limba engleza - anul 2, sem. 2

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  • 7/31/2019 Limba Engleza - Anul 2, Sem. 2


    Lb Engl DREPT an II- sem 2 - 2012

    Lect.univ.drd. Carmen GHINEA



    Choose the right answer:It is often difficult for ex-convicts to keep to the .. and narrow.

    a. deepb. longc. wided. straight


    Choose the right answer:

    The AmericanBill of Rights, passed in 1791, represents the ........................ .

    a. document establishing Parliament as the most important power in government.b. first ten amendments of the Constitution of the United States which refer to the

    rights and privileges of the individual.c. the fundamental political principles on which a state is governed. d. set of laws governing crime and its punishment.


    Choose the right answer:An arraignment is ....................... .

    a. an official approval of something which then becomes legally binding. b. a written statement of the details of the crime with which someone is charged in

    the Court.c. the reading of the indictment to the accused and hearing his plea. d. a writ issued by a court of justice requiring a person to appear before the court at a

    specified time.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: He wasbookedfor driving on the wrong side of the book means:

    a. to order or reserve something.b. to take the name and address of a person guilty of a minor offence with a view to

    bringing a prosecution.c. to check the financial records of a company.d. to take the name of a player who breaks the rules while playing, three such acts

    resulting in the players dismissal from the field.


    Choose the right answer:A plaintiff is .................. .

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    a. a government official who brings charges against alleged criminals.b. a person who is legally allowed to act on behalf of someone else. c. a person who is accused of a crime in a criminal case. d. a person who starts an action against someone in the civil courts.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:He attemptedto rebut the assertions made by the prosecution

    rebut means:

    a. to admit that the opposing party is right.b. to give a judgment between two parties in law.c. to prove that the opposing party is wrong, especially by offering a contrary

    argument.d. to deny all the assertions of the opposing party, without offering any proof.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:In jurisdictions that use indeterminate sentencing, the judge hasdiscretion

    to set the sentence at a maximum and minimum term within a broad range permitted by

    law. the word discretion means:

    a. the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid social

    embarrassment or distress.b. freedom or authority to make judgments and to act as one sees fit. c. the moral and religious obligation to decide correctly what should be done.d. the quality of being decent in ones conduct.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:A judge may permit adeparture from this presumptive sentence either

    an increase or decrease in the length of the term if specific justification is shown . the

    expression departure from means:

    a. a deviation or variation from standard procedure or established practice. b. the act of leaving or going away.c. the act of forgiving an offence and of dismissing the charges against the accused.d. a subjective choice made in the ruling of a judge, due to emotional involvement.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Manslaughter is also the unlawful killing of another, butwithout maliceaforethought, either expressed or implied. the expression withoutmalice aforethoughtmeans:

    a. without the killer showing any remorse for his crime.b. without the desire to break the law.c. without the purpose of hiding the murder weapon.d. without the intention of committing a crime (especially murder or grievous bodily



  • 7/31/2019 Limba Engleza - Anul 2, Sem. 2


    Choose the correct Romanian equivalents for the following British terms

    designating members of the British government:Chancellor of the Exchequer, HomeSecretary, Foreign Secretary (in this order).

    a. Cancelar al Trezoreriei, Ministru de Interne, Secretar Strain.

    b. Ministru de Finante, Ministru de Interne, Ministru de Externe.c. Cancelar al Cecurilor, Secretar Domestic, Ministru de Externe.d. Cancelar de Finante, Ministrul Apararii, Ministru de Externe.


    Choose the correct English equivalents taking into consideration thatthe Romanianterm ministerul de externe has different English equivalents in the United Kingdom and

    respectively in the United States.

    a. External Ministry (UK), Foreign Ministry (USA).b. State Department (UK), Foreign Office (USA).c. Foreign Office (UK), State Department (USA).

    d. Foreign Ministry (UK), Foreign Office (USA).


    Choose the right preposition:The suspect blurted ...... the names of his accomplices with a shrug of his shoulders.

    a. awayb. outc. offd. in


    Choose the right prepositions:After a good night sleep, the fugitive decided to give himself ........ and come ......... about

    his escape.

    a. away, straightb. in, overc. over, throughd. up, clean


    Choose the right preposition:

    The appointed attorney felt gratified that the arrestee had no choice but to confide ......him.

    a. withb. overc. ind. through


    Choose the right answer:The eye witness was obviously in a state of shock and the policeman could not make heador ......... of what he was saying.

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    a. tailb. topc. heeld. rock


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Against all odds, he won the case against the insurance company., the

    idiomagainst all odds means:

    a. quite unexpectedlyb. quite predictablec. without any effortd. despite difficulties


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Losing the trial after so much time and money invested wasa bitter pill to

    swallow., the idioma bitter pill to swallow means:

    a. a difficult fact to acceptb. a great success obtainedc. a stab in the backd. a blessing in disguise


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: The witness was determined to testify against the defendant, but he got

    cold feet atthe last minute., the idiomto get cold feet means:

    a. to faintb. to lose couragec. to change ones mindd. to collapse


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:He now serves time in jail forbeating his wifeblack and blue., the idiom

    to beat somebody black and blue means:

    a. to hit somebody repeatedly until bruisedb. to hit somebody in self-defensec. to hit the opponent below the beltd. to strike the first blow


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:It would have been better if he hadnt pursued the matter and hadlet

    sleeping dogs lie., the idiom let sleeping dogs lie means:

    a. not be troubled by any guilty feeling

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    b. do not try to change a situation that could become a problem if somebody

    interferedc. avoid facing something unpleasant by sleepingd. not decide about something until the next day


    Turn the following Direct Speech into Reported Speech, by making any necessarychanges: The client asked his lawyer, Ms. Ann Straight: Do you think I should plead


    a. The client asked his lawyer whether did she think he should plead guilty.b. The client asked his lawyer whether she thought he should plead guilty.c. The client asked his lawyer whether she thinks he should plead guilty.d. The client asked his lawyer whether she did thought he should plead guilty.


    Turn the following Direct Speech into Reported Speech, by making any necessary

    changes: We have called our last witnesses in the case. Our client will not take thewitness stand the defense attorney stated.

    a. The defense attorney stated that they have called their last witnesses in the case,

    adding that their client will not take the witness stand.b. The defense attorney stated that they had called their last witnesses in the case and

    added that their client would not take the witness stand.c. The defense attorney stated that they called their last witnesses in the case and

    added that their client will not take the witness stand.d. The defense attorney stated that had they called their last witnesses in the case,

    their client would not take the witness stand.

    23.Turn the following Direct Speech into Reported Speech, by making any necessary

    changes: Why cant you reveal your sources?, the judge asked the journalist.

    a. The judge asked the journalist why he couldnt reveal his sources.b. The judge asked the journalist why he cant reveal his sources.c. The judge asked the journalist why couldnt he reveal his sources.d. The judge asked the journalist why cant he reveal his sources.


    Turn the following Direct Speech into Reported Speech, by making any necessary

    changes: The judge:Lets hear the defense closing statement before we have a ten-minute


    a. The judge suggested to hear the defense closing statement before they have a

    ten-minute recess.b. The judge suggested hearing the defense closing statement before they had a

    ten-minute recess.c. The judge ordered to hear the defense closing statement before they had a

    ten-minute recess.d. The judge ruled that they should heard the defense closing statement before they

    had a ten-minute recess.

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    The attorney inquired when ................... the company for breach of contract.

    a. I did suedb. I had suedc. did I sue

    d. had I sue31.

    Choose the right answer:The attorney: If we have clear-cut evidence of her negligent behaviour, the court will

    grant the father custody of both children.The attorney said that if ........... clear-cut evidence of her negligent behaviour, the court

    ............... the father custody of both children

    a. they have, will grantb. they would have, would grantc. they had, would grant

    d. they had had, would have granted


    Choose the right answer:The client: If I didnt smoke, my life insurance premiums would be lower.

    The client said that if ................., his life insurance premiums .................. lower.

    a. he did smoked, would beb. he hadnt smoked, would have beenc. he didnt smoke, will bed. he didnt smoke, would be

    33.Choose the right answer:

    The client: If my lawyer hadnt missed the filing deadline, the case wouldnt have been


    The client complained that if his lawyer ............... the filing deadline, the case ....................

    a. hadnt missed, wouldnt have been dismissedb. didnt miss, wouldnt have been dismissedc. hadnt missed, wont have been dismissedd. hadnt have missed, wouldnt have been dismissed


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: Seven senatorstabled the billand refused to discuss other similar

    proposals. the American idiom to table a bill means:

    a. to formally present the bill for other people to discuss it immediately; b. to delay discussing the bill until a future time;c. to be ready to give the bill serious consideration.


    Choose the right answer:

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    In the sentence: The Allies at lastturned the tables on Nazi Germany and defeated it. the

    idiom to turn the tablesmeans:

    a. to succeed in gaining an advantage over someone who until that moment had an

    advantage over you;

    b. to assess a situation;c. to start getting worse, especially after a particular time or event.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Her lawyer wantedtoput their cards on the table and discuss thesituation in a rational manner. the idiom to put ones cards on the table means:

    a. to keep your plans, thoughts, or feelings secret;b. to put all the files on the table;c. to tell people what your plans and intentions are in a clear, honest way;d. to have an advantage that you can use to be successful in a particular situation.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Her lawyerput that thought aside, ashamed of his put that

    thought aside means:

    a. to save money regularly, usually for a particular purpose;b. to try to stop thinking about something;c. to keep a period of time free in order to be able to do something; d. to finish one thing in order to start doing another.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: The defendant said that he was putting his faith in the appeal

    put ones faith in somebody means:

    a. to ask for something in an official way;b. to trust someone and believe that they can do something for you; c. to make someone wait because you do not want to meet them.


    Choose the right answer:In the statement: The President hates the way the Prime Ministerputs himdown in public

    the whole put somebody down


    a. to keep trying to persuade someone to do something, by using threats or unfair

    influence;b. to make someone feel good;c. to make someone feel good;d. to demote someone.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence My lawyer told meto look before I leap, to look before I leapmeans:

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    a. to consider the possible consequences before taking action; b. to look carefully at the place one is about to jump on; c. to proceed in an action without regard to the possibility of danger involved in it.


    Choose the right answer:

    In the sentence: Two amendments were tabledby the opposition in their last session. theBritish idiom to table an amendmentmeans:

    a. to postpone discussing an amendment indefinitely;b. to take a vote on the amendment by show of hands; c. to submit an amendment for consideration by a legislative body.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: They offered the judge money under the table to change his mind and

    reverse the ruling. the idiom under the table means:

    a. out in the open where everything can be noticed; b. secretly and illegally;c. on the black market.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: The common law allows people to speak and act in their own homes as

    they please andto carry on their daily business, provided that they do not infringe the

    rights of others or commit an offence. the phrasal verb to carry on means:

    a. to continue doing something;

    b. to come into operation;c. to break the continuity of an action;d. to behave in an uncontrolled, excited or anxious way.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: Parents haveto observe the law regarding the right of their children to

    compulsory education. the expression to observe the law means:

    a. to notice the lawb. to obey the lawc.

    to make a remark about the law


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: The finance ministergot himself into hot waterfor financing illegal

    investments. the idiom get oneself into hot watermeans:

    a. to get oneself in trouble or difficulty, especially financial trouble; b. to be in a pleasant situation;c. to be held responsible for something illegal;d. to do something illegal without being discovered or punished.

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    Choose the right answer:In the sentence:Her work impressed the Minister of Justice so much that she was taken on

    to fight against terrorist groups and drug-traffickers. the phrasal verbs to be taken on


    a. to have a job application rejected;b. to be laid off;c. to be employed or hired;d. to be promoted due to extraordinary working skills.


    Choose the right answer:In the sentence: The American diplomat focused his speech on thenuts and bolts ofrunning a government. the idiomnuts and bolts means:

    a. a digression from a subject in speech or writing;

    b. the essential or practical details;c. a critical assessment of a certain matter;d. the unnecessary details of a side issue.


    Choose the right answer:.................... is a term that refers to a style of humour in which things are said only halfseriously, or in a subtly mocking way.

    a. Bitter-tonguedb. Loose-tonguedc. Double-tonguedd. Tongue-in-cheek


    Choose the right answer:The idiomto walk a tightrope, which is an expression initially used in circus acrobatics, is

    now used in everyday language and it means:

    a. to act very carefully so as to avoid either of two opposite bad situations;b. to act recklessly, endangering ones life;c. to risk losing two offers at the same time due to a delayed decision; d. to balance two competing ideas or groups.


    Choose the right phrasal verb:The Labor Party ............. the destruction of all war-time measures in restraint of civil or

    industrial liberty.

    a. stands forb. stands againsc. stands downd. stands back from


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    Choose the right phrasal verb:The Constitution of the United Kingdom is .......... of statute law, common law, andconventions.

    a. made up

    b. made outc. made overd. made by


    Choose the right answer:Everyone has the right to take ........... the government of his country, directly or through

    freely chosen representatives.

    a. a part tob. part inc. part to

    d. a part in


    Choose the right answer:Parents are free to ......... their children as they so wish, provided that they do not infringe

    any laws against cruelty and exposure to moral and physical danger.

    a. growb. grow upc. bring upd. raise up

    54.Choose the right answer:

    If a mans death occurs without a valid written ..............., the spouse and children of the

    .................... have priority.

    a. nuncupative will, departedb. will, deceasedc. inheritance, dead mand. heritage, late husband


    Choose the right answer:A child, whether born in or out of ....................... , shall enjoy the same social protection.

    a. wedlockb. weddingc. fornicationd. adultery


    Choose the right answer:The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote ................... for President andVice-President.

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    a. by bulletinb. by show of handsc. by ballotd. by oral consent


    Choose the right answer:` The investigation of parole plans proposed for inmates ....................... the Board of

    Pardons and Paroles.

    a. resorts tob. gets down toc. lays withd. rests with


    Choose the right answer:If you don't get ........., you'll be fired according to the labour contract provisions.

    a. on the ballb. goingc. it


    Choose the right answer:Joe got ................ over the car deal and now he is looking for a good lawyer.

    a. above water

    b. in hot waterc. dead in the water


    Choose the right answer:It ............ how he managed to enter the house, because there are no signs of forced entry.

    a. beats my brains outb. beats mec. beats the drum


    Choose the right answer:We're ................. and hoping that the witness will be accepted. Without him we dont havea case!

    a. crossing our fingersb. crossing our mindsc. rossing our paths


    Choose the right answer:Judge Thomson is truly appreciated with the Bench because he runs his courtroom

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    efficiently and .......................

    a. by himselfb. by the bookc. by the light of the sun


    Choose the right answer:When the judge pronounced the sentence she ................... and lost all hope to be free


    a. fell to her faceb. started to make facesc. put on a long face


    Choose the right answer:

    The attorneys can talk until they ................ but I dont think theyll convince the jury thatthis guy is innocent.

    a. turn blueb. are blue in the facec. scream blue murder


    Choose the right answer:He was no longer able to deny his crime, the attorneys questions put him ................ .

    a. off the hook

    b. on the hookc. on his own hook


    Choose the right answer:Police arrests are being given maximum publicity as a reminder that ......................... .

    a. crime doesnt payb. crime doesnt forgetc. crime doesnt pay off


    Choose the right preposition:As the expertise results bear ......... our claims, we request the respondent pay thedamages claimed without delay.

    a. downb. upc. out


    Choose the right preposition:

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    No one could understand why he stood ......... an incorrigible criminal; why did he choose

    to dent his reputation as Penal Law Professor?

    a. forb. over

    c. up for69.

    Choose the right preposition:Knowing that the defence case stands .......... his testimony, the best expert in town was

    brought to stand by the Prosecution.

    a. onb. overc. for


    Choose the right preposition:If the Defence has no further questions, the witness may step ..........

    a. offb. downc. out


    Choose the right preposition:The plaintiff took ........ his statement, as he didnt want to continue the litigation.

    a. off

    b. backc. down


    Choose the right preposition:The accomplice turned ........ at the last moment, and the police caught them red-handed.

    a. outb. upc. on


    Choose the right preposition:After the Denver Police had turned ........ his job application, he left for Chicago hoping tostart over.

    a. downb. intoc. out


    Choose the right preposition:Your skillful lawyer will talk him testifying before the jury.

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    a. intob. aboutc. against


    Choose the right preposition:The matter was so delicate, that the judge had to think it ...... before announcing theverdict.

    a. upb. overc. out


    Choose the right idiom:The judge could no longer ......... his holding the court in contempt.

    a. put off withb. put down toc. put up with


    Choose the right idiom:I think you are entitled to .... a claim and ask the insurance company to pay fordamage.

    a. put offb. put in

    c. put into


    Choose the right answer:How can a young, unexperienced lawyer keep ................. with the latest laws andregulations?

    a. up-to-dateb. down-to-earthc. high and dry


    Choose the right answer:Why dont you your claim to be granted the right to a fair and speedy trial?

    a. put inb. put outc. put forward


    Choose the right preposition:Everybody considered that the judge had a reason to let him ... like that.

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    a. offb. onc. away


    Choose the correct sentence about the two legal systems: common law system and

    civil law system:

    a. Civil law and common law systems have the same approach to criminal procedure.b. Civil law and common law systems have entirely different approaches to criminal

    procedure.c. The legal systems in England, Canada and the United States are based on the civil

    law tradition.


    Choose the correct answer:TheHouse of Lords is .

    a. the upper house of the Parliament of the United States of America.b. the part of the British Parliament that consists of politicians who are not elected by

    the people.c. a synonymous term for theHouse of Commons.


    Choose the correct definition for the Crown Court:

    a. The Crown Courtis the higher court of first instancein criminal cases, which hearscivil cases as well as criminal appeals from the Magistrates Courts in England and


    b. The Crown Courtis the Supreme Court which hears civil cases as well as criminalappeals from the Magistrates Courts in the U.S.A.

    c. The Crown Courtis the court of last resort, the highest appellate tribunal of the

    New York State.


    Choose the right answer:The Supreme Court is the Last Court of Appeal. What does this mean?

    a. No other court has higher decision-making power.b. Citizens can appeal its decision (take the same case) to lower courts.c.

    It is the most powerful court in the U.K. with authority over all the other courts.


    Choose the right answer:Who chooses the justices of the Supreme Court?

    a. The voters elect them.b. The President appoints them, but the Senate must approve them.c. The members of the Bar.


    Choose the right answer:

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    An assassination is ............................................

    a. the unlawful killing of another, but without malice aforethought.b. the murder of a famous or important person, especially for political reasons.c. the crime of threatening someone and then physically attacking them.


    Choose the right answer:While in criminal cases the initiator of the proceedings is called the ............., in civil

    cases the party who initiates the suit is called the ................ .

    a. prosecution, plaintiffb. plaintiff, prosecutionc. defendant, respondent


    Choose the right answer:

    The courts established under the power of the Constitution in the United States are knownas ..

    a. federal courtsb. constitutional courts.c. county courts


    Choose the correct sentence regarding the written/unwritten nature of the

    Constitution of Britain and respectively the U.S.:

    a. Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written

    constitution.b. The United States have an unwritten constitution, and Britain has a written

    constitution.c. Both the United States and Britain have a written constitution.


    Choose the correct sentence regarding the status of the Prime Minister in U.K.:

    a. In the U. K. the Prime Minister is elected by the British citizens and he is the head

    of the state.b. In the U. K. the Prime Minister is appointed by the House of Lords but he is not

    the head of the government.

    c. In the U. K. the Prime Minister is appointed by Queen and he is not the head ofstate, but the head of government.


    Read the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution and decide what purpose it serves:We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish

    Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general

    Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and

    establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

    a. The purpose of the Preamble is to introduce an official document and to set out the

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    main points in it.b. The purpose of the Preamble is to make the citizens aware that they can change the

    constitution whenever is necessary.c. The purpose of the Preamble is to mark an important historic event without



    Choose the right answer:The United States Congress, which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate,

    represents the ......................... of the government.

    a. executive branchb. legislative branchc. constitutional branch


    Choose the correct preposition:

    The police are now rounding ..... the usual suspects and then the witness will try to make a positive


    a. in

    b. up

    c. on


    Choose the right preposition:In jury trials, any attempt to interfere with the jury once it is sworn .... is a criminaloffence.

    a. inb. onc. over


    Choose the right answer:In the British Government the . Chooses the Chancellor of the

    Exchequer, the Foreign Secretary, the Home Secretary and others to form the Cabinet.

    a. Queenb. Prime Ministerc. House of Commons


    Choose the right answer:In U.K. the Prime Minister is, by tradition, the ..

    a. First Lord of the Treasuryb. Lord Chancellorc. Foreign Secretary


    Choose the right answer:

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    In U.K. the are a group of political correspondents who have access to the

    Lobby of the House of Commons where they can talk privately to government ministers.

    a. House of Lordsb. Lobby correspondents

    c. Prime Ministers press advisers98.

    Choose the right answer:In U.K. the is the head of the judiciary.

    a. Lord Chancellorb. Chancellor of the Exchequerc. Home Secretary


    Choose the right answer:

    ......................... are courts that deal with only specific types of cases, are usuallypresided over by a single judge and include: probate court, family court, traffic court,

    juvenile court, small claims court and municipal court.

    a. General-jurisdiction trial courtsb. Intermediate Appellate Courtsc. Limited-jurisdiction courts


    Choose the right answer:The most common symbol for the Democratic Party (USA) is the ........ although the

    party itself never officially adopted this symbol.

    a. donkeyb. elephantc. monkey


    Choose the right answer:Knowing that since election night 2000 the colour blue has become the identified colour of

    the Democratic Party, while the colour red has become the identified colour of theRepublican Party, the nominee George W. Bush was represented on the electoral map

    using ... while the nominee Al Gore was represented using ...

    a. blue, redb. red, bluec. orange, blue


    Choose the right answer about the American parties:The ................... are mostly interested in establishing social programs for people in

    need, such as the poor, the unemployed, the elderly and they oppose military spending.

    a. Republicansb. Democrats

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    c. Conservatives


    Choose the right answer about the American parties:The ................. oppose slavery, are interested in farm, land and business issues and

    support military spending.

    a. Republicansb. Democratsc. Liberal politicians


    Choose the right answer:

    The is the part of the parliament in the UK or Canada that

    consists of politicians who have been elected by the people.

    a. Home of Lords

    b. House of Lordsc. House of Commons


    Choose the right answer:The 50 stars on the American flag represent the 50 U. S. states and the 13 ....

    represent the original Thirteen Colonies that rebelled against the British crown and became

    the first states in the Union.

    a. stripesb. linesc. circles


    Choose the right answer:The flag of ................. is also called the Union Flag.

    a. the United Kingdom of Great Britainb. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland c. England, Northern Ireland and Scotland


    Choose the right answer:TheDeclaration of Independence was written by ....................... .

    a. Thomas Jeffersonb. Benjamin Franklinc. J. F. Kennedy


    Choose the right answer:Wearing a top hat with red and blue stripes and white stars on a blue band, and red and

    white trousers, ................... is the national personification of the United States.

    a. Uncle Samson

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    b. Uncle Samc. Uncle Tom


    Choose the right answer:The United Kingdom flag consists of three other flags that stand for Scotland, England and

    Ireland, each of them represented by a patron saint:

    a. St. George (Scotland), St. Andrew (England), St. Patrick (Ireland)b. St. Andrew (Scotland), St. George (England), St. Patrick (Ireland)c. St. Patrick (Scotland), St. Andrew (England), St. George (Ireland)


    Choose the right answer:

    The ............ was chosen June 20, 1782 as the emblem of the United States of America,

    because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks, and also because it was thenbelieved to exist only on this continent.

    a. bald eagleb. white elephantc. wild hawk

    111. Choose the right answer:

    Criminal Procedure is the body of law . .

    a. regulating the inquiry into whether a person has violated criminal law. b. that sets out the rules and standards that courts follow when adjudicating civil

    lawsuits.c. that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government.

    112. Choose the right answer:

    Solitary confinement means .. .

    a. removing (a person) from a house or land by law. b. being imprisoned completely alone, separated from other prisoners.c. a punishment imposed only if you commit a further crime.

    113. Choose the right answer:

    The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest appellate court for cases within

    .. jurisdiction.

    a. districtb. federalc. state

    114. Choose the right answer:

    If the appeal goes all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, the party seeking the review is

    called the ...................

    a. appellantb. petitionerc. respondent

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    115. Choose the right answer:

    The initiator of the proceedings in a criminal case is called the ...............

    a. prosecutionb. complainant

    c. appellee

    116. Choose the right answer:

    The U.S. Constitution now guarantees the right to a jury trial to most .. incriminal cases and to the parties in most civil cases.

    a. bailiffsb. appellantsc. defendants

    117. Choose the right answer:

    Courts of last resort, the highest appellate tribunals of the states in criminal and civil cases

    and in law and equity, are generally called .

    a. appellate courtsb. supreme courtsc. surrogates courts

    118. Choose the right answer:

    .. are tribunals dealing with the probate of wills and the disposition of


    a. Magistrates Courts

    b. Probate courtsc. Small claims courts

    119. Choose the right answer:

    A/An . is someone who is involved in a disagreement that is being examined in a

    court of law (a plaintiff or a defendant).

    a. litigantb. rioterc. magistrate

    120. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    Knowing that the defence case . his testimony, the Prosecution brought the bestexpert in town to the stand.

    a. stands onb. stands overc. stands for

    121. Choose the right preposition:

    After two days of freedom, the escaped prisoner gave himself .. to the police.

    a. into

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    b. overc. up

    122. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    I don't see why politicians who commit crimes should be .. so lightly.

    a. let offb. let downc. let in

    123. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    It was just a rumour that the Home Office intended to . all asylum-seekers in


    a. lock inb. lock downc. lock up

    124. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    She thinks that people who harm children should be .. for life.

    a. put inb. put offc. put away

    125. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    I really think that the authorities could use the Internet to . gang suspects.

    a. round up

    b. round inc. round on

    126. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    I'm concerned because the crime figures are .. We need urgent measures!

    a. going upb. going downc. going on

    127. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    The attackers threatened to me .. if I didnt give them my wallet.

    a. beat inb. beat downc. beat up

    128. Choose the right idiom:

    He was working under cover and his job was to and make a detailed report

    about his activities.

    a. beat the suspectb. tail the suspect

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    c. corner the suspect

    129. Choose the right preposition:

    That squeaking sound makes me bang my head . a brick wall.

    a. againstb. towardsc. over

    130. Choose the right phrasal verb:

    The terrorist had planned to that international airport because explosives hadbeen found in his bag.

    a. beat upb. fire upc. blow up

    131. Choose the right preposition:

    She thinks that people who harm children should be banged . for life.

    a. inb. upc. down

    132. Choose the right noun to fill in the following idiom:

    Your mother, God rests her soul would turn in her . if she knew that you have ended

    up behind bars.

    a. grave

    b. bedc. cemetery

    133. Choose the correct answer:

    In the United Kingdom the administration of justice ...................... the Lord Chancellor,

    the Home Secretaries, the Attorney General and the Secretaries of State for Scotland and

    Northern Ireland.a. rests withb. is subject toc. is appoined to

    134. Choose the correct answer:

    I think that this exclusion clause should have been discussed when the contract was


    a. conceivedb. drawn upc. filled ind. breached

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    135. In the following sentence: The Distributor shall purchase the products for sale within the

    territory pursuant to the terms and conditionshereinafter appearing. the compoundadverbhereinafter means:a. from that point throughout the rest of the contractb. from this time into the future

    c. by means of this contract136. Choose the correct answer:

    ................ means to write something like a legal document, speech or letter that you intend

    to change later.a. To draw upb. To subscribec. To draft


    Choose the correct answer:

    In the UK, a legal education usually begins with the completion of a ........................... in

    law, known as an LLB, which usually takes three years.a. masters degreeb. bachelor degreec. Bachelor of Artsd. Bachelor of Science

    138. Choose the correct answer:

    In the USA, a legal education comprises four years of ........................ study followed by

    three years of law school. A law school ............... receives the degree ofjuris doctor

    (J.D.).a. graduate, postgraduateb. postgraduate, undergraduatec. undergraduate, graduate

    139. Choose the correct answer:

    .............................. is an examination conducted to determine whether a candidate is

    qualified to practise law in a given jurisdiction.a. Bar examinationb. A call to the Barc.

    A PhD in law140. Choose the correct answer:

    We speak of ........................... when one party does not have the ability to enter into a legal

    contract, i.e. is not of legal age, is insane or is a convict or enemy alien.a. liability for damagesb. lack of legal capacityc. illegality of subject matter

    141. When using the following sentence in a dialogue:Lets return to the course of events.

    the speaker tries:

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    a. to ask about detailsb. to draw a conclusionc. to avoid digressions


    Choose the right Amendment:

    The ............. addresses the rights of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom ofthe press, freedom of assembly and freedom of petition.

    a. Third Amendment

    b. First Amendment

    c. Tenth Amendment

    143. Choose the right Amendment:

    The ... guarantees a speedy public trial for criminal offenses; it requires trial by a jury,guarantees the right to legal counsel for the accused, witnesses to testify in the presence of

    the accused and the right of the accused to know the charges against him.

    a. Sixth Amendment

    b. Fifth Amendment

    c. First Amendment

    144. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Imerely dont agree with you and thats all I have to say.

    a. definitely

    b. utterly

    c. simply

    d. willingly

    145. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:She complained that all her shoes had becomeobsolete.

    a. worn out

    b. stiff

    c. out-of-dated. ugly

    146. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    All of us enjoyed the witty dialogue on the stage.

    a. humorous

    b. glamorous

    c. critical

    d. fanciful

    147. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

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    He had to undergo a whole ordeal of humiliation.

    a. accept

    b. suffer

    c. stand

    d. pass

    148. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    He is suchaselfless person, always ready to help!

    a. a harmless

    b. an unselfish

    c. a selfish

    d. a sensitive

    149. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    When it comes to jewels, I resent men wearing any kind ofadornment.

    a. peculiarity

    b. luxuryc. metal

    d. decoration

    150. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Being abook-keeper is boring in my opinion.

    a. assistant

    b. librarian

    c. accountant

    d. clerk

    151. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    There was aslight change in his attitude after the meeting.

    a. sudden

    b. imperceptible

    c. strikingd. incredible

    152. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Hisaffable conduct is just a mask. Dont be taken in by it!

    a. cordial

    b. humble

    c. quiet

    d. discreet

    153. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Hegrabbedmy arm and dragged me after him.

    a. hit

    b. hurt

    c. pulled

    d. seized


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    Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:We need a score ofindustrious people to finish it in time.

    a. honest

    b. hard-working

    c. careful

    155. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Whos thecute girl he has been dating lately?

    a. winsome

    b. clever

    c. slim

    d. cheerful

    156. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Theharsh winters in the northern countries make driving difficult there at that time of the


    a. long

    b. changeable

    c. severe

    d. cold

    157. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Smog turned this city into an endangeredenvironment.

    a. crowded

    b. threatened

    c. unusual

    d. doomed

    158. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    There was somethingdefiant about him that somehow scared me.

    a. rude

    b. ill-meaning

    c. mean

    d. challenging

    159. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:We all agreed it was a fairdecision.

    a. thoughtfulb. justc. profitable

    d. diligent

    160. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    During the Stone Age mendwelt in caves.

    a. lived

    b. slept

    c. hunted

    d. grew

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    161. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    We should try tokeep up this century-old tradition.

    a. settle

    b. ignore

    c. revived. maintain

    162. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:On that November night the temperaturesuddenly dropped below 0 C.

    a. nearly

    b. abruptly

    c. steadilyd. merely

    163. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    Natural gas isconveyedby a national network of pipelines.

    a. transportedb. filtered

    c. divided

    d. shared

    164. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    They say appearances aredeceptive.

    a. acceptable

    b. predictable

    c. amazingd. misleading

    165. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:Heruthlessly criticized the uselessness of the committee.

    a. gradually

    b. mercilessly

    c. bluntly

    d. reluctantly

    166. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    On hearing the unexpected news, they lefthastily.

    a. quitely

    b. suddenly

    c. presently

    d. quickly

    167. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    They seldomattempt to cross that moor.

    a. try

    b. want

    c. dare

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    d. plan

    168. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:

    If a statement is too direct, it may sound blunt.

    a. boring

    b. roughc. mild

    d. surprising

    169. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:Shes tooconceitedto speak to ordinary people.

    a. slow

    b. sillyc. nervous

    d. proud

    170. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:She was a truly valiant woman.

    a. braveb. intelligent

    c. valuable

    d. industrious

    171. Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:We waited for him to turn up in the lounge.

    a. kitchen

    b. parkingc. saloon

    d. attic


    Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:I wonder who can afford buying such an estate.

    a. piece of jewellery

    b. piece of furniturec. piece of cloth

    d. piece of land


    Choose the one word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the word in italics:The crowdsrage was due to the use of tear gas by the police.

    a. agony

    b. anger

    c. ache

    d. fear

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    174. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Premierul

    a spus ca nu va negocia cu sindicatele nicio marire de salariu.

    a. The PM said that he wouldnt negotiate any wage increase with the unions.

    b. The PM said that he wont negotiate no wage increase with the unions.

    c. The PM explained that he wouldnt negotiated any wage increase with the unions.


    Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Daca-as fi in locul tau, n-as incerca s-o supar inainte de examen.

    a. Had I been you, I wouldnt try to upset her before the exam.

    b. If I was in your place, I wouldnt try to upset her before the exam.

    c. If I were you, I wouldnt try to upset her before the exam.


    Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Martorul ocular ar da o declaratie, daca ar primi o recompensa.

    a. The eyewitness would make a statement, if he received a reward.b. The eyewitness will make a statement, if he receives a reward.c. The eyewitness would make a statement, if he will receive a reward.

    177. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Daca am

    fi pus niste bani deoparte, n-am fi stat acasa toata vara.

    a. If we laid aside some money, we wouldnt have stayed at home the whole summer.

    b. Had we laid aside some money, we wouldnt have stayed at home the whole


    c. Unless we lay aside some money, we wont stay at home the whole summer.

    178. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Proiectul

    nostru se va duce de rapa, daca nu obtinem un imprumut de la o banca.

    a. If we didnt get a loan from the bank, our project would fade out.

    b. If we wouldnt get a loan from the bank, our project will fade out.

    c. Unless we get a loan from the bank, our project will fade out.


    Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Daca, Doamne fereste, ar izbucni un razboi, ce-ai face?

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    a. If, God forbid, a war broke, what would you do?

    b. Should, God forbid, a war broke, what would you do?

    c. If, God forbid, a war breaks, what would you do?


    Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Daca ar fi primit despagubiri pentru marfa distrusa, compania n-ar fi dat faliment.

    a. The company wouldnt be bankrupt, if it had recovered damages for the wreckedgoods.

    b. Should it have recovered damages for the wrecked goods, the company wouldnt

    have been bankrupt.c. Should it had recovered damages for the wrecked goods, the company wouldnt

    have been bankrupt.


    Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Pata de petrol

    se imprastie atat de repede, incat ar putea polua toata plaja.

    a. The oil stain is spreading so quickly that it ought to pollute most of the beach.

    b. The oil slick is spreading so quickly that it should pollute most of the beach.

    c. The oil slick is spreading so quickly that it might pollute most of the beach.

    182. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence:Dacadoresti intr-adevar sa te lasi de fumat, ar trebui sa consulti mai intai un doctor.

    a. If you really want to give up smoking, you must see a doctor first.

    b. If you really want to give up smoking, you should ask a doctors advice first.

    c. If you really wanted to give up smoking, go and ask the doctor first.

    183. Choose the correct English translation of the following Romanian sentence: Daca ar

    fi interzis vanzarea de alcool la meciurile de fotbal, ar fi fost mai putina violenta.

    a. If they had banned the sale of the alcohol at the football matches there might havebeen less violence.

    b. If they banned the sale of the alcohol at the football matches there might have been

    less violence.

    c. If they ban the sale of the alcohol at the football matches there might be less



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    Choose the correct answer:Tom will be released to the community if the members of the Court ............. that he iseligible for the home confinement program.

    a. will decide

    b. decidesc. decide

    d. would decide


    Choose the corresponding main clause to match the following if clause:........................... if the school newspaper were written by members of an

    extracurricular club?

    a. The ruling in that case would have been different ...

    b. Would the ruling in that case have been different ...

    c. Will the ruling in that case have been different ...

    d. The ruling in that case will have been different ...


    Choose the correct answer:You could have served your sentence in less than three weeks if you ...... to 100 hour

    community work.

    a. have been sentenced

    b.had been sentenced

    c. would be sentenced

    d. were sentenced


    Choose the correct answer:You .................. a chance to enjoy your freedom if your previous conduct had been better.

    a. might have had

    b. might had

    c. might had had

    d. might has


    Choose the correct answer:

    Tom would have hidden the murder weapon if he ...... guilty.

    a. would have been

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    b. hadnt been

    c. had been

    d. would be


    Choose the correct answer:

    The hacker who has taken upon himself to pry about in personal e-mails will be prosecutedif they ..... hard evidence against him.

    a. find

    b. will find

    c. would have found

    d. finds


    Choose the correct answer:If the teacher ............ the articles from being published in the paper, the students

    wouldnt have brought suit to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri.

    a. hadnt prohibited

    b. hasnt prohibited

    c. wouldnt have brought

    d. prohibited


    Choose the correct answer:If the pedestrian ... by a policeman, the former should have made a

    complaint to the nearest police station.

    a. should be assaulted

    b. is assaulted

    c. will be assaulted

    d. had been assaulted


    Choose the correct answer:If you ....... for breach of contract, make sure you sue within the statute of limitations.

    a. will sue

    b. sued

    c. sue

    d. are sueing


    Choose the correct answer:If reporters . to identify their confidential sources before a grand jury, the

    press will not truly be free.

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    a. are forced

    b. will be forced

    c. must be forced

    d. can be forced

    194.Choose the correct answer:

    If the grand jury its proceedings in secret, requiring a journalist to reveal

    confidential sources would have been considered prosecutorial abuse.

    a. had conducted

    b. has conducted

    c. conducted

    d. would have conducted


    Choose the correct answer:

    Judges the authority to hold journalists in contempt of court, if reporters ... tocomply with an order to reveal the identity of unnamed sources.

    a. had, refused

    b. have, refuse

    c. have, would refuse

    d. have, will have refused


    Choose the correct verbal tense:If the sentence of death for rape ... the Eighth Amendment, the rapist may receive alife sentence.a. violates

    b. is violated

    c. will violate

    d. has violated


    Choose the correct answer:If the defendant were found guilty, the jury the appropriate sentence, a

    life term or death.a. will then determine

    b. would then determine

    c. might then determine

    d. would then have determined


    Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:He disguised himself lest he ..... recognized.

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    a. were

    b. wont be

    c. should be

    d. shouldnt be

    199. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: She would rather he ... homeearly.

    a. come

    b. came

    c. comesd. will come


    Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:It is utterly important that they both ......


    a. areb. were

    c. should be

    d. will be

    201. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:If she ... harder she might become

    a very good violinist.

    a. worked

    b. has workedc. would work

    d. would have worked

    202.Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:He never allows ... during his classes.

    a. to talk

    b. talking

    c. to be talking

    d. to have talked


    Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: They buy her toys as if she ... still a


    a. isb. has been

    c. were

    d. will be


    Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence: You ... better hurry if you dont want to

    miss the bus.

    a. did

    b. do

    c. would

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