major crew training 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 initiative … · english examiner, wang...

e Voice of Wah Kwong s Fleet 展望未來 ﹣華光船隊之聲 VOL 1, No 2 10 | 2012 VICE CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 副董事長致辭 MAJOR CREW TRAINING INITIATIVE IN QINGDAO 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 2 頁續 continued on page 2 A t Wah Kwong, we know our seafarers are one of our most important assets. Recruiting and training new seafarers together with ensuring that ongoing career development is available to all our sea staff is vital for the ongoing health of our company. In September 2012, Wah Kwong opened the Wah Kwong Seafarer Recruitment & Training Centre in Qingdao, in partnership with SIETC, who have been one of our long term partners in the recruitment of seafarers from China. The training centre provides facilities for seminars and conferences for Wah Kwong crew and the opening ceremony coincided with the quarterly Wah Kwong Crew Conference where many of our senior officers attended. 華光,我們知道海員是我們最重要的資產之一。公司 未來的持續健康發展離不開新船員招聘和培訓,並且 確保向他們提供美好的職業前景。SIETC (中國山東國際經濟 合作技術公司)是我們長期合作的伙伴之一,旨在為我們從 中國招聘海員。2012 9 月,華光和 SIETC 合作,在青島 成立了香港華光青島海員 培 訓 中 心。 該 培 訓 中 心 向華光的船員提供講座 和 會 議 的 設 施, 其 開 幕 儀式恰逢我們很多高級 船員都出席的華光船員 季度會議。培訓中心 特別旨在保證高質量的 英 語 教 育, 這 對 於 所 有 海 員 都 非 常 必 要, 同 時 也滿足華光致力於成為 行業領軍者的需要。  W ah Kwong’s 60th anniversary is a time for us to celebrate our achievements of the past six decades, to look forward to the future and in particular, to say ‘thank you’ to all our colleagues both at sea and onshore, who have made the success of Wah Kwong possible. The last few years saw the remarkable increase of the Wah Kwong fleet. Having absorbed this extensive tonnage, it is now essential to ensure the asset expansion is matched by investment in human resources. It is the goal of Wah Kwong to continue to provide career paths and attractive career opportunities to allow us to maintain our promise to our customers to provide first class shipping services. As is reported elsewhere in this issue, September saw the launch of the Wah Kwong SIETC Seafarers Recruitment Training Centre in Qingdao. This is an exciting new initiative to help strengthen Wah Kwong’s position as a leading shipowner and the first choice employer of Chinese crew. It also reflects our commitment to the future of the company as we go forward into our seventh decade. 光迎來了成立六十周年慶典, 在這個慶祝過去六十年輝煌並且 展望未來的時刻,我特別要 向所有海上和陸上的同仁們 道一聲 謝謝",感謝你們 成就了華光。 過去的幾年,見證了 華光船隊的快速成長。伴隨着船隊的擴張,現在 華光更需要加大在人才上的投入。華光的目標是 不斷提供就業機會和職業前景,以此來實現 我們一貫堅持的承諾 向客戶提供最一流的 航運服務。 在本期的內容中,您將看到華光和中國 山東國際經濟合作技術公司合作的華光 青島海員培訓中心於今年九月在青島成立的 報導。這個振奮人心的舉措,旨在鞏固 華光一流船東的地位,並使之成為中國 船員們的第一選擇。與此同時,這亦 反映了我們公司已經著眼于未來,邁向 第七個十年。 Sabrina Chao Vice Chairman 副主席 趙式明 Sabrina Chao officially opens the Wah Kwong Seafarer Recruitment and Training Centre in Qingdao 趙式明小姐正式為華光青島海員培訓中心開幕

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Page 1: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational

The Voice of Wah Kwong’s Fleet 展望未來 ﹣華光船隊之聲 VOL 1, No 2 10 | 2012




第 2 頁續continued on page 2

A t Wah Kwong, we know our seafarers are one of our most important assets. Recruiting and training new seafarers

together with ensuring that ongoing career development is available to all our sea staff is vital for the ongoing health of our company. In September 2012, Wah Kwong opened the Wah Kwong Seafarer Recruitment & Training Centre in Qingdao, in partnership with SIETC, who have been one of our long term partners in the recruitment of seafarers f rom Ch ina . The tra in ing centre provides facilities for seminars and conferences for Wa h Kwong cre w an d th e opening ceremony coincided with the quarterly Wah Kwong Crew Conference where many of our senior officers attended.


未來的持續健康發展離不開新船員招聘和培訓,並且 確保向他們提供美好的職業前景。SIETC(中國山東國際經濟 合作技術公司)是我們長期合作的伙伴之一,旨在為我們從 中國招聘海員。2012 年 9 月,華光和 SIETC 合作,在青島






船員都出席的華光船員 季 度 會 議。 培 訓 中 心 特別旨在保證高質量的



也滿足華光致力於成為 行業領軍者的需要。


Wah Kwong’s 60th anniversary is a time for us to celebrate our achievements of the past six decades, to look forward

to the future and in particular, to say ‘thank you’ to all our colleagues both at sea and onshore, who have made the success of Wah Kwong possible.

The last few years saw the remarkable increase of the Wah Kwong fleet. Having absorbed this extensive tonnage, it is now essential to ensure the asset expansion is matched by investment in human resources. It is the goal of Wah Kwong to continue to provide career paths and attractive career opportunities to allow us to maintain our promise to our customers to provide first class shipping services.

As is reported elsewhere in this issue, September saw the launch of the Wah Kwong SIETC Seafarers Recruitment Training Centre in Qingdao. This is an exciting new initiative to help strengthen Wah Kwong’s position as a leading shipowner and the first choice employer of Chinese crew. It also reflects our commitment to the future of the company as we go forward into our seventh decade.











我們一貫堅持的承諾 — 向客戶提供最一流的










Sabrina ChaoVice Chairman



Sabrina Chao officially opens the Wah Kwong Seafarer Recruitment and Training Centre in Qingdao趙式明小姐正式為華光青島海員培訓中心開幕

Page 2: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational



我們的員工可以達到英語流利對話的 水準。培訓中心的客座講師來自華光香港 總部,其中包括了華光的首席執行官 — 英國

人 Tim Huxley 先生。培訓中心開幕典禮由集團副主席趙式明

小姐主持,特邀嘉賓有來自 Bureau Veritas (必維船級社)的 Dick Kam 先生,他還在 船員會議上就有關船級事項做了演講。除了

在 SIETC 的辦公樓舉行的培訓中心的開幕 典禮,華光還在青島這個美麗的港口城市和




船上工作的訓練。校企合作書的簽訂旨在 讓更多的優秀畢業生加入華光。趙式明 副主席還向學院院長劉映華女士贈送了超級

油輪 Dalian Venture 的模型。校企合作和培訓中心的發展都由華光船舶管理公司的總經理



培訓中心開幕典禮結束後,船員會議的 嘉賓和來自香港的高級經理在青島的海邊 共進休閒晚餐,這給高管們寶貴的機會來 更多地瞭解我們的船長和輪機長。為了 保證船員培訓這一重要任務繼續取得成功, 趙式明小姐和 Tim Huxley 先生都表示將定期



大規模船員培訓 在青島啟動

續第 1 頁continued from page 1

I n particular, the centre seeks to ensure a high standard of English language teaching, an increasingly necessary requirement for all seafarers

and one where Wah Kwong aims to be an industry leader. A specialist English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational English, whilst guest lecturers from the Hong Kong office will include Wah Kwong’s resident Englishman, CEO Tim Huxley.

The opening ceremony was conducted by Vice Chairman Sabrina Chao, whilst Bureau Veritas manager Dick Kam was a special guest and also gave a lecture at the crew conference on classification issues. In addition to opening this new venture, located in the offices of SIETC in the beautiful port city of Qingdao, a co-operation agreement was signed with Qingdao Harbour Vocational and Technical College (QHVTC). QHVTC is a huge training college on the edge of Qingdao Harbour with around 10,000 students, many of whom are training for a career at sea. In addition to signing a co-operation agreement which will hopefully see many of the college’s top graduates join Wah Kwong, Vice Chairman Sabrina Chao presented Madam Liu Ying-hua, the Principal of QHVTC, with a model of the VLCC Dalian Venture. Both of these developments have been led by Wah Kwong Ship Management General Manager Capt. W.L. Hung, who will play a leading part in the development of the Training Centre including an active role in leading courses for both new recruits and experienced officers.

After the opening of the Training Centre, attendees at the Crew Conference joined senior personnel from Hong Kong for a relaxed dinner on the waterfront in Qingdao, giving senior management a valuable opportunity to get to know many of our Captains and Chief Engineers. To ensure the ongoing success of this vital part of our business, both Sabrina Chao and Tim Huxley have pledged to make regular visits to Qingdao to show our commitment to our staff.

Page 3: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational



Wah Kwong is rightly considered as one of the founders of the modern

Hong Kong shipping community. In this, our sixtieth year, we are proud to look back on our past with pride, but also look to the future with a clear vision.

The history of the company officially beg an in Hong Kong in 1952 when T.Y. Chao launched Wah Kwong Shipping after moving to

Hong Kong from his native Shanghai. The company steadily expanded in the 1950s and 60s by acquiring second-hand ships. In the 1960s Wah Kwong benefitted from the world shipping industry shifting eastwards and embarked on a long-standing relationship with Japan’s shipbuilding industry which marked the beginning of Wah Kwong’s gradual phasing out of the older ships in favour of modern, larger and more efficient vessels. It was also at this time that T.Y.’s sons Frank and George started their careers at Wah Kwong.

The 1970s saw Wah Kwong form several alliances to help sustain its growth trajectory as well as its listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange as Wah Kwong Holdings Ltd. After years of growth, the 1980s proved more challenging as oil prices skyrocketed, plunging the world into recession. This led to lower charter rates just as a flood of new ships were coming into the market. The Chao family’s resilience during this period saw Wah Kwong survive and by the late 1990s, the company was set on the course which today sees it as one of the largest privately owned shipowners in Hong Kong, with a modern fleet of thirty ships. Wah Kwong has always been proud of its roots in China and the past fifteen years have seen the company become a major customer of the Chinese shipbuilding industry, recruit the vast majority of our crew from China and charter our ships to some of China’s leading shipping companies.

The company was privatized in 2000 and fully returned to the control of the family in 2002, with our founder T.Y. Chao’s son George as its Chairman. This heralded a period of growth which saw the fleet expand to its current levels with a prominent presence in the dry bulk, crude oil and LPG markets.

Today, Wah Kwong is undergoing a seamless transition to the third generation as Sabrina Chao, Vice Chairman, is now fully engaged in all aspects of the company. This ensures that Wah Kwong’s future is founded on maintaining the values of the earlier generations while embracing the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities this philosophy entails.


了公司的第六十年,我們不僅要回顧過去的成就,更要 展望未來。

公司的歷史可以追溯到 1952 年的香港 — 趙從衍先生從 家鄉上海來到香港,並且創辦了華光海運。通過買入二手船舶, 公司的規模在上世紀五六十年代穩步上揚。特別是在上世紀




時,趙從衍先生的兒子 — 趙世彭先生 和趙世光先生開始在華光海運的職業 生涯。



以華光控股有限公司之名在香港股票 交易市場上市。但是,經過多年的發展, 華光在上世紀八十年代面臨更多的 挑戰,石油價格的飆升把整個世界拖入


市場更是讓租金持續低迷。但是趙氏 家族在此期間的信心和堅持讓華光得以


重新步入了軌道,並且在今天成為了 香港最大的私有船東之一,擁有一支包括三十條各式各樣船舶





公司於 2000 年進行私有化, 到 2002 年完全回到趙氏家族的




今天,華光已順利地交到第三代趙式明小姐手中,作為 集團副主席,趙小姐全面參與華光海運的各項業務。在

新的階段,由新一代掌舵的華光海運一定會繼承老一輩 華光人的精神,延續勇於承擔責任,積極面對挑戰的理念繼續 向未來前航。

T.Y. Chao and family in Hong Kong in early 1950s五十年代初,趙從衍及家人在香港的合影

Launch of New Venture in 1966一九六六年「新勇士」下水儀式

T.Y. Chao in 1932趙從衍先生 約攝於一九三二年

Page 4: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational


As part of Wah Kwong’s 60th anniversary, the company commissioned well known photographer Basil Pao to produce a definitive set of

images showing the ‘shipping chain’. Over a period of two years, Basil photographed iron ore being mined, transported to a port, loaded onto the Aqua Venture and shipped to China where it was used to make steel which was then used to build the Dalian Venture. These photographs have now been published in the book A Tale Of Two Ventures, which has been distributed to schools throughout Hong Kong to encourage interest in shipping. A selection of some of these striking pictures is included here.


請了著名的攝影家 Basil Pao 先生創作了



上Aqua Venture 號油輪,運輸到中國,精煉成

鋼材,並且用這些鋼材來建造Dalian Venture 的過程。這些照片已經出版成書雙船記,並且

被分發到香港的各個學校裡,借此來培養學生 對於航運的興趣。這裡收錄了一部分代表性 的照片。


Page 5: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational


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W ith shipping markets being more depressed than at any time for nearly thirty years, it is increasingly difficult for

shipowners to secure profitable timecharter employment. One solution to these unfavourable conditions is for shipowners to place their vessels in pools. Wah Kwong traditionally fixes our ships on long term timecharters, but we currently have five vessels, representing 17 per cent of the fleet, operating in pools - two VLCCs, a panamax tanker and two supramax bulkcarriers.

The main concept of the pool system is based upon more efficient commercial operation as a larger number of vessels benefit from the effect of better economies of scale, more bargaining power and increased flexibility of vessel positioning. Therefore the earning potential of a pool vessel is optimized in comparison to the earning potential of running a single vessel on the spot market.

Pool membership does not, however, operate in the same way as a normal-time charter; the vessel does not get a fixed charter hire. Instead the vessel’s earnings depend upon its performance in the pool. A system of ‘pool points’ is used to rate the vessels in the pool and charter hire is distributed between the pool vessels depending on their respective pool points. Aside from a vessel’s underlying specifications, the main factors affecting each vessel’s pool points are generally as follows: (1) speed/consumption figures in good weather; (2) port consumption at loadport and discharge port; (3) heating consumption, if any (for tankers); (4) vetting/PSC inspection result, if any.

With good management onboard focused on optimizing the above factors, the vessel’s pool points can significantly improve. For example, one of our vessels was recently given her biannual rating of 1.148 points, whilst an identical sister ship (not owned by Wah Kwong) achieved only 1.069 points in the same pool. This displays a difference of almost 7.4% between the two vessels. Further calculations demonstrate the importance of this difference; if we suppose the average daily hire of a pool is US$15,000/day, then the 7.4% represents a hire differential of US$405,000 between the two vessels in a year. This is a significant variance in profit for an owner in such a depressed market.

Over recent years Wah Kwong has developed strong operating procedures for vessels running in pools which have proven to be a great success and we will continue to achieve good pool results as long as masters of our vessels understand and conform to the set procedures. We further encourage our masters and C/Es to impart their experiences and opinions on how to optimize performance as continuous improvement is one of Wah Kwong’s core objectives.





我們把 5 條船舶陸續加入 Pool 內運營,占了整個船隊比例的





受益。因此一般來說,Pool 中的船舶比單只在現貨市場運營的



聯營的船舶租金收入並不固定,而取決於船舶在 Pool 裡的

表現。“Pool 評分系統"被運用到聯營中,總的租金收入根據


船舶在 Pool 裡評分的主要因素有:(1)在好天氣下的船速和





船舶在 Pool 的評分可以得到顯著的提高。比如最近,華光的

一艘船舶在一年兩次的評分中得到了 1.148 分,相比之下,


1.069 分,兩者存在百分之七點四的差距。進一步解釋這個差

距的重要性 — 如果我們假設 Pool 裡的船舶的日均租金是一萬




在過去的幾年裡,華光已經建立了一套完備的 Pool 船舶







Page 7: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational


Betty Cheng is a familiar face to anyone from Wah Kwong who has visited a shipyard where we have built a ship. Betty is a core part of

our newbuilding supervision team and is currently the Site Supervision Manager for the Wah Kwong / Teekay joint venture VLCC under construction at Jiangnan Changxing Shipbuilding. Before joining Wah Kwong , Betty worked in the Design Department of Dalian Shipyard and got to know Wah Kwong when the company built a series of 38,000dwt product carriers there during the 1990s. When Wah Kwong ordered a VLCC at Hitachi, Chairman George Chao, impressed with what he had seen of Betty’s abilities at Dalian, asked the President of Dalian Shipyard, Mr. Wang Tairong if Betty could be transferred to work on the Japanese new building project. Since then, Betty has worked on Wah Kwong new buildings in Japan, Korea and of course China, ensuring that our ships are built to the required specifications and working tirelessly to ensure that all our ships are top quality.

Venture Forward spoke to Betty about the role of a newbuilding supervisor and life at Wah Kwong:What does your current job involve ?

As Site Supervision Manager, my job entails representing the ship owner’s interests, supervising the construction of the vessel, approving plans and works and attending the main engine test bed trials, along with all the other essential tests and trials required during the construction period.What is the most challenging part of your job ?

My job gets really stressful when construction is delayed due to issues over the quality and standard of the ship, but the owners need the ship to meet a cancelling date under a charterparty. Any further delays might lead to the charter being cancelled, which could be disastrous, so it is essential to resolve issues quickly whilst also ensuring that the ship is constructed to the highest possible standards.You have seen first-hand the Chinese shipbuilding industry grow into the world’s largest. What have been the biggest changes and what has impressed you most ?

Looking back to when I started work at Dalian Shipyard, the changes and improvements in Chinese shipbuilding have been immense. Facilities are much more modern and the construction procedures and finishing standards of the ships have improved greatly, which is certainly the area where there has been the biggest turnaround.Working in shipyards throughout Asia, you have had to master different languages. What advice would you give to people wanting to develop their language skills ?

In Japan and Korea, people did not use English much in daily life, so it pushed me to learn to speak with them at a basic level and after a few years, I was able to speak naturally in Japanese. My English was mostly taught to me by an Indian Captain who was working with me in Korea. Learning a foreign language is a long process and you must keep studying and improving. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The Indian Captain who taught me always encouraged me and said mistakes don’t influence communication, make speaking English part of your daily life and build a consciousness of using it all the time. What advice would you give somebody wanting to pursue a career in shipbuilding ?

Working in shipbuilding is much like other industries and if you work hard, talent will be rewarded with opportunities, just like I got when I was asked to join Wah Kwong. Working as a Shipyard Supervisor, you have to be prepared to work away from your home city for long periods of time, so it’s a bit like being a seafarer.


很臉熟。程紅是華光的新造船監理負責人, 目前她在江南長興船廠,擔任華光和 Teekay合資的超級油輪的現場監造經理。在加入華光之前,她在


上世紀 90年代,當時大連造船廠為華光建造了一系列 38,000載重噸的成品油船。集團主席趙世光先生很欣賞程紅在大連時展現的才能,當華光向Hitachi船廠訂造超級油輪時,他向大連造船長的總經理 王泰榮先生詢問是否可以讓程紅參與到日本新 造船的項目中。從那時起,程紅參與了華光于日本、 韓國和中國新造船項目,以確保船舶符合規格。 正是她不辭辛勞的工作,保證了我們船舶的高質量。






台試驗,同時參加各種在船舶建造階段的試驗和 測試。


當船舶因為質量不達標而延期交付的時候, 我會面臨很大壓力,因為船東必須要在租約的解約

日之前交付船舶。晚於解約日的延期交付將導致 災難性的後果 ----租約的解約。所以這就要求我能夠快速地解決問題並且讓船舶達到可能最高的標準。




的造船業確實發生了翻天覆地的變化。設備更加 先進,造船工藝和船舶交付的標準都有很大的提升,





在日本和韓國,人們平時不經常使用英語, 所以這迫使我從最基本的程度開始和他們用日語 交流,經過一些年之後我就可以自然地和他們用 日語對話了。我的英語得益於一位和我一起在韓國



那位教我的印度船長鼓勵我說,一些錯誤並不會 影響溝通,把說英語作為每天生活的一部分,要 培養時時刻刻使用它的意識。


在造船業工作同別的行業差不多,天道 酬勤,如果努力工作,就會給你施展才能的

機會,就像我當初被邀請加入華光。作為 一位造船監理,你需要做好長期遠離家鄉 工作的準備,所以在這點上和成為一名海員



Betty Cheng程紅

Page 8: MAJOR CREW TRAINING 大規模船員培訓在青島啟動 INITIATIVE … · English Examiner, Wang Xi, has been recruited to ensure that all our recruits achieve proficiency in conversational



Wah Kwong’s 5,000cbm LPG carrier recently called in Hong Kong to discharge a cargo at the Tsing Yi

terminal. Whilst waiting at anchorage, the crew received a special visit from Sabrina Chao, Wah Kwong’s Vice Chairman, who named the ship when she was built at Shitanoe Shipyard in 2009. With the mid-Autumn festival approaching, Sabrina delivered moon cakes to the crew and took the opportunity to meet some of Wah Kwong’s seafarers. Whilst a Wah Kwong ship calling in Hong Kong is an increasingly rare occurrence, the senior management are determined to ensure there is a much closer relationship between our crew and those working in the office. Expect a few more ship visits in the coming months and of course, we look forward to seeing many of you both in Qingdao and should you be passing through the office in Hong Kong. The recent dinner attended by Sabrina and CEO Tim Huxley in Qingdao showed our senior officers have a lively interest in English Premier League football and stock markets, so we will make sure any visitors have any up to date news on either of these whenever we meet you.

華光 5000 立方米的液化石油氣運輸船 SABRINA 輪最近



慰問。2009 年趙小姐在 Shitanoe 船廠為該船命名。隨著中秋






晚宴上,趙小姐和首席執行官 Tim Huxley 先生意識到我們的




Complete the Wah Kwong Crossword in English! Fill in the missing blanks by inserting the correct word, both down and across, to the questions asked below. All the answers can be found within the magazine. The first ten correct entries received by the Editor will receive a prize! 5 Down has already been completed as an example.


CONTACT USIf you have any comments, news or photographs for Venture Forward, please contact the editor: William Fairclough at [email protected]

Wah Kwong has a new address: 24/F, Shanghai Industrial Investment Building 48-62 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


聯繫我們如果您對展望未來 期刊有任何意見,或想提供任何新聞或照片,請與編輯范戈先生 聯繫。電子郵件:[email protected]

華光的新地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道 48-62 號 上海實業大廈 24 樓





會得到獎勵!豎排第 5 個單詞已經作為



Across4. What type of bulkcarrier from our fleet are in

Pools?9. How many ships does Wah Kwong have in Pools?10. Which country was iron ore shipped to by the

Aqua Venture when Basil Pao was onboard taking photographs for the book A Tale of Two Ventures?

11. What system is used to rate vessels in Pools?12. What did Sabrina Chao deliver to the crew onboard

the Sabrina?13. Which commodity’s prices skyrocketed in the

1980s?14. Where did Betty Cheng start her career?15. What is the third type of ship from the Wah Kwong

fleet currently operating in pools, other than the panamax tanker and two bulkcarriers?

Down1. In which port did Wah Kwong’s new recruitment

training centre open?2. What position within Wah Kwong has George

Chao held since 2002?3. How many decades is Wah Kwong celebrating this

year?4. Where is the book A Tale of Two Ventures being

distributed?5. What was the name of the first ship Tsong-Yea Chao

had a share in?6. In which month was the new recruitment and

training centre opened?7. Which language does the new recruitment and

training centre aim for all of its recruits to achieve a high level of proficiency in?

8. What is a group of ships called?

8 15 2




11 3


12 5 6

13 7