march 2015 in form - shropshire community health … · march 2015 bringing our new ... into any...

In form Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust’s StaNewsleƩer March 2015 Bringing our new Values to life Developed and designed by sta, we have now chosen the logo we will use to bring our new Values to life. Find out more inside

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In form Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust’s Staff Newsle er 

March 2015 

Bringing our new Values to life 

Developed and designed by staff, we have now chosen the logo we will use to bring our new Values to life. 

Find out more inside 

March 2015 

Over the past 18 months a lot of work has been carried out to develop our new Values. 

This is all part of helping to reset the tone of the organisa on, working with our staff, pa ents and carers to understand “how we do things round here” ‐ our culture ‐ and “what our guiding principles are” ‐ our Values.

All of us want to be proud of where we work and what we do. By building a core set of values that we can all buy into, and that guide us in what we say and do, this is something we can achieve.

Developing the shared values involved a lengthy process of engagement to make sure we got it right. Now we are working to embed these new Values (which you can find in full on page 3) into everything we do. For example, we will be star ng to use values‐based recruitment to ensure new staff coming to work with us share the views and behaviours we feel will ul mately benefit all of our pa ents, carers and staff.

We also decided to develop some ways of helping to bring our Values to life, such as producing logos that we can use to promote them visually. Thanks to the crea vity of Dr Emma Lawrence, Manager of our Community Neuro Rehab Team, we were able to produce a number of different design ideas that we then shared with staff to decide which would be developed into our preferred set of logos.

You can see these on the opposite side of the page. 2 

Our Values 

March 2015 

Our Values Improving Lives 

We make things happen to improve people's lives in our communi es. 

Everyone Counts 

We make sure no‐one feels excluded or le  behind ‐ pa ents, carers, staff and the whole community. 

Commitment to Quality 

We all strive for excellence and ge ng it right for pa ents, carers and staff every  me. 

Working Together for Pa ents 

Pa ents come first. We work and communicate closely with other teams, services and organisa ons to make that a reality. 

Compassionate Care 

We put compassionate care at the heart of everything we do. 

Respect and Dignity 

We see the person every  me ‐ respec ng their values, aspira ons and commitments in life – for pa ents, carers and staff. 

The next step is to start embedding these values and images into the way we work. We have a Culture Working Group developing a plan to make this happen, but there is no reason why you and your teams cannot already start thinking about what our Values mean to you and to be using them in any discussions you have. How are you living these Values in your work now, and what help do you need to do so if you think you can’t? It is up to all of us to make this happen and we would like to hear examples of what you are already doing.

We will also be developing a set of templates (e.g. le ers, posters and Power Point presenta ons) featuring our new logo that you can use, which will be made available in the Staff Zone of the website shortly. There will also be some simple guidance on how to incorporate the logos ‐ which are also available in greyscale ‐ into any documents or material you may be crea ng.

More informa on about this will be made available in the coming weeks and if you have any examples of how you have already started using the new Values in any ac vi es or discussions you and your team have had then please let us know at communica [email protected] 

Bringing our Values to life 

Once again we would like to thank Dr Emma Lawrence (pictured) for helping us to create the logos to help us bring our Values to life.

This is not the first me Emma has used her crea ve skills to help produce branding

for the Trust as she also came up with and produced the logo for the Health and Wellbeing ac vi es staff are encouraged to get involved in, which you can see below.

As well as our new Values, the Board has now approved our new Trust Vision, Strategic Goals and Corporate Objec ves. More details about these are included in March’s edi on of Team Brief (which will be issued alongside this newsle er) and should be discussed at your next team mee ng.

...con nued from page 2

March 2015 

It is essen al that all of us as Trust staff demonstrate high standards of corporate and personal conduct, based on the recogni on that pa ents come first.  

So here’s another friendly reminder that all staff must ensure that their private or personal interests do not influence their decisions, and that they do not use their posi ons to obtain personal gain of any sort, either for themselves directly, or their families, friends or associates. ‘Interests’ means for example, either you or a close family member having a significant interest in a business which may compete for a contract to supply either goods or services to the Trust. Sec on 9 of the Trust policy ’Code of Business Conduct’ (on the policies sec on of the Trust website) explains more.

Good ques ons to ask yourself are:

am I, or might I be, in a posi on where I (or my family/friends) could gain from the connec on between my private interests and my employment? 

do I have access to informa on which could influence Trust purchasing decisions? 

could my outside interest be in any way detrimental to the Trust, NHS or pa ents’ interests? 

do I have any other reason to think I may be risking a conflict of interest? 

The policy also makes it clear that in general gi s and hospitality should not be accepted by staff, although, items of low intrinsic value of less than £25, for example, diaries, calendars, pens may be accepted. Please remember that you need to obtain your line manager’s permission before accep ng any form of commercial sponsorship/hospitality e.g. a company paying towards the cost of a mee ng or event. If you think there is a genuine case for acceptance for any other kind of gi or hospitality, then please make sure you obtain the appropriate approval. Any offer or receipt of a gi or hospitality must be recorded in the Trust’s Register of Gi s, Hospitality and Sponsorship; again all the details are in the Trust’s policy. In par cular, please remember that money should only ever be accepted on behalf of a team, service or hospital, never for the benefit of an individual and such contribu ons can only be used for the benefit of that team, service or hospital. If you have any concerns then please contact Julie Thornby (Director of Corporate Affairs/Board Secretary) in the first instance.

If you need any further advice or have an actual or poten al interest you need to:

declare it in wri ng to Julie Thornby, ([email protected]) who will enter the informa on in the Trust’s Register of Interests.

having made the declara on, avoid being in situa ons where you could have influence over the decision being made e.g. a directorate decision over a supplier or contractor. If you are present at any Trust mee ng, including the Trust Board, Commi ee or any other Trust mee ng which is discussing an item which poses a conflict of interest for you, you should declare your interest and leave the mee ng room. Any interests declared must be recorded in the minutes of the mee ng.

Do YOU need to declare an interest?

New pay‐scales for staff confirmed 

Details of the new pay‐scales for staff on A4C terms and condi ons ‐ and a non‐consolidated rise for some staff on Medical and Dental Terms and Condi ons ‐ are now available from the NHS Employers website at and have been distributed alongside this newsle er.

Also issued alongside this edi on of Inform is informa on about NHS Total Reward Statements, which have been introduced to provide you with a be er understanding of the benefits you have, or may have access to as an NHS employee.

If you want any further informa on about either of these ma er please contact HR or Pay Services. 4 

March 2015 

Thank you to all staff who got their flu jab 

A big ‘thank you’ to all staff who helped to protect their pa ents, colleagues, family and friends by ge ng the flu jab.   

This year, thanks to the efforts of the Occupa onal Health Team and our Flu Champions, our final flu vaccina on uptake was 67.2%. This is an increase from 64.8% last year.

We were also in the top three performing NHS community trusts behind only our colleagues in Wirral and Leeds, so well done everyone.

Learning more about keeping safe and trea ng minor injuries. 

Earlier this month members of Ludlow Brownies visited our Minor Injuries Unit in the town as they wanted us to talk to them about keeping safe and what they can do if they got hurt or someone they knew got hurt.

They met with Carolyn Michie MIU/OPD Team Leader, Rachel Walker Staff Nurse and Ma hew Walker Staff Nurse.

They spent the evening talking about injuries and accidents and how to avoid them and they were given a tour of the unit to show them what happens and where.

The children were given a chance to listen to their own heartbeats, which they loved, and then they spent me bandaging and pu ng on slings.

They were provided with drinks and biscuits and all went home with a booklet of quizzes and a colouring compe on.

Roadworks near Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust HQ 

People travelling to our offices at William Farr House in Shrewsbury are advised that roadworks will take place on My on Oak Road from 30 March un l 29 June 2015. The roadworks mean people travelling from the east (A5) may experience some delays immediately before reaching us. They are part of the next phase of the construc on of a housing development off My on Oak Road and are required to allow a new traffic island to be installed. For the dura on of the roadworks, Racecourse Lane will be closed, with access to residen al proper es, the GP surgery etc. via Welshpool Road only. Two‐way traffic lights will be used on My on Oak Road. To reduce traffic hold‐ups as much as possible, the lights will be manually controlled during the working day due to the proximity to the RSH. Overnight, the traffic lights will be vehicle‐ac vated, again to reduce any delays to a minimum. 5 

March 2015 

Developing a vision for rural services 

Here is the latest update from the NHS Future Fit Programme explaining a bit more about the work that will be carried out

to develop the rural element of the review.

Following the decision of the NHS Future Fit Programme Board to develop a Rural Urgent Care Offer that is sensi ve to local needs and which builds on exis ng local services, we are wri ng to keep you informed of progress. 

We have agreed that this work needs to start with a series of conversa ons between the Clinical Commissioning Groups and Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust and local GPs, other clinicians and pa ents. As a star ng point, the locali es are defined as the communi es served by the exis ng Community Hospitals and/or Minor Injuries Units.

These conversa ons will start with a descrip on of the current thinking of the core Urgent Care Centre (UCC) model and will then progress into a plan to develop local services appropriate to local need and demand, based on the principles of the core UCC model.

The aim is to come up with a plan for the development of the local Urgent Care Offer for each locality at the latest by September 2015. If, as the work progresses, it becomes obvious that we should do something now, we will do it.

This is important work for the future of healthcare services in Shropshire and beyond. We do need to make sure that this work is happening in a properly organised way and that we are able to take a view of the total offer across Shropshire as well as the view for each locality. We therefore need to make sure we organise this as a project with the necessary resources.

We have agreed an Execu ve lead from Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust who will steer the overall project and we are looking to make sure that Execu ve lead can be properly supported. We are considering a more detailed plan in a week’s me to agree how we can do this. We expect to be able to begin se ng up the first of each of the locality mee ngs in the next few weeks.

Lastly we want to reassure you that our aim is to improve and extend local services not to diminish them.

March 2015 

A Health and Wellbeing event for staff is taking place at Shrewsbury Town Football Club , Oteley Road, Shrewsbury Monday, 11 May, from 1pm un l 7pm. 

On the day you can:

Pick up your walking packs for the 10 10 Challenge

Compete in a 5‐a‐side Football Tournament on the Powerleague pitches

Experience a trial of the amazing effects of Acupuncture

Have a Nail File and Polish, Indian Head Massage or Sports Massage

Know your Numbers— have your Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, BMI, and Body Fat Analysis checked

Try Pilates — there will be 10‐Minute Tasters Throughout the Day

Cycle to Work Scheme— get expert advice from Dave Mellor Cycles

Pick up your 20% discount for Membership at The Shrewsbury Club

Take the Exercise Bike Challenge (can you Cycle around Shropshire in a day?)

Help to Change — support and advice on stopping smoking and weight loss

Get informa on and advice from the Community Diabetes Service

The Big Day For Health and Wellbeing

For more informa on, to register your team for the 10 10 Challenge or the 5‐a‐side Football Tourna‐ment contact the Human Resources Team on 01743 277651 or email [email protected]   You can also find more informa on in the Staff Zone of the website in the HR & Workforce sec on.

Health and Wellbeing ma ers 

Whatever your background, whatever your job, whatever your interests, we all have one thing in common, we need to stay healthy and feel good, both physically and mentally. It's impossible to enjoy life without it.

We encourage you to take up new hobbies, launch yourself into exercise plans.

March 2015 




Each month in Inform, Risk Manager Peter Foord focuses on a par cular topic and explains why it’s so important to report and manage the risks. 

The Simplest Things...

We had an incident occur with a sharps bin in January which prompted me to think about including this as this month’s risk. Looking back I discovered that I included the very same issue in March 2014’s Inform, exactly 12 months ago.

In this par cular incident a sharps bin hadn’t been closed properly. Last year the issues were bins not being closed, sharps le out, and bins not being close enough to the work area.

There are similar situa ons in many of our tasks, medica on errors, set up of devices and missed items in communica on being examples.

We know these tasks, which appear simple, can cause significant problems so why do they re‐occur

frequently? There are of course a mul tude of reasons.

How can we manage these risks? 

One approach is to use the principles Root Cause Analysis. We use this for more serious incidents, but don’t tend to use them were there isn’t any harm.

It doesn’t have to be complicated, we know what the error is so we just need to ask the ques on “why?”, to determine what the contributory factors are. Some we won’t be able to change, others we will.

A team approach is best. Discussing the error at team mee ngs and thinking about contributory factors that you can change will help resolve problems.

These discussions should of course centre around how we do things, not who does them!

If you have any queries or concerns about managing risks contact you line manager or:

Peter Foord, Corporate Risk Manager,  01743 277661 

Anita Bishop, Assistant Risk Manager, 01743 277660 

R   I  S  K Repor ng 

Pu ng training into prac ce 

Sharon Jones, the Trust’s Think Glucose champion in Oswestry, has been praised by colleagues for using the skills she developed with the help of the Diabetes Team to help an ill pa ent she found during a rou ne insulin administra on visit.

Sharon was able to advise paramedics who were called to the scene and ensure the pa ent received the right care and support, and said she felt confident in her knowledge and ability to

deal with the situa on thanks to the training and support she had received. 8 

Pilo ng new ways of working 

A new pilot project might be the start of the end for the need to manually stuff envelopes in the Trust. Instead of prin ng le ers/appointments and then manually folding and inser ng them into envelopes, two pilot areas ‐ Podiatry at William Farr House and some Children’s Services at Coral House ‐ are now using an external organisa on for this task. Synertec, based in Warrington, carries all of this out and then sends the finalised sealed envelopes out by business class post, ensuring the post is delivered in two working days whilst also genera ng a saving for the Trust.

Both Managers involved in the pilot, Nicola Greaves (Opera ons Manager for Child Health) and Ka e Turton (Podiatry Manager) are really pleased with the ini al results of the trial, which has freed up the use of printers, reduced the use of printer consumables and sta onery, and also staff me.

If the pilot scheme proves a success then the aim is to roll the system out throughout the Trust. If you think that your area of work could benefit from this system then please contact Rob Goodrich (Procurement Lead) on 01743 492313 or email him at [email protected]

March 2015 

Accessing informa on: Shrewsbury and

Telford Health Libraries have begun a subscrip on to the DynaMed Point of Care tool, and this is available to all staff. DynaMed provides quick access to synthesised evidence summaries for over 3,400 condi ons in bullet‐point form. It can be accessed with an OpenAthens account from anywhere, and mobile apps are also available for offline access. For more informa on visit: h p://

Recycling Champion: Following

discussions at the Trust’s Capital & Estates Group, Gaynor Carson has kindly nominated herself as Recycling Champion for the Trust. Watch this space as more informa on will be circulated regarding this. If you have any ideas

on recycling or would be interested in helping Gaynor please contact her at [email protected], on 01743 277516 or internally on ext 4050.

Thank you and goodbye: Sandra

Bradbury recently re red as Ward Manager at Bishop’s Castle and wants to thank all of her friends and colleagues for her ‘re rement do’, which she described as being a big part of a very emo onal day. Sandra said: “I have had an amazing career in the NHS and was so proud of being Ward Manager and with the fantas c team we were able to achieve a happy friendly environment for our pa ents. Once again thank you for my cards and gi s. I will miss you all.”

Trust News: Keep up‐to‐date with all of the

latest developments from across the Trust in the News Sec on of the website and Staff Zone at

News in Brief 

Bridgnorth Walk 

Mark Williams (Senior IT Technician) has organised for the IT Department to do the Bridgnorth Walk this year. This is a 22‐mile walk from Bridgnorth to Brown Clee (and up it) and back on 25 May. It is done for charity and they have selected the Severn Hospice to do it for and are looking for sponsorship.

This can be done online at or by doing it the old fashioned way on a form in the IT Department.

Greater Manchester Marathon  

Michael Hill (Financial Accountant) will be taking part in the Greater Manchester Marathon with his brothers on the 19 April.

Their training is going well and Michael has personally clocked 245 miles since the start of January, which has been enjoyable but very challenging.

They are raising money for the Midlands Air Ambulance Charity.

To donate please visit h ps://‐Hill16 or alterna vely there is a paper dona on form in recep on.

Fundraising News  Dignity Ac on Day 

A road‐trip around Telford &Wrekin’s nursing homes recently called on green‐fingered and cra y residents to put the ‘Dig and Knit' back into dignity. Members of the CCG’s Safeguarding and Quality teams, joined Shropshire Community Health Trust colleagues in visits to all 53 of the area’s nursing, residen al and learning disability homes, for 2015’s Dignity Ac on Day at the beginning of February.

Chris ne Morris, Execu ve Nurse team at the CCG, said: “We wanted to do something crea ve this year with Dignity Ac on Day, and while na onally the Dignity in Care campaign marked it with Digni‐Tea mornings across the country, we wanted to place the emphasis on something that allowed our residents to use their skills and really get involved.”

They took a packet of sunflower seeds to each of the homes to plant and asked staff and residents to record the heights and send in photos of the resul ng blooms as they come to flower.

“At the same me, we asked all the homes to knit a 15cm by 15cm square, which was collected on the day and sewn together to produce a Telford and Wrekin Dignity Blanket,” explained Chris.

“We wanted to present the finished blanket to someone less fortunate than ourselves, so it will be donated to the Telford Community Store.”

March 2015 

The following are key Safeguarding messages to be aware of from the Safeguarding Group... 

A campaign that aims to encourage hotels, nightclubs, taxi firms and local communi es to recognise and report signs of child sexual exploita on has been launched by Shropshire’s Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB).

“Say Something if you See Something” is a tried and tested na onal campaign, aimed at the commercial sector. It is expected to reach hotels, nightclubs, transport operators, retailers and leisure premises.

However, the SSCB – whose members include Shropshire Council, Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust, West Mercia Police and other representa ves from across the health economy – also aims to raise awareness in local communi es to enable the public to spot the signs of child sexual exploita on (CSE) and know how to report their concerns.

As part of the campaign, a series of posters, leaflets and other material is being distributed to highlight the signs to look out for, and what to do if you suspect a child may be a vic m of CSE.

These signs may include:

Going missing for periods of  me or regularly returning home late 

Regularly missing school or not taking part in educa on 

Appearing with unexplained gi s or new possessions 

Having older boyfriends or girlfriends 

SSCB has published a Learning Review which was undertaken to evaluate the effec veness of its CSE strategy and response. The Learning Review and further informa on on CSE for professionals, parents/carers, and children and young people, can be found at 

Campaign aims to raise awareness of child sexual exploita on

If you have a Safeguarding concern and are unsure what to do; doing nothing is not an op on. Always seek advice.

Does your service keep bu on ba eries?

Inges on of bu on ba eries can cause serious harm and in some reported cases death.

Bu on ba ery inges on affects all age groups, although most cases involve children under the age of six who mistake the ba ery for a sweet or older people with confusion or poor vision who mistake the ba ery for a pill. Older children and adults may ingest ba eries as a means of self harming.

Be aware that bu on ba eries can be ingested and can cause serious harm and even death.

Store spare bu on ba eries securely and dispose of flat ba eries appropriately (even flat ba eries can cause serious harm).

Check regularly to ensure that bu on ba ery compartments on toys and equipment are not damaged causing risk of the ba ery accidently falling out.

When giving/lending toys and equipment requiring bu on ba eries always explain the dangers to clients and carers and advise on safe storage.

Safer Sleep Week was the first na onal campaign from The Lullaby Trust to raise awareness of safer sleep messages. It ran from 16 to 23 March.

The Lullaby Trust and partners aim to make sure parents in the UK know the important of safer sleep and are aware of how to reduce the chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Further informa on from [email protected] and direct via

Safer Sleep Week

Addi onal Resources 

An addi onal Safeguarding resource to make staff aware of this month is the UK Missing People Bureau website. This has resources and informa on available to staff and can be found at: h p://‐for‐families 

March 2015 


The success we have had working with our pa ents and carers to strengthen services in the past year is something we should be shou ng about ‐ so that’s exactly what we’ve done. 

The amount we have achieved since we set up our Pa ent and Carer Panel just over a year ago has been remarkable. We now have panel members, and other volunteers, involved in ac vi es throughout the Trust.

And it is not only locally that this success is being recognised. Last week a group of staff a ended a na onal conference being hosted by the King’s Fund charity to lead a workshop on working with pa ents and communi es. Among the group that travelled and presented at the event were Steve Gregory (Director of Nursing and Opera ons), Mark Donovan (Pa ent Engagement and Experience Lead), Andy Rogers (Communica ons Manager) and Milly Smith (Panel Member).

The work carried out by our Pa ent and Carer Panel was chosen from more than 100 examples of good partnership working, and this was a great opportunity to show other healthcare professionals exactly what we are doing in Shropshire.

In a short space of me our Pa ent and Carer Panel has played an important part in shaping our plans for the future, as well as suppor ng the services we deliver every day.

Some of the ways in which the Panel has been helping us include: Training staff in Sit & See, si ng on interview panels, suppor ng staff/public events, taking part in Trust Board Pa ent Experience Development Days, sharing pa ent stories, helping us recruit and train volunteers, and joining Trust

commi ees, groups and workstreams ‐ among other things.

The presenta on received very posi ve feedback at the event and could be shared with other staff at the Trust in the near future. The slides are available on the King’s Fund website (more details below).

The aim of the event was to explore how we can improve and develop community health services. It also provided a forum for the sharing of good prac ce in community health care.

There has been a longstanding ambi on to shi more health care from hospitals to se ngs closer to people's homes, and from reac ve care to preven on and proac ve models based on early interven on, and community health care services should play a key role in realising this ambi on.

Community Health Care Services  What does good look like? 

All of the presenta ons delivered on the day can be found on the King’s Fund website at:‐health‐care‐services

Leading the way in working with pa ents and communi es 

Staff Lo ery Winners Here’s a list of the latest set of Staff Lo ery winners. All employees of this Trust, as well as The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust and Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Founda on Trust are eligible to join.

To join the scheme you can download the lo ery applica on form from the Staff Zone on the Trust website. This needs to be returned to Lucy Wilkinson, Staff Lo ery Administrator, William Farr House, My on Oak Road, Shrewsbury SY3 8XL. If you have any queries please email Lucy at [email protected] or call 01743 277500 (ext 4017).

February 2015 

Inform is produced by the Communica ons Team. If you have any ideas for features or you would like to promote you and your team’s success then simply email communica [email protected] 

3534 Mrs. Alison Whitelaw RJ&AH Institute of Orthopaedics £500 2435 Mrs. Susan Ellis RJ&AH Charles Salt Clerical Staff £250 3843 Mrs. Lynn Richards S&TH Ward 25 - General Surgery £100 635 Miss Nicola O'Sullivan S&TH X-Ray Department (PRH) £50

1099 Miss Yasmin Tomkins RJ&AH Catering (RJAH) £25 4841 Jakub Ekert S&TH SAU 34 RSH £25 1350 Mrs Christine Bakehouse S&TH Hospital @ Night (PRH) £25 2999 Mr Stephen Fisher S&TH Clinical Site Management PRH £25 1873 Mrs Amanda Teckoe S&TH Ward 6, PRH £25 3700 Mrs. Susan Watkins S&TH Wrekin Maternity Unit £25 1734 Mrs. Deborah Snooke S&TH Infection Control Team £25 1964 Mr. Paul Stokes SCHT Information & IT Services £25 367 Mrs Daphne Williams S&TH OPD, Outpatients, RSH £25

1805 Mrs Sandra Carvell S&TH Acute Referral Centre, RSH £25 2134 Ms Roberta Flanagan SCHT Community IDT Craven Arms £25 422 Mrs. Elizabeth Walton S&TH Human Resources Department £25

Working together to improve MSK services for people in Telford & Wrekin 

Following a tender process for a new Integrated Community MSK Service, Telford & Wrekin CCG has chosen us to lead a partnership with The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust, the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Founda on Trust, and Pain Management Solu ons. The new service, due to commence on 1 July 2015, will bring healthcare professionals together to streamline the way pa ents are referred, assessed and treated. It will provide a Musculoskeletal, Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service, which includes Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, MSK Related Pain, Podiatry including Ortho cs and Physiotherapy.

The aim is to deliver a high quality, pa ent‐centred service as an alterna ve to hospital‐based care for

pa ents within Telford & Wrekin that have been referred by General Prac oners and other Health Care professionals. By providing a single point of referral for all MSK ac vity this mul ‐disciplinary team will be able to ensure pa ents are being seen by the right people in the right place as quickly as possible. Where a pa ent does need more specialist hospital care then the service will manage any pre‐opera ve work, offer a choice of healthcare provider and then start any early supported discharge planning as appropriate.