5.0 1.9 1.7 2.5 3.6 7.1

Menkul kymet-Property income 5.3 2.8 3.2 3.8 4.7 6.7

Sosyal transferler

Social transfers 19.6 15.9 19.3 22.9 23.6 17.3

Emekli ve dul-yetim aylklar

Pensions, survivors' benefits 18.3 9.1 16.4 21.4 22.6 16.8

Di er sosyal transferler

Other social transfers 1.3 6.8 2.8 1.5 1.0 0.5

Haneleraras transferler (alnan)

Inter household transfers (received) 3.1 8.0 4.8 4.0 3.4 2.0

Di er gelirler - Other incomes(2) 0.2 1.1 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.0

Kaynak: TÜ K, 2009 Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar Ara trmas

Source: TurkStat, 2009 Income and Living Conditions Survey

Not 1. Gelir referans dönemleri bir önceki takvim yldr.

Note 1. Reference periods of income information is the previous calendar year. 2. Toplam gelire izafi kira dahil de ildir.

2. Imputed rent is not included to total incomes.

(1) Fertler e de er hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerine göre küçükten büyü e

do ru sralanarak 5 gruba ayrld nda; "ilk yüzde 20'lik grup" geliri en dü ük

olan grubu,"son yüzde 20'lik grup"geliri en yüksek olan grubu tanmlar.

When the individuals are listed from the least amount to the most amount by equivalised

household disposable income and divided in 5 parts, the bottom income group is defined

as “the first quintiles” and the top income group is defined as “the last quintiles".

(2) 2009'dan itibaren "Di er gelirler"e vergi iadesi geliri dahil de ildir.

Tax refund is not included in other incomes onwards 2009.

Yüzde 20'lik fert gruplar - Quintiles

Income and Living Conditions Gelir ve Yaşam Koşulları

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Gelir ve Yaşam Koşulları Income and Living Conditions

22.3 Hanehalk fertlerinin esas i teki durumlarna göre yllk ortalama esas

i gelirleri, 2008-2009

Average annual main job incomes of individuals by employment status at main

job, 2008-2009 (TL)


maa l Yevmiyeli Kendi

Toplam Regular Casual veren hesabna

Total employee employee Employer Self employed

Türkiye - Turkey 10 922 11 471 4 511 26 846 8 344

Erkek - Males 11 542 11 770 5 071 27 450 9 224

Kadn - Females 8 400 10 422 2 496 19 765 3 724

Kent - Urban

Erkek - Males 12 875 12 242 5 664 29 575 10 960

Kadn - Females 9 558 10 696 3 007 22 425 4 314

Kr - Rural

Erkek - Males 8 692 9 685 4 171 19 701 8 176

Kadn - Females 5 214 8 652 1 566 14 678 3 419

Türkiye - Turkey 11 966 13 006 4 450 27 247 8 565

Erkek - Males 12 613 13 399 5 010 27 989 9 422

Kadn - Females 9 443 11 732 2 446 17 821 3 935

Kent - Urban

Erkek - Males 14 180 13 816 5 467 31 021 11 867

Kadn - Females 10 717 11 996 2 932 23 055 4 709

Kr - Rural

Erkek - Males 8 988 11 268 4 195 17 444 7 791

Kadn - Females 5 220 9 536 1 682 8 459 3 373

Kaynak: TÜ K, 2008 ve 2009 Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar Ara trmas

Source: TurkStat, 2008 and 2009 Income and Living Conditions Survey

Not. Gelir referans dönemleri bir önceki takvim yldr.

Note. Reference periods of income information is the previous calendar year.



teki durum - Status in employment (ICSE, 93)

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Income and Living Conditions Gelir ve Yaşam Koşulları

22.4 Gelire dayal göreli yoksulluk snrlarna göre yoksul saylar ve yoksulluk

oran, 2009

Number of poors and poverty rate by relative poverty thresholds based on

income, 2009

Yoksul says

Yoksulluk snr Number of poors Yoksulluk oran

Medyan gelire göre Poverty threshold (Bin ki i) Poverty rate

By median income (TL) (in Thousand) (%)

Türkiye - Turkey

Yoksulluk riski, %50

Risk of poverty rate, 50% 3 522 12 097 17.1

Yoksulluk riski, %60

Risk of poverty rate, 60% 4 227 17 123 24.3

Kent - Urban

Yoksulluk riski, %50

Risk of poverty rate, 50% 4 025 7 511 15.4

Yoksulluk riski, %60

Risk of poverty rate, 60% 4 830 10 898 22.3

Kr - Rural

Yoksulluk riski, %50

Risk of poverty rate, 50% 2 508 3 488 16.1

Yoksulluk riski, %60

Risk of poverty rate, 60% 3 009 4 994 23.1

Kaynak: TÜ K, 2009 Gelir ve Ya am Ko ullar Ara trmas

Source: TurkStat, 2009 Income and Living Conditions Survey

Not 1. Gelir referans dönemleri bir önceki takvim yldr.

Note 1. Reference periods of income information is the previous calendar year.

2. Türkiye, kentsel ve krsal yerler için ayr ayr yoksulluk snrlar

hesapland ndan kent ve kr toplam Türkiye sonuçlarn vermemektedir.

2. Due to separate poverty thresholds are calculated for Turkey, urban and rural

areas, sum of urban and rural doesn't give Turkey.

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23.1 Hanehalk tüketim harcamas, 2008-2009

Household consumption expenditure, 2008-2009

(Aylk ortalama - Monthly average)

2008 2009 2008 2009

Türkiye - Turkey 17 794 1 626 18 427 1 688

Kent - Urban 12 601 1 808 13 150 1 891

Kr - Rural 5 193 1 183 5 277 1 181

Hanehalk ba na ortalama

tüketim harcamas

Average consumption

expenditure per household (TL)

Hanehalk says

Number of households

(Bin - Thousand)


Yoksul oranı - Rate of poor2009

Kent - Urban

Veri için tablo 23.5’e bakınız.For data, see table 23.5

Kır - Rural










Hanehalkı tüketim harcamalarının dağılımıDistribution of household consumption expenditures


Eğitim hizmetleriEducational services


Eğlence ve kültürEntertainment and cultureÇeşitli mal ve hizmetlerVarious good and services

Alkollü içecekler, sigara ve tütünAlcoholic beverage, cigarette and tobacco


Giyim ve ayakkabıClothing and footwear

Lokanta ve otellerRestaurant and hotels

Ev eşyası, ev bakım hizmetleriHouse furnishing, home care services


Gıda ve alkolsüz içeceklerFood and non-alcoholic beverages

Konut ve kiraHousing and rent

Hane - Household

Fert - Individual

(%)0 5 10 15 20 25 30

23 Tüketim Harcamaları Consumption Expenditures

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23.2 Hanehalk büyüklü üne göre tüketim harcamasnn da lm, 2008-2009

Distribution of consumption expenditures by household size, 2008-2009

(Aylk ortalama - Monthly average)


büyüklü ü Türkiye Kent Kr Türkiye Kent Kr

Household size Turkey Urban Rural Turkey Urban Rural

Toplam - Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

1 2.3 2.3 2.2 3.3 3.4 3.2

2 14.1 13.6 15.8 16.1 16.2 15.9

3 24.5 26.0 19.1 24.5 26.0 18.3

4 29.5 30.8 24.7 27.6 29.7 19.3

5 14.1 13.9 14.9 14.2 13.6 16.5

6 7.6 6.7 10.7 7.3 6.2 11.7

7 3.4 2.9 5.3 3.0 2.3 5.8

8 1.9 1.6 2.9 1.6 1.2 3.1

9 1.2 1.1 1.5 0.8 0.5 1.8

10+ 1.4 1.0 2.8 1.6 0.9 4.4

2008 2009

Toplam tüketim harcamas - Total consumption expenditure (%)

Consumption Expenditures Tüketim Harcamaları


Yoksul oranı - Rate of poor2009

Kent - Urban

Veri için tablo 23.5’e bakınız.For data, see table 23.5

Kır - Rural










Hanehalkı tüketim harcamalarının dağılımıDistribution of household consumption expenditures


Eğitim hizmetleriEducational services


Eğlence ve kültürEntertainment and cultureÇeşitli mal ve hizmetlerVarious good and services

Alkollü içecekler, sigara ve tütünAlcoholic beverage, cigarette and tobacco


Giyim ve ayakkabıClothing and footwear

Lokanta ve otellerRestaurant and hotels

Ev eşyası, ev bakım hizmetleriHouse furnishing, home care services


Gıda ve alkolsüz içeceklerFood and non-alcoholic beverages

Konut ve kiraHousing and rent

Hane - Household

Fert - Individual

(%)0 5 10 15 20 25 30

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Tüketim Harcamaları Consumption Expenditures

23.3 Gelire göre sral %20'lik gruplar ayrmnda hanehalk tüketim

harcamasnn da lm, 2009, Türkiye

Distribution of consumption expenditures by quintiles ordered by income,

2009, Turkey

(Aylk ortalama - Monthly average)

Tüketim harcamas türü

Types of consumption

expenditures Toplam 1.%20 2.%20 3.%20 4.%20 5.%20

COICOP Total 1st20% 2nd20% 3rd20% 4th20% 5th20%

Toplam - Total 100.0 9.1 13.4 18.0 22.9 36.6

Gda ve alkolsüz

içecekler - Food and

non-alcoholic beverages 100.0 13.5 16.5 19.9 22.4 27.7

Alkollü içecekler,

sigara ve tütün

Alcoholic beverages,

cigarette and tobacco 100.0 12.2 15.4 20.5 22.8 29.1

Giyim ve ayakkab

Clothing and footwear 100.0 7.9 11.8 16.7 21.6 41.9

Konut ve kira

Housing and rent 100.0 9.6 15.0 19.4 23.2 32.7

Ev e yas, ev bakm

hizmetleri - House furnishing,

home care services 100.0 7.6 13.0 18.1 22.6 38.8

Sa lk - Health 100.0 10.5 14.9 15.3 22.4 37.0

Ula trma - Transportation 100.0 5.0 9.1 14.9 23.5 47.5

Haberle me

Communication 100.0 7.6 11.7 16.9 24.3 39.5

E lence ve kültür

Entertainment, culture 100.0 5.5 8.4 15.3 24.2 46.6

E itim - Education 100.0 3.2 4.9 11.9 19.7 60.4

Lokanta ve oteller

Restaurants and hotels 100.0 5.4 10.7 16.5 23.3 44.1

Çe itli mal ve hizmetler

Various goods and services 100.0 6.5 11.0 15.6 23.3 43.7

Gelir grubu - Income groups (%)

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Consumption Expenditures Tüketim Harcamaları

23.4 Yoksulluk snr yöntemlerine göre yoksulluk oranlar, 2008-2009

Poverty rates according to poverty line methods, 2008-2009 (%)

Yoksul fert oran - Percentages of poor individual

Türkiye Kent Kr Türkiye Kent Kr

Yöntemler - Methods Turkey Urban Rural Turkey Urban Rural

Gda yoksullu u - Food poverty 0.54 0.25 1.18 0.48 0.06 1.42

Gda ve gda d yoksulluk

Food and non - food poverty 17.11 9.38 34.62 18.08 8.86 38.69

Ki i ba günlük 1 $’n alt

Below $ 1 per capita per day(1) - - - - - -

Ki i ba günlük 2.15 $’n alt

Below $ 2.15 per capita per day(1) 0.47 0.19 1.11 0.22 0.04 0.63

Ki i ba günlük 4.3 $’n alt

Below $ 4.3 per capita per day(1) 6.83 3.07 15.33 4.35 0.96 11.92

Harcama esasl göreli yoksulluk

Relative poverty based on expenditure 15.06 8.01 31.00 15.12 6.59 34.20

(1) 1 $’n Satnalma Gücü Paritesine (SGP) göre kar l olarak 2008 yl için

0.983 TL ve 2009 yl için 0.917 TL kullanlm tr.

Here, 0.983 TL and 0.917 TL which are the equivalent of 1 $ Purchasing Power Parity

(PPP) are used for years 2008 and 2009 respectively.

2008 2009

23.5 Hanehalk büyüklü üne göre yoksulluk oranlar(1), 2008-2009

Poverty rates according to household size(1), 2008-2009 (%)


büyüklü ü Türkiye Kent Kr Türkiye Kent Kr

Household size Turkey Urban Rural Turkey Urban Rural

Toplam - Total 17.11 9.38 34.62 18.08 8.86 38.69

1-2 9.57 2.92 23.51 10.64 3.21 26.41

3-4 8.48 4.27 21.65 9.65 4.52 29.02

5-6 21.54 12.20 39.51 22.20 12.72 39.89

7+ 38.20 26.95 54.03 40.05 25.21 54.06

(1) Gda ve gda d harcamalar dikkate alnm tr.

Based on food and non-food expenditures.


Yoksul fert oran - Percentages of poor individual


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24.1 Saatlik i gücü maliyeti endeksi, 2009-2010

Hourly labour cost index, 2009-2010

Ekonomik faaliyet - Economic activity

NACE Rev.2 2009 2010

Toplam - Total (B-N) 108.9 118.3

Sanayi - Industry (B-E) 108.9 117.4

n aat - Construction (F) 113.2 124.3

Hizmet - Services (G-N) 107.4 118.3

24.2 Saatlik kazanç endeksi, 2009-2010

Hourly earnings index, 2009-2010

Ekonomik faaliyet - Economic activity

NACE Rev.2 2009 2010

Toplam - Total (B-N) 110.1 120.5

Sanayi - Industry (B-E) 109.9 119.5

n aat - Construction (F) 115.4 127.0

Hizmet - Services (G-N) 108.9 120.2

24 İşgücü Maliyeti Labour Cost

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24.3 Aylk ortalama i gücü maliyeti ve bile enleri, 2008

Monthly average labour cost and components, 2008

Aylkortalama Sosyal Di er

i gücü güvenlik i gücümaliyeti Brüt ödemeleri maliyetiMonthly kazanç Social ödemeleri

Ekonomik faaliyet average Gross security Other labour

Economic activity labour cost earnings payments cost payments

NACE Rev.1.1 (TL)

Toplam - Total 1 833 81.7 17.6 0.6

C Madencilik ve ta ocakcl

Mining and quarrying 2 222 76.7 23.1 0.3

D malat - Manufacturing 1 576 80.5 18.9 0.6

E Elektrik, gaz, buhar ve scak

su üretimi ve da tm

Electricity, gas and water supply 3 593 80.2 19.3 0.5

F n aat - Construction 1 055 81.4 18.2 0.4

G Toptan ve per. tic.; motorlu ta t,

motosiklet, ki isel ve ev e yalarnn

onarm - Wholesale and retail trade;

repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles,

personal and household goods 1 725 82.5 16.9 0.6

H Oteller ve lokantalar

Hotels and restaurants 1 254 81.5 18.0 0.5

I Ula trma, depolama ve haberle me

Transport, storage and com. 2 558 80.0 19.2 0.8

J Mali arac kurulu larn faaliyetleri

Financial intermediation 4 264 83.9 14.6 1.5

K Gayrimenkul, kiralama ve i faal.- Real

estate, renting, business activities 1 597 82.7 16.7 0.5

M E itim - Education 1 993 84.0 15.4 0.6

N Sa lk i leri ve sosyal hizmetler

Health and social work 2 288 85.6 14.2 0.1

O Di er sosyal, topl. ve ki isel

hizmet faal.- Other com., social

and personal service activities 2 214 81.5 18.1 0.4

gücü maliyeti bile enleriComponents of labour cost


Labour Cost İşgücü Maliyeti

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25.1 Gayri safi yurtiçi Ar-Ge harcamas, 2007-2009

Gross domestic expenditures on R&D, 2007-2009

2007 2008 2009

Cari fiyatlarla (Milyon TL)

In current prices (Million TL) 6 091 6 893 8 087

Ticari - Business enterprises 2 513 3 048 3 235

Kamu - Government 643 824 1 017

Yüksekö retim - Higher education 2 935 3 021 3 836

Satnalma gücü paritesi ile (Milyon ABD $)

Purchasing power parity (Million US $) 6 578 7 034 8 819

Dolar (Milyon ABD $)

US Dollar (Million US $)(1) 4 687 5 381 5 235

Gayri safi yurtiçi Ar-Ge harcamas / GSYH

GERD / GDP (%0 ) 7.1 7.3 8.5

(1) thalat a rlkl ortalama dolar kuru.

Import weighted average exchange rate (US $).


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Cinsiyete göre bilgisayar ve internet kullanım oranlarıProportion of computer and internet use by gender


Bilgisayar kullananComputer use

İnternet kullananInternet use














Erkek - Males

Kadın - Females

İnternet - Internet

Bilgisayar - Computer


(1) Ocak - Mart 2010January - March 2010

Son üç ay içinde bireylerin yaş grubuna göre bilgisayar veİnternet kullanım oranları

Computer and Internet use by age group within the last three months2010



25 Bilim ve Teknoloji Science and Technology

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25.2 Yenilik faaliyeti yürüten giri imlerin oran, 2006-2008

Proportion of enterprises with innovation activities, 2006-2008 (%)

Teknolojik Teknolojik

yenilik olmayan yenilik

Technological Non-technological

innovation innovation

Yenilik yapan - Innovative enterprise 29.8 22.7

Büyüklük grubu (çal an saysna göre)

Size groups (number of employee)

Toplam - Total 29.8 22.7

10 - 49 27.8 20.3

50 - 249 38.4 27.1

250+ 48.6 39.3

Science and Technology Bilim ve Teknoloji

25.3 Yerle im yeri ve cinsiyete göre bilgisayar/ nternet kullanm oranlar, 2010

Proportion of computer and internet use by places of residence and gender, 2010



Computer Internet

Bilgisayar ve nternet kullananlar Türkiye - Turkey 43.2 41.6

Computer and Internet users Kent - Urban 50.6 49.2

Kr - Rural 25.6 23.7

Son üç ay içinde (Ocak-Mart 2010) Türkiye - Turkey 39.1 37.6

Within the last three months Erkek - Males 49.1 47.3

(January-March 2010) Kadn - Females 29.4 28.2

Üç ay - bir yl arasnda Türkiye - Turkey 1.9 2.2

Between 3 months and a year ago Erkek - Males 2.3 2.8

Kadn - Females 1.6 1.7

Bir yldan çok Türkiye - Turkey 2.2 1.8

More than one year Erkek - Males 2.1 1.8

Kadn - Females 2.3 1.9

Hiç kullanmad Türkiye - Turkey 56.8 58.4

Never used it Erkek - Males 46.6 48.2

Kadn - Females 66.8 68.3


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Cinsiyete göre bilgisayar ve internet kullanım oranlarıProportion of computer and internet use by gender


Bilgisayar kullananComputer use

İnternet kullananInternet use














Erkek - Males

Kadın - Females

İnternet - Internet

Bilgisayar - Computer


(1) Ocak - Mart 2010January - March 2010

Son üç ay içinde bireylerin yaş grubuna göre bilgisayar veİnternet kullanım oranları

Computer and Internet use by age group within the last three months2010



Bilim ve Teknoloji Science and Technology

25.4 Hanelerde bili im teknolojileri sahiplik durumu, 2009-2010

Availability of ICT equipments in households, 2009-2010 (%)

nternete ba l

araçlara sahip olan

Bili im teknolojilerine hane oran

sahip olan hane oran Proportion of households

Proportion of households having equipments for

having ICT equipments Internet access

2009 2010 2009 2010

Masaüstü bilgisayar (PC)

Desktop computer 30.7 33.8 22.5 25.2

Ta nabilir bilgisayar (Dizüstü, tablet)

Portable computer (Laptop, tablet PC) 11.2 16.8 8.4 13.4

El bilgisayar (Palm)

Handled computer 0.6 0.7 0.2 0.2

Cep telefonu - Mobile phone 87.6 90.5 5.6 15.5

Oyun konsolu (Playstation, vb.)

Games console 3.7 3.1 0.2 0.3

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Science and Technology Bilim ve Teknoloji

25.5 2010 yl Ocak aynda bilgisayar kullanlan ve nternet eri imine sahip

giri imlerin oran

Proportion of enterprises which have access to Internet and use computer by

economic activity in January 2010 (%)

Toplam (10+) - Total (10+)

Ekonomik faaliyet Bilgisayar nternet

Economic activity kullanm eri imi

NACE Rev. 2 Computer use Internet use

Genel - General 92.3 90.9

malat sanayi (Ksm C) - Manufacturing (Section C) 92.5 91.4

Elektrik, gaz, buhar ve havalandrma sistemi üretim ve

da tm ve su temini; kanalizasyon, atk yönetimi ve

iyile tirme faaliyetleri (Ksm D, E) - Electricity, gas and steam,

water supply, sewerage and waste management (Section D,E) 98.5 98.2

n aat (Ksm F) - Construction (Section F) 88.7 87.1

Toptan ve perakende ticaret; Motorlu kara ta tlarnn

ve motosikletlerin onarm (Ksm G) - Wholesale and retail

trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (Section G) 94.9 92.9

Ula trma ve depolama (Ksm H)

Transportation and storage (Section H) 93.7 92.7

Konaklama ve yiyecek hizmeti faaliyetleri (Ksm I)

Accomodation and food service activities (Section I) 81.2 80.3

Bilgi ve ileti im (Ksm J)

Information and communication (Section J) 98.6 98.6

Gayrimenkul faaliyetleri (Ksm L)

Real estate activities (Section L) 91.1 91.1

Mesleki, bilimsel ve teknik faaliyetler (Bölüm 69 ve 74)

Professional, scientific and support activities (Division 69-74) 98.6 98.6

dari ve destek hizmet faaliyetleri (Ksm N)

Administrative and support activities (Section N) 87.4 87.3

Bilgisayarlarn ve ileti im araç ve gereçlerinin onarm

(Grup 95.1) - Repair of computers (Group 95.1) 97.7 97.7

Finans ve zorunlu sosyal güvenlik ve emeklilik

fonlar hariç sigorta ile ilgili faaliyetler

(Grup 64.19, 64.92, 65.1, 65.2, 66.12 ve 66.19)

Financial and insurance activities

(Group 64.19, 64.92, 65.1, 65.2, 66.12 ve 66.19) 98.2 98.2

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26.1 Genel mutluluk düzeyi, 2008-2010

General level of happiness, 2008-2010 (%)

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total

Çok mutlu - Very happy 8.2 7.7 9.2

Mutlu - Happy 47.5 46.6 52.0

Orta - Neither happy, nor unhappy 30.3 31.1 28.1

Mutsuz - Unhappy 11.4 11.5 8.8

Çok mutsuz - Very unhappy 2.5 3.1 2.0

Kadn - Females

Çok mutlu - Very happy 9.1 8.9 9.7

Mutlu - Happy 48.7 49.2 53.0

Orta - Neither happy, nor unhappy 30.0 29.6 27.3

Mutsuz - Unhappy 9.4 9.5 7.6

Çok mutsuz - Very unhappy 2.8 2.8 2.4

Erkek - Males

Çok mutlu - Very happy 7.4 6.4 8.6

Mutlu - Happy 46.3 43.9 51.0

Orta - Neither happy, nor unhappy 30.7 32.7 28.9

Mutsuz - Unhappy 13.6 13.7 9.9

Çok mutsuz - Very unhappy 2.1 3.4 1.6

Kaynak: Ya am Memnuniyeti Ara trmas, 2008-2010

Source: Life Satisfaction Survey, 2008-2010

26 Yaşam Memnuniyeti Life Satisfaction

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26.2 Umut düzeyi, 2008-2010

Level of hope, 2008-2010 (%)

2008 2009 2010

Toplam - Total

Çok umutlu - Very hopeful 4.5 4.6 6.8

Umutlu - Hopeful 60.4 60.9 66.0

Umutlu de il - Not hopeful 26.3 26.8 22.5

Hiç umutlu de il - Not hopeful at all 8.8 7.8 4.8

Kadn - Females

Çok umutlu - Very hopeful 4.3 4.0 5.0

Umutlu - Hopeful 60.7 64.0 67.9

Umutlu de il - Not hopeful 26.1 24.7 22.2

Hiç umutlu de il - Not hopeful at all 9.0 7.4 4.9

Erkek - Males

Çok umutlu - Very hopeful 4.8 5.2 8.7

Umutlu - Hopeful 60.1 57.6 64.0

Umutlu de il - Not hopeful 26.5 29.1 22.8

Hiç umutlu de il - Not hopeful at all 8.6 8.1 4.6

Kaynak: Ya am Memnuniyeti Ara trmas, 2008-2010

Source: Life Satisfaction Survey, 2008-2010

Life Satisfaction Yaşam Memnuniyeti


Hanehalkı gelirinin hanehalkı ihtiyaçlarını karşılama durumuMeeting the needs of the household by household income


0 20 40 60 80 100






Orta - Neitherdifficulty nor easily



14.2 39.6 46.2

11.6 35.5 52.9

10.5 37.0 52.5

10.7 36.9 52.4

9.5 36.2 54.3

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Yaşam Memnuniyeti Life Satisfaction

26.3 Kamu hizmetlerinden memnuniyet, 2010

Satisfaction from public services, 2010 (%)

Erkek Kadn Erkek KadnMales Females Males Females

E itim hizmetlerindenFrom educational services 60.4 62.6 18.7 20.8

Sosyal güvenlik kurumununhizmetlerinden - From the services

of social security institution 60.5 49.4 10.8 10.6

Sa lk hizmetlerindenFrom health services 73.0 73.1 13.6 14.0

Asayi hizmetlerindenFrom public security services 76.1 79.8 11.9 13.7

Adli sistemin verdi i hizmetlerdenFrom judicial services 42.9 31.7 10.7 6.7

Kamu hizmetleri ile ilgili bilgi edinme i lemlerinden - From aquiring

information about public services 55.5 36.7 13.4 10.8

Erkek Kadn Erkek KadnMales Females Males Females

E itim hizmetlerindenFrom educational services 20.9 16.6

Sosyal güvenlik kurumununhizmetlerinden - From the services

of social security institution 10.8 7.0 17.9 32.9

Sa lk hizmetlerindenFrom health services 13.4 12.9

Asayi hizmetlerindenFrom public security services 12.0 6.5

Adli sistemin verdi i hizmetlerdenFrom judicial services 13.0 6.3 33.5 55.2

Kamu hizmetleri ile ilgili bilgi edinme i lemlerinden - From aquiring

information about public services 11.2 6.2 19.9 46.3

Orta-Neither satisfied

nor unsatisfied

Memnun Satisfied

Memnun de ilNot satisfied

Fikri yok No idea

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Life Satisfaction Yaşam Memnuniyeti

26.4 2011 ylndan beklentiler

Expectations for year 2011 (%)

Erkek Kadn Erkek Kadn

Males Females Males Females

Genel olarak hayata ili kin beklentiler

Expectations for life in general 36.8 29.0 42.1 45.1

Hanelerinin mali durumuna ili kin - Expectations

for the financial conditions of the household 27.3 20.4 52.4 54.5

Ki isel i durumuna ili kin

Expectations for the personal work 29.5 23.0 50.8 55.8

Türkiye'deki i durumuna ili kin

Expectations for work conditions of Turkey 31.1 17.5 32.2 31.3

Türkiye'nin ekonomik durumuna ili kin

Expectations for the economic conditions of Turkey 38.3 20.9 30.3 30.7

Erkek Kadn Erkek Kadn

Males Females Males Females

Genel olarak hayata ili kin beklentiler

Expectations for life in general 10.6 7.9 10.5 18.0

Hanelerinin mali durumuna ili kin - Expectations

for the financial conditions of the household 12.4 9.7 7.9 15.4

Ki isel i durumuna ili kin

Expectations for the personal work 10.0 7.2 9.7 14.0

Türkiye'deki i durumuna ili kin

Expectations for work conditions of Turkey 25.0 23.6 11.8 27.6

Türkiye'nin ekonomik durumuna ili kin

Expectations for the economic conditions of Turkey 18.8 18.9 12.6 29.6

Ayn olacak

Fikri yok

Daha iyi olacak

Will be better Will be the same

Will be worse No idea

Daha kötü olacak

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İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflaması Statistical Regions

TR1 stanbul TR10 stanbul TR100 stanbul (Zonguldak, TR811 Zonguldak

(Tekirda , TR211 Tekirda Karabük, TR812 Karabük

Edirne, TR212 Edirne Bartn) TR813 Bartn

Krklareli) TR213 Krklareli (Kastamonu, TR821 Kastamonu

(Balkesir, TR221 Balkesir Çankr, TR822 Çankr

Çanakkale) TR222 Çanakkale Sinop) TR823 Sinop

TR31 ( zmir) TR310 zmir (Samsun, TR831 Samsun

(Aydn, TR321 Aydn Tokat, TR832 Tokat

Denizli, TR322 Denizli Çorum, TR833 Çorum

Mu la) TR323 Mu la Amasya) TR834 Amasya

(Manisa, TR331 Manisa (Trabzon TR901 Trabzon

Afyonkarahisar, TR332 Afyonkarahisar Ordu, TR902 Ordu

Kütahya, TR333 Kütahya Giresun, TR903 Giresun

U ak) TR334 U ak Rize, TR904 Rize

(Bursa, TR411 Bursa Artvin, TR905 Artvin

Eski ehir, TR412 Eski ehir Gümü hane) TR906 Gümü hane

Bilecik) TR413 Bilecik (Erzurum, TRA11 Erzurum

(Kocaeli, TR421 Kocaeli Erzincan, TRA12 Erzincan

Sakarya, TR422 Sakarya Bayburt) TRA13 Bayburt

Düzce TR423 Düzce (A r, TRA21 A r

Bolu, TR424 Bolu Kars, TRA22 Kars

Yalova) TR425 Yalova I dr, TRA23 I dr

TR51 (Ankara) TR510 Ankara Ardahan) TRA24 Ardahan

(Konya, TR521 Konya (Malatya, TRB11 Malatya

Karaman) TR522 Karaman Elaz , TRB12 Elaz

(Antalya, TR611 Antalya Bingöl, TRB13 Bingöl

Isparta, TR612 Isparta Tunceli) TRB14 Tunceli

Burdur) TR613 Burdur (Van, TRB21 Van

TR62 (Adana, TR621 Adana Mu , TRB22 Mu

Mersin) TR622 Mersin Bitlis, TRB23 Bitlis

TR63 (Hatay, TR631 Hatay Hakkari) TRB24 Hakkari

Kahramanmara TR632 Kahramanmara (Gaziantep, TRC11 Gaziantep

Osmaniye) TR633 Osmaniye Adyaman, TRC12 Adyaman

TR71 (Krkkale, TR711 Krkkale Kilis) TRC13 Kilis

Aksaray, TR712 Aksaray ( anlurfa, TRC21 anlurfa

Ni de, TR713 Ni de Diyarbakr) TRC22 Diyarbakr

Nev ehir, TR714 Nev ehir (Mardin, TRC31 Mardin

Kr ehir) TR715 Kr ehir Batman, TRC32 Batman

TR72 (Kayseri, TR721 Kayseri rnak, TRC33 rnak

Sivas, TR722 Sivas Siirt) TRC34 SiirtYozgat)

TR723 Yozgat





12 26 81


















1. DüzeyLevel 1

2. DüzeyLevel 2

3. DüzeyLevel 3

1. DüzeyLevel 1

2. DüzeyLevel 2

3. DüzeyLevel 3









a A





l Ana









TR Türkiye - Turkey












Bat M




t M



Bat K






k Se



u K















st A










t An











t An




u M







e -

