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Diagnosis Keperawatan terkait Cardiovaskular Responses

Diagnosis Keperawatan terkait Cardiovaskular ResponsesSri SetiyariniSubag. KGD

Tujuan Pembelajaran:Mampu memahami dan mampu merumuskan diagnosa serta manajemen keperawatan terkait gangguan sistem kardiovaskular.Pokok Bahasan:Diagnosa dan manajemen keperawatan terkait gangguan sistem kardiovaskulerSubpokok Bahasan:Merumuskan Diagnosa KeperawatanCardiovascular responsesCardiac Output DeterminationEffect of various conditions on cardiac output

Merumuskan Diagnosa Kep. (NANDA 2007-2008, Hal 297)mulai dng pengkajian & pengambilan data riwayat klien (pasien, keluarga, komunitas)Data dikaji dan dikumpulkan untuk mengidentifikasi tanda dan gejala atau mendefinisikan karakteristik-karakteristik (defining characteristic) dari diagnosa tersebut.Faktor-faktor atau variabel yang mempengaruhi diagnosa (related factors) terintegrasi dengan riwayat, bukti-bukti lain atau chart dan KOMBINASI defining characteristic & related factors akan diformulasi menjadi suatu diagnosis.Bagan alurPengkajian: Pengumpulan dataIdentifikasi defining characteristicRelated factorsTerintegrasi dng riwayat, bukti-bukti lain atau chart Diagnosacek kesesuaiannya dng definisi diagnosaCardiovaskular Responses(NANDA 2009 2011)Domain 4: activity/restClass 4: cardiovaskular/respiratory responses

Diagnosa Keperawatan(NANDA 2009 - 2011Decrease cardiac Output (00029)Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion (00204) Activity Intolerance (00092)Risk for Activity Intolerance (00094)Risk For Bleeding (00206)

Diagnosa keperawatanRisk for Decreased cardiac Tissue perfusion (00200)Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion (00201)Risk for Ineffective Gastrointestinal Perfusion (002002)Risk for Ineffective Renal Perfusion (00203)Risk for Shock (00205)


Diagnosis Decrease Cardiac Output (CO) DefinitionInadequate blood pumped by the heart to meet the metabolic demands of the bodyCardiac Output Determination

Cardiac Output (C0) is the volume of blood that is pumped out of the heart per minute. (Normal= 4-8 liters/minute)


Interaksi antar komponen-komponen yang mengatur CO dan tekanan atrial. Tanda panah tebal menandakan PENINGKATANTanda panah putus-putus menandakan PENURUNANCOAfterloadkontraktilitasPreloadPemendekan serat miokardArterial PressureHeart RateSroke volumeUkuran ventrikel kiriResistensi periferSTROKE VOLUME - volume of blood ejected as he ventricles contract with each heart beat During systole = 70ml - 90 ml /PRELOAD - degree of tension on the muscle when it begins to contractCARDIAC OUTPUT - the quantity of blood pumped into the aorta each minute by the heartAFTERLOAD - load against which the muscle exerts its contractile force - pressure in the artery leading from the ventricleRelated FactorsAltered preloadAltered afterloadAltered contractilityAltered heart rate, Altered rhythmAltered Stroke Volume

Penyakit/kondisi yg menurunkan COUmumnya:myocardial infarction,Hypertensionvalvular heart disease, congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary disease, arrhythmias, drug effects, fluid overload, decreased fluid volume, electrolyte imbalance.

Diagnosis Lainnya(mendahului atau lanjutan)Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion (00204) Activity Intolerance (00092)Risk for Activity Intolerance (00094) Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion (00201)Risk for Ineffective Gastrointestinal Perfusion (002002)Risk for Ineffective Renal Perfusion (00203)Risk for Shock (00205)CO Arterial PressureResistensi periferMAP= Tekanan Rata-rata Arterial(mean arterial pressure)As blood is pumped out of the left ventricle into the arteries, pressure is generatedMAP = (CO SVR) + CVP Karena CVP umumnya dengan nilai /mendekati 0 mmHg, maka persamaan tersebut dapat disederhanakan menjadi: MAP approx = CO SVR MAP = 1 sistolik + 2 Diastolik 3 atau


menggambarkan TEKANAN PERFUSI ke ORGAN-ORGAN tubuh

MAP normal = 70 105 mmHgMAPMAP > 60 mmhg, cukup untuk menjaga perfusi organ.Jika MAP turun secara bermakna dan dalam waktu cukup lama, aliran darah ke organ-organ akan berkurang dan dapat berlanjut menjadi iskemiBlood Flow to the Organs Matches Body Requirements

Active organs such as the liver, brain and kidney have high blood flows at rest About 25% of the cardiac output goes to the kidney Composition of the blood is continuously regulated by the kidney Gastrointestinal tract & liver get another 25% Muscle circulation at rest is about 20% of cardiac output Brain needs about 15% of the cardiac output

Low blood pressure results in inadequate perfusionBrainHeart - (70% coronary artery perfusion occurs during diastole) (Diastolic pressure < 50 mmHg compromises perfusion of heart)KidneysBP = CO PVR (peripheral vascular resistance )AtauBP CO/r4 (resistensi pembuluh drh kecil)

111111Diagnosis :Ineffective Peripheral Tissue Perfusion (00204)Definition: decrease in blood circulation to the periphery that may compromise health Def Charac & related Fact; see NANDA 2009 2010Diagnosis: Activity Intolerance (00092)Definition: insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily avtivitiesDef Charac & related Fact; see NANDA 2009 2010

Risk for Activity Intolerance (00094) Diagnosis: Risk for Ineffective Renal Perfusion (00203)Definision: at risk for a decrease in circulation to the kidney that may compromise healthDiagnosis: Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion (00201)Definition: risk for a decrease in cerebral tissue circulationDiagnosis: Risk for Ineffective Gastrointestinal Perfusion (002002)Definition: at risk for a decrease in gastrointestinal circulationDiagnosis: Risk for Shock (00205)Definition: at risk for an inadequate blood flow to the bodys tissue wich may lead to lifr-threatening cellular dysfunctionDiagnosis: Risk For Bleeding (00206)Definition: at risk for a decrease in blood volume that may compromise healthDiagnosis: Risk for Decreased cardiac Tissue perfusion (00200)Definition: risk for a decrease in cardiac (coronary) circulation24Left CHF/Pulmonary Congestion

Cardiac Pump Effectiveness Circulatory Status Tissue Perfusion: Abdominal Organs Tissue Perfusion: Peripheral Vital Signs Status NOC Outcomes (Nursing Outcomes Classification)

Suggested NOC LabelsDemonstrates adequate cardiac output as evidenced byblood pressureand pulse rate and rhythm within normal parameters for client; strong peripheral pulses; and an ability to tolerate activity without symptoms of dyspnea, syncope, or chest painRemains free of side effects from the medications used to achieve adequate cardiac outputExplains actions and precautions to take for cardiac diseaseClient OutcomesCardiac Care: AcuteCirculatory Care NIC Interventions (Nursing Interventions Classification)Suggested NIC Labels Monitor for symptoms of heart failure and decreased cardiac output, Listen to heart sounds; note rate, rhythm, presence of S3, S4, and lung sounds. Observe for confusion, restlessness, agitation, dizziness. Central nervous system disturbances may be noted with decreased cardiac output.Observe for chest pain or discomfort; note location, radiation, severity, quality, durationNursing InterventionsIf chest pain is present, have client lie down, monitor cardiac rhythm, give oxygen, run a strip, medicate for pain, and notify the physician. Place on cardiac monitor; monitor for dysrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation is common in heart failure.Monitor hemodynamic parameters for an increase in pulmonary wedge pressure, an increase in systemic vascular resistance, or a decrease in cardiac output and index. Titrate inotropic and vasoactive medications within defined parameters to maintain contractility, preload, and afterload per physician's order. Monitor intake and output. ( measure hourly urine output acute cond)Note results of EKG and chest Xray. Results of diagnostic imaging studies such as echocardiogram, radionuclide imaging or dobutamine stress echocardiography.. An ejection fraction in a healthy heart is approximately 50%. Most patients experiencing heart failure have an ejection fraction of less than 40%.Watch laboratory data closely, especially arterial blood gases and electrolytes, including potassium. Client may be receiving cardiac glycosides and the potential for toxicity is greater with hypokalemia; hypokalemia is common in heart clients because of diuretic use.Monitor lab work such as complete blood count, sodium level, and serum creatinine. Routine blood work can provide insight into the etiology of heart failure and extent of decompensation. A low serum sodium level often is observed with advanced heart failure and can bea poor prognostic sign. Serum creatinine levels will elevate in clients with severe heart failure because of decreased perfusion to the kidneys.Creatinine may also elevate because of ACE inhibitors.oxygen as needed per physician's order.semi-Fowler's position or position of comfort. Check blood pressure, pulse, and condition before administering cardiac medications :(ACE) inhibitors, digoxin, and beta-blockers such. the nurse evaluate how well the client is tolerating current medications before administering cardiac medications; During acute events, ensure client remains on bed rest or maintains activity level that does not compromise cardiac output. In severe heart failure, restriction of activity often facilitates temporary recompensation.Gradually increase activity when client's condition is stabilized by encouraging slower paced activities or shorter periods of activity with frequent rest periods following exercise prescription; observe for symptoms of intolerance. Serve small sodium-restricted, low-cholesterol meals. Monitor bowel function. Provide stool softeners as ordered. Caution client not to strain when defecating. Straining when defecating that results in the Valsalva maneuver can lead to dysrhythmia, decreased cardiac function, and sometimes death.Have clients use a commode or urinal for toileting and avoid use of a bedpan.Provide a restful environment by minimizing controllable stressors and unnecessary disturbances. Schedule rest periods after meals and activities. Rest periods decrease oxygen consumption.Weigh client at same time daily. Assess for presence of anxiety; music will decrease anxiety & improve cardiac function. Closely monitor fluid intake including IV lines. Maintain fluid restriction if ordered. Refer to heart failure program or cardiac rehabilitation program: education, evaluation, guided support to increase activity and rebuild life. Referensi Herdman, T. H., & North American Nursing Diagnosis Association. (2008). NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: Definitions & classification, 2009-2011. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.Moorhead, S. (2008). Nursing outcomes classification (NOC). St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier.Bulechek, G. M., Butcher, H. K., & Dochterman, J. M. C. (2008). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). St. Louis, Mo: Mosby/Elsevier.Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2005). Fundamentals of nursing. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby.

Any questions?Sheet1Condition or FactorNo ChangeSleepModerate changes in environmental temperatureIncreaseAnxiety and excitement 50 - 100%Eating 30%Exercise up to 700%High environmental temperaturePregnancyEpinephrineHistamineDecreaseSitting or standing from lying position 20 - 30%Rapid arrhythmiaHeart Disease