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  • 8/14/2019 k as Personne 2007



  • 8/14/2019 k as Personne 2007


    Kasper Sonne News:

    In 2009 Sonnes rst book will be released, generously supported by the Danish Arts Council.

    A hybrid between a classic representation of the artists work in resent years and an artist book- entitled The End Is The Beginning the book is designed by renowned graphic Studio RasmusKoch in close collaboration with Sonne and edited by Jesper N. Jrgensen, an independent curatorwith whom Sonne has worked closely for many years.

    Upcoming exhibitions

    2009 Museo Sala Siqueiros, Mexico City, Mexico. Yet untitled. Curated by Yutsil Cruz (solo)2009 LaViolaBank Gallery, New York, US. Yet untitled. (solo)2009 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. Yet untitled. (solo)2009 Pianissimo Gallery, Milan, Italy. When the vacation is over for good, with Tobias Collierand Steve Van Den Bosch

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    More interested in the possibility of things than in their actuality, artist Kasper Sonne questions the notionsof the real and the articial, while probing the construction of meaning and our collective memory. In theseries of works Maps of innite possibilities Sonne deploys the use of a socially well established symboland highly clichd motif, to fabricate what at rst seems to be large scale photographs of a perfectlystar spangled night sky, something Sonne terms the construction of conceptual poetics. On a closerlook however, the photographs turn out to be sheets of blank photo paper that Sonne exposed to directsunlight and then had developed, a process that turns the photo paper pitch black. After this subversionof day and night, light and dark, Sonne adorned each photograph with tiny holes painstakingly cut outto reveal a mirror behind the surface, causing each imaginary star to reect a mirror image back uponthe spectator. Historically star charts were used to navigate a rapidly expanding world, but since eachstar in Sonnes works are the exact same size, perspective has deliberately been abandoned, leaving

    the innite as at as its image. Sonne often presents his audience with places for contemplation as thespectator has to actively inform the pieces with his or her own references and metaphors, in order toread meaning out the work and gazing at Sonnes stars, reluctantly realizing that no actual constellationsare present in the photographs, the feeling that these maps of innite possibilities might just lead younowhere, rather than somewhere, slowly arises. And so Sonnes construction of illusory star chartsoffers escape routes to an alternative reality or at least to the realm of the spectators own imagination.

    Maurice Bendrix

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    The Geometry of Uncertainty

    Through a simultaneous construction and deconstruction of meaning, the reading of wellestablished signs and symbols are deliberately obscured in the work of Kasper Sonne.Common signiers - deployed to achieve instant recognition in the viewer in order to createan autonomous entrance point to the works are manipulated to reveal and expose ashift from the familiar, rendering the obvious ambiguous and prolonging the process ofdecoding - something that Sonne refers to as extending the narrative of the singularclich. Much interested in dualities, Sonne often investigate, invent and reinvent, words,phrases and objects that are capable of representing oppositional stances.

    For The Geometry of Uncertainty the artist had two regular heptagons laser cut fromlarge sheets of aluminum and then painted and machine-polished a high-gloss black bya professional car painter. After being send to his studio, Sonne then cut lines on thesehigh-nish industrially manufactured objects with a screwdriver, connecting the sevensides of the heptagons to create the geometrically form of each of the two possible regularheptagrams - more commonly identied as seven-pointed stars.

    Geometry, being an ancient science part of mathematics, is concerned with questionsof size, shape, and relative position of gures and with properties of space and is thusa representation of the build world, the logical and the known, and the heptagram isoriginally a sign thereof. But throughout history this scientic creation has also gained amuch different meaning. Appropriated by various religious groupings, from Christianity toJudaism and occult organizations like the Ordo Templi Orientis, the seven-pointed staris also a representation of the unknown, the mystical and magical. In many Christianreligions the heptagram is a symbol of perfection - or God - and the seven days of creationand is believed to ward of evil. Some pagan religions believe the heptagram to be ofmagical power and the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley - dubbed the wickedest manin the world used the heptagram as the star of Babalon, a goddess found in the mysticalsystem Thelema, established in 1904 from Crowleys writing of The Book of the Law.In her most abstract form she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberatedwoman, although she can also be identied with Mother Earth, in her most fertile sense.At the same time, Crowley believed that Babalon had an earthly aspect in the form of aspiritual ofce, which could be lled by actual womenusually as a counterpart to his ownidentication as To Mega Therion - The Great Beast.

    From afar the lines cut by Sonne look quite precisely executed, but up-close it becomesclear that this is not the case. Cutting through the perfect surface of the heptagons witha screwdriver as his tool - reminiscent of hard manual labor or perhaps even vandalism- proves incontrollable by various imperfections. From differences in depth and width ofthe lines, to the breaking of the paint and small traces of slips of the hand, the otherwisesublime fabrications are no longer awless. And so, in Sonnes work it is not only themeaning of the heptagram itself that is uncertain, but also the very outcome of its formalmaterialization.

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    The Construction of Crisis

    This is also the case in another series of work titled The Construction of Crisis, inspiredby Ovids version of the ancient Greek myth of Narcissus and Oscar Wildes famous novelThe picture of Dorian Gray. In Ovids tale the handsome youth is punished by the godsfor his vanity and the spurn of his admirer namely the young nymph Echo - when madeto fall in love with his own reection in a pool of water. Not daring to drink from it in fearof shattering this image of absolute beauty, Narcissus eventually dies of thirst gazing athis own mirror image. In Wildes much later story the young and beautiful Dorian Gray isdoomed by a similar self-obsession, when his wish that the portrait painted of him growsold instead of himself is granted. Plunging into extreme hedonism and cruelty, Doriansportrait serves as a reminder of the effect that each act has upon the soul, with each of theyoung mans sins being displayed as a disgurement of his form or through a sign of aging.In the end Dorian tries to destroy this evidence of his immorality, but ends up destroyinghimself instead.

    Ovids story is likely to have its roots in the old superstition that the reection seen of onesself in water, was the reection of ones soul and thus the subject to harm should anythinghappen to damage the reection. The Romans, who were the rst to make glass mirrors,later attributed the superstition of the seven years of bad luck when breaking a mirror, totheir belief that life renewed itself every seven years. This superstition - handed down inhistory and still widely believed today laid the foundations for Sonnes construction ofcrisis. After creating a mirror by laminating black mirror foil on a piece of ordinary windowglass, Sonne then breaks another piece of window glass with a hammer, before laminatingit on top of the mirror. And so it is essentially only the top piece of transparent glass that isbroken and not the host of reection. By this manipulation - the construction of the illusionof a broken mirror, one of the most exhausted of clichd images - Sonne questions ournotions of belief, myth and superstition, as well as our notions of art. With reference toNietzsches theory in The Birth of Tragedy of the ancient dualism between two types ofaesthetic experience, namely the Apollonian (identity, order, regularity, and calm repose)and the Dionysian (intoxication, forgetfulness, chaos, and the ecstatic dissolution of identityin the collective) Sonne orchestrates a similar conict in his work through the deploymentof tactics similar to both Conceptual Art of the 1960s (the highly planned execution thatstems from a carefully conceived thought) and early Expressionism in the 19th century

    (the act of coincidence and carelessness). Dualities are ever present in Sonnes work, beit in contradiction of terms, the reduction of color to black and white, the hand made andthe industrially produced or in this case the rendering of an act of violence into somethingpoetic, destruction into beauty.

    Stephen Dedalus

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    History Is Optional

    In the ongoing series of works, History Is Optional, Sonne addresses the construction of history and (lost) memory, morphingpast and present, old and new, then and now. Through a re-contextualization of works from earlier stages of his own artisticpractice and exhibition history - sometimes building small gurative paintings into hermetically sealed boxes, or veiling thedepictions on large canvases and photographs behind a monochrome layer of paint - Sonne introduces a secret to theobject, a past now hidden from the spectator, embedding each work in a strong sense of longing and nostalgia, emotionsthat seem to be both typical and consequential of life in a modern society. Each of the old works however, can actively befreed and brought back - or forth - to view, but not without the destruction of the new. And so each piece in the History IsOptional series functions as a crystal image with their - in the words of Vincent Honore on Gilles Deleuzes theory - multiple,contradictory and simultaneous layers of history, uctuating between actual and virtual, recording or dealing with consciousor involuntary memories, confusing mental and physical time. The crystal-image, which forms the cornerstone of Deleuzestime-image, is a shot that fuses the pastness of the recorded event with the presentness of its viewing. The crystal-imageis the indivisible unity of the virtual image and the actual image. The virtual image is subjective, in the past, and recollected.The virtual image as pure recollection exists outside of consciousness, in time. It is always somewhere in the temporal past,but still alive and ready to be recalled by an actual image. The actual image is objective, in the present, and perceived.The crystal-image always lives at the limit of an indiscernible actual and virtual image. The crystal-image shapes time asa constant two-way mirror that splits the present into two heterogeneous directions, one of which is launched towards thefuture while the other falls into the past. Time consists of this split, and it is ... time, that we see in the crystal.

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    Kasper Sonne Four letter words2006Neon, painted mdf, cords, converters246 x 300 cm overallInstallation at V1 Gallery, Copenhagen

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    Kasper Sonne Nine letter words (Rubiks cube revisited)2007Pvc, vinyl with print5.75 x 5.75 x 5.75 cm

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    Kasper Sonne Trust Me Installation view2006Various mediaDimensions variableInstallation at V1 Gallery, Copenhagen

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    Kasper Sonne The point of being pointless (detail)2006Neon, cords, converter, found objects, thread, variables100 x 200 x 65 cm overallInstallation at Preview Berlin, Berlin

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    Kasper Sonne Beginning/ Middle/ End No. 1-420063 sided aluminum signs with motor, cords, wood, vinyl text, endless rotationCa. 145 x 100 x 30 cm overall eachInstallation at Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna

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    Beginning/ Middle/ End N o. 1-4

    Beginning/ Middle/ End N o. 1

    rememb er what you know / know what you forget / forget what you remem ber

    know what you forget / forget what you remember / remember what you know

    forget what you reme mber / rem ember what you know / know w hat you forget

    Beginning/ Middle/ End N o. 2

    forgiveness is a lie / lie to get ahead / ahead lies forgiveness

    lie to get ahead / ahead lies forgiveness / forgiveness is a lie

    ahead lies forgiveness / forgiveness is a lie / lie to get ahead

    Beginning/ Middle/ End N o. 3

    love / love / love

    love / love / love

    love / love / love

    Beginning/ Middle/ End N o. 4

    forever means everything / everything changes nothing / nothing lasts forever

    everything changes nothing / nothing lasts forever / forever means everything

    nothing lasts forever / forever means everything / everything changes nothing

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    Kasper Sonne Untitled sign (for here or for somewhere else)2007Polystyrene, wood, glue, wire65 x 810 x 14 cm overallInstallation on the roof of 17 Kingsland Road, London

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    Untitled sign (for here or for somewhere else)

    17 Kingsland Road, London

    For his rst installation in London, now his place of residence, Danish born artist Kasper Sonne has placeda sign reading - AN ORDINARY LIFE - on the roof of an old factory building in Londons trendy East part oftown. Measuring 65 x 810 x 14 cm the sign is quite obvious in scale, but detached from any clear context andwithout any further explanations or references, the work impose multiple readings and it is thus solely up tothe spectator to form any sense of meaning, when confronted with the sign. Questioning the established no-tions of communication, the sign, as with most of Sonnes work, seem to raise more questions than it givesanswers. Is the sign some sort of message? And if so, who is it from and to whom? What is to be regardedan ordinary life and who decides? In a time and a place where everybody seems preoccupied with living asextraordinary lives as possible, Sonne might suggest that this ironically becomes the ordinary. The buildingon which roof the sign is placed holds, among other things, the studio where Sonne works and as such, thesign might also reference a commercial logotype sign. Again, some irony is to be found in this, as the life ofthe artist throughout history has been regarded as being somewhat out of the ordinary.

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    Kasper Sonne Sign language No. 22006Fabric, wood, paint138,5 x 150 cm overallInstallation at V1 Gallery, Copenhagen

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    Kasper Sonne Do as you are told2006Wall painting26,5 x 257 cmInstallation at V1 Gallery, Copenhagen

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    Kasper Sonne Before performance in black & white2002Lambda printDimensions variableInstallation at Kkunst, Copenhagen

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    Kasper Sonne After performance in black & white2004Lambda print

    Dimensions variableInstallation at Gallery Myymala 2, Helsinki

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    Kasper Sonne Eight performers in color2004DVD with sound, 5.07 minDimensions variableShown at Bergen Kunsthalle, Norway

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    Kasper Sonne Sign language No. 12004Fabric, wood, paint

    138,5 x 150 cm overallInstallation at Espace SD, Beirut

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    Kasper Sonne The distance between us2005Neon, cords, converter, 2 way mirror, metal chains

    Dimensions variable

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    Kasper Sonne Fuck the people2004Print on paper

    120 x 170 cmInstallation at the City Hall Square as part of a public art program, Copenhagen

    Kasper Sonne

    Born Denmark1974

    Lives and works in New York and Copenhagen

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    Education 1997-2000 BA, The Danish School of Design

    Upcoming exhibitions

    2009 Museo Sala Siqueiros, Mexico City, Mexico. Yet untitled. Curated by Jorge Reynoso (solo)2009 LaviolaBank Gallery, New York, US. Yet untitled. (solo)2009 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. Yet untitled. (solo)

    Solo exhibitions (selected)

    2008 Karriere Bar, Copenhagen, Denmark. Untitled performance, curated by Maria Kjr Themsen2006 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. Trust Me2004 Gallery Beneath, Stockholm, Sweden. Small works2004 Myymala2, Helsinki. Punk Rock Saves. Performance and installation under Copenhagen Blow UpSupported by The Danish Art Council2004 The Royal Danish Theater, Turbinehallerne. Ambition makes you look pretty ugly2004 Stereo Bar Copenhagen, Denmark. One night installation and performance No. 2

    2003 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. AM I EVIL?2002 I-N-K Institut for nutidskunst, Copenhagen, Denmark. The Dicktator Sucks!2002 Kkunst. Stereo bar, Copenhagen, Denmark. One night installation and performance No. 1

    Group exhibitions (selected)

    2008 Union Gallery, London, UK, The Destruction of Atlantis, curated by Jesper Elg2008 LaviolaBank Gallery, New York, US, Year 12008 Zoo Art fair, London, UK, V1 gallery booth2008 Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, V1 Gallery booth2008 Moti Hasson Gallery, New York, US. Benet HIV law project2008 Museo de San Carlos, Mexico City, Mexico. 56 N, 10 E, curated by Michael Bank Christoffersen2008 Lauritz Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark. FIGUR, curated by Mads Damsbo2008 Skien, Norway. TEMPO Skien Public art commission, curated by Anne Szefer Karlsen2007 Seventeen Gallery, London, UK. What can desert islands do?, curated by Paul Pieroni2007 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. Spitting Image2007 Zoo Art fair, London, UK, V1 gallery booth2007 Preview Berlin, Berlin, Germany, V1 Gallery booth2007 Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, V1 Gallery booth2007 Volta Show 03, Basel, Switzerland, V1 gallery booth2006 Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna, Austria. Exportable Goods - Contemporary Danish Art Curated byJesper N. Jrgensen and Severin Dnser2006 Preview Berlin, Berlin, Germany, V1 Gallery booth2006 Art Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark V1 Gallery booth2006 M+R Gallery, London, UK. The wish list2005 DogA, Norges Design og Arkitekturcenter, Oslo, Norway. DNA2005 So Stockholm, Stockholm, sweden. DNA2005 Galleri edition, Copenhagen, Denmark. DNA2005 Art Copenhagen, Denmark, V1 Gallery booth2005 The Royal Danish Theater, Turbinehallerne. Framed2004 Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway. Video 20042004 Galleria TaDas, Vilnius, Lithuania. Lifestyles2004 Forum, Copenhagen, Denmark. Art Copenhagen Art fair with V1 Gallery2004 Ridehuset, rhus, Denmark 5 million Peace March, Let us talk while we walk 52004 YNKB. Copenhagen, Denmark. 5 Million Peace March2004 Espace SD, Beirut, Lebanon. 5 million Peace March, Let us talk while we walk 42004 Lothringer Dreizehn, Munich. 5 million Peace March, Let us talk while we walk 32004 Representing Denmark at The International Art Symposium. Vents, Lithuania2004 Transplant Gallery, New York. Lavender2004 Dagen efter. Public art exhibition in the cities Copenhagen, rhus and Randers2004 V1 Gallery, Copenhagen, Denmark. One

    2003 Galleri Asbk, Copenhagen, Denmark. Size 122002 Den Frie udstillingsbygning, Denmark. KE 20022002 Nils Strk Contemporary Art, Copenhagen, Denmark. Gallery Luhmann, curated by Jason Dodge


    2007 Kelvin colour today, Die Gestalten Verlag2007 Kulturo, Danish Magazine for Contemporary Art2006 Apparatur # 12, Danish Magazine for Contemporary Art and Poetry

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    Interviews/ Articles/ Reviews

    2008 Telemarksavisa, Norwegian newspaper, Art that communicates, June 2008

    2007 Weekendavisen, Danish newapaper Art consentration, Nov. 20072007 Information, Danish newspaper, Basel blues, July. 2007

    2006 Plaza Magazine International, The Art edition, Top 40 under 40 Summer issue 2006Politiken, Danish newspaper, Trust Me, April 2006Kopenhagen.dk, Contemporary art on the net, Trust Me April. 2006

    2005 DR2, Danish national television, Art collectors Nov. 2005

    Perfect Editions, Kasper Sonne, Nov. 2005Ready Made Magazine Japan, Kasper Sonne, Nov. 2005Ledelse i dag, Danish newspaper, Street-art in your livingroom, May. 2005

    2004 Brsen, Danish newspaper,Art as a lifestyle, Dec. 2004Citadel, Danish newspaper,Norse Projects, Dec. 2004

    Urban, Royal Clubbing, Oct. 2004LNK channel, Litauens National TV, Ryto ratas, Sep. 2004Politiken, Danish newspaper, Thrown out of the gallery, May. 2004Kulturmagasinet Viva, Danish television, Feb. 2004Kultur Nyt p P2, Danish Radio program, Art in the city, Feb. 2004Politiken, Danish newspaper, Art in street-level now !, Feb. 2004Kunstmagasinet P2, Danish Radio program, The day after, Feb. 2004Kopenhagen.Dk, Celebration of rebellion, Feb. 2004Copenhagen Post, Danish newspaper, Highly regarded artist, Jan. 2004Bo Bedre, Magazine Talent with a raw style, Jan. 2004Kunstmagasinet P2, Danish Radio program, Public Art Jan. 2004TV Danmark2, Danish television, Art in the hood, Jan. 2004Information, Danish newspaper, The gallery that came in , Jan. 2004Berlingske Tidende, Danish newspaper, Street Rebels, Jan.2004

    2003 Politikken, Danish newspaper, Am I evil?, Aug. 2003Vesterbro bladet, Danish newspaper, Am I evil?, Aug. 2003Kopenhagen.Dk, Contemporary art on the net, Am I evil?, Aug. 2003

    2002 Jyllands Posten, Danish newspaper, The thrill of life is back, Oct. 2002Costume, Danish magazine, ,Danish artist with international format, Oct. 2002Jyllands Posten, Danish newspaper, ? for Kasper Sonne, Aug. 2002Politiken, Danish newspaper, The Dicktator Sucks!, Aug. 2002AOK.Dk, Danish culture site on the net, The Dicktator Sucks!, Aug. 2002Jyllands Posten, Danish newspaper, Big city raw, Aug. 2002Politiken, Danish newspaper, A gathering of friends, Marts 2002III Magazine, The unexpected Mr. Kasper Sonne, Feb. 2002, by Jamie McPhee