nature of the roots and discriminant

Prepared by: Maricel T. Mas Lipay High School Strategic Intervention Material in Mathematics-IX The Nature of the Roots and The Discriminant

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Page 1: nature of the roots and discriminant

Prepared by:Maricel T. Mas

Lipay High School

Strategic Intervention Material

in Mathematics-IX

The Nature of the Roots and The Discriminant

Page 2: nature of the roots and discriminant

Guide Card

Least Mastered Skill:• Identify the Nature of the Roots

Sub tasks: Identify values of a, b and c of a quadratic

equation, Find the discriminant; and Describe the nature of roots of quadratic


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 The Standard Form of Quadratic Equation is…

ax2 + bx + c = 0

The Quadratic Formula is…

2 42

b b acxa

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The quadratic formula allows you to solve ANY quadratic equation, even if you cannot factor it.

An important piece of the quadratic formula is what’s under the radical:

b2 – 4ac This piece is called the discriminant.

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The discriminant tells you the number and types of

answers (roots) you will get. The discriminant

can be +, –, or 0 which actually tells you a lot!

Since the discriminant is under a radical, think

about what it means if you have a positive or

negative number or 0 under the radical.


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How to find the discriminant?

Example 1: Find the discriminant of x2 – 2x – 15 = 0

Step 2: Identify the value of a, b and c a = 1 b = -2 c = -15Step 3: Substitute these values to b2 – 4ac

Step 1: Write first the equation into standard form

Solution:D = b2 – 4ac D = (-2) 2 – 4(1)(15)D = 64

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Activity No. 1.a : Set Me To Your StandardNow it’s your turn

Directions: Rewrite each quadratic equation in standard form.

1 x2 – 5x = 14 

2.  2x2 + x = 5

3.  x2 + 25 = 10x

4.  4x2 = 9x - 7

5.  3x2 + 2x = 5

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Activity No. 1.b Now it’s your turn

Directions: Using the given quadratic equations on activity no 1.b, identify the values of a, b, and c.

1.  x2 – 5x – 14 = 0

2.  2x2 + x = 5

3.  x2 + 25 = 10x

4.  4x2 – 9x + 7 = 0

5.  3x2 + 2x - 5 = 0

a = ___ b = ___ c = ___

a = ___ b = ___ c = ___

a = ___ b = ___ c = ___

a = ___ b = ___ c = ___

a = ___ b = ___ c = ___

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Activity No. 2

Directions: Using the values of a, b, and c of Activity No. 1, find the discriminant of the        following using b2 – 4ac:

1. x2 – 5x – 14 = 0

2. 2x2 + x = 5

3. x2 + 25 = 10x

4. 4x2 – 9x + 7 = 0

5. 3x2 + 2x - 5 = 0

a. 81 b. 11 c. -31

a. 39 b. - 39 c. 41

a. 0 b. 1 c. 100

a. - 31 b. 31 c. 81

a. -56 b. -64 c. 64

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Let’s evaluate the following equations.

1. x2 – 5x – 14 = 0What number is under the radical when simplified? D=81

b2 – 4ac > 0, perfect square The nature of the roots :REAL, RATIONAL, UNEQUAL

2. ) 2x2 + x – 5 = 0What number is under the radical when simplified?

D= 41b2 – 4ac > 0, not a perfect square

The nature of the roots: REAL, IRRATIONAL, UNEQUAL

4.) 4x2 – 9x + 7 = 0

What number is under the radical when simplified?

D = –31b2 – 4ac < 0, (negative)

The nature of the roots:imaginary

3.) x2 – 10x + 25 = 0

What number is under the radical when simplified?

D = 0b2 – 4ac = 0

The nature of the roots: REAL, RATIONAL, EQUAL

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Determine whether the given discriminant is

a)greater than zero, perfect squareb) Greater than zero, not a perfect

squarec) Equals zerod) Less than zero

____1) 95

____2) 225

____3) -9

____4) 0

____5) 63

Activity No. 3

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Activity # 4

Determine whether the given discriminant is

a) real, rational, equalb) real, rational, unequalc) real, irrational, unequald) imaginary

____1) 12

____2) 0

____3) 49

____4) -5

____1) 27

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Activity No. 5: Try These.

For each of the following quadratic equations,

a) Find the value of the discriminant, and

b) Describe the number and type of roots.

____1) x2 + 14x + 49 = 0

____2) . x2 + 5x – 2 = 0

____3) 3x2 + 8x + 11 = 0

____4) x2 + 5x – 24 = 0

D=____, ____________________

D=____, ____________________D=____, ____________________

D=____, ____________________

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Assessment Card No. 1:

Write the values of a, b & c in the quadratic equation, then check the discriminant and nature of roots of quadratic equation .

1. x2 – 8x + 15 = 0

I.  a = ___    b  = ___    c = ___

II.   __ 4     __) 0       __ ) -4 

__real, rational, equal__real, rational, unequal__real, irrational, unequal__imaginary

2.  2x2 + 4x + 4 = 0

I.  a = ___    b  = ___    c = ___

II.   __) 16    __) 0       __ ) -16 

__real, rational, equal__real, rational, unequal__real, irrational, unequal__imaginary

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3.  3x2 + 12x + 12 = 0

I.  a = ___    b  = ___    c = ___

II.   __) 4     __) 0       __ ) -4 

__real, rational, equal__real, rational, unequal__real, irrational, unequal__imaginary

4.  8x2  - 9x + 11 = 0

I.  a = ___    b  = ___    c = ___

II.   __) -172   __) -721     __ ) -271 

__real, rational, equal__real, rational, unequal__real, irrational, unequal__imaginary

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Directions: Determine the nature of the roots of the following quadratic equations.

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Answer Card

Activity No. 1.a 

1. x2 – 5x – 14 =02. 2x2 + x – 5 = 03. x2 -10x + 25 = 04. 4x2 – 9x + 7 = 05.  3x2 + 2x – 5 = 0

Activity No. 1.b.

1. a = 1     b = -5      c=-14

2. a = 2     b = 1      c = -5

3. a = 1     b = -10      c = 25

4. a = 4     b = -9      c = 7

5. a = 3      b = 2      c = -5

Activity No. 21. a. 812. c. 413. a. 04. a. -315. c. 64

Activity No. 3 1. b2. a3. d4. c5. b

Activity No. 41. c2. a3. b4. d5. b

Activity No. 51. D=0,real, rational, equal2. D= 33, real, irrational, 

unequal3. D= -68, imaginary4. D= 121, real, rational, 


1.) I. a=1 b= -8 c=15     II. 4     III. real, rational, unequal2.) I. a= 2 b = 4 c = 4      II. -16      III. imaginary3.) I. a= 3 b= 12 c= 12      II. 0      III. real, rational, unequal4.) I. a= 8 b= -9 c= 11      II. -271      III. imaginary

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Jose-Dilao, Soledad, Orines, and Bernabe, Julieta G. Advanced Algebra, Trigonometry and Statistics IV, SD Publications, Inc, 2009, p. 73

Learner’s Material Mathematics – Grade 9 First Edition, 2014 pp. 65-70.