lorna jane sponsorship proposal

AProposal A sponsorship proposal on behalf of s.p.a.c.e for consideration by Lorna Jane.

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Post on 18-Mar-2016




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Lorna Jane Sponsorship Proposal


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A ProposalA sponsorship proposal on behalf

of s.p.a.c.e for consideration by Lorna Jane.

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Alissa PhillipsCEOofs.p.a.c.e.

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Activating Inclusive CommunitiesBy Alissa Phillips, s.p.a.c.e Founder and CEOs.p.a.c.e’s aimsto“ac?vateinclusivecommuni?es”and represents ashiF in howdisability is perceived in oursociety.Morespecificallys.p.a.c.eaddressestheconceptofintegra?onamoungstthedisabledandnondisabledmembersofBrisbanereachingouttopeopleasyoungas 6monthsandasoldas85years.Ourprimiarysphereofinfluence, however, isbetweentheagesof 12and 29with ahighpercentageof s.p.a.c.evolunteersbeing unistudents,youngprofessionalsandsiblingsofkidsandteenswithdisabili?es.

s.p.a.c.ewasfoundedin2007 andsincethenhasgoneontobecomeoneof themost forward thinkingsocialinnova?onsinBrisbane.Socialinnova?onreferstonewstrategies,concepts,ideasand/ororganisa?onsthatmeetsocial needsof all kinds‐ fromworking condi?onsandeduca?on to community developmentandhealth‐ that

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extendandstrenghthensociety.Inthecaseof s.p.a.c.eweareaddressing theconceptof inclusivecommuni?esandhowtheycanbeac?vatedinourBrisbaneneighbourhoods.

Overthepasttwoyearss.p.a.c.ehaschallenged tradi?onalsteriotypesofcommunitydevelopmentandcurrentcultural images of disability. We are innova?ve through our use of conversa?on as a catalyst for change;communitypar?cipatoryleadershipandintegra?onofsocialbusinessprac?cesinasectordefinedbygovernmentgrantsandcharityfundraising.

Thes.p.a.c.ecentreac?vi?espromotehealthyandac?velifestyleswithweeklyprogramscentredarounddance,fitness, yoga,mar?al artsand community spor?ng events. s.p.a.c.e u?lisestheenergyof ourpar?cipantsandvolunteerstodrivethechangewewanttocreate.Wekeepthemmovingandtheykeepusmoving.Togetherwemoveforward.Togetherwemoveinthedirec?onofabeOerqualityoflifeforall.

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Sinces.p.a.c.ebecameac?vewehavepartneredwithBrisbanes ArkheifieldArchitectureandtheDesignIns?tuteofAustraliatoundergomajorreconstruc?onanddesignofourfacilityandwearecurrentlyinnego?a?onswithSouthernCrossMediaChanel10.SomeofourbiggestsadvocatescomeintheformofGregCarey4BCRadio,AllanBorderformerAustralianCricketCaptainandlater this yearwewillbehos?ngcorporateafundraiseratwhichbothWayneSwanandWayneBenneOwillbespeaking.Youmightno?cethatwearetopheavyinthedepartmentofmale rolemodels. Althoughweareverygrateful fortheir?meandgeneroushelptoourcausethes.p.a.c.eboard,as leadAlissa,ispredominantlyfemale.Inaddi?ontothis ourvolunteerbasehas astrongcons?tuentofgirlsandwomenandfinally;anotsosmall factaboutdisabilityisthatitisdominatedbymales (hensethemalechampionsandadvocates.Ats.p.a.c.eweworkextreemlyhardtoencourageandinspireourfemalepar?cipantsandleadershipteammembers.


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Executive SummaryA sponsorship proposal for Ms Lorna JaneThe s.p.a.c.e centre in Kenmore, Brisbane has ongoing ac?vi?es that promote healthy and ac?ve lifestyles. The weeklyprogramsaredance,fitness,yogaandmar?alartsaswell ascommunityspor?ngevents..TheLornaJanebrandalignswiththevisionofs.p.a.c.e’scredo“Seeit.Doit.Own it”becauseit focusesonhealthawareness,takingresponsibilityofourownwellbeingandthenempoweringyourselftowardsleadinganac?velifestyle.s.p.a.c.eu?lizeshealthandac?ve lifestylesasacatalystforsocialcohesionamongstpeoplewithdisabili?esandnon‐disabilites.

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LornaJaneisasuccessfulfitnesswearsclothingcompanythatencourageswomentoac?velyseekahealthylifestyle.Throughtheposi?veand self‐empoweringt‐shirtsandsinglet’s,womenandyounggirlsalikeareawareoftheLornaJanebrandandimaging. S.p.a.c.e proposes that Lorna Janemake and distribute “See it. Do it. Own it” t‐shirts and/or singlets with thes.p.a.c.e.website address located on either the boOom of the clothingor on the back. The s.p.a.c.e volunteerswill beencouraged to buyand wear the Lorna Jane items for all s.p.a.c.e related events aswell as outside s.p.a.c.e hours. Thes.p.a.c.e website will promote Lorna Jane as a strong locally owned company helping the local Brisbane community.Addi?onally,s.p.a.c.eisaskingforasmalldona?onoftheprofitsmadefromtheclothingthereforethemajorityofprofitswillgobackinto theLornaJanecompany.s.p.a.c.eu?lisestheenergyofour par?cipantsandvolunteerstodrivethechangewearecrea?ng.Togetherwemoveinthedirec?onofabeOerqualityoflifeforall. Indoingso,thepartnershipbetweenLornaJaneands.p.a.c.ewillpromotesocialresponsibilityandthechangeforamoreac?velifestyle.

s.p.a.c.e can offer Lorna Jane a unique partnershpip opportunity. We feel that our mission to ‘ac?vitate inclusivecommuni?es’iswellposi?oned tosupporttheLornaJaneAc?veLivingbrand.In addi?on tothisour reputa?onwithinthecommunity is strong and vibrant. Much like the image and appeal of Lorna Jane. Together we could be successful in

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Alissa Phillips, s.p.a.c.e CEO“s.p.a.c.e helps people to See it. Do it. Own it. In a nutshell s.p.a.c.e has created a culture of people who are diverse, integrated and empowered. We have built and inspired a community of people who seek out the positives in life, relish in the opportunity of adversity and remain active in their journey towards a healthy mind, body and spirit.



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Proposed in-kind sponsorship: The design of a Lorna Jane Active Wear Shirt or tank with the s.p.a.c.e words “See it. Do it. Own it.”

We would like to have a run of 2500 items available for sale. for distribution throughout QLD concentrating on the South East.

Each item will come with promotional material regarding the s.p.a.c.e project in the form of a small flier or similar (we will happily produce these and supply to you upon your approval.

A launch party hosted by Lorna Jane to celebrate the partnership between Lorna Jane and s.p.a.c.e

A dividend from the profits made by the shirts to be donated back to s.p.a.c.e

*s.p.a.c.e is open to negotiation and suggestion on all requests for in-kind sponsorship.

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Lisa Newman, Brisbane’s Lady MayoressAlissa’s genuine authenticity and passion for making a contribution is unique...I take great pleasure in her and her team of young people making such a positive and meaningful contribution to their community. Photograph:



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What s.p.a.c.e can offer Lorna Jane:

• Naming rights and rights to all visual materials including photos and video footage relevant to this partnership.

• Networking opportunities

• Promotions and brand exposure throughout key events (e.g. if this partnership were to be successful we would make the shirt a volunteer uniform and encourage participants to wear the merchandise also.

The sponsorship would allow Lorna Jane to demonstrate organisational social responsibility.

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Mary Anne Spink, parent of a teenager with a disability“To our family s.p.a.c.e has been a welcoming community, which we’ve never quite felt before. We feel ownership and belonging. It is an extention of home, a place of sharing of gifts, friendships, trials and achievemnts. It’s not just bricks and mortar; it is body and soul. For this we are thankful to the hard work, persistence and belief in the community called s.p.a.c.e




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Conclusion:We understand we are very bold to ask for such commitment however we feel that the partnership between Lorna Jane and s.p.a.c.e. is a perfect marriage of the best community brand and awareness for the ideal market . We are all about improving the hearts and minds of the community , allowing inclusively in the community and making a better place to live in the most active way possible.

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This sponsorship is fundamental to the sustainability and exposure of s.p.a.c.e as well as ensuring a positive and potentially long-term partnership with Lorna Jane. To ensure the professionalism of this partnership, s.p.a.c.e CEO Alissa Phillips will deal directly with Lorna Jane regarding any further queries or negotiations Alissa Phillips / 0403747228 / [email protected]

Thank you