lziff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dgqfno lziff tyf dfgj ;|f]t ljsf

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The Government of Nepal has allocated funds towards the purchasing of officials goods and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the following Contracts. Bidding is open to all eligible Bidders. 2. Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following work. Some of the qualification criteria are mentioned below, though the details are mentioned in the bidding document. If anything contradictory, as per PPA and PPR shall prevail. Contract No./Bid No. Description of Works Minimum Bid Security Amount Price of Bid Document (NRs) CEHRD/GOODS/SQ/01/078-79 Purchasing of Official Goods. NRS. 50,000.00 NRS. 1000.00 3. Submission of Hard copy is not applicable. Bidders shall have to download the bidding documents and deposit the cost of bidding document (non-refundable fee of Rs 1000 ) (as specified below) in the employer's account and submit their bids electronically, the electronic bidding submission procedures shall be as described in PPMO E-procurement web portal for E-submission of bids which is provided in its website www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp Name of the Bank: Nepal Bank Limited, Bhaktapur. Name of Office: Center for Education & Human Resources Development Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Office Code no.: 350013301 Dharauti Khata No:- 01901000002003000001 Office Account no.: 00101000000001001001 Revenue title no. : 14229 4. Electronics bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 12:00 hours (local Time) on date 2078/06/07 (Sept 23, 2021). All bids must be accompanied by a bid valid for a period of 45 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid security, which shall be valid for at least 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid after the date of bid opening in accordance with clause 15 of ITB late Bids will be rejected. 5. The electronics bids will be opened in the presence of the bidder's representatives, who choose to attend in person at the address below at 14:00 hours (local time) on date 2078/06/07 (Sept 23, 2021) at Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. 6. If the last date of submission and opening falls on a government holiday it shall be extended to the next working day. Any corrections needed shall be published on the notice board of Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. and PPMO’s web portal www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp 7. Information or data submitted by the bidders which is either incomplete or unclear or not substantiated by supporting documents shall not be considered for evaluation. 8. Bidders are advised to visit the office and assess the actual conditions before submitting their bid. 9. The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to cancel the process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award without assigning reason. 10. Other matters not stated in this notice would be under the prevailing Public Procurement Act 2063, Regulation 2064 and their amendment. Employer Address The employer is: Center for Education & Human Resources Development Attention : Section Head Address: Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Telephone: 01-6638706 E-portal : www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp Section Head ƒfli6«o o'jf klƒifb† ;fgf]l7dL, eStk'ƒ„ k|yd k6s ;"rgf k|sflzt ldlt M @)&*.)%.@# >L k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff ;~rflnt jf gd'gf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox¿, Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmdsf nflu k|‚tfj k]; ug]{ afƒ]„ k|‚t't ljifodf rfn" cf=j=df ƒfli6«o o'jf klƒifb\sf] ‚jLs[t jflif{s sfo{qmd cg';fƒ …Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmdÚ ;~rfng ug{ OR5's k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff ;~rflnt jf gd'gf ljsf;sf nflu 5gf]6 ePsf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox¿n] Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog sfof{9fFrf, @)&* adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] #) lbgleq Jofj;flos klƒof]hgf k|‚tfj ;lxt tkl;nsf sfuhft ;lxt ;+nUg 9fFrfdf lgj]bg lbg'x'g cg'ƒf]w 5„ lj‚t[t hfgsfƒLsf nflu klƒifb†sf] j]a;fO6 www.nyc.gov.np df x]g{'x'g tyf kmf]g M )!–^^#%*#% df sfof{no ;dodf ;Dks{ ug{ ;lsg]5„ tkl;nM != pBd ;~rfng ;DaGwdf ‚yfgLo txsf] l;kmflƒ;„ @= ljBfno Joj‚yfkg ;ldltsf] k|lta4tf„ #= pBdL ljBfyL{ Sna u7g ePsf] lg0f{osf] k|ltlnlk ƒ pBd sf]if ‚yfkgf ePsf] k|df0f„ $= k"j{ ljBfyL{ d~r u7g ePsf] lg0f{osf] k|ltlnlk ƒ kbflwsfƒLx¿sf] ljjƒ0f„ %= kl5Nnf tLg z}lIfs ;qsf] z}lIfs pknlAw ljjƒ0f„ ^= kl5Nnf] cfly{s jif{sf] n]vf kƒLIf0f k|ltj]bgsf] k|ltlnlk„ gf]6M != k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff nfu" ePsf] jf gd'gf ljsf;sf nflu 5gf]6 ePsf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfno x'g'kg]{5 . @= sfof{Gjog sfo{9fFrfdf lgwf{lƒt d"Nofª\sgsf cfwfƒ adf]lhd k|To]s k|b]zaf6 Ps÷Ps ƒ ;ª\3af6 Ps uƒL cf7 j6f ljBfno 5gf]6 ulƒg]5„ #= 5gf]6 ePsf ljBfnon] aLp k'FhLsf ¿kdf ?= & nfv ?lkofF cg'bfg kfpg]5g\„ $= k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff nfu" ePsf gd'gf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnonfO{ ljz]if k|fyldstf lbOg]5 . %= Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog sfof{9fFrf, @)&* www.nyc.gov.np df pknAw 5 . ^= k|‚tfj klƒifb†sf] Od]n [email protected] af6 ;d]t k7fpg ;lsg]5 . Dofb gf3]sf k|‚tfj pkƒ s'g} sfƒafxL ulƒg]5}g„

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JolQmsf cGtƒlglxt k|ltefsf] k|‚km'6g uƒfpg] d'Vo dfWod lzIff xf]„ gfulƒssf] r]tgf hfu[t uƒfpg ;fIfƒ x'g' k|d'v cfwfƒe"t cfjZostf xf]„ lzIff k|fKt ug]{ JolQmsf] hGdl;4 ƒ g};lu{s clwsfƒ xf]„ ;a}sf nflu lzIff;Fu} lzIff ;DaGwL ljleGg sfo{qmdn] lgƒIfƒtf pGd"ng uƒL ljsf; ƒ ;d[l4sf] ofqfdf cl3 a9†g dxŒjk"0f{ e"ldsf lgjf{x uƒ]sf] 5„ To;}n] g]kfn ;ƒsfƒn] ;fIfƒ g]kfn cleofgsf dfWodaf6 ;a} lgƒIfƒnfO{ ;fIfƒ agfpg] k|lta4tfsf ;fy ljutsf jif{af6} ljljw sfo{qmdsf] dfWodaf6 of] cleofg cufl8 a9fpFb} cfPsf] 5„ xfn ljZj g} sf]le8–!( -Covid–19_ sf] dxfdfƒLaf6 cfqmfGt 5„ g]kfn klg o;af6 c5'tf] 5}g„ o‚tf] c;xh klƒl‚yltdf lzIffsf sfo{qmdnfO{ j}slNks ljlw tyf k|lqmofaf6 lgƒGtƒtf lbFb} ;fIfƒtf cleofg k|efjsfƒL agfpg ‚yfgLo tx, k|b]z ƒ s]G›aLr ;dGjo ƒ ;xsfo{sf] cfjZostf ƒxG5„ lgƒIfƒtf pGd"ng ug{ g]kfn ;ƒsfƒsf] c7f]6 k"ƒf ug]{ cleofgdf ;a} k|b]z tyf ‚yfgLo txsf ;fy} ;a} ;Da4 kIfsf] ;xof]usf lglDt xflb{s cg'ƒf]w ub{5'„ ;fIfƒtf;Fu} ;fIfƒf]Qƒ lzIff, cfocfh{g Pj+ bIftf clej[l4sf sfo{qmdnfO{ ;d]t ;ƒsfƒL tyf u}ƒ;ƒsfƒL ;+‚yfx¿sf] ;xsfo{df ug]{ ƒ ;fIfƒtfsf sfo{qmdnfO{ d'n'ssf] ulƒaL lgjfƒ0f;Fu} cfly{s ljsf;df of]ubfg k'¥ofpg] hgzlQm pTkfbgdf s]lG›t uƒL sfo{qmd dfkm{t cGtƒlglxt r]tgfsf] k|‚km'ƒ0f ug]{ sfo{df ;dGjo ;xsfo{af6} of] cleofg k"ƒf ug{'kg]{5„ cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj; ;]K6]Daƒ *, @)@! sf cj;ƒdf ;a}df xflb{s z'esfdgf JoQm ub}{ jt{dfg c;xh klƒl‚yltdf klg ;fIfƒ g]kfnsf] cleofgdf lgƒGtƒ xft]dfnf] uƒL cl3 a9†g ;a}df k'gM cg'ƒf]w ub{5'„

/fd k|;fb yklnof;lrj -lzIff_

%%cf}F cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf] o; k'gLt 38Ldf ;a}df xflb{s z'esfdgf JoQm ub}{ ;fIfƒtf ƒ lgƒGtƒ lzIffsf dfWodaf6 ƒfi6«sf] ;fdflhs ƒ cfly{s ¿kfGtƒ0fdf ;xof]u k'Ug] s'ƒfdf ljZj‚t 5'„ g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfgn] k|bfg uƒ]sf] df}lns xs Pj+ cfwfƒd"t lzIff clgjfo{ Pj+ lgMz'Ns tyf dfWolds lzIff lgMz'Nssf] cjwfƒ0ff ;ª\3Lotfsf] sfof{Gjogsf] rƒ0fdf lj1fg k|ljlwnfO{ b]zsf] ;du| ƒ lbuf] ljsf;;Fu cfa4 uƒ]sf] klƒk|]Iodf ;fIfƒtf hLjg ko{Gt lzIffnfO{ u'0f‚tƒLo hLjg ‚tƒsf nflu gofF k|ljlw;Fu} hf]8†b} n}hfg' cfhsf] cfjZostf xf]„…dfgj s]lGb|t k'gnf{esf nflu ;fIfƒtfÙ k|ljlw k|of]usf] c;dfgtfdf Go"gtf -Literacy for a human centered recovery‚ Narrowing the digital divide._ .’ eGg] cfbz{ jfSosf ;fy dgfpg nfluPsf] cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;n] ;a}nfO{ ldn]ƒ ;fIfƒ g]kfn cleofgdf ;lƒs x'g cfXjfg ub{5'„ ljutdf l;s]sf kf7af6 cfpFbf lbgdf ;a}sf] ;xsfo{af6 of] cleofg ;kmn x'g]5 eGg] ljZjf;sf ;fy k'gM ;a}df xflb{s z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5'„

;'ƒ]z cfrfo{;lrj -lj1fg k|ljlw_

g]kfn ;ƒsfƒlzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfno

lzIff tyf dfgj ;|f]t ljsf; s]Gb|

ljBfno lzIff ;DaGwL ultljlw–$^ -k"0ff{ª†s @%!_

%%cf}F cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf] z'esfdgf ;Gb]z


;g† @)@!, ;]K6]Daƒ * -@)&* ;fn ebf} @#_ sf lbg dgfpg nfluPsf] %%cf}F cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf cj;ƒdf b]z ljb]zdf ƒxg'ePsf ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL ljBfyL{, lzIfs, cleefjs, lzIffsdL{ nufot ;Dk"0f{ bfh'efO lbbLalxgLdf xflb{s awfO{ tyf z'esfdgf JoQm ub{5'„

d'n'ssf] cfly{s, ;fdflhs, ;f+‚s[lts, k|zf;lgs ƒ ef}lts k"jf{wfƒsf ¿kdf lnOg] lzIffnfO{ dfgj hLjgsf nflu cfjZos 1fg, ;Lk ƒ Ifdtf clej[l4 ug]{ z}lIfs k|0ffnLsf] cleGg cª\usf ¿kdf ‚jLsfƒ ulƒPsf] kfOG5„ cfd hgtfnfO{ ;fIfƒ agfpg] k|of; ‚j¿k xfn ^&=( k|ltzt g]kfnL ;fIfƒ ƒx]sf] tYofª\sn] cem} klg g]kfndf ;fIfƒtf sfo{qmdnfO{ lgƒGtƒtf lbO{ o; If]qdf yk k|efjsfƒL sbd rfNg'kg]{ cfjZostf 5„ lzIff If]qsf] ljut ;ft bzssf] k|of;;Fu} g]kfn ;ª\3Lo nf]stflGqs u0ftGqfTds zf;g Joj‚yfdf k|j]z uƒL g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg hfƒL eO{ ;ª\3Lotfsf] sfof{Gjog eOƒx]sf] jt{dfg ;Gbe{df ;a} gfulƒsnfO{ ;fIfƒ agfpg ;ƒsfƒsf lqmofsnfk s]lG›t 5g†„

u'0f‚tƒLo, ƒf]hufƒd"ns, Jofj;flos ƒ k|fljlws lzIffdf hf]8 lbFb} ;ª\3Lotfsf] ‚j¿k cg'¿k lzIffnfO{ hgtfsf] kx'Frleq ƒfVg ;fd'bflos lzIff k|0ffnLnfO{ k|efjsfƒL agfpg] s'ƒfdf ;ƒsfƒsf] Wofg s]lG›t ePsf] 5„ sf]le8–!( dxfdfƒL x'Fbfx'Fb} klg lbuf] ljsf;sf] nIo xfl;n ug{ cGtƒf{li6«o ‚tƒdf uƒ]sf] k|lta4tf sfof{Gjog ug{ lzIffsf] dxìjk"0f{ e"ldsf ƒxg] ePsfn] g]kfnn] ;fIfƒ g]kfnsf] cleofg cufl8 a9fOƒx]sf] 5„ ;a} lgƒIfƒ g]kfnLnfO{ ;fIfƒ agfpg' xfd|f] d'Vo nIo xf], To;}n] xfdL ;a} ldn]ƒ ;fIfƒ g]kfn cleofgsf] dxfg\ sfo{df h'6†g' h?ƒL 5„ xfn g]kfnsf && lhNnfdWo] %$ lhNnf ;fIfƒ 3f]if0ff eO;s]sf 5g†„ lgƒGtƒ lzIffnfO{ ;+‚yfut ub}{ cfpFbf lbgdf afFsL ƒx]sf lhNnfsf] ;fIfƒtf cleofg ;~rfng uƒL ;fIfƒ g]kfnsf] 3f]if0ff ug]{tkm{ ;ƒsfƒsf ultljlw s]lG›t ƒxg]5g†„

cGTodf %%cf}F cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf cj;ƒdf …dfgj s]lGb|t k'gnf{esf nflu ;fIfƒtfÙ k|ljlw k|of]usf] c;dfgtfdf

Go"gtf (Literacy for a human centered recovery: Narrowing the digital divide.) .Ú cfbz{ jfSonfO{ ;kmn kfg{ ;a}sf] ;xof]usf] ck]Iff ub}{ cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf] k"0f{ ;kmntfsf nflu sfdgf ub{5'„ho g]kfn Û

z]ƒ axfb'ƒ b]pjf@# ebf}, @)&*

sf7df8f}F, g]kfn cGt/f{li6«o ;fIf/tf lbj;\@)&* ebf} @# -September 8, 2021_

"Literacy For a human centered recovery: Narrowing the digital divide"dfgj s]lGb|t k'gnf{esf nflu ;fIf/tfÙ k|ljlw k|of]usf] c;dfgtfdf Go"gtf .

g]kfndf ;fIf/tfsf] ljBdfg cj:yfljj/0f cj:yf

!% jif{eGbf dfly pd]/ ;d"xsf] ;fIf/ hg;+Vof hDdf M ^&=(Ük'?if M &*=^Ü,dlxnf M %(=&Ü -UNESCO, 2018)

!%–@$ jif{ pd]/ ;d"xsf] ;fIf/ hg;+Vof hDdf M (@=$Ük'?if M ($Üdlxnf M ()=(Ü -UNESCO, 2018_

k|f}9 ;fIf/tf -!%–^) jif{_ hDdf M *@Ü -Literate Nepal Year, 2019_


hDdf M #%^&$;fd'bflos M @&*!@;+:yfut M ^&#@k/Dk/fut M !!#)

;fd'bflos l;sfO s]G›x¿ @!%! j6fv'nf ljBfnox¿ !@! j6fcgf}krfl/s k|f}9 ljBfnox¿ !&! j6f;fIf/ 3f]if0ff ePsf lhNnfx¿ %$ j6f

;fIf/ 3f]if0ff x'g afFsL lhNnfx¿ – -k|b]zut ¿kdf_

k|b]z !– tfKn]h'ª, ;f]n'v'Da'k|b]z @– ;Kt/L, l;/fxf, wg'iff, dxf]Q/L, ;nf{xL, /f}tx6, af/f, k;f{afudtL k|b]z– sf7df8f}Fn'lDagL k|b]z– slknj:t' / afFs]s0ff{nL k|b]z– d'u', h'Dnf, x'Dnf, sfnLsf]6, 8f]Nkf;'k k|b]z– s}nfnL, s~rgk'/, 8f]6L, afh'/f, aemfª

@# j6f lhNnfsf hDdf :yfgLo txx¿ @&) j6f

@&) j6f :yfgLo txx¿dWo] ;fIf/ 3f]if0ff ePsf :yfgLo txx¿sf] ;ª\Vof

%@ j6f -;fIf/ 3f]if0ff ug{ afFsL :yfgLo tx @!*_CEHRD (non– formal Section)

lzIff, lj1fg tyf k|ljlw dGqfnolzIff tyf dfgj ;|f]t ljsf; s]Gb|, ;fgf]l7dL, eStk'ƒ

b]zsf] dfgj ;+;fwg ljsf;, cfly{s ;fdflhs ljsf;sf nIo xfl;n ug{ g]kfn ;ƒsfƒn] ljleGg sfo{qmd ljut nfdf] ;dob]lv ;~rfng uƒL lgƒIfƒtf pGd"ngtkm{ cfˆgf k|of; hfƒL ƒfv]sf] s'ƒf ;j{ljlbt} 5„ l;sfO lgƒGtƒtfsf] dfWodaf6 ƒfli6«o ljsf;df 6]jf k'¥ofpFb} ultzLn ƒ lbuf] lzIff k4lt ‚yfkgf uƒL ablnFbf] jt{dfg klƒj]zdf sfo{qmdnfO{ of]hgfa4 9ª\un] cufl8 a9fpg'kg]{ cfjZostf ƒx]sf] 5„;fIfƒ g]kfn sfo{qmdsf] ;kmntf ;ƒsfƒsf] PSnf] k|of;n] dfq ;Dej 5}g„ ;fIfƒtfsf] ljifo cGtƒ ;DalGwt ljifo xf]„ dlxnf, blnt, hghflt, ckfª†u, cflbjf;L ;'ljwfljxLg, lgƒIfƒ ju{nfO{ ;fIfƒtf tyf cfo cfh{gsf sfo{qmddf ;+nUg uƒfO{ ;Lk ljsf;df s]lG›t uƒfpg h?ƒL 5„ ljutdf ePsf ljleGg sfo{qmd ƒ lqmofsnfkaf6 k|fKt cg'ejn] o; sfo{df ;ƒf]sfƒjfnf xfdL ;a}df yk xf};nf k|bfg uƒ]sf] 5„ lhNnf lhNnfdf ;fIfƒtf cleofgn] ult lnPsf] 5 h;sf] klƒ0ffd ‚j¿k xfn %$ lhNnf ;fIfƒ 3f]if0ff eO;s]sf 5g†„ ;kmn ;fIfƒ cleofgsf nflu ‚yfgLo txsf] ;lqmotfdf ufpF–ufpF ƒ 6f]n–6f]ndf ;fd'bflos s]G›sf] ;+nUgtfdf ;fIfƒtfsf cleofg klƒrfng ulƒg'kb{5„ h;df ;a} u}ƒ;ƒsfƒL ;+‚yf, ljBfno, lzIfs, ljBfyL{sf] ;xof]u plQs} cfjZos ƒxG5„sf]le8–!( -Covid–19_ sf] dxfdfƒLsf] o; sl7g 38Ldf klg lzIff ƒ ;fIfƒtfnfO{ lgƒGtƒtf lbFb} ;a}nfO{ ;fIfƒ agfpg]tkm{ pTk|]lƒt ug{ xfdL ;a}sf] ;femf k|of; cfjZos 5„ To;}n] ;fIfƒtfsf sfo{qmddf ;a} ;dlk{t eO{ cufl8 a9†g xflb{s clkn ub{5'„%%cf}F cGtƒf{li6«o ;fIfƒtf lbj;sf] o; k'gLt cj;ƒdf ;a}df xflb{s z'esfdgf JoQm ub}{ …dfgj s]lGb|t k'gnf{esf nflu ;fIfƒtfÙ k|ljlw k|of]usf] c;dfgtfdf Go"gtf -Literacy for a human centered recovery‚ Narrowing the digital divide._ .’ eGg] cfbz{ jfSonfO{ z}lIfs ;'wfƒdf s]lG›t uƒL ;a}sf] ;fy{s ;xeflutfsf nflu cfXjfg ub{5'„wGojfb„

j}s'07 k|;fb cof{ndxflgb]{zs

Government of NepalMinistry of Education Science & Technology

Center for Education & Human Resources DevelopmentSanothimi, Bhaktapur

Invitation For Online BidsIFB No.-01/078/79

First date of publication: -2078/05/23 B.S (Sept 08, 2021) 1. The Government of Nepal has allocated funds towards the purchasing of officials goods and intends to apply part of the funds to cover eligible payments under the following

Contracts. Bidding is open to all eligible Bidders.2. Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the following work. Some

of the qualification criteria are mentioned below, though the details are mentioned in the bidding document. If anything contradictory, as per PPA and PPR shall prevail.

Contract No./Bid No. Description of Works Minimum Bid Security Amount Price of Bid Document (NRs)CEHRD/GOODS/SQ/01/078-79 Purchasing of Official Goods. NRS. 50,000.00 NRS. 1000.00

3. Submission of Hard copy is not applicable. Bidders shall have to download the bidding documents and deposit the cost of bidding document (non-refundable fee of Rs 1000 ) (as specified below) in the employer's account and submit their bids electronically, the electronic bidding submission procedures shall be as described in PPMO E-procurement web portal for E-submission of bids which is provided in its website www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp

Name of the Bank: Nepal Bank Limited, Bhaktapur. Name of Office: Center for Education & Human Resources Development Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Office Code no.: 350013301 Dharauti Khata No:- 01901000002003000001 Office Account no.: 00101000000001001001 Revenue title no. : 142294. Electronics bids must be delivered to the address below at or before 12:00 hours (local Time) on date 2078/06/07 (Sept 23, 2021). All bids must be accompanied by a bid valid

for a period of 45 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid security, which shall be valid for at least 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid after the date of bid opening in accordance with clause 15 of ITB late Bids will be rejected.

5. The electronics bids will be opened in the presence of the bidder's representatives, who choose to attend in person at the address below at 14:00 hours (local time) on date 2078/06/07 (Sept 23, 2021) at Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur.

6. If the last date of submission and opening falls on a government holiday it shall be extended to the next working day. Any corrections needed shall be published on the notice board of Center for Education & Human Resources Development (CEHRD) Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. and PPMO’s web portal www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp

7. Information or data submitted by the bidders which is either incomplete or unclear or not substantiated by supporting documents shall not be considered for evaluation.8. Bidders are advised to visit the office and assess the actual conditions before submitting their bid.9. The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to cancel the process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award without assigning reason.10. Other matters not stated in this notice would be under the prevailing Public Procurement Act 2063, Regulation 2064 and their amendment. Employer AddressThe employer is: Center for Education & Human Resources DevelopmentAttention : Section Head Address: Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. Telephone: 01-6638706E-portal : www.bolpatra.gov.np/egp

Section Head

ƒfli6«o o'jf klƒifb†;fgf]l7dL, eStk'ƒ„

k|yd k6s ;"rgf k|sflzt ldlt M @)&*.)%.@#>L k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff ;~rflnt jf gd'gf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox¿,

Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmdsf nflu k|‚tfj k]; ug]{ afƒ]„

k|‚t't ljifodf rfn" cf=j=df ƒfli6«o o'jf klƒifb\sf] ‚jLs[t jflif{s sfo{qmd cg';fƒ …Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmdÚ ;~rfng ug{ OR5's k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff ;~rflnt jf gd'gf ljsf;sf nflu 5gf]6 ePsf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfnox¿n] Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog sfof{9fFrf, @)&* adf]lhd ;"rgf k|sfzg ePsf] ldltn] #) lbgleq Jofj;flos klƒof]hgf k|‚tfj ;lxt tkl;nsf sfuhft ;lxt ;+nUg 9fFrfdf lgj]bg lbg'x'g cg'ƒf]w 5„ lj‚t[t hfgsfƒLsf nflu klƒifb†sf] j]a;fO6 www.nyc.gov.np df x]g{'x'g tyf kmf]g M )!–^^#%*#% df sfof{no ;dodf ;Dks{ ug{ ;lsg]5„tkl;nM!= pBd ;~rfng ;DaGwdf ‚yfgLo txsf] l;kmflƒ;„@= ljBfno Joj‚yfkg ;ldltsf] k|lta4tf„#= pBdL ljBfyL{ Sna u7g ePsf] lg0f{osf] k|ltlnlk ƒ pBd sf]if ‚yfkgf

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5gf]6 ePsf ;fd'bflos dfWolds ljBfno x'g'kg]{5 . @= sfof{Gjog sfo{9fFrfdf lgwf{lƒt d"Nofª\sgsf cfwfƒ adf]lhd k|To]s

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kfpg]5g\„ $= k|fljlws tyf Jofj;flos wfƒ÷lzIff nfu" ePsf gd'gf ;fd'bflos dfWolds

ljBfnonfO{ ljz]if k|fyldstf lbOg]5 .%= Ps lzIf0f ;+‚yf Ps pBd sfo{qmd sfof{Gjog sfof{9fFrf, @)&*

www.nyc.gov.np df pknAw 5 .^= k|‚tfj klƒifb†sf] Od]n [email protected] af6 ;d]t k7fpg ;lsg]5 .

Dofb gf3]sf k|‚tfj pkƒ s'g} sfƒafxL ulƒg]5}g„