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ГБОУ СОШ № 89 им.А.П.Маресьева Shoes. Какую обувь мы носим? Работу выполнила: Шангареева Ариана (ученица 9 “А” класса) Руководитель работы: учитель английского языка к.ф.н. Фомичева Кристина Михайловна 1

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ГБОУ СОШ № 89 им.А.П.Маресьева

Shoes. Какую обувь мы носим?

Работу выполнила:

Шангареева Ариана

(ученица 9 “А” класса)

Руководитель работы:

учитель английского языка

к.ф.н. Фомичева Кристина Михайловна




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Содержание / Contents

Аннотация / Annotation...…………………………………………………………3

I. Введение / Introduction........................................................................................ 4

II. Обувь в нашей жизни / Shoes in our life .......................................................... 7

2.1. Эволюция создания обуви / Some facts from the history .................. 7

2.2. Наша повседневная обувь / Our everyday shoes ...............................12

2.3. Обувь для особых случаев / Shoes for special occasions .................. 15

2.4. От чего зависит выбор обуви? / What does our shoewearing choice depend on? ................................................................................................... 19

2.5. Уход за обувью / Our caring for shoes ............................................... 22

III. Практическая часть / Some practice (questionnaire)…………………......... 24

3.1. Соцопрос / Survey’s questions………………………………………..24

3.2. Результаты анкетирования / The results of our head count…………

IV. Заключение / Conclusion ............................................................................... 28

V. Библиография / Bibliography and net sources ................................................ 31


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Аннотация / Annotation

Данное исследование посвящено тому, без чего невозможно

представить нашу повседневную жизнь – обуви. В работе раскрываются

аспекты эволюции обуви, ее изменения, рассматриваются виды повседневной

обуви и обуви для особых случаев, обсуждаются вопросы выбора обуви и ее

ухода, а также проводится социальный опрос среди учащихся школы

относительно обуви, которая покупается и, соответственно, в дальнейшем


Работа состоит из введения, двух глав (первая глава включает в себя

теоретическую часть, состоящую из 5 подглав, и практическую часть с двумя

подглавами), заключения с обобщением результатов исследования и

библиографии (включает в себя 16 интернет-источников). Рабочий язык

исследования – русско-английский. Данная исследовательская работа

состоит из 32 страниц.


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I. Введение / Introduction

"Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world".

Marylin Monro

Тема нашей исследовательской работы - “Какую обувь мы носим?”

Каждый день мы надеваем обувь (и одежду, конечно) и ходим в школу, на

работу, в театр, кино, встречаемся с друзьями и т. д. Обувь, которую мы

носим, - это возможность подчеркнуть нашу уникальность, нашу

индивидуальность. Вопрос о том, какую обувь надеть, изо дня в день

обсуждается людьми. Независимо от того, за какую сумму были

приобретены ваши ботинки и какого они качества, обувь со временем так или

иначе изнашивается. / There is so much to talk about when discussing shoes,

cause it’s just so easy to love them! So, our project is called “Shoes. What do we

wear?” Every day we put on a pair of shoes (and clothes, of course) and go to

school, work, meeting with friends, theatre, cinema, etc. as our feet carry us

everywhere. Shoes we wear is the way of ourselves, of our uniqueness, of our

individuality. The question "what shoes to put on today" is hotly debated among

people. Choosing the right shoes is only part of how shoes help you stay active

without injury or pain. No matter how good your shoes, as they wear out, they no

longer provide the support they did when new.

Актуальность нашего исследования. Эта тема очень актуальна в

настоящее время, поскольку обувь стала важной частью нашей повседневной

жизни. Обувь первоначально предназначалась для защиты людей от острых

предметов и холодной погоды. Несомненно, сегодня она играет ту же

важную роль в нашей жизни. В наши дни обувь помогает избежать травм,

обеспечивает поддержку и комфорт, защищает нас от различных бактерий,

может даже корректировать нашу осанку. / The relevance of our research.

This theme is very actual nowadays as shoes have become an important part of our

everyday life. Shoes were originally designed to protect people's feet from some PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 32

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sharp objects and cold weather. Nowadays wearing shoes keeps our feet safe from

injury, provides support and comfort, protects us from different bacteria, can even

correct our posture. There is no doubt, today they play the same role in our lives.

As we see, shoes are significant and essential for us.

Объектом нашего исследования являются различные типы обуви в

нашей повседневной жизни. The object of our research is different types of

shoes in our everyday life.

Предметом исследования является проблема выбора обуви. The

subject of the research is the problem of choosing shoes.

Целью исследования является классификация различных видов обуви

с древних времен и по настоящее время, выяснение того, какую обувь

следует покупать и носить. The purpose of research is classification different

types of shoes from ancient times to the present, making a decision what shoes to

buy and to put on.

           Гипотеза исследования заключается в том, чтобы выяснить, покупаем

ли мы дешевую или дорогую, красивую или удобную обувь. The hypothesis

of the study is to find out whether we buy and wear cheap or expensive, beautiful

and fashionable or comfortable shoes.

Задачами исследования являются: / The research objectives are:

1. проанализировать эволюцию изменения обуви / to analyze the history of

shoemaking and shoewearing;

2. сравнить обувь, которую носили в старину, и повседневную обувь, а также

обувь для особых случаев / to compare ancient and present shoes, everyday

shoes and shoes for special occasions;

3. рассмотреть и проанализировать аспекты и критерии, на которые

обращают внимание учащиеся нашей школы при покупке очередной пары

обуви / to have a look at our students' aspects and criteria they take into account

when buying a new pair of shoes.


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Мы надеемся, что наш проект поможет вам еще раз оценить роль

обуви в нашей повседневной жизни. / We hope that our project will help you to

evaluate the role of shoes in our everyday life once again.

You can never take too much care over the choice of your shoes. Too many

women think that they are unimportant, but the real proof of an elegant woman is

what is on her feet.

Chrisian Dior

Женщина с хорошей обувью никогда не бывает некрасивой.

Коко Шанель / A woman with good shoes is never ugly.

Coco Chanel

Одна туфелька может изменить вашу жизнь.

  Золушка / One shoe can change your life.


I would hate for someone to look at my shoes and say, "Oh, my God! They look so


Christian Louboutin


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II. Обувь в нашей жизни / Shoes in our life

2.1. Эволюция создания обуви / Some facts from the history

Древняя обувь / Ancient shoesЗадолго до начала истории люди носили обувь. Во время

ледникового периода люди, называемые кроманьонцами, носили простые кожаные сапоги. Поскольку они жили во время Ледникового периода, защита их ног от холода была существенной. В Египте обувь не была необходима из-за жаркого климата. Большинство людей ходили босиком, но иногда они носили сандалии из папируса. Богатые египтяне носили кожаные сандалии. / Long before history began people wore shoes. During the Ice Age people called Cro-Magnons wore simple leather boots. As they lived during the Ice age their feet's protection from the cold was essential. In Egypt shoes were not necessary because of the hot climate. Most people went barefoot but they sometimes wore sandals made from papyrus. Well off Egyptians wore leather sandals.

People called the Assyrians ruled an empire in the Middle East between 900 BC and 612 BC. They equipped their soldiers with sturdy boots, which helped on long marches.

Римские солдаты носили жесткие сапоги под названием “калиги”. Римляне носили закрытые туфли под названием “calceus” (“полуботинок”). Однако люди не носили их в помещении. Вместо этого они надевали “триггеры”, или “solea”. Римские рабы обычно ходили босиком. / Roman soldiers wore tough boots called caligae. Well off Romans wore a type of closed shoes called calceus when they were outdoors. However, people did not wear them indoors. Instead, they put on a kind of flip-flop called solea. However, Roman slaves usually went barefoot.

Caligae Calceus Solea

Средневековые и тюдоровские сапоги и обувь / Medieval and Tudor Boots and Shoes

Саксонцы и викинги носили простые кожаные сапоги, но в 15-м веке богатые люди начали носить туфли с длинными остроконечными носами. Их называли “crakows”, потому что считалось, что они появились в г. Краков. (Однако только богатые люди могли их себе позволить). / Saxon and Viking people wore simple leather


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boots and shoes but in the 15th century rich people wore shoes with long pointed toes. They were called crakows because they were believed to have originated in Krakow. (However only the upper classes wore them. Ordinary people had shoes with round toes). However, at the end of the 15th century, long toes went out of fashion and the wealthy began to wear shoes with square or round toes.

In the Middle Ages peasants wore wooden clogs for working in muddy conditions. In the towns people wore wooden platforms called pattens under their shoes. (They had straps to hold them on). Some pattens were several inches thick. Shoemakers were called cordwainers. The word is derived from cordovan - the name of leather from Cordova, Spain.

In the 16th century some people had deliberate cuts in their shoes called slashes. Sometimes they were slip on shoes but sometimes they were tied with latches. Early Tudor shoes did not have heels. However, in the late 16th century women in England began to wear shoes with high heels.

In the early 17th century it was fashionable for men to wear boots. However, in the late 17th century some people began to wear shoes with buckles.

В 18 веке уже существовало много разных типов обуви. У богатых людей на обуви были пряжки из серебра. Кроме того, в XVII и XVIII веках состоятельные женщины носили обувь из атласа или шелка. Часто обувь вышивали. На открытом воздухе люди носили галоши, сандалии из дерева или кожи. / In the 18th century there were many different styles of shoes. Rich people had buckles made of silver! Furthermore, in the 17th century and 18th century wealthy women wore shoes of satin or silk. Often they were embroidered. Outdoors people wore overshoes like sandals of wood or leather over their shoes to protect them [].

S h o e s w i t h b u c l k e s Shoes made of fabric

Национальная русская обувь / National Russian FootwearЛапти - традиционная обувь русских крестьян. Слово “лапти”

произошло от слова “лапа”, что в древние времена означало “нога”. До начала 20-го века лапти носили в каждой русской деревне, но в наши дни едва ли можно найти кого-нибудь в них. Люди надевают их только на особые случаи. / Lapti are traditional shoes of Russian peasants. The word "lapti" apparently originated from the word “lapa”, which meant “foot” in old times, and now means a paw. Until the beginning of the 20th century lapti were worn in every Russian village, but nowadays one


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can hardly find anyone wearing them. People save them for special occasions, like celebrations or costume shows.

The popularity of lapti was easy to explain: they were very cheap, and not many peasants could afford another, better footwear. Lapti didn't last long and frayed in a week or two, even faster in spring or fall due to the rainy weather. Lapti were made of bast – a part of the tree bark, with the help of a wooden last and wooden or iron hook, a so-called "kochedik".

Bakhily are men’s working and fishing footwear made of leather. These were soft leather jackboots with high tops to knees or thighs. Soft leather

soles were stitched to the boots with an axed thread, and then the boots were turned out. The tops were also made of soft leather, with one seam behind, and were fastened onto the leg with a strap. The strap was put through a small loop or a ring stitched to the back part, and was twined up round the leg and tied under the knee. To make them more durable and protect feet from moist bakhily were dubbed with tar and fish oil; additional straps of leather were lined to the toe and the back part. Bakhily were usually worn for fishing, hunting or

any other crafts. They were known as footwear of townsfolk (far back to the 10th century).

Валенки (также “волнушечки” или “катанки”) - мужская и женская зимняя обувь, содержащая овечью шерсть. Это высокая войлочная обувь с высокими верхушками, с круглыми носами и плоской подошвой без каблука. Подошву часто выстилали кожей, чтобы не допустить промокания. Валенки могли быть серыми, коричневым, черными и, реже, белыми. / Valenki (also volnushechki, katanki or felt boots) are men’s and women’s winter footwear filled of sheep wool. These are felt footwear with high tops, round toes, and flat soles without high heels. The soles were often lined with leather to prevent the boots from soaking wet. Valenki could be grey, brown, black, or, more rarely, white. Special masters, called katali or pimokaty, fooled them. In every province, there were a few villages that specialized in felting boots. Along with that, there were large centers of felt boots manufacturing; their products were distributed far beyond the limits of one province. In spite of being very famous as Russian national footwear valenki are comparatively young footwear in Russia. They appeared in Siberia in the mid-18th century and came to European Russia in the early 19th century. In the 19 thcentury, valenki were holiday footwear of wealthy peasants. White embroidered valenki were holiday footwear only of very rich peasants.

Обувь 19-го века / 19th Century Boots and ShoesВ начале 19 века обувь делали одинаковой для обеих ног,

т.е. не было разделения на левую и правую. Сапоги были распространены как среди мужчин, так и среди женщин. / In


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the early 19th century shoes were made with a right foot and a left foot instead of being interchangeable. Men very often wore boots in the 19th century and it became acceptable for women to wear them too.

However, at the end of the century it became fashionable for women to wear shoes again. In the 19th century shoes had laces rather than buckles. In the early 19th century a new type of boots was named after the Duke of Wellington (New Zealand). At first, they were made of leather but from the 1850s they were made of rubber [], [].

In the 19th century boots and shoes were mass-produced for the first time and they were cheaper. However, in the 19th century boots and shoes were still a luxury and some poor parents could not afford to buy them for their children. In many towns at the end of the 19th century a charity called the Boot Fund was founded to help provide boots and shoes for poor children. Nevertheless as late as the 1920s children played in the streets of British towns barefoot because they couldn't afford shoes.

Обувь 20-го века / 20th Century Boots and ShoesВ XX веке был огромный выбор обуви. В 1920-х годах женская

обувь часто украшалась бисером. / In the 20th century with rising living standards there were huge varieties of styles of shoes. In the 1920s women’s shoes were often decorated with beads.

During the Second World War, because leather was in short supply some people wore clogs rather than shoes.

Clogs right from 1945 Shoes with beadsThen in the late 1950s stiletto heels became fashionable for women.

In the 1950s some women wore slip on shoes called mules.

Vintage 1950s Mules Winkle pickersstilettos


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Для мужчин в конце 1950-х годов была популярна обувь с длинными остроконечными носами. / For men in the late 1950s shoes with long pointed toes called winkle pickers were popular.

In the 1960s boots for women came back into fashion and in the 1970s shoes with platform soles were popular for both sexes. Meanwhile Adolf Dasler designed trainers in 1949.

1970’s platform shoe Adolf Dassler’s trainersThe famous Dr.Martens boots were introduced in 1960


Dr. Martens


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2.2. Наша повседневная обувь / Our everyday shoes

Спортивная обувь / Athletic ShoesСпортивная обувь или кроссовки сильно различается, в зависимости от

поддержки, которую они обеспечивают. Они считаются самой удобной обувью, у них обычно мягкая подошва. / Athletic or running shoes vary greatly according to support they provide. Although often considered the most comfortable shoes, they usually have soft, padded soles, which can mean they are lacking in arch support. Some brands of athletic shoes offer models that are advertised for having improved or augmented arch support.

Ортопедическая обувь и стельки / Insoles and OrthoticsАльтернативой удобной обуви являются стельки или ортопедические

изделия, которые можно вставить в обувь, что обеспечивает общую поддержку стопы и комфорт. / An alternative to buying shoes with good arch support is to buy arch-support insoles or orthotics to put inside your shoes. Both insoles and orthotics provide general support to the foot and specific protection in the arches and pressure areas. Insoles range in price from $5 to $50 in

2011, whereas orthotics can cost hundreds of dollars because they are custom made with a prescription from your doctor [].

Pointer FootwearCasual shoes with a stylish flair should be a staple of

every man’s shoe rack, and that’s why that shoes were created by a hybrid sneaker-boat shoe with a moc stitch and leather laces. Easily throw these on for a comfortable walk just about anywhere [].

The boat shoesBoat shoes (also known as deck shoes) are typically canvas or leather

with non-marking rubber soles designed for use on a boat. A siping pattern is cut into the soles to provide grip on a wet deck; the leather construction, along with the application of oil, is designed to repel water; and the stitching is highly durable. Boat shoes are traditionally worn without socks. [].


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SandalsСандалии - это открытый тип обуви, состоящий из подошвы и

ремней, идущих через подъем, а иногда и вокруг лодыжки. Сандалии также могут иметь пятку. Среди преимуществ этого типа обуви выделяют комфорт, экономию материала и соответствие моде. / Sandals are an open type of footwear, consisting of a sole held to the wearer's foot by straps going over the instep and, sometimes, around the ankle. Sandals can also have a heel. People may choose to wear sandals for several reasons, among them comfort in warm weather, economy (sandals tend to require less material than shoes and are usually easier to construct), and as a fashion choice [].

BootsA boot is a type of footwear and a specific type of shoe. Most boots have

a heel that is clearly distinguishable from the rest of the sole, even if the two are made of one piece. Boots are worn both for their functionality – protecting the foot and leg from water, extreme cold, mud or hazards (e.g., work boots may protect wearers from chemicals or use a steel toe) or providing additional ankle support for strenuous activities with added traction requirements (e.g., hiking), or may have hobnails on their undersides to protect against wear and to get better grip; and for reasons of style and fashion [].

Домашние тапочки / SlippersТапочки - обувь, которую легко надеть и снять, они

предназначены для ношения в помещении, особенно дома. / Slippers are light footwear that are easy to put on and off and are intended to be worn indoors, particularly at home [].

Какую обувь носят учащиеся нашей школы, а также люди в общественном транспорте? / What can we see? What shoes

do we and our students wear?

Вот некоторые фотографии, которые были сделаны в общественных местах. / Here are some photos we've made recently in public transport.


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Как мы видим, люди больше предпочитают удобную обувь, такую как кроссовки и ботинки. / As we can see, people prefer casual comfortable shoes like trainers and boots.


2.3. Обувь для особых случаев / Shoes for special occasions

A dress shoe (U.S. English) is a shoe to be worn at smart casual or more formal events. A dress shoe is typically contrasted to an athletic shoe.

Dress shoes are worn by many as their standard daily shoes, and are widely used in dance, for parties, and for special occasions.

Мужская обувь / Men’s shoesЗа последние сто лет классические виды мужской обуви практически

не изменились. Высококачественная кожа была и остается обязательным условием для высококачественной мужской обуви, которая при надлежащем


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уходе со временем может стать еще лучше. Идеальная обувь, соответствующая этим типам обуви, гарантирует комфорт при ношении и помогает поддерживать здоровые ноги. / A look back at shoe history reveals that certain longstanding traditions remain in place today. Classic types of men’s shoes and their construction have hardly changed over the past hundred years. High-quality leather was and remains a prerequisite for high-quality men’s shoes—shoes which, when treated with the proper care, can come to look even better with time. The perfect shoe fit that these types of shoes provide guarantees wearing comfort and helps support healthy feet. From choosing the right shoe colour to selecting the perfect model for the occasion, we let you know what to wear.

Leather soles provide comfort in the office. However, shoes with extravagant uppers shouldn’t be worn to work. Leather soles are an office standby. They allow the wearer to glide over carpeted floors and boast high breathability to boot. Moreover, they’re highly conductive, which means that the wearer won’t get static electricity shocks when touching door handles; those who often wear shoes with rubber soles will recognize the value in this. Shoes with rubber soles should mainly be worn out on the street or during adverse weather conditions. Men’s shoes with smooth uppers are suitable for all settings, including the workplace. The only types of leather that may seem out of place in the office (depending upon where the wearer sits on the office totem pole) are exotic varieties, such as crocodile or ostrich. The same is true of shoes made of rough velours: an absolute no-go in the office, they add the perfect touch to leisurewear.

Sole and upper shoe Monk strap loaferSometimes special types of men’s shoes are the perfect choice. Exercise

caution, though: they shouldn’t be worn to particularly formal occasions. Loafer and monk shoe lovers may well ask themselves when exactly it behaves them to don their darlings. As a general rule, a loafer is always appropriate for events that are neither conservative nor formal. This type of shoe pairs nicely with many kinds of suits or shirt-and-trouser combinations—however, it cannot be worn with a pinstripe suit. Loafers are ideally paired with sophisticated leisurewear; they’re excellent with chinos or jeans.

The more decorations on a men’s shoe, the less formal the model. Highly decorated shoes belong to leisurewear. Generally speaking, the following rule of thumb holds true: the more formal the occasion, the smoother and less decorated the men’s shoe. In other words, shoes featuring elaborate perforations are unsuitable for special


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occasions. The more decorations and patterning on a shoe, the better suited the shoe for leisurewear.

Brogue shoes Oxford shoesOf course, there are no rules without exceptions: black brogues pair

wonderfully with dark suits, and they’re absolutely permissible workplace attire in most business sectors.

The more formal the occasion, the smoother and simpler the upper. A plain oxford is therefore the perfect choice for very special occasions.

Unlike oxfords, black derby shoes have no place here. Their open lacing has too strong of an athletic connotation, which wouldn’t suit the occasion at hand. Oxfords made from the highest quality smooth leather (instead of patent leather) may be worn to these occasions as well as to other, less formal evening events. A tip for those on a budget: highly polished cap toe oxfords are also suitable for special occasions. The only thing that visually distinguishes the cap toe from the plain oxford is the seam running along thetops of the former’s toes; moreover, cap toe oxfords are significantly less expensive[]. Black derby shoes

Женская обувь / Women’s shoesТуфли на шпильке бывают разных цветов и стилей. Эта обувь может

иметь округлый или остроконечный носок, а также высоту не менее 5 см. Сегодня туфли на шпильке вышли за рамки классической рабочей женской обуви. Теперь есть туфли, которые имеют небольшое отверстие на пальцах ног. С течением времени менялся не только внешний вид туфель на шпильке, но и материал (от кожи до замши и шерсти). / Pumps come in a variety of colors and styles. They can have a rounded or pointed toe, and are usually made of leather. They have a heel of at least 5 cm. Today, pumps have evolved beyond the classic working woman's shoe. Now, there are peep toe pumps, which have a small opening at the toes. There are also pumps with ankle straps. Not only have the styles evolved, the fabrics have as well. While almost all pumps used to be made of leather, pumps now come in a variety of materials, such as suede and wool.


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Black pump shoe Slingback pumps Women’s loafersThe slingback is similar to the pump in that it can have a rounded or pointed

toe and usually has a heel, but it doesn't wrap all the way around the heel like pumps usually do. Instead, it has a narrow strap that is pulled up over the heel, leaving the rest of the heel exposed.’

Loafers are usually flat and typically thought of as both more masculine and comfortable than anything with a heel. The typical loafer has a round toe, and comes in darker colors, such as black or brown. A spin on the loafer is the cloak, which, like the loafer, is a slip-on shoe, but it has a heel and is considered a more effeminate design. Mules are shoes that slide onto the foot, and do not cover the heel or the back of the foot at all. These aren't considered dress shoes unless they have a heel.

Mules Ballet flats Sandals High heel shoeThe ballet flat hadn't been a popular fashion trend until some time after the

first few years of the 21st century. Taken from the art of ballet, as their name implies, they are flat shoes with a rounded toe, and come in many different colors and patterns. The classic ballet flat has a small bow on the toe, but this style has evolved to include varieties without bows.

While sandals are usually more casual, there are some sandals that can be worn with dress clothes. For example, any sandal that has a heel, many straps, or a shiny finish would probably be acceptable in a more formal atmosphere. High heels are a type of shoe in which the heel, compared to the toe, is significantly higher off of the ground. These shoes go beyond simply protecting the foot from the ground or improve efficiency of walking. High heels make the


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wearer taller, accentuating the calf muscle and the length of the leg overall. There are many millions of kinds of high heels, which come in different styles, colors, and materials, and can be found all over the world. They have significant cultural and fashionable meanings attached to them, which have been largely shaped by historical contexts over the past 1000 years [].

2.4. От чего зависит выбор обуви ? / What does our shoewearing choice depend on?

Shoes serve many functions. They protect our feet. They cushion our body weight. They allow us to play sports. They can make our feet feel comfortable or fashionable — hopefully both! Finding the proper shoes and making sure they fit are important for keeping your feet and your body happy.

Плохо подобранные ботинки могут привести к натиранию, мозолям и другим травмам. У людей разные формы ног и разные потребности. Таким образом, обувь, которая может подходить вашему знакомому или другу,


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может оказаться для вас не самым лучшим вариантом. Даже после того, как вы найдете подходящие именно вам ботинки, помните, что они будут изнашиваться со временем и должны быть заменены со временем. / Poorly fitting shoes can cause bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, and more. People have different foot shapes and different needs. So the shoes that may work for your neighbor may not be the right ones for you. Even after you find the right shoes, remember that they will wear down over time and need to be replaced, usually every six months to one year of regular use.

Как же следует подбирать правильную и удобную обувь? В современном мире магазинов с огромным выбором обуви и интернет-магазинов хорошо осведомленного продавца обуви очень трудно найти. Вот некоторые советы при выборе обуви. / So how do you find the right shoes? In this world of online shopping and big box stores, a knowledgeable shoe salesperson is hard to find. So we have prepared these tips to help you through the process.

1. Измерьте свои ноги. Размер и форма ног у людей могут со временем меняться. Поэтому не полагайтесь на то, что вы всегда носили определенный размер. Вероятно, этот размер больше не подходит для вас. / Have your feet measured. People’s foot size and shape can change over time. So don't rely on the fact that you have always worn a certain size. That size likely is no longer the best fit for you.

2. У большинства людей одна нога больше, чем другая, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас обе ноги измерены. Ориентируйтесь на ту ногу, которая больше. / Most people have one foot that is larger than the other, so make sure you have BOTH feet measured. Fit your shoes to the larger foot.

3. Следует измерять ноги в конце дня, так как со временем в течение дня ноги могут отекать и слегка увеличиваться в размере. / It is helpful to get measured at the end of the day when your feet are the largest. When you are up during the day, your feet will swell and settle some. You want to make sure you are comfortable throughout the day and not just when you head out of the house in the morning.

4. Just like clothes, the size marked inside the shoe may be different depending on the brand. So your shoe size is a just a starting point in selecting the correct shoe.

5. Make sure the shoe fits your foot comfortably. Look at the shape of the shoe; it should resemble the shape of your foot.

6. Don’t plan on shoes stretching over time; they should fit well when you buy them. It’s like buying clothes that are too small and hoping that you will lose weight and then they will fit — that rarely happens.

7. The ball of your foot (the widest part just before your toes begin) should fit comfortably in the widest part of the shoe.


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8. The shoe should also have enough depth to fit your toes, especially if you have hammertoes or other conditions. Shoes with too small of a toe box will cause rubbing and you will get calluses or sores.

9. Stand up and make sure there is 3/8" or 1/2" (about the width of your finger) between your longest toe (usually the second toe) and the end of the shoe.

10.Always stand and walk around in the shoes to see if they are comfortable, fit well, and don’t chafe or rub anywhere. Your heel should not slip or slide while walking.

Совместите обувь с вашей деятельностью / Match the shoe to your activityЕще один важный момент, который следует помнить, - это приобрести

обувь, предназначенную для той деятельности, которой вы планируете заниматься. Обувь для бега специально разработана для обеспечения надлежащей амортизации на пятке и гибкости на носках, которые нужны спортсменам. Обувь для ходьбы имеет амортизирующую пятку и сгибается на шаре стопы. Кросс-тренеры часто являются хорошей универсальной обувью для общих упражнений. Баскетбольные ботинки предназначены для баскетбола и, возможно, не лучший выбор, если вы много гуляете. Велоспорт обувь более жесткая и т.д. / Another important point to remember is to purchase shoes that are meant for the activity you want to do. Running shoes are specially designed to provide the proper cushioning at the heel and flexibility at the toes that athletes need. Walking shoes have a shock absorbing heel and flex at the ball of the foot. Cross-trainers are often good all-purpose shoes for general exercise. Basketball shoes are meant for basketball and may not be the best choice if you do a lot of walking. Cycling shoes are stiffer to help you pedal more efficiently but don’t work well for most other activities. Dress shoes can be comfortable as well as look good. Many dress shoes are now made with a sneaker-like sole that provides better cushioning and tread and better arch support. Expensive Italian loafers are not for everybody.

Ищите хорошую конструкцию обуви / Look for good shoe constructionSome basic principles of a good shoe include a cushioned heel, firm sole that

doesn’t easily twist or bend, and flexibility at the proper area depending on the type of shoe. A soft breathable material for the upper of the shoe makes it more comfortable to wear for longer period of time and less likely to cause rubbing or skin irritation. The upper of the shoe should allow adjustment (laces, straps, etc.) to comfortably hold the foot in place with activity. There should be some arch support in the shoe or in the insert inside the shoe. Many shoes can be made to fit better simply by removing the factory insert and replacing it with a high quality off-the-shelf orthotic. Custom orthotics are rarely necessary and should be prescribed by your doctor for specific foot disorders.

Following these simple steps will help minimize your risk of shoe problems and foot problems. Don’t believe the myth that fashionable shoes have to be uncomfortable. There are many stylish shoes out there that feel good too. If you


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have certain foot or ankle problems, then talk to your orthopaedic foot and ankle doctor. Don’t sacrifice comfort and safety for fashion. Your feet will thank you in the long run, short run, and even just walking around [].

2.5. Уход за обувью / Our caring for shoes

Как продлить жизнь вашей обуви / How to Make Your Shoes Last ForeverКаждый тип обуви требует особого внимания. / Every type of shoe—

from sneakers to brogues—requires special attention. With these tips, your kicks may out last you.

Вся обувь создается по-разному и нуждается в надлежащем уходе. И, соответственно, требует определенного ухода. / Not all shoes are created equal. You can’t treat a canvas sneaker the same way you would a leather brogue. However, each type needs the same proper care and maintenance.


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1. КОЖАНАЯ ОБУВЬ НУЖДАЕТСЯ В ПОЛИРОВКЕ / POLISH LEATHER OFTENAs soon as you take your new shoes out of the box, give them a good polish. Polish your shoes each time you put them on, or at least rub them down before you venture out into bad weather.2. ЗАМША ТРЕБУЕТ ОСОБОГО УХОДА / PROTECT AND BRUSH SUEDE If you’re investing in suede shoes, treat them with a protective suede spray that resists water, salt, and mud so they won’t be damaged by the elements. We recommend testing the spray before using it, as it could change the color of your shoes. You should also commit to a good suede eraser and brush for maintenance. First, use your eraser to target stains. Then, follow up with the brush to bring the nap of the suede back to its original state.3. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ОБЫЧНУЮ ГАЗЕТУ ДЛЯ СУШКИ / SAVE THE SUNDAY PAPER If you find yourself caught in a sudden downpour, save your shoes from permanent damage by drying them as soon as you get home. Stuff your shoes with newspaper to soak up the moisture and place them in a well-ventilated area as you wait for them to dry. Whatever you do, don’t pick up the hair dryer or place them near a heater, which will damage and make the leather cracked and brittle.4. НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ГУБКУ / DROP THE SPONGE We are against using sponges on your shoes because it’s hard to tell what’s in them. Sometimes, the sponge tip applicator attached to your favorite shoe polish can contain ingredients that are harmful to your shoes. Instead, look for a shoe-care kit that contains essentials like polish and a natural hair brush.5. ОБЕСПЕЧЬТЕ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНУЮ РЕЗИНОВУЮ ПОДОШВУ ВАШЕЙ ОБУВИ / ADD A LAYER OF RUBBER Before you wear your new dress shoes, ask a cobbler to place a rubber sole on the bottom. Not only will the rubber protect the leather soles from damage, but it will also give you extra traction. Plus, it’s easier—and more affordable—to replace worn rubber soles than leather. For the roughly $20 investment, you’ll prolong the life of your favorite shoes.6. СДЕЛАЙТЕ НАБОЙКИ / ROUGHEN UP YOUR BOOTS Don’t put your boots through the ringer just to get that rugged, worn-in look. You can still get the same effect after protecting the leather. Use a leather balm and neutral cream, but avoid buffing them to a shine. Just watch the soles. Are the heels uneven or worn down on one side? See your cobbler to resole them so you can wear the hell out of them for years.7. ДОБАВЬТЕ ВОЗРАСТ ВАШЕ ОБУВИ, ИСПОЛЬЗУЯ ЧЕРНЫЙ КРЕМ ДЛЯ КОРИЧНЕВЫХ БОТИНОК / ADD AGE , INSTANTLY When you’re in a pinch—or if you want to experiment with a burnished style—you can use black shoe polish on brown shoes. The black polish won’t do any damage to your boots; it’ll only make the leather a bit darker and more rustic-looking.


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8. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ПОДСОЛЕННУЮ ВОДУ ДЛЯ МЫТЬЯ / EMBRACE THE ELEMENTS You don’t always have to polish your boat shoes. They’re meant to be salt-washed and faded, so let them live through the elements, he says.9. ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ ДОРОГИЕ КРЕМА / ИСП INVEST IN QUALITY POLISH Ignore your urge to take the bargain route. You need actual shoe polish—not the sneaker scuff cleaner from the local drugstore. These cheap cleaners may save you several bucks, but they don’t actually remove scuffs. Instead, they layer on a white paste that appears chalky when dry.10. МОЙТЕ ОБУВЬ ВРУЧНУЮ / HAND WASH YOUR CANVAS The best way to clean your canvas sneakers is by hand with fabric shampoo and water—not in the washing machine. Even on a gentle cycle, the soles of your shoes can break down and look more worn-out [].

How to Care for Your Shoes Spray new shoes with a waterproof protector. It will keep the surface from

getting marred if they do get wet in the rain. Add taps and half-soles of rubber to the bottoms. A shoe repairman can do

this for around $20, and the reinforcements will add many years to the life of your shoes.

Alternate pairs. You want your shoes to have time to breathe between wearings. Also, let shoes dry for several hours before putting them in the dank recesses of your closet.

Clean the insides. This is especially important if odor is a problem. Swab them with alcohol or a drop of tea tree oil, an antifungal agent. Take care not to splash to avoid staining the leather.

Wear hose or sock liners. This will protects against perspiration, which erodes insoles.

Use shoe trees. They help retain the shoe's shape. "Use forms made of cedar for the pair worn that day to absorb moisture," says Joe Rocco from Jim's Shoe Repair in New York City. Plastic trees are fine for your other shoes.

Polish leather. The salt in sweat dries out leather over time; polishing regularly keeps it supple [https://www.].

III. Практическая часть / Some practice (questionnaire)

3.1. Surveys’ questions

Мы также решили провести практическую часть нашего проекта. Мы выбрали 5 вопросов (три из них тесно связаны с выбором обуви). На эти


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вопросы ответили 100 учащихся нашей школы. Три вопроса касаются отношения учащегося к обуви. Эти вопросы помогли нам узнать очень важную информацию об обуви. Ниже приведен список вопросов с вариантами ответов. / We also decided to conduct some practical part of our project. We’ve chosen 5 questions (three of them are closely connected with the choice of shoebuying). And 100 students of our school were asked these questions. Three questions are about a person’s attitude to shoes. These questions which helped us to find out very important information about shoes. Here is this list of questions and there are possible answers:

Обувь. Что же надеть? Shoes . What to wear?

1. Ваш пол / Your gender

a) мужской / male

b) женский / female

2. Ваш возраст / Your age

a) 10-12 лет / 10-12 years old

b) 13-15 лет / 13-15 years old

c) 16-18 лет / 16-18 years old

3. Какую обувь вы покупаете? (возможно 2 варианта) / What shoes do you

buy? (2 variants are possible)

a) дешевая (3.000-5.000 рублей) / cheap (3.000-5.000 roubles)

b) дорогая (6.000-15.000 рублей) / expensive (6.000-15.000 roubles)

c) между дешевой и дорогой (4.000-8.000 рублей) / between cheap and

expensive (4.000-8.000 roubles)

d) очень дорогая (свыше 15.000 рублей) / very expensive (over 15.000


e) очень дешевая (500-3.000 рублей) / very cheap (500-3.000 roubles)

4. На что вы обращаете внимание при покупке обуви? (возможно 2

варианта) / What do you pay attention when you buy a new pair of shoes? (2

variants are possible)

a) цена / its price

b) красота / its beauty


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c) качество / its quality

d) удобство / its comfort

5. Ваша повседневная обувь … (возможно 2 варианта) / Your casual shoes

are ... (2 variants are possible)

a) красивая / beautiful

b) удобная / comfortable

c) красивая и удобная / beautiful and comfortable

d) зависит от дня недели / it depends on the day of the week

e) зависит от моего настроения / it depends on my mood

f) зависит от одежды / it depends on my clothes

Исходя из вышеуказанного, можно сказать, все вопросы - довольны

легкие, и не составляет никакого труда ответить на них. / Well, as you see,

questions are quite easy and it isn't difficult to answer them.

3.2. Результаты анкетирования / The results of our head count

Итак, каковы же результаты нашего анкетирования? / What results do

we have?


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Девочки лидируют – 57 % опрошенных, в то время как мальчики занимают

вторую позицию – 43 %. / Girls are leaders in our questionnaire - 57 %, while

boys occupy the second place here - 43 %.


Как мы видим, все учащиеся от 10 до 18 лет приняли участие в

анкетировании. Преимущество – у учащихся в возрасте 13-15 лет – 48 %. / As

we can see, many students of our school (from 10 to 18!) took part in our head

account. That's good! Students aged 13-15 years old have the advantage - 48 %.


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Большинство учащихся покупает обувь, которая относится к “между

дешевой и дорогой” – 39 % и дорогой – 39 %, в то время как только 4 %

опрошенных позволяют себе очень дорогую обувь. / According to the head

account, most of our students "buy shoes somewhere between cheap and

expensive" - 39 % while only 4 % can afford very expensive shoes.


Лидером в вопросе № 4 является красота! 31 %! Это невероятно! Красота

правит миром! И только 17 % опрошенных обращают внимание на ценовую

категорию. / The "leader" in these answers is beauty! 31 %! That's unbelievable!

Beauty rules the world! Only 17 % of students pay attention to price.


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Повседневная обувь наших ребят – красивая и удобная – 40 %, в то время как

последнее место делят критерии “зависит от настроения” и “зависит от дня

недели” - по 6 % соответственно. / Our students' casual shoes are mostly good-

looking and comfortable - 40 %.


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IV . Заключение / Conclusion

Подводя итоги, следует отметить, что поставленные в исследовании

цели достигнуты, а именно: / To summarize everything up let’s answer the aims

we put at the very beginning of our project. They were:

1. проанализировать эволюцию изменения обуви / to analyze the history of

shoemaking and shoewearing;

2. сравнить обувь, которую носили в старину, и повседневную обувь, а также

обувь для особых случаев / to compare ancient and present shoes, everyday

shoes and shoes for special occasions;

3. рассмотреть и проанализировать аспекты и критерии, на которые

обращают внимание учащиеся нашей школы при покупке очередной пары

обуви / to have a look at our students' aspects and criteria they take into account

when buying a new pair of shoes.

Были опрошены 100 учащихся нашей школы – им было предложено

ответить на 5 вопросов, 3 из которых напрямую связаны с темой обуви.

Среди опрошенных девочки лидируют – 57 %, в то время как мальчики

занимают вторую позицию – 43 %. Как мы видим, все учащиеся от 10 до 18

лет приняли участие в анкетировании. Преимущество – у учащихся в

возрасте 13-15 лет – 48 %, 10-12 лет – 36 %, а на возрастную категорию 16-18

лет остается всего лишь 16 %. / According to our project, 100 students of our

school were asked 5 questions related to the theme of shoes. Girls are leaders in

our questionnaire - 57 % took part in our head account, while boys occupy the

second place here - 43 %. All students of our school (from 10 to 18!) took part in

our head account. That's good! Students aged 13-15 years old have the advantage -

48 %, 10-12 years old - 36 % and 16-18 years old - 16 %.

Выводы исследовательской работы следующие: / The outputs of our

work are:

1. Большинство учащихся покупает обувь, которая относится к “между

дешевой и дорогой” – 39 % и дорогой – 39 %, в то время как только 4 %

опрошенных позволяют себе очень дорогую обувь. / Most of our students "buy PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 32

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shoes somewhere between cheap and expensive" - 39 % while only 4 % can afford

very expensive shoes (very cheap - 12 %, cheap - 24 %, expensive - 21 %).

2. Лидером среди критериев при покупке обуви является красота - 31 %. И

только 17 % опрошенных учащихся обращают внимание на ценовую

категорию ( “удобство” составляет 27 %, качество – 25 %). / The "leader" In

buying shoes is beauty - 31 %. And only 17 % of students pay attention to price

(comfort - 27 % and quality - 25 %).

3. Повседневная обувь наших учащихся – красивая и удобная – 40 %, в то

время как последнее место делят критерии “зависит от настроения” и

“зависит от дня недели” - по 6 % соответственно. / Our students' casual shoes

are mostly good-looking and comfortable - 40 %, while simply good-looking is 10

%, comfortable - 16%. 22 % of students pay attention to their clothes while

choosing a pair shoes to put on, 6 % take into account their mood and the day of

the week respectively.

Итак, обувь в своем становлении “прошла” длинный путь. Древняя

обувь была очень простой. Ее целью было защитить ноги людей, ведь

тысячелетия назад люди носили ее не для красоты, а для безопасности. И не

все люди могли позволить себе обувь - только богатые. В наши дни все носят

обувь, которая может быть разных цветов и из разного материала. С

течением времени обувь перешла от предмета роскоши (так как в древние

времена только богачи могли позволить себе покупать и носить обувь) к

предмету необходимости. / Well, shoes have gone a long history in their making.

Ancient shoes were very simple. Their aim was to protect people's feet, people

wore them not for beauty but for safety. And not all people could afford having

shoes - only rich ones. Nowadays all people wear shoes of different colours and

different material. With the passing time shoes have passed on from being an item

of luxury (as in ancient times only rich and wealthy people could afford buying

and wearing shoes) to an item of necessity.

Мода также сыграла важную роль в эволюции обуви. Человек сам по

себе индивидуален и уникален. Экстравагантность обеспеченных людей PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 32

Page 31:проект...  · Web viewThe word is derived from cordovan ... in the 17th century and 18th century wealthy women wore shoes of

можно было выразить в обуви, что послужило началом рождения обувной

промышленности. Сегодня же обувь можно классифицировать как

повседневную, ортопедическую, спортивную и т.д. / Fashion also played an

important role in the evolution of the shoe. The human psyche craves for an

individual and unique identity. The nobility and upper classes saw shoes as an

opportunity to fulfill this desire. The shoes got more and more extravagant. Cloth,

velvet and tapestries began to be used. This was the birth of the shoe industry as

we know it today. Today shoes are classified according to their use. They are

casual and dress, work, sport and corrective [].

Подводя итоги, можно в очередной раз сказать, что обувь ОЧЕНЬ

важна в нашей жизни. Невозможно представить нашу жизнь без обуви. Люди

любят обувь, покупают дешевую и дорогую - все это, исходя из вкуса и

размера кошелька каждого человека. / And now we'll repeat again and again:

shoes are VERY important in our life. It is impossible to imagine our life without

shoes. People like shoes, they buy cheap and expensive ones - all this according to

their tastes and pocket money, of course.


Page 32:проект...  · Web viewThe word is derived from cordovan ... in the 17th century and 18th century wealthy women wore shoes of

V. Библиография / Bibliography and net sources















