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  • 8/12/2019 Malaysia Profile Final Mukesh








  • 8/12/2019 Malaysia Profile Final Mukesh




    CPC Central Product Classification

    CPI Consumer Price Index Number

    FAMA Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority

    HS Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System

    ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification

    LPP Lembaga Pertubuhana Peladang

    MARDI Malaysia Agricultural Research and Development Institute

    MNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

    MOA Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry

    MOPIC Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities

    MRRD Ministry of Rural and Regional Development

    NSDS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

    SESRIC Statistical Economic and Social Research and TrainingSITC Standard International Trade Classification

    WPI Wholesale price index Number
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    Administrative structure of the countryThe country is divided in 16 states. At the thirds level the country is divided into 144 districts.The fourth level of administrative division is called Mukim. There are in total 95.

    Legal and administrative framework for the collection of statisticsThe Statistics act, 1965 (revised 1989) and Census Act, 1960 (revised 1969) provide the legalbasis for statistical activities in the country in general. The executive agency for statisticalactivities in general is Department of Statistics, Malaysia and the legal basis is operational.

    There is also a legal basis for collection of agricultural statistics, which is operational and fullyadequate. The agencies for agricultural statistics specified under the law are:

    Department of Statistics, Malaysia Ministry of Agriculture & Agro-Based Industry (agro food) Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia (Commodities) FELDA under the Prime Minister Office Ministry of Rural & Regional Development Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

    In the country there exists an active National Statistics Council. The mandate of the NationalStatistics Council cover: crop and livestock statistics, forestry and environment statistics,aquaculture and fishery, water resource and rural development statistics.

    Structure of the National Statistical SystemThe National Statistical System is decentralized by sector, but has a coordinating authority.Thecountry has a formal allocation of responsibility among different agencies producing statistics.There is a functional mechanism to establish coordination among different agencies producingstatistics. The mechanism of coordination is fairly effective, it includes: periodic conferences ofthe data producing agencies, common work planning with assigned responsibility for specificoutput and working group and task team on technical issues.A general statistical system and agricultural statistical system are available at sub-national level

    called Agris-Geoportal (MOA).

    Strategic frameworkThere exists a strategic thinking for the development of statistics and is expressed in a documentcalled Corporate Strategic Plan (DOS). The plan is operational and covers the period 2010 to2014. It includes programme of work for the sub-sectors relating to crop and livestock statistics,forestry and environment statistics, aquaculture and fishery, water resource and ruraldevelopment statistics.

    The country also has a national Strategy/Plan/Programme specific to agriculture sector and it isintegrated into NSDS.

    Dialogue with data usersThere is an official forum for dialogue between suppliers and users of agricultural statistics,including water, environment, forestry, fisheries, and rural development. Regular meetings ofthe forum are held, and official channels for receiving feedback from users are set up. The levelof dialogue between users and producers is considered adequate.

    The following agencies are represented in the forum: Planning bodies (Ministry of planning or National Planning Commission) Ministry of Finance/Treasury Line ministries and departments (like water resources, environment, forestry

    fisheries) Central Bank Representatives of academic and research community Media Private sector representatives.

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    ProductionReliable data on crop, livestock, fishery and forestry sub-sectors is available through census andsurveys on annual basis with one year time lag for the entire country. However, Forestproduction data on wood and non-wood value is not available.

    External TradeHighly reliable and up-to-date data on quality and value of trade is available on monthlybasis from administrative sources.

    Stock of Capital and ResourcesData on livestock inventories, agricultural machinery, stocks of main crops is produced throughsample survey by Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry (MOA) with annual frequencyand is available with one year time lag for entire country and is considered reliable.

    The data on land use is available for 2008 (perhaps from Census). The data on quality andquantity of water used is not available.

    InputsThe data on agricultural inputs like fertilizer, seeds, pesticides, animal feed, forage, vaccines,aquatic seeds is available from the censuses carried out by the National Statistics Office for theentire country. It is considered reliable.

    Agro-processing: ..........

    PricesMost of the price data is available in the country on monthly basis. The Department of Statistics(DOS) is responsible for producer and consumer prices which are compiled on the basis ofsample surveys. This data is considered highly reliable. The MOA is produces wholesale price,agricultural input prices and export and import prices from administrative sources, and is

    considered reliable. Data series maintained by Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry(MOA) and Department of Statistics (DOS) are up-to-date.

    Investment, Subsidies or TaxesNo information

    Rural InfrastructureNo information

    SocialThe DOS produces data on the social dimension of agriculture which is available with annualfrequency with one year lag. Most of this data is considered reliable. Gender specific data onagricultural and fishery workforce is available from sample surveys with monthly periodicity.

    The information on Population dependent on agriculture, aquaculture workforce and householdincome is available on annual frequency.

    EnvironmentalReliable information on soil degradation, water pollution due to agriculture, emissions due toagriculture and aquaculture is available from the DOS and the line ministry for 2010. Theadministrative sources are indicated as the main source of data.

    Geographic LocationGeo-coordinate of the statistical unit (parcel, province, region, country) are available for2010 with the DOSfor the entire country.

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    Population CensusThe Department of Statistics (DOS) is the responsible agency for conducting the PopulationCensus. The last population census was in 2010 and the next one is planned in 2020. Thequestionnaire of the last population census included questions on the household participation

    in agricultural or related activities.

    National Accounts StatisticsTheDepartment of Statistics (DOS) is responsible for compilation of National Accounts Statisticsis. The most recent year for which National Accounts data are available is 2011.

    As economic accounts of agriculture are compiled only for production. The estimates ofquarterly production from agriculture sector are prepared and published.

    Economic accounts for fisheries and aquaculture sub sector have been compiled in thecountry.

    A national water accounting has been done in the country.The 1993 and 2008 versions of UN SNA are used in Malaysia.

    Adoption of ClassificationsThe country has adopted international classifications including : ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification) at 4 digits, CPC (Central Product Classification) at 4 digits, SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) at 9 digits, HS (Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System) at 9 digits, COICOP classification is also used.

    Price IndicesA Consumer Price Index (CPI) is compiled and published. These report indices of importantagricultural commodities used for direct consumption separately.

    An index of agricultural producer prices is published by Department of Statistics (DOS). Ministry

    of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MOPIC) reports indices on rubber, cocoa, pepper and

    tobacco. The Wholesale Price Index Number (WPI) includes rubber prices.

    Food and Agricultural Surveys Conducted

    Agricultural CensusThe Department of Statistics (DOS) conducted an agricultural census in the country during 2005.There was a legal basis for conducting agricultural census. It was conducted as a completeenumeration exercise using list frame. The 2005 census of agriculture covered crops, livestock,aquaculture, fishery and forestry relevant to agriculture (logging activities) subsectors as well asother income generating activities.

    The agricultural census was linked to the population census . It used the cartographic materialand administrative boundaries used for the population census. A few questions to collectinformation on participation of household in agriculture sector were included in the populationcensus to get sampling frame for agricultural census. The next Agricultural Census is planned in2015.SENDI CENSUS (Fishermen Socio-Economic and Household Data) 2007 was done for marinecapture fisheries sector . Census on small holder was done in 2002.

    Agriculture Surveys2009 Paddy Production Survey carried out by the Department of Agriculture providedproduction and yield data.

    Good Agriculture Practices for Paddy Cultivation Survey 2009 done by Department ofAgriculture provides information on cost of production.

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    Post Harvest Loses for Paddy Survey was done by Malaysia Agricultural Research andDevelopment Institute (MARDI) andLembaga Pertubuhana Peladang (LPP) in 2007.

    Department Veterinary Services carried out Livestock Main Survey in 2010. AquaculturePractices Survey was done by Department of Fisheries in 2005

    Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) undertakes forest related surveys: 2007 : Wild Honey Bees; 2008 : Elephants & 2011 Wild Ornamental Plants

    Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities (MOPIC) undertook following surveys: Production Surveys: Tobacco - 2009, Pepper - 2010, Yield Survey: Cocoa 2011, Cost of production surveys: Oil palm-2011, Rubber-2009, Cocoa - 2011

    Agricultural Market Information SurveysA systems for collecting and disseminating price and related information from the majorwholesale markets of agricultural commodities, including rubber, exist in the country. An

    annual publication - Average Price for Selected Agriculture Commodities (Warta Barangan) isbrought out by Federal Agriculture Marketing Authority (FAMA). This publications covers crop,livestock, marine fish and aquaculture products.

    For cropsand livestock Ex-Farm, Wholesale and Retail Prices are collected. Five respondentsare being interviewed from every outlet daily with country-wide coverage. It also covers cocaand rubber.

    For marine fish, Average Prices is collected at 229 Landing Complex weekly for 25 selectedcommon species. Type of prices collected include ex-farm and wholesale according to boatregistration (Zone A, B, C and C2). For aquaculture products the Department of Fisheriesconducts a monthly survey of average wholesale and retail prices for 40 main species.

    Household Budget SurveyHousehold Budget Surveys, such as household income and expenditure survey were conductedin 2009/2010. The estimates of rural household income-expenditure are available for 2009/10.The next survey is planned in 2012 under the responsibility of Department of Statistics (DOS).

    Quality consciousness in statisticsThe methodology of national agricultural surveys is accessible to public. Besides Department ofStatistics (DOS), it is also done for Pepper survey by the Ministry of Plantation Industries andCommodities (MOPIC).

    There is no information on reports on sampling error, post enumeration surveys and technicalissues being published in the country. Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities

    (MOPIC) reports publishing such reports for its surveys.

    Information technologyThe Department of Statistics (DOS) has a website for hostingofficial statistics for the country. There exist a database for official statistics, accessible toexternal users on internet. Separate web sites are maintained by line ministries fordisseminating their data.

    The Department of Statistics (DOS) uses: SPSS, SAS, STATA, ACCESS, and CSPRO. Data arecollected and/ or capturing through: personal interview and manual data entry into computerand/or scanning of questionnaires. PDA and CAPI are also used. GPS is used for research anddevelopment. The use of CATI is expected in 2013.

    A number of 1198 PCs are in used in the Department of Statistics (DOS) out of which 56 are foragricultural statistics at headquarters. In addition. 9 server computers are installed for data
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    storage and communication. The field offices have 2662 PCs including those for agriculturalstatistics. Ministry of Rural and Regional Development (MRRD) has 1 server, 3 computer at headquarters and 111 computers in 11 states.

    Transport InfrastructureIn DOS the number of transport vehicles available for statistical activities are: 19 four wheeledvehicle and 2 motor cycles.

    Financial resources (for 2011 in local currency) Total national budget for statistical activities is about 161.1 million of which 1.02 million

    is for agricultural statistics. National regular budget for staff activities is 64.9 million of which 90.5 thousand for

    agricultural activities. National regular budget for staff trainings 362.5 thousands. Total project budget for statistical activities (estimate) 81.1 million of which 38.7 million

    (economy Census Project include agricultural).

    Human resources and training for statistical activitiesThe Department of Statistics (DOS) reports as having:

    Number of regular professional staff in the headquarters are 269 of which 28 are foragricultural statistics

    Number of regular professional staff in the regional/local offices are 110 of which 50 foragricultural statistics

    Number of regular support staff in the headquarters are 863 of which 20 for agriculturalstatistics

    Number of regular support staff in the regional/local offices are 1972 of which 16 are foragricultural statistics.

    Number of staff members trained in national training institutions during the last 12months 2274 out of which professional staff 290 and support staff 1984.

    Number of statistical staff who attended training courses (of one week or more) abroadin the last 12 months is 4.

    There is a regular training program for statistical staff both Department of Statistics (DOS)andline ministries which also have some dedicated statistical staff. .International cooperation in agricultural statistics (during last three years)The Department of Statistics (DOS) benefits from a significant Technical Assistance Programincluding the one for agricultural statistics sector. The donor agency which has provided foundsor technical assistance to the country was Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training(SESRIC).

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    Support at political level in theGovernment for statisticalactivities

    Level of demand for statistics Mostconstraints are reported as

    dominant Number of professional staff at

    headquarters for statisticalactivities

    Number of support staff atheadquarters for statisticalactivities

    Number of professional staff inthe field for statistical activities

    Number of field workers forstatistical activities

    Turnover research staff high


    Technical skills of the availablestatistical staff

    Appreciation at the policy-makinglevel for importance of statisticalactivities

    Transport equipment for fieldactivities

    Building space for office


    Number of professionalstaff at headquarters forstatistical activities

    Number of support staffat headquarters forstatistical activities

    Number of professionalstaff in the field forstatistical activities

    Number of field workersfor statistical activities

    Transport equipment forfield activities

    Technical skills of theavailable statistical staff

    Number of support staff atheadquarters for statisticalactivities

    Up-to-date informationtechnology hardware

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    INDICATORS OF COUNTRY CAPACITY TO PRODUCE CORE DATAThis section will present a quantitative measure of various dimensions of country capacity based uponinformation provided in the standard questionnaire. Indicators for each dimension are in the process ofbeing finalized and computed.

    1. Presentation of Country ProfilesAn example of graphical presentation of country profile based on standard assessment of countrycapacity to produce agricultural statistics is given below.

    Over - all country capacity

    Capacity indicator I

    Institutional Infrastructure









    Statistical Methods and


    Availability of statistical












    Legal framework

    Coordination in

    Statistical System

    Strategic vision and


    Integration of

    Agriculture in the



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    Capacity indicator III

    Statistical Methods and Practices

    Capacity indicator IV

    Availability of Statistical Information















    Statistical software


    Data capture


    IT infratsructure



    General statistical


    Agricultural price


    Specialized agricultural


    Analysis and use of













    Core data


    Quality reliability

    and consistency of


    Data accesibility



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    2. Country grouping to monitor progressThere does not exist a unique method for grouping the countries according to the level of their

    statistical development. However, a number of meaningful groupings are possible using the above

    indicators. The transition of countries from a group to other group could then be monitored, once

    criteria for grouping based on indicators is fixed.

    Some literature on the subject suggests use of a Composite Indicator based on weighted average of

    indicators on different dimensions. While this type of composite indictors serve a useful purpose as

    reflected in the weighting diagram, these are often criticised as being subjective and having limited

    general use. It is therefore proposed to present the profile of the country based on indicators

    measuring key dimensions and their elements defining the country capacity.

    One possible criteria, avoiding subjectivity, could be implemented as follows, after scores of all the

    countries in the population, say a continent, have been obtained on all the three dimensions.

    Step 1:Calculate the three Quartiles of the distribution of scores on each of the three dimensions.

    Step 2:Verify the status of each country on each on the three dimensions with respect to respective

    quartiles of that dimension.

    Step 3:Assign group to countries as follows.

    GROUP 1 (Least developed):On at least two of the three dimensions the country is measured as

    being below the first quartile.

    GROUP 2 (Developing with constraints):The country is below the first quartile on only one out of

    the three dimensions. The limitations on this dimension may perhaps be acting as the binding

    constraints to improvement of agriculture statistics.

    GROUP 3 (Developing): At least one dimension the country is below the median of the distribution,

    and the country is not part of any of the above two groups.

    GROUP 4 (Progressive):The country is not in any of the three above groups and also has at least

    one dimension below the third quartile.

    GROUP 5 (Developed):On all the dimensions the country is above the third quartile.

    The grouping is explained below on the basis of schematic diagram below.

    To come..

    With the improvements over time the distribution of the scores over the three dimensions will also

    be changing. However, to ensure the over time comparability some Benchmark Scores could be used

    for categorizations. These benchmark scores (or the thresholds for categorization) will remain

    unchanged throughout the period of monitoring. The thresholds could be based on the distributions

    obtained in the baseline assessments; they will be closer to quartile but not exactly the same as the

    estimated quartiles.

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    Chapter 8 of the Implementation Plan of the Global Strategy to Improve Agriculture Statistics (FAO,

    2011) suggests a criteria to select pilot countries for priority attention. This categorization is also

    expected to result in the similar groupings as would be obtained from the method based on quartiles

    or thresholds. However, it should be noted that this method considers only a few of the elements of

    country capacity to produce agriculture statistics.


    Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOS)Agriculture and Environmental Statistics DivisonLevel 5, Block C6, Complex C, Federal GovernmentAdministration CentreMrs. Zarinah MahariDirectorLevel 5, Block C6, Complex C, Federal GovernmentAdministration CentreTel.: 603-88857177

    Fax:[email protected]

    Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-BasedIndustry (agro food) (MOA)Strategic Planning and International Division14 th Floor Lot 4G1 Wisma Tani Presint 4Muhammad Salimi SajariUnder SecretaryTel.: 603-8888 6970Fax: 603-8888 8548 mail:[email protected]

    Ministry of Rural & Regional Development(MRRD)Strategic Planning DivisionData UnitLevel 27, No. 47, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4,Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62100PutrajayaNorliza Abd. HalimStatisticianTel.: 03-88912133Fax: 03-88882328E-mail:[email protected]

    Rubber Industry Smallholders DevelopmentAuthority (RISDA)Strategic Planning and Policy DivisionResearch UnitAhida Abdul RahmanPrincipal Assistance DirectorTel.: 03-42564022Fax: 03-42576726E-mail:[email protected]

    Ministry of Natural Resources and

    Environment (NRE)Forestry Department Peninsular MalaysiaHead Forest Economy Section, ForestPlanning and Economic DivisionJalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 KualaLumpurPOH LYE YONG POHDeputy DirectorCell: 6012-2070719Tel.: 603-26164578Fax:

    E-mail:[email protected]

    Ministry of Plantation Industries andCommodities Malaysia (Commodities)(MOPIC)Strategic Planning and InternationalDivisionUnder Secretary, Strategic Planning andInternational DivisionNo.15, Level 6-13, Persian Perdana, Presint2, 62654 PutrajayaWan Mazlan Wan MahmoodUnder SecretaryTel.: 603-88803406Fax:[email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://