mtuc hq labour bulletin july august 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014


  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    Jul;y-August 2014 MTUC


    MTUC amat kesal dan sedih dengan kejadian blok konkritlandasan projek Mass Rapid Transit(MRT) runtuh pada18hb Ogos 2014 atas sebab tidak mematuhi ProsedurOperasi Standard(SOP) pemasangan landasan oleh pihakkontraktor yang telah meragut nyawa tiga warga pekerjaasing berbangsa Bangladesh.

    Malah kenyataan ini juga telah disokong olehpihak Jabatan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan(JKKP) yang menyatakan siasatan yang dilakukan oleh

    inspektor keselamatan JKPP mendapati ketika kejadian,tiada pengawasan oleh jurutera atau penyelia terhadappemasangan parapet wall di landasan tersebut.

    MTUC merasakan adalah tanggungjawab penuhsemua pihak yang terlibat tampil kehadapan bagi memberikeadilan yang wajar dalam perkara ini. Ini bukanlah satuperkara yang baru berlaku malah sering terjadi sejakkebelakangan ini.

    Semua pihak perlu mengambil ikhtibar dari peri-stiwa seperti ini supaya segala amalan dan penguat-kuasaan peraturan dan undang-undang perlu dipatuhi.

    Peraturan keselamatan di tempat kerja pembinaan mestidifahami oleh semua pekerja, ini termasuklah cara pen-yampaian dengan bahasa yang mudah difahami olehsemua pihak yang terlibat. Penguatkuasaan dan perlaksa-naan undang-undang dan peraturan tidak seharusnyadiambil sewenang-wenangnya kerana ia boleh menga-daikan nyawa orang.

    MTUC merasakan tindakan Ketua PegawaiEksekutif(CEO) meletak jawatan bukanlah satupenyelesaian kepada permasalahan ini. Semua pihak ter-masuk kontraktor utama, sub-kontraktor serta pemilik pro-jek Mass Rapid Transit Corporation Sdn Bhd serta Ke-menterian-kementerian yang terlibat harus bekerjasamadan mencari penyelesaian supaya perkara sedemikiantidak berulang kembali.

    MTUC sekali lagi menegaskan pematuhan danperlaksanaan undang-undang adalah amat penting di ma-na-mana kawasan, tempat kerja yang melibatkan kesela-matan dan nyawa mana-mana pekerja mahupun pekerja

    tempatan, pekerja asing dan orang awam.Tarikh : MTUC 20hb Ogos 2014

    MTUCmenyeru kerajaan supaya memberi keutamaan kepada semua pekerja secara sama rata. MTUCmenyokongseruan kerajaan danCUEPACs dalammemperlihatkan perihal harga rumah mampu milik bagi pekerja-pekerja sektor awam.Setiausaha Agung MTUC, N. Gopal Kishnamberpendapat adalah wajar sekiranya kerajaan juga memberi pertimbangan yang sama kepadasemua pekerja dalamsektor swasta bagi membolehkan mereka mempunyai rumah mampu milik dengan harga yang berpatutan.

    Kita tidak dapat nafikan bahawa pekerja dalamsektor swasta juga merupakan penyumbang utama kepada pembangunan ekonominegara dan masih berhadapan dengan kos sara hidup yang tinggi. Statistik menunjukkan bahawa 25% daripada 6.7 juta keluarga di Malaysiatidak memiliki rumah sendiri. Di samping itu majoriti daripada 1.7 juta keluarga ini adalah dari kalangan isi rumah berpendapatan rendahdibawah RM3000 sebulan.

    Kenyataan bank negara semalamyang menaikkan kadar OPR-Overnight Policy Rate dengan kenaikkan pada 25 mata akan mem-beri impak yang sama kepada semua bank yang memberi pinjaman. Keadaan ini secara tidak langsung akanmemberi kesan kenaikkanbeban membayar hutang kepada semua pekerja di negara ini. Walaupun kadar gaji pekerja masih belumtentu dinaikkan sejajar dengankadar kenaikan kos sara hidup dan lain-lain kos terlindung.

    MTUCjuga bimbang dengan pengenalan GST sebanyak 6% yang akan memberi kesan nyata pada kadar Indek Harga Pengguna danmenjurus kepada inflasi melebihi 4 peratus seperti yang diunjurkan. Walaupun pada dasarnya kadar inflasi yang dilaporkan adalah dalamlingkungan 3 peratus namun ramai pekerja sedang bergemelut dengan ketidakmampuan mereka berhadapan dengan kadar kenaikan hargabarangan yang tidak setimpal dengan kenaikkan gaji. Apatah lagi keengganan majikan untuk memberi COLA RM300 kepada semua pekerja-pekerja dalamsektor swasta.

    Pertimbangan rumah mampu milik bagi pekerja yang telah berkhidmat lama dalamsektor swasta ini bolehmembendung permasa-lahan sosial yang semakin menular hari ini seperti golongan gelandangan yang terdiri dari ibu tunggal, bapa tunggal, pesara dan sebagainyayang tidak mampu memiliki rumah terpaksalah mencari tempat penginapan ditepi jalan atau rumah-rumah setinggan, kebajikan dan se-

    bagainya dalamusia tua mereka kerana tidak sanggup membebani anak-anak mereka mahupun ditinggalkan oleh keluarga mereka.Laungan Perdana Menteri terhadap konsep 1Malaysia perlu diserapkan kepada semua pekerja di Malaysia tanpa mengira pekerjasektor swasta mahupun awamsupaya tidak wujud jurang yang membezakan kedua-dua golongan ini. Pekerja-pekerja dari kedua-dua sektorini haruslah menikmati kehidupan yang selesa dengan memiliki rumah sendiri sejajar dengan wawasan negara menuju kearah negara ber-pendapatan tinggi. MTUC11 July 2014


  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    July-August 2014 MTUC

    M TUC SelangorKursus dijalankan oleh MTUC Bhg Selangor & W.Persekutuan bagi sesi bulan Jun. Kursus diadakan di Carl-

    ton Hotel Shah Alam pada 23-24 Jun 2014. Seramai 30 peserta telah hadir.

    Penceramah terdiri dari Pegawai MTUC dan penceramah jemputan Perkesodan JKJR turutbersama dalamprogram terse-but. PengerusiMTUC Selan-gor turut hadir

    dan turut mengambil satu slot ceramah untukpara peserta.

    Perasmian telah dilakukan oleh SdraGopal, Setiausaha Agung MTUC diikutidengan ucapan dan perkongsian maklumat isu-isu semasa manakala Presiden MTUC SdraMohd Khalid b Hj Atan hadir pada sessi pe-

    nutup seminar yang dijalankan 2 hari itu. Semua peserta menerima sijil penyertaan pada petang tersebut.MTUC Selangor & WP mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat menjayakan programkali ini.Dilaporkan oleh: Mohd Khairi B Man

    Setiausaha MTUC SELANGOR & WP.

    Worker s Education Programme Organizing& Collective Bargaining : Training For Young

    Trade Union Leaders.23 June -04 July 2014 ITC ILO Turin Italy

    This course ORGANIZING and COLLECTIVE BAR-GAINING are the training for young trade union's lead-er based on the International Labour Standard syllabus.It aims to strengthening trade union capacities to repre-

    sent and defend the interests of their members through the Training programmes provided at the Turin TrainingCentre.

    Emphasis also be placed on sharing experience from European countries and increase emotional and spir-

    itual, moral elements of identity, patriotism, leadership awareness and enhance the spirit of brotherhood and unity

    through the group work and presentations by the 17 participants from 12 countries in Asia Pacific.Reported by : Syamsul Azwan Mustar, Youth Secretary MTUC

  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    July-August MTUC 2014

    MTUC calls for a five-daywork week

    PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Trades

    Union Congress (MTUC) called on the gov-

    ernment to make it compulsory for private

    sector to implement a five-day work week

    in a bid to increase productivity.

    Its deputy secretary-general,A.Balasubramaniam, said this would also

    help to streamline the working days with

    government agencies, departments and the

    financial institutions.

    Speaking to Bernama, he said

    MTUC had been receiving complaints that

    many companies in the shipping, forward-

    ing, logistics and ancillary service sectors

    are still practising a six-day work week withSaturdays as half day.

    MTUC survey revealed that these compa-

    nies dealt mainly with businesses that

    closed on Saturdays.

    "What use is it to open for work when your

    counterparts are closed," he said, adding

    that it was indeed a sheer waste of time

    and money, besides lowering the morale ofemployees.

    He said the Human Resources Ministry

    should take the initiative to educate these

    businesses on the benefits of a five-day

    work week, which, among others, provide

    leisure and quality time for employees to be

    with their families and friends, and improve

    the overall job satisfaction and quality of

    life. Bernama, 16 July 2014




    MTUC is greatly disappointed that the Federal Court has on 18August 2014 refused to grant leave to President and Secretaryof the Trienekens Employees Union to appeal against their dis-missal in 2008.

    The two officials are employed as lorry driver and loaders by

    Trienekens Sdn Bhd who is responsible for rubbish collection inthe City. They were dismissed for writing and distributing a un-ion circular (which is at the instruction of the Union) that calledfor a boycott of the Companys family day which was held on aSunday.

    MTUC deeply regret that the Countrys Highest Court decline toclarify the law on the protection accorded to Trade Unions Offi-cials against discrimination under the S 5 & 59 Industrial Rela-tions Act and believe that it will create uncertainty and concernsamong all employees and may lead to industrial unrest.

    MTUC is extremely worried that employers are now embolden toembark on Union busting and to rid of Trade Unions by dismiss-ing key officials.

    It may also spell the death of In-House Unions, which is greatlyencouraged by the Government. This is because officials of InHouse unions are all employees of the company and their jobwill be at risk if they write any union circular or take part in antrade union activity that the employer does not like.

    Since the Courts decline to address the law relating to Section59 of the Act, MTUC now calls on the Minister of Human Re-sources and the Public Prosecutor to prosecute the Companyunder this section which essentially makes it an offence for anemployer to dismiss an employee because he is a member orofficial of a trade union or to take part or promote trade unionactivities

    MTUC Sarawak may include file a complain to the InternationalLabour Organisation that Malaysia is a member of.

    Andrew LoSecretaryMTUC, Sarawak Division,18/8/2014


  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    July-August 2014 MTUC

    Bahagian Perak telah mengadakan Kursus KesedaranKeselamatan dan Kesihatan MTUC/PERKESO selama duahari dari 25-26hb Ogos 2014 di Kuala Gula Taiping Perak.

    The Conference was launched by Dato Sri Nazir Razak, pro-ceeded with the business session of the Union in the after-noon which included the announcement of the Unions Princi-pal Office Bearers, the review of work done for the past threeyears and the work to be carried out for the next three years.

    The Conference ended with a concluding dinner cele-brating the success of the Conference and was a platform tofortify bilateral solidarity and working relationships with em-ployers.

    The Conferences concluding dinner was honoredwith the official address by Puan Nora Manaf, President ofMalayan Commercial Banks Association, Bro Khalid Atan,President of Malaysian Trade Union Congress and Key NoteAddress by Bro M R Shah, General Secretary of Asian Re-gional Organisations for Banking, Insurance and FinancialInstitutions who is also the Chairman of the Merchant andSavings Bank Sri Lanka. Source: NUBE website

    Kursus Keselamatan dan Kesihatan MTUC/PERKESO bahagian Kelantan telah diadakanKota Raudah selama dua hari dari 27-28hb

    Ogos 2014.

    NUBE: 22ndTriennial Delegates ConferenceBrickfields, 25 August, 2014


  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    Foreign workers shouldtreated with dignity

    July-August 2014 MTUC

    Malaysia Trades Union Congress (MTUC) calls for animmediate tripartite meeting between employers ofJCY HDD Technology Sdn Bhd (JCY), Human Re-source Ministry and MTUC on the recent strike bytheir foreign workers in protest of the companies, neg-

    ligence in handling of health issues of their workers.

    Our MTUC Johor Division officers on the ground havebeen following the case closely with some of JCY'smigrant workers. Workers shared that their protestescalated when one of the staff of JCY provoked bythrowing stones at their private part when the workersrefuse to 'play the game of throwing stone's' at eachother in their workplace at Kulaijaya. These workers,about 20 of them who participated in the strike inTebrau were forcefully moved to Kulaijaya' At Kulaija-

    ya these workers were forced to play a game of"volley ball with stone, as a punishment for taking partin the strike at Tebrau over the death of their co-worker who complained of having difficulty in breath-ing.

    According to the workers they resort to industrial ac-tion as they were dissatisfied in the manner the man-agement handled their grievances. Their main con-cerns were on the issues concerning their health,work condition, poor hostel facilities, calculation ofovertime, not adhering to off day's entitlement, variousdeductions in their salaries and low compensation foraccident and injuries. The workers were also dis-pleased with the attitude of the management in thatworkers are beaten for any mistakes made. They saidthat the management have constantly not treatingthem with dignity and respect. Their concern at work-place worsened over the years that their only optionwas industrial action.

    MTUC is very concern in the way the management ofJCY handle the issues of workers grievances at work-place- Management's intimidation and hostile attitudes

    towards worker is totally unacceptable. These funda-mental issues have been put off so long that workershave lost total confidence with the management ofJCY. Our national policy and practices on protectionof Migrant workers too have failed to address signifi-

    cantly the rights of migrant workers.

    Human Recourse Ministry have repeatedly denied ourcall for Migrant workers to be given SOSCO benefitjust as Malaysia workers. Instead migrant workers arecovered by Workmen Compensation Scheme withcomputation of compensation differs extensively.There is no justification why dual set of computation ofcompensation is need for Malaysian and Migrantworkers.

    At the same time MTUC is concern on the over de-pendency of Migrant workers in JCY. lt has been not-ed that about 95% of foreign workers employed byJCY are production workers. JCY's depends on morethan 10,000 migrant workers mainly from Nepal,Bangladesh, India, Myanmar and Vietnam- Theseonly raises concerns that wage distribution and condi-tion of employment offered have been inadequatelyaddress that prompt many Malaysian in Johor to workin Singapore instead.

    MTUC also urge that police investigation should lookinto the provocation and alleged assault made by themanagement over the incident in Kulaijaya. Policeinvestigation must be fair and unbiased towards allparties involved. Meanwhile MTUC Johor Division willoffer our services to all migrant workers especiallyworkers who are affected in the incident in Kulaijayaand Tebrau. Migrant workers can call our hotline num-ber at 016-2118024 should they need any assistanceor inquiries.

    PS, Date : 29 August 2014, Migrant Workers desk MTUC.

  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    July-August 2014 MTUC

    Aktiviti Belia MTUC

    Majl is ber buka puasa bers ama Pemimpin MudaBelia telah dia njur kan pada 15 J ulai 20 14 @ 7.00petang bertempat di Kelab Golf Bukit Jalil Selan-gor dengan penyertaan Belia seramai 20 orangdar i kalanga n s emua Kesatuan Gabungan MTUC.

    Majl is ini bertujuan merapatkan lagi si laturahimdan keakraban sesama Belia di bawah GabunganMTUC. Selain dari itu, kami memperuntukkansejam bagi berbual bicar a dan berbincang agen-da memantapkan dan menjatikan organisasiBelia MTUC.

    Dilapor kan oleh: Syamsul Azwan Mustar ,Setiausaha, J awata nkuas a BELIA MTUC.

    Majl is berbuka puasa bersama Timbalan PerdanaMenter i telah diadakan pada 20 Julai 2 014 @ 6.30petang ber tempat di kediaman ras mi YAB TimbalanPerdana Menter i di Sri Satria Pr esint 16, Putrajayadengan penyertaan terdir i daripada Ahli Jawa-tankuasa Kerja Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja Malaysia(MTUC).

    Majl is ini bertujuan mengeratkan si laturahim danr amah mesra bersama Pemimpin Negara ber samasam a dengan NGO dan r akyat jela ta.

    ProgramKepimpinan Belia dan Halatuju Belia MTUC

    Buat julung kalinya Jawatankuasa Kerja Belia Kongres Kesatuan SekerjaMalaysia (MTUC) telah berjaya menganjurkan Program PembangunanModal Insan yang bertajuk 'Kepimpinan Belia dan Halatuju Belia MTUC2014' dar i 25- 2 7 Mei 2 014 di Hulu Selangor . Ianya merupakan programyang mengikut kehendak lat ihan masakini yang mengutamakan pening-katan emosi dan spir i tual, penerapan unsur jat idir i , patr iot isme,kesedaran kepimpinan dan meningkatkan semangat per saudar aan kesatu-an melalui aktiviti fizikal dan mental.Progr am ini member i r uang kepada barisan kepimpinan bel ia MTUC untukbers edia menjadi pemimpin pelapis yang lebih terdedah dengan tanggung-

    ja wab seb ag ai seo r an g pe mim pi n da la m men er aj ui ses ua tu o r ga ni sas iterutamanya dalam kesatuan sekerja. Program ini berjaya memberitumpuan kepada pengukuhan dan pemantapan personali t i Bel ia supayamenjadi insan cemerlang di dunia dan akhirat. Program ini telah berjaya

    m e l i b a t k a ns e r a m a i 3 0peserta. Setiappeserta yang

    terl ibat adalaht e r d i r i d a r ipemimpin bel iaMTUC dan AJK

    serta beberapawakil belia dari kesatuan MTUC dari Melaka, Pahang dan Perak di sampingKuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Komitmen dan keazaman yang ditunjukkanamatlah membanggakan dan menyemarakkan semangat untuk menerus-kan progr am ini sehingga ke akhirnya dengan jayanya.

    Setinggi-t inggi ucapan terima kasih diucapkan kepada PresidenMTUC Sdra. Mohd Khalid b. Hj Atan kerana sudi meluangkan masa untuk

    merasmikan program ini. Sememangnya Presiden MTUC sentiasa mem-berikan galakan dan kerjasama serta sokongan kepada JawatankuasaBelia dalam apa jua progr am yang dianjurkan.

    Presiden Mohd Khalid Atan bersama-sama ahli belia MTUC

  • 8/11/2019 MTUC HQ LABOUR BULLETIN July August 2014



    July-August 2014 MTUC

    A wor ld without forced migration

    Why migrants should support the call for development justice

    International Migrants Alliance (IMA)Campaign for Peoples Goals for Sustainable Development

    Currently, there are 232 million international migrants in the worldand this is projected to increase in the coming years. This includesmigrant workers and immigrants who are mainly in agriculture,industries and the service sector. This number does not yet includethe millions more irregular (or undocumented) migrants, as well asrefugees.

    Present-day migration is a result of inequities existing inthe world perpetuated by policies of neoliberal globalization.

    Migration pattern is mainly characterized by migrationfrom less developed countries to the more developed ones such asthe migration of people from Latin American and the Caribbean toNorth America, from Southeast Asia to the richer countries of EastAsia, from South Asia to the Middle East, or Eastern Europe toRussia and to Western Europe.

    The past four decades of implementing neoliberal globali-zation policies has deepened the mal development of third worldcountries. The destruction of agriculture, deindustrialization, andcontraction of public social services in the country of origin of mi-grants has led to mass displacement, dislocation and forced migra-tion.

    It has also heightened the need for a more flexible skilled, cheap, disempowered labour force that are sourced fromthe less developed countries always on the lookout for labour mar-kets to absorb its ever expanding labour force that its regressiveeconomy cannot absorb.

    Within countries of origin, neoliberal economics only ben-efit the ruling elites that include the big traders of imported goods,exporters of raw materials and agricultural produce, local partnersof giant multinational mining corporations, and the local land-owning classes. Through the labour export program used to propup the constantly flagging economy and diffuse the social volcanocreated by an impoverished majority, the local elites not only main-tain the status quo but even profit further from the labour export-related businesses recruitment agencies, financing agencies,medical facilities, and even real estates.

    In receiving countries, migrants and immigrants are usedas bargaining chips for capitalists to depress the wage of all work-ers, erode labour rights and even destroy unions. Migration ensuresprofits while the local working class and their families struggle forsurvival.

    Current migration also demonstrates the inequities exist-ing between men and women. For the past decades, female migra-tion has shoot up and even surpassed male migration in someareas. This so-called feminization of migration is not an indicationof uplifting the economic participation of women but is an indicationof the worsening condition of women in sending countries. It alsoshows the contraction of overseas labour market that is now fo-cused more on jobs perceived to be for women domestic work,care industry, and jobs in the service sector.

    With a nominal recognition that neoliberal globalization

    has not brought development for the people, the United Nations, in

    2000, formulated the Millennium Development Goals that consistedof concrete targets on major development themes.

    Now, with just over a year before the target completion of theMDGs on 2015 comes, confidence on the delivery of the MDGs inthe context of worsening and protracted economic, food, financialand climate crisis is not high.

    When the MDGs were formulated, migration was not discussed asa context or as a theme to be addressed. In fact, even the 2013Report on the MDGs did not mention the condition of migrants,immigrants and families as a measure of how the developmentgoals are faring.

    While the UN remains optimistic of the MDGs, the fact remains that

    since the MDG was formulated, international migration increasedfrom 175 million to 232 million. In 1990 when conferences thatserved as bases of the MDG started, there were 154 million inter-national migrants.

    If development is indeed getting propelled, why is migration thateven UN member states recognize as a forced one still verymuch on the rise?

    Ironically, instead of treating migration as a development problem, itis now being considered as a development opportunity. The WorldBank, various UN agencies and other multilateral and multi-stakeholder bodies such as the Global Forum on Migration and

    Development, all choose to emphasize the enormous contributionof migration for development. They are advancing the flawed strate-gy of using remittance as a motor for development: be it as part ofthe GDP, as a credit-rating booster, or as a means to increasesocial capital through economic capacity given to households ofmigrants.

    Remittance that is even greater than official development aid andsecond only to foreign direct investments is targeted as a sourceof new and additional financing for sustainable development.

    It is disturbing that current discussions on the Post-MDG agendaare geared towards developing and further systematizing migration

    and labour export programs. Migrant-sending countries are mark-edly pushing for an increase in migration flows and the lowering ofrestrictions in destination countries. Host countries, meanwhile, arepushing to attract skilled workers and professionals an agendatheyve had since the GATS Mode 4 was introduced and is nowbeing continued in the TISA negotiations and are perfecting theirtemporary workers/ guest workers programs.

    The myth of migration for development is set to be perpetuated andfurther reinforced by its integration into the so-called Post-2015development agenda.

    Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM)

    OfficeAddress: G/ F, No.2 Jordan Road, Kowloon, HongKongSA

    Wisma MTUC 10-5, Jalan USJ 9/5T, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor. Tel: 03-80242953 Fax:03-80243225website :; email:mtucgeneral / disediakan oleh: Sdri.R.Rajeswari, Setiausaha Penyelidikan

    disemak: Sdra. N. Gopal Kishnam Setiausaha Agung