math extra credit 2 =)

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  • 8/13/2019 Math Extra Credit 2 =)



    Member 2: Aime: Asian 17 femaleMember 3: Arlene: Asian 17 (18 in less than a week) female

    Member 4: Catherine: Caucasian 17 female

    A mere 3 weeks havepassed since Skabbys attack, when the CSFSB (Calculus Students

    Fighting Supernatural Beings) find themselves once again in peril, as the reeking, mutant, blood-

    sucking, brain-eating zombie vampires have been infecting the whole town with their incurable

    disease. If bitten one only has 12 hours to choose to either shrivel away and die or to join the

    zombie vampires byspreading the disease and stealing a childs toy. Initial signs of the disease

    are: dehydration, loss in strength, and insatiable hunger, while the final symptom of infection is

    the decay of skin.

    Aime! Run! Dont look back! They are behind you! Those were the last words Arlene

    ever spoke to Aime. It had been 2 weeks since the zombie vampires took Aime, and the CSFSB

    had spent every waking moment looking for her. With no clues or evidence left, the search had

    been miserably unsuccessful and the CSFSB was unsure if she was even alive. The only thing

    they had been able to discover was that the headquarters for the zombie vampires, separate from

    the abandoned warehouse, was located in a luxurious 19th

    century mansion that stood at the very

    end of the haunted forest just at the edge of a cliff. It was clear to the CSFSB that the only way

    they could stop these wretched creatures, and hopefully get more information about Aime would

    be to attack the heart of the evil, the headquarters.

    Packing 3 Glocks, 4 Mac-10s, and two chloroform bombs (which they had personally

    hand crafted in chemistry class under the careful supervision of Mrs. Brown) in places which will

    remained unnamed for they cannot be revealed in this story, each CSFSB member prepared for

    their full-on attack on the zombie vampires headquarters.Hugging their loved ones the next

    morning, the CSFSB set out on their journey into the forest. However, as hours turned into days

    and days turned into weeks, the CSFSB was unable to find the mansion and succumbed to the fact

    that they were lost. Their food supply having run out the day before, the CSFSB was desperate to

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    find the mansion; however, the CSFSB had no such luck as days passed without any sign or hint

    of a mansion. However, as Arlene and Sydney were at the point of giving up, Catherine shouted,

    THERE! Theres the mansion! Standing over 100 meters ta ll, decorated with elaborate

    gargoyles, rose windows, and carvings, and stabilized with hundreds of colossal buttresses, the

    sight of mansion became clearer and more daunting as the CSFSB approached its iron doors.

    With large brass handles in the shape of cat fangs, and poison ivy wrapped around the edges of

    the door, the sight of the mansions doors froze the members of the CSFSB with terror. However,

    as Arlene took the first step towards the door, pulled on the handles and walked through the

    doorway, Catherine and Sydney promptly followed.

    As the CSFSB cautiously walked through the dimly lighted hallways of the mansion

    towards the cacophony of chanting, they halted in front of two large mahogany doors where they

    believe noise originates. As Sydney cautiously cracked open the door, her stomach clenched at

    the sight before her eyes. Sitting right before the CSFSB is the leader of the zombie vampires. In

    a brown cardboard box, surrounded by hundreds of zombie vampires reciting, Master! and

    mounds of childrens toys lining the walls, was none other than Phoebe! Catherine so shocked

    gasps a little too loudly and instantly the chanting stopped. The whole room fell silent and

    everyones eyes turned to the students. Dragging and kneeling the CSFSB in front of their feline

    leader, the zombie vampires encircled the CSFSB, allowing for none to escape, and began to

    chant once more. Phoebeshead slowly turned towards the students and she gazed upon her

    captives. Flicking her tail twice, signaling one of the zombie vampires to her side, Phoebe glared

    straight at the CSFSB. As a body broke through the wall of zombie vampires, Arlene shrieked.

    Though barely recognizable the CSFSB knew by the short stature and distinct Asian facial

    features that it was the girl they had spent weeks looking for, Aime. In horror, the CSFSB

    watched as Aime walked straight up to Phoebe and picked her up. Sitting down in a leather chair

    and placing Phoebe on her lap, Aime slowly began to stroke Phoebes glossycoat. Demanding

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    the zombie vampires bring one of the stolen dolls from one of the massive mounds of stolen

    childrenstoys, Aime placed a newplush blue bunny in the grasp of Phoebes cleanly kept claws.

    Aime! AIME! Arlene, Catherine, and Sydney all cried. What happened to you? We

    looked for you for weeks! Arlene said as she stretched her hand out towards Aime. Swatting it

    back, Aime boomed SILENCE YOU FOOLISH NINCOMPOOPS! I do not answer to any one

    but my master Phoebe! Phoebe is very upset. You scums have killed her favorite minion Skabby

    and you must pay the ultimate price!(Reigniting the chanting)

    Looking straight into Phoebes eyes andnodding to indicate that she understood, Aime

    turned towards her classmates, raised her hands, thus silencing the chanting, and pointed one

    finger towards them, she whispered, attack!

    To be continued in the next issue (available January 1, 5006)