jl m 2 no - fultonhistory.com 18/havana ny... · system, of whatever namo or nature it may be, thus...

•• are be- the the PERSIAN PILLS. Physiological Facts I N RELATION TO THE OPERA- TION OF I HE RESURECTION OR PERSIAN PILLS.---Superior lo the Uygoian, Brandreth's, or any other i.liis before (he pubhc, as thousands oi certificates from physicians and others who have used them tu»tify. Diseases of every kind are producod by derangement in the organization of our composition. The laws or principles of nature, go to show that life is motion ; and that every organization of matter has is peculiar mode of action. Whenever the organization or mode of action is de- ranged, disease is the consequence. in all combinations of animal matter, there are vessels or hollow tubes ofcjif- ferent sizes, whoso office it is to convey whatever is received into the system, to •II its different functions. The vast machinery of man, once set in motion, requires something to act upon. Food being taken into the sto- mach, is divided, assimilated, and con veyed, to all parts of the animal system, to nourish and support it. This process constitutes the phenomena of digestion. That which in essentia! to animal ex- istence, is retained in tho system in tho form of fluids, constituting the circulat- ing medium, which is the fountain of life. This fountain sends forth otr*> H na* inin t the vessels or hollow tubes, which divided and sub-divided, until they come so minute as to be invisible to naked eye. The circulating medium being only avenue through which the system is nourished, it is all-important that this channel should be kept pure, and its cir- culation unobstructed, that every func- tion may receive its due proportion ot nourishment. So lung as this current it kept in this situation, uninterrupted health is onjoyod. But, whenever food is taken of an improper kind or quality, or in too large quantities, the organs be- come depressed, the circulation obstruct ed, vitiated humors are engendered, which are disseminated to the fluids and conveyed from one vessel to another, until they become incorporated in every part of the system ; thus proving a fruit- rut tiAiipno r>f itioM.A AUnovtApna) ev. posure to cold.closes the small vessels on the surface, thickening tho fluids, and driving them back too forcibly to the in- ternal organs ; thus obstructing the free circulation, which produces irritation, pain, and inflamation. These, united, form the principal cause of all derange* men's hovreyer diversified be the names of disease. Henca it is obvious that diseases of aii kinds originate in the circulating medi- um by the fluids becoming thick or vi» tiated, the circulation impeded, impuri- ties settle in the glands, the organs do not receive their proper nourishment, the system becomes weakened in all its movements, and calls aloud for a remedy that is so arranged and constituted, as, when taken, it will be digested and pass into the circulating medium,visiting eve ' ry oigan.glandand vessel, to cleanse,pu- rity and stimulate them into a healthy ac- tiou. These virlucs.or properlies.are aii combined in tho Persian and Indian vege- table extracts,comprising the resurection Pills, which an all wise Providence knowing the wants of man, seems to have sent upon earth for his special ben- efit. Tboy act in harmony with the arrangements of the constitution of the human system, when it is in health ; but, when diseased, they arouse its native energies mio action, and prove a power*, ful remedy irr&pelling disease from the system, of whatever namo or nature it may be, thus proving a universal remedy or antidote for disease. Dr. Brandreth'e grandfather, the ac- knowledged inventor of his pills, being an English practitioner, it is probable he was acquainted with the Persian Extract, and used some ot it in bis puis ; and the good effects arising from their use is at- tributable to this cause ; but he was un- acquainted with the India Extract which co operates with the persian Extract and renders the Persian Pills far more effect* tial in curing diseases than Brandreth's pills or any other preparation. Since agents have been appointed in America, the presumptive evidence is, that Brand- rcth is unable to obtain the Persian ex- tract—which is the cause of his* pills* not giving that satisfaction now as for- merly. The supreme excellency of the Resur- ection or Persian Pills, has been abund- antly certified to by those who have been cured of the most trying and difficult dis- eases, and under the most adverse cir» cumstatices of bodily suffering But it would take too much room to publish thees numerous testimonials through the medium of tho public print. A bill, however, of certificates and a treatise on the most prominent diseases will accom- pany each box. fX/ 3 The increase demand for these pills is unparalleled. Tho receipts du ing the last three weeks of water naviga- ion, 1837, amounts to 96.751 boxes ; which shows the high estimation in which hey are held where they are known. E. CHASE & CO , Rochester, sole agents for the United Stutos and the Can- das. Fur sale by AVERS & MJNYAN, at their drug store, near the corner of Main and Catherine streets. Havana. SB-fim T HE LOOK OUT! jbsciibef Imvin:: dlipOHfl of his suosciibef hay in-; tii-pi MOCK of t minis, Would Otl die immedi- ate attention of all who have unsettled ac- counts or notes, to tnnku an immediate adjust" ment of them. 1 shall attend tu no other bu- siness of consequence, for about thirty days, when, if my accounts and notes are not settled, ail ili H are collectable will be left with the pro- per authority for collection. C. HILL. N. D. As usual, all kinds of Produce, Shin- gles, Lumber, and Staves, will be taken at chsh prices, in payment. Also, CASH paid for any quantity of pood Lumber and Shingles, at the office of C. Hill, ty H. D. IVES, Agt. June Gih, 1838. v3nltf. JL, BOOT. m ^J^SHOE. AND fsj^, LEATHER STORE. T HE subscriber* wodld respectfully MM the publick that they have commenced, in the building on« door south of J. Stevens' Harness Shop, Catharine street, the Boot and Shoe Business, and will manufacture to order, Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, in the most fashionable and substantial manner. A share of publick patronage is solicited. Leather of every description, and curriers oil by the gallon, constantly on baud. Hides, Skins, and all kinds of country pro- duce taken in payment, cash will not he refus- ed. J. T. & A. 3. DURKEE. Those hiving account ef long standing, "re I icquestcd to call and make settlement imme- diately. J. T . & A. S. D. Havana, June 6th, 1838. v'.lnltf N OTICE is hereby given that sealed propo- sals will be received by iho Clerk of the corporation of the village of Havana, lor fenc ing tho burying ground in said village, until the I6ih inst. To be done as follows : to wit. Posts to be white oak, sawed, or chestnut, pealed, and seasoned ; 6 feet long arid i feet above ground, and 7 feet apart. The boards while pine, 14 feet long—the bottom board to be I toot wide; the 2d board 8 inches , the 3d 0 inches, and 4th 4 inches ; and to be capt with a board (i inches wide ; said fence to con- tain two gates with posts 8 feet long, 8 inches square, and 4 feet above ground; one gate lo be 3 I 2 feet in width—the other a douMugate 9 feet between posts ; to bo hung with good iryn hinges, and pad lucked. Dated Havana, June 5th, 1838. n\£GOjr and SIA.llitl MANUFACTORY T HE subscriber having fitted up a large and convenient shop directly in front of the old tavern stand of Josh- ua Chuse. on Johnson's Settlement, will be happy at al! times to wait np">> those who may wish to purchaso any article in his line of business. He keeps in con- stant employ several first rate workmen, and can warrant his work to he equal, if not superior to that of any other estab- lishment in this part of the country. Ho will be ready at all times to aitend to any order in the Wagon making business. Sulkies and all kinds of wheel Carriages, made in the newest style.— Pleasure and Lumber S l e i g l l S , for one or two horses, constantly oo bond, or made to order. He also carries on tho Black smithing Business, and will be ready, at all times, to do any kiuu ui wuck in the above line. fX/^Lumbcr, Produce, and even Cash will not be refused in payment. N. B. Wagons and Carriages of ev- ery description, repaired on short notice. WILLIAM N. SMITH. Catharine, July 26,1837. 59tf PRICES CURRENT SO DOZEN K/tKES for sale by DOWNS * Co. ,inih, IMP. R /4KES I HAKES 1 I 2v!5 Rakes for sale, by ths eross, dozen, or single. By 3 LEWIS * BBSCHXR, Havana, Jims filh, 1*:W. 5 DOS. Sil«by &. Wheeler's AX EM—war- ranUd—iusi received and for sale by D O W N S * C O . Havana, Jan. 7, IMaoV fW\ IHE BOSTON PEARL AND GALAXY.—The twenty-first voi- NN was commenced on the first of January, 183S. Tho work is ended ihe editorial charge of Isaac C. Pray, jr. and Henry F. Harrington, and in pub* lished, distributed and mailed to stihsrri> bers every Saturday. Original and se- lected tales, essays, translations, travel- ling, literary, and historical sketches, biography, poetry, satire, criticisms, news and" a!! subjrets embraced in litera- ture come within it* province. Unwea- ried exertions are made to disseminate truth on every proper and important sub jeet by watchfulness, deliberation and industry. The experience of its editors, it is hoped, will be a sufficient surety to the patrons of the work and the public generally, that a family newspaper will be constituted at once entertaining in its character, manly in its progress, and worthy of extended circulation and favor. The editors, convinced that personal re- gard rather than justice to many matters oflpn dictates opinion?, will ever endeav or to do stiict justice to whatever may come under their cognizance. Criticism, especially, will ho based upon \r-* princi- ples of sound tnste, and it must not be supposed that either favor induces praise, or enmity poises the lance in an attack. Indeed, from the determination to give credit where it is due. aud to expose errors where they are apparent, the im- partiality will bo visible and shield from any implication from dishonest motives. So far as the mechanical portion of the work is concerned, the publishers pledge themselves to gratify the eye by while paper, clear impressions and systematic method. To our advertising patrons we shall always do even handed justice by i-.r.il..ri.it-a nnd tdalnriefts. nilnwinrr :ii tin time engraved heads to give undue con- spicuousness to any advertisement. TERMS.—Three dollars per annum, to be paid invariably in advance. Wherever any ten persons, in one town, will forward an order for ten cop- ies of this paper, it shall be answered by the remittance of $20, and iiius furnish this valuable paper at the exceedingly low price of $ 2 a year lo clubbing sub- scribers. Persons who think of cmbia- cing this offer will do well to make their efforts so OP to commence the new vol ume, which will contain on enormous quantity of miscellaneous matter, nrinleri on a new type and in a manner which will make it worthy of preservation for binding. Original Contributions.—The origi- nal papers printed in the Pearl and Gah axy during ibe past year, have outnum- bered those of any newspaper published in this country, and the publishers intend pa renew their exertions BO that the origi- nal department may be still more worthy of that remark and praise which it has already received. CEMENT. W ATKR CMtttntMO WATER LI Ml ed and fur sale by Fifty barrels of ! rWI reiciy. Havana, May 10, 1*38. DOWNS A. CO. C 1 AHII and the highest market price paid / by ths subscribers, lor the following ar- ticles : — Oils, Potatoes, Butter, Beans, Chee«e, Lard, Pork, Tallow, Ham's and K<rgs, BRODRTCK A. CAMPMLL. Juno Lith, 1838. 500 Barrels of S.IJ.T, J I'riT received and fur sale bv iiie subscri- bers. DRODR1CK & CAMPBELL. Juno 13th, 1838, rORK ami CHEESE. A NY quantity of Fork and Cheese, frjni I to 1 S.OOO lbs, for sale by the snbscn ben. HROUKICK MOAMPBBLL, Juno nth, I ft*. Saddle, Hrtdle, and Harness ESTABLISHMENT. T HE subscriber takes this method to m- ,mi the pubiiek that b* continues the business of SADDLE AND HAR- NESS MAKING, at his old stand, (west end of the Inlet brige,) where he intends to keep constant- ly on hand, a general assortment of Saddle*, ISridles, Harnesses, Valises, Holsters, Trunks, &c. which he will sell on as favourable terms as nt any other shop in the western cmmiiy Aii kinds of country produce received in pay ant JOHN U. HENRY. Havana, June, 1S3G. ltf S TORAGE AND FORWARD- ING. The subscribers are now prepared to receive in store and forward to any place on the Erie canal, or to the the markets o! Troy, Albany, or New York, all kinds of produce, household furniture, fuuuiie's removing, &c. &c. Our boats are of the first class of lake boats, and commanded by experienced captains. Property entrusted io our care will receive prompt attention. Merchants shipping goods in New York lor any port on Seneca Luke or Chemung canal will please call on Thom- as Kimball, agent, No. 9, South street, who will render every assistance, and al charges reasonable. We are also agents for Peck Crane & Co's line of boats, which, with our own arrangements enable us to forward prop- erly daily, DOWNS & CO. Havana, May 2, 1838. $20 00 a $22 00 IN TIIK VILLAOK Of HAVANA. [CORRECTED wesmv.J IiUMBER- Frst rale s. r.m.i rats Common Clear siding Merchantable tSeantiing, pina Do., ".li STAVES— White oak, hhd. pr. 5!. Do. pipe, Do. bbl. Do. head, lib SHINOI.ES— Breasted pr. M. Common PUOVISIONS- Fork, mess, pr. bbl. Butter, fresh, pr. lb. Cheese, do. Fotatoes, pr. bush. Feas, do. Be-in", do. GRAIN- \\ iioai, pr. bush. Rye, do. Corn do. Oats Flaxseed $ 1 F q,90,000 WANTED; OR which the subscribers ofl'ei to exchange a large and •«••;•! aijV'Me.! avsortmeM of GOODS. l'lirehascd the present fill in the cities of A'nu- York are! Bor-t-m, at the very bos*, advantage fur cash, at ihe lowest auction prices. O'.ving to the numerous calls and constantly increasing patronage of a generous public, we h IVU not lime to specify Ihe different srlifllei comprising our stock, but will warrant it equal if nut superior. JOHN STEVENS, Manufacturer of lei fen . to any of our neighbors: VYo ourselvi to >dl ,.|,, c"n ,u. T' W iho qniliiy of goods, as any establishment in ihe place— ZJ? The Ci'.c^p St"re no', evrpptpd | | tJ"t LEWIS &, BEECBER. IhvMni. Afov.SS, IK'»7. IVcw Firm! NEW GOODS. w OULD inform tho putdjei^-' »tji.y havn recently eommt;-" , ^ t ihe stand formerly occupi^" 1 "* ' r IMAS. where they are now Mft W^Qr%^srW and weilseleeted assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Iron, iTHltfi. Codfish, Tea, Sugar, Molasss, &,c. &c. Together with almost overy article in their lino of bu-ines . The puiiiick .ire invited to oil and examine quality and prices. //,„-„, AT.,,-,....I.... OO 1W!7 Wtf F WINDOW SASH, OR salo by the subscribers at whole- sale or retail. LEWIS & BEECMER. DRUG STORE. T HE subscriber has on hand nrid 08vfS for I de on the most liberal terms, an extensive and w«>ll selected assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals \ Dynstiiffs, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, Perfumeiy, and fan •Jf articles. His goods are se lecled with the greatest care, and may bo relied upon as pure .ind iienuinc. He will supply physicians and families, at fun pi ices, and warrants his ni ti- ll to the best, Every attention will be paid to filling orders with despatch, and custo. mcis will find not only a full assorttnont of Ihe articlesusually kept in a Drug Store, but every it t'ent- niedifinn wliirb irpnprnllv aimmvoH i •-•• j rr—• or ITEM &. VOSfldH. H.iv.ina, August 3d, 1836° 8tf MILLINERY. JflBS. \\\1IJKER H AS just returned from Now York with a general assortment of Spring and Sum- mer Goods,—with the latest patterns; which will be sold unusually low for toady pay. Customers are rospoctfuily invited tocalland ex'tnitne quilily an! prices. May 30lb, 18J3. 104tf If, I». Those having unsettled BCOOBPlS of over six months standing, are informed IfiSl im- mediate payment KBIT be made. UK. WATERMAN'S CKLKBKATED ANTI VIII.OG1STIC AND STIJFa\G'J Jl>.%Ii\GPIjASTER. HIS important medicine is proved by its etitcuey, when rightly applied, to be an invaluable remedy for finy complaint on the sy -item, wbero tliure is inP.amafion, sotcue«s, and iiajn ; giving speedy relief without uisa» greeablc scnsali'.ns , and M far as its suller- uig- me prevented lives ulu prolonged. As uij anodyne, it is powerful to aive easo and con- solation to the sufTorer,an't it has eured almost every comprint on the system , far to exeed any uthcr medicine which has been offered to ihe public. It has proved an effectual remedy in curing ihe .utile iheiim.iiisui, also ihe thrumck, when the complaint was located suitable for nppli- ] cations : pain in the back, sides, limbs, head* ache, faccach", toothache, &f. ui m any part I of the system when obstructions are caused I bv colds, proilieing i'lflamation ; then timely applications if pos.-ible should be attended to. For the ague in the breast, a timely applir-q- .tion sjifven.s JLiirel-^ivfta Fftfief.-. NIS.O, for. CMN.. brui-es, wounds, burns, eealds, frozen tiinlll salt iheum, tumours,biles, sprains &c. It ht>> cured rupturea by continuing on tho plasters toV kei-p the obstructions back, until they wereV'' fARY WORK done healed up. It has taken off callouses. It' i relaxed constricted sinews. It has removed ecroffulas or cancers, tumours, oid scroffnlous sores, fover sores,cancer sores and all sores of any description may be cured by it, if a prop- er aitpiiiion iw p-aid to this, and the cleansing of the system with suitable means. It has cured the pile* and given imme.Jiate relief.— It has cured corns on the feet, by repeated ap- plications after they wore shaved off. I: is preferable to a blister, except in some olisti- II ite cases, and then is good to follow it to make it more effectual and heal it up. It should be used for draughts to too feet in ca- ses of fever, 'I'lWM persons suffering with liver com- plaints, lung complaints, pulmonary disease, c.rugh?, asthma, quinzy, sore thru.il &,e. RMt find relief and benefit by applying it to the side, breasts,throat or part afflicted. For the head- ache, pla ters should be laid on the forehead and temples. For the toothache lav the plas- ters on the temples and under the eye lashes. It is an excellent strengthening piaster for a weak bbek, and for other paits in cases of de- bility, and shou'd be used in all delicate cases lo relieve pain when required. All said complaints and moro which might be named having bean cured by tho Null of inis piaaici. i*i(iy nVtttjr iaiiniy obtain ttie same, try it, prove it.and be their own judges. For sale by H. C. AVl.tlS, —Where may bo seen many certificate* of cures, Havana, May M . 12 00 a 5 00 a 14 00 a 8 00 a & 00 a • 00 a 14 00 a 18 00 a 10 00 a 10 00 a 2 no 1 50 22 00 a 12 a 9 a 14 00 F. 00 1G 00 | 00 5 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 IS 00 00 00 a 2 75 a 1 75 23 00 00 00 » :;t a 1 (Ml a 1 tS 1 23 (12 ?.'» 31 1 00 .. 1 H a 1 50 a 0 00 a 0 00 a 0 00 a 0 00 D ISSOLUTION—Tho co partnership here- Stevens, in the Saddle and Harness business, is this .lav dissolved by mutual consent. All matters of account with the said firm, will be setlieii hv John ftipvens. who will sllli Contin- ue the Saddle and Harness business at the old stand. All persons having unsettled accounts with the above firm, ere requested to cull uud settle the same, cither by note or payment, im mediately. Havana, April 18th, 1838. 99-3 SAMUEL STEVFNS, JOHN STEVENS. SADDLES, HARNE6S,*e. rOCI.I) reseetfiil. ly inf.mi the pnb- li< k, that having purclm* sed the interest of S. Stenens, ••• thp nbnve establishment, on Cath- arine stroet in the village __ of Havana, will keep "•*'^*«*«»v»<».0"^'* , *'' constati'.ly on hand a go- ncral assortment of Jill (I MAHTLVGALS ; Silver, Brass, and J»]M»Md Mounted COACH AND GIG HARNESS, Plain Wagon and Dr night do. Port-Folio, Hellows-Top, Hair and Fancy Trunks, Common and trunk VaH»e», WHIPS ,W& SFUMIS, Together with all most every article called for in M liiiH of business, y. hieh he will sell as low as MB be purchased in any other sec- tion, and wbiih lie Ins no lu-sitltinti in s y- sng are manufactured of lh« best maleii.ds, .arid for workmanship not inferiour to any; ho hopes by strict aitenlioo to ofetwinSW !<>• ratri', a sh:ru of publick patronage. All kinds ot I roduee received in payntmt. N. It. CARRIAGE TRIMMING and MI- ,, 1RY WORK done to onler, nnd nil k\nds of repairing done at the shortest notice. April 25, 1838. <)9 v i C OMBINATION OF LITRRA" RY TALENT.-Mrs. HaU.Z Mins Leslie.— THE LJ1D Y>fljB0Op having a larger circulation than W v other monthly periodical in America, A colored plate of the latest fashions ia every number. UtfOBTAMt 4MK0UBQMMMMT. It was with sincere pleasure that ths publisher mentioned last season, ihn tiriangement by which the Lady'u it 0(l | ; and Ladies' American Magazine, « ere united, nnd were to be edited by ft]^ Sarah J. Hale ; it is with equal pleasure that he now informs the patrons of tt'„ v.orl;, that ho has mado on artu(;vm«tit with Miss Leslie, author of Pencil Sketches, Mrs. Washington PotU, & f who will be connected with Mrs. It^l in lending interest lo the Lady's Book. Her powerful aid will commence with the January number 1838. In addition to the above every number of the work next year will contain a plate oi superbly coN orcd fashion! 1 . The subscriber endeavors by extraor- dinary exertions to show his gratitude for the very many fuvors he has received from the kind friends, the public. Prom among the msny female writers of Ame- rica, perhaps no two ladies ct ukl havu been selected, whose varied toltufs am so well calculated to adorn a work like the Lady's Book. When it is also men- tioned that ftlrs. Smourney, the Hemans of Atwririi, »iiU (jreuviiie jviciicn, are contributors to the j>oetical depnrtineni, it will be useless to waste argument in endeavoring lo show what is apparent that the Lady's Book will stand unrivaU led among the periodicals of ihe country \, Each number also contains two pages of fashionable music, in many cases nn- ginel. Some of the Contributors. Mis. Sa- rah J. Ilaie, editor, Mrs. L. II. Si«our- ney, Mrs. A. S. Stephens, Mrs. L'. Lee ileniz, Mrs. £ . F. Eiiiot, .Mi>s Leslie Miss II. P. Gould, Miss C. E. dwell, Miss L. H. Medina, W. O. Clerk, J (' Ncal, B. B. Thatcher, R. P. Smith, Mro. Phelps, Mrs. WtUafd, Mis. Forrtf, Mrs. Wells, V,. Mellen, B. S. Macken- zie, L.L.D., J. |{. Churidler, M. Mr. Mi.-lined, K. K. (.'nrirnd. \ Dtmitiv, A. M., II. E. Hnlo. E. B. Fisher. N. V. Brooks, A.M., W. E. Burton. Mrs. Km- bury, Mrn. Uilman. Mrs. ymith, Mrs, Woodhull, Miss C. 8. Cushtnan, rev. J. H. Clin.-h, O. Guillou, Mies. Sedgwick, TERMS : The terms of the Lady's. IJook are $3 per annum, or two copies for $5, payable in advance. All orders must be aiidrensed to L. A. GODEY, Literary Rooms, rhesnut sired, one ilmir MM SiTcnth, l'laltiililjjtiu. S "^\V | : |*. All pers,ins inilebl- td tu the Mibrcnber, eillier by note or book account must make immedi- ate payment it they wish to tnvo co?t. A. V. E IlOTCIIKteS. April 2Sih, 1838. \ JS. W HITE LEAD. 1,200 R» lirocklyn lead, one thousand do ground in oil. Fur sale by CAYUGA FLA8TEB. 200 tons FliE.SH J GROUND IM.AftTER f-om Yatvger'.- beds, fur sale by DOWNS &. CO. April 5, IS3S. JOHN WALL,, FJiSIUQMlBLE TJ1ILOR, TTAVING just received from New York, XX the latest improved fa-hions, fur the en fsuuer year, ho IS enabled to do all Uoik ,l|. trusted to his care in ihe mosl perfei t manner. A continuance of public patiouige is res ally solicited, .-hop on thuconi and Cniherine streets, where aii orders in the lino of his prufttslea will be executed with neatness and despatch, DTj' Cutting done )n the sliortest notice ; and garments warranted to fit, if made up by com- petent workmen. is respect- of Alain.- May % 18:38. D O WINS & CO. N C. ROBINSON & Co. having just re- ceived some additions to llioir stock, now oiTir for sain Mens' Thick, Kip, nnd Fine Boots, " Thick, Kip. and calf, shoes &brogans, " Fine Fumps, Ladies' Morocco, Calf, and Gaiter Boots, do do ainl Kid Slippers, " do do Shoes, Together with a general assortment of Boys, Misses, and Childreni' shoes. They have also on hand tho best of materials for making Boots and Shoes, nnd good work- men, and will manufacture pinmpliy any kinds th it may bo called for. Having come to the determination to sell their goods " for ready pay only," they now offur them at 1'n.cin. PRICKS. Persons who make roady pay for Bools nnd Shoes, will find it for their interest to call at the store of J. C. ROBINSON A. Co. Havana, May 23 I, 1838. 103tf jY^ vjl TONS Fresh Ground Plaster Ml+9%9 '" r sale at the mills of the subscriber, warranted good, at the low price of § 4 per ton, for cash or country produce. JOIL L. RANSOM. MHlrw*, Ma? 'Mi li». I03tf jJOTICK.—The person who look a horse collar from our barn, is desired to return it witiiuut further notice. EASTMAN A. EVANS. April fltfc, 1833. J USTICES' BI ANKS, and blank DEEDS fur sale at this otftce. Alay 83d, 1838. D ISSOLUTION. The copartnership here- tofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of Brndriek, Coryell «V, Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The aecnmii", nntex. Sr. are assigned to M. 'I', Hrndnck and A. G. Campbell, who will attend to the settlement of the lanif. M. T. BRODRICK, N. CORYELL, A. G. CAMPBELL. The subscriber* who intend to coutinuo the business as usual, feel grateful for past favours, and respectfully solicit a continuance of them from their filends and the publick. They still have on hand a good assortment of Groceries, Lnprors, and Pioviaions, which will be aula very low in exchange for any thing which wo can pay eiir debts with. MarLh i24tli. IKIIH. BRODRICK & CAMPBELL. C 1AST IRON AXLETREES, with Box- / ea, for two horse wagons ; manufactured and for sale by June tilth, 183^. DOWNS & Co. W INDOW SASH, Just leceived and for sale, complete o«sortment, by BROURICK &, CAMPBELL. /Ipril 4th, 1838. Ntf wurmow WEIGHTS. f j^Oll hanging Windows—and every person thai builds a house, should hang the win- dows ; manufactured and for sale by DOWNS & Co. Jun« 1*iti ( IM, HAVANA 1 U B If A C E . T HIS FURNACE ia now in full operation, and in charge of experienced workmen! We have now on hand a goed supply of PATTERNS. AND Scotch, Salisbury, & North- ern Pis Iron. And the quality of nor ciglings equal those of any oihor furnace in the country. ET All kinks of IROX TUMNBta done at •toft notice. Orders for CASTINGS thank- fully received and nrnmpilv miond,.»l m DOWNS* CO. /favana, Jan. 17, 1838. VALUABLE FARMS FOR 8SALK-Situated «bt.ut one rnilo and three-fourth" from tho head of Scnccn lake, in the town of Rcadinj;, 8teubcn county, containing one hundred acres each, with n good saw- mill on each, nnd durable water ; wjtl, good dwelling houses and frame hnrns, and a suffie.ien I ouantity of fruit lrccs,and under a good state o( cultivation. The farms are pleasantly situnled and con- nected together, and will be sold to one or two individuals, os may happen to suit purchasers. Possession will be given immedintely, nnd n liberal credit lor n part of the pur- chasemoney. JAMES SUTTON Reading, Feb. 19, 1838. 90-w4 T A 1 L O R 1 X Os C VAN DEUSF.N continues the tailoring business at his old stand, in the triangle building, nearly opposite tho building known as tho "Clintt.n Hotel," whera any kind of work in the above business will, be done as well, and as fashionable, as is done in any olher shop in the I Willi], for ready pay only. Lumber and most kinds of produce taken m payment. Cutting done fuithwilh. Havana, June, 183'). i,f M OST somewhere between the head of thr i I.ako dnd ihf FIVE D0LL4I liili .... .,,„ uu , ,fs=t., a , wrapped in a small piecn of paper. Any person finding it, wdl conler a favour on a poor and hard working man, by leaving it tt this offica. Havana, May 9ih, 1838. t "i ASH and the highest market price paid J for good Butter, by BRODRICK J Havana, May 23d, le3d. Regimental Orders. HAVANA, MAY 23d, 1838. IN pursuance of ihe power vested in me, by Chapter X. of the first part of the lie- vised Statutes of ibis state, I, NELSON COLECHOVE, Colonel and commanding of- ficer of the 217th Regiment of Inlantry o( ihe Militia of the State of New-York, do hereby appoint a Regimental Court Mar- ti.,1 f.i» »U~ **:„\ „r »ii ,i..i: > ..u>, IUI ,i,c null EH a l l UCillltpjcU 13 «1HI defiiciencies in the said Regiment, to con- sist of three members, viz i Captain DA- VID W. FROST, as President thereof, Ad- jutant ASUER S. DHRKEE, and Ensign F.I.I C. FROSTJ as members. The said court will convene on the 10th day of October next, at 9 o'clock, A. M. at the house of John Walter, in the village of Havana, and adjourn from time to time, as shall become necessary for the transac- tion ol business. NELSON COLEGROVE, Colonel. F OR SALE-A GlGn.1R.YESH, blach mountings, and ncarlv new. Enquire of DOWft8 k CO. May 2, 1398. WANTED, 5 0 , 0 0 0 Bu-d,e!s W H E A T , 10,000 do. CORN, 111,000 do. KYK, 75,000 do. OATS, For which CASH will be paid on delivery at HECTOR FALLS MILLS. Persons having either of the above kinds o. Grain to sell, will <!o well to call ttffofl enga gins; <>!se«h6i«. \Lj" Cash paid for Flour Barrels, Staves and Heading. LF.F, A TOW An. Hector Falls, Jan. 24, 1689, 8(l-.'!in* M' VVateh & Clock Repairing ESTABEISMtJtTEJVT. ILTON A. WAIt NEIl, Would rc- peclfully inform the in- labitants of Wavana and vicinity that he has open ed a WATCH and CLOCK RRPAIRI.NO ESTABLISH RST, in the building l»r- mer')' occupied by James \V. Waul, on d;» west side of Catharine street, where he wil repair all kinds of watches; such as Chro. nomoters, Patent Levers, Lepinn, Repeaters, Alarm, Duplex, and Common. Haviog served a regular apprenticeship in one of Ihe first es- tablishments in the United States, and having had considerable experience i n the business, he flatters himsolf that all work cntrustc'l to his care will be properly repaired and pune tually attended to. Watches nnd Clocks war ranted by the year; and if they should not «a swer the recommendation, lbs money will !>• refunded. Jewelry, Plato, and Plated Ware, neatly re-, paired, 6T M. A. Warner will plodg* him«clf toes found in his shop from seven o'cleck, A.M., until 9, P. M., whers lie will do nil kinds of work in a superior slvle. with «*• utmost despatch. And by adherence and close attention to business, he hopes lo went a ahars of public patronage. ST Silver Ware made to order. MILTON A. WARNER. Havana, ApnM, 1836. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: JL m 2 no - fultonhistory.com 18/Havana NY... · system, of whatever namo or nature it may be, thus proving a universal remedy or antidote for disease. Dr. Brandreth'e grandfather,

•• •

are be-the


PERSIAN PILLS. Physiological Facts


OR PERSIAN PILLS.---Superior lo the Uygoian, Brandreth's, or any other i.liis before (he pubhc, as thousands oi certificates from physicians and others who have used them tu»tify.

Diseases of every kind are producod by derangement in the organization of our composition. The laws or principles of nature, go to show that life is motion ; and that every organization of matter has is peculiar mode of action. Whenever the organization or mode of action is de­ranged, disease is the consequence.

in all combinations of animal matter, there are vessels or hollow tubes ofcjif-ferent sizes, whoso office it is to convey whatever is received into the system, to •II its different functions.

The vast machinery of man, once set in motion, requires something to act upon. Food being taken into the sto­mach, is divided, assimilated, and con veyed, to all parts of the animal system, to nourish and support it. This process constitutes the phenomena of digestion.

That which in essentia! to animal ex­istence, is retained in tho system in tho form of fluids, constituting the circulat­ing medium, which is the fountain of life.

This fountain sends forth otr*>Hna* inin t the vessels or hollow tubes, which divided and sub-divided, until they come so minute as to be invisible to naked eye.

The circulating medium being only avenue through which the system is nourished, it is all-important that this channel should be kept pure, and its cir­culation unobstructed, that every func­tion may receive its due proportion ot nourishment. So lung as this current i t kept in this situation, uninterrupted health is onjoyod. But, whenever food is taken of an improper kind or quality, or in too large quantities, the organs be­come depressed, the circulation obstruct ed, vitiated humors are engendered, which are disseminated to the fluids and conveyed from one vessel to another, until they become incorporated in every part of the system ; thus proving a fruit-rut tiAiipno r>f i t i o M . A A U n o v t A p n a ) e v .

posure to cold.closes the small vessels on the surface, thickening tho fluids, and driving them back too forcibly to the in­ternal organs ; thus obstructing the free circulation, which produces irritation, pain, and inflamation. These, united, form the principal cause of all derange* men's hovreyer diversified be the names of disease.

Henca it is obvious that diseases of aii kinds originate in the circulating medi­um by the fluids becoming thick or vi» tiated, the circulation impeded, impuri­ties settle in the glands, the organs do not receive their proper nourishment, the system becomes weakened in all its movements, and calls aloud for a remedy that is so arranged and constituted, as, when taken, it will be digested and pass into the circulating medium,visiting eve

' ry oigan.glandand vessel, to cleanse,pu­rity and stimulate them into a healthy ac-tiou. These virlucs.or properlies.are aii combined in tho Persian and Indian vege­table extracts,comprising the resurection Pills, which an all wise Providence knowing the wants of man, seems to have sent upon earth for his special ben­efit. Tboy act in harmony with the arrangements of the constitution of the human system, when it is in health ; but, when diseased, they arouse its native energies mio action, and prove a power*, ful remedy irr&pelling disease from the system, of whatever namo or nature it may be, thus proving a universal remedy or antidote for disease.

Dr. Brandreth'e grandfather, the ac­knowledged inventor of his pills, being an English practitioner, it is probable he was acquainted with the Persian Extract, and used some ot it in bis puis ; and the good effects arising from their use is at­tributable to this cause ; but he was un­acquainted with the India Extract which co operates with the persian Extract and renders the Persian Pills far more effect* tial in curing diseases than Brandreth's pills or any other preparation. Since agents have been appointed in America, the presumptive evidence is, that Brand-rcth is unable to obtain the Persian ex­tract—which is the cause of his* pills* not giving that satisfaction now as for­merly.

The supreme excellency of the Resur­ection or Persian Pills, has been abund­antly certified to by those who have been cured of the most trying and difficult dis­eases, and under the most adverse cir» cumstatices of bodily suffering But it would take too much room to publish thees numerous testimonials through the medium of tho public print. A bill, however, of certificates and a treatise on the most prominent diseases will accom­pany each box.

fX/3 The increase demand for these pills is unparalleled. Tho receipts du ing the last three weeks of water naviga-ion, 1837, amounts to 96.751 boxes ;

which shows the high estimation in which hey are held where they are known.

E . CHASE & CO , Rochester, sole agents for the United Stutos and the Can-

das. Fur sale by

A V E R S & M J N Y A N , at their drug store, near the corner of Main and Catherine streets. Havana. SB-fim

T HE L O O K O U T ! jbsciibef Imvin:: dlipOHfl of his suosciibef hay in-; tii-pi

MOCK of t minis, Would Otl die immedi­ate attention of all who have unsettled ac­counts or notes, to tnnku an immediate adjust" ment of them. 1 shall attend tu no other bu­siness of consequence, for about thirty days, when, if my accounts and notes are not settled, ail ili H are collectable will be left with the pro­per authority for collection.

C. H I L L . N. D. As usual, all kinds of Produce, Shin­

gles, Lumber, and Staves, will be taken at chsh prices, in payment.

Also, CASH paid for any quantity of pood Lumber and Shingles, at the office of C. Hill, t y H . D. IVES, Agt.

June Gih, 1838. v3nltf.

JL, BOOT. m ^ J ^ S H O E . AND f s j ^ , LEATHER

STORE. THE subscriber* wodld respectfully M M

the publick that they have commenced, in the building on« door south of J. Stevens' Harness Shop, Catharine street, the

Boot and Shoe Business, and will manufacture to order, Gentlemen's and Ladies' Boots and Shoes, in the most fashionable and substantial manner. A share of publick patronage is solicited.

Leather of every description, and curriers oil by the gallon, constantly on baud.

Hides, Skins, and all kinds of country pro­duce taken in payment, cash will not he refus­ed.

J . T . & A. 3 . D U R K E E . Those hiving account ef long standing, "re

I icquestcd to call and make settlement imme­diately.

J . T . & A. S. D. Havana, June 6th, 1838. v'.lnltf

NOTICE is hereby given that sealed propo­sals will be received by iho Clerk of the

corporation of the village of Havana, lor fenc ing tho burying ground in said village, until the I6ih inst. To be done as follows : to wit. Posts to be white oak, sawed, or chestnut, pealed, and seasoned ; 6 feet long arid i feet above ground, and 7 feet apart. The boards while pine, 14 feet long—the bottom board to be I toot wide; the 2d board 8 inches , the 3d 0 inches, and 4th 4 inches ; and to be capt with a board (i inches wide ; said fence to con­tain two gates with posts 8 feet long, 8 inches square, and 4 feet above ground; one gate lo be 3 I 2 feet in width—the other a douMugate 9 feet between posts ; to bo hung with good iryn hinges, and pad lucked. Dated Havana, June 5th, 1838.

n\£GOjr and SIA.llitl

MANUFACTORY THE subscriber having fitted up a

large and convenient shop directly in front of the old tavern stand of Josh­ua Chuse. on Johnson's Settlement, will be happy at al! times to wait np">> those who may wish to purchaso any article in his line of business. He keeps in con­stant employ several first rate workmen, and can warrant his work to he equal, if not superior to that of any other estab­lishment in this part of the country.

Ho will be ready at all times to aitend to any order in the W a g o n making business. Sulkies and all kinds of wheel Carriages, made in the newest style.— Pleasure and Lumber S l e i g l l S , for one or two horses, constantly oo bond, or made to order. He also carries on tho

Black smithing Business, and will be ready, at all times, to do any kiuu ui wuck in the above line.

fX/^Lumbcr, Produce, and even Cash will not be refused in payment.

N. B. Wagons and Carriages of ev­ery description, repaired on short notice.

WILLIAM N . SMITH. Catharine, July 26 ,1837 . 59tf


SO DOZEN K / t K E S for sale by

D O W N S * Co. ,inih, IMP.

R /4KES I HAKES 1 I 2v!5 Rakes for sale, by ths eross, dozen, or single. By

3 L E W I S * BBSCHXR, Havana, Jims filh, 1*:W.

5 D O S . Sil«by &. Wheeler 's AX EM—war-ranUd—iusi received and for sale by

D O W N S * CO. Havana, Jan. 7, IMaoV

fW\ I H E B O S T O N PEARL A N D GALAXY.—The twenty-first voi-

N N was commenced on the first of January, 183S. Tho work is ended ihe editorial charge of Isaac C. Pray, jr. and Henry F . Harrington, and in pub* lished, distributed and mailed to stihsrri> bers every Saturday. Original and se­lected tales, essays, translations, travel­ling, literary, and historical sketches, biography, poetry, satire, criticisms, news and" a!! subjrets embraced in litera­ture come within it* province. Unwea­ried exertions are made to disseminate truth on every proper and important sub jeet by watchfulness, deliberation and industry. The experience of its editors, it is hoped, will be a sufficient surety to the patrons of the work and the public generally, that a family newspaper will be constituted at once entertaining in its character, manly in its progress, and worthy of extended circulation and favor. The editors, convinced that personal re­gard rather than justice to many matters oflpn dictates opinion?, will ever endeav or to do stiict justice to whatever may come under their cognizance. Criticism, especially, will ho based upon \r-* princi­ples of sound tnste, and it must not be supposed that either favor induces praise, or enmity poises the lance in an attack. Indeed, from the determination to give credit where it is due. aud to expose errors where they are apparent, the im­partiality will bo visible and shield from any implication from dishonest motives.

So far as the mechanical portion of the work is concerned, the publishers pledge themselves to gratify the eye by while paper, clear impressions and systematic method. T o our advertising patrons we shall always do even handed justice by i-.r.il..ri.it-a nnd tdalnriefts. nilnwinrr :ii tin

time engraved heads to give undue con-spicuousness to any advertisement.

TERMS.—Three dollars per annum, to be paid invariably in advance.

Wherever any ten persons, in one town, will forward an order for ten cop­ies of this paper, it shall be answered by the remittance of $20 , and iiius furnish this valuable paper at the exceedingly low price of $ 2 a year lo clubbing sub­scribers. Persons who think of cmbia-cing this offer will do well to make their efforts so OP to commence the new vol ume, which will contain on enormous quantity of miscellaneous matter, nrinleri on a new type and in a manner which will make it worthy of preservation for binding.

Original Contributions.—The origi­nal papers printed in the Pearl and Gah axy during ibe past year, have outnum­bered those of any newspaper published in this country, and the publishers intend pa renew their exertions BO that the origi­nal department may be still more worthy of that remark and praise which it has already received.

C E M E N T . W ATKR CMtttntMO W A T E R LI Ml

ed and fur sale by

Fifty barrels of ! rWI reiciy.

Havana, May 10, 1*38. DOWNS A. CO.

C1 A H I I and the highest market price paid / by ths subscribers, lor the following ar­

ticles : — Oi ls , Potatoes, Butter, Beans, Chee«e, Lard, Pork, Tal low, Ham's and K<rgs,

BRODRTCK A. CAMPMLL. Juno Lith, 1838.

500 Barrels of S.IJ.T, J I ' r iT received and fur sale bv iiie subscri­

bers. DRODR1CK & CAMPBELL. Juno 13th, 1838,

rORK ami CHEESE. ANY quantity of Fork and Cheese, frjni I

to 1 S . O O O lbs, for sale by the snbscn ben. HROUKICK MOAMPBBLL,

Juno nth, I ft*.

Saddle, Hrtdle, and Harness ESTABLISHMENT.

THE subscriber takes this method to m-

,mi the pubiiek that b* continues the business of SADDLE AND H A R ­NESS MAKING, at his old stand, (west end of the Inlet brige,) where he intends to keep constant­

ly on hand, a general assortment of Saddle*, ISridles, Harnesses, Valises, Holsters, Trunks, &c. which he will sell on as favourable terms as nt any other shop in the western cmmiiy Aii kinds of country produce received in pay a n t

JOHN U. HENRY. Havana, June , 1S3G. l tf

S TORAGE A N D F O R W A R D ­ING. The subscribers are now

prepared to receive in store and forward to any place on the Erie canal, or to the the markets o! Troy, Albany, or New York, all kinds of produce, household furniture, fuuuiie's removing, &c. &c.

Our boats are of the first class of lake boats, and commanded by experienced captains. Property entrusted io our care will receive prompt attention.

Merchants shipping goods in New York lor any port on Seneca Luke or Chemung canal will please call on Thom­as Kimball, agent, No. 9, South street, who will render every assistance, and al charges reasonable.

We are also agents for Peck Crane & Co's line of boats, which, with our own arrangements enable us to forward prop­erly daily,

D O W N S & CO. Havana, May 2 , 1838.

$20 00 a $22 00


[CORRECTED w e s m v . J

I i U M B E R -Frst rale s . r.m.i rats Common Clear siding Merchantable tSeantiing, pina Do., ".li

S T A V E S — White oak, hhd. pr. 5!.

Do. pipe, Do. bbl. Do. head, lib

S H I N O I . E S —

Breasted pr. M. Common

P U O V I S I O N S -Fork, mess, pr. bbl. Butter, fresh, pr. lb. Cheese, do. Fotatoes, pr. bush. Feas, do. Be-in", do.

G R A I N -\\ iioai, pr. bush. Rye, do. Corn do. Oats Flaxseed



q,90,000 W A N T E D ;

OR which the subscribers ofl'ei to exchange a large and •«••;•! aijV'Me.! avsortmeM of

GOODS. l'lirehascd the present fill in the cities of A'nu-York are! Bor-t-m, at the very bos*, advantage fur cash, at ihe lowest auction prices.

O'.ving to the numerous calls and constantly increasing patronage of a generous public, we h IVU not lime to specify Ihe different srlifllei comprising our stock, but will warrant it equal if nut superior.

JOHN S T E V E N S , Manufacturer of

le i fen . to any of our neighbors: VYo

ourselvi to >dl ,.|,, c"n , u .



iho qniliiy of goods, as any establishment in ihe place—

ZJ? The Ci'.c^p St"re no', evrpptpd | | tJ"t

L E W I S &, B E E C B E R . IhvMni . Afov.SS, IK'»7.

IVcw Firm!

N E W GOODS. w OULD inform tho putdjei^-' »tji.y havn

recently eommt;-" , ^ t ihe stand formerly occupi^"1"* ' „ r IMAS. where they are now M f t W^Qr%^s rW and weilseleeted assortment of

Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Groceries,

Crockery, Hardware, Iron, iTHltfi. Codfish, Tea, Sugar,

Molasss, &,c. &c. Together with almost overy article in their lino of bu-ines . The puiiiick .ire invited to o i l and examine quality and prices.

/ / , „ - „ , AT.,,-,....I.... OO 1W!7 W t f

F W I N D O W S A S H ,

OR salo by the subscribers at whole­sale or retail.


D R U G S T O R E . TH E subscriber has on hand

nrid 08vfS for I de on the most liberal terms, an extensive and w«>ll selected assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals

\ Dynstiiffs, Paints, Oils, Patent Medicines, Perfumeiy, and fan •Jf articles. His goods are se lecled with the greatest care, and may bo relied upon as pure .ind iienuinc. He will supply physicians and families, at fun

pi ices, and warrants his ni ti­ll to the best, Every attention will be

paid to filling orders with despatch, and custo. mcis will find not only a full assorttnont of Ihe articlesusually kept in a Drug Store, but every it t'ent- niedifinn wliirb i« irpnprnllv aimmvoH i • - • • j rr—• or

I T E M &. VOSfldH. H.iv.ina, August 3d, 1836° 8tf

M I L L I N E R Y . JflBS. \ \ \ 1 I J K E R

HAS just returned from Now York with a general assortment of Spring and Sum­

mer Goods,—with the latest patterns; which will be sold unusually low for toady pay.

Customers are rospoctfuily invited tocalland ex'tnitne quilily an! prices.

May 30lb, 18J3. 104tf If, I». Those having unsettled BCOOBPlS of

over six months standing, are informed IfiSl im­mediate payment KBIT be made.


S T I J F a \ G ' J J l > . % I i \ G P I j A S T E R . H I S important medicine is proved by its

etitcuey, when rightly applied, to be an invaluable remedy for finy complaint on the sy -item, wbero tliure is inP.amafion, sotcue«s, and iiajn ; giving speedy relief without uisa» greeablc scnsali'.ns , and M far as its suller-uig- me prevented lives ulu prolonged. As uij anodyne, it is powerful to aive easo and con­solation to the sufTorer,an't it has eured almost every comprint on the system , far to exeed any uthcr medicine which has been offered to ihe public.

It has proved an effectual remedy in curing ihe .utile iheiim.iiisui, also ihe thrumck, when the complaint was located suitable for nppli-

] cations : pain in the back, sides, limbs, head* ache, faccach", toothache, &f. ui m any part

I of the system when obstructions are caused I bv colds, proilieing i'lflamation ; then timely

applications if pos.-ible should be attended to. For the ague in the breast, a timely applir-q-

.tion sjifven.s JLiirel-^ivfta Fftfief.-. NIS.O, for. CMN.. brui-es, wounds, burns, eealds, frozen tiinlll salt iheum, tumours,biles, sprains &c. It ht>> cured rupturea by continuing on tho plasters toV kei-p the obstructions back, until they w e r e V ' ' fARY WORK done healed up. It has taken off callouses. I t '

i relaxed constricted sinews. It has removed ecroffulas or cancers, tumours, oid scroffnlous sores, fover sores,cancer sores and all sores of any description may be cured by it, if a prop­er aitpiiiion iw p-aid to this, and the cleansing of the system with suitable means. It has cured the pile* and given imme.Jiate relief.— It has cured corns on the feet, by repeated ap­plications after they wore shaved off. I: is preferable to a blister, except in some olisti-II ite cases, and then is good to follow it to make it more effectual and heal it up. It should be used for draughts to too feet in ca­ses of fever,

'I'lWM persons suffering with liver com­plaints, lung complaints, pulmonary disease, c.rugh?, asthma, quinzy, sore thru.il &,e. RMt find relief and benefit by applying it to the side, breasts,throat or part afflicted. For the head­ache, pla ters should be laid on the forehead and temples. For the toothache lav the plas­ters on the temples and under the eye lashes. It is an excellent strengthening piaster for a weak bbek, and for other paits in cases of de­bility, and shou'd be used in all delicate cases lo relieve pain when required.

All said complaints and moro which might be named having bean cured by tho N u l l of in is p iaa ic i . i*i(iy nVtttjr ia i in iy obta in ttie same, try it, prove it.and be their own judges.

For sale by H. C. AVl. t lS , —Where may bo seen many certificate* of cures,

Havana, May M.

12 00 a 5 00 a 14 00 a 8 00 a & 00 a • 00 a

14 00 a 18 00 a 10 00 a 10 00 a

2 no 1 50

22 00 a 12 a 9 a

14 00 F. 00 1G 00 | 00 5 00 0 00

00 00 00 00 IS 00 00 00

a 2 75 a 1 75

23 00 00 00 »

:;t a 1 (Ml a 1 tS

1 23 (12 ?.'» 31

1 00

.. 1 H

a 1 50 a 0 00 a 0 00 a 0 00 a 0 00

D ISSOLUTION—Tho co partnership here-

Stevens, in the Saddle and Harness business, is this .lav dissolved by mutual consent. All matters of account with the said firm, will be setlieii hv John ftipvens. who will sllli Contin­ue the Saddle and Harness business at the old stand. All persons having unsettled accounts with the above firm, ere requested to cull uud settle the same, cither by note or payment, im mediately. Havana, April 18th, 1838. 99-3


SADDLES, HARNE6S,*e . r O C I . I ) reseetfiil.

ly inf.mi the pnb-li< k, that having purclm* sed the interest of S. Stenens, ••• thp nbnve establishment, on Cath­arine stroet in the village

„ _ _ of Havana, will keep "•*'̂ *«*«»v»<».0" '̂*,*'' constati'.ly on hand a go-

ncral assortment of Jill (I MAHTLVGALS ;

Silver, Brass, and J»]M»Md Mounted COACH AND GIG HARNESS,

Plain Wagon and Dr night do.

Port-Folio, Hellows-Top, Hair and Fancy Trunks,

Common and trunk VaH»e», WHIPS ,W& SFUMIS,

Together with all most every article called for in M liiiH of business, y. hieh he will sell as low as MB be purchased in any other sec­tion, and wbiih lie Ins no lu-sitltinti in s y-sng are manufactured of lh« best maleii.ds, .arid for workmanship not inferiour to any; ho hopes by strict aitenlioo to ofetwinSW !<>• ratri', a sh:ru of publick patronage. All kinds ot I roduee received in payntmt.

N. It. CARRIAGE TRIMMING and MI-,, 1RY WORK done to onler, nnd nil

k\nds of repairing done at the shortest notice. April 25, 1838. <)9vi

CO M B I N A T I O N O F LITRRA" RY T A L E N T . - M r s . HaU.Z

Mins Leslie.— THE LJ1D Y>fljB0Op having a larger circulation than Wv other monthly periodical in America, A colored plate of the latest fashions ia every number.

UtfOBTAMt 4MK0UBQMMMMT. It was with sincere pleasure that ths

publisher mentioned last season, ihn tiriangement by which the Lady'u it0(l|; and Ladies' American Magazine, «ere

united, nnd were to be edited by ft]^ Sarah J. Hale ; it is with equal pleasure that he now informs the patrons of tt'„ v.orl;, that ho has mado on artu(;vm«tit with Miss Leslie, author of Pencil Sketches, Mrs. Washington PotU, &f

who will be connected with Mrs. It^l in lending interest lo the Lady's Book. Her powerful aid will commence with the January number 1838. In addition to the above every number of the work next year will contain a plate oi superbly coN orcd fashion!1.

The subscriber endeavors by extraor­dinary exertions to show his gratitude for the very many fuvors he has received from the kind friends, the public. Prom among the msny female writers of Ame­rica, perhaps no two ladies ct ukl havu been selected, whose varied toltufs am so well calculated to adorn a work like the Lady's Book. When it is also men­tioned that ftlrs. Smourney, the Hemans of Atwririi, »iiU (jreuviiie jviciicn, are contributors to the j>oetical depnrtineni, it will be useless to waste argument in endeavoring lo show what is apparent that the Lady's Book will stand unrivaU led among the periodicals of ihe country \,

Each number also contains two pages of fashionable music, in many cases nn-ginel.

Some of the Contributors. — Mis. Sa­rah J. Ilaie, editor, Mrs. L. II. Si«our-ney, Mrs. A. S. Stephens, Mrs. L'. Lee ileniz, Mrs. £ . F. Eiiiot, .Mi>s Leslie Miss II. P. Gould, Miss C. E. dwell, Miss L. H. Medina, W. O. Clerk, J (' Ncal, B. B. Thatcher, R. P. Smith, Mro. Phelps, Mrs. WtUafd, Mis. Forrtf, Mrs. Wells, V,. Mellen, B. S. Macken­zie, L.L.D., J. | { . Churidler, M. Mr. Mi.-lined, K. K. (.'nrirnd. \ Dtmitiv, A. M., II. E. Hnlo. E. B. Fisher. N. V. Brooks, A.M., W. E. Burton. Mrs. Km-bury, Mrn. Uilman. Mrs. ymith, Mrs, Woodhull, Miss C. 8 . Cushtnan, rev. J. H. Clin.-h, O. Guillou, Mies. Sedgwick,

TERMS : The terms of the Lady's. IJook are $3 per annum, or two copies for $5, payable in advance. All orders must be aiidrensed to

L. A. GODEY, Literary Rooms, rhesnut sired, one ilmir

M M SiTcnth, l'laltiililjjtiu.

S" ^ \ V | : | * . All pers, ins inilebl-td tu the Mibrcnber, eillier by

note or book account must make immedi­ate payment it they wish to tnvo co?t.

A. V. E I lOTCIIKteS . April 2Sih, 1838.


J S . WHITE LEAD. 1,200 R» lirocklyn lead, one thousand do

ground in oil. Fur sale by

CAYUGA F L A 8 T E B . 200 tons FliE.SH J GROUND IM.AftTER f-om Yatvger'.-

beds , fur sale by

DOWNS &. CO. April 5, IS3S.


T T A V I N G just received from New York, X X the latest improved fa-hions, fur the en fsuuer year , ho IS enabled to d o all U o i k , l | . trusted to his care in ihe mosl perfei t manner. A continuance of public patiouige is res ally solicited, .-hop on thuconi and Cniherine streets, where aii orders in the lino of his prufttslea will be executed with neatness and despatch,

DTj' Cutting done )n the sliortest notice ; and garments warranted to fit, if made up by com­petent workmen.

is respect-of Alain.-

May % 18:38. D O WINS & CO.


C. ROBINSON & Co. having just re­ceived some additions to llioir stock,

now oiTir for sain Mens' Thick, Kip, nnd Fine Boots,

" Thick, Kip. and calf, shoes &brogans, " Fine Fumps,

Ladies' Morocco, Calf, and Gaiter Boots, do do ainl Kid Slippers,

" do do Shoes, Together with a general assortment of Boys, Misses, and Childreni' shoes.

They have also on hand tho best of materials for making Boots and Shoes, nnd good work­men, and will manufacture pinmpliy any kinds th it may bo called for. Having come to the determination to sell their goods " for ready pay only," they now offur them at 1 ' n . c i n . PRICKS.

Persons who make roady pay for Bools nnd Shoes, will find it for their interest to call at the store of

J . C. ROBINSON A. Co. Havana, May 23 I, 1838. 103tf

jY^ v j l T O N S Fresh Ground Plaster Ml+9%9 '"r sale at the mills of the subscriber, warranted good, at the low price of §4 per ton, for cash or country produce.

J O I L L. RANSOM. MHlrw*, Ma? 'Mi l i » . I03tf

j JOTICK.—The person who look a horse collar from our barn, is desired to return

it witiiuut further notice. EASTMAN A. EVANS.

April fltfc, 1833.

J USTICES' BI ANKS, and blank DEEDS fur sale at this otftce.

Alay 83d, 1838.

DISSOLUTION. The copartnership here­tofore existing between the subscribers,

under the firm of Brndriek, Coryell «V, Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The aecnmii", nntex. S r . are assigned to M. 'I', Hrndnck and A. G. Campbell, who will attend to the settlement of the lanif.


The subscriber* who intend to coutinuo the business as usual, feel grateful for past favours, and respectfully solicit a continuance of them from their filends and the publick. They still have on hand a good assortment of Groceries, Lnprors, and Pioviaions, which will be aula very low in exchange for any thing which wo can pay eiir debts with. MarLh i24tli. IKIIH.


C1 A S T IRON A X L E T R E E S , with Box-/ ea, for two horse wagons ; manufactured

and for sale by June tilth, 183^.

D O W N S & Co.

W INDOW SASH, Just leceived and for sale, • complete o«sortment, by

BROURICK &, CAMPBELL. /Ipril 4th, 1838. N t f

wurmow WEIGHTS. f j^Oll hanging Windows—and every person

thai builds a house, should hang the win­dows ; manufactured and for sale by

D O W N S & Co. Jun« 1*iti( I M ,


1 U B If A C E . THIS FURNACE ia now in full operation,

and in charge of experienced workmen! We have now on hand a goed supply of


Scotch, Salisbury, & North­ern P i s Iron.

And the quality of nor ciglings equal those of any oihor furnace in the country.

E T All kinks of IROX TUMNBta done at •toft notice. Orders for CASTINGS thank­fully received and nrnmpilv miond,.»l m

D O W N S * CO. /favana, Jan. 17, 1838.


one rnilo and three-fourth" from tho head of Scnccn lake, in the town of Rcadinj;, 8teubcn county, containing one hundred acres each, with n good saw-mill on each, nnd durable water ; wjtl, good dwelling houses and frame hnrns, and a suffie.ien I ouantity of fruit lrccs,and under a good state o( cultivation. The farms are pleasantly situnled and con­nected together, and will be sold to one or two individuals, os may happen to suit purchasers.

Possession will be given immedintely, nnd n liberal credit lor n part of the pur-chasemoney. JAMES S U T T O N

Reading, Feb. 19, 1838. 90-w4

T A 1 L O R 1 X Os C VAN DEUSF.N continues the tailoring

• business at his old stand, in the triangle building, nearly opposite tho building known as tho "Clintt.n Hotel," whera any kind of work in the above business will, be done as well, and as fashionable, as is done in any olher shop in the I Willi], for ready pay only.

Lumber and most kinds of produce taken m payment. Cutting done fuithwilh.

Havana, June, 183'). i , f

M O S T somewhere between the head of thr i I .ako dnd ihf

FIVE D0LL4I li i l i .... . , ,„ u u , ,fs=t., a , wrapped in a small

piecn of paper. Any person finding it, wdl conler a favour on a poor and hard working man, by leaving it t t this offica.

Havana, May 9ih, 1838.

t"i ASH and the highest market price paid J for good Butter, by

BRODRICK J Havana, May 23d, le3d.

Regimental Orders. HAVANA, MAY 23d, 1838.

IN pursuance of ihe power vested in me, by Chapter X. of the first part of the lie-vised Statutes of ibis state, I, NELSON COLECHOVE, Colonel and commanding of­ficer of the 217th Regiment of Inlantry o( ihe Militia of the State of New-York, do hereby appoint a Regimental Court Mar-ti.,1 f.i» »U~ * * : „ \ „ r » i i , i . . i : > ..u>, IUI , i ,c n u l l EH a l l UCillltpjcU 13 «1HI defiiciencies in the said Regiment, to con­sist of three members, viz i Captain DA­VID W. FROST, as President thereof, Ad­jutant ASUER S. DHRKEE, and Ensign F.I.I C. FROSTJ as members.

The said court will convene on the 10th day of October next, at 9 o'clock, A. M. at the house of John Walter, in the village of Havana, and adjourn from time to time, as shall become necessary for the transac­tion ol business.


FOR S A L E - A GlGn.1R.YESH, blach mountings, and ncarlv new.

Enquire of D O W ft 8 k CO. May 2, 1398.

W A N T E D , 5 0 , 0 0 0 Bu-d,e!s W H E A T , 10,000 do. CORN, 111,000 do. KYK, 75,000 do. O A T S ,

For which CASH will be paid on delivery at HECTOR F A L L S MILLS.

Persons having either of the above kinds o. Grain to sell, will <!o well to call ttffofl enga gins; <>!se«h6i«.

\Lj" Cash paid for Flour Barrels, Staves and Heading.

LF.F, A T O W An. Hector Falls, Jan. 24, 1689, 8(l-.'!in*


VVateh & Clock Repairing ESTABEISMtJtTEJVT.

ILTON A. WAIt NEIl , Would rc-

peclfully inform the in-labitants of Wavana and

vicinity that he has open ed a W A T C H and CLOCK RRPAIRI.NO ESTABLISH RST, in the building l»r-

mer')' occupied by James \V. Waul, on d;» west side of Catharine street, where he wil repair all kinds of watches; such as Chro. nomoters, Patent Levers, Lepinn, Repeaters, Alarm, Duplex, and Common. Haviog served a regular apprenticeship in one of Ihe first es­tablishments in the United States, and having had considerable experience i n the business, he flatters himsolf that all work cntrustc'l to his care will be properly repaired and pune tually attended to. Watches nnd Clocks war ranted by the year; and if they should not «a swer the recommendation, lbs money will !>• refunded.

Jewelry, Plato, and Plated Ware, neatly re-, paired,

6 T M. A. Warner will plodg* him«clf toes found in his shop from seven o'cleck, A.M., until 9, P . M., whers lie will do nil kinds of work in a superior slvle. with «*• utmost despatch. And by adherence and close attention to business, he hopes lo went a ahars of public patronage.

ST Silver Ware made to order.

MILTON A. WARNER. Havana, ApnM, 1836.

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