language lab

1 LLM-2014 Major assignments Kelas dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: SMP, SMA yang kemudian dibagi lagi menjadi: No Language Skills SD (A) SMP (Group B) SMA (Group C) SMK (Group D) K6 K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3 1. Listening A1 B1a B2a B3a C1a C2a C3a D1a D2a D3a 2. Speaking A2 B1b B2b B3b C1b C2b C3b D1b D2b D3b 3. Reading A3 B1c B2c B3c C1c C2c C3c D1c D2c D3c 4. Writing A4 B1d B2d B3d C1d C2d C3d D1d D2d D3d Berdasarkan table di atas, mahasiswa LLM terbagi menjadi 2 Group (SMP, SMA); 4 Kelompok Kelas (K1 dan K2 untuk masing-masing Grou); dan 16 language skills (B1a-B2d; C1a-C2d) Tugas Menyusun kegiatan pembelajaran dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: No Tugas Nama File G KK LS Mhs 1. Silabus bahasa Inggris masing-masing kelas Sil-B-K1 2. Daftar pemanfaatan materi dan language skills Mat-B-K1 3. Daftar materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran A (language skill) La-K1- B1b 4. Daftar kegiatan pembelajaran A dengan menggunakan materi B (tips: usahakan mulai dengan ‘students’ dan menyebutkan materi yang digunakan lihat contoh) Keg-K1- B1b Template tugas Tugas 2: Daftar pemanfaatan materi dan language skils (Mat- B-K1) No Jenis materi Sumber materi L S R W 1. Printed 1. Buku, 2. 3. Mm 4. Mm 5. Mm 6. Mm 7. mm - 2. Audio 1. Merekam sendiri, 2. Download dari internet (you tube) 3. Mengedit dari yg video yg ada 3. Audio-visual 1. Hasil rekaman sendiri 2. 4. Lainnya: … Tugas 3: Daftar materi kegiatan pembelajaran Speaking (La-K1- B1b) No Jenis materi Sumber materi Speaking 1. Printed 1. Buku, Membaca keras Melakukan tanya jawab berdasarkan teks

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language lab


Page 1: language lab


LLM-2014 Major assignments

Kelas dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok: SMP, SMA yang kemudian dibagi lagi menjadi:

No Language Skills SD (A) SMP (Group B) SMA (Group C) SMK (Group D)

K6 K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3 K1 K2 K3

1. Listening A1 B1a B2a B3a C1a C2a C3a D1a D2a D3a

2. Speaking A2 B1b B2b B3b C1b C2b C3b D1b D2b D3b

3. Reading A3 B1c B2c B3c C1c C2c C3c D1c D2c D3c

4. Writing A4 B1d B2d B3d C1d C2d C3d D1d D2d D3d

Berdasarkan table di atas, mahasiswa LLM terbagi menjadi 2 Group (SMP, SMA); 4 Kelompok Kelas (K1 dan K2 untuk masing-masing Grou); dan 16 language skills (B1a-B2d; C1a-C2d)

Tugas Menyusun kegiatan pembelajaran dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:

No Tugas Nama File G KK LS Mhs

1. Silabus bahasa Inggris masing-masing kelas Sil-B-K1

2. Daftar pemanfaatan materi dan language skills Mat-B-K1

3. Daftar materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran A (language skill) La-K1- B1b

4. Daftar kegiatan pembelajaran A dengan menggunakan materi B (tips: usahakan mulai dengan ‘students’ dan menyebutkan materi yang digunakan – lihat contoh)


Template tugas Tugas 2: Daftar pemanfaatan materi dan language skils (Mat- B-K1)

No Jenis materi Sumber materi L S R W

1. Printed 1. Buku, 2. … 3. Mm 4. Mm 5. Mm 6. Mm 7. mm


2. Audio 1. Merekam sendiri, 2. Download dari internet (you tube) 3. Mengedit dari yg video yg ada

3. Audio-visual 1. Hasil rekaman sendiri 2. …

4. Lainnya: …

Tugas 3: Daftar materi kegiatan pembelajaran Speaking (La-K1- B1b)

No Jenis materi Sumber materi Speaking

1. Printed 1. Buku, Membaca keras Melakukan tanya jawab berdasarkan teks

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2. …

2. Audio 1. Merekam sendiri, 2.

Mendengarkan, setelah itu menjawab pertanyaan.

3. Audio-visual 1. Hasil rekaman sendiri 2. Utube Video 3. Mmm 4. mmm

4. Lainnya: … … …

Tugas 4: Daftar kegiatan pembelajaran Speaking dengan menggunakan materi Video/Utube (Keg-K1-B1b)

Language skill Speaking

Level/Kelas/Chap SMP/VII/Chp 3

Focus Procedure Text

KD3 Ambil dari silabus

KD4 Ambil dari silabus

Indikator/Tujuan Ambil dari silabus/RPP sekolah

Materi YouTube Video: Judul ….

Learning Activities (sesuaikan untuk memenuhi SK/KD di atas)

Objectives (sesuaikan untuk memenuhi SK/KD di atas)

1. Students were asked to search youtube videos about … from internet

To make the students actively involved in preparing the materials.

To raise students’ motivation

2. Students watch youtube video completely without pausing.

To raise students’ motivation

To provide language model: pronunciation, grammatical sentences, language expression, and fluency

3. The students watch the video again and write the words they can grab from youtube videos on their notebooks.

To enrich vocabulary

To improve spelling

To actively listen

4. Five students from five group at the same time write down the words they got from videos on the white board (the winner + the member of the group get candy )

To enrich vocabulary

To improve spelling

To create fun situation

5. More students from the group add more words

To enrich vocabulary

To improve spelling

To create fun situation

6. Some students read aloud the words on the board

To check the students’ pronunciation

7. Students read aloud the words on the board after the teacher

To improve the students’ pronunciation

8. Students watch the video again and repeat some words, expressions being guided by the teacher

To improve pronunciation

To improve fluency

9. While watching the video, some students are asked to repeat some words, expressions by themselves

To check students’ pronunciation

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10. Students watch the video and are ready to answer to questions when the teacher pause the video

To improve listening comprehension (understanding the content)

To improve pronunciation, grammatical awareness, and fluency

11. Students are asked to copy the video for themselves to study at home and to do homework (answering question, etc)

To provide more listening practice opportunity

12. Students listen to the video without watching the visual, and are asked to write as many grammatical sentences based on what listen

To improve the students’ awareness on grammatical sentences

13. While watching a video, students are ask to pay attention carefully, and are asked to write down the content of the video

To improve understanding to content of the video

14. Students work in a group of four and share their phrases, and sentences

To actively involved in the teaching and learning process

Improving students grammatical sentences

15. The groups are asked to produced a procedure a text based on the video

To improve students ability on the procedure text

16. The groups are asked to read the text in front of the class

To improve students ability on the procedure text

17. Students may be asked to bring with them equipments/utensils, materials, etc to demonstrate the p

To check grammar, spelling, vocab, and generic structure of procedure text

18. One of the groups is asked to write down the text on the white board (ini lebih ke writing)

To check grammar, spelling, vocab, and generic structure of procedure text

19. The whole class checked the text To improve grammar, spelling, vocab, and generic structure of procedure text

20. Students watch the video again and are asked to make a procedure text on their own choice.

To improve students ability on the procedure text

21. The text is being swapped, read, performed/demonstrated/postered, and display on the wall.

To improve students ability on the procedure text

22. When the text is displayed on the wall, students do the ‘gallery walk’ and ask questions about the text.

To improve fluency, using expression, and conversation

Pengumpulan Tugas:

1. Print out: per individu a. Cover: identitas lengkap; kiri kanan atas diberi kode kode: LLM-L skill-smtx (contoh:

LLM- B1b-smt1) b. A4; margin 3,3,2,2; calibri 11; c. Distaples saja; TIDAK dijilid/cover plastik

2. CD/DVD: per Group meliputi 4 folder: a. Silabus bahasa Inggris semua kelas masing-masing level (Sil-B-K1, Sil-B-K2, Sil-B-K3) b. Daftar pemanfaatan materi dan language skills semua kelas masing-masing level (Mat-B-

K1, Mat-B-K2, Mat-B-K3) c. Daftar materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran language skill (La-K1- B1a s/d La-K3- B3d)

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d. Daftar kegiatan pembelajaran A dengan menggunakan materi B masing-masing mhs (Keg-K1-B1a s/d Keg-K1-B3d)

3. Print out diserahkan pada tanggal: 27 Oktober 2014; pukul: 15.30 (NO EXTENTION, PLEASE!!!) 4. CD/DVD diserahkan pada tanggal: 3 November 2014; pukul: 15.30 (NO EXTENTION, PLEASE!!!)

GoodLuck 04052011
