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  • 8/9/2019 Mohinder Singh Mcs Term Paper







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  • 8/9/2019 Mohinder Singh Mcs Term Paper



    I owe a great many thanks to a great many people

    who helped and supported me during the writing of this


    My deepest thanks to Lecturer, MR. SACHIN

    KASHYAP the Guide of the project for guiding and

    correcting various documents of mine with attention and

    care. He has taken pain to go through the project and

    make necessary correction as and when needed.

    I would also thank my Institution and my faculty members without

    whom this project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my

    heartfelt thanks to my family and well wishers.

  • 8/9/2019 Mohinder Singh Mcs Term Paper


  • 8/9/2019 Mohinder Singh Mcs Term Paper



    Strategic management system is the conduct of drafting, implementing and evaluating cross-

    functional decisions that will enable an organization to achieve its long-term objectives. It is the

    process of specifying the organization's mission, vision and objectives, developing policies and

    plans, often in terms of projects and programs, which are designed to achieve these objectives,

    and then allocating resources to implement the policies and plans, projects and programs.

    Abalanced scorecard is often used to evaluate the overall performance of thebusiness and its

    progress towards objectives.

    Strategic management is a level of managerial activity under setting goals and overTactics.

    Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and is closely related to the

    field ofOrganization Studies. In the field of business administration it is useful to talk about

    "strategic alignment" between the organization and its environment or "strategic consistency".

    According to Arieu (2007), "there is strategic consistency when the actions of an organization

    are consistent with the expectations of management, and these in turn are with the market and

    the context.

    Strategic management system is an ongoing process that evaluates and controls the business and

    the industries in which the company is involved; assesses its competitors and sets goals and

    strategies to meet all existing and potential competitors; and then reassesses each strategy

    annually or quarterly [i.e. regularly] to determine how it has been implemented and whether it

    has succeeded or needs replacement by a new strategy to meet changed circumstances, new

    technology, new competitors, a new economic environment., or a new social, financial, or

    political environment

    Key Benefits of a Strategic Management System

    Taking an organization-wide, proactive approach to a changing global world

    Building an executive team that serves as a model of cross-functional or horizontal


    Having an intense executive development and strategic orientation process

    Defining focused, quantifiable outcomes measures of success
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    Making intelligent budgeting decisions

    Clarifying your competitive advantage

    Reducing conflict; empowering the organization

    Providing clear guidelines for day-to-day decisiion making

    Creating a critical mass for change

    INTRO:-Performance management

    Performance management is an excellent method of helping organization deliver lasting

    improvement. It does this by ensuring individuals, teams, and ultimately the organisation, know

    what they should be doing, how they should be doing it and take responsibility for what they


    It is about placing the emphasis on managing, supporting and developing staff at all levels in the

    organization. An integral part of this is the need to monitor performance, reward staff that

    perform well, and challenge those who do not.

    For performance management to work well it is crucial that senior management can

    communicate effectively across the organisation and ensure that employees fully understand the

    organization's key corporate objectives and the reasons behind them.

    Benefits of Performance Management

    Having an effective performance management system has multiple benefits for organization,

    ultimately resulting in better, more efficient, services. These are:-

    1. It means everyone knows where the organization is going, as there is a clear focus on key

    objectives and priorities. This level of clarity helps to correctly direct resources, which

    means there are less instances of over and under resourcing.

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    2. It makes life more satisfying for employees because they know what is expected of them,

    and how this fits into the bigger picture, but also that they can call on extra support to

    help them to perform well.

    3. As the whole emphasis is on meeting set criteria and meeting targets, it is easier to

    monitor how services are performing and to take action to intervene and improve where


    4. It helps organization to meet their legal responsibilities in employment in terms of health

    and safety, equality and diversity. Employees and the organization itself will be bound by

    implied and explicit contractual terms, such as codes of conduct, the duty of mutual trust

    and confidence and the duty to obey reasonable instructions, as well as health and safety

    and equalities legislation. Legal issues will also arise in cases where the organization

    seeks performance improvement or decides to terminate employment on the grounds of

    the employee's incapability to do their job.

    Equality and diversity are important aspects of performance management. Not only does the

    organization's managing diversity approach impact upon its overall performance rating through

    the Best Value Performance Indicators it also impacts upon how performance is managed

    within the organisation. A performance management approach that recognises and promotes

    diversity, while supporting fairness and equity will ensure that people are selected and developed

    on the basis of their capability to do the job.


    Performance management system (PMS) is the heart of any people management process in

    organization. Organizations exist to perform. If properly designed and implemented it can

    change the course of growth and pace of impact of organizations. Performance management

    could be defined as it begins when the job is defined and ends when an employee leaves the

    company. Between these points, the following should be understood for a working performance

    management system.

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    Developing clear job descriptions: Job descriptions are the first step in selecting the right

    person for the job, and setting that person up to succeed Job descriptions provide a framework so

    the applicants and new employees understand the expectations for the position.

    Selection: Jobs have different requirements. This is the process of matching the skills and

    interests of a person to the requirements of a job. Finding a good job "fit" is exceptionally

    important. Use of a selection process maximizes input from potential co-workers and the person

    to whom the position will report.

    Providing effective orientation, education, and training. Before a person can do the best job,

    he or she must have the information necessary to perform. This includes job-related, position-

    related, and company-related information; an excellent understanding of product and process use

    and requirements; and complete knowledge about customer needs and requirements.

    Providing on-going coaching and feedback. People need ongoing, consistent feedback that

    addresses both their strengths and the weaker areas of their performance. Effective feedback

    focuses more intensely on helping people build on their strengths. Feedback is a two-way

    process that encourages the employee to seek help

    Conducting quarterly performance development discussions. If supervisors are giving

    employees frequent feedback and coaching, performance reviews can change from negative,

    evaluative, one-sided presentations to positive, planning meetings.

    Designing effective compensation and recognition systems that reward people for their

    contributions: The power of an effective compensation system is frequently overlooked and

    downplayed in some employee motivation-related literature

    Providing promotional/career development opportunities for staff: The supervisor plays a

    key role in helping staff develop their potential. Growth goals, changing and challenging job

    assignments and responsibilities, and cross-training contribute to the development of a more

    effective staff member.

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    Assisting with exit interviews to understand WHY valued employees leave the

    organization: When a valued person leaves the company, it is necessary to understand why the

    person is leaving. This feedback will help the company improve its work environment for

    people. An improved work environment for people results in the retention of valued staff.

    A performance management system will only be effective if it:

    1.Is aligned with a companys corporate direction and business strategy

    2.Objectively measures performance.

    3.Is trusted to be fair by employees

    4.Both managers and employees see that they have something to gain from using the


    Balanced scorecard - A strategy management tool

    However, an over emphasis on achieving and maintaining short-term financial results can cause

    companies to over invest in short-term fixes and to under invest in long-term value creation,

    particularly in the intangible and intellectual assets that generate future growth. The pressure for

    short-term financial performance often causes companies to reduce the resources spent on new

    product development, process improvements, human resource development, Information

    technology, databases and systems as well as customer and market development. In the short

    run, the financial accounting model reports these spending cutbacks as increases in reported

    income, even when the reductions have cannibalized a companys stock of assets and its

    capabilities for creating future economic value. In short, these organizations use the financial and

    non-financial performance only for tactical feedback and control of short-term operations.

    What is a Balanced Scorecard?

    The balanced scorecard is a management system (not only a measurement system that enables

    organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides

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    feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to

    continuously improve strategic performance and results. When fully deployed, the balanced

    scorecard improves strategic planning from an academic exercise into the nerve center of an


    First of all the balanced scorecard is a way of

    Measuring organizational, business unit or department success;

    Balancing long and short term actions;

    Balancing different measures of success and

    o Financial

    o Customer

    o Internal Operations

    o Human Resource Systems & Development (Learning & growth)

    A way of tying strategy to measures of action

    Linking Strategy with Performance Measures

    The essential thrust of the balanced score card is based on the fundamental proposition that

    within organizations what gets measured gets done however, organizations dont always get what

    they measure. If measurement, by itself, had that much impact on human behavior, then anyone

    that had weighing scales would never get fat.

    An appropriate measurement system is one that energizes employees in the context of what the

    organization is trying to do. Thus, the logical starting point for the development of any

    performance measurement system for an organization must be a clear statement of mission,

    objectives and resultant strategy. An organizations mission is its basic function in society and is

    the reason why the organization exists. Related to this are the objectives to be achieved and they

    represent a precise statement of purpose for a specific period. Basically a strategy is a shared

    understanding about how the organizations mission is to be achieved in a competitive

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    environment. Strategic thinking will focus on customers and competitors as well as internal

    capabilities and resources. It will include reference to the firms competitiveness, quality of

    output and levels of customer service. In turn, specified performance measures allow all

    employees understand what the strategy is and how their performance is linked to that overall

    strategy. The relationship between Mission, Objectives, Strategy and Performance Measures is

    depicted in Fig.1.

    There are at least three reasons why organizations should, and often do, measure their


    1. To align mission, strategy, values and behavior

    2. To improve the right things

    3. To numerically define the meaning of succes

    The performance management framework

    Clear, consistent systems and procedures are needed to support the ongoing dialogue with

    employees on performance management and provide feedback on how this is impacting on

    organization service delivery. The emphasis should be on developing an approach tailored to

    help the organization and its employees to perform well which is not too complex for the

    benefits it delivers. Whatever the approach, everyone should know where to find information

    about performance management and be able to access it whenever they need to.

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    From this, organization can identify the priority areas that need to be improved before

    performance management can be implemented effectively.

    Ten steps to effective performance management

    There are ten basic steps that organization needs to take to develop and implement an effective

    performance management system. The emphasis should be on developing a strategy tailored to

    help the organization perform well which is not too complex for the benefits it delivers.

    1. Develop business plans

    Business planning must take account of what can realistically be delivered with the organization

    resources available and consider the people management implications. Once organization plans

    and priorities have been established these then need to be translated into service, team and

    individual performance plans. This is a highly skilled task that is critical for the performance

    management process to work well. It is important that managers are given appropriate support to

    carry this out effectively.

    2. Establish what aspects of performance need to be measured

    Any national or local performance indicators being used must be clearly communicated to staff

    and elected members, along with other measures being used to define performance. The focus

    should be on measuring what matters and trying to keep these measures to a reasonable number.

    3. Set up systems to monitor and evaluate

    Systems need to be set up to ensure that performance can be monitored and evaluated throughout

    the year to ensure that it is improving service delivery. It is therefore essential that the

    performance management approach supports the organization's organisational development and

    people management strategies, so that it helps rather than hinders progress.

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    4. Define the general performance expectations of employees

    This may be done through a combination of approaches such as the use of competences, policies

    and procedures. Line managers should be given specific responsibilities for managing

    performance. Effective ways of doing this are making it an explicit part of their job role and

    incorporating how to manage performance into management training programmes.

    In return there should be clear and consistent expectations of what is expected of employees

    while they are working for the organization.

    5. Agree specific performance objectives

    Organization plans and priorities need to be translated into service, team and individual

    performance objectives.

    Agreeing individual performance and employee development needs is normally carried out using

    a combined performance appraisal and staff development process. This approach provides the

    framework for helping managers to translate service and team plans into individual plans and

    objectives and agree how these will be met. Individual plans and objectives are most effective

    when both manager and employee agree them. Objectives should be specific, measurable,

    agreed, realistic and time bound (SMART).

    6. Develop an internal communications system

    It is normally accepted that to be effective messages need to be communicated in a range of

    different ways that really target the group of staff you are trying to reach. There is a wide range

    of different approaches that can be adopted to ensure staff is kept in contact with key

    performance issues. For example, there are staff briefings; meetings; lunch time seminars; use of

    the intranet; mini articles or stories in staff magazines; posters; bulletin boards; email alerts; line

    management and supervision meetings.

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    Conducting regular staff surveys and running a suggestion scheme are also important ways of

    ensuring that employees have opportunities to feedback on a wide range of issues that will

    impact directly or indirectly on organisational performance.

    7. Ensure the performance appraisal system is in place, is well

    understood and working effectively

    A performance appraisal system is traditionally used to set objectives, identify support needs and

    measure progress against objectives. For it to work effectively it needs to be clearly understood

    by both managers and employees. This means ensuring that managers have access to guidance

    and training to ensure that they manage performance effectively throughout the year and

    employees at all levels within the organization have the necessary support, guidance or training

    to enable them to actively engage in the performance appraisal process.

    The performance appraisal system should also be regularly reviewed to ensure that it is

    achieving what is required.

    8. Support employees to help them perform well

    Effective induction and probation processes for new employees are extremely important in

    setting the right expectations for performance on both sides. If this early stage is managed well it

    may be possible to intervene to prevent or minimise individual capability issues later on through

    personal development or redeployment. Feedback from this process may also highlight problems

    with job design or recruitment processes, which then need to be rectified.

    Responsibility for meeting staff development needs may be addressed in the team or service or

    may be fed back to a central HR function for action. Whatever the approach, the organization

    needs an overview of its organisational capability and how it plans to address any gaps that will

    hamper the achievement of its objectives. This strategic human resource management would

    normally be the responsibility of the HR function.

    Developing employee capacity to deliver organization objectives is likely to be achieved in a

    variety of ways. All employees, even those who have been in the same post for some time,

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    should be encouraged to consider how they are performing and what else they could learn or do

    differently to deliver better services. In some cases these needs will be adequately met through

    attending training courses but there are many other possibilities, such as job shadowing,

    mentoring, e-learning, working on projects or reading manuals. Wherever possible the employee

    should be given the opportunity to agree the most suitable option.

    Performance needs to be actively managed and monitored throughout the year. An essential part

    of this dialogue is the giving and receiving of feedback. For this to work effectively the

    organisational climate must encourage the sharing of both success and failure. Without this

    employees will be reluctant to comply and the quality of the feedback may be lacking. As well

    as managers, employees at all levels in the organization may also need support, guidance or

    training to enable them to actively engage in the performance appraisal process.

    9. Seek performance improvement

    Of course, there will be circumstances where performance does not meet the required standard.

    At organisational level, this will mean identifying what the barriers are to effective performance

    and putting in place a plan to deliver improvement. At both team and individual level the

    principles will be the same, but it may be more difficult to manage, as individual sensitivities

    and complexities may be at the fore.

    Having in place a clear process for dealing with inadequate performance is important. However,

    it is essential that the process does not take over from the desired outcome, which is to seek

    performance improvement. Identifying the reason for inadequate performance is the first step.

    From this the organization can determine further action, which may involve disciplinary

    procedures; additional training or support; monitoring and review mechanisms; redeployment;

    changing job roles or in some cases dismissal. It is also important that learning from these

    actions is taken on board, for example to improve future performance management mechanisms

    or selection methods.

    Formal capability or disciplinary proceedings take time, effort and resources, which could

    otherwise be targeted at more positive interventions, such as recognising good performance. If

    performance management is embedded into day-to-day management practice it is likely that

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    inadequate performance will be managed and improved before it gets to this stage; that is why

    following the performance management cycle on an ongoing basis is so important.

    Organization should also review job design and work flexibility as ways of improving


    10. Recognise and reward good performance

    This is the part that many organisations forget; instead they take good performance for granted

    and focus on those who have not met the standard. However, to retain motivation and

    continuously improve, it is essential that good performance is recognised and where appropriate,

    rewarded. Recognition and reward will mean different things to different people; for some

    financial reward in the form of pay rises or bonuses may be important, whereas for others

    recognition that their contribution has made a difference will be enough.

    When determining what will be the most appropriate reward the organization will need to

    understand what motivates their workforce and how they can meet this need. Pay systems and

    processes will be important, but it will also be necessary to identify other reward mechanisms

    such as opportunities for development and career progression.

    Recognising performance is also about sharing success stories across the organisation and

    highlighting how good performance helps the organisation as a whole. This may also help with

    sharing good practice and learning about what works.

    Action checklists

    Performance management strategies only work if each group within an organisation knows

    exactly what they are meant to be doing:

    Members should:

    Recognise the impact performance management has on service delivery improvement

    Endorse the overall performance management strategy

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    Ensure that resources are targeted appropriately

    Be exemplars of performance management practice in the way they manage the

    performance of senior managers

    Identify and reflect on their own development needs

    Regularly monitor and review how the strategy is progressing and how it is improving


    Senior managers should:

    Recognise the impact performance management has on service delivery improvement

    Ensure that corporate visions, objectives and plans are communicated down to service,

    team and individual performance level

    Take a lead role in the development and implementation of the organization's

    performance management strategy

    Ensure that resources are targeted appropriately

    Be exemplars of good performance management practice

    Set targets and monitor managers' performance against the strategy's objectives

    Line managers should:

    Recognise the impact performance management has on service delivery improvement

    Ensure that organisational objectives are understood by team members

    Select the best people to perform particular jobs and tasks

    Regularly monitor and feed back to employees on their performance

    Seek advice and support in order to improve performance management practice

    Monitor how well their team is doing against the strategy

    The HR team should:

    Support the development of the performance management strategy and ensure that it

    reflects the wider people management context

    Ensure that all HR activities support the strategy

    Continuously develop their skills and capacity to help people manage performance

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    Be exemplars of good performance management practice

    Make sure that the HR function is able to support and deliver against the strategy's


    Employees and their representatives should:

    Be involved in the development and implementation of the strategy

    Ensure that they understand where their individual objectives fit with organisational,

    service and team objectives

    Identify and reflect on their own development needs

    Ensure that their job meets service delivery needs and feedback any issues

    Regularly communicate with their manager.

    Empowering middle managers

    Focusing everyone in the organization in the same overall framework


    It is now generally accepted that performance measures should be an integral part of modern

    internal reporting system. The performance measures (or indicators) should: Be linked with corporate strategy;

    Mirror both internal & external concerns;

    Include financial and non-financial dimensions; and Be both leading and lagging indicators of performance.

    It has recently been reported that companies who use suitable performance measurement systemswere much more likely to achieve leadership positions in their industry and were almost twice as

    likely to have successfully implemented a major organizational change. Management

    accountants who grasp the very simple idea of the BSC will considerably increase the capacityof their organizations to survive and prosper. The important issue for management accountants is

    to reflect on what Albert Einstein once remarked: Not everything that counts can be counted, and

    not everything that can be counted, counts.

  • 8/9/2019 Mohinder Singh Mcs Term Paper



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