kuesioner edinburgh

8/19/2019 Kuesioner Edinburgh http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/kuesioner-edinburgh 1/6 Additional file The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire (ECQ) [6]  (a) ECQ – English version (1) Do you get a pain or discomfort in your leg(s) when you walk? es !o "f you answered #es# to $uestion (1)% please answer the following $uestions& 'therwise you need not continue () Does this pain ever egin when you are standing still or sitting? es !o (*) Do you get it if you walk uphill or hurry? es !o (+) Do you get it if you walk at an ordinary pace on the level? es !o (,) -hat happens to it if you stand still? a& usually continues for more than 1. minutes  & usually disappears in 1. minutes or less (/) -here do you get this pain or discomfort? 0ark the place (s) with an 23 on the diagrams elow 4ront 5ack   Definition of positive classification re$uires all of the following responses6 #es# to (1)% #!o# to ()% #es# to (*)% grade 1 #!o# to (+)% grade #es# to (+)& "f these criteria are fulfilled% a definite claudicant is one who indicates the pain is in the calf% regardless of whether pain is also marked at other sites7 a diagnosis of atypical claudication is made if the pain is marked in the thigh or uttock% in the asence of any calf pain& 8u9ects should not e considered to have claudication if pain is indicated in the hamstrings% feet% shins% 9oints or appears to radiate in the asence of any pain in the calf 1

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Post on 08-Jul-2018




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8/19/2019 Kuesioner Edinburgh

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Additional file

The Edinburgh Claudication Questionnaire (ECQ) [6]

 (a) ECQ – English version

(1) Do you get a pain or discomfort in your leg(s) when you walk? es !o

"f you answered #es# to $uestion (1)% please answer the following $uestions& 'therwise you

need not continue

() Does this pain ever egin when you are standing still or sitting? es !o

(*) Do you get it if you walk uphill or hurry? es !o

(+) Do you get it if you walk at an ordinary pace on the level? es !o

(,) -hat happens to it if you stand still?

a& usually continues for more than 1. minutes

 & usually disappears in 1. minutes or less

(/) -here do you get this pain or discomfort? 

0ark the place (s) with an 23 on the diagrams elow

4ront 5ack  


Definition of positive classification re$uires all of the following responses6 #es# to (1)% #!o#

to ()% #es# to (*)% grade 1 #!o# to (+)% grade #es# to (+)& "f these criteria are fulfilled% a

definite claudicant is one who indicates the pain is in the calf% regardless of whether pain is

also marked at other sites7 a diagnosis of atypical claudication is made if the pain is marked in

the thigh or uttock% in the asence of any calf pain& 8u9ects should not e considered to

have claudication if pain is indicated in the hamstrings% feet% shins% 9oints or appears to radiate

in the asence of any pain in the calf 


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() ECQ: 5engali ;ranslation

(c) ECQ: <u9arati ;ranslation

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 (d) ECQ: =indi ;ranslation


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(e) ECQ: >un9ai ;ranslation


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(f) ECQ: rdu ;ranslation


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