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  • 7/25/2019 Latar Belakang Sejarah Bangsa Indonesia


  • 7/25/2019 Latar Belakang Sejarah Bangsa Indonesia


    After Srivijaya fell, it was lar(ely for(otten. It was not until 48 that 5rench historian

    6eor(e )oed7s of the cole fran9aise d2xtr:me-;rient formally postulated its

    existence. An aerial photo(raph ta"en in 48< near alemban( =in what is now

    Sriwijaya in(dom Archaeolo(ical ar"> revealed the remnants of ancient man-made

    canals, moats, ponds, and artificial islands, su((estin( the location of Srivijaya2s urban

    centre. Several artefacts such as fra(ments of inscriptions, Buddhist statues, beads,

    pottery and )hinese ceramics were found, confirmin( that the area had, at one time,

    dense human habitation. By 443, ierre-*ves 1an(uin had shown that the centre of

    Srivijaya was alon( the 1usi ?iver between Bu"it Se(untan( and Sabo"in("in(=situated in what is now alemban(, South Sumatra, Indonesia>. @owever, in !3,

    archaeolo(ical research led by the niversity of Indonesia discovered several reli(ious

    and habitation sites at 1uaro /ambi, su((estin( that the initial centre of Srivijaya was

    located in 1uaro /ambi ?e(ency, /ambi on the Batan( @ari ?iver, rather than on the

    ori(inally-proposed 1usi river.

    History of Srivijaya Kingdom

    Formation and Growth

    Cittle physical evidence of Srivijaya remains. Accordin( to the edu"an Bu"it inscription,

    dated +D Sa"a =+83 )>, the empire of Srivijaya was founded by Eapunta @yan( Sri

    /ayanasa. @e had embar"ed on a sacred siddhayatra journey, and led !, troops

    and 3! people in boats with 3! foot soldiers from 1inan(a &amwan to /ambi and


    Althou(h, accordin( to this inscription, Srivijaya was first established in the vicinity of

    today2s alemban(, it mentions that Eapunta @yan( Sri /ayanasa came from 1inan(a

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    &amwan. &he exact location of 1inan(a &amwan is still a subject of discussion. &he

    alemban( theory as the place where Srivijaya was first established was presented by

    )oedes and supported by ierre-*ves 1an(uin. Soe"mono, on the other hand, ar(ues

    that alemban( was not the capital of Srivijaya and su((ests that the ampar ?iver

    system in ?iau where the 1uara &a"us temple is located as 1inan(a &amwan.

    Another theory su((ests that Eapunta @yan( came from the east coast of the 1alay

    eninsula, and that the )haiya Eistrict in Surat &hani rovince, &hailand, was the

    centre of Srivijaya. &he city of )haiya2s name may be derived from the 1alay name

    %)ahaya%. @owever, some scholars believe that )haiya probably comes from Sri Fijaya.

    It was a re(ional capital in the Srivijaya empire. Some &hai historians ar(ue it was the

    capital of Srivijaya itself, but this is (enerally discounted.

    Around the year D ), the roots of the Srivijayan empire be(an to develop around

    present-day alemban(, Sumatra. &he empire was or(anised in three main GonesH the

    estuarine capital re(ion centred on alemban(, the 1usi ?iver basin which served as

    hinterland and rival estuarine areas capable of formin( rival power centres. &he areas

    upstream of the 1usi ?iver were rich in various commodities valuable to )hinese

    traders. &he capital was administered directly by the ruler while the hinterland remained

    under its own local datus or tribal chiefs, who were or(anised into a networ" of alliances

    with the Srivijaya maharaja or "in(. 5orce was the dominant element in the empire2s

    relations with rival river systems such as the Batan( @ari ?iver, centred in /ambi.

    5rom the Sans"rit inscriptions, it is notable that Eapunta @yan( Sri /ayanasa launched

    a maritime conuest in +8< ) with !, men in the siddhayatra journey to acuire

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    wealth, power, and 2ma(ical powers2. nder the leadership of Eapunta @yan( Sri

    /ayanasa, the 1elayu in(dom became the first "in(dom to be inte(rated into Srivijaya.

    &his possibly occurred in the +8s ). 1elayu, also "nown as /ambi, was rich in (old

    and held in hi(h esteem at the time. Srivijaya reco(nised that the submission of 1elayu

    would increase its own presti(e.

    Accordin( to the ota apur inscription discovered on Ban("a Island, the empire

    conuered most of southern Sumatra and the nei(hbourin( island of Ban("a, as far as

    Campun(. Also, accordin( to the inscriptions, Eapunta @yan( Sri /ayanasa launched a

    military campai(n a(ainst /ava in the late 'th century, a period which coincided with the

    decline of &arumana(ara in Jest /ava and the alin((a in(dom in )entral /ava. &he

    empire thus (rew to control the trade on the Strait of 1alacca, the Sunda Strait, the

    South )hina Sea, the /ava Sea, and the arimata Strait.

    )hinese records datin( to the late 'th century mention two Sumatran "in(doms as well

    as three other "in(doms on /ava as bein( part of Srivijaya. By the end of the 8th

    century, many western /avanese "in(doms, such as &arumana(ara and alin((a, were

    within the Srivijayan sphere of influence. It has also been recorded that a Buddhist

    family related to Srivijaya dominated central /ava at that time. &he family was probably

    the Sailendras. &he rulin( linea(e of Srivijaya intermarried with the Sailendras of

    )entral /ava and lived alon( the /avanese Sanjaya dynasty when the Srivijayan capital

    was located in /ava.

    Eurin( the same century, Can("asu"a on the 1alay eninsula became part of Srivijaya.

    Soon after this, an an and &rambralin(a, which were located north of Can("asu"a,

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    came under Srivijayan influence. &hese "in(doms on the peninsula were major tradin(

    nations that transported (oods across the peninsula2s isthmus.

    Jith the expansion into /ava and the 1alay eninsula, Srivijaya controlled two major

    trade cho"e points in Southeast Asia. Some Srivijayan temple ruins are observable in

    &hailand and )ambodia.

    At some point in the 'th century, )ham ports in eastern Indochina started to attract

    traders. &his diverted the flow of trade from Srivijaya. In an effort to divert the flow, the

    Srivijayan "in( or maharaja, Eharmasetu, launched various raids a(ainst the coastal

    cities of Indochina. &he city of Indrapura by the 1e"on( was temporarily controlled from

    alemban( in the early 8th century. &he Srivijayans continued to dominate areas

    around present-day )ambodia until the hmer in( /ayavarman II, the founder of the

    hmer mpire dynasty, severed the Srivijayan lin" later in the same century. After

    Eharmasetu, Samaratun((a became the next 1aharaja of Srivijaya. @e rei(ned as ruler

    from '4! to 83D ). nli"e the expansionist Eharmasetu, Samaratun((a did not

    indul(e in military expansion but preferred to stren(then the Srivijayan hold of /ava. @e

    personally oversaw the construction of BorobudurK the temple was completed in 8!D

    ), durin( his rei(n.

    Accordin( for 6eor(e )oedes, %in the second half of the ninth century /ava and

    Sumatra were united under the rule of a Sailendra rei(nin( in /ava...its center atalemban(.%

    Relations with regional powers

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    Althou(h historical records and archaeolo(ical evidence are scarce, it appears that by

    the 'th century ), Srivijaya had established suGerainty over lar(e areas of Sumatra,

    western /ava and much of the 1alay eninsula. )ontrol of the 1alacca and Sunda

    Straits meant it controlled both the spice route traffic and local trade, char(in( a toll on

    passin( ships. Servin( as an entrepLt for )hinese, 1alay, and Indian mar"ets, the port

    of alemban(, accessible from the coast by way of a river, accumulated (reat wealth.

    nvoys travelled to and from )hina freuently.

    &he 1elayu in(dom was the first rival power centre absorbed into the empire, and thus

    be(an the domination of the re(ion throu(h trade and conuest in the 'th throu(h the

    4th centuries ). &he 1elayu in(dom2s (old mines up in the Batan( @ari ?iver

    hinterland were a crucial economic resource and may be the ori(in of the word

    Suvarnadvipa, the Sans"rit name for Sumatra. Srivijaya helped spread the 1alay

    culture throu(hout Sumatra, the 1alay eninsula, and western Borneo. Its influence

    waned in the th century. It was then in freuent conflict with, and ultimately

    subju(ated by, the /avanese "in(doms of Sin(hasari and, later, 1ajapahit. &his was not

    the first time the Srivijayans had a conflict with the /avanese. Accordin( to historian

    aul 1ichel 1unoG, the /avanese Sanjaya dynasty was a stron( rival of Srivijaya in the

    8th century when the Srivijayan capital was located in /ava. &he seat of the empire

    moved to 1uaro /ambi in the last centuries of Srivijaya2s existence.

    &he hmer mpire mi(ht also have been a tributary state in its early sta(es. &he hmer

    "in(, /ayavarman II, was mentioned to have spent years in the court of Sailendra in

    /ava before returnin( to )ambodia to rule around '4 ). Influenced by the /avanese

    culture of the Sailendran-Srivijayan mandala =and li"ely ea(er to emulate the /avanese

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    model in his court>, he proclaimed )ambodian independence from /ava and ruled as

    devaraja, establishin( hmer empire and startin( the An("or era.

    Some historians claim that )haiya in Surat &hani rovince in southern &hailand was, at

    least temporarily, the capital of Srivijaya, but this claim is widely disputed. @owever,

    )haiya was probably a re(ional centre of the "in(dom. &he temple of Borom &hat in

    )haiya contains a reconstructed pa(oda in Srivijaya style.

    Jat hra Boromathat )haiya is hi(hli(hted by the pa(oda in Srivijaya style, elaborately

    restored, and datin( bac" to the 'th century ). &he Buddha relics are enshrined in the

    chedi or stupa. In the surroundin( chapels are several Buddha statues in Srivijaya style,

    as it was labelled by Eamron( ?ajanubhab in his )ollected Inscriptions of Siam, which

    is now attributed to Jat @ua Jian( in )haiya. Eated to the year +4' of the

    1ahasa""arat era =''D )>, the inscriptions on a bai sema tells about the in( of

    Srivijaya havin( erected three stupas at that siteK which are possibly the ones at Jat

    hra Borom &hat. @owever, it is also possible that the three stupas referred to are

    located at Jat @ua Jian( =@ua Jian( temple>, Jat Chon( =Chon( temple> and Jat

    aew =aew temple> which are also found in )haiya. After the fall of the Srivijaya, the

    area was divided into the cities =muean(> )haiya, &haton( =now anchanadit> and

    hirirat Mi"hom.

    Srivijaya also maintained close relations with the ala mpire in Ben(al. &he Malanda

    inscription, dated 8+ ), records that 1aharaja Balaputra dedicated a monastery at

    the Malanda university in the ala territory.NOH4 &he relation between Srivijaya and

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    the )hola dynasty of southern India was initially friendly durin( the rei(n of ?aja ?aja

    )hola I. In + ), a Srivijayan 1aharaja from the Sailendra dynasty, "in(

    1aravijayattun(avarman, constructed the )hudamani Fihara in the port town of

    Ma(apattinam. @owever, durin( the rei(n of ?ajendra )hola I the relationship

    deteriorated as the )hola Eynasty started to attac" Srivijayan cities.

    &he reason for this sudden chan(e in the relationship with the )hola "in(dom is not

    really "nown. @owever, as some historians su((est, it would seem that the hmer "in(,

    Suryavarman I of the hmer mpire, had reuested aid from mperor ?ajendra )hola I

    of the )hola dynasty a(ainst &ambralin(a. After learnin( of Suryavarman2s alliance with

    ?ajendra )hola, the &ambralin(a "in(dom reuested aid from the Srivijaya "in(,

    San(rama Fijayatun(avarman. &his eventually led to the )hola mpire comin( into

    conflict with the Srivijiya mpire. &he conflict ended with a victory for the )hola and

    heavy losses for Srivijaya and the capture of San(ramavijayottun(avarman in the )hola

    raid in !D )NOH

    an embassy to the )hola Eynasty.

    Arab writers of the 4th and th century, in their writin(s, considered the "in( of Al-@ind

    =India and to some extent mi(ht include Southeast Asia> as one of the < (reat "in(s in

    the world. &he ruler of the ?ashtra"uta dynasty is described as the (reatest "in( of Al-

    @ind =India>. @owever, the reference to the "in(s of Al-@ind mi(ht have also included

    the "in(s of /ava, a(an Burma and the hmer "in(s of )ambodia. &hey are,

    invariably, depicted by the Arabs writers as extremely powerful and bein( euipped with

    vast armies of men, horses and havin( tens of thousands of elephants. &hey were also

    said to be in possession of vast treasures of (old and silver.

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    Golden Age

    After trade disruption at )anton between 8! and 8D ), the ruler of /ambi =1elayu

    in(dom> was able to assert enou(h independence to send missions to )hina in 8D3) and 8' ).Ncitation neededO &he 1elayu "in(dom2s independence coincided with

    the troubled times when the Sailendran Balaputradewa, was expelled from /ava and,

    later, seiGed the throne of Srivijaya. &he new maharaja was able to dispatch a tributary

    mission to )hina by 4! ). &wo years after that, the expirin( &an( Eynasty conferred

    a title on a Srivijayan envoy.

    In the first half of the th century, between the fall of &an( Eynasty and the rise of

    Son(, there was bris" tradin( between the overseas world with the 5ujian "in(dom of

    1in and the rich 6uan(don( "in(dom of Man @an. Srivijaya undoubtedly benefited from

    this. Sometime around 43 ), the 1uslim writer Ibn ?ustah was so impressed with the

    wealth of the Srivijayan ruler that he declared that one would not hear of a "in( who was

    richer, stron(er or who had more revenue. &he main urban centres of Srivijaya were

    then at alemban( =especially the aran(anyar site near Bu"it Se(untan( area>, 1uara

    /ambi and edah.

    &he mi(ration to 1ada(ascar accelerated in the 4th century when Srivijaya controlled

    much of the maritime trade in the Indian ;cean.

    In late th century, the rivalry between Srivijaya and the /avanese 1edan( "in(dom

    became more intense and hostile. &he animosity was probably caused by Srivijaya2s

    effort to reclaim the Sailendra lands in /ava or by 1edan(2s aspiration to challen(e

    Srivijaya domination in the re(ion. In 44 ), in( Eharmawan(sa launched a naval

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    invasion a(ainst Srivijaya and unsuccessfully attempted to capture the capital

    alemban(. Eharmawan(sa2s invasion led the 1aharaja of Srivijaya,

    )hulamaniwarmadewa to see" protection from )hina. In + ), Srivijaya2s alliance

    proved its resilience by successfully repellin( the /avanese invasion. In retaliation,

    Srivijaya assisted @aji ="in(> Jurawari of Cwaram to revolt, which led to the attac" and

    destruction of the 1edan( palace. Jith the death of Eharmawan(sa and the fall of the

    1edan( capital, Srivijaya contributed to the collapse of 1edan( "in(dom, leavin(

    astern /ava in further unrest, violence and, ultimately, desolation for several years to


    Srivijaya remained a formidable sea power until the 3th century. Accordin( to 6eor(e

    )oedes, at the end of the 3th century the empire %...had ceased to exist...caused by

    the simultaneous pressure on its two flan"s of Siam and /ava.%


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    &he decline of Srivijaya was contributed by forei(n piracy and raids that disrupted the

    trade and security in the re(ion. Attracted to the wealth of Srivijaya, ?ajendra )hola, the

    )hola "in( from &amil Madu in South India, launched naval raids on ports of Srivijaya

    and conuered adaram =modern edah> from Srivijaya in !D ).NOH

    )holas are "nown to have benefitted from both piracy and forei(n trade. At times, the

    )hola seafarin( led to outri(ht plunder and conuest as far as Southeast Asia. An

    inscription of in( ?ajendra states that he had captured the in( of adaram,

    San(rama-vijayottun((a-varman, and plundered a lar(e amount of treasures includin(

    the Fidhyadara-torana which was the jewelled 2war (ate2 of Srivijaya adorned with (reatsplendour. &he )holas continued a series of raids and conuests of parts of Sumatra

    and 1alay eninsula for the next ! years. &he expedition of ?ajendra )hola I had

    such a lastin( impression on the 1alay people of the period that his name is even

    mentioned =in the corrupted form as ?aja )hulan> in the medieval 1alay chronicle, the

    Sejarah 1elayu =1alay Annals>. ven today the )hola rule is remembered in 1alaysia

    as many 1alaysian princes have names endin( with )holan or )hulan, one such was

    the ?aja of era" called ?aja )hulan. &his event mar"ed the demise of the mpire and

    a sharp turn for the control of the trade route. 5or the next century, &amil tradin(

    companies from southern India dominated the Straits re(ion, althou(h the domination

    was wea"er than the control of the Srivijayan mpire.

    in( ?ajendra )hola overseas expeditions a(ainst Srivijaya was a uniue event in

    India2s history and its otherwise peaceful relations with the states of Southeast Asia. &he

    reasons of the naval expeditions are still a moot point as the source are silent about its

    exact causes. Mila"anta Sastri su((ests that the attac"s were probably caused by

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    Srivijaya2s attempts to throw obstacles in the way of the )hola trade with the ast or,

    more probably, a simple desire on the part of in( ?ajendra )hola to extend his military

    victories to the countries that were well "nown so as to add lustre to his crown. It

    (ravely wea"ened the Srivijayan he(emony and enabled the formation of re(ional

    "in(doms li"e ediri, which were based on intensive a(riculture rather than coastal and

    lon(-distance trade. Jith the passin( of time, the re(ional tradin( center shifted from

    the old Srivijayan capital of alemban( to another trade centre on the island of

    Sumatra, /ambi, which was the centre of 1alayu.

    Between '4 and 88, )hinese records show that Srivijaya sent ambassadors from

    /ambi and alemban(.N+4O In '4 in particular, an ambassador from /ambi and

    alemban( each visited )hina. /ambi sent two more ambassadors to )hina in 8! )

    and 88 ). &his would su((est that the centre of Srivijaya freuently shifted between

    the two major cities durin( that period. &he )hola expeditions as well as the chan(in(

    trade routes wea"ened alemban(, allowin( /ambi to ta"e the leadership of Srivijaya

    from the th century onwards.

    Accordin( to a )hinese source in the boo" of )hu-fan-chi written around !!D ),

    )hou /u-"ua describe that in Southeast Asia archipela(o there were two most powerful

    and richest "in(domsK Srivijaya and /ava =ediri>. In /ava, he found that the people

    followed two "inds of reli(ionsH Buddhism and the reli(ion of Brahmins =@induism>, while

    the people of Srivijaya followed Buddhism. @e also described the people of /ava as

    bein( brave, short-tempered and willin( to fi(ht. @e noted that their favourite pastimes

    were coc"fi(htin( and pi( fi(htin(. &he coin used as the currency then were made from

    a mixture of copper, silver, and tin.

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    &he boo" of )hu-fan-chi states that /ava was ruled by a maharaja and included the

    followin( %dependencies%H ai-hua-yuan =acitan>, 1a-tun( =1edan(>, &a-pen

    =&umapel, now 1alan(>, @i-nin( =Eien(>, /un(-ya-lu =@ujun( 6aluh, now Surabaya>,

    &un(-"i =/en((i, Jest apua>, &a-"an( =Sumba>, @uan(-ma-chu =Southwest apua>,

    1a-li =Bali>, ulun =6urun, identified as 6oron( or Soron( in Jest apua or an island in

    Musa &en((ara>, &an-jun(-wu-lo =&anjun(pura in Borneo>, &i-wu =&imor>, in(ya-i

    =Ban((ai in Sulawesi>, and Ju-nu-"u =1alu"u>.NOH8+P8' Additionally, )hou-/u-ua

    said that Srivijaya %was still a (reat power at the be(innin( of the thirteenth century% with

    D coloniesH on(-fon( =ahan(>, &on(-ya-non( =&eren((anu>, Cin(-ya-si-"ia=Can("asu"a>, ilan-tan =elantan>, 5o-lo-an =Eun(un, eastern part of 1alay eninsula,

    a town within state of &eren((anu>, /i-lo-t2in( =)heratin(>, &s2ien-mai =Semawe, 1alay

    eninsula>, a-t2a =Sun(ai a"a, located in &eren((anu of 1alay eninsula>, &an-ma-

    lin( =&ambralin(a, Ci(or or Ma"hon Si &hammarat, South &hailand>, ia-lo-hi =6rahi,

    =rabi> northern part of 1alay peninsula>, a-lin-fon( =alemban(>, Sin-t2o =Sunda>,

    Can-wu-li =Camuri at Aceh>, ien-pi =/ambi> and Si-lan =)ambodia or )eylon =Q>>.

    NOH83P8. &his su((ests that the Indonesian

    archipela(o was ruled by two (reat "in(doms, with the western part under Srivijaya2s

    rule and the eastern part was under ediri2s domination.

    In !88, Sin(hasari empire, the successor of ediri in /ava, conuered 1elayu states

    includes alemban(, /ambi as well as much of Srivijaya durin( the amalayu


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    In the year !43, the 1ajapahit empire ruled much of Sumatra as the successor of

    Sin(hasari. rince Adityawarman was (iven the power over Sumatera in 3. In

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    in from !43 to around D. 1ajapahit reached its pea"

    of (lory durin( the era of @ayam Juru", whose rei(n from 3D to 384 was mar"ed by

    conuest which extended throu(h Southeast Asia. @is achievement is also credited to

    his prime minister, 6ajah 1ada. Accordin( to the Ma(ara"reta(ama=EesawarRana>

    written in 3+D, 1ajapahit was an empire of 48 tributaries, stretchin(

    from Sumatrato Mew 6uineaKN

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    encountered some bael trees and consumed its bitter-tastin( fruit that

    subseuently become the villa(e2s name.

    History of the Majapahit ingdomFormation

    After defeatin(the 1elayu in(domin Sumatra in !4, Sin(hasaribecame the most

    powerful "in(dom in the re(ion. ublai han, the 6reat hanof the 1on(ol mpireand

    the mperor of the 1on(ol*uan Eynasty, challen(ed Sin(hasari by sendin( emissaries

    demandin( tribute. ertane(ara, the last ruler of Sin(hasari, refused to pay the tribute,

    insulted the 1on(ol envoy and challen(ed the han instead. As the response, in !43,

    ublai han sent a massive expedition of , ships to /ava.

    By that time, /aya"atwan(, the Adipati =Eu"e> of ediri, a vassal state of Sin(hasari,

    had usurped and "illed ertana(ara. After bein( pardoned by /aya"atwan( with the aid

    of 1adura2s re(ent, Arya JirarajaK ?aden Jijaya, ertane(ara2s son-in-law, was (iven

    the land of &ari" timberland. @e then opened that vast timberland and built a new villa(e

    there. &he villa(e was named 1ajapahit, which was ta"en from a fruit name that had a

    bitter taste in that timberland =maja is the fruit name and pahit means bitter>. Jhen the

    1on(olian *uan army sent by ublai han arrived, Jijaya allied himself with the army

    to fi(ht a(ainst /aya"atwan(. ;nce /aya"atwan( was destroyed, ?aden Jijaya forced

    his allies to withdraw from /ava by launchin( a surprise attac". *uan2s army had to

    withdraw in confusion as they were in hostile territory. It was also their last chance to

    catch the monsoon winds homeK otherwise, they would have had to wait for another six

    months on a hostile island.

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    In !43, ?aden Jijaya founded a stron(hold with the capital 1ajapahit.N!OH!P!

    &he exact date used as the birth of the 1ajapahit "in(dom is the day of his coronation,

    the Dth of arti"a month in the year !D usin( the /avanese 9a"a calendar, which

    euates to Movember !43.N!O Eurin( his coronation he was (iven formal name

    ertarajasa /ayawardhana. in( ertarajasa too" all four dau(hters of ertane(ara as

    his wives, his first wife and prime ueen consort &ribhuwaneswari, and her sistersK

    rajnaparamita, Marendraduhita, and 6ayatri ?ajapatni the youn(est. @e also too" a

    Sumatran 1alay Eharmasraya princess named Eara eta" as his wife. &he new

    "in(dom faced challen(es. Some of ertarajasa2s most trusted men, includin(?an((alawe, Sora, and Mambi rebelled a(ainst him, thou(h unsuccessfully. It was

    suspected that the mahapati =eual with prime minister> @alayudha set the conspiracy

    to overthrow all of the "in(2s opponents, to (ain the hi(hest position in the (overnment.

    @owever, followin( the death of the last rebel uti, @alayudha was captured and jailed

    for his tric"s, and then sentenced to death.N!O Jijaya himself died in 34.

    Accordin( to tradition, Jijaya2s son and successor, /ayane(ara was notorious for

    immorality. ;ne of his sinful acts was his desire on ta"in( his own stepsisters as wives.

    @e was entitled ala 6emet, or %wea" villain%. Approximately durin( /ayane(ara2s rei(n,

    the Italian 5riar ;doric of ordenone visited 1ajapahit court in /ava. In 3!8,

    /ayane(ara was murdered by his doctor, &anca. @is stepmother, 6ayatri ?ajapatni, was

    supposed to replace him, but ?ajapatni had retired from the court to become a

    Bhi""huni. ?ajapatni appointed her dau(hter, &ribhuwana Jijayatun((adewi, or "nown

    in her formal name as &ribhuwannottun(adewi /ayawishnuwardhani, as the ueen of

    1ajapahit under ?ajapatni2s auspices. &ribhuwana appointed 6ajah 1ada as the rime

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    1inister in 33+. Eurin( his inau(uration 6ajah 1ada declared his Sumpah alapa,

    revealin( his plan to expand 1ajapahit realm and buildin( an empire.

    Golden Age

    Eurin( &ribhuwanas rule, the 1ajapahit "in(dom (rew much lar(er and became

    famous in the area. nder the initiative of her able and ambitious prime minister, 6ajah

    1ada, 1ajapahit sent their armada to conuer the nei(hbourin( island of Bali.N!OH!3 breached &rowulan defences

    and "illed ertabumi in his palace,N3ON3O Eema" sent reinforcements under Sunan

    M(udun(, who later died in battle and was replaced by Sunan udus, but they came too

    late to save ertabumi althou(h they mana(ed to repel the ?anawijaya army. &his event

    is mentioned in &railo"yapuri =/iwu> and eta" inscription, where ?anawijaya claimed

    that he already defeated ertabhumi and reunited 1ajapahit as one in(dom.N3!O?anawijaya ruled from

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    came under the leadership of ?aden =later crowned as Sultan> atah =Arabic nameH

    5atah>, who was ac"nowled(ed as the le(itimate successor of 1ajapahit. Accordin( to

    Babad &anah /awi and Eema" tradition, the source of atah2s le(itimacy was because

    their first sultan, ?aden atah, was the son of 1ajapahit "in( Brawijaya F with a

    )hinese concubine. Another ar(ument supports Eema" as the successor of 1ajapahitK

    the risin( Eema" sultanate was easily accepted as the nominal re(ional ruler, as Eema"

    was the former 1ajapahit vassal and located near the former 1ajapahit realm in

    astern /ava.

    Eema" established itself as the re(ional power and the first Islamic sultanate in /ava.

    After the fall of 1ajapahit, the @indu "in(doms in /ava only remained in Blamban(an on

    the eastern ed(e and ajajaran in the western part. 6radually @indu communities

    be(an to retreat to the mountain ran(es in ast /ava and also to the nei(hbourin(

    island of Bali. A small enclave of @indu communities still remain in the &en((er

    mountain ran(e.