metroplan board agenda

METROPLAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING February 25, 2009 A G E N D A 1. Approval of Minutes of January 2009 2. Approval of Financial Statement (Unaudited) for January 2009 3. Executive Director’s Report A. Transfer of Central Arkansas Clean Cities Program B. ADEQ Elected Officials Briefing 4. Green Agenda Presentation TRANSPORTATION AGENDA 5. Old Business: Sharrows Amendment to Regional Design Standards 6. ArkRide Demonstration 7. Operation Bottleneck Presentation 8. Stimulus Program Presentation 9. CARTS UPWP AND TIP Amendments 10. Any Other Business to come before the Metroplan Board 11. Citizen Communications

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Board Agenda February 25, 2009


Page 1: Metroplan Board Agenda


February 25, 2009


1. Approval of Minutes of January 2009 2. Approval of Financial Statement (Unaudited) for January 2009 3. Executive Director’s Report A. Transfer of Central Arkansas Clean Cities Program B. ADEQ Elected Officials Briefing 4. Green Agenda Presentation


5. Old Business: Sharrows Amendment to Regional Design Standards 6. ArkRide Demonstration 7. Operation Bottleneck Presentation 8. Stimulus Program Presentation 9. CARTS UPWP AND TIP Amendments 10. Any Other Business to come before the Metroplan Board 11. Citizen Communications

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Minutes of the Metroplan Board Meeting

January 28, 2009 Attending:

Mayor Art Brooke, City of Ward Mayor James Firestone, City of Vilonia Mayor Virginia Hillman, City of Sherwood Mayor Larry Mitchell, City of Bryant Mayor Mike Watson, City of Maumelle Mayor Randy Holland, City of Mayflower Mayor Mark Stodola, City of Little Rock Mayor Eddie Joe Williams, City of Cabot Mayor Melton Cotton, City of Greenbrier Judge Buddy Villines, Pulaski County Judge Lanny Fite, Saline County Mr. Scott Bennett, Arkansas Highway Department Ms. Betty Wineland, Central AR Transit Authority *Mr. Michael Drake, City of North Little Rock *Mr. Jay Whisker, City of Jacksonville *Indicates a proxy

Guests Steve Mitchell, AHTD Sandy Otto, Federal Highway Administration Gary DalPorto, FHWA Ed Fry, James Lee Witt Mark Rushing, Thoma Thoma Noel Oman, AR Democrat-Gazette John Hoffheimer, The Leader

Metroplan Jim McKenzie Richard Magee Jasmin Moore Casey Covington Iris Woods Approval of Minutes A motion to approve the minutes of the December 2009 meeting was made by Mayor Hillman, seconded by Mayor Holland, and passed by the Board. Minutes, 1/28/09

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Page 2 Approval of A motion to approve the financial statements for Financial the month of December was made by Mayor Williams, Statement seconded by Mayor Watson and passed by the Board. Item 3. Executive Director’s Report A. Board Retreat Mr. McKenzie noted to the Board that due to the

inclement weather the Metroplan Board Retreat was cancelled.

Mr. McKenzie stated to the Board that if time permitted

the Board would be briefed on some of the items on the agenda for the retreat.

B. 2008 Budget Summary Mr. McKenzie stated to the Board that in reviewing the

2008 budget had a planned deficit of $199,388. The actual expenditures for the year were less than what was projected resulting in a budget surplus of $16,357.

Mr. McKenzie noted that Lonoke County to date had not

paid dues for 2008. Recently, Judge Charlie Troutman and the quorum court met to discuss whether Lonoke County should continue to be a member of Metroplan. At this time it is still under discussion and staff will make the Board aware of details on this matter as it presents itself.

C. ArkRide On Line Mr. McKenzie stated to the Board that a presentation on

the Central Arkansas Rideshare Program, ArkRide, would be brought to the Board at the February meeting. The program would be operational on January 27th and

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Page 3 could be reached via the ArkRide icon on the Metroplan

website or through D. Transit Article Mr. McKenzie noted that Judge Villines asked that

Metroplan distribute the article on transit. Item 4. Action on Greenbrier’s Request for Membership Mayor Brooke stated to the Board that the City of

Greenbrier recently requested membership in Metroplan. Mayor Brooke asked that the Board approve acceptance of

the City of Greenbrier as a member of Metroplan. A motion to accept Greenbrier as a full member was made

by Mayor Williams, seconded by Mayor Holland and passed by the Board.

Item 5. Thoma Thoma Presentation Mark Rushing of Thoma Thoma gave a presentation to

the Board on the progress of Metroplan’s public outreach program.

Mr. Rushing’s presentation noted that there has been an

increased emphasis on media coverage to help the public understand the purpose and mission of Metroplan for the Central Arkansas Region.

Over the past year there were a number of programs

revamped or implemented to bring widespread awareness to issues affecting the region in the areas of transit, rideshare, transportation, roadways and congestion, and air quality.

After the presentation Mr. McKenzie stated to the Board

that initially due to the Metroplan budget that was prepared and estimate of $25,000 was allocated for

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services for Thoma Thoma. The company has presented

to staff a work program for 2009 budgeted at $50,000. Since this figure would be less than hiring in-house staff for the program, Mr. McKenzie asked that the Board approve continuation of its relationship with Thoma Thoma and allow the company to provide public relations and publication support to Metroplan for 2009.

A motion to approve the renewal of the public relations

contract with Thoma Thoma was made by Judge Villines, seconded by Ms. Wineland and passed by the Board.

Item 6. 2009 Metroplan Workplan Mr. McKenzie stated to the Board that a copy of the

proposed 2009 Metroplan Workplan had been included in the Metroplan Board packet for review.

Mr. McKenzie noted that the Regional Mobility Authority

and the Green Agenda might have a tremendous impact on the workplan for this year and therefore suggested that the Board take time to discuss these areas along with a list of “known unknowns” for 2009.

Mr. McKenzie also noted to the Board that a presentation

on Air Quality non-attainment would be brought before the Board at the February meeting. During this time the Board will be updated on the impact of the area being recommended to be placed in non-attainment.

Mr. McKenzie asked if the Board wished to approve the

workplan as is or if the Board would rather wait until after March when more information would be available.

Judge Villines suggested that the Board wait at least 6

weeks to two month before approving the plan. Therefore a motion to postpone approving the 2009

Workplan was made by Judge Villines, seconded by Mayor Williams and passed by the Board.

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Item 7. CARTS TIP Mr. Magee stated to the Board that amendments to the

FY 2009 Annual Element of the CARTS 2007- 2010 TIP be made to include the following items:

The projects would be illustrative since federal funds have

not yet been identified and local funds would be used for advance construction.

Mr. Magee noted that due to the Stimulus Plan staff

would comeback later and make modifications as needed. A motion to approve Resolution 09-01 as is until the need

for modifications was made by Judge Villines, seconded by Mayor Williams and passed by the Board.

Mr. Magee also noted to the Board that several months

ago the Highway Department requested that a list of roadway projects for FY 2010 – 2013 be sent in for consideration in developing the draft STIP. The Board approved this list in June 2008. At the same time a list of transit projects was developed by CATA to be sent in as well.

After reviewing, the TCC requests that the Board amend

the FY09 Annual Element of the CARTS 2007-2010 TIP to include the illustrated list of transit projects.

A motion to approve Resolution 09-02 was made by Mayor

Watson, seconded by Mayor Williams and passed by the Board.

Item 8. Design Standards Policy Amendment Mr. Casey Covington gave a brief presentation to the

Board on the use of Sharrows in the regional design standards.

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Mr. Covington noted to the Board that the TCC had reviewed the design standards for Sharrows developed in the 2003 Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

The MUTCD has developed draft modifications to the

design standards. The document was put out for public comment in 2008 and will be scheduled to be updated this year.

Mr. Covington stated to the Board that until the final

document is approved by the Feds, any Sharrows used would be on an experimental basis.

Mr. Covington further stated that the installation of a

Sharrow must be presented to and examined by the Federal Highway Administration before implementation.

After some discussion, Mr. DalPorto of the Federal

Highway Administration stated that it should first go to the Highway Department.

Therefore the TCC recommended that an amendment to

the CARTS design standards incorporate language modifications according to the final language adopted by the 2009 MUTCD Edition on the use of Sharrow markings and supportive signage.

Resolution 09-03 asked that the Board approve an interim

use of the Sharrow design standards until the new MUTCD is approved.

Judge Villines suggested that the approval of such action

be delayed for 30 days contingent upon further research into the issue of usage of such markings and signage.

After a brief discussion a motion to approve the delay of

Resolution 09-03 was made by Judge Villines, seconded by Mayor Stodola and passed by the Board.

Minutes, 1/28/09 Page 7 Other Business

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Mayor Brooke reminded the Board of its recommendation

to appoint a committee to review Mr. McKenzie’s compensation package compared to comparable agencies.

Mayor Brooke appointed Mayor Williams, Judge Fite, and

Mayor Hillman to the committee. Washington Briefing Presentation by Ed Fry Mr. Ed Fry, with James Lee Witt Associates presented to

the Board a briefing on the status of the Stimulus Plan in Washington. Mr. Fry was the former Chief of Staff for Representative Vic Snyder and therefore is very knowledgeable in legislative issues.

Mr. Fry noted to the Board that as of Friday, January 23,

2008 the House Appropriations Committee approved its portion of the draft bill of the economic stimulus plan. The Appropriations portion is set at about $358 billion. A handout was distributed with a breakdown of spending.

At this time the Senate is debating on the issue and a

final bill is expected by February 11th or 12th. After the presentation Mr. McKenzie gave the Board a

brief summary of how the action of the Stimulus Plan would affect Metroplan and the Central Arkansas Region.

Mr. McKenzie noted that Metroplan objectives for

stimulus funds are: 1. Fully utilize the available stimulus dollars as soon as

possible. 2. Move projects nearest to ready to contract as quickly

as possible. Minutes, 1/28/09 Page 8 3. Maximize the number of projects that can be funded

(Stimulus plus STP funds).

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A handout of the project scenarios was distributed at the

meeting. Mr. McKenzie advised the Board that staff would

continue to monitor the language and progress of the bill and report back to the Board any changes that may occur in the future.

Mr. McKenzie added that in February staff would develop

an amendment to make the necessary changes to the TIP based on the final form of the bill.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

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ITEM 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The financial statements for the month of January are not available at this time due to the on-going process of preparing the Metroplan audit. Financial statements for January 2009 will be presented at the Metroplan Board meeting in March.

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ITEM 3. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT A. Transfer of Central Arkansas Clean Cities Program Clean Cities is a program of the US Department of Energy designed to promote alternative fuel use in vehicles. The City of Little Rock was the initial sponsor for the program. Metroplan took over the administrative support for it in 2002. Clean Cities programs around the country have a mixture of public and private support and are often housed in private sector organizations. Metroplan has been attempting to set up private ownership of the program for some time. Recently, Winrock International has stepped forward to accept sponsorship of the program with an emphasis on developing Arkansas biofuels industries. Winrock is headquartered in the Riverdale area of Little Rock and is internationally recognized for its global development work. Metroplan and its member governments will remain active in the Clean Cities network as stakeholders, but this transfer will enable our limited staff to focus on other clean air issues and will bring Winrock’s considerable expertise to bear on the Clean Cities program. B. ADEQ Elected Officials Briefing The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality is expected to hold a briefing for elected officials on the their recommendations to Governor Beebe on air quality non-attainment areas for Arkansas under the new 8-hour ozone standard. The briefing is has been set for February 24, 2009 at ADEQ, Commission Room, 5301 North Shore Drive, North Shore Business Park, North Little Rock, AR. ADEQ will contact the Board by e-mail with further details and time.

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ITEM 4. GREEN AGENDA PRESENTATION SUMMARY This presentation is a hold over from the canceled Board retreat and the work the staff and the Board ad hoc committee have done on the Green Agenda work element. Mr. McKenzie and Ms. Moore will combine in making the presentation. Action Needed: Discussion and direction from the Board on the Green Agenda work elements that stag should pursue in 2009.

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Last month staff made a presentation to the Board regarding a recommendation to amend the CARTS Design Standard Policy to incorporate the use of Sharrows in the regional design standards. Judge Villines requested that the pubic comment period be extended to get additional comments from the bicycling community. The TCC and staff reviewed current practice and draft language being considered for inclusion in the upcoming new edition of the Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and make the following recommendations for use and placement of Sharrows street markings and supportive signage for your consideration.

Public Comments on proposed changes to the CARTS design standards to include information on the use of sharrows and other bikeway markings Advertised in area newspapers and made available to the general public through area libraries, and municipal and county clerks. The official cut-off date for comments was February 18th. Metroplan received five favorable comments and no negative comments. The comments were all highly supportive of the proposed changes. All five communications are included in this packet at the back of this section. TCC RECOMMENDATION: Approval of amendment to the CARTS design standards; incorporating the language from staff memo (subject to final language adopted in pending MUTCD 2009 Edition). ACTION NEEDED: A motion to amend the CARTS Design Standards Policy by adoption of Resolution 09-03.

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WHEREAS, Metroplan is the officially designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the MPO is charged with the responsibility of developing and updating a long-range transportation plan cooperatively with the state and transit operators for the Central Arkansas Regional Transportation Study (CARTS); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Metroplan Board of Directors does hereby amend the METRO 2030 Roadway Design Standards for the CARTS area to include specific language regarding bicycle markings for sharrows and other biking conditions, as detailed in the attached memorandum, and subject to the final language approved in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2009 Edition. Duly adopted this 25th day of February 2009.

SIGNED: Art Brook, President Mayor, City of Ward Attest: Larry Mitchell, Secretary Mayor, City of Bryant Attachment

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A COUNCIL OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS  Telephone (501) 372‐3300 

M E M O R A N D U M 

TO: Technical Coordinating Committee  FROM: Casey R. Covington, PE  DATE: January 7, 2009  SUBJECT: Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows)   At the December 2008 Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC) meeting the TCC recommended that Metroplan staff develop proposed language for the use of Shared Lane Markings (sharrows). Sharrows are not included as part of the 2003 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) or the 1999 AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities but are part of the recommended changes being considered for the MUTCD. Sharrows have been used on lower speed urban roadways throughout the United States and have generally been accepted by bicyclists and those in the engineering profession. Below is the recommended language from the MUTCD (December 07) concerning Sharrows. Prior to the adoption of a new MUTCD the use of Sharrows are considered experimental and require FHWA approval Section 9C.07 Shared Lane Marking Option:

The Shared Lane Marking shown in Figure 9C-9 may be used to: A. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in a shared lane with on-street parallel parking in order to reduce the chance of a bicyclist’s impacting the open door of a parked vehicle, B. Assist bicyclists with lateral positioning in lanes that are too narrow for a motor vehicle and a bicycle to travel side by side within the same traffic lane, C. Alert road users of the lateral location bicyclists are likely to occupy within the traveled way, D. Encourage safe passing of bicyclists by motorists, and E. Reduce the incidence of wrong-1 way bicycling.

Guidance: The Shared Lane Marking should not be placed on roadways that have a speed limit above 50 km/h or 35 mph.

Standard: Shared Lane Markings shall not be used on shoulders or in designated bicycle lanes. If used in a shared lane with on-street parallel parking, Shared Lane Markings shall be placed so that the centers of the markings are at least 3.4 m (11 ft) from the face of the curb, or from the edge of the pavement where there is no curb.


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If used on a street without on-street parking that has an outside travel lane that is less than 4.3 m (14 ft) wide, the centers of the Shared Lane Markings should be at least 1.2 m (4 ft) from the face of the curb, or from the edge of the pavement where there is no curb. If used, the Shared Lane Marking should be placed immediately after an intersection and spaced at intervals not greater than 75 m (250 ft) thereafter.

The MUTCD advises that sharrows be used only on urban streets with a speed limit of 35 mph or lower and not on bike lanes. Therefore, on facilities where speeds are greater than 35 mph the bike route should be identified by signs only, unless a shoulder serves as a bike lane. Individual jurisdictions may decide at their discretion if any unique condition other than this may warrant a sharrow.

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The following guidance is provided on marking and signing of bike routes to assure continuity throughout the region. Specific guidance pertains only to shared lanes and roadways in rural areas. The MUTCD should be consulted for other conditions, including bike lanes in urban areas. Bicycle Route Signs Bicycle route signs are the only consistent bicycle route identification that can be used for multi-use paths, bike lanes, and shared use lanes. Since many of the bike routes within central Arkansas include several of these different types of facilities, all routes should be identified by one of the following bike route signs (D11-1, D11-1c, M1-8, M1-8a). If a member jurisdiction wants to identify a route by a particular number or name, the member jurisdiction should request that Metroplan provide a route number so that number duplication is avoided within central Arkansas.

Shared Lane (Speed<=35 mph) On shared use lanes in urban areas where the speed limit is 35 mph or less, sharrows (Figure 9C-9) may be used as a pavement marking to alert motorist to the presence of bicyclist and to direct bikers more readily. Sharrows should be located a minimum of 4 feet from the edge of the marked travel lane (or face of curb with no parking). Sharrows should be placed after intersections and at intervals not greater than 250 feet or as seen fit by the member jurisdiction. In addition to sharrows, the bike route should also be identified by bike route signs (D11-1, D11-1c, M1-8, M1-8a) placed at ¼ to ½ mile intervals and at other locations as need.

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Rural Bike Route (Speed >35 mph) with Shoulder On rural roadways where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph and paved shoulders of at least 4 feet (5 feet preferred) exists, the shoulder will be considered a bike lane. The bike route should be identified by the use of bike route signs (D11-1, D11-1c, M1-8, or M1-8a) and bicycle lane symbol markings (Figure 9C-6) placed on the shoulder at ½ to 1 mile intervals, and at other locations as needed. To provide additional warning to drivers that they should watch for bicyclists the bicycle sign (W11-1) and share-the-road plaque (W16-1P) may be used periodically along the route.

Where shoulders serve as a bike lane, rumble strips should be avoided unless a full 4 feet of rideable surface is provided between the rumble strip and the edge of paving. Where the shoulder surface contains loose gravel or other potential dangers to bicyclists, the shoulder should not be considered a bike lane.

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Rural Bike Route (Speed >35 mph) No Shoulder – Shared Lane On rural roadways where the speed limit is greater than 35 mph and there is a lack of shoulders (or is of inadequate width for a bike lane) the bike route should be identified only by bike route signs (D11-1, D11-1c, M1-8, M1-8a) placed at ½ to 1-mile intervals and at other locations as need. To provide additional warning to drivers that they should watch for bicyclists the bicycle sign (W11-1), share the road plaque (W16-1P), or bicycles may use full lane (R4-11) sign may be used along the route. Sharrows should not be used for this condition.

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Public Comments Attachments

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February 19, 2009 Richard Magee, Deputy Director Metroplan 501 W. Markham Street, Suite B Little Rock, AR 72201. RE: Support for proposed Update to METRO 2030 Plan Dear Mr. Magee: I am writing on behalf of Bicycle Advocacy of Central Arkansas (BACA) to express our enthusiastic support for your proposed update to the METRO 2030 Roadway Design Standards which incorporate shared lane pavement markings (“sharrows”) as well as an improved method to mark and provide signage for designated bicycle routes in the central Arkansas area. BACA represents more than 600 active cyclists and cycling advocates within the area served by Metroplan. In more than a dozen cities across the United States where they have been adopted and applied, sharrows have proven to be effective in improving the lane positioning of cyclists and improving passing distances by motorists. Sharrows also cut down on the number of sidewalk cyclists and wrong-way cyclists – the major causes of car-bike collisions and cyclist fatalities. We believe the use of these markings will make a similar improvement in traffic safety and compliance for both cyclists and motorists in our community, and will hopefully encourage more citizens to take advantage of lower-impact forms of transportation such as bicycling and the mixed use of bicycling and public transportation. We additionally support your proposal to establish a standardized and more conspicuous means of marking bicycle routes throughout the Metroplan area. The U.S. Department of Transportation and the Adventure Cycling Association are cooperating to devise and establish a National Bicycle Route system, and the markings proposed for METRO 2030 are consistent with and support these proposals, as well as increasing public safety by increasing

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public awareness that bicyclists are legal users of the public roads and encouraging sharing of these roads by all users. As non-motorized transportation modes, bicycling and walking can help solve a variety of the problems central Arkansas faces: poor air quality, the threats from climate change and worsening public health. We applaud Metroplan’s proposal and recognition of these modes of transportation, and eagerly support and await their adoption and implementation. Sincerely,

RON RIZZARDI President Bicycle Advocacy of Central Arkansas

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- Original Message -------- Subject: safe bicycle lanes Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 15:32:29 -0600 From: Shuler, Jennifer D <[email protected]> To: '[email protected]' <[email protected]> To Whom It May Concern- Our area is of great need of safe bicycle lanes for those who choose to save energy and ride to work. This is sorely lacking in Little Rock and the surrounding areas. Thank you for considering this in you’re planning. Sincerely, Jen Shuler

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Richard (Mr. Magee?), Thank you for taking the time to speak to me a little bit ago about the sharrows program. Having spent some time in Portland, I understand through direct experience what well planned transportation can do for a city, and I appreciate your efforts to bring better transportation options to the central Arkansas region. As I mentioned, I have a definite interest in urban transportation and related policies and would like to get involved to help with your efforts. That being said, my offer for lunch stand, as I'd like to hear about Metroplan's intentions in the coming decades, especially given the challenge of climate change and sustainability. Please add me to any relevant mailing lists, my address is: Chris Finlay

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From: Jim Britt [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:40 AM To: Susan Dollar Subject: Re: Bicycle Sharrows - Comments I'll look this over a little more when I have time. I highly favor the sharrows. I think dedicated bicycle lanes often get filled with road debris since there is no normal tire sweeping from cars. The sharrows gets the idea out that bicycles are expected and allowed. I sent the info to Tom Ezell. He has become our guru on signage, laws, and such on bicycling. Adventure Cycling is working at the national level on signing a lot of cross-country routes as a sort of freeway system. I presume that these model signs that show route numbers are in sync. with that upcoming federal standard. If you are not sure, check with them at I believe. I'm going to the Clinton School for a program on helping students select projects, in regards to eventually proposing bicycle routes in town and the county and maybe looking into the old Rock Island right of way toward Saline County. Metroplan would be a resource for all of that. If someone there wants to attend that session, I'll dig up the info. It is about 4-6 hours at the end of Feb. Jim Britt, Arkansas Bicycle Club

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Original Message -------- Subject: proposed additions to the METRO 2030 Roadway Design Standards for the CARTS area Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 20:22:29 -0800 (PST) From: Courtney Cobbs <[email protected]> Reply-To: [email protected] To: [email protected] I like the idea of sharrows, especially in areas where bike lanes cannot be added due to space issues. I love the "Share The Road" signs with the picture of a bicycle on it. -Courtney Cobbs

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NEW BUSINESS ITEM 6. ArkRide Demonstration SUMMARY ArkRide, the central Arkansas rideshare software is up and running. John Hoffpauer will give the Board a brief demonstration on how the software works and explain how Board members can educate their employees on its use. ACTION NEEDED: None.

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ITEM 7. OPERATION BOTTLENECK PRESENTATION SUMMARY Another hold over from the cancelled retreat, staff will present the results to date of Operation Bottleneck and discuss follow-up recommendations with the Board. ACTION NEEDED: Discussion and direction on how the Board wishes staff to proceed with the follow-up to Operation Bottleneck.

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ITEM 8. STIMULUS PROGRAM PRESENTATION SUMMARY The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the Stimulus Act) was signed by President Obama on February 17th. The $787 billion act contains some $351 million for Arkansas roadways in formula funds of which this metropolitan area is to receive approximately $14.2 million. There are also formula funds for public transit from which CATA will benefit but we do not have those numbers at this writing. Funds are also available for other types of infrastructure investment in the Act but this presentation will concentrate the highway funds and how to spend them within the scope of the Act. Because the purpose of the Stimulus Act is to provide jobs quickly in order to jump start the US economy, state DOTs are required to obligate fifty percent of funds apportioned to them within 120 days after they are notified of their apportionment (an event which must take place within 21 days of enactment) and the remainder within twelve months of that date. MPOs such as Metroplan must obligate their apportionment within one year of the date of apportionment. Metroplan has been working with AHTD, FHWA and member governments and consulting engineers for several months now to identify those projects which can move to obligation within this twelve month window. As the staff mentioned at the January meeting, its objectives are to (1) spend all of the funds from the act in a timely fashion and (2) maximize the number of projects that can be moved to construction in the next twelve months using a combination of Stimulus funding, Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds and High Priority Project (HPP) funds available to us. In addition to the requirements for timely obligation of funds, all projects funded with Stimulus money will be posted on the new web site with a certification by the appropriate elected official of the appropriateness of the project for Stimulus funding and reports on the progress and number of jobs created by the project. The Metroplan staff are continuing to analyze alternative scenarios based on the project list presented at the January Board meeting and will make recommendations on how to proceed during the presentation. ACTION NEEDED: Direction from the Board.

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ITEM 9. CARTS UPWP AND TIP AMENDMENTS SUMMARY Item #1 - Please find attached Resolution 09-04 amending the FY 2009 CARTS UPWP and the FY 2009 Annual Element of the CARTS 2007-2010 TIP to include the following item:

• 09.018, Job No. TBD: Ozone Action Days, in the amount of $40,000 in federal Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) funds and $10,000 in local dollars. (Metroplan)


ACTION NEEDED: Adoption of Resolution 09-04

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WHEREAS, Metroplan is the officially designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the MPO is charged with the responsibility of developing and administering the CARTS Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the local governments, the Central Arkansas Transit Authority (CATA), and the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Metroplan Board of Directors does hereby amend the FY 2009 CARTS UPWP and the FY 2009 Annual Element of the CARTS FY 2007-2010 TIP to include the following new line item:

• 09.018, Job No. TBD: Ozone Action Days, in the amount of $40,000 in federal Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality (CMAQ) funds and $10,000 in local dollars. (Metroplan)

Duly recorded this 25th day of February 2009.

SIGNED: Art Brooke, President Mayor, City of Ward

ATTEST: Larry Mitchell, Secretary Mayor, City of Bryant

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Item #2 – Please find attached Resolution 09-05 amending Resolution 09-02 identifying the federal funding source for the projects below as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

ACTION NEEDED: Approval Resolution 09-05.

1 Sixteen 35' buses to replace agingfleet. $5,600,000

2 Trolley Barn expansion - funds needed to complete project currently underway $250,000

3 Ten paratransit vans to replace eight vehicles and add two to meet growing need: $800,000

4 Surveillance equipment for transit headquarters in NLR, River City Travel Center andTrolley Barn. Current system is over 17 years old and is no longer functioning. $250,000

5 Surveillance equipment upgrade and maintenance on Main Street Bridge for River Rail $100,000

6 Replacement of heat and air conditioning equipment at transit headquarters in NLR $250,000

7 Rail platform stop at 2nd and Rock Sts. to improve access and to improve routing $100,000

8 Feasibility study, final design and construction of expansion of transit headquarters in NLR $2,000,000

9 Seventy-five fare boxes for CATA buses and River Rail Trolley cars $1,125,000

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WHEREAS, Metroplan is the officially designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway metropolitan area; and WHEREAS, the MPO is charged with the responsibility of developing and administering the CARTS Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the local governments, the Central Arkansas Transit Authority (CATA), and the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Metroplan Board of Directors does hereby amend Resolution 09-02 identifying the source of federal funding for the nine CATA projects include in Resolution 09-02 as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and to remove the “illustrative” designation for said projects. Duly recorded this 25th day of February 2009.

SIGNED: Art Brooke, President Mayor, City of Ward

ATTEST: Larry Mitchell, Secretary Mayor, City of Bryant