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, :!'''' flUffrTCW 111 *^™^** 1 i^l^WIMIIIHI|lillllM—MB! ITI I Pl:!11:131 ll'I'J! I i SII! I l-CI i lit! \ ^!HHHHHi!^J-i Ji ' •' m M Tflfi BitOOKLYN ll^lfet JMGtB. Igffit. yptite, f RpAtv ASIlL I&, iS*J. i.'^-^»"^ fioys Liberty Sditalion ' ;I VoluHtartfy Formed at No.130 \^S> Stfembers;'BuyrTIierr~Owirfchriform-atid~Have~Fife- r -E>rum and Bugle Corps—Teachers and Children Enthusiastic. tl b* :s^'t ' An effective clock-dial made by a! "_«i?.t'eacher at Public School 130, Ocean r£nd Fort Hamilton Parkways, regis- .'.-•rters the enthusiasm of the ; chiidren t •'.'Jllt-icherg, parents and neighbor* in their work for the Liberty Bond Drive. "' 3 3i(> each class achieves'a.certain con- r.r.tribution a child is detailed to "push" ,^JJje. clock hands forward before the assembled school. The war work bt ihii school of thirty classes, ot 1,12? •phtldren, of whom the most are of American parentag-e, is thoroughly spontaneous. More than one of its teachers describes the school ' as ^'working as a unit." Mrs. Minnie <.. f ft..,Ledwlth, the principal, says tho \ school is "co-operating marvelously." *'iv "Tfcere is strong effort and ho. dls- -'•'loyalty in any way," said Mrs. Lad-: with. "They do all that human beings »5-can do; I would like to extend my ".'gratitude.to the children, teachers and "'friends through the columns of The Eagle." .»-.*- Delight prevailed when the $8,200 fs ma.rk was-reached last Friday. This .,.was more, than "Over the Top" for the quota asked from the school. But Moh- '•>day money was stjll arriving, making ;.*.ihe amount "easily over $10,000;" i<7"0 had .come in from brie class that t.day, and casually pai> :: )j two military- looking pupils in the hallway the re IttSfelllillliiPMSiOB LIBERTY BATTALION rter lea i '~ $1,200, the other $800 for more Lib- ~ erty Bonds that morning. '.*>: The school began its Red, Cross .work a "long tirhq ajjej*' and its 100 . P^r cent, hbiibrs are'ribvy past history. .Its Thrift Stamp work .was not insti- tuted, as school business until about the first of February, N6w each child .averages $2.59. Before this- arid not included in this, one <;hlld had bought •'• $4d0 worth of .stamp's. The . sbhool .Ijas a saying bank for the pupils from . which money has to.-sortie extent been drawn for the stamps..". But all tlie '-, estimatps styeR are only what has ^passed directly, through the school. . .As p.art'bf the study work the phil- ;-dren Have to write compositions pr 1.give,a-tai,k to.the,,other pupils- coh- Ncernihg the Liberty,.JBpnds. Muriel . 4l|en. of vivid imagination, 12 years old. and of.TA.contHjJuted thi3 as a .pafc^.pf, her essay, reading it to Her ^1 classmates^ IA•" •";;•; >;".,"* How I wish tlieJ-oTn •• 'Kaiser', had.pneumonia, because every '•"b v 6nd means 160 degrees rise in terri- perat-tjte.. during his, illness. If you : can't- flgrit ypu, can empty your pocket- -book to bur Government. We must save our . people for 'Democracy.' • •.: We must riot let 'Kaiser William' walk the streets of tho U jilted States. He above all persons must riot grin at our faces,-or at the cities we live in! It must riot happen, and it w(ll hot happen!'Boys! Gfrls! of every district." * v * •••*• Then followed her call to her assoolates for Liberty Bond work for her country. Ah eopeelal featur* of the work at that school 1B the Boys' Liberty Bat- talion! prkartUed outside of the class- room at the boys' urgency by Mr. Vf\h Haiti H. Stanton, a mathematics and physical education instructor of the school,' as well as being a sergeant of the police reserve or the Eighty-sec- ond Precinct of Brooklyn., He, has re-, fused all pay for this extra school work. As a part of the. regular school work anp under the new law for physical training on a military basis every class of the eight upper grades, both boys and girls, is organized into a military cornpany. They have military drills and a monthly military review is planned, , ":..-. .' . For the boys' Liberty Battalion there are no admission fees or.dues. The requirements for those who volun- teer, most of whom are 12 years or more, the yery lowest.being 10, are to agree to obey orders ahd to."be,a soldier Ht,all times,'' The'latter, ihf eludes ppll|,epesa, tjrectness of bearing ad-cotteete^fi^ct-fttrWtffe T-ne„-*l T.ltv_ 1 -.- . . , : 1- - .-.-. _ t-1 -J n'i.i'_ L j _i.jr.ii "JijpitUi. says It has made a" wonder-hit differ; ence.'-' The battalion was. formed about two months ago with forty PJIT plls; there are now ninety-nine. They have a drum, nip and bug.le corps of plght-pup^ils. Each hoy provides his own uniform—this lp the only expense. One hoy worked'.;,for h|s uriiitbrm through his feaster vacation as an errand boy at a store. . Tho spebhd public appearance of the batiaiioh will be in a parade to- night in the Eighty-second .Precinct, under the auspices of the Police Re- serve, The,first appearance of the.boys was on the evening of ..April 8 when the school raised. $2,500 at ,dn. entertain- ment for the Third Liberty LoHr} wqrk. The Service Flag Of the School has ip3 stars. A neighbor has e'hgrpssed the names of the-Honor Roll; iinbther has presented .&. set of the Allies' •eblprs. "Trie"flag" for the EloeriyTBal- tdli.bn.has been offefea by an inter- estedparerit.; ,> Mrs. Ledwlth says tho inspiration and the work of her teachers "cannot be measured in words." BpiDscHitp (iiss SOCIETY l.On Honbr Rolt <?f Proo^yn Chapter—Fine Work Done. ,, ,^>\yys<fe^'^lfe&<^^»»JsijS^^^ Public School -Vo. 153—Cbhtinued. B«r«t Kyan, StsUa Waller^teln. Helen. Zadek. 3B—Riith Bennett, Thelriia Hansen., A}. ,.lrod Carrano. litchael Galassl. Charles -.rfltchcock, Robert Hurvtert: John Kourl, Ar- ,',;tti'ir Levy; Tertlus Styles. William Roth. '* SA—rEdna; Greenblatt; Margaret Jennings, L\ Wjllard' Cargan, Joseph Eelghery. Tony s Tellcelll. Vlijcerit Maloney.- Joseph Salozia. ' 3B—Albred Bohlln; Janiea Halgnev. ,,Frank Rixza. James Homracr, Charles Wer- ...rier, Antoinette Ockert.- Beatrice -Seckler, Lane, Louise Cardoza, Rose Fitz- 5BM—Antoinette Carfaro. Josephine Amuso, Margaret D'Avariza.ffL'uigl 'Muhicliella, Helen Tiornas., ...... '••'••:':,. i 5AM—Anhle Scttcri. Carmine Disco, Domitilc Fero. LulgrGrapppne. Francis Klnsella. An- toplp Rao,- Angelina Plsanb.',,'.:,. 4B—SA.—Josle.G'randlello, PasquaJIna Ffetrone, Rose 'de Gtoyanni, Rose Ianhotta, Fllonieha Anunziata. Jkmcs Salamone, Carl MbrUno, Raffael De Sarito, ,<BM—Loula Blanco, Wiim™ Tlnhlln, ^nm K6raAi4o, Kaerreie Delia Ratta. Vincent T^>m- bardl, Theresa "Carfand.. I<bulsa D4 ftosa, Marie Bsposlto.-Bea.ulcc. Massara. AHce Thomas, Roccb Giarde.Uo,- Michael Leprlne, Sabltlno Mazzeo.- Mario arro. 4AM—'William Wilson.. Anna Ricca; Martin Dorilori, Erheat Foy, Slario Manfrpdoi Joseph Zbdlsh. Beatric^.DeBletrb. Louis Disce, Hch- A'Jrglnla .ceraid. •• JAMt—Arthur •Wells. -.. •• v 2AM2—Crelgh Park. William Sweeney, .Ealjne Brown. Liana Marcone, Baaiiicy Pan- . . lBMlr-cithe.rIrv9 JJamJllQn,, Donald „Cun-I r^ti j^ibb^ nlngham. Howard Bennett: * :--T-3B5I—Charles .Baxter. I^ouls TarinoVU""Julia ..lBM2-^Joseph Brown, Charles Jennings^ i Plscitello. FHomenfl. Ferrarra, Marie DI Cuzzl. Albert Tlschler.. Edith Dolen. Hazel Stu- | Frieda Grotensteln. CMrmella Verdlnl, Gtr- »°nrauch. Marie'Trueson, Delia Worthman. | trude Augenti, FJorence Commlsso. ,, 1AM1—Harry Kiernan, Erne3t Levitt, Le 3AM—Anna Pilia. : Mlchele . Sangrogario. toy Sprague. ' I Theresa Clapto. Lucy Kelly, Tony De Ohieco. lAMI^-Gortrude lsacke. I John rubella. .Chafes Zinnp. Ro'sma Fierro. Aiincx, Avcntie L. IBM—Elwbod Schu'ssler, EJhel Lisante, iUlorla Manglnl. Evelyn Sullivan. . •A. «8—-Vlto I,lsante. Joseph McGowan, Dor- othy Russell. --4A- CB-. •AJtllto JuiRra;—Hthet-Sfanfinr-- 1 •Paaduaie Blascp, n'llbert Turner. itirigs Highway Annex. . ... ;^B—Lucy Gillespie. . . irf.V-JA -Jane Wilk|nsbn> &lmund Fritz. £:• 211—George Stewart. Louis Strube, Edward Whlstbn. Gco'.glani Kitchln.'•• 3».—Lucille Froxcll.. , »S"SB— Jfarjorie 'White, Miriam Bbuit. . -A—Peggy Hunter. •IB—Herman Bergman- Wllliani—Bolton. -Mile •.-.ton Schaffer, Helen Goidboek. ... «''; : ..Omitted on Fcbriiary. 1 A—Theresa Acker, fella' Borghl.. AHa Colburn, Margaret: Browne, Ruth Gbldsbor- ough.. Gladys l.iacke. Alison McBrlde. Mo- -.telle Oglesby. Loretta Rooke. Gladys Sha- ! -t>ir, Olive Townsend. Stella Wallcrsteln, Helen Zadek. '•' ' Madelina Pascale, Carmella Pisanoi Sadie Sea vbne. '",./ ;...".• 2BM—Mamie Porto, Carmcla Sadano, Kmills Mauri 4BM ••Vinceiifu ,l>ame7! Shiil lg^ Joseph In e. Sa Izan b^ Shapiro. Rosle Shapiro, Hilda Sunshine, Fan- nie Blutman. . . . ,-' :.,,;•- •JBG3—Ida Alexander. Gladys. Hormari, Annie Brother, Mary HuikotT, Mary Dubrovsky, R03e Levine, Florence Resnlck, Anna We.lnsteln.- 4AB1—Milton Dubroff, Jacob Fcjdrnbri'. ETfd Ehtman. Harnet Glassberg. Hyman Rbsentlial. Leonard Green. Coleman Cohen. Sa,MlGranQjv- sky, Abraham Felnsteln, Sarn. Kaiitniah," Saul Alexander; ' , : i- 4AB2—Abraham Levitt, Bennle Krlegar, Abe Irvine, Morris Glick. . '-.'.. ;' 4AB3-^Joseph Goldstein. - •- .... . 4AG1—Reeky Cohen. Sadie Doris), Fanrile Jariover, Hilda Klein, Gussie Wllllns. '•;, '..-'•• 4AG2—Jennie Blrnbauni. Sophie Edelstelh. Nettle Faden, Flora Horow'tlz, Tlllle Reigeri Elizabeth Rung, Ruth Schwartz, Jeririle Stand- sky. . ...••-.-.".' '_>' 4AG3--Fre;da Oschever/ &;lma Kaplowltz, Sophie Shapiro. . . . > .-'. •-•-...'.. ' : '-- 3BBl^-WllHarr. Reifte, Abe Duhher.' , , 3BB3—Kieve Kappelmah. Max/Cohen. Solp- moil Zimmerman. Joseph Heir'riian," Jacob Gerb- witz.. . . . •;•;..•.•• .; / •;:-;>- 3BBi—Nathan ISernstein. Ezra. Gorberg. Irv- ing Karesh.' Isale Newman. Bonnie Perlirian; 3BGI—Jennie Hack. Etta Becker, Lena Blen- welss. Rose C'biien. Rachel Drucker, Riith Et- tenbtirg. Sadie Horowitz, Gussla Hyrnbwltz, Bosa Kashv-r,- Jossphlne _Koch'„Mildred Leives. Sarah l^nkofsy. Pearl PloCkin,'Florence Rat? zenberg, Fanny Warshowsky, ResaleWlrikle- steln. Lena Blerman, Esther Grlh^berg. ; 3BG;—Sophie Sootln, 'Minnie Karrierrriaker, Hannah Horowitz. Pearl Wolf. Edna Ashklnasi FJstelle Lawger, Sarah Bernstein,. Ida" Lieb- man. Sallle Al(x;r, Esther Goldberg. Jejihie Elsehberge, Annie Horowitz, Sarah Steinberg. Rose Ntwman, Lillie- Yoselowsky. Elsie Fln- kelstelri, Esther.Silverman, Ida Rubin, Blanche Furhs- -'•:'•-' "r'.Yv- -'-::' '3BG3—Cecelia Burd. Ettle Brother, Beatrlcp Cohen, Anna Friedman, Hilda Halpehln. Grace Kantrowltz, Gertrude Kaplan, Minnie -Kde- mow, Sai-ah Melsers. Sarah Rosenthal. Sophie Rothenberg. Rebecca . Splllman,: Pauline Sprin- ger, Dorothy Tannenbaum, Annie Schrleber. 3AB1—Emanuel Hellfonl. David Copfjqn, Svd. ney Hyshriyer, Robert Kalvarsky, Jacob- Mil- ler. David Silverman. ' • 3AB2—Leon Altnian. George Kangtrom. Ju- - J - J —''-'•*'*—"Saplfo-, France? Fricdiaind,'. Stelia- Friedman, Jennie Harthiah, BeatHce Nadier, Caroline Neu- hut,,Gertrude Tlttenherg, . •- Kgni—Harold Go^en; Irving Garfunkel, Edward HaVrbn,. Morris Losofl, Lester Lip- Bky,;Sldney ' RUcft Sbllle Sussman, Max Welssinan, ArtHtih Ascher. Florence Ascher, Tlllle BerrJslelhi "Ariiia Cohen, Esther New- man.': Sylvia AVelslriger, Lillian Klaristen- feld. :- ;-•; ..:..: .;•:-' :.';. '. •Entitled to be on February Honor Roll also. rnah Tainbver. Waid Watson. Frieda Proner, Violet Wlfltams. »^ ...3A&—Sidney Lerner,, Ell Irvine. Anita Har- ris; Sadie Mohsseh, Dorothy Nlserisph. Ger- b-ude , »den. Flbrencb Schtilman, ^Beatrice Schelh'delraan. . - . . • • . . •" Miufo Silber, "THE WINDSOH TKKRAfcE SCHOOL :*<»'•• (P. S. Xo. lo4.) • ; t .., Miss Slarfeaxct liuirisr, Principal. f -, : '8Bl—Stdart. Stelnbrlnk, Violet Ferrara, .^.vldelle. Lelprpann, Bessie Lyman. Frances McGarlgle.. Gertrude Simon, Selma. Shultz. ,-• . $B:—William Ftubr. Arthur Rubin.. Frank "VVilllgan".- G l a d y s Bahrs, Alice Brabander. #i I.^na Dllg'en, Freda Gerard. Hazel Johnstone, jsjJFlprcpce Martin. Alraa McCUtcbeon, Marlon ^,-Rademachcr, Florenco Suggarman, Eslelle ' Ycatbn. ,-.'.. ,-v 8A1—MUton Goldlner. Katherinc Morano. '••Elsie LUxton, Ethel Pcllman, Marie Sand, c .Mary Sellgcr. SA3—CarterHlgglns. Herbert Oberg, Dora AFletsher. Ruth lxinowltz. Beatrice Martin. ;/, JB1—Edward Dickinson,' Marlon Bartholo- -• jne\\; Astrld Berg, Sylvia Curland. Helen ' jfarrington. Isabella Griflin,-Lillian I'carson, Veronica Wallersteln. \„ ,<ili - —John Brooks, George DScrcks, Rus- —T-»e+H^ory^nrr-^VyrrtT-T^o•hll.^ull,• J e i o m e - N u t L Lester-NeTsbn;-'--Walter Schutt,-. Frederick , Bernstein," William Bellamy, -inna Blleter- •, nlcht. Florence Cohen. Dorothy Fremo". Alice , Konem'an, Augusta Petersen, fimma Stell- man. Florenco Torr. Marie Schrctzlitller. JA1—Arthur Rosenzwelg, Charles Wlllson. P«-*rlcKarleton, Rebecca Eisenmah, Marlon '•—Peteirr:—— ~^~ ' r *.\:—Eiieen Cou?.*n». Helen Ahlcrs, Ar- ,thur Williams, Joseph McGarr. Genevieve Dblan. «B1—Herbert Christl". Mortimer Frled- Under, Isadore Telson. t.'arollhe Blssei. Alice Obtrg. Esther Osterllnd, llcatrlce Rosen'blat, t:harics Mitchell, lutph viale. .lames Bayer, "Arthur Wldmer, Lillian Botch. «H1 —Mildred Bxrb»r, GerAjdlne Conway, 'tlsr.-. Depken, Flor»nce Wassetman. Lilllnr. Ar.iltrcen. Arthur Daus William McGarr, Lcroy Oslrander. Aaron Rubin. 6A1— Gilberts Alexander. William Arthur. Hcrtnan B«hrcn«. William Sealisn. Andrew "Klntpson, • Max Solomon. Margaret Fluhr, Beat-Ice Noble. M!1H» Fnsqusiuccl, Helen Robertson, Marjorlo Smith. £A2—Raymond Block. James Gallagher. Harry Melton, Ilehrlett" Du,i:ngahon*. Doro- thy Denlsch. Catherine, naggerty. Helen OI- i'o>n. Dolores Teljelro. Ruth Yeaton. ,-.fU—wmiBin Donnelly. Robert Langan. llarry Ayvaglan. l'etcr liosponka. William ,.«lud<9.,Margaret Johnstone, Elizabeth Keel, Elizabeth Sparacla. l-:thel Jackson. Rose Lo Cicero. Dorothy Mlf-ltell. Hazel Swenson. .Mj"~Dotothy LAIIemand, Anlolne'.te fa- .porelll, Minnie I.ebowltr.. William iluehler, J Margate! King, SAI —Herber! Gerken, Joseph Morano, Philip Rnncniwcig. -Ang'elo l.llecchlo. Marga- ret Stark, Sadie Ilromberger. Gcraldlne Drummona.' t.vr—ThAmaa Alberto. Leonard Cnrlledge, Raymond It«ng<s. William Rofc*n*wtlg, !)a- ,,vM llubtiis. Lffcttr Sugatman. Muriel Uukrs, Catlietine Gardener. Jessie GISdd, .lolln Gubltosl. Albh* Johftrtaon, Dorothy DeaK 4B—Frank K'sSer. Vra.ikUn llutton. Rtlwln . , Schut!. Howard VUliman. Edith Adlf r. Ruth "•TMro-fi. Af.na Cal.lll. .Mi>> Cohth, Helen )la-<. •Atd«. 4A I--George Atkins. Roalyn Martm. L\;- -Nathan K|>»teln. wiliium llayman. Jo.ln Raby. MarUn lir.r'oer. Sylvia Kan,'.- nlt«V.v. Ruth n»ynol<K IH>.el VlllUms. Dolores EI<i>ooi. Kft'.hrjn WKlspn. 3P.I- -Walter D6hh»lly, Rlchird Matthews Harold Corland. Edwat.t Frledlander. Frank Miui.ton. Grace Rui>?.ftta. Kalhryr. D* ,.ft«h«ro, Mity K-'enaii. JA—Anna Cirlllo. Dotothy Vrlef. Helen Drimimond. Dorothy l.ebnwlt*. Sojihle jjilppm". Gunvor. Mtkkel'on, Oro'.J'n fiml'.h, Mar.ella Van Syckle. , zBJ—Danlel Shorl.iao. Mas Ehtlick, John Graasirtge.r, <~harle« SqU.td, Hevmour liohert- , »»Ti. Eugene <.'oo,iiet, irer.e Morris. Grace Al- - btru, - ,' 5n)--Bennl* R>ilTiiio. Llljabeth Her,-. Mar- garet i'Arro??.a. Mildred Hennesay, Anna" Mofrea.',o. Sylvia Shutcr. SAl- 'Ffanf.es Espoallo. Joseph Klein. Mary Dwyer. Dorothy Klwood. Ruth Mitchell. .. I IB.— Robert Itoey. Margarft De P.tllllpo. .'*Syl*Ia Stivetmaft. Mathilda Levlri. Frahcea j,flp*!l|fy, Mary Valento. IVarl Gallaghtr. "• lBJ—Joatph Nirtl'.k. Arthur Olaeri. Mlllla l.uello, Helen Muivihlli, tiraee Navlo, Olive R»ld Ruth Torr. . . JAl—Albcft .Gangi. Myron Martin. Stviart JTylf, Fred Haywo.xl. William Huthes. Mil- .-.dred Alt\«nd«r. '.ll>tan Xllkkelser.. ,'. 4AS"Kdha Eleasoft. Gladys St«k»>. Ml- fr.4'1 Ct-pnin, Anderson tiottik.r, Waiter Ah- dfrson. ",xtonoi;As npnuiMER semjoou IAM—Mary" Napbillanp, Alberto Pisano. TltE WAVERLY SCHOOL. {P. S- No. lStt.) . BjTbn Vfi Baker, Prihcjpai. SBBl—Harold Applebaum,. Philip Hindsman, -'tiseph Kantor, William • Peschowsky, Jacob Bbs'etberg;. DjLyld Schneider. Milton Smtkoff, Alexander Wiener. Jacob Marcus., „SBEJs-Morri*-Brother,—Zclman-Haft,-•.•Louise Wis'naefi.in. 0" ----- - • - • 8BBi-Mbrxis Rlfkln. Edward WeJsman. SBGl—Nora Bernstein. Rosi Burroi, Y*ctta Gurtovn.Vk;. Ida Gbli-'irtelh, Julia Kosofsky. Sarah Jurow, LUlle I^bcowsky, Sadlo Meyer. Fannie Slbtchln, Anna Sk;blow, Gussie Turet- sky,. Lena Yorick. . SBG2—Annie Aaronson, Ida Altbach. Ida Cohen, Helen Haipern, Bertha Helden, Ida Zemek. -------- - SBG3—Bessie Cohen, Matilda Goldstein, Bella Sammcth. Ixjttle Scham. ' Rose Shapiro, Beatrice Cohen. Rebecca Glauberrnatl, Anne JafTe, Dora Goch, Rose Schatz, Sadie Tletel- baum.' SBG4—Florence Coh*n. Celia Garbllch. Min- nie Matasoft*. Jennie Ollshansky. Ella Zenrleh, Fannie Sajtz. '..-.' 8AB1—Barnet Feldman. SABI-r-Ellas Charry. Morris Jurow, Maurice Rbsenbef'g. •' JAB3—Hcrbea Rosenblum. 8AG2—Fannie Blechman. Mary Ellman, Jen- nie I>venion. Mamie Miller. Reekie Oschever, Bertha Robins, Mary. Ratr.er. Celia Scham, Dora Turfcenwltz, Minnie Yose'o-.vsky. 8AG3—Mollle Abelson. Sarah Grecnbcrg. Irene Hyinls, Sylvia Latto. ?BBl—Abraham Btllln. H Dabruikv. J. Kaviman. H. Itawltsky. I, Rublnowltz. V. Zorer. IBBJr-Morris Haimo'.vKz. Abraham Nlssen- son. Jach Soklow. nua fsrderr"Robert—i 3AB3—Philip Cohen, Seymour Hecker. Jullu3 Lykow, Joseph Romanowitz, Morris SackofT,- Morris Steekel. •- 3AG1—Leah Dubrovsky, Leah Greenspan, Rose-Grlnsberg. Anna Kaufman, Cecelia Mil- ler. Lillian Softer. 3AG2— Mamie Boyarsky. Yetta Cohen. Soptiie Kaufman. Buth Lippmari. Anna Mlttleman, ,EUiel.-iNoclianiku8|i-ltose.-,£b.cr^.'ERtKt:r..;.Sol.oh,. Rosle-Wientraub. . 3AG3—Sophie Cohen. Bella Shapiro. I.eha I^vitan; Lillian Parolsky. Y'etta Berman. Irene Sllofsky. Helen Amos. Edith Levy. 2BB1—Seymour Horellck, Nathan Cohen, Abe Benzman. Irving- Aranofsky, Nathari Schwartx. Harold Rosenthal. Sani RappAport, Abo Slegel. Edward Shelnberg, ' Sam Feldnian. Frank Dyin. David Milder, Seymour Krevett. Meyer Kaplan. David Bindlcr, Arthur Hinden. •B3—Bei-nard—BffvHson. Jaeob Fish S3m Friedman. .Nathan Glasser. I^nils Gott lleb. Richard Orcenman, Morris Jamln Soprestl. Ixiuls Miller "Jasper, ben- Abrahdm Schecr Swctlowltz,. Milton Tna "Mollle l^vitch, ; Mi** ' jtl MUrv t>* .».««'*'<?» S'*'b. •' >A1'- Katherln 'T»lVnu»H. M«r '•••JB Miarl'nfi Atl-nb (P. S . N o . F.ntlljr N . O 8te^ tienrude •- ••- Rich? Gen rude •Marr FriedmAn. Florence IJarth. • • 78G2—Rose Albert. Rose Flshman. Mlnrie Lenkbwtky. Mary Robins. Lillian Scho^nbcrg. |BG3—Margaret Dashesky. Rose Schnclder- man, Annie Stein. TAB1—Abrahon^ Barr. I-eo Relfe. Abraham Rptoelni^JullusiS(unracth„6amjStollnekx 1I _^„ TAB2—Hyman Davis. Max Kaplan. Joseph Klclnan, Isidor Knopp. Edwar<r Slncoc. Sam- uel Shaplio. 7.VB3—Jacob Bluttman. Julius Burdick. Her- bert Dreyer, Harry Goldberg, Lazarus E<an, Daniel Llpinutz. Rcubin Mei«cr^•. Irving Pol- lack, Abraham Resnlck. 7AG1—Sadie Hermann, Fannie Bregmr/n. Ada Kllen. Ethel Kusnlck, Annie I^yy. Thelma Mfttelman. Esther Obcrlander. Ida Rubin. BcsMe Szericnsky. Rose Tlmberg, Esther Golden. TAG2-Sophl» Cohen, t-aura DruMn. Anna Fftbrlcaiit, Lena Lux. Gussie Labankoff. Bella Ferlman, Hshriah Roppaport. Sara Zimmer- man, j, «Bni--Benj*mln Boris, rhlllp Feldman. C»rl Isaacson', Isidor Miller, Moses Rowntha). Abraham Sabulofsky. Nathan rtrlndell. Mor- rlt. Klein, Sam SIPtkln. Joseph Smalberg. Mey«r Beck. Mosel Welnsteln. SBB2—Hyman Solompn, Irldore Felmer, l- 9 * r Pitkin. Barrett Epstein, Hyman Cohen. !!th- jamlri Dprfman. - ' . 6BG1—Florence Irvine. Mollle Oerbcrg. Jen- nl« Golden. Mary Richmond. tni—Fahhle Aaronson, Bertha Rasch. Min- nie Behdler, Sadie Frolfd. Gertrude Felnsteln, Mlnn^ tJold. Mary NrtsklP. Ulllan Robin^m. Ginslo Rubin, Ruth Sohoenberg. Rachel Btelnhardt. EVA Worebrpw. «AR)-Harr7 SlkPfsky. Morris Goodman. «AH2—Frtd I^bowlls. Isidore Juel:». David Halt. Harnet Newman. JABJ-Jsc'ob nayarakl. Harry Silvrmsn. To- bl»» White. t»Aac Weiss. Ch»rles Vladlmor, titni—Theodore Golden. "Samuel l-askey. Abraham Malkln, Max Schneider. -Sam Sha- piro. snn.2—Morris Bard, I>*n HolTmart, Charles Kaufman. SHB3- Milton Fuchs. Bernard Granofcky. Sahiuel N'achby. ' Mo* Plofker. Isaac Kcnlg. Joseph Tarchnmowskv. STil Esther Miller. Thelma Silverstone. Rose Rirbaum. Doro Yahr. Beitrlcs Rochhln, Annie F.ntmin, Kate t^jmen. Anna Wlshnewklii. il»OJ-Rp»» Dorkln. Polly RAbkln. MsOJ-Irfna I^derer. Bc^kfe Palley, Sadl» RPsen l\W James Riaek. Morris Ptickon* Hyman tABS-Isidort' Grlnsberg, David Gunman. Julius Meistrirh. isldoro Zemk-k, Theodore Melslrlch. SABl !•>«!» Aaronson. Rubin Chester, Sam- uel Chester. Isiidorc Cohen. Barns! Rejnlck, Abe Sare-lofT. SAGI- Sophie FeMberi. Mary Wcinsteln, Elisabeth Blechman. FAnnlo Ober!»nder. Bella WorVmah. Rose Oalander. Pr1»<-llla Forman, Mafy Frledkln. SAG2•••Kdh* Helden. Dinah Horellck. Anna Korwttn. Florence Peatlman. Lillian Rpsen- berg, Annie Szerensky. Yetta Trpiltsky. SAG)--RebeocA fteynarskj'. Fannie Krelt Ray t,lj>»ril!>.. Julia rbllAeV, Annie »lmund. Eva Rahkln, Ruth Gelber, t>orothy Chernoff. l*na Schneidftroan, Bertha Brandort. Fannie BregmAn. 4Bni' t 1Barnett Gaster, Sam uoMstejn. itvman Kb^ri. Max Salke. Herman Schneider, Jacob P<-hw*rt«. Max Schwartz. <*h»rlea .Vhulman. i Rudolph Stein. ! IBBJ-Ryrnan I>eltch. Joseph SleinhaHl, DA\ld Freldman. Morris Belch; BiWn Abramo- wlt«, Kmamie) Sternfteld, '• 4RltJ~ A^ra^am lUurn> Morris Rlftom. H>msn Felner, Havld Froides. Alfred Joiun. Mat "ubo*sky. Percy Welntteln. RGl -Ooldie ^arTlShf^sky, Mlr.nle JMrnund. t Feldman. Ida (Urnnkle. FMn* r^s- nle Malkln, Ann!* Newman. ^rleda . RehrowAfcy. Cello" RordShow, |rf>*ehiti:. Rachel Cohen. Kthcl Fried- •lm*. Heprter, iteien G<iell, Kkf dbtt- •ilt«e Hpth, Irene' KonaAy. Rp<n» Kotb- l,tnde, Fnrthie. Mlllef. r^her- N4l» » raulvln, Armle ^chneer. Ida iiin»mwwiTih-^>*""^ E iir^Hi'fliii^frti1lrT^ ter. Milton Simon. Louis William. William Zang.' 2ER1—John Rung, Benjamin Kramer. Harry Frlcdes Jacob Marin, Irving Lippmah,. Jacob Zarin, 'David Berger. . 2BC11—Gertrude Rlchman, lEvelyh Radn'ofsky. Fanny Bernstein. Pickle Chasorioff. Sadie D'rubln. Violet' Litwin, Annie Plofker. Bea- trice S»a,ver. Tillle StrelUT.""!"'.'" •• 2803—Beatrice- Berman._ Anria__Burro?i_R_uth Densoii. Gertrudo Gillar. Grace T31rshy.~ Soler. Alice Supakoff. Sarah Swerdlow GrlndPl. ;.-.:. : . : . 2AR1—Georgo Citron. Benjamin Tendon. Morris Gofrin. Byron Silverman,- Abner Cohen. Nathan T^vino. Haro'd Poretsky, Sydney Po- retsky. Sam Beck. Isidor Goldberg, Charles Gottlieb. Kam Dickenfarden; Herbert .Penka. iABi-^Mbrrls Cohen, Sidney Ehtman,' Irving Felberg. Alex- Schor.—Meyer-Schultz, Perry- Sherman. Charles Sklar. '..-', • . 2AB3—Paul Herman. William Herman, Charles Dumey. Henry Gerstenh'aber. .Sidney- Goodman. William I.enner, Hyman Schwartz. Eugene Stein, Benjamin Zlegler, Seymour Greenberg.- 2AG2—Ethel Abramson. Anna Davis. Helen Flnkelsteln. Ocrlrudp Fried. Mildred Gtirto- vlnk. Esther Isaackoff. Llllle; Melster. I>ena Wpoff. Selma Porter. Rose Rablnowitz, Jen- nie Sand. Beatrice Spltzer... " V , : . a . JAG.V-Jcnnle Dbutbch, Ray Elsensteln, Ruth Koff, Rose Miller. Ray T'ollkoff. Hannah Stern- berg. Minnie Tcplltsky. Llllle Fisher, Esther Warshavisky. (lerlrude Warshawsky. THE WARWICK SCHOOL. -, (P. S. No. i»8) William V. Kurz, Principal. DBV--Sarah Solomon.' .••*'-, - * 5AV]--Iria Fricdland. Viola Hcend. -i>A VO •A^>H' t l' > -<^r»l'>l<v- BEACH SCHOOL. ,- ..'(jP-,^ §P;.M-) Miss Maj:y -Pv Lyhcli, s Principal, $B—Randolph Huott, Arlold Portpfee, Italia 'Cbhstantoho. . ; ' ,. ^ABT-^Samuel'Brafmai), Jpseph Cbherj.Ed.7 ward ^Glbblp:: :,..:.,.,: •..: .-, SAM-T7vEssda Gohc'n., Florence Davis. Rosa- land Felnbergf, Edna Nclsbri. Sadie Schwartz, Marlon Stack', Mario Szabb; Dorothy Wood- ruff..-* ...;-. ,; '.-•'.•.••"•-• •- ... 7B-^Max Gritz. Lbiils Patcrno.. 7^^-Jacbb. ;qijldstelh, Joljh Puyora Tiimulo.. W(Illan) It.a,bihbwltz. ,. 7AM—C^u . Ostermeyer, . Sldney- Gladyi. P.oi±<)fee,,.M 11 dred Stclnmau. 6AM—Anna Rappopofct: . SB—-Samuel, Klelriman, Frederick Nelson Robert Turner. -' ," ' • . BA-^Samuel Feldman,, Nathan Rosenwas- ser, .Tony Sc'ailss. - Daitlel Schwartz. f£fAM—Irving. Cohen; . Da'plel Ecksten. Irv irig Josefsbefrg. .Giayds Levleh. Lillian Ma dert. AUrella Perria, Sarah Richenberg, Lu- cie Sabella. •.::•••' v ;. - , 4A—William ; CHsafulll. Seymour Reib- stctn. William' Turner.' William Zlove,. Ade- line Cohen,-. Judith Cohen., Sarah . Feldman. Vloiet Loewp, Florisiice Nenry. Mbry Rider, Yetta Schwartz; Dorothy Tracy, Helen Zirllstein. .. ' :. . .'-: :•",'.. •"-. i( . '--.. 3B—Howard.Bernstein. Bernard Kaufman. Harold Kritsberg, Joseph Merlgope. Frede- rick Caniellh, Hepry Ward. Tomasina'Fp- glla. Bessie Oppehhelm.... Elizabeth Ste'.h- husen. Hazel Whitney, .". '..."•. 3A--Edwlha Axenijoh, Isabel Barns. Sa- vlrn fanalfl ft, T l Fglngolher .lehnette Na- thansen'. Mildred Pbeher, Ewart Edgertpn. Bernard Kaplbwltz;,Julius Lowenhardt, Har. old Meadow* Irving Selgel, Carnieto. San- fllllppo. ..;.. GEORGE L. A. StAitTiN SbkOOL. (P. S. jfo. 166.) -SBM—Sidney Buckbjnder, . Elsie Hrewater. Fannie Heller,; E.tta Goodls. . SA—Sarah Applebaum, Sarah Pomerantz, Re- 1 glna Brotnia'n. Helen Rosensplre. . 8AM—Allen Falrbalrh, Celia Turcfrsky, Esther Noble, Bella tlutsky. •*. .• 7B—Ruebln Arlinskyi Herman Bloom, Isaac Gopen. Samuel Helfelz, Nathan Borowitz. Morris Klciriman. Morris Schneider, Sophie Kiiriansky. Beatrice Hudcs, Soplilo S«rkiis, ~ soil, • U l l l a l l - -MbWortH, Rosemary -PeteeSj^-Rebtieea-SchlllerT—THiio-l^Jkteta^-Cetla- Doutsch, Lillie. Heride), Yetta Hc'ndbl, Anna Sackett. . • • "A—William Vetter. Roso Ta;rizcr, Sophie Shapiro. Julia Bray, Pdra Marmorek, .Minnie Catnenswn, Dora Wandes, Clara Schaeffcr. 611—Hyman GreerllioUse. , .. 5AM—Abraham Ahreud, Philip Ahrend- Jacob Ragoff. JJe-Wlloh; Mabel Young-;'Dora.'Stein;. Ethel Glsser, Sadlo Shlactor, Yetta Schcffts^ L—-tirE-JARidVAr srHoOii. \i>. s. Nj).; 16?.) Anna Soder- : -rtife SIJN.SEI' PARK SCHOOL. V (P.s; No. 169.) iljss A. E. Clerxi,Vncy, Pjrjnclphl. i 7&i-!^a>- 'Amjerspri. Ruth' Berryman, Dovanney. Beatrice Engvold', Eva strorn. Irene Walter. : • • ..." „. 7^.lr-Fred Hallpam, Martin Hansen, Ed- win Johbsbri, Gimav Saliiilnl-v i-~ •• t'ai'J- ; 7A2^—Millie Allano. -Marjorie Berry, Ethel Dahir, Catherine :.Fearoiv, Eupremla Ghel- ardL;LauFa. Ueland, Helpn CuUeri. .- - - ••>• 6Bi—Ariibid A.nderBon, Kenneth.- Holt, Montague Mendelsohn, Marlt Dorumsgaard, Caroline GermaU),- Astrld Hanssen, Dorothea M«lnaon, Margbret Oppikbfer, Muriel'Qulgg. Martha ^iridstrpm; Mabel Smith, AillSolri- Ihen, Annie Wald;, . ' ' -' . - ~ 6B2:-*-Ivar. Bergniann, Sarah Lynch, Ruth Pederseiu.i.Nora. Wloland. Marie Wllland, Edith Bjoi-nsbii. '-'••• . . . 6B3—'Ward Badmab, Robert K.atz,, Im- mordlno Fdrtiinato,~E4"* ftri1: Saymtlw— Lillle- Apdersoh, .Ellen Nystrom, Astrld .' Ohlsoni Arnfrid Pctefsop, Irma Rellly, Laura Smith. Helen Stetter, Alna Thbren. CA1—Arnold Hansen. Arthur Nelson. Carl Olsen, Elizabeth -Anderson," Grace Fiach,* Mildred Harrlsi Slgna Laljic. - 6A2-^Epgene Cbr)n.. Francis FearPn, Law- rence W o o d . Myrtle Carr,- Altce Erlcksbri,. Hllja Lofstrom, Florence Plaft, Irja Vare. 6A3^-Arthur Anderson. Harold Hansen. Edwin; Tuhohen,,, Emily. .Evans.., lj;elen Grpnwall.. Iriji'a Morris. Dorothy Palmrose, Mildred Sumner 6B1—Clifford Anderson, .David Halko. Walter Hovl, J3unvold Olmland, Edith An- derson. Theresa'.Culjen. Mabel Joli'ahheseh, Helen Llllbach, Kvelyri Pedersei.. , , 5B2—Mlltbri Heiberg., Sol JoKnson. Arvl Lofstrom. Albert, Mittspn, .Jarnea, Tellefsen; Edna Demrnbn, Vivian'.Foster; Helm! Hon- konen, Asia OJsen, Ethel Orhian, Ivy! Sjog- r.tm. Florence yeber. : - 5B3—Randolph Anderson. Victor uison, Arthur Pet'ersoh, Tblva Saamehe)!, Sarah Bernstein, Anna Cullcn. Mlrlain .Tradellus. , BA1—WU|iam. Dowaliby, Erllng I,abds- maes, Francis Sullivan. Florence Anderson, Sarah Bra'nder. Giihdrun GInman. Edna Pugh. Edna Westby. . •'•••. ",-, BA2^Wllllam Aalt6nen.. Trygye Madscn. Hynry. .^BUSSii "ire"r^_<.Jt*<jm§en,.,.v.M.lA.erva. Baker, Myrtle Fredcrlckson, Florence Kavln, Mabel Wood.'- ,'. -' • -" " ,V. ;, . 6A3—Nathan Alleiistein. John; Jensen, Louis Olsen. Violet Harkansob; Sylvia Le- vine, Irma Nurmtrien, Xenia'Olsen. Rbzette Sallh'.- -.. ' -- ••• . :'- ' . ; . • - 4BI—William Laltlnen, ' Otto ToIlefsM), 'Leo. Valhio. Evelyn, Evelyn Danlels'en, Lisa Ervast. Elslo O'rm'an, D. EtheJ Smith ..... •-.'« 4B2—Marcus Hansen, Charles Johnston, Harold T.oiislrom, .Frank Surnnon. Kllzh- etta., George StaRt, Teresa qejatragelav L\tcy Lewbj, Jennie \ MoKra^v, AnjnaiPerlipwskl. Marlsi Plapt*. Mary. Subd'elL- MM}»,-.Vltale;•;. ; 6A^-Paul. Chenikowskl, Rebecca rjevlhe, Reginald -Helbe;; KaJLherlrib Syzmanskl. Frank' .Torre..-.H*dwlg Spbrna, .Harold Hain- sen, Millie , ^prlria, Uly ,|3ellcr- FHo.me.na Lupardo;' Grace Prosseda, Marie, Tamburb, Conbett'a THmbblL" • • ; . --"'-;. BB—Michael Ubgluccl. Cheater. Mlckalak. Pasquale Vlrdoae^.Isadora OrWK. .I.dv Belan- sky, HeVe«ii. Brupakl,. Mabel Knudseri, Edna Levine, Ethel. R.pdBera. A»bcs'.Vespbll,; Dora Hochman., Marjbrle Seaniari. Celia Wasser- strorii. .MaJ-lln'JCpnhedy. . : .•'•".. •• -."."•••,••".-•• '.- 5A—Louis'ColetT)an. /Charles" Cassldy, rMamle Crpcl, .Rose .Fed'erleh... -•,.,,. "4p—Viola Paul, ; Rose-Mohtanp. .Antonio Donofrlb; Rose Goppbla. A^nes Jensen.- Dor- othy. Levitt, Ellen Swerisob; - Joh'ri;Ellison. Carl Thorsen. John Nicholas, Carmellna Criipi,-Julia Roda.v,- 4A—^Gertrude < Jagobkl, ,-Dora Coleman. Wanda, Apabci;. Glaoys, LarsenV . . , ,3B-r-Grbgbrj- .D'Onbrreb, Solomon Dornbec. Ruth Fitzgerald. Y'etta Sanft, Markuerite Moffatt. Jack Claves; Mary Zurich, John Gazza, Harold Jacobken. Jbnnie-Flusty. 3A-rMary Berrls," Rose Marfina, Irene Sor- rentlmb, Fanny Tochman. Joseph' Columbo, Frbrtk FVcellaT Raghllde Be"rgr~FloT«hX5^ Klutz,- chaiilotto Laos, - ' ; . - . " 2B—Herbeit ; Lbtspii., Anna B.ares.lch, Helrhl Wu'ronen. Florence, Jazlriskl, ; Ida Zaipb'rl, Paul Cernlgli'a, Joseph Glynn, F^llx LIbebskl. Lbna'Cbchlnskl. Almerlnta: Mlcco, AlvlraMlccb;= Lillian Rlndell. ... ^A^rEdward Grieger, .Catharine Casey, Fernanda Rossi. Herman; - Mfticus, Otto NIclaus, George, Wlluhd. pprO^hy Mathlslp, Mary Rlenz'a, Helen. Schle'sirigor, Stella- Za- binski; :<-•;• . . . •--• ; , '• '•-"••'-'•'/••. '•'•'• .}>< ' '- •: IB—Stella.. Yukjbvylpz, Josephine Zivlch, Mabel Rlele, Florence' Lubhtaiiowltz, Hazel Herz, Cblla Gblihsky. Rosio. PI'Sach. Llngl MohtemaKanb, Richard Mcknight. William Loyerd.. ISttlere Ixjmon'e, Anthony Landd, Carrol Huza, Gebr'gb Gebarowsk'. Anthony Dean, WltUam Casey, Michael, . Cappbla, Cohhje Varallo. . Frances Tiby.anje. Bcctha Geller, Mary Gcmelr/a, Llillah Mbr'rls, Mabcj Mueller.• Elsie Qtiaht.. ,:'..•.- iJUti—Walter ..Berg.^.Jacob. Sanft. George Trotrlo,- Agnea - Clanc'a>-ltch, Sarah . Dbra- beclf, Nettle Sdrift, Antpnlohett Slrchlo'Car- mine . CapArr'o. Paullhe.. .Granerl, "Vincent Holochmost. Margaret Genpskl. Ruth . Hart- sen* Jennie Montana, Wanda Stark, Angelina Testa. Marie Lotlto. ; '". • . ^The teachers of the: Brooklyn eie- . mentary ^chopls are never. v , found wan'tinjfr.^Hen'ev'er tj^ey are called upon for '."patriotic or pltirahthropic work. Every' school in tK'esV days of stresf la aojnjjf_ jt«' "bit," aitRough sprrie'arft doing inpre than others, tRe diffefeXce u'suaily being: lit the leaaiBrship and 'th« > organisation. - :I •,.'? \- ; No^withBt.andlng thjit alj the teap^t- ejria, aj)d ec^opl? ate working industri- ously iri the war a'ctivltlej at this time. tOv: are as well organised as Is 3ni» Old Bedford- School; No J, Ibit which p.r„.L&^a!le JJ.. White 13 principal. .The teachers ^here haye forrn6d.. a Red Ppow Auxiliary, wfiich is on the honor r'ojl of thjs Brooklyn cij'abter. v Th^t hicahi} that all of the work rJoneVby No. 3's auxiliary is A NO. 1; that it js quajlfle? to rhak.e all. kinds,of Bjurglca.1 dressings and that it Is doing; .so.;.:; v Nearly all. of the teachers of N«>; 3 : 4re mernbe.rs of the auxiliary, These wprheri r.erriaih iii school twp afterr noons a week—rMoriday apd^Wednesr .day-7-^htij,.. 5;46 t ."and ; ,they r^etiirii - i -yhursday evening, at-7 o'clock ahd',re- main until 1Q o'clock- THey wprk-in the t>otn,es.tlc Science Room of ; the school. Here theyirhake ^he surgical dressings and hpsjiltal garments. Their TV.ork is not confined to that, however, because .they' also rhake knitted arti- cles, at;, horrid. ,' The 'auxiliary^ is' selfr ajapportitig. Miss Gertrti'de \yeebe is its. ch'alrnian and she is-an inspiring force,-' ; 1-'--".: : -- : :':'•' '-i;"--".N-".".-v.'' 1 TTKerchildreTr; naturally.^ are as-eii"- thusiiistlc in "war work as are ttb tea'cljers, and,yesterday Dr. White ™- p<jrted that they had brought in sub- scriptions tQ the Third tlb'erty JLbah arripuntir-g-to $117,350. For the'S'ec- ohd' Loan the schbbltsold f87,</0,0 Wprth of bonds, and that- was given as Its quota, for the present issue. The "pHricipai.rs jjroud of tli'e wprk .-.b/eirig,--. done by his teachers ahdpUplls.' " Slcgfrieil,, Ajfrcd •' Neuir.an Milton Iieyy, Rose Jennie Sack. Inez Ida . SBB.V;4Sidney._ .Samuel SchneTder. Snjl-Ida Schlilm.-ln. Wclsler. KIsle Rralrd: SITCV-Anna .Sfhnltzpr. Schombs. SARV-Morris Gcilar. —S.VM—i^phl'—KM4i»>"»&r-.Moll>u«£i'ccaI, Ratncr. .... f AM V- -Julius Pass, i'earl Israclobrth. trjM—Loulj Shofkowliz. Arlhur-Wllgus, Green. Ma Pelt*. :BMS —F.llzabeth Lewis, Bcrtlia Levitt, tvlward Kerhel. . 7 AM—TeMle Feller, Minnie Lleberinan. Abraham Hllverman. «Bl—Minnie Jenkulowltz.. Helen Kramer. <!B2—Delia Leshow. 8BS—Bchjnmln Frelband. i!A3—Annit Havlghorst.-, Sam Shefkowltz, David Drucker. SB—Harvey -Wclneiirt, Theodore Seltzer. Ro?e Knlb. ?.A—William Hell. Ktla Alter, lfelcn Hum- mer. Fadle Diamond. Resale Fogel. Jcs«lo Samuels, r.Bl—I.co l.lebesmat), Jacob Levine, Gtisslc Karlln. Miiry. Greene, Gussie Schiilman. Hlldn Konper, SRj—L'bul* Weftker. Sidney. Frlcband. 5A2—Sldhey Kprzcnlck. Herman Keii.-r. Mcncn (icller. David Diamond. Yetta Gold- stein. France* Ungl.lhder, Rose Blnom. till—Rose Nclnon, Fannie Pkarsky. Ruth Shnfter. 4B2---Hrlen Frankol, Maria Manderlna. 411.1—-IsrAel G l n g o l d , R'.»e Tlschler. <At--Tlllle Anticr. Stella Redman. Ksthcr Ool.l-ctolri, Ssrnh Usiekman. 4A2 -Arthur Mmsky, Louis Tfger Milton Levine. Abraham Welnrlb. CellA Samuels, Hilda Ktolnhardl. Rose Wolkenfeld. .tA3-~K*muel Granlk. Hcrmarl We)»ler, folia <;ro*s. Fannie Konuer. Helen Otto Id* Ruldn. Mildred Turet)<ky. 81H--Max Singer Ada Levine. RAV Kruglekoff. George Frartkcl. . JB2—Jack GoUUmlth, Hilda Gavin. Doro- thea llAvlgliorsl, I^-ah Mulnky, Klhtl Ogusthc- wltz. Miriam Hlegfrlcd. 3R3--t.e*>h SASS. Sam Miller. Kate Tiochler. SAI-Anna Hcckman Hannah S.-hulman. SA3—tda Fricdland. Roue lleiezof. . JRI -L<fn Cohen. Bernard .Slegel, ltn«e Klrnmcl. Lillian. Lampe. Anetta Scheickev. F.leanor Rorrtmfl.' MIritile Grnd, Winston Jacpipn. Lena .faff". -JBJ Sidney Lahgnor, Ma* Ze|fe f t eli WAlker, Fannie Illgman, Yetta shrln. Sylvia Schwartz, SIM— Theresa Ln Roc.a. i.'athcrlne Cave]. Urn, Seraflnn Vtlleeo. Rose KAt*. JAl—Albln Dec. Roae tloldman, Fannie Guioff. VM\t- Ktsoelofaky, Cur* Llcberman. Father Ragbkter. 5AS—!lldit»y Schenkmati^ Katelle Coh Floyd it. Smith, i>rinclpal. SBl—I'eter Benfary, Sylvester Connolly; Mar- tin Ellin. Rudolph .KpDf, ' Benjamin Miller, George I'etcisen, Benjam|n Wbin*.. 3U2—Grace Ixindoh. Minnie AVartcls, Anna Gottlieb, Ethel Llesv;, Rtith Marcus, Matilda Worel. : ,-"•' . .- - '•'•'. .' , S133—Robert Haipern, Edwin "'Harraganrt Jacob Levy, Jacob Hdbln,WHford Weill. -.8B1—Jean Bell,. Dorothy Fry,. Lydla Levy. Alice Meeker. Esther Wolferidcn.. 8A1—Bennlo Aik-lman. J^ebh Epstein,- William Freiberg. Mortimer Feller, Isidore Gelber. Al- fred Harris, George Lcvlli.e, William Levy, Kuul l.ev!ngson,. Charles Matus, Hyman Mos- kotvltz, Georie Orlarisky, 'Howard I'alsstlne, Behjerrtln Slpc-f, HaS'old ; Wolfram, Sidney Wolf son. Aaron Za'slbw. ' v .'• SA:—May l'auls.'- . -, • ' . SA3—Mildred Dulfer. Blanch Jacobsen, Hilda Kttgel," l'aullno Richmar), Meyci- Liparsky. -VBl—Moses llenzenov.lt?. David Harris, John McKay. Benjamin Winkler. VU2—-Marian Friedman. 7U3- Donald 1/jckwobd, Helen Morel!. Ruth Mayer, .inna Peilman, HebHetia Weiss. Rosc- •Mil Wolff. . •' .\ " - '-• I\I—Au'uoy Brand.- Henry -Horowitz, tleorge RIs. Eduard Wren. Otto RMAhrt. 1A2- riorence Francisco, Fanny Mazo. Annie Neugeboren, Blanche Rohe.ru. Ycttn Kaniroivit7, Fran- Rtern- V|vl«n Levine Ruth Stclrm»n, Fanny Silverman Gertrude ftudman. 2A3-'ThelmA Kfaetr, Malonl Singer. Christie Wynn. Stanley 7.uck«r. rJacob Rftsen».welg. 1R1—.leanette Stockier, l-rle-da Singer. Minnie Brill, Rhlllp Greenfield. Motrin Hint- IBS-Myer Kantor. Alexander Sack. Viola Ferraro. Anna Sleekier. IR3--Mlllon F*laott, Solomon Tauhfr. Kil Zaekhein, Anna Goldstein. Helen Greenhtn- Rose MalaKy. Sadie Sherman, Rr.sc Wolf. ,'lIM-Sam Kotln*)rV, Morrla Warhofilg. •Nlcho!A« Znkel. Fatlril* llzhowlt*. lAS—nertram Aucrbach, Ralph Cavitimrft MeYer UMh, William Klaber. Sianiey Rufh*- bftum, Lllll*, Rosenberg. Sylvia Roschblilm, Fnnny Chaficld. - . - ' 1A3--Iztt Rather, F.wgcne coh«ii, Irving Silver, Lucy Mocii«i.ft, Francis Turk. Kgnl—Sidney Rpf»h*ver, John <lrcwlnak>^ Sntiford Levin*. Abraham LleberrrtAiju f-elJi. 1'Fhkaltca, Sidney Touhg, Mnry ftodner, 7AI- -Dorothy. Avldon. Roso ^tjrsky. '~CBI "CCrlrbd'e" Hyl*hTlelfri~F!orence Goodnran-. Rertha Holland. Mary Oliva. Sadie Rablno- witz, Rose Kotnig, Joseph Haas, Rhlllp Mai- U-n. ...- .... , . -' • \HZ -Amelia i'crskin. Grace Robinson, Sarah ShlndLr. Anna Stevens, iMIllojiJl^yer^jjtah. ^B3-FrciWick Brooks. Aarort Sca'rl, Myrtle Starr, Clara Allen. Sarah Blechcr. Slii Alfred lletkln, I-cbri TelseJ'. Edna Kiln-, tenberg, Clara Krlnskl. Rtilh .Moskowltlt. 6AJ -Robert VcdSuer. Henry Mlrrtll. HArold r*vy, Minnie Moses, Delia Blau. Amelia ROiir- gean. . 6.\:- William Braddon, Bruce Cunllng, Irving Goldman. Howard Shapiro. Dorothy Herring- ton. Buth Kcinpncr, Josephine Robin.- i lAt -Marie K-.-lly. Mil- i'aulln.- Bothcnbcrg. Sjivla Miizo. Leah Sh.-uilcr, David Rlatoff, Stisahna Wlscher. r,H2-Vicior Selovcr, Alfred taylor, Solomon Jaffe, Ccrtri'iile Johnson. Rachel Goldenboig, t'eclllo Wr.rd, Ruth Silverman'.,- M:?.- M.irrls Avldon. Mlllbh Goldberg,"Gc'orKc Han.ls. Alex. N'urlck. Irving WCchslcr. Re- glna n< nlin, Helen Felrirtiarl, Ruth Gersbnl. l.ucUla Jack. Ruth Karttbr. Esther Phlllpo- witch, Virginia Rvnhard, Fticdil schniACrer. •B( fMward Fry. Abraharit Uthc. tit:. -Hartford Koenlgsberg, Dbbmd Lee, Hy- man Reiner.. Josephine AleXAride'r. Ruin FJllman. Fannie Goell. Glftjlys Peterson, Ge- neva Potter. Sarah SchAchter. Mt*.--Lillian - Hnllsieln, "'Miriam Thurllng, J'.eairice Ziickermnn. Francl* Br«ndt. Arthtir Levy. James Mclaughlin. Kmest Mpllbcrg. George Verafeld.' EgeRlel WollWbff. "A! Helen Harper. Morton lUyman. •-A2-Klli-ab-th BcDncr, Ruth'Simon. Molllo Welner. Hrnry LlpschltX, Ctiafica \V r «gHer, Jo- seph Sldman • . . ," .. , . .. SAI Morris speller, Amelia Handel, Hannah Sherman. Lillian Besdlne. \, s .. . •A( Rudolph Fnch.*. Herbert Htitncr, Arthur Simon. i[ «R1 Jacob Dubln. Isidore LlpschltJ, Lva Poscn, Lewnorn TftxhrnAn, i.,.i 4J - <B2 fflwrerice lurcher. rAuJibe AM-AhSfh*. F.vci>n Llnlars. Dorbihy Folia, HeAtrlc* Rninner. Ray Kaufmnh, Charlotte Rlurnenthal. IRS Manruc Fine. Gcotir« Geler. . Robert fiirtell, Pauline Goldberg, Mlrlnrvi I.Aub. Fcltrl U\y. Kva Schwlngfr. ; .:.' , „ , tin Saul llulen. Jo«eph Sldman, Sadie Gel- ber. -. I P.* Sidney Ch»r!ar. Sidney Tefr, Batclle Shark». Adele Mack. He rn Kern. . F.llecn r.Yhtvy,-Alfrrt'^^H)i.'>lt»/'ftwri'U4Hl^gHf ; ^ Ut* Murcnef- Darkln, Sejilibur Gordon. Martha ArkewAy. Kdith Schttftrl*. DorbthY WelM. «.\1- ,t.i.r>»> Freedman. WlllUni Ho)*e. Ahf»; bam Baiidel. William Matthe**. Harold Slfhe), J^iwrence Tuch. Alljn WelhKlock, Jen- nie Halrona-.n, Kvclyn -Miller. Gertrude IAS- Mi'ldred Fendel, Rulh May, t»rpthy Mopney. Al!c» Fchulman. 1\? .lecr.retto Fcidmari, Rowt Fice.ienberg, b.eth Do Garay. lda : Hallpajrn. Syea |~b"erg-, V'erh'a KTamJ," Antohia .^ede'fseii,! P'cders'en, Josephine Pctrullo, Gertrude Sterner, Grace Van Bel. 4B3—Paul "-Tradellus, Agues Anderson, Mildred Carr,; Ruth Leo, Adellna Parise.. •iAl—Albert AaJtonen, Raul Hartlg, Rob- ert Herllhy, George .TpUefsen. Dlava Carl- son. Dorothy Faslg. Mildred Rauh, Josephine Rosettl, Cecelia Salokivi, Aill Si.mpah.en, Sarah Thompson." '^- J - - - . - 4A2—Arthur Kristlansen. Clifford MolIoy5»Ev Marlon Kcjtny.. Ingeman Nelsdn. Ceclle | ,j Skelly, Margot Snarbe'rg, "AUce'Thompsoh. . 4A3-JAubrey Daly, Charles Freeman, Al- bert Raphael, William Rexer. Helen Con- rad. Evelyn Golrtrop, Martha Knudseri. Anna Lars.en. Ethel Olsen. 3B1—Lester Doerr. Randolph Johnson, Mabel Olsen, Edith tangen. 3B2—William Glbelman, Sabby Rabat, Al- bert Wleland. Grace Behrman. Helen Dolan, Frances- Garrbway,.. '•_•,• 3B3—Veronica De fiaray, V'thcl Green, Isabel Flelk. Viola Lehtl, Laura Nclsph. Josehhlne Pizza, Helen Relnhardt, Jcariette Stoopack. Arthur Nelson. 3A1—Helml ; Johanscn, Annie Kllkelerlaln. Elslo .Kujapsu. Florence Tellefsen. Alfred De Vita. Joseph Burgraf, Arnold Nllssen. 3AS—Alfred .Bayouth, Maud Hermarisen, Ellon Sergio. Velkko Vare. Ruth \Valken 3A3—Norman Cohen. Lorltz Peterson. Ella GInman. Florence Garroway. Sadie KulkkP. 2B1—Klnus Nordllng. Florence Falloh. Violet Griran. Vivien Brobcrg. 2BS—\yilho W'unikka, Ethet Erlcsoh, Eve- lyn Pedersen. '-.-;..-' 2B3.—Alfred Rcxer. Catherine Corln. Bar- bara Freitag, Swanhlld Larsen. Malia Lehtl, (Jrace Nolan. Brlt.i vrkslla. . 2A1— James Burgraff, Howard Olsen. Win- ifred Gussonl. Alice Hall. Margaret John- ston. Helen Langei. ;. 2A2--WIUIani Stclsrl. Ruth Kniidsen, Marr garot Olseni.__^i.^^._. .-.i^-i. . --.- '.*-.i > : n )B1—KtiUletll .-,.„...„.r^-^g^g^j^-j^j^i.-?~-r: ------ . . Miss Itciiidr k Qiilrih, Priii'clpal,. SB-rAbrabaih Corn, Goldie Gbldbbrg, 'Rose Schla'gcr. .. , ,.'.-,'.- :.'•-.-•,.;.v..". -.'.. , SA—Jtilla Coh?n...Gussie .Altmani. Leonhard Jaeger, John Kaiiin, David X'erkowjtz, -Slmbh Bruno, Isidor-liber, Dlnal Bafzo. Ettle Car- roll. Dora Jsniack, Ellas' Kbdilch* Isidore Kwltter, Joseph London, Sadie Bolowltz, Minnie Grossman, George Saslow. George Schreck,."Pauline. Skudin, JacobJ Padcrs, Abe -1^'el^tart^Dl'anbhH Hog- , . ... , nOTaH^i|-iTnternr^Ro3tr*Richte! ' - ZOckcrbrot. "" 'i 7B—Mplvln Block, Son!a ; Abramovltsch, l'aul- lno Adelhan, Eva Alperatcln, , M^ix Karteri, Joseph Fe|nst.cln, Alfred l^thdos. Bertha, Davis, R'e'glna HaOsman. Riith Klamer, Ida Goldberg, Xctta Iilfcr.Edna Levine, Theddpre Hlrprnel- stein, Dora. M a lefsky, IJlllan' Plnez; Hannah Pogaloff. Yetta.'Steltu..I^iils .Wallach. Gertie Parmit. Hannah Sateristelh, Pauline Schlndler. •a Schwartz., A—Jonas. 6B2—Alexander .Lebpw, - B.ehjamln .Wallach,. Helen •Kup'pbrberg. Jcpnle SchKurn|ch; - '-j >." 5A,—Emanuel :,Perlrhutter,;... Morris . Sbap|iro. Jake Tah'nehbabm,,Row, Cohen'. Anna Kash- &lb, Emma. Iirrb'an. Llllle.Zlbbln.. ..--.'. SAl-^BeriJamin Roth, Sadie Packles, -Bella Karnowsky. ';. ''. V v:^-' -6A2--Mli!h'ierDIcl(man, Hannah Klmmel. -, 5A3—Sylvia Golub, ' Lena Mpritlflo'rl, ' Mae . Schwartz, Benjamin Levine, Dav4 Spevak,' Max Werthejm. ....... ''.•-..-. , •IB—Jacob •Goldstein, Ixiuis Tartakoir«)<Y> Charles'Wclnhich, Saiah Aaron, Fannie Rels- nbr,-Anna Willner.'-.'-.- '-' .. .,--.-''.- -,,, -i-HJ-ifUarf? Elklri., -Jacob :-Gp!dberg.v Sun Mandel.- Isracl^Saaowsft)*; Alexander Winlek; Siirah K'aslowsky, Lillian Kbrokl'n. Fanhy-Ort. 4B2—Anna Meycrson.' Mary Mlkleberg,'; Sadie Kat«. :•'.; •- ... . . -'. ',"..- '.",.-;ii.fV'i,!•'.-.• ,4B3j-Wllllam Aaron, Harr>- Abramowltr.- Mbrr rls Ba'raptcheck, David - Israel," Max Sniltp; Morris Youlln, 1 Sophie' MarftPwltz, Eva. Tarla- : koff. Paulino Zussman, Gertrude Susklnd.'-'.r •'-'-" 4A-Elley Wallcck. Jonnlo Wolngrad.--.-." : V . IAl—Frank Bergman. Sophie Flnkelsteln, Re- becca Klas's, Annie Llpsbltz." . y.X- '•'"v- "•'-•'• 4A2—Leon Goldberg, William; Hlrsh. Marolu Lasinsky.;TNathan Margolin. Paulino Dynkine, RUth Fiegehbaumi Lena Hulter. Dora Jfried-... maiv ...'•" . . ." ; 3B—Mlnasha Baraschpwltz, Hyman Ahtokcl- ?ky, Alexander-Cohen,-Jacob Charhey,-• Nathan Ztickerman, Ethel Chazon, .Gertrude. Llpshutz, Hannah Sapolsky. Btssle Suckerroarj." "> s. ' 3B1— Abraham Stolzc'r, Beatrice Dahh, .Mamie Grunsteln, Sarah I^Cutin, Anna Rablnowlti.-.: ; ; 5B2—H'arry-Grcesi Jrvlng Krakowits,', Riibl'n Makrprisky, Philip Marenbergr Max. MazurrS*-- iah Berger, Clara Goldhaber, Elsie "Uacobs. Sadlo O.vetzlty, Ida Scbaefer, Ruth Volltzer, Esther ^I'mmet.. •. - "', -,.>." 3B3—Sophie Cohen. Lena Sack, Selda-Smiz-' er,.-Pauline Stone, - ';-•-..' 3B4—Solomon Fass, William Rochklnd,-_Rg^_ becca -Llpsky.""""'"""^"-"™-?:'"'*—'Ai -.. .-.-J-," „,3A—David WeUa. Jeanetto Lenkowsky,. Julia JUSkOWttzT""''""'""."'" ,:"*-"V"r' ^^..^..^iy,, 3A1—Solly Broder, Sam Markpwitz. Able Co- hen, Philip' Gr.bss. Esther Handcl'man,--Sarah Ort. Jessie sllvrrfeln, Eva Epstein. . ','.:.,. 3A2—Charles Gree'nblatt. IjldPre Levy, Sam- ubl.FIrik, Bessie Stjerwbod, Mcllle Svpll.ejr, ;;, , -• 3A3—Lena Epstein. Rose' Fasmari. Esther . Goodman. Helen Vital), Adolph Mari'dcl, Wil- liam Rltz.. Rubin Shapiro. . ''-• A';~H 3A1—Carl Bloom. Alex Chbdproff. Max Dr?or- kln. ' Frank Evensky, Bessie NadlC'r,-.'Yetta "l.t't'lnr. i m r.tr if:—rrnrrr Itbrry- Martinr Armos Nyblont; Hbletftitavy. Ad.ee Nordcnstedt.. Edna Smith. MArlon Thompson.- rlB2—Ralph Rorgerfoii. Albert Eversolck, Leo "Merlin. May Anderson. F'dlth Hansen, Edn_a Peck. Miriam Suonil. Matilda Welkum. son. Roland llobcrg, Edward Monson. Mil- dred Nclsen. lR4--Raymon! Johnson, Vlekko Nurmlnen. Robert Pnyne, Llllle i.ahtoncn, Helen Ma'r- tln, Esther Walhree.ht. iAt:— Robert Thompson, Mildred Mason, Nells Olsen. '- 1A2—Hazel l.aml.rul. Dorothy West. 1A3—Yewdall Conover. Arthur -Griffin F.lno Rrtgen, Margaret Land. Josle Montlone, Nicola Trapanl. KnK- 1--Edward Cusftck. John JonasSoh. Mflvln Lusthader. Ceorge Schultz, 'Roy Wagnes " Nurml. Kng. 2.-Arthur Olsen. Mortimer TAylor. Thornlf .Thoreaen, Dorothy KlmHehbcrJc, Virginia Llilbaek. Don^lla Murray. Julia Royland. Doris ityaii. Rose Sabdera. Sirnh Slmkln. Marglt Korensoh. Marie - Swcnsbn, Elennor Tonnes'on. Ellis. .Meyer Glassher, Frances Drlmmer,' Bella Gluzmari, Miry Grayer, Abe Feldman. I.0UI3 . Shapiro, Fisthcr Gluzma'n. Sophie.Gottrrled. Hanhah Peh'r. Miriam Fried- man. Ruth Itkowltz. Mary J-bvlne, Alta Lublp. MaryVlchaa. Harold Tcitlebaum, Sadie Irvine. Roslyn Schoenhplz. : - 6B—Louis Appelbaum. Gertrude Anezewskl. Celia Bai-zo. Mlrl'pm Kerdman, H.ahhah L'lAn, Edward Dubroff. Leo Lleberman. Beckle .Gold- enblank, . .Tes'sle arossmah.- Clara, . Kirten, Theresa Levin, Leo Eisehberg, Mflton Marcus, Eva Docterbff,-Ilahnah Goldman, Gussie Jack- npwltx, Antia Kof'owsky, Rachel Markbwjtz, Harry Hpffman, Moses Kaplan, epnibel Karl- Inzky, Sarah Jftcknowltz, Frieda Herzpg, Tessle Schneider. Philip Under. Joseph Splp- nion. I^eona'rd Turner, Ida Helferrn&n. DPra I^utenschlager. Celia Wleb'er. Mbrray Mlckcp- burg, Harold Slegel, Tillle Po'gal'off, Tetta i;nn. :."• -' .- .. ,-•.•;-... 6A—Mendel Cliasen, . Jacob Kldtis, Abraham Farber, Samuel Asdoba, Jesse Solomon, Dora Tempkln, John.Brunner, Iiuls Holland., Rose Krlvllbff. I^ouls KosonPwsky. Harry . Levin?. Bebroah Spieler. JOllys Llnsky. Le'p Shartsli), Helen SllVerstcln. -Adele Smdlewllz, SolpmOri Prigblizy, Either Kllngcr, Abba Vplkpwit%sky, Sarah Wang. ""..,- - , ,. BB—Israel Horowitz. Gertrude .Abrams. Alga •Aryeff, Clara loiter, Adolph . Cphc'ri; : Jacob Hertz, J6cl Rosenfeld. Sarah Slberger.. Sophie Feldman, Ulllah Kramer. Morris .KAlz, Sarah Rosenberg. Elizabeth Luubersky. Celia Schfrln, Sielllbgrljf: GgoTirs—Wlelind, lrvib'g AW-olVariS ' Sielnberg; GgorSe WTSSffia KuriA(idzil<."Lll)l'i"n'M»:ckbWskYl 5A—Loul* ,Goldberg. IsMpre Golob. Sylvia Charna. Mary D'anlshersk)•',• Mollle Ftl^d. Sv!v ? a Gordon, Myron Ellis; .Tbbmae) Foh-iH, Mahhy' Hoffman, Bertha Ganzfrted, Jessie Krieger. . Margaret. McK)e.th. Geprge. Christ, Sani Krcb's. Thetcs'a Gpldstcln, t^Olse. Kleljl- schrot. Hannah Rabl.nby.lti. Jsraet Korachuri. Arthutl Mlrsky. Rose Shlffren; Rose .Llhder. Elele Schwarti, Gertrude Wolllh. .Elizabeth Zolot'ravsky,' Louis" Mnimftn. ' Isaac "Rclss, David Shapiro, . ; : , iV„ 4»-A)itiR Aogcnthaler, SAdle, Eld us. Rose Dppenhelm. Michael Chasarorf, Max Grorsman. Hlllel t^vlne. Jacob Rubinstein; JJUIan Schwartz, JAcPb OtlittsBy. Rebecca Jolowsky, Pearl Pfn»er,.Kain;Pollrisky. , ' lA-HArry Gerver, , peorge Margolin. , Sadie B'eriowlt*, Ethel Rolowltz, Mary^Corn. Esther , ,. ,, .... -.,- , ,- ,.-.• ' l-Ahkaaro. Ida Parlsbn, Rebecca Wels». is. Lm II; M lssen. r .trice Foster. Helen), jR_tsldor« GratVmari. Nettle CKMCP, Isidore l? nr ? tn J - n it rh J"-.. ,. i ~ . -CohVri. Nclsbn FoHrt. «a|n KPlbmbn, ,Dori Rosenberg. Angelina. Mercurlo. Philip Wcln^r. 3A-Jbhn lieycts^ . Joseph Rlsdclt. Sylvia Alnn. MarV flHiricr, OlgA Mikema. Nathan KaOfman. Solomon Schwartz, Sam Somelnick, St.'--Hurry Kelgnebaum, Joljn llllko, Peter McKetth. Ghatlcnte Apter, Sarah Alperijeln. Ida Dlnlt*. David Grccri. William Sehmltt, Adele Goldberg, Yett'A Greenberir. Hynwn Rosenberg, Frfnk Ros*. Dora Wldes. Petite Woif. :'. ' ;. •. . 2-A-OlgA Bulavko. Norma cahh. Jcnrile riobdmah. Ruth Gilbert, Virginia MbaslmUnb, A)lti> Rust. 1H—Jiving RermftH. Hyman Coheh, JArnr* Cohen. Florence, Apfrl, ^Vnnle Blumberg. Sylvtt Herger, Anh» Hrbmhtcrholz, SIdn»y i Under. Nalhah McValngcr. Morrla Rosa, EJt 'Stern. Sylvia Rbsehberg, EnihU Stein. Jessie ROAi!.- -*_2R—Eva—GrbbofLo.GbrXrtide—Jf<i»halbrL~ 2hl—Milton Wallmah. AlprrU Welntraub. BehJiinin Block, Lena .gutter,, Mildred' Kan- trowltz, Ida i.evlno, Sarah Sussnveln. ... V 2B2—jack Klelnfeld. Abraham te.ylne, Sam M'Arkowitj:,. Isldorp Neldlch, Grade, Grosser.. Beatrice Solodensky, Gertrude Schwartz";'-", ^B3—Benjamin Tuchlbsky, Max SchPushan, Leon Gbldmaji. Bernard Sllbtrg. : : ——"ty"f. 2B4—Abraham Rlickson; Leo I.con,-;Morri*' Tabbcklribff. Sam.Freundllch. Issl peatlmuttcr, 2B5—Harold Feldnian, Israel Zommlck.'ilda Coh?n, Sophie Rablnowitz; Mary": Rosenberg, Esther-Rublri. Kate Sandbwskyi Gerthide Steinberg, Frieda. Sbkln. Ida'.WJllgcK.'io "2B6—Irvin'g Engel. David Gbttesfeld, Solomon Kaplan. Alex Schrclbrnan, Lbul» Tetanies:', Ja- ' cob Wcls'er, Arihie Elsensteln, Ruth Koenlga- . berg. Alice Pearl. , i. 2A—Edna f>evy, Anna' Shbmsky, Ruth Singer. Rose Tarter, Aaron Ellcnberg.: Iutzaru.9 Sfligel. ..2AI—Henry Feldshuh, Samuel Gles, Sylvia Davl-s. '••:'. .--••"-; „'.'•':- " * . 1 • • - - . ;.-.---"^ . . ; 2A2—Henry Gordon. - Beijnie Graf. Benjamin Ginsberg. Philip Glaberman. Julius Hoffman. Isidore .Kanovyttz, Julius. K|e)n. Philip Kush- n'er,; Oscar . Kesln'er. Nathan. Kutln'„ Morris Lansky. Adam. Malik, Sblprpon Orhstelu," Da- yld Schwan'r., ^Ie.bry. Shapiro. Harry Schoetz- er. Max Schwarttr. Ida Bloom, Lillian Fucbs, Gertrudo Horz, Rose -Llebcrwltr, Rose L«rtne, Beckle Mandel, Eva Peorlswhlte, Leah Piirltz. Jannet,Rowk'o\vaky. Rose Siwklh. . .'..., 2A3r-lrvlng Klclnman, . Sidney Kurbpptkln. William I^vln, Isidore, Nlklmbtfi SolomPn Rpt- kowltz.. Harold Reltman,- Lester Srh'ollar. Ulr dore Wrona, Evelyn Charleston, Esther Deut'scb'cr. Annie Hershowlti... - - , '^ *• . JAI^-Arnold Bremer. Hyrrtan GoldstcltvEl- slc-FInklestein. : , . ... V . . j y IB—Mlltoh Black. Louis Frcedman. Gcprge Flitt, Sollle Cohcii. NathAh. Wllner.-'. Dav-ld Zu'ck. Esther Ololmbwltz, Mary Hlrichfeld. Minnie,Schwartz. •' . . . .-.'-; - IBi-JOIlus Blum. Abe .pold. Able. Mizlerv"- N t i t l e ;f.i5hV n - Siliie EhnrclJ. •Rohert Wngnefi was omitted from the Honor Roll of February. tilt: i.v.FiKrttft scHrtDt.. (P, S. fVb.llO.).-•-.-' ChnrlPM Pcrriut'. i^Vlnolpfil. . . .SB -< - Atherlne l,>nch. Sva .tvlwards. Eltlo •Norworthy. Arthur GoldefibRueV. SA tleorge Fanning, Florence Myers. MAbcl Hi -Herman Knoche, i-rcd Fot». Gertrude jStcln.' WIlYlant'Keirme, Gebi*e Kbsioy, Jomta LrAdshaw, l'orotby chattaway, MargAret l^rberg Tracy. . • - 7,V C.arl Itmgc. Mildred XitA\\ Jgss'.e Brcg- ste'n. Reriha Stttparteh, Alice Poison, «H -Ethel Aran, Vera Penney. Marguetlte Purcell, Myrile. vlerney, i'IiBr)e» OhlCK«rnah, Edward Sl.aimhan. Raymond Kmidsori, Johrt JotRfnson. Virginia Re'rthet (. Virginia Cdm- mtna. lnrh- Salor.cn, Marion l.ybott. Genevieve Hall. May Marks. Jo»ephlne VArlil, Alice , Swenson, Krtthrsn Wal«hM *A-Waltcr <io1dcnba\A. Lillian Irwin. ReatVlce 0»(. RhMi WoTflf. GrAi-i" Warwick, Robert lidrn«, Jo»eph C*»«ldv, Harold Skjoldahl. Kathcrii-.e Blancke, „.$J3--.%Mnr)oi Loobrlfl Hetnert, Mary Clark, MAry me»l'er ki Pauline Bl**jyt r *yt, Anna | Miriam 'rVet*«'. £*\h$i[WAi&r(nin. Xf^f* Sommers. Mc>cr AbVlih»rn*. Richard Hatfield. Harold Wngehhclm. Oncar Mlltef, FrArtklln liowtelt. Daniel Andc.. Mil-Martha Cohen, Camilla lyArhhf* Pl«r- erice GumSerg. Stella JtelhelmtL Hazel Jifk, Minnie Nemerori. Mildred SchAtt, Edith Snipper. Ruth Wallace, Rrtib Kimrherman, Ar- thur Cans, Leo Horn. Char!** Kmidsoh, Sid- ney Remsbaw. Dav<> S^h-vAti*, m: Jacob Danblnkr.ff. AHhdr Vidavcr. Alhb Jokela. \nna Ramber, Esther Rekh, iMlUI* Shanker. Sylvia Wachs. , MtV Kd*a,rd Vaughn, flteita Ba*i»o/r. MiriAm HalpcMri. Magdallne Padurk, M»V Wopn*r. -Ul Florence Undr-ri. M»ry Mint*. Harrfcl Sch>laon. Jablc* -ftaj-rrart. I'cAhore; t*»«>cort. Eih'el Kramer. Eleanfif I,e^«er, Tlmh RAyArsky, Adelaide FfanVa, Leonard Wbirmrri, Henry C-er^oni, AbrAHam cohen. JAJ-seyitibilr AwVthwti, , Jester Klein. Charleii Ro*of»ky, Daniel Trattdcnbr-rg, Rii»h Felnbef*. Sylvia Price. Abna Ffl!e. SAJ -Mildred Arkaway. Rcatilce i\ hleahor RcaYer, D'oWthii- Wn 3A4--I,etlcr Kaplan, llnu.. : : . l •-''. '•'!, Hef- 1 t - \ l o e t-hrlleh, Itbalind JJaain, Ruth Cohen. T>ll:h Kahter, Jo»eph Rlgtlo. ^lary RulAVkl. Esther Horowitz. Bella Schiossman. DtJivrofjt" ftciiooL, (I*. S. No. 114.) MU* M* h. MwVi-ikon. {^rindijU... SR Cclla Alter, Dora Avhcr. Roa^ Fiflwlrk. l^-na tJotteafeld. Yctla Juneau. Bather Kosisn, Ros» Uplnaky. Jehnle Sackowltt. Ann* Slmoh, ^rMn-e'^'Ml'.LlPff, H^in-Veijjh. Morri. ., ... ... i t-dttzkv. li«r*I» BAAkln. Ruth Cohen. Lucy Ion. llamrc. Irn-z WengdAhL, .IAUIAI ,:SV;„l.'»vi vJenn Ebstetn,-Sadlo Kaltln. Ro*V- tluMave O. KvArns.rprh. FcTdgyfc-1 j fifSjlMU^wRWlRtS Reekie Gothclf. Mlrt- ^A -Minnie Frb-ke. F.. Joaephlrtie H'ayward. ! wr,J: Hftfriette l/icke. l^iiua. C-ApAIO'o. Florence l/ckaen, John Skel, E*thet tians, Agnc* Morse, John Nrt.»on. IB -Victoria tilogger. (lertrude M-i'rria, Ron* MA'cellA, Jeanette Pearson, Cj-hkbla. Ryati. Gr^tce Schomo, Anthony TnozzO, Ann* Pol- stelfi, Harry Melallch. 4A —Francis Cohnors. lt«al*on Gulbrinoon, GcrAMln* WAlsh. Harry Kronholm. Violet ArtderKcri. Mdrg-aret IS»i;er. ijt-vMexand*r Akjohdahl, .lAmb* Tt>ohy. Ewinuel Van Nnne«. Mildred (Irtdahmidt. IWrothy llallorAn, F.I'Anor l>vldenraArd. Arihiir lMKArd*. Vaieminc Free*. Marlon Carmody, Jean Cl.\rk. l.ronora RomAnb, Helen Mitchell. JA-BcllA Sjrheim. Anna Pucchl, Klhel Br**. Jehhlb CapAldd. Fllr-abeth I.ifferty, Helgft Swenion, Henry Pelers. GnMAve flyveTAPn, John Zaftt. MAry RlAk», Kathryn Ruller. ignore Dfrthwlt*. Genevieve Mclntyre, Ruth I poHt'eln. AnrvA UuACh. MargAr«l wil*on. tllK OOVVANl-'fi RCirOOti, . (V. 8. So. 172.) Miss Mflty I*. IClnirirf, rflndpal, A)l-~Hiri«to UVA, Herheri RedierK An- tonio TAiAntolA, Marie lVAnUllo. Nlha, Eiief. Ethel Kj*el*>«A, Re,Ve MhR«lfc|lV. i W RAl»>'. ilfH"' Apsar. RAphA'elA Rftltl". Jnnie^ AJlAAAhdi la, MlCnMt SAnlella. l'n"l Hclaf. iiarnet «AI—Marv KAt«. Mamie Irvine, Ruth Dolon- sky Minhin Rbbb, Jennie Pabauniko.f. Anna Solomon. A-ielina Vltfle W«*K«1«n>T 1R-Mo«ca Coptp,. MMrl* V>»g»hcl. \ieltier Ro»ri Aronowlt*. Ill-j'.coh Mbrgenwerh. Eve Punt,*. n«*e Newmark, Jsnn?»>>ll*f. SyUlA Dlckenfader. :riiH>ll(t KrtrneL t)orA^R»p'». , ' •; SA-MbrrV* Flnkleateln. Ro«« ViachbAck. 5Ai-~MorrU Re»r^ JOtepli SlmpnofskJ- jAcob Silverman. George Ro#««**-clg, Reiesie Katerln- *VAS- llehO• . NVAJlfr, M a t c u * Slfrel, HyrnAli Ma^ctiA. MAX Irflder,. F.1»H> SnAptro. Ros* m m Florence" Shapiro, EMbrr SaftdbwAlt}-, ArVnlr" Stolzer. Jennie Krapkofr, Mullni? N»V rtl »n rt -*P>.-kiv ll'rger. MIPA Flel.»cher, Ousirt* FAIVNICV. Mollle IWd. FAhnie KleWnort. l*h*. Schectef. 0«*«1« filMffliU'r, »!H-teorA lllmAh, )te»«le KalsmAn. FAfinle llAmmer, t>orA Ooidaicln, Ro*» Melm»n. Sarah KAofmab. M^h-Aloff Yetia, , eiJr-~tUpbAf)' i>(h«f*ky. Hcrm>n Drmrcker- ln*'r». Sarrt IVecht. I/CAt« UpKChlU, Morris Po«- Velnlck. rteninmih Wit*. «A"Rtr.)*ml(i,Coh*ri, .BArret.XMUlAr. J»eoh E R AAl-AlH ^ kwVTJlMrx*tthtftb*ttb}. , Ml- Harriet RblPntnAl. Freda. Ponea. 5Bt->Re»t!ft Plut-ksln, ll»vry RlACkali lS2-sftetkle.Feldman. Ruth Goldstein,THeien M'nkolT Frieda, Rbseniwclg, Dorothy ScldmAn. Gertrudo Shakofsky. . ..-•", 1R3-Sblonibn Amdur, David Puchkoff. George Sharmln. Harry Sp'ector, Chester Wlach. Syl- via Fine, FAnny shutjnsk)-. Esthef Sitter; - 1B4--Abraham Becker. Abraham Orefpfleld. .Charles Kress. Hyman I^Vy. Ma* Serbeb.-Ji - cob Tucker. Solorhon Tuhlck, MArlori Llfiicnllii. Ad.t rtclsner. . ; '••'. ; " lB>-Joseph Moskowitz, Lillian Wo!»s. Dinah Wropa. llw-NAthan Fleischer. Max^ Aarpnson. -isl- dor» Slutzkln, Blanche Rclls. Mlbtll? Gbrdoh. , 1RT—Alfred Belaky. J/jrry , Seldrriah, SiellA Gln.iberg, Ruth Kprnhaljer. Irene tjirdorr;., lA-HymAn J.gndo. Abe Mass. Jiebb Netharrt- klrt, Nprthaii Shaplrp. DeAtVlce Gbldstelrt, Mol- lio Meytlnl FrabceA Su'rkii. . . r'•' IAl—Jos'cbh Brown. Saih Sllvcrnv«r»,': Tttta Fel'nerm*«. . ^rrsr-r^r 1A2—SAm PAs(orln»ky. Leo Sckolnik, .Sidney 8ochallt*ky. Ida Bey'tep. Sylvia Schneider. lAJ—Al»x Klntler. MAhueJ Pepper. Ahe Pln- cUt. Rose Oarflnkfl, Sadie Hnmrher, Neitle Gross. It'elch Myers, Dbrit Rudd, ; .> -. IAl -ChaHca Chesrlcr,^ NAtban FUhm«n. Wll- )l»hi Fisher; ChAHT« kchl'«r„ Herbert; Malkln, CheAter. Slpklh. MAX TAbAchhlck. Abe Zlfnlh- ger. ReAtrice Bendtr, Ruth Juskowltz, Riith SfArciiit. r lAS-Mlltpp Gross. Hymin .MlahUr.. Sophie Alper, UpA Drucktrman, Hilda H*rrl«,.f«ttA Scho'etifeld. BeAlHce Turner. Sarah- VlnlitAd, , Anemic ClasA--Benny KAley, 8»rn .Katt^Roii-- ShAplUky, TTIIU Stnlnger, Jcnhip Merilty. OVlSOTOJf SCHObli. (P. S. No. 17ft.) .icssp o. Ufcii. pfihuiMi. Ml-RAJph Bri'ndlal. i^onard ctacclo, ii»x Cohen. Edward Cbnriell. Jamet Hlgglnv NAI- ic-it lAIUlhlii, Fllomebo lAriibbip'. J 1 nthpnv Motto!*, WllllAm ShHUy, .WIlllAm HoIma«l»i, Irt-ndon Norgren, Riia Alekftnd»r, llAiillA.qirn- AfdtllA. Angelina Chestnut;, JullA .ChltlPA. Mildred Custer, HcnrUtta Ijtr*en. dig* Tlp- Kldo, Anna <Julrk. JA-'Fr^nklih- tiayiis, Dorothy Cu»t«r, Alle« CAvapAugh, l^vdlA MAtehAnt, fctfle. Ekenb*rg. ; "tt-John Bahr. Joseph Ron»hno, Salt atore 1>I Marco. Victor OoArMer!. Henry KArt 1 . Vln- r«nt flcall, Albert SclMonA, Iy»h Tung, .PJiUtb t'nderwood. Amy Kalier, IRIIAA Price. Mildred Rentvick. KdtiA, .Doyl«,^MMJr»«t ^n4erio)),. Ro<« DeN>rdo. Alice . Nelson. Edn» Rift*). Adele Content. Father Llndh. Ann MorAP, JA—HenYJ- fir!C»»n. Albert Frltclft, John Goridud. Antoftlo Schctlrto. C»tl RwAlllni. Adolph Zegrl. Minnie WelnttAln. Lilly Mullet. Bell* NewtftAri. Evelyn Orris. 7AM~MArgi<r«t Good. «flt-BArton t>olIArd, Victor MAasebonf, Ken- h»th Mrtunt. FAmuel.PAXtori, w»ll»r pAulsen, Flank PJACAMCA. Edward ToradiiUI, AbraTiltm \\>jnM*lti. AR2-B(vira fiottt. AnnA L'oiger. Evelyn Fernstrbm. Mollie Golden. Mfcr*»r»t tlAmmDrtd. Lib* Mkgllb, Jetinl* MAscArl, Marie MormAndo. Srtnle RIAAft. MAtildA Rpiehberlr. Marl* T'prg»t- *Or\. «ABM—Je**I* AAron^h, Luoy Fo|ll!o, GcrAfdine MOTAO. MArgtrtt MciApn. AnhA lUMIc.l, l"^Ancr» GAIIIC. < N h*He« hlhildl. , »X--FcdeiA M^letb. una RtabtnA. MAfjrsrpt Moure. ArltotdeUe Vlgll'Anle. Fl<vr»hc« R6t»h. SUM- Arthur Pyle. Helen ' Rl*w r\, - JAihea Rota, Jo«eph McKinney. MArgaret OH*!-. APh'A fMIIA. Kdthrr Pe-ATsoP. Jbaefehtni gAmlt'rl. Unei. ' .•.A Ruth Ekenherg. Ter-eAA c i n m ^ . Florence MorepA. KvVyh NMsOh. tVelyn SAlarlflbd. »RM-R»hP'elh jM-es; f|-»r'A> >Mef. ARC* ItrnrtO. JWtoihy StotArrck, Errts»t Rcrr*. Ald.n KtCltl. 'M-C*. 80nrVr>o«J»i ''r'^M l?Aytt».' \\ I llATri ?.e(trl Mildred CbAbl'n " •- •f-lte I ten-., AleXA'bdcr WAtkin* ••J-;-!- nm f.ltir.r-r. i.'if. , • ! , > | i I f.t 1 i I I i I i.f I t f I I i I ( 1 ! I i 1 I I J 1 ' lSBip(m«^wi|^.«««ii!l»t>»»(«<«5j. ^^Bttooli^ p *r _ttx:i & «RE!USTi» Bertram Cohen.' Llchtig, Florence Says RabbF Lyons in AdriresF to Training School. ..."The American public pcHool sys- tem is the Temple of Democracy, and its teachers are priests and priestesses -serving at the altar of humanity." said Rabbi Alexander Lyons, Ph.D., : pt.the. Eighth Avenue Temple; in an .-address to the students and teachers of the Brooklyn Training School for VTJeachers. His address was received —nrtth great enthusiasm and applause. '^•rV'^Prusslanism, that invention of the '/'^.eVil, 'with Emperor William as its :;1 chief prophet, is going to be swept from the earth," he said, "\Ve Americans *re ih the conflict, not because we de- ; . sire to be, but because we have been :.."drawn in by the natural- order- - of : : events. .Since we are in it w« are go- :ing to make ourselves felt and play a constructive part. To ; realize this purpose we must back: our- Gbvern- rnent,with utmost intensity by con^ centration of our various agencies -and abilities. '-'.-;; ', : .--... > ';•,. "Ono of the greatest.agericies in-the ?"-: procesa' of transforming; the world - must be our public: school. : It-rriust; ••' be.a temple of dempcracy.,: There is •.'...iin. America, today, .no profession^ no .vocation of greater dignity or pppor- tuhity than teaehlng. Our teachers must inspire that patrlotlsrn, ,, that spiritual strength that will lead pur ;- country, to a ; successful achievement, ^.-.There must'be no parasite patriots,.ho ..mongrel patriots, no cahiouflttge p£-< -•^trlots.-in-Amorlcan life, and especially I (K*4rrt>ur schools, at thiB time. Oii'r ert- r^Ti'tir^ citizenship,, especially our.- teaph- ~ers, must consistently and persistently .stand ..with position arid person in readiness to. realize the hope and the purpose of America in this greit cori- : flict." V';-. ; . : - '• V-V •;'.•--, JPubiic Sbhool No. 17f>—Continued. 3BM—Irepe Taylor, Ida .Peterson, -Jud(th Johnson, Jenny Bugflone, Marguerite D'Ambro, Nuhzio Valerlo, Herbert'SJolurd, Leria : Arte«l, Anna Calbne, May Flndlay. Portia Fuslllo, Celia, Fischer, Edith Spderlund. - . • : 3AM—Edith' Chrlstenseh, Camilla Tsranib, Andrew DPllard, . Dorpthy Gallic, Helen Tranohlna. . MadlsPn Graves. Joseph ;Cordl, '•Philip.' Cimlne, Frdnces Bonnano, Miriam f KIckela, Gwendolen Reld, Eleanor 'i'orre- ••gTPssa.- <.'•:•'.-• 2BM—Joseph .'Alfano. - Charles l^ockWood, FrahceA Car.ew, Margaret Erey, Mildred Matt- eon, Ethol Berliner, Marguerite Grosso, Cath- " erine ' Hclllesen, . Adele Cerlello, Margaret, Goodwin,; Joh.n Burton,- SaWatore Gerald!, - JessieS Beer*,..Lillian Brlen, >Astrld Johnson; Katherlne Melley,—Joiephlne-Schettlnn, . ;.:^, .-2AM—Francis : Canty, Rudolph NeubaUer, i.' Wlljlam Yannelil, Katie Palma, Stanley Miller, Mearl Tuttle". Eleanor Frank, Mario Furaio, -Hilda Hellstrom, lngrld Jensen, Clara Hurlbet, Eva Hurlbet, Oorbthy Mottola, Letter Arron- 1AM—HymAn, C6ni)«R Israel Schrledtr, Max Abrarrtsky. - . >,. .-'«'• J* •-.:-.•• • • > •_ ,,, MargpllA. LtllUii KhUh. TlorAnce Atkih. KBNSINGT<»ir SCHOOli. (p, s. NO. u^.Ji.,"., Heriry Xiudw-te, Principal. > SB—-Sarah Goldberg. Irvlag MOACOW, Helen Heydernjan, UldOr.Pldelman,- Everlyn -QhJ,—BottOcA Nace. MarKtrtt . Savaatano. NorniAn Bper, -Ad«l« Krlckman, Sidney Hammer, Sam BaplnowUoh, - LaurAi Bsrach, Ellas Adams, Alice Hall. Oscar Forster, Mary Qutnn. * '.- t*-- 8A—Helen Berault, Victoria Ar«nd», Caro- line Bohroder. Rabecca, Hunter.^ Thomas Young, Yetta Hlreeh, - Viola DoPalma. Alj bert Huemme, ' Stanley -Mllleri , Madelyn Biyth. Louise Dunham, Ruth H&rloe, Selma Schwarta, MyrPn RCetenberg, <v, •'••*' 7B—SoDhla Doliln, , Alice Craig. . Mar- guerite SplUer,. Irene, Gllbrlde* Patrleia Iltumw, Columbia. PApe,- (France* Sargoy, Rebecca, Gutterman, Annie, Hughe*.' Liv«- rence Ulllon, Rose Friedman, Mabel Gar- ner, Arthur Helneman,-. I»r»,el->pch-wart8. Daniel Orshansky, Ague* Apd«r»op, porothy Runiiutt, Katherlhe Herring) Florence Oa- born*. '«'• ..:- ,..:,.-;.-:; J --'' . 7A—Jessie Horn, Frank Sklovesgy, Doro- thy - Loewenwarter, Blanohe Miller, -Alice Johansen, Gertrude Ht-udrlckson. Emma Ollphant. -.Haiti*-• Levee, Ptarl , Bernstein. August »Zolotorpt«, Robert Weils, Ruth Smith' Alice Olsen, Richard LArch, Isidor Helchsn. Robert Beer, ? Lucille Rsllly. - SB—L»e Cottrell^v M e y e r ; QrAPOWltsky. John Meyer, Fred K.tnds. -Catherine Doyle, Johanna'- HAlmovritz. Bessie Ketcham, Clara Molendyk, Rose Rlvlln, Bessie Schneider. Sidney Moskowlts. Clarence Marsh, Frank- lin "Sa-wtcllo,. Vasquala Consorto. v P*ul Heeserrian, RAphaeliPiie/ Robert RA-ymon. Abraham Furmao, Jacob Gatlln»\ty. NormAn Gardner, Gladys Snow, .Ann*. Hlckey, Blabeh M»rlae«h. . Rose BchwArts.- Helen McDermott. Marie .Will, Bthel Balsam. Alma Welda, Dorothy Hanspn. AU*. Mapk, Fanny Mlnier, Henry Hv-tmrtu, John Torolll, John Cronln. iv<i'.- »'• .>'- - ' •'; .> «A—Sadie Brenner, -live ^fJhertoK. Edith LeyltarijL Ruth,, ga^rphy. 'Aon*,,*chwkrt», QUIEMS B^ JAMAICA. MODEL. SOHOOIJ. Dr. A. O. McJLachlan, Principal? . 8B—Elisabeth Auryansin. Blanche Corln, Rosalind Humphrey, Beatrice Clary. —»A—Caston » Dalgle,. ^Dorothy- -Fletcher, Verne Cunningham. -'-"" '-• . •- IB—Paul Barthel, Guatave Helnlcke, John Jeffords, Elsie French, Dpfo4hy Mar- tin, Mabel Reld. Kathryn Stelbmann. tA—Marian Baylls. Virginia Miller,, Lor- etta Drury, Raymond Golder, Robert Rock- hiU. . . . «B—John FlUpatrlck. John Fogerty,^Jo- seph . Matthews, Ruth Chatwln, Tnelma Lewis. Helen Relmer, Nanette Schwarts.' '- «A—Aubrey de Languilett*.- Winifred Obrlen. Jennie Payne, Josephine Sonn, Estelle Watts, John Scajes. 68-^-Fannle Bloch, Helen Corwlo. Kathr erlne Goett, Esther Hammer, Ruth Hicks, Sarah McNalr, Florence Purchase, Estelle Silverman. .. ' :>'.- -iBA—Asta Olson. Arthur de Laogullette. Mlltpn. Mandelbaum, Frumgard Karsten's, Helen Merkt, Isabella .'Saloman. Kathleen Stark. Florence Walton. " '•'-.••: *B—Elmer DeBevolse, Delwin Gordon. Robert.Klein; Mary Bastew. Blanche Freed. Frances Sladklhs, Katherlne Sponger, Vir- ginia Van Slclen. ..- - •tA—Robert Maler, . MUton' Vah gicltri, Frank-White, Marie Koch, Edith I^eongren,' Harriet iMaharAn, Katherlne Murray. •• i . 3B—tBertha -Cogswell. Gwendolyn Fosdick, Mary Lewis, Helen Rosenthal, Kenneth Bay r lis. CarletonKndemann.John-Kalaer, Horace Lang, Charles Shafer. John Young. •> SA Esther Iiean, Marjorie Hansen. Rhoda. Llnvllle, Anna Olson, Arllne Vorls, Grace WlcK. '••. 3B—Rohert Ashmead, Maurice Hurley. Herbert John, James Reynolds. Hortense Borrhan, Dorothy Carson, Serena.Falrbalrn, Louisa Fosdick. Margaret Gill. Bertha Klein, Helen Relsman. - *-. - .-••' JA—George Helnlcke. .GeorgeLewis. Ir- r. . 'A .\V"» •si's"', ,-,v" ""ijii Witiftl •Ing I^evlne, Howard Molt. Barton Smith, Pearl SroUh, L«Knce^Ale»*nder.,-WiUls I Jac '5 c -Wright, Pearl Relsman. Mary Sava- Hofstad, Isidor Llnde, ^Blanch*.,W»Wlp*n, ' .... «•_. Harold S»r«uels, OWrt*; Dolgin.. itf*«W« PUPIL OF P. S. NO. 41 A^ "UNCLE SAM' son, Rose Mardpodl, Charles Sciametta, Conrad Tornpulst, IBM—Morris Estor, Armando Cecire, Harry Custer, Harold Helliesen, Frank, Mlrabello, Ruth Jansan; John McKlnriey,' Alwander Paul- sen, .John Slmone. Grace Elslnger. Mildred - Johnson, Teresa Tripoli. Charles, DeFAlco, Charles Frey, Gilbert Snyder, Magnus Torn- CUist, Lillian . Dollard, . Lpulsa Fislchelll, Carminella Grosso, Ruth Johnson. •• 1AM—Lawrence Elbert,. Ferdinand. RUro, Louis Jacpbson, John Killam; Carmello Yetto, Arts 'Waage. Alice Nelson. Rosaile Fryppll, Ahtoinetto-Gevusltano. ; Romeo Brando, James Risolio,; Virgil- Speranzp, Charles Warner, . Elizabeth Gcr'aldl. Fllippo Lon'gp, . Howard ' Stover, Rose "Carbone," Cecelia Cullen, Edna •"- Noppan. -..--. ,;-;', ..-.. •< . Kgn.l—Dpmenlc . Alfano. Vincent Arrlgo, Joseph Calona. •Eugene Cecere, Salvalore Como, j- Joseph D'Errlco, Christopher DeGAnaro, Law- rence De MAnh, Charles*FaBone, I^oulS Scarpp., Qeor^-Be^rs^-^trn'tHff^eirvslarr' tlsta. Roslna ; Compato, Fortunata. ... . J?ianc>s„F.uslllot „Mil«red G.u!dlQ(,„... '••:• qulst, Rosp-Yalonote, Tcsslfe Zanga Kgn.2—Gaetanb Baslle, Vlncen20 Bova,. Roccb Clrdella, . Nuslo. Colonna,: Anthony . Gaizola, Jpseph Montemarano, Wallace W r llson;- Fllb- mena; Buomlcllo. Concetta Bruno, Josophlnp Bracca, Josephine lanaacone, Angelina - Puclllo. . . .; • '.•--..••.:''/•';..'." AnAe—Relnert Torgerson. Fanny Scordato, Helen Drlscoll, Charles Underwood. •" ; . "l/Eng.l—James Rlcclo, Joseph -Plsce,,' Rocco —Jtbbrul: ChertPCf. Arthur HermAn. Lillian toh«n, Dorothy Robertson. % - -V; t i.', •O'iiv/.v Sli—Israel Kaplan, ^ Katherlne- Beeker, Florence Fendrlck, Kva Liohteneteln, Alice Olson, Olga Thome, Henriy*; Tiv,©sd.».il. Louise Tegtrneyer, Gertrude oreni, Margaret Hnlll- •well, Susie Waldbaum. Sadie .WinkeUteln, Pearl Brodte, Iren* Ralogh, DahleJ Levy, Leon Lasky, Frank Hlckey,' Benjamin Becker... -'• i.. ...>,...,•.> .~.r »-,- , SA—Helen Sals, Alio*.-Cohen,- David Por* : ter, Isidore Relft, William Oreagan, Linda Salsberger, Ruth Btrsch. Bertram Weiss, John Splnelll, BurtonrCornelt^^JcjhnyAllen, Ellen Frcddo. Isabel Wogan, Marlon Brown, Dorothy 8tmke> •-• '; • M '••-' ' 4B—Anna. - Kenny, Dorothy Oil, George Anderson, Pauline Schwarts, i Carol Gatje, Charlotte Pegrlstein, Lillian-Bennett,' Flor- ence Fountain," Beatrice Swerdlow. Ellen Coakley, Mildred Rosolter, Olive McCaskey. Dorothy Mlnert,' Dohal6V ; Walcott. David Salxberg, ".Lester" May, ^Blanche Brennan, Olga Pct'erssp,- .Philip! Gerafflo, Lawrence Jacobson, Bernard McDopald. " -.- 4A-"-Carblyn Wagn«r, AUl Lalvo. Doris Kuhn, Sylvia Cantor, Albert. Grobauer;: Le- Rpy Thornpson, Charles Hodgson, Blrper Thurb»r." N«ttl* WelAberg, Edith Lohman, Margaret. Kkrnan.-Mlrlara Feverstone- tf>t: vllle Bi-own, PaulBltser; Herman Schterloh; Maxwell - Valeche, Harry Thorpe, Royce: Ward, Francis Doyl*. Alexander" Lai)dcs, Levin Murry, Alexander N R6over, Joseph ShOrman, ''William Wcldlg, Ada B^ssi,. Jo- sephine D'Angelo. Lillian Guttenberg, Hasel Peeler, Phyllis Williams.-.Lenprfr CurrerU SB-^MUdred Frey, .Minnie Ladlmer, Regi- nald Campbell, Royal Stelllng, Sadlo Lasky. Margaret Spcth, Buolah Balsam. Rose Bot- tle.- - . ' ,•-•• ,'..•-. '• - ". ' SA—Charle* Haa* Ralph- Martin,.-Robert Plsanl, Dorothy Haipern, Catherlno Ken- ney, Lucy--sMatthtws, Eieabbr ; Rellly,-.-Jo- •seph—gormajv_Marle Olsen. Louise. Snbvr, Bella schnuldtr, Harry B*hh6tt, lrwin-Boyf Ian, Bernard sDolgln.' Theodor* Fold, .George Gordon; Frederick Reuteiv.Danltl Waldman, Frances 5P ar d*l»y.. Fftunle Tatelman. 2B—Gebrg*. .Brundlge, George Demarest. Theodore -McDonald, Alexander Slutsky, Ruth Blsbet; Alice Leahy, Albertin* Wah- s*r, Adrian oCohen, -. Nicholas Kraph,,- John Goggin, Solomon Rothfeld, Ruth Relter, Adreas ApleAJla, Heber Hits. Gustav Kpau- ert, Irvlnr-Ochert, David Strassner, Edna Goodman, Robccca Sbatnman. .:-'• • :i-:'i 2A-^Joe Klaratelft, Ellla Van- Riper. Clarle Smith, Vivian Wlkander, Esther Mertlk, Estelle Cantor. Jcanette -Cohn; - Ruth -Sea- man, Lester Harris, Leo Shoeman; Arthur Mlltoh,-; Henry Brennef, Jchn Sloran, Sey- mour Smolcn, LUllan Pundlck. lB-^—lepon Davidson, .Matthew . GUligan, Alexander Goodky>ltsj Norman Langfur, Ed- win -Nothiger. * Irving Waldmah. .Gretohen Becker, Rosalie -.Brunsohwlg,,- Marie Doyle, Edith ' Llnde'meyer. Mollle Schrelber. Sarah GreenhergV Irwin Clair, Sarn Furman, Gradys? .Cooper, ;Mlrlam Duhh Dorothy Schlerbaum-, Marlon Waters,; John Brelner, Frartk Arcoleo, Paul Bro.wn. . Martin Dolh tin •Nadt*,.'Fr*.riols' Parker,.Julius IB—Dennis Bo>hm. SydnAy Levinson. Adolph Merkt, Carolyn Baylls, Marlon Aruutman, Helen Wood. \1A—Edwin Perkins, Frederick Quanjer, Eugene Rohr, Marguerite Callachlo, EUsar beth Maler, Edith s Rosenthal, Georglne Schlesslnger, Louise Tlndle, Virginia Turk. FOREST HULLS SCHOOL. ;; , (P. S. No. 3;) Miss Agnes A. Cording, Principal. - 6B—BettytGray, Pyloon Zeron. 6A—Kenneth Cuddeback, Olivia--Edwards, Gersldlne Dow. :•:[••••'•'.•'•-• IB—Richard Gretsch. Alfred Van Wagenen. ' SA—Anna Dorothy Backus, Joy Mays, Ellen Yepsen. - . 4B—Robert Burns. Gertrudo CantrelV, Helen Serena. Edith Dowse. 4A—Elisabeth Burns, Elsa Neumer, Rita O-Shea.. SB—Lucie Jeffers, Jessie Fiero. SA—iMlldrcd Vanderveer. 2B—Bernard Allen, Catherine. Murphy. -. . ZA—Linda Eder, Mary Saybplt. Helen Schpen. '•' IB—Billy JefTere, Floyd McTyier, Carrie Morris..'' ..-.- -.-. .; • 1A—Victor Luneborg, Margaret. Stottlcr. (P. S. No. 73—Annex of P. S. No. 3.) SB—'Lydia Chester, Gertrude Kallepberg. . .3A-7-Cather!ne Murtagh, ; Heltn O'Neill. Mabel Smlth;-.Margaret Dolan-. Adelaide Engcls. IR—Walter SsCmko, Frederick Vollmuthi . 2A^-Ann» Sperandeo, Alfred Seyftart, Walter Zerbe. '.; '•• -.;• ; -• :'.;• -:. IB—James Boyle. Viola Schlette, Louise Schlette, Evelyn Scbolie, Donato Brlenzl. Otto Grimm; Rosemary "Mecca, Frances Sllano. ,, >1A—William Peabody. Louise Kelderllng,' Pauline Schlesslnger. "Ung.Z-Amadeo Vigilante, Louis lxipenztna: ST. SCHOOL. CLAIR McKELWAY (P. Si'it'6. 178.) i , i ; 1 Charles E, 6'Neill, rrlncipai. |v SBBl—Samuel Blair, Louis. Burack," Samuel Friedman, ^William GoldPevg, ..Albvrt-j-.ro*o- "wltir,.•';'-. "• ; • '- - : .; v -.-.•- -•-•• -.-; . A SBB2r-Anthony Aragona, Edward Breslow- sky/ Epbralm JtVank, Morris Kesslcr,. Charles •McOrory.; Louis iteioer, Isidore baimanOwliE, Herman Schurr, Louis Bhakowaky. . . IBB3—Edward Coylc, Isidor Lando, Mandel Loibowltx,". Harry Lerkowitz, .Aaron Wess, Harry Tepper. . -' . . . 8BG1—Mary Goldman, Ruth Rosenberg.' , - 8BG2—Martha Besdme, Rebecca Brodv, Ger- trude Frankel, Sara Uoldsteln, - - •-•-- SARI— Frank Eli, -Milton Feldman, Morris Flnkelsteln, Abraham Gallaban, Harry Har- «ets,-Emest. I>orlP, David Kllenberg, Unanuel Nathanson, Samuel Rosenthal, Jacob ochoro, Samuel Sibber. . SAB2—Max Harnlck, Solomon MogllewAKy, Louis Prager, Max Schleescl, Charles Tar- duno, Mostss Waldbcrg, Sidney Welinsky, Tony Bona, John Nlkla, carmelo Regglo. ; 8AM-^Jacob Brukowltr. Mlchat Clementl, Sollle Dlnncrsteln, Max Smith, Mildred Paske, Sarah- Frledfell, Florence Klapholtz, Sophie Pltroschefeky. ; ' SAG—Donatello Carechla, Libble Dank, Lena Glelchevitch, Sarah Sokal, Kuth Weinberger. 1»AG!—Evelyn Lehman. 7BB1—Tony Bllardl. James Goodw|n. 7BB2—Arnold Mailing. '. / :- 7BB3—Angclo Bubnor*, Charles Nsldorf, El- - mer Chlnltz. - ^ 7BG1—Seraphlne Sanft. 7BG2—Irma K-rlte. . - 7ABI—Seymour Cohen, George Zuckermsn. 7AB2—Isidor Litwin. Ellas Shapiro, Louis Bclgel, Sam Tuchlnsky. - - ^ABS-Nathin -Adletv-asg ^^^-^, „^^^~, 7AM—Morris Goodman, Eva Kasanoff, Ruth 'Light;'-••-•-.-:-.- --.-'-• — - . - >-- -. 7AGJ—Bertha Porlsky. ' ABB—Isidor Alperwlts, Iirael Dinncrman Mey»r GottesmAn, Joseph Raftell. SBM-^Amuel Solpmon, Ida Klein, Ida Mar- jnur^ _-- |i . ; . f .<- j 4 ence Kraengel. y. IA—WllhAlm Knauert, Marjorla Doctor. Ernest White, BUiAbeth. Seaman. Amelia Weiss; -IngAbord Sohlckler... Ella GAl, SylvlA Halmowltx, Frances Inshaw, Harold BaL sarn,-Austin Dunham, George Spetb, Alice Cargull. .--; •••-«• -"'...- -'\-'.'--"» .-•: .':•;•* . KlndegarUn—Milton Dormant Eugene Gluck, Joseph Goodkwti.-'. Bernard s Rich- mond, Heyman. JFine, George Magaltno. Able -Rlcima^_^^J*^JBett8^Jiyi.lyjri_^o3t^m Anna Olson, Rudolph -Cohen,- Frederick. Gli- irgonT~Stdrroy—Wft1ama^r~Db,rothy-HE x Tender— (rast, Dorothy ReutAr, Pauline Rlchter, Lil- lian^ Stein, -Mary -Hodgeson,--Sylvia- Naboy'- shlck, Sylvia Lbvine, Sylvia Steinberg, Doro- thy Moran, V Lbul* Qutfonrian.. Dorothy Aren.d, Mary Frcschl, Alice Keshlshlan, May Clart. v.v /; j- - ; -;s- -.',-.'•.' :' " - ' ' Uhgraded-^Erances Nee.- •--—•—.-——----- HOMEWOOI) SCHOOL. (P. S. No. 180.) Miss Sarah E. Rorrers, Prlnoipal. . 4B1—Anna Cuolt). Blanche . Goldberg, Harold Gaskell, Eleanor HArrl*. Hilda VoPr- hces. •.•;--••';.-•,;...-<.:• 4B2—Antheny Martlnollck, Marlon Mc- Grkth, Hugh Navarro. ;';'.- «A1—Axd«n Baer. John Burke, .John Cof- fey,. Niels Drustttip,.Herbert. Hagnsr, Mary Ho»U, Margaret McCauce, Roy Pilling, John Rod*. "*"-•'••-"-'<-«:'--'• >•- •- - - ' --•-"- •A2-—Evelyn Blelwelss, Edward Hoag. 4AS—Nicholas D'Gregorib, Mariorle Hall, Elena. SabaUa. Ealth Walsh- Richard Brinsley Sheridan, 11year3 old, is a pupil of the Franklin W. Hooper School No. 41, Dean street arid New York avenue, Miss Martha A. Kane, principal. On April 10 the pupils.gave an erltertairiment at th^ Cprnmerclal High School, when several thousand' dollars \vere subscribed for the Third Liberty Loan. Master Sheri- dan appeared as "Uncle Sarn.'V ' j^E. DAR.WIN SCHOOL. "-.".•, ^P.,S. No. ,4—L; tClty.). Robert L. Cbiiarit^ Principal. SB—Nahsy .Brusco, Walter Kane, Jeanne Wilson, Marlam . Lanlgan, Rita Lofeb. Ed- ward Netecher;-Mildred Sch.oenfeld.er, Walter Uher, -Violet Williams. 8A—Frank Atnendola, Senford Green, 'John Hater, Robert McPherson, Lester Mazxochl, Pellegrlno Montanlle, Norman Willi's, Mar- tha. Dl.Slmone. May Oldfleld, . Sophie- Hel- ler, Phllomena . Sahtora,. William S\eln- rhaycr, ; Marie . Bradley, Lillian McLaugh- lin, PepplnaPlccola,- Ray Wolf. - , , 7B—rWalter. Lunnlng, .Anlhbny P^ssarella, Irving Rubsrg. Jennie Pitta, Albred Muller, Florence Ulancko, Ethel Breisland, Hilda Cornell, Edna Haman.. 7A—Walter Baer, Lawrence—Kacer,—WInU fred Courtney, Irma Van Gale. James Caple, Gertrude Frltchka...'Berta Jobln, Martha Ilsen,. Dorothy Smlih. .-: .'".;•.•- 6B—Sebastian Bonavolanta, Edward Lanl- f " an, -William Matjeka, Florence Kesnan, tartha Sloane, Thomas Baxter, Salvalore. "";e7^Wsephlno-Brusce,^a,thery^HjeTB5h- ary YUla, Claude Pickett, William -Hazel Mcyersw.,.,-„,, l=sr .^ „„„. -.: !r^^ gA—'Andrew' Bingham, Herman Eschert, John: Tralnor, Harold Trimlet, Charles Mc-- Carthy, Raymond Gardner, Margaret Bron- neckant,- Catherine) ; Bradley, Ernestine Thlry, Helen Zostak, Anna Darrow, Eugene Raup, Helen Meystrlck, ;Beatrlce Doyle, Helen Turek,- John .Koessler,' Charles Cernovsky, Francis Cohn, Romeo. Scama- pleco, Roland Rlppcrgcr, Blanche Bohman, Dolly Grady, Rita- Helnleln, Erna Ersteld, Cathe^lnv-r-V«lk*rlr--EUiel.£"jniaerjnan._Mar-i. tha Neubert, Edith Boyce. Florence Slmone, jj>----- -•-• v,nT.n.. xr»«ina- ^ - ~— • i-r-srn'mc-ci.---K«m-y^^ JAMES B. COLGATE SCHOOL. ';, (t-.-S. No. 12—Annex to A».) "-'..".'•.- SA—-Martrja Smatiak. Gustav Rokos, Fred Dietrich, George Tllardl. >,.,.. 5B—Hermlne • De -Verve, Alblna Svuger, MArte -Albrecht, Theodore Lavlano. 4A— Helen Dllley. Stella Mayer, Adeline Vlestl. •-• •;:•-,.'•-." -v 4B—^-Frank Klima, Marie Albrecht,.Rose KbnbpasekTDo'ra Speyerer. Allene Wagher.r 4A2—Harvey Brill, Frances Kroupa, Rose Schemer. .-:... ,- 3B—George KrakPra. Anna Lochner. Abe Relss. Mad»lln»Benkert, Edith Cutlllo, MUdred Hofman. May Smith, Bertha Sal- er iB—Vincent D-.Agwstl.no,.Arthur FlAndtr*. Eugene Oarganl, John Kelly. Ida Damlanl, Vita Dambrose. ThsrAsa Morlna, Edith Vol- llno, CharUs Bice, ****** C 0 ,^**-, K ,Vn° Berplund, Hugo JohnsoD. William Mettle.. William Ptttarp. Prank Scheedel, Theresa O'Connor. Dlanov* PlAngozia^ ™.„„. 1 A—Arthur jD-AlUAandro, Grace sW.aflne- macher. George Scheel. George Santolannl. ^ndergarten—Saut Gprdon, Joseph itoore. Earl Reed, Evelyn Corrado, Ethel Sankwosk, Luoy Tbnneo. TliE JDAKfc SCHOOL. (P..S. lib. 1*) , Mis* Irene Santord, Principal. 4B—Emll Dermigny. Heward^^ Morrison, Louis WlplHihauser, Gladys Goldfarb, BAr- bA'ra PlAtow. » * ,T ._, . • MA—William Bfk*r, Harry Hendrickson. Frank Stark, MsaVeWn Eckhardt._ „-rlUm JB—Dorothy. A^uro, Elsa Kisher. Bertha Jawlts, Charles, 8e*-*tt. • • ^ - ,-' ii.iJJ.ii JA—Louis Volp. rlaoche Nafis. Magdalen P °/R—William Bennetv Louli J«"i«it. Eu- ienla Hlnehclllte. MilArcd Enek, Irene "jA—Alfred Ger4wag*n. Kxdney^MIUer, -Al- bert Sheer, Alexander -Vlesyt. ^"^"f- helmsr, .Mary OConnell.Helvn VonderhAid. Dt i , B^R , .y^na r B.k«r; Julian ^ w , « . Wat- Helmus, Flora Feldhusen. -£•••'. „-.„„:, Kindergarten—Elwood -Hafis. Emsnuel Llndhelmcr, Florence Johnson. - --, . . t P, S. N0/a3~Fii'6Hl[lX<3. Miss. Frances J..Oronan, Principal. 4B1-James Bell. John Fallon. Robert Hotlfi^ Frank LApple. Edward Boben*t«ln. Jphn -TulUo, Selma Blumbergf-Ethel McKenns, MArle Rich. «BU-»erbett Fried. William. HUUer. <h»rles | Mclncnly, Edgar Bank, . JAck UvAoIlI, B U Bacb, Gertrude Brlel. Em»lle. .Grstser, SyblllA Wecke. .Dorothy .YAtlcEdllh RAp*l/e.A.i >. : •4Aa-Paul Coca. Julia Fallon. Mola Morrison, Anna SaoUllo. :,,' . ... . •.ii-^.U:--. '-• .J: -•„ 3B-Dopald Roberts,. Horbert Murphy. Bocco Dansl. Katherlne Buell, Oelia; Sternberger, Anna Jenson', Agnes Cavusso, Marie Bocclo, Sarah Detnarlno, .•• - --.? ; >i';:" " '. .' 3AvEdwln Oogblsn, Edith, Ayers. Helen Auer. Dorothy d a r k , Bessie.' Eckert,:; , . ,- . v ;.' 2B-Thomas Paulding,.Virginia Alllger, Mar- garet Cherdon, Helen Green. - • 8B2-Edna Webb. -."..'-<_.•- e.; ' : : i i , \ . "2A1—EdwIrT'Lightbouriier Benjamin Kinlsky, Margsret '1-urco, Josephine Zoutaly, SylylA TbpraAs.. .. : .... '.-. : . i , - -. . r-ti'. '; i--";' lBl-Mary English. Bllssbeth Jlmiolski. Jennls Kenlsky. Uasel LlDdetman; .j»«; "'-..•.<••>..----J •'>> 1B?-Elliabeth Scba<fer; Rlsncbe- Steniberger, Nlcollna Curretts. ClAra Eckerf. Lol.A Pardpccl. ;. Al-Harold Anderson. - Arthur, Hleks-, MArgsret Bpwe. Ruth DtTldson, ETfltyn Hemtt'erlek. Kindergarten—John Carnes. Paul WOOOJ : ' (P. S. No, Si—Annex tp i&.) 6B.-Edith DATICS. " :;, .... 6A-Domlnlek .-Aplcell*,- WtlliAm-.-ArmstrOog, WHlsrd Dobler, Harry - H*tlne; Lowell Sumner, Mary Cusfa. Csrrtella D«nsl. - 6B—Charles Jordan. Cnarles.Retilnkoff. 5A—George Aery. Mary Loose.' COLLEGE POINT SCBtOOL. (P. S.N6. 37.). ^ ; ; George W. Dorlarid; Priricljpal. SB—Margaret. Jockers. Buth Barrett, Mildred Brennels, Anna Rubin, Everett Schulthels. ' • • . - . . . -..-. -- JA—Margaret : Schultz, Elisabeth Streih Marguerite Klein. -, -•••••• i_^— " 7B—Edward Bepp. Alfred Brown. No.r- man Harper, Everett; Hebel. Arthur Mayer, Charlotte , Coots, Ella Grossfeld. Viola SchildwaChter. - - -• : '• ---•;- - - ', ' 7A—Henry Helnichen. Henry Zittel, Amelia Kane, Bertha Schneider, - Bertha Soalo. Lillian Zelgler. . Dordthy ,< Englert, Florence Hamilton, EHxabeth Pores, r is 6B—Margaret Kunkel, Mortimer Leavy, Edmund. Rau. Harold Thomas, Hedwig Clemen, Jessie Gillette. Alma Hetzer. Elsa Smith, Emllle Clarke.; „ - • ';' 6A-Elltaboth WlllnsKy. -.Florence . H a m - ton. Meta Henckel. Beulah Schrelner, Wil- liam Heydorn. Max Rpsenzwelg, Joseph Ber- ger, John Boynjy. Rose. Bush, Elizabeth 5B—Frieda Dlehr. Katherlne Hpsblech. Graco Roe. Minnie Scheffold, Lillian Stod- dart. Helen Tenzler. Mabel Weber, Jennl* Dunn. Malcolm Thomas,- .Herman^-^Lans, Zoltan Cser, Gertrude.Nlemts, Anna Meyer. . 3B—Henry Gerlach,, George Hebel, Charles Oberlst. Eugene dimmer. Charles Wurtz. Martha^ Mafisinger, Victoria Sinka- wlch; Mary Wohlfard. 7A—Richard Bruckner. Jeannette Donogr hue. Aletta Hendrickson. H*tmen Horst- mann. Marls Keating, - Angelo Novallano. Dorothy-West. ..-..< ' „..' tAl-Morrell Hendrickson. Anna Hus», Helen Purdurt. Hovard Van Slclsn. . JAZ—Peter Hendrtewson. Elsie Wilder. 8B—Eleanor Buhler. Florence Dickson, Elsl* Freitag. Mary Franklin, Oertryde Gay-i nor. Catherine Woodford. Samuel Coe, Louis Walter. THE SphlNGF?ELI) SCHOOL . ., / ( P . ^ . N O , 37.) , . .-.WlilWm.E. Hcndrie,.Principal. SB—-William Sergeant, Charles Walter. Isabella Bedell. Minnie Burger, Gertrude 1 Conway;.. ; ' {" ' * '."-»-'"''; »A—Frank Oglvit. John: Zosller.- 7B—DolOre* Ekluhd, Edna Reeves. IA—Florence; Rabe. Henrietta. Woolney. vB—Cstherlns Jones.. T«ssl* l*veronl. «A—RlchArd Tilt, Nora Jorgehson, Helen Polleck. ^ , \i ;. 4B—John Prouse. G»rtrude Grlmstvedt. 4A—Ethel Smith. Howard Seaman. lA-^Jonn -Retmelsv - • • --. JB—Charles Eogelhardt, Evelyn Javorek, Catherine Merten. tA—Arthur Ketchenv • -, • IB—Peter Vorwys, Lola Hendrickson. THE RQSEDALE SCHOOL. (jf. S,, No> 38,) Anna Miller. yior«nc» Hormt>a»» " EdltV" 5Ilss Gertrude M,. ^Trapha&en, Prin- ., -. ,- . .-.-^ -.'• cipal. IB—Carolyn Dopfel. '*A—Walter Haskln, Gentvieve Painter, Anna Wllsoa.; - - -.-.- iW •-., •. - :, . ' . . - . 6B—David Webster. Clara Kaelber. 6A—Mae SchmltV Rose Rorech. 4B—Alma «t»11. Mebel Be«v*A. Evelyn Gedda. Kenneth Melasner, George Ecklund. 4A—Alfred .WebsUr, Christine Muller. JB—Msnrawt Stoll. JA-Hlldlng Gtdds, ; JB—THtanor Slosrl. Jojjph CCnsUntlne. .. 2A—Gladys Fee!»y. Kenneth Webster. • - IB—AlMrt Kuster. Arthur Kuster. Frank Miller. Rocco Pprcaro. Helen, Rosech. :,•>> ,.1A—Roy Schvi-albsch. .Maude Feeley,- Edna Huscher. Teresa PPrcara. THE TAi^pRD. jtiANyN, SCHOOL. -(P. S. ,Np. 50-^Janutica,)^, Miss Margaret^ Scott, Pxini?ipal..-, . tB?—Jerome Dodman, > Gertrude -Stryn- koska. Marguerite Wllllarns, Ida ARenburg, Katherlne McGaughln, Josephine Mrdx- . *A—Charles. Annlello. - George^ Callow^ Rose -Brierr Allot"Dodftlan." Lillian Green-, baum; Julia YAldes, Theresa Rooney^ 7B—Charles.PettlcluI, Susie Sorrentlno; 7BI—Startlslaw Czarneckl. Abrsham N'.s- senfcld. Aaron Ntstehftld. William Traenkle, Dora JochnbVltz, Rosalie Gluck.- Katherln* van Twlstern. Mlnnle-Scher, Anna Seabury. «Bl—Edmund Reeves, <-:•• . *BJ—Frank Blumberg. Sadie Brier, Jen- nie -Greensteln..-:'..- , * *Ar—Oscar TOuhgbcrg. Madeline Buhl. Jeanelte Smith., ;,-, .. . •" , JB—Joseph Klelb, Benjamin 6chaer. Mary MISA, Lillian : Fretyka, Rosaline Sparaclno, Helen ZuK, AnnA.Zdzlebkowskl, JA—Alex Berman. : Henry -Block. James Clerk.-Abraham Deutscher,- Leonard Drogln. George Du Bar, Paul Hlckerson, Frank Majkowskt, Raphael Bletn.-tJobn. Vlscuse, Reginald Van Derzee, Ruth Berman, Made- lln* .Kopel. Xetlv* Moore, Ethel Vlnchuk. Helen-.Hosenpr. - Helen Sastadek, Gertrude Schlndler. Bessie 8teln.. . ;.,... <i- 6A1—Max Cltrlh. Aaron Cohen. Samuel Nlssenfeld, William Rhodes, Francis Taylor, Walter-Tlnagero. Harriet Brown. Catherine Coombs, Mary Karesh, Llllle Lundgren, Hazel Reeves, Priscllla Seabury, Helen Stay- ter. Florence Zlhcke Kaweckl.. Felix Kopel.-Theodore Mills., Jo jeph Shannpn.- Rudolph-Safarlk, - Joseph 8cher. • Arthur Wllks, Berlha Berman, Al- dena >Berno'taj Gertrude Bird. Anna Clark, Margaret Clark,, pottle Frey. Ksshmlrs THE TALLMAN SCHOOL.; ,t^ s d n «^ Km °fc =Eda:a ^^ ,5A—rRaymorui^ Suchy; •JB-^AIfred - Maas,- Henry „Mohr, . Charles. Albrecht. Charlotte Alcxapder, Anna Mrstlk. '-.': 3A-—Janet .Galan, Elsie, Hospodar, Elsie Kllma. Elizabeth Simons, Richard .De Veuve, George Olenz, Ferdinand Kastalek. -." IB—Milton Pozena, Frances Brede, Marie Kllma. IA—^lane W^lsh, Elsie Albreoht. - Kindergarten Ernest Freutlem, Fred Fendrlch, Edward Iemcc, William Cerny, .Amanda Gardner, Anna Drabniko. Helen r^ye^eTT'JYRttr^eBlg-GrttCe-Bttumcr^Blanche Frieda Back, Helen Scanlon SB1—Rqb«rt Mildred HMfsky SB1—Robert Bernst«ln., FelAcia J3e Cain, Esther Schne'eberg. Irving Resnlck*. ..JAB—iAsle Aronchlck. Ix>u(s Cazanov*, 'Jp »«ph Dinnerstefn, Joseph Josophson, Joe Kind- Ur, Herman Lelght, George Moikpwltx, David ShandAiow. -. . ' JAM-^oscph KA'ntxmArt. Gerald Miller. David Mpnassam. Solomon Schutomion, Emma Elg, Fannlo Selgel. . ' ' «AG—Vita Connella, Mao Cohen, KAtherine OrazlAno, Gertrude I^ngsam, Sophie Margo- lin, Either Nussbaum, Lottie Psrlsh. Sobhie (Redlker. Sadie Rosenberg, Rebecca SAlkln, -Anna Stem, RebeccA, Welngatu . . . . . . . . 5BB—Joseph Berliner, Philip Eligraw, Ellis •arrelbrum, William FrlendlAnder, Joeeph Ore*nberg, Alex KAti. Harry I^pvy, MAX OrsnlAck, NatbAn Schlnofsky. EmAnuel Fln- k«l. UAAC fltonskl, Leonard RAbban. JBM—Isidore Gordon. Jack Advoeat, Darl- ttt Allen, Abraham PlAUIs. Loul* Sussex, Betty Muchwalk, Ruth I/Ofldon. . 5BG— Pauline Blackman, Esthtr Bush* wald, Bessie-Cohen. Rose Cohen. Lillian Blllewlex, Jeahetto Cornaec'.A, Miriam Krlch- «v*ky, Bertha Perlow, SarAh Hornatttn, Badte. Morowltx. . 5AB—H*riry Gilford, tsldore Hutter, R«n- jamln Joaeph*, Abraham Kenln, Louis Leln, Barnet R«snlck. Joshua Sterling, Morrlk Stober, .TosAph Stbetchtr, Renjamln Ttafll*, Jacob W«lner, AbrAhAm Welsbrpd, Jpseph W*l*s, BenjAmln FIshmAn. tAM->-DAvld CPrAl, NAthAn F.lr, AbrAhAm Hc.hlltnlA,-Sidney WAldmAn, HlldA Handel, Ruth Luba, ThAresa Elcenberg, Emma Ru- bin. JAG—Ida Wernlck, SArah Smith. DorA Gold.- 4RR—David Brook, Nathon FTledmAn, Abe Michaels. JAck Rosenberg. 4BM*-L«onArd HAlkln, Mildred ' jAeob- kon, UylvlA L«hr«r, Hilda SklAt, Bella Stiller- man. 40M—Sydney Tabrl*. ,4AM—Ethel Hecht. Matilda Dln«rmsn BeatrloA KhrJIek, Blanche Hankln. SylvlA Saltjman, Ann* Italsk'y, Yatta WAISS.- fett'e M|llam, l«T*el D6II, Amelia Llttenbcrg. Anna HtUmAn, Resale Ro>*nb«rg, Helen PIAkel. B«11A Shore, Mary Shurgin. Morris Merit*. JBBI— Frank Frogel. Daniel Garfltld, Jo- ' *«p»; SahlAdoflTAky. JBB>—Sidney RI*«(l»ld. JB2—Selma Ortman. Harry Slmbnstn.;- '*'••'* . „ . , ,i. JA—FlofA. Bejgman, Kurt Fuchel, Henry Helge, John MAgnuson. -..' .--- 1B1—Muriel-^ Boyoe, - ^Lawrence Burke, ThomAs Coffey, Florence , Carson, Philip Jasper, Adelaide Macartney, Miriam LASS, Lillian Lynar. •>.•>,' '"> . ' ' . - zB2^-Ruth Bartholomew, Leonard Lam- dan. Fra'nolA McKen'nA, ' Jan*' McKenna, Francis NulUy. ••: •',- •,*•;,-. i ' ' v 2 JA—D* V»r* BA*r. Winifred Basch. Pep- py Fischer, Bernlb* McNeill,-Bernlee Tollus. JBl—Flora. Levy, Matilda Marx, Henry Meier, Gtorg* Park, .• • .lBJ—Arllne Hagner, Elisabeth- MoKler- l^^^^wi^eyAr^I^lU^jnhnson^An Marouccl. Eugene - Mlller 4 .Gerald Sohcehter, Julia achoonmaker, RosllAnd WaJtelbaum. Josoph Zltb. «»_, ^ i'"-- Kgn —Peter Costanzp, Doris Gardner, Chester Hawklnson, VlvUn Llfhterman, Carl Rlcelo, Jo*»ph Sabllsky, Forlunato VArriol*. E m m a AbderAon. JBGI—TettA Bale, Sylvia Kamlniky, An- XAt*. Martha -,MI- Klv«»tl*, Dora Llnewky. Kdlth To Martha Perlherg, Reila Rubinstein, MlnnU Seldln, RArAh SAlkln, Rp*e Sloiktn, Dorothy Werther. - JAU-~penjAmln Tterkowlts, Morris Mil- ler, Murnr RAblnowll*. Samuel !»«»l«r. RAr- trAm 8ehwlmm*r, Sam Omnberg. Hirry »AM-R«njAmln PrAnkel, T«a«l# Rang, IAG—Llbby Slmonton, I^*h W«Ua. TIUIA Schwartt. . JBBI—HArry F.lAenbarg, Sara Plahkln, Atax l/*vln*. Solomon Mjlken. Fred Shkplro. »B8l-SAm ChArtock. lUnedlct CohAft, Hy- rr\An OoodmAn, SAM KreltmAn. Leo Mario- "jUGi—FrAncAa Butch. IdA Kptieln; Vlor- she* Goldberg, Blossom 8p»vaek, Sylvia tfUJlfc Mollis Surn. , •lABv-HArriA Coh*n.- Mo»*» MAfkmAn, At- "ban MdfckbwltA, Harry R«dlkAr. .JAM—tsldora Coh»n. Hatbld Johnson. Jacob Lohdlnaky, Hyman Slngtr. iSBl—Alfr*d Burnk, trvin|i Freedman, HarMd Smith. AbrAhAm Kerlavaky. iniU—-HATOld Rl<|«r, Reuben 1KAU, Rt»M- taim LohcVoB, Irving Muh»*l*on, Renjamin RAm*r. l»ldor WhArton, Raymond Kerner, poi—Miriam C«h»n, F.«th«r ErnstAln. Ttvalvn Gordon, ,<jerlr.td* Merschkowlti, Krwwlty. SylvlA Pr*kln.<:-.. ttif- ptjBLIO SCH60L NO. 79—Arincx of No. 25. ,B4—Irving Aar'onMh;* : Lbul* DMlarson, Sidney-Ed»lm*n, Bernard Edelsteln, Rose Goodman, Robert Hunter, Dor* PoArlmAh, Sudle Rothchild-.LIIV SefeAl, Mollle Singer- man, Edward-W*!**. . ,, '- • > : ' ;,.•_ ' 4A1—SAm BA,tof«klr, Julius Cohen. Ethel Fankuchen, Ida,:Hankln,. Llllle, Jacobeon, Edytha Morri*, S*m PresaroAn, Ruth Resnl- cerf. Rth*l Stobeck, ••• ' •- . 4AS—Barnard Alk»rt, Ad* Cohen, Irving Cohen,. Dawld Ed«l*t«in. Jennl* F«ln, Joseph Msrcus, MArcu* Roatmfeld. Dottle Weiss. 4XJ-rLllU* *HHfti Harry,E*gl». Sylvia Brryisteln, Flor*ne« fllnlnger, Oertrud* Weln- JH1—David s Le*s-»»r. David ,, Schulman, Rfatrlcs Horowltsv.M»rl»m K*plt, Mafion SaperstAln, Molll* Stirrj; ,.,... ^ JBJ—Sylvia Aaron, Francl* Kattck. Ben- tamln KAsrtn, Marlon-Kohn, VattA, Lublnlky. Bophl* Lwakln, DAnlel SchwArts, Mary Wol- kori. Paul Tnpklft*-: - .' ••• -.. SBJ—Kather AAronson, J«an*tte FUlsher, Klhel HlmmtlhArh, DAnUl K»*tolY, M»ly Payn*. Jam** Smith.. . .. > • JB4—Sylvia Apptl, MarctlU Btldock. Or»ce Bloom. S"rl*iia Bor«Aklnd, LIlllAn DA- vltleon., SAra Melter, P«arl M*y*r, B«*s(* ^ J A l ^ A m r i A m m f IJlilott Goldman. 8ldn*y loid, H^mkn- Golibetg, J«A»* Simon, Bam SchAtifeldl. Mauftc* VobkAlAOn. Helms Lang. I«an«tl« BAror\ofAky. Ro«* Klvsllar, Lillian n °J*AJi—Aaron Bonort, Ab« Kornbluth. David LAshtr. H*rh*rt L*wl*. B«nnl« Zand, Jack VrMdmAn. Mary AdUr, D«llA AtlAA, Helen ffi-Silfwl* Anttn. Hannah ijoldbirg, Roy Kati SyWlA Kt«ln, BArnArd Rr*m»r. SyWIA Hsiln, Selma Plaplnger, Mey*r SllvermAn, tt VB?-nM*"'ci Kkrnowlt*. Harriet 8*ll»r, AnnetlA MoAkowlta. «A W*l»irmA^ Vni—Harfy GrbdAleln, Arnold Davis, Jra Mvr. Frank VAlrllA. Y*ttA AlbArt.. Evelyn Mr ion, Kdlth F»ll*r, Molll* 8w*.tg*ll, OAA- "'SBr^eorg* Arndt. RJnjArnln-TiirkowIt*, Urey Ult, Sidney filnlck. Milton Schlld- Wrant Gerlrud* Wadler. jnV--Moi.im.r- RsiTif, William R.lnAr. Xtutfin Vnung. Anni Tlbl.y, UUUn Uvy, Anna Veltgend er, L*na Rojoloffky. lAl-R.AtrlcA DIA.ndes, BylvlA Flnktl- »t«ln., LUIIAn KAhlJ. JAl—BArnArd fj*vy, Michael Ch«rn*y, rhllllp Markowlta, . LIlllAn B«rg. Helen Or»*burltk, H*len R*ft*nb*rg, rior*ne* 1BV-Jininin OrinnitAln, rt«nry Rubin, Bylvla A*r*n«6n. AnnAb.il* .J*.eo»*, flylvla Kat*v 8*f*h Mlll«r, J*AAnett*_KUln. lBl--8olAmoh W4ln*l#ln, Sylvia Ceh»n. Molll* Davie*, -BemU FrAedrnah, AdelA Oold- ".rir. Jftlla.O-ytlA^ . MlldNd Hrl*. CtllA Marie" Lerario, Hanca, Cecelia Teresa Tappara. SB^Charlott* Klrebye, Loretta Liken, Donetta Paselele,' James Cameron. Francis Morrison, .Gaetano. Santora; Isadore Apple- bn,um.. Walter Bronriekant,'. Cono . Dal van p. Meyer. Ellas, Frank Hoyt, William Lange^, Thomas McMahon, Frank Stoschltzky, Mary McCauley, Anna McGlone, Johanna Petri, Annie Bens,-Anna-Vaclavlk, Fred-Hamann. . . BA—Clement Bohanan, Dominlck DeGl- rona, William Morris, Arthur Muller, Frank Passarella, Jery. Stephari, Marlon Clair. Flor- ence Demato,. Margaret Gallagher, Frances Juffey, .Katharine Reed, Elsa Stelnmetz, Beatrico Crltetnden, Helen Fried, James Greene, Francis Stein. 4B—'Viola Maher, Anna Sloane, Edmund Murks, John Smith, Archibald Brown, Eliza- beth FltApatrlek. Irene Oreene, Cathallne Moan, ClAra Oderwald, Charles Chelka. . ,- 4A—James Dorr, George Nlebereall, Anna Koehler, Elizabeth Schpmber, Millie Vo\p*^ Fred Petri,- Frank Powell,-Wlnfleld Ruelke. George Stephen, Hortense Auletta, Anna Bradley, Margaret Cole. George Courly, Al- hert Guldazio, Joseph Guldazlo.' John Morl- arlty, Ralph Curley, Mamie Dafelk, Lillian Dlepold.-Geraldln* McQuatty. - SB—John Connelly, Joseph GlAnnlckl, Wll- llAm VCrittend.n,', Edwird OrNeill, Virginia BenAntl. Concetta Daleaandro, Marie Rain- forth, Dorothy Wohlers, James Thlry, Gus- tav Robsln, Dennis 'Claire, Gustav Stoch- lt»ky, Carl Steldl. Edwin Meers, Aleen Wil- liams, Edith Trimlet. Marlon Schweikert, Clara Graven. May Heller, LUllan Heinz, Madaltne Hazard, Ethel Slckler. ' Rose Qulana. . . ,. . JA-—Chariette Fltxglbbpn. Laura Guldazlo. LUllan.- Hoefliok.- Mary Lynch, Salvatore BuonoflgllP. RudPlph Seldl, Joseph Telch- rnan, Michael Ready, Louise Tramontano, Ang.la Tagarella, Iris Ramsey. France* Pas- *«TOr^Ollda.--Bfti*nUi.i_Mitfcsjei ^Anderson, Emma- Elchhorn, Helena Ulannlthl, Viclei 1 - Trlolo. : . . . JB—Marjorie Btrchler, Jennie Lupoll, loretta Helnleln, Christian Hagedorn, Charles Linder. Jennl* E.llss, Martha Trlnkle, Richard Pircoco,- Frank Lerario, Margaret Daly. Florenco Hipp, Angelina Nardlollo, Elisabeth Van Fosoen, Ruth' Wcstman. JA 1 —Mlram Duncan. Marie, Zlto, William Tyblnsky. P«ter Ke.nan, Frank Meystrlek, Henry -Pelieehla, Raff ale. Satalino. Jdargaret Enn.lla, Mildred BAAck, Alice Darrow, Helen K.ltlebcrger. Rose Mahrer, GeTtrude Steldl. John Bosln, Mlml -DsLuen, Emll Hanush, Frank Pentony, Richard VreelAnd. IB—John Komat. EdWArd Mojxls. Vincent ? ACllllo, Celia Goldberg, Mildred Stuhr, homAS O'Brien, MArlln Cernowtky, George Dlepold, George Helnleln, Philip Kesaler, Hilda Olllam. Rose Labate, Mildred Sllber- bauer, Cecelia Glllam, Antoinette Cramon- tano. ,. . • 1A—John Auletta, Joseph Ruzlcka, Walter Schlereth, Mildred Juffy. Stella Biostak. Winifred, ONell. Juliette, Pardon, Margaret Prltchard. Pasquale Gugltucelellp, George MArlno, Owen Swelt*erv WAlt.r ClAAteh, Louis* Davidek, Annie Bracco. Kaweckl, HelAn-Lefferts. - .4B1—Fannie: Jalcd, May Kessman. Irene Lach.r. Julia Mallsc. Cornelia Taylor, How- ard-Anderson, Philip Caesar. 4A—Ernest Rauch, Corlne Coombj, Grace Coughlln,. Alice Ein'erson, Anna Fox, Viola Lleb. • - - ... 4AJ—Arnold i Edwartls, -James Scully, Frederick .Williams. Edward-. Taeger. Rose- mary McGaughln, ROSA-Nlsserifeld. -JB—David Warteli. Rose MArx, Gladys I Scott. * SA—Lincoln keller,-. Charles Mtrton, George Unser. Grace Meor.*,' Jean«tt* No- relli, Henrietta Swan, . Virginia Panlarello. -3AS—Arlhur Laniz, -Arthur Ob.rg, Rupert Parks; Nathan Sher. Mollle Cltrin, Margaret Engenlto. Katherlne.Fox. Gladys Games. 2B—Gilbert Anderson. Julius Falco. Flori- hand . Forlllo, Abraham ..Frankel. Harold Gable. Robert "N*.-wrnah. ; George" Oliver, Sal- vltore Ossido, Michael Paradlso. William Wrlghtsbn, Elsie. Bunrlnto, Elizabeth Heller, Loretta Kolenskt, ' Molly Lieb. Jessamena in, Clara Ecker, Tuite. -.,'' . T. - t-y./ji JA—Edgar Hend.ricK*«ni WaSt*r- . S er, Everett S*uh Aliva Berneberg. eyer, Dorothy McMAnUv Henrleta SchAr- pleh. Evelyn Fischer, Margaret Aff. ClAra. Llnd. Carolyn RlohmAn, EllzabAth SelfrUd. 4B—George Dumper, Sylvia'" Lubssh- Mar- tha Muller.- Florence Muir. Joe4ph'Mehllng. Charles Oecbter. Ruth . Beblen*. Elthca Knoeder, Evelyn Knox, Marlon Ridley. Ethel Saul. Edith Wobber. -• % • > • 4A—Russell Warnky.. Frances- Wlnkel- seth. - .• - :••> ' •: .." ' • .'., • 3B-Charle« BublitB. Mildred Reuter, Marjorie Wesley Dumper,. MlldMd R.uter, Marjorie Tlbbo, Phlljp Israel, John Roblnnon. Steph- en Schmteg, Everett Willis. Robert Ridley. SA—GUella Moss, John Fitzpatrlck. JAmes Hyde, John Knetser. Howard L!n.«V Michael Schmidt, Nancy Fellerman. Agnes Smith. Helen Wilson. ... . -<(>"•.-..-. 2B—Harry Rosankranx,, Henry Cortfggt- * anno, Helen Gardner, Eleanor Wlsbauer.\* 2A—Eugene- Ebellng, Stuart Whltcpmb. Helen Carmlehel. Louise Shutten. IB—Frederick ;. Jeckel, MUton Richards, Frances Stoeltzing. IA—John Knox. Ruth Hleks. , - » Kg.—John Shellon. Muriel Zimmerman. THE CAJtfBjUDGfe SCxx6C)L, (P. S,^Nb.,e8A:., •..-.;: Mi£sKate R. ^<*en Principal. ?B—Florence destram, Helen tjuandt, Her- bert Rsub. Loretta Van - Brunt,--. .- JA—Helen- Frits. Joseph' .Haas.- .Henrlttta Morrison, Eana Muller, Aufvist* Voghf- . 7B1—Clara Brown, Peter Saut,.Eleanor H*s- llach. Myra Jabl.- Henrietta- Ktett. q*6rge Kiefer., Alms, Muller, Emma Wlegand. ' 7B2—Katherlne Klein. -.:.- i > 7A1—Charles Bodamer. Martin C»r*y, Rose Degler, Karbara Oelger. Alice. Oaring, Gen- evieve Quandt, Ernestine .Rosenblath, Erwih Vollmer. . - . : : 7.A5—Henrietta Thompson^. . , :.r .'./-' JBI—Margaret .Butkholts, LorlP«> Byrne*, Robert Fleck; Eleanor Goets, - John Klr<hm*n, . Christopher Knorr, Anna Smith- ; •" «A1—Herbert Ehrlg. Elmer Kurs. Robert Miller. Hannah Stummi -Fri*da Vorroelker. SAJ— E l i s a b e t h Breltenbach. - Frank . Braun, John Cl»lre. .William Daly.-Sophie Gutmueller. Anna Hauf.. Ethel Jordan. Ch4rles-Jensen,.Wil- liam. Jansohn, Kenneth Potts, Fannie Potter, Lillian-Relnmuth. Joseph Sader, AugunWAld- ner, Catherine-Wirthm'an.- Mary .^eldhardt. SB—Lillian Doerr. Julia Havem*yer„- Eliza- beth -Klett. Helen . Mini. .-Lillian Strey?r. Charles Stalljbhartn, Lillian Warash. r.,•< •'",-• $A—Carmela , Attavieslmo,. Irene Dwnckle- m*nn._Augusta Fran*,- Elsa -FrAhz, -MHdrtd -r Rauh. • -. --•-' " - -. .-•- ' -•"•:••-*- --2.. _ ' i ; - • ; . 4B1—Herbert Buyer.' Anna DlehL Rutb G»A- tram. Allen Gebhardt, Anton Hell,-Mildred Lowe. Ruth Munsell, Ferdinand •. Warschalk. Mildred Rodell, Dolores-8bannoni Berdll Sarn- oft. GeraldineTIghe., Katharine.Ttghe.- 4B2-%\lbert Bykeefer. Florence Denton, Anna Geljer, John Olaser. Marguerite Keraner. Edna Moog. . Wilbur McManiis. Bicherd Ppt*l»y. Dorothy Stein.- Helen Welderibtisch, Veronica Wilson. Helen Zaydak. . - • »»«-i •*;'••<-'-.. 4A—John Curcla. Wlllfarn Fehrenbach; Elean- or Lanlnger, Helen Lcchtrecker,: LUllan. Rat- tan. Charles, Pfaffenzeller,; Robert . Wl**tn*jt,-- Richard Welgand. . - . » - i.i'L. JBl-Ruth Carey, LUllan Garing, Albert Ktnchner. Helen Menkes. - Amelia -RA.her, Charles Bcbaefer, Thomas Spencerr .-;'.. j,-: JBJ—Ruth Armbrlster, LUllan Brunles,^-Dor- othy Fremgen. Florence.F\ink,. Edward Gpod- chlld, Louis Hahn. Vera..Jansohn. Alice Sam- bosky, 8. ^cheldecker, Bernard Schneldmuller, Elsie Varganitz. Charles Burg, i ; SA—Dorothy Lang,, Gertrude : Renke. -- - JBI—William Halter. Theodore Will. ••. ^>= 2B2--Albert Bodamer. Fred Buckholtt.- D*Ir phyne Denton. Eleanor . Hubateek, LHI'an Knorr.. William Linn, Richard Miller. Thomas Moore. Arthur Spengler. Dorothy Schaeter; - : - - •' ~*|g»br;th Walropp, Marre- Young. ., -..;.:- ,'v- ..-, .' .:.<>',.•*•:•: ..:: 2A—Leroy Matthews; Anna Creelrnan. :. 1B1—Mildred . Boeckman, MargAret .Brelten- bach. Margaret Daly,'-Arthur Grlbbens, .EJIza- beth Knoche, Edwin Noble, Mildred SablAb, Frank'Zwosta. :'-l'" w ! Moss,. Ceres* Barthel. Mil- dred Hetigel, Charlotte Lthk,' Ethel Ltavy; Margaret Lutters, Mildred Rlecker.' 4B—-Anna Neumann. Grace Ohler, Bea- trice W.lnzlmmer, John Demp**y, Ma- thilda Mahler. .-.;..- - - - -•- •-.,.',- 4A—Helen Mosblech. Ada Roe.- Mildred Schmlti;•-. • •- .; : 3B—George Langenhahn, Georgo Heugel, Bella Berrnan, Emtllo Clemen. Llllle Lee. Carmcla Lucarelli, Helen Jtau, Elsi-Weber. SA—Theresa ' Fcssler.. Katie Dottcrman. "ATTco~H*"TT>e"rr~P».uline-Whltlen. THE FAIKVIEW SCHOOL. ,'-;: (P. S. Nos. 14, 17 and 18.) . , Ml^-j Josephine McLawler, Principal. " SB—Ernant'd'Angoio," Alexander " Fisher, Phillip Koren. Abraham Levine. Samuel Lindquist, Louis ' Schaccter. Ralph Serplco. Marie Ferraro, Dora Greenberg, Rebecca, Gubcrnlck. Luella Hasten. Frieda Trfflespn. . 8A^-Hestcr Nob'.c. Angelina Garrano, Dor- othy Doctors. Antonla Petr'elll. Lena Karet- sky. Anna Llttierl. Rose Mllano. ;. .. - 7B—Sylvia, Albsteln. Anna Conway; Rose Kaplan, Antonla Murella, Anna Pawellck, Anna Potenza, Rosa Zunno. Rose Zunho. Germano Andreuccl. Dante Rossi, Carmella Labrlola, Marguerite Llsantl,. Estelle Lus- 7 A—Robert Elsenberg, Fannie Wiener. Carnllle Kocarnlk. Raphael Boccla, Michael BrientftT-Herman-Noble. Gussie FlBher, GIs- »tda d'Angelo, Anna Glksser. Louis Squas- sone. Michael Brlcnza, Louis Rablnowitz; ' 6B—Sophie Baron. Rose De Lucca. Oraco ilentzer, Mary Montagna. Rosa Rablnowitz, Gertr-ude Schoenberg. Rose Rufola, Ra- phael Portonova, Jacob Rablnowitz, Hy- mAn Baron, Harry Kanowltz, Solomon Rln- gel. Josephine ARcerno, Margaret Small.. SA—Henry Fisher, Max - Greenberg, Al- vln. Vollmer. -'. ; ,,'• .(-'.',• 5B—Irving Albert, Onofrlo Manzella, Maria Greco. 'V * - . 6A. Blaso Bochlcchio, DAvid Stone, Marl* Llsantl, Esther Mwitzcr. Alda Ortolan!, Bose Restlno. Catherine Vlgnato, Raphael Mar- ottA. Millie Volpe. - . 4J3—Samuel Caggiano. Thomas Calabrese, Archie Nucatola, Antonla Portonova,- Adele Callgulrl.-Gussie Gross, Angelina. DeFeo, Robert San Angelo, Tony Vertucclo, John Walter,' Catherine De Rosi, Anna Elshor, LCellft Green," Celia Gubernick, Rose Morgan- ^esseFrTeTOle=S= ± 7ftOTl^Sophla^=R«hlnow4t--Ki? . ' 4A. Mary Wild. Nick Mongelll, Louis Mai lory, Aaron Wa-llance. LUllan Roller. Alex Rablnowitz. Harry Noble. . v . . . i JB--F,ll»abeth Kupllss. Emll Vertucolo, Alfred Altlerl, ChRrles Herrman, Nick Majn- rlno Natalie DeMoe, Madelaine Ferraro.-. JA—Dorothy- Haas. Phillip Manfls,-, Nick MassellA, Ida Palumbo. Joseph Perweller, Dorothy Poftugaloff. _ „'.; " jn Tony- Crrlmarco. .Frank .. Trefney, Mafy Aledort. Esther Flaster. Esther.GPld- beri Louise La- Rocco. Elvira Manxarl, Frank Arientl. Michael Chllllon, Louts Mon- ica Rudolph Romi, Carmcla Altlerl, Anna Brl'ckwodel. Silvia Gellmnn. Ruth Harrl*, Madelaine Taylor. Anna Wlshnttzer. . 2X Carlo Cardone. Irving Erwlch, James Lucca, Joseph Mongelll. Josephine Cal- liecl Rocco LarnAdo, Antonio Palumbo, Ang'elo MArrA. Victoria Clfaro. ]W—HelniA Jesse. George Berrado, Aldo Rtobola MlehAol Leo, Lputa Albino.- Flor- anee Erltch. Angelina Cogllano, Agnes Ces- ti.ro Charles GalllZJO. . - li—Teter Covlno. Jackie SllvermAn, Jo- ,,;J lncronalor. Jennie FrAgolla, Sadie Oil- HP". 11 i.*.',...- ei.».K.r» TA.»«1, Rogojsky, GEORGE cLtKldN SCHOOL. (P, &. No. ii—MaspiftJa.) Robert Eadlc. Principal. SB-rAlfred Jaegar. . Michael Senkiewies, Daniel Uhll. Margaret Duffy; Mary Mun- son. -Frances Nagle.-Margaret Peters. Alice Rettb.rg. Florence Stefanlttk.- ' , JA—Charles Boyle. : James Daus,-. rM*ry Agrestsu Mary'Barnath. Anna Gorodovlch. 7B—Alice Sturm. '. ~'i. ..-,•» 7A—Barbara Borne. Madelina -Grlbauskas. Catherine Kobel. Anna Laukaltls, Roslna Weber. - . ,.": . . -'. .".- •. .--.-• v' A - 5 •-. •:' (•;-• SB1—Charl*3 Kallenberg,- Anna Kresak, Mary Laukaltls. Agnes-Kryger. -«B2—Beatrice . Gasser. Msrcella. M*licka, Catherine Sadeckl.-Rose Sleglcr, Alice Smith. JAl—Daniel Knxb. 6AJ—Mary Tomesek. -- : BBl-fPaullne Bujg._ Marion - GribausXas. TCsTOr^Nelsonr^E-vsr^Vush^Lr^ael Viola HaAs, EllsabeTh Kern. Madeline Lauth. Woyclechowski, Louisa Swan.- - , •• . -. TOTuTe^-t^ttWtrrs*-^ic^oriAmJi*JJtojM5 1 ^^ —2A—'Edwin.PleUuch, .Lena,,3-a.ddIo,"Marie ence.,Schlelter^,AnjU; Snieaka,. , i •< '• --•• - ; Tadd'o. Agatha Yannuccl.--" , :-.-* :-,-'.-, 6B2—Ella Carsten, Mary Fri«d7tnoiI' ClArJi 1BI—Irving '" e._^ ..— - Berman, Charles Christ. Charles Gels, Morris-Kessman, Jean Lentlat. Ethel- Bernstein. Jennie fjardone,. Annie Celia, Anna De Viva. Fanny Franclori*. Fe- licia Lentlat. Juanlta SeAbury, Helen Wag- ner.- . ...,.:• .••••; 1BJ—Henry Junger. Louis Orthlleb, Isi- dore W.lnsteln, Edwin Toungberg. Mnrgarct Bptt. Helen Kewlck*. Margaret Palmleri, JBophlai, Pepper. WUhelmlna Rlpp. Marie Stella - Blelln- Katherlne lrv- Kathleen . Corcoran, MlnltL* RrupAky. Sylv|A Pr*kin, -. • • : •*•*'•- Rru»Hlii, Bl.neh* Gohtn, i ROJ- Oil n* K**«. JHAtrlf* lAIl--T«ldor Ito SchwAttA, *rr»art, ttlitmiihd Riaval, WW Rubin. VfAulA Biom'ktn.. . . lBl-HArold Alb.rt, Loul* At>doro, MArlln nernllelh. MAX XetnAr, Z«llg N*th*r.ron, R.ijtln*. PltdAlCtl, trader. Ro**nf«ld, Ruth in< Uadcru RorhAnbft, Hilda Settutsman, Xiurry ShapirOj TERRY, -nmrifttC e)tv.N$. Torry T«rn»ir rlrtAlly •*>•«* conrlnced thkt tor a man of hl« y«A*"* an<t cloubt- tul wotth to hi*, eiim the contract of- f«rft<V Him tjy Pr^ldtint 4lrh »\inn of tht) Clftvcinnd JtnAlan* 'wA* tMt «^nollB^. ?0 l«*t -»refik hu.rjiutt ht* hold' but innttcft, rlRnert nnd roportcd to M*.nftitor Fohl ftt Pfcv Orlcnnu. THE WOOBSiDE SCHOOL. (P. $. No. li.) Tlieophllus .Tohnson, Prlnclpai. JB— ThomAA Dixon, William Du Bols, MUton WcigmAn, 'MArguerll* Shljls, lAioy SpeekmAn. JA-.-G.orfg. Stevens, Rose Smith, Walter . 7»i^MatthA BArnett, EllzabAth Fey, Jean- e S t BJ?-M'A'rio (1 'carfello. William Swolfs, 7A—Georg* Gray. an—Harry HelmuA. Alfred Steven*. Evelyn Burn., Adels Duke, F.llfabeth Karcher, Doro- thy <M»CRA«, Helen Nlchol*. IA—May l're*. Ethel Ford, Mary Manari. Ml-Wlnlfred Foy. Llllle Offner. Mary MAr- eA-ThomAS Rradley, EdWArd PlAte, FrancU Ry-Afl, llfrl>«rt Wolff. Anna Gus.man, MAr- g«r*t Metlovern. 4111—Allc* Rordon. H»I«n . Frltac.hl, Ann* Gr.ener, Ruth HArrieoh MArgAr.t t^ublare, Amelia V.ltel. RAymond Dlypn, Harry Oor- AchAlkl, Raymond M*llA, Joteph Mphen, George KtsAmer. - 41rJ—Viola Klmm.rl*. 4A-Alb«rt Wlnkla. Mary Fenton. F.llitabAt^ HtiAchk*, Roa* KarchArj_Anna Pcndi.k, JBl-Atthut Carroll. WAlter Orywald, John 7,AChArlAde«, Kl»l* Bninn.r. Alice OorschalVI, CAth.rlnA JellneV. G*n«vl«v« Jockla, jt.len Johniton*. Ivy <M*n»M*ld. F.mlly Marvbltto, Helen Mulvlhlll, MArgAret Thelen, T«r*»A TrAlnor, Anna RAVAI. jn}-WIUIA,rr, Rowe*. G*cirg« Wu»l, WtlllAm rt.rnett, JosephlnA Rl.hv-kl. Ruth Dlckaon, Tl** FrltscM, Jennl. Rleleekl. JA-FlA»in^> RernArdlnelll. Perry Enteman, Emll Kmfrner, -LoutAe WlllAu.r. JBl-ChAri.a Dixon. John Morton p.ll»grlnn w O.aper Rlnaldo. ROA« vtifl. Sylvia Slernb.rg, MUton Stone, Josephine Rosenthal. Joseph Gallagano. TettA THE CORONA (P. S. No. FortunAto Carlo* s A. EI«*nor yAirelV. Martha OuASman. Dora DorA Huather, BleAnof Kraenier, F.v.lyn Wolff. Ahn* Wyn*ev». %B»-K»nn.lh AAkeaeon. It.rold CedAr, Har- old He***, Alfred MAr*. RAymond Reich, FrAhk SendlAk. Step t*n Wll.on. KAlhrln* Mc^ Govern, Mutl.l Mulvlhlll, G.nrud* Kennedy. M*rl* SchierhOlt. JA--Fr*derkk Faust, Arthur GoeniAn, JoHn HofniAnn, llArriiion RAl.a, Agrie. Klmmtrle, Muriel M*n»n*M. mi~R*?n-ond RorgM. Nathan Blkln, Ann* H.rtleon, Marl* Mulligan. iRJ-MiriAm DletkA*. IA- MkbMl RernArdinHii, Wiili«*m DvorsacV. Charles Kl.ln, H*rry KtAarnfr, VSugct-. iMar- cbltto, John JMInak,. Annn, Calm*s, PaAoiiA- lln« r*ili«rlno KlndergArtcn-SAmutl Alien, WAlt.r B*rnetL H.rb.rt Elliott, Robert TWAdd.ll, Theodore tvircthy l)lxon, Johanna floett- Ui\ Hnaih^r, MArg4rct,,Lutr*n. Kd- *rd ttarmoh, RiAnthA Gottlieb, vavrlr llehei g.r ! Lottl' i I ! i!il*ii!M'M SCHOOL. 16.) MUs Mary A - t^fclilld, Acting PjHti- cipal. B~MargAret llAlrd. Marlon Heluhan, tfarrv Fri*denf*leh.. George Herllts, OeorgA Kourll. Joieph Scheel, Anna KrAam.r, Gef- lr «i—Thomas Hrady. Howard Dresser, Jo- seph larlcct.-Fred Pechetta. Edward Kuhlen, otVllfl. Boyn*, Millie FundA, Pearl I^ClAIr*. Edith StrAtn, May D'Al«s*Andro, Xfay pr*- M *»!lMArls AlexAnder, Alice Frlberg, AnnA W 7X—WllllAm Scheel. H.l.n Pollak. Lily Pro»h«*k». Albert SbarrA Kmlly ShAar. , »n---Axel Hendrickson. Francla 1^ F.bor*. Harold Vourrnan, AugMata Fran»«n, MlldrAd Oii'vman, Alica Klute, Marion MATAhail, Helen O'Connor. SylvlA PAgano. Lillian rtAllo Anna Knut. Ellen Larsen, Iran* SAIL- man.'Marlon Schach. Florence Wei**, Wll- litm Lehnhoff. DAvld Paaternack. «A—Lena 8p*y*«r. 6 r>^rt«orglana Funda, Edward Ooldan, Andrew Spaelh. Dorothy Schloo, Raymond Mertrath, WAlUr Klute. Kurt Pabst. Ir^ln rtArt-Henry Hlnehctlffe. William N«wberg. Marion RreAloff, Helen LlndAnbcrger, Mildred ''^--KAfl Kaeferleln, Amy Grav.ly, liath- erlna rhrl.lorXeraen, A|ne* Vprat, Kv* Sal- JrnA.alnhn Dowd Arthur Olson iri-WUUAm Fol»r, Je**phln» Lor.lla, A ,' c « Ltndeberg, YrAncea OAII.A Fr*d Ab.l, tin* AoWtA, R.na CArdon. .WallAr Ger- hardt. John Sche.l. ChArle* Schmidt, Je- l *?A--An««io Coppol., Evelyn Rrosch. L*n* *>Arliano Robert Bauman. John Cunning. him H.l.n Golden. Victoria Labrlola, Har- »(ei 'Moder. Clara Pran«o. "VB--WUiiAm SAliak. ArehlbAld Simmon*. MAtl* Schmidt, Edwin Kol*«h, Wllh»lmin* n< VV!-'WllllAm Burn. John DAftuctV, Wll- lfarn Heerdt. Oeorg* LAtaen, CArl Naa*. liBwatA- Ntck.raon, KI*A»or Dl t 8t*fAno, J'hrrlottA FfAoaen. H.l.n G.l.leK Ade|« KAeferlun, MArlan McMAhon, OUcly. MIL „,. AnnlA Rel.A, Jos.phlft* Rohlhsan, MAH- Jaret Rohn, UlltAn Cohen. Elsl* I^l.k, AIR. flanttlquldo, Ann* Smith, Vivian VAndsr- v 'ln*^ChArl** Seh««d.l. Dorothy, CromwAll, I^-TAti*. lAwrencN Lidulna Viol*, oil* t0 j U A~-JA«bh LudlPjr,.f»«d 8und«b«rt?, frAhk VoiklAnd. Anna j>^*rW«rl. Gertnid* M*bM Olvfnp'A Massiicf, MAdellne M|ll.r. DnrlA R»e.l, Baaal* Woi'lh, RobArt ChApbelt; Frfan- ^Vj^Jl^^LHl^f^ . Al,rtd H«si«», .THE'-POPPENHUSElX~S?niO"CnDr~ (P. S . N ° - 2 '9:—Annex.to,No. 27.) . 6A—Dorothy Siawi^y.f/^tc^Pfbertriw, Alice Matter, Anna Maggerlch. gdRh # Aruok. Kilherlne: GUtknecht, Edna.&reen,--Margarev D 4B^-Wliliarn Bush. Theodore.Hacfell; Mor- ris LAssman ; Verner Rhyne. #»f* Su g.™M: Donald Stcddart. Godfred -vVilson. Gladys Barto Elsie Doerr, Marlon Held. Grace Miller. Emllle Ohler. , -„.i.„ r i. Rahr . 4A^-Georgo Masklell. MarJorte Ba " r . Irene Bopp. Evelyn Cootz.^Marcella Jan- sen Elsie Jockers, Rose KazanJy.. MArie Koch. Carnllle Palladlno. Amy Tr.f«.rv. r JA—Thomas Buchan; -Louis- Pesaxort. Caroline. Kunkel. May Trefzor. Agnes Mil- ft MArie DomencheUl. Anns Schag. Dorothy GalatlAn, Margaret Bock. J_-1rjRjE BAYSIDE SGHOOL^ (P. S.'..Jjt<V ( '-Jl.)r, Mrs. Jennlo L. Potter, Principal. SB—Helen Collins, Elizabeth Howell, Julia Kelly. MUdred Kuehsel. John he*- ton Lobls Robson. Florence Teller. JA-Tpm Corcoran, Tom Hlckey, Edith Br 7 a B^-Allce Appelman, Louisa Bender, C VA^erm V am'Bonneau. Frank Lawklns, MelerLeyTnia. Tessle. Lubtlz. Louise Retz- Hrr. Bdlth Wlnkleman, Helen Gambeskt, ^ J S - E u S " ' Bergin, Arthur Knapp, John Llnkhcld? 5 William- Prpud, Frank What- mough, Robert Wool.ey, «Ky, Elizabeth Rossman, ln f - B—B.rthA Molesca, Eva Molesca. ..-ta-^-Mary.-MAury, _ 4 B=^n^Srr?f ^^'^ 1 " a ?»,Sr d LtF 4A—Lincoln Bonneau, Alma Lelble, Lot- tU |B B -l!fJ*5r t gA Corcoran. Vincent Lawklns RutrT Burrltt. Frances Sullivan, Shirley Sm , A l - W ^ ^ ^ H o S - Hyman Jacobs. Fr.d I andau Harry Luoft*, Tes.le Casmus, Jean- nrneOrepler Helen Nltsky. Frances NovA; k0 S*A , i-H»beri hl ' Roe, -Violet- -Broomstaff, StAtclA nadjleskl. Marie Hartye, Sophia Yazembow.kl. . iu^M'irgaMUir. Olga Aderente.-Sla- vla Kranglcwltz, Helen Partlka. Margaret W JA—Katie Rogozinsky, Matilda Sack, WllllAm Reeve*- . }fe^E*cn*n"iid.r. Mary Tavlt, MAry WAsko. kJ (P S, 41—Annex'to-No. si.) «A—Justin Anderson. Slgmund KatzkAlla, A^.I Muller Helen Ferrl*. Dorothy Mug- ford He in* Sheffield, fcdwln Sw.et. KlTa T?,,*4, M . V * Tell.r. KathAlena Slater. . JB^-Ann* Golden, George Syk.s. Rufus S ?Arjack y nie! m FMnce» Chud.la, M«y OaVge^ Janet Sweet. Dorothy Clark. jfl-C'MgtmJnf'RV.Inild Pro»d. Ken- neth 8lmon, MAd.llne llurner. Marion Bur- 3.1L MUotid Knies. Ruby Smith. ifcvietc*/ Belmont*. t ^ wr «( , C.l*rke, KpwaTd Wyll». Charlott* Conklin.^ OracA m ,A-DoVoihy mr.lt. Dorothy pi.rct^ lA^MriJt.* 1 * B A « *»»" «^» »«rtgn4, Hriso^ N Shapter. Dorothy Corl.y. Lillian Wittm«y*r. CRKEOMOOR KCHOOL. (P. S. Xo. S3.). Atrnw E. Maranlar, Principal; «B—MUdr*d Sobf>*. Margartl Hill, Mllll- c«nt riter.on J&ZoJ?irdln! Or*f, M«ry LlAka. El.anor Sh.llAnd. , SA—lfen. Knowle. A .• 4R-KA.lh.rln. MAurer, Forrest Oraf. 4A—H»l»n I M *;*--..,_,-A Me.. jn-Vcmon Graf. M«»rd He**. »R—Rlh.l Falkenb.rg. . . iA—walter Atchl.cn. Donald b *r n ^Oh.,tl.r Pol«»«- WtMbitri IA—Rv«lyn Hawkln*. Vallone..,.,--.-,...,. . . —l'At=*"Matty-rtr-A-nadVll}er—JJ.orge—ClirJ-^ Philip Frelbriim", -Edward Shoppe. Walter Sieger,- Jaqob, . .Tlrnauer, Sylvia Feldman, MUdred Llpshlt*. .Mary Marline. Beatrice Rykel, Lydla Traenkle. Winifred Wright- ,'.lAS-^RUMeU' CleurkT ~Dou^fas""Jolinstohe7 Fiery Valentin*, Gustav Warteli, Mary Far- nan. Louise Mruczek, Jeanette Valentine, Harriet Van Inwegen,, Elizabeth. Vlscuse. Kgn.—Tony De Stcphano. Edward Golub. Ida Solomonic. Esther Trulson, Susie Del- mona. -Bertha-'Greensteln,' -Jennie Santlllo, Frances Blcgclelsen, Mary LAnzlseva. Paul- ine Drogan, Edith Welnsteln, Allco Ortlleb. HILLSIDE AVENUE SCHO OL. (P. S. No. 54) Miss Helen |i\ DaUoy,, Principal. •IB—Anthony Lamberti.,- George Rocheitcr, Dprothy-Kles.-^H*s*l Kellar. .Agnes JRotb— 6A—Anoa Klra,. Elsie Schad. Frsnces Uhllg, Mildred Drjewes. - -. .-'< .- 8A—Edward Kuck, Rocco Rlcclntl. Rosemary Ryan. - - t i - . iAl—Fred i HunterUund, Virginia Hofman, Lllla Mariano. 2A2—ClAytoo Grover, Mabel Rlchter. IA—Edna Bossier. MORRIS PARlt SCHOOL. Witiehle- RpmAn. JOHN HARVARD SCHOOL. (J?. S. No. U.) . Groteto «»• Dntion, Principal. ' Klndk.gArt.n-Wlnlfred r|„ch, William KlrtArrtj teOlA RU*«All. LlAlf Tr.At. ^zl^ArerKr.erMA^.rAi Kommlck. !C.\h«r M p.!lA <**}"$* S,mftn »- Pl0r * f,t9 la Doroth? DieVAon. FreXerlcV Kn Wlklr,f. i*ria Pei< fcdmund Slpnott Aitcj fljtoglund. . (P V ,S. Np v ,57.) JWIss Catherine. Stte*han, PrlitidbaL. •ftB—Gilbert Carlson, Eim.r Vaseoll. Elsl. Berger, Helen Drew, Marion Gordon, Elisa- beth Haalaeh, Hasel Hesch. Viola Volge. iA Helen•, Bchofl-tld. Eleanor Smith. Mary Storer. Olga-Vlgeland: JB—Brehton. Badljy,-. .Carl Kovach, John Palmerl, William • Roeckleln. Alfred Rus- Aell, Edmond;Whlte, Mary Bsdley. Mllltcent .Hevsjilla^ Grace. P.rclvAJrrLaurAneata WAber. ~,rA^^wun"aflt-=^b-^M*frAt*-^«thet=^erir.r^ CAmllla HAns.n, C a t h e r i n * M e i h e c k e , "Ann"*' Meyer, Alice Tr.u, *B—Horace .Hal). Walter Johnson. Helen Go**, Flor.nc* Spcldel. Margaret Spulbb. Evelyn SulllvAn, Edith Northup, Evelyn Sinclair, Robert Fassnacht, Isabel Borchers. JA—Arthur Vlesar, Marion*.Setts. . £B—Richard MlllAr,. Flor.nce Bawo. Mary EAgAn, Marlon Lake. Ruth Swansttom, Flor. encA ' Whipple; -ThomAA Kennedy, F.dnA IJrush, Virginia RAblghorst, , Harriet John- son, Dorothy Mile*. Miriam - Schancke, Mtrlon Tr*u. Anna Carlson. • • JB—Charles 8elt*. Elsie Fein, Arshaloys Guerovjlan, Caroline- HAlnrlch.- Helen Krle- per. Eth.l Northup. MArgAret RoAto, Robert HAerntr, Muriel Bog*n, Ella H*tton, Vernal Speldcl. lAUr*. -StelnbArt,- Florence-Svinson. *A—Ralph Miller. Thomas Neppel, Al- trtd BAnner, Alfred Bernhardt, Edward Coysh, HVm.n Fein, Bert Lliigem»n, Ed- WArd Wetnrieh, Dorothy Brltg*. Gertrude R.lls, Louta* Thornton. 4B-—Arthur JackApn, Peter Krom»n. Laura Amott,, Edna M.yAr, Arthur Ob*r- glock, IsAbAll* Ams.l!, Margu.rlt. Rub. Dorothy ' Thompson. Ro*» Walih. Rulh V.rlty, Rosalind Storer, Ruth Sklbitzk. H*l.n Zolko.kl. ••'•:.. •IA—M.rgAr.t Campbell, Alma C«K Xtor- ton Goldstein. May H»hn, Stanley Milltschcr, Mary St*lAhA,rt. •Kindergarten—Paul Rllverthr-rne, GUt...rt P.rclval. Dorothy Weston, Walter Kob, Catherlna Rosso. P. S, No. 5R—Annex to P. 8. No. ft'. 8A—.Elln Amott, Ethel Boyle, Sylvia Hymowlt*,-vAnnA Johntion, MArion Miller. Edith RU»».II. ^ 4B—Atlhvlr Beck. B.rnArd MarralA. AnastA.lACamlchel. Hnward Todd. Elizabeth 4X—Arthur Davit*, Anna. Treu. JB—G»otg» Fleldsend. Alfred Roeckleln. Marl* HAttmAn, EvAtyn PAg*. EllzabAth Sullivan, Walt.r Sutlmeler. Daisy Cole. MArion Hefting.. EltAnor Zolko»kl.- JA—HArold Kohl. LIlllAn Ebel. VerA Franklin, Reb«rt Lott. AbfahAm N*9». Thel B.rje. Grac* Henri*. Winifred MarcAtoi. THE bNIVKR^lTirrliACE SCHOOI,. (i>. R. No. 59.) Arthur D. Stetson. Principai. IB—Mildred Klarman, Ada L«ar, Anna J.en*. IA—Ruth E. Baumann, Gertrude Grau.r- hol*. Adolphtn. Lahmann, Kdna MeManus. IB—^August Carle. 7A--H«len N*wm*n, Evelyn fierenbet*. «ft—Blanch* .Boyd, Anna Cahlll, Robert FellClo. »t«l*n Hndblrw>m. IA—MariA ConAiAgtln. John G.rken. Eve- Trcnchard. SA1—Oscar .Olsen, Victoria Grlbauakaa. : Mary Kozlowskt, . Victoria Kosman, Monica Munson. Anna Jusza. Mabel.Haeckel.' .-'i 6A1—Paul StsldeL Anthony.'Tamulynas. Edna Siegert. Anna Baumann, . Augusta - Klrschmahn. :•"• .• • '.-•..; 4B1—Henry. CIchosz. Charles Dupuls, Elsa Lindquist, Madeline Smith. .. ; ...•.-, 4B2T-Ernest. Bucholtz. Edward . Zabo, "fco-retta—Kramervi •; : (-'•-..-...:'<•.,• 4AL=^ar*nce_Heller.-. Edward- McGIincTiy;—^~ William OSlaraV 'MIeha"eI--Sp»rftndOv—Ceth-— trine Brust, Dorothy Carney. Gladys. Daus, Edna Egan. Anna Rosenberg, Felecla. Win--, klel. •• - , j 4A2-r-Cepelia Well. William Cooper, George Kreshaic,"" ChArles~Ea~s3r:"r~—'—g >! *T**^'yi!g' ''"•'; 3BI-—Frances Gorzenskl. Jennie Thorn, Lconoro Ltllenthal, Rose Zwlckl, Walter Kasper. John Kllroy, Daniel Thom, George Sparks. William Borne. 3B2—Stanislaus Novek. Caroline Majut. JAl—John Matuslak, Helen McElwain, JA2—Philip Glasser, Lillian Harms. Mar- garet Laukaltes, Josephine Lucas, Bertha Balchattas. . - - JBI—Alfred Hess. John Kobel. John Ko- linsky. Joseph Kolinsky, Boleslaus Navlckas, Thomas Wisnlewskl. Marie Gorodovjch. Helen' Nagle, Helen Roblkauski, Isabel . Rcnne, Marcella Tamullnas. 2B2—Richard Penn Betts, Charles Natuzas Caroline—Kbzlowska4..Amella_KuHs,_jJes»l*_ Lovinsbury. Josephine Peters. Ellzab.th Wagner. . .'-> '5"-.'-"-- :• iAl*—John Keryc, Frank Korsak; Olga 8zlt: Mary 8perankas. - j - JAJ—Charles^ Augustinaa, Harold Daus. . Stanley Gorzenski; Casper Lukszewlcz, Clara Brust, Catherine Kania. Grace Sarvls, Helen. Tacyis. •- ' ; -..'- 1B1—Raymond Gruritz. Frank -Ostrowskl. Helen Carney. Lucy Cleho.z, Pllogla Clerz- n'.swskl. Helen Olsaewska. Antonla Stefano- vloa,-Ir*n» Wachowlcz, Edwai-d Collins. ; 1B2—Stanley Byzzewskl. Alphons. Fal- s.tta. August G.y.r. Michael Grlbauskl.-.Al- bort Kaytor. Thorns* -Klstinger. Archibald MacGregOr. Hilen Dares. Emma FreedenthAl. Marguerite McKenna.-, >.«* . > IAl—Thbmaa . Brennan; Salvador. Maf- fatone. John Navlckas, Stanlslava BJurllnska. Marie Gerbe. ' L^—,ii 1AJ—Herman Clever*, Casimlr, Kubiilus. Walter Massonnee, Jerome Matuslak. Irene -Bafanawjlkl. Viola Harm*.; .Emilia Jatonl*. -t-- Anna 'kremer, ifar- Gabfiel; " J«- Koeppler, Anna Anna WOODWARD AVENUE SCHOOb. (P. S. No. 74.) Miss Winifred L. Worthcy, Principal , 411—H»rry Kallonneck guerlte Kull. 4A—William Jensen. JB—Eleanor Kroemer, Carrie Llndentelser, JA—Anna Bltchoff, EvAllne sephlne Kremer, Helen Smld. JR—John Ebcrt, Edward Becker, Sunda De -Mat-tlnl. 2A—Marshall Tlmberlake. IB—Dorothy Oakley. lA-Carl BUChOff. - - ' Kindergarten—Walter Bbert... Marie Gabriel. Evelyn GlftelA, Marlon MecVmull. THE RAPELYE SOHOOlu , (P. 8. No. 7fe.i Ml*s Josephine McC. Klohr, Prindji>aL, rn—Catharlne^ Lahey, Alice Miller, MArga- ret Sullivan, Agnea Travers. •- - JA—Harry Mci^utbUn, Veronica Breen, Roi» Buck master. / - . .\ 7A-Ad«lald* Rreen. -There** t>»vo*. *B—Jo*eph Habatdhikl, Thoma* -Hlggin*. . »A—Eugene Flaherty, William McKeon, Florence Flnnegan, Margaret Flaherty. Kath- leen O'Sh'eA,... . _ . AR-Kthel Neary. 5A-Ethel flchuit*. 4B-Mar»Ar«t O'SheA,-- , tA~CAthertn« Schubert. JB-Adele Flood. Jli-Frederlck-Gro*«, Edgar :Ha*Vin«, Mar- garet Condon, Anna Olock. Anna O'Shea.. JA—Jame* Connolly, John Monahan.' ; Kaa- mlez Toma*ew*kl. Josephine Herman. 1R-Helen McGrath. CAtherlfte Monahan, Harriet (Murphy, Anna McCtu.Vy. -lA-^'haHe* Cuchlnekl, Helen Cukler*kl, Mary KohAUt. THE DMSSVTIXE SCHOOL. (P. S,.>*0, 80.) Mclvln Hit, Prin-Mpsl. IB-Helen Mullany. i 7B -Catherin* Rank*. M»n' Birg.Ue, Adel* Ca«»ldy. Julia Co*t.llo. Madeline L't- Vletor T.rgbu*- t, *s n n —Elizabeth Chaubaud, i«« J.ftr.y. U'ltymA. fc.l.i.r. ID—KAlherinA Wagn.r. Al.xand.r W.ro- lNt- Dorftthy H*ln*rriAn, Kdlth 4A-^An*»lm* C.v.ngro*. Allc* T t0 »Bl , --M*tlA Bocchino, J % n B, ft JX m «r^.*o : .H»^n* ti Kb*i. Hurlhutt, Albert lAindduULJAmt* McCltu- •y, A|tr*A McOtAgor. n, li_-jphn Jft*n*«hb*ch, May CAulfleld. ri.rthA - rt.ury, ChAri.a Kopp.l. Florence llAr RdwiTrd McCAna. MArgaret Plalat. WllllAm n.nn.r. JWrberi SAho.n,, John 8hAw. Ro*. Vlnd.ttl. R b N f B h - la'neh*'Wan'iV,"G*or'i* wi"| Vlncint SchAtrT. Lutlia Turn«r. TitE Q*FO*Rt> SCHOOL. (P. R. No. 66.) MI«A Fr«ncc.A H. Sceley. Principal. *B--Doug!AA- Rldl*y, Rnymond Roper. a«»Mev WAtmor*. AgAtha Boon.. MArgAret M.h TCI.I. Spo.ri Kdlth Punk. AnnA Ud- "**.' H.l*n XavonkJIan, Flor»nc* ChArr,- Rn« •• All**' * n £r' , J, hy Sfhwlng, Annj Stolh iS—Sdmvtnd And«r*pn -AbrAhAm- -Klv.tv lea*. tit—father I fi» Bergen, aky, Jame. Shepherd. IB—Mary Oel«and. Aldona Gru.nh.r* Elisabeth Henley. Ro<t« K . l l y . St.lla pp"'. z<*ln*kl, France* Stanklall*. *" han»kl. PAII Rice*. IA—Harriet Rr»otow»kl. 7A—France* «"*»-»••• Tere»A Commlh- Rug.nA B.- Io'~tor»oh Gudtskl*.- Calta K*»*. -Inni Roht.r. B.nsd.ttA H*rU - r "!*rv I Anna «A- ... v.ilv M.ry Polelmkl. An«* .. tl. Keij). «»;»* »«„, Toms.humA., ClAf* Myf- RAt.n»k*>. AdA M.rkum.*. Ruth rt'ruenberg. S *i A !i f St*nt.y Kemptnski, la—MAfy MACkAWlCA. ,6 {}^W**ol* n*r«.n. Ang.iA »«t.k»vle. rina le»ne*. »3dna Terha*hum«* Alft.d 5»M.r KmmA Shaldler. Adam ,I*pln*kl. K m A I M * McNAliy. Viol* flAnAgAn, iA«iie Rondu. Thorn** R.rgen. Reglna CIAV- boSltAfk Shepherd, Samuel Reres, UttU f,l VA n i-M.?g'a,er H'eMt* Eli.Abeth UrbA**, i.i T««»if», J»nny J.tlnskl. . X»th*fln*, IlMnel Chari** XA?p.lle*. C.ll* Raaitla. W j A ^ M h ' n u c 7 k o w A k l . J V . I t . r , P o l l t U k . . wilt, m Wdward Priihnah, Stephen y.lrn»«rmAh. lc« BromlAkowakt. M*ry LAmK ,RM JjakowAki. Kitty Morn*. Aden T«m*«huj Allc* RA'Al". M Contlriact) OJlJi'si .*!. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: M Tflfi BitOOKLYN ll^lfet JMGtB. Igffit ...fultonhistory.com/Newspaper 5/Brooklyn NY Daily... · *'iv "Tfcere is strong effort and ho. dls--'•'loyalty in any way," said Mrs. Lad-:

flUffrTCW111^trade^1i^l^WIMIIIHI|lillllMmdashMB ITI I Pl11131 llIJ I i SII I l-CI i lit ^ H H H H H i ^ J - i J i bull m

M Tflfi BitOOKLYN ll^lfet JMGtB Igffit yptite f RpAtv ASIlL Iamp iSJ i^-^raquo^

fioys Liberty Sditalion I VoluHtartfy Formed at No130 ^Sgt

StfembersBuyrTIierr~Owirfchriform-atid~Have~Fife-r-Egtrum and Bugle CorpsmdashTeachers and Children





bull An effective clock-dial made by a _laquoiteacher at Public School 130 Ocean

r pound n d Fort Hamilton Parkways regis--bullrters the enthusiasm of the chiidren t bullJllt-icherg parents and neighbor in

their work for the Liberty Bond Drive 33i(gt each class achievesacertain con-rrtribution a child is detailed to push ^JJje clock hands forward before the

assembled school The war work bt ih i i school of thirty classes ot 112

bullphtldren of whom the most are of American parentag-e is thoroughly spontaneous More than one of its teachers describes the school as

^ w o r k i n g as a unit Mrs Minnie ltfftLedwlth the principal says tho

school is co-operating marvelously iv Tfcere is strong effort and ho dls-

-bullloyalty in any way said Mrs Lad- with They do all that human beings

raquo5-can do I would like to extend my gratitudeto the children teachers and

friends through the columns of The Eagle

raquo-- Delight prevailed when the $8200 fsmark was-reached last Friday This was more than Over the Top for the

quota asked from the school But Moh-bullgtday money was stjll arriving making ihe amount easily over $10000 ilt70 had come in from brie class that

tday and casually paigt)j two military-looking pupils in the hallway the re

It tSfe l l l i l l l i iPMSiOB LIBERTY BATTALION

rter lea


~ $1200 the other $800 for more Lib-~ erty Bonds that morning gt The school began its Red Cross work a long tirhq ajjej and its 100

P^r cent hbiibrs areribvy past history I t s Thrift Stamp work was not instishy

tuted as school business until about the first of February N6w each child

averages $259 Before this- arid not included in this one lthlld had bought

bullbull $4d0 worth of stamps The sbhool Ijas a saying bank for the pupils from

which money has to-sortie extent been drawn for the stamps But all tlie

- estimatps styeR are only what has ^passed directly through the school

As partbf the study work the phil--dren Have to write compositions pr 1givea-taik tothe other pupils- coh-Ncernihg the LibertyJBpnds Muriel

4 l | en of vivid imagination 12 years old and ofTAcontHjJuted thi3 as a pafc^pf her essay reading it to Her

^1 classmates^ IAbull bullbull gt How I wish tlieJ-oTn bullbull Kaiser hadpneumonia because every bullbv6nd means 160 degrees rise in terri-

perat-tjte during his illness If you cant- flgrit ypu can empty your pocketshy- b o o k to bur Government We must

save our people for Democracy bull bull bull We must riot let Kaiser William walk the streets of tho U jilted States He above all persons must riot grin at our faces-or at the cities we live in It must riot happen and it w(ll hot happenBoys Gfrls of every district v bullbullbullbull Then followed her call to her assoolates for Liberty Bond work for her country bull

Ah eopeelal featur of the work at that school 1B the Boys Liberty Batshytalion prkartUed outside of the classshyroom at the boys urgency by Mr Vfh Haiti H Stanton a mathematics and physical education instructor of the school as well as being a sergeant of the police reserve or the Eighty-secshyond Precinct of Brooklyn He has re- fused all pay for this extra school work

As a part of the regular school work anp under the new law for physical training on a military basis every class of the eight upper grades both boys and girls is organized into a military cornpany They have military drills and a monthly military review is planned -

For the boys Liberty Battalion there are no admission fees ordues The requirements for those who volunshyteer most of whom are 12 years or more the yery lowestbeing 10 are to agree to obey orders ahd t o b e a soldier Htall times bull Thelatter ihf eludes ppll|epesa tjrectness of bearing

ad-cotteete^fi^ct-fttrWtffe T-nebdquo-l Tltv_ 1 -- 1- - -- _ t-1 -J nii_ L j _ijrii JijpitUi says It has made a wonder-hit differ

ence- The battalion was formed about two months ago with forty PJIT plls there are now ninety-nine They have a drum nip and bugle corps of plght-pup^ils Each hoy provides his own uniformmdashthis lp the only expense One hoy worked for h|s uriiitbrm through his feaster vacation as an errand boy at a store

Tho spebhd public appearance of the batiaiioh will be in a parade toshynight in the Eighty-second Precinct under the auspices of the Police Reshyserve

Thefirst appearance of theboys was on the evening of April 8 when the school raised $2500 at dn entertainshyment for the Third Liberty LoHr wqrk

The Service Flag Of the School has ip3 stars A neighbor has ehgrpssed the names of the-Honor Roll iinbther has presented amp set of the Allies

bulleblprs Trieflag for the EloeriyTBal-tdlibnhas been offefea by an inter-estedparerit gt

Mrs Ledwlth says tho inspiration and the work of her teachers cannot be measured in words

B p i D s c H i t p (iiss SOCIETY

lOn Honbr Rolt ltf P r o o ^ y n

ChaptermdashFine Work Done

^gtyysltfe^^lfeamplt^^raquoraquoJsijS^^^ bull

Public School -Vo 153mdashCbhtinued Blaquorlaquot Kyan StsUa Waller^teln Helen Zadek

3BmdashRiith Bennet t Thelriia Hansen A l r o d Carrano l i t c h a e l Galassl Charles - rfltchcock Robert Hurvtert John Kourl A r -

ttiir Levy Tertlus Styles Wi l l iam Roth bull SAmdashrEdna Greenblatt Margaret Jennings L W j l l a r d Cargan J o s e p h Eelghery Tony s Tel lcel l l Vlijcerit Maloney- Joseph Saloz ia

3BmdashAlbred Bohlln Janiea Halgnev F r a n k Rixza J a m e s Homracr Charles Wer-rier Antoinette Ockert- Beatr ice -Seckler

Lane Louise Cardoza Rose F i tz -

5BMmdashAntoinette Carfaro Josephine Amuso Margaret DAvarizaffLuigl Muhicliella Helen Tiornas bullbullbullbull i 5AMmdashAnhle Scttcri Carmine Disco Domitilc Fero LulgrGrapppne Francis Klnsella An-toplp Rao- Angelina P lsanb

4BmdashSAmdashJosleGrandlello PasquaJIna Ffetrone Rose de Gtoyanni Rose Ianhotta Fllonieha Anunziata Jkmcs Salamone Carl MbrUno Raffael De Sarito

ltBMmdashLoula Blanco Wiimtrade Tlnhlln ^ n m K6raAi4o Kaerreie Delia Ratta Vincent T^gtm-bardl Theresa Carfand Iltbulsa D4 ftosa Marie Bsposl to -Beaulcc Massara AHce Thomas Roccb GiardeUo- Michael Leprlne Sabltlno Mazzeo- Mario arro

4AMmdashWilliam Wilson Anna Ricca Martin Dorilori Erheat Foy Slario Manfrpdoi Joseph Zbdlsh Beatric^DeBletrb Louis Disce Hch-

AJrglnla ceraid bullbull JAMtmdashArthur bullWells - bull bull v bull 2AM2mdashCrelgh Park Wi l l iam Sweeney Ealjne Brown Liana Marcone Baaii icy P a n -

lBMlr-citherIrv9 JJamJllQn Donald bdquoCun-I r ^ t i j ^ i b b ^ nlngham Howard Bennett - - T - 3 B 5 I mdash C h a r l e s Baxter I^ouls TarinoVUJulia lBM2-^Joseph Brown Charles Jennings^ i Plscitello FHomenfl Ferrarra Marie DI Cuzzl Albert Tlschler Edi th Dolen Hazel Stu- | Frieda Grotensteln CMrmella Verdlnl Gtr-raquodegnrauch Marie Trueson Del ia Worthman | trude Augenti FJorence Commlsso

1AM1mdashHarry Kiernan Erne3t Levitt Le 3AMmdashAnna Pilia Mlchele Sangrogario toy Sprague I Theresa Clapto Lucy Kelly Tony De Ohieco

lAMI^-Gortrude l sacke I John rubella C h a f e s Zinnp Rosma Fierro Aiincx Avcntie L

IBMmdashElwbod Schussler EJhel Lisante iUlorla Manglnl Eve lyn Sullivan

bullA laquo8mdash-Vlto Ilsante Joseph McGowan Dorshyothy Russell


bullAJtllto JuiRramdashHthet-Sfanfinr--1mdash bullPaaduaie Blascp nllbert Turner

itirigs Highway Annex ^BmdashLucy Gillespie

irfV-JA -Jane Wilk|nsbngt amplmund Fritz poundbull 211mdashGeorge Stewart Louis Strube Edward bull Whlstbn Gcoglani Kitchlnbullbull

3raquomdashLucille Froxcll raquoSSBmdash Jfarjorie White Miriam Bbuit

-AmdashPeggy Hunter bullIBmdashHerman Bergman- WlllianimdashBolton -Mile

bull-ton Schaffer Helen Goidboek laquo Omitted on Fcbriiary

1 AmdashTheresa Acker f e l l a Borghl AHa Colburn Margaret Browne R u t h Gbldsbor-ough Gladys l iacke Alison McBrlde Mo-

bull -telle Oglesby Loret ta Rooke Gladys Sha--tgtir Olive Townsend Ste l la Wallcrsteln

Helen Zadek bull bull

Madelina Pascale Carmella Pisanoi Sadie Sea vbne bull

2BMmdashMamie Porto Carmcla Sadano Kmills Mauri

4BM bullbullVinceiifu lgtame7 Shiil l g ^ Joseph In e Sa Izan b^

Shapiro Rosle Shapiro Hilda Sunshine Fanshynie Blutman - bull-

bullJBG3mdashIda Alexander Gladys Hormari Annie Brother Mary HuikotT Mary Dubrovsky R03e Levine Florence Resnlck Anna Welnsteln-

4AB1mdashMilton Dubroff Jacob Fcjdrnbri ETfd Ehtman Harnet Glassberg Hyman Rbsentlial Leonard Green Coleman Cohen SaMlGranQjv-sky Abraham Felnsteln Sarn Kaiitniah Saul Alexander i-

4AB2mdashAbraham Levitt Bennle Krlegar Abe Irvine Morris Glick -

4AB3-^Joseph Goldstein - bull- 4AG1mdashReeky Cohen Sadie Doris) Fanrile

Jariover Hilda Klein Gussie Wlll lns bull -bullbull 4AG2mdashJennie Blrnbauni Sophie Edelstelh

Nettle Faden Flora Horowtlz Tlllle Reigeri Elizabeth Rung Ruth Schwartz Jeririle Stand-sky bullbull-- _gt

4AG3--Freda Oschever amplma Kaplowltz Sophie Shapiro gt - bull - bull - --

3BBl^-WllHarr Reifte Abe Duhher bull 3BB3mdashKieve Kappelmah Max Cohen Solp-moil Zimmerman Joseph Heirriian Jacob Gerb-w i t z bullbullbullbullbull bull - gt-

3BBimdashNathan ISernstein Ezra Gorberg Irvshying Karesh Isale Newman Bonnie Perlirian

3BGImdashJennie Hack Etta Becker Lena Blen-welss Rose Cbiien Rachel Drucker Riith Et-tenbtirg Sadie Horowitz Gussla Hyrnbwltz Bosa Kashv-r- Jossphlne _KochbdquoMildred Leives Sarah l^nkofsy Pearl PloCkinFlorence Rat zenberg Fanny Warshowsky Resa leWlr ik le -steln Lena Blerman Esther Grlh^berg

3BGmdashSophie Sootln Minnie Karrierrriaker Hannah Horowitz Pearl Wolf Edna Ashklnasi FJstelle Lawger Sarah Bernstein Ida Lieb-man Sallle Al(xr Esther Goldberg bull Jejihie Elsehberge Annie Horowitz Sarah Steinberg Rose Ntwman Lillie- Yoselowsky Els ie bull Fln-kelstelri EstherSilverman Ida Rubin Blanche Furhs- -bullbull- rYv- -- 3BG3mdash Cecelia Burd Ettle Brother Beatrlcp

Cohen Anna Friedman Hilda Halpehln Grace Kantrowltz Gertrude Kaplan Minnie -Kde-mow Sai-ah Melsers Sarah Rosenthal Sophie Rothenberg Rebecca Splllman Pauline Sprinshyger Dorothy Tannenbaum Annie Schrleber

3AB1mdashEmanuel Hellfonl David Copfjqn Svd ney Hyshriyer Robert Kalvarsky Jacob- Milshyler David Silverman bull

3AB2mdashLeon Altnian George Kangtrom Ju--J-Jmdash-bullmdashSaplfo-

France Fricdiaind Stelia- Friedman Jennie Harthiah B e a t H c e Nadier Caroline Neu-hut Gertrude Tlttenherg bull- K g n i mdash H a r o l d Go^en Irving Garfunkel Edward HaVrbn Morris Losofl Lester Lip-B k y S l d n e y R U c f t Sbllle Sussman Max Welss inan ArtHtih Ascher Florence Ascher Tl l l le BerrJslelhi Ariiia Cohen Esther Newshyman Sylv ia AVelslriger Lillian Klaristen-feld - -bull bull-

bullEntitled to be on February Honor Roll also

rnah Tainbver Waid Watson Frieda Proner Violet Wlfltams raquo ^ 3AampmdashSidney Lerner Ell Irv ine Anita Harshyris Sadie Mohsseh Dorothy Nlserisph Ger-b-ude raquoden Flbrencb Schtilman ^Beatrice Schelhdelraan - bull bull bull



THE WINDSOH TKKRAfcE SCHOOL lt raquo bull bull (P S Xo lo4) bull t Miss Slarfeaxct liuirisr Principal f - 8 B l mdash S t d a r t Stelnbrlnk Violet Ferrara

^vldelle Lelprpann Bess ie Lyman Frances McGarlgle Gertrude Simon Selma Shultz

- bull $BmdashWil l i am Ftubr Arthur Rubin Frank VVilllgan- Gladys Bahrs Alice Brabander

i I ^na Dllgen Freda Gerard Haze l Johnstone jsjJFlprcpce Martin Alraa McCUtcbeon Marlon ^-Rademachcr Florenco Suggarman Esle l le

Ycatbn - -v 8A1mdashMUton Goldlner Katherinc Morano bullbullElsie LUxton Ethel Pcl lman Marie Sand c Mary Sellgcr

SA3mdashCarterHlgg lns Herbert Oberg Dora bullAFletsher Ruth lxinowltz Beatrice Martin JB1mdashEdward Dickinson Marlon Bartholo-

-bull jne Astrld Berg Sylvia Curland Helen bull j f a r r i n g t o n Isabella Griflin-Lillian Icarson

Veronica Wallersteln bdquo lt i l i - mdashJohn Brooks George DScrcks Rus-

mdashT-raquoe+H^ory^nrr-^VyrrtT-T^obullhll^ullbull Je iome- N u t L Lester-NeTsbn---Walter Schutt - Frederick

Bernstein Wil l iam Bel lamy - inna Bl le ter-bull nlcht Florence Cohen Dorothy Fremo Alice

Koneman Augusta Petersen f imma Stel l -man Florenco Torr Marie Schrctzlitller

JA1mdashArthur Rosenzwelg Charles Wl l l son mdash Plaquo-rlcKarleton Rebecca Eisenmah Marlon bullmdashPeteirrmdashmdash ~^~ r ^deg

mdashEiieen Counraquo Helen Ahlcrs Ar- t h u r Will iams Joseph McGarr Genevieve

Dblan laquoB1mdashHerbert Christl Mortimer Frled-

Under Isadore Telson tarollhe Blsse i Alice Obtrg Esther Osterllnd l lcatr lce Rosenblat tharics Mitchell l u t p h v i a l e lames Bayer

Arthur Wldmer Lillian Botch laquoH1 mdashMildred Bxrbraquor GerAjdlne Conway

t l s r - Depken Florraquonce Wasse tman Lilllnr Ariltrcen Arthur Daus Wil l iam McGarr Lcroy Oslrander Aaron Rubin

6A1mdash Gilberts Alexander Wil l iam Arthur Hcrtnan Blaquohrcnlaquo William Seal i sn Andrew

Klntpson bull Max Solomon Margaret Fluhr Beat-Ice Noble M1Hraquo Fnsqusiuccl Helen Robertson Marjorlo Smith

poundA2mdashRaymond Block J a m e s Gallagher Harry Melton Ilehrlett Duingahon Doroshythy Denlsch Catherine nagger ty Helen OI-

iogtn Dolores Teljelro Ruth Yeaton -fUmdashwmiBin Donnelly bull Robert Langan

l larry Ayvaglan l etcr liosponka Will iam laquo ludlt9 Margaret Johnstone Elizabeth Keel

Elizabeth Sparacla l-thel Jackson Rose Lo Cicero Dorothy Mlf-ltell Hazel Swenson

Mj~Dotothy LAIIemand Anlolnete f a -porelll Minnie Iebowltr Wil l iam iluehler

J Margate King S A I mdashHerber Gerken Joseph Morano

Philip Rnncniwcig -Angelo l l lecchlo Margashyret Stark Sadie Ilromberger Gcraldlne Drummona

tvrmdashThAmaa Alberto Leonard Cnrlledge Raymond Itlaquonglts William Rofcnwtlg )a-

vM llubtiis Lffcttr Sugatman Muriel Uukrs Catlietine Gardener Jessie GISdd lolln Gubltosl Albh Johftrtaon Dorothy D e a K

4BmdashFrank KsSer VraikUn l lutton Rtlwln Schut Howard VUliman Edith Adlf r Ruth

bullTMro-fi Afna Callll Migtgt Cohth Helen )la-lt bullAtdlaquo

4A I--George Atkins Roalyn Martm L - -Nathan K|gtraquoteln w i l i i u m l layman

Joln Raby MarUn lirroer Sylvia Kan-nltlaquoVv Ruth nraquoynolltK IHgtel V l l l U m s Dolores EIltigtooi Kfthrjn WKlspn

3PI- -Walter D6hhraquolly Rlchird Matthews Harold Corland Edwatt Frledlander Frank Miuiton Grace Ruigtftta Kalhryr D

ftlaquohlaquoro Mi ty K-enaii bull bull JAmdashAnna Cirlllo Dotothy draquo Vrlef Helen

Drimimond Dorothy lebnwlt Sojihle jjilppm Gunvor Mtkkelon OroJn fimlh

Marel la Van Syckle zBJmdashDanlel Shorliao Mas Ehtlick John

Graasirtger lt~harlelaquo SqUtd Hevmour l iohert- raquoraquoTi Eugene ltooiiet irere Morris Grace Al-- b t r u - 5 n ) - - B e n n l RgtilTiiio Ll l jabeth Her- Marshy

garet iArroa Mildred Hennesay Anna Mofreao Sylvia Shutcr

SAl- Ffanfes Espoallo Joseph Klein Mary Dwyer Dorothy Klwood Ruth Mitchell

I I B mdash Robert Itoey Margarft De Ptllllpo SylIa Stivetmaft Mathilda Levlri Frahcea j f l p l | f y Mary Valento IVarl Gal laghtr bull l B J mdash J o a t p h Nirtlk Arthur Olaeri Mlllla

l uel lo Helen Muivihlli tiraee Navlo Olive Rraquold Ruth Torr

JAlmdashAlbcf t Gangi Myron Martin Stviart JTylf Fred Haywoxl William H u t h e s Mil-

-dred A l t laquo n d laquo r llgttan Xllkkelser 4 A S K d h a Eleasoft Gladys S t laquo k raquo gt Ml-

fr41 Ct-pnin Anderson t iot t ik r Waiter Ah-dfrson

xtonoiAs n p n u i M E R semjoou

IAMmdashMary Napbillanp Alberto Pisano


BjTbn Vfi Baker Prihcjpai SBBlmdashHarold Applebaum Philip Hindsman

-tiseph Kantor W i l l i a m bull Peschowsky Jacob Bbsetberg DjLyld Schneider Milton Smtkoff Alexander Wiener Jacob Marcus bdquoSBEJs-Morri-BrothermdashZclman-Haft-bullbullLouise Wisnaefiin 0 - - - - - - bull - bull

8BBi-Mbrxis Rlfkln Edward WeJsman SBGlmdashNora Bernstein Rosi Burroi Yctta

GurtovnVk Ida Gbli-irtelh Julia Kosofsky Sarah Jurow LUlle I^bcowsky Sadlo Meyer Fannie Slbtchln Anna Skblow Gussie Turet-sky Lena Yorick

SBG2mdashAnnie Aaronson Ida Altbach Ida Cohen Helen Haipern Bertha Helden Ida Zemek bull - - - - - - - - -

SBG3mdashBessie Cohen Matilda Goldstein Bella Sammcth Ixjttle Scham Rose Shapiro Beatrice Cohen Rebecca Glauberrnatl Anne JafTe Dora Goch Rose Schatz Sadie Tletel-baum

SBG4mdashFlorence Cohn Celia Garbllch Minshynie Matasoft Jennie Ollshansky Ella Zenrleh Fannie Sajtz -

8AB1mdashBarnet Feldman SABI-r-Ellas Charry Morris Jurow Maurice

Rbsenbefg bull JAB3mdashHcrbea Rosenblum

8AG2mdashFannie Blechman Mary Ellman Jenshynie Igtvenion Mamie Miller Reekie Oschever Bertha Robins Mary Ratrer Celia Scham Dora Turfcenwltz Minnie Yoseo-vsky

8AG3mdash Mollle Abelson Sarah Grecnbcrg Irene Hyinls Sylvia Latto bull

BBlmdashAbraham Btllln H Dabruikv J Kaviman H Itawltsky I Rublnowltz V Zorer

IBBJr-Morris HaimovKz Abraham Nlssen-son Jach Soklow

nua fsrderrRobertmdashi 3AB3mdashPhilip Cohen Seymour Hecker Jullu3

Lykow Joseph Romanowitz Morris SackofT-Morris Steekel bull-

3AG1mdashLeah Dubrovsky Leah Greenspan Rose-Grlnsberg Anna Kaufman Cecelia Milshyler Lillian Softer

3AG2mdash Mamie Boyarsky Yetta Cohen Soptiie Kaufman Buth Lippmari Anna Mlttleman

EUiel-iNoclianiku8|i-ltose-poundbcr^ERtKtrSoloh Rosle-Wientraub

3AG3mdashSophie Cohen Bella Shapiro Ieha I^vitan Lillian Parolsky Yetta Berman Irene Sllofsky Helen Amos Edith Levy

2BB1mdashSeymour Horellck Nathan Cohen Abe Benzman Irving- Aranofsky Nathari Schwartx Harold Rosenthal Sani RappAport Abo Slegel Edward Shelnberg Sam Feldnian Frank Dyin David Milder Seymour Krevett Meyer Kaplan David Bindlcr Arthur Hinden

bullB3mdashBei-nardmdashBffvHson Jaeob Fish S3m Friedman Nathan Glasser I^nils Gott lleb Richard Orcenman Morris Jamln Soprestl Ixiuls Miller

Jasper ben-Abrahdm Schecr

Swctlowltz Milton

Tna Mollle


Mi jtl MUrv tgt

raquolaquolaquoltraquo Sb bull gtA1- Katherln TraquolVnuraquoH Mlaquor bullbullbullJB Miarl nf i bull At l -nb

( P S N o Fntlljr N O

8 t e ^

t ienrude bull- bullbull- Rich Gen rude bullMarr FriedmAn Florence IJarth bull bull

78G2mdashRose Albert Rose Flshman Mlnrie Lenkbwtky Mary Robins Lillian Scho^nbcrg

|BG3mdashMargaret Dashesky Rose Schnclder-man Annie Stein

TAB1mdashAbrahon^ Barr I-eo Relfe Abraham Rptoelni^JullusiS(unracthbdquo6amjStollnekx1I_^bdquo

TAB2mdashHyman Davis Max Kaplan Joseph Klclnan Isidor Knopp Edwarltr Slncoc Samshyuel Shaplio

7VB3mdashJacob Bluttman Julius Burdick Hershybert Dreyer Harry Goldberg Lazarus Eltan Daniel Llpinutz Rcubin Meilaquocr^bull Irving Polshylack Abraham Resnlck

7AG1mdashSadie Hermann Fannie Bregmrn Ada Kllen Ethel Kusnlck Annie I^yy Thelma Mfttelman Esther Obcrlander Ida Rubin BcsMe Szericnsky Rose Tlmberg Esther Golden

TAG2-Sophlraquo Cohen t-aura DruMn Anna Fftbrlcaiit Lena Lux Gussie Labankoff Bella Ferlman Hshriah Roppaport Sara Zimmershyman j

laquoBni--Benjmln Boris rhl l lp Feldman Craquorl Isaacson Isidor Miller Moses Rowntha) Abraham Sabulofsky Nathan rtrlndell Mor-rl t Klein Sam SIPtkln Joseph Smalberg Meylaquor Beck Mosel Welnsteln

SBB2mdashHyman Solompn Irldore Felmer l - 9 r

Pitkin Barrett Epstein Hyman Cohen th-jamlri Dprfman -

6BG1mdashFlorence Irvine Mollle Oerbcrg Jen-nllaquo Golden Mary Richmond

tnimdashFahhle Aaronson Bertha Rasch Minshynie Behdler Sadie Frolfd Gertrude Felnsteln Mlnn^ tJold Mary NrtsklP Ul l lan Robin^m Ginslo Rubin bull Ruth Sohoenberg Rachel Btelnhardt EVA Worebrpw

laquoAR)-Harr7 SlkPfsky Morris Goodman laquoAH2mdashFrtd I^bowlls Isidore Juelraquo David

Halt Harnet Newman JABJ-Jscob nayarakl Harry S i l v r m s n To-

blraquoraquo White traquoAac Weiss Chraquorles Vladlmor titnimdashTheodore Golden Samuel l-askey

Abraham Malkln Max Schneider -Sam Shashypiro

snn2mdashMorris Bard Igtn HolTmart Charles Kaufman

SHB3- Milton Fuchs Bernard Granofcky Sahiuel Nachby Mo Plofker Isaac K c n l g Joseph Tarchnmowskv

STil Esther Miller Thelma Silverstone Rose Rirbaum Doro Yahr Beitrlcs Rochhln Annie Fntmin Kate t^jmen Anna Wlshnewklii

ilraquoOJ-Rpraquoraquo Dorkln Polly RAbkln MsOJ-Irfna I^derer Bc^kfe Palley Sadlraquo

RPsen lW James Riaek Morris Ptickon Hyman

tABS-Isidort Grlnsberg David Gunman Julius Meistrirh isldoro Zemk-k Theodore Melslrlch

SABl bullgtlaquoraquo Aaronson Rubin Chester Samshyuel Chester Isiidorc Cohen Barns Rejnlck Abe Sare-lofT

SAGI- Sophie FeMberi Mary Wcinsteln Elisabeth Blechman FAnnlo Oberraquonder Bella WorVmah Rose Oalander Pr1raquolt-llla Forman Mafy Frledkln

SAG2bullbullbullKdh Helden Dinah Horellck Anna Korwttn Florence Peatlman Lillian Rpsen-berg Annie Szerensky Yetta Trpiltsky

SAG)--RebeocA fteynarskj Fannie Krelt Ray tljgtraquorilgt Julia rbllAeV Annie raquo l m u n d Eva Rahkln Ruth Gelber tgtorothy Chernoff l n a Schneidftroan Bertha Brandort Fannie BregmAn

4Bni t1Barnett Gaster Sam uoMstejn itvman

Kb^ri Max Salke Herman Schneider Jacob Plt-hwrtlaquo Max Schwartz lthraquorlea Vhulman

i Rudolph Stein IBBJ-Ryrnan Igteltch Joseph SleinhaHl

DAld Freldman Morris Belch BiWn Abramo-wltlaquo Kmamie) Sternfteld

bull 4RltJ~ A^ra^am lUurngt Morris Rlftom Hgtmsn Felner Havld Froides Alfred Jo iun Mat ubosky Percy Welntteln

RGl -Ooldie ^arTlShf^sky Mlrnle JMrnund t Feldman Ida (Urnnkle FMn r^s-nle Malkln Ann Newman ^rleda RehrowAfcy Cello RordShow

|rfgtehiti Rachel Cohen Kthcl Fried-bull lm Heprter iteien Gltiell Kkf dbtt-bull i l tlaquoe Hpth Irene KonaAy Rpltnraquo Kotb-

ltnde Fnrthie Mlllef r^her- N4lraquo raquo raulvln Armle ^chneer Ida

iiinraquomwwiTih- gt Eiir Hifliii frti1lrT

ter Milton Simon Louis William William Zang

2ER1mdashJohn Rung Benjamin Kramer Harry Frlcdes Jacob Marin Irving Lippmah Jacob Zarin David Berger bull

2BC11mdashGertrude Rlchman lEvelyh Radnofsky Fanny Bernstein Pickle Chasorioff Sadie Drubln Violet Litwin Annie Plofker Beashytrice Sraquoaver Tillle StrelUT bullbull 2803mdashBeatrice- Berman_ Anria__Burroi_R_uth Densoii Gertrudo Gillar Grace T31rshy~ Soler Alice Supakoff Sarah Swerdlow GrlndPl -

2AR1mdashGeorgo Citron Benjamin Tendon Morris Gofrin Byron Silverman- Abner Cohen Nathan T^vino Harod Poretsky Sydney Po-retsky Sam Beck Isidor Goldberg Charles Gottlieb Kam Dickenfarden Herbert Penka

iABi-^Mbrrls Cohen Sidney Ehtman Irving Felberg Alex- SchormdashMeyer-Schultz Perry-Sherman Charles Sklar - bull

2AB3mdashPaul Herman Will iam Herman Charles Dumey Henry Gerstenhaber Sidney-Goodman William Ienner Hyman Schwartz Eugene Stein Benjamin Zlegler Seymour Greenberg-

2AG2mdashEthel Abramson Anna Davis Helen Flnkelsteln Ocrlrudp Fried Mildred Gtirto-vlnk Esther Isaackoff Lll l le Melster Igtena Wpoff Selma Porter Rose Rablnowitz Jenshynie Sand Beatrice Spltzer V a

JAGV-Jcnnle Dbutbch Ray Elsensteln Ruth Koff Rose Miller Ray Tollkoff Hannah Sternshyberg Minnie Tcplltsky Llllle Fisher Esther Warshavisky (lerlrude Warshawsky

THE WARWICK SCHOOL - (P S No iraquo8) William V Kurz Principal

DBV--Sarah Solomon bullbull- - 5AV]--Iria Fricdland V i o l a Hcend

-igtA VO bullA^gtHtlgt-lt^rraquolgtlltv-

BEACH SCHOOL - ( jP- ^ sectP M-) Miss Majy -Pv Lyhcli s Principal $BmdashRandolph Huott Arlold Portpfee

I ta l ia Cbhstantoho ^ABT-^SamuelBrafmai) Jpseph CbherjEd7

ward ^Glbblp bull - SAM-T7vEssda Gohcn Florence Davis Rosa-land Felnbergf E d n a Nclsbri Sadie Schwartz Marlon Stack Mario Szabb Dorothy Woodshyruff- - - bull bull bull bullbull- bull bull-

7B-^Max Gr i tz Lbiils Patcrno 7^^-Jacbb qijldstelh Joljh Puyora

Tiimulo W(Illan) Itabihbwltz 7AMmdashC^u Ostermeyer Sldney-

Glady i Poiplusmnlt)feeM11dred Stclnmau 6AMmdashAnna Rappopofct

SBmdash-Samuel Klelriman Frederick Nelson Robert Turner - bull bull

BA-^Samuel Fe ldman N a t h a n Rosenwas-ser Tony Scailss - Daitlel Schwartz fpoundfAMmdashIrving Cohen Daplel Ecksten Irv irig Josefsbefrg G iayds Levleh Lillian M a dert AUrella Perria Sarah Richenberg Lushycie Sabellabullbullbullbull v -

4AmdashWil l iam CHsafull l Seymour Reib-stctn Wi l l i am Turner Wil l iam Zlove Adeshyline Cohen- Judi th Cohen Sarah Fe ldman Vloiet Loewp Florisiice Nenry Mbry Rider Yetta Schwartz Dorothy Tracy Helen Zirllstein - bull bull- i ( -- bull 3BmdashHowardBerns te in Bernard Kaufman

Harold Kritsberg Joseph Merlgope Fredeshyrick Caniellh Hepry bull Ward T o m a s i n a F p -glla Bessie Oppehhelm El izabeth Steh-husen Hazel Whi tney bull

3 A - - E d w l h a Axenijoh Isabel Barns Sa-v l r n f a n a l f l f t T l F g l n g o l h e r l e h n e t t e N a -thansen Mildred Pbeher Ewart Edgertpn Bernard Kaplbwltz Jul ius Lowenhardt H a r old Meadow Irv ing Selgel Carnieto San-fllllppo

GEORGE L A StAitTiN SbkOOL (P S jfo 166)

-SBMmdashSidney Buckbjnder Elsie Hrewater Fannie Heller Etta Goodls SAmdashSarah Applebaum Sarah Pomerantz Re-

1 glna Brotnian Helen Rosensplre 8AMmdashAllen Falrbalrh Celia Turcfrsky Esther

Noble Bella t l u t s k y bull bull 7BmdashRuebln Arlinskyi Herman Bloom Isaac

Gopen Samuel Helfelz Nathan Borowitz Morris Klciriman Morris Schneider Sophie Kiiriansky Beatrice Hudcs Soplilo Slaquorkiis ~ soil bullUl l la l l - -MbWortH bull Rosemary -PeteeSj^-Rebtieea-SchlllerTmdashTHiio-l^Jkteta^-Cetla-Doutsch Lillie Heride) Yetta Hcndbl Anna Sackett bull bull

AmdashWilliam Vetter Roso Tarizcr Sophie Shapiro Julia Bray P d r a Marmorek Minnie Catnenswn Dora Wandes Clara Schaeffcr

611mdashHyman GreerllioUse 5AMmdashAbraham Ahreud Philip Ahrend- Jacob

Ragoff JJe-Wlloh Mabel Young-DoraStein Ethel Glsser Sadlo Shlactor Yetta Schcffts^

Lmdash-t i rE - JARidVAr srHoOii igt s Nj) 16)

Anna Soder-

-rtife SIJNSEI P A R K bull S C H O O L V ( P s No 169) i l j ss A E ClerxiVncy Pjrjnclphl

i 7ampi-^agt- Amjerspri R u t h Berryman Dovanney Beatr ice Engvold Eva strorn Irene W a l t e r bull bull bull bdquo

7^ l r -Fred H a l l p a m Martin Hansen E d shywin Johbsbri G i m a v Saliiilnl-v i-~ bullbull taiJ-

7A2^mdashMillie Allano -Marjorie Berry Ethe l Dahir Catherine Fearoiv Eupremla Ghel-ardLLauFa Ueland Helpn CuUeri bull - - - bullbullgtbull

6BimdashAri ib id AnderBon Kenneth- Holt Montague Mendelsohn Marlt Dorumsgaard Caroline GermaU)- Astrld Hanssen Dorothea Mlaquolnaon Margbret Oppikbfer Murie l Qulgg Martha ^iridstrpm Mabel Smith A i l l S o l r i -Ihen Annie Wald - - ~

6B2--Ivar Bergniann Sarah Lynch R u t h Pederseiu i Nora Wloland Marie Wl l l and Edith Bjoi-nsbii -bullbullbull

6B3mdashWard B a d m a b Robert Katz Im-mordlno Fdrt i inato ~E4 f t r i 1 Saymtlwmdash Lillle-Apdersoh El len Nystrom Astrld Ohlsoni Arnfrid Pcte fsop I r m a Rellly Laura Smith Helen Stetter A lna Thbren

CA1mdashArnold Hansen Arthur Nelson Carl Olsen E l i z a b e t h -Anderson Grace Fiach Mildred Harrlsi S lgna La l j i c -

6A2-^Epgene Cbr)n Francis FearPn L a w shyrence W o o d Myrtle Carr- Altce Erlcksbri Hllja Lofstrom F lorence Plaft Irja Vare

6A3^-Arthur Anderson Harold Hansen Edwin Tuhohen Emily E v a n s ljelen Grpnwall Irijia Morris Dorothy Palmrose Mildred Sumner

6B1mdashClifford Anderson D a v i d Halko Walter Hovl J3unvold Olmland Edith Anshyderson Theresa Culjen Mabel Joliahheseh Helen Llllbach Kvelyri Pedersei

5B2mdashMlltbri Heiberg Sol JoKnson Arvl Lofstrom Albert Mi t t spn Jarnea Tellefsen Edna Demrnbn Vivian Foster He lm Hon-konen A s i a OJsen Ethe l Orhian Ivy Sjog-rtm Florence y e b e r -

5B3mdashRandolph Anderson Victor uison Arthur Petersoh Tblva Saamehe) Sarah Bernstein Anna Cullcn Mlrlain Tradellus

BA1mdashWU|iam Dowaliby Erl lng I abds-maes Francis Sullivan Florence Anderson Sarah bull Brander Giihdrun GInman Edna Pugh Edna Westby bullbullbullbull -

B A 2 ^ W l l l l a m Aalt6nen Trygye Madscn Hynry ^ B U S S i i irer^_ltJtltjmsectenvMlAerva Baker Myrtle Fredcrlckson Florence Kavln Mabel Wood- - bull - V

6A3mdashNathan Alleiistein John Jensen Louis Olsen Violet Harkansob Sylv ia Leshyvine Irma Nurmtrien X e n i a O l s e n Rbzette Sallh- - -- bullbullbull - bull -

4BImdashWil l iam Laltlnen Otto ToIlefsM) Leo Valhio Evelyn Evelyn Danlelsen Lisa Ervast Elslo Orman D EtheJ Smith bull-laquo

4B2mdashMarcus Hansen Charles Johnston Harold Toiislrom Frank Surnnon Kllzh-

e t ta George StaRt Teresa qejatragelav Ltcy Lewbj Jennie MoKra^v AnjnaiPer l ipwskl Marlsi Plapt Mary SubdelL- MMraquo-Vltalebull 6A^-Paul Chenikowskl Rebecca rjevlhe Reg ina ld - H e l b e KaJLherlrib Syzmanskl Frank Torre-Hdwlg Spbrna Harold Hain-sen Millie prlria U l y |3ellcr- FHomena Lupardo Grace Prosseda Marie Tamburb Conbetta THmbblL bull bull - - -

BBmdashMichael Ubgluccl Cheater Mlckalak Pasquale Vlrdoae^Isadora OrWK I dv B e l a n -sky HeVelaquoii Brupakl Mabel Knudseri Edna Levine Ethel RpdBera AraquobcsVespbll Dora H o c h m a n Marjbrle Seaniari Celia Wasser-strorii MaJ-llnJCpnhedy bull bullbull bullbull -bullbullbullbullbull-bullbull -

5AmdashLouisColetT)an Charles Cass ldy rMamle Crpcl Rose Federleh - bull

4pmdashViola Paul Rose -Mohtanp A n t o n i o Donofrlb Rose Goppbla A^nes Jensen- Dorshyo t h y Levitt Ellen Swerisob - JohriEll ison Carl Thorsen John Nicholas Carmellna Criipi -Julia R o d a v -

4Amdash^Gertrude lt Jagobkl -Dora Coleman Wanda Apabci Glaoys LarsenV 3B-r-Grbgbrj- DOnbrreb Solomon Dornbec Ruth Fitzgerald Yetta Sanft Markuerite Moffatt Jack Claves Mary Zurich John Gazza Harold Jacobken Jbnnie-Flusty

3A-rMary Berrls Rose Marfina Irene Sor-rentlmb Fanny Tochman Joseph Columbo Frbrtk FVcellaT Raghl lde Bergr~FloTlaquohX5^ Klutz- chaiilotto Laos - -

2BmdashHerbei t Lbtspii Anna bull Bareslch Helrhl Wuronen Florence Jazlriskl Ida Zaipbrl Paul Cernlglia Joseph Glynn F^llx LIbebskl LbnaCbchlnskl Almerlnta Mlcco AlvlraMlccb= Lillian Rlndell bull bull ^A^rEdward Grieger Catharine Casey

Fernanda Rossi Herman - Mfticus Otto NIclaus George Wlluhd pprO^hy Mathlslp Mary Rlenza Helen Schlesirigor Stella- Za-b i n s k i lt-bullbull bull - - bull bull bull-bullbull-bullbullbull bullbullbull gtlt - bull

IBmdashStel la Yukjbvylpz Josephine Ziv lch Mabel Rlele Florence Lubhtaiiowltz Hazel Herz Cblla Gblihsky Rosio P I S a c h Llngl MohtemaKanb Richard Mcknight Wil l iam Loyerd ISttlere Ixjmone Anthony Landd Carrol Huza Gebrgb Gebarowsk Anthony Dean WltUam Casey Michael Cappbla Cohhje Varallo Frances Tibyanje Bcctha Geller Mary Gcmelra Llillah Mbrrls Mabcj Muellerbull Elsie Q t i a h t bull -iJUtimdashWalter Berg^Jacob Sanft George Trotrlo- Agnea - Clancagt-ltch Sarah Dbra-beclf Ne t t l e Sdrift Antpnlohett S lrch lo Carshymine CapArro Paul lhe Granerl Vincent Holochmost Margaret Genpskl Ruth Hart-sen Jennie Montana Wanda Stark Angel ina Testa Marie Lotlto bull

^The teachers of the Brooklyn eie- mentary ^chopls are never v found wantinjfr^Henever tj^ey are called upon for patriotic or pltirahthropic work Every school in tKesV days of stresf la aojnjjf_ jtlaquo bit aitRough sprriearft doing inpre than others tRe diffefeXce usuaily being lit the leaaiBrship and thlaquo gt organisation - I bull - No^withBtandlng thjit alj the teap^t-ejria aj)d ec^opl ate working industrishyously iri the war activltlej at this time tOv are as well organised as Is 3niraquo Old Bedford- School No J Ibit which prbdquoLamp^ale JJ White 13 principal The teachers ^here haye forrn6d a Red Ppow Auxiliary wfiich is on the honor rojl of thjs Brooklyn cijabter vTh^t hicahi that all of the work rJoneVby No 3s auxiliary is A NO 1 that it j s quajlfle to rhake all kindsof Bjurglca1 dressings and that it Is doing so

v Nearly all of the teachers of Nlaquogt 3 4re mernbers of the auxiliary These wprheri rerriaih iii school twp afterr noons a weekmdashrMoriday apd^Wednesr day-7-^htij 546t and they r^etiirii - i -yhursday evening at-7 oclock ahdre-main until 1Q oclock- THey wprk-in the tgtotnestlc Science Room of the school Here theyirhake ^he surgical dressings and hpsjiltal garments Their TVork is not confined to that however because they also rhake knitted artishycles at horrid The auxiliary^ i s selfr ajapportitig Miss Gertrtide yeebe is its chalrnian and she is-an inspiring force- 1-----bull -i--N--v 1 TTKerchildreTr naturally^ are as-eii-thusiiistlc in war work as are ttb teacljers andyesterday Dr White trade -pltjrted that they had brought in subshyscriptions tQ the Third tlberty JLbah arripuntir-g-to $117350 For theSec-ohd Loan the schbbltsold f87lt00 Wprth of bonds and that- was given as Its quota for the present issue The pHricipairs jjroud of tlie wprk -beirig-- done by his teachers ahdpUpl ls

Slcgfrieil Ajfrcd bull Neuiran

Milton Iieyy Rose

Jennie Sack Inez


SBBV4Sidney_ Samuel SchneTder

S n j l - I d a Schlilm-ln Wclsler KIsle Rralrd

SITCV-Anna Sfhnltzpr Schombs

SARV-Morris Gcilar mdashSVMmdashi^phlmdashKM4iraquogtraquoampr-MollgtulaquopoundiccaI Ratncr

f AM V- -Julius Pass iearl Israclobrth trjMmdashLoulj Shofkowliz Arlhur-Wllgus

Green Ma Pelt BMS mdashFllzabeth Lewis Bcrtl ia Levitt

tvlward Kerhel 7 AMmdashTeMle Feller Minnie Lleberinan

Abraham Hllverman laquoBlmdashMinnie Jenkulowltz Helen Kramer ltB2mdashDelia Leshow 8BSmdashBchjnmln Frelband iA3mdashAnnit Havlghorst- Sam Shefkowltz

David Drucker SBmdashHarvey -Wclneiirt Theodore Seltzer

Roe Knlb AmdashWilliam Hell Ktla Alter l fe lcn Humshy

mer Fadle Diamond Resale Fogel Jcslaquolo Samuels

rBlmdashIco l lebesmat) Jacob Levine Gtisslc Karlln Miiry Greene Gussie Schii lman Hlldn Konper

SRjmdashLbul Weftker S idney Frlcband 5A2mdash Sldhey Kprzcnlck Herman Keii-r

Mcncn (icller David Diamond Yetta Goldshystein France Ungllhder Rose Blnom

t i l l mdash R o s e Nclnon Fannie Pkarsky Ruth Shnfter

4B2---Hrlen Frankol Maria Manderlna 4111mdash-IsrAel Glngold Rraquoe Tlschler ltAt--Tl l l le Anticr Stel la R e d m a n Ksthcr

Ooll-ctolri Ssrnh Usiekman 4A2 -Arthur Mmsky Louis Tfger Milton

Levine Abraham Welnrlb CellA Samuels Hilda Ktolnhardl Rose Wolkenfeld

tA3-~Kmuel Granlk Hcrmarl We)raquoler fo l ia ltros Fannie Konuer Helen Otto Id Ruldn Mildred Turet)ltky

81H--Max Singer Ada Levine RAV Kruglekoff George Frartkcl

JB2mdashJack GoUUmlth Hilda Gavin Doroshythea llAvlgliorsl I^-ah Mulnky Klhtl Ogusthc-wltz Miriam Hlegfrlcd

3R3--tegth SASS Sam Miller Kate Tiochler

S A I - A n n a Hcckman Hannah S-hulman

SA3mdashtda Fricdland Roue lleiezof

JRI -Lltfn Cohen Bernard Slegel ltnlaquoe Klrnmcl Lillian Lampe Anetta Scheickev

Fleanor Rorrtmfl bull MIritile Grnd Winston Jacpipn Lena faff - J B J Sidney Lahgnor Ma Ze | fe f t

e l i WAlker Fannie I l lgman Yetta shrln Sylvia Schwartz

SIMmdash Theresa Ln Roca iathcrlne Cave] Urn Seraflnn Vtlleeo Rose KAt

JAlmdashAlbln Dec Roae t loldman Fannie Guioff VMt- Ktsoelofaky C u r Llcberman Father Ragbkter

5ASmdashllditraquoy Schenkmati^ Katelle Coh

Floyd it Smith igtrinclpal SBlmdashIeter Benfary Sylvester Connolly Marshy

tin Ellin Rudolph KpDf Benjamin Miller George Ietcisen Benjam|n Wbin

3U2mdashGrace Ixindoh Minnie AVartcls Anna Gottlieb Ethel Llesv Rtith Marcus Matilda W o r e l -bull - - bullbull bull

S133mdashRobert Haipern Edwin Harraganrt Jacob Levy Jacob HdblnWHford Weill -8B1mdashJean Bel l Dorothy Fry Lydla Levy Alice Meeker Esther Wolferidcn

8A1mdashBennlo Aik-lman J^ebh Epstein- William Freiberg Mortimer Feller Isidore Gelber Alshyfred Harris George Lcvllie William Levy Kuul levngson Charles Matus Hyman Mos-kotvltz Georie Orlarisky Howard Ialsstlne Behjerrtln Slpc-f HaSold Wolfram Sidney Wolf son Aaron Zaslbw v bull

SAmdashMay lauls- - bull SA3mdashMildred Dulfer Blanch Jacobsen Hilda

Kttgel laullno Richmar) Meyci- Liparsky -VBlmdashMoses llenzenovlt David Harris John

McKay Benjamin Winkler VU2mdash-Marian Friedman 7U3- Donald 1jckwobd Helen Morel Ruth

Mayer inna Peilman HebHetia Weiss Rosc-bullMil Wolff bull - -bull IImdashAuuoy Brand- Henry -Horowitz tleorge

RIs Eduard Wren Otto RMAhrt 1A2- riorence Francisco Fanny Mazo

Annie Neugeboren

Blanche Roheru

Ycttn Kaniroivit7


V|vllaquon Levine Ruth S tc l rmraquon Fanny Silverman Gertrude ftudman

2A3-ThelmA Kfaetr Malonl Singer C h r i s t i e Wynn Stanley 7ucklaquor rJacob Rftsenraquowelg

1R1mdashleanette Stockier l-rle-da Singer Minnie Brill Rhlllp Greenfield Motrin Hint-

I B S - M y e r Kantor Alexander Sack Viola Ferraro Anna Sleekier

IR3--Mll lon Flaott Solomon Tauhfr Kil Zaekhein Anna Goldstein Helen Greenhtn-Rose MalaKy Sadie Sherman Rrsc Wolf

l I M - S a m Kotln)rV Morrla Warhofilg bullNlchoAlaquo Znke l Fatlril llzhowlt

lASmdashnertram Aucrbach Ralph Cavitimrft MeYer UMh Wil l iam Klaber Sianiey Rufh-bftum Lllll Rosenberg Sylvia Roschblilm Fnnny Chaficld - -

1 A 3 - - I z t t Rather Fwgcne cohlaquoii Irving Silver Lucy Mociilaquoift Francis Turk

KgnlmdashSidney Rpfraquohver John ltlrcwlnakgt^ Sntiford Levin Abraham LleberrrtAiju f-elJi 1Fhkaltca Sidney Touhg Mnry ftodner

7AI- -Dorothy Avldon Roso ^tjrsky ~CBI CCrlrbde HylhTlelfri~Forence Goodnran- Rertha Holland Mary Oliva Sadie Rablnoshywitz Rose Kotnig Joseph Haas Rhlllp Mai-U-n - - bull

HZ -Amelia icrskin Grace Robinson Sarah ShlndLr Anna Stevens iMIllojiJl^yer^jjtah

^B3-FrciWick Brooks Aarort Scarl Myrtle Starr Clara Allen Sarah Blechcr

Slii Alfred lletkln I-cbri TelseJ Edna Kiln- tenberg Clara Krlnskl Rtilh Moskowltlt

6AJ -Robert VcdSuer Henry Mlrrtll HArold rvy Minnie Moses Delia Blau Amelia ROiir-gean

6- William Braddon Bruce Cunllng Irving Goldman Howard Shapiro Dorothy Herring-ton Buth Kcinpncr Josephine Robin- i

lAt -Marie K--lly Mil- iaulln- Bothcnbcrg Sj iv la Miizo Leah

Sh-uilcr David Rlatoff Stisahna Wlscher rH2-Vicior Selovcr Alfred tay lor Solomon

Jaffe Ccrtriiile Johnson Rachel Goldenboig teclllo Wrrd Ruth Silverman-

M- Mirrls Avldon Mlllbh GoldbergGcorKc Hanls Alex Nurlck Irving WCchslcr Re-glna nlt nlin Helen Felrirtiarl Ruth Gersbnl lucUla Jack Ruth Karttbr Esther Phlllpo-witch Virginia Rvnhard Fticdil schniACrer

bullB( fMward Fry Abraharit Uthc tit -Hartford Koenlgsberg Dbbmd Lee Hyshy

man Reiner Josephine AleXArider Ruin FJllman Fannie Goell Glftjlys bull Peterson Geshyneva Potter Sarah SchAchter

Mt--Lillian - Hnllsieln Miriam Thurllng Jeairice Ziickermnn Francl Brlaquondt Arthtir Levy James Mclaughl in Kmest Mpllbcrg George Verafeld EgeRlel WollWbff

A Helen Harper Morton l U y m a n bull-A2-Klli-ab-th BcDncr Ruth S imon Molllo

Welner Hrnry LlpschltX Ctiafica VrlaquogHer Jo-seph Sldman bull bull

S A I Morris speller Amelia Handel Hannah Sherman Lillian Besdlne s

bullA( Rudolph Fnch Herbert Htitncr Arthur Simon i [

laquoR1 Jacob Dubln bull Isidore LlpschltJ Lva Poscn Lewnorn TftxhrnAn i i 4 J -

ltB2 fflwrerice lurcher rAuJibe AM-AhSfh Fvcigtn Llnlars Dorbihy Folia HeAtrlc Rninner Ray Kaufmnh Charlotte Rlurnenthal

IRS Manruc Fine Gcotirlaquo Geler Robert fiirtell Pauline Goldberg Mlrlnrvi IAub Fcltrl U y Kva Schwlngfr bdquo

t in Saul l lu len Jolaquoeph Sldman Sadie Gelshyber -

I P Sidney Chraquorar Sidney Tefr Batclle Sharkraquo Adele Mack He rn Kern Fllecn r Yhtvy-Alfrrt^^H)i gtltraquo ftwriU4Hl^gHf ^

Ut Murcnef- Darkln Sejilibur Gordon Martha ArkewAy Kdith Schttftrl DorbthY WelM

laquo1- tirgtraquogt Freedman WlllUni Ho)e Ahfraquo bam Baiidel W i l l i a m Matthe Harold Slfhe) J^iwrence Tuch Alljn WelhKlock Jenshynie Halrona-n Kvclyn -Miller Gertrude

IAS- Mildred Fendel Rulh May traquorpthy Mopney Alcraquo Fchulman

1 lecrretto Fcidmari Rowt Ficeienberg

beth Do Garay lda Hallpajrn Syea |~berg- Verha KTamJ Antohia ^edefseii

Pcdersen Josephine Pctrullo Gertrude Sterner Grace Van Bel

4B3mdashPaul -Tradellus Agues Anderson Mildred Carr Ruth Leo Adellna Parise

bull iAlmdashAlbert AaJtonen Raul Hart lg Robshyert Herllhy George TpUefsen Dlava Carlshyson Dorothy Fas lg Mildred Rauh Josephine Rosett l Cecel ia Salokivi Aill Simpahen Sarah Thompson ^ - J - - - -

4A2mdashArthur Krist lansen Clifford MolIoy5raquoEv Marlon Kcjtny Ingeman Nelsdn bull Ceclle | j Skelly Margot Snarberg AUceThompsoh

4A3-JAubrey Daly Charles Freeman A l shybert Raphael Wi l l iam Rexer Helen Conshyrad Eve lyn Golrtrop Martha Knudseri Anna Larsen Ethel Olsen

3B1mdashLester Doerr Randolph Johnson Mabel Olsen Edith t a n g e n

3B2mdashWil l iam Glbelman Sabby Rabat Alshybert Wleland Grace Behrman Helen Dolan Frances- Garrbway bull_bullbull

3B3mdashVeronica De fiaray Vthcl Green Isabel Flelk Vio la Lehtl Laura Nclsph Josehhlne Pizza Helen Relnhardt Jcariette Stoopack Arthur Nelson

3A1mdashHelml Johanscn Annie Kllkelerlaln Elslo Kujapsu Florence Tellefsen Alfred De Vita Joseph Burgraf Arnold Nllssen bull

3ASmdashAlfred B a y o u t h Maud Hermarisen Ellon Sergio Velkko Vare Ruth Valken

3A3mdashNorman Cohen Lorltz Peterson El la GInman Florence Garroway Sadie KulkkP

2B1mdashKlnus Nordllng Florence Fal loh Violet Griran Vivien Brobcrg

2BSmdashy i lho Wunikka Ethet Erlcsoh Eveshylyn Pedersen ---

2B3mdashAlfred Rcxer Catherine Corln Barshybara Frei tag Swanhlld Larsen Malia Lehtl (Jrace Nolan Brlti vrkslla

2 A 1 mdash J a m e s Burgraff Howard Olsen Winshyifred Gussonl Alice Ha l l M a r g a r e t Johnshyston H e l e n Langei

2A2--WIUIani Stclsrl Ruth Kniidsen Marr garot Olseni__^i^^_ - i ^ - i --- -i gt n )B1mdashKtiUlet l l

- bdquo bdquor^-^g^g^j^-j^j^i-~-r ------

Miss Itciiidr k Qiilrih Priiiclpal SB-rAbrabaih Corn Goldie Gbldbbrg Rose

Schlagcr -- bull--bullv - SAmdashJtilla CohnGussie Al tmani Leonhard Jaeger John Kaiiin David Xerkowjtz -Slmbh Bruno I s idor - l iber Dlnal Bafzo Ettle Carshyroll Dora bull Jsniack Ellas Kbdilch Isidore Kwltter Joseph London Sadie Bolowltz Minnie Grossman George Saslow George SchreckPauline Skudin JacobJ Padcrs Abe

-1^ e l^ tar t^Dl anbhH H o g - nOTaH^i|-iTnternr^Ro3trRichte - ZOckcrbrot i

7BmdashMplvln Block Sona Abramovltsch laulshylno Adelhan E v a Alperatcln M ix Karteri Joseph Fe|nstcln Alfred l^thdos Bertha Davis Reglna HaOsman Riith Klamer Ida Goldberg Xctta I i l f c r E d n a Levine Theddpre Hlrprnel-stein Dora Ma lefsky IJlllan Plnez Hannah Pogaloff YettaSteltu I^ii ls Wallach Gertie Parmit Hannah Sateristelh Pauline Schlndler

bulla Schwartz AmdashJonas

6B2mdashAlexander Lebpw - Behjamln Wallach Helen bullKuppbrberg Jcpnle SchKurn|ch - -j gt

5AmdashEmanuel Perlrhutter Morris Sbap|iro Jake TahnehbabmRow Cohen Anna Kash-amplb Emma Iirrban LlllleZlbbln - -

SAl-^BeriJamin Roth Sadie Packles -Bella Karnowsky V v^- -6A2--MlihierDIcl(man Hannah Klmmel -

bull 5A3mdashSylvia Golub Lena Mpritlflorl Mae Schwartz Benjamin Levine Dav4 Spevak Max Werthejm bull bull - -

bullIBmdashJacob bullGoldste in Ixiuis Tartakoirlaquo)ltYgt CharlesWclnhich Saiah Aaron Fannie Rels-nbr-Anna Willner--- - ---- - - i -HJ-ifUarf Elklri -Jacob -Gpdbergv S u n Mandel- Isracl^Saaowsft) Alexander Winlek Siirah Kaslowsky Lillian Kbrokln Fanhy-Ort

4B2mdashAnna Meycrson Mary Mlkleberg Sadie Katlaquo bull bull- - - -iifVibull-bull

4B3j-Wllllam Aaron Harrgt- Abramowltr- Mbrr rls Baraptcheck David - Israel Max Sniltp Morris Youlln1 Sophie MarftPwltz Eva Tarla- koff Paulino Zussman Gertrude Susklnd-r bull--

4A-El l ey Wallcck Jonnlo Wolngrad--- V IAlmdashFrank Bergman Sophie Flnkelsteln Reshy

becca Klass Annie Llpsbltz y X- bullv- bull-bullbull 4A2mdashLeon Goldberg William Hlrsh Marolu

LasinskyTNathan Margolin Paulino Dynkine RUth Fiegehbaumi Lena Hulter Dora Jfried- maiv bull 3BmdashMlnasha Baraschpwltz Hyman Ahtokcl-

ky Alexander-Cohen-Jacob Charhey-bull Nathan Ztickerman Ethel Chazon Gertrude Llpshutz Hannah Sapolsky Btss le Suckerroarj gt s

3B1mdash Abraham Stolzcr Beatrice Dahh Mamie Grunsteln Sarah I Cutin Anna Rablnowlti- 5B2mdashHarry-Grcesi Jrvlng Krakowits Riibln Makrprisky Philip Marenbergr Max MazurrS--iah Berger Clara Goldhaber Elsie Uacobs Sadlo Ovetzlty Ida Scbaefer Ruth Volltzer Esther ^Immet bull - - gt

3B3mdashSophie Cohen Lena Sack Se lda-Smiz- er-Pauline Stone - - bull -

3B4mdashSolomon Fass William Rochklnd-_Rg^_ becca -Llpsky^-trade-mdashAi - --J- bdquo3AmdashDavid WeUa Jeanetto Lenkowsky Julia JUSkOWttzT -Vr ^ ^ ^ ^ i y

3A1mdashSolly Broder Sam Markpwitz Able Coshyhen Phil ip Grbss Esther Handclman--Sarah Ort Jessie sllvrrfeln Eva Epstein

3A2mdashCharles Greenblatt IjldPre Levy Sam-ublFIrik Bessie Stjerwbod Mcllle Svpllejr -bull

3A3mdashLena Epstein bull Rose Fasmari Esther Goodman Helen Vital) Adolph Maridcl Wilshyliam Rltz Rubin Shapiro -bull A~H

3A1mdashCarl Bloom Alex Chbdproff Max Dror-kln Frank Evensky Bessie NadlCr-Yetta

lttlnr i m rtr ifmdashrrnrrr Itbrry- Martinr Armos Nyblont H b l e t f t i t a v y Adee Nordcnstedt Edna Smith MArlon Thompson-

rlB2mdashRalph Rorgerfoii Albert Eversolck Leo Merlin May Anderson Fdlth Hansen Edn_a Peck Miriam Suonil Mati lda Welkum

son Roland llobcrg Edward Monson Milshydred Nclsen

lR4--Raymon Johnson Vlekko Nurmlnen Robert Pnyne Llllle i ahtoncn Helen Mar-tln Esther Walhreeht

iAtmdash Robert Thompson Mildred Mason Nel ls Olsen -

1A2mdashHazel lamlrul Dorothy West bull 1A3mdashYewdall Conover Arthur -Griffin

Flno Rrtgen Margaret Land Josle Montlone Nicola Trapanl

KnK- 1--Edward Cusftck John JonasSoh Mflvln Lusthader Ceorge Schultz R o y W a g n e s Nurml

Kng 2 -Arthur Olsen Mortimer TAylor Thornlf Thoreaen Dorothy KlmHehbcrJc Virginia Llilbaek Don^lla Murray Ju l ia Royland Doris ityaii Rose Sabdera S i r n h Slmkln Marglt Korensoh Marie - Swcnsbn Elennor Tonneson

Ellis Meyer Glassher Frances Drlmmer Bella Gluzmari Miry Grayer Abe Feldman I0UI3 Shapiro Fisthcr Gluzman SophieGottrrled Hanhah Pehr Miriam Friedshyman Ruth Itkowltz Mary J-bvlne Alta Lublp MaryVlchaa Harold Tcitlebaum Sadie Irv ine Roslyn Schoenhplz -

6BmdashLouis Appelbaum Gertrude Anezewskl Celia Bai-zo Mlrlpm Kerdman Hahhah LlAn Edward Dubroff Leo Lleberman Beckle Gold-enblank Tessle arossmah- Clara Kirten Theresa Levin Leo Eisehberg Mflton Marcus Eva Docterbff-Ilahnah Goldman Gussie Jack-npwltx Antia Kofowsky Rachel Markbwjtz Harry Hpffman Moses Kaplan epnibel Karl-Inzky Sarah Jftcknowltz Frieda Herzpg Tessle Schneider Philip Under Joseph Splp-nion I^eonard Turner Ida Helferrnampn DPra I^utenschlager Celia Wleber Mbrray Mlckcp-burg Harold Slegel Tillle Pogaloff Tetta i nn bull - - -bullbull-

6AmdashMendel Cliasen Jacob Kldtis Abraham Farber Samuel Asdoba Jesse Solomon Dora Tempkln JohnBrunner I i u l s Holland Rose Krlvllbff I^ouls KosonPwsky Harry Levin Bebroah Spieler JOllys Llnsky Lep Shartsli) Helen SllVerstcln -Adele Smdlewllz SolpmOri Prigblizy Either Kllngcr Abba Vplkpwitsky Sarah Wang - -

BBmdashIsrael Horowitz Gertrude Abrams Alga bullAryeff Clara lo i ter Adolph Cphcri Jacob Hertz J6cl Rosenfeld Sarah Slberger Sophie Feldman Ul l lah Kramer Morris KAlz Sarah Rosenberg Elizabeth Luubersky Celia Schfrln

Sielllbgrljf GgoTirsmdashWlelind lrvibg AW-olVariS Sielnberg GgorSe WTSSffia KuriA(idzilltLll)linMraquockbWskYl

5AmdashLoul Goldberg IsMpre Golob Sylvia Charna Mary Danlshersk)bullbull Mollle Ftl^d Svva Gordon Myron Ellis Tbbmae) Foh-iH Mahhy Hoffman Bertha Ganzfrted Jessie Krieger Margaret McK)eth Geprge Christ Sani Krcbs Thetcsa Gpldstcln t^Olse Kleljl-schrot Hannah Rablnbylti Jsraet Korachuri Arthutl Mlrsky Rose Shlffren Rose Llhder Elele Schwarti Gertrude Wolllh Elizabeth Zolotravsky Louis Mnimftn Isaac Rclss David Shapiro iVbdquo

4raquo-A)itiR Aogcnthaler SAdle Eld us Rose Dppenhelm Michael Chasarorf Max Grorsman Hlllel t^vlne Jacob Rubinstein JJUIan Schwartz JAcPb OtlittsBy Rebecca Jolowsky Pearl PfnraquoerKainPollrisky lA-HArry Gerver peorge Margolin Sadie Beriowlt Ethel Rolowltz Mary^Corn Esther

-- - -bull l-Ahkaaro Ida Parlsbn Rebecca Welsraquo is Lm II M lssen r trice Foster H e l e n ) jR_tsldorlaquo GratVmari Nettle C K M C P Isidore bull l n r t n J - n i t r h J - i ~ -CohVri Nclsbn FoHrt laquoa|n KPlbmbn Dori

Rosenberg Angelina Mercurlo Philip Wcln^r 3A-Jbhn lieycts^ Joseph Rlsdclt Sylvia

Alnn MarV flHiricr OlgA Mikema Nathan KaOfman Solomon Schwartz Sam Somelnick

St--Hurry Kelgnebaum Joljn ll l lko Peter McKetth Ghatlcnte Apter Sarah Alperijeln Ida Dlnlt David Grccri William Sehmltt Adele Goldberg YettA Greenberir Hynwn Rosenberg Frfnk Ros Dora Wldes Pet i t e Woif bull bull

2-A-OlgA Bulavko Norma cahh Jcnrile riobdmah Ruth Gilbert Virginia MbaslmUnb A)ltigt Rust

1HmdashJiving RermftH Hyman Coheh JArnr Cohen Florence Apfrl bull Vnnle Blumberg Sylvtt Herger Anhraquo Hrbmhtcrholz SIdnraquoy

i Under Nalhah McValngcr Morrla Rosa EJt Stern Sylvia Rbsehberg EnihU Stein Jessie


2hlmdashMilton Wallmah AlprrU Welntraub BehJiinin Block Lena gut ter Mildred Kanshytrowltz Ida ievlno Sarah Sussnveln V bull 2B2mdashjack Klelnfeld Abraham teylne Sam MArkowitj Isldorp Neldlch Grade Grosser Beatrice Solodensky Gertrude Schwartz-

^B3mdashBenjamin Tuchlbsky Max SchPushan Leon Gbldmaji Bernard Sllbtrg mdashmdashtyf bull

2B4mdashAbraham Rlickson Leo Icon-Morri Tabbcklribff SamFreundllch Issl peatlmuttcr

2B5mdashHarold Feldnian Israel Zommlcki lda Cohn Sophie Rablnowitz Mary Rosenberg Esther-Rublr i Kate Sandbwskyi Gerthide Steinberg Frieda Sbkln IdaWJllgcKio

2B6mdashIrving Engel David Gbttesfeld Solomon Kaplan Alex Schrclbrnan Lbulraquo Tetanies Ja- cob Wclser Arihie Elsensteln Ruth Koenlga- berg Alice Pearl i

2AmdashEdna fgtevy Anna Shbmsky Ruth Singer Rose Tarter Aaron Ellcnberg Iutzaru9 Sfligel 2AImdashHenry Feldshuh Samuel Gles Sylvia D a v l - s bullbull - - bull bull - bdquo bull - 1 bull bull - - - - - -^

2A2mdashHenry Gordon - Beijnie Graf Benjamin Ginsberg Philip Glaberman Julius Hoffman Isidore Kanovyttz Julius K|e)n Philip Kush-ner Oscar Keslner Nathan Kutlnbdquo Morris Lansky Adam Malik Sblprpon Orhstelu Da-yld Schwanr ^Iebry Shapiro Harry Schoetz-er Max Schwarttr Ida Bloom Lillian Fucbs Gertrudo Horz Rose -Llebcrwltr Rose Llaquortne Beckle Mandel Eva Peorlswhlte Leah Piirltz JannetRowkovaky Rose Siwklh bull 2A3r-lrvlng Klclnman Sidney Kurbpptkln William I^vln Isidore Nlklmbtfi SolomPn Rpt-kowltz Harold Reltman- Lester Srhollar Ulr dore Wrona Evelyn Charleston Esther Deutscbcr Annie Hershowlti - - bull

JAI^-Arnold Bremer Hyrrtan G o l d s t c l t v E l -slc-FInklestein V j y

IBmdashMlltoh Black L o u i s Frcedman Gcprge F l i t t Sollle Cohcii NathAh Wllner- Dav-ld Zuck Esther Ololmbwltz Mary Hlrichfeld MinnieSchwartz bull - - - IBi-JOIlus Blum Abe pold Able Mizlerv-Nti t le fi5hVn- Siliie EhnrclJ

bullRohert Wngnefi was omit ted from the Honor Roll of February

t i l t ivFiKrttft scHrtDt (P S fVbllO)-bull--

ChnrlPM P c r r i u t i^Vlnolpfil SB -lt-Atherlne lgtnch Sva tvlwards Elt lo bullNorworthy Arthur GoldefibRueV

SA tleorge Fanning Florence Myers MAbcl

Hi -Herman Knoche i-rcd Fotraquo Gertrude jStcln WIlYlantKeirme Gebie Kbsioy Jomta LrAdshaw lorotby chat taway MargAret bull l^rberg Tracy bull -

7V Carl Itmgc Mildred XitA Jgsse Brcg-sten Reriha Stttparteh Alice Poison

laquoH -Ethel Aran Vera Penney Marguetlte Purcell Myrile vlerney iIiBr)eraquo OhlCKlaquornah Edward Slaimhan Raymond Kmidsori Johrt JotRfnson Virginia Rerthet ( Virginia Cdm-mtna lnrh- Salorcn Marion lybott Genevieve Hall May Marks Joraquoephlne VArlil Alice Swenson Krtthrsn WallaquohM

A-Wal tcr ltio1dcnbaA Lillian Irwin ReatVlce 0 raquo ( R h M i WoTflf GrAi-i Warwick Robert lidrnlaquo Joraquoeph Craquolaquoldv Harold Skjoldahl Kathcrii-e Blancke bdquo$J3--Mnr)oi Loobrlfl Hetnert Mary Clark MAry

meraquol er k i Paul ine Bljytryt Anna | Miriam rVetlaquo poundh$i[WAiampr(nin Xf^f Sommers Mcgtcr AbVlihraquorn Richard Hatfield Harold Wngehhclm Oncar Mlltef FrArtklln liowtelt Daniel Andc

Mil-Martha Cohen Camilla lyArhhf Pllaquor-erice GumSerg Stella JtelhelmtL Hazel J i f k Minnie Nemerori Mildred SchAtt Edith Snipper Ruth Wallace Rrtib Kimrherman Arshythur Cans Leo Horn Char Kmidsoh Sidshyney Remsbaw Davltgt S^h-vAti

m Jacob Danblnkrff AHhdr Vidavcr Alhb Jokela nna Ramber Esther R e k h iMlUI

Shanker Sylvia Wachs MtV Kdard Vaughn flteita Bairaquoor MiriAm

HalpcMri Magdallne Padurk MraquoV Wopnr -Ul Florence Undr-ri Mraquory Mint Harrfcl

Schgtlaon Jablc -ftaj-rrart IcAhore traquolaquogtcort Eihel Kramer Eleanfif Ie^laquoer Tlmh RAyArsky Adelaide FfanVa Leonard Wbirmrri Henry C-er^oni AbrAHam cohen

JAJ-seyitibilr AwVthwti Jester Klein Charleii Roofraquoky Daniel Trattdcnbr-rg Riiraquoh Felnbef Sylvia Price Abna Ffle

SAJ -Mildred Arkaway Rcatilce i hleahor RcaYer DoWthii- Wn

3A4--Ietlcr Kaplan l lnu l bull- bull Hef-

1 t - l o e t-hrlleh Itbalind JJaain Ruth Cohen Tgtllh Kahter Joraquoeph Rlgtlo ^lary RulAVkl Esther Horowitz Bella Schiossman

DtJivrofjt ftciiooL (I S No 114)

MU M h MwVi-ikon rindijU SR Cclla Alter Dora Avhcr Roa^ Fiflwlrk

l^-na tJotteafeld Yctla Juneau Bather Kosisn Rosraquo Uplnaky Jehnle Sackowltt Ann Slmoh

^ r M n - e ^ M l L l P f f H ^ i n - V e i j j h Morri i t-dttzkv lilaquorIraquo BAAkln Ruth Cohen Lucy

Ion llamrc Irn-z WengdAhL IAUIAI SVbdquolraquovi vJenn Ebstetn-Sadlo Kaltln RoV-tluMave O KvArnsrprh FcTdgyfc-1 j fifSjlMU^wRWlRtS Reekie Gothclf Mlrt-

^A -Minnie Frb-ke F Joaephlrtie Hayward w r J

Hftfriette l icke l^iiua C-ApAIOo Florence lckaen John Skel Ethet tians Agnc Morse John Nrtraquoon

IB -Victoria tilogger (lertrude M-irria Ron MAcellA Jeanette Pearson Cj-hkbla Ryati Gr^tce Schomo Anthony TnozzO Ann Pol-stelfi Harry Melallch

4A mdashFrancis Cohnors ltlaquoalon Gulbrinoon GcrAMln WAlsh Harry Kronholm Violet ArtderKcri Mdrg-aret ISraquoier

ijt-vMexandr Akjohdahl lAmb Ttgtohy Ewinue l Van Nnnelaquo Mildred (Irtdahmidt IWrothy llallorAn FIAnor lgtvldenraArd Arihiir lMKArd Vaieminc Free Marlon Carmody Jean Clrk lronora RomAnb Helen Mitchell

JA-Bcl lA Sjrheim Anna Pucchl Klhel Br Jehhlb CapAldd Fllr-abeth Iifferty Helgft Swenion Henry Pelers GnMAve flyveTAPn John Zaftt MAry RlAkraquo Kathryn Ruller ignore Dfrthwlt Genevieve Mclntyre Ruth

I poHteln AnrvA UuACh MargArlaquol wilon

t l l K OOVVANl-fi RCirOOti (V 8 So 172)

Miss Mflty I IClnirirf rf lndpal A)l-~Hirilaquoto UVA Herheri RedierK Anshy

tonio TAiAntolA Marie lVAnUllo Nlha Eiief Ethel KjelgtlaquoA ReVe MhRlaquolfc|lV i W

RAlraquogt ilfH Apsar RAphAelA Rftltl Jnnie^ AJlAAAhdi la MlCnMt SAnlella lnl Hclaf


laquoAImdashMarv KAtlaquo Mamie Irvine Ruth Dolon-sky Minhin Rbbb Jennie Pabaunikof Anna Solomon A-ielina Vltfle W laquo K laquo 1 laquo n gt T

1R-Molaquoca Coptp MMrl Vgtraquograquohcl i e l t i er Roraquori Aronowlt

I l l - j c o h Mbrgenwerh Eve Punt nlaquoe Newmark Jsnnraquogtgtllf SyUlA Dlckenfader

r i iHgtl l ( t KrtrneL t)orA^Rraquopraquo bull SA-MbrrV Flnkleateln Rolaquolaquo ViachbAck 5Ai-~MorrU Reraquor^ JOtepli SlmpnofskJ- jAcob

Silverman George Rolaquolaquo-clg Reiesie Katerln- V A S - llehObull NVAJlfr Matcu Slfrel HyrnAli Ma^ctiA MAX Irflder F1raquoHgt SnAptro Ros m m Florence Shapiro EMbrr SaftdbwAlt- ArVnlr Stolzer Jennie Krapkofr Mullni NraquoV

rtlraquonrt-Pgt-kiv llrger MIPA Flelraquocher Ousirt FAIVNICV Mollle IWd FAhnie KleWnort lh Schectef 0laquolaquo1laquo filMffliUr

raquoH-teorA lllmAh )teraquolaquole KalsmAn FAfinle llAmmer tgtorA Ooidaicln Roraquo Melmraquon Sarah KAofmab M^h-Aloff Yetia

eiJr-~tUpbAf) igt(hlaquofky Hcrmgtn Drmrcker-lnrraquo Sarrt IVecht ICAtlaquo UpKChlU Morris Polaquo-Velnlck rteninmih Wit

laquoARtr)ml(iCohri BArretXMUlAr Jraquoeoh


AAl-AlH ^ kwVTJlMrxtthtftbttb

Ml- Harriet RblPntnAl Freda Ponea 5Bt-gtReraquotft Plut-ksln llraquovry RlACkali

lS2-sftetkle Feldman Ruth GoldsteinTHeien MnkolT Frieda Rbseniwclg Dorothy ScldmAn Gertrudo Shakofsky - bull

1R3-Sblonibn Amdur David Puchkoff George Sharmln Harry Spector Chester Wlach Sylshyvia Fine FAnny shutjnsk)- Esthef Sitter -

1B4--Abraham Becker Abraham Orefpfleld Charles Kress Hyman I^Vy Ma Serbeb -J i -

cob Tucker Solorhon Tuhlck MArlori Llfiicnllii Adt rtclsner bullbull lBgt-Joseph Moskowitz Lillian bull Woraquos Dinah Wropa

l lw-NAthan Fleischer Max^ Aarpnson -isl-dorraquo Slutzkln Blanche Rclls Mlbtll Gbrdoh 1RTmdashAlfred Belaky Jjrry Seldrriah SiellA Glniberg Ruth Kprnhaljer Irene tjirdorr

l A - H y m A n Jgndo Abe Mass J iebb Netharrt-klrt Nprthaii Shaplrp DeAtVlce Gbldstelrt Mol-lio Meytlnl FrabceA Surkii rbull

IAlmdashJoscbh Brown Saih Sllvcrnvlaquorraquo Tttta Felnermlaquo ^rrsr-r^r

1A2mdashSAm PAs(orlnraquoky Leo Sckolnik Sidney 8ochalltky Ida Beytep Sylvia Schneider

lAJmdashAlraquox Klntler MAhueJ Pepper Ahe Pln-cUt Rose Oarflnkfl Sadie Hnmrher Neit le Gross Itelch Myers Dbrit Rudd gt -

IAl -ChaHca Chesrlcr^ NAtban FUhmlaquon Wll-)lraquohi Fisher ChAHTlaquo kchllaquorbdquo Herbert Malkln CheAter Slpklh MAX TAbAchhlck Abe Zlfnlh-ger ReAtrice Bendtr Ruth Juskowltz Riith SfArciiit r lAS-Mlltpp Gross H y m i n MlahUr Sophie Alper U p A Drucktrman Hilda Hrrllaquo flaquottA Schoetifeld BeAlHce Turner Sarah- VlnlitAd Anemic ClasA--Benny KAley 8raquorn Katt^Roii - -ShAplUky TTIIU Stnlnger Jcnhip Merilty

OVlSOTOJf SCHObli (P S No 17ft)

icssp o Ufcii pfihuiMi Ml-RAJph Brindlal i^onard ctacclo i i raquo x

Cohen Edward Cbnriell Jamet Hlgglnv NAI-ic-it lAIUlhlii Fllomebo lAriibbip J1 nthpnv Motto WllllAm ShHUy WIlllAm HoImalaquolraquoi Irt-ndon Norgren Riia Alekftndraquor llAiillAqirn-AfdtllA Angelina Chestnut JullA ChltlPA Mildred Custer HcnrUtta Ijtren d i g Tlp-Kldo Anna ltJulrk

JA-Fr^nklih- tiayiis Dorothy Curaquotlaquor Allelaquo CAvapAugh l^vdlA MAtehAnt fctfle Ekenbrg tt-John Bahr Joseph Ronraquohno Salt atore 1gtI Marco Victor OoArMer Henry KArt1 Vln-rlaquont flcall Albert SclMonA Iyraquoh Tung PJiUtb tnderwood Amy Kalier IRIIAA Price Mildred Rentvick KdtiA Doyllaquo ^MMJrraquolaquot ^n4erio)) Roltlaquo DeNgtrdo Alice Nelson Ednraquo R i f t ) Adele Content Father Llndh Ann MorAP

JAmdashHenYJ- firCraquoraquon Albert Frltclft John Goridud Antoftlo Schctlrto Craquotl RwAlllni Adolph Zegrl Minnie WelnttAln Lilly Mullet Bell NewtftAri Evelyn Orris

7AM~MArgiltrlaquot Good laquoflt-BArton tgtolIArd Victor MAasebonf Ken-

hraquoth Mrtunt FAmuelPAXtori w raquo l l raquo r pAulsen Flank PJACAMCA Edward ToradiiUI AbraTiltm gtjnMlti

AR2-B(vira fiottt AnnA Loiger Evelyn Fernstrbm Mollie Golden Mfcrraquorraquot tlAmmDrtd L i b Mkgllb Jetinl MAscArl Marie MormAndo Srtnle RIAAft MAtildA Rpiehberlr Marl Tprgraquot-Or

laquoABMmdashJeI AAron^h Luoy Fo| l l o GcrAfdine MOTAO MArgtrtt MciApn AnhA lUMIcl l^Ancrraquo GAIIIC ltNhHelaquo h lh i ld l raquoX--FcdeiA M letb una RtabtnA MAfjrsrpt Moure ArltotdeUe VlgllAnle Flltvrraquohclaquo R6traquoh

SUM- Arthur Pyle Helen Rlw r - JAihea Rota Jolaquoeph McKinney MArgaret OH- APhA fMIIA Kdthrr Pe-ATsoP Jbaefehtni gAmltrl Unei

bullA Ruth Ekenherg Ter-eAA cinm^ Florence MorepA KvVyh NMsOh tVelyn SAlarlflbd

raquoRM-RraquohPelh jM-es f|-raquorAgt gt M e f ARC ItrnrtO JWtoihy StotArrck Errtsraquot Rcrr Aldn KtCltl M-C 80nrVrgtolaquoJraquoi r ^ M lAyttraquo I llATri e(trl Mildred CbAbln bull-

bull f - l t e I ten- AleXAbdcr WAtkin bull

bull bull J - - - nm

f l t ir r-r


bull gt | i I ft 1 i I I i I i f I t f I I i I ( 1 I i 1 I I J 1 lSBip(mlaquo^wi|^laquolaquolaquoiilraquotgtraquoraquo(laquoltlaquo5j

^ ^ B t t o o l i ^ p r bull _ttxi

amplaquoREUSTiraquo Bertram C o h e n

Llcht ig F lorence

Says RabbF Lyons in AdriresF to Training School

T h e American public pcHool sysshytem is the Temple of Democracy and its teachers are priests and priestesses

- serv ing at the altar of humanity said Rabbi Alexander Lyons PhD

ptthe Eighth Avenue Temple in an -address to the students and teachers

of the Brooklyn Training School for VTJeachers His address was received mdashnrtth great enthusiasm and applause ^bullrV^Prusslanism that invention of the ^eVil with Emperor William as its 1 chief prophet is going to be swept from

bull the earth he said Ve Americans re ih the conflict not because we de-

sire to be but because we have been drawn in by the natural- order- - of events Since we are in it wlaquo are go- i n g to make ourselves felt and play a

constructive part To realize this purpose we must back our- Gbvern-rnentwith utmost intensity by con^ centration of our various agencies

- a n d abilities -- -- gt bull Ono of the greatestagericies in-the

- procesa of transforming the world - must be our public school It-rriust bullbull be a temple of dempcracy There i s bulliin America today no profession^ no

vocation of greater dignity or pppor-tuhity than teaehlng Our teachers must inspire that patrlotlsrn that spiritual strength that will lead pur

- country to a successful achievement ^-There mustbe no parasite patriotsho

mongrel patriots no cahiouflttge ppound-lt -bull^trlots-in-Amorlcan life and especially

I (K4rrtgtur schools at thiB time gtraquo Oiir ert-r^Titir^ citizenship especially our- teaph-

~ers must consistently and persistently s tand with position arid person in

readiness to realize the hope and the bull purpose of America in this gre i t cori- flict V - - bull V-V bull bull - -

JPubiic Sbhool No 17fgtmdashContinued 3BMmdashIrepe Taylor Ida Peterson -Jud(th

Johnson Jenny Bugflone Marguerite DAmbro Nuhzio Valerlo HerbertSJolurd Leria Artelaquol Anna Calbne May Flndlay Portia Fuslllo Celia Fischer Edith Spderlund - bull

bull 3AMmdashEdith Chrlstenseh Camilla Tsranib Andrew DPllard Dorpthy Gallic Helen Tranohlna MadlsPn Graves Joseph Cordl

bullPhilip Cimlne Frdnces Bonnano Miriam f KIckela Gwendolen Reld Eleanor iorre-bullbullgTPssa-

ltbullbull-bull 2BMmdashJoseph Alfano - Charles l^ockWood bull FrahceA Carew Margaret Erey Mildred Matt-

eon bull Ethol Berliner Marguerite Grosso Cath- erine Hclllesen Adele Cerlello Margaret

Goodwin John Burton- SaWatore Gerald - JessieS Beer Lill ian Brlen gtAstrld Johnson

bull Katherlne MelleymdashJoiephlne-Schettlnn ^ -2AMmdashFrancis Canty Rudolph NeubaUer

i Wlljlam Yannelil Katie Palma Stanley Miller Mearl Tuttle Eleanor Frank Mario Furaio

- H i l d a Hellstrom lngrld Jensen Clara Hurlbet Eva Hurlbet Oorbthy Mottola Letter Arron-

1AMmdashHymAn C6ni)laquoR Israel Schrledtr Max Abrarrtsky - gt -laquobull J bull--bullbull bull bull gt bull_

MargpllA Lt l lUi i K h U h TlorAnce Atkih

KBNSINGTltraquoir SCHOOli (p s NO u^Ji

Heriry Xiudw-te Principal gt SBmdash-Sarah Goldberg bull Irv lag MOACOW

Helen Heydernjan UldOrPldelman- Ever lyn -QhJmdashBottOcA Nace MarKtrtt Savaatano NorniAn Bper -Adlaquollaquo Kr lckman Sidney Hammer Sam BaplnowUoh - LaurAi Bsrach E l las Adams Al ice Hal l Oscar Forster Mary Qutnn - t--

8AmdashHelen Berault Victor ia Arlaquondraquo Caroshyl ine Bohroder Rabecca Hunter^ T h o m a s Young Yet ta Hlreeh - Viola DoPa lma A l j bert Huemme Stanley -Mllleri Madelyn B i y t h Louise Dunham Ruth Hamprloe Se lma Schwarta MyrPn RCetenberg lt v bullbullbull

7BmdashSoDhla D o l i l n Al ice Craig Marshyguerite SplUer Irene Gllbrlde Patr le ia I l t u m w Columbia PApe- (France Sargoy Rebecca Gutterman Annie Hughe Livlaquo-rence Ulllon Rose Friedman Mabel Garshyner Arthur Helneman - Iraquorraquoel-gtpch-wart8 Daniel Orshansky Ague Apdlaquorraquoop p o r o t h y Runiiutt Kather lhe Herring) Florence Oa-born laquobull - - - J --

7AmdashJessie Horn Frank Sklovesgy Doroshythy - Loewenwarter bull B lanohe Miller - A l i c e Johansen Gertrude Ht-udrlckson E m m a Ollphant - Haiti-bull Levee P t a r l Bernste in August raquoZolotorptlaquo bull Robert Wei ls R u t h Smith Alice Olsen Richard LArch Isidor Helchsn Robert Beer Lucil le Rsl l ly -

SBmdashLraquoe Cottrell^v M e y e r QrAPOWltsky John Meyer Fred Ktnds -Catherine Doyle Johanna- HAlmovritz Bess ie Ketcham Clara Molendyk Rose Rlvlln B e s s i e Schneider Sidney Moskowlts Clarence Marsh Frankshyl in Sa-wtcllo Vasquala Consorto v Pul Heeserrian R A p h a e l i P i i e Robert RA-ymon Abraham Furmao Jacob Gatllnraquoty NormAn Gardner Gladys Snow A n n Hlckey B labeh Mraquorlaelaquoh R o s e BchwArts- He len McDermott Marie Will B the l B a l s a m A l m a Welda Dorothy Hanspn AU Mapk F a n n y Mlnier Henry Hv-tmrtu J o h n Torolll J o h n Cronln ivlti- raquo bull gt - - bull gt

laquoAmdashSadie Brenner - l i v e ^fJhertoK E d i t h LeyltarijL Ruth ga^rphy A o n c h w k r t raquo


Dr A O McJLachlan Principal 8 B mdash E l i s a b e t h Auryans in B l a n c h e Corln Rosal ind Humphrey Beatr ice Clary raquo mdashraquoAmdashCaston raquo Dalg le ^Dorothy- - F l e t c h e r Verne Cunningham -- -bull bull-

I B mdash P a u l Barthel Guatave Helnlcke John Jeffords Elsie French Dpfo4hy Marshytin Mabel Reld Kathryn Ste lbmann

tAmdashMarian Bayl l s Virginia Miller Lorshye t ta Drury Raymond Golder Robert Rock-hiU laquoBmdashJohn FlUpatr lck J o h n F o g e r t y ^ J o shyseph Matthews R u t h Chatwln T n e l m a Lewis Helen Relmer Nanet te Schwarts -

laquoAmdashAubrey de Languilett- Wini fred Obrlen Jennie Payne J o s e p h i n e Sonn Este l le Watts John Scajes

68-^-Fannle Bloch He len Corwlo K a t h r erlne Goett Esther H a m m e r R u t h Hicks Sarah McNalr Florence Purchase Es te l l e S i lverman gt-- iBAmdashAsta Olson Arthur de Laogul l e t t e Mlltpn Mandelbaum F r u m g a r d Karstens Helen Merkt Isabella Saloman K a t h l e e n Stark Florence Walton bull-bullbull

BmdashElmer DeBevolse De lwin Gordon Robert Kle in Mary B a s t e w B l a n c h e Freed Frances Sladklhs Kather lne Sponger Virshyg in ia Van Slclen - -

bulltAmdashRobert Maler MUton V a h gicltri F r a n k - W h i t e Marie Koch E d i t h I^eongren Harr ie t iMaharAn Kather lne Murraybull bullbull i

3BmdashtBertha -Cogswell Gwendolyn Fosdick Mary Lewis Helen Rosenthal K e n n e t h B a y r lis C a r l e t o n K n d e m a n n J o h n - K a l a e r Horace Lang Charles Shafer J o h n Young bullgt SA mdash Esther Iiean Marjorie Hansen Rhoda Llnvl l le Anna Olson Arl lne Vorls Grace WlcK bullbull

3BmdashRohert Ashmead Maurice Hurley Herbert John J a m e s Reynolds Hortense Borrhan Dorothy Carson Serena Fa lrba lrn Louisa Fosdick Margaret Gill B e r t h a Klein Helen Relsman - - -

-bullbull JAmdashGeorge Helnlcke G e o r g e L e w i s Ir-r A V raquo bull s i s -v ij i i W i t i f t l bull Ing I^evlne Howard Molt B a r t o n Smith Pearl SroUh L laquo K n c e ^ A l e raquo n d e r - W i U l s I J a c 5 c -Wright Pearl Relsman Mary S a v a -Hofstad Isidor Llnde ^Blanch WraquoWlpn laquo bull _ Harold Sraquorlaquouels O W r t Dolgin i t flaquoWlaquo


son Rose Mardpodl Charles Sciametta Conrad Tornpulst

IBMmdashMorris Estor Armando Cecire Harry Custer Harold Helliesen Frank Mlrabello Ruth Jansan John McKlnriey Alwander Paulshy

s e n John Slmone Grace Elslnger Mildred - Johnson Teresa Tripoli Charles DeFAlco

Charles Frey Gilbert Snyder Magnus Torn-CUist Lillian Dollard Lpulsa Fislchelll Carminella Grosso Ruth Johnson

bullbull 1AMmdashLawrence Elbert Ferdinand RUro Louis Jacpbson John Killam Carmello Yetto Arts Waage Alice Nelson Rosaile Fryppll Ahtoinetto-Gevusltano Romeo Brando James Risolio Virgil- Speranzp Charles Warner

Elizabeth Gcraldl Fllippo Longp Howard Stover Rose Carbone Cecelia Cullen Edna

bull- Noppan - - - - - bulllt bull KgnlmdashDpmenlc Alfano Vincent Arrlgo

Joseph Calona bullEugene Cecere Salvalore Como j- Joseph DErrlco Christopher DeGAnaro Lawshy

rence De MAnh CharlesFaBone I^oulS Scarpp trade Qeor^-Be^rs^-^trntHff^eirvslarr

tlsta Roslna Compato Fortunata JiancgtsbdquoFuslllotbdquoMillaquored GudlQ(bdquo bullbullbull qulst Rosp-Yalonote Tcsslfe Zanga

Kgn2mdashGaetanb Baslle Vlncen20 Bova Roccb Clrdella Nuslo Colonna Anthony Gaizola Jpseph Montemarano W a l l a c e Wrllson- Fllb-mena Buomlcllo Concetta Bruno Josophlnp Bracca Josephine lanaacone Angelina

- Puclllo bull bull - - bull bull bull AnAemdashRelnert Torgerson Fanny Scordato

Helen Drlscoll Charles Underwood bull l Eng lmdashJames Rlcclo Joseph -Plsce Rocco mdashJtbbrul

ChertPCf Arthur HermAn Li l l ian t o h laquo n Dorothy Robertson - -V t i bullOiivv bull SlimdashIsrael Kaplan ^ K a t h e r l n e - Beeker F lorence Fendrlck Kva Liohteneteln Al ice Olson Olga Thome Henriy Tivcopysdraquoil Louise Tegtrneyer Gertrude o r e n i Margaret Hnll l -bullwell Susie Waldbaum Sadie WinkeUteln Pear l Brodte Iren Ralogh bull DahleJ Levy Leon Lasky Frank H l c k e y B e n j a m i n Becker -bull i gt bull gt ~r raquo--

SAmdashHelen Sals Alio-Cohen- Dav id Por ter Is idore Relft Wi l l iam Oreagan Linda Salsberger R u t h B t r s c h B e r t r a m Weiss John Splnelll BurtonrCornelt^^JcjhnyAllen Ellen Frcddo Isabel Wogan Marlon Brown Dorothy 8tmkegt bull-bull bull M bullbull-

bull 4BmdashAnna - Kenny bull Dorothy Oil George Anderson Pauline bull Schwarts i Carol Gatje Charlotte Pegrls te in L i l l i an-Bennet t Florshyence Founta in Bea tr i ce Swerdlow El len Coakley Mildred Rosolter Olive McCaskey Dorothy Mlnert Dohal6V Walco t t bull Dav id Salxberg Lester May ^Blanche Brennan Olga Pcterssp- Ph i l ip Gerafflo Lawrence Jacobson Bernard McDopald --bull 4A--Carblyn Wagnlaquor AUl Lalvo Doris

Kuhn Sy lv ia Cantor Albert Grobauer Le -Rpy Thornpson Charles Hodgson Blrper Thurbraquor Nlaquott l WelAberg Ed i th Lohman Margaret K k r n a n - M l r l a r a Feverstone- tfgtt vll le Bi-own P a u l B l t s e r H e r m a n Schterloh Maxwell - Valeche Harry Thorpe Royce Ward bull Francis bull Doyl Alexander Lai)dcs Levin Murry A lexander NR6over Joseph ShOrman William Wcldlg Ada B^ssi Joshysephine DAngelo Li l l ian Guttenberg Hase l Peeler Phy l l i s Williams-Lenprfr CurrerU

SB-^MUdred Frey Minnie Ladlmer Reg i shynald Campbell Royal Stel l lng Sadlo Lasky Margaret Spcth Buolah Balsam Rose Botshytle- - bull-bullbull bull bull - bull -

SAmdashCharle H a a R a l p h - Martin -Robert Plsanl Dorothy Haipern Catherlno K e n -ney Lucy--sMatthtws Eieabbr Rellly- -Jo-

bullsephmdashgormajv_Marle Olsen Loui se Snbvr B e l l a schnuldtr Harry Bhh6tt l r w i n - B o y f Ian Bernard sDolgln Theodor Fold George Gordon Frederick Reute iv Danl t l Waldman Frances 5Pa rdlraquoy Fftunle Tate lman

2BmdashGebrg Brundlge George Demarest Theodore -McDonald Alexander Slutsky R u t h Blsbet Alice Leahy Albertin W a h -sr Adrian oCohen - N icho las Kraph- John Goggin Solomon Rothfeld Ruth Relter Adreas ApleAJla Heber Hi ts Gustav K p a u -ert I r v l n r - O c h e r t bull Dav id Strassner E d n a Goodman Robccca Sbatnman -bull bull i-i

2A-^Joe Klaratelft E l l la Van- Riper Clarle Smith Vivian bull W l k a n d e r Esther Mertlk Estel le Cantor Jcanet te -Cohn - R u t h -Seashyman Lester Harris Leo Shoeman Arthur Mlltoh- Henry Brennef Jchn Sloran Seyshymour Smolcn LUllan Pundlck

lB-^mdashlepon Dav idson M a t t h e w GUligan Alexander Goodkygtltsj Norman Langfur Edshywin bull -Nothiger I rv ing W a l d m a h Gretohen Becker Rosalie -Brunsohwlg- Marie Doyle Edith Llndemeyer Mollle Schrelber Sarah GreenhergV Irwin Clair Sarn Furman Gradys Cooper Mlrlam Duhh Dorothy Schlerbaum- Marlon Waters J o h n Brelner Frartk Arcoleo Paul Brown Martin Dolh

tin bullNadtFrriols P a r k e r J u l i u s

I B mdash D e n n i s Bogthm SydnAy Levinson Adolph bull Merkt Carolyn Bayl l s Marlon Aruutman Helen Wood 1 A mdash E d w i n Perkins Frederick Quanjer

Eugene Rohr Marguerite Cal lachlo EUsar beth Maler Edi th s Rosenthal Georglne Schlesslnger Louise Tlndle Virginia Turk


Miss Agnes A Cording Principal - 6BmdashBettytGray Pyloon Zeron

6AmdashKenneth Cuddeback Ol iv ia - -Edwards G e r s l d l n e D o w bull[bullbullbullbullbullbullbull-bull

IBmdashRichard Gretsch Alfred Van Wagenen SAmdashAnna Dorothy Backus Joy Mays Ellen Yepsen -

4BmdashRobert Burns Gertrudo CantrelV Helen Serena Edith Dowse

4AmdashElisabeth Burns Elsa Neumer Rita O-Shea

SBmdashLucie Jeffers Jessie Fiero SAmdashiMlldrcd Vanderveer 2BmdashBernard Allen Catherine Murphy - ZAmdashLinda Eder Mary Saybplt Helen

Schpen bull IBmdashBilly JefTere Floyd McTyier Carrie M o r r i s -- -- bull bull

1AmdashVictor Luneborg Margaret Stottlcr (P S No 73mdashAnnex of P S No 3)

SBmdashLydia Chester Gertrude Kallepberg 3A-7-Catherne Murtagh Heltn ONeill Mabel Smlth-Margaret Dolan- Adelaide Engcls

IRmdashWalter SsCmko Frederick Vollmuthi 2A^-Annraquo Sperandeo Alfred Seyftart Walter

Zerbe bullbull -bull -bull bull - bull IBmdashJames Boyle Viola Schlette Louise Schlette Evelyn Scbolie Donato Brlenzl Otto Grimm Rosemary Mecca Frances Sllano gt1AmdashWilliam Peabody Louise Kelderllng Pauline Schlesslnger

UngZ-Amadeo Vigilante Louis lxipenztna


i 1 Charles E 6Neill rrlncipai |v SBBlmdashSamuel Blair bull Louis Burack Samuel

Friedman ^William GoldPevg Albvrt-j-roo- w l t i r bull - bull bull - - v - - bull - -bull-bullbull - -

A SBB2r-Anthony Aragona Edward Breslow-sky Epbralm JtVank Morris Kesslcr Charles bullMcOrory Louis iteioer Isidore baimanOwliE Herman Schurr Louis Bhakowaky

IBB3mdashEdward Coylc Isidor Lando Mandel Loibowltx Harry Lerkowitz Aaron Wess Harry Tepper -

8BG1mdashMary Goldman Ruth Rosenberg - 8BG2mdashMartha Besdme Rebecca Brodv Gershytrude Frankel Sara Uoldsteln - -

bull-bull-- SARImdash Frank Eli -Milton Feldman Morris Flnkelsteln Abraham Gallaban Harry Har-laquo e t s - E m e s t IgtorlP David Kllenberg Unanue l Nathanson Samuel Rosenthal Jacob ochoro Samuel Sibber

SAB2mdashMax Harnlck Solomon MogllewAKy Louis Prager Max Schleescl Charles Tar-duno Mostss Waldbcrg Sidney Welinsky Tony Bona John Nlkla carmelo Regglo

8AM-^Jacob Brukowltr Mlchat Clementl Sollle Dlnncrsteln Max Smith Mildred Paske Sarah- Frledfell Florence Klapholtz Sophie Pltroschefeky

SAGmdashDonatello Carechla Libble Dank Lena Glelchevitch Sarah Sokal Kuth Weinberger

1raquoAGmdashEvelyn Lehman 7BB1mdashTony Bllardl James Goodw|n 7BB2mdash Arnold Mailing -7BB3mdashAngclo Bubnor Charles Nsldorf El-

- mer Chlnltz - ^ 7BG1mdashSeraphlne Sanft 7BG2mdashIrma K-rlte bull -7ABImdashSeymour Cohen George Zuckermsn

bull 7AB2mdashIsidor Litwin Ellas Shapiro Louis Bclgel Sam Tuchlnsky

- - ^ A B S - N a t h i n -Adletv-asg ^ ^ ^ - ^ bdquo ^ ^ ^ ~ 7AMmdashMorris Goodman Eva Kasanoff Ruth

Light-bullbull-bull---- - - - - bull mdash - - gt- - - 7AGJmdashBertha Porlsky

ABBmdashIsidor Alperwlts Iirael Dinncrman Meyraquor GottesmAn Joseph Raftell

SBM-^Amuel Solpmon Ida Klein Ida Mar-jnur^ _-- |i f lt- j 4

ence Kraengel y IAmdashWllhAlm Knauert Marjorla Doctor Ernest White BUiAbeth Seaman Amel ia Weiss -IngAbord Sohlckler E l la GAl SylvlA Halmowltx Frances bull Inshaw Harold B a L sarn -Aust in D u n h a m George Spetb Alice C a r g u l l - - bull bull bull -laquobull - - ----raquo -bull bull bull KlndegarUnmdashMil ton D o r m a n t Eugene Gluck J o s e p h Goodkwti- Bernard s R ichshymond Heyman JFine George Magaltno Able - R l c i m a ^ _ ^ ^ J ^ J B e t t 8 ^ J i y i l y j r i _ ^ o 3 t ^ m Anna Olson Rudolph -Cohen- Frederick Gli-irgonT~StdrroymdashWft1ama^r~Dbrothy-HExTendermdash (rast Dorothy bull ReutAr Paul ine Rlchter Lilshylian^ Stein -Mary -Hodgeson - -Sy lv ia- Naboy-shlck Sylv ia Lbvine Sy lv ia Steinberg Doroshythy Moran V Lbul Qutfonrian Dorothy Arend Mary Frcsch l Al ice Keshlshlan May Clart v v j- --s- --bull - Uhgraded-^Erances Nee - bull - - mdash bull mdash - mdash mdash - - - - -


Miss Sarah E Rorrers Prlnoipal 4B1mdashAnna Cuolt) B l a n c h e Goldberg

Harold Gaskell E leanor HArrl Hi lda VoPr-h c e s bull bull - - bull bull - bull - lt bull

bull 4B2mdashAntheny Martlnollck Marlon Mc-Grkth Hugh Navarro -

laquoA1mdashAxdlaquon Baer John Burke John Cofshyfey Nie ls Drust t t ip Herbert Hagnsr Mary HoraquoU Margaret McCauce Roy Pi l l ing John R o d - bull bull bull - - lt - laquo - - bull gtbull- bull- - - - - bull - -

bullA2-mdashEvelyn Ble lwe lss E d w a r d Hoag 4ASmdashNicholas DGregorib Mariorle Hall

Elena SabaUa E a l t h Walsh-

Richard Brinsley Sheridan 11year3 old is a pupil of the Franklin W Hooper School No 41 Dean street arid New York avenue Miss Martha A Kane principal On April 10 the pupils gave an erltertairiment at th^ Cprnmerclal High School when several thousand dollars vere subscribed for the Third Liberty Loan Master Sherishydan appeared as Uncle SarnV

j ^ E DARWIN SCHOOL -bull ^ P S No 4mdashL t C l t y )

Robert L Cbiiarit^ Principal bull S B mdash N a h s y Brusco Wal ter Kane Jeanne

Wilson Marlam Lanlgan R i t a Lofeb E d shyward Netecher-Mildred Schoenfelder W a l t e r Uher -Violet Wil l iams

8AmdashFrank Atnendola Senford Green John Hater Robert McPherson Les ter Mazxochl Pe l legr lno Montanlle Norman Willis Marshytha D l S l m o n e May Oldfleld Sophie- H e l shyler P h l l o m e n a Sahtora Wil l iam Se ln-rhaycr Marie Bradley Lil l ian M c L a u g h shylin P e p p l n a P l c c o l a - Ray Wolf -

7BmdashrWalter Lunnlng A n l h b n y P^ssarel la Irving Rubsrg Jennie P i t ta Albred Muller Florence Ulancko Ethe l Breis land Hi lda Cornell E d n a Haman

7AmdashWalter Baer LawrencemdashKacermdashWInU fred Courtney Irma Van Gale J a m e s Caple Gertrude F r l t c h k a B e r t a Jobln Martha Ilsen Dorothy Smlih - bull bull -bull 6BmdashSebast ian Bonavo lanta E d w a r d Lanl -

f an - W i l l i a m Matjeka F lorence K e s n a n tartha Sloane T h o m a s Baxter Salvalore

e7^Wsephlno-Brusce^athery^HjeTB5h-ary YUla Claude P icket t Wi l l i am

-Hazel Mcyersw-bdquo l = s r ^ bdquobdquobdquo - r^^ gAmdashAndrew B i n g h a m Herman Eschert

John Tralnor Harold Trimlet Charles Mc--Carthy Raymond Gardner Margaret Bron-neckant- Catherine) Bradley Ernest ine Thlry He len Zostak Anna Darrow E u g e n e Raup Helen Meystrlck Beatrlce Doyle Helen Turek- John Koessler Charles Cernovsky F r a n c i s Cohn R o m e o S c a m a -pleco Roland Rlppcrgcr B l a n c h e B o h m a n Dol ly Grady Rita- Helnleln Erna Ersteld Cathe^lnv-r-Vlaquolkrlr--EUielpoundjniaerjnan_Mar-i tha Neubert Edi th Boyce Florence Slmone jjgt----- -bull-bull vnTn xrraquolaquoina-

^ - ~mdash bull i-r-srnmc-ci---Klaquom-y^^

JAMES B COLGATE SCHOOL (t--S No 12mdashAnnex to Araquo) -bull-

SAmdash-Martrja Smat iak Gustav Rokos Fred Dietrich George Tllardl gt

5BmdashHermlne bull De -Verve Alblna Svuger MArte -Albrecht Theodore Lavlano

mdash 4Amdash Helen Dll ley Stella Mayer Adel ine Vlestl bull-bull bullbull-bull- - v

4Bmdash^-Frank Kl ima Marie A l b r e c h t R o s e KbnbpasekTDora Speyerer Al lene Wagher r

4A2mdashHarvey Brill Frances Kroupa Rose Schemer - -

3BmdashGeorge KrakPra Anna Lochner

Abe Relss M a d raquo l l n raquo B e n k e r t Ed i th Cutlllo MUdred Hofman May Smi th Ber tha Sal-e r i B mdash V i n c e n t D-AgwstlnoArthur FlAndtr Eugene Oarganl J o h n Kel ly Ida Damlanl Vita Dambrose ThsrAsa Morlna Ed i th Vol-llno CharUs Bice C0^- KVndeg Berplund H u g o JohnsoD Wil l iam Mettle Wil l iam Ptttarp P r a n k Scheedel Theresa OConnor D l a n o v P lAngoz ia^ trade bdquo bdquo

1 AmdashArthur jD-AlUAandro Grace sWaflne-macher George Scheel George Santolannl

^ n d e r g a r t e n mdash S a u t Gprdon Joseph i toore Earl Reed E v e l y n Corrado Ethe l Sankwosk Luoy Tbnneo

T l i E JDAKfc SCHOOL (P S l ib 1)

Mis Irene Santord Principal 4BmdashEmll Dermigny Heward^^ Morrison

Louis WlplHihauser Gladys Goldfarb BAr-bAra PlAtow raquo T _ bull

MAmdashWil l iam B f k r Harry Hendrickson Frank Stark MsaVeWn Eckhardt_ bdquo-rlUm

JBmdashDorothy A^uro E l s a Kisher Bertha Jawl t s Charles 8e-tt bull bull ^ - - i i i J J i i

JAmdashLouis Volp r l a o c h e Nafis Magdalen P deg R mdash W i l l i a m B e n n e t v L o u l i J laquo i laquo i t Eu-i e n l a Hlnehcl l l te MilArcd Enek Irene

jAmdashAlfred Ger4wagn Kxdney^MIUer -Alshybert Sheer Alexander -Vlesyt ^^f-helmsr Mary O C o n n e l l H e l v n VonderhAid

D t i B ^ R y ^ n a r B k laquo r J u l i a n ^ w laquo Wat-

Helmus F lora Fe ldhusen -poundbullbullbull bdquo - bdquo bdquo KindergartenmdashElwood -Hafis Emsnue l

Llndhelmcr F lorence Johnson - --

t P S N0 a3~Fi i 6Hl [ lXlt3 Miss Frances J Oronan Principal 4B1-James Bell John Fallon Robert Hotlfi^

Frank LApple Edward Bobentlaquoln Jphn -TulUo Selma Blumbergf-Ethel McKenns MArle Rich bull

laquoBU-raquoerbet t Fried William H U U e r lthraquorles | Mclncnly Edgar Bank JAck UvAoIlI B U Bacb Gertrude Brlel Emraquolle Grstser SyblllA Wecke Dorothy Y A t l c E d l l h RApleAi gt

bull4Aa-Paul Coca Julia Fallon Mola Morrison Anna SaoUllo bullii-^U-- -bull J -bullbdquo

3B-Dopald Roberts Horbert Murphy Bocco Dansl Katherlne Buell Oelia Sternberger Anna Jenson Agnes Cavusso Marie Bocclo Sarah Detnarlno bullbull - -- gti

3AvEdwln Oogblsn Edith Ayers Helen Auer Dorothy d a r k Bessie Eckert - v

2B-Thomas Paulding Virginia Alllger Marshygaret Cherdon Helen Green - bull

8B2-Edna Webb --lt_bull- e i i 2A1mdashEdwIrTLightbouriier Benjamin Kinlsky

Margsret 1-urco Josephine Zoutaly SylylA TbpraAs - i - - r-ti i - -

l B l - M a r y English Bllssbeth Jlmiolski Jennls Kenlsky Uasel LlDdetman jraquolaquo -bullltbullbullgt----J bullgtgt

1B-Ell iabeth Scbaltfer Rlsncbe- Steniberger Nlcollna Curretts ClAra Eckerf LolA Pardpccl Al -Harold Anderson - Arthur Hleks- MArgsret Bpwe Ruth DtTldson ETfltyn Hemtterlek

KindergartenmdashJohn Carnes Paul WOOOJ (P S No SimdashAnnex tp iamp)

6B-Edith DATICS 6A-Domlnlek -Aplcell- WtlliAm--ArmstrOog

WHlsrd Dobler Harry - Htlne Lowell Sumner Mary Cusfa Csrrtella Dlaquonsl -

6BmdashCharles Jordan CnarlesRetilnkoff 5AmdashGeorge Aery Mary Loose


George W Dorlarid Priricljpal SBmdashMargaret Jockers B u t h Barrett

Mildred Brennels A n n a Rubin Everet t Schulthels bull bull - -- --

JAmdashMargaret Schultz E l i s a b e t h Stre ih Marguerite Klein bull - -bullbullbullbullbullbull i_^mdash 7BmdashEdward Bepp Al fred Brown Nor-m a n Harper Evere t t Hebe l Ar thur Mayer Charlotte Coots E l la Grossfeld Viola SchildwaChter - - -bull bull - - - bull - - - 7AmdashHenry He ln ichen Henry Zittel Amel ia Kane Ber tha Schneider - B e r t h a Soalo Lillian Zelgler Dordthy lt Englert Florence Hamilton EHxabeth Pores r is

6BmdashMargaret Kunkel Mort imer Leavy E d m u n d Rau Harold T h o m a s H e d w i g Clemen Jessie Gil lette A l m a Hetzer Elsa Smith Emll le Clarke bdquo - bull

6 A - E l l t a b o t h WlllnsKy -Florence H a m -ton Meta Henckel B e u l a h Schrelner Wi l shyl iam Heydorn Max Rpsenzwelg Joseph Ber shyger J o h n Boynjy Rose Bush E l i zabeth

5BmdashFrieda Dlehr Kather lne Hpsblech Graco Roe Minnie Scheffold Li l l ian Stod-dart Helen Tenzler Mabe l Weber Jennl Dunn Malcolm Thomas - Herman^-^Lans Zoltan Cser Gertrude Nlemts Anna Meyer

3BmdashHenry Gerlach George Hebel Charles Oberlst E u g e n e d immer Charles Wurtz Martha^ Mafisinger Victoria S inka-wlch Mary Wohlfard

7AmdashRichard Bruckner J e a n n e t t e Donogr hue A le t ta Hendrickson H t m e n Horst-mann Marls Keat ing - Ange lo Noval lano D o r o t h y - W e s t - lt bdquo

tAl-Morrel l Hendrickson Anna Husraquo Helen Purdurt H o v a r d Van Slclsn

JAZmdashPeter Hendrtewson Els ie Wilder 8BmdashEleanor Buhler Florence Dickson

Elsl Freitag Mary Frankl in Oertryde Gay-i nor Catherine Woodford Samuel Coe Louis Walter

T H E S p h l N G F E L I ) S C H O O L

( P ^ N O 3 7 )

- W l i l W m E H c n d r i e P r i n c i p a l SBmdash-William Sergeant Charles Walter

Isabella Bedel l Minnie Burger Gertrude 1 Conway -raquo-

raquoAmdashFrank Oglvit J o h n Zosller-7BmdashDolOre Ekluhd Edna Reeves IAmdashFlorence Rabe Henrietta Woolney vBmdashCsther lns Jones Tlaquossl l v e r o n l laquoAmdashRlchArd Tilt Nora Jorgehson Helen

Pol leck ^ i 4BmdashJohn Prouse Graquortrude Grlmstvedt 4AmdashEthel Smith Howard Seaman l A - ^ J o n n -Retmelsv - bull bull -- JBmdashCharles Eogelhardt E v e l y n Javorek

Catherine Merten tAmdashArthur K e t c h e n v bull - bull IBmdashPeter Vorwys Lola Hendrickson


A n n a Miller y iorlaquoncraquo

Hormtgtaraquoraquo EdltV

5Ilss Gertrude M ^Traphaampen Prin- - - -- -bull cipal IBmdashCarolyn Dopfel

AmdashWalter Haskln Gentvieve Painter Anna Wllsoa - - --- iW bull- bull - -

6BmdashDavid Webster Clara Kaelber 6AmdashMae bull SchmltV Rose Rorech 4BmdashAlma laquotraquo11 Mebel BelaquovA Evelyn Gedda

Kenneth Melasner George Ecklund 4AmdashAlfred WebsUr Christine Muller JBmdashMsnrawt Stoll JA-Hl ld lng Gtdds JBmdashTHtanor Slosrl Jojjph CCnsUntlne 2AmdashGladys Feeraquoy Kenneth Webs ter bull -IBmdashAlMrt Kuster Arthur Kuster Frank

Miller Rocco Pprcaro Helen Rosech bullgtgt 1AmdashRoy Schvi-albsch Maude Feeley- Edna Huscher Teresa PPrcara

THE T A i ^ p R D jtiANyN SCHOOL - ( P S Np 50-^Janutica)^

Miss Margaret^ Scott Pxiniipal- tBmdash Jerome Dodman gt Gertrude -Stryn-

koska Marguerite Wllllarns Ida ARenburg Kather lne McGaughln Josephine Mrdx- AmdashCharles Annlello - G e o r g e ^ Callow^ Rose -Brierr AllotDodftlan Lill ian Green- baum Jul ia YAldes Theresa Rooney^

7BmdashCharles Pett lc luI Susie Sorrentlno 7BImdashStartlslaw Czarneckl Abrsham Ns-

senfcld Aaron Ntstehft ld Wil l iam Traenkle Dora JochnbVltz Rosalie Gluck- Katherln van Twlstern Mlnnle-Scher A n n a Seabury

laquo B l mdash E d m u n d Reeves lt-bullbull BJmdashFrank Blumberg Sadie Brier Jenshynie -Greensteln--

ArmdashOscar TOuhgbcrg Madeline Buhl Jeane l te Smith - bull JBmdashJoseph Klelb Benjamin 6chaer Mary MISA Lil l ian Fretyka Rosal ine Sparaclno Helen ZuK AnnAZdzlebkowskl

JAmdashAlex Berman Henry -Block James Clerk -Abraham Deutscher- Leonard Drogln George Du Bar Paul Hlckerson Frank Majkowskt Raphael Bletn-tJobn Vlscuse Reginald Van Derzee R u t h Berman Made-lln Kopel Xetlv Moore Ethel Vlnchuk Helen-Hosenpr - Helen Sastadek Gertrude Schlndler Bessie 8teln bull lt i - bull

6A1mdashMax Cltrlh Aaron Cohen Samuel Nlssenfeld Wi l l iam Rhodes Francis Taylor Walter-Tlnagero Harriet Brown Catherine Coombs Mary Karesh Llll le Lundgren Hazel Reeves Prisc l l la Seabury Helen Stay-ter Florence Zlhcke

Kaweckl Felix Kope l -Theodore Mil ls Jo jeph Shannpn- R u d o l p h - S a f a r l k - Joseph 8cher bull Arthur Wllks B e r l h a Berman Al-dena gtBernotaj Gertrude Bird Anna Clark Margaret Clark pot t l e Frey Ksshmlrs

THE TALLMAN SCHOOL t ^ s d n laquo ^ K m deg f c = E d a a ^ ^

5AmdashrRaymorui Suchy bullJB-^AIfred - Maas- Henry bdquoMohr Charles

Albrecht Charlotte Alcxapder Anna Mrstlk - 3A-mdashJanet Galan Elsie Hospodar Els ie Kl lma El izabeth Simons R ichard D e Veuve George Olenz Ferdinand Kasta lek -

IBmdashMil ton Pozena Frances Brede Marie Kl lma

IAmdash^lane W^lsh Els ie Albreoht - Kindergarten mdash Ernest Freut lem F r e d Fendrlch E d w a r d Iemcc Wi l l i am Cerny

A m a n d a Gardner Anna Drabniko He len r^ye^eTTJYRttr^eBlg-GrttCe-Bttumcr^Blanche

Fr i eda Back

Helen Scanlon SB1mdashRqblaquort

Mildred HMfsky SB1mdashRobert Berns tlaquo ln FelAcia J3e Cain

Es ther Schneeberg Irving Resnlck

JABmdashiAsle Aronchlck Ixgtu(s Cazanov Jp raquolaquoph Dinnerstefn Joseph Josophson Joe Kind-Ur Herman Lelght George Moikpwltx David ShandAiow - JAM-^oscph KAntxmArt Gerald Miller David

Mpnassam Solomon Schutomion Emma Elg Fannlo Selgel

laquoAGmdashVita Connella Mao Cohen KAtherine OrazlAno Gertrude I^ngsam Sophie Margoshylin Ei ther Nussbaum Lottie Psrlsh Sobhie (Redlker Sadie Rosenberg Rebecca SAlkln -Anna Stem RebeccA Welngatu bull

5BBmdashJoseph Berliner Philip Eligraw El l is bullarrelbrum William FrlendlAnder Joeeph

Orenberg Alex KAti Harry I^pvy MAX OrsnlAck NatbAn Schlnofsky EmAnuel Fln-klaquol U A A C fltonskl Leonard RAbban

JBMmdashIsidore Gordon Jack Advoeat Darl-t t t Allen Abraham PlAUIs Loul Sussex B e t t y Muchwalk Ruth IOfldon 5BGmdash Pauline B lackman E s t h t r Bush

wald B e s s i e - C o h e n Rose Cohen Lil l ian Bl l lewlex Jeahet to CornaecA Miriam Krlch-laquovky B e r t h a Perlow SarAh Hornatttn Badte Morowltx

5ABmdashHriry Gilford tsldore Hutter Rlaquon-j a m l n Joaeph Abraham Kenln Louis Leln Barnet Rlaquosnlck Joshua Sterl ing Morrlk Stober TosAph Stbetchtr Renjamln Ttafll Jacob Wlaquolner AbrAhAm Welsbrpd Jpseph Wls BenjAmln FIshmAn

tAM-gt-DAvld CPrAl NAthAn Flr AbrAhAm HchlltnlA-Sidney WAldmAn HlldA Handel R u t h Luba ThAresa Elcenberg E m m a Rushybin

JAGmdashIda Wernlck SArah Smith DorA Gold-

4RRmdashDavid Brook Nathon FTledmAn Abe Michaels JAck Rosenberg

4BM-LlaquoonArd HAlkln Mildred jAeob-kon UylvlA Llaquohrlaquor Hi lda SklAt B e l l a Sti l ler-m a n bull

40MmdashSydney Tabrl 4AMmdashEthel Hecht Mati lda Dlnlaquormsn

BeatrloA KhrJIek Blanche Hankln SylvlA Sal t jman A n n Italsky Yatta WAISS- fette M|llam llaquoTel D6II Amelia Llttenbcrg Anna HtUmAn Resale Rogtnblaquorg Helen PIAkel Blaquo11A Shore Mary Shurgin Morris Merit

J B B I mdash Frank Frogel Daniel Garfltld J o - laquopraquo SahlAdoflTAky

JBBgtmdashSidney RIlaquo(lraquold

JB2mdashSelma Ortman Harry Slmbnstn- bullbull bdquo i

JAmdashFlofA B e j g m a n Kurt Fuche l Henry Helge John MAgnuson - ---

1B1mdashMuriel-^ Boyoe - Lawrence Burke ThomAs Coffey F lorence Carson Ph i l ip Jasper Adela ide Macartney Mir iam L A S S Lillian Lynar bull gt bull gt gt bull -

zB2^-Ruth Bartho lomew Leonard bull L a m -dan FranolA McKennA J a n McKenna Francis N u l U y bullbull bull- bull bull - i v 2

JAmdashD Vraquor BAr Winifred B a s c h P e p shypy Fischer Bernlb McNei l l -Bernlee Tollus

JBlmdashFlora Levy Mati lda Marx Henry Meier Gtorg P a r k bull bull

lBJmdashArl lne Hagner E l i s a b e t h - MoKler-l ^ ^ ^ ^ w i ^ e y A r ^ I ^ l U ^ j n h n s o n ^ A n

Marouccl E u g e n e - Mlller4 Gerald Sohcehter Jul ia achoonmaker RosllAnd WaJtelbaum Josoph Zltb laquo raquo _ ^ i--

Kgn mdashPeter bull Costanzp Doris Gardner Chester Hawklnson V lvUn Ll fh terman Carl Rlcelo Joraquoph Sabllsky F o r l u n a t o VArriol E m m a AbderAon

JBGImdashTettA Bale Sylv ia K a m l n i k y An-

XAt Martha - M I - Klvlaquoraquotl Dora L lnewky Kdlth To

Martha Perlherg Rei la Rubinstein MlnnU Seldln RArAh SAlkln Rpe Sloiktn Dorothy Werther - JAU-~penjAmln Tterkowlts Morris Milshyler Murnr RAblnowll Samuel raquolaquoraquollaquor RAr-trAm 8ehwlmmr Sam O m n b e r g H i r r y

raquoAM-RlaquonjAmln PrAnkel Tlaquoalaquol Rang IAGmdashLlbby Slmonton I ^ h WlaquoUa TIUIA

Schwartt bull JBBImdashHArry FlAenbarg Sara Plahkln

Atax lvln Solomon Mjlken Fred Shkplro raquo B 8 l - S A m ChArtock lUnedlct CohAft Hy-

rrAn OoodmAn S A M KreltmAn Leo M a r i o -

jUGimdashFrAncAa Butch IdA Kptieln V l o r -she Goldberg Blossom 8praquovaek Sylvia tfUJlfc Mollis S u r n

bulllABv-HArriA Cohn- Moraquoraquo MAfkmAn At-ban MdfckbwltA Harry RlaquodlkAr J A M mdash t s l d o r a Cohraquon Hatbld Johnson Jacob Lohdlnaky Hyman Slngtr

i S B l mdash A l f r d Burnk trvin|i Freedman HarMd Smith AbrAhAm Kerlavaky

iniUmdash-HATOld Rllt|laquor Reuben 1KAU RtraquoM-ta im LohcVoB Irving Muhraquolon Renjamin RAmr lraquoldor WhArton Raymond Kerner

bull p o i mdash M i r i a m Claquohraquon Flaquothlaquor ErnstAln Ttvalvn Gordon ltjerlrtd Merschkowlt i

bull bull Krwwlty SylvlA Prklnlt- bull ttif-

ptjBLIO S C H 6 0 L N O 79mdashArincx of No 25

B 4 mdash I r v i n g AaronMh Lbul DMlarson S i d n e y - E d raquo l m n Bernard Edelsteln Rose Goodman Robert Hunter Dor PoArlmAh Sudle Rothchild-LIIV SefeAl Mollle Singer-man Edward-W bull - bullgt bull_

4A1mdashSAm BAtoflaquoklr Jul ius Cohen Ethel Fankuchen Ida Hankln Llllle Jacobeon Edytha Morri Sm PresaroAn Ruth Resnl-cerf Rthl Stobeck bullbullbull bull-

4ASmdashBarnard Alkraquort A d Cohen Irving Cohen Dawld Edlaquoltlaquoin Jennl Flaquoln J o s e p h Msrcus MArcu Roatmfeld Dott le Weiss

4XJ-rLllU H H f t i H a r r y E g l raquo Sylvia Brryisteln Flornelaquo fllnlnger Oertrud W e l n -

JH1mdashDavid s Les-raquoraquor Dav id Schulman Rfatr lcs HorowltsvMraquorlraquom Kpl t Mafion SaperstAln Molll Stirrj ^

JBJmdashSylvia Aaron Francl Kattck B e n -tamln KAsrtn Marlon-Kohn VattA Lubln lky Bophl Lwakln DAnlel SchwArts Mary Wol -kori Paul Tnpklft- - bullbullbull -

SBJmdashKather AAronson Jlaquoantte FUlsher Klhel HlmmtlhArh DAnUl KraquotolY Mraquoly Payn Jam S m i t h gt bull

JB4mdashSylvia Appt l M a r c t l U Bt ldock Orraquoce Bloom Srliia BorlaquoAklnd LIlllAn DA-vltleon SAra Melter Plaquoarl Myr Blaquos(

^ J A l ^ A m r i A m m f IJlilott Goldman 8ldny loid H^mkn- G o l i b e t g JlaquoAraquo Simon Bam

SchAtifeldl Mauftc VobkAlAOn Helms Lang Ilaquoanlaquotllaquo BArorofAky Rolaquo Klvs l lar Lil l ian

ndegJAJimdashAaron Bonort Ablaquo Kornbluth David LAshtr Hrhrt Lwl Blaquonnllaquo Zand Jack VrMdmAn Mary AdUr DlaquollA AtlAA Helen

ffi-Silfwl Anttn H a n n a h i jo ldbirg Roy K a t i SyWlA Ktlaquoln BArnArd Rrmraquor SyWIA H s i l n Se lma Plaplnger Meyr SllvermAn

ttVB-nMci Kkrnowlt Harriet 8llraquor AnnetlA MoAkowlta laquo A WlraquoirmA^

VnimdashHarfy GrbdAleln Arnold Davis Jra M v r Frank VAlrllA YttA AlbArt Evelyn M r ion Kdlth Fraquollr Molll 8 w t g l l O A A -

S B r ^ e o r g Arndt RJnjArnln-TiirkowIt U r e y U l t S idney filnlck Milton Schl ld-Wrant Gerlrud Wadler

jnV- -Moi imr - R s i T i f Wi l l i am RlnAr Xtutfin Vnung A n n i T l b l y U U U n U v y Anna Veltgend er Lna Rojoloffky

l A l - R A t r l c A DIAndes BylvlA F l n k t l -raquotlaquoln LUIIAn KAhlJ bull

JAlmdashBArnArd fjvy Michael Chlaquorny r h l l l l p Markowlta LIlllAn Blaquorg Helen Orraquoburltk Hlen Rftnbrg r iorne

1 B V - J i n i n i n OrinnitAln rtlaquonry Rubin Bylvla Arnlaquo6n AnnAbi l Jeoraquo flylvla Katv 8fh Mllllaquor JAAnett_KUln

l B l - - 8 o l A m o h W4lnlln Sylvia Cehraquon Molll Davie -BemU FrAedrnah AdelA Oold-rir J f t l la O-yt lA^ Ml ldNd Hrl CtllA

Marie Lerario Hanca Cecelia Teresa Tappara

S B ^ C h a r l o t t Klrebye Lore t ta Liken D o n e t t a Pase le le J a m e s Cameron Franc i s Morrison Gaetano Santora Isadore Apple -bnum Wal ter Bronriekant Cono Dal van p Meyer E l l a s Frank Hoyt W i l l i a m Lange^ T h o m a s McMahon Frank Stoschl tzky Mary McCauley A n n a McGlone Johanna Petr i Annie Bens -Anna-Vac lav lk F r e d - H a m a n n BAmdashClement Bohanan Dominlck DeGl -rona Wi l l iam Morris Arthur Muller Frank Passarel la Jery Stephari Marlon Clair Florshyence D e m a t o Margaret Gallagher Frances Juffey Katharine Reed E l s a Stelnmetz Beatr ico Crltetnden He len Fried J a m e s Greene Francis Stein

4BmdashViola Maher Anna Sloane E d m u n d Murks John Smith Archiba ld Brown E l i za shybeth FltApatrlek Irene Oreene Cathal lne Moan ClAra Oderwald Charles Chelka bull - 4 A mdash J a m e s Dorr George Nlebereal l A n n a Koehler El izabeth Schpmber Millie Vop^ Fred Petri- Frank Powe l l -Wlnf l e ld Ruelke George Stephen Hortense Aulet ta Anna Bradley Margaret Cole George Courly A l -hert Guldazio Joseph Guldazlo John Morl-arlty Ralph Curley M a m i e Dafelk Li l l ian Dlepold -Geraldln McQuatty -

SBmdashJohn Connelly J o s e p h GlAnnlckl Wl l shyllAm VCrittendn E d w i r d OrNeill Virginia BenAntl Concetta Daleaandro Marie Rain-forth Dorothy Wohlers J a m e s Thlry Gusshytav Robsln Dennis Claire Gustav Stoch-ltraquoky Carl Steldl E d w i n Meers Aleen Wi l shyl iams Edi th Trimlet Marlon Schweikert Clara Graven May Hel ler LUllan Heinz Madaltne Hazard E t h e l S lckler Rose Qulana

JA-mdashChariette Fltxglbbpn Laura Guldazlo LUllan- Hoefliok- Mary Lynch Salvatore BuonoflgllP RudPlph Seldl J o s e p h Telch-rnan Michael Ready Louise Tramontano A n g l a Tagarel la Iris R a m s e y France P a s -laquoTOr^Ollda--BftinUii_Mitfcsjei ^Anderson Emma- Elchhorn He lena U l a n n l t h l Viclei1-Trlolo

JBmdashMarjorie Btrchler Jenn ie Lupoll l o r e t t a Helnleln Christ ian Hagedorn Charles Linder Jennl Ellss M a r t h a Trlnkle Richard Pircoco - Frank Lerario Margaret Daly Florenco Hipp Ange l ina Nardlollo E l i sabeth Van Fosoen R u t h W c s t m a n

JA1mdashMlram Duncan Marie Zlto Wi l l iam Tyblnsky Plaquoter K e n a n F r a n k Meystrlek Henry -Pel ieehla Raff a l e Sata l ino Jdargaret E n n l l a Mildred BAAck Al ice Darrow Helen K l t l ebcrger Rose Mahrer GeTtrude Steldl John Bosln Mlml -DsLuen E m l l Hanush Frank Pentony Richard VreelAnd

I B mdash J o h n Komat EdWArd Mojxls Vincent

ACllllo Celia Goldberg Mildred Stuhr homAS OBrien MArlln Cernowtky George

Dlepold George Heln le ln Ph i l ip Kesaler Hilda Olllam Rose Labate Mildred Sllber-bauer Cecelia Gll lam Anto ine t t e Cramon-tano bull

1AmdashJohn Auletta J o s e p h Ruzlcka Wal ter Schlereth Mildred Juffy S te l la Biostak Winifred O N e l l Jul iet te Pardon Margaret Prltchard Pasquale Gugltucelel lp George MArlno Owen Swelterv W A l t r ClAAteh Louis Davidek Annie Bracco

Kaweckl HelAn-Lefferts - 4B1mdashFannie J a l c d May Kessman Irene Lach r Julia Mallsc Cornelia Taylor Howshyard-Anderson Phi l ip Caesar

4AmdashErnest Rauch Corlne Coombj Grace Coughlln Alice Einerson Anna Fox Viola Lleb bull - -

4AJmdashArnold i Edwartls -James Scully Frederick Wil l iams Edward- Taeger Roseshymary McGaughln ROSA-Nlsserifeld bull -JBmdashDavid Wartel i Rose MArx Gladys

I Scott SAmdashLincoln ke l l er - Charles Mtrton George Unser Grace Meor Jeanlaquott No-relli Henrietta Swan Virginia Panlare l lo

-3ASmdashArlhur Laniz -Arthur Obrg Rupert Parks Nathan Sher Mollle Cltrin Margaret Engenlto Kather lne Fox Gladys Games

2BmdashGilbert Anderson Jul ius Falco Flori-hand Forlllo Abraham Frankel Harold Gable Robert N-wrnah George Oliver Sal-vltore Ossido Michael Paradlso Wi l l iam Wrlghtsbn Elsie Bunrlnto El izabeth Heller Loret ta Kolenskt Molly Lieb Jessamena

in Clara Ecker Tuite - T - t-yji

JAmdashEdgar HendricKlaquoni WaStr-

Ser Everett Suh Al iva Berneberg eyer Dorothy McMAnUv H e n r l e t a SchAr-

pleh Evelyn Fischer Margaret Aff ClAra Llnd Carolyn RlohmAn EllzabAth SelfrUd

4BmdashGeorge Dumper Sylvia Lubssh- Marshytha Muller- Florence Muir Joe4ph Mehl lng Charles Oecbter Ruth Beblen Elthca Knoeder Evelyn Knox Marlon Ridley E t h e l Saul Edith Wobber -bull bull gt bull

4AmdashRussel l W a r n k y Frances- W l n k e l -s e t h - bull - bull bullbullgt bull bull bull

3B-Charlelaquo BublitB Mildred Reuter Marjorie Wesley D u m p e r MlldMd R u t e r Marjorie Tlbbo Phlljp Israel John Roblnnon S t e p h shyen Schmteg Everett Will is Robert Ridley

SAmdashGUella Moss John Fitzpatrlck JAmes Hyde John Knetser Howard LnlaquoV Michael Schmidt Nancy Fel lerman Agnes Smith Helen Wilson -lt(gtbull--

bull 2BmdashHarry Rosankranx Henry Cort fggt - anno Helen Gardner Eleanor Wlsbauer

2AmdashEugene- Ebellng Stuart Whl tcpmb Helen Carmlehel Louise Shutten

IBmdashFrederick Jeckel MUton Richards Frances Stoeltzing

IAmdashJohn Knox R u t h Hleks - raquo KgmdashJohn She l lon Muriel Z immerman

THE CAJtfBjUDGfe SCxx6C)L (P S^Nbe8A bull-

MipoundsKate R ^ lt e n Principal BmdashFlorence destram Helen tjuandt H e r shy

bert Rsub Loretta Van - Brunt-- -JAmdashHelen- Frits Joseph Haas - Henrl t t ta

Morrison E a n a Muller Aufvist Voghf- 7B1mdashClara Brown Peter Saut E l eanor Hs-l lach Myra Jabl- Henrietta- Ktett q6rge

Kiefer Alms Muller Emma Wlegand 7B2mdash Katherlne Klein -- i gt 7A1mdashCharles Bodamer Martin Craquory Rose

Degler Karbara Oelger A l i c e Oaring Genshyevieve Quandt Ernestine Rosenblath Erwih Vollmer -

7A5mdashHenrietta Thompson^ r - JBImdashMargaret Butkholts LorlPlaquogt Byrne

Robert Fleck Eleanor Goets - John Klrlthmn Christopher Knorr A n n a Smith- bull

laquoA1mdashHerbert Ehrlg Elmer Kurs Robert Miller Hannah Stummi -Frida Vorroelker

SAJmdash Elisabeth Breltenbach - Frank Braun John Clraquolre William Daly-Sophie Gutmueller Anna Hauf Ethel Jordan Ch4rles-JensenWilshyl iam Jansohn Kenneth Potts Fannie Potter Lillian-Relnmuth Joseph Sader A u g u n W A l d -ner Catherine-Wirthman- Mary ^eldhardt bull

SBmdashLillian Doerr Julia Havemyerbdquo- El izashybeth -Klett Helen Mini -Lillian Streyr Charles Stalljbhartn Lillian Warash rbulllt bull-bull

$AmdashCarmela Attavies lmo Irene Dwnckle-mnn_Augusta Fran - Elsa -FrAhz -MHdrtd -r R a u h bull - --bull- - - -bull- -bullbullbullbull-- bull - - 2 _ i - bull

4B1mdashHerbert Buyer Anna DlehL Rutb GraquoA-tram Allen Gebhardt Anton Hel l -Mi ldred Lowe Ruth Munsell Ferdinand bull Warschalk Mildred Rodell Dolores-8bannoni Berdll Sarn-oft GeraldineTIghe KatharineTtghe-

4B2-lbert Bykeefer Florence Denton Anna Geljer John Olaser Marguerite Keraner Edna Moog Wilbur McManiis Bicherd Pptlraquoy Dorothy Stein- Helen Welderibtisch Veronica Wilson Helen Zaydak - bull raquoraquolaquo-i bullbullbulllt--

4AmdashJohn Curcla Wlllfarn Fehrenbach Eleanshyor Lanlnger Helen Lcchtrecker LUllan Rat shytan Charles Pfaffenzeller Robert Wltnjt--Richard Welgand - raquo - i i L

J B l - R u t h Carey LUllan Garing Albert Ktnchner Helen Menkes - Amelia -RAher Charles Bcbaefer Thomas Spencerr - j -

JBJmdashRuth Armbrlster LUllan Brunles^-Dorshyothy Fremgen FlorenceF ink Edward Gpod-chlld Louis Hahn VeraJansohn Alice Sam-bosky 8 ^cheldecker Bernard Schneldmuller Elsie Varganitz Charles Burg i

SAmdashDorothy Lang Gertrude Renke -- -JBImdashWilliam Halter Theodore Will bullbull ^gt= 2B2--Albert Bodamer Fred Buckholtt- DIr

phyne Denton Eleanor Hubateek LHIan Knorr William Linn Richard Miller Thomas Moore Arthur Spengler Dorothy Schaeter - - - bull ~|graquobrth Walropp Marre-Young - - v- - ltgtbullbullbull

2AmdashLeroy Matthews Anna Creelrnan 1B1mdashMildred Boeckman MargAret Brelten-

bach Margaret Daly-Arthur Grlbbens EJIza-beth Knoche Edwin Noble Mildred SablAb FrankZwosta -l


Moss Ceres Barthe l Milshydred Hetigel Charlotte Lthk Ethe l Ltavy Margaret Lutters Mildred Rlecker

4Bmdash-Anna Neumann Grace Ohler B e a shytrice W l n z l m m e r John Dempy Mashythi lda Mahler -- - - - -bull- bull--

4AmdashHelen Mosblech A d a Roe- Mildred Schmltibull- bull bull bull-

3BmdashGeorge Langenhahn Georgo Heugel B e l l a Berrnan Emtl lo Clemen Llll le Lee Carmcla Lucarelli Helen Jtau E l s i - W e b e r

SAmdashTheresa Fcss ler Kat ie Dottcrman ATTco~HTTgterr~Praquouline-Whltlen

T H E FAIKVIEW SCHOOL - (P S Nos 14 17 and 18)

Ml^-j Josephine McLawler Principal SBmdashErnant dAngoio Alexander F i sher Phi l l ip Koren Abraham Levine Samuel Lindquist Louis Schaccter R a l p h Serplco Marie Ferraro Dora Greenberg R e b e c c a Gubcrnlck Lue l la Hasten Fr ieda Trfflespn 8A^-Hestcr Nobc Angelina Garrano Dorshyothy Doctors Antonla Petrelll Lena K a r e t -sky Anna Llttierl Rose Mllano -

7 B mdash S y l v i a Albsteln Anna Conway Rose Kaplan Antonla Murella Anna Pawel lck Anna Potenza Rosa Zunno Rose Zunho Germano Andreuccl Dante Ross i Carmel la Labrlola Marguerite Llsantl Este l le Lus-

7 AmdashRobert Elsenberg Fannie Wiener Carnllle Kocarnlk Raphael Boccla Michael BrientftT-Herman-Noble Gussie FlBher GIs-raquotda dAngelo Anna Glksser Louis Squas -sone Michael Brlcnza Louis Rablnowitz 6BmdashSophie Baron Rose De Lucca Oraco

i l entzer Mary Montagna Rosa Rablnowitz Gertr-ude Schoenberg Rose Rufola R a shyphae l Portonova Jacob Rablnowitz H y -mAn Baron Harry Kanowltz Solomon R l n -gel Josephine ARcerno Margaret S m a l l

SAmdashHenry Fisher Max - Greenberg A l -v l n Vol lmer - bull (-bull

5BmdashIrv ing Albert Onofrlo Manzel la Maria Greco V -

6A B laso Bochlcchio DAvid Stone Marl Llsantl Es ther Mwitzcr Alda Ortolan Bose Rest lno Catherine Vlgnato R a p h a e l Mar-ottA Millie Volpe -

4J3mdashSamuel Caggiano T h o m a s Calabrese Archie Nucatola Antonla Portonova- Adele C a l l g u l r l - G u s s i e Gross Angelina D e F e o Robert San Angelo Tony Vertucclo J o h n Walter Catherine De Rosi A n n a Elshor

LCellft Green Celia Gubernick Rose Morgan-^esseFrTeTOle=S=plusmn7ftOTl^Sophla^=Rlaquohlnow4t--Ki

4A Mary Wild Nick Mongelll Louis Mai lory Aaron Wa-llance LUllan Roller Alex Rablnowitz Harry Noble v

i JB--F l lraquoabeth Kupllss Eml l Vertucolo Alfred Altlerl ChRrles Herrman N i c k Majn-rlno Nata l i e DeMoe Madelaine F e r r a r o -

JAmdashDorothy- Haas Phillip Manfls- Nick MassellA Ida Palumbo J o s e p h Perwel ler Dorothy Poftugaloff _ bdquo j n Tony- Crrlmarco F r a n k Trefney Mafy Aledort Esther Flaster E s t h e r G P l d -b e r i Louise La- Rocco Elvira Manxarl Frank Arient l Michael Chlll lon Louts M o n shyica Rudolph Romi Carmcla Altlerl A n n a Brlckwodel Si lvia Gellmnn R u t h Harrl Madelaine Taylor Anna Wlshnttzer bull

2X Carlo Cardone Irving Erwlch J a m e s h laquo Lucca Joseph Mongelll Josephine Cal-liecl Rocco LarnAdo Antonio Palumbo Angelo MArrA Victoria Clfaro

]WmdashHelniA Jesse George Berrado A l d o Rtobola MlehAol Leo Lputa Albino- Flor-anee Erltch Angelina Cogllano A g n e s Ces-tiro Charles GalllZJO -

l i mdash T e t e r Covlno Jackie SllvermAn J o - J lncronalor Jennie FrAgolla Sadie Oil-HP 11i- e i raquo K r raquo T A raquo laquo 1 Rogoj sky

GEORGE c L t K l d N SCHOOL (P amp No iimdashMaspiftJa) Robert Eadlc Principal

SB-rAlfred Jaegar Michael Senkiewies Daniel Uhll Margaret Duffy Mary Mun-son -Frances N a g l e - M a r g a r e t Peters Al ice Ret tb rg Florence Stefanlttk-

JAmdashChar les Boyle J a m e s Daus- rMry Agrestsu Mary Barnath Anna Gorodovlch

7BmdashAl ice Sturm ~i -bullraquo 7AmdashBarbara Borne Madelina -Grlbauskas

Catherine Kobel Anna Laukalt l s Ros lna Weber - - - bull ---bull vA -5 bull- bull (bull-bull

SB1mdashCharl3 Kallenberg- Anna Kresak Mary Laukalt ls A g n e s - K r y g e r

-laquoB2mdashBeatrice Gasser Msrcella Mlicka Catherine Sadeckl -Rose Sleglcr Alice Smith

JAlmdashDanie l Knxb 6AJmdashMary Tomesek -- BBl - fPau l lne Bujg_ Marion - GribausXas

TCsTOr^Nelsonr^E-vsr^Vush^Lr^ael Viola HaAs EllsabeTh Kern Madel ine L a u t h Woyclechowski Louisa Swan- - bullbull - TOTuTe^-t^ttWtrrs-^ic^oriAmJiJJtojM51^^ mdash2AmdashEdwinPleUuch Lena3-addIoMarie ence Schle l ter^AnjU Snieaka i bulllt bull --bullbull -

Taddo Agatha Yannuccl-- -- --- 6B2mdashElla Carsten Mary Frilaquod7tnoiI ClArJi 1BImdashIrving e _ ^ mdash - bdquo Berman Charles Christ

Charles Gels Morris-Kessman Jean Lentlat Ethe l - Bernstein Jennie fjardone Annie Celia Anna De Viva Fanny Franclori F e shylicia Lentlat Juan l ta SeAbury Helen W a g shyner- bull bull bull bull bull

1BJmdashHenry Junger Louis Orthlleb bull Isishydore W lns te ln Edwin Toungberg Mnrgarct Bptt Helen Kewlck Margaret Palmleri JBophlai Pepper WUhelmlna Rlpp Marie

Stella - Blelln-Kather lne l r v -

Kath leen Corcoran

MlnltL RrupAky Sylv|A Prkin - bull bull bullbullbull- RruraquoHlii B l n e h Gohtn i ROJ- O i l

n Klaquo JHAtrlf lAIl--Tlaquoldor Ito

SchwAttA rrraquoart ttlitmiihd Riaval


Rubin VfAulA Biomktn l B l - H A r o l d Albrt Loul Atgtdoro MArlln

nern l l e lh MAX XetnAr Zlaquollg Nthrron Rijtln PltdAlCtl t rader Ronflaquold R u t h

inlt Uadcru RorhAnbft Hi lda Settutsman Xiurry ShapirOj

T E R R Y -nmrifttC e)tvN$ Torry Tlaquornraquoir rlrtAlly bullgtbulllaquo conrlnced

thkt tor a man of hllaquo ylaquoA anltt cloubt-tul wotth to hi eiim the contract of-flaquorftltV Him tjy Pr^ldtint 4lrh raquo inn of tht) Clftvcinnd JtnAlan wA tMt laquo^nollB 0 llaquot -raquorefik hurjiutt ht hold but innttcft rlRnert nnd roportcd to Mnftitor Fohl ftt Pfcv Orlcnnu


Tlieophllus Tohnson Prlnclpai JBmdash ThomAA Dixon Wil l iam Du Bols MUton

WcigmAn MArguerll Shlj ls lAioy SpeekmAn JA--Gorfg Stevens Rose Smith Walter

7raquoi^MatthA BArnett EllzabAth Fey Jean-eStBJ-MArio(1carfello Wil l iam Swolfs

7AmdashGeorg Gray anmdashHarry HelmuA Alfred Steven Evelyn

Burn Adels Duke Fllfabeth Karcher Doroshythy ltMraquoCRAlaquo Helen Nlchol

IAmdashMay lre Ethel Ford Mary M a n a r i Ml-Wlnlfred Foy Llllle Offner Mary MAr-

eA-ThomAS Rradley EdWArd PlAte FrancU Ry-Afl llfrlgtlaquort Wolff Anna Gusman MAr-glaquort Metlovern

4111mdashAllc Rordon HraquoIlaquon Frltachl Ann Grener Ruth HArrieoh MArgArt t^ublare Amelia V l te l RAymond Dlypn Harry Oor-AchAlkl Raymond MllA Joteph Mphen George KtsAmer -

41rJmdashViola Klmmrl 4A-Alblaquort Wlnkla Mary Fenton FllitabAt^

HtiAchk Roa KarchArj_Anna Pcndik J B l - A t t h u t Carroll WAlter Orywald John

7AChArlAdelaquo Klraquol B n i n n r Alice OorschalVI CAthrlnA JellneV Gnlaquovllaquovlaquo Jockla jt len Johniton Ivy ltMnraquoMld Fmlly Marvbltto Helen Mulvlhlll MArgAret Thelen TlaquorraquoA TrAlnor Anna RAVAI

jn-WIUIArr Rowe Gcirglaquo Wuraquol WtlllAm rtrnett JosephlnA Rlhv-kl Ruth Dlckaon T l FrltscM Jennl Rleleekl

JA-FlAraquoin^gt RernArdlnelll Perry Enteman Emll Kmfrner -LoutAe WlllAur

JBl-ChAria Dixon John Morton p l l raquogr lnn w Oaper Rlnaldo ROAlaquo

vt i f l Sylvia S lernbrg MUton Stone Josephine Rosenthal

Joseph Gal lagano TettA


FortunAto Carlo s A

EIlaquonor yAire lV Martha OuASman Dora DorA Huather BleAnof Kraenier Fvlyn Wolff Ahn Wynevraquo

Braquo-Kraquonnlh AAkeaeon It rold CedAr Harshyold He Alfred MAr RAymond Reich FrAhk SendlAk Step tn Wll on KAlhrln Mc^ Govern Mutl l Mulvlhlll G n r u d Kennedy Mrl SchierhOlt

JA--Frderkk Faust Arthur GoeniAn JoHn HofniAnn llArriiion RAla Agrie Klmmtrle Muriel MnraquonM

mi~Rn-ond RorgM Nathan Blkln Ann Hrtleon Marl Mulligan

iRJ-MiriAm DletkA IA- MkbMl RernArdinHii Wiililaquom DvorsacV

Charles Kl ln Hrry KtAarnfr VSugct- iMar-cbltto John JMInak Annn Calms PaAoiiA-llnlaquo rililaquorlno

KlndergArtcn-SAmutl Alien WAltr BrnetL Hrbrt Elliott Robert TWAddll Theodore

tvircthy bull l ) lxon Johanna floett-Ui Hnaih^r MArg4rctLutrn Kd-

rd ttarmoh RiAnthA Gottlieb

vavrlr llehei g r Lottl i I iiliiMM


MUs Mary A- t^fc l i l ld Acting PjHti-cipal

bull B~MargAret llAlrd Marlon H e l u h a n tfarrv Fridenfleh George Herl l t s OeorgA Kourll Jo i eph Scheel Anna KrAamr Gef-l r laquo i mdash T h o m a s Hrady Howard Dresser J o shyseph larlcct -Fred Pechetta Edward Kuhlen otVllfl Boyn Millie FundA Pearl I^ClAIr Edith StrAtn May DAllaquosAndro Xfay p r -M raquo l M A r l s AlexAnder Al ice Frlberg AnnA W 7XmdashWll l lAm Scheel H l n Pol lak Lily Proraquohlaquokraquo Albert SbarrA Kmlly ShAar

raquon---Axel Hendrickson Francla 1 ^ Fbor Harold Vourrnan AugMata Franraquolaquon MlldrAd Oiivman Alica Klute Marion MATAhail Helen OConnor SylvlA PAgano Li l l ian rtAllo Anna Knut Ellen Larsen Iran S A I L -man Marlon Schach Florence Wei W l l -l i t m Lehnhoff DAvld Paaternack

laquoAmdashLena 8 p y laquo r 6rgt^rtlaquoorglana Funda E d w a r d Ooldan

Andrew Spaelh Dorothy Schloo R a y m o n d Mertrath WAlUr Klute Kurt Pabst I r ^ l n rtArt-Henry Hlnehctlffe William Nlaquowberg Marion RreAloff Helen LlndAnbcrger Mildred

^ - - K A f l Kaeferleln A m y Grav ly l i a t h -erlna rhrllorXeraen A | n e Vprat K v Sal-JrnAalnhn Dowd Arthur Olson

i r i - W U U A m Folraquor Jephlnraquo L o r l l a A c laquo Ltndeberg YrAncea O A I I A Frd A b l t i n AoWtA R n a CArdon WallAr Ger-hardt John S c h e l ChArle Schmidt J e -

l A - - A n laquo laquo i o Coppol Eve lyn Rrosch Ln gtArliano Robert B a u m a n John Cunning h i m H l n Golden Victoria Labrlola Har-raquo(ei Moder Clara Pranlaquoo VB- -WUi iAm SAliak ArehlbAld Simmon MAtl Schmidt Edwin Kollaquoh W l l h raquo l m i n

nltVV-WllllAm B u r n J o h n DAftuctV W l l shylfarn Heerdt Oeorg LAtaen CArl Naa l iBwatA- Ntckraon KIAraquoor Dl t 8t fAno JhrrlottA FfAoaen H l n G l l eK Ade|laquo KAeferlun MArlan McMAhon O U c l y MIL bdquo AnnlA RelA Josphlft Rohlhsan MAH-Jaret Rohn UlltAn Cohen Elsl I^ l k AIR flanttlquldo A n n Smith Vivian VAndsr-vln^ChArl Sehlaquolaquodl Dorothy CromwAll I -TAti lAwrencN Lidulna Viol o i l t0jUA~-JAlaquobh LudlPjrfraquolaquod 8undlaquoblaquort frAhk VoiklAnd Anna jgt rWlaquorl Gertnid MbM OlvfnpA Massiicf MAdellne M|l l r DnrlA Rraquoel Baaal W o i l h RobArt ChApbelt Frfan-

^Vj^Jl^^LHl^f^ Alrtd Hlaquosilaquoraquo

T H E - P O P P E N H U S E l X ~ S n i O C n D r ~

( P S N deg - 2 9 mdash A n n e x t o N o 2 7 ) 6AmdashDorothy S i a w i ^ y f ^ t c ^ P f b e r t r i w

Alice Matter Anna Magger lch g d R h A r u o k Ki lher lne GUtknecht Ednaampreen--Margarev

D 4 B ^ - W l i l i a r n Bush Theodore Hacfe l l Morshyris LAssman Verner Rhyne raquo f S u g trade M Donald Stcddart Godfred -vVilson Gladys Barto Elsie Doerr Marlon Held Grace Miller Emll le Ohler - bdquo i bdquo r i Rahr 4A^-Georgo Masklell MarJorte B a r Irene B o p p Evelyn Cootz ^Marcel la J a n -sen Elsie Jockers R o s e KazanJy MArie Koch Carnllle Pal ladlno Amy Trflaquorv r

bull JAmdashThomas Buchan - L o u i s - Pesaxort Caroline Kunkel May Trefzor Agnes Mil-ft MArie DomencheUl A n n s Schag Dorothy GalatlAn Margaret Bock

J_-1rjRjE BAYSIDE S G H O O L ^ (P SJjtltV(-Jl)r

Mrs Jennlo L Potter Principal SBmdashHelen Collins E l i zabeth Howel l

Ju l ia Kel ly MUdred Kuehse l John h e -ton Lobls Robson Florence Teller

J A - T p m Corcoran Tom Hlckey Ed i th B r7aB^-Allce Appelman Louisa Bender C V A ^ e r m V a m B o n n e a u Frank Lawklns M e l e r L e y T n i a Tessle Lubtlz Louise Re tz -Hrr Bdl th Wlnkleman Helen Gambeskt

^ J S - E u S Bergin Arthur Knapp John Llnkhcld 5 William- Prpud Frank W h a t -mough Robert Wooley laquoKy El izabeth Rossman l n f - B mdash B r t h A Molesca E v a Molesca -ta-^-Mary-MAury _

4 B = ^ n ^ S r r f ^ ^ ^ 1 a raquo S r d L t F 4AmdashLincoln Bonneau Alma Lelble Lot -

tU|BB-lfJ5rtgA Corcoran Vincent L a w k l n s RutrT Burrltt Frances Sul l ivan Shirley

S m A l - W ^ ^ ^ H o S - H y m a n Jacobs F r d I andau Harry Luoft Tes le Casmus Jean-n r n e O r e p l e r Helen Nltsky Frances NovA k 0 S A i - H raquo b e r i h l Roe -Violet- -Broomsta f f StAtclA nadj leskl Marie Hartye Sophia Yazembowk l

i u ^ M i r g a M U i r Olga Aderente -S la -v la Kranglcwltz Helen Partlka Margaret W J A mdash K a t i e Rogozinsky Matilda Sack Wlll lAm Reeve-

f e ^ E c n n i i d r Mary Tavlt MAry WAsko k J

(P S 41mdashAnnexto-No s i ) laquoAmdashJustin Anderson Slgmund KatzkAlla

A ^ I Muller Helen Ferrl Dorothy Mug-ford He i n Sheffield fcdwln S w e t KlTa T4 M V Tell r KathAlena Slater

J B ^ - A n n Golden George S y k s Rufus

S A r j a c k y n i e m F M n c e raquo Chud la M laquo y O a V g e ^ J a n e t Sweet Dorothy Clark

j f l - C M g t m J n f R V I n i l d Proraquod Ken-n e t h 8lmon MAdllne llurner Marion Bur-3 1 L MUot id Knies Ruby Smith

i f c v i e t c Belmont t ^ w r laquo ( laquo Clrke KpwaTd Wyllraquo Charlott Conklin^ OracA m A - D o V o i h y m r l t Dorothy pi rct^

l A ^ M r i J t 1 BAlaquo raquo raquo laquo ^ raquo raquolaquortgn4 H r i s o ^ N Shapter Dorothy Corl y Lill ian Wit tmlaquoyr


Atrnw E Maranlar Principal laquoBmdashMUdrd Sobfgt Margart l Hil l Mllll-

claquont r i t e r o n

J amp Z o J i r d l n Orf Mlaquory LlAka E l anor Sh l lAnd

SAmdashlfen Knowle A bull 4R-KAlhrln MAurer Forrest Oraf 4AmdashHraquolraquon IM-- _-A M e j n - V c m o n Graf M laquo raquo r d He raquo R mdash R l h l Fa lkenbrg i A mdash w a l t e r Atchl cn Donald

b r n ^ O h t l r Pollaquoraquolaquo- WtMbitri IAmdashRvlaquolyn Hawkln

V a l l o n e - - - mdashlAt=Matty-rtr-A-nadVllermdashJJorgemdashClirJ-^ Phi l ip Frelbriim -Edward Shoppe Walter Sieger- Jaqob Tlrnauer Sy lv ia Fe ldman MUdred Llpshlt Mary Marline Beatrice Rykel Lydla Traenkle Winifred Wright-

lAS-^RUMeU CleurkT ~Dou^fasJolinstohe7 Fiery Valentin Gustav Warte l i Mary Far-nan Louise Mruczek Jeane t t e Valentine Harriet Van Inwegen El izabeth Vlscuse

KgnmdashTony De Stcphano Edward Golub Ida Solomonic E s t h e r Trulson Susie Del-mona -Bertha-Greensteln -Jennie Santlllo Frances Blcgcle lsen Mary LAnzlseva Paulshyine Drogan E d i t h Welnste ln Allco Ortlleb


Miss Helen | i DaUoy Principal bullIBmdashAnthony Lamberti- George bull Rocheitcr

Dprothy-Kles-^Hsl Kellar Agnes JRotbmdash 6AmdashAnoa Klra Elsie Schad Frsnces Uhllg

Mildred Drjewes - - -lt -8AmdashEdward Kuck Rocco Rlcclntl Rosemary

Ryan - - t i - iAlmdashFred i HunterUund Virginia Hofman

Lllla Mariano 2A2mdashClAytoo Grover Mabel Rlchter IAmdashEdna Bossier


Witiehle -



Groteto laquoraquobull Dntion Principal K l n d k g A r t n - W l n l f r e d r | bdquo c h Wi l l iam KlrtArrtj teOlA RUlaquoAll LlAlf TrAt

bull ^ z l ^ A r e r K r e r M A ^ r A i Kommlck C h laquo r M p l A lt$ S m f t n raquo - P l 0 r f t 9

l a Doroth DieVAon FreXerlcV KnW lklrf i r i a Pe ilt fcdmund S lpnot t Ai tc j fljtoglund

(PV S Npv57) JWIss Catherine Sttehan PrlitidbaL bullftBmdashGilbert Carlson E i m r Vaseoll E l s l

Berger He len Drew Marion Gordon El i sa shybeth Haalaeh H a s e l Hesch Viola Volge

i A mdash Helenbull Bchofl-tld Eleanor Smith Mary Storer Olga-Vlge land

JBmdashBrehton Badljy- Carl Kovach John Palmerl Wi l l iam bull Roeckleln Alfred Rus-Aell E d m o n d W h l t e Mary Bsdley Mllltcent Hevsjilla^ Grace PrclvAJrrLaurAneata WAber ~rA^^wunaflt-=^b-^MfrAt-^laquothet=^erirr^ CAmllla HAnsn Cather in Meihecke Ann Meyer Alice T r u

B mdash H o r a c e Hal ) W a l t e r Johnson Helen Go F l o r n c Spcldel Margaret Spulbb Eve lyn SulllvAn Edi th Northup Evelyn Sinclair Robert Fassnacht Isabel Borchers

JAmdashArthur Vlesar MarionSetts pound B mdash R i c h a r d MlllAr F lor nce Bawo Mary EAgAn Marlon Lake Ruth Swansttom Flor encA Whipple -ThomAA Kennedy FdnA IJrush Virginia RAblghorst Harriet Johnshyson Dorothy Mile Miriam - Schancke Mtrlon Tru Anna Carlson bull bull

JBmdashCharles 8elt Elsie Fein Arshaloys Guerovjlan Caroline- HAlnrlch- Helen Krle-per E t h l Northup MArgAret RoAto Robert HAerntr Muriel Bogn El la Htton Vernal Speldcl lAUr -StelnbArt- Florence-Svinson

A mdash R a l p h Miller Thomas Neppel Al-t r t d BAnner Alfred Bernhardt Edward Coysh H V m n Fein Bert Lliigemraquon EdshyWArd Wetnrieh Dorothy Brl tg Gertrude R l l s Louta Thornton

4 B - mdash A r t h u r JackApn Peter Kromraquon Laura A m o t t Edna MyAr Arthur Obr-glock IsAbAll Ams l Margu r l t Rub Dorothy Thompson Roraquo Wal ih Ru lh Vr l ty Rosal ind Storer Ruth Sklbi tzk H l n Zolkokl bull bull bull

bull IAmdashMrgAr t Campbell Alma ClaquoK Xtor-ton Goldstein May Hraquohn Stanley Milltschcr Mary StlAhArt

bullKindergartenmdashPaul Rllverthr-rne GUtrt P r c l v a l Dorothy Weston Walter Kob Catherlna Rosso

P S No 5RmdashAnnex to P 8 No ft 8AmdashElln Amott Ethel Boyle Sylvia

Hymowlt-vAnnA Johntion MArion Miller Ed i th RUraquoraquoII ^

4BmdashAtlhvlr Beck BrnArd Dlaquo MarralA AnastA lACamlchel Hnward Todd El izabeth

4XmdashArthur Davit Anna Treu JBmdashGraquootgraquo Fleldsend Alfred Roeckleln

Marl HAttmAn EvAtyn PAg EllzabAth Sull ivan W a l t r Sut lmeler Daisy Cole MArion Hefting EltAnor Zolkoraquokl-

JAmdashHArold Kohl LIlllAn Ebel VerA Franklin Reblaquort Lott AbfahAm N9raquo Thel B r j e Grac Henri Winifred MarcAtoi

THE bNIVKR^lTirr l iACE SCHOOI (igt R No 59)

Arthur D Stetson Principai IBmdashMildred Klarman Ada Llaquoar Anna

Jen IAmdashRuth E B a u m a n n Gertrude Graur -

hol Adolphtn Lahmann Kdna MeManus IBmdash^August Carle 7 A - - H laquo l e n Nwmn Evelyn fierenbet laquof tmdashBlanch Boyd Anna Cahlll Robert

FellClo raquotlaquoln Hndblrwgtm IAmdashMariA ConAiAgtln John Grken Eve-

Trcnchard SA1mdashOscar Olsen V i c t o r i a Grlbauakaa

Mary Kozlowskt Victoria Kosman Monica Munson Anna Jusza M a b e l H a e c k e l -i

6A1mdashPaul Sts ldeL A n t h o n y T a m u l y n a s E d n a Siegert Anna B a u m a n n A u g u s t a -Klrschmahn bullbull bull bull bull -bull

4B1mdashHenry CIchosz Charles Dupuls E l s a Lindquist Madeline Smith bull -

4B2T-Ernest Bucholtz Edward Zabo fco-rettamdashKramervi bull ( - bull - - ltbull bull

4AL=^arnce_Hel ler - Edward- McGIincTiymdash^~ Wil l iam OSlaraV MIehaeI--SpraquorftndOvmdashCeth-mdash tr ine Brust Dorothy Carney Gladys Daus Edna Egan Anna Rosenberg Felecla Win- - klel bullbull - j 4A2-r-Cepelia Well Wi l l iam Cooper George

Kreshaic ChArles~Ea~s3rr~mdashmdashggtT^yig bull 3BI-mdashFrances Gorzenskl Jennie Thorn

Lconoro Ltllenthal Rose Zwlckl W a l t e r Kasper John Kllroy Daniel Thom George Sparks Wi l l iam Borne

3B2mdashStanislaus Novek Caroline Majut JAlmdashJohn Matuslak Helen McElwain JA2mdash Phi l ip Glasser Lil l ian Harms Marshy

garet Laukaltes Josephine Lucas B e r t h a Balchattas - -

JBImdashAlfred Hess John Kobel John K o shylinsky Joseph Kolinsky Boles laus Navlckas Thomas Wisnlewskl Marie Gorodovjch Helen Nagle Helen R o b l k a u s k i Isabel Rcnne Marcella Tamullnas bull

2B2mdashRichard Penn Bet t s Charles N a t u z a s C a r o l i n e mdash K b z l o w s k a 4 A m e l l a _ K u H s _ j J e s raquo l _ Lovinsbury Josephine Peters E l l z a b t h Wagner -gt 5----bull iAlmdashJohn Keryc Frank Korsak Olga 8zlt Mary 8perankas - j -

JAJmdashCharles^ Augustinaa Harold Daus Stanley Gorzenski Casper Lukszewlcz Clara Brust Catherine Kania Grace Sarvls He len Tacyis bull- --

1B1mdashRaymond Gruritz Frank -Ostrowskl Helen Carney Lucy Clehoz P l log la Clerz-nswskl Helen Olsaewska Antonla Ste fano-vloa-Irnraquo Wachowlcz Edwai-d Coll ins

1B2mdashStanley Byzzewskl A l p h o n s F a l -s t ta August G y r Michael Grlbauskl-Al-bort Kaytor Thorns -Klstinger Archibald MacGregOr H i l e n Dares E m m a FreedenthAl Marguerite M c K e n n a - gtlaquo gt

bull IA lmdashThbmaa Brennan Sa lvador Maf-fatone John Navlckas S tanls lava BJurllnska Marie Gerbe L^mdashi i

1AJmdashHerman Clever Casimlr Kubiilus Walter Massonnee Jerome Matuslak Irene

-Bafanawjlkl Viola Harm Emi l i a Jatonl

mdash -t--

Anna kremer i f a r -

Gabfiel Jlaquo-

Koeppler Anna



Miss Winifred L Worthcy Principal 411mdashHraquorry Kallonneck guerlte Kull

4AmdashWilliam Jensen JBmdashEleanor Kroemer Carrie Llndentelser

bull JAmdashAnna Bltchoff EvAllne sephlne Kremer Helen Smld

JRmdashJohn Ebcrt Edward Becker Sunda De -Mat-tlnl

2AmdashMarshall Tlmberlake IBmdashDorothy Oakley lA-Carl BUChOff - - bull KindergartenmdashWalter Bbert Marie Gabriel

Evelyn GlftelA Marlon MecVmull


Mls Josephine McC Klohr PrindjigtaL rnmdashCatharlne^ Lahey Alice Miller MArga-

ret Sullivan Agnea Travers bull - -JAmdashHarry Mci^utbUn Veronica Breen Roiraquo

Buck master - 7A-Adlaquolald Rreen -There tgtraquovo BmdashJoeph Habatdhikl Thoma -Hlggin bull

raquoAmdashEugene Flaherty William McKeon Florence Flnnegan Margaret Flaherty Kathshyleen OSheA _

AR-Kthel Neary 5A-Ethe l flchuit 4B-MarraquoArlaquot OSheA-- tA~CAthertnlaquo Schubert JB-Adele Flood Jl i-Frederlck-Grolaquo Edgar HaVinlaquo Marshy

garet Condon Anna Olock Anna OShea bull JAmdashJame Connolly John Monahan Kaa-

mlez Tomaewkl Josephine Herman 1R-Helen McGrath CAtherlfte Monahan

Harriet (Murphy Anna McCtuVy -lA-^haHe Cuchlnekl Helen Cuklerkl

Mary KohAUt

THE D M S S V T I X E SCHOOL (P Sgt0 80)

Mclvln Hit Prin-Mpsl I B - H e l e n Mullany i 7B -Catherin Rank Mraquon B i r g U e

Adel Calaquoraquoldy Jul ia Cot l lo Madeline Lt-

Vletor T rgbu-t s nn mdashElizabeth Chaubaud

ilaquolaquo J f t r y UltymA fclir IDmdashKAlherinA W a g n r A l x a n d r W r o -

l N t -

Dorftthy HlnrriAn

Kdlth 4A-^Anraquolm Cv ngro Allc T

t 0 raquo B l - - M t l A Bocchino JnBftJXmlaquor^oHraquo^ntiKbi

Hurlhutt Albert l A i n d d u U L J A m t McCltu-bully A|trA McOtAgor

n l i _ - j p h n Jftnlaquohbch May CAulfleld ri rthA - r t u r y ChAria Kopp l Florence l l A r RdwiTrd McCAna MArgaret Plalat WllllAm n n n r JWrberi SAhon John 8hAw R o Vlnd t t l R bNfBh-

lanehWaniVGori wi|

V l n c i n t SchAtrT L u t l i a Turnlaquor

T i t E QFORtgt SCHOOL (P R No 66)

MIlaquoA FrlaquonccA H Sceley Principal B--DougAA- Rldly Rnymond Roper

alaquoraquoMev WAtmor AgAtha B o o n MArgAret M h TCII Spor i Kdlth P u n k AnnA U d - H l n XavonkJIan Florraquonc ChArr-

Rnlaquo bullbull All npoundr Jh y

Sfhwlng A n n j Stolh i S mdash S d m v t n d Andlaquorpn -AbrAhAm- -Klvtv

lea titmdashfather I firaquo Bergen

aky J a m e Shepherd IBmdashMary Oellaquoand Aldona G r u n h r

El i sabeth Henley Rolttlaquo K l ly S t l l a pp zltlnkl France Stanklall hanraquokl P A I I Rice

IAmdashHarrie t Rrraquootowraquokl 7AmdashFrance laquoraquo-raquobullbullbull

TereraquoA Commlh-

RugnA B -

I o ~ t o r raquo o h Gudtskl- Calta Kraquo - I n n i Roht r B n s d t t A HrU - r rv I


laquoA- v i l v Mry Po le lmkl A n laquo t l Kei j ) laquo raquo raquo raquo laquo bdquo T o m s h u m A ClAf


AdA M r k u m

Ruth rtruenberg S i A i f S t n t y Kemptnski

l a mdash M A f y MACkAWlCA

6 ^ W o l n r laquo n Ang iA raquo laquo t k raquo v l e r i n a leraquone raquo3dna Terhahumlaquo A l f t d 5 raquo M r KmmA Shaldler Adam Ip lnkl K m A I M McNAliy Viol flAnAgAn iAlaquoi ie Rondu Thorn R rgen Reglna C I A V -b o S l t A f k Shepherd Samuel Reres U t t U

f l V A n i - M g a e r HeMt El i Abeth UrbA i i T laquo laquo raquo i f raquo Jraquonny J t lnsk l X raquo t h f l n I l M n e l Chari XAplle C l l Raaitla W j A ^ M h n u c 7 k o w A k l J V I t r Pol l tUk



Wdward Priihnah Stephen y lrnraquolaquormAh lclaquo BromlAkowakt Mry LAmK R M JjakowAki Kitty Morn Aden Tlaquomlaquohuj Allc RAAl M

Contlriact) OJlJisi

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