microb divers lecture 1

7/23/2019 Microb Divers Lecture 1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/microb-divers-lecture-1 1/21 Microbial Diversity Lecture 1 Nunuk Priyani

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Microbial Diversity

Lecture 1

Nunuk Priyani

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Why study MD

• Microbes: The Earth Engine – Capable o e!ploiting a vast range o

energy sources and thriving in al"ostevery habitat

 – #or $ billion years "icrobes %ere theonly or" o lie on Earth

 – &t is esti"ated that '() o living

protoplas" on this planet is "icrobial – *epresent the richest "olecular and

che"ical diversity in nature


Without M+ all lie on Earth %ould cease

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• Microbes : ,iological #rontier – ,ecause M+ are s"all- they are least


 – Current evident suggest that theyperhaps 1.' "illion species o ungi e!ist

yet only ') are described – #or bacteria- up to 1 "illion species o

bacteria- yet only /.1(( are described in,ergey0s Manual.

 – gra" o typical soil contain about 1billion o bacteria- but only 1) o thosecould be cultured


Most "icrobes re"ain to be discovered

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 The 2alue o MD•

Diverse M+ are essential to asustainable biosphere:

• ble to recycle nutrient

•Produce and consu"e gasses thata3ect global cli"ate

• Destroy pollutant- treat %aste

•4sed or biological control o plantand ani"al pest

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&n advance ,iotechnology

pplying process carried out by M+hu"an have been success to solveproble" in :

• griculture and #ood production

• 5u"an health

• Environ"ental 6uality

• &ndustry

• With develop"ent in "olecular biologyand genetic o3er great pro"ise todevelop the potential o MD

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Microbial Diversity

• Morphological Diversity

• Metabolic diversity

Environ"ental Diversity• Phylogenetic Diversity

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*evie% on +rganis"Diversity

• Era o ristoteles

• &nventory o Microscope

Classi7cation by 5aeckel• Classi7cation by *obert Wittacker

• Ne%est "ethod developed by Carl

Woese 189(s based on 1; r*N

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Haeckel, 1866

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Carl WoesePhoto by Jason Lindsey,U. Ill. Aluni !a"a#ine

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Some Lessons from the Big Tree:

- $hree ain relatedness "rou%s,&ucarya, 'acteria, Archaea.

- (ri"in is on the bacterial line o)descent* &ucarya and Archaea arerelated to the e+clusion o) 'acteria.

- Chloro%lasts and itochondria are o)

bacterial ori"in.

- $he eucaryal nuclear line o) descentis as old as the archaeal line.


  e-uences are identi)iers o)or"aniss you don/t need to cultureto identi)y00

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!akin" ense o) e-uences*!olecular Phylo"eny

1. Ali"n se-uences so that hoolo"ous2 residuesare 3u+ta%osed.

4. Count the nuber o) di))erences bet5een %airs o)

se-uences this is soe easure o) e7olutionarydistance2 that se%arates the or"aniss

. Calculate the tree2, the relatedness a%, that ost

accurately re%resents all the %air5ise di))erences

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•  The major organelles, mitochondria and

chloroplasts, are of bacterial ancestry.

•  The biological clock, the rate of sequence-change, is

not constant. You can’t date the deep past by


•  The sequence-based framework is a quantitative

articulation of biodiversity most biodiversity is

represented by microbial organisms.

•  The sequence-based framework means that

microbial organisms can be identified without the

traditional requirement for culture

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Eukaryotic cell Origin

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What is the lowest taxon?

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In Addition

• Eubacteria commonly come in three forms:

coccus, rod, spiral

Archaebacteria hae many shapes• Eubacteria mostly: autotroph, heterotroph,


Archaea : autotroph, heterotroph, non pathogen

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• !he big three and other stuff: "ohn #pear,

$niersity of %olorado

• &riorities for 'icrobial (iersity )esearch:Workshop at 'ichigan #tate $niersity

• &rokaryotes and the origin of 'icrobial

(iersity, *en+amin %ummings &ublisher