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  • 8/10/2019 Lectia 5 -pronumele.doc


    Lectia 5:Pronumele

    5.1. Functia pronumeluiPronumele sunt cuvinte lipsite de inteles de sine statator. Ele nu denumesc si

    nu caracterizeaza nimic, functia lor fiind aceea de a inlocui un substantiv,facand astfel referire la o idee, obiect sau actiune mentionate anterior saucunoscuta de catre interlocutor.Ex.: John did all the work. He did all the work. Who did all the work?

    5.2. Forma pronumeluiPronumele au forme specifice in functie de:Numar : singular - this ; plural - theseCaz : Nominativ - she ; Genitiv - hers ; Dativ - to her ; cuzativ - her Gen : masculin - he ; !eminin - she ; neutru - it

    Pronumele pot fi simple " you, which, many # sau compuse " everybody,whatever, no one #.

    5.3. Clasificarea pronumelorDupa continut si functie pronumele pot fi:

    1. Personale2. Reflexive3. Nehotarate4. Demonstrative5. Relative

    6. De ntarire7. Interogative8. Re i!ro e

    5.3.1. Pronumele personale

    Nominativ Genitiv Dativ Acuzativ


    I mine "to# me me

    $o% $o%rs "to# $o% $o%

    he his "to# him himshe hers "to# her her

    it its "to# it it


    &e o%rs "to# %s %s

    $o% $o%rs "to# $o% $o%

    the$ theirs "to# them them

  • 8/10/2019 Lectia 5 -pronumele.doc


    $ se scrie intotdeauna cu ma%uscula.

    Its "pronume# nu are apostrof.It's vine de la it is sau it has &

    Forme arhaice si poetice: pers. $$ sg. - thou, thine, (to) thee

    I gave him the book.He ran the London Marathon.

    It 's a leasure to him . I only layed against her once.!hese books are ours .

    Is this en yours or mine ?

    You / They impersonal - putem folosi aceste doua pronume pentru a vorbidespre oameni in general.

    Ex.: You have to drive on the other side o" the road in #reat $ritain. They say she's very clever.

    It - poate indeplini o serie de functii de mare importanta:

    It impersonal "in expresii impersonale temporale, exprimandstarea vremii, distante sau in contructii pasive#Ex.: It's % o'clock. It was s ring. Is it Monday? &ow hot it is &ow "ar is it to the station?

    It demostrativ Ex.: ho is it? It's the ostman. It's the children.

    5.3.2. Pronumele reflexive

    cestea insotesc un verb si se refera la subiect. 'e folosesc atunci candsubiectul si complementul direct se refera la aceeasi persoana.

    !orme:in!ular : mysel", yoursel", himsel", hersel", itsel"

    Plural : ourselves, yourselves, themselves

    Ex.: I wanted to do it mysel" but he insisted on hel ing me. he "ell o"" the ladder and in*ured hersel".

    +ou can do thse tasks by yoursel" or with a artner. "ter "ive minutes, it will automatically turn itsel" down. Let's buy ourselves a chair "or the garden. !hey built the house themselves.

    5.3.3. Pronumele nehotarate

    ome, any, every se pot combina cu -one, -body, -thing pentru a obtinepronumele ne(otarate: anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody,something, everyone, everybody, everything .

    o poate forma impreuna cu -body sau -one pronumele: nobody, no-one .

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    tat in engleza britanica cat si in cea americana,pronumele ne(otarate anyone, anybody, someone,somebody, everyone, everybody, no-one sunt dinpunct de vedere gramatical la singular si trebuiefolosite cu un verb la singular.

    "lte pronume nehotarate:enough, "ew, "ewer, less, little, many, much, several, more, most, all, both,every, each, any, either, neither, none, some .

    De retinut&Daca acestea forme preceda un substantiv nu mai sunt pronume, cideterminanti substantivali.Ex.: /ew will be chosen0 "ewer will "inish. Little is e1 ected.

    5.3.#. Pronumele $emonstrativ

    Pronumele demostrative: this, these, that, those, such pot functiona atat capronume, cat si ca determinanti substantivali.Ex.: !hat is incredible "referring to somet(ing )ou %ust sa*#

    I will never "orget this. "referring to a recent experience# uch is my belie". "referring to an explanation %ust made#

    !his si these sugereaza ideea de apropiere temporala sau spatiala, pe cand that si those sugereaza ideea de departare.Ex.: !hese ( ancakes sitting here now on my late) are delicious. !hose ( ancakes that I had yesterday morning) were even better. !his (book in my hand) is well written0 that (book that I'm ointing to, overthere, on the table) is trash.

    ceasta idee de departare se poate transforma c(iar in dispret sau instrainareafectiva:Ex.: re you going to wear these ? (!hey are aw"ul. I do not like them at all.) 2an you belive I would have bought that ?

    5.3.5. Pronumele relative

    Pronumele relativ face referire la un substantiv sau inlocuitor substantivalmentionat in contextul aterior "antecedent# si leaga propozitia sau grupul decuvinte care explica sau da mai multe detalii despre substantivul antecedent depropozitia continand substantivul determinat.

    Pronumele relative sunt : who, whoever, which, that .Ex.: !he student who studies hardest usually does the best.

    legerea corecta dintre which si that se inscrie printre cele mai frecventenelamuriri ale studentilor la limba engleza. $n general, which se foloseste

    pentru a introduce propozitii care au natura de paranteze, explicatiisuplimentare dar care pot fi inlaturate sau omise fara a sc(imba intelesul frazei.Din acest motiv propozitiile introduse prin which sunt in general intre virgule.Din contra propozitiile introduse de that sunt considerate indispensabilesensului frazei si nu se vor pune intre virgule.

    ho si formele sale se refera la persoane, which se refera la lucruri, iar that poate face referire la ambele.Ex.: !he man who hi*acked the lane wanted to get to 2uba. !he cou le who live ne1t door have the radio on all night. !he team that won the cham oionshi received a great rece tion. !his is the rogramme which won the ri3e. e'll lant new trees to re lce those which "ell.

    5.3.%. Pronumele $e intarire

    $nsoteste substantive sau pronume personale pentru a le sublinia. +a forma

  • 8/10/2019 Lectia 5 -pronumele.doc


    sunt identice cu pronumele reflexive:in!ular : mysel", yoursel", himsel", hersel", itsel"

    Plural : ourselves, yourselves, themselves

    Ex.: I myself don't know the answer. Mary did all this herself . Mary herself did all this.

    &xpresii: by mysel" singur, de unul singurEx.: I worked by myself .

    Little Jane read the story by herself .

    5.3.'. Pronumele intero!ativ

    Pronumele interogative introduc intrebari, propozitii interogative directe sauindirecte.Forme : who? what? which? whose? (to) whom? Ex.: Who said that? Whose are those books?

    I do not remember to whom I gave my sweter. What ha ened? What 's the weather like?

    5.3.(. Pronumele reciproce

    Forme : each other si one another . 'e folosesc pentru a exprima relatii dereciprocitate intre fiinte, idei, lucruri.Ex.: I" $ob gave licia a book "or 2hristmas and licia gave $ob a book "or2hristmas, we can say that they gave each other books. My mother and I give each other a hard time.

    !hey borrowed each other 's ideas.

    De retinut& 4ach other se refera la doua obiecte, pe cand one another facereferire la mai mult de doua obiecte sau fiinte.Ex.: !he scientists in this lab o"ten use one another 's e5ui ment. &ockey layes hit one another 5uite "re5uently.

    1. Completeaza pronumele personale carelipsesc:

    (e ot(er da) *(en $ *as s(opping a *oman stopped me and as/ed t(e *a) to t(e post office. gave (er directions and t(an/ed politel), t(en

    ran off 0uic/l) in t(e opposite direction. put m) (and in m) poc/etand found t(at m) *allet *as missing. must (ave ta/en it *(ile

    *ere tal/ing. s(outed and ran after but *as no good. (ad dissapeared in t(e cro*d.

    2. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii cu pronume: I 'i' it ((( )he gave ((( to ((( *e ma'e the 'inner ((( +he$ ,o%ght ((( in )inga!ore. -$ !en is ,l%e ((( is green. +his !en is ,l%e so it is ((( I an/t 'o this. 0an ((( hel! me Don/t give $o%r ats a ,ath. +he$ &ash ((( e save' his mone$ so that he o%l' ,%$ ... a ,$ i le. ((( no&s some &or's in nglish li e o a$ hi an' ,$e. ((( the st%'ents !asse' the exam.

    0an $o% tell ((( the time It raine' so ((( &ent for a &al .

    3. Puzzle:

  • 8/10/2019 Lectia 5 -pronumele.doc


    (ere are some boo/s on a s(elf. (ere a t(ree big ones and t*o smallones. 1ne of t(e big ones is red. (ere is a small green boo/. (ere aret*o green ones altoget(er and t*o blue ones. 1nl) one of t(e smallboo/s is green."cum raspun$e la urmatoarele intre)ari:2.3. - 4o* man) boo/s are t(ere altoget(er52.6. - 7(at colour are t(e big boo/s52.2. - 7(at colour are t(e small ones5