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t GO, »*ekj SOOBS, kit. SrOBJB A •T t'S nre. raad .l|pM>.Be« »u Hb |«ti«teatiasnMI- i kr Out .OalBEtB duD a nm >ad fxA ne Is yerfert ("sruiirty Wait, laii witb m- I no l^stdsi cfl^x ' prcveUi tins <fis* lit hrttiz tiuai ink vtiicit ho dii* hsisfiil <&* . tjlla T*vffiifal i* tbe ami iitBian A f , _ — ri»t,iat t iiiM tisc ^taftrt. end ta ' pWTSds^ CV9 I I IWttetbftr DCS will Bim ii _ jr»weH m tbc _—I RsantiT uTcs I IptulT lOul CCRBI iiQiuisap 1 S 30 ' PJ n tiu«HCita. > homir if lof t T)iBBt7 of findRit t'aUck Bs ITaaal- .PaifitMte. Moia, Bmia ttpt.i I tto pi ' pBHD uinu rtfao d iffia. IftiisBBiii^rssfti sstf rraidiat ia t^ rMlr , tia« wiEhBaen- wiuiiiiiiliw in MM . Bamif ItHEsuttssts*tfdvy thb semidx ic Pills, iHmamm. I bf « tm^it I Pectoral, rSiCmay,. : Vktinito ia mt- i«f / kmwB^irta tot dnoRsiB £»- ima «•» oiri. It> • vIktTS its YXT t SK* ID SB 1 aMOBni^ t BU aaa ; iMwdtum tbr I a. asm, jmud. ••mflr- -rms wit W Ihr awM Mdt . tia dl msMT ar ' t^ittftt tmraltor. I rmnkOaWwrnk ibow !• imialar !Bsri-;s«s 'J|m»- » pwawiirfi » ^-rwr.i «• la tiM -iM •> iltan l*w>t (•aw A* aMri* •><M>fk.«rla ate orxfiit rfiiiSyiLLE. SATURDAY, JTOSE 18, 1859. THE PULPIT. n m m. zimb «••»•. J«na a tW Ckrist, th^ it, AaaiatmiidQoi. PxowMdtodts&aoa; pr». fjsredbf ttelaar; opeetMlbTtbe i^te; Knt bj A«r««lMr ; kppeuii^ms mtke ntiof Um varid, t973t»vsjm^tbe8aen8oeafhiiaMl£ He waaappamtad tatfeniqr;an^^ated for l^HoIy Sfmit vss tHa ns&Mi, dkaFalto aaoiater, dMbaBkaof Jordaatinplaaa, ud JTcau of 5uarst& aaointad ooe. Aaten wt» Uw type, Jcana waa Oa aatl-^ Ha tveani Oa Sprit witlwsk aad ms tfcw is. aagontad i«t» dwtCoMtfpraplMt,priartattd Aspra^ W ^H)^; aa priat, ia madeabmaoent; aadaa Ub^ ka k oomiag to raiga. Ha waa prapbat ax ^ eanii —hen Uv^i&itfBaite; Winw priaat «a Um carO^-toa tta «ada tb* ataeBMat^ he win nign OB t&e aaith^ for God bas pledg^ Iiob- •df to giva iua tke tbtnw of ka fatker IhTid; aad Ua aMwrtifcd onaa ia haans mj: "Ha bat&MdevrkiBga aid priesta ante God, and Mt tkall rtigK aw Ikt aorO." Jans vaa aanntad « aad Ua aosmiiidaa matogtra eteulSJato aa mn; m the l^t&er W ghw hiza. To grrs tha bnad Oat andnreih to ereri^ittBg Ufatoan kia foDowrta. "Tlib," amid b^ '48 the trill of Ima that aaat oa, Oat ooe tiwt aeatk th«Scm,aad WM««tiiaBlkiB,dKn>ld hxy aredattiiig Hfe, aad I will niM haa Bp at tha laatday." Ha waa aamted io a oenfMoi. Sataabad leissd on Aia world, aod isad lad area God's dtoant eaptm at kii wilL HaicfaaadtaUbaisteortop^wiihoM.Ha woaUmt gm^; Aerffera Oa Son ofGed waa nninfeted to daatroT- ^ worb of tba danl; aadhaTiog spoilt prinoipaKtiaa aad powvra, aiadaa ibow itf tliam openiy, tri- axapking ovar thoa aa ^ enaa. Ha waa •ooiiitedto^cf« raamwaiiafietf—a rMoaeili- stioa bstwaea Qod and maa. To reznoTC cr- «7 tlung oat of God'a wajf. th^ ba may ^oo- drably maatai,aadbaat paaaa with «a,aad ^ eie«t a diaaga ia aa, that waoay laeet God and b« reaoomled aato biia God waa io OmstremadBi^tinworld aato lumodf, aot iaputing tbatr Umpaiiwi aato tbtm God nowbmaihiw lerBBaaBOad tobiBi,aad ara broaj^ aboT« all tlnnga to daain asd pH»biaftieaddh^Ha was aaaiatedfer»- Hen an «r&. Sia bad dakea tba world oat ef iia plaoe ia God's aystna. Tba curse of God i^cd over it. Tbe priaoa of darkam fbaiaedifi. Ernry arilfoanda bona in it. God dotenataed to reaover aad restore it Je- ms waa appirated to aooocairfisb tbis itapon- •isoa work. Aad we aow look far ao great a to ba pvodaocd ia tbit worM, tbat ^ will be like a new world, aa if it bad jaat beea railed iato epaee btmtiiapalat of tbe glarioiH Creator. " Wa, aecordiog to bit pranusa, look &>r sew baavana aad a aaw eMtii, wkorwD dweQetb rigbtaoaaeaa:" Glortoas will tbis world appear, by-aad-by, wbea Jesaa daiaH it, dwsllfi ia it, sadretgas o*er itwithbisbelored ^ride; he wSI again "plaat tba beavess, aad lay tbafoaadattoaaof tka eartb, aad lay oato Zi ' MT, Tlum art my pa^da," Isa. E 16. He waaaaoinMd toJSS ctt opar, tba jijionoas oSca ^ Mediator betwea God asd moa. Tius oee oSoe iaehidcs aE tte tai$; ba ofiaiatas fur God ia bis deaKagu witk ama, aad be offioiates forsumiabwdaaliagawitbGod. H» is tbo mediam of seeeas, aad tbe eaaae of oar aeeep- taaee. AQ tbe blaanags €hid bestows apon as peas tbroagb bim; aad aU tbe prayers aad prMseswaolfdr, paaatbroagbbimtoGgd. God baa aotbiag^ do with as bat tkioi^ Chri«i; .^Vti b ^ actbio^ t9 do witb God bat tbroagb CbxisC Ha was aaoiated U> qualtfy Jiimforantmg^aeL He bad aaga^, ia tba arariaatiag ereat. to glorify God ia this jUka world, to pal aw^ «b oat of Gad's •iig^it. and to gatbar togathw, as i&eep io one bid. tbe obildxea of God wbi^ were scaUerpd abroad. To prepare biai br tbis glerioa* wark, the Spirit of God deaeeaded aadraatad npoa bim; aad by the Spirit be spake, wnagbC, aad *at las* oSared bimaelf witboat ipottoGod. HawaaaaoiatadlanflMrwsi*/God m tartk. Tbiv ba did fally aad aeearately, »Hi iherefin, ha said ta Philip, "Hetbatbath Mea mabath aeea tha Father." Wa baboid in bis aavwM &oe the gjorr of God. aad are traasfonaed thereby. Tbrwigb tba Goapel. «*ta aow, we re«rif« Aa l ^ t of tbe kaowl edge ofti»e^ory of God, ia thefeeoof Jesas Cbxiat Fiaally, ba waa aaoiated ii vin a mmm, a crowa of gl«i7. » heaatiftil diadem Tba etowa of salTatioa. Hia gtey wUl ba giaat ia oar wlTatioa, hoaar aad anjasty will bakidapoabim; hb Father will etowa bin, bis Cbareh wiU arowa him, aad awry ia^ridaal balierar will crowa him. O thoa blea«d Jasa^ thoa glorioaa Christ of God, my saal is WW with admiratioa, lota •ad adoratioal I Wasathee, I praise tbee, ' macaify thy holy mmiu Anolntad of tba falber, t aakaowledge thee to ba the Mestiab, •the Priaaa, th* SaTiorl I iatiart my aoal ta thee. I iriU axpeat wary Wemag «ro« thee; 1 win asetiba my wb«l« »lratioa thee. IrtijoleethfttAePalWaaoiBtedtbea tbat thoaftUeatawy o««a, hart aadwtakaa the whole werk, aa aa ta ba aatiUed ta the whole g»afy. Tfcwtahatt 1»a my prophet, my inical. my ktag. I wjoiod ia thy oommlasioa l|k>iyfaftj«ii>T«rtiiI «rJoy thy racoa- dUukm; laatialpalathapatfce* reatowtioB o .thafUIopkaa*; I willlia»thaehawJ^«• • 6adoalyfe«i ^ ««n« LurtafalL <iT!wAart tha Eag OChrirt! Heanmaadaa»th aia fUlof tba aaiiQ iaal. a^ ai&praiaatlmi Othatlaorid pniaa thaa ,ttea^ii-Hrniy^nti, tf^ This passage b a propbeoy that it to raeeiTc ita folilfaBent ia tbe last days. We beSara that it is b«sg falfiDed area now, that tbe lf«t daya are as, and tbe perfloiw tiaies ba^e come. It is a littla reaxukahle that tbe Apo^le weald look bsyoed tK« pemeeatioua of bib owa days to the wily arta aad aedadng flatteries of tbeae days as being tbe aioet perfloas of fiie twa;y^iti3a faotwUdithe biat^of tte past abaadaaUy provea, that tbe Cbar^ has more to fearfromtbe frieadsbiptiiaathe aa- mity of tbe waiid, that Satea hi aKnra to 'he dreaded wbea traatformed iatn aa aagal of U^t,t}iaa iriiea be attaek? the Cbris^ with hisboias^aad boob tUMc, and tbe'ftir^iof the demonflashiagforthfrombis eyes. B^ yaa'i Cbristiaa gained a glorioai rietoiyofer Appolyon ia a band-to-haad ebooanter ia ^ TaUey of baaulity, bat be was ovsroome aiid led iato tbe mare by the sao<itb words sad bmeyed phrases of tbe dcedTer ia liIs aasaaied garmeat of wluta. Sren so is tbe preMnt tiBM exeeediogly perilous oa aceoant of &a popalarity cf religioo, aad the esirem itba« ia tbe eyw of tbe worid. , la oltotimesa paUie prifesrion of l)ia relipoB <tf Jesas was a mere passport to the mal^tor^ eroas, the felon's daogectf, or tbe martyr^ stake if; tbea held oat ao fa- daoemeats to tbo worldly-mioded maa, ao ^ traetnsns to the &ahioB«bIe woman, t^e par- leontions of tbe dtseiplesformedaa ^eetijal barrier which kept the Obardi eomparaUr^y freefromthe evil* of aa nawwthy memb^ aUp. Bat aow wbea religion ha« beoMie po^ar. wbea a profeasioo of it is neeeesary to be coadderad rcfpecUble, and it is dree^ ap ia the tinseled gewgaws, aad gay plaaun of tbe Taaity-loring age, I traable for the safety of the <dd <hip that has so long weather^ tbe storat. I fsar anleaa. the Pilot of the Gallileaa Lake gatdea her, that the will jat last be wreaked on come stormy coast, ^ drawn iato the yawning, obasia of aoate roaring wbirlpsol. O Lad, save thy peoj^e fromtilewQea of Satan aad the sedncisg Sat- teries of the world. W. J. HODSSS . t ^ JBmb. a i ^ H h Wka>aV9«listeaila4satft; And 'hit Mi ^OMI iOBMdlwIb^h, By an tUop OatlaDre bna^ -'Jena.'mr Lord, haw voodroai paat It tUaeaxalted casw; Thrcfariaa of tfcjr kcaTsrir ctate,^ let wUa aaith peiUba'' BZBUnCAI.. eegaietiwa aa gospel preasiheea by aa att^ daaeaoa their wdrnktryi aowteg the wiUagaess whi^ yoahm «vtr maalfHrtad ia exptaasiBg yoarY^wa apoa Bap&t &ilh aad polity, I have sobmittad the hoping that yoa will Sad it mTeaiaa* to gira ynor news apoa them, aad ohEga, k KantKXT BAmtr. Baattro.—Will "A Ksntael^ Baptist" fi^ pnrra that BaptiaU do raeo^iae Pado- baptist pnaahera as seriptaral miaiatm by bearing them preaehT If be e» do this, we wHI gira oae •oto aguast tbe practiea. Wbereia does it iarolta a reoogaitim? We ask with no-ather mottre than to obtota light. irst artiela qaestkmigg the propriety of Dr. Maaly's mission in this Bute. That arti«Ie baa doaa Jost what I iateadtd it to do; !. a, it baa broagiit tbe snbjMt into a^ooanie of in* Tcaid^ca before tbe Bsf^t '^eli" of AIa> ta, wbvm it 4* likelv to reniaiB nstil fmly settiail Sa*«i«i bretbesD have written diapa- tatioaa—«}Bte dtr«etly a^ others indire«tly<— against the views preseated ia my artiele. Of thia I am glad; bat I am so iBensdaloas, that they bare as yet failed to satisfy me that iba ' >oetor'g mtJMin in Alabama is sot a partisan moreiaent; and there are many scores of B^ ti<ia ia the Etate who aniathe »aine eat^ory with myselfl I brg peimissioD, Messrs tors, ta sabnit tbe folloiriDg pointed letter froai.Sider D. Peebles, M. D., of Pieaswt Hill, Ala. Dr. Peeblea is well kaowa ia this •ate as a mia{«t«r of high staadiag, sastain- lag, as he an incproaehable ebaraeter for trnth aad Christian integrity. Hear bim: Lown»C9 Cocsit, Ala., April 16, '59. , Dear Brother: Yoara of Match the Slat, was reoeired a few days sinee, and I ha.^teti to answer it. I hare no letter, BOOCATIOtf. As a denoaiination we are sot doing oar daty. Wa are aot Uldng eare of oar eroplaf girb asd boys. We are giving them to the Pedobaptirtt to edacate them; thereby loeiag both the moaey and the ehildrea. Eraiy yev there ia aa imsMuse dnda of peeaaiary, s ^ tal aad moral tnflaenee going to the Pedob^p- tists. MonoTer, if we do aot respeet oar^ aelTeaothear people will not reject as. Tbe yoath are the hope of tbe eoantry. Tbe m«n who works rery hard, bat does aot fence his erop, is apt to lose it. If we do not b<uld colleges, academies aad schofls, for oar rUl- drcn, we ihall lose them. Too iMig ha^e «e permitted other people to manage for as, a-) if we were miaors, and they were oar gaardLins. thiak wo have '^nse enoogh to act witboot gaardiaas, aad sorely we are old enoogb. Billsfeedbranches, branches feed ereeks, and ereeks feedriTers.Oldfieldschools f>i academies, and ae^emiee feed colleges, shoald hare a male asd a female academy ia erery Association either on the rolnntary er stock plaa to sapply oar owa wants. Any Chorch haricga taste fwedaeatioa euald boild aad fapport aa abademy. Sarcly there coald ba foaad two Cbarebee in eaeh Aasoeiatioa bar- iag taito eooagh to boild, ooe a male, lud the otW afemaleacademy. Safaaadpttcoi for ranoas beacToIeat parpoean in tba Char^ ooght to comaieDoe Mtriy ia the spring. For et«ry deacoa there o^t to be three other per- sons with tabaeriptionn, in oae man, one aiar' ried aad oae tisgle lady. £*ery member aad areryfrteoddioald be Tinted, aad alt the sab- sariptiocs collected before tbe Associatioti. There eoald be on each tabscriptioa foor n Ita oolamna—oae for Home iiwAofxs, ooe f^r Foreiga Mtssioas, one for Edacation, <fcc., oae for Domestic Misii(ns ia the Spnth-Weni Some Cfaarehes collcot mwey on Satnrdsy be- (brs the Assoeiatioa, wbea ttint-ftniJu of the member* are abeeat It is Tery wrong to thrcnr oat the net when there are nofishpresent E. Doaaoit. rw MM Tnwm ItepW. Bio. Gaarxa.—I hare been aa iatarestad reader of die Old Laadinark issaea; yet I am dasiroas to hate yoar riewa ralatiTa ta what I ooaeeiTe to be the legitiatata eoaseqaanets Sowingfromthe prianplea of Old Landmark' isa. The adbarcats of the Old Landman atterly rcpadiata, whu is termed 'palpit eoia maaioa' with aay of the preaehera of Peda They do aot regard tham as gosp^ to .1 miaikters; aad, therefore, eoaseieatioady pe^ •tat ia aoa-neog^oa. They sodaloaaly aroid iaword, dead, aad thoaght, aay thbg whi^ woald coauait them to aa iadorsemeatof sac^ pmohMa ia the eharaatar of gospel miabtert. Tba davalopmaat b aot yet Sappoea ^ t se 01^ Laadmark ^readier atimit lha palpit atiaistiatioaa af a Pcdobaptist preaehar, b aot as deeidad a ree^putioa aa caal>e ghraa^ Woald U aot ba ao r^ardad by tha aadbMai? laitaotasmarkadaraeogaiiioaaaif ha took hb ]^a«a ia the palpHt Nay, mota: b Old Laadmark maa &ithfU ta Ua vrooipto aaleas ha wonu BofHtU andcB aCfcirs ta aTaid ooaateaaaang Pedob^tist preaAao^Jkl withdrawing ia satry castfromdiiir pd^ mtaistratfoDat Am Ihcaa not Oa Intimate oonelaiioaafrpcattw OM fiaiidiiiaAt la ^ aot &a ptae^ vUek tlM OM Lairf. w k iflipiriwHiy dcBisdv T An Old Laadwk pteaohara oovii itbn thi^ aataal haifa sappoaad; "MfM^i ^' atteadiag'vonhif vhara Padahaptbt jii «a oSabtet Is H ooft liair bonda» doqr to a«deaT«r ta legalatailw hi^of Ba»^,ao «0 wH i kbMM tW> laikufl fiiyPajohaf tbi inMiimrr. rr* ae'lette Msssaa. Kattoas.—I beUere I wrote the >MriW n«r ospy of a letter.giring Dr. Manly'* inlea tioDs or views ia retaraing to Alabama. Bat I hare eopies of two letters written by Dr. Maaly, bearine on me as a Lasdmarker, or I aa I aaderatand tha maitar) as aa opponent of Headerson's war apoa Broe. GraTes, Dayton. and Paodktoa. Somatimdlast spring, I wrote to H. aad T., disapprobatiog their coanc iathis matter, and direetinf them to ora^e my namefromtheir snbseriem' lin. Xext I hurd that my letter was said to be the severest, except one. that had been re- ceived in their office. Shortly after this, I heiurd that I to be " erashed " Shortly after thi?, I was notified that sctoe of the brethren in Ash Creek Cbareh had objeetioas ta me becaosa 1 taikadfradyon tha Lasd- inark—(Ifreelyooademaed the eoorte of the W. B-inpersecatisgthe "Triamvirate;")— bat if 1 woald promua to be silent on that mbjw;, it woald mve satisfaction. This pro- poMtioa I refasea Oa the evening of this (iay. Dr. M.'s letter, giving his views of the Landmark asd its tendeiicte^ was handed to me with the ptrmitsioa to bring it home read it at cwvesience. And I took a copy without leave. I saw at opce, that if tha a4- viM of thb letter was pat into practice, t^tl wjoli have to give ap the eha^ of the Chtireh, aad I aad my family leave it. All of which has been done. The Oharch was aot pposed to me as a whole, or even a mtjority; bat one leading deaison, and one other male member, as I have been iWisfactorily informed. The other IcUer of Dr. Manly was written npoG being iafbrmed that I had seeu the firt<t, »r,d tikec a copy of it. The Doctor gives n» vinegar and «I1 for Uki^g a copy of his let- Mr. Bat I M perfectly justified, bccanse It was isteoded to "era^" me withoat my know- ing from whence came tbe biow. Theje letters of Dr. M.'3 ooght to be seen by th^ ^ptiit deaomiaation. I was astonisbed at tbe first one. The second ooofirmed it. I took tbe copies, ss I had arightto do, for self-defeooe —torfiowhow aad why I waa drivM, together with my family, from the A^h Creek Choreh. He albwed me to take a copy of the feeond, as ezplainiDg the first I have been aJted if I did write "Vox Pop- all " I answered, uo—iuf ti sttiitd m* as vul I iadierUttnit I sappose Manly's re- tam to Alabama wiU do oo good to the caose of oar Lord. Great caation is neoesary oa oar part, as tbe War b aa aabascads one." I have bm disappointed where I had iw thoasht of it. The deaomiaation u nearly eqaally £vided in tiis r^on I think a majority are Graves' friends. I am decidedly opj^ed to the action of tbe Coaventioa in the appoistmcnt of Manly. It has introdneed a new nfEoa. iomy view, wholly onneeessary That Dr. M b faily deter- mined to pat dowa Graves, I doubt net ^ reanrked to me last samooer, ia enoversatioB, •• Graves oaght to be pat down." He repeated, Graves oaght to ba pat down;" aad I doabt no^ he will do all in his power to piU Gravtg doioa; aad with him, all Landmark preacher*, 'ast as I was pat doaa. The brethren (some) will help the brethren in Nashville build a hcaae. Wa are rejoied to sea that Bro. Graves baa been triamphaatly a<^tted by tha Ccaseil. Write frtt{aently. Direet yoar letters to Pleatant Hill. Toar», Ao., D. Psaauts. P. 8 Yon may send avopy of thb to tha Tenaesate Baptbt. a. r. Then, Messrs. Editors, It eeems that oar ^pr^teasioaa are begtaaiag to b« realised by some of oar brethrea. Dr. Maaly has begaa hb work of "crashing" Laadmark Biptista be fiira he leaves Charleston. Ha enters tba State with tha aayiag on hb toagae, •• Qravea oaght to ba pat dawa." aad with tha andeiS staadiag that Landmark Baptist* are to ba *'«rB*lied." Thero are many of as JUaadmark pasters in Alabama, who ar« expeoting Dr. M. to try to crasA a^ How easy he aaa do it, aad yet aot be known, by writing a Suil to same "deMsa," or other member of infioimaa, of whom ha can suka a tool agaiast the pas« tor; lor aopastar will ba willing to retain!^ poattioa afWr karniDg that iaflaaatial ateajMH aia opipaaad tc him. Bat whiia tlua b b«Bg "A oHAvai <» aauanrai THwa.—It baadar- atood thatSer. jr;P. Tastin, late a Baptiat d«r«y*aa. Vat aow Kavaliag Jb Eorape, has apphod to Bight Bar. Bidiop Chtrk. of thb dioee^ for orders in the Epiaoonal Charch.— iVaridbKatA/jFrn*." ^ Massaa Eatioas:—Ifinda paragn^ of whiA the above b a lih^ eopy, ia the Aik gasta CoastitatiaaaUst of the 27 th last. It profe«es to be ao|dadfroma Bhode Islaad paper, and, I aaderstand, has appeared also ia the Charlestoa Uereaiy. Tery likely it will go the rounds af the secolar press. Several qaeatiooa ariaa ia regard to thb aews- /» ii trutt Cis ir >e Tane? I caa hardly bal^e it. May ther<» not be anoilier Rev, J. P. Tcsiw? as there was formerly anoiiter J. B. Gravos. Yat Uia jparagra^ dow seem to point di- raoUy to that Bav. J. P, Tostia who waa lately aditor of tha Soathem Baptist, aad Secratary of the Soathara Baptist PubUcatioa Society. Ha was originallyfromBbode IsbLsd, aad^ aow traveiigg in Europe. If not ha, who aaa it bar Toraisg from tha paragraph above, I read ia a paatphleteatitlad " Trial of J. B. Graven," p. 79: » AU who kaow aay thing of Mr. T. [Rev. J. P. Tastia,] or of hb paper, know him to ba ooartaoas, geatUaiaaly, and polbhed in all hb intereoarse and writiogs. He b reoeivad aad iadoAed by hb ChiircB in Charlestoa, as a tiae Baptbt, sotind ia doctrines, and in (bonds animpMchabla He b also indoned by tbe Soathera Bsptiit Pablieatioa Some^, haviog for several oon*eoative years been ap- poiated its OtfrrwpondiBg Secretary, whieh uSce be eontinaed tofitlastil he volontarily dealiaed a re-appaiatmeat, bat still eoatinaes oae of ita direeton. Thb is the maa that Mr. GravM baa been denonaeiog fbr mora than a year pas^ aa a Padobapt{«t la dbgtuse, a Presbyterian ia priii«i{de, and a secret opea oommatdoaist." ThBsdia«>Brse8BrotherFtille^,(C. A.,) and upon thb charge, specifieaticn, testimony, (whatever it b,) J. B. Graves waa foandgwl^ and excluded. J. B. Gravsa exdnded for saying that J P. Tasda was « a Pedobaptist in disgnise, a Presbyteriaa ia priaoiple, aad a secret open eommamimbt," when tha bat tam« oat to be that he was not a Presbyterian bat an Epiaco- paliaa! I hope Giavn will hereafter be mora aocarate in hb atateateata, and that the PiHt Chareh in Nashville will be mart jvst tx jnigwunt. For one, I have eatertained a high opinioa of Bev. J. P. Tostin, aadthoagh I disapprcrva ma^ that he haa dose, I have been ^ow to believe that he waa an opea commnnionut, and even now am relaotant to believe that the statemeat in the Providence Pre§s is troe. Bat let as have the trnth. Can any body tell ? What aays the Sontb» em Baptist? Ute Charleston Chnreh? the Soathsm Baptbt Pablieatioa Society 7 Jcsnca. Mar w. iset. 3d. "ilba strife aad oopftwkia** wacataxadoaasd' Mr. H . <k BUisiKK aeoona whUi aaUified tha' I HI J deei3on of the Asaoeiadea. At ilMpartic^ crisis f ^ a^tbs rtfosa} of tha AaaeeafiaD ia Tirgmia to raOGgmaa his teaj Ue. n. aahantted ta a ralamantei, hb peo;^ with two or three nccytieaafel- iowedhis enta^" ' [adds Ibv Msnerj ttrmimtltdamBitJlmtaad£kiwi*s ctatnemy.* The ccodudiie reflection of the histeriaa ^shoirs wkat JKSSC h&cCK tboo^ of the trsnsaetioa: ^ Moft^raMajasr tapOtmi^ , t 4th. Tha A ' «ociatMm U the time of rsodcring thb decirma was only jn itsfiKmingperiod^aad was Tin the minitttr particalariy) atrpt^y tiao- tared with Armimataan. The Aandarioa, cordjjiR t» Mereer, vn« eaustltuted m I7M with oidyfiveCharches ami ra or sevea aftidn^ Or. Shsrwood, however, pats the csBstitBtioa OM yesi- later, la 1788 the» wa»a thkty-oiw ' 'hankies, and perhaps twenty-fiTe ur twaa^^e^t mh^ere. In tbe oowse of the next tWaoF three years, teveral of the mhiwteri 0{^y 'adopted tbeAnahiiao Echeaie oTDoctriae*' and-thoagh labored with, long and afiee^onately, br several r the ablest mimsten ia the ooimactiai^' it wax nnavailing. " They oontSnnad t» propagate their Anninbn doctrines." Finally the Asaotiitioa, bv large miyority, advised the Chanhas to cJl ther mhiistats to aoconnt "Ibr the propacation of error, aadfersaaiiq^ tha seedstfdssMrd aanng brethren.* F»»rrateiistenw«i» aecoritBgiy ex-, eluded, two of them being man of gnat al^tr.' Two entira Charehev and a auDori^ «f aactbci-^ Chareh, wi^ a few. scatterii^ members, sided with the exdndad minMcn and SKtaded » new Aesocbtioa, which, howeTar,socia etna toaanght. The leader of tbe sdii«n died. The taotining minlsteco aad most of tbe membars ncaatod aad wexe rwtorsd. 5th. Tha decisk» of the Assocbtiao in 1788 stands alsa* ia tha hirtoY of tba Gsotgia Bap- tists, amr havisK best iuUowed in ptaetiec;' bat re|iiMadiyeoBtiadtetadbysobsaqBantdeeiisos>. I will mentioa aosaa proA ^this opermlioB. After tha sattlemaat of the dilBenUy pMiioed by Botch- inmo's r«ee{]«ioa; tba quests does sot appear have b«ea'*gtm mootedtillI8I0. lathat rear a Qoery. was presentiidfiooithe Chtrrch at iTishing Vred^ Wilkes Oouaty: " Shall aay pei^ be'received into oar oom- mnnity >» a bsptiim received from s Msthodist or Pedobaptist miakter? Asd if aot, what shsll badooa with thoaa who may have hcas lecasied t saeh baptisra Tbasivweris, la tba iMsativa; aad reeomntenil thatsach as hare beea ranted on so^ h^tism be r»4iap- tixed."—Mercte^ Bi«t. Gee. Aw; p. 133. ibcai Ttm tk* WMMn Bwartw HMTORlCXt. Bao. Bostjcsos.-—Ina former No. of joor paper al&ir. I have no desire to interfere in the ifiKcs. sioQ between the brethrea S. and S. Bat, that Toor raaden may nsdarstaiMl tbe positioa ^ the Georgia Baptists in the matter relened to, I send you aa extractfromMercer's Bictoiy cfthe Geotgiia Baptist AKodation with a lew notes of my own. Gturyta Octcber, 1788. Held at Clark's Sutiuo. Ooe thing, however, occurred on thin occaaoo which deKerrea a paasiog notice. Mr. Jamn Datdiinson, a Metbo&t preacher, i^ipeared at this a^on and t^aasted an opportanity to re- late his pxperiaee aadfilthin Chareh.* with a view to his beeomlnga mamher of t^a Chnreh at that plaice. Thb privilege was granted him, asd bie ralaiion beii^ sati^Mtorj, he was reepiTed in- to meoiberthi{k Btt, although he gave np t^ Methodist diadpUn* and docuincs, ambraccd fully thoM of the.Baptist daoomisatioii, be lUd netfeelat liberty to ^ve tip his bi^jtism; having beea imcicr««i nflBn a profesion of Usfiithby the Rav. Mr. Bvmphnwi, a regalar nrini!!ter M tha Mathodbtt cdmaction. thb Was made a quea- tion lur the Aswciatloc than aittlagi and, to the body, there appeared sc much of the Eo»pal order in it. that Mr. U. was admitted by tbe eunwnt of the body upor hisfaaptim thrn received. But in the end it tewiiijated anibrtanttaly. • M»ny ware not well plet»ed with snch a couive. and, 'thare- fbra, it ltd m to striie and caaraM<io. However, aa ^ was an eloquent tuan and truly frrtaot in •plrit, maay were condliated by Lis zeal aed per- savereoce; and strong ho^ wera entertained that moch good would ba tffiected through hif ia- itramantality. Not looK aitar this, Mr. Ilntcfainsonraad»a visit to his relatives in Luodott cotmty, in Virigiala, and commenoed preaching in tbe w^ji. The er*cted a commodious arbor and i^and, and hirt ba continued his tainittratians with great sn<>->-«« (Or tha s|)aee of twelve months. He received ami baptized about one hundred persons at the fruit at his labors, and they wera formed into a Cburtli. But here ended thetoy.For so sooner ifid they applyforadmission uto the Association than tM Talidity of their mipister** baptism waa called in qoeatloD, which of coatae, involved a qoestion as to tbe validity of the baptism of th* wimle Charch. It became a sabj|^ of deep interest in the Aiwodation. A n^nty prsvailM against it, and coaseqoentiy the Choroi was reji " lartiralarei' iao,aBd hia At tlu< particular ciWs Mr. B. submitted to a r»-im- mentoo, aad hia people) wHh tions, Kaliowed his example. Thus tanainatad'a rejected, edtoan two or three axcep- dono,ffitpoetta tiaM, aad tka ooatplratort aat be attoabhad if the whole schema dkoald be axp-Med—iadoed it b already ex- posad. Aad let aot Dr. Haaly'a lapportan axpeot to kill off theforoaof plw truths oa Uib aaltjeet by thaiir aata daaiaL All they whatlkay hava vrittaa aboat thb mm arAr ia B a ^ aoekdarties, ha* laaot a a*«r» dbtial of tka &ela staled. Ia ooaela^, let martatathat^I hava ». a iMIaria «UAitb*taM ttat Dr. MaalyV {nfaeaM lately Tomoaad a I*»dauirk aaalOr ftaai l b pa'tatAia ia Soaih Gaxaliaa; aaattet«iiy ba«aMhainaa Labteutei Ivaajiiiay mta-of tkia wWatlhanrnt* i». Vte-^PoimL mostfierteand distrening controvenv. So mach Ibr admittiiK a Ptdobaptiu administfatioa of the ordimnee of baptism! So<m after this, Mr. H. retoiaet^ to Oeorgia kadtd tnA Be Mtered into merehandisa, andiahtaa waBfUfilledtbededaiatioaar Pkal to Timothy: "But they that win beritJi,&U into temptation and a cnanvand into many foolish and haruU lasts, which drowa men ia destraction and per^tioa j lor the love of mosey is the root of all evil; which white some coveted after, they hata erred liaa the fUth, and pierced tiwEMvca with maigr •orrowa." He plangadiifto . cares, loa his aealforQod, AJl iato tranagrassioa aad was azclvdad from the Church Aad although he afterward proSKMd r^ntaoce^ and waa in some degiee rastorad, he never re< gained hisfonnwstaadiag aad tawfulneia. Ba ttmggled throiq;h a few miscrahia years ia warld* ly ponaitii, asd Aed at hrt aadcradoadofdirk- BanaBddaepdistmB.—Mreir'* Mitt, Go. ~ jfff pp^s^M. Vpoa thb psga of history I rematk: The procteding of tba Auodation was iry galsr. Imteiad of "rdating Ua experieace aad tOrfe Chtbt wUh a view to becoming amembi* of tha Ohnr^" to the Chardi, ha ralatea it to tha Assocbtioa. 1 apprahaad that tWra b not aow a Baptist Chareh ia the XJut«d States that wooht lAiaqnbh to aqy >^ber Jarisfietioa tha ri^tof Jad^i^of a esn(£da:aH exparboce, aad thatthanbao 'Asabcbtbo that wnald mmaa* avaa at aChaidi^ soeh aathottty. Mr. M«ew saya-'ll^ertAaeawaatHBitsd biair[vii., a^^atton^singastla^ DbtbaJ ha was raotivad F.8. ayMtf < •«* Pta^i baM to «pf«ai •» Ma^T^ pliaw*l6F~ai*Sfc Mmi rnpkmtiwttkmA •rnmm^ thflfoliorii^ •9«TiEmTairaxv rM m a t o ^KomM AtiaTelarbadlostU'wa/; the^ U^k Bight«aaato«iadhia;'^{ewfBl^asiai iekaaw tohaKtaUsUa^aadsfbalia fiMni ^imrif «Bftairvny brink. Oaee hb £Mt^ippe^ and he saved hia»^ oaTj- by eal^g tita fiieadlj araefagre^aiL , . ne locg bcaaehw oC the tem* tae^^aa wers awayed ta aadfroby *risk^teent^to ira arm of | SBsta^, bedoBigghiBaaBararseaMfi^fdl mfnoa. Terror sKssd liifevgre^ drops sttti® ^ lib fore^d, aad hb limbs satota 'tegatl Ha f^eat the wbob aight ta ^rersi^ : ier aad ovw the saiaa «nal! cirde, asd ca^h(^£>ecd him motu bowilderad. Botluokl a^ngtay ftsaaks tha eaat; next asnts ^ O^batdy tbtad <doa^ asd aow the bright aadilmieas saa. HelooksuoBBdasdlni^at^arwa folly. Thers il»ve him the laj^ BatiniiaSUiMdfataiatawkbit wa aia hastiaia^ «» fhsID lad aa a*^ an aleada, ao ibHtoaiifirilarOlfcaOMia^ataraal asa- ^oe; aoriB,Mai^,&ajina;^Jay.aid peaoaa&d kfa. Mostr Caaax. TBOBQS3M TOB THS ZBOnUK Aa oar hamUdaogitatioasapoBmattaapas- taaeb»totba««if^Bfthop*^sra tanaiA ^aaattnn^ tha ehuael of the mtetpaprr, wa salaet tfaa as thefirstfc-jnaof intertst. Wa aMMfc*la order of tima ss a proper bt- pfoyad ta nr dayfitrtha bcncSi of our raes. Nawapapera es omaiptaseBt aa the air wa tatatM, aai aa pervadiBgas tha litht frjsi haavai^ are fsr that w j Taaaea. like them omleaked ia the aatirasta of aaa .hiaMeM al- like tinm, are aow ^HsiM sa^ , ta tha bappcf as, Vtt ta the -nty axia- -Pirbipa thbvayatnkaaar readeraas ab^d Kass);uaa, hat it is not mera assertioo; h-bea;»h]e ef ^i^sat sad mtis- ftetoiy dcBOa^tratiDa that wdety ora^d aot cai.-t iaita:prasaBt csata if it wata deprived cf ^ sdjaactaf vvilixxtioa. S o ^ b prograssiva, ewealtaDy cot lika a {Jaaet ia its eoai^ leavitg bdiind it diosa 1fi^of spaoa aaver again to be traveled, bat lika a tree whieh gattos np and iiicorpota'aa with kadffromsoinatiidicp naiare thofe tatiab of its craath. afcich Income ia re- ality itself an^a easnot ba se}iaratrd from it aA braneheaof the dza, lika asetto-gaardl^ Oadtoside, liehage shaEm^ ^ betwaasi b sarefbot-piau Bwyaow aad iteriesthe friradly trae-mark sAi^ hatchet has made, aad he knotrs by J these he shall sooa laava the foiast.! walks oa he oeoarioaally iaoka dowa^] gr«^ chasns, where still ki^ batftayaad ao tarrcr ta kb es^^fbr he ^ows that when the sm have die With, the light will aeattar tl!» lowest . ° . r—B- The aight of the hamaa aoa! has ^tedfor1 'f 5 cannot go backward aty aora agcajthiek darka«» has sarroand^it, «.d golft I per only, and yon pat an immediate ttap Vl haman iaptovameDt: iweiety wiald tteeive a In the minates of 1824 is ^oen", with tie answer to it: " Should a penoQ, on profeeaon of his fiitk, receive bapt5sro by Ia:2:eR.!on at the ha:d& of a inini.<ttrr wuo U of the saute Saith, but of aao^r and Anxunian deuumication, on a chaan of senti- ments, and a desire to come into union with a regular Baptist Uhnrch, be' rcqiAad to snbtnit to the OTdinSBee again 7 Answer m the afiimativa." t. IS6. n tha oession of 1811, a ciraiiar letter was adopted, of wii;eh-tbe author was Jesse Msacut. He says : " " Toa hiire exdted xssa unpleasaatoest among the rcIigisuA deoooiiikations around yoo, becaosa yoa have notftmndit ec-asistent to admit item and their admkattratiau as oanniT ufo VAUB. Wa tberefbre pmpate as th* sabject of tba letter. At Ttoitnu, briefly, xUck had w ta daeai titt admaittraHom, though in tbe propsr wtoai" A)5ain, bo cleirfy states hk reaoons "Ar- i»fiapthmbfimatertte*w3inaimiait!trtdbf tx^itut miMhtm," axd eoaclade^ «tber*£ire we bold their admbtist istioDs mvaue." The positioD cf tha Association Ss, that adsia- (itnukKa by Ptd^pCuts, THOcca is Ta«»aors« Most, are ixvxun. Indeed, I do aot think. that coatruy dedsioa was ever givea by any Aso- ciation in Geo: except in the ancnnaiuas case of Hntchiann in 1788. Iraiaarksixthly, that personal ooosdanctioos (which in a question of thia kind oo^t acrar to be taken into aoooont) appear to hava had mach influence in Hatchinson's case. ,His dnpmet, steiy aad/crtor attracted the brethren t} him. In coDClusion, I remarktiiathis adniismon did not turn out w<jl citherforthe Churdtea or for himselC Notforthe Ohnreies,forcontentioo wu introduce whwh ceased only by a removal of can»e. I«otforMr. Hutchramc hiaaeiP tTanegi>e>isi.ia aad repeatince, workliy car«5 a death of dirkneiw and distress!. 1 d not attach imdos importance to immateri^' »cts, nor consider a-t can» and eflcct, evei>« stand only in the relation of antec^t and ooawquent. Bat tbo choice of one'* caorch relationship n cot _ trivial matter. J* « inferior only tp his geon- iae eonvnrsion t.» God, and I am liee to say that, tccofding ta my Judgment, it is (n not a cases tbe very turat^r point of couvettjoo. Total sur- lender and unri»erv«d aabmis>ioa to Jetus Cbivt are efsential to true onnversion, and the nrniini; with a particaiar body of Christians in Church relationship is a p<rat in which worldly motives are apt to bear with tretnendoat efi^ And compRMDtse of truth hero is jost as iatal, sad fir more sednctive, than in masy other things. Hntchiniion's peninadous adharaow to hb Metho- dn-t iuptistn may have been his loi^iisgforthe fi«>bpct*, and tiw leeks, and the oniuos, and the garlic of Sf^t-" His sufaaeqnent saboisw may have beenfromprudential motives of a worldlv chsractar. Ho could not go bsck. to tbe Methodists with credit: be could not Tcmain among tha Baptists st all withoat yiddiag the point which at tint ha maintained. So ha gave np the contbit. However , this mi^. b^ if the Ass^atioD hsd seen clearly the pina^e and mslntsined Itfldthfuny,thev vronld have kept mirchief from themselvci. and {I speak as a man) might hare brought to H. himself a dear oonvic- tioa of his duty to give np aB--evcry trace eves of his former connection—for hia M»Ur's sales. In regard to the discuasicn between Brethren and Si I repeat, I do not intend to take part in it. My own opsnKm 1 have heretofore ex- prMiad, UiatiwraergtoDs by Pedobaptistatinkteni are not valid. Lam less ooaeenied to know that my onniun has been ectartained and practiced iipon V former generations than that it itri' But as tha extractfromSemple does ast the Georgia Baptist in a right light, 1 , tronbM yoa with this commnnieaticii, that yoar readers lur be osabled to see where the Georgi- ans arc N. M. CaAWroan. have jawced oa either cade, dlai, Tasi£ad aol- erne, and often ha* it stb<jd.oD tl>e veV brink ofdestraetioa. S^ientitiaa, lika m,«tetteat aadtewaJaahadowa,hataaeaaMidtoi»<toait on i>v«r SCB9fri^tftelpradpioe; eftea nitaingbai ilmstro^anaof Go^bt^ saved it Bat look! in the east eomes % fa ~ rt is the daaaine of ccliEhtcn-j^i sooa will fbrtij tot glorioi -hall dbperse all mystery, erroia ticB, aad leave man to eater tbe b ^th £cd love. Thto shall be voices'of peace, joy wwship. Already afewhave reaokad tiie foot- khod frtna whieh it coald aettr reocrer. Tbe wofia eoald aot go on—asa weald not feew what to da T ^ woa?d look at eadi other ia silent smaiemeiit. Not csly woald iha stateraun aad the tamshaat ^ atierly ia tha dai* a* to the great basiaett af hfe, bat t^ iafioenee of sssh a disaster woald reaah lha faranr aad the neehaaie. Tka plneeh arcald «asd still io thefield,asd tha ahattb rraads inaciiva ic the loom. b act aa afer- wisa^t hypotiiems. The experieaae of erery day Itfis ja^fies it Itvt^kaeKl»d(i*^v>kateiktrsertieiiif tiistaB^^se the eighty Btiaaliw tohanuB exertion; aad it b the aniveraal diJEa-<i9n of ^ thai kaowledge ia onr day, by mesas cf tba path, atid are bathing ia tha giorioas ^ood of ] newspapn, which cafioenUy seeoaata far tha light BatasUk^gbasa apoe the j^yibds 1 strides that have beea made in eva^ da- below them where tha idiadows sti'l feat'asd of baaM iiidastry and skilU Thb thought, aad we laava it , , . . ar - I w— —.-»«ient for tie d^c^tia of imr hearts, long at osoe to laiaa to ^ own I r„aers, as oar elj^ b aot to eiter apoa ary high stand po^nt; fai^at^ig that tat je time' the san dtall reach high heavea aad d pel tiie darkaesB of the lowest Talleya They look apoa tha workt of nrtan&dfindI formal demonstratictn of the itmtknfy of tha Mwspaper, bat <»ly to ootic- soms of ita ai^ available eharasteriAiga. Avaflabili^ b a graat word with p-' e*-oa- lating Yankee aatioo, and the t^biiility of them psrfect; and thea thay oty, dee^ nagly r tie aew^^p^r ia, weftelsatiEf^T ^ftombe- "The world, th* worid b beaati&l, d oaly iog overratad We are oir-i*®. «t»h a host maa b rib." They eee God% wwfc; beaati- o? other Mribblers. ledebtf d to U as a fnlW t. tw«v .. vehicle of comma^^* tiuidrcds of faUyfi^ed,ud eeiM to Utsk t«.him ^ Aoald aerer ratch if com- aever btil as ww«y* haviag ^na—aa I pdijj t, ^^jso onr laeabtatioas for sale oa bringing forthfrom^aoa thiogs (J^^wrfeet, | the diet'** ot the book-Kller. Intiusage of bcaaiifal and good, aad thea they i -h that] tmr-»«^ «Ma oaaaet ^ardtowait tiiat hke. They think their prqgraai aU a^ww, i^^jta ttusk tha pablJe mind. What ihey irtieatiieywoald see se-a aobla thiaf Meom- j j^^Tg to aay to tbe world, most b* nid qa^tily plisbad, aad aeon Aatrath, tbuoaaa Lalowly j or not said at all. Tfa* newfpaper saiu their bring a«jeta; bat los» to will #tiiiag,parpcae, ai^ throagh It thcasasds, »ho wrold ar.^wimag,8eeitaeooaipU^ - ^ ctherwM have ^^^ mtrte and died inglo- ' Inoas, have made their ma^-k apoa tbo aca. Bat none more patient waif, aor'longer, I Ktci^ man can exert aa icflaeooe oti the world ; nor mora eaases bring to bear, thaa t«j! Graat ] maltitad«« caa asd will exert that ii.fiaeoca Aatiior: so slew kit fngnu thj^ wa of J throagh tbe aewsptper press, who eithfr eoald finite minds can s»ree pareeivt the ^ of I « wonld aot do it by writing a Wk. The years, aad so oonelade thera b aoae. tha tall, heavnward reaching oak, a by its o'ersbadowing graisdeor, (arg«^< that rolled by while it waa bo^ for perfect tree We fbtget how first bo prepared npon the barren rook, perhaps the spot waa far removed VcrikfTiaa. aewiipaper sffjrds a ready asd immediate eom- manieation wiA others, aad thots who siidi ta reash the pnbBo mini! eaiaot do without it Thb is, however, by ao aicans an advaniaga to writKs aim. Tbe new^per b aot a mua aafaty-valta to let off iato tha ^ tha aoiiceiti of maa, aboat whom the worid eare* astfaing. The law of demand aad sapply obtdss here as . abewbera The world waata to know what tbe parent tree; hot with htm who sees a^ things, | worid iMnki. Aad it b aot ehiefiy fcr ;hs therimplestmsaTs wmetimes bring lirth the the additiontotheir stack of knort- eraatORt enda-meacs so saala a*totooartoHf know srtat othan tiank. gnaw« eai^me*,^ so smpis as w ypeu w i u j ^ ^ sharpeB»th irea *otiiafaas of a man as nsere aomdenta. Perhaps aome lonTaother-1 that cf hb friaji" Newspapers are fialhfnl bird, while hasteaing to her nest vith the |dagoe^typea of socbty. (For thb reaiae aoon for b«rfiedgliaga,grew weary, sdl-) bey an iavalaabk to the hisutiaa and shoald ing slower and dowar, w«i at laat oot^eUed to ptaserred.) aZ^ tv. -vt-i. .i-il J I They are, when hoaest acd sstelligact, tha ^ptbecoveW japa^ whieh t!ak|g L^a^uof popular thought asd faelijg. iTiey below the sariaesi lay loag asoatha #oaaled, j thus exert a pervading ai3 raeiprooal u laenoj until the sanabiaa aad tbadaw,thaUw^tfrost| throagh the whole framework of so«e^, an ia- aad r^, opened tha easket, aad tiA there Ifiaeaeenotoppressive, bat <we stimalsting ta sprang the tender shoot with it> if^ves They supply atotivs. » ai^a «,d m t • 1 t. hoep pablio ipirii. And this they d* as finely vwaed, soft aad doway as aa - afanf* ^f di-etadons. TfceTara check Tha harsh wwd, or the li^t ^ead of »traasctTpt of every day life, botH pabliiS and the greyhoand, as he gaily boimds a^in the I private, aad ooBtint^y hold ap ths ae ioa* of duse, woald have crashed thafragil^tamto | for *miBg or woomgemest. Teas ia earth; bat be who had ao far wat«ii^I.«*ar it, left it not now; bat wh*e tha wd»^lewtoo harshly, taffered it to bead rather th£ break, or taraed aade the eoarse of the ap^aehiag boand. V' And ^as it grew—«a«h yaar. add^ aome- what to iu strength, aad thea God^^t tha tempest that ita reou aiight farther j^oot aad thw^rigiaal oapaeity of ntiapaptn aiirj^y, titey exert a mighty power, asd by thrir ai^er- ad^ departetant of discawion, thry wisid that power for g ^ or tviL Aad th e perpeta- al exfiict of opiaioG which b oittinaaliy go- ing on throagh the aesrrpiw pra^s iaacitably bnaga oat 2k* trath, and at the euas tisa brings it to bear ditaotly apca tha iatereato at Ds&a Bao Gxavss:—I do graatly rejoioe ta tee, ia the Tenaeasea Baptist of the 26th March, that you and I agree apoa the visit of Mr. SpargeoB to oar ooantty; yet, I moat eonftss, that I am not so aangi^ as yaa are, that h!i> comtDg will do as no iojaiy thb side of the moontaias. I fear error, eraa if it b at a dbtanoefrom OS However, while Bro. Graves livw, I feel pretty safe, for I osaaider him yoa) a tower of strength io de&aoe af the trath of the gwpel I pray every day of my Ufa, that the Lord atay strengths aad aphold joa, ia this the ^y of yoar troaW« and pcr- aeoatioaa. I do believe the Lwd b with yoa, and I am eertaia the brethrea are. I am gladtoaeo that yoa will not eireobto uy more of Spargwa'a arrwa I kaow that: thay hava doaa iiyaiy already aot &rfiamma —I fear parmaaant injtuj too. I ibve aever seen Jeakya on the Atoite- it If itbagoodwark iatka sanpntof ag«Be^ati»eaeBt,Iwu(it Hkyb*U«iIl aada tfca tajory SpngaoA kaa doaa span tha miada of afirstiatabrsdieraad lialer. Do^ aadRitaad 'a* aa eoadaanriag Bro- Orawford's book. aItogM|t>. I oaeader it foil ot jewal^ aM iboali be laad atteattrdy alt^-exoapt tlia lOdt -abaptar. I laaaad my hooktoaa latdligtat dbto'; Atmw irn aMdiaUly this aHM ORor that I bat ta^ it^witli gnat d e ^ -WaJBt^tjiK&ktUtwi afaa. (i&t hatvatyjba* iTi»Bri^ tha Savior of aUiMi^ lrt%iMMt 8Kriar to ** baBnar iB Jeaie*<fliaS^« •. - ^ Wa woald aot diqaaraga oral disaasion as strongwfixthemaelvea In Aa earth, "^nd thas j a a e ^ af exai^ irquiry, bat « ^do a^ streagtheaed and ooasi^ldated, it tmnds the ~ ' ~ taajsatio^ of tha prasaat day. ^ took a haadtadyeaia to form tha oak—(£feandiad years of patieat watahfolaaaa. It waa ast too long for God to ^ t ; bat poor, weak maa b aot ocataattowar ladwi^ r g— — M m » — * —* J onuv (WIVB) cvaMA w* grtat aad aoUa tU^; bat. the l^sar aadlgaMt, booaaie, befom thty eaa be • store patieatly we tril, tha better wtHar wtnk) iiaprasdoa has been made, whieh i bedooe. j cametolotik smoB Aar reflective «. Got I the Eamefidiagsas thore with wki^ thay tj trnl of streegth or tkiu. 9 1 t ! •m witli ioiaa, raipti tha diaoa^ioos of the new*- ^ar asasaaritata for thsa of the foraia. Tb^ hara advaataga« peea'br to tfesm«o!Te«. Wkat mea hear ia popalar debate of an exstta* their paauons aad eot>ira>s their pr'jadlcaa by the mere infltwaea of the tosa and aiaaner rf the speaker. Ia the haatof sa^ debate ftara V • - # .u vi ^t— 1 b littb room for the deliberate exercise of thecommg of thefraJta.Ittakes^ « T^U^ig^r, Sareasm aadridicaleeft® hava perhaps leaf MeffiY yaors,toacaoB^Bah aay j atider sadi eareamstances, than ar- eaa be asfwir dj to iobse. _,111 qooo* roaaoaiBK. however eogaaa, eaa rtmn»a. It i 1.. Ind tha baai^ of «ioh lebatH _ wroag, erase aU prejofiea, baabh a* opprea- to took « « Aar r«|>ective <<fesBptnes Bon,ia short, make earth a the eame feeliai ' ^ — be sorprised wbea the fw Edaa of^ drei^j W^d witaeM aay aads ia a world ap^tly growiag ^ . J ^ . lioeie^. Tha Bewq»per oolama invites ddib- Th* mooa that aiovea tha wgh^ooeaa ta axaauaatioa, aot amid ths«a<ty parch- we great tide-wava, aeada not ia bo^aas^g^i laaatavf abygoneaga, acr with the -»« obediaotwaTM nddnlj, 6r itjii •^aatfl hwUlt" is oar oars, bat by ow qaiat «>•- ^ aalmlboakakaMgaly oo»pHst>ad. AB manax^ graa^ad < aad hati^, are dm k laiMariag ^'iba pals*. We saay'^]^ away wthWiA aoaoa- pB^g tin good vamaU. A -nitv aayi: Mwtprasidcaoa. t9aaaUa^MMM,iBj J Lth«BgofiBrtka»«M AfKJCnOK. Wa aim: " Caaaot God briait aa to bokvaa •*« nd |»«perityr Who daahtath otdar t0aae0mpli^ita4e«Sg0B,la fatfgal ofibatba oaa? bat bb'iafii^-wisdcn daeiaetb aoaiaga, virtaH^laaDj,afM*-, i^Hbaalyiiba ooatm^; »d thM|^ ws eaacot aw^ha after a boat (it mUo bacrta bara e-^Bvlaoaa tbafr it triampb." If «a do b«tfleetna aad mUo aat lirciia waiB. A *!agia iato 1*!% osttta aon** wb<** m impatint^ do^s 'ctk way: witb aoU iuid^^alo^ •ftWataHiiaY ,^'bo bath tba Mat jast Jf* w y ^ ftii sew ta "M I bb^UUraa «i<b a nA f ^^ » •ahawleMaa witb lawalL JMe^

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Page 1: raad .l|pM>.Be« »Hu b |«ti«teatiasnMI-i kr Out.OalBEtB duD a nm >ad Is yerferfxA ("sruiirt nt e y Wait,

t GO, »*ekj

SOOBS, kit.


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nre. raad .l|pM>.Be« »u Hb

|«ti«teatiasnMI-i kr Out .OalBEtB

duD a nm >ad fxA ne Is yerfert ("sruiirty Wait, laii witb m-I no lstdsi cflx

' prcveUi tins <fis* lit hrttiz tiuai ink vtiicit ho dii* hsisfiil <&*. tjlla T*vffiifal ii* tbe ami iitBian

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, _ — ri»t,iat t iiiM tisc taftrt. end ta ' pWTSds CV9 I

I IWt tetb ftr DCS will Bim ii _ jr»weH m tbc _—I RsantiT uTcs I IptulT lOul CCRBII iiQiuisap


S 30 'PJ n tiu«HCita. > homir • if

lof t T)iBBt7 of findRit t'aUck Bs ITaaal-.PaifitMte. Moia, Bmia

ttpt.i I tto pi ' pBHD uinu rtfao d iffia. I fti isBBiii rssfti sstf rraidiat ia t^ rMlr , tia« wiEhBaen-wiuiiiiiiliw in MM. Bamif ItHEsuttssts* tf dvy thb semidx

ic Pills, iHmamm.

I bf « tm^it

I Pectoral, rSiCmay,.

: Vktinito ia mt-i«f / kmwBirta tot dnoRsiB £»-ima «•» oiri. It>

• vIktTS its YXTtSK* ID SB

1 aMOBnii tBU aaa ; iMwdtum tbr

I a. asm, jmud. ••mflr--rms

wit W Ihr awM Mdt . tia dl msMT ar ' t^ittftt tmraltor. I rmnkOaWwrnk


!• imialar


'J|m»- » pwawiirfi » ^ - r w r . i

«• la tiM -iM •> iltan l*w>t (•aw A* aMri*

•><M>fk.«rla ate


rfiiiSyiLLE. SATURDAY, JTOSE 18, 1859.


n m m. zimb «••»•. J«na a tW Ckrist, th^ it,

AaaiatmiidQoi. PxowMdtodts&aoa; pr». fjsredbf ttelaar; opeetMlbTtbe i^te; Knt bj A«r««lMr ; kppeuii ms mtke ntiof Um varid, t973t»vsjm tbe8aen8oeafhiiaMl£ He waaappamtad ta tfeniqr; an^ ated for

l HoIy Sfmit vss tHa ns&Mi, dkaFalto aaoiater, dMbaBkaof Jordaa tin plaaa, ud JTcau of 5uarst& aaointad ooe. Aaten wt» Uw type, Jcana waa Oa aatl-^ Ha tveani Oa Sprit witlwsk aad ms tfcw is. aagontad i«t» dwtCoM tf praplMt,priartattd

Aspra^ W H)^; aa priat, ia madeabmaoent; aadaa Ub ka k oomiag to raiga. Ha waa prapbat ax ^ eanii—hen

Uv^i&itfBaite; Winw priaat «a Um carO -toa tta «ada tb* ataeBMat he win nign OB t&e aaith for God bas pledg Iiob-•df to giva iua tke tbtnw of ka fatker IhTid; aad Ua aMwrtifcd onaa ia haans mj: "Ha bat&MdevrkiBga aid priesta ante God, and Mt tkall rtigK aw Ikt aorO."

Jans vaa aanntad « aad Ua aosmiiidaa ma to gtra eteulSJato aa mn; m the l t&er W ghw hiza. To grrs tha bnad Oat and nre ih to ereri ittBg Ufa to an kia foDowrta. "Tlib," amid b '48 the trill of Ima that aaat oa, Oat ooe tiwt aeatk th«Scm,aad WM««tiiaBlkiB,dKn>ld hxy aredattiiig Hfe, aad I will niM haa Bp at tha laatday." Ha waa aamted io a oenfMoi. Sataabad leissd on Aia world, aod isad lad area God's dtoant eaptm at kii wilL HaicfaaadtaUbaisteor top^wiihoM. Ha woaUmt gm^; Aerffera Oa Son ofGed waa nninfeted to daatroT- ^ worb of tba danl; aadhaTiog spoilt prinoipaKtiaa aad powvra, aiadaa ibow itf tliam openiy, tri-axapking ovar thoa aa ^ enaa. Ha waa •ooiiited to^cf « raamwaiiafietf—a rMoaeili-stioa bstwaea Qod and maa. To

reznoTC cr-«7 tlung oat of God'a wajf. th^ ba may oo-drably maatai,aadbaat paaaa with «a,aad ^ eie«t a diaaga ia aa, that waoay laeet God and b« reaoomled

aato biia God waa io OmstremadBi tin world aato lumodf, aot iaputing tbatr Umpaiiwi aato tbtm God nowbmaihiw lerBBaaBOad tobiBi,aad w« ara broaj aboT« all tlnnga to daain asd pH»bia ftieaddh^ Ha was aaaiated fe r»-Hen an «r&. Sia bad dakea tba world oat ef iia plaoe ia God's aystna. Tba curse of God i^cd over it. Tbe priaoa of darkam fbaiaedifi. Ernry aril foand a bona in it. God dotenataed to reaover aad restore it Je-ms waa appirated to aooocairfisb tbis itapon-•isoa work. Aad we aow look far ao great a

to ba pvodaocd ia tbit worM, tbat

will be like a new world, aa if it bad jaat beea railed iato epaee btm tiia palat of tbe glarioiH Creator. " Wa, aecordiog to bit pranusa, look &>r sew baavana aad a aaw eMtii, wkorwD dweQetb rigbtaoaaeaa:" Glortoas will tbis world appear, by-aad-by, wbea Jesaa daiaH it, dwsllfi ia it, sadretgas o*er itwithbisbelored ride; he wSI again "plaat tba beavess, aad

lay tba foaadattoaa of tka eartb, aad lay oato Zi'MT, Tlum art my pa da," Isa. E 16. He waaaaoinMd toJSS ctt opar, tba jijionoas oSca ^ Mediator betwea God asd moa. Tius oee oSoe iaehidcs aE tte tai$; ba ofiaiatas fur God ia bis deaKagu witk ama, aad be offioiates forsumiabwdaaliagawitbGod. H» is tbo mediam of seeeas, aad tbe eaaae of oar aeeep-taaee. AQ tbe blaanags €hid bestows apon as peas tbroagb bim; aad aU tbe prayers aad prMseswaolfdr, paaatbroagbbimtoGgd. God baa aotbiag do with as bat tkioi^ Chri«i;

. Vti b ^ actbio t9 do witb God bat tbroagb CbxisC Ha was aaoiated U> qualtfy Jiimforantmg^aeL He bad aaga^, ia tba arariaatiag ereat. to glorify God ia this jUka world, to pal aw^ «b oat of Gad's •iig it. and to gatbar togathw, as i&eep io one bid. tbe obildxea of God wbi were scaUerpd abroad. To prepare biai br tbis glerioa* wark, the Spirit of God deaeeaded aadraatad npoa bim; aad by the Spirit be spake, wnagbC, aad *at las* oSared bimaelf witboat ipottoGod. HawaaaaoiatadlanflMrwsi*/God m tartk. Tbiv ba did fally aad aeearately, »Hi iherefin, ha said ta Philip, "Hetbatbath Mea mabath aeea tha Father." Wa baboid in bis aavwM &oe the gjorr of God. aad are traasfonaed thereby. Tbrwigb tba Goapel. «*ta aow, we re«rif« Aa l^t of tbe kaowl edge of ti»e ory of God, ia the feeo of Jesas Cbxiat Fiaally, ba waa aaoiated ii vin a mmm, a crowa of gl«i7. » heaatiftil diadem Tba etowa of salTatioa. Hia gtey wUl ba giaat ia oar wlTatioa, hoaar aad anjasty will bakidapoabim; hb Father will etowa bin, bis Cbareh wiU arowa him, aad awry ia ridaal balierar will crowa him.

O thoa blea«d Jasa thoa glorioaa Christ of God, my saal is WW with admiratioa, lota •ad adoratioal I Wasathee, I praise tbee, ' macaify thy holy mmiu Anolntad of tba falber, t aakaowledge thee to ba the Mestiab,

•the Priaaa, th* SaTiorl I iatiart my aoal ta thee. I iriU axpeat wary Wemag «ro« thee; 1 win asetiba my wb«l« »lratioa thee. IrtijoleethfttAePalWaaoiBtedtbea tbat thoa ftUeat awy o««a, hart aadwtakaa the whole werk, aa aa ta ba aatiUed ta the whole g»afy. Tfcwtahatt 1»a my prophet, my inical. my ktag. I wjoiod ia thy oommlasioa l|k>iyfaftj«ii>T«rtiiI «rJoy thy racoa-dUukm; laatialpalathapatfce* reatowtioB o .thafUIopkaa*; I willlia»thaehawJ «• • 6adoalyfe«i ^ ««n« LurtafalL <iT!wAart tha Eag OChrirt! Heanmaadaa»th aia fUlof tba

aaiiQ iaal. a^ ai&praiaatlmi Othatlaorid pniaa thaa

, ttea^ii-Hrniy nti, tf^

This passage b a propbeoy that it to raeeiTc ita folilfaBent ia tbe last days. We beSara that it is b«sg falfiDed area now, that tbe lf«t daya are as, and tbe perfloiw tiaies ba e come.

It is a littla reaxukahle that tbe Apo le weald look bsyoed tK« pemeeatioua of bib owa days to the wily arta aad aedadng flatteries of tbeae days as being tbe aioet perfloas of fiie twa;y^iti3a faotwUdithe biat^of tte past abaadaaUy provea, that tbe Cbar has more to fear from tbe frieadsbip tiiaa the aa-mity of tbe waiid, that Satea hi aKnra to 'he dreaded wbea traatformed iatn aa aagal of U t,t}iaa iriiea be attaek? the Cbris^ with hisboias aad boob tUMc, and tbe'ftir iof the demon flashiag forth from bis eyes. B^ yaa'i Cbristiaa gained a glorioai rietoiyofer Appolyon ia a band-to-haad ebooanter ia ^ TaUey of baaulity, bat be was ovsroome aiid led iato tbe mare by the sao<itb words sad bmeyed phrases of tbe dcedTer ia liIs aasaaied garmeat of wluta. Sren so is tbe preMnt tiBM exeeediogly perilous oa aceoant of &a popalarity cf religioo, aad the esirem itba« ia tbe eyw of tbe worid. , la olto times a paUie prifesrion of l)ia

relipoB <tf Jesas was a mere passport to the mal^tor^ eroas, the felon's daogectf, or tbe martyr stake if; tbea held oat ao fa-daoemeats to tbo worldly-mioded maa, ao ^ traetnsns to the &ahioB«bIe woman, t^e par-leontions of tbe dtseiples formed aa eetijal barrier which kept the Obardi eomparaUr y free from the evil* of aa nawwthy memb aUp. Bat aow wbea religion ha« beoMie po^ar. wbea a profeasioo of it is neeeesary to be coadderad rcfpecUble, and it is dree^ ap ia the tinseled gewgaws, aad gay plaaun of tbe Taaity-loring age, I traable for the safety of the <dd <hip that has so long weather tbe storat. I fsar anleaa. the Pilot of the Gallileaa Lake gatdea her, that the will jat last be wreaked on come stormy coast, ^ drawn iato the yawning, obasia of aoate roaring wbirlpsol. O Lad, save thy peoj e from tile wQea of Satan aad the sedncisg Sat-teries of the world.


t ^ JBmb. a i ^ H h Wka>aV9«listeaila4satft;

And 'hit Mi OMI iOBMdlwIbh, By an tUop OatlaDre bna^ -'Jena.'mr Lord, haw voodroai paat

It tUaeaxalted casw; Thrcfariaa of tfcjr kcaTsrir ctate, let wUa aaith peiUba''


eegaietiwa aa gospel preasiheea by aa att^ daaeaoa their wdrnktryi

aowteg the wiUagaess whi yoahm «vtr maalfHrtad ia exptaasiBg yoarY wa apoa Bap&t &ilh aad polity, I have sobmittad the

hoping that yoa will Sad it mTeaiaa* to gira ynor news apoa them, aad ohEga, k KantKXT BAmtr.

Baattro.—Will "A Ksntael Baptist" fi^ pnrra that BaptiaU do raeo iae Pado-baptist pnaahera as seriptaral miaiatm by bearing them preaehT If be e» do this, we wHI gira oae •oto aguast tbe practiea. Wbereia does it iarolta a reoogaitim? We ask with no-ather mottre than to obtota light.

irst artiela qaestkmigg the propriety of Dr. Maaly's mission in this Bute. That arti«Ie baa doaa Jost what I iateadtd it to do; !. a, it baa broagiit tbe snbjMt into a ooanie of in* Tcaid ca before tbe Bsf^t '^eli" of AIa>

ta, wbvm it 4* likelv to reniaiB nstil fmly settiail Sa*«i«i bretbesD have written diapa-tatioaa—«}Bte dtr«etly a^ others indire«tly<— against the views preseated ia my artiele. Of thia I am glad; bat I am so iBensdaloas, that they bare as yet failed to satisfy me that iba ' >oetor'g mtJMin in Alabama is sot a partisan moreiaent; and there are many scores of B^ ti<ia ia the Etate who aniathe »aine eat ory with myselfl I brg peimissioD, Messrs tors, ta sabnit tbe folloiriDg pointed letter froai.Sider D. Peebles, M. D., of Pieaswt Hill, Ala. Dr. Peeblea is well kaowa ia this •ate as a mia{«t«r of high staadiag, sastain-

lag, as he an incproaehable ebaraeter for trnth aad Christian integrity. Hear bim:

Lown»C9 Cocsit, Ala., April 16, '59. , Dear Brother: Yoara of Match the Slat, was reoeired a few days sinee, and I ha. teti to answer it. I hare no letter,

BOOCATIOtf. As a denoaiination we are sot doing oar

daty. Wa are aot Uldng eare of oar eroplaf girb asd boys. We are giving them to the Pedobaptirtt to edacate them; thereby loeiag both the moaey and the ehildrea. Eraiy yev there ia aa imsMuse dnda of peeaaiary, s ^ tal aad moral tnflaenee going to the Pedob p-tists. MonoTer, if we do aot respeet oar aelTeaothear people will not reject as. Tbe yoath are the hope of tbe eoantry. Tbe m«n who works rery hard, bat does aot fence his erop, is apt to lose it. If we do not b<uld colleges, academies aad schofls, for oar rUl-drcn, we ihall lose them. Too iMig ha e «e permitted other people to manage for as, a-) if we were miaors, and they were oar gaardLins.

thiak wo have ' nse enoogh to act witboot gaardiaas, aad sorely we are old enoogb.

Bills feed branches, branches feed ereeks, and ereeks feed riTers. Old field schools f>i academies, and ae emiee feed colleges, shoald hare a male asd a female academy ia erery Association either on the rolnntary er stock plaa to sapply oar owa wants. Any Chorch haricga taste fwedaeatioa euald boild aad fapport aa abademy. Sarcly there coald ba foaad two Cbarebee in eaeh Aasoeiatioa bar-iag taito eooagh to boild, ooe a male, lud the otW a female academy.

Safaaadpttcoi for ranoas beacToIeat parpoean in tba Char ooght to comaieDoe Mtriy ia the spring. For et«ry deacoa there o^t to be three other per-sons with tabaeriptionn, in oae man, one aiar' ried aad oae tisgle lady. £*ery member aad arery frteod dioald be Tinted, aad alt the sab-sariptiocs collected before tbe Associatioti. There eoald be on each tabscriptioa foor n Ita oolamna—oae for Home iiwAofxs, ooe f r Foreiga Mtssioas, one for Edacation, <fcc., oae for Domestic Misii(ns ia the Spnth-Weni Some Cfaarehes collcot mwey on Satnrdsy be-(brs the Assoeiatioa, wbea ttint-ftniJu of the member* are abeeat It is Tery wrong to thrcnr oat the net when there are no fish present

E. Doaaoit. rw MM Tnwm ItepW.

Bio. Gaarxa.—I hare been aa iatarestad reader of die Old Laadinark issaea; yet I am dasiroas to hate yoar riewa ralatiTa ta what I ooaeeiTe to be the legitiatata eoaseqaanets Sowing from the prianplea of Old Landmark' isa. The adbarcats of the Old Landman atterly rcpadiata, whu is termed 'palpit eoia maaioa' with aay of the preaehera of Peda

They do aot regard tham as gosp



miaikters; aad, therefore, eoaseieatioady pe •tat ia aoa-neog oa. They sodaloaaly aroid iaword, dead, aad thoaght, aay thbg whi woald coauait them to aa iadorsemeatof sac pmohMa ia the eharaatar of gospel miabtert. Tba davalopmaat b aot yet Sappoea t se 01 Laadmark readier atimit lha palpit atiaistiatioaa af a Pcdobaptist preaehar, b aot as deeidad a ree putioa aa caal>e ghraa Woald U aot ba ao r ardad by tha aadbMai? laitaotasmarkadaraeogaiiioaaaif ha took hb ] a«a ia the palpHt Nay, mota: b Old Laadmark maa &ithfU ta Ua vrooipto aaleas ha wonu BofHtU andcB aCfcirs ta aTaid ooaateaaaang Pedob tist preaAao Jkl withdrawing ia satry cast from diiir pd^ mtaistratfoDat Am Ihcaa not Oa Intimate oonelaiioaa frpca ttw OM fiaiidiiiaAt

la aot &a ptae^ vUek tlM OM Lairf. wk iflipiriwHiy dcBisdv T

An Old Laadwk pteaohara oovii itbn thi aataal haifa sappoaad; "MfMi ^' atteadiag'vonhif vhara Padahaptbt jii «a oSabtet

Is H ooft liair bonda» doqr to a«deaT«r ta legalatailw hi^of Ba»,ao «0 wHikbMM tW> laikufl fiiyPajohaf tbi inMiimrr. rr* ae'lette

Msssaa. Kattoas.—I beUere I wrote the


n«r ospy of a letter.giring Dr. Manly'* inlea tioDs or views ia retaraing to Alabama. Bat I hare eopies of two letters written by Dr. Maaly, bearine on me as a Lasdmarker, or I aa I aaderatand tha maitar) as aa opponent of Headerson's war apoa Broe. GraTes, Dayton. and Paodktoa. Soma timd last spring, I wrote to H. aad T., disapprobatiog their coanc iathis matter, and direetinf them to ora e my name from their snbseriem' lin. Xext I hurd that my letter was said to be the severest, except one. that had been re-ceived in their office. Shortly after this, I heiurd that I to be " erashed " Shortly after thi?, I was notified that sctoe of the brethren in Ash Creek Cbareh had objeetioas ta me becaosa 1 taikad frady on tha Lasd-inark—(I freely ooademaed the eoorte of the W. B-inpersecatisgthe "Triamvirate;")— bat if 1 woald promua to be silent on that mbjw;, it woald mve satisfaction. This pro-poMtioa I refasea Oa the evening of this (iay. Dr. M.'s letter, giving his views of the Landmark asd its tendeiicte was handed to me with the ptrmitsioa to bring it home read it at cwvesience. And I took a copy without leave. I saw at opce, that if tha a4-viiM of thb letter was pat into practice, t^tl wjoli have to give ap the eha^ of the Chtireh, aad I aad my family leave it. All of which has been done. The Oharch was aot pposed to me as a whole, or even a mt jority; bat one leading deaison, and one other male member, as I have been iWisfactorily informed. The other IcUer of Dr. Manly was written npoG being iafbrmed that I had seeu the firt<t, »r,d tikec a copy of it. The Doctor gives n» vinegar and «I1 for Uki g a copy of his let-Mr. Bat I M perfectly justified, bccanse It was isteoded to "era " me withoat my know-ing from whence came tbe biow. Theje letters of Dr. M.'3 ooght to be seen by th ^ptiit deaomiaation. I was astonisbed at tbe first one. The second ooofirmed it. I took tbe copies, ss I had a right to do, for self-defeooe —to rfiow how aad why I waa drivM, together with my family, from the Ah Creek Choreh. He alb wed me to take a copy of the feeond, as ezplainiDg the first I have been aJted if I did write "Vox Pop-all " I answered, uo—iuf ti sttiitd m* as vul I iadierUttnit I sappose Manly's re-tam to Alabama wiU do oo good to the caose of oar Lord. Great caation is neoesary oa oar part, as tbe War b aa aabascads one." I have bm disappointed where I had iw thoasht of it. The deaomiaation u nearly eqaally £vided in tiis r^on I think a majority are Graves' friends. I am decidedly opj ed to the action of tbe Coaventioa in the appoistmcnt of Manly. It has introdneed a new nfEoa. iomy view, wholly onneeessary That Dr. M b faily deter-mined to pat dowa Graves, I doubt net ^ reanrked to me last samooer, ia enoversatioB, •• Graves oaght to be pat down." He repeated, Graves oaght to ba pat down;" aad I doabt no he will do all in his power to piU Gravtg doioa; aad with him, all Landmark preacher*, 'ast as I was pat doaa. The brethren (some) will help the brethren in Nashville build a hcaae. Wa are rejoied to sea that Bro. Graves baa been triamphaatly a< tted by tha Ccaseil. Write frtt{aently. Direet yoar letters to Pleatant Hill.

Toar», Ao., D. Psaauts. P. 8 Yon may send avopy of thb to tha Tenaesate Baptbt. a. r. Then, Messrs. Editors, It eeems that oar

pr teasioaa are begtaaiag to b« realised by some of oar brethrea. Dr. Maaly has begaa hb work of "crashing" Laadmark Biptista be fiira he leaves Charleston. Ha enters tba State with tha aayiag on hb toagae, •• Qravea oaght to ba pat dawa." aad with tha andeiS staadiag that Landmark Baptist* are to ba *'«rB*lied." Thero are many of as JUaadmark pasters in Alabama, who ar« expeoting Dr. M. to try to crasA a How easy he aaa do it, aad yet aot be known, by writing a Suil to same "deMsa," or other member of infioimaa, of whom ha can suka a tool agaiast the pas« tor; lor aopastar will ba willing to retain! poattioa afWr karniDg that iaflaaatial ateajMH aia opipaaad tc him. Bat whiia tlua b b«Bg

"A oHAvai <» aauanrai THwa.—It baadar-atood thatSer. jr;P. Tastin, late a Baptiat d«r«y*aa. Vat aow Kavaliag Jb Eorape, has apphod to Bight Bar. Bidiop Chtrk. of thb dioee for orders in the Epiaoonal Charch.— iVaridbKatA/jFrn*." ^ Massaa Eatioas:—I find a paragn^ of

whiA the above b a lih^ eopy, ia the Aik gasta CoastitatiaaaUst of the 27 th last. It profe«es to be ao|dad from a Bhode Islaad paper, and, I aaderstand, has appeared also ia the Charlestoa Uereaiy. Tery likely it will go the rounds af the secolar press. Several qaeatiooa ariaa ia regard to thb aews-

/» ii trutt Cis ir >e Tane? I caa hardly bal e it. May ther<» not be anoilier Rev, J. P. Tcsiw? as there was formerly anoiiter J. B. Gravos.

Yat Uia jparagra dow seem to point di-raoUy to that Bav. J. P, Tostia who waa lately aditor of tha Soathem Baptist, aad Secratary of the Soathara Baptist PubUcatioa Society. Ha was originally from Bbode IsbLsd, aad^ aow traveiigg in Europe. If not ha, who aaa it bar

Toraisg from tha paragraph above, I read ia a paatphleteatitlad " Trial of J. B. Graven," p. 79:

» AU who kaow aay thing of Mr. T. [Rev. J. P. Tastia,] or of hb paper, know him to ba ooartaoas, geatUaiaaly, and polbhed in all hb intereoarse and writiogs. He b reoeivad aad iadoAed by hb ChiircB in Charlestoa, as a tiae Baptbt, sotind ia doctrines, and in (bonds animpMchabla He b also indoned by tbe Soathera Bsptiit Pablieatioa Some , haviog for several oon*eoative years been ap-poiated its OtfrrwpondiBg Secretary, whieh uSce be eontinaed to fitl astil he volontarily dealiaed a re-appaiatmeat, bat still eoatinaes oae of ita direeton. Thb is the maa that Mr. GravM baa been denonaeiog fbr mora than a year pas aa a Padobapt{«t la dbgtuse, a Presbyterian ia priii«i{de, and a secret opea oommatdoaist." ThBsdia«>Brse8BrotherFtille ,(C. A.,) and

upon thb charge, specifieaticn, testimony, (whatever it b,) J. B. Graves waa foandgwl and excluded.

J. B. Gravsa exdnded for saying that J P. Tasda was « a Pedobaptist in disgnise, a Presbyteriaa ia priaoiple, aad a secret open eommamimbt," when tha bat tam« oat to be that he was not a Presbyterian bat an Epiaco-paliaa! I hope Giavn will hereafter be mora aocarate in hb atateateata, and that the PiHt Chareh in Nashville will be mart jvst tx jnigwunt.

For one, I have eatertained a high opinioa of Bev. J. P. Tostin, aadthoagh I disapprcrva ma that he haa dose, I have been ow to believe that he waa an opea commnnionut, and even now am relaotant to believe that the statemeat in the Providence Pre§s is troe. Bat let as have the trnth.

Can any body tell ? What aays the Sontb» em Baptist? Ute Charleston Chnreh? the Soathsm Baptbt Pablieatioa Society 7

Jcsnca. Mar w. iset.

3d. "ilba strife aad oopftwkia** wacataxadoaasd' Mr. H.<k BUisiKK aeoona whUi aaUified tha' I HI J deei3on of the Asaoeiadea. At ilMpartic^ crisis f ^ a^tbs rtfosa} of tha AaaeeafiaD ia Tirgmia to raOGgmaa his teaj Ue. n. aahantted ta a ralamantei, hb peo; with two or three nccytieaafel-iowedhis enta^" ' [adds Ibv Msnerj ttrmimtltdamBitJlmtaad£kiwi*s ctatnemy.* The ccodudiie reflection of the histeriaa shoirs wkat JKSSC h&cCK tboo^ of the trsnsaetioa: ^ Moft raMajasr • tapOtmi^ , t 4th. Tha A'«ociatMm U the time of rsodcring thb decirma was only jn its fiKming period aad was Tin the minitttr particalariy) atrpt y tiao-tared with Armimataan. The Aandarioa, cordjjiR t» Mereer, vn« eaustltuted m I7M with oidy five Charches ami ra or sevea aftidn^ Or. Shsrwood, however, pats the csBstitBtioa OM yesi- later, la 1788 the» wa»a thkty-oiw ' 'hankies, and perhaps twenty-fiTe ur twaa e t mh ere. In tbe oowse of the next tWaoF three years, teveral of the mhiwteri 0{ y ''adopted tbeAnahiiao Echeaie oTDoctriae*' and-thoagh labored with, long and afiee onately, br several r the ablest mimsten ia the ooimactiai '' it wax nnavailing. " They oontSnnad t» propagate their Anninbn doctrines." Finally the Asaotiitioa, bv large miyority, advised the Chanhas to cJl ther mhiistats to aoconnt "Ibr the propacation of error, aad fer saaiiq tha seeds tf dssMrd aanng brethren.* F»»r rateiisten w«i» aecoritBgiy ex-, eluded, two of them being man of gnat al tr.' Two entira Charehev and a auDori «f aactbci- Chareh, wi a few. scatterii members, sided with the exdndad minMcn and SKtaded » new Aesocbtioa, which, howeTar,socia etna toaanght. The leader of tbe sdii«n died. The taotining minlsteco aad most of tbe membars ncaatod aad wexe rwtorsd. 5th. Tha decisk» of the Assocbtiao in 1788 stands alsa* ia tha hirtoY of tba Gsotgia Bap-tists, amr havisK best iuUowed in ptaetiec;' bat re|iiMadiyeoBtiadtetadbysobsaqBantdeeiisos>. I will mentioa aosaa proA this opermlioB. After tha sattlemaat of the dilBenUy pMiioed by Botch-inmo's r«ee{]«ioa; tba quests does sot appear have b«ea'*gtm mooted till I8I0. lathat rear a Qoery. was presentiid fiooi the Chtrrch at iTishing Vred Wilkes Oouaty: " Shall aay pei^ be'received into oar oom-mnnity >» a bsptiim received from s Msthodist or Pedobaptist miakter? Asd if aot, what shsll badooa with thoaa who may have hcas lecasied t saeh baptisra Tbasivweris, la tba iMsativa; aad reeomntenil thatsach as hare beea ranted on so h tism be r»4iap-tixed."—Mercte Bi«t. Gee. Aw; p. 133. ibcai

Tttm tk* WMMn Bwartw HMTORlCXt.

Bao. Bostjcsos.-—Ina former No. of joor paper

al&ir. I have no desire to interfere in the ifiKcs. sioQ between the brethrea S. and S. Bat, that Toor raaden may nsdarstaiMl tbe positioa the Georgia Baptists in the matter relened to, I send you aa extract from Mercer's Bictoiy cfthe Geotgiia Baptist AKodation with a lew notes of my own. Gturyta Octcber, 1788. Held at Clark's Sutiuo. Ooe thing, however, occurred on thin occaaoo which deKerrea a paasiog notice. Mr. Jamn Datdiinson, a Metbo&t preacher, i ipeared at this a on and t aasted an opportanity to re-late his pxperiaee aad filth in Chareh.* with a view to his beeomlnga mamher of t a Chnreh at that plaice. Thb privilege was granted him, asd bie ralaiion beii sati Mtorj, he was reepiTed in-to meoiberthi{k Btt, although he gave np t^ Methodist diadpUn* and docuincs, ambraccd fully thoM of the.Baptist daoomisatioii, be lUd net feel at liberty to ve tip his bi jtism; having beea imcicr««i nflBn a profesion of Us fiith by the Rav. Mr. Bvmphnwi, a regalar nrini!!ter M tha Mathodbtt cdmaction. thb Was made a quea-tion lur the Aswciatloc than aittlagi and, to the body, there appeared sc much of the Eo»pal order in it. that Mr. U. was admitted by tbe eunwnt of the body upor his faapti m thrn received. But in the end it tewiiijated anibrtanttaly. • M»ny ware not well plet»ed with snch a couive. and, 'thare-fbra, it ltd m to striie and caaraM<io. However, aa was an eloquent tuan and truly frrtaot in •plrit, maay were condliated by Lis zeal aed per-savereoce; and strong ho^ wera entertained that moch good would ba tffiected through hif ia-itramantality. Not looK aitar this, Mr. Ilntcfainson raad» a visit to his relatives in Luodott cotmty, in Virigiala, and commenoed preaching in tbe w ji. The er*cted a commodious arbor and i and, and hirt ba continued his tainittratians with great sn<>->-«« (Or tha s|)aee of twelve months. He received ami baptized about one hundred persons at the fruit at his labors, and they wera formed into a Cburtli. But here ended the toy. For so sooner ifid they apply for admission uto the Association than tM Talidity of their mipister** baptism waa called in qoeatloD, which of coatae, involved a qoestion as to tbe validity of the baptism of th* wimle Charch. It became a sabj| of deep interest in the Aiwodation. A n^nty prsvailM against it, and coaseqoentiy the Choroi was reji " lartiralarei' iao,aBd hia

At tlu< particular ciWs Mr. B. submitted to a r»-im-mentoo, aad hia people) wHh tions, Kaliowed his example. Thus tanainatad'a

rejected, edtoan two or three axcep-

dono, ffitpoet ta tiaM, aad tka ooatplratort aat be attoabhad if the whole schema

dkoald be axp-Med—iadoed it b already ex-posad. Aad let aot Dr. Haaly'a lapportan axpeot to kill off the foroa of plw truths oa Uib aaltjeet by thaiir aata daaiaL All they

whatlkay hava vrittaa aboat thb mm arAr ia B a ^ aoekdarties, ha* laaot a a*«r» dbtial of tka &ela staled.

Ia ooaela , let ma rtata that I hava ». a iMIaria «UAitb*taM ttat Dr.

MaalyV {nfaeaM lately Tomoaad a I*»dauirk aaalOr ftaai lb pa'tatAia ia Soaih Gaxaliaa; aaattet«iiy ba«aMhainaa Labteutei Ivaajiiiay mta-of tkia wWatlhanrnt* • i». Vte- PoimL

most fierte and distrening controvenv. So mach Ibr admittiiK a Ptdobaptiu administfatioa of the ordimnee of baptism! So<m after this, Mr. H. retoiaet to Oeorgia kadtd tnA Be Mtered into merehandisa, andiahtaa waBfUfilledtbededaiatioaar Pkal to Timothy: "But they that win be ritJi, &U into temptation and a cnanvand into many foolish and haruU lasts, which drowa men ia destraction and per tioa j lor the love of mosey is the root of all evil; which white some coveted after, they hata erred liaa the fUth, and pierced tiwEMvca with maigr •orrowa." He plangadiifto . cares, loa his aeal for Qod, AJl iato tranagrassioa aad was azclvdad from the Church Aad although he afterward proSKMd r ntaoce and waa in some degiee rastorad, he never re< gained his fonnw staadiag aad tawfulneia. Ba ttmggled throiq;h a few miscrahia years ia warld* ly ponaitii, asd Aed at hrt aadcradoadofdirk-BanaBddaepdistmB.—Mreir'* Mitt, Go. ~ jfff pp s M.

Vpoa thb psga of history I rematk: The procteding of tba Auodation was iry galsr. Imteiad of "rdating Ua experieace aad tOrfe Chtbt wUh a view to becoming amembi* of tha Ohnr " to the Chardi, ha ralatea it to tha Assocbtioa. 1 apprahaad that tWra b not aow a Baptist Chareh ia the XJut«d States that wooht lAiaqnbh to aqy >ber Jarisfietioa tha ri^tof Jad i of a esn(£da:aH exparboce, aad thatthanbao 'Asabcbtbo that wnald mmaa* avaa at aChaidi soeh aathottty. Mr.

M«ew saya-'ll ertAaeawaatHBitsd biair[vii., a atton singastla DbtbaJ ha was raotivad

F.8. ayMtf < •«* Pta^i baM to «pf«ai •» Ma T pliaw*l6F~ai*Sfc Mmi

rnpkmtiwttkmA •rnmm^

thfl folio rii

•9«TiEmTairaxv rM mato ^KomM AtiaTelarbadlostU'wa/; the^ U^k

Bight«aaato«iadhia;' {ewfBl asiai iekaaw tohaKtaUsUa^aadsfbalia fiMni imrif «B ftair vny brink. Oaee hb £Mt ippe and he saved hia»^ oaTj- by eal^g tita fiieadlj araefagre^aiL , .

ne locg bcaaehw oC the tem* tae aa wers awayed ta aad fro by

*risk teent^ to ira arm of | SBsta , bedoBigghiBaaBararseaMfi fdl mfnoa. Terror sKssd liifevgre drops sttti® ^ lib fore^d, aad hb limbs satota 'tegatl Ha f eat the wbob aight ta ^rersi^ : ier aad ovw the saiaa «nal! cirde, asd ca h( £>ecd him motu bowilderad. Botluokl a^ngtay ftsaaks tha eaat; next asnts O batdy tbtad <doa asd aow the bright aadilmieas saa. HelooksuoBBdasdlni at arwa folly. Thers il»ve him the laj

BatiniiaSUiMdfataiatawkbit wa aia hastiaia «» fhsID lad aa a*^ an aleada, ao ibHtoaii firilarOlfcaOMia^ ataraal asa-^oe; ao riB,Mai^,&ajina; Jay.aid peaoaa&d kfa. Mostr Caaax.


Aa oar hamUdaogitatioasapoBmattaapas-taaeb»totba««if Bfthop*^sra tanaiA ^aaattnn^ tha ehuael of the mtetpaprr, wa salaet tfaa as the first fc-jna of intertst. Wa aMM fc* la order of tima ss a proper bt-

pfoyad ta nr day fitr tha bcncSi of our raes. Nawapapera es omaiptaseBt aa the air wa tatatM, aai aa pervadiBgas tha litht frjsi haavai are fsr that w j Taaaea. like them omleaked ia the aatirasta of aaa .hiaMeM al-like tinm, are aow HsiM sa , ta tha bappcf as, Vtt ta the -nty axia--Pirbipa thbvayatnkaaar readeraas ab^d Kass);uaa, hat it is not mera assertioo; h-bea;»h]e ef i^sat sad mtis-ftetoiy dcBOatratiDa that wdety ora d aot cai.-t iaita:prasaBt csata if it wata deprived cf ^ sdjaactaf vvilixxtioa. S o ^ b prograssiva, ewealtaDy cot lika a {Jaaet ia its eoai leavitg bdiind it diosa 1 fi^ of spaoa aaver again to be traveled, bat lika a tree whieh gattos np and iiicorpota'aa with kadf from soinatiidicp naiare thofe tatiab of its craath. afcich Income ia re-ality itself ana easnot ba se}iaratrd from it

aA braneheaof the dza, lika asetto-gaardl Oadtoside, liehage shaEm betwaasi b sarefbot-piau Bwyaow aad iteriesthe friradly trae-mark sAi hatchet has made, aad he knotrs by J these he shall sooa laava the foiast.! walks oa he oeoarioaally iaoka dowa] gr« chasns, where still ki^ bat ftay aad ao tarrcr ta kb es fbr he ows that when the sm have

die With, the light will aeattar tl!» lowest . ° . r—B-

The aight of the hamaa aoa! has ^ted for 1 'f 5 cannot go backward aty aora agcajthiek darka«» has sarroand it, «.d

golft I per only, and yon pat an immediate ttap Vl haman iaptovameDt: iweiety wiald tteeive a

In the minates of 1824 is oen", with tie answer to it: " Should a penoQ, on profeeaon of his fiitk, receive bapt5sro by Ia:2:eR.!on at the ha::d& of a inini.<ttrr wuo U of the saute Saith, but of aao r and Anxunian deuumication, on a chaan of senti-ments, and a desire to come into union with a regular Baptist Uhnrch, be' rcqiAad to snbtnit to the OTdinSBee again 7 Answer m the afiimativa." t. IS6. n tha oession of 1811, a ciraiiar letter was adopted, of wii;eh-tbe author was Jesse Msacut. He says : " " Toa hiire exdted xssa unpleasaatoest among the rcIigisuA deoooiiikations around yoo, becaosa yoa have not ftmnd it ec-asistent to admit item and their admkattratiau as oanniT ufo V A U B . Wa tberefbre pmpate as th* sabject of tba letter. At Ttoitnu, briefly, xUck had w ta daeai titt admaittraHom, though in tbe propsr wtoai" A)5ain, bo cleirfy states hk reaoons "Ar-i»fiapthmbfimatertte*w3inaimiait!trtdbf tx itut miMhtm," axd eoaclade «tber*£ire we bold their admbtist istioDs mvaue."

The positioD cf tha Association Ss, that adsia-(itnukKa by Ptd^pCuts, THOcca is Ta«»aors« Most, are ixvxun. Indeed, I do aot think. that coatruy dedsioa was ever givea by any Aso-ciation in Geo: except in the ancnnaiuas case of Hntchiann in 1788. I raiaark sixthly, that personal ooosdanctioos (which in a question of thia kind oo t acrar to be taken into aoooont) appear to hava had mach influence in Hatchinson's case. ,His dnpmet, steiy aad/crtor attracted the brethren t} him. In coDClusion, I remark tiiat his adniismon did not turn out w<jl cither for the Churdtea or for himselC Not for the Ohnreies, for contentioo wu introduce whwh ceased only by a removal of can»e. I«ot for Mr. Hutchramc hiaaeiP tTanegi>e>isi.ia aad repeatince, workliy car«5 a death of dirkneiw and distress!. 1 d not attach imdos importance to immateri ' »cts, nor consider a-t can» and eflcct, evei>« stand only in the relation of antec t and ooawquent. Bat tbo choice of one'* caorch relationship n cot _ trivial matter. J* « inferior only tp his geon-iae eonvnrsion t.» God, and I am liee to say that, tccofding ta my Judgment, it is (n not a cases tbe very turat r point of couvettjoo. Total sur-lender and unri»erv«d aabmis>ioa to Jetus Cbivt are efsential to true onnversion, and the nrniini; with a particaiar body of Christians in Church relationship is a p<rat in which worldly motives are apt to bear with tretnendoat efi^ And compRMDtse of truth hero is jost as iatal, sad fir more sednctive, than in masy other things. Hntchiniion's peninadous adharaow to hb Metho-dn-t iuptistn may have been his loi iisg for the fi«>bpct*, and tiw leeks, and the oniuos, and the garlic of Sf t-" His sufaaeqnent saboisw may have been from prudential motives of a worldlv chsractar. Ho could not go bsck. to tbe Methodists with credit: be could not Tcmain among tha Baptists st all withoat yiddiag the point which at tint ha maintained. So ha gave np the contbit. However , this mi . b if the Ass atioD hsd seen clearly the pina e and mslntsined It fldthfuny, thev vronld have kept mirchief from themselvci. and {I speak as a man) might hare brought to H. himself a dear oonvic-tioa of his duty to give np aB--evcry trace eves of his former connection—for hia M»Ur's sales. In regard to the discuasicn between Brethren and Si I repeat, I do not intend to take part in it. My own opsnKm 1 have heretofore ex-prMiad, UiatiwraergtoDs by Pedobaptistatinkteni are not valid. Lam less ooaeenied to know that my onniun has been ectartained and practiced iipon V former generations than that it it ri ' But as tha extract from Semple does ast the Georgia Baptist in a right light, 1 , tronbM yoa with this commnnieaticii, that yoar readers lur be osabled to see where the Georgi-ans arc N. M. CaAWroan.

have jawced oa either cade, dlai, Tasi£ad aol-erne, and often ha* it stb<jd.oD tl>e veV brink ofdestraetioa. S ientitiaa, lika m,«tetteat aadtewaJaahadowa,hataaeaaMidtoi»<toait on i>v«r SCB9 fri^tftel pradpioe; eftea nitaingbai ilmstro anaof Go bt saved it Bat look! in the east eomes % fa ~ rt is the daaaine of ccliEhtcn-j i sooa will fbrtij tot glorioi -hall dbperse all mystery, erroia ticB, aad leave man to eater tbe b ^th £cd love. Thto shall be voices''of peace, joy wwship.

Already a few have reaokad tiie foot-

khod frtna whieh it coald aettr reocrer. Tbe wofia eoald aot go on—asa weald not feew what to da T ^ woa?d look at eadi other ia silent smaiemeiit. Not csly woald iha stateraun aad the tamshaat atierly ia tha dai* a* to the great basiaett af hfe, bat t^ iafioenee of sssh a disaster woald reaah lha faranr aad the neehaaie. Tka plneeh arcald «asd still io the field, asd tha ahattb rraads inaciiva ic the loom. b act aa afer-wisa t hypotiiems. The experieaae of erery day Itfis ja fies it Itvt^kaeKl»d(i*^v>kateiktrsertieiiif tiistaB^ se the eighty Btiaaliw tohanuB exertion; aad it b the aniveraal diJEa-<i9n of ^ thai kaowledge ia onr day, by mesas cf tba path, atid are bathing ia tha giorioas ood of ] newspapn, which cafioenUy seeoaata far tha light BatasUk gbasa apoe the j yibds 1 strides that have beea made in eva da-below them where tha idiadows sti'l feat'asd of baaM iiidastry and skilU Thb thought, aad we laava it , , . . ar - I w— —.-»«ient for tie d c tia of imr hearts, long at osoe to laiaa to own I r„aers, as oar elj^ b aot to eiter apoa ary high stand po nt; fai at ig that tat je time'

the san dtall reach high heavea aad d pel tiie darkaesB of the lowest Talleya

They look apoa tha workt of nrtan&d find I

formal demonstratictn of the itmtknfy of tha Mwspaper, bat <»ly to ootic- soms of ita ai^ available eharasteriAiga. Avaflabili b a graat word with p-' e*-oa-lating Yankee aatioo, and the t biiility of them psrfect; and thea thay oty, dee nagly r tie aew p r ia, we ftel satiEf T ftom be-

"The world, th* worid b beaati&l, d oaly iog overratad We are oir-i*®. «t»h a host maa b rib." They eee God% wwfc; beaati- o? other Mribblers. ledebtf d to U as a fnlW t. tw«v .. vehicle of comma^^* tiuidrcds of faUy fi^ed, ud eeiM to Utsk t«.him ^ Aoald aerer ratch if com-aever btil as ww«y* haviag na—aa I pdijj t, jso onr laeabtatioas for sale oa bringing forth from aoa thiogs (J wrfeet, | the diet'** ot the book-Kller. In tius age of bcaaiifal and good, aad thea they i -h that] tmr-»« «Ma oaaaet ard to wait tiiat hke. They think their prqgraai aU a ww, i^^jta ttusk tha pablJe mind. What ihey irtiea tiiey woald see se-a aobla thiaf Meom- j j Tg to aay to tbe world, most b* nid qa tily plisbad, aad aeon Aatrath, tbuoaaa Lalowly j or not said at all. Tfa* newfpaper saiu their bring a«jeta; bat los» to will # tiiiag, parpcae, ai throagh It thcasasds, »ho wrold ar. wimag,8eeitaeooaipU^ - ^ ctherwM have ^ ^ mtrte and died inglo-

' Inoas, have made their ma-k apoa tbo aca. Bat none more patient waif, aor'longer, I Ktci man can exert aa icflaeooe oti the world ;

nor mora eaases bring to bear, thaa t«j! Graat ] maltitad«« caa asd will exert that ii.fiaeoca Aatiior: so slew kit fngnu thj wa of J throagh tbe aewsptper press, who eithfr eoald finite minds can s»ree pareeivt the of I « wonld aot do it by writing a Wk. The years, aad so oonelade thera b aoae. tha tall, heavnward reaching oak, a by its o'ersbadowing graisdeor, (arg«< that rolled by while it waa bo^ for perfect tree We fbtget how first bo prepared npon the barren rook, perhaps the spot waa far removed


aewiipaper sff jrds a ready asd immediate eom-manieation wiA others, aad thots who siidi ta reash the pnbBo mini! eaiaot do without it Thb is, however, by ao aicans an advaniaga to writKs aim. Tbe new per b aot a mua aafaty-valta to let off iato tha tha aoiiceiti of maa, aboat whom the worid eare* astfaing. The law of demand aad sapply obtdss here as . abewbera The world waata to know what tbe parent tree; hot with htm who sees a things, | worid iMnki. Aad it b aot ehiefiy fcr ;hs the rimplest msaTs wmetimes bring lirth the the addition to their stack of knort-eraatORt enda-meacs so saala a* totooarto H f know srtat othan tiank. gnaw« eai me*, so smpis as w ypeu w i u j ^ ^ sharpeB»th irea *o tiia faas of a man as nsere aomdenta. Perhaps aome lonTaother-1 that cf hb friaji" Newspapers are fialhfnl bird, while hasteaing to her nest vith the |dagoe typea of socbty. (For thb reaiae aoon for b«r fiedgliaga, grew weary, sdl-) bey an iavalaabk to the hisutiaa and shoald ing slower and dowar, w«i at laat oot eUed to ptaserred.) aZ tv. -vt-i. .i-il J I They are, when hoaest acd sstelligact, tha ^ptbecoveW japa whieh t!ak|g L^a^uof popular thought asd faelijg. iTiey below the sariaesi lay loag asoatha #oaaled, j thus exert a pervading ai3 raeiprooal u laenoj until the sanabiaa aad tbadaw,thaUw t frost | throagh the whole framework of so«e , an ia-aad r^, opened tha easket, aad tiA there I fiaeaeenot oppressive, bat <we stimalsting ta sprang the tender shoot with it> if ves They supply atotivs. » ai^a «,d m t • 1 t. hoep pablio ipirii. And this they d* as finely vwaed, soft aad doway as aa - afanf* ^ f di-etadons. TfceTara check Tha harsh wwd, or the li^t ead of »traasctTpt of every day life, botH pabliiS and the greyhoand, as he gaily boimds a in the I private, aad ooBtint y hold ap ths ae ioa* of duse, woald have crashed tha fragil^tam to | for *miBg or woomgemest. Teas ia earth; bat be who had ao far wat«ii I.«*ar it, left it not now; bat wh*e tha wd» lewtoo harshly, taffered it to bead rather th£ break, or taraed aade the eoarse of the ap aehiag boand. V'

And as it grew—«a«h yaar. add aome-what to iu strength, aad thea God t tha tempest that ita reou aiight farther j oot aad

thw rigiaal oapaeity of ntiapaptn aiirj y, titey exert a mighty power, asd by thrir ai er-ad^ departetant of discawion, thry wisid that power for g ^ or tviL Aad th e perpeta-al exfiict of opiaioG which b oittinaaliy go-ing on throagh the aesrrpi w pra s iaacitably bnaga oat 2k* trath, and at the euas tisa brings it to bear ditaotly apca tha iatereato at

Ds&a Bao Gxavss:—I do graatly rejoioe ta tee, ia the Tenaeasea Baptist of the 26th March, that you and I agree apoa the visit of Mr. SpargeoB to oar ooantty; yet, I moat eonftss, that I am not so aangi as yaa are, that h!i> comtDg will do as no iojaiy thb side of the moontaias. I fear error, eraa if it b at a dbtanoefrom OS However, while Bro. Graves livw, I feel pretty safe, for I osaaider him yoa) a tower of strength io de&aoe af the trath of the gwpel I pray every day of my Ufa, that the Lord atay strengths aad aphold joa, ia this the y of yoar troaW« and pcr-aeoatioaa. I do believe the Lwd b with yoa, and I am eertaia the brethrea are.

I am glad to aeo that yoa will not eireobto uy more of Spargwa'a arrwa I kaow that: thay hava doaa iiyaiy already aot &r fiam ma —I fear parmaaant injtuj too.

I ibve aever seen Jeakya on the Atoite-it If itbagoodwark iatka sanpntof

ag«Be^ati»eaeBt,Iwu(it Hkyb*U«iIl aada tfca tajory SpngaoA kaa doaa span tha miada of a firstiatabrsdier aad lialer. Do^ aadRitaad 'a* aa eoadaanriag Bro-Orawford's book. aItogM|t>. I oaeader it foil ot jewal aM iboali be laad atteattrdy alt -exoapt tlia lOdt -abaptar. I laaaad my hook to aa latdligtat dbto'; Atmw irn aMdiaUly this aHM ORor that I bat ta^ it witli gnat d e ^ -WaJBt tjiK&ktUtwi afaa. (i&t hatvatyjba* iTi»Bri^

tha Savior of aUiMi lrt%iMMt 8Kriar to ** baBnar iB Jeaie*<fliaS^« • . -

^ Wa woald aot diqaaraga oral disaasion as strongw fix themaelvea In Aa earth, " nd thas j a a e ^ af exai^ irquiry, bat « do a^ streagtheaed and ooasi ldated, it tmnds the ~ ' ~ taajsatio^ of tha prasaat day. ^ took a haadtadyeaia to form tha oak—(£feandiad years of patieat watahfolaaaa.

It waa ast too long for God to ^ t ; bat poor, weak maa b aot ocataat to war ladwi

r g— — M m » — * —* J onuv (WIVB) cvaMA w* grtat aad aoUa tU^; bat. the l sar aadlgaMt, booaaie, befom thty eaa be • store patieatly we tril, tha better wtHar wtnk) iiaprasdoa has been made, whieh i bedooe. j came to lotik smoB Aar reflective «. Got I the Eame fidiags as thore with wki thay tj trnl of streegth or tkiu.

9 1 t



witli ioiaa, raipti tha diaoa ioos of the new*-^ar asasaaritata for thsa of the foraia. Tb^ hara advaataga« peea'br to tfesm«o!Te«. Wkat mea hear ia popalar debate of an exstta* their paauons aad eot>ira>s their pr'jadlcaa by the mere infltwaea of the tosa and aiaaner rf the speaker. Ia the haatof sa^ debate ftara V • - # .u vi t— 1 b littb room for the deliberate exercise of thecommg of the fraJta. It takes « T^U^ig^r, Sareasm aad ridicale eft® hava perhaps leaf MeffiY yaors, to acaoBBah aay j atider sadi eareamstances, than ar-eaa be asfwir dj to iobse. _ , 1 1 1 qooo* roaaoaiBK. however eogaaa, eaa rtmn»a.

It i 1.. Ind tha baai^ of «ioh lebatH _ wroag, erase aU prejofiea, baabh a* opprea- to took «« Aar r«|>ective <<fesBptnes Bon,ia short, make earth a the eame feeliai ' — be sorprised wbea the fw Edaa of^ drei^j W d witaeM aay aads ia a world ap^tly growiag

^ . J ^ . lioeie . Tha Bewq»per oolama invites ddib-Th* mooa that aiovea tha wgh ooeaa ta axaauaatioa, aot amid ths«a<ty parch-

we great tide-wava, aeada not ia bo^aas^g i laaatavf abygoneaga, acr with the -»« obediaotwaTM nddnlj, 6r itjii •^aatfl hwUlt" is oar oars, bat by ow qaiat «>•- ^ aalmlboakakaMgaly oo»pHst>ad. AB manax^ graa ad < aad hati , are dm k laiMariag ^'iba pals*. We saay' ] away wthWiA aoaoa-pB^g tin good vamaU. A -nitv aayi: Mwtprasidcaoa. t9aaaUa MMM,iBj



AfKJCnOK. Wa aim: " Caaaot God briait aa to bokvaa •*« nd |»«perityr Who daahtath otdar t0aae0mpli ita4e«Sg0B,la fatfgal ofibatba oaa? bat bb'iafii -wisdcn daeiaetb

aoaiaga, virtaH laaDj,afM*-, i^Hbaalyiiba ooatm ; »d thM| ws eaacot aw ha after a boat (it mUo bacrta bara

e-Bvlaoaa tbafr it triampb."

If «a do b«t flee tna aad mUo aat lirciia waiB. A *!agia iato 1*!% osttta aon** wb<** m impatint do s 'ctk way:

witb aoU iuid^^alo^ •ftWataHiiaY

,^'bo bath tba Mat jast Jf* w y ^ ftii sew ta "M

I bb UUraa «i<b a nA f ^ ^ » •ahawleMaa witb lawalL J M e ^

Page 2: raad .l|pM>.Be« »Hu b |«ti«teatiasnMI-i kr Out.OalBEtB duD a nm >ad Is yerferfxA ("sruiirt nt e y Wait,

."• aoL tt^..

Oondi U U -daek. TOl «SUt to ttl «atte«i-S i cSbis antcqni m V b «mim

ear, ts ancnWBi M B iff-*- •» «> sot a ^ tvlDM ttftOKhMl .

at w B a d d p n M M t e a - X m '^vtet^ bu retM iMt to jaro^

te wlMri. • w ; Bi^Utf ilmU ptar that in-aidMU tkfacti a«i sot BtdOe bnUhfrbto tte ta-ftijisa of P ^ u a t|ia gtarr-^ aatptfrw dai raia of «B BBV ai «ar " eU^ ainiitn.'' ^ tlM jmlwof Bra. ToUwteftMM, U>at ve aMO««>d w w M b a dMW i b i ^ ^ iW' vUdi. wft^UdHi iitiaBS. Bit vUate-.awacnsebteiaiLMbK.aad te^ atedBai^ m a on

^ B n J l U l M B f w M a l a i ^ al, tka 6 i » ami bid tteaan^-^ ta ORNlkt

jjhrpia wnmnr IririrTi • n — ' — H a m O t n T t ss***re sttw*-thaHaid *aii|WI M e

Aoosibt SOClB

tOatlw fidmt pnwftagoot ftMttt flion om

f i ^ points, de Ciwliilte ill. IB s mo et,

•inahtf tvSi'ai^t&aadtaaaqaaclB^ vfainn. atii itatetfs seian^^

=VaH<n« Srfn tsisdidfaawaM mddr i&i.giifc «ar « t w tiritoiiftisai frrfrtf

nwh |IH <11 n a iol&iMi - fspfliiorQk

. ^ - T H J lUitdwf* IB^anflw IiiiiiiiiBi' ^ • irto *• * T miiil*7

O. tlttt&er ia hr

~ „ i>'mrlamiiraoIdlhnBmtndMm

MtiiMn U d pcBt difcbM^i lal W.r.Wi'

j m ^ t j l ^ f k m . J V s a n u , tt W iw-eweeeiitiiaiiBeww. • n eui a a ^ aodoiu MTiTatea of BiiidaM •rLfc.iWr'iia'ir H mlT II l l>e«<&iM-.«i«Ml

tk|» a m M £u M ^

jiylM I •nijihi.aBd.i;^ to I . (J ig ^ SDA btt iBMpfOfi

H» wnirtiaaar •hil iia t i *-•taqair "yni'in—. . hJ -ISMpreaaAlsaBilMaiiitieD'Mfalda^tod, .

Pltejaaartttrai teMaka ^ la^lto'Aaiz:

•Xkb tommrnmetmenSmiitmaaj asaawaAi •MS.- «.r.$kfltgB.H. M. C m M C l ) . ^ ¥

jranama, Batfl Manly, jc, Jata. Jaa. C. Jar-C. U. H. JiiSikEn, J. X. PMdOa-

»*(»>. J. SL i: W. W a i ^ L w . JIaitIn, 4. G. HeCraw. « R v B aeafttH anlr or tar'ani»«tee» I R c l B t B B t t a — B f

tua 11*81 ahPii tfa«Mk(n.ii#a iiMi'taba oppaa|ri—meo. Of cooaa,

esl^ teiiC aOowad a lav hoan to diaeaia 'aad exerted*

I 11 til 11. — J«n. kd*a vMtyaBteaM fclaLwyt* mi 11,, lit ao aarc ttw

faawwpl|tB«<iaUt fcikPidiitnv«(kaaNfB-Bn. B w k wced.ihe a T ^

I{*RapalJaiMieioe. Hakad beaidttatUMnM ralca tt«iaaMi|iMttattbe Bomob Bond hsUL

rf oowaeof caatraL UikvUDdi^ a baeaoM is'


at aa aaancaaaa <i «it niaialmVGhiWiipiS^^ia^

^ l»a«M Air UaacU btt totteetM^aeadiDg «adta CMit; aaA ilMiiU naka bh i|aartnl;

RVMtat^tliaCkwd^Clianibea. TUairoaUCcta-aia k attiar rriaUmUp batawn ttoaa vbo abd tkM vlM 'tacdw. ; jr* aiik<4 U tte Boatd dtd Mt iu aWoo-

ariaaiinalw aBLaalt> ftedgt ttanKlm te ahcy "Aeir ehief Boaid, («>MB<m.> •iannr, "Vd" ttev not toadtj OMticoa aArtOakeaanitt^iBiniai^to Ihe "eontrot of tteSeatir* QMaffiBtwaMdSraikad. Vxia-

, -cd fathaarawfuniTgrM If a m o Oob iUod. esiraud aodteift;;

fa Bi^S-B.-mMWKft-afrBftat,'!^'^ ^ aod^^ (od vasi ^ IfiiMi""-' ^ ^ a i i ara,

dWteig >»g-MPga ot ?»rfhtMni it fa onriuU, ^ accssrariai U> it—i&ani^ »!mmocV». ae-1 illi J 111 11m IntTnii ir-ir •*" *-* I^lcuabt

bam. taam •rinfrtr Iitfn of "J. f.'B,' r tiranj tha Ttiiiw'wa Bapt&t, w U ^

riaooidba can£iilT i^aadApadbyamvy Bap-

Uie ezima. pdoclpal. b wliiwi fa rae. is nw praHst aad iid> ^ Aa' acM—Tf tka tet, ii abp .!_ iiimlTi. -'r---' ' ' : ftaatian toawaStad^ Aaieeawry after»»*e*. toowto tarn iba tzina baa bacs aoBsduadiyK tIJ. will ml Ib'. — » v-ipv^ U> aKaaa^tr aooa^ Un» edoa. Aho, sea petite beneterfa <=*•* M aar -agy tBrdiVftM-M^am aJtaiiUgi. «r tiwa aay ^

latitaiigm •iiiiai 1 «f tbaedai^ac S l ^ W o f ttJ.A'iMa fa pr» ift t. fta luiattuui tfteb r ar aaiMa la ednii-

Urn jmbHe. 8a MrieaiilkB lav, tbat k iwoii'^ Ha. that diK»

a. vnB«. ordaa b tbntard. iaaM pcsi^aqaaBrv&htbapdbdga;" lat*

Umlmmt. Atasiteam. tttuC^iaailuu. noa^ Aa ihrttblthgaaalt.

tas Vto peadsad te Ba* aeeeptiU; bUd.' ^ia^ fiff att xaaTUn goapit «r t&a Ban ^ lioauz. -Vary Btda' af sawfal iotaiait vaa

•Mniidai XonAv. n a snaDiUtaaaSiM IMdi vitTpnp*^

—iiin iiifal ripm TT* ^ "

-fata^-tow iwHifr fllaat.

ta^UlBa exptrimat Ammtgei-^I-r J^ ^ IngUy rwniawiyr tetm taeae r lifl^^

>.y « Clinrgti or Afwnrfatim, fn njactad aa leeoast of c Cbiin&m ezpoieeoe tkat ma, is tI»<i|Al!in oTtka dafbeata." Weatkedtf tluvaBbcrvisEOt'eiimiaedM to k aaB toAc aiiai'Oy. AMetad-J^ca.*'^ •niifw isdwltiaal Aaavend—"Tol" If he ^ sat appoiated, itnc^Tad, by piajcc jai tbe ifMijti^qr bas^t Aaivend—"Tba ccnmo-

to of •itecapaA vaawerdy^irsal.toi^^ a mJatazj ImprcarioB apoo tbe aoljecl and tbe aadt-cgo^" «r -vatda Yo «Ua cSiCt; tbst the peat sb-jMtkiLba (>!aad b caffiBK tbftitiniitan aboBt ta

fanlCB M W m a ta. Bkftiwm. vaa to eet ao-qp^Uad vitb. tbc aaecrtaia tbcir qoaBlkat'coa— Clatazj. tbeoing cal, jaical, &e. We RfEed that va vera glad tokazBthat tbe

•aai«^ wt ciiim^ Tig^ to TMidibt adzditeni pfateair ardtfoad I7 tha Cbsdia, batttdSd Miikaaatbak tba ezardasaa dbotardatad, vcfe M ^ cqai«a]aot toa a^adinaBng Iba witetatw

toto>>piaadi to fhe.a^ioea is Toreba, ikgogJia^aaiadBilea ainj,'aia lest Aff to betaalkaMardln Btdunoad, n d tbar an 'ezam-tedaalBlbatr ejjwafcuce. asd njcoUd iif S doai aot ndt tba Board r Wa all to tha afadatrr, asd Mai taaavitettapaM vtth tla viava af tte Boardi Ua dattoBal i«Btiawrta.aad ot

•tjrl . ttoannan»»aar^''?TcNBMiaa.aMn to gnint

Mt tbo* jeua at tba vnridM baTin* p»dal «iiin( K tte aod M vnridhic » nadr •hondwn M t . Tba a a a u ^ !>«• ban aiPKUnr te-ndMf vKh a» «S(gi3artt&Haa aai Ibtth W the

rfatte«Ma,vha*ali«dM at a M a H 3 ^ < M vni tm»

batit * p^todk!* TiN»>etw«laB iaapacttoJ

^ teoodwriliaa, v)^ tel^i^Bir iuaOt viifdbafaat htetai^ef oaiB fcbaih lijpiilii ••I'TtMiTi r tta—^teaTi Willi»»ba m a m O m t ggrBoawh.

aAt aar Jiil li i T O ^ g y t v i a ^ i w K ^ ^ a i g jildiJj »«*«»tSi atilw -

ba auttaii, and 4 * •ttoi^'

ikse; cad pit paaad v n k M * cf Kadi CtecH « AMCpMfcin. — « wiMaMiy to ba emitted to »prifcnitttlnn,aoMaay Ibraaak ateiaBHr M*tiiM<. Bft&w aaatar of aeBbaca *«BaUa«as doMT (TBpttty HHa^M tbaCtaxelMaaad alMlnaaTj—t^g^-aa and ^leo^Tcn—iMfB aB.tb« awialttiy, tbb ntaia •oold baT8 b m taeowacBdai i&tba lepoit. aw}- adaptedbrtlbOamiatovfaNMtaMht. Va dosibt i^lMi tac—ptoln of ftafwrideat, ftr Anbtlea* iathaiMtiiditi—lhadidnat^wtbanaWtlwwutii. and afpdnulaethe^epof W nqwtttbe i ttaa tba CWEar a w ^ o t e bnttar baadedto ^Wau Battba vio t^Mlad Om naaaaof tiie Goandbtetaieviritatba waboai;, tbe naalti of dtiifticMr OoDvegtSoa bnilwiiaik t ^ beaimolbeaded adtUnMarbodr. Xtatteiac ia thanpattadapttdr

b tejodsMltf MaCawraa-tia^ria iDCxpedieoktoiBato aii7«k«Bca intb» exbUa^ phu of watiadiir opeiatkeC

Xkattieaaeanj Cbsrebea, AwaiUHww ur a<Xtx bodiMc3iM;M to RptcMstaUoB tetbh CiMMBH 'iTiiiiallire&r to a|ipaiiit tbrfr «va aUa-lidkUBfta; aafttaqiUM tharnqMarfbUts^dpft^ xpidfn Bbordi am ani&teto'd, imdrr oarpceicat aqciBteutatasd liiudi 1 OUT latea, to becoaa tbe rnmimg afcataaf M^watedDSMii-jhmatfaa and aiifRipriadEt ftsda, vbrtbcr taeb eoo-tiib«aiiBabaia(ndedtotbechraisaaon ordteena-pfixaliaB of the badOiaD, Oii^ttefiKMte apoa aaUaa to adopt the

rapo^ va toakoctaaioa to «aka § ftask czpnoioB jf Ml ililaUi*1 ntiji rlniintn tbmnaiin allTi aMrli mndeiriMtbe AitelBBBaud miD«ated,aBd ti»B«£k' titaD«ed<A«d|9 the lekiiaDcUp of tbe

aod tba Aeamcr^ re> (Mrt. 1te*g*eH«awdlotteon^toatviAthe»o* •atfead lai KKt and attaint: tad tba ebtngn adcptad and tia;. rnH«n»U«"» nade,v8ra et<deoGe

aifaviaa ulJt aSiiii lii*' p o ^ «fc»d lijr the irie^ Tba right to CTjnsiM ««»d

tpaOMiy caOed tertbe laadiag ot JWU Jatto, ot Tai, «ald tb«n vaivaiaBr aaexanK

iaatiaa, v U A jsbad oftca eeadoeted ktaad^ and habadatfeedtodifaeaaoiai aaoecondtohti nibd aX'tkaaBa. XMr Poiadcslerieadaeapr of a letter vritten

toataniiiiiit fctwiainiiiij labors, teibes&naa-tiaaaftka OonvaUiaB. SocM tbratbt that aoaveia totboMqaftaotv, lat-

UlV»ory to Ika Beftd. voald ialtieet iheBtefanar;. to an faitepta tad pmwaia, to the aiMttai7 coctiol of the Beard -bat tt vaa ondetitaod tbat aa liaoaiy vat eea eilcd totabJedUaarif toftaobo-ta i aad teaa b^aKngmteai vtAoBtesaad' aaliis or ginlVailin Wa qaatotfaki fttn the Bbpateh "Mr-'OtaieeiiemBd. SavoaldkaieaiiaT dollar

reeeliad firom Ctatdteiwpearis the Tteanrer's re-port. UheiontiihatedaaeMiadieddaBaTsfbrftniiti: lulaJem, ba onA^to bata cradft tor that amoimt ' uot ftae aav styvvve doDaia,' ae tba balioee may bave ben

d<ilIan,vU)e ^ apnu or

otbara to vhBoi U vto jjipk. - With ntnd to tba baitt ot wp«aatnHHi«I • Id tkk OaBraotk%hevaBldba*aBoeBa dlclbla-to ateat bet»«to«ataat « Maibcr of a Hniar Baptbt ChBK^taooDBaxieevitktUKbodr. laltaaraee tbaflapttoaiadiTidtdtaartatlaoiatlUi. Tbrj an tdcHher iB fldO, btf opM^to tha Mney basis of ttprncatrtlBo in tba OnanwHiiiL Doder ibis Sjstaa Booaa Qitbaaea sdcht eoote Is aad cob-traioor boaiBnt. Ytawto tbote oijectloiis to^; and thaCoDvnittflo la aiaiTMataatt ia Jolr or An

• Ha kopedlWi vooldbe Mr a said he had tkM apebed Ui heart, asd la-

Mid a»hiB<Aie«tiaBa; BeteteBdedto^ttetbai rtpart. Ba veold sot be regarded aa aatl-mia-dooary. IfbeappaicdsaeMfcatBicain IheBoard, ba vaa not eigasud to taiirtnua. J e voaULumod-U|riheBc^,MtobtiB«ahaMtoaBkearU Ue hoped the day «bs nette dittaatiAeaev«r* Bap-lktChBxehvoa]dlia>«a.Biiaak^ in the honr or foraltnBdd. Tba ipdJtcr o^eed vitb iU(iog aDtfaecstHprlae,asd bopedlke dibe voaM sooa eoaoB vbea every heart voaM beat in onieoB, aad vheaaatavtsrdotdiKocd voold be heard in tbcir

The report passed ccanlzsous . There Deed be 00 dianiHiftetton, acosrdlag to oar

prravit andi ritiniliin. Xbo Baard viB aeleet mis-siooaries deemed ccaspetent by bsdf, ssd acDd thes to sack Seldt a»they dee* adviaaMe, to «*e the QE-dkeatedfbndeidBeediBthdrhanda by iB^Tidaak or Chorees, aad soeh missionarits, tbey vM soptr-tSm aad eoati^ beeaaaa nqnoatbie for retolta Bat if C k a t ^ Aaaodatiaea lee dt to adopt the ^ laag aad aaeceK tally parsaed the Odsbn kaeodatiaD, Ta., t^.csa raJsa their ovn fiacds, ae-leet vkatew «dds aod aMooariea they p>«^ and aaad them forth, tabject to no Joiisdictioa or «dTi«e bat their on, teceiia their qaaitetly report*, etc. aadOaforeica lUniaB Board vHIaiiBply aietaaa dcaDeiala«FBtiaprocBrkisez aa|a and forwarti ing their ftadavithaat^arge. Bo long as the For-et«n Board will do thU, H win fisd ao oonodticn ts kaev^OMe in ok. The Cbardtea ba^ now tvo pinia placed befDra tkoB. and let ikeat dhMe.

Tnt B<v«a aSnd aieeoii ia iriuch vaapaased, instmetJng the Treatnrer to report reeripteandgi

in detail, aa va aoggeatid.

onieai tbay,ple«ae the Board; asd if aooeptad, U set art tka iapodOoo of bands and other impo-ifagaolBaiclitaL bttaotaTirt^ i»4tdioatiai't Bnt 'inaaee einntmHnne tka Board irflaet

npaa ocr' Cfe^ae, are uiii 11 e 1 aeery aa^ at nsel vastoafthtfaadaoentrflmlad ibrmlaalooa. VerlD-

.Iham kaova a yosB( latadeter, a padaate of (?DLn Coitet^. Tennessee,. sad ordained by tka C3«ndl ia MatfreedxRO, aided by a Pre» bytery eeaipMMaf the PicaldaBt of Oub PWttp-^ and eaereaattaBUyaoaad aad Jafidootbtath-na, npw UaappBeaikB to ga to Aftfca, VMS wal >a la iiwaVliaalba Baaid at Blcbawail to bai»«aBiDad.,«e aha««skava. S«vl if tka Board visMto obtela isfotstatioQ taaeldag bia Btcrai; fadiaca&osthpieacktotke Aftfaane, eonld they BotteNfaooghltka iBftaraattai crtto rnaUaat, tra^iOaBa tfHa tka Vaivstdir vaa TWkMichto theol«iealile«ik coatlaotae nasi-4aat ar tite. ataiBlar'a pastar knvkitaaeed the Boud^U kkotdlMlte p«p«B, rffsedby FmUest

acdatksCT, awe iinatf aftrtney t Uthayvm b aoQbl irapecibqE kit «»dttkk^ UaSB^pkyridaakaM tteil aafldeflt B|kl,aad aa oaa kaOto tbaa. Ite M a bikar ceald tril vbattar heeeaid imM a pirs«. Maa a gatdes ackaOCa akeatf. Vky,lkeB,loeKikeeimecatoity tzpeai* or«lA«fag:.the aiaMarto Wdnaoad *» aa baat^

IkD, to karn vkat coaM ttt better be m t ^ n ^ i M a advuoaKra tbaatke caadHateli

lbs CbsrciMs. b tetisates Oat the CbBrclxa, with ) Aa-feeakyt» tkat.«idatoad tba BiBrisaery vara, 'i. SBkaraciikwdTCatoaad ia tkaftltk. .or 3. T W tkiijMn net oaaipctat to jadge of aDoad. m V ^ O m fikMant ordate. tftt Ii aadcntord

mUrnmtum tobatMS^ tK4i^Hee^3kldtbail|kt«atk»BMBd.

m flMia Ijto B toTto

) Uieto latlHB tkey ajadt, aatttjr

aarappdgtovH-totkaprfis^ ^Iktde.

Ii ti itjiaii

We shall not ba fseeedto gacae at otpeneee bmaficr. TbahaigaataadaoattiBgnlarapeet^ve Bsteoed

to dating ikaOairtttfte via ooe Anaa ifc. Watts, of Ahbaaea^iarep^tooBraKiiiimar saggestisato akssgd the third aitide in the coostaniko. Henad taaa tiiecnasataiieB to dtov thit seaa but Bapties eeaesaahere. If any other eoeatractioa eoald be ^•sed apoa it, he voold heartCy for an alt«»-

Wewe^f^P***^ iM poalflOE, asd inqaired e t o b a v a ^ ' ^ ^ " ^ that be vaa regatdodat home M a eetjaeuftJ? had been a berofCongraa: W:e Atrt^ Inned that be bad pteparadtUeqpeediiad adopl»2.tbto eoostraeticn afthe oonatitation to coDtot the dlgJbCity ot tbe aaibta of tha^eing Street Clmreh to e*ata to the OaBTeptfoa. This elidakied alL In the aidat of bb eUborile axsraaiait, ve askMHIi^ to refer tbe qneatioB to the framera of the article tbeaselTes— eeteni ofvhoot vere on tbepiattefm. Beotuected becaoee&vas «.Bnxiai tbat,4'theframecsofala,v are the *cry poaite bands to UQBstme it," vMeb drevftaiaXIderNlertheotkermazim morvimi-osiiaally adaitted: "When a lavyer plead bb cvn earn be had a fccd for Us dlent," vbldi cansad ne sole BieTAna^ After Mr. W.c]aeed,SUIar Jeter arose and stated

that the third artider vaa intended by the fttaeis to bar8oeaaA«toaaeat,anda«o(e, vbovmdd p ^ ttOO for a seat-it barred ftam poaltfca aaly. EMer fuller then eabodted oar soggeatioo in a rea-ohateandnered that the third artide be siaa^ aoaatoicad: "Provided that aopenon ahaS be a nonber of

tUaCeBTCDUoavhoiinataaaaberfa good stand-of a legalar Baptkt Cksn^"

Beomka vanaada by Dr. Jeter and Ser. T. 0. Joaea,efTa.,vhaa, Oa toiBca of Dr. Bnrnaia, of Va., tkesobjectvas

to a spedal esaaasittse of three, viih issirse Boas to MTMlto e>e aaxt Bteaaial ODenottoa. Coa-itfttaa: Bidets Bamva, of Ta.,PBa<r,afXd., Mai

!Ainida vfflbo altsiedat tkoaezt Ceaiaatiaa. It tka viAea of the deaaainatiaB ate respected; braaBklwFaB*raaId,he vaa aatoniabed to learn that aa Atbaiat, by tka-payasatof a fev dollars, eiMildaia.lkerigbttoaseat in this body, tod to aake speeches apan this Boor—it vaa a place for VoaabiitBaptiBta. Tba Boriced IMaie in the dodngasaslon, vaa iim

Introdoctloo by XMer P<sdhtao,ia behalf of the ataeenttra of tte Oeaoal AssodaUaa «f Mlddte Tsiiiaeaaeiiii BattkAUbaaaa, aadMkaca,o<tke «ai-tevl^ weolailnin, vkick v« to here, aioea they bafebeea.cantzaryto the ioteotica of the aathoes, pabliibed totbevorM: <* Mr. Peadleton, of taBnesaee, ofoed the «dk>w.

" Wanua,» hka fceea saM I? rarioas psoalDeBt bcrthreo, that tka pvppereoaiae far this Coosestioo to ponaaloivgaid totbereoeDtaaftetanatetrooblca at ITaabtBle, IKat., Is to Igaere Ihea alteeetber t "Asa vaaaa*e,hla alleged tkatia the appakitaeot

at theBibie Boaid. there has heaaaa faKhxaeaeBi of aaaof tba SsahfOle pattiet aad a coadeaanatkn of ike other, Thveltoa, ba it , 'Jtuohii, Aa the eraaaaf this body,(bula tbe

app^lBMatof eata Beard: there vaa no iate^oo tovspnaa aa o^aioa ana vay ar the othto ia reg^ toll2iSh«Bair& - iTtabnn to lay OB tka toble vat aaOe aad car-riad-aytol»,Baes<8. " Mr. PaodletM. Tana, tbea sBkaelttad fha fcl-

liQwkis prolfat; •^l^tketodanigBad. dehvtea Matiheanetal

Aipedetkm** lOldle Tiapaeata aad HorthAla-laiiilLbMV«etoaM<roar protNtagaiiMaaa^ ttoaki tk»appoiMaai««( tka BMaBoaid; lac tka iBoaii


^ L B a w m the botefrsaavhlAaaa aot-ooaaidcr oertale acAeta af said Board beta^ a • regiltar Chtotfc ia aataa vkk tk* aaeBapr ekiglMabod*^ ^ ^.J'TBecaaaava kcllha tSUt tkaptadaeof laYnjariaaaald Beaid le aatolafinn oft^t

tl* ilwtiWlee el iHi Ceese^BB. thkWidy, tarrmiinttt «idUal Aa

lit A c t ^ o f ^ .„«tolka aptlBi

of this body in the appdntaeat of the BiMe Board, aad ask that oar protest isay he raeordec

Mr. Davsoo. of ae«»xl ikajilflllM.v^ . DavsoiLof tha CooTeotioo.

tov-j^ liHiiTu I M Oalieia

ahoatUduaowd aad tksae i g u O m M biUs of Aiahcnt, aaw^c wUdt «« aiapnaddiici botoeraearkiaa Teiy kag aaa, aad so weviBra-aeriathe^htto

SashiiAe diOedty kaa han pt*ctt«a»y.i|Mmit Jy w w- .tbe agt«k^Hka^^b^ai their ijaiatoHhalia tk the C«TfBttat clew cifthitdiffieaky. > - Jfc PefcBetba s ^ that U saeh vat the prmil^

Ing fov'Iinff, be- Voild. vHk^^easata, vUbdnvthe ptotest., It »ae ikereapeo vehdraaa. Ob aotkn, the teaolnti«oa. pc«dpas)yJd)M,

a ttkea va, and Inve va* glutted tea to isilkd^ flMf thiK' Wtajrvarethey iotiMo^ 1 to peodi^ strife,

Bottoperpei^ tha .var; batta aecata,9Aer th adjoamraent of Cooteotfao, the very eada ersty

prabaaed ta hare^lAor^ toatfada by the acts of Ike Oaaveatio^a ceaatiea of kosintttaa oa the pert of opposiBg parties a»d pmBe< ia and ^ ofSenoeaHe. A n ^ of stcils «Mtke aideaidect soaglit by the Strath-Westers delqeuico. Bat 600s vbatth^ kad lOrsady se^ a ^ heard, they vare cnrrfaeedthat the action of tke° CoDTentioo, in the arpntntiaeat of the Bible Bosxd, voald be dakeed byBderBuveQaad U« party, aad thepnaa ttat taal^ Id^aa a, brilliant "rictoij -at a Sail lador^ jaentof hSscocrse, andacondeanailonefthato^ at the O e w ^ Aasoci ioa of Ifnddlt Teanesse* w<i North Alabama, ajd tbe dedWo^ of the this would justly exaspotte the General AaaoeUtSoo, end it would I corapened,ia self-ne|peet, to vith-drav from a body tkat voold vidato Ha ova ooDstl-totioa to trample apoa the ri kta of Aasoebittniis, its csnstitaeBts, Bat the erS voald sot sti vitb the State of Teo-

n e ^ Wbst Assodatiooof BaptiatsintbavMe "Boatk-West, and how many ib tke-vbole Ssirth, wooUaitstillandaeetherigbtBOf aaiater iasoda-tioa tbas ratldead; knaded and tcavpled htta (he diut ky the Blrnid l CoaTaaliaat Are v* Aol memberaoDeof anoltel and ahonldDottkemeat-bera have a cv^ooate another 1. Aadlfonamao-ber soSera, sbo(i!d* at or would iiM an the aeem^is ralfer vith HT' Wbea the' Bienidail CooTentJoo so knger espraosee (be mind of the deacenination at targe, bat ia nsed to snhoerre the detfgn* of a m W Ooos snd dealj^Bg par aans, thoaglt they be llbe <'patr^ra''of tkaminiatry.tevIoigwiU thade-nemlaatioD letpeet'or port taekabadyl We foteaaw the aae par^ men vote .beat apea aaaldag of th» tB-appointment ot the Bible Board, aad the pap«caelti( aBd tbe disastroaa resatta that vodU inevitably foOQv.onleaaan expreedoaco^ jMob-taioal from tba Cooieiill(m,d«oyk>g aa intaot to ex-prea* any opiaioe. by ita ads, aad d^de that it was

to the Coaiaalioa Itadt as vc&'ae to tbe ««ae-r^ &aaodadoBOf Toaseaaee aod Boith Alabama, to seek (lom it the exi esaoa indicated ia thansi^ lion. The Tote to lay tbra upon the taUe vaa, ia >ke

Ughest degree, nnsaWactory,asd thiaactianve knew wboJd be jastly dalmed, vlfliont explanation, as cortobaratln of the former acuof the OdBTeBtkn. We, therefore, felt caOed upon to protect the riahU af our caoatitseata, to eBtn oar aoieaaa ptotast against the action of tiw CoDrmtioa, in the appoint. meat of snndiy oflSo«a of the Btbte Board in opeft •iolation of tbe Can^tiOD, and ffisregard of the je«!ia)cnK of tbe OeniasI Awedation af Teoneeaee asd Horth Atabama and (he Coooord AsBodstitiL ItvmbdaostotbetebodteB to dedde, if v« acted pmperly in this attter. Why were tlie retoIoUoQ and proteat vithdkvni T

For tbe aanie reason that tl»y wtereoffcrad—forthe tthe of the Cooventioo and peace. Xke nnfeeraal proifxsiOT thrcivkoat tbe CocTcnlicHi, ooevny maa> itp% was, ** Tbe Tenoessee difflenltiea baee no btui-nev ia this body; let Bs to set ia all thian aa to give Deaber party any groocd tossy, that It wasiadarsed by any actof oora." This vaa pleasing tons and to all. When onr protest was brari aod oar aotl»«s bat-

ter osderstood, the open, ftxnk expression ftom ia

8«a. Sa. rgiving as a »ay good papec. loeait

Tbeiseraln ^ tM&to in p a ^

beta yet vantiag to aidto ^tke Afi Maad* aaiabsr 15,000viikiAldt to f n i w n thaaett^obM

toSeptaabemaztl Woaldit aat W «IKMddtT for the Old Landanrk Baaaec to ba tatg aat an Ike sTday of Setrfeeabar with U.00eMart apoa tta^^ foi&it vadM ttbatl < Mftkadoaa % tf U4Mh BinUer «ki» aiwtUnatka BapUK vttk^ pnoara oaaMkacdMr betvaaa tUa it viUbe doae; aad wiU yoa aot, brstbrearkt viev of tbe redaeed tatin at vbhA «t jh^ Iha' paper to y(naAer^daie,(iftheeadltgBia*dT)~ Wakkve at leaat l eOO MeaOi oattUe af thaaiaiaky vka aendasoa^witUntwoaad lk hair aantba. Otato, brelfcree, thk 0B«* i ypor oU baaner has ^ enaog^ aov g ve it Ike ataoa.


CWUlyeu do the Aatkor. a Vavcr^kr tbian r<ittivaHa>d.k>aayaQrrBdohaBMrt» boca, Meada aadOWaatBelatieeaf

Ijettataaw^tOoa MMaatothaOuaitetfca edyoac

man7 leading brethrco, that no indoraement t>f Kid. own simster plan of

URTsa so. xnz.—coaTtawsa. KIK6 JAHES> V S E ^ O N : HUs vaa d e d M

apoa in 1603j Jost yean aJlar the ifeftaii— of Qw O o e ^ oTTreat, aad Jnat fn yain altar BeUanaiDS^ Ta%atB vat iaemd, at wehavaal-rcadj'described. AnBea,ia his own miad, vna^ probably, mora Catkofie tkaa aajr tUag m^ thoqg^ Jta iraa {Kafaeedly, dorioK kis tkfatcea years' niga ia Scotland, a iifolii JVa^yt^' and ait sooa as ha aacended tka throne of Kagtaind va* proftsaedlx a ijfatmf Ifytieopdlkau His cka^ acter is given as pro&ae, intemperate, fcoBali "(isviwsf^la CkrtiiCBdbst.'' Ooe writer saja, "He 'was ve^ nnpo| iUr, vun, waal^ aawwaihle to&ttererB,arMtnD7r^ <0 kigotad to i feco pacy as to be TC17 dtytWiiy, oftan devoting the afteracoDs of the Sabkath to amisaafito Hke

ia Sootlaad from 1590jo 1603, aad ia X i«laBd Ihnl603to I62S. He dabbkd in i ^ o a for political parpos^ inordeL-taebapaitfiirtkeai^ port of his tkso^ T ^ acts frf'the Comal of Trent aod the oarropted volgata of Befltmmw bad very reoentij occorrad—tito ooe what ka was yogng- ~tTiei other vUIeha waa oa the throoe of Scotland. Tbeae, doabtlasa, moved him, at the bead of the Chnrdi in Ing^aad, aad as invarted arith tha eontitd of Uia Kbla to prepare aawt od Btgli^ y lgdte for Ua owa aalgecta. Ike BSsh-opa'Badekad xaeeaUxbeea pi«iwed ^ ^ n p Parker aad others, azpfesdj t» &vor TSjiaeofej. Tka Cot regatkmallats aad Pi'eehjtathaa, anp-posiag him stiD t» be a Prediyterisa, sent to hii; a peetioo for the oomciiaa rf in tbe Bieh-ops'BiUe; and tb^ kop^ aatite resattfortke legaEnngof tke'Qcaeia vciaoa. Tkk aSorded him a pretext, as if acting on their peUtioa for currying out Ua preconceived plan of jmitating tbe costocn at Boaiey asd oa'tka oontinwatd maHng xpr^xni^iemom addled to make a0 tbe pei laof EngkndBpisropaBana, - PrevfaNatokim tin kings of Englaad itad attenpted to e&ct tkk unioQ by Idlling the noo-o«iforaasta as heretics James adi ited, as he thought, a "viacr" piaa; that of prrparii tbe K U e in soch a vay aa to make them all JEpiscopaliaaB by conviction. The fetitioa for a aew version' lie secured, to treat ajbma^tdf, bat in fiwt, made H u apol^; Sar kia

Jantaan tlie«TtM« waceapkalisallj'^ buu o f M n o n " Tke MettM f ('•hrat; a n foU 01 lOfXOW* Tka iliostrious xtlbm 1A0 Udd

tb« pnpk^: "It it notiuBg to yon, all tiiat bjf Beludd and eee if tiiere be any eoi

row fike doM ta.v^ vtoewiA tke Iks4 iuiUt alBietod bw in (he dajefltkieneugv." ' Niirar TOiMmi^like the Sedeoaa eat-

w. Nerer waa e ^ ao UtteiLaa tiist wiiielt ba diuk Kar i&imU w« .£»get tliat^e drank tbat t ^ ia jmRwaee of t^e ''deterad-iatee«mBHta4-JbrtkBMMgaofGtid." Di-vine agesejwat^aMeniatJB the preparation aa^pnaeotatiaa of tbtt enp. Heaoe tte Sa-

eop abidi my Fat&^ batb p v n B ^ I apt drink U f" , Bis Jfttha gave bia tbu mp. God die Father is t«ibo «oaridmdis ^ tratLMstioBS tba 6«acdkii of tbe n^to of Jbe '^odkeid, •nd iu tba atoni Govincor of tho wuvecde. Bwoalua £Mliap of love f r bis SOB w«re ap-pamtljrb«U ill abeyanoe, w l ^ tba i^aims of tte law wen fiilly reocgmtei SiBj.» «rk»Jte-fiiito6«d,lo«t none i ita Utefal&i^ W ^ i^ntod to . .Cbriat. Qnr. ini tiiij--*, were a a m aaon odiotis is bid view than vhex ^c lud tben oa bis bdovad Sm. Wbat a piwT; of inflexible devotiao to tbe great p m u f t e ^ govwaaeetal re^Utde;, wbat an evide&oa of the diriBft abborrraee of sis, tbat tbera was so defart^ finm prismj^ no^xmuvaaca

na leiet, if we may reasos from homan •Bilogies OB ndt a sobject, all tbe fadings of tbe Fatb^a beart most bare suggested tbe' jpar^^biacmly beg<stte& £obJ Bat tbe Fa&erjparm^Aim iw<,bat,dcUTnedbiB fivsa alL Ddirend bim np I . How m o d i» igg liedai tbia! He was delivered apt» law aad jottiM tbat tbair olaima might fied. Tbrn it was tbat A e Falber itaod aloof from bim and kfc Ida aione in bis agony. Foi^ aakai of the atoBing Mediato eadored A e MZTOW8 of Um mjst dnadfid demUtHML Xaityn bava died in rip tare beeanse tiie Lord waamtbUiam. Jeaas dtedkbaadoBedofGad. t know not what to aay.i^ tbat aw&l. abaa-doameBt. Tbe aonrow of tbe ag«ad»g ^ fefK aeeas not to bave naebed its cKmaa till bit Father fnaook bi& t]» deaertiaa of mea, Crtea^ ngela evep, be eoold bare bonie.;~bat wbea fanak» by 'bis'Fatha',bijiffi%iity. beui^ IsealdBg and bleeding witb aagaisb, sxpt eased its deep eikoljon ia tbe ezdamatj^ qneewm : "My God! xay God! wbjbast iemJan

O, tbe love cf Cbzitt for lost anseisl If waa lua love tbat indoced .bim to Babmit to Mck a deatb—a dea& considered sooaned by men, aad iavolving mysteruBS aad a v W de-aertion OB tbe part of God.

"O for this lore letrocfcs and hSb Tbdr lasting sHeace btcak.

And all haimoniooa, bii.nis?i toognee The Savior'i praises speak."

Jane 12.1869 r.

HoweU or of bis Chardtvaa tateaded by aypotet-lEeatsof tbe-members of tbe Bible Board, or tiay other act of the CcnrentlaD; that they bad alF aloo; tailored to ksep aay reference to tbe XasbTitla mn-

out of the Conreatioo; aod that they bad voted M lay cpon tbe table to Jatp tW wmttrr oirf af a« pabllsbed mtantes cf the Con»enU<m—tbeee de-daraSiocscf Chrisdan men, ooanliaiHBly eoosrated why tbeailenoeof all—fprif there w u a man vbo had aB sjoog been gr<rfessing one thing, aad yst d»-aigsiBgly rndng tbe Cooveotion tit Mtotber porpoee (hen, if ever, waa the time for bia to speak oat—hla inefK* aov conmitled him to tk; oqimdoos of ihoae wWj wi>om be acted—I say theee dedatatioaB weJt^Bend hooml, acd coofidiog In thera, ve coa-

to tbe witbdraaal of bo^ tbe TmtolBtion and pntest from tbe.table. Whether the peace, so greatly desired by l l win

IUI0W, orthe acts of theCooventkio wiB, in the &oe of its opea denial on the hst night of Its session, be constmed f»y Elder Howell and the paperatobissCT-Tke into an icdorsement of Umsdf and par^ bf Uie whole deaoeaiaatiito S<Hitb, rstoaics to be seen. We were iaforaed by two kretim, wiw were ear

wiuieses, that Bn>. Wafter, . tf the 6a. Index, de-dared that nigbt Uler tbe a Joonmeiit of the Coa vendflo, that he voold open hlsbattery upon the rea-. nttea and protest. Thty weM, withont Elder P.'s eoDSestor kjwwledj , paWtkt^ in tbeBiehaoad blspetdi, and have skce appeared ia the Soatherc Baptkt wMhoat eommert; bat lader Walker eaanot in booaety gteoad hi» reason for* pobUc attaek up-on tkem,becai«e they inadTertenWy appeared ki the ]>igpatcb, for he aaowed his teteolK® that night, or, at ksat, Ufart *»«» liey laers ei" U

H ksi. SbooU be see fit to opes * aew war, be certainly wiU recstve the dkapprobstfca of bb ovii Mends, If their proftadesM ot peace wt re dneere. We aan uy something ia jtistifieati<4i »f the act of

tbe CMtventioD in t^ apy^taeol of the nMmbea of the First Cbnrcb as a Board i. Jhe Convention bad dfeddcd not to Asselve tbe

Board; ve do not suppaie the Otxnvn^ ji]0(4ve the Foreign Ulaaion oard, sbonid it pikve ineffldent tor the next two yeaia. It to no eslFj tMogto create or destr^ » Board of the Ceovta-ton. X It had decid<!d not to Teesewh—soplaeeukfd

fv it, aai U did not (Mat liberty to tkrastitqion any pkce. Itvaabuand, therefore, to jtemda ia SadniOe,

vheawrlteorOddoany tUngoraot. But, It We had expressed oar ddemdnatioD. So be-

half of the rlsg Street Choreb, aad of iti Bciabera, to aBow onr naBMS aominated for ae ciBea ia the ^ o T (UspraaetitCoBvoideo; andforvbat* To kkp'tkeqonfiw.sokr isvravere eoaeeraed.oid oftkebody. The ConveoUoo, then, wu eoupeOed to appdat

the BMmbers of tbe Itrst Ghnrch or the Seeoad ChnnA er have DO BoarC It appdated Ike Ben*, ben of tke First Chard); imd vrtwKkooostraed it* act, aa it had a T%bt to do, aa net tateD«ag toia^, dnse the repnlaTity of the Charcb, er coadtmri liny other, v« eoald bat he, and va vera entirdy satk-A ^ aadsbsnnmaia so; and if Sldar Hoa^aor* g^aeeAttochsrge,by iaplieaiton, tke ofBoetsof ila Oeaventlaa: vith buineeri ^ aad airaat bypco-fky, aad wicked pvrtykm, verfivell; ve n q ^ U havettttktossy; Ihe.FresUrat, K. Fdler.andlhe otIM «HBceni and leading biMhren Bay r^sndet tke4*18*Blfth^see oreome oal ,likeia*n and ntki .thafaalspirtt. ^ do regret that Oe aMtdm ^ dw SMWd

(iii^ espedaBy He pastor, B M b X. I>afd. aad bkdaaooDS, were ignOTsd in ike aekollea bf meatl kees fw tkeBfhia Be^ta tkk dty. Tkmwaaevk IdeD^i design oa part of aoau tkk IMi«: ijji diaaa of {k> eaaOTlttea oa nwdaadea k aosspataat lasatplaku , Tkaa ban vajasaed ever the sesaea aad aetSea af

tka kte Oneveofion, aad U f h a v e gHea aa-Bt-taraaee to ap^vstette M k g s bf aay, wekavaaet iaisaUaBa% doa; aiav' tf

tta^ofliiTtBadieiipiilaMirwtam liajliUTi orika.eainldaaa, nr a t ^ B e a W SeBalaelanta; forfkey rnmei'^fmV^ »e»f aitd

_ ^ wiA^ iie^MkMl! adkd aadi.BtaiaJHid»r,tta

tte7.aBall of

Okeekeaeae JUwektieoB agabet w w j

He aelectt fifty-three Bigk Ciiordiinen.aad oaie CongragationaUst—tlie formo' to be hk took, tbe latter for a pretence oflibetality—givea them tbe <uarteen fiuDons mks by which titey aast be goided, aid by hk bishops conv^s to them pti* vatdy bis own plsns, designs and wisheB; asd U> peooiises of Kpecial reward by ptxnotion and otherwise, to aD these that sboald in the best way &Tor his pSans. Hodibra speaks of the whole movement as

- SMlfB^ ta aaoft k ma« nmMtatln Ta m f tlMtdth tker tufbt ft* au^-

Had tke poipose been aa kaaaic om, only o]» nils voald have beoi necessary; and that, snch as aU the Baptistogivethdrmissiooaiiea, via. "Sg tarmu'pragtr amd Migau Haaf t« ateerurim Ot

prteitt tuoTiiiif tf tit ordinal J amd to txpna that

meaiuag ca txacS^at tlU natm of the Umguofc tab)

the) tnaulaU riS pemit.'* Thk baa a l v ^ been the aafe direction of tbe Baptists. Hovtfifier-ent James' rates, I only quote a partaad omit tke nnmbers: '>The Bisbop'-i BUile to be foUoved and as lit-

tle altered as the orig ad will penait, aad to pasa thraogboDt tmiass tlic oi%ioal sialy call for aa amendment." The Biahoti% Khie. had be^ fitted op express^

to faror tbe national Oharch. Thk r ^ tbna-fore, speaks for itsoU: • "TheoH ecdesiastieal worda to be kqjt.' This rule would inchide all the words that bave

a beaxiag toward the national Charch. . ikrapM, meani:^ a. aia ovtrtter of a local awcnbly, waa dressed up into a faiski^ JPrubglmi, an uldwuat helping sod aDsembty, waa dressed ap likeaa Elder or Deaa or.saae asate tkat will jna-tify such aa office, aesaiaR oaa that doea the drudgery of and aaaembly k dressed oat iatAaaaaet^kaiadetolookBkeaBedar. EaiMHa, whidi s gnifiea <inn^jr, aad osaally es-preetes a pbln heat ossanUy'of the kamhie bers of Christ's Ka^an, k dresaed into a "Ohoxi of Rame,'^ <» a "national Charch M Eiq and." Pose&a signi^ringj»*emr,kr*adortd Enter, to jasti^ and saactkn thai fasUval oT tke fngliVb Chordu I only pve tbeae fow^ieciatens: "The word Char^ not to ketraiBlBtadoangrB-

gation." Chnrdi (firom htrioiiM LordH kooee) k a

name first assnmad by the Roaaa Pontiff for bu oorrapt body of Catbdta aboot .tba bc^mning ei tha aeventh centaiy.. Tt k no transhtVm at a^* ofeofiitia. Itkapopiah wohl farced into tlie Bible by Epinafiai iaflneaea aad does aot Iwtas-

bBt .q|lM tbe ateaaiaK of Tbere^ noaiiihOTity'lathe Orc^ Testaateat fcrao^a wardas(hitntCB,andyM it kiaJamea' abeatooeknadredtiaMa. It was ia tke Bkbop^ v«siioa,aot q[aito aaaMay tiaea. Tka nda we yeci»isideri f«iyf»<»«ftaiidnrf<iiywthkaah>«ad-iag oorrppUon. '•>rdshave ifirene lagniflcattwis, (l}tbsl

to be kept wUch bath been BMSt oomannly taad tbe most emiaentt^ the IhtkeiB, fBomaa Cktk-

dScO (S) b ^ agreeable to tbe propriety of tbc-fiaa (3) aad the aaakgy er Mtk." Hen aic tkzee waya painted cot be traaeiatiBK word* gl diven signifiaticai. (1) Tka meet «rtk»(Catbo^&tkcn. jifati aaamdi w to ujr, Jadgewbat yaathi(& waald be proper tkan aad noder aeeewBagly. T b k k v ^ tasafo imtraction t» tack aaa. (3) SaekmdMiBsakOagnkblatotko mttfn^ /5Hft*:u-«aaalegy»l^kinlirMii.ladby "/MA" ben k iateadad thafittbortkal^keapd mat nateftc that k a the tatka Cdtkortiw^keopi! Otairdi,1«t»bei^ Here aiw Has aary dskj n u ai aad eair r w

^teaqjtiaed.-. -i^Jft a e n ^ y dUkr aqfn nj pte, tbe dWiv-eaaa ta jkiw piaBiraf at a htmmul^ of

IsetMaaft tasqaaj." . To r ^ aadt iSf-

Aaiwtpa>fcfad«B*«aB a » a m m ,

eipataaiA Tba baatl he^a«r.4Ubri afrfdsT/fa Wdttdba'

g S i Hill b««Hiy la.liH^' «!»

iboebencMd IfChristiaas

vriththe aritof not difficoll to

^ t a o

tegasflUafcrtbe to ba peaeiiiskwx

k adected becaiM he k Radiator, wi^iagatwa-besida lli uag himedi;

JHset* tmapeter, wane tkan tke tuldiera, adotbmtobatUa. •a t ^ £d iaSichiBcmd, • aad iritk jnjer, itk

The dnog to dir jna-aftsrwari

a irt^aad arekpeek ILFcua*-

W a ia*

aad love ftr preteat at oee a state of (bwaaaaky.. ra^Dg^ aad

sffirxHEBjr asPTisT 001 viurms. . - i waaox..

Bnth^ C k ^ MitMOf, eantiaaed:

"" ti^ a iitde Cfcaab of in Slaagb;^ foQ of aeal aad soala. Coaid yon be

meedrgs yoa woaH m ib-^a ece towfcero ta

„ neotbas attend ptaje?-a n aotiTely eag^d ia

pntjiogaad^thitTiag iWb 2«ir lovifci ikeir i ^ A j B h ^ tt. ooafiMofeBehi^ To « t k e a « d bear tfaea wdrfd d e ^ iaprea year «iada acd barta. aad a a n ^ aa iater^ ja aiawons aaoae tbe ttai^bere wbicb woBld give a

aode ewgregato-tbe riola-taa wba t^ea- af Stea tie good oiriistera get bold of old

_t«Jl tbem of ridi Balvaboa—tell tbem haw to T^j, 6ku»!ae power of tbe go-pd u r — . .. ^ - fee tie frat of bo3y

a ^ w e if wa & TIMJ aikj^doycB

- Do yoa pay liemT tbem / T b ^ are difio-

Hiqr W e doat aadeataad it

•lTi efieet apoa tbm f ^ Breurea, bow ty scptuaed to tbca.

Jt lBq[idrieB ta e m y laad. ^ oae ia a tlwaeaniL "Wa

A w n m x R i a e KXBGKK. Tboosands Ltve noticed, witii sincere griei tl»

sertiiine determination of some men, and afinr eiStorstkat edK> Elder HovelTa o t ^ in tki d^, to destroy the grcdt work of perwnal reoon-pJktioB aad peaoemat cg occessfallv Ix^tm at •KAmond thr^h the eSorts of President Ciaw-foird of Georgia, and WtxnrotervultEe efliirtsaad prayeta of hundreds to so direct tin Conveirtiaa, that ntae its acts coold or sUonId be oonstmed iatO aa indaaementt^ dtlier Ciuirch ia thk dty. The dosing act almost, of tiie C'oovention, was to declare, by a ttnanimoaa aojalarcence ia the de-clarations ao XBXBj leading brcUiren, that it had iK>t intended to express an opinion, toudiing dtker Cttordi in t]^ city. But, whik all seemed ao dd^ted st the resnit, £Ider BoweS, tbi wgfa iwor^here, snd Elder Wdfeer of the Index, aad oUier despising men, br the ase of Nocthorn papers, nutst nxp and iret thedesominatioQ agira iatoafirea . Why, Elder Hoirelt kadaoti>een ia tiik dxx. trenty-foor hoars before a report, almost vrord for word like the one in.tbe New York Chronicle, was blowing all over ti» city. The deaominatioa onghtto bc gnlefii] to Dr.

Poller, for the ja>4 reonke of the cditcr of tte Chroni^ wiw most have boen led into temp^ tioa ia thk insfacee. Dr. Fttlier, onr readers know, w a President of the CLareotion, and wko icnowa better thaa he, kow Mr. G. and iusfriends wen treated 1 Did not ocr editor in iiis papcr de^ne, for himself and t ^ ddegates from the Spring Street Charch, any office or postioB tba hst CoaveaUon, in order, thocld distarfaing qites-taoes be sptua , to pat it out of tbe power of the Bnst matidoosto sjtribote the bJa^ to M m or the brethren of the Sprii Street Charch? I M he not rmdotdy maintain his piu-anauiini%d podtiea tkrougfaoat tbe seeat<a3 And yM> even Ikit soprakewn^T^actmiBt now beiosed' tohkprqadicel C a t r ^ rherej y ofDr.PoUer to the editor of the New Toz^ Chronide.

IJXX M Tisens. ttrm'VM mad Baw*n.

'H)arreadenan aware of thecOTtroriaig- which ha for soaetioiera^ between Dr. B o v ^ and J. R. Gnvas oi NashviBe, Tean. The iatter gaatleman, we at« told, threatened to withdrtw Cnm the Soathem Baptist Convention, which ktdy met at Bichmond, Va.. provided Dr. H<^e!l shoold be dected President, of that bodr. In t^to of tlus threat. Dr. Howd! was le-elected. ^ VEe. Graves ai^ lu* particular- fnendi trcr« tmted vritb-BBiked-n lect by the Conrentioo. >Te kaow aothiug of the merits of th. (li puta, and state these kids mly to show the view which is taken of it genetaly br the ptista of tke SooA."-*. r f O r o a ^ 'Wmtke editOT of the True Union, oblige me

aad evervfiiend of peace aod truth, eonectii thk aaKmaoamement wkiek I have read with pt aaadnrpiiseiB w renpeetaUe a paper aatbe Hew Todt Ohnmide 3 yrMo Mr. Qrava dedates bSmadf satisfied

with the brompt aad dseerfal re^xmst tlie Beard to be iaqnine*, a.-d while the Sooth aad Vest an rqoieing in the. spirit of luve and har acaqr whidt pervaded alt the proceedings o T ^ ( Bventiaa,a XoHbera pa;^ pabBsbes, editoii-" r, tkk stateoieat, tke i&cte of wki^ «v«rr

anstaae. oakthe first Ikave ever heiirdof any sudi

threat fteas Hr Graves ; aad I am san {>r. How-ell woaldkava deprecated the .tiauiight,that am" delegate dio^ be treated " with mariced aspect byihe OoBTeatiaii'' 00 'aocooat it anv fiUealte witkbiB,a tka akon artide aeti iiirtb. lai^ vidaak wiUalwaya entertain tkeir owa^nivate

on aUeolb^; hat itwiUbea ~ ' osriasaa da^ wbea sodi aa aaeaibiy as

tka Soatken B a p ^ CearauioB, eadndying a madtpie^aad .boow, aad ooaong op iroia tbe

Am CSuiaiaae. livii^ aad apy tbiagto tbi prt (baa Wliatbasaa eat&aatrbat happy.

U a a s b e die matter

n e y prcBs u W e waat HKTC only. Caa tbey. a»iB tbia i ^ mafrthaMbdp,

iabotf, we get

peo^e aad talk coae wbblly at sideadBtribBtiag day. If "

, J baaa asked far ten foasdt Willtb«7goto

[eaed of all work* ? W a to aawtbe iim of tbe fi^; s» mnltiTiIied ue aranakiag BBder tbeaL

t we OBB prosb to tbe tbfBii^^t Jestis, webe-

jn & e work, sad ba-raet^ prreeb e»ery

ia Iaidai^ri7 aidaiesB, or ealled away .-bs* tbe &3d,- tba remaiaiag labkren take bis ^ >» additioB to tbeir cwa, aad toO oa; beai^ the eroa ef Cbrist. Al-nady i bave finlp two wdiitM'y livea cf tbe tBtweaier AaiA aad I fcoae to spesd, at least, twraiy nttf tbaeyet, a tbe service of ay adonble Bed&aer. I re-dedisato miaelf to tbe work, aadJR^ to retarn boa: to duaa, to labor fw tbeffinlvadoB. W e ceed fsitb )a Gofs nemia^ I feel it a m Una aver before. niaI>i«>Te bat iaeretapd my fn^b, stni Stbeaed my^aliaaea on God. As I wa* oa way bitbaSfnmJ&iaa, we wen tbreat-eaed witb

pnaed I ataad kalfaa tbe nek. and he.'Wffa a lel, on l&ek 'daacn^a be aave ^

Tbs.atwa drove at is likeairall

ptain came to me acd ex-Oat tbe diip eeoiid aat k ^ ^ . She BBstMiike * ia "Go." aid lash ycnuBelf to tbe ves-tb^ yoB auy Etosd a

Ob, I tbottgbtif it wen tbewiaorGod:!^ I dioaU f ^ a g r m ia tbe ee^ aad no® joaoag tto dincK;, it vras ay pert to be n M ^ d — b a t lecald sotbelp it—bntbxai,^ tM tbat God bad a work ti OS ia Chiaa, u d . ^ bad strtmg in fcnn. Ob, we lookedr.t^ai wbeaeaoesietb all oar sbwgtb. . vary boni^ tbe aacbw beld tet, and ao eoatAed for'two boara, w b a tbe viads lalled aDd|cbe tida diai»d, asd wa tBied aadior a w drifted sroalid tbe bcK rock to afety t A qtndade Onr gratitodv taGodfiirlwa 7 was f;reat, asd I tbiar ^bentbistBdii^ Tbatdaagerstreagtbeced ay £utb ia G o ^ ' ^ l&bi* parpose to aae me fiir hie xlorr. I ; ^ d a o t take SSOO f.r the

Ob,bre'thrc3i, trastis tby bread Tipoa -tie

aad pint fortb efforts eom-.veik .befon ytni. t Bfiaia in Coaveatios, I at borne. Tbis was, int

I Iwe ay work tien, tril on «o locg aE I live

CUaar Will yoa teed otber btbonn f .^^nH-tbe aad Ciiris-tiaas ia tbis' «6w ej work far CMnaT WiB

and give of yoar reb-nf aoabt Ob, brrtirM, go ftt away. W e go to

teU tbe story of in 6t>d, and pray for

Befbn dtall be ia tbat is BOW, aadaade for tbe tahatiDa

yoa pray fer stacoe for the leiaeaber as hoaor Jesas,, bis d m g I0T& as. Fatew^L BrofierCni

*y finaa i,3lrt>a retamed saijsioca to oEer nsola^oc!; ineeest iBdica:jos!>

sad^ stilAiae pnrpoaca, shall aUinr say aenoHl a OtnaA djaesaaaa to k« atnaded apai ks deBbeatkas. ~ torUr. Gams'«pwticahr&iend«» wen

. ^ a e s t active,ae<U,1nnand membem o T ^ Uaavamoa ; aad bck, fciasd^ was mated

ay coartan. Xha Boards aid tke eatin tSoa igaraed aU fonli^ matters af disoord,

aadwairtatedaaoMe deikaWeoiMdttORtW tedaaeasaawaa^ tajSka^ netin^gh^ aad tka to heal aO e&neea oC#|mi»~ji5al UiBg. aa enapb worthy ^ stadylBdinaitstkaakewM < , Ijapat 4kak tka, edterK tba^fan^da^liiilaiixiaBlw] wn^tlw idahAeaed, sad I caaaotalkyw i ^ laortJM

iBdstioa to go iOaud, w d N ^ aiia^ lysiianniua to . . tiaetaadaBiqaivoed aai«n£etkdk ^ s D tto jMttia a ^ t i ^ ta. tka..ab«v*. pan-® ^ Aaditk^daatatibaXaiFYoek OhioS^

Diviae PnTiden^ea«6mgeiis-to go forward to tbe g r ^ worl^f the worlds ooavi' i'® to (%ris t, witb iaer a d vigor aad seal. Baahti, T b a t ^ will,iadiBd8slly and eol-

lecttrely, look to Sod fcr bis bles;^, alld ear-aeatly m k tar A spiat, feitb, seJ sad sac-oea wbid iliiiliiiMliliiiil apoatoba times. He wmld oalj&y for himself; tbat bo de-

sired to ntam field of labor; aad exer-eiriag a largw Eessare of ^tb in Cbrist, m a w bis eStaV^ for the sslvatioB of tbe Qdtmt, * Brother - P o a ^ e r tbea ealled on Brother

Clarke, a angaoBt^ to Caifral Afiiea, to ad-drea tbe sadieoat^ Brotbtf Clai3B^d,beibnXay any tiiig

IB r^sid to tbe aoasiy work ia Toraba, I ^ to W d ttet tolber. wbo b u jart spokn, ^ Htocd Xbe^eart ti tba auanonarv ic A W is ia aaififcfwitb tbat of tbe m m . nary m GJzai^ May ^ blea jea, my bnther,

M nals to year aiaistry wli^ Aafl sbiiH^ Stan la the firaiajacnt. M y bntbnn, .i%iea preaoits a field wbioh

uvaftaad iaviii^ aod tben is a nrrcM for tau now ben^f'-d laee. It baa b«ea taid tben is a fiit^^ tbe Bsp&ts:" yef, asd

^ is a falifein A&ica for tbe Batdsb. TIat fa^ rf^y tbe dak-

B M beea penetrated, acd ' a ^ G«d is fisdirg is a popaloas eoantry, large cities. Let aie

a mtp cf Bomtbera R'a-i^ dftaaaeSs of ooci-

BiBBBisatioa. Its sail

Ben of beatbeas tbe Ugbt of tbe.' ottranee t b ^ witb aolile 1 fcoH apto yiKffI daa.. T • -»««» sad inteft „

ptodaetivwpad itsdestiay ajsy be Mtav As as tie^^le of Enelasd bSiar a ^ o f tleetate^tbisgsiB Aftiea, the Mie-aonsiy srat foHb m a to <>oei^«>vaoBarj^tatim This w u a a w eaior A&iok, i^Unnndeawwasopaaiiie wtfcttedw to t-tsjreat field- T b e i l ^ wen^era M b r e ^ ^ ^ e ^ wbose srriTal wsji a

as a, ai»Dae. ^S»r-l«r tbe«o«pelg^adJv. ItsBi:is t b ^ Wis. StiCBafrtie ttrtr sBoestdf^ lif wygreWviriae

tbcir wardip

. V tfUeb f k ^ -an B a n ta-

asi rasand iabsHla^' ftetetolfa

M«Bt1asee_ ^ w t o ^ m


. .lof a «ity «r^Haeaia I aaly fonad 15 dOO

" been dcstiajad. I wa* W a i ^ to an ma. I <»dibeBtwithtbar

of »traa. ilamtaiMd

bart Tsnkm wblAwa m l

af ilatpi^kiiows ay >«ad tia b « p e f i t n « ^ W

aia aaqoactianfJGw w r Ibafakagd^Iored: wiA




thpa tiiuaManli^ noiM af (ttxisL * • -



Xhetakai batttUcha* iusKitaeri XaadaiBi

iHawiiiliii iiii f Iikrrporad

•ster Milan. ~ jdntarenaa CRkUat. ABeiAoea

aad Aaarican i adarad awatkr: Tiaaut, UMfi

Arshdaka Sausa—£

efgsritvwal' It k masted]

k Aa3ast,aBi?l

Xfae Semsa pkosaaurayei Tisrt or mil

]|» ktMO ikUessaodda, I (tsMthalk -Jvl tsok the Tallwxy ' oa botsibadt to % heSla. SraAtes ^iGt, i alsaoet iaike) vwrTsadhm fx iCMniptaijd J Wen with Ua, k basC Tb«1 a bk HaJ«B7.1 tad U a tsUwi dacL CidfflRn laiwiia.aai 1 praomsi. tskapckBcen aoava^ with yoaagaa.. TaSsria I7U. "It may aew ban anoHnt.-'ttaatlkal I74»arUiK9. tfadorf-lnl gated did ant Ua of r advasaid to •anwaihT carrta tte aotnocaml dB-ata, »» atf%tplRsc»i karafnar tb«*srri«».1>] saiBcivei * J Eetdfelaii avdrr 1 tint BT ad. Mr avaJjy 1

a 3..BaBarleks J ^ k r U a Mki PxtJ-asa.! •ware aawOStf SnJ nawimi-aHathefef AerriaapiwasJ

eivel a tJT AnsUkadidBai <nu> Kovnlatk

Jtarelcn bri >wa>iftiwOfacd3 visdal Owp aeT»<iftlH> w

bdtani i^aW«9rs<

•mlnr 1

*sr9ti«ifar Tkeanar o f l M ! eAililai iu te twenty 1

Ttisvd In « « . P r a w k i kaltopar TOOi wsrivtto allied 1 mrtefikv^B I oast iS vsrmeba aboat aatariacl Thalrac crtiwei

tkatddnafth*? toMaaisa.* TsaZocavasi

aa> «iu»anxt« tf i na-4[«Bf the] piwHtT—As 1

wBD'ate, sal I inadiei Atncarln llcp> Z-iBaTT«,aBV«: '

a.m|Nnbk Ab arenotyvta ifglmut org* tltfUihOa .tte : In b«i«kt$ tte*n« Tnssttrti a ^ i sotiaL andstaae I ^BsaBKXie'kaa* teaaBttaaa TaaB«<u.l

aataa— sunt aTBarfiria* divWaBWWI ^imlOi 7M.I Bob el Sv

Thelawtt . •».ii,fcItnt3«Bti OariWtt v»<

Cac.1. Aa ijmii fwc Wa

pcpafamea, ssd U t adrio. ILe denial Tbe S«i«

Hiaaa. Bflodansesl tkeoagniiT-tuBan advioeai

itf SardiaiaBa. P*aa, JaaeSS.-

nambmisg t acd

Th« tT» hsss!

ftlroeWakak. 0*n<nl Baa. _

th' rjcekazar.i fiOlBOi kSesOai. T u iasarietkii

lay. Pive bnadrwd

ea id dsnaa tba] Be tt Muuirad a r n,>dsed. r a Auslruwl

eadaumttAtoi rapuked by "" Awtrlsat&ik astakertwol

a»jro««t v.. ..AsBoand* fMia '

aerrpi !?«»»>« airrti A Hswi Oaatdt Uka Uagtioa. , nartrgop* aaaBstl radt.

lathe C. e. diwg*d Witt ataaakar. Tweaawa

dertibra by the Baa Jaasi *Bt!Mftm» tkt n v m iiBaplisti

tanday May r



V' i :'iitk


Page 3: raad .l|pM>.Be« »Hu b |«ti«teatiasnMI-i kr Out.OalBEtB duD a nm >ad Is yerferfxA ("sruiirt nt e y Wait,


im h

tfce LtotattliL

rOilB Utii


i miwuoii.

i S t t f o C i m b «f

i p a w a s i d t M

M f i ^ r a i a


i p w


L h n r


^ Jk JHMfaaS

t « n l d g h t ft

^ ^ Y o d B A p W h M l u i k M M

Ufetnortad U W u m Ihi* 1 !>•> M i W b w X f i ^ Basint ^ ftwrti, ,*iB BJJU

A I g U ngL» i I'ft. «t i i i i n W u r n ft M 4 ftMrieu aBK« ,WeuM'tk« ' 'bttjt

- wtawt n v t e t . T iacM^lb^tL- . !

JiraiBUa Ctette, i M i a b c b M A ^ H t l H K ,


U h n a M n < dat _ ii iJam. i A M ia» CM^tfite

i l M A l i ^ o U

151 Ifcpi tm flin'it

ft^g^-ff f m


^ f t a M r n M U s f

w J

l l n i n i S m 4o

' ^ S ^ O M f

I f a i K f r C * * IB

yj^rTiiiiiai, it WIS

ir taBBldi aotiwln

1 • y ^ tet

Mdk IB M s u

I «II our

^ t f c t n s W M d

ilMnik. viivs tiia

' U G w d , atidwi

tka faim gntitadB



tUsa tit idi*

, _ i t2i*

Tte S M H a M i t h m i f s a n a tteaMltaBto pba* SB u n r aa tte BUaaw

T i m r a e B e p s s a a C i w w w i e tSE Weaaa-wa fX .HiMtuMiK.—A JMar freaoi iMA-MutaniL-Allamnitrla. teaCJS • ' d o A r f Catanfetr. iUg 31.

toakttondlmr t»TortiHk,aad-*aaiiH oabombMJcio i lA te M < a T h M t i a r V a M ^ Mill. SmOm at imA bo&at w a «iU tytos kbosv ui< hte « » O a W M s of ika eoaba« •loMtiatbaalslaia v W A f t l a C k a w laft by

l U a M B a n v n r d* Bap« i U M B p t a M t k a Zscciar Sib. foRX %«i aot abb « a v t a i U ^ ^ I I ^ ^ a W B t a ^ m Ika M l

k M l f o a U i m i k : jHid . Tba«waia«aiai4rrtia»ykMaitkteHir taMaMriatn'^wteaiatoerf M w . aataoMPMria-M W a h t e w a n M a i H n M o t U a btflteteoa. «aaL edioa^CuiMftimahDaeibraQBd'l^ tkr I v p m r . aad fttttaMT |Ma (huha iite toax «Bea fiiitaalajL Swand laMlaa aOoan v t e M t a n HibnprtNecn iweSMwetadie a M > M d vtth A m . Maai a ( t l M iMfa rtrj T o o a c M . O a a M b a M v n a n M at the TaO«lai t v X . r HartMr. Tba v n a a M y t w d aaUIanttevniifta " Itauraairbaaa

ITOOSarUiOOIX -Ifaaadsfaal •eeoaat b A n rraoeh lro«fw«a-

aot aatMOBtto aota ftasnOOL Tb«D «*a imwi*ef MdataNlfciwaaiefcw. teiae*«mM brl^OOOAaitriaaa. -t9nartirtRM(ia«f tka Oar • • imerd to atteiac O a ta to

baffaalnx to M

l A t M t v a o t e m i a M M i d w U S a i . m l . tw Itar «r MWnlHlin a^ptOfa, a M A

^Nitatfaug.afcainfcati . baraf flw^ w a a a M , aatIian U t a * tnm i m tiw>»««m.»> M I . «f tka woaaai «ia»«t

l a f l W ^ tniaa* to w t a t a a | » n d n . Tbr S t H M a n eoatrr a a M M bMiy k a a ^ W d e s «tttar Oat bona. T h a r m i A ot^aliy <iawt 11 mi •>iiti« >r tta teat Afttean O a a a w » i 4 M k l M i l a a l r i i * * M > i M a f t a o O r n »)ha A R t i i M k M i b m t ^ i Soeapwriali Jmmmoif U t V t e ? « « n M B . } , , ^nra wnriOiRC «a uuiaaaw. ( tkb eoafinaa tfc* • a t m a t l a M 9 « & f M ^ tkat M l of ^ 8 » Aayrlsa prteaeeis vara a t o m M

flto yseee C>»te]a

I U i l fta i M t k a a lady AartdKX ioada er iwim

e : wi*

ntaiB ftaai ahltfait ^ U d . c t i M t U . Vkr Aaatrtaaedaatahaarfai^ptlnMrfWa aa.T

n e K e w M a w y T W M e w i h M * * itiy ooaiis ftat^ 1»Tiiwwl*alB« n M a m f i m t e . a i i i ^ jMaafttefiraa«Saebyka»alaatei« totha pRv

TineU QjmsaMBt »o axti tmUr af aaaaa af tiw M m U a act wUiii «aka iB


T t t w u , i m


t t ^ m ^ imi

t iu iG in i-

miait W U l



« » i F » J far

T«a T«S>" rfJl" lu y M W tolrr-

-fnilne>»M*<iq>T7naadnU • • f r f a d i araiy ab-K r W ^ C K Q U a M . aoa-lo^tinate'BhnalMa'aainv twia T ja mnar af U t S » » sBapaarA uualta ftaai AManetetwaBtynnseratB. OTsadlDm aa«a (invtw t « M la ISIt. aeir tOOOW i m d a M in ISt-L rran~.<aa!l4»ieototbbiaaafb«reiritw Iwila pa? TOO MiHtaia t i ^ R S

pwteflHHItBKRlMHL Xkmtrnfm Anm sat tr n r a n A i a f l a p o v c n af Kvapa ataaa* •boat aataciac fate.

TbafrBemwnnfCkaHnnaanawaa «BRM<«I>B

ftei<LibmaCtb»tM>c4 B<t of April, tan M o o n ta lCMi»aa.iaeBrtail by a M P afhaMia.

Taa Z o f f t m m a m rm* B^tw™*.—la Ika wi-aa» mn«aK»a af rtta m o i g a aoaaa tha Pti. m a o a f t W y w B c h b a g ^ f c y y fcoaJ h g teaa-

T b T f ^ a w a a u o a i j w t t * aa totUa«t «snra«*, u>i pr«ftr«» a S ^ ba-b e tb»or«'Ism tebaapaaiat ia tirfr raaki.

A fatterlo t * » * a h t o t i e Zlik*Mi*nl»« X%a«n.M7arH>aaJhet«l|lah«n»Mpaartba te-•nparaUb A M m tiaeiw. «itb « b a t o « b a A n t ^

typtMqiBiBtiA, lor a U M l b a lb* tbird m n f S i I baa b a n oa c a n i M ^ ; alow

tb»UdiOc(..tba Baabaraaatklrpt.titeaD slebM In b « m ] n ; ttnaar ftiar ac«ka ••<» Ibpy « TBKOAt tfia«»««»«aAartoHlakabaaataBai»».®rt siXiEa, anAaiaea tbHrairtnl is r W i M B t b v t e b w aaeaapad Satbaid^at af laiai aod yet tba » ( t B » t baa w c Mite** liak.'*. . • . ^

TnBiUJiSMtaaantar i n F m e a Ji« Xarrs-s c u a — T b » J M w n c t a Iba* Oaoacal Yara^dl-TtiialB«aMM«a*MW mea. cfdaafta of tba n ^ aant of S u A t t eamlqr. Tba iMIate aaya tbat tSa < » W > aMuaailaf fcat mlwaati af tba Bop — 4 e S » t 1 » L S » * * 8etfc-4ea tba «lbbattal. ]laaet

t W U o r ; a i d t n r .

t r « i i i k

tAttSea «r tb» • •• 3

tey Smt&er,

jnr wahsxj



I t j m i H a A n i d

r I ts Sa^ttik.



i « r a M i C T B Ssv-

i- akuunli tf: vaa-

11*10. m

F M i b a ^ t

t barijcp

•••A'ftnttaffi to

mm-a. imw



r k A l S t . .

llMTaeattaniaal artba itMBMUpTolMa, fir

n addUaHt saaa ftoa toa ant af

IbaktntaapatckihKa tario atja Iba Aiutrlaaa «i» in (on n«raat aeaM tba TIciaei

S B i b d a -vaaMTaBba^btt'Mia aceenaftf ta

intfrlnc Othtv-'v A a i n a a ^ i a L h a a b n t e otH ia tbaTatdiiia

mtStOaa, aatf ibqr ara wpafrfef b Maaaaaia Liadtia.»aetBtnaf Iba imimiKmij «MwaMWt

Tba Swiaa asibarite ba*a i k m u A Uw Aaa-Viam. OwitanaM ba«« baa* aMk:iato ftebteiiar of

ombUTX* tHliaaadTioaaoaeiinatbaeapmaaf )Paie*«rol9

-^SaraidaBa. . s. P«ua. Ooaa Jl-Tba » F a y ^ Aaatttaaa,

aoahwlB® lUly taoaaattd. MJttad Phawaaa jaateP. dsr and raaamaClMabndy.

Tba tia Aaarian cWaoa wba wata to priaoa atSooy. b » e bean Mhaaei, and a r e * beard tba etrua WabaalL

6 m n l ITMI. aoaMBWdaraftba «nnbeon»<< A • r w a A anar. aappotStetflhalbaMl art^ 003 aaa. tatcafia^ta aMicb oa to ttiaa.

T M i M o m t i a B in- iMBbardi^ia apnadbic t f

Mir. f t n baafcad AaaWaaa diwiraad ia iba

eaid darias tba battla ai Meatra. Aootbrr fir aaeanadalOcaftanaa, batata tba anaaiy wna Mudaed*

Taa AMtrtmabataaaamitail Tatft. At ibis a ^ est aU#<BStto rr-eot* ?*!.•«ro, tba AnnriaBa w m Tannland by CiaUiaiiK dMatao. Oa Taaaday (ba • i M t e a M M t a * 1 i » laacaard at T W o Calaoda, u 1 titti a m bam* bard fl(btii!i sar tnoiM panaed Iba aaesy a m tba TldDO.

Aoaawiis frap^aHibaMt M > i m a r a a » Aotriaa oarpa baiiH^ arTind b c ^ ' t a a . ba lb*

Ha W S m d a aetto i a i « b « to tOI baek aa U k » »•((<«>«. Aa a n a ^ «aa attnaptad by aartioepa B^fdaRSaacoaaB tbcUkakbatirttbeBt rtaaa.

latba O . a CowtakApalaableah, Fla^Bloaa, o b M P d antV tba modar af tba Capuia of tba bsrtt jjfc A-Biafiag*, b a b a M aoatietad af tots-aiaasblkr.

twa esptorfBT »xpa«doea a»a anoa to be BB-derukn by oar tbaftu faas h«art ia S a * Sfaadea aad tba aOtr toaiv^ tba Ttfio» Hiaea aod

t at ITavifUaBW-ed aaluptotoe.aa

, Bs^ua ihto

BMwi^OM^bMa her

jpi miy ipm

^ Umi fn

b ^ j ^ i d H i t a aanpnat,;*!)

alteii, bat laabBy ba fldad ta bto oMKt. Tbatraia bocDd Soatb Kaaio<4 at tba plaea af

Mcidrat and] Um n U l iraia oakainc SerthuriVfd^

>baa tbapaaaanaan ia bolb «aca abana«d u d «>ar


«toa altb tba aiana; I g a t t b a r ^ j a n i a a t at braay tbaia m t

^ AaitaavaaoalKaMlMa^l tia t a i ^ I f i i m M t f tii^

iac fatftaaattyaand a l a ^ t e t r i b M A M Iba t ^

»artaidaw> ^iwsaai«»a ( itfM tba ( m d i c beaa

5JB4 l a M a c . ^ r a a jMtbattjka wxabnd a

iaaat fSOrbgr tba S m ^ baridaa 1 «>«aty-tlna aena ^ btaaaiTba ^ b ^ ^ M h a d aftaadcaia niwitlaTfctola^ag

TaaKJ^Baaaa^TaaAe, ^Caaday; lUylS;


> a a l H & y . iba aOOi, aad

k«iD tddrtaa tfeTaaBciaOw

a* * e ertata^ ea tba SStb. At tba B a p w e b a e * .

Xbaaoaadaoaiaasadtb laafiacar

k -

•f ;

Hiai . b t w t ^ .

. . . t «

t U " Q a ^ " alll taka bwa ^f

. . iaf »ad tha Ma«ta<.JI^

L«d4caiiGnt»«a]|yraft nepieati^ hfiitiU

• • - J ^ W . • ,

' ^.BMkm eaatoaa."

• ^ U B k . . 3

^ Daiaa Paiiaaaan t.-rTba aaaaal t



Hrzkaat fnJj'MaariB iriadaa to tba'neiat w ^ d ^ a r Jeaat jb Jataaa^. Tba « W h m fcr afcaditd


IZabaabaUai •bbatban^' niScneaiifvio dhpoaad KashiaA ah

t t b a I M . M i d

*ar af runapt int«7. tbat tboy oBnr l a i m wiib a^ . aadauiyaaaara tbffr fiiMdaiaei aUMariaaaa «ba daaiia aadtiaa eawa ^ thtow and Cated awwa aaq^yiBL ,

^ ^ ^ i a a i a , a m a a a ' adBptad:

Totboaa 8aBonalaai'>babavab«n<taraiAk« aavitb aappBto aadaarryta(aa tiad».a«ba^ «a

tbuaaf adailratoaaa|iaaa e a r b a ^ m i * -luiMa. aad taaofa tban ftat O d r ttalsa aad i m a r * «r abaU ba lafc ihm a a o h M t e tan had A t o a r i M «rX«sieaaB. And,tbrtbaraMta,tbataptatyotaar. cSiiMK-aia in panaH «f tba priodpal iaaUc^oc. wbb e w y peoapaetaf a«»alhit bim, or driibur r"

tbeeaaatcyi aad ibu « « « { n aaataia alii aad Miidkrt I r a a y agana Oay aMjt

tobrtmbfaaaadMatwantttoaate Jaattoa-ar. T .


UrS f M a U t a . ^


SMdtjr tlto K b b iatd ah»e w Wadaaad^ Oia iXMb


^Aaaanaaa batoi* tbaSaaia^ cf K a S i ^ l a - tbaSa*; Oatdaar.^f JUiMtoUIa,

Cy^ a U ba daUnnd ea Baadar tbaSbb J a ^

Iba addaaaa bifbiaibe Iihenaf Soeikdia. B * .

J. M. Daafdaaat of PayatiafUia,

tNdaaKoaaayiiigfatoftbajmb. I b a a i & l i r w

thaMbUSabaiMtaref tba lata Yraaldaa^ 1 .

, by A . K Biyaam Sat., of HaaipidiS V m ,

wfitbadcBrmdaa Staaday ateabtc ^ t b a StuL

Tbawctiacaflb^AIaauaBodctiy via tab* flMB

«ataaaite7al|(ftaftba!»(b. Tba rwmMtiiiBit

anrdaaavMlWMplaoeoaVadaaad^ 3 » b a f

Jaaa> Tba ialiaal a t a i ^ of tbk.Tra«laM arfU ba

btU aB Taaaa^ t b a a M o f JaaaL :

Oao. W . jAaiua.' Cbainaaaof tbafbeaJty.

j B r n ^ a M a w * * Scaxaaa A m t a i a T a a "Hair

Toax f r l r M U f lyaxr Vaax.—By tateaaoa to

radaactiaiac aalaaaalt win baaeaa that tbaaa-


bava, atgraat agpoaaa, tokdaaaanaataaaat to fab-

liab m m r amaoaof tUa nry aaUbratoi l e i O m A

XuLaota AeetM».-^aat«rday BMRdac aboal baSpaatfsaro'ehieb; aa aaetdaaS oennradaa tba U d n M o d aad Patarabaqr BaOraad. wUdi bsTOpcOTadawIoaa, batfer thaeaidloBa aamaarla vbSehtba.traka ara saaaBy roa. JaataJlar tba miaa titia gobw Boeib of B l d w a d bad areaaad tba brito o»ar Jtar* ibm, aad waa-noalacaptbe sradaoaartba aoatbna abatiaatt, tba laaaanUaa vaa tbrawBtaaa tba tack b r tba dtaiiaiiig ef tba •^wteb,-* a a d d n c i ^ tba ta^bkr aitar botb to.1 pbril a n r tba i l ^ ^ d t H M l b c tS>

•arraateaar.batSgJaitecaAaea. Tbancaabana aooMdaitbe • M t d t " waa tbatinad aoaia aiaU-tiooa arbb tba bepa af oaariac a aatiow ae-

S S i i & e i i r A B ^ J I i S

B ^ S ^ & ^ ^ T ^ i H n H I s i 4 i e t R r . a B C . — H — — »o»

teiLaiBafc.iaAuiM.sattkOMaiaia.....^- laa Wjr»aBauk, - " — S W a. fcwt, till Iiiai 11.-m >. Waiiai». > > — . . . 1*0 wta-aato^ - - i g

lai 1 a* t«a 1 aa

— ito taa tk*

tinaad tb>«rJaeiBiTa. tbBaaaoafaqi Sorb gMlac tii tbetn& «bl(& fenSIdiBiaed tbat BMX^i^ ^ n ? iboaa sotea Saatt iaata tiaaafrrraii to tbr F a l v a b m t r ^ «Uah lataiafd »a tba'Hkackada oto" b to emarot wttb a * Boatbna t>abL

TbaBl^aaeadaadMataban nad bata badto fern aeddaata aa aay atbackitba aooBtiy.aad aatba aSloafaateaniMl^BCBNitWBRi. rad atlaatiiatn

' ba«iiina,hia nTpriatac tbat Mof m & weaM nabatoiri. " ^ " —

mtCM.VnlL J -:


joia tbfia, or vodisi^CT (be Bt«« a( ianoae. by vSfony tbraaiot Iba tantictt

>batnck. O V a baro aa doabt tbat piavar ttni* win ba atoda to dbwnar tbaparpMBlat of tMa dwd, aad if O a (oiHy «a>^ la Matted, tba aarmMpao-iabaeat tbu tbe U « M a isfiet aKooM ba BMtad *at tobiBj-^stiUwidSi^iddl. MtbtwC

Tba aqbastna at SloUIa ( ( ^ Vanry anS «M. Mettnald) baaa deaaaded of tba V a t M ftatK. CoBttftalr dIaiAaiie tnm ainiaibr aBciM ifcda. tfaa of tba DeatnHty iawa, oa tbo crooad that riaee Ms^ bad b>n Vtd onr by'tba Oait«t Stataa Coai-tnladBner. a Oraad-Jaiy bad toad* ib<>& toqarat for tba Aatiia aad lataraed i»b(a of iadietaeBi. Ja<be C<ai]^hoUatbam«3aBBdarad*taaaMBt. -

TbaPalaanC«aaa.)JaBnua aaya. thaS .wbaa lito onr CatboUe ebnndi aaad^icatmi atCbieoaea, S<a»-day. Hay tt. tba B«r. »r . Boyea, aTw^aatar . preaebed, aad toM bk beann tbat iba oaann? aaadadtba oaaama^poaFn'af tbeCatbdeCbareti to c o a m ft. aad tbat If tba Cbdrab bad tba peaarlt^ maid daatioy tbe flea p n * of tba a o a o ^ m t abi b n n ^

taaaloarra.} Speetasortoya tbat tba weat-mt alope of Iba Blaa BIdie ia aowaofcnd «ttb«il Ikaaaf ioeaata. TbeyappaaiaddiMBcartbatopbf tba axMDt^ , i^ost ta« wwka ISO, aad aeoa to ba owrioc ia araeetlj dli^Gtiaa,

Tbe Moratiaaa ])**a a taiaaiaiiaiT to e m j ItO w m h a n ; OmirPcatiooaBau aae to enry 2 30#: 2r«vB^aal Prad^fteriaca eaa toe*«ty 3«00i O M ikAooI Pfcri>jt«riana aaa toam-t* Bob-

lOasa oae b<«y C ^ ; Redbaca Ba{>tM< one «o erary 8.«8«f Matbotiali Kertb oae to am<y « I T S .

BnacwAcx ta Xoara Coaennia—The ta Xoara Coaenma—The ivcec: Epiieop^ CoonatioB of IT. O , :«porto B.036 comat-Bieanta iotbeStala, aitbmtaapdagaa darice ta<-paityp-.aadtMeoalnaatiMM. ^

Hasl Liaa'Btrjrd. Dfaoeiitic easdSdale ior Lleatea-ant QovcnioF of Keatacby, ha* recorrrcd bb •iekana, wbfA caaBaed biai fiira iuoit tia'? ba Pkiladdpbia, aad baa rataned to b b baai«,.-ea-rttU.

Taa VmBAt Caoa a B s m a a o a a Coaatx.—Va laara ear ooantiT ftieada tbat tba yiaid or wbaat «in be iracbbi-ttertbaawaa expected afiswWeeka dace. Tbwa win be a toiacably tUr aTeng» « ^ ^Mtrfntaitn ^rfiyrapj^ , ^

WaaAV ui Caxsos Covstt.—Welaara froataa ia-tcIUenit &imrr of CuBco Coaaty tbat witpat will yieM baiter than waa utldpated, tboagb It MiU iUl •boit of aa a*ei*ge cropb—iiad.

Tbe f)si«tBl of J a b a X Iijona. irito waa abut some two weeba boo by Toai Daalab, took pUee co Sao-day Uak BSa teauioa .atooaapaaiad to the n a n by tba Sbrlby Oaatdt aad tba meiaben of the TypuiapMcal TTaioo.

taa Taaanoaiaa—Tbrn baa been alMalid im-taatat taawawoitb, Jaae S,Ui tba ehelSai of aeev bMsof tbeOBatitatinal C<a(*enti«i. Drftdto m-

lb. Tanitoiiaa eaaaotbebad ibrtao or tbiMdaya. ABpaAkaaaa bare bi>aB [oond, asd tbe qapAtaa ia direct aa to a Prae or 8!aw Statau

Tba FOta^ Paak Bzpieai baa arrired with B a a w City datoa of-tfe«> 36ib ahteto, aad SCO ia a«dd.. -AB abru of n m r t wan ewraat there. Socie tantiea,

laid, weta saakbig bam |I6 to 120 a day at the •hv« ,aado(bmaolUB( . Tbaladiaaa a>e eoUeet-iac ia ooaaidatable aaabera aloactba raaie, pro^sf tioutilaaauu to tratal, aad refBalaa to aUow t b a ^ •cotopaaiwitbeatpaybic blaefeaaail. Tbey warf alaabeiHtaicaBd aMaBac wbatam ftcTomdd taj tfeaifbaadaapaa.

n a OMBaento baaa earriad Lamawoatb bydfiOaaJari^.-Xr. n a n a ^ ^

laBc lK«ia,aUaz)Gaa<eB|ipBo biafcaanapoa ibepavFiaeoiia fhioiaf artfrdTias.w.xltaUoaSit-ara, tid praeeadcd wbb bia damiooa. ia apito of tbe fauenapiiaaaaf paakan by. Ba bad e*«d«aUy ndatakaa tba d#ure tor aoroe aaiat or Ibr the Virgin.'

A Vroaiaa Bcxmoa.—Tbnaia atffl a ninlwr • r tbaWyatolairattMaaaKfiarat r M n ^ , Xadi-aoD Coaaiy. Hew Tark. Mt. David Stoddard, a tela aad hearty oidmaaof nhMty-boe year*. f

Wiui Ca< Baaxa.—To pntrctibo people agdaat Ocaa awbdMBK ibopa, wa rapabHA a Hit of tbaai, not oaa of wbldb wa d e m worthy of eoaSdaaoe or eradit. Let trrrrj Bsan who deafrta to protrct hia>-aetf aeiint kiaa piiawia tUa Bat. aid refitoo tba bSk ef ad (be baokl aaaatd, wbaao»q«d.

XardMota Baak, ef Maena: lateifcr Baak, Qrif. Sb;~ Ii^Oraaae Baak, LaOiaoaa; Ifotfb Waatatn Baakr Blncaid. Oa.; Baak of OretatbamL a feoro; IiaBl>n> aad kadiaidea> Baak. Daltoo.

Baaaa.—MaaaCaetaW and Karchaata^ Babk-i Caiambaa; Sxdaaaa Baab O p A a ; Hnatbafb Baak.' Balabfidaa; Gbnokae Icaoraitce ard Biok<bc Oaa . paay. Daitao.—.dayaMa O r m i i h a m i S M H a d .

Tbe editor of tba PaaMtac Qvioo. while to aU

taoduoe A a Pany Caaaty flaM.>Oadrt. B M aa old B.'*aletii)aa«y asidiar, aamd Joramiab WU-; Bimbaai. wbaknaw WaaWaatoa aad JeOanoa

aad w a a a t ^ battle of X M a « 4 p ( i a p . and aaMsr

atbn of tbe baidcat ft>asfat battiw M he B e W . tioa. Ba toted Ibr Jeff-noB fcr PiaaidaEi, aad i» now Bttyaan^bL Hia laat awnrhaiawaa a<aMa«.

IkijMtM. Waihnim. »Mitia*,..;.. HwiMtt taawfiMB, BMon^ - -'

i •

t. JL M«Xutv. tr U T. T«rMr Bf.. M.V Twnitl. lUMla4«ti- » •»

]t.*.a.TuM>, - - JOB

. : taa

S. Tnlack. Ifciiililii—, Ma«ks tto

WwnaV.AktK ? * , OMtc*'a. Both. Tbfbito. 1 «• M^a«(ii>«. — r - — u a J.».W.B«ttk. - tto i r.feweSk ' " laa

- " 1

WMU. 1 ! • »

ite woa~ iMWtk. - ito - •• J«»

«n.O. Bom.* - Ito JUDM It. FutmtM. ffKta. (iteixte. H CO

WtUamnffia^ T w w * . t M

- - Ito . tto

ihuWk r. " — _ I te Obert B w * . rh lBl*.-

« * S a i i u . it, a w ^ t>iaiMii..~— Tkw Tliwit teirwnUU, Tm Wa-S^asK. - • — W O a^'M.OMHrM.atvite.— a t. Ximt. )tt».H.A. arutacidikaemTMUt

an.toktka. - — . J«k« Buki. - - —

awtOftM. M » A. -

i?a oSSSn ««ta.«»iii., TirtiaK *

dieot awainal ftomtbetopoftbatanaattrMWltb arito . , .V '

CytaaV .nattbMiadM ftr I IBopatamew Wa faxntooanMelianwitbtbaaaapa^taloBdas ta

manalftiarln*. dariaa tba aaanaar, a aew Atlax^ cabto. TUBtotobabi«^l« .OBt witballtte M W bapr.attoMti. aad M l y ptopwad tor hyiajSaWb tbaAUaaticeHfytotbeiaawarof B F Z t w . Wr. B W d a ^ n a M T U a f t a b iB tba ilHiiila^toieato of tbaaatoraitoa a a a t n M ^ a a b a «datila ifftaaaoi.

A a b a t a a W a iMid aQtbakbMnrta baa* tharr ba t u m a H m m

Um. SKuMmm. Blaama. tm i.amtitUrCK, ^ Mtrths «oa»T. Mnulim »1l«r,

Wta. abilMaflx. las rtoLB.ausMt. U Bk i>K<tk, X.a FwatMlw. a R. aoffw, J.B-CToatk,

I. xi>(««n. t w m m . -


Ito »«• a w 1 M taa Ito I ao Ito Ito It" I to I m laj t to 1 to I w 1 f« 1 to 1 to I 1 *o 1«0 Ito Ito l « I to

to > « rto Ito Ito tea tto > ta laa 1 «

"IT. thttbtvOMtUr, M n i ^ O M ,

Jrtair WSIM5 C>>MraK>ll,»>at>0«nl>a*.....— » W

Ito tto 4 to tto t o Ito tto 1 <« to*

¥iik.iiaMr waaw. jMak O M T . ; ^ DltMWtM, " ••

a. .a. Jomm, MttnOt. ...

IK Pl.UU. .. . .WMM.... . . . . lUa'IWUM.tet XwlMkf .- . .——_ K.H WtaT.ttoa^ KwtMkr, ILiUVBtn. S.S.Jtmm, " —

- -

XtliMb 1b««^ Tw*T, S w t ^ . . «

VtnOilbwtaa, " " a-aCata-, " " 3 W.BoM, * "

MitlML Wattuekugk, Vrae,taas,— — Ij^a-Cta^... ;

- - z r r z :


• to tto tto I to

to it* I to Ito tto

Ito Ito tto I N tto Ito

t* 1

taaetto MniaMto* tiaiil>H ton *mm « tt. Taa latelaMttltotai* M a c tm} HacOf. wt aw ntiUi I ta liBaUiita>t«f«t Itoi teantoMVu tto fafw.wiiktkK b r v i j ^ l M R O liOOTKt.TMW.

nuiACTs ytcx ooausroxviuncr Ibxtxsu m m aaixaaaca TO T B A • t a w > « m n o a c w w t c n u IOCS aaowii. a m u m a * . Att.. >• Mhrvw <U« j«a u« a

imia. wlaiailtoiatj toUaifctiMttatttottott I aiaw H«m4 a .«M

••ta.ii.BnwBMatalMtote't*'^ aatawyattor •TatktkfM ettk JM. u d seaM *M M N Ikaf aMo. 9«M tntl»a.ttotl<i« trjMUKlaHt* M k M *»»>•*<> tM toUb. »»* toae to tto mat «tot Matoe^m aait iMto ata Mleew af OariA ttot to «U1 « « & hta W|g«. M.*aiielttaMb«f«u mi<Im aAuMdat lto (wim tk.}

M l Ito laJuma at Skrat «iU a* to toiM Ua Chana. CftoM Bn. 0>»>«a if } « u

nAtaWtawuadi M M ^ U s k r f w f n f e n i M t tba iptrtt •! CkfMto la na jMltoaoeu.»« f w ttot ta« tflMti ClnMiMrtt'ltotto<4>»t«(tkaton***<a«TMaaai

^•atltoi* MMito tAaiim'tnOknala iMth) MeaaiFtlr a n ' m Oaaam prtftiM

Tiaa. raaiaed aad eeneeiad by MtoMU^aadlbraMdad

byatrety afatar atfttoily foe tbatrpaper. Tbiaaaart

faataia fa HUiaiy JoaiaaBaa toaat oaaatoaodtba

Haw Tork Warariy la aveiy base olrda, aad iu

aoetgetle imHiabBii to tbapetioaiga aad sapport of

tba eoBfbtewtd pablio.

O a o n a * Baaka ^aea Jaat iairodaoed a

aaw raioit tawnNr BUoinls. It

eaakaatbaaaweaad Utf ar deaib Im*' aMMt (a

paleot itteb,)aad tatbaoaiy atiteb aadaby a Saw.

taa liaaiBaa a m A a u voK vAitnT vaa.

The lla^iae aawa fMto two q^oaSa, aa paiDbaaad

tea tba tootai^TCqta^lBfao thread to ba wooador

ra^iooicl. M> a b u t e or bobU&a tote BUad. no

l^arpadatobar«^aeedaaaw.a»ah«t iatarfala,

or owapBaatlBa of taatJtiaety, aa b> tbaWbaaiar &

VI]aao.aadBiafer Slauie MMWiMa. b d a w a a t

ooitaJn ottoluli tbe aiarhlnwy of tba otbar au-

ddaea. lad atia wiU aoroaipilib fifty par.

- W I U B * n r V M c

i r e w V M f t Vfttnet

M B Q M r a W F tMBXX rAPSk . ^

. « a B O M n B R > A i m . < r A i « t ^

pail A i i i h la^y^wantoto laii <tolnm iiiaa »Ba

d V B o n m uatst i a a n ^ '

•WXVl^BXXT. ; Ti'-..;-

^ aa^ BS 9%,

n e u a ^ i h i ^ *

a ^bi t#ir .

f o m n m T araaa^akaeUK-BHlb' B. o u t m - ' m n .

- Bcaaia. « t A a a . j D a a . ^ ^ ^

W M M w r a , • a r ^ ^ a . j u a * ter^

A u m / i x , ;xaa«> Itow Baady.

etthaa arictaal Manwtiol fttlck

^ . a - . ^ ' i t o ' ^ J S S S ^ S S f c


I* Mte Un tawt Immm; fafn-«r tlM at

HTBMalaUr.a toUtojeatobr nisfioe.

atoMat t awla Mtoaawtor. MUtfaSeu »»^»niaiai IIIIIIIH .tUmfllu

work is a givra Utoa. Wa taarmtoa tba pablte that

tbia toaehtaedoto aot aaly adtiaiagaa

thaa aay other ( ^ a s T A U o c a a a a IS aaa. BatBa*

U a to dftaagroiaot, aad ta to ezuaiBdy a i a ^ tbat

addldofMyaaaeaBopantoaad totaafo itaaa>

ertofally. It btea, toOa, gatban, adieb* aad eto-

broideta, an wtlb aato aad totiUqr of UOO ititchto |iar

.a^ata. tC

Q P ^ B m a a Baoaasva Oouaaa, oa C n r a a a m


Ori(laal otaHaaa ty Joalsn aad oCbeiik

Addttto baiora U t m i y Boeleiiea (V. a D. aad

{•Utopoataa] by Beix Jaaact L Aotiy. apeakar cf

lliaaiaaipfd Eoaaa af Biprtoaatatitoa. Poaa. hj

Dr. ObaHca miBaaM, ef Ozfad. Uito.

tf Kaaaax Pataa. Saarataiy.

E X B 9 0 T O B T .

Otoer*** toH wetoea Ui*toe fcrl*Mtor» eea ItWt**

Mito. vtot tUtif. blthMl «>lac k ttott •««. elmtor vHh *MteHtt)a.ta4ii>]<iT

to M. MlaMm «aa (I*

m vtttoM toUr. «ton BM

, «ltoia8 to incnftoir MRtMm


FrtMI^WMkti eawlUhmia

toUr. «hi

a ' S i d : : . iKtt.

Mcti^w^tin, feTBwt Mat MManur Ito aenn. Bt. BVTMataiMletoirMto^aMiwitoaKt no* watt hr (tok to>maiat laMTtlia HT iRM mmi$maM.


a «wan mtntl aaa m n aiato «t»a»M«» le atorHUa If.

t<a«ni. •aaau K. K a u m

Us. a—lla«» XanuM I—At • ito 9«m-

UaaMiaitntoaMUalaarOMntw l—rtot—. I •WW** M >1 iillnlat tto toart to awtto ItoaMM ttoeaib ttowitwatttoTiee^Ne Biftto briuiHklMtKMMMTMlatorvltklaMr t»M«ii tto tolUMaf tU>7Mr. Ito «—fmatlaaUmkaMtoteeary «intoau4*wtli(Mtai7. H u m iMMt lk]> a*«lM atow tto to*«etjwa«iwlMy,«ee»«Ueeieto«ilHtto ibOTi. My *4dnat>*t ' Hiiatal ll«ato. Itoala O—mty. Wm.

tf. ( A m u n S B W i . 5o.t.-A OtauiM u TaAeaah toe r a l M M tBtftm



. taaatontokl atoeal. fnlMiAitoatM w TMM.'

a, ». J,


LOMMaaaamr r»M«>-aa.

a o i C M O s o . K O B T o n

Thl> M t o t a M at kK MltoM B W MarCtmaora. T m , MOalMaflbjiaitto Utk}wr«fU< (f*. R*to«toM

lMnaBtftM.«aitar>M«l«t "MtototodaatMai ttoa«n«t»y«taiM«». Bn. liwtM«a«.wMl tto lvte«> }«M*,ai«U* ta(BntoMC««aty.M4 to«ieeeg tki dU aMaalMjpnaWcaraatuiataaan. 'wu Mi««>4 w a kMBM^toi;«a tiaiiiMi jwllini a a w M Ctola.


•to.Msrta(>,4ailae kta IMI m a M W a i t o M awftM I*. <%lii>1» • f tto wMat Oa*. Bami«Ulla(t» lt*iar<laaa iktwdatfktaiaMa. •sT.actoiiH>*< al aU W* t>fes.toy>tiaBt^««lta<ferttoknrafki>4'f»l«ta^ Baftti «dHf Ik Jtaaa. ItaTlaf aa atoaMauta u « tte. <kHne taaMorahiaiaai ad«mtoTaIkM«aatontn««Wwaa« Mtorlaw akIMtaa la tatolfa 4-fv frtar at tk- toaaf a toa. toMaaiblkar. TWa Mai|maaal Mtiav.vkUa&haa a* aatla( m-toseT t> t k a W k af tto a^aitaa. «ato aitoit ta ttotoartaal «toaanHr(Mka>i»r«totU>a7.

» « . « "• kawat »aaaM«a«kr a hicaaowanealatll. aaai.eto aMnmt fraai lh.«e(4i,-Ito aa aakarc

totaa Ito toac< af tto aankly. a* ttoU aka kMr tto tew 4 Itobaa<«al>.'* Tto ka*/caaaaMl>«a«tea cia>a tottoa Vitat.lanlr afatadnMky Bia. If. aaton tlaa kAtokla liMinaiaa li *r 11 m l fi'I iii m n i i lli 11 aiiw il^ la ttoknatoaaatltotnaa. Ikt aa. awal aaavtan kr yoy elllaataiafakito^ ilmtr>mnkya».y *.a.f(.

W . B . A I . U j r WtotoialaSaMtoCtatr.TlixtaU aatkkltotoraf hp.

1 aailritl .kkla ^tae«>'1a ~ •torato iraalklalUk, aa«<M HafWih. m k t t t k t U r lltkyaaraf Uaaia. Jtorirl>]alatotta(Ml ttoia!i(tarat

* leaa. ato Jelaa* M w M te tto B«#lli-. Ckatik. aiawa* lai. ly tkiia laatilntaalitoi »acaklaktto a^aKlaa. eiaCatoiaaaAiakaac^PaHtaa Mkara * « • 4i«<«eWMtl» elMakf toMTlaa. BaiOit a«at» at tkltj W - •• .... -iiimli

tot aa4aann4 atoaja le laaOk. kf awqiawito-••a^toeraia' aa« tto aaafad reaaana at Ito Srw Tiatawet I aa* to fcw a)aatattaatoaaaaiitokaMa(M.ato a baaaaatldiwtaa a(ttoa«aa*tto«U.-a«^tod k!aaa.«kto.afwia^kt to

MaaJacwdttoraataaaaaainriat. Batlac telaatat.^ taaa)8«aarUi Witomaatoaiwa tettoCkaiah,a»*yaf.

- lia»ay.aii>i nam kaartll ^ to«atl«a etaa

teaaiyatSt ' Manit J«SBS A IMTES.

, 4 Mm. '-i» M t t o Stotoa,'

aito'w^aifc. Paaed Ototo astl^

S F U B O ^ (Hi i m W A B I

T W ^ " rifiilka Ifth Battiab"-* Faa. rrlU. tx? BaM* aaad at Bagat Uatona, M v X lUB.

b a U n ^ U toaiaa, Mk. UUL

' ' J ^ M A * A T - A U xrwrdojon*. .

tokftt Ito Mauakarar Ito Bee TaibVaaw^ata rintoMato •ta,>at>lialBto>rkd }BaaU>

aAw «DM

> an aallM ateDwa aad yadaanta if! XfaaMat t* ~ laaliUiaitoia.;

. I T S *

L I N D S A Y & B L A K I S I O K ,


M atott ttoeet. ahava <Ttoil&ai.

• P a i L A D S L P f l l A .


• 8 8 0 B T M S M T O T T H S -XBUSUltM ARB B O C X U A t m U

aouu, dnja u kaaa. ranicawu.aMI>atat^lbta wlaaaniaiiaa wlanto

kaatoac eaa.? a»ai»A«. aaaa«iilata,takcanaaato fakUa laeutatiuaa AnlatodM

leetdiw.: .

S L U r a & B D B E L I Q I O U B V O B Z S

raWkto* te lto« a a a n » « O r i » a l aklabani toaaatkr WUL tm a( foat^ aia« tto na><f> af tto rataa I«laa.


aiuTBM. oa TSB BJLZB%C» BBABl A a Utk Umktoaaeta. " . .

BBATuav x c c o c K x i M o r n u n a . la k Maik, n

mma.'kM ewytS tuliin^ 9mmr

S S S T n S S S I t o Ckawto ato ra»klaaiaaato« atfcac.u* laaaaallT.JMMM.toito

•s. mnrlattottoaaaatoaartto to ttoaa lto<r|aklM«lto.'ato anajaapvl Wtx^tatoaa

Waa-a lawtaakki Mill q tto jiirtV f A Tto itW»wttoaaak«eaiitoato^-»w-i i liaa|>toiiliii^ tottoliaair., .

LIB! til m T w o a nKWtitjrt BB^hprii.

' "Ww. i &!2iflax«r><»B«K B i m m

• t'^ ' via

. B U T o u o m n u n a r n v n Maa

-Afaaatototottojr katoaaiatualM»4 to ae m n V t o a l a k

A S b ^ L O m c t ; For Y o m f V ^ i t a A

T I 7 E A R K O F T E N A ^ l ^ I B D FCftT

I J aaailaUaMa(toatolwiaiaiwUaua^<a4iaraM toksaaa

,tn4r«lBaHa. # a a u oa StoMRtaa aaai Biauau. 1

^atoaafaTaakrMta* BHlltoii}.«> Qaana,

«0 tkaai I a-a<M»taal C—a • » 2

««w««A»«MaattoIMr*««awiM.awaaw * ' ! J !

iatataarttoBaiauiaB««*» btkaauM OlatV li'

TSB m O B B LmiMiaahc Ito toaaaltoaaTCtoBM CUta.ti*u ttto

TBBItmXXttUUtTOrWOJUIL i W X S ^ H a t o t o


,TaB eiO«e»SeiBl»WiB*tokleraeaeaaa«W.*. laa. BjitoBar.Q(iniaaWaah.«.

o u w r a a a w m T B t r a a B it xs ib J B m . i b ^

oiaia.a.«aa«a.; • • . , . • • J ^ T K U Q C n n BIBBCTU ta a. teyrtoaatal miWnt-

ttaatTtevatttoBatrattot. « a a a < r ^ . ABCBBIBBOP W B A T n T .

KWTM BBTruTtonni BasaABXOAycsaiB mCBL Iksa. CtMk.BaMla, .aoBtrrcaa tmrnmom Bmiiniia «««aait Ban •fMla. Uwa. 01«U.aaaato . ' '

TOOCaaia a m aronaswa. ar lalactlaaa aaa tta ntttacanf taatodutetoa. IvaL laM. (L

WBLVa ItOBaB rOXTHSAI. QCCtaXIina. I ^ a a«-itaa. «kiaLtStkacto.<I».

T H E BET . DB. CUHUmo-S WOKKB. U M i r a n OS laa A M U A i m s . >Tala. Waaama*.

FABABLCt. I aaC lato. OMk^to

- BARUU - Bxsaa or TBI Tmxa.

VAmtrPBaRaa. twW: ism. raaik (t to luaoatraau. »tola.»aaanaack. rwaiTxcBOtinqciainoxi. ckuxnaaat LUTOriBBraTlUAOBa. Cla(k.»atBU

BBV. DK. atoaipB w o r m .

m aoxaa V tto ;rxw TBSTAMiirc. ltatk.«ttaaiaaiiatlaaa. Clatk. rlatoCt, yan|(t(.«t ta.

O m W B I t at lk« HBW TB'TAHBSi: » m . Ototk M a . A a n n a T B A T i s u a B O p j i A B x n i u r M B . aana*.

tta^w^ Bqratlaa. 6a.X(Ctk5Sr|iaa. TOBtrtaRaaA BBACTTarttoOUKriA^BBUOIOB.

AJaa.aala( HlMttm law<-kataaakcl«a4,kylf^»KauA SIctk. U w at<)ik.naaala.

B I T . D & X O B T Z .

_ A Xa.!tDAl. or f AOBBt jntTOKT< a^SaMato tto raeeraa-setH*. aaaateag to tiaBtortael^ -


Fsi> at o a e * a S ^ ttolKMaamtr e( Oa.fat, aa. Itoitk A»«iaaa %aa tto •izik U r a u — — - W - - - ^

^tkh a«ialta>la Miaaal rf toaw« KWtary. tliii aUlU to Ba. • aaiituaiaa a Hto aaatHkattaa ta aw tkaal aglaa I in

m a t * r k«a aaae aiwiaklH mwIi a«>»0>Hii1iaiafaa

(toU^ ^ B n U a a < A m O M « T . Aa

-awkgy ato Uaialattoi ta Baieil

S K V . lOL A R B P A C B . ^

^AnrAOa. TO t U a O B r w x n BCAB^artoaBn^ atoaaaraarBatonai. M m . OMk.«l. ^ ^

TAB TVO n w a i n : ar. TtoiXnaataaatttoObfMM aa tkatr ta S u ^ . ^ Itote>aetr Quaaa. U aaamawaUaa CI4li.|tato.SL ' ^ i

BBBXOO-B X R C T O l O P m d ^ ^']

AM vant&*wMx o r B B o n n A B T aa< BaaW laaUaU Lttoaiaie.'XatoaawfH aaaM I M a M I m laatf. maj .aaMia 'flt. Baa.Ito» aa«iaa«y. MaafarB«.MaaBta. )

DR. M C A N O U S ^ OF r


. » M » « » a M B l « t w m i M B B a . A I » Jtat»« )

_QOWir lATtm Am Bocast ooaeaitaa ta TiuA. ^a-a. Bjr tto «aa.toka « .ltaBia.a^a( BaM

Aial an.BinaEktoaa«aaai« •tovart ttoat *wa Itoir aeaeda< atoltotttoaaaa«a{ Ckilataaj to attaaaaA*

WUUWII.Z4ABAB.4aaliM]|lai^ "laav

aa Ihtolae, ta aU Bra. 6«na* -iakai»k«tMatopaaar

Ito tto elaart* ebe toite kwa aat aS * e * tto JacilT to BaAilUa. t W f l a M « M tita intaMlto aai tto BWttiBEtoaKt ttotfvltor mariae&ieaaa B>«.eaiaaaH-

ltta«*a,ae«tot>ea !a^Miaa(iaare»a]^aaira>arKtkat«toa toUtt

•iwto«aa>aitrai>akA<aja4iaKttoaltra( BkakrOlaelik Itl^'tolilrillia^ttotalfManae'ii X a a "

Bat. awtoi lit«tot at* aa' tokalpl

a«at. BataMltl Uttoia«<ta( Ida latoaa dWaaaa laiakM kaartatoa^bla.eBl atialiM kiwafaea katat nKf^ lac:aa«a(laraaflb>lac Utaaaalj tx tontMaa i^^rot aal

ar ito tl»w laatk aat M a u d a<ataaaktoaev<*tto4uaB.aaMr»m «tona**tofarta ^ kla lakaia, aat tto t M aHUt. aatianaM. aaat amu W ftokaaaataflta fl*i.*ailkft aa. aer kaartaabaaWkaadi^

vtUrMtftowleaatklat utmOj aadeltto4ktelaai«r wttkaaTatto** jBalttoeta aieet la ttoa«k «a toafij toi^tto laaa afaar tUkat. m Rjalaa to tkat.«« tdla«aklai tony toitopitaAaa^M Vnteaat-«y.aai*nbltmaaai,toaretoal Itoi

a todtau tttakt tba k a M at Wk taa^.kat eUa* ttotoBatMtatotoaa: Baaat *ilM«toltaat . t o M t

.aaartta«><«wai»iW>lfaBWy •ala i t o ^ t^tto Cthadal OOj. ' Uaiar to tialykali.thatiia aaa a aaiMam la MartbaObaiabbto Maaaaltoealtaacittoaa. fliatbitoa

ttoaawaMfttTaa «Bcrity^alia*r'toana4 »iii iiH|.at»aalty al

— " 1 r-1 " i i iitatwna.."a MtThiaay to taaa>aaMalmaaia.aMat UitiiiAaatatia*


V A W j r o u M B a x s _ =.toaataflto,totn«aiiato*a*totat

ato Ba3aa Oaaalgr. Ato.aa •aHh.Har.UW af la Urn

. to ' B n a a t M C a a ^ . ^ U initotoBifc.d.M Bdtaii t^aSi


B 4 T . UK. aCBAPT. *

SBAWA9T. Oa tMionWaaaa* BOkl**. «llk

H R 3 . B 0 m t A X , I B B M A R T T B XIBBIOHABT,

' A U n O f l(ES.tU«raA.BAXKB0mtA3r.lalaatae'

arUka^artnll. Uaa. OuU.naaau. .

ear ABWfU tiaieataeto u Oiaaaraaa, Aeaamareik. ataalwkartaa^tot'^ ***»m, -a.

U S D d A T « 8I.A1U8T0K, JaaaltlM-tl

O R S A K K E O N d O M H T B n O i r . A J BaMalbdtoBter^ - . Utmml

— » ' " saATxa. X A U a a cxx.

a oM ccxmnatiaL

ar a. walaxa .

T H I E 8 8 A T T O W U I C H - J> iaii|i>.toakiai f i i toakha Wdl

.toaaataaaraaM.a e m a a a f a w ^ l

IkallM aattoatmri

Tto'BzMfit af ik. *awWto»,bf Jaat^ ' f " J 2

VaaCtoae^ aaaww-eewtoto toaaA)

l|.tT[»aa-»a»naallt, t^ala, OaaMaaaPnatoaaaa. * . .

VSmSt>tttmu -OTai^atraaai, 8MtTM«tor. - - - -

TaliW^H.wiinatlail •aaaa> -gaj laail . * -

r m V Sniiitan TTfia, S tola. Oitob'aanBafwa v . Maaaslal,TtoataiTtf ItaMasttoAi Utnml -


> : - ; : : I f : I S

OaatacaBtialtaafChiW. - - 5 3 . f

OaaraaiaaaiT U W a aa< a»it> S mh t«>laea.(laal aeUaa

- - -

fcSg—go Iiijiiii^a.*. -c la»laato«jml liiaiiiliKaee

otlatat B.,*,®. toaetoWaa, ,, kalaLatola.arl«aU^ - * " i

i c i s s i i i i S T K f S s s f a k • -: ^ • «

' • ' C I S

TtoaaoaakvaLIeaaik Jfa ikafc . . . . . . . Wedrrfttonkaetk la aBAna

•Jwe'Oh-IMeVtr 4 Trif i

IBMtrat tto Wiadallbla BapCto taaialaW» »«ai noi IIR. - _ * T. . * »"

Btatae^UtoanalBtotlM. . • • to' SSSuuSSmitory .J .

toftlate aat Pwaraata - . . .

Sii^iawiri^'liia'a'aatittor - ~ -Bivckt ••ikniTt G-a "


-faa rM>t»*ae*.Tan.Jhna(,iMa Tniteaa. ailaa at,TWart Uaaiaa t « baptoat^nA to.

t o j H « • . < » . « u tuaa^ttoiitt tat «ta,ia>a at. i ^ V J i , 1 ai attM .«atiaDtat4« ai.


U w (Mxuaa.JhaMto.

toaaiat*. M i H t ^ U

•Uh' . lalaa af Ikaaa aaft.«BA «aa<toa at ttoaa toja S4«iaake,gndaet«jeeki4a»lsslj*r. B ^ a e r a t l l A

A C g g O W T . t 1 » M C T T O F F A T X S B T B . •

Ito w •kaatlke™ to*e^1e toe tilt tl Ja*.

^ Haa XiBT VBto. J A. «liia. 5ftaaito«a«to3, Altoito pHBaOaa*. WASaaa. t^Otoawa. Itoa Btflla Walak. W V aaaaav. XI to r a a ^ M *Ut>bi« J HnaUh tu Oitgttf.'* Ba S r 3atoaaa.X Yaltov laa Wa*. MU-tniimwt^siir^s-''

ttofctoal^ aaar •irtiialMia-ka 11 t»attotto aHi at gaaa.

m w . V X O a r t m . BSJUblaa

rl^UaVOaitoiiaii, «r P—aat OkrialltalWt^ Oat L a O e««a» n I|k 11). - • i- it Btaatt eeaHPUaa. ' • - -

•toSmati ' ' ' ' •

.*aa«aaatttoAs%.< , - - " -

WtotaaallBTasnaL ^

Tto Malkean BUllaltaa OaK aeUaaQ - , • aaaty^Haaatyetlball Hila«Bliltia» 3 Bectnaal Tnwta. - -. . - . . -J -

.kanipM kattoaafMLMiito

aJtCrtoaw l i a e t . ^ V W ^ m a toa.t» ttatn

• « « It I-m III toaa'Btftto%maalaa'toa^to

•art «aaa*2 Vtorta l*<>a>a. rUkanat Aapt.-a « »laktaaaa

a 0<l. r • BtoB » B ^ a Oa«a« Saa. 4aa Aaaai u 1 j-woMart* iiaa>.« taiar T Afrti. Btf J a ai TTfitTiim SI>a\;. B.««>BX«aiikautBBt;aXailaM Af>C. Iba^Ukte BAtoa.»K^Ito|«.»>lkaa>i'el r .TtTT" ' i~ — - a a t >

JaaaaaMv-aBanjaaw-AJtoaaa U J^ .Oai j AaalB i at l^xntost ai 4 1 Wkittonat S Baa.

" ,tojm.W»a«toto*a taa

» X mrntm llla9.XTiBa%'lXuvX>IBB*atlMaat

aaal jaaqr.a Bala ItiaaT. AJtliaaaatolaay.BTXaia. a a s I t a a k B C n a v t o l ^ X BaitoeiJaQ.SOiVaa iaaj. J BaBayiiasa»a*.CB ltaeaBB•.Aa•aa^lBaar• B

|kaatT« r b MabarSt A | A 4 l.4Stof«^ IT IT Afrit.- Iba a >aai|kia ilBAto^ 0 X Xan <

JaaMaaa* a tea. J V BatOT ]»JMr. * A4awel« ialr.AtnnaiMlrtUt. S ibaytato^aaa, Jin X Baaaaa

B^toa-« Ssafe. A a Takal I Aat. laa XaOaty I )lar,0 X«titoaa< tXay.* 0 Vntel

aatoarttoa-kaaa' aMta Bi 11 naa laii to

ttotraaaaalarlNti •

t B a Jaaa.iaBII ' n»a(t,Xto»aatoat

Jaaiaaa^ _ , ^

« H B l f • .BamAiato^

flnatliaa W k a ^ I.itQaliM'WkaaL

- »l

» «

^Sto Ito


i S

! Baltoi^taalap aaTMiltaaSOaaaiiHat v -:

aaad ^ ^ aaaalaftaal^^ .

Tto BMaa aai i aemt ' aa l ' i a& .

SMaa-a mt'thjlmir* Maa^ rUtoaiabj.' BtoertaalTea-totoato AUaawtoBBI

Tto OWaa OaiHaaiat I»>ala.l

„ I » V -

- a a i - n a

- f - Ito WiiUaaau af CliitoiT»iataBaaa. - N . I<a

tkfc »aleaaMtolaai*lli» at aaatoiaakmlM

1»a e d (anMi tto aka«a Bat at to yar aaat £ ikaala'hah'aaa tot "

jaMib A O a a i m

latMllartrC^, _ M M W IVtaat rSito. WOdaa . atratitoSnaaXi^-aaniar. -toa^aatoOiluii ai. y aaTma.aaaia. •

C l B M O N O N T H B D B A i T H t r ? K B 8 .

Mutr. A X . n x B u r a a . ^

O R n ^ m d e B o a .

ta ttoaaan at tto ItoljCMa {MMka^vs ttoir toBat.H»gaaaMa«atc»jia»a»aitoHnaaiiijp|. Bnaator toftotto Pasa«aaato toatoX jawalaaajBi

^afcttoakxalil iji Vtoaftototama a *M ttatXaanAWfaaato. tototi Iki aaik Taa aaa

•Btaimat Ito aaakat ataatan totka^atoto ihiiaiit Ja.aaltot kl aa apto

I t O l SAtjK. _ , ^

q ^ . P X A C B O i l i R I i i r a I B I W T B E . -X Matatoi itoal Wa aana, .to alnuM b»*i>a> r-w kaikiiili toc^lli ami,a>fatalMSiSMftBaikatail

ata'Mck aevaiiU rtibrra a«Na*k learn a a * .to a i ^ w t a * ^ «»-kar • • ^ *a .wake*alee in* ) « »wto«w*> f ^ * ? atokto. a f i w i « « t o e r e - M a a . a — t o B w t o *

tto woar tinaii I.« l.>a a>«<a>Aa. I « B

U t

I f c w i w A tto aawtoai el/to* a a a ^

Waal I r-1 _ ' ' * »»aa«. to I atowitottato*.

. Tkla tooM la —n «ar aatlkr at tto a|rtti|.'aaAto S S T a t o k S M ta leaaaartmee wiiBU.>lweikt

t tito* tto Cbildliai Mb' aatWlaB"^' a t i ^ a t i x ^ |BebaaMl4toaaa»liagl«w ^ llaaifr

Page 4: raad .l|pM>.Be« »Hu b |«ti«teatiasnMI-i kr Out.OalBEtB duD a nm >ad Is yerferfxA ("sruiirt nt e y Wait,

S 3 3 ill

;t) W wml4 tadi itkai

mrnt m ^ i ^ p m m '

liietgMVUU'MlPMliiJji!!*:'.- — mmt, tf amoit- , Boei.

I I I . I . I I M I I L « F F I >:I"|II.iiiiriTr' R | - - J M O I o . W S H S K T .

v T Mtkiur % tSi trqthi he «iMld bm

Om tkiag, wcnr,W» ^ fetgoUea, MMly, U* NteMM* I aada, Oa vemlidii, to tli« wortUcn CDgiiM ua tte l wHOicof & hoase Maika. I r«-iate4,to aMMlHHiBaEatniMati Ki-te EL U i toU luf opiaiM of in. G.

m ^ E G U ^ to t | « renatj^of thoao ' n y Bj miiid. I b«d wi-

• tpitii'i

• m i r^I^EECQBTIT.

^ • f vWAiai

orsii* sijtoB^aka

ti> OmI N

arif coMtitatad. toxiiCW ml>niWj t» act.

btdM Ht

aabjaet tt

I ihonld Bot have Iw 4aw.B0t iriah to irgo the aua, a ediUy «]Maii«kiioiretke M«M he hu pelM to mart to whft Ua BrotW

. B«sj OAdininus. Har 31.1399.

I* 'i.

ftthmd deptk

faC MT.

writtaR'Igir MilMaker.aaraa

^ of alL h a u ^ aad'l

and WikaoU not n j tef - -


'ne&Uowiiig will be ra^ with all tiM a aridisun ftmsd ia it, is itedf •drnta . to r i ^ i^jras, wbo is mlou fat Ood'ak^, for lA lie^gtranWUmITaioa: ' I

Jlwlttt Bat vIm an aad giva to a Iftl

bjlan aaaddpntof traiMiatka of Tlte: m |—"iiit? to

be aa.«euMiriiMbam>b» «aaK<.aM abaad^ Aputr niAm oT tiia D ^ i

b« pTCBr totbe

.^miifni i

I «cl.|

WB tMHB, «BM|lllB CM tiM<i( kiinka ttm» -




y!" t

ft ttu.ra«. 1 - C-aoonuLml

Aor — ««

Cowataa to tttik HaMt

> ima^B-^ V^rrrlniTlilrfmiini' T" S ^ l h ^ l ^ I ^M^tbu^m^ rtrTifUHiiT ef

I cuaoa, anni pactmuxuNn. WIS lefcrnAflto;

- ^BlMqwUeatiaw.ptafc»albriM. liX 41*011 apiart Site J.M. Scana, W

[IM % BafOrt ChoKk M tlu^^^ .U^IwMton^vslQlkMar : MiM ipeeifleatiaak pyOad aim a fnof

kMnktllte Qnwi, «• M nalkiDc mkx a( BUtoat lateaa U***ae» e<

SnKtt aieaiaiiato, aaiUivina

Oat the aiideaMi adMiori !!>«*»> ttaCaaacn. fa i iiaiikti. ——ttro

Vaac amdk ««na Aas Ddot atB*t> hm ton I derged W U I M F S W T I T O G I T O * T » H E I ^

wiclma iy 4. JWIiT tMwd JBUar iL C AvfeiL


•i^ba •t OiiBaaDVTlMit •Ma OB SirjaC Ofaavaa

lopiirMftn., teecdiv Boater wa?.

I^dad emUenae in SUar fi.,and frm vbai be told i ^ I feared Bre. 6. vas goitlfy

aoeaa amtttras arme; iadeed, tbe Dwtw aaaaiad ae tbat aaeb derdapaieataaKMld be k m ^ to I%bt d n ^ tbeooatonplatod trial, n^badM^ai i i^ eam tato mj mai, aad I qnkalit tlite u aifw i tee aa oj oi

toatoc'tbjT ai^- ir jwt aiitt a^ Ohristiaaa,tbe7ireaiaduiMai;kaM; ifaat, Qtbanriaa. Inr«Ijdidn6to(»piaiato£lder H. How eeald I wtil I bad wtUe4 with Brctknn G. aad aad tbey bad refossd to donijaaiiee^ Bat I bare sinoe aettled with tbem, aad Hiej bate aetad lib 9*iUl«maN muT nClruMau; ararr tbii)« that jastioe and re-G ^ daau^tber bare done. I,tfcerefi>re. «iAdra«P.«batom I any bate taid (if ttvifXto Btder H. calnaUted to to eact re-laotiaM iqwiUbraaa laa.

I m ; bata aud tidi^ to JSIder H. that I sat to bave Mid; Sir aiy aympathies, at

the tima of the eosrenatM^ were with bin, and aotlu^bnt theaeat atabbom &etse(ni]d bswplaeflitbeacteitterer Wbrailaawtbe determiiiiUkn of Cbmb to a^ l Bro. iw "Battle bWiuiomt^W l eoa'truted da eoareraalion Elder H^ in bis ttnij, tUn&g, aa. I tboa^t, fiv rarnge, aith his

AsnvKUMUsr o» vnit xjaaar B I B U «tar :areriaieaia Kfia> ^ „ uanar. ^ i r f iia^df to it witb a atal«U%ianu. Oa Fndaj ereniag, at 7 l i o'aloek, tbe utod la. ita aaaMM- aad bia af, tb« i ^ t Chvdi, corner of BrooaM and Eltxa- added to tbe vpt i^M tb streets, w erewded bj aa aodieitee vbo ««eh Radtad ia sabeeqaaat tmuMlatianL

M aaaembled to hear the Ber. Dr. Coaaat IleqMaker did not can lAat d^er aa addieai to the membera of tba lit-l^ vbatdeaoainattoBofObriataaseOK^^ am? Bible AaMeiatita—« Soeietj aazitian to) ^ioA, Imt the wmk aboald bft-doDa • Tbe ^ Aaieriean Bible Union for the Uair^l Aaaiten Bibe XJaiOD waa not azoba nlT a

of the HoW Seriptares. Thbbmc Sa^omMiatialk ItaabneadiBiiafi^ ^ annire^ of tbe Soeietv, tbe ladies bad WH»\>tta ^ all deaoaMaatieae, aaiiad in it*

irei tbeedifioe»andpini erab)7^ a pare translation from tbe " " ediaaaabers tbeother aex. Aibmm.tbeeeiirrespeetiTe of the nawi piaamt were Ber. Dr. Maxoa, Bev; Dr. Boat- "MA a Bible aboold samert or eoedau. . Ha

^ Batoltri-Mid not be&Ve tbaUuaaal «r «raD tbe der. Dr. £. Pannlj. Hon. Tboa. B. SiilluaB, 1 rxncast CommissioBer of the Metromlitaa Pollee. | «bea tbe Rer. Mr. HHl, of New Jtit^ fbir. fil^ aadatnpc «ark, and RST. 0. A. Baekbee, one of tbe of Godj Secretariee of the Ameriean Bible Union.; ' '

Be».A. K.Nott, the


M*t. f^JjUmaOK mMtet, maitBOmetl Matri < II atyiitwtvi MH K»:«a}

p t i O F I r mmm te^ • iff ma

ILL LAND FOB SALE — m »1T» HCJtnuD aw, CBh. juasuska - 2 r.xmxxr.


Wi T. aaaniarr. MhweeT isOnt hatngm ratatas WATCOB. ti aiil rnrant«qrWn AUX. aaaw.Buar. ^teMdi^ t* ac««i» a «k« I aokM Br-it h tfe* iStvl tk* (MtaM urf

I tbe or ea»

«r vmtd

world' le £»• a eotielet Tiwiiaa (ol<ii0lir«d

. ittbe AlB>%b^«aitetnnD«iw tbe obataalaa to tba aaaaa of J^ai ttip*, an

woidd aai^ eomi.yb«t jEbeir«{ld

MtUit* te taBjpnenva n>B«4< ntUc^. to «>kMt !• Ik* V th> adwu tkst«»latbEtt

-AST a nmrumasT MiaMtaftrfc tSrw Tmi.

.JTmCWUtf UnwiilMt rf Waktgamrt. ifartk Cip-aaM,kwvaMq« W>dwlT.u>a IKvlsk Ik* «tk*<» amMMllTta rante; k*u*.<Meua«r ttHh-fXrmmf -nilrfll'lln I T I •• T '»«rttin»t**i ifcygOcB-kiNsiaiiill lBr UwwJT **a»*-••• •iM lir audkfXrMtelic* ts t>« tm,nat ban •rfM»IWtk*Wt Tmin—i

piijB tk* M 4«;ata>tar!>u. «»»n»M«MBfc W*anBswna4rt*icMttS*B Bat rt III IWIBT W« a fionl mmi Onn*m

CoambtM. : nmaauta.

Toareamitta*«awfeani was rtCatnd tbe qua-tlaD.«Wa8Kiiar j.m.QnitaJaatia«bla to nXittee trid brtoa teatoaat yai^totoarint Biptiat [Charah, Baaitoffla. tmunaaaay oaiK Om ilmia

laaMt'>«« laarc to aab^ 'rtaa to^latMiailai il tlw tela af the caaa a>

I aonniMylM'aair tea aad opportiattlea veold ad-[arit^^lha IKk af KattewMbn aa, w« a» i wbiQr the afWaa tha XUat finvaa waa jaaMa-[bta. Bavaetftdljr wtoaftnj

J.J.ltomi. XC-Unai X.I> J.*.D.C*wa,i Iaa.^a«m».A«brabia Chaieb, during the

trial, ti bd^ eeatpellad bj a aaase of dot j to L- ^ a W^tbaabaaa a«aed, aad ^rifeSam aanner In wKeh Bro. Q. ^ ^ I aaw tte adT itage. iSien of

T S i ^ ^ ^ ^ Id- hi., l ooaldnotreoonrile it withTto«d«»p " - - • . I of Oiriat, therefore, loonia not to it.

l e i t T ^ w S ^ ^ ^ l r J ^ ^ » this Wb«t Ib.«d Mr. Head« (whoa TWi.^ Jtoi .a ti. ^ beard tbe Moderator, who sat upon the trial, de-

stadj to be drilfed. L ^ ^ tnmedoutof the^nrth ^ -toaOr««« a T . ^ ^ ToMhingfte ateaa-en^ Gta^A Maxka aiBMC iftd W d haTe been, if they oonld hare «blavain«iiaBc8 t o B d ^ l ^ ' ^ l^teat-aad aold it-to got bold of any thing to tnm him out on, Ifelt

rfcaaanadj i | Wngbt, w i ^ t a wsmnt, before they ] it ay daty ts tender Bro. G. ay eertiieate.

, the |«8tor of tbe Cbnreb, tbe day 1 presMfad orer the proceedings of the Annirer-1 «b<iald be baraeniwa ia the bdiefrf Bazy, aad opened tba 76Uthymn:


be ezermsea by anoonnei^iees^, and the


ioneers of tbe anirenal trandation of

tato ckaitB. ttot ia. te ihapniMer ptof ^ w, M - n , S a , ^ Baftia lagiat™-8,1 M^ aaAtoiiiiJaiwInu of toa TaiiiaiaaTlaHliii lalaiid tat. .«a ba««.e3aatdtacd Ite

I bid need ii or I lit need. It

the I br Bfar K, en Oka ahft* , ibat Whad tod, to Itot t t e ^ OS.

^wttaaJ•M^.awaNatoaatea;k. Dr. J. It aaSaf teaam BteELpamad toMd ICB O^CbaAandaWfcttarWmaatL Wtmxm Maiitbat OapabBeatiaak ikiadeeimKaalwnb-miM IB aaOanttoa of tUa CbaidL

aoMat aaar caapt toatwa ngaid Oa etoiaaiefcuHtolaa-

tobi..toalMaipIaea»{«> afi«r by aarerf (sigiaoaM fa this ttvaal9Mlefftorellife|dW; and on their reoomaendatiaB, BIr.

Wi bt pardMaed it. It prvni a bifaue; aadnponafaalaettleaeatwitb Mr. Wrigb j af Ur Mdv^yor «l< thii&. j ittg that we wm aUv to kae it than be.

Bead his de&see:

1 B»ay, perbapa, baro done wmg in making a conSdwitial oOTTei»tion paUic; bnt loro for tmlb, eoabined with a tense of duty, prompted BM to ^O 90m

And BOW, ia eooolnskm, I would ask, bare I wRtnged Elder U.ia my eertifieate? Had the &eta, as now giren, be« embodied ia my cer tileate, voald Eldw H. bate speared ia aay better l^ t before the Onmdl 7 Da the bets


SaapaetftBrafaa&tad, Ijaitoiaw, 1 Jaaa Saxsaas, )

ar oa tbixb waa ratonj OathMj

IP If*

ttoiafatotkcmmdMaof .aaad etidBDee

tiakiapapar 'am. 'aaaigatSldarBawdL CUtowbathe

' "*' '— TTtn Tiliaitr iiL 1 rH.>aaaaii TT imMMwd aCcts aads a ociA tto

»«^*bbaihScboaHr»ba,w.*,„o« aWMlm a THai ttaiaa' annat adfoeatraf a, sor a tea plalB aad aaaalaaeaie, toamatima^ toaarfllfa «

wtk* Mnsaa. Bnfroas:—My atteatioa baa beevj Aow toat I baated ap Elder* H., songbt him

eaSe tbefolfcwingpabKeatia^appeartag iabiastady,tooompla^ D«s a a &ab«illep )er. Elder Howdl, I pre- it not rather appear ftat 1 waa deeoyed to his same, u tbe aathor. (ataly under i^pntoaM? — r e f i a M a tortimony, j I BOW «bait tb* aaae to your readers, hop-

ha«adobT»aUalJuw/ac<«.no^HrSn^ I ®- presented by myself, and staimit ^ a fata. Ut. Wr^t tdla freel; ia iartially between us. I hope I shall «V*I .H0wdIay%brtbaisasaiIeata8the|>wv» agaia ied Ae neeaaiitT of writiog as

^ W and Mill the troubled ^ f apparently to pour into bis ear 1m coattla^I*"*" " !««« barmonj i^^fof ME.Grs««a. TeOaaloac •torraboathowl*"^ >• the prayer of ^ur nnworthr

bia^w.doaaa abadU. Bm b

eiaqevliiawMi n f aratarBaftL' V. aaa M a«ie« a aa** aiB ehaie^*ri* lfchik aBaapaJaeaid panarvm agraawSka taOh

U la pnpara • ImtititaaM!

_ . ^ »«mwaataae*a|iteiBB ayr

Mr. Gravw aold bia a wortUea enraie, and tbeaieSaaedtotakebbaekl Hew^tokaow Dr.Howefl'aopiaiwaf tieftia*aetieB. He ^ebea df into a Iu>g ooapiaint of Mr.

ia r^art to a bouse wbidi ba bad bnlttebiB. H»eametoDr.]&waQfiirthf Mrpoae of empMuaqrat Mr. Graw, and ^ wben De. How& agrees that if Mr. toTesfidasbeTepreaeat^he did sot aet baBeaUy.begoesoff,aadwi^l«ag tb* dr emastoaoea, teatifiea tbat Dr. flewC-Aarged lfe.6iavea wito diabonea l Dow not the ^ rfttu ««eaeiai«< sbowa dadgn to plaee Dr. HoweUaantaiptqjer ibtr Itdiowat ^ to phee bia in aa attftade toward Mr. Gtavea m un&Torabb w aoadbla. It a rea-


brother. prayer of ^ur nnwrthy

J A C O B O. Waianr.

sonable to suppose tbat eoior the whole Stat t saae widt would


— H d « H . eo«plaiB.*f.a.forwitbbd«.g I a.HdarHoedll'*^ " »J eertilfaato to Bro. Gisrea,

atbaa«btb» waaaagil aWbuatadaabc t ^ by him In bis defeaee before tte tomaaatttoilatoNaahnlleCaimeii To Ibis^aigel must

. W s w o o j d b ^ ^ l ^ ^ I with tba fear of God

aritoiIMDa.baaadetaiasdsa tatertac toUmatfl I v i t b m mj breast, who taagbt laaaiUmrwibmHtai, i ae from ehfldiiood aerer to teD a liei


Missu. E B I T O B S : — I learn that the cdiwr of the South-Westfia BaptUt is out with his tbmd skat, that he threatened me with some time ago. I haTe aot been able to proeorc

paper yet. I leaia that afteraU his threats, itia^i^Iya denial fiom Elder A. G. Mo Craw aad himself of any sueh eouTersatkm, 4c.

Now I win simply refer those who think tbe Ber. gestlemes inftUible to these who were present, who an Henderson's warm friends; to tboae pKeestjrho were on Brother Grara' side, 1 have nerer given the first name; ihe Henderson friends present were J. J BalEagtoa, Bufus Mattiaoa, F. SL Law, and t tbiak Benjamia Averet. Some of them had Manly's skank letter-open, and read some peetioaaofil Tboa men I referto are tijoe Buni^ and one hjman, all men of sndoabicd eerwty, For the information of yonr read-ers, I will gire a full history of all that took

Hm j PJ*"* « M<«day erening the 6th day of Sep-'tamberlaat. After the S o'dock serriw, 1

the mc the Word of God abore their raoe; aoTiia! plo^ the unMaiog bleedng of Heaven upon their undertaking

Bev. Mr. Nott foUotred, by readinir tbe An-1 nual RepoH of tbe Lid:«' Bible Unum. Af-ter thwkinjj God for the preanoe of bif Hdy Spmt m the wor it congiatulatod fla i ladies present on tie snceess of their oMaid-atioB, and the great asistanoe it had jrivn to I thepwt body. The finandal eonditfon (tfI - _ . , , „ , the Sodety was stated to be satis&ctorr, ai I f lSTi?" ^ many instanees of its usefahiea set for^ The individual effjrts of tbe ladia to further the reVMwn movement were mndi applauded, as they had strengthened the parent^o^ and made ito otherwise arduous kbors fight.

At the eooclunen of the RDort. the Sev^

andtbe eaaal ty of its aaeoaq Beat The aeknowledged errata mm rmAm will yet abandantly nmva tba^ eadtyof itsraviaioBtodMW^ Bafttbere was a ety raiaed tbat tb* Aanieaa Bible UuQtt vaa a MotolMbimainiiaa, idtiiek bad for its object to ddaga Ue wttHvOh A rtaa Bible. Back a«ty oah argiaed awattttf knowledp fa the aeeoser. "^tb was tba ob-jeet of the Bible Uaioa, aad if truth in fia nature waa seetaiian, then tbe wasaaetarian. If tbe Word of God, eormtly ttmn ted—aad tbat was tb« objaefteliblBk the Amerieaa Bible Union ba atrarted tar jmr» to aeodmpHsb—«boaM be lAat a»«wld «aQ a " 2>eetariaa Bible," tben tbeiKUa IMon iraa struggling for sueh a Bibto. Bat it waa aet wraod wboi the Bible Union riiall baveead-ed itohbors by tbeaeeompUsbaeatofitsgi work, then the world would giv* faito adbe-

.i aiesvbieh fiuibfuUy ezpresaed tbe inspired aaaa^ aad wards fa the Hebrew aad Greek tezta. Tbe Profi»nor,''1n eonoInDan, eoagpratsdatod the members of the Ladia' Kbta Unfaa than preaent, for Oe asnrtanee Om bad givcB tbe

Bd that God -would sueeea ef their la

l lW t*rtl* « *»» tw ail auwH crtaliMilwi lM«.«kl*fcc*aW kXsvaaiWUnttnt* l!>*ft**ia«st


a>cso ntaxaia. aanixsoa oooirrx, T Z X A S .

parent Soeiety, and .<paxa themi ta.aee the speaker aid he should have wflltegli enlarged I *f

upon the merits of the Association, but he felt I L® • T®- „ , confident that the eminent translator f C^' announeed tbe Doxtdo-nant) would make such a eourse uoseoeanrT The past year had brought distinguish^ names lo sweU the list of those in &vor of tbe revision of the Soipturea. Tl«»wasa«itt-eral arousmg on both ddes of tbe water Md the ablest aad mast elasde pens were disen^ng tbe propriety of eansing another tra&alatira of the Scriptures from the texts in which thev were first written, to be given to the world The gea*^ fialing was iafwrf-trf nrf, , oonrse, aad the more the Bible was stadied.

O; and, alia tbeBenadietiea WU pvOQOUOOd by Ber, Dr. Ctmant, a portion of the aseesn-b l^ diapersed. Several, however, remained, ndeati " ---i — -

VACin<TT. X C D B J M - « . J U I A X I . X A . , R M L D A I . R T S T A R AF Utia. Smk. !>n* M<lb*sUto< *»! S*aa Utaw. XLMa ILT.SlatB. rralwr Xbc Itruck**.X>1ui] i -as.1 IWmM m Mb.* Wm-hwric ItaTm •aOBCaV.AWIUX.TUat. I L . M A I A . L _ . _ . It*l»«»fj«r npaiB Departmeiit ' '

it.a,iacKaai(.Maei|«> «•« uti *f ut^xij OrmtmmtuSnmAmmmitnataL. . i jm .. ^ 'TOWO MPAaTlttatl«Mil»-tk«««i1i»lW>rct&l ** r. CaZBSMAX, <l«t* Alakuu) rnl Ck«M«n> la •• OIKI laMaa taratta pnom a.' la aSaib k* h noaaS Iakt»ili|ni>aiii t^ tkaai«(»a«T•*•.!• Hk*» (nM af hli lafCi (Ina isqi* latUaea; a< bet.

• .B&taaof TmtiaB, ra-A toM, or nva aasraa.

rta«tciaai.«ua Efteead OMC, SUa IhM OJao. t» SO __ axTXA cDoaaa. la^tjaa^ lh*L vllk «w t fiMtT<i»«a%, 131

sZIaBh^teaaa SSttaear^ AB-0.athii;aitlM.«a.««»am— "fSSSf Pttl'snagaaaaea—imrtliamig tvavwU. Tf«i>H»»»-j BaatattM?-

• la tk. ciaa*el tlMaaalw. iSkSwKS^

iruaOas,* Tlav iMttk Miaj la (WIT Talilaa aaa aaa da; a( <

acwaul riSp^ OaOcn. SoS Irfn k* aanW]} kaxad. .as *«r tU aa4 O taa*. Is »mj tma-ta* Caltaa StUia. myUmrtimm <•( Ukeft* aaal. nUakla. AildM. aOBKBT aSASn. PaliBriMr. in iTOto > a-r-Tjrt


!—BASKS & HABBIS, Lama. Qiiltwui. Woof Caca i|atartT*ia*»rlat. An ata* XrtMd tkataia aat MMHi*« la •Taaftaabu.


TANOE OF A BELIABLS btaaririMliia. Ia waa e**tt«r lE na^^g^ttm. TkMfiaaa 1* tea Ike BarUaaHaial SacMQ r*: >( Aiia.*tanaatte an I fai icw< tkatrairk: fcaaatMtta la-tl* *laat-eratraagll kaw tr Mr. 1.

itoffiwUaitBdStata I, Waaklact* aiii UK -l>**rair3—I tsT* til ia. . I Oiwwi*<ii a>. Wortr.v»g at iraa alaiaal BB( oaitiSaat* a* Ik* (latf UttMTn Aujnaa. i7 a BK aeaia a; »aK AIk*n FBOM POISON-_ S«T» Tkax. OejXrIaCMa

atlutaiealil. aantfeat Okiwmij.K.WM tiii. TatkHaiHtil

talkaAawc, i. a et Ika a™ Mae

la [ronad~^ Proftasor,



^ rnal lafca|Kn<] ia tetr kaaidcn. la tof l^r tl**«<Maa klaST«l>a<. at Om <x<s«Ili«|r iarptio*ef f put bBaMaatteiaaajOMaueftCarantiacnea-ekana. AU Saa* «a Sacaitari** atfxralm*aiaii* aii«4iaU< >Tmat laidoa ihi tmn* VKk,ul tk* acu iiniil'iii-iiimi MMaaAaraAasa*. J. B. MAl K. •ra—ll. Pilae!

QinxxAjr uuuiicB. , ^ * wpdar eoafennes meetiDg al the Bajidst

the greater were the aceeesiona to the Bevimo: ] Cbareh of Cfatiaa QaHnu, to Vood Ctasty, Ita-morem t. He mnld now mtrodnee to the I < » «J>® »W> day ef jgsg,n®^.

the emraent translator of the A a e r - 1 u n a n i B a a i i r paaaad, to-wft-cw BiWe Uiuon, Professor Conant. j lUsohtJ, That, a. aChm^ we esteem aad

Dr. t na t commenced his address amidst | sard EWer J. K. Orare. as a traa. Ann aad nnyWd. profound silenee. He said fa no ease had be | •=« Baptist of the Tataoent oder; and aa aU


ever silenee.

addressed an audience with fedinn waruKr than on the present occasion. He ,^e b«&re ®eeti»g at the invitation of the Ladim' Bible Union, to make some re-marks oongratulatory of their Assoeiation and he would do so in a few plam and ample wrds —for his heart was too warm in the ansa of revision for any needless eipression on the ob-: acts of the Society The old FamUy Bible— tbe ssereJ_ verBacular of our fathers—was a term and title used to cover tbe impcrfeetions and errors of the received version of the Scrin-

Several translations of tbe Holy Scri

FACCLTT. P. W. ngnsow.,rwadlal.aaj iTatawr ]laSkKi>tlr J M T O K R « K K . A . B . . R I A E A W R L U T O ia< lAapu^ tawus BliAPa, A. a. AiQartrniMo-. JUtkMiimoiMi

»a auiaaH* oa tk* iattta.., m uTLf | XT AS asi ltS*«k»!..auhatoaw. lota. I . * reaHsss and blthlU advocate of true Baptbt irnd

BiUe doetiiae and dladpGne. Seseind, That we haO with Joy a|id daBsbt his

pTDmised vMt to the Texas Bapcist Kate CoovcBaao, to b« held at Waco, in Octobernezt.

Scsaitei fmtber. That we ardeat y aad eaneatlr mjoestoardear Bratber Qiavatovia»aadpna tv OS, ettber In gotng to or retom^ fttxn tbe Coo-vrBtJon, ud to sins as a reply tlirea|rk'UM» Teonaa-«ee Baptist.

Done by order of tbe Cfanreh, oo tbe day above tMtii. H. T. IJVELV. Cb. CJerk.

Qaitman, Tex.. April 30.1859.

idBisTKBS' AiTD osAoosB* toorrrsa. Sever*! brethren net at Centre Polat Chnreb,

Jsckwe Coanty, Alabama, for tfaepmposeororsaii-

laimctira > J! b*(l<ra la *U tkvbnatkM aU <k*fafil*«ai]wnr«alarai aa jBari B*itect«<l la wtwm! mikalanfti »StkT.

tnres. tures had been received by the EoglLrh'peoplL in each of which necessary improvements W bean made, and all of which had oontribnted I to erase errors from the volume of truth. The first Eogliish edition of the Scriptures hid been - , , given to the wwld by John Wyokl>ffi, in the I ^^ » JBni»t<a»' and Daooea' meetb eD SatuMay year 1580; but that edition tad been transla I A'Ui Sabbatb is May. Brother K. H, Til-ted ^m the Latin Vulgate, and not trvm tbe I JafcrrowaK ailed to the chair, and Brother H. H Greek and Hebrew texts, md eonseoaaatly i Coolaoa appointed Oerk.

tjf »? »''l«dged ernff3.tte.thel *bere prc«eot Hdea H. TWaftno, G.A. Vulgato EngTM-J, however, received tbroagb Mooring, B. Bmcs, A. Beard and J.». HaaBn. and that edition of the Holy Scriptures a floodlif p<««». Martin, Dneka. Jebnl^t, D hgbt which dif vered the darkness of the Brooks, H. ttOoQl«» John Cook. ' age, and prepai t^ way for a more perfect | The toUowing meetinss woe appointed-

W- / I T I Ce t Pof V satniday l»ta,lie bat Sabbath to

pie of EnglaLda version of the Serijrti^l Si,

aamaaM k; tk*kifbnt hnt neii] '<4U*etaaI tiSaMUML AB»tt** aaater si at*4«ts eu. o ata »•!&• riMyal at Ika lasutata. tk»adlfilat>}aarl*<tTVM lat<,twt»na» TCITTOS «R r«B3L n — fio ot IS 80 Wr Ita Sxtru. jgi BOAU AO, FZS SUSTB. naat

B*ariBa«;rahiat aad Meier jJ Jf ^ Btit ten bfisa bit Mae<brlaApra rof tkr h*T r*nlcalK> asa]}'ta tb* PilaelmL

tkati taka. •ih3«* kraZtluaadaba) Ik* waa* era*? tk*Ttt**. Addn*-; aptcsa-

P.ANCEBS •i nat lanna* iS&iJtJSr: Tk*T uianivBk fa*za.«l&*«t

a»rTai „ laxnaoU all B7 Matt revan aad tka aMnla fanaialac tku ala, 1* • • la a ainiin.i mmtm b> •af AHa. aa* a aakaaaa mdaa aa* tiatesttt tacit U tmt •eoBtiawtskaatsiran*. -S-Ltw.-kr«>jaa*i. aad tm tOM UBa«fc aaj aankaaL UDilsaMtetiAtHa*. ntiaWMtn*

ab: nfdiraiBM. M *a=u aaS S3 a BA&Sla & PAKE. U aaS U Fatk aM.5«v Tot.

WATEB-CUBE —TBI8 I 8i>»Jk CbCRT Ctia*-..)* •oiAaaM I prtn»ar kUa aa « sail «wlm.aa««blidi eai* fcr kuTBarjral tk« I l)»tba.ka« t-kaf tt.. _ atfavia: Si* rnaUa Wrar an • t arm b. enidi Bar; aa W a* n a . > M M C I

BE CUBED. I know I jpaaaBr. baalae „ a tikat Ifa* kaik. daaik t. lb* hnka aKiiiaatka ndt> ta a tasnc l> cat M*« etf artk* CMa*.

•a»)yt»tkirria*i»al. (nar

PW-• riAi MAXEY A CO. Dealers fa TIN R I A T X . stoca T IK . cor P E R , S H M T IWNR.tiAi rtfrn, win. Im tad Tin PlicVeN' asl Hi

MAMIZOTO ixas SAXTUta. PAKIXIB eSATB. : mad or aaai. }afa

f ^ which-many ef the errors of ^ Bible were expunged. The name of Tyndale |

' " MVNebo, Saturday before jBortb Sabbath In July.

t cBixs^ ma^mazK A» m n enrnsnm.

labMmA .W*aa at

tadaeed tbe sabjeotof buildi^ a boaae fori "d earriagea asaally at<9, aad to<* a his father; be reqae^ mo toga aad ae* « bu^: we were talkfag of the &ther oa tbe sabjeet faime£atefy; be t ^ aie I Gnnt eoatroversy. I tdd Hendersoa ba atbarwaaaaaoustoaaaeu Brfowl 1 tbonght be bad done more bad &uad it ocaveaieat to eoa dy with bis | ^ ^ in »x moaths tbaa be would do reqwat, he eame to aee n» agaia, aad iaaisted I good tbe baUaoe of bia fife, nale» he changed astnBgerteia» tbaaba£H«,aatIw«BUgo {i>ae«me. Headersoasaid bebadtbehiRbest at oaee and aatf lis fttber. JTor the waat of « tbe Soudt for his eonrae, aadthen tiae I rfn ]poenstinated. Tbe ymi^ man I ladled oat a boneb of letters aad shnffied apptaa^aaCar^ttfrtf Oaeea tbanb-itbea over like a gambler would a deck of jest, a tbe oSoeefBra. A..B. Sbanklaad;|<arf«;k«l>i«ka4oatt»olettew aad ofiered them baaiged ae to go sad ae bis Iklber •• I "fiaed; be tbea opened one «i«a,- said bis fa^vas far aa fa | w froa Dr. Manly, urging htm to faiastady,aadw88 ezeeedii y aaxions to aMiP^^m Grave*; tbat "Graves must be put a*;. waaaIlakiBe,&e. I wentatoaoe to tbel^". y ^ Brother Henderson, are the atadyof Dr-H.; beraeavadaekiadly. la^I-an to do it." Tbe other, be said, was&om aediatoly after tbe asaal ahtotkc, i* ,». | Ho-dl, aad eoataiaed pwtty mad. tbe same

^^««PI««iIbadaaBhissoB.jtlu* H* be bad others fraa various J[« 'IJ e^eetj "diddaale, argfag bia to de thewe thine

WtoMjttUbatlwaatoi to««,wifa„fa.|topatGtaa«dowa. I tbaaadced bia wbw •aatbm aotive for wisbfag to pat Graves

<»n®d itj .HesaidGtavawas prtBiii«t«»aaay boak>,m eriRrfiBgour bGabn« bouw; b* was 9 Bflrtbera abolition,

ist; b* would bava pravao bia aaeb if it lad not baaatffeDiv Phils' aeddliag, aad add tber* was a letter from Ida prejpodag to refer tba wbol* wMtbu to didaterastod' CkntOui

; baaad be would aoBtrer bis tatter

Cd. labailSBgaeabaBe.'' Itddbimbe

Wby,» aaid be, - I bave ao ideaofl IkttteyouagBsa aaaw bimsdf

raaangplaasaad tall^ aboat tbea; b«t laaDy I bav*M» ia<aia of b a i l ^ at leaat, aataaw.fe-tworsasa—:" Kr^b«t«ddae

b*e*l|p»bdbhbe«aldBnia Rtttia, aid H w» > m a S f i e ^ aaupmi tatba •Aer. H* toU Ba.tbatb*aapfo*edI«aBll>nntdr>^Wdi«ooneettb* d^ a«ar*tbata£S««l9«zirtedbetn«biaidf|^^^^ Ae wmdd Aa^ W « ' Ifc. jSngifc -JBe jaiial to wqaeat t b a t ! * * -Haaas. tefii^Mm bawaraboBt toaakaAoaildl Headania said fakiffiBgChavaa^wtiaii b*wi>fc,f,-rf,tb* abateaaaar wiitab is aa-j'^w^rftW'fri-A, hat bo&diatb»«Mase.riii.ato: b.«k to tb* Korlb, ttay ^ ^

Daia Baanak GaATas:—€BMa Dfc | « n l i go b ^ m^im

f itm ai

ill be ever pronounced by tbe lover of the ibte with respect; and the English owedmueh

of their Christian greatness to hia exertions in behalf rf Biblical truth. A version of the Geneva New TretamsBt was givai to the Eta IJsh people in 1656; and fa the year 1660 Old Tesbiment of the same edi.ion foUowrfl The King James' version of the Scriptures was the last ediUon of the Bible: and while it had many beaatia aad ezselleneie?, it was nat worthy of the praise whieh had been jostlv giveii to tbe previous translations. The words in the margin of the English BiWe were, fa manyjnstaoces, a beMer translation than the fogliA text, atd many of them were different fwm the words which the reader had the op-tion of replacfag by them. They thw nlafalv proved the neoesaty of Bevisioa. M ! ^ ^ thea words were banished to tbe ami^ next tbe text—not b««aaae c£ a want of merit a&d approprateaess, but through the prea&ure of a ~jorUy vote a the convention <rf Kfa» Jama' banalAtora. The common ver^ of tbe Senptnree was full of many inWicities of expwwuon, together with obsolete words. The -peato had made the study of the various trandations of the Bible his pnurtiee,*nd he felt aasared Uiat no one was fit to undertake the toanalation rf the Scriptures withoat a prcnoM ^^nfance with the preoedme edi twasofthe Word of God. He quoted one |

B. Stay, R. H. Taliafcno, O. A. Cloning, H. teed. rreedom, Saturday b*ftn Bist Sabbath is R H. T«B»«eno,8.A. Morting, A. J. PeoainaSt E. Cannada, attend. r oinpon. rrieddahip, Satniday befcce filth SaW,.,}, 1-Jnly. Brace, Beard, Morrinj.TanUfciio, attend. Unioo, Man^ Co., ftmrth Sabbath in Sept. Story, HamWhi.Morriiifcattaod. New n.t-r. fifth Hbbatb in Sept. TaUafcno Bruce, Pennlngtao, aUaod. Trenton, (Nwond Sabbatb U Ju-y. O. A. Mor. rins, laaaferro, O A. Coaboo. Wi. Cb«to7Sl teod. Mt. Arrant, fifth Sabbatb Sn OcL TaBaAnn. H«nWin.Mortns. attend. ranaftrm, ^ b ^ d Mountain, first Sabbatb fa Oet. Tal-liafeno, Motrbig. Feoaiafton. atteod.

traJon Academy, third Sabbath In An*, llanfafc Braid, Ojufeea, BaabBn, attend.

LongHdloir.fourtbSANwtbfeOet. B«aid,Marw tba. TallafetTo, attend.

Bde B. Biw"^ attena aU tbe nMndnss his I Ue health win p * ^ Tbe Mbnring reaeiaUea wa oSited aod adoBted aiaolai. That this body n ^ .evwrf

Cbuieba eoapoatogtheTaaaaae Bivw Asaoda. tteatoaseetatbeirnapeetlveplaeM ofwo»aM»«, Wday betore tbe aeoond tord'a Say In J nty, «>r pm^offiuangaodpaayw.thatlhe lad woald

tbail instance, among others, fa which God himself I " was nusrepreseated fa the Common Version. I and made to avow an onen nmfcoiA.. A josnedtoaaetwbhdie Mt. 5aln ciii...i. _

Satoday beteetbam

B . B . T AUAFBXB« , M o d .

a^ m^e to avow an open prefeaidn of ehang leness to the people of Israel Tbe Rev. Profiasor, in support of this referred the andiiaoe to the 4th ^pter of Numbers and tbe latter part of tbe 34th t H. H. Cociaoa. Oak. vwa,—

eS 4b»lniherMr.

In xousT HOSK oamecH. The foOowtaeare tb*iaitoioo.<rfthe UamA

Hope Chareb. Moabala ftAA, U^ fa, W o f

"TerfiaB know my breach of proaiise.'-^ passw God was totally ariswpre.

ae^, ^ h e ^ tbeaselves wm not, raasa. onlyindireet vyianee witb the original He-1 Bin. E.J.Ho^aBda Ms

tbi^ah«people «battbe,sbonId«W aon»«oda. ^ W h of promise?" The beartaf Chrt^respond. wit* «No- to^^SZ

Ma piaeaemAI* teaWatad •fCbti*awrti„Bsoaiwpa.

' =>y dMaaar. for wRfcdtawalJ-Tbe Rev. Professor ni^ refiired to err^

vnlTed d & d ^


•«ewd tiieaaaaiegef t^l«bwaaiail|Ba,aad wwA patngBs, _ trttb, or wai totally

sea* t i^ slBO^^ kaanto biaiii uasiagia iaatiBak lb»BM

TW gaaaeaaB lefencA ta. bad ooia. to.tbaspaaktr i^Us iaaUg^ta^

ehaifaaad eaat erallaeeBaatiak. nmHw.

amemi rui wa ,n»attlaa aitb Ba. Hs^ ^^^>«eeatlw,wMeh. V .ba to aaftr far

Jba Agla* a eavF of nateBai*aaiw*f «»

to ttalteeaea BapWito ptiBetfldaC laaaeli are T* wban a a *en raiOa aad an

kp. 4i. Xaat g-d* o; Maikac si!r KwMSa, JW^S.^* tonp eaaiaEt.Vos bird Ta«ai5iV in-".v-.a-ioa ILl!


ITAVE REMOVED TBEIE BOOK-Kmt&lr tad Btak Baak Xaaafactoij v> U* BaaCltt K^a «daar Ir« Ik* S! mw toriac »Vl awotMn. an* tar.)* lom mm tbtw

»**'"••"•»•**««* f j vara amiU at tkakM UtOatJi^ Ite. far t t e t e ^ S Baokik tad aia dMmload atia u, W tk* a-H ia tku r ^ ? * *" * tt» «ii**l7.«Btnr* oaCaiaa aau^ at tot^ ^ Wtn mtn HaoM!.!,

tairatia at Cai ; 30oTlac*dt I« CHAIXEK L*ti>>rll*aat>l I aeetaantad-eltki

I L A U N T T O V A A I TOTCatnt.; (tniMac hoata rihs]]ai!<b*> >*aBra a iltaaltrari debvni aaa' tacaza timieiani can at I ' UI..I. aa

t- BBO-iaawi s. WkaafccaMI 1 He". , S. WlKr»'tk* ) laiBM WSef t. T&rpatltaitakK , isSa«zi<<<t«iIitrS((i f ttkvaoat. TktC«!

ktkata. 14 . _ _ ..bsltaCai. I sK. an*a«£«ii iaa(aiB7atai*a «cai-J**tM itmrHtwd

r oasnroKZBCsncKB cAEES J*a«aaiCTtkJ»of!t». tMirw. cf tK*dlotJSck*alia»7 tkalea* ;oa. farBT ondl Aim Omj ai!2Sa« tr V ••as »AJrr m>ic AL ccBuot.: 1 Ite^ ra3ad M*. .ad . I raaaltr ofntd Sskact th ^ ^ aai I aKS oamiR to enn ibn r a( aid athcni tga^ tc , irand. «•!< tirwrf > cnat aatl ortkab CaDi aad Ingrn 'di* aactnwb' Ir- twiti* 0 • teVMrtiaatad: JOalhic. acaar taifiiiMnj* FL • «r«ai*Md Caacar. arf I »&


' th* i

tasna I «* Jarf* ayiyirtioj ra»Oaaaart» tk«

iK tka Tim fki-iMi rit aairar? b« laadMd tj zmj rmmr

I ••itt uMLatOattie m->Mpat]aEt«ii*a: M la t « a « cand, hat i • •aatdam i; tia um'

U J>a»» kxa at la laa; .taadii* a* u la •«»* t»r ar tkia* wo a«» to lajtieaa?* at£ tf«.cir to zaliw "Tldr- ardhr-r* clrcanitiuK(«._ faTOlE n ta ai *«•! a; acraka= Itiaat 1ST «aakor«tb«s>!TW aadar » -t to realatii with ™* SBtll jiwww-




.•;J«?!»25» *AH00AST aadWAuSCT SSS? f " "^Masas. CB AtBSL wKh mrt tmvf

t f e ^

„ Jrtlajjaaa.


JirsL': CaLMal irari**,buiu,i a. tr. XAKDAxt.

i & T fiALLEKT, ooaHia ooLLwi A S O trsartt R U K B .

MeteiTOb^ Malaiaotjpea aad Aabntypea. WOULD BESPECTFULLY CALL vv tk*at»iB«l..«fawpati.Bsaa4ik*«

MAHaw m TO TBS LIT* SUB raorosBArs.

atMfiy aaatf ImuMi Out oaamaw *»» m-i T .am*. iJSidll^SrSiSrf^ la tk.

.Ittelbckat aiaV. CARTWRIGHT &

GBOOE&S, OwrniriartoB m& gonrarding Mawhaata.


AU. s m e OF coraniT pKemics, •a. 4T. atvMt,

MEXICAK: 'PH® POPl A CAS HC3TA; -tvCaaUaaaf laddMiaai—IkSec I^J frawiiii.Ujd I cifnarVAc* neaMu

aadaiiranattdi «0BS8« CATTU VALtTABLZaOBSA •dtat: ••Tku taa.JM ™ a»anB,) tet iGata _

•aadar x kmL- ' CExtraa.) -faj mnnttiaM*. ItTlat 1 altoaattoaoii Ii


Ikh tiitaial I*


•* atnk a,, •M ittfta*. tkaai fl*. »a.«l-

^ ta* isKIaM m ca i

• am af Ik. Maoms liata..,. Tao Uahanl ka,

t . - .ki .Lff'S'iS.ra naij jama.

|*»ttfca—amiaad aataniariv


rhrtfel Last tkalat -kattf


aai J. W. WILSON,

Am, CUfafv AM. XAaanuiK, mot.

Muua CTOVffi, TINWARE AND CAttTIKGfi, aAxarACxraxji e»

Wioa^ bm Cedrnqr Stem —tag aaaySlaad «.tt« hat^ *• lliliilajaat lil mi. a S


taad .