naman uppal thesis

THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SCHOOL OF PHOTOVOLTAIC AND RENEWABLE ENERGY ENGINEERING Thermal analysis of a prefabricated building model Naman Uppal Bachelor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Engineering Course Code: SOLA4911 Thesis Part B Submission Date: June 2015 Supervisor: Associate Professor Alistair Sproul Assessor: Dr. Santosh Shrestha

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Thermal analysis of a prefabricated building model

Naman Uppal

Bachelor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Engineering

Course Code: SOLA4911 Thesis Part B

Submission Date: June 2015

Supervisor: Associate Professor Alistair Sproul

Assessor: Dr. Santosh Shrestha

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Certificate of originality

I declare that this assessment item is my own work, except where acknowledged, and

has not been submitted for academic credit elsewhere, and acknowledge that the

assessor of this item may, for the purpose of assessing this item:

Reproduce this assessment item and provide a copy to another member of the

University; and/or,

Communicate a copy of this assessment item to a plagiarism checking service (which

may then retain a copy of the assessment item on its database for the purpose of future

plagiarism checking).

I certify that I have read and understood the University Rules in respect of Student

Academic Misconduct.


Date: 02/06/15

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I. Abstract

This thesis conducts a thermal analysis on the Hadrian Villa, an architecturally

designed two-bedroom residence that uses the Origination &U system. The &U

system is a prefabricated modular building model. The skeletal structure for the &U

design is made using lightweight fiber reinforced plastic. Heat transfer is a common

issue and concern for lightweight prefabricated housing, as is explored further in this

thesis. The main objective of this thesis is to understand how the Hadrian Villa will

perform in Australian climatic conditions and how low energy building techniques

can be implemented to reduce the thermal energy requirements for the design.

The analysis for this thesis is conducted in two sections. Firstly, preliminary

calculations are conducted to determine the thermal resistance of the wall panels.

These calculations indicate that the wall panels have an R-Value of 2.25m2K/W to

2.57m2K/W, varying according to the design choices of each face of the building.

Secondly, these values along with material and construction data are applied to the

AccuRate building software, to calculate the total thermal energy load of the building.

It is found that the basic Above Ground design has a base thermal energy load of

70.4MJ/m2.annum, which is classified as below thermal performance standard

established by the BASIX thermal comfort protocol. Improvements are implemented

to increase the thermal efficiency of the design. Using low energy building

techniques, the building is improved to a minimum thermal energy load of

30.3MJ/m2.annum. This brings the building clearly within thermal protocol

requirements of 39MJ/m2.annum.

To determine where this model is applicable, the Hadrian Villa simulations are tested

across different cities of Australia using the AccuRate software. It is found that design

performs best in Sydney, Brisbane and Wollongong, with a minimum thermal energy

load achieved in Sydney, as a subtropical climate. The Hadrian Villa is found to

perform worst in Darwin.

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II. Acknowledgements

The author would like to acknowledge some of the people without whom this thesis

would not have been possible.

Firstly, the author would like to extend his sincere gratitude to the supervisor of this

thesis, Associate Professor Alistair Sproul (Lecturer and Postgraduate Coordinator,

University of New South Wales). His lectures on Low Energy Buildings are what

sparked the author’s interest in this area of study. Alistair’s readiness to work with

students and industry are what allowed the author to find a thesis that related to a real

world project. His consistent reminders for meetings, encouragement to explore new

and different ideas, vast theoretical and industry knowledge, combine with unending

humour and relaxed attitude are what pushed the author to carry on through each

stage of the thesis.

Secondly, the author would like to thank the team at Pidcock and Origination.

Caroline Pidcock (Director of Pidcock Sustainability + Architecture and Origination

Pty. Ltd.) and Fergal White (Associate Director of Pidcock Sustainability +

Architecture) were an immense help throughout the thesis. The author truly

appreciates them offering their office space and resources, regular time for meetings,

consistent feedback and inclusion of the author in office festivities. It was a pleasure

for the author to be a part of the &U project, and he wishes the greater team

maximum success in this venture.

Lastly but importantly, the author would like to extend a hearty appreciation to his

mentors, friends and family. To each of them who spent the time to understand the

thesis work, ensured the author kept calm and balanced and provided their love and

support, the author is indebted.

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III. Table of Contents



1.! Introduction#................................................................................................................#1!1.1#Area#of#study#.........................................................................................................................#1!1.2#Current#state#of#affairs#......................................................................................................#1!1.3#&U#building#system#............................................................................................................#2!1.4#The#Hadrian#Villa#................................................................................................................#2!1.5#Objectives#of#research#.......................................................................................................#5!1.5.1!Thesis!statement!...........................................................................................................................!5!1.5.2!Motivation!........................................................................................................................................!5!1.5.3!Thesis!objectives!...........................................................................................................................!5!1.5.4!Thesis!scope!....................................................................................................................................!6!1.5.5!Hypothesis!.......................................................................................................................................!6!

2.! Literature#review#......................................................................................................#7!2.1.#Previous#studies#.................................................................................................................#7!2.2#Thermal#building#design#................................................................................................#12!2.2.1!Insulation!.......................................................................................................................................!12!2.2.2!Thermal!mass!..............................................................................................................................!13!2.2.3!Phase!change!material!.............................................................................................................!15!2.2.4!Thermal!bridges!.........................................................................................................................!17!2.2.5!Floor!structure!............................................................................................................................!17!2.2.6!Glazing!............................................................................................................................................!18!2.2.7!Theoretical!calculations!..........................................................................................................!20!

3.! Methodology#.............................................................................................................#22!3.1#Excel#calculations#..............................................................................................................#22!3.1.1!Panel!................................................................................................................................................!22!3.1.2!Post!...................................................................................................................................................!29!3.1.3!Beam!................................................................................................................................................!31!3.1.4!Window!..........................................................................................................................................!32!


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4.! Results#.........................................................................................................................#42!4.1#AccuRate#..............................................................................................................................#42!4.2#Location#testing#.................................................................................................................#47!

5.! Discussion#..................................................................................................................#54!5.1#Basic#design#........................................................................................................................#54!5.2#Impact#of#changes#to#the#building#envelope#............................................................#57!5.2.1!Floor!structure!............................................................................................................................!57!5.2.12!Glazing!..........................................................................................................................................!61!5.2.3!Fixed!louvers!................................................................................................................................!63!5.2.4!Thermal!mass!..............................................................................................................................!64!5.2.5!Water!walls!...................................................................................................................................!64!5.2.6!Phase!change!material!.............................................................................................................!64!5.2.7!Insulation!.......................................................................................................................................!65!5.2.8!Insulation!and!concrete!...........................................................................................................!66!5.2.9!Thermal!bridges!.........................................................................................................................!66!



6.! Conclusions#...............................................................................................................#73!

7.! References#.................................................................................................................#75!

8.! Appendices#................................................................................................................#77!


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1. Introduction

1.1 Area of study

Prefabricated modular building has become an increasingly popular option for both

the residential and commercial sector. Modular building relies on premade units;

building components such as walls, beams and floors or fixed rooms, which attach to

form entire floors or complete buildings (Retik and Warszawski, 1994). The

advantages of prefabricated systems are with respect to their ease of manufacture, in

controlled factories and warehouses. This allows them to be produced at any time of

the year with little to no interruption by weather or contractor coherence issues. This

reduces overall build time on site, and hence resource allocation can be more

efficiently managed.

The fundamental issue with prefabricated structures is the building material. They are

usually lightweight, integrated structures. This means they have little resistance to

heat transfer, making for thermal inefficient buildings. The challenge is to find

methods to increase the building’s thermal resistance to heat transfer, with additional

materials and design techniques.

1.2 Current state of affairs

Research in the field of prefabricated building is limited, as commercial interest has

come largely in the last 20 years (prefabAUS, 2015). There are examples of modern

prefabricated models being implemented during war periods and after (prefabAUS,

2015). However the reception of the building industry to develop prefabricated

models on a large scale has only been more recent (prefabAUS, 2015). Hence, there is

limited development on best design practices, and limiting prefabricated design

specific problems. This considered, there are large scale developers facilitating

projects for prefabricated housing, such as Sekisui House (prefabAUS, 2015).

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1.3 &U building system

The &U is a prefabricated building modular house design, developed by Origination

Pty. Ltd.. Using a series of interlocking wall panels, multiple designs can be created

in a multitude of locations to meet the needs of a client (Pidcock and Pidcock, 2011).

Designed with Fiber reinforced plastic, &U panels are lightweight and easy to install.

The panels are 140mm thick (see Figure 3-2), designed with an air gap between the

faces of the panels, which allows insulation, wiring and building structures to be run

through this space. House designs can vary from small villas (the model tested in this

thesis) to large houses and small apartment blocks. As the panels are modular, the

house is constructed like a jigsaw with multiple pieces. This can create an issue for air

gaps and thermal bridging. Lightweight construction also represents low thermal

mass. Thermal mass is traditionally keystone to good thermal performance of a

building. A method would need to be found to address both of these issues, and

develop and potential solutions. (Pidcock and Pidcock, 2011)

1.4 The Hadrian Villa

Inspired by the architectural style and setting of Hadria, Italy, the Hadrian Villa is one

of the Origination &U building designs, as developed by Pidcock Architecture +

Sustainability (Pidcock and Pidcock, 2011). The design consists of a central open

Kitchen Living and Dining (KLD), two bedrooms, a Laundry and Bathroom. In the

centre of the Hadrian Villa are two integrated water tanks, separating the bedrooms

and KLD. The north face of the Hadrian Villa leads the KLD to a shaded deck area.

The open floor plan and integrated roof space allow the Hadrian Villa to have ceiling

heights between 2400mm in the centre, to 3900mm along the perimeter. The reverse

racked roof allows for these high perimeter ceilings to incorporate high-level

windows, allowing more natural lighting into the building. The floor plan of the

building envelope spans a rectangular shape, 12720mm along the north and south

faces, and 9720mm along the east and west faces. The Hadrian Villa is being

designed as an above ground building, built on 400mm high stilts. For the purpose of

research and experimentation, it is also being tested with a concrete floor model. The

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Figures 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 below demonstrates the general design and floor plan of

the Hadrian Villa. Detailed images utilised for measurements are included in the


Figure 1-1: Hadrian Villa North Face

Figure 1-2: Hadrian Villa East and West Face

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Figure 1-3: Hadrian Villa Kitchen Living Dining Area

Figure 1-4: Hadrian Villa Floor Plan

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1.5 Objectives of research

1.5.1 Thesis statement

To conduct a thermal analysis on an Origination &U prefabricated house design. This

thesis aims to find methods to increase the thermal efficiency of the building by

modifying and adding specific design techniques and materials.

1.5.2 Motivation

This thesis is focused on Low Energy Building concepts. It applies a theoretical

understand to practical design. The thesis will have a direct impact on the way things

work, making a positive contribution to societal development. This reflects the

author’s passion for engineering. It is important that engineers consider how best their

work can utilise the resources efficiently for the least impact solution to ongoing

issues. Housing and efficient use of energy are key in the adaption method for climate


1.5.3 Thesis objectives

There are three established objectives of this thesis.

1. To determine the current heating and cooling load for the &U selected design.

2. To understand the effects of various building materials and techniques:

- Floor Structure

- Glazing

- Thermal Mass

- Water walls

- Phase Change Materials

- Insulation

- Thermal Bridges

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3. To test the performance of the given &U design in a range of climatic zones.

1.5.4 Thesis scope

By testing one specific &U design, the research shall determine the yearly cooling

and heating load by simulation in the AccuRate Software. From this understanding

improvements can be implemented as per the literature review and further simulations

conducted. This is in efforts for to influence Pidcock in affirmative decisions on how

they may finalise their designs.

1.5.5 Hypothesis

In implementing theoretically supported changes to the current design, significant

improvement in the thermal efficiency of the building can be expected. Changes

should have a collaborative affect, however impacts should be considered individually


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2. Literature review

The literature review summarises findings of some key sources researched to

understand and develop the thesis work. The research is separated by the information

related to the thesis objectives.

2.1. Previous studies

Automated Design of Prefabricated Building (Retik and Warszawski, 1994)

Retik and Warszawski’s paper describes “a knowledge based system for the detailed

design of prefabricated building”. The automated system takes given input data from

an architectural design, and develops modular grids to represent individual floor and

wall elements. These grids can finally produce element drawing and costs.

Retik and Warszawski highlight two main types of prefabricated building: Planar

elements and Three-Dimensional spatial units. The Origination &U design utilises

planar elements building. This refers to units where walls and structures are made, not

entire rooms.

The advantages of this style of automated design include; use of an integrated

computer construction that saves work of manual drawing and cost estimation; an

“expert system” that can save human effort and enhance design quality; and a system

that requires less involved participants to develop and construct.

Disadvantages of an automated design include: a rigid design that is conformed to

rules and laws set in premade designs; difficulty in coordinating knowledge from

different design disciplines such as architectural knowledge, structural engineering &

industrial production technology; a computer driven manipulation of graphical

representation which is conformed strict rules; and different methods which at each

have some level of error, consequently sacrificing clarity for detail and vice versa.

The &U design avoids these issues as the prefabricated models are already applied to

formulated designs, as compared to entering a new design and finding a prefabricated

design for this model. Consumers are then however limited for choice.

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Exploring the zero energy house concept for Sydney (Bambrook et al., 2009)

Bambrook et al.’s paper explores the concept of a ‘zero energy house’, with

minimised heating and cooling loads on the building. Any energy requirements are

supplied by a photovoltaic thermal system annually. The building tested is modeled

using IDA Indoor Climate and Energy (IDA ICE) simulation program.

Bambrook et al. determine important aspects of low energy building to be “design

suited to climate, orientation, floor plan and dimensions, thermal mass, building

envelope construction and insulation, windows and shading, ventilation and

infiltration, and internal gains (due to occupants, lighting & appliances)”. These

provide some key ideas for some of the main concepts explored in the thermal

analysis of the &U design.

Bambrook et al. discuss the use of thermal mass. “For thermal mass to make a useful

contribution to a low energy house it should be located inside the building and be well

insulated from the outside”. This sustains a key consideration for how thermal mass

should be implemented in the &U house. “It is better to have a greater surface area of

thermal mass at 50mm thickness than a smaller surface area of thermal mass at

100mm thickness (Chiras 2002).” Bambrook et al. expresses that it will be key to

have as large an area of thermal mass present all through &U house, as compared to

high concentrations in specific areas. Experimental data showed that adding more

thermal mass will produce diminishing return; hence it would be important to

determine similar point of excess thermal mass for the &U house.

“The optimal insulation thickness with respect to space heating energy is obviously as

thick as possible”. For the &U house, as a lightweight construction material, more

insulation would yield better results. Pidcock are aiming to put at least 100mm of PIR

insulation. In Bambrook et al.’s experiments, greater insulation decreased the heating

load. However, insulation greater than 700mm thickness (in this example) and cooling

loads began to rise causes excessive heat to be retained. Hence it will be important

again to determine the ideal amount of insulation for the &U house.

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A Comparative Study of the Thermal Performance of Building Materials (Elias-Ozkan

et al., 2006)

Elias-Ozkan et al. reviews a range of building structures based on different materials

to find ideal thermally performing material in Sahmuratli, Turkey. Elias-Ozkan et al.

use Ecotect software for their thermal analysis and modeling. The paper also states

that building materials respond differently to different climatic conditions – similar to

Bambrook et al.. This verifies the importance of testing multiple locations for the &U

house to understand what thermal tools will be most useful in different climatic


The experimentation and results depict that materials of a high thermal mass

experience less temperature fluctuation and lower heating and cooling loads. Again,

this reinforces that high thermal mass will significantly improve thermal performance

of &U house. Further, the prefabricated structure is lightweight and hence experiences

higher fluctuations, further proving the need for significant thermal mass. For the &U

design, this can be achieved with a “water wall” feature, and the use of phase change


Simulated and Measured Performance of an 8 star Rated House in Sydney (Copper

and Sproul, 2011)

Copper and Sproul compare measured heating and cooling loads for a specific house

compared to the experimental loads simulated through AccuRate and EnergyPlus

software. AccuRate and EnergyPlus showed largely similar result for thermal

analysis. Main differences appear in rooms not coupled to the outdoor environment.

Thus, a similar outcome potential for the &U house can be inferred. Specifically, use

of the Hadrian Villa with no internal only zones may produce a similar result; this is

not possible with the current design. Inherently, it is difficult to make an adjudication

on which modeling system is more accurate. After building, real collected data would

provide more clarity, at which point a better comparative analysis be conducted. For

now, either modeling software is applicable and valid.

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Copper and Sproul discuss considerations for thermal input energy and how it impacts

thermal mass in the building. EnergyPlus does allow user to input ground thermal

mass slab data. AccuRate has fixed system requirements for heated and cooled

thermal mass, and hence assumes a thermally charged mass at all times. This may

make EnergyPlus a more accurate analysis tool. It should be noted that there are other

limitations in utilising EnergyPlus compatible softwares in the method of applying a

model and specifying run data to provide relevant results. By experience, AccuRate

proves to be significantly easier to apply and use.

Simulation data compared to measured data show a significant variance. Importantly,

“AccuRate suggests that 2224 heating degree hours would be required, which is less

than half the amount of heating degree hours, 5126, as determined from the measured

sensor data”. However, EnergyPlus data would inherently show similar discrepancy,

so neither should be downplayed. The &U analysis should be conducted with

understanding that simulation software can be flawed.

Suitability of the Passivhaus Standard for Low-Energy Housing design in Australia

(White, 2013)

White “investigates the use of the Passivhaus Standard in Australia”, a German-

designed low energy building standards model. The paper has greater relevance to the

testing for &U house, as it “compares the external envelope U-values required, of a

reference apartment building in the various climate regions of Australia” to see how

well the German model could be applied here. This is valuable as it identifies issues

that could occur in the Australian environment. For the purpose of this thesis, the

relevant data comes from the profiling and research of theory for low energy building.

White’s review of precedent studies compared to Building code and Passivhaus

compliance requirements highlights that U-Value required of materials can be

significantly lower if building has airtight constructions. For the &U study, this may

be outside the scope due to limitations in feasibility of study.

Whites review of precedent studies compared to Building code and Passivhaus

compliant requirements highlights that U-Value required of materials can be

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significantly lower if building has airtight constructions. For the &U study, this may

be outside the scope due to limitations in feasibility of study.

White explains temperature profiles of major Australian cities:

o Darwin, tropical wet and dry climate. Reference building required no

heat energy due a high average mean temperature. Excessive insulation

not useful, use of triple glazing on windows had a detrimental affect –

efforts to keep heat from transferring into building envelope,

inadvertently kept internal heat gains inside the envelope.

o Alice Springs, hot desert climate. Reference building required high

heating and cooling energy. High levels of insulation required for this

climate. However excess insulation showed a diminishing return

(hence, there is a need to find optimal insulation in this climate).

o Perth, subtropical dry summer climate. Relatively low summer mean

ambient temperature. High levels of insulation not required for

building studied, however double-glazing of windows was able to

counteract heating and cooling energy demand.

o Sydney, humid subtropical climate. Relatively low mean ambient

temperature, with high humidity. No need for high levels of insulation,

did however implement triple glazing. Able to significant reduce

heating and cooling requirement.

o Melbourne, oceanic climate. Lowest mean ambient temperature, solar

irradiation and second lowest humidity of all climates tested. Hence,

reference building implemented both high levels of insulation and

double-glazing for reduction in heating and cooling loads.

The information of climatic response to thermal control materials will act as a guide

and comparison on what methods should be implemented to the &U design in order to

minimise heating and cooling loads in different climates. It should be noted that the

building tested in this paper is not for prefabricated lightweight construction. Further

research will need to be conducted to understand the differences this will have

specifically to the &U design.

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From the above research in the area of low energy buildings, some key ideas can be

articulated to guide this thesis’ research. There are certain materials and thermal

performance measures that are necessary to work with – insulation and thermal mass,

and further it will important to identify methods that work specifically well for

lightweight construction.

2.2 Thermal building design

2.2.1 Insulation

Thermal Mass and Thermoregulation: A study of Thermal Comfort in Temperate

Climate Residential Buildings (Parsons, 2011)

Parsons examines how thermal mass and other thermal regulation tools influence

thermal performance of buildings in Hobart. Parsons identifies that insulation is

primarily used to reduce heat flow: into buildings in summer and out of buildings in

winter. There are two main types of insulation: reflective and bulk. Reflective

insulation reduces thermal radiation back into the living space of a house, placed in

air space of house. Bulk insulation made of thermally resistive materials to prevent

heat transfer in and out of building envelope. Insulation also prevents moisture build

up in house, as well as blocking sound. It would be integral to understand how

insulation would perform in the given model.

Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal

insulation materials (Al-Homoud, 2004)

Al-Homoud’s research presents the basic principles of thermal insulation, determining

performance characteristics of different types and where they should be implemented.

Al-Homoud identifies multiple benefits associated with use of insulation. Importantly,

Al-Homoud identifies the addition thermal comfort achieved with the use of

insulation, with less reliance on heating and cooling systems, sustaining an increase in

duration of thermal comfort indoors. Similar to Parsons, Al-Houmoud also identifies

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the ability for insulation to reduce the heat flow in and out of the building envelope,

hence improving periods of indoor thermal comfort.

The &U design would certainly benefit from the use of insulation. Al-Homoud’s and

Parson’s paper both identify that varying types of insulation available. For the &U

design, Pidcock have selected 100mm polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation (Proctor

Group Australia, 2014). This has worked well in their previous projects and hence its

utilisation in this project.

2.2.2 Thermal mass

The role of thermal mass on cooling loads of buildings. An overview of computational

methods (Balaras, 1995)

Balaras looks at the factors affecting thermal mass performance and the effectiveness

of thermal mass on energy conservation. Thermal mass allows for the slow release of

solar gains through the day, absorbs solar energy. Hence, thermal mass is key for a

location with diurnal temperature swings. Balaras further highlights that thermal mass

is affected by thermal properties of the material, location and distribution,

combination with insulation, ventilation and occupancy. Hence, to increase thermal

performance of the &U design, diurnal opposing heat absorption and release from

thermal mass can be utilised.

Effect of thermal mass on the thermal performance of various Australian residential

constructions systems (Gregory et al., 2007)

Gregory et al. model the impact of thermal mass on a range of building styles in

Australia. The paper utilises AccuRate to model the buildings tested. Interestingly,

they recommended that the rating of the house should aim to be 6-7 stars. Gregory et

al suggests that a rating beyond 7 stars would not interact enough with the

environment. AccuRate provides a least energy consumption case. Hence, in the

model being tested, more windows will require more thermal mass (among other

building materials) to maintain or reduce thermal energy requirements.

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Gregory et al. find that thermal mass works best in Rendeered brick veneer. As the

&U design is based on lightweight construction, the effect of thermal mass may vary,

and hence provided a good opportunity to provide new information to the industry.

Detailed energy saving performance analyses on thermal mass walls demonstrated in

zero energy house (Zhu et al., 2008)

Zhu et al investigate the thermal function of an insulated concrete wall system on a

zero energy building. The paper describes that seasons can greatly impact the thermal

performance of a building. Hence, it is key to find a balance of building choices for

ideal yearly performance. This coheres to Balaras and will be key when exploring

different locations for the &U model. Note, as the Hadrian Villa testing focuses on

one location for the base design improvements, it is difficult to ordinate and redesign

in different locations. However, the research in one location will help us understand

how it performs in other locations as well.

Zhu et al. use Energy10 for modeling (NREL software), which further exemplifies

that many systems are available for modeling of thermal performance.

Zhu et al. describes the use of a Mass wall system, concrete, insulation, and plaster

board, which proved to have a much better thermal performance. Similar to Gregory

et al., this embodies that the effects of thermal mass may change with lightweight

construction. Further research and modeling will identify how well thermal mass

operates in the &U lightweight design.

Performance characteristics and practical applications of common building thermal

insulation materials (Al-Homoud, 2004)

Al-Homoud also considers the performance of thermal regulatory materials. Al-

Homoud also identifies that the use of thermal mass will be affected by climatic

condition. Thermal mass has significance in controlling temperature swings in hot dry

climates, as it initiates a time lag for heat dispersion. This is synonymous with

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information presented in other literature, describing the diurnal swing reduction with

thermal mass.

Thermal Mass and Thermoregulation: A study of Thermal Comfort in Temperate

Climate Residential Buildings (Parsons, 2011)

Parsons research identifies that thermal mass regulates peaks and troughs of thermal

fluctuation, and mitigate swings. He advises that it can be placed into or between

living space, and can be in the form of concrete, water, and phase change material


For the &U design, alternative options of thermal mass, such as water and phase

change material are vital, as area and volume available are restricted. Further, with

prefabricated constructions, these materials are ideal and can be easily implemented.

As the Hadrian Villa is designed to sit above ground, floor concrete may not be ideal.

Hence modeling water and PCM becomes more crucial to negate diurnal swings.

2.2.3 Phase change material

Experimental investigation and numerical simulation analysis on the thermal

performance of a building roof incorporating phase change material (PCM) for

thermal management (Pasupathy et al., 2007)

Pasupathy et al. illustrate the numerical analysis for phase change materials (PCM).

PCM utilises latent heat storage. This makes PCM a very attractive material due to its

high-energy storage density and isothermal behaviour during the phase change

process. Similar to thermal mass, it can reduce the total number of air changes in an

area, and reduce range of temperature change. Pasupathy et al.’s case looked at PCM

panel above a slab of concrete in the roof. At night, the phase of PCM would change

from liquid to solid, rejecting heat into ambient and inside air.

The functionality of PCM relies on melting temperature of PCM, type of PCM,

climate, and design and orientation of building. For the &U model concrete slabs

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could not be used. However, other forms of PCM may be able to suit the construction.

Pidcock plans to implement the use of BioPCM M51 (PhaseChange energy solutions

Australia P/L, 2015a).

PCM thermal storage in buildings: A state of art (Tyagi and Buddhi, 2005)

The paper by Tyagi and Buddhi presents a comprehensive review of various possible

methods to implement PCM into buildings. Tyagi and Buddhi describe that the PCM

is beneficial if it is heavier than the roofs/walls around them, as they are able to

absorb fluctuations of heat from outside. This should be achievable as the panel

structure for the &U design is lightweight pultruded plastic.

The ideal PCM properties are: melting in desired temperature range, high latent heat

of fusion per unit volume (low volume), significant sensible heat storage, high

thermal conductivity, small volume change and small vapour, constant storage

capacity of heat.

Commonly used organic PCMs have phase change in 20-32oC. This is most likely to

be the choice of PCM in the &U house, and will be further looked into for product

specific details.

Tyagi and Buddhi highlight that PCM has uses in building walls, trombe walls,

wallboards, shutters and building blocks. There are limited opportunities for PCM in

the &U design beyond walls and ceiling, however it will be applied wherever best

possible. Currently, it will be modeled in the ceiling.

Phase change material-based building architecture for thermal management in

residential and commercial establishments (Pasupathy et al., 2006)

An earlier paper by Pasupathy et al. describes more about how PCM can be applied to

constructions. The paper explains that PCM provides high-density storage over small

temperature window. Further, it can aid human comfort and reduce air changes.

Pasupathy et al. highlight a range of applications for PCM; in building materials as

solar heat storage, concrete impregnation, dry wall impregnation, wood lightweight

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concrete, frame walls, windows; space heating; cooling systems. This provides

promising information for PCM application to the &U model.

2.2.4 Thermal bridges

Experimental and numerical characterization of thermal bridges in prefabricated

building walls (Zalewski et al., 2010)

Zalewski et al. provide a numerical characterisation of thermal bridging in

prefabricated boiling walls. Inherently, all materials with joint path connect internal to

external will have a thermal bridge. The aim of this research is to minimise their

affect. In the study, steel frameworks cause 26.2% additional heat losses to a

prefabricated wall. Using insulation in air gaps reduced heat loss by 27% and hence

thermal bridging by 17.3%. Increasing insulation thickness also significantly reduced

heat losses by 41.8%.

While the testing is different to what would result in the &U model, this study

exemplifies that thermal bridges cannot be completely negated. Rather, other

measures should be implemented to reduce their impact. Where possible, they should

be negated.

2.2.5 Floor structure

The concept of raised floor innovation for terrace housing in tropical climate (Tahir

et al., 2010)

Tahir et al. reason the use of stilt or above ground residential construction.

Traditionally, houses are built on concrete slabs, which allows for good thermal mass

for the house. This requires, however, a longer building process. Malaysian and other

South-East Asian houses utilise above ground building on stilts with the advantage of

underground ventilation, keeping houses cool. Further, above ground design retards

ground heat seeping into house. Both styles of building design (ground and above

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ground) will be test for the &U design, giving experimental data to determine which

floor structure would be best suited to each climate. While Pidcock prefer an above

ground model for ease of implementation, each will be tested for its thermal merit.

2.2.6 Glazing

Effect of fixed horizontal louver shading devices on thermal performance of building

by TRNSYS simulation (Datta, 2001)

Datta utilises the TRNSYS modeling software to test louver shading elements on

windows across cities in Italy. The aim of this research was to determine the impact

of the louvers on thermal performance. Datta highlights that shading devices must

adequately balance the heat transferred in and out of the building, as over shading

may negate the positive attributes of window. Datta’s modeling highlights that the use

of shading louvers that fully shade south facing windows can reduce heat gains by

that window by over 50%. This inherently signifies that the use of louvers can have a

significant impact on heat gains reduction for glazing.

The effects of orientation, ventilation and varied WWR on the thermal performance of

residential rooms in the Tropics (Al-Tamimi et al., 2011)

Al-Tamimi et al. study how changes to the building orientation, ventilation and

window-to-wall ratio (WWR) can impact the thermal energy required by a building.

Specifically, their study examines these affects in tropical climate. Al-Tamimi et al.’s

research highlights cases where heat gain through glazing is estimated to be 25-28%

of total heat gain, and up to 40% in hot summer/cold winter climates. Hence, Al-

Tamimi et al. advise the use of glazed windows. In the test scenarios, Al-Tamimi et

al. found that the maximum temperature difference and average temperature

difference decreased; and minimum temperature difference remained relatively close

(minor changes). On decreasing the WWR, the indoor air temperature reduced overall

air temperature. Note again that this research was conducted in a tropical climate, i.e.

hotter and more humid (Tahir et al., 2010). From this, it can be deciphered that

largely hotter or colder climates will experience more extremes in temperature

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swings, the more the glazing. Al-Tamimi et al. conclude that optimal sizing for

windows is vital to negate negative solar radiation impacts. They highlight that any

walls should also utilise insulation to increase R-Value. They also conclude that Low

U-Value windows with good shading should be implemented to minimise solar


Al-Tamimi et al.’s findings are conducive to the generally accepted theory for low

energy building, and hence are consider true and useful to the Hadrian Villa. Hence, it

is important to implement low U-Value and glazed windows with some form of

shading. Reducing window area is also tested to determine and impact, and potential

reduction in thermal energy demand.

Thermal Mass and Thermoregulation: A study of Thermal Comfort in Temperate

Climate Residential Buildings (Parsons, 2011)

Parsons’ research highlights that glazing allows sunlight to enter the building the

building envelope, and hence is vital to passive design. However, Parsons also

recognises that poor design placement of glazing can have negative affects. For

optimal glazing use, Parsons recommends glazing should be situated on the north face

as much as possible, and reduced elsewhere. Generally, too many windows (high

WWR) would reduce overall insulation levels, and propagate heat losses. This is a

vital consideration for the structure of the Hadrian Villa, with a high concentration of

windows on the north face. Parsons indicates how louvers operate and their

importance in negating summer sun but allowing winter sun into a building façade

(appendix image). Pidcock has applied louvers on the north face of the Hadrian Villa

(reference images). Parsons recognises the opportunity cost of a implementing more

windows for aesthetic purposes, which can cause excess solar gain. He highlights the

BCA’s specification and regulation around windows. Pidcock as registered architects

are assumed to have made all appropriate calculations and verifications for the

application of this design.

Parsons discusses the use of double glazed windows as a method to reduce the impact

of low wall resistance by glazing. Further, he highlights that windows should also use

shading devices. Pidcock has designed the &U models to have a dedicated device or

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eave shading all windows. The louvers on the north face double as a vergola

(reference) for the verandah and window shade. Further, blinds are applied to all

windows of the design. Parsons advises the use of reflective coatings and low e glass.

While Pidcock utilses Hampton & Larrson low e Double Glazed windows for its

designs, to match U-Value and solar heat gain coefficient, Airlite Double Glazed

window with low e glass are used in AccuRate. This may have an impact on thermal

performance that is different to the actual windows, but it is expected to be


Overall, Parsons provides a very detailed and well-referenced theory for glazing

principles and application. Hence, it is reasonable to utilise this understanding for the

building principles applied for the Hadrian Villa. As such, the Hadrian Villa is largely

aligned with these principles, and minimal changes need to be applied. Rather, they

are used to enhance the design.

2.2.7 Theoretical calculations

Heat Transfer – A practical approach. Second Edition. (Cengel, 2002)

To understand how the overall resistance of the pultruded parts of the &U design can

be calculated using thermal resistance networks. Cengel explains that this concept can

“be used to solve steady state heat transfer problems that involve parallel layers or

combine series-parallel arrangements”. For the &U design, multiple parallel layers of

series networks can be modeled to conduct an R-Value calculation. By this modeling,

the Hadrian Villa is assumed to interact in a steady state, where all thermal energy

enters through the wall surface analysed.

The analogous thermal transfer formulae is as follows:

! = !! − !!!!"#$%

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where the heat transfer between two points is described by the temperature difference

of the two points, divided by the overall Resistance of the system. Note, R total can be

calculated from the following formulae for parallel networks.

!!"#$% =!!!!!! + !!

This formula applies for a two parallel resistance network.

In the case of multiple resistances, the individual resistance series must be weighted

when the R-Value is calculated. This method utilises an area fraction calculation.

Cengel highlights an example of this on page 180. This example is used as the method

for theoretical calculations of the &U panel R-Values.









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3. Methodology

The aim of this thesis is broken into three main sections.

1. To test how the &U Hadrian Villa design performs in its current design.

2. To understand how changing certain aspects of the building design would

affect the performance.

3. To test these models in a variety of locations to determine where this design

will perform best.

3.1 Excel calculations

Stage 1 of the aims involves modeling the entire house. In order to model the house in

AccuRate, the final R-Values are required. To determine an effective R-Value that

AccuRate can accept for the external walls, preliminary complex calculations must be

performed to determine a synthesised R-Value for each face.

3.1.1 Panel

Figure 3-1: Wall Panel Cross Section with Resistances

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Figure 3-2: Thermal Resistance Network for &U Jointed Hook Section

The modular panels are constructed as 962mm long by 140mm wide pieces. The

panels are made of a fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) resin, by a pultrusion method

(Lyons Consulting Engineers, 2014). Each panel has outer hook joints, and the inner

section is broken into 5 separate sections with 5mm thick resin sheets. Between the

internal sections will be 100mm thick PIR insulation. Cengel eloquently exemplifies

the fractional weighting of thermal bridges on a fixed panel in “Heat Transfer – A

practical approach”, on page 180 (Cengel, 2002).

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Figure 3-3: Thermal Bridge Example, from Page 180 of Heat Transfer – A practical approach (Cengel,


A similar approach is used for the &U panel, deconstructing the panel by cross-

sectional layers. This method can be summarised as follows:

1. Calculate the series resistance of an individual section of the panel

2. Calculate the parallel resistance of the panel by summing the inverse of each

section, with a fractional distribution.

The panel length is considered from 6mm into the left side of the modular panel

(where another panel’s hook joint would meet), to 6mm into the right side. This is to

accurately model the panels, as they would be connected in the Hadrian Villa.

Further, the resistance is calculated as if another hook were connected, and the resin

of two hooks is considered together.

Figures 3-1 and 3-2 above correlate to show the path of heat transfer from the outside

to inside (indicated from top to bottom). This indicates that each vertical layer can be

examined as a separate resistance. Separate resistances ensure a uniform shape (and

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hence uniform resistance) to each individual section. Assuming a steady state

condition (all energy on the panel comes into the house), we can develop a thermal

resistance network (Cengel, 2002). This modeling of thermal resistance networks

vertically allows us to more easily separate the sections of the panel with varying

thickness and material composition. For the network shown in Figure 3-2; the left

and right sections represent the resistance of the hook connector sections in Figure 3-

1; the central single resistance connections in Figure 3-2 represent the resin only

thermal bridges in Figure 3-1; and the central combine resistances in Figure 3-1

represent the large thermally insulated sections, shown as gaps in Figure 3-1. Note

that while Figure 3-2 indicates a lot of “grid” like connections, only intersecting lines

with dots indicate a connection. Intersections with no dot are not interacting, and

rather are separate connections “crossing over” each other. Inherently, the calculation

for R-Value of each section is:


= !!!!"#$%&'!!"# + (!!"#$%!!"#$% + !!"#!!"# + !!"#!!"#$%!!"!!"#$%&'!(" + !!"#!!"# +!!""#$!!"#$%)+ !!"#!$%!!"#

!!"#$%!!"#$%#"!!"#$%&' = !!!"#$%&'!!"# + !!"#$% + !!"#!$%!!"#


= !!!"#$%&'!!!" + (!!"#$%!!"#$% + !!"#$%&'!(" + !!"#!!"# + !!""#$!!"#$%)+ !!"#!$%!!"#

These formulae may vary according to the structure of the individual section;

however follow the same essential form. R-Values values for each material in the

panel are determine as follows.

Cengel provides that an average estimate for outdoor air and indoor air resistance are

0.03-0.044m2K/W and 0.12m2K/W respectively (Cengel, 2002). The FRP resin has a

tested thermal conductivity of 0.6W/mK to 0.3W/mK depending on the percent of

laminate (Lyons Consulting Engineers, 2014); hence we can calculate the according

R-Value for each sections resin thickness. For primary calculations, the resin thermal

conductivity is fixed at 0.6W/mK. Open gap sections of the panel require rubbing

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seals, which have an R-Value of 0.31m2K/W as given by Cengel (Cengel, 2002).

Cengel gives that R-Values between standard air gaps in still air spaces are between

0.16-0.17m2K/W, within 13-90mm (Cengel, 2002). This information is compiled in

Appendix 1, displaying the full set of values and following calculations.

When the thermal conductivity is know, we can use the relationship:

! − !"#$%!(!!!/!!) = !!

where the R-Value is the thickness, L, of the resistive material divided by the specific

thermal conductance, k. As all thicknesses are known and simplified from the

prototype diagrams above, and all material R-Values or thermal conductivities have

been determine, we can determine each sections R-Value.

Each section has a varied composition. Any change in resistance vertically can be

broken into a new series resistance, when going horizontally across the panel. Across

the panel, there exist 19 such resistances. R1-5 and R15-19 represent the resistances

for the jointed hook section; R7, R9, R11, R13 represent resin thermal bridge

resistances; and R6, R8, R9, R10, R12 and R14 represent insulated sections of the

panel. A detailed description of resistances is available in the Appendices.

The analysis of three resistance types is summarised, with their values displayed

below in Table 3-1.

Resistance (m2K/W) R_Insulated R_Resin R_Jointed

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 -

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.01 0.23 -

Air Gaps 0.165 - -

Resin/Insulation 4.54 - -

Air Gaps 0 - -

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.01 - -

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 - Table 3-1: Wall Panel Resistance Sections

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The jointed hook section is developed on 5 separate resistances. The summary for this

is provide in table 3-2 below.

Resistance (m2K/W) R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.31 0.035 0.031 0.031 0.233

Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 -

Resin/Insulation 0.043 0.03 0.0425 0.077 -

Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 -

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.31 0.035 0.028 0.028 -

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 Table 3-2: Jointed Hook Resistance Network

Resistance R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R total

Total R


1.14 0.59 0.59 0.62 0.39



4 5 4 6 6

Fraction 0.16 0.2 0.16 0.24 0.24



0.140 0.341 0.272 0.385 0.615 1.752




Table 3-3: Jointed Hook Section Overall R-Value by Area Fraction

Once an individual section R-Value is calculated, the individual series resistance

sections are summed as a parallel resistance network (Cengel, 2002). To calculate the

final panel R-Value, a fractional distribution of the R-Value is calculated. First, the

fraction of distance of an individual section compared to the total length of the panel.

!"#$%&'(!"#$%&' =!"#$%ℎ!!"!!"#$%&'!"#$%!!"#$%!!"#$%ℎ

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Then, U (measure of thermal conductance, U = 1/R-Value) of the section is multiplied

by the fraction of the section (Cengel, 2002). This formula is developed from parallel

resistance analysis (Cengel, 2002):


= 1!!+⋯+ 1

!!"= !!

The effective U of the panel is calculated as the sum of all sections, and hence the R-

Value is determined.!

!!"!#$ = !"#$%&'(!"#$%&' ∗1


From hook, through panel, to hook on the other side, the overall thermal conductivity

of each panel is calculated.

!!"#$% = 2.98!!!K/W

Areas without insulation, while fractionally low, have a high impact on the final R-

Value of the panel.

Resistance (m2K/W) R_Insulated R_Resin R_Jointed R_Panel

Total R 4.88 0.39 0.57 -

Thickness (mm) 176 5 25 -

# of sections 5 4 2 -

Total thickness (mm) 880 20 50 950

Fraction 0.926 0.021 0.053 1

Fraction*U (W/m2K) 0.190 0.054 0.092 0.336

Area Weighted R-

Value (m2K/W)

- - - 2.977

Table 3-4: Panel Resistance Network R-Value Calculations

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3.1.2 Post

The post structures in the walls of Hadrian Villa exist to provide a support skeleton.

These vertical columns are 130mm long, spanning the height of each wall room. For

thermal calculations, we model a post structure with two jointed hooks either side to

connect to other panels as is indicated below.

Figure 3-4: Post Cross Section with Hook Joints

To calculate the R-Value for the post structures in the Hadrian Villa, a similar

methodology is applied:

1. Calculate the series resistance of an individual section

2. Calculate the parallel resistance of the post by summing the inverse of each

section, with a fractional length distribution.

The post is constructed of the same resin as the panels. The post also has outer and

inner covers to create a flush surface with the panels. As the post has a generally

square shape, with some outward and inward patterns (which are largely balanced),

the post is modeled as an even, hollowed square. Hence, there are three resistance

sections added – R20, R21 and R22, representing the left solid section of the square,

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the hollow section of the square, and the right solid section of the square respectively.

Figure 3-4 shows the top view of the post from outside to inside shown from top to

bottom. Furthermore, the hooks are the same as those used in the panel, and hence we

can utilise R1-5 again. Individual resistance-by-resistance analysis can be found in the

appendices. Similarly, analysis of the R_Jointed section can be found in the


Resistance (m2K/W) R_Centre R_Edge R_Jointed

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 -

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.0083 0.0083 -

Air Gaps 0.022 0.217 -

Resin/Insulation 0.609 0 -

Air Gaps 0.022 0 -

Resin/Cover/Rubber 0.0083 0.0083 -

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 -

Table 3-5: Post Resistance Sections

R_Centre R_Edge R_Jointed R_Total

Total R (m2K/W) 0.827 0.390 0.584 -

Thickness (mm) 103.5 13.25 25 -

# of sections 1 2 2 -

Total thickness (mm) 103.5 26.5 50 180

Fraction 0.575 0.147 0.278 1

Fraction*U (W/m2K) 0.696 0.377 0.475 1.548

Area Weighted R-Value

(m2K/W) - - - 0.646

Table 3-6: Post Resistance Network R-Value Calculations

From this, it is found that U total = 1.548W/m2K, and hence that:

!!"#$ !!= !0.646!!!!/!




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3.1.3 Beam

The beam structures in the walls of Hadrian Villa also provide a support skeleton.

These structures span the breath of a 4000mm wall section, breaking at every post

structure. The beam structure also utilises two jointed hooks either side to connect to

other posts as is indicated below.

As the beam has no repeating parts, the sections are added together in as separate

resistance, without simplification. Further, where the panel and post separate

resistances run horizontally, the resistance run vertically for the beam. The calculation

process is similar to previous sections.

Resistance (m2K/W) R_Bottom R_Top

Outside Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Wood Cover 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029

Air 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Resin 0.033 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.058 0.120 0.120

Rubber - 0.154 0.135 0.308 0.125 - - -

Insulation - - - - - 2.31 - -

Resin - 0.067 0.167 - - - - -

Air 0.165 0.165 - 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Resin 0.033 0.067 - - - - - -

Rubber - 0.154 0.135 0.308 0.125 - - -

Resin - 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.058 0.120 0.120

Air 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Wood Cover 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029 0.029

Table 3-7: Beam Resistance Sections

R_Bottom R_Top R_Total

Total R

(m2K/W) 0.777 1.185 1.015 1.360 0.994 3.137 0.951 0.951 -

Total thickness

(mm) 0.030 0.020 0.010 0.008 0.013 0.263 0.010 0.030 0.383

Fraction 0.078 0.052 0.026 0.020 0.033 0.686 0.026 0.078 1


(W/m2K) 0.101 0.044 0.026 0.014 0.033 0.829 0.027 0.082 1.157

Area Weighted



- - - - - - - - 0.864

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Table 3-8: Beam Resistance Network R-Value Calculations

The final calculation shows that the U total = 1.157W/m2K, and hence:

!!!!! !!= !0.864!!!!/!

3.1.4 Window

Window data is derived from product information about the “Hampton and Larsson”

double glazed timber frame windows, a preferred choice by Origination for the &U

design. This window has a U-Value = 2.1W/m2K, and solar heat gain coefficient

(SHGC) of 0.58.

With all the calculations completed, a heat transfer model of the Hadrian Villa can be

designed, according to the structure and use of different components in parts of the

buildings external structure.

3.2 Component to panel calculations

This information provides an understanding to the area around which the external

walls are built. From the method described by Cengel (Cengel, 2002) for thermal

bridging, the effective R-Value for each component of the external wall is calculated.

This component model is combined to create an R-Value for a complete wall face.

Table 3-9 below indicated how the components of the wall are weighted to their

fraction of the wall composition, from which an effective R-Value is calculated. Other

faces are included in the appendices. Note that this calculation is an assumption for

consistent thermal conductivity across the surface of the wall. The windows are

calculated separately as their thermal conductively is significantly different.

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Area (m2) R-Value


Fraction Fraction * U


Overall R Value


Wall 13.6 2.977 0.685 0.230

Window 20.4

Post 2.664 1.161 0.134 0.116

Beam 3.6 1.829 0.181 0.099

Sum 19.864 0.445 2.249

Table 3-9: North External Wall R-Value Calculations

These R-Values calculated are then converted into a proxy thickness of insulation, to

implement the appropriate resistance in every wall face for the AccuRate System.

Table 3-10 summaries the calculated thickness for each wall face.



Proxy Length


Proxy Length


North 2.249 0.090 90

East 2.432 0.097 97

South 2.574 0.103 103

West 2.322 0.093 93 Table 3-10: External Wall Resistance Proxy

It should be noted that these are the preliminary calculations for the base design.

When insulation attributes are changed in further simulation, these proxy values also


3.3 AccuRate

The Hearne Software; AccuRate, Version allows for yearly heating and

cooling data to be simulated for a given building design. Further, it allows for a

design to be tested at any postcode in Australia. The rating tool in the software

produces results in MJ/m2.year, as well as a star rating system prescribed in BASIX

(Department of Planning & Environment, 2013).

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AccuRate allows individual materials to be selected for the construction of the

building elements. These elements are used to construct the building. The

fundamental calculations for the program are based on R-Values determining the

thermal conductivity of the element (CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, 2010). As the &U

design utilises a new FRP material which is uncommon to AccuRate software, it is

modeled using a proxy, which matches the same R-Values as the theoretical model.

This ensures that the calculations for thermal energy in the Hadrian Villa are accurate

and valid.

Other modeling software such as EnergyPlus is also available. The author of this

thesis finds that while both software are capable of similar calculations, the AccuRate

software interface is easier to use and simulation of proxies more straightforward to

implement. AccuRate also has a simple method for testing the same design in other

locations. Hence, AccuRate is selected for the modeling.

The program follows a tabular structure, entering more specific information as the

progresses. These tabs range from; Project, Constructions, Zones, Shading, Elements,


The project tab allows the user to enter Client and Assessor information, as well as

specific iterations of the model so an assessor can develop new additions on designs

as they change certain features. Further, from this section the user can change and edit

the location by postcode, changing the weather data and use on heating and cooling.

The constructions tab allows users to specify building materials for each of the major

construction types in the design. In the material type, layer on layer can be added to

design an integrated structure, such as a wall with insulation. For the Hadrian Villa, as

the building style is uncommon and the materials are not readily, many proxies have

to be made which match the fundamental R-Values.

The calculated component R-Values are entered into the AccuRate Program. For the

basic design, the model follows the specifications in Table 3-11. Note, the design

utilises either proxy materials that match the R-Value of the &U design, or a similar

material construction is used where available.

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Construction Material R-Value Proxy Material




External Wall North FRP/Insulation/Air Gap 1.62 Polyethylene Foam 65

East FRP/Insulation/Air Gap 1.86 Polyethylene Foam 74

South FRP/Insulation/Air Gap 2.12 Polyethylene Foam 85

West FRP/Insulation/Air Gap 1.78 Polyethylene Foam 71

Window/Door Double Glazed Window 0.42

Airlite Double Hung Double Glazed

Window 16



Gap 3.00 Timber floor/R3 insulation 145

Ceiling Plasterboard/PCM 0.13 Concrete 100

Internal walls


Mass Wall FRP/Water Polycarbonate/Water/Air/Plasterboard 1059


Wall FRP/Air Gap Timber/Air Gap 50

Roof Steel/Insulation/Steel 5.36 Polyethylene Foam 214

Table 3-11: Material and Proxy Material Summary for AccuRate

There is an anomaly in the difference in external wall R-Value for each face.

Normally, AccuRate is capable of calculating specific R-Values for a combine wall,

with any thermal bridges for example, as a preset configuration. However, the panel,

beam and columns of the external walls in the &U design cause a range of varying

thermal networks. Further, the material FRP is unavailable. Hence, a proxy is

designed, having calculated an effective combine R-Value, from the processes

described above. As the structure of each face varies slightly, a different R-Value is


The zones tab allows the user to establish the various rooms and sections of the

design. In this section, each section type is established, the volume of the section, the

floor height and maximum ceiling height, and any additional points of infiltration and

cooling (ceiling fans). For the Hadrian Villa, the zones are divided into

Living/Kitchen/Dining, two Bedrooms, a bathroom and a laundry.

The shading tab allows the user to add shading elements such as fixed shades for

windows or eaves on rooftops. This feature is useful as it can automatically propagate

the effect of shadow over a year in a specific location. For the Hadrian Villa, there is a

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continuous eave of 350mm derived from the roof, and individual window fixed of

600mm on the East, West and South face. The North face also utilises adjustable

louvers onto the balcony area.

The element tab is the most detailed. In this section, the user can implement all

constructions type to the different elements. For example, a window can be added to

an external wall, and the facing direction. By entering properties of the construction,

the software is able to identify what the building design will look like, and creates an

effective image for how it will interact with the climate. Further elements such as

eaves, louvers and others can be added.

Lastly, the orientation tab allows the user to input the footprint (area) of the building,

and the azimuth or angle with which it deviates from north facing. For the Hadrian

Villa, the living area faces north.

The AccuRate software’s “Check Data” function allows the user to review any error

or warning messages. “Errors” highlights issues in the system that must be fixed

before the model can be tested. “Warnings” highlights potential concerns

considerations that may need to be reconsidered, however the model can still be

tested. Once there are no errors, the data can be run and a summary report may be

created. The report displays client and assessor details, the building’s calculated

energy requirements (standard and area adjusted), and a star rating according to the

BASIX thermal protocols (CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences, 2010). This is where the

performance of the house can be determined, and compared with other simulations.

3.4 Improvements

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the thermal performance of Hadrian Villa in

its current design, and to further determine how the design can be improved.

The first concerns addressed are those that Pidcock determine to be of highest

importance for their base design. On identifying areas of weakness in the design,

efforts are then made to develop solutions to improve the building performance.

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The &U model considers two styles of building; above ground on stilts or on a

concrete slab. Above ground is more desirable, as it decreases construction time

further in not having to pour and set a concrete base. A concrete slab however does

have the advantage of adding thermal mass to the building, as well as reducing

radiated losses to the external environmental (Parsons, 2011). Both model types are

tested to determine which may perform better. Note that above ground is considered

as the base scenario. The concrete slab scenario is considered as a potential

improvement, and accordingly the better performing design is chosen for further


The beams and posts on the external walls are identified as areas of high thermal

conductance. To counteract this heat transfer, 50mm of PIR insulation is added to the

beams and posts individually, and the improved designs are simulated.

Prior to modeling in the AccuRate software, there were different designs discussed

and considered. Of specific mention, there was greater of glazing on all surfaces of

the external walls. This has been identified as an issue from the literature review

alone, and can be theoretically observed from the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet

calculations. A further reduction in glazing is conducted, removing all high level

glazing from the Hadrian Villa design.

3.5 Recommended improvements

Some options for improvements to the design are consider that may not be feasible for

Pidcock – these are theoretical scenarios for now. Their purpose is to improve the &U

design for future opportunities.

The base design as discussed above utilises timber frame double glazed windows

manufacture by Hampton and Larrson (WERS, 2014), 100mm of PIR insulation (R-

Value 4.54m2K/W) in the walls, and 3.00m2K/W Batt insulation in the floor. These

are the materials of choice for the &U project, and other projects conducted by the

company. To understand the impact of these materials, superior and inferior

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performing materials are chosen, and the model is simulated again. From this, the

changes in heating and cooling loads are examined and ideal models are selected.

The Fiber Reinforced Plastic used for the &U construction is chosen for a range of

building, construction and safety capabilities (Lyons Consulting Engineers, 2014). On

the other hand, this material has thermally conductive at 0.6W/mK (Lyons Consulting

Engineers, 2014). For the purpose of experimentation, other thermal values for the

resin are also considered, allowing Origination to consider the impact of different

material selection.

3.6 Simulation method

The sections as described above in the Methodology (AccuRate, Improvements,

Recommended Improvements) are broken into separate simulation parts, according to

their relevance to the thesis objectives.

“Part 1: Basic Design” develops the fundamental model for the Hadrian Villa. This is

the most crucial design, as it forms the basis for all other simulations. For an above

ground scenario, the floor is filled with Batt Insulation of R-Value 3.0m2K/W and the

villa sits on stilts 400mm above the earth. For a concrete base scenario, a layer of

concrete is added under the floorboards, and the Batt Insulation is removed. 100mm

of concrete is considered as standard, however 50mm and 150mm of concrete slab are

also tested for potential impact.

“Part 2: Concrete Floor” tests a model using a concrete base instead of an above

ground design. As is discussed in the Results, this scenario does perform better. The

Concrete Floor section is broken into two sub sections; Improvements and

Recommended Improvements. “Improvements” represent ideas put forward by

Pidcock on latter improvements to the design, and “Recommended Improvements”

highlight further ideas and experimentation as developed from the literature review.

The Above Ground section follows a similar structure, also broken into

“Improvements” and “Recommended Improvements”.

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Table 3-12 below summaries the simulations, and highlights the particular changes

between simulations.

Run Type Simulation Notes



Base Design

Above Ground

Models the Basic Above Ground design as

instructed by Pidcock


concrete floor

Models the concrete slab design with 100mm

concrete in floor

50mm concrete


Models the concrete slab design with 50mm

concrete in floor


concrete slab

Models the concrete slab design with 150mm

concrete in floor

Above Ground

Beam and



Improves the Base Design Above Ground by

insulating the Beam and Column with 50mm of

PIR insulation

Concrete with

Beams and

Posts Insulated

Improves the Base Design Concrete Floor

(100mm concrete) by insulating the Beam and

Column with 50mm of PIR insulation

Concrete Reduced


Removes all high level glazing



Applied Paarhammar tripled glazed windows

Improved Wall


Increased wall insulation to 5m2K/W

Half Water


Reduced the water level to half of the tank's size

Better Resin Improved the resin to 0.3W/mK



Reduced High

Level Glazing

Removes all high level glazing



Increased wall insulation to 5m2K/W

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windows only

Applied Paarhammar tripled glazed windows

Improved Floor


Increased floor insulation to 4m2K/W

Reduced Floor


Reduced floor insulation to 2.5m2K/W

Improved north


Improved only the North windows to triple

glazed, other directions as standard

AG 0.3 resin 1 Improved the resin to 0.3W/mK, from the

Reduced High Level Glazing Simulation

AG 0.3 resin 2 Improved the resin to 0.3W/mK, from the

Improved North Face Windows Simulation

Concrete Best with

Concrete Floor

Took the best possible Above Ground Design

(AG Resin 2) and applied a 150mm Concrete

floor, and 3m2K/W floor insulation

Best concrete

floor no


Took the previous simulation and removed the

floor insulation


Glazing best


Went to the Reduced High Level Glazing Above

Ground Simulation, and added a 150mm concrete


Best 100mm

concrete floor

From Reduced Glazing best concrete, changed

concrete floor to 100mm



Best Above

Ground with

More North


Took the AG Resin 2 model, and reintroduced

the North Face High Level Windows

More North

Facing with

Double Glazed



Reduced Best Above Ground with More North

Glazing windows to Double Glazed

More North Changed Resin back to 0.6W/mK

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Facing with

Double Glazed



Fixed Louver Changed the automated louvers in AccuRate to

manual louvers Table 3-12: AccuRate Simulation Notes



3.7 Locations

Pidcock plan to implement the Origination &U design across Australia. Hence, it is

important to understand how the design will perform in a range of climates in

different cities around the country. For relevance of testing, the Hadrian Villa is

simulated in the capital cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart, Perth,

Darwin, Brisbane, as well as Cairns for the specific climatic zone and Wollongong as

a specific area of interest for the company. This will allow Pidcock to understand

which climates their &U design is best suited to and the nature of changes that may

need to be implemented in other specific locations.

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4. Results


4.1 AccuRate

To best understand the progressive modeling outcomes, the simulations are explained

individually and results cumulated. Table 4-1 and Figure 4-1 below indicate each

simulations’ annual heating and sensible and latent cooling loads in units

MJ/m2.annum, as well as a star rating based on the New South Wales BASIX rating

scheme (Department of Planning & Environment, 2013).

Simulation Thermal Energy (MJ/m2.annum) Star


(out of 10)

Heating Cooling








Basic Design Primary Design Base Design



17.1 44.2 9.1 53.3 70.4 3.9

Basic Conc

Floor 4.5 20.3 6.1 26.4 30.9 6.9

Concrete Base





5.9 23.2 6.4 29.6 35.5 6.4




13.2 22.5 5.5 28 41.2 5.8




5.6 9.7 3.5 13.2 18.8 8.3

Above Ground



Ground Beam


13.1 42.8 9.3 52.1 65.2 4.1


Ground Beam

And Post


12.4 42.7 9.2 51.9 64.3 4.2

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With Beams

And Posts


8.9 20 5.2 25.2 34.1 6.6


High Level


3.4 6 2.4 8.4 11.8 9.2

Further Testing Improved

Windows 3.1 5.1 2.3 7.4 10.5 9.3




2.7 4.8 2.2 7 9.7 9.4

Half Water

Wall 3 5.2 2.3 7.5 10.5 9.3

Better Resin 2.8 4.9 2.2 7.1 9.9 9.4

Best With



8.8 12.6 4 16.6 25.4 7.6

Best Conc

Floor No


3.1 5.5 2.2 7.7 10.8 9.3


Glazing Best


3.6 5.8 2.2 8 11.6 9.2

Best 100mm



3.9 5.8 2.2 8 11.9 9.1

Best 100mm


Flooring with

More North


3.5 8.5 3 11.5 15 8.7








Ground with

Beam & Post


12.6 43.4 9.3 52.7 65.3 4.1


High Level


14 15.6 4.4 20 34 6.6

Further Testing Improved



12.9 15.3 4.4 19.7 32.6 6.7


Windows 13.9 13 4 17 30.9 6.9


Floor 12.9 15.7 4.4 20.1 33 6.7

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14.7 15.6 4.4 20 34.7 6.5





13.7 14.1 4.3 18.4 32.1 6.8


Ground Resin

Change #1

13.1 15.4 4.4 19.8 32.9 6.7


Ground Resin

Change #2

12.7 13.5 4.1 17.6 30.3 6.9

Best Above

Ground with

More North


12.6 18.5 4.8 23.3 35.9 6.4

More North

Facing with





13.1 21 5 26 39.1 5.9

More North

Facing with





13.8 21.3 5.1 26.4 40.2 5.9

Fixed Louver 13.9 13.3 4 17.3 31.2 6.9


Ground more


12.4 14 4.2 18.2 30.6 6.9

Table 4-1: AccuRate Run Simulations Summary

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Figure 4-1: Hadrian Villa Simulations



















AccuRate Simulations

HeatingCoolingTotal Energy


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The BASIX Thermal Protocol (Department of Planning & Environment, 2013)

requires a dwelling to consume less than 39 MJ/m2.annum of thermal energy in

Sydney (Climate Zone 17) to meet the basic thermal efficiency requirements. The

basic Origination &U design for the Hadrian Villa is only able to meet minimum

building requirements as defined in the BASIX protocol (Department of Planning &

Environment, 2013) when built on a 100mm concrete slab foundation.

On implementing the primary advice Pidcock regarding insulation to beams and

columns and reducing the high level glazing on the north surface, the above ground

design also meets BASIX requirements (Department of Planning & Environment,


Making the design as thermally efficient as possible is a primary concern for this

thesis work. From the literature review, there are multiple facets of the design that

have potential for improvement. The further testing sections demonstrate the changes

that could be implemented and their impact.

As the Hadrian Villa already meets a low thermal energy, the designs are linked one

after another for the Concrete Floor design. This means, each new simulation is made

from the simulation before it. This method progressively determines how changes

made together can affect the performance of the building. The most significant impact

to the design is ensuring that either only a concrete floor is used, or only floor

insulation is used. Both in conjunction cause a drastic increase in heating load, and

cooling load, with too much resistance to external thermal changes. Generally, most

changes have a minimal impact on the system, once the glazing has been reduced.

For the Above Ground Design, the Hadrian Villa is not able to perform as well as the

Concrete Floor Design. The Above Ground Design simulations take a different

approach, primarily developing individual changes from the same base design of

reduced high level glazing, and only create a combine effect method in the last two

designs. Hence, any simulation after reducing the high level glazing with a total

energy load of more than 34MJ/m2.annum is a negative impact to the design, and less

than a positive impact.

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The final tests in the Further Testing sections increases the amount of North Side

glazing to meet a design objective separate from the thermal energy reduction. Hence,

we find the performance decreases in this scenario.

To quantify the results determine from the AccuRate modeling, the best performing

designs are as follows. For the Concrete Floor Design, the “Improved Wall

Insulation” case, with improved windows and reduced glazing is the most efficient

model, with a total heating load of 2.7 MJ/m2.annum, and total cooling of 7

MJ/m2.annum, and hence a total thermal load of 9.7 MJ/m2.annum. For the Above

Ground Design, the cumulative model “Above Ground Resin Change #2” with best

resin and better north facing windows produces the most efficient design, with a total

heating load of 12.7 MJ/m2.annum, and total cooling of 17.6 MJ/m2.annum, and

hence a total thermal load of 30.3 MJ/m2.annum. These design can be rated in Sydney

as 9.4 and 6.9 Star house respectively, by the BASIX Thermal Protocol (Department

of Planning & Environment, 2013).

4.2 Location testing

Thermal Energy (MJ/m2.annum)

Heating Cooling






Total Energy

Sydney (2000) 100mm Concrete


5.9 23.2 6.4 29.6 35.5

Improved Wall


2.7 4.8 2.2 7 9.7

Reduced High Level


14 15.6 4.4 20 34

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

12.7 13.5 4.1 17.6 30.3



100mm Concrete


80.6 11.4 1 12.4 93

Improved Wall


66.9 3.1 0.5 3.6 70.5

Reduced High Level


78.3 21.2 2 23.2 101.5

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

75 19.9 1.9 21.8 96.8

Hobart (7000) 100mm Concrete


145.1 0.4 0 0.4 145.5

Improved Wall 123.1 0.1 0 0.1 123.2

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Reduced High Level


126.6 2.6 0.2 2.8 129.4

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

121.4 2.2 0.2 2.4 123.8

Adelaide (5000) 100mm Concrete


35.9 36.8 1.7 38.5 74.4

Improved Wall


26.8 14.2 1.2 15.4 42.2

Reduced High Level


47 49.6 2.3 51.9 98.9

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

44.7 46.8 2.3 49.1 93.8

Perth (6000) 100mm Concrete


14.4 36.6 3.2 39.8 54.2

Improved Wall


8.4 10.3 1.5 11.8 20.2

Reduced High Level


26.6 48.4 3.5 51.9 78.5

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

24.9 44.6 3.4 48 72.9

Darwin (800) 100mm Concrete


0 327.2 137.6 464.8 464.8

Improved Wall


0 193.6 118.9 312.5 312.5

Reduced High Level


0 250.7 124.2 374.9 374.9

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

0 238.8 122.9 361.7 361.7

Cairns (4870) 100mm Concrete


0 102.1 57.1 159.2 159.2

Improved Wall


0 57 42.4 99.4 99.4

Reduced High Level


0 87.9 49.7 137.6 137.6

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

0 82.4 48.6 131 131

Brisbane (4000) 100mm Concrete


2.4 23.2 8.6 31.8 34.2

Improved Wall


1.2 6.7 4.1 10.8 12

Reduced High Level


8.5 19.3 8.4 27.7 36.2

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

8 17.2 7.9 25.1 33.1



100mm Concrete


15.3 9.5 2.9 12.4 27.7

Improved Wall


10.6 2.6 1.1 3.7 14.3

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Reduced High Level


25 13.2 3 16.2 41.2

Above Ground Resin

Change #2

23.6 12 2.9 14.9 38.5

Table 4-2: AccuRate Run Summaries for Locations across Australia

Location testing provides Pidcock with information regarding applicability of their

designs in locations other than Sydney. As is identified in the methodology, Pidcock

has a specific interest in knowing how the Hadrian Villa would perform in

Wollongong, for an upcoming client project. Further, in testing major cities around

Australia, Pidcock can determine which locations this model is easily installable, and

which may require work before implementation. To determine more broadly which

locations can apply the Hadrian Villa model, four simulations are tested. The

simulations tested are: the most basic simulations where minimal thermal

requirements are met, and the most efficient simulations, for Above Ground and

Concrete Floor models primarily tested in Sydney. A summary of the location

simulation is provided in Table 4-2 above.

The metric of star rating is specifically relevant to the BASIX Thermal Protocol

(Department of Planning & Environment, 2013), and hence should not be used to

compare buildings outside New South Wales. Instead, the total thermal energy

consumed is compared between the simulations in different cities. In comparing the

buildings thermal energy consumption, it is observed that cities closest to the East

Coast of Australia (Sydney, Wollongong and Brisbane) exhibit the best performance,

and the worst performance occurs in locations of extreme cold and heat (Hobart and


Figures 4-2 to 4-5 below graphically demonstrate how to same models perform in

different locations.

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Figure 4-2: Location Testing for Basic Concrete Floor
































Hobart (7000) Adelaide(5000)

Perth (6000) Darwin (800) Cairns (4870) Brisbane(4000)










Basic Concrete Floor Location Testing



Total Energy


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Figure 4-3: Location Testing for Improved Concrete Floor





























Hobart (7000) Adelaide(5000)

Perth (6000) Darwin (800) Cairns (4870) Brisbane(4000)










Improved Concrete Floor Location Testing



Total Energy


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Figure 4-4: Location Testing for Basic Above Ground










Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Reduced HighLevel Glazing

Sydney (2000) Melbourne(3000)

Hobart (7000) Adelaide(5000)

Perth (6000) Darwin (800) Cairns (4870) Brisbane(4000)










Basic Above Ground Location Testing





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Figure 4-5: Location Testing for Improved Above Ground










Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Above GroundResin Change


Sydney (2000) Melbourne(3000)

Hobart (7000) Adelaide(5000)

Perth (6000) Darwin (800) Cairns (4870) Brisbane(4000)










Improved Above Ground Location Testing



Total Energy


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5. Discussion

The discussion section analyses some of the results revealed by the modeling to

further understand why certain simulations perform. Potential recommendations for

further analysis are also included. The discussion is structured to examine some of the

primary research aims developed and additional considerations.

5.1 Basic design

Our primary analysis highlights that the major failure of the Hadrian Villa in the Base

Design Above Ground simulation is its high cooling (latent) load.

As illustrated Figures 5-1 & 5-2 we observe a summer and winter 60 day period,

comparing the Base Design Above Ground and the Above Ground Resin Change #2

simulations in the kitchen living and dining zone. The temperature profile graphs

indicate a dissonance in the simulations performance in Summer, and similar

performance in Winter. Specifically, the Base Design experiences (red) maintaining a

higher, more limited band of temperature, generally between 25-30oC. While the

temperature of the Above Ground simulation experiences greater fluctuations, the

temperature is closer to thermal comfort, and hence less energy is dedicated toward

cooling in that simulation. The higher general temperature in the base design can be

attributed to the reduction of windows between models. Note the Reduced High Level

Glazing simulation experiences a large drop in thermal cooling. As is expressed by

Parsons (Parsons, 2011), a reduction in glazing allows for greater reductions in

temperature in the Kitchen Living Dining area of the Villa, and a more prolonged

reduction – maintaining thermal comfort for longer before requiring thermal energy.

This can explain the reduction in cooling energy.

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Figure 5-1 Base Design Above Ground and Above Ground Resin Change #2 Comparison, Summer Temperature Profile


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Figure 5-2: Base Design Above Ground and Above Ground Resin Change #2 Comparison, Winter Temperature Profile


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5.2 Impact of changes to the building envelope

5.2.1 Floor structure

Testing the floor structure options forms an integral part of the modeling of the

Hadrian Villa. Pidcock prefers an above ground design as it does not involve setting a

concrete floor, which can otherwise increase build time. In testing both models, the

concrete floor performs significantly better than the above ground simulations. We

can verify that the concrete floor simulations hence certainly perform better, as less

thermal energy is required to maintain thermal comfort; the basic concrete slab

simulation has a total thermal load of 30.9MJ/m2.annum, and the basic above ground

model has a total thermal load of 70.4MJ/m2.annum. Figures 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5 below

compare the basic design of the concrete floor and above ground simulations

annually. The blue curves indicate the above ground temperature profiles, and red

curves for the concrete floor. The most distinguishable feature between the red and

blue curves is the temperature swing extent. This is directly indicative of the theory

presented by Balaras and Al-Homoud, of the ability of a large thermal mass such as

concrete to control internal temperature swings (Balaras, 1995, Al-Homoud, 2004).

The above ground model uses double the thermal energy, which can be largely

attributed to the lesser amount of thermal mass.

It should be considered however that this is not the only benefit of the grounded

model. The concrete floor simulations are connected to the earth, whereas the above

ground simulations allow for ventilation under the building. This would also lead to a

portion of the excess thermal gains and losses in the building. This would need to be

quantified with a grounded model with no concrete, compared to an above ground

model with the same floor. To this avail, further simulations should also consider that

the earth limits ventilation, and also provides some thermal mass regulation for a


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Figure 5-3: Floor Structure comparison for Kitchen Living Dining


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Figure 5-4: Floor Structure comparison for Bedroom Left


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Figure 5-5: Floor Structure comparison for Bedroom Right


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5.2.12 Glazing

The final results of both further simulations “… More North Glazing” is to meet an

aesthetic quality of the Hadrian Villa. A large north facing glazing wall allows the

residence of the Hadrian Villa to enjoy natural sunlight in the residence throughout

the year. The simulations indicate that more windows are not a thermally efficient

design (see Figure 5-6 below). However, it is manageable within thermal energy

guidelines, with the implementation of other low energy building techniques (in

previous simulations). An increase of thermal usage by 5.6 MJ/m2.annum is

approximately a 15% increase – this may be considered insignificant depending on

the residents of the Villa. This is an important consideration for Origination, as it will

also lead to variably higher cost. Note that the cost analysis is outside the scope of this


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Figure 5-6: Comparison of More North Glazing Simulations


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5.2.3 Fixed louvers

Figure 5-6: Louvers Diagram (Parsons, 2011)

For ease of calculations, the automated louver feature in AccuRate is applied on north

facing lower tier windows of the Hadrian Villa. However, Pidcock suggests use of a

manually adjustable louver system, where summer sun can be blocked out, and winter

sun allowed into the Villa (Figure 5-7). This is modeled in a separate simulation of

with vergolas stretching over the north verandah, having a blocking affect of 100%

from November – February, and no 0% blocking March-October. This simulation is

one of the best performing of the Above Ground simulations. This is reflective of

Datta (2001) and Parsons (2011) that each recommends the addition of a louver to

reduce total heat gain for building with high levels of glazing. The reduction of latent

cooling is indicative of this improvement. As this model more accurately reflects the

type of shading device Pidcock wish to implement on the Hadrian Villa design, it is

certainly applicable to other models, to improve their in thermal energy performance.

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5.2.4 Thermal mass

One of the clearest results derived from the simulations is the benefit of incorporating

a concrete floor in the Hadrian Villa. When comparing the two streams of

simulations, the concrete floor cases Table 4-1 perform at least 50% to 73% more

thermally efficiently, depending on the simulation. As is highlighted by Gregory et al.

(2007) a building with high levels of glazing will require more thermal mass to reduce

the affects of thermally conductive windows.

5.2.5 Water walls

The internal water walls of the &U Hadrian Villa show a positive impact in thermal

performance, as can be derived from comparisons “Improved Wall Insulation” to

“Half Water Wall”. In this comparison, the amount of water in the wall decreases in

thickness from 1000mm to 500mm, and there is a consequent increase in thermal

energy requirements by 0.8MJ/m2.annum. Note that this simulation considers an

internal water tank that is “always full”, that is the water level never decreases. The

idea of the water tank in the Hadrian Villa is two-fold – primarily to store useable rain

water, and secondly to provide thermal mass to the building (Parsons, 2011).

Inherently, more water provides more thermal mass. Hence, the water tanks should

have a maintained level of water at near full capacity to have a useful impact on the

thermal performance of the Hadrian Villa.

5.2.6 Phase change material

As is advised by Ecological Design (Caley, 2015), a 100mm concrete layer in the

ceiling is applied to model M51 phase change material. Theoretically, 100mm of

concrete has a thermal conductivity of 0.37W/m.K (Table 3.6, (Cengel, 2002)),.

BioPCM has an approximate thermal conductivity of 0.2W/m.K (PhaseChange

energy solutions Australia P/L, 2015a). Further, phase change material behaves very

differently to a thermal mass considering the change of state before effective thermal

capacitance can be applied. Hence, there are major limitations to this proxy. However,

as AccuRate V1.1.4.1 does not have the ability to factor phase change material, the

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concrete slab is maintained as the best possible proxy. If further research deemed the

impact testing of phase change material to be more important and requiring detail,

other programs such as EnergyPlus may be utilsed, as is advised by BioPCM

(PhaseChange energy solutions Australia P/L, 2015b).

The concrete proxy applied to the model is fixed in thickness to match the thermal

conductivity of PCM. Hence, any change in this value is purely a theoretical

experiment and not useful to the current design for Pidcock. In modeling a 150mm

concrete ceiling, there is an observed improvement of the thermal load to

30.6MJ/m2.annum. This indicates that the addition of more thermal mass in a

lightweight structure still has a positive impact. This is an important result as limited

information is presently available on prefabricated structures.

5.2.7 Insulation

The insulation in the &U design has a significant impact on the thermal performance

of the building. As a lightweight pultrusion structure, the &U wall resin is very

thermally conductive. To limit the heat transfer through the walls, insulation is

applied. From the theoretical analysis, it is derived that the resin connector section in

the wall panel has an R-Value of 0.39m2.K/W. An insulated section however, with

insulation 4.54m2.K/W, has an overall R-Value of 4.88m2.K/W. This large difference

improves the thermal performance of the &U panel significantly. This result is also

observed when the beams and columns are insulated. The base design has a total

thermal load of 70.4MJ/m2.annum. When the beams and columns are insulated with

50mm of PIR insulation (2.31m2.K/W), the thermal load decrease to

65.3MJ/m2.annum. While this is not a significant reduction in thermal load, some data

is collected. Of the 5.1MJ/m2.annum reduction, 4.5MJ/m2.annum are reduced from

the cooling load. Furthermore, of the total area of the wall, the beam and columns

constitute only 15-32% (depending on the face). Hence, the beam and column

insulation has a small impact to the thermal energy requirement of the Hadrian Villa.

As Al-Homoud (2004) and Parsons (2011) discuss, the reduction in thermal energy

demand is due to the ability of the insulation to reduce thermal gains and losses. In

our modeling, it limits heat leaving the building and hence the heating load reduces.

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5.2.8 Insulation and concrete

The two concrete floor simulations compared are only concrete in the floor is

compared and a combination of Batt insulation and concrete in the floor. The

simulations show that with all other variables constant, the combination floor

performs poorly as compared to a floor with only concrete (simulations “Best with

Concrete Floor” and “Best Conc Floor No Insulation”). Considering the analysis from

Zhu et al. (2008), this is counterintuitive. The construction style of a precast mass

panel is similar to the panels of the &U system, without the thermal mass. The “Best

with concrete floor” simulation creates a thermal barrier, where resistive insulation

reduces the transmission of thermal energy from the concrete to the Hadrian Villa.

The “Best Conc Floor No Insulation” experiences no thermal barrier, and hence the

impact of the thermal mass is properly utilisied by the Hadrian Villa. This is

demonstrated in the reduction of thermal energy use between simulations, from 25.4

MJ/m2.annum to 10.8 MJ/m2.annum. Hence in this situation, the addition of thermal

mass and insulation has a negative impact, reducing the capability of the concrete to

delay release of thermal energy to regulate building temperature. Orientation and

resistance of the material in the structure are vital to understand. Fundamentally and

empirically it is observed that blocking a thermal mass from the internal environment

with insulation vertically is counterproductive.

5.2.9 Thermal bridges

In considering the above information regarding insulation, the issue of thermal

bridging also requires attention. For the &U design, many sections of the external

wall provide a direct thermal bridge between the external environment and internal of

the building. Zalewski et al. (2010) highlights that continuous thermal bridges in

panel structure can cause significant heat losses to a system. This is illustrated in the

theoretical modeling of the panel structure of the walls for the &U building system.

The thermal bridges consist of only less than 10% of the total area of external and

internal contact of the wall (refer to Table 3-4). However, as the resin bridge and

jointed sections have R-Values of 0.39m2.K/W and 0.57m2.K/W, they reduce the

impact of the insulated section by 39%, reducing the total wall panel R-Value to

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! 67!

2.98m2.K/W. The insulation is a vital addition to the resin system, to reduce the

impact of the thermal bridges with as many well insulated section as possible.



5.3 Further considerations


5.3.1 Limitations of the AccuRate software

The AccuRate software easily allows a user to implement building material and

design constraints for any given building, in a simple and systematic program.

However, it would appear that there are system errors in the results. Copper and

Sproul discuss some of the limitations and fallibility of the AccuRate system

regarding slab data and thermal hours required (Copper and Sproul, 2011). This can

be extended to temperature profile issues.

Figure 5-8 indicates some strong temperature fluctuations on only some specific days

of the summer week. Further, these fluctuations happen very rapidly in the period of

approximate 6-8 hours. The AccuRate system has preinstalled thermal data. This

causes issues when the simulations are based on specific dates’ data, rather than being

averaged. An example of this issue is when looking at typical weeks in the AccuRate

software. This can cause some validity issues and inherently no solution is found in

the scope of this thesis.

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Figure 5-7: Temperature Fluctuations in AccuRate Modeling


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5.3.2 External wall proxy

As is explained in the methodology, the external walls are modeled as a single

uniform layer with fixed thermal conductivity, after factoring and calculating all

thermal bridges and weak points in the physical design of the &U wall. As certain

changes are brought to the external walls, e.g. the “Reduced High Level Glazing”

simulation, where there are fewer windows and more panels on the external wall,

theoretically effective k-value of the wall may change. Note, the maximum change to

the proxy wall thickness would be 10mm. This change would have an impact of

0.25m2.K/W at most. This change would not result in more than 1.0MJ/m2.annum

across all possible simulations. This is insignificant for the purpose of our study,

however it is recommended that this be considered in more detailed analysis.

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5.3.3 Performance of the above ground model

We observe that most of the simulations for an Above Ground model of the Hadrian

Villa perform between 6-7 Star according to the BASIX thermal protocol

(Department of Planning & Environment, 2013). As Gregory et al. (2007) suggest,

this is the ideal rating for any building. Gregory et al. (2007) suggest buildings with

greater than a 7 star rating do not interact well with its environment. The is an

interesting point of comparison, as the 6-7 Star rated Above Ground simulations are

lightweight with all faces exposed to the environment and the 8.7-9.3 star rated

concrete floor simulations are significantly more closed off from the external

environment. Further research should consider which is truly a better design, as there

are certainly more resources allocated and impacts associated with the concrete


5.3.4 Changes to the resin

Figure 5-9 compares the temperature profiles of the same simulations with a varied

resin thermal conductivity – 0.6W/mK and 0.3W/mK. On primary observation, there

appears to be no major difference, both graphically and theoretically, with only an 8%

improvement in using the lower conductivity resin. From Figure 3-1, we observe that

of the whole panel, only approximately 10% is resin. The balance 90%

(approximately) is air or insulation. Hence over the entire structure, a small change to

the thermal conductivity of the resin makes an insignificant difference.

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Figure 5-8: Resin Changes comparison


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5.4 Location testing

To develop and test the simulations of the Hadrian Villa, a base location is selected.

As Pidcock and Origination are based from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, this

is the logical choice for the base location for testing. This does however bias the

choice of simulations chosen for testing in other locations. Note that two simulations

from each construction style (concrete floor or above ground) are selected – a best

performing case, and one that performs to minimal thermal standards in Sydney

(BASIX 6 Star Rating). In some locations this same model will not perform as well,

exemplified with the “Reduced High Level Glazing” simulation in Perth. This

questions whether other simulations should be tested for various locations and also

which design simulation should becomes the new effective “base case”, considering

the thermal performance requirements. As climatic conditions vary, there will be an

inherent dissonance between locations. Hence maintaining the Sydney base location is


White (2013) explains that Sydney is considered to be a humid, subtropical climate.

Tahir (2010) discusses that above ground silt construction is used often in tropical

climates, as it ventilates the house. From these findings, we can infer that Sydney’s

climate would be the most appropriate for above ground building. This is confirmed

through the location testing, with the above ground design performing best in Sydney

(with a 30.3MJ/m2.annum thermal load) and closely surrounding cities (Wollongong

and Brisbane). Hence, it can be advised that the &U above ground designs be focused

in climates similar to that of tropical or subtropical climates.

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6. Conclusions

The first objective of this thesis is to model the performance of an architecturally

designed building, the Hadrian Villa, made using the Origination &U modular

system. Pidcock as sustainable architects have implemented thermally efficient

choices for the design. Hence, the first set of modeling determines how their design


The second objective is to conduct a simulation series based of literature review that

improves the design of the Hadrian Villa, utilsing a range of low energy building

fundamentals. In improving the design and performance of the Hadrian Villa, the

Pidcock team and Origination can make affirmative choices on how to improve their

design for implementation.

The final objective is to understand how some of the simulations will perform in a

range of climatic zones. This provides Pidcock and Origination with an understanding

of how the design will need to be adjusted when implemented across different states

for different clients. It will also give them a basic understanding of where they can

currently implement their design.

The modeling for the Hadrian Villa is conducted using AccuRate V1.1.4.1 software.

It was selected for it’s simple interface, ease of variation for different simulations, and

relevance to the locations being tested. From the modeling it was determine that the

primary designs for the Hadrian Villa will not perform to thermal standards as an

above ground design. When implemented with a concrete floor for thermal mass, the

design is found to exceed standards as highlighted in the results.

To improve the buildings performance, changes are implemented to the Hadrian Villa

design. Reductions in glazing, increases in wall and floor insulation, the use of

thermal mass and changes to the modular material each contribute to improvement in

the building performance. This modeling is conducted in a Sydney climate, and hence

the following results are restricted to the temperature profile of the region. It is

determined that the base design would require 70.4MJ/m2.annum of thermal energy to

maintain thermal comfort – higher than the standard requirement of 39MJ/m2.annum.

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! 74!

By improving the design with changes to the construction the best possible simulation

performs 30.9MJ/m2.annum, which is within the standard for thermal energy use. A

concrete base design is also tested, which has significant higher performance.

However, this is not the desired building style by Pidcock. It is advised for greater

better thermal performance, however is not required by industry standard.

The simulations in different locations reveal that the Hadrian Villa performs best in

Sydney, Brisbane and Wollongong, and progressively worse around the country. This

can be attributed to lightweight design, which does not as well in climates of high

diurnal temperature swings (White, 2013). Rather, it is suited to tropic climates, or

locations with small variations in daily temperature. Hence the locations along the

east coast perform best (Parsons, 2011). This is particularly relevant to Pidcock, as

they are already planning to implement a design in Wollongong, NSW. In

Wollongong, the designs tested would perform between 38.5-41.2MJ/m2.annum,

which meets thermal standards.

The research concludes that the Origination &U system, as applied in the Pidcock

designed Hadrian Villa, can perform to industry standard of thermal energy use and

hence is a viable option for residential and commercial building. While the

lightweight structure is more susceptible to heat transfer, there are other building and

design techniques (discussed in the method and results) that can reduce the thermal

energy requirement.

It is recommended that further research be conducted to determine how best thermal

bridges can be negated in the design, as these are found to be major weaknesses in the

&U panel’s thermal resistance (see methodology). Further, where possible if the

material for pultrusion can be improved this may also be useful. The Hadrian Villa

also implements high levels of glazing for aesthetic design. This is counter intuitive to

thermal performance. Where possible, these should be reconsidered and more

efficiently managed to meet both thermal efficiency and client satisfaction.

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7. References

















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8. Appendices

Resistance Section Notes

R1 Rubber stoppers (40mm) on either side to seal panel. Central

resin of two hooks (26mm). Air gap on either side of hooks.

R2 Thick outer and inner resin (21mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (18mm).

R3 Thick outer and inner resin (18.5mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (18.75mm).

R4 Thick outer and inner resin (18.5mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (46mm).

R5 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R6 Outer and inner resin layer (6mm). 1 air gap. PIR insulation


R7 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R8 Outer and inner resin layer (6mm). 1 air gap. PIR insulation


R9 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R10 Outer and inner resin layer (6mm). 1 air gap. PIR insulation


R11 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R12 Outer and inner resin layer (6mm). 1 air gap. PIR insulation


R13 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R14 Outer and inner resin layer (6mm). 1 air gap. PIR insulation


R15 Pure resin connector (140mm).

R16 Thick outer and inner resin (18.5mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (46mm).

R17 Thick outer and inner resin (18.5mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (18.75mm).

R18 Thick outer and inner resin (21mm). 2 air gaps. Central resin

core (18mm).

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R19 Rubber stoppers (40mm) on either side to seal panel. Central

resin of two hooks (26mm). Air gap on either side of hooks. Table 8-1: Panel Resistances


(m2K/W) R1 R2 R3 R4 R16 R17 R18 R19

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Resin/Rubber 0.3076923

08 0.035








33 0.035



Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Resin/Insulation 0.0433333

33 0.03 0.0425




67 0.0425 0.03



Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Resin/Rubber 0.3076923

08 0.035








33 0.035



Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

Total R 1.1457179

49 0.587








67 0.587



Table 8-2: Resistances for Hook section

Resistance (m2K/W) R5 R7 R9 R11 R13 R15

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Resin 0.233333333 0.233333333 0.233333333 0.233333333 0.233333333 0.233333333

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

Total R 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333

Table 8-3: Resistance for Resin Bridge

Resistance (m2K/W) R6 R8 R10 R12 R14

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Resin 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Insulation 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54 4.54

Resin 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

Total R 4.882 4.882 4.882 4.882 4.882

Table 8-4: Resistance for Insulated section

Resistance R1 R2 R3 R4 R16 R17 R18 R19

Total R




0.587 0.5886666








0.587 1.1457179




4 5 4 6 6 4 5 4

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Fraction 0.0042105
















Fraction*U 0.0036750
















Table 8-5: Fractional calculations for hook sections

Resistance R5 R7 R9 R11 R13 R15

Total R (m2K/W) 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333 0.390333333

Thickness (mm) 6 5 5 5 5 6

Fraction 0.006315789 0.005263158 0.005263158 0.005263158 0.005263158 0.006315789

Fraction*U 0.016180502 0.013483752 0.013483752 0.013483752 0.013483752 0.016180502

Table 8-6: Fractional calculations for resin sections

Resistance R6 R8 R10 R12 R14

Total R (m2K/W) 4.882 4.882 4.882 4.882 4.882

Thickness (mm) 176 176 176 176 176

Fraction 0.185263158 0.185263158 0.185263158 0.185263158 0.185263158

Fraction*U 0.037948209 0.037948209 0.037948209 0.037948209 0.037948209

Table 8-7: Fractional calculations for insulated sections



R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037

Cover 0.307692308 0.008333333 0.008333333 0.008333333 0.008333333

Resin/rubber 0 0.035 0.030833333 0.030833333 0.233333333

Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 -

Resin 0.043333333 0.03 0.03125 0.076666667 -

Air Gaps 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 -

Resin/rubber 0.03 0.035 0.030833333 0.030833333 -

Cover 0.307692308 0.008333333 0.008333333 0.008333333 -

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12

Total R 1.175717949 0.603666667 0.596583333 0.642 0.398666667

Table 8-8: Resistance calculations for hook sections

Resistance (m2K/W) R20 R21 R22

Outdoor Air 0.037 0.037 0.037

Cover 0.008333333 0.008333333 0.008333333

Resin 0.216666667 0.022083333 0.216666667

Air Gaps 0 0.608823529 0

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Resin 0 0.022083333 0

Cover 0.008333333 0.008333333 0.008333333

Indoor Air 0.12 0.12 0.12

Total R 0.390333333 0.826656863 0.390333333

Table 8-9: Resistance calculations for square post sections

Resistance R1 R2 R3 R4 R5

Total R 1.175717949 0.603666667 0.596583333 0.642 0.398666667

Thickness (mm) 4 5 4 6 6

Fraction 0.022222222 0.027777778 0.022222222 0.033333333 0.033333333

Fraction*U 0.018900981 0.046015093 0.03724915 0.05192108 0.08361204

Table 8-10: Fractional calculations for hook sections

Resistance R20 R21 R22

Total R 0.390333333 0.826656863 0.390333333

Thickness (mm) 13.25 103.5 13.25

Fraction 0.073611111 0.575 0.073611111

Fraction*U 0.188585255 0.695572765 0.188585255

Table 8-11: Fractional calculation of the square post section

East face

Area (m2)


(m2K/W) Fraction

Fraction * U


Overall R Value


Wall 19.600 2.977 0.772 0.259

Window 2.000

Post 2.196 1.161 0.086 0.074

Beam 3.600 1.829 0.142 0.078

Sum 25.396 0.411 2.432

Table 8-12: East Wall R-Value Calculations

South face

Area (m2)


(m2K/W) Fraction

Fraction * U


Overall R Value


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! 81!

Wall 34.800 2.977 0.847 0.285

Window 7.400

Post 2.664 1.161 0.065 0.056

Beam 3.600 1.829 0.088 0.048

Sum 41.064 0.388 2.574

Table 8-13: South Wall R-Value Calculations

West face

Area (m2)


(m2K/W) Fraction

Fraction * U


Overall R Value


Wall 14.800 2.977 0.753 0.253

Window 6.800

Post 2.664 1.161 0.136 0.117

Beam 2.196 1.829 0.112 0.061

Sum 19.660 0.431 2.322

Table 8-14: West Face R-Value Calculations

!Figure 8-1: North Face scale drawing

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!Figure 8-2: East Face scale drawing

!Figure 8-3: West Face scale drawing


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!Figure 8-4: South Face scale drawing

!The final section of the appendices compiles the summaries of all AccuRate run

simulations. They are ordered chronologically.

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AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG and column insD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:53Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

14.7 50.8 10.9 76.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.4 42.7 9.2 64.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:53 am, 02/06/2015

Page 91: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG beam insulatedD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:52Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.6 50.9 11.0 77.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.1 42.8 9.3 65.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:52 am, 02/06/2015

Page 92: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG Beam Post InsulationD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:57Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

14.8 51.4 11.0 77.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.5 43.2 9.2 64.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:57 am, 02/06/2015

Page 93: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: double glaz AGD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:04Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.6 25.0 6.0 46.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.1 21.0 5.0 39.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:04 am, 02/06/2015

Page 94: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Best AG more GlazingD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:02Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.0 22.0 5.7 42.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.6 18.5 4.8 35.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:02 am, 02/06/2015

Page 95: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Improved floor BattsD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:58Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.4 18.7 5.3 39.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.9 15.7 4.4 33.0 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

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Page 1 of 1Printed 4:58 am, 02/06/2015

Page 96: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Improved InsulationD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:58Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.3 18.3 5.2 38.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.9 15.3 4.4 32.6 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

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Page 97: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Improved Windows OnlyD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:58Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

16.5 15.4 4.8 36.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.9 13.0 4.0 30.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

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Page 98: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: more Pcm AGD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:04Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

14.8 16.6 4.9 36.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.4 14.0 4.2 30.6 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 6:14 am, 02/06/2015

Page 99: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Improved north windowsD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:59Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

16.3 16.9 5.1 38.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.7 14.2 4.3 32.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:59 am, 02/06/2015

Page 100: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Reduced Floor BattsD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:59Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

17.5 18.6 5.3 41.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

14.7 15.6 4.4 34.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

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Page 101: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:57Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

16.5 18.4 5.2 40.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.8 15.5 4.4 33.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:57 am, 02/06/2015

Page 102: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 1D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:00Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.5 18.4 5.2 39.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.0 15.5 4.4 32.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:00 am, 02/06/2015

Page 103: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:00Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.2 17.1 5.0 37.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.8 14.3 4.2 31.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

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Page 104: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Base Design Above GrounD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:01/06/2015 Time:18:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

20.3 52.6 10.8 83.7 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

17.1 44.2 9.1 70.4 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:50 am, 02/06/2015

Page 105: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Best with Concrete flooD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:00Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

10.4 14.9 4.7 30.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

8.8 12.6 4.0 25.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 106: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Best Conc more GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

4.2 10.1 3.5 17.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.5 8.5 3.0 15.0 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:03 am, 02/06/2015

Page 107: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Best Conc floor no insuD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:01Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.6 6.5 2.7 12.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.0 5.5 2.2 10.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:01 am, 02/06/2015

Page 108: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: 0.3 resinD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:56Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.3 5.8 2.6 11.7 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.8 4.9 2.2 9.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:56 am, 02/06/2015

Page 109: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Basic conc floorD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:02Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

5.8 25.4 7.5 38.7 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

4.9 21.4 6.3 32.6 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:02 am, 02/06/2015

Page 110: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: CONS beam col insD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:53Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

10.6 23.7 6.2 40.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

8.9 20.0 5.2 34.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:53 am, 02/06/2015

Page 111: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Best 100mm conc floor D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:01Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

4.6 6.9 2.6 14.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.9 5.8 2.2 11.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:01 am, 02/06/2015

Page 112: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Reduced Glaz best conccD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:01Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

4.3 6.9 2.6 13.9 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.6 5.8 2.2 11.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:01 am, 02/06/2015

Page 113: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: half water wallD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:56Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.6 6.1 2.7 12.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.0 5.2 2.3 10.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:56 am, 02/06/2015

Page 114: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: improved floor insulatiD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:55Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.3 5.7 2.6 11.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.7 4.8 2.2 9.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 115: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:54Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.3 5.7 2.6 11.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.7 4.8 2.2 9.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 116: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: improved windowsD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:54Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.7 6.0 2.7 12.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.1 5.1 2.3 10.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:54 am, 02/06/2015

Page 117: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: reduced glazingD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:04:54Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

4.0 7.1 2.9 13.9 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.4 6.0 2.4 11.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 118: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:01/06/2015 Time:18:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

7.0 27.5 7.6 42.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

5.9 23.2 6.4 35.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:51 am, 02/06/2015

Page 119: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: concrete floor 2ndD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:01/06/2015 Time:18:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.7 26.7 6.5 48.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.2 22.5 5.5 41.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 120: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: concrete floor 3rdD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:01/06/2015 Time:18:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.7 26.7 6.5 48.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.2 22.5 5.5 41.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 4:52 am, 02/06/2015

Page 121: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: concrete floor 4thD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:01/06/2015 Time:18:03Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

6.7 11.5 4.1 22.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

5.6 9.7 3.5 18.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

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Page 122: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: fixed louvreD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:02/06/2015 Time:05:04Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

16.5 15.8 4.8 37.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.9 13.3 4.0 31.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 5:04 am, 02/06/2015

Page 123: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 5000 Climate Zone: 16Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:11Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

42.6 43.7 2.0 88.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

35.9 36.8 1.7 74.4 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

480 325 227 165 125 96 70 46 22 3

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:12 am, 25/05/2015

Page 124: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4000 Climate Zone: 10Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:20Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.9 27.8 10.4 41.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.4 23.2 8.6 34.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

203 139 97 71 55 43 34 25 17 10

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:20 am, 25/05/2015

Page 125: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4870 Climate Zone: 32Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:29Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 125.5 65.7 191.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 109.1 57.1 166.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

302 253 214 181 153 128 105 84 64 48

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:29 am, 25/05/2015

Page 126: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 800 Climate Zone: 1Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:28Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 366.1 154.0 520.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 327.2 137.6 464.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

773 648 555 480 413 349 285 222 164 119

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:28 am, 25/05/2015

Page 127: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 7000 Climate Zone: 26Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:25Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

171.9 0.5 0.0 172.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

145.1 0.4 0.0 145.6 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

723 498 354 262 202 155 113 71 31 0

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:25 am, 25/05/2015

Page 128: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 3000 Climate Zone: 21Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:24Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

96.8 13.7 1.2 111.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

80.6 11.4 1.0 93.0 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

559 384 271 198 149 114 83 54 25 2

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:24 am, 25/05/2015

Page 129: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 6000 Climate Zone: 13Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:15Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

17.0 43.3 3.7 64.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

14.4 36.6 3.2 54.1 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

387 251 167 118 89 70 52 34 17 4

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:15 am, 25/05/2015

Page 130: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:23Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

7.0 27.5 7.6 42.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

5.9 23.2 6.4 35.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:23 am, 25/05/2015

Page 131: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2500 Climate Zone: 56Design Option: Concrete floor 1stD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:22Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

18.3 11.3 3.5 33.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.3 9.5 2.9 27.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

284 186 125 88 66 51 39 26 14 5

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:22 am, 25/05/2015

Page 132: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 5000 Climate Zone: 16Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:05Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

53.1 55.6 2.7 111.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

44.7 46.8 2.3 93.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

480 325 227 165 125 96 70 46 22 3

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:05 am, 25/05/2015

Page 133: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4000 Climate Zone: 10Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:10Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

9.7 20.7 9.6 39.9 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

8.0 17.2 7.9 33.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

203 139 97 71 55 43 34 25 17 10

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:10 am, 25/05/2015

Page 134: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4870 Climate Zone: 32Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:09Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 95.0 56.0 151.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 82.4 48.6 130.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

302 253 214 181 153 128 105 84 64 48

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:09 am, 25/05/2015

Page 135: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 800 Climate Zone: 1Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:07Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 267.8 137.7 405.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 238.8 122.9 361.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

773 648 555 480 413 349 285 222 164 119

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:07 am, 25/05/2015

Page 136: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 7000 Climate Zone: 26Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:04Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

144.3 2.6 0.2 147.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

121.4 2.2 0.2 123.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

723 498 354 262 202 155 113 71 31 0

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:04 am, 25/05/2015

Page 137: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 3000 Climate Zone: 21Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:01Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

90.3 23.9 2.3 116.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

75.0 19.9 1.9 96.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

559 384 271 198 149 114 83 54 25 2

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:01 am, 25/05/2015

Page 138: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 6000 Climate Zone: 13Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:06Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

29.5 52.9 4.1 86.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

24.9 44.6 3.4 72.9 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

387 251 167 118 89 70 52 34 17 4

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:06 am, 25/05/2015

Page 139: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:56Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

15.2 17.1 5.0 37.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.8 14.3 4.2 31.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:56 am, 25/05/2015

Page 140: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2500 Climate Zone: 56Design Option: AG 0.3 Resin 2D e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:01:11Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

28.3 14.4 3.5 46.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

23.6 12.0 2.9 38.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

284 186 125 88 66 51 39 26 14 5

Page 1 of 1Printed 1:11 am, 25/05/2015

Page 141: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 5000 Climate Zone: 16Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:36Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

31.8 16.9 1.4 50.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

26.8 14.2 1.2 42.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

480 325 227 165 125 96 70 46 22 3

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:36 am, 25/05/2015

Page 142: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4000 Climate Zone: 10Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:38Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

1.4 8.1 4.9 14.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

1.2 6.7 4.1 12.0 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

203 139 97 71 55 43 34 25 17 10

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:38 am, 25/05/2015

Page 143: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4870 Climate Zone: 32Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:30Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 65.6 48.8 114.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 57.0 42.4 99.4 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

302 253 214 181 153 128 105 84 64 48

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:30 am, 25/05/2015

Page 144: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 800 Climate Zone: 1Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:37Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 216.6 133.1 349.7 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 193.6 118.9 312.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

773 648 555 480 413 349 285 222 164 119

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:37 am, 25/05/2015

Page 145: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 7000 Climate Zone: 26Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:33Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

145.9 0.1 0.0 146.0 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

123.1 0.1 0.0 123.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

723 498 354 262 202 155 113 71 31 0

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:33 am, 25/05/2015

Page 146: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 3000 Climate Zone: 21Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:32Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

80.3 3.7 0.6 84.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

66.9 3.1 0.5 70.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

559 384 271 198 149 114 83 54 25 2

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:32 am, 25/05/2015

Page 147: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 6000 Climate Zone: 13Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:35Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

10.0 12.2 1.8 23.9 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

8.4 10.3 1.5 20.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

387 251 167 118 89 70 52 34 17 4

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:35 am, 25/05/2015

Page 148: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:32Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

3.3 5.7 2.6 11.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

2.7 4.8 2.2 9.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:32 am, 25/05/2015

Page 149: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2500 Climate Zone: 56Design Option: improved wall insulatioD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:40Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

12.7 3.1 1.3 17.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

10.6 2.6 1.1 14.3 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

284 186 125 88 66 51 39 26 14 5

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:40 am, 25/05/2015

Page 150: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 5000 Climate Zone: 16Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:47Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

55.9 59.0 2.7 117.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

47.0 49.6 2.3 98.8 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

480 325 227 165 125 96 70 46 22 3

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:47 am, 25/05/2015

Page 151: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4000 Climate Zone: 10Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:52Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

10.3 23.2 10.1 43.6 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

8.5 19.3 8.4 36.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

203 139 97 71 55 43 34 25 17 10

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:52 am, 25/05/2015

Page 152: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 4870 Climate Zone: 32Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:50Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 101.4 57.3 158.7 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 87.9 49.7 137.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

302 253 214 181 153 128 105 84 64 48

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:52 am, 25/05/2015

Page 153: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 800 Climate Zone: 1Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:49Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 281.1 139.3 420.4 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

0.0 250.7 124.2 375.0 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

773 648 555 480 413 349 285 222 164 119

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:49 am, 25/05/2015

Page 154: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 7000 Climate Zone: 26Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:45Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

150.4 3.1 0.2 153.8 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

126.6 2.6 0.2 129.4 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

723 498 354 262 202 155 113 71 31 0

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:45 am, 25/05/2015

Page 155: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 3000 Climate Zone: 21Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:43Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

94.4 25.6 2.4 122.3 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

78.3 21.2 2.0 101.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

559 384 271 198 149 114 83 54 25 2

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:44 am, 25/05/2015

Page 156: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 6000 Climate Zone: 13Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:50Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

31.6 57.5 4.1 93.2 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

26.6 48.4 3.5 78.5 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

387 251 167 118 89 70 52 34 17 4

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:50 am, 25/05/2015

Page 157: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2000 Climate Zone: 17Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:41Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

16.5 18.4 5.2 40.1 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

13.8 15.5 4.4 33.7 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

230 148 98 68 50 39 30 22 13 6

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:41 am, 25/05/2015

Page 158: Naman Uppal Thesis

AccuRate V1.1.4.1

Nationwide House EnergyRating Scheme

Project DetailsProject Name: Hadrian VillaFile Name: C:\Users\Naman Uppal\Desktop\hadrian house new.PROP o s t c o d e : 2500 Climate Zone: 56Design Option: Reduced High Level GlazD e s c r i p t i o n :

Client DetailsClient Name:Origination &UPhone:0000000000 Fax: Email:Postal Address:Site Address:Council submitted to (if known by assessor):

Assessor DetailsAssessor Name:Naman Uppal Assessor No.Phone: Fax: Email:Assessment Date:25/05/2015 Time:00:53Project Code:Assessor Signature:

CALCULATED ENERGY REQUIREMENTS*Heating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

30.0 15.8 3.6 49.5 MJ/m².annum* These energy requirements have been calculated using a standard set of occupant behaviours and so do not necessarily represent the usage pattern or lifestyleof the intended occupants. They should be used solely for the purposes of rating the building. They should not be used to infer actual energy consumption orrunning costs. The settings used for the simulation are shown in the building data report.

AREA-ADJUSTED ENERGY REQUIREMENTSHeating Cooling (sensible) Cooling (latent) Total Energy Units

25.0 13.2 3.0 41.2 MJ/m².annumConditioned floor area 90.9 m²

Star Rating


Area-adjusted star band score thresholds1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars 6 Stars 7 Stars 8 Stars 9 Stars 10 Stars

284 186 125 88 66 51 39 26 14 5

Page 1 of 1Printed 12:53 am, 25/05/2015