한국전지학회 2018년도...

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 일 시 2018. 11. 29(목) ▶ 30(금) 장 소 부산 해운대 파라다이스 호텔 THE KOREAN BATTERY SOCIETY 한국전지학회 2018 년도 추계학술대회 일 시 2018 . 11 . 29 (목) 30 (금) 장 소 부산 해운대 파라다이스 호텔 주 관 (사) 한국전지학회

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Post on 11-Apr-2020




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(사) 한국전지학회 사무국

(46241) 부산광역시 금정구 부산대학로63번길 2 화공관 7109호

Tel. 051-515-1573






도 추




시 20

18. 11. 29

(목) ▶


) 장 소



대 파





한국전지학회 2018년도


일 시 2018. 11. 29(목) ▶ 30(금)

장 소 부산 해운대 파라다이스 호텔

주 관 (사) 한국전지학회

Page 2: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시
Page 3: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시


한국전지학회 2018년도


일 시 2018. 11. 29(목) ▶ 30(금)

장 소 부산 해운대 파라다이스 호텔

주 관 (사) 한국전지학회

Page 4: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시
Page 5: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시


목 차

▌ 학회장 인사 --------------------------------------------------- ii

▌ 학회일정 ------------------------------------------------------- iv

▌ 초청강연순서 ------------------------------------------------- viii

▌ 포스터발표순서 ---------------------------------------------- xii

▌ 초청강연 초록 ------------------------------------------------ 1

▌ 포스터발표초록 ---------------------------------------------- 19

Page 6: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시



또 다른

번 추계



고 전지

교, 연구



과도 발

고 겨울


위치한 파

른 풍경을


바다를 배

다. 또한 새로

지소재와 차

구소, 기업


쪼록 회원

발표해 주시

울을 맞이하

학회 추계



회에서는 부

배경으로 한

로운 전지


등에 계시



시고, 한국

하는 가을


러분 반갑



으며, 여러


스 호텔에서

가을 바다


한 가을과

관련 분야

지, ESS 분야

시는 전문가

과 전지분야

전지 산업



학회 회원


성원에 힘


러분의 애정

는 한국 최

서 개최하고

다의 정취도

김종기 교

와인에 대

야로 전지분

야로 추계

가 15분을

야 관계자 여

업과 기술

뜻 깊은 친

여러분, 그

입어 한국

대회는 풍성

정 어린 협조

최고의 하계

고자 합니다

도 느껴보시


대한 흥미로

분석과 전지




발전을 위

친교의 장이

그리고 한국


성한 학술

조에 깊이

계 휴양지로

다. 비록 여

시면 좋을

‘가을 와

로운 이야기

지 설계 및


로 모셔, 보

서 많이 참석

한 풍성한

이 되기를



원에서 개최

교류의 장

감사 드립

로 알려진 부

름은 지나

것 같습니

인의 스토

기도 준비되

제조 분야

을 구성하고

보다 유익한

석하시어 연

정보의 장



학회 회장


최된 한

장이 되


부산 해


니다. 이


되어 있

야, 그리

고 대학

한 학술

연구 성

장, 그리

년 11월


Page 7: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시



수 신

제 목


2. 관에



46241 부산광

호 : 전지 2

자 : 2018.

신 : 각 기관

목 : (사)한

귀하와 귀 본 학회에서

에 근무하는

가. 일 나. 장 다. 초록 라. 초록

마. 초 록 바. 사전 사. 등

등록구분 전등록(~11등록(11/29

한광역시 금정구 부


11. 05

관 기관장,


기관 모든 서는 2018년

는 임직원이

시: 소:

록제출 마감:록 접수분야:

록 제 출 처:전등록 마감:

록 비:

1/09) 9~30)


한 국 부산대학로63번


회 2018년도

분들의 발년도 추계학참석할 수

-: 2018년 1: 부산, 해운: 2018년 1: 일반세션 Internatio: 학회 홈페: 2018년 1: http://ww


법인 한


전 지길 2 화공관 7

학회 회원 및

도 추계학술대

전과 건강을학술대회를

있도록 편 아 래 -1월 29일(목

운대 파라다1월 09일 (구두발표,

onal Session페이지 http:

1월 09일 ww.kobs.or.k

원 0 0


학 회109호 / Tel(051

및 전지분야

대회 최종 개

을 기원합니아래와 같이의를 도모해

- 목) ~ 11월

다이스 호텔(금), 오후, 포스터발표n (구두발표//www.kob(금) kr 에서 온

일반 140,000160,000



야 종사자

개최 안내

다. 이 개최하고해 주시면 감

30일(금) 2F, 16F 5시

표), 표, 포스터발 (첨

라인 사전등


담당: 전서영

고자 하오니감사하겠습니

발표) 부된 서식

등록 가능

학생 100,000 120,000

귀 기니다.


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018년 추계

0 –

0 – 13:10

0 – 13:40

0 – 14:10

0 – 14:40

0 – 15:00

0 – 15:30

0 – 16:00

0 – 16:30

0 – 17:10


0 – 18:30

0 – 20:00

0 – 21:00

계 한국전지




Direct visu

in batte

대기 비개




Dipoles a




지학회 1일차


m ion batteri

rticle - elect

ualization of

eries by in-sit


개방 및 In-sit

nction of Ele

nically exfoli

with HEMM


ligned polys

alized by po

in walls for l



년 추계 한

차 [11월 2

d operando

ies to reveal

trode - cell k

f electrochem

tu transmiss


tu 시스템을


ectrolytes in

iated solid lu

process tow

ion batteries




와인 스토리



현장 등록


analysis of



mical reactio

sion electron

통한 재료

Coffee break


ubricant 2D

ward Anode


lsive separat

with charge

ur batteries

포스터 발표



지학회 일

해운대 파








일정 (11


좌장: 김동욱

임종우 교수


이현욱 교수


배종성 박사


좌장: 최원창

송의환 교수


허재현 교수


김기재 교수


좌장: 조남주

김종기 교수


좌장: 허필호



욱 박사



창 박사




주 교수


호 교수

Page 9: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시













전지 설





18년 추계


0 – 09:30

0 – 10:00

0 – 10:30

0 – 10:50

0 – 11:20

0 – 11:50

0 – 12:20

0 – 12:40

0 – 14:00

설계 및 제조

0 – 14:30

0 – 15:00

0 – 15:30

0 – 16:00




A high


The effect


Theory an

Role of S



High Perf

018년 추

학회 2일차

inorganic hy

for lithium


design and

m/sulfur batt


ESS 시장

ts of Ni-rich

ance of Li-io


ESS 시스

nd Practice o

Solution Stru

m Salt Effect

ance and So


formance Li-

Additive M


추계 한

차 [11월 3

ybrid polyme

m-ion batteri

nsity Li-air b

d performan

tery operatin



장 및 산업동향

cathode ma

on batteries

gy storage

스템 기술 동향

of Lithium Io

ucture on SE

ts on Silicon

lid Electrolyt


-ion Battery



30일(금), 해

er electrolyte


battery: Cell


ng at room

Coffee break

aterials on th

for electrica



on Cell Desig

EI Formation

n Electrode

te Interphase

fabricated b


시상 및 폐회

학회 일정

해운대 파






l (한국전





정 (11/


좌장: 김도엽

이진홍 교수


김목원 박사


안효준 교수


장: 안효준 교

최윤석 교수


최진혁 박사

전력공사 전력

문고영 박사


좌장: 하윤철

정경민 교수


윤태호 교수


배창준 박사




엽 박사









Page 10: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

지하철로부산역 <-

1호선 부산

노포동 종

+ 1호선 노

+ 1호선 노

도보 10분

사상 서부

2호선 사상

버스로 부산역 <-

+ 급행 10

+ 급행 10

노포동 종

+ 급행 10

해운대 해

+ 급행 10

수욕장 입

사상 서부



일반 307번

로 오는 방법-> 호텔

산역 -> 2호선 서

합버스터미널 <

노포역 -> 2호선

노포역 -> 3호선


상역 -> -> 2호선

오는 방법 -> 호텔

003번(부산역) -

001번(부산역) -

합버스터미널 <

002번(노포동 부

수욕장 입구 방

002번(노포동 부

구 방면 도보 6



<-> 호텔

번(김해공항) ->



서면역(환승) ->

<-> 호텔

선 서면역(환승)

선 연산역(환승)

널 <-> 호텔

선 해운대역 3번

-> ‘해운대 온천

-> ‘해운대역’하차

<-> 호텔

부산 종합버스터

방면 도보 6분 -

부산 종합버스터

6분 -> 호텔

널 <-> 호텔

널) -> 해운대 하

해운대 해수욕

산 해운대

시 해운대전

> 2호선 해운대

-> 2호선 해운

-> 2호선 수영

번/5번 출구 ->

천 사거리’ 하차

차(약 52분 소요

터미널) -> 센텀센

> 호텔

터미널) -> 센텀센

하차 -> 해운대

욕장 입구 하차


대 파라다

구 해운대화: 051) 742-21

역 3번/5번 출구

대역 3번/5번 출

영(환승) -> 2호

해운대 해수욕

(약 45분 소요)

요) -> 해운대 해



대 해수욕장 입구

-> 호텔


해변로 2121

구 -> 해운대 해

출구 -> 해운대

호선 해운대역 3

욕장 방면 도보

) -> 해운대 해수

해수욕장 입구


_39번/141번 ->

구 방면 도보 6분

호텔 오

296 (중동)

해수욕장 방면 도

해수욕장 방면

번/5번 출구 ->


수욕장 입구 방

방면 도보 14분

00번 -> 해운대

> 해운대온천 사

분 -> 호텔

오시는 길

도보 10분

면 도보 10분

> 해운대 해수욕

방면 도보 6분 -

분 -> 호텔

대온천 사거리 하

사거리 하차 ->

욕장 방면

> 호텔

하차 ->

해운대 해

Page 11: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시





방법 사

시 20

의 적극적

사전등록 또는

018년 11월

인 참여를


1등 상품: 문

2등 상품: 문

3등 상품: 문

는 현장등록

30일(금) 1


위해 경품

들의 많은




록 시 경품

16:10 폐회

경품 추

품 추첨 행

참여 바랍

20만원 (1

5만원 (5명

2만원 (10

응모권을 등

식 후


사를 진행






할 예정입

에 투입


Page 12: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시


11 월 29 일 (목) (해운대 파라다이스 호텔)


(좌장 : 김동욱)

[초청강연 1] Synchrotron-based operando analysis of lithium ion batteries to reveal

13:10~13:40 multiscale particle - electrode - cell kinetics



[초청강연 2] Direct visualization of electrochemical reactions in batteries by in-situ

13:40~14:10 transmission electron microscopy



[초청강연 3] 대기 비개방 및 In-Situ 시스템을 통한 재료 분석

14:10~14:40 배종성


전지소재 (좌장 : 최원창)

[초청강연 4] Function of Electrolytes in Battery

15:00~15:30 송의환


[초청강연 5] 볼밀공정에 의한 2D material의 고체윤활작용에 의한 기계적 박리와 이에 대한

15:30~16:00 리튬이온전지 음극소재로의 응용



[초청강연 6] Dipoles aligned polysulfide–repulsive separator functionalized by poled-

16:00~16:30 BaTiO3 with charged domain walls for lithium–sulfur batteries




Page 13: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시


기조강연 (좌장 : 조남주)

[기조강연 1] 가을의 와인 스토리

16:30~17:10 김종기


Page 14: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시


11 월 30 일 (금) (해운대 파라다이스 호텔)

차세대전지 (좌장 : 김도엽)

[초청강연 8] Organic/inorganic hybrid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries

09:00~09:30 이진홍


[초청강연 9] A high-energy-density Li-air battery: Cell design and performance

09:30~10:00 김목원


[초청강연 10] Sodium/sulfur battery operating at room temperature

10:00~10:30 안효준


ESS (좌장 : 안효준)

[초청강연 11] ESS(에너지저장시스템)의 시장 및 산업 동향

10:50~11:20 최윤석


[초청강연 12] The effects of Ni-rich cathode materials on the performance of Li-ion

11:20~11:50 batteries for electrical energy storage


(한국전력공사 전력연구원)

[초청강연 13] ESS 시스템 기술 동향

11:50~12:20 문고영


전지 설계 및 제조 (좌장 : 하윤철)

[초청강연 14] Theory and Practice of Lithium Ion Cell Design

14:00~14:30 정경민


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[초청강연 15] Role of Solution Structure on SEI Formation, Lithium Salt Effects on Silicon

14:30~15:00 Electrode Performance and Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI)



[초청강연 16] High Performance Li-ion Battery fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

15:00~15:30 배창준


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11 월 29 일 (목) [17:10~18:30]

(좌장: 허필호)

(P01) 고령자를 위한 퍼스널 모빌리티용 배터리팩의 개발

이지나, 방재현, 이성진


(P02) 테일러 반응기의 편심 영향에 관한 3차원 전산유체해석

배성민, 김민석, 주재우, 전동협

(동국대학교 기계시스템공학과)

(P03) 테일러 반응기 내부형상 변화에 대한 전산유체역학 연구

윤재룡, 장영재, 송치호, 전동협

(동국대학교 기계시스템공학과)

(P04) The chemical stability of NASICON in seawater for a stable solid electrolyte

Tae-Ung Wi, Chanhee Lee, Fahmi Rahman, Wooseok Go,

Youngsik Kim*, Hyun-Wook Lee*

(School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST)

(P05) Observation of electrochemical degradation for the solid electrolyte in the seawater

battery system

Chan Hee Lee, Tae Ung Wi, Youngsik Kim*, Hyun-Wook Lee*

(School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST)

(P06) Nanocrevass-rich Carbon Fibers for Stable Lithium and Sodium Metal Anodes

Wooseok Goa, Min-Ho Kima, Jehee Parka, Chek Hai Lima,

Youngsik Kima,b*, Hyun-Wook Leea*

( aSchool of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST,

bEnergy Materials and Devices Lab, 4TOONE Corporation)

(P07) MnFe2O4@Polydopamine-coated MWCNT 동축 나노케이블 리튬이온전지 음극

활물질의 합성 및 전기화학적 평가

김형우 a,b, 이종원 c, 변종진 b, 최원창 a,d*

( a KIST 녹색도기기술연구소, b 고려대학교 신소재공학과, c 조선대학교 신소재공학과,

d UST KIST school 에너지-환경 융합 에너지공학과)


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(P08) Preparation of thiophene derivative copolymer based anode for lithium secondary


전서영, 조남주*

(부산대학교 고분자공학과)

(P09) Fast and accurate on-board battery state of health estimation methods using

statistical and machine learning techniques

SeongHo Hana, Khandelwal Ashishb , Naha Arunavab

( a Samsung electronics corporation, Mobile communication business,

b Samsung electronics corporation, SAIT India)

(P10) Fracture-Resistant Silicon Sheets for Stable Battery Anodes

Jaegeon Ryu, Soojin Park*

(Department of Chemistry, POSTECH)

(P11) 인산염/semi-IPN 고분자 복합전해질의 전고체형 리튬 이차 전지 적용성 연구

박혜민 a,b, 최슬기 a, 손성욱 b, 강영구 a, 최성호 a

( a 한국화학연구원 에너지소재연구센터, b 성균관대학교 화학과)

(P12) The origin of excellent rate and cycle performance of Sn4P3 binary electrodes for

sodium-ion batteries

Sung Chul Junga*, Jin-Ho Choib, Young-Kyu Hanb*

( a Department of Physics, Pukyong National University,

b Department of Energy and Materials Engineering, Dongguk University)

(P13) The High Performance Silicon Anodes Including New Water Based Binder in Lithium

Ion Batteries

Nam Seon Kim*, Dae Won Park

(Aekyung Chemical Co. R&D Center)

(P14) An Advanced High Voltage and High Energy MgMn2O4 for Aqueous Magnesium

Zinc Hybrid Battery Cathode

Woong Park, Sungjin Kim, Jeonggeun Jo, Jun Lee, Seyeon Kim,

Vaiyapuri Soundharrajan, Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

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(P15) β-Mn2V2O7 anode material for high performance rechargeable lithium ion batteries

by facile green strategy

Seunggyeong Lee, Sungjin Kim, Pham Tung Duong, Seulgi Lee,

Woong Park, Seungmi Han, Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

(P16) Performance of Modified Polymers as Binders for LTO Anodes in Lithium-Ion


Chengxiang Hea, Hyejin Kimb, Hyungil Leeb,*, Jinyoon Kima,

Yanchunxiao Qia, Eun-Suok Oha*

( a School of Chemical Engineering, b School of Chemistry, University of Ulsan)

(P17) Poly(3-alkoxythiophene-co-pyrrole) copolymer electrolyte with a small interfacial

resistance for lithium‐ion battery

음율, 박정현, 조남주*

(부산대학교 고분자공학과)

(P18) Fabrication of transparent flexible display substrate using glass cloth

전상열, 박새미, 조남주*

(부산대학교 고분자공학과)

(P19) High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery Base on K2V6O16∙2.7H2O nanorod

Cathode Material

Seulgi Lee, Muhammad Hilmy Alfaruqi, Sohyun Park, balaji Sambandam, Jun Lee,

Seunggyoung Lee, Seungmi Han, Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

(P20) Metal organic framework-combustion: NiO nanoparticles for lithium ion batteries

having excellent anode property

Jeonggeun Jo, Vinod Mathew, Seokhun Kim, Sohyun Park, Seulgi Lee,

Moonsu Song, Seungmi Han, Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

(P21) Iron chloride dopped polypyrrole used as a water-based conductive binder in

lithium-ion battery anodes

Yanchunxiao Qi, Minh Hien Thi Nguyen, Chengxiang He,

JinYeong Kim, Eun-Suok Oh*

(School of Chemical Engineering, University of Ulsan)

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(P22) Direct measurement of the electrical resistivity of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI)

and its electrochemical origin

Jun-Hyoung Parka,b, Yong-Seok Choia, Hyung Cheoul Shimc,

Jae-Pyoung Ahnb, and Jae-Chul Leea*

( a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, b Advanced Analysis Center, KIST, c Department of Applied Nano-Mechanics, KIMM)

(P23) Organic electrolyte dependent electrochemical performance of lithium metal anode

materials for lithium-metal batteries

Da Yeon Lee, Seong In Kim, Ji Hoon Kang, Ji-Yong Eom*

(Energy Storage System R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute)

(P24) Excellent performance of Na3V2(PO4)8@C cathode material for safe and low-cost

aqueous hybrid batteries

Jun Lee, Jeonggeun Jo, Saiful Islam, Vaiyapuri soundharrajan,

Seunggyeong Lee, Seulgi Lee, Woong Park, and Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

(P25) Characteristics of Over-lithiated Metal Oxides Synthesized with Precursors Prepared

under Various Process Conditions

임라나, 정재윤, 김점수*

(동아대학교 화학공학화)

(P26) The MoS2/Carbon Composite Materials as an Anode for Sodium-ion Batteries

임효준 a,b, 장지혜 a,b, 이용흠 a,b, 최원창 a,b

( a KIST 에너지저장연구단, b UST 에너지-환경 융합 전공)

(P27) A simple method of Improvements in the electrochemical performance Li4Ti5O12-

coated graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

강지훈, 김성인, 이다연, 엄지용


(P28) 수계 아연 이차전지용 Copper Hexacyanoferrate 활물질의 전기 화학적 특성에 미치는

전해질 농도의 영향

이상엽, 이하진, 김두열, 이창희, 정순기*

(순천향대학교 나노화학공학과)

(P29) A study on surface modification of Zinc metal electrode

김지영 a,b, 김한성 b,이중기 a*

( a KIST 에너지저장연구단, b 연세대학교 화공생명공학과)

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(P30) A Study on the Polyvinylalcohol Gel type electrolyte for zinc-polyaniline secondary


심가영 a,b, Guicheng Liua, 변동진 b, 이중기 a*

( a KIST 에너지융합연구단, b 고려대학교 신소재공학과, c 동국대학교 물리학과)

(P31) 고 에너지와 안정성을 갖는 리튬이온배터리를 위한 표면의 니켈 침출에 의한 코어-쉘

구조 Ni-rich 양극 소재 합성

김도원 a.b, 장지혜 a.c, 이용흠 a.c, 변동진 b, 최원창 a,c

( a KIST 에너지저장연구단, b 고려대학교 신소재공학과,

c UST KIST school 에너지-환경 융합 에너지공학과)

(P32) Na1.1Li2.0V2(PO4)3/C Composite Cathode Monoclinic-Orthorhombic for Na+/Li+

Hybrid-Ion Batteries

Sunhyeon Park, Sungjin Kim, Jeonggeun Jo, Seulgi Lee, Duong Tung Pham,

Woong Park, Seungmi Han Jaekook Kim*

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University)

(P33) Facile synthesis of partially oxidized Mn3O4-functionalized carbon cathodes for

rechargeable Li-O2 batteries

Juhyoung Kim, Inhan Kang, Younggwon Cho, Jungwon Kang*

(Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering,

Mokpo National University)

(P34) Effect of Ball Milling on Electrochemical Properties of Sulfur/Polyacrylonitrile(SPAN)

Cathode in Li/S Battery

Sang-Hui Park, Gyu-Bong Cho, Hae-Bin Park, Han-Gyeol Lee, Ki-Won Kim*

(Department of Materials Engineering and Research Institute for Green Energy Convergence

Technology, Gyeongsang National University)

(P35) Electrochemical properties of Si film electrodes depending on crystallization

Han-gyeol Lee, Gyu-Bong Cho, Hae-Bin Park, Sang-Hui Park, Ki-Won Kim*

(Department of Materials Engineering and Research Institute for Green Energy

Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University)

(P36) Hollow core shell polymer binder 중합과 전기화학적 특성 분석

서승동, 김진영, Qiyan chunxiao, He chengxiang, 오은석*

(울산대학교 화학공학화)

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(P37) Modification on the Surface Characteristics of Carbon Fiber for Zn-PANI Batteries

유현진 a,b, 김지영 a, Minh Xuan Trana ,Guicheng Liua,c, 변동진 b, 이중기 a*

( a KIST 에너지융합연구단, b 고려대학교 신소재공학과

c 동국대학교 물리학과)

(P38) Plasma-polymerized-C60 functional layer coated carbon nanotube as a bifunctional

interlayer for high-powered lithium-sulfur batteries

Minh Xuan Trana,b, Ryanda Enngar Anugrah Ardhia,b,

Guicheng Liub,c, Joong Kee Leea,b*

( a Center for Energy Storage Research, Green City Research Institute, KIST,

b Division of Energy and Environment Technology, KIST-School, UST,

c Department of Physics, Dongguk University)

(P39) Synergistic Performance Improvement of Fiber-shaped Dye-sensitized Solar Cells

through Photoanode Interfacial Engineering

Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhia,b, Minh Xuan Trana,b, Guicheng Liub,c, Joong Kee Leea,b*

( a Center for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Research Institute, KIST,

b Division of Energy and Environment Technology, KIST-School, UST,

c Department of Physics, Dongguk University)

(P40) The Effects of Anode Additives towards Suppressing Dendrite Growth and

Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Zinc–Air Secondary Batteries

Emmanuel Olugbemisola Aremu, Da-Jeong Park, Kwang-Sun Ryu*

(Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan)

(P41) The high electrochemical performance and Li+ ion diffusion of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2

coated with the Li2ZrO3 in lithium ion batteries

Young-Jin Kim, Kwang-Sun Ryu*

(Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan)

(P42) Lead ruthenate expanded pyrochlore on reduced graphene oxide for oxygen

reduction and evolution reactions for metal-air batteries

Subin Naa,b, Boeun Leea, Jihwan Choia, Woo Young Yoonb, Si Hyoung Oha*

( a Center for Energy Storage Research, KIST,

b Department of Materials and Engineering, Korea University)

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(P43) Salt-expedited reduction mechanism of silicon microsphere under bi-functional

metal halide for battery anode materials

Gyujin Songa, Jaegeon Ryub, Jin Chul Kima, Sang Kyu Kwaka, Soojin Parkb

( aDepartment of Energy Engineering, UNIST

b Department of Chemistry, POSTECH)

(P44) Study on structural manipulation approach and Li+ ion transfer mechanism of Li3OCl

and doped Li2(OH)0.9X0.1Br(X=I) for superionic conductor

Su-yeon Jung, Kwang-Sun Ryu*

( a Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan)

(P45) Fabrication of bacteria captured sponge@ZnO for environmentally sustainable


Sang Jun Kima, Isheunesu Phiria, Chris Yeajoon Bona , Manasi Mwemezia,

Chung Sup Yoonb , Jang Myoun Koa*

( a 한밭대학교 응용화학생명공학부, b 한밭대학교 신소재공학과)

(P46) Hydroxy Terminated Poly(dimethylsiloxane) as an Electrolyte Additive to Enhance

the Cycle Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Mwemezi Manasia, Chris Yeajoon Bona, Sangjun Kima, Phiri Isheunesua,

Chung Sup Yoonb, Jang Myoun Koa*

( a Department of applied Chemistry & Biotechnology,

b Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Hanbat National University)

(P47) Zwitterionic Lithium-Silica Sulfobetaine Silane as Electrolyte Additive for Lithium Ion


Isheunesu Phiria, Kim Sang Juna, Chris Yeajoon Bona, Manasi Mwemezia,

Chang Sup Yoonb, Jang Myoun Koa*

( a 한밭대학교 응용화학생명공학과, b 한밭대학교 신소재공학과)

(P48) Thermal conductive polyurethane/modified boron nitride composite with a flame


이창록, 조남주*

(부산대학교 고분자공학과)

(P49) LiFePO4/graphite flexible batteries with solid polymer electrolyte

Hyunjin Kim, Balasubramaniyan Rajagopalan, Do Youb Kim,

Jungdon Suk, Yongku Kang, Dong Wook Kim*

(Advanced Materials Division, KRICT)

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(P50) 리튬이온전지용 Li4Ti5O12/Si 복합 음극활물질의 제조와 전기화학적 특성

서진성, 김현수, 나병기*

(충북대학교 화학공학과)

(P51) Silicon/C/Graphene 음극활물질 제조와 전기화학적 특성

김현수, 서진성, 나병기*

(충북대학교 화학공학과)

(P52) Semi-interpenetrating Solid Polymer Electrolyte in Electrochemical Stability of

LiCoO2-based Lithium Polymer Batteries at Room Temperature

Tien Manh Nguyena,b, Jungdon Suka,b*, Do Youb Kima,b,

Dong Wook Kima,b, Yongku Kanga,b*

( a Advanced Materials Division, KRICT

b Department of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering, UST)

(P53) Room-temperature operated all-solid-state flexible Li metal battery using solid

polymer electrolyte

Chang Hyun Lee, Do Youb Kim,* Dong Wook Kim,

Jungdon Suk, Yongku Kang*

(Energy Materials Research Center, KRICT)

(P54) Enhancement of ionic conductivity and rate capability in semi-interpenetrating

polymer networks by introducing PEO multi-arm unit for lithium polymer batteries

Woonghee Choia,b, Yongku Kanga, Woong-Ryeol Yub, Dong Wook Kima*

( a Advanced Materials Division, KRICT,

b Department of Material Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)

(P55) 3D hetroatom-doped carbon framework for high performance lithium sulfur


Huanhee Yooa,b , Kyoo-Seung Hanb, Jungdon Suka*

( a Energy Materials Research Center, KRICT,

b Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry,

Chungnam National University)

(P56) Inorganic hybrid solid electrolytes for graphite-silicon composite lithium-ion


HyeaWon Yuna,b, Dongwon Kima, Jungdon Sukb*

( a Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University,

b Energy Materials Research Center, KRICT)

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(P57) Variation of Battery Entropies and Its validation related to Electro-thermo-chemistry

Chil-hoon Doha,b*, Yoon-cheol Haa,b, Seung-wook Eoma,b

( a Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, b UST KERI Campus)

(P58) Li7P2S8I1-xBrx 고체전해질의 합성과 특성 평가

최선화, 하윤철*

(한국전기연구원 전지연구센터)

(P59) Electrochemistry and reaction mechanism of Sb-based anode materials for

rechargeable sodium ion batteries

Jeong-Hee Choi*, Min-Ho Lee, Hae-Young Choi, Sang-Min Lee

(Battery Research Center, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)

(P60) Development of hybrid composite membrane with solvated ionic liquids for All-

Solid-state lithium ion batteries

Min-ju Kim, Jun-Woo Park*, Byung-gon Kim, Yoon-cheol Ha and Sang-min Lee

(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 01

Synchrotron-based operando analysis of lithium ion batteries to reveal multiscale particle - electrode - cell kinetics

Jongwoo Lim

Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University(e-mail: [email protected])

Electrochemistry plays a significant role in energy storage and conversion technologies, such as lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, and microbial fuel cells. Because of porous and heterogeneous nature of the electrodes in these applications, the conventional current-voltage measurement shows certain limit in untangling complexity of electrochemical reactions (charge transfer, mass transport, chemical reactions and so on). Here in my talk, I will introduce the in-situ electrochemical platform combined with synchrotron-based X-ray spectromicroscopy which visualizes nanoscale charge transfer and electrochemical reactions of individual battery particles.[1,2] Within individual particles, spatial variations in the electrochemical reaction rate control lithium ion insertion pathway. I will also discuss how this technique is expansively applied to other electrochemical systems in my group.


1. J. Lim et al., “Origin and Hysteresis of Li Compositional Spatio-Dynamics within Battery Primary Particles,” Science, 2016, 353, 566-571.

2. Y. Li et al., “Fluid-enhanced Surface Diffusion Controls Intraparticle Phase Transformations,” Nature Materials, 2018, 17, 915-922.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지분석 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 임종우 소속: 서울대학교

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-880-2236/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 02

Direct visualization of electrochemical reactions in batteries by in-situ transmission electron microscopy

Hyun-Wook Lee

School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST, Ulsan, Republic of Korea(e-mail: [email protected])

Flexible Extensive research for new energy storage materials has created a high demand for experimental techniques that can provide real-time, single-particle-level information on the dynamic electrochemical processes taking place at the electrode materials during battery charge/discharge cycles. In situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) on lithium ion batteries has offered exceptional opportunities for monitoring the dynamic processes of electrode materials during electrochemical reaction at both spatial and temporal resolution. In this talk, I will introduce in situ TEM studies on silicon anodes that suffer the anomalous volumetric changes and fracture during lithiation process. Previously, the lithiation behaviour of a single silicon particle system has been explained in detail by simulation data and experimental observation. However, in real batteries, since lithiation occurs simultaneously in clusters of silicon in a confined medium, understanding how the individual silicon structures interact during lithiation in a closed space is necessary. Ex situ SEM and in situ TEM studies reveal that compressive stresses change the reaction kinetics so that preferential lithiation occurs on free surfaces when the pillars are mechanically clamped. This experiment reveals the surprising effects of nanostructure shape, size, and void space for lithiation and the results will contribute to improved design of silicon structures at the electrode level for high-performance lithium-ion batteries.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지재료분석 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: Hyun-Wook Lee 소속: UNIST연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (052-217-2593/052-217-2019/[email protected])

Page 29: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 03

대기 비개방 및 In-Situ 시스템을 통한 재료 분석

배종성a,*, 김종필a, 한옥희b, 김양수c, 정의덕d

a한국기초과학지원연구원 부산센터b한국기초과학지원연구원 서울서부센터

c한국기초과학지원연구원 전주센터d한국기초과학지원연구원 국가연구시설장비진흥센터

(e-mail: [email protected])

기존의 이차 지 분석기술들은 부분 이차 지에 한 충방 기타 기화학 반응을 진

행한 후, 지를 분해하여 분석을 진행하는 ex-situ 분석법이 주를 이루고 있어 반응 의 실제

상을 악하기 해서는 기비개방 in-situ 분석법의 용이 필요하다. 최근들어 이차

지의 실시간 충방 과정 찰이 이슈화되고 있으며 충방 시 일어나는 소재의 반응거동

열화 메커니즘에 한 이해는 매우 요하며 이를 해서는 실시간 찰 등의 다양한 분석기

술이 도입 되어야 한다는 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 한 이차 지 분야에서 향후 핵심 이고

기 인 소재분야의 연구 개발 경쟁이 확 되면서 그에 따른 물리 화학 소재 분석기술이

더욱 활발히 도입되고, 좀더 세분화 되어 활용될 것으로 상하고 있다. 이러한 에서 향후

많은 활용이 상되는 Vacuum Transfer Holder를 이용한 XPS와 SEM, In-Situ Solid NMR, In-Situ XRD에 한 분석 기술에 해 소개하고자 한다.


1. Yijun Yang, Xizheng Liu, Zhonghua Dai, Fangli Yuan, Yoshio Bando, Dmitri Golberg, Xi Wang, Advanced Materials. 1606922 (2017).

2. N.Dupre, P.Moreau, E.De Vito, L.Quazuguel, M.Boniface, A.Bordes, C.Rudisch, P.Bayle- Guillemaud, D.Guyomard, Chemistry of Materials. 28, 2557 (2016).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지분석 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 배종성 소속: 한국기초과학지원연구원

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-974-6129/051-974-6116/[email protected])

Page 30: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 04

Function of Electrolytes in Battery


성균관대학교 성균나노과학기술원

(e-mail: [email protected])

리튬이온 지에서 핵심 인 소재 의 하나인 해질의 기능에 해서 고찰해 보고자 합니

다. 비록 고용량, 고출력등 성능에 직 인 향을 주는 소재가 아니지만, 모든 핵심 소재를

제품 최종 단계에서 완성도를 올려주는 역할을 하고 있습니다. 그러므로, 이러한 소재의 특징

을 살펴보고 실제 산업 장에서 어떻게 활용하고 있고 무슨 고민을 하는지에 해서 논의해

보고자 합니다.이 게 함으로써 리튬이온 이차 지 기술을 배우는 학생들에게 연구의 방향성과 흥미를 갖

도록 하고자 합니다.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지소재 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 송의환 교수 소속: 성균관 대학교

연락처(전화/e-mail): (031-299-4191/[email protected] or [email protected])

Page 31: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 05

볼밀공정에 의한 2D material의 고체윤활작용에 의한 기계적 박리와

이에 대한 리튬이온전지 음극소재로의 응용


가천대학교 화공생명공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

이차원 물질들(2D materials)은 층상구조로 이루어진 물질들로서 태양 지, 트랜지스터, 극소재, 매과 같은 분야로의 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 MoS2, MoSe2, 그리고 NbSe2와 같은 2차원 층상물질들을 리튬이온 이차 지 극소재로 활용하는 방법들에

하여 발표하고자 한다. 특히, 고에 지 볼 공정을 이용하여 와 같은 2차원 물질을 나노구

조화하는 동시에 층간박리를 기계 으로 유도하여 새로운 고성능 이차 지 극소재를 구

하는 방법들에 하여 논의한다. 추가 으로 본 연구를 통해 기존 이차 지의 성능을 비약

으로 향상시키는 방향에 하여 제시하고자 한다.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지소재 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 허재현 소속: 가천대학교 지도교수: 허재현

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (031-750-5593/031-750-8839/[email protected])

Page 32: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 06

Dipoles aligned polysulfide-repulsive separator functionalized by poled-BaTiO3 with charged domain walls for lithium-sulfur batteries

Ki Jae Kim

Department of Energy Engineering, Konkuk University, Neungdong-ro 120, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Retarding polysulfides dissolution are the most challengeable issue to enhance electrochemical performances of lithium-sulfur batteries. Here we propose electric fields induced polysulfides- repulsive separator functionalized by barium titanium oxide for the first time. The barium titanium oxides are finely dispersed on surface of separator and they induce nano-domain dielectric arrays by poling process. The poled-separator effectively retards migration of polysulfides in the cell as negative charges developed on poled-separator are highly repulsive to soluble polysulfides species. It can be therefore effectively suppresses considerable amounts of polysulfides diffusions during electrochemical process. As a result, the poled-separator affords excellent specific capacity retention (82.8 %) together with high utilization of active materials (1122.1 mA h g–1). Through systematical analyses for cycled separators, we confirm that the poled-BTO coated PE greatly reduces PS diffusion in the cell as it can confine PS in restrict area as a catholyte.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지소재 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 김기재 소속: 건국대학교

Page 33: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 08

Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium-ion Batteries

Jin Hong Lee

Department of Organic Material Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea

(e-mail: [email protected])

Over the past couple of decades, there have been immense research efforts to mitigate the safety concerns of liquid electrolytes in lithium-ion batteries, while maintaining the practical battery performance. Liquid electrolytes, while inherently having high ionic conductivity, are comprised of lithium salts dissolved in flammable solvents, most commonly of the carbonate family. These highly flammable solvents, coupled with the packaging issues arising from the leakage of these solvents, have become key issues for battery researchers. To solve these problems, research in polymer electrolytes has seen a boom in both academia and industrial sectors. In this talk, I will present our recent development of organic/inorganic hybrid polymer electrolytes utilizing silsesquioxane-based materials. Silsesquioxanes, with chemical formula [RSiO1.5]n, offer a unique alternative to conventional polymer electrolytes, as the organic/inorganic functionality not only imbues non-leaking mechanical robustness, thermal stability, and high electrochemical stability, but also exhibits complete solution processability and unique ion conducting behavior. Electrochemical performances of organic/inorganic hybrid polymer electrolytes with various functional groups will be discussed.


1. Jin Hong Lee, Albert S Lee, Jong-Chan Lee, Soon Man Hong, Seung Sang Hwang, Chong Min Koo, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 2226 (2015).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 차세대전지 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 이진홍 소속: 부산대학교

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-510-2410/[email protected])

Page 34: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 09

A high-energy-density Li-air battery: Cell design and performance

Mokwon Kim, Jung Ock Park, Dongmin Im

Energy Lab., Material Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT)(email: [email protected])

Lithium-air (Li-air) battery has attracted considerable attention as next-generation lithium battery system because of its high specific energy (theoretically above 3500 Wh/kg). Despite the progresses that have been made to improve the capacity and lifetime of Li-air battery, achieving its potential specific energy still remains as a highly challenging goal because of the addition of components such as electrolyte, gas diffusion layer (GDL), current collector and sealing material. To increase the specific energy further, it is necessary to reduce the weight of cell components. In this work, a Li-air battery with the specific energy and energy density of 770 Wh/kg and 590 Wh/L was prepared by using a folded cell structure. This unique three-dimensional cell structure effectively reduced the weight and volume portions of the sealing and manifold materials. In the point of view for material design, carbon nanotube based cathode, gel polymer electrolyte layer using ionic liquid and lightweight non-woven typed GDL were used for the optimization of cell design. The details of cell design and performances will be discussed in the presentation.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: Mokwon Kim 소속: 삼성전자종합기술원(SAIT)연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (031-8061-1226/031-8061-1314/[email protected])

Page 35: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 10

상온형 소듐/황(Na/S)전지 연구개발 현황

Sodium/sulfur battery operating at room temperature

안효준, 김기원, 안주현, 조권구, 남태현

경상대학교 나노신소재융합공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

Na/S 지는 력 장시스템을 한 용량 지로 매우 유망한 시스템이다. 특히, 높은 에

지 도, 낮은 원가를 갖추고 있는 Na/S 지는 납축 지, 독스- 로우 지, 리튬이온 지

와 더불어 매우 유망한 형 지시스템이다. 일본의 NGK는 Na/S 지를 독 으로 양산하

고 있으며, 일본 미국에서 여러 응용분야에 한 시범운행사업을 실시하고 있다. 양산되는

고온형 Na/S 지는 760 Wh/kg의 높은 이론에 지 도를 가지며, 수명특성이 우수하고, 원재

료 가격이 낮은 장 들을 가지고 있다. 그러나 고온형 Na/S 지는 300 oC 이상의 높은 온도에

서 작동하기 때문에 소듐과 황이 액상으로 존재하며, 이러한 액상활물질의 액이나 부식에

의하여 폭발할 수 있는 문제 을 가지고 있다. 최근 안 성을 향상시키기 하여 상온에서 작

동되는 Na/S 지를 우리 연구 이 2006년에 보고하 다. 상온형 Na/S 지는 이론에 지 도

가 1230 Wh/kg로 고온형 Na/S 지나 리튬이온 지보다 훨씬 높으며, 제조원가도 매우 낮은 장

을 지니고 있다. 재는 기술 인 문제 인 싸이클특성 개선에 한 연구가 세계 으로

활발히 진행되고 있다. 본 발표에서는 상온형 Na/S 지에 한 연구개발동향을 발표할 정



---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 차세대전지 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 안효준 소속: 경상대학교 지도교수: 안효준

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (055-772-1666/[email protected])

Page 36: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 11

ESS(에너지저장시스템)의 시장 및 산업 동향


UNIST 에너지 및 화학공학부

(e-mail: [email protected])

한국 정부는 에 지산업의 트랜드를 반 하여 에 지 신산업 정책을 수립하 으며 정책 구

의 요한 수단인 ESS의 사업 경쟁력을 높이기 하여 기술 개발 사업 환경 조성에 체계

인 지원을 해오고 있고, 이에 힘입어 최근(2017~2018) 국내는 설치량 기 세계 최 규모 시

장을 형성하고 있음.ESS시장은 세계 으로 Utility용과 수용가용 시장이 균형 있게 성장할 것으로 망되고 있으

나, ESS선도국이라 할 수 있는 미국의 경우 Utility용 시장이 보다 빠르게 성장할 것으로 망

되고 있음. ESS산업은 기존 배터리 제조업자 심에서 SI, Project Developer, Financier 등 참여자가 다양

해 지고 있으며 산업 환경에 따라 Value Chain상의 가치 비 이 변화하고 있음. 리튬이온 배터

리의 가격하락과 더불어 시스템 가격이 속도로 하락하고 있으며 이는 2025년 안에 가스 발

기를 체할 수 있는 가격 달성에 한 망을 밝게 하고 있음.장기술은 리튬이온배터리의 지배력이 강화되고 있으나, 독스흐름 지의 실증화

노력도 지속되고 있어 향후 독스흐름 지의 상용화 추이를 주시할 필요가 있음. 특히 최근

미국 심으로 장주기 특성의 장기술 요구가 강화되고 있는 바 이 시장에서 어떤 기술이 산

업 경쟁력을 발휘하게 될 지 지켜 볼 필요가 있음.본 강연에서는 최신 시장 산업 동향에 한 보다 상세한 내용이 다루어질 정임.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: ESS 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 최윤석 소속: UNIST연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (--/052-217-2932/[email protected])

Page 37: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


IL 12

The effects of Ni-rich cathode materials on the performance of Li-ion batteries for electrical energy storage


한국전력공사 전력연구원 창의미래연구소

(e-mail: [email protected])

에 지 장용 리튬이온 지는 다른 용도에 비해 수천 싸이클 이상의 장수명 특성을 필요로

한다. LiNixCoyMnzO2 양극 소재에서 니 함량이 증가함에 따라, 고율 특성과 온 특성이 향

상된다. 에 지 도 향상을 해 삼원계 양극소재의 경우 니 함량을 증가시키기 한 연구

가 매우 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 니 함량이 높은 LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 (NCM2) 양극

소재를 이용한 용량 리튬이온 지의 경우 LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (NCM3) 양극 소재를 이용한

경우에 비해 수명열화가 심하게 발생하 으며, 싸이클 시험 방 시, 지 표면온도의 상승

한 심하게 발생하 다. 에 지 장용도의 경우 수명특성이 매우 요하기 때문에 니 함량

이 높은 삼원계 양극소재의 경우 바람직하지 않다. NCM2와 NCM3를 이용하여 20Ah 용량의 단 지를 제작하여 에 지 장용도의 표 인

용 분야인 주 수조정, 피크 감 그리고 신재생출력 안정화 조건에서 성능 을 평가하고 비

교하 다. 우선, 미국 에 지성 (USDOE)과 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)에서

개발한 력계통 주 수조정 패턴을 이용하여 각각의 성능을 비교하 으며, 국내 력계통 주

수를 이용하여 실제 운 알고리즘에서의 충방 패턴을 개발하여 한 성능을 비교하 다. 장기성능에 한 충분한 검토는 부족하 으나, 운 시 에 지효율 충방 시의 온도 변화

를 통해 장기 인 안정성을 유추할 수 있다. 두번째, 에 지 장시스템의 피크 감 운 은 력계통을 효율 으로 이용하기 한 용

분야이다. 이 용도는 력망의 효율 이용, 력 시장에서의 요 차액 거래 그리고 발 송

배 설비 신규투자를 억제할 수 있기 때문에 향후 에 지 장장치의 가장 발 망이 높은

수요처라 할 수 있다. 따라서 이를 통해 온실가스 감에도 기여할 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. 피크 감 알고리즘을 이용하여 일간 력피크를 효과 으로 감할 수 있음을 확인하 으며, 피크 감 운 시 충방 최 출력을 통해 운 최 C-rate를 도출할 수 있었다. USDOE PNNL에서 개발한 피크 감 운 패턴과 결과를 비교하고 장기 운 조건에서의 NCM2

NCM3의 열화도 비교, 기시간에 따른 열화도 비교 한 수행하 다. 마지막으로 신재생에 지 특히 가장 복잡한 출력특성을 보이는 풍력발 기의 출력 안정화

를 한 에 지 장시스템 운 조건에서의 NCM2와 NCM3의 성능을 비교하 다. 풍력 출력

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안정화 조건은 일반 으로 Grid Code에서 사용하고 있는 분당 출력 변동률 10% 이내 조건을

용하여 평가를 수행하 다. 한 짧은 시간동안 DC 펄스 류를 인가함으로써 DC 내부 항을 연산하여 SOC별로 시스

템, 랙, 모듈 그리고 개별 셀의 열화도를 평가할 수 있으며, 각각 단 에서의 가용출력을 연산

할 수 있으며, 실제 상용 설비인 주 수조정용 ESS 장에 용하 다. 본 연구에서는 에 지 장시스템의 표 인 운 조건에서의 리튬이온 지의 성능과 특성

을 고찰하 으며, 그 밖에 한 력연구원에서 진행되고 있는 에 지 장시스템 개발 련 연

구과제에 하여 소개하고자 한다.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: ESS 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: Jin Hyeok Choi 소속: KEPCO Research Institute연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-865-5521/042-865-5525/[email protected])

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IL 13

ESS 시스템 기술 동향


(주) 한양

(e-mail: [email protected])

ESS 시스템은 세계 으로 수요 리와 신쟁생연계, 주 수 조정 등의 사용목 으로 설치

용량이 폭발 으로 늘어나고 있다. ESS 특례요 제와 신재생연계 가 치(REC 가 치)의 제도로 인해 국내 시장은 17년부터 민

간 주도로 격히 확 되어 세계 시장을 선도하고 있다.타국 비 앞선 ESS 보 확 로 인해 시장에서 ESS 시스템에 요구되는 단품 , 시스템 인

기술 항목이 명확해지고 있다. 본 발표는 필요 목 에 따른 배터리의 충 방 성능과 요구되는 특성, 배터리 외 인 부품인

PCS, 변압기, EMS, PMS의 기술 동향을 얘기하고자 한다.한 ESS 시장이 확 하기 해 필연 으로 검토되어야 하는 ESS 시스템의 안정성과 경제

인 면에 향을 끼치는 내구성에 해 논의하고자 한다.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: ESS 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 문고영 소속: (주) 한양 지도교수: 연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-721-8772/02-721-8996/[email protected])

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IL 14

Theory and Practice of Lithium Ion Cell Design

Youngmin Kima, Changhun Sunga, In Jun Baeka, Hoyoung Naa and Kyeong-Min Jeonga

a50 UNIST-gil, Ulju-gun, Ulsan, 44919, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering

(e-mail: [email protected])

First commercialized lithium ion cell was used for camcorder by Sony in 1991. After that, applications have been wider continuously, but energy and power density of cell have to be improved simultaneously for widening to various industrial fields even now. Though continuous research and development efforts have been made to get novel material, most of the commercial cells are producing with the material which had been developed long ago.1

Lithium ion cell have four major material components such as cathode, anode, separator and solvent electrolyte. Among them, it is really true that active materials are basic construction blocks for building an excellent cell. Active material would be used to produce cell above 1M/month on the commercial production scale and absolutely have to be converted to electrodes for using commercial cell. Electrode is absolutely the unit device for realizing the intrinsic properties of material itself. The performance of electrode would be come out from intrinsic material properties itself such as specific capacity[mAh/g] and redox potential[volt]. Also, it is important to maximize reversible cell capacity and discharge voltage through balanced design between cathode and anode with safety tolerance using specific capacity and redox potential. Lithium ion cell does not stay on the equilibrium state under usage. Charges carriers are always moving from one electrode to another through solvent electrolyte solution in the cell. So, overpotential(volt) under current flowing conditions would always affect to cell performances. Kinetic characteristics of charges, which are related to mesoporous electrode structures made by manufacturing process., should be considered to get high energy density[Wh/kg]] and power density[W/kg]2. In this presentation, we would like to think the way to develop novel material through reviewing the relationship among material property, electrode characteristics and practical lithium ion cell design.13)

References1. Matthew Li, Jun Lu, Z. Chen, and Khalil Amine, Advanced Materials. Vol. 30 (2018)2. Thomas-Alyea, Karen E., and John Newman. Electrochemical Systems, (eds.), (2012)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: ESS 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 정경민 소속: 울산과학기술원 에너지 및 화학공학부 지도교수: 연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (052-217-2596/052-217-3049/[email protected])

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IL 15

Role of Solution Structure on SEI Formation, Lithium Salt Effects on Silicon Electrode Performance and Solid Electrolyte

Interphase (SEI) Structure

Taeho Yoona,b, Navid Chapmanb, Daniel M. Seob, and Brett L. Luchtb

aSchool of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 38541 , Republic of KoreabDepartment of Chemistry, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881, USA

(e-mail: [email protected])


Silicon electrodes were cycled with electrolytes containing different salts to investigate the effect of salt on the electrochemical performance and SEI structure. Comparable capacity retention were observed for the 1.2 M LiPF6, LiTFSI and LiClO4 electrolytes in ethylene carbonate (EC):dimethyl carbonate (DEC), 1:1, but severe fading was observed for the 1.2 M LiBF4 electrolyte. The differential capacity plots and EIS analysis reveals that failure of the 1.2 M LiBF4 electrolyte is attributed to large surface resistance and increasing polarization upon cycling. However, when LiBF4 was added as an electrolyte additive (10% LiBF4 and 90% LiPF6), the capacity retention and Coulombic efficiency were improved. The SEI was analyzed by FTIR and XPS for each electrolyte. Both spectroscopic methods suggest that the main components of the SEI are lithium ethylene dicarbonate (LEDC) and Li2CO3 in the 1.2 M LiPF6, LiTFSI and LiClO4 electrolytes, while an inorganic-rich SEI, composed of LiF and borates, was generated for both the 1.2 M LiBF4 electrolyte and the 10% LiBF4 electrolyte. The chemical composition of the SEIs and corresponding electrochemical performance of the Si electrodes were strongly correlated with electrolyte solution structure.

Reference1. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164 (9) A2082-A2088 (2017).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 윤태호 소속: 영남대학교 (조교수)연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (053-810-2789/[email protected])

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IL 16

High Performance Li-ion Battery fabricated by Additive Manufacturing

Chang-Jun Bae and Sujin Park

3D Printing Materials Center, Powder & Ceramic Divisions, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, Korea

(e-mail: [email protected])

Advances in material and electrode architecture have facilitated remarkable improvements in the power performance of rechargeable batteries over the past decade. However, even the most advanced of today’s batteries continue to have poor materials utilization, with only ~50% of cell volume devoted to active materials in cells designed for high-energy density. By eliminating electrochemically-inert additives, and achieving lower pore tortuosity, this new architecture permits higher density, greater thickness electrodes that increase the volumetric and gravimetric utilization of active material at the cell level. As electrode thickness increases and pore fraction decreases, transport in the pore phase becomes limiting. In order to maximize rate capability at any given electrode thickness and density, tailoring the pore topology is a useful approach. In this talk, I will discuss theoretically and experimentally an ordered, “dual-scale” porosity distribution which facilitates electrochemical lithiation/de-lithiation and maximizes power available from dense, thick electrodes targeting high energy density.


1. Chang-Jun Bae, Can K. Erdonmez, John W. Halloran, and Yet-Ming Chiang, Advanced Materials 23, 1254 (2013).

2. Sujin Park, Nenko S. Nenov, Arathi Ramachandran, Kyeongwoon Chung, Sea Hoon Lee, Jungjoon Yoo, Jeong-gu Yeo, and Chang-Jun Bae, Energy Technol. 6, 2058 (2018).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: 전지설계 및 제조 일반세션: 구두 ( o ) 포스터 ( )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: Chang-Jun Bae 소속: KIMS연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (055-280-3251/055-208-3289/[email protected])

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고령자를 위한 퍼스널 모빌리티용 배터리팩의 개발

이지나, 방재 , 이성진a


(e-mail: [email protected])

최근 환경 의식의 개선과 극심한 교통체증 주차 문제로 인해 친환경 이며, 휴 가 간편

한 퍼스 모빌리티(Personal Mobility, 이하 PM)가 차세 이동수단으로 각 받고 있다. 이러

한 PM을 구성하는 부품 배터리는 동력원으로써 주행과 안 성능을 결정짓는 핵심 인 역

할을 한다. 때문에 PM에 한 연구는 모터 기술과 더불어 배터리 기술 개발이 활발히 진행되

고 있다.PM용 배터리 개발은 고용량화와 경량화 기반으로 용 기기 맞춤형의 효율성과 안정성을

증 시키는 방향으로 개되고 있는 추세이다[1]. PM은 종류가 다양하며, 동일 제품군에서도 특성에 따라 형태와 성능이 다르게 결정된다. 이

처럼 다양한 제품군에 용되는 배터리는 출력, 용량과 같은 사양의 차이와 기능 제어에

한 정의가 필요하다. 서로 다른 PM에 동일한 배터리 용에는 한계가 있으며, PM 기능에 특화

된 배터리의 개발이 필수 이다.따라서, 본 연구에서는 건강한 고령자를 상으로 제작 인 PM에 최 화된 배터리팩을 개

발하여, 배터리의 성능과 더불어 PM의 안정성 신뢰성 향상과 운 편의성을 증 시키고자

한다[2].**본 연구는 국토교통과학기술진흥원 교통물류연구사업 “고령자 자립지원 개인교통수단

개발” 과제의 지원으로 수행되었습니다.


1. Seong Heum Sim, Jin Hyuk Gang, Dawn An, Sun Il Kim, Jin Young Kim and Joo Ho Choi, Transactions of the KSME B. 37, 4 (2013).

2. Do Yang Jeong, KIPE Magazine. 19, 6 (2014).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이지나 소속: (주)티앤에스모터스

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-6334-4287/02-6334-2168/[email protected])

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테일러 반응기의 편심 영향에 관한 3차원 전산유체해석

배성민a, 김민석a, 주재우 a, 동 a

a동국대학교 기계시스템공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

테일러-쿠에트 반응기(Taylor-Couette Reactor, TCR)는 두 개의 실린더로 이루어져 외부 실린

더는 고정되어 있고, 내부 실린더는 회 함으로써 실린더 안에서 유체의 흐름이 일어나는 반

응기를 말한다. 내부 실린더가 회 함으로써 실린더 내에는 테일러 유동(Taylor flow)이 발생

하며 테일러 유동은 내부 실린더의 회 각속도에 따라 구별된다. 최근 리튬이온 지에 용

하여 양극재 생산에 이용되고 있다. 이 연구[1]에서 수행된 테일러-쿠에트 반응기의 내부 형

상에 변화를 주었다. Re = 2500의 TTVF 역에서, 반경 방향으로 편심(eccentricity)을 주었고

Comsol Multiphysics를 사용하여 3차원 산 유체해석(CFD)을 수행하 다. 본 연구에서는 편

심변화에 따른 테일러 유동 분포 입자 추 을 통한 입자 체류시간을 알아보았다.


1. Seong Ye Kwon, Seung Ho Lee and Dong Hyup Jeon, Appl. Chem. Eng., 28, (2017).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 배성민 소속: 동국대학교 경주캠퍼스 지도교수: 전동협

연락처(e-mail): (054-770-2209/ [email protected])

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테일러 반응기 내부형상 변화에 대한 전산유체역학 연구

윤재룡a, 장 재a, 송치호a, 동 a

a동국대학교 기계시스템공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

Taylor-Couette 반응기는 연속식 반응기로 좁은 역의 단 속도분포를 가지고 있어 높은

단 역이 존재하지 않고, 제어 가능한 흐름 패턴과 평균 체류 시간의 조정이 가능한 유동 특성

을 갖는다. 이러한 특징들로 인해 Taylor-Couette 반응기는 많은 산업 분야로의 응용이 가능하

며 최근 리튬이온 지에 용하여 NMC등의 양극재 생산에 이용되고 있다. 국내에서는 Kwon 등[1]이 테일러 반응기에서 일어나는 유동의 변화를 산 유체역학을 이용하여 해석하 고

이놀즈 수 변화에 따른 CCF, TVF, TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF의 역별 유체 흐름의 특성과 테

일러 와류 형상에 해 연구했다. 최근 Soos 등[2]은 테일러 반응기의 내부 장치의 변형을 기반

으로 한 새로운 혼합장치를 제안하 다. 이들은 Lobed profile형태의 내부 실린더 단면을 사용

하 고 Lobed Taylor-Couette 반응기의 단율 분포를 산유체 역학을 이용하여 계산하 다. 본 연구에서는 Lobed Taylor-Couette 반응기의 유동 패턴을 산 유체역학을 이용하여 해석하

고 유동특성에 해 연구하 다.


1. Seong Ye Kwon, Seung Ho Lee and Dong Hyup Jeon, Appl. Chem. Eng., 28, (2017).2. Miroslav Soos, Hua Wu, and Massimo Morbidelli, AIChE, 53, (2007).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 윤재룡 소속: 동국대학교 지도교수: 전동협

연락처(e-mail): (054-770-2209/ [email protected])

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The chemical stability of NASICON in seawater for a stable solid electrolyte

Tae-Ung Wia, Chanhee Leea, Fahmi Rahmana, Wooseok Goa, Youngsik Kima*, Hyun-Wook Leea*

aSchool of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea

(e-mail: [email protected], [email protected])

Sodium ion batteries (SIBs) have been intensively studied as an alternative to lithium ion batteries due to the low cost of sodium and similar redox potential (E0 = -2.71V vs. SHE). There is a suitable SIB system for grid-scale ESS that uses seawater as a cathode. This system can generate energy using sodium ion in seawater. Sodium ions in seawater can selectively move through a solid electrolyte to anode to store energy. The NASICON (Na3Zr2Si2PO12) as a solid electrolyte for this system separates the seawater from the anode to prevent short circuit and the safety problem. However, NASICON is known to have unstable properties in water because of minor phase dissolution and hydronium ion exchange reaction. These reactions can destroy the NASICON structure and disable the functions.

For this reason, we have demonstrated the stability of NASICON in seawater with comparison to different degradation mechanism between in DI-water and seawater through immersion experi-ments. The NASICON in seawater exhibits higher chemical and physical stability than in DI-water. In addition, its electrochemical property maintains well even after long-term immersion in seawater while the NASICON in DI-water loses the property. This experiment reveals the stability of seawater battery operation under the sea using NASICON as a solid electrolyte.



1. Park, S., SenthilKumar, B., Kim, K., Hwang, S. M., & Kim, Y. (2016). J. Mater. Chem. A, 4(19), 7207-7213.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Ion Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 위태웅 소속: 울산과학기술원 지도교수: 이현욱

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-8625-6195/[email protected])

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2. Kim, J. K., Lee, E., Kim, H., Johnson, C., Cho, J., & Kim, Y. (2015). ChemElectroChem, 2(3), 328-332.

3. Kim, Y., Kim, H., Park, S., Seo, I., & Kim, Y. (2016). Electrochimica Acta, 191, 1-7.4. Jung, J., Kim, D., Kim, H., Jo, Y. N., Park, J. S., & Kim, Y. (2017). ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,

9, 304-310.

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Observation of electrochemical degradation for the solid electrolyte in the seawater battery system

Chan Hee Lee†, Tae Ung Wi†, Youngsik Kim*, Hyun-Wook Lee*

School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Ulsan 44919, Republic of Korea(e-mail: [email protected], [email protected])

Aqueous rechargeable sodium-ion batteries so-called 'seawater batteries' can be operated in seawater, which serves as a catholyte in the system, likewise the hybrid characteristics of air-batteries. Among the components of the 'seawater batteries', the NASICON (Na Super Ionic CONductor) is the most important part as a role of the electrolyte to transfer Na+ ions and to separate sodium metal and seawater. Therefore, the NASICON should be chemically and physically stable during the electrochemical reaction when the battery is operating.

Here, we have analyzed the degradation of the NASICON after the battery cycling in various conditions, such as high current density and low pH of seawater. When seawater batteries are charging or discharging, the by-products of HCl and NaOH are produced at the interface of the NASICON. These products are considered as the cause of degradation of the NASICON. In particular, we have found the phase transition and the minor phase dissolution by the change of the grain boundaries in the electrolyte at the seawater side after charge process. Na+ concentration at the interface changes slightly lower than the inner part after the electrochemical reaction. To confirm the durable mechanical properties of the solid electrolyte, the hardness test was measured to in the pristine and cycled samples. We have also characterized the ion concentration of the seawater after the cycling and XPS analysis to correlate with the structural and chemical data.

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Nanocrevass-rich Carbon Fibers for Stable Lithium and Sodium Metal Anodes

Wooseok Go†a, Min-Ho Kim†a, Jehee Parka, Chek Hai Lima, Youngsik Kim*a,b, Hyun-Wook Lee*a

aSchool of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNIST, bEnergy Materials and Devices Lab, 4TOONE Corporation, UNIST-gil 50, Ulsan 44919, South Korea

(e-mail: [email protected] (Y. S. Kim), [email protected] (H. -W. Lee))

The metallic lithium (Li) and sodium (Na) anodes have long been considered as ideal anodes for high energy density batteries. However, the challenges induced by dendritic growth on metallic Li and Na anodes hinder the practical applications. Finding a stable host structure with polar functional groups is an essential strategy to prevent the Li and Na dendrite growth with improved electro-chemical performance. In this work, we present a facile synthetic method to fabricate alkali metal/carbon composites which contain nanocrevasses in carbon fibers to facilitate the penetration of molten alkali metal. The resulting alkali metal/carbon composites exhibit stable long-term cycling over hundreds of cycles. The proposed approach is suitable for scalable production using recycled metal waste. Thus, the addition of nanocrevasses to carbon fiber as a scaffold for alkali metals can generate environmentally friendly and cost-effective composites for practical electrode applications.20)


1. Lin, D.; Liu, Y.; Liang, Z.; Lee, H.-W.; Sun, J.; Wang, H.; Yan, K.; Xie, J.; Cui, Y. Nat. Nanotechnol. 2016, 11, 1-8.

2. Liu, Y.; Lin, D.; Liang, Z.; Zhao, J.; Yan, K.; Cui, Y. Nat. Commun. 2016, 7, 10992.3. Lin, D.; Zhao, J.; Sun, J.; Yao, H.; Liu, Y.; Yan, K.; Cui, Y. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2017, 114,

4613-4618.4. Zhang, Y.; Luo, W.; Wang, C.; Li, Y.; Chen, C.; Song, J.; Dai, J.; Hitz, E.M.; Xu, S.; Yang, C.; Wang,

Y.; Hu, L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2017, 114, 3584-3589.5. Chi, S., Qi, X., Hu, Y., and Fan, L. Adv. Energy Mater. 2018, 8, 1702764.6. Zhang, R.; Chen, X.; Chen, X.; Cheng, X.; Zhang, X.; Yan, C.; Zhang, Q. Angew. Chemie int. Ed. 2017,

56, 7764-7768.7. Yun, J.H.; Kim, J.H.; Kim, D.K.; Lee, H.W. Nano Lett. 2018, 18, 475-481.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김민호 소속: 울산과학기술원 지도교수: 이현욱

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-6526-8270/-/[email protected])

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MnFe2O4@Polydopamine-coated MWCNT 동축 나노 이블 리튬이온 지 음극 활물질의

합성 기화학 평가

김형우a,b, 이종원c, 변동진b, 최원창*,a,d

a한국과학기술연구원 녹색도시기술연구소 에 지 장연구단b고려 학교 신소재공학과c조선 학교 신소재공학과

d과학기술연합 학원 학교 KIST 스쿨 에 지-환경 융합 에 지공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

리튬이온 지를 용하는 에 지 장 기술은 격한 진보를 거듭하 고 소형 휴 용 자

기기부터 기자동차에 이르기까지 폭넓은 분야에 용되어 왔다. 한편, 리튬이온 지의 음극

활물질로서 상용화된 흑연 소재의 372 mA h g-1의 낮은 이론 용량의 한계를 넘어서는 고용량의

음극소재에 한 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있다. 표 으로 이 속 산화물의 경우 500 mA h g-1 이상의 높은 이론 용량과 자연 상태로 풍부하게 얻을 수 있다는 장 이 있으나, 탄소

계 는 합 계 음극 소재보다 낮은 기 도성으로 낮은 율 특성을 나타낸다는 문제가 있다. 최근 이성분계 속 산화물로서 spinel 상의 metal ferrite (MFe2O4, M = Mn, Co, Ni, Zn)는 더 높

은 기 도도와 화학 안정성을 보이나 여 히 순수한 물질로 용하기에는 부족한 수 이

다. 이러한 소재의 한계를 보완하기 하여 본 연구에서는 나노구조화와 카본 구조체 복합화

의 두 가지 표 인 기술들을 도입하여 나노 크기의 입자를 갖는 ferrite 계 MnFe2O4 음극활물

질의 출력 특성과 수명 특성을 향상시키고자 하 다. 특히 카본 구조체로서 도입된 카본나노

튜 (CNT)의 용액 내 분산성을 높이고 산화물 입자와의 을 높이기 하여 높은 친수성, 부착성의 폴리도 민을 간체로 용하 고, 온 공침법을 통해 산화물

-MWCNT(multi-walled CNT)의 동축 나노 이블 형상의 음극 활물질을 합성하 다. 이러한 나

노구조체 음극 활물질은 표면 의 증 로 해질 침투 리튬 이온의 도가 원활해지고, 심의 폴리도 민으로 코 된 CNT에 MnFe2O4나노 입자들이 긴 하게 부착되어 극에 효과

으로 자 도 통로가 제공될 수 있을 것으로 기 된다.21)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Ion Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김형우 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도교수: 최원창

연락처(전화/e-mail): (02-958-5257/[email protected])

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Preparation of thiophene derivative copolymer based anode for lithium secondary battery

전서영, 조남주

부산대학교 고분자공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

When we use lithium secondary battery on high power for electric car and energy storage device, there are several problems including the reduction of available energy. These problems influence cell life, stability and energy efficiency.[1] To solve them, we developed a completely new type of lithium secondary battery to clear the interfacial resistance between electrode and electrolyte.[2]

In this study, polythiophene(PTh) derivatives were introduced into anode. For this, we intended to introduce 3,4-ethylene dioxy thiophene (EDOT) and 3-methyl thiophene (3MeT) for high conduc-tivity. And we intended to introduce thieno[3,4-b]pyrazine (TP) and 2,3-dimethyl thieno[3,4-b] pyrazine (DMTP) for cyclic stability using low band gap. Then it is expected that the low doping stability problem and low electric conductivity problem due to oxygen and water oxidation which are disadvantageous when PTh derivative is used as an anode can be solved by the copoly-merization of thiophene derivatives. Then four types of copolymer such as poly(EDOT-co-TP), poly(3MeT-co-TP), poly(EDOT-co-DMTP) and poly(3MeT-co-DMTP) as an anode were synthe-sized for all solid polymer battery, and the characterization was done by FR-IR, impedance analyzer, linear seep voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry.


1. LG Economic Research Institute, “Next-generation rechargeable batteries accelerate development competition,” 7 (2017).

2. Olgun, U., and M. Gülfen. RSC Advances 4, 48 (2014).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 전서영 소속: 부산대학교 지도교수: 조남주

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-510-2462/051-513-7720/[email protected])

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Fast and accurate on-board battery state of health estimation methods using statistical and machine learning techniques

SeongHo Hana, Khandelwal Ashishb , Naha Arunavab

aSamsung electronics corporation, Mobile communication businessbSamsung electronics corporation, SAIT India

(e-mail: [email protected])

(Abstract) State of health (SOH) is a key index to measure the extent of degradation in batteries, this includes capacity fade as well as power fade. During real use of smartphones, the battery is seldom used completely - hence to estimate SOH from partial charging is a challenging task. The proposed SOH estimation technique uses data of less than 10 minutes to accurately estimate the SOH as oppose to existing algorithms which uses data for more than hours. In this paper suit of novel methods utilizing the battery charging curve to predict battery SOH is proposed which is based on the principal of impedance rise for the battery with battery ageing/ degradation. A measure of impedance is obtained using the differential measure of charging voltage which hence function of SOH. Further in order to compensate the variation due to inherent cell to cell level variability as well as due to sensory noise, suitable numerical filter viz., Particle Filter, Kalman Filter etc. are designed. A novel SOH estimation method based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is proposed, in this method inversely the SOH is assumed to be function of differential voltages. Three methods proposed is suitably trained for different charging current rate, temperature etc. Long cyclic tests on the batteries are performed in the battery tester as well as in device and it is shown that the proposed method of SOH estimation are able to predict the SOH with accuracy > 93%, which is much greater than the existing maximum capacity estimation method. 23)

References1. Berecibar, M. et al., “Critical review of state of health estimation methods of Li-ion batteries for

real applications,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 56, 572-587 (2016).2. Han, S. H., et. al., The method for the battery SOH calculation using a partial charging curve to

reflect various consumer conditions,” GM-201801-070-1.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 한성호 소속: 삼성전자 무선사업부

연락처(전화/e-mail): (031-301-8411/[email protected])

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Fracture-Resistant Silicon Sheets for Stable Battery Anodes

Jaegeon Ryua, Soojin Park*a

aDepartment of Chemistry, Division of Advanced Materials Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang 37673, Republic of Korea

(e-mail: [email protected])

High theoretical capacity (~3500 mAh g-1) and low working potential (<0.4 V vs. Li+/Li) of silicon (Si) anodes could resolve the performance limit of commercial lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), while huge volumetric deformation of Si upon Li-ion insertion poses a major challenge toward upcoming generation of electric vehicles1. Importantly, nanoscale designs (critical size less than 150 nm) and unusual structures including core-shell, yolk-shell and secondary particle formation retard a typical degradation mechanism of large-volume-change materials2. Suppressing the volume change or introducing void spaces have been demonstrated for an effective strategy to a certain extent but these might lead to a restriction on full usage of theoretical capacity and lowering of electrode density.

Alternatively, we observed an evolution of rippling structure in carbon-coated Si sheets by electrochemical cycling through in-situ TEM analysis3. Uncoated sheets undergone isotropic expansion and shrinkage during Li-ion insertion and extraction, while the carbon coated Si sheets swelled anisotropically due to the lateral confinement by the carbon layers. However, during delithiation, both counterpart isotropically shrink that induced large compressive stress inside the lithiated 2D Si and then suppressed crack formation and propagation. Eventually, the coating layers converted the tensile stress in the bare Si into compressive stress, preventing pulverization of carbon-coated Si and enabling the unusual deformation into rippling structures. This stress-resilient structures in carbon-coated Si not only extended cycle life of battery up to 500 cycles at a commercial mass loading level, but also showed full cell validation and interfacial stability.24)


1. C.-M. Park, J.-H. Kim, H. Kim, H.-J. Sohn, Chem. Soc. Rev. 39, 3115 (2010)2. H. Wu, Y. Cui, Nano Today, 7, 414 (2012)3. J. Ryu, T. Chen, T. Bok, G. Song, J. Ma, C. Hwang, L. Luo, H.-K. Song, J. Cho, C. Wang, S.

Zhang, S. Park, Nat. Commun. 9, 2924 (2018)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: Jaegeon Ryu 소속: POSTECH 지도교수: Soojin Park연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (054-279-5455/054-279-3399/[email protected])

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인산염/semi-IPN 고분자 복합전해질의 전고체형

리튬 이차 전지 적용성 연구

박혜민a, b, 최슬기a, 손성욱b, 강 구a, 최성호a

a한국화학연구원 에 지소재연구센터b성균 학교 화학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

외부 충격과 이에 따른 해액 출에 의한 폭발의 안 성이 문제시되는 리튬 이차 지로 인

하여, 고체 랙서블 이차 지 시스템이 이슈화 되고 있다. 이는 최근 다양한 디자인의 소형

화 자 기기들을 사용함에 따라 원 장치인 리튬 이차 지가 자유로운 변형성이 요구되면서

이에 맞는 배터리의 연구도 활발히 진행되고 있다. 고체 배터리(all-solid-state battery)는 고 에 지 도, 고 출력, 장 수명 등 이차 지의 기본

물성을 보유하면서 유기액체 해질보다 안 한 고체상(solid state) 해질을 이용하여 안정성

이 우수하다고 알려져 있다. 그러나 고체상 해질의 경우 극과 해질 사이의 계면 항이

근본 으로 크기 때문에 해질 자체의 고유한 이온 도도 물성이 실제 지 시스템에서 구

되기 어려운 한계가 있다. 본 연구에서는 인산염계 세라믹 고체 해질 NASICON 구조를 갖는 Al/Ge doped

LiTi2(PO4)3 를 수열합성법으로 합성하여 단일상을 얻었고, 최종 수득된 화합물과 semi-IPN 고분자 해질과 복합화 하여 분리막에 코 하는 방식으로 복합 해질을 제작하 다. 이를 리튬

이온 리튬 공기 지에 용하여 충방 특성 사이클 안정성을 평가하 다.


1. Jagjit Nanda, Chongmin Wang and Ping Liu, MRS Bulletin 43 (2018)2. Yun-Chae Jung, Sang-Min Lee, Jeong-Hee Choi, Seung-Soon Jang and Dong-Won Kim,

Electrochemical Society, 162 (2015)25)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 박혜민 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 최성호

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7313/002-861-7022/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



The origin of excellent rate and cycle performance of Sn4P3 binary electrodes for sodium-ion batteries

Sung Chul Jung*,a, Jin-Ho Choib, Young-Kyu Han*,b

aDepartment of Physics, Pukyong National UniveristybDepartment of Energy and Materials Engineering, Dongguk University

(e-mail: [email protected])

Despite numerous studies on binary electrodes for Na-ion batteries, a fundamental understanding of their superior performance is lacking. We clarify the sodiation process of a promising Sn4P3 anode and the origin of its outstanding performance. The Na ions preferentially react with P rather than Sn. Key products formed in NaxSn4P3 during sodiation are local Sn particles around x = 4, a Na3P subphase above x = 8, and a Na15Sn4 subphase above x = 12. The preference of Na for P and the stable formation of identified products are driving forces for the formation of a characteristic morphology where Na15Sn4 nanoparticles are embedded in a Na3P matrix. This morphology has high structural integrity, because Na3P has a 71% higher bulk modulus than Na15Sn4 and thus the hard Na3P matrix can effectively protect the soft Na15Sn4 cores. Among the incoming electrons into Sn4P3 during sodiation, 76% and 24% are stored in Sn and P, respectively, and those stored in Sn boost the electron density at the Fermi level, significantly improving the electronic conductivity. The Na ions in Sn4P3 diffuse very rapidly regardless of the Na concentration, and they diffuse faster than the Li ions in Si. The fast Na ion conductivity results from the facilitation of bond breaking/making process due to the richness of weak Na-Sn bonds surrounding a diffusing Na ion. This study offers guidelines for designing superior binary anode materials for Na-ion batteries.


1. Sung Chul Jung, Jin-Ho Choi, Young-Kyu Han, J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 1772-177926)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 정성철 소속: 부경대학교 지도교수: 정성철, 한영규

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (054-629-5579/054-629-5549/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



The High Performance Silicon Anodes Including New Water Based Binder in Lithium Ion Batteries

Nam Seon Kim*, Dae Won Park

Aekyung Chemical Co. R&D Center, Republic of Korea(e-mail: [email protected])

Silicon based negative active material has very high charge capacity and is widely applied to a high capacity battery. However, the silicon based negative active material may expand by about 300% to about 400% during charge and discharge. Recently much attention has been devoted developing functional binders that can improve adhesion on silicon particle and accommodate substantial volume change during the charge/discharge process to maintain the electrode structure. The binders for silicon electrodes hold stiff polymeric backbones as like carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), poly(acrylic acid), and alginate show better electrochemical performance than commercial binders. Despite promising progress, the current research on polymer binders for silicon is still far from the practical application where high mass loading is necessary for the high areal capacity.

Here we report high performance silicon anodes using new water based binder including inorganic binder. This polymer matrix is compatible with lithium ion slurry manufacturing process, and can maintain both electric conductivity and mechanical integrity during the battery operation which results in good stability, rate capability, and cycle-life characteristics at high mass loading (>4.5 mg/cm2).


1. Chao Wang, Hui Wu, Zheng Chen, Matthew T. McDowell, Yi Cui and Zhenan Bao, NATURE CHEMISTRY. (2013), DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.1802

2. Gao Liu, Shidi Xun, Nenad Vukmirovic, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olade-Velasco, Honghe Zheng, Vince S, Battaglia, Linwang Wang, and Wanli Yang, Advanced Materials. 4679-4683 (2011)27)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김남선 소속: 애경화학 지도교수: 연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-879-0355/042-879-0399/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



An Advanced High Voltage and High Energy MgMn2O4 for Aqueous Magnesium Zinc Hybrid Battery Cathode

Woong Park, Sungjin Kim, Jeonggeun Jo, Jun Lee, Seyeon Kim, Vaiyapuri Soundharrajan, Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

Driven by energy demand and commercial necessities, rechargeable aqueous metal ion batteries (RAMBs) have gained increasing attention over the last few decades as high-power and high- nergy hubs for large-scale and eco-friendly energy storage devices (ESDs). However, recently explored RAMBs still do not provide the performance needed in order to be realized in grid-scale storage operations due to their poor electrochemical stability, low-capacity, low working voltage, and apparently low specific energies. Herein, we have fabricated a new RAMB using MgMn2O4 as the cathode and zinc as the anode for the first time. The stable electrochemical performance of this RAMB at high current rates (~80 % capacity retention at 500 mA g-1 after 500 cycles) and a very high specific energy of 370 Wh Kg-1 at a specific power of 70 W Kg-1, makes this newcomer to the family of RAMBs a serious contender for the exploration of safe and green ESDs in the near future.

References1. Liu. J, Hu. J, Deng. Q, Aqueous Rechargeable Batteries for Large-Scale Energy Storage, Israel

Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 55, 521-536.2. Liu. J, Xia. Y, Progress in Aqueous Rechargeable Batteries, Green Energy Environ, 2017, 3,

20-41.3. Luo. J, Xia. Y, Aqueous Lithium-Ion battery LiTi2(PO4)3/LiMn2O4 with High Power and Energy

Densities as Well as Superior Cycling Stability, Adv. Funct. Mater, 2017, 17, 3877-3884.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Zinc Hybrid Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 박웅 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202 / [email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



β-Mn2V2O7 anode material for high performance rechargeable lithium ion batteries by facile green strategy

Seunggyeong Lee, Sungjin Kim, Pham Tung Duong, Seulgi Lee, Woong Park, Seungmi Han, and Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

Within the family of manganese vanadium oxides, earthabundant β-Mn2V2O7 (MnVO) has attracted considerable attention because of its fascinating crystal structures with key building blocks of several extended M-O and V-O polyhedral units. However, the advantageous features of MnVO for LIBs have not been effectively studied to date because of the difficulties involved in achieving phase-pure MnVO using conventional synthetic routes.

Herein we report a MnVO nanoparticles were prepared using an efficient economical and simple precipitation strategy. The prepared MnVO nanoparticles proved to be a competitive anode material for LIBs with good specific discharge capacity, good rate performance, and stable cycling stability. β-Mn2V2O7, for the first time, is synthesized by a simple and cost-effective zeolitic imidazolate framework precipitation technique using water as the sole solvent and reported for excellent electrochemical Li storage properties. The anode delivers specific capacities of 868 and 751 mAh g-1 at rates of 500 and 2000 mAh g-1 after 180 and 400 cycles, respectively.

References1. V. Soundharrajan, B. Sambandam, J. Song, S. Kim, J. Song, S. Lee, V. Mathew. J. Kim, ACS

Appl. Mater. Intergaces, 2016, 8, 8546-8553.2. D. Yu, B. Wu, L. Ge, L. Wu, H. Wang, T. Xu, J. mater. Chem, 2016, 10878-10884.3. L. Yap, W. Hou, H. Xianhua, J. Wang, M. Li, C, Su, M.O. Tade, Z. Shao, X. Liu, J. Power

Sources, 2014, 605-313.29)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이승경 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202 / [email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Performance of Modified Polymers as Binders for LTO Anodes in Lithium-Ion Batteries

Chengxiang Hea, Hyejin Kimb, Hyungil Lee b*, Jinyoon Kima, Yanchunxiao Qia, Eun-Suok Oha*

aSchool of Chemical Engineering, bSchool of Chemistry, University of Ulsan(e-mail: [email protected])

In this research, we used chemical agents EDC (1-Ethyl-3-(3-dimethylamino propyl)-carbodiimide) and NHS (N-Hydroxysuccinimide) to activate the -COOH groups on traditional sodium alginate (Alg) and carboxymethyl cellulose(CMC) binder, and then introduced the -SO3H group to the backbone of the Alg and CMC by 3-amino-1-propanesulfonic acid through amidation reaction. Finally, we obtained new modified binders Alg-S and CMC-S, and used each of them as a binder for LTO anodes in lithium-ion battery to increase the ionic conductivity and to improve the electrochemical performance of the coin cells compared to those employed typical Alg and CMC binder. The structure of modified binders have been characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and FT-IR. Cycling test and other electrochemical tests have been measured and tested.

Keywords: Lithium titanium oxide; sodium alginate; carboxymethyl cellulose; modified binder; sulfonic acid group


References1. B. Scrosati, J. Garche, “Lithium batteries: Status,prospects and future,” Journal of Power

Sources. 195(9):2419-2430, 2010.2. M.H. Ryou, J. Kim, I. Lee, etc. “Mussel-inspired adhesive binders for high-performance silicon

nanoparticle anodes in lithium-ion batteries,” Adv. Mater. 25, 1571-1576, 2013.3. J.Z. Ma, Y.H. Liu, Y. Bao, etc. “Research advances in polymer emulsion based on “core-shell”

structure particle design,” Advances in Colloid &Interface Science. 197(Complete): 118-131, 2013.4. L. Liu, J.Z. Ma, Y. Bao, “Preparation and performance of polyacrylate/nano-TiO2 composite,”

J.Funct.Mater. 43:209-12, 2012.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 서승동 소속: 울산대학교 지도교수: 오은석

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-3076-4312/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Poly(3-alkoxythiophene-co-pyrrole) copolymer electrolyte with a small interfacial resistance for lithium‐ion battery

음율, 박정현, 조남주*

부산대학교 고분자공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

In this study, we have tried to fabricate a lithium secondary battery with almost no interfacial resistance by using the same kind of materials for anode, cathode and electrolyte. Assuming that the two electrodes are used as polythiophene (PTh) derivatives, the electrolyte is also introduced into the solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) to solve the interface resistance problem.[1] To solve the poor processability, alkoxy groups were introduced into the 3-position of thiophene and poly (3-alkoxythiophene) was applied to the SPE.[2] Poly(3-methoxythiophene) (P3MOT) and poly{3-[2-(2-methoxyethoxy) ethoxy] thiophene} (P3MEET) were used, because they are expected to have little effect on interfacial adhesion with PTh derivative electrodes. And pyrroles were copolymerized together to help in poor dissociation ability. SPE was prepared by adding a lithium salt to the synthesized polymer, and impedance and linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) were measured.


1. M.G. Mohamed, C.C. Cheng, Y.C. Lin, C.W. Huang, F.H. Lu, “Synthesis and self-assembly of polythiophene-graft-poly(ethylene oxide) copolymers,” Royal Society of Chemistry, 4, 2183-2189 (2014).

2. S. Kuwabata1, S. Ito and H. Yoneyama, “Copolymerization of Pyrrole and Thiophene by Electrochemical Oxidation and Electrochemical Behavior of the Resulting Copolymers,” Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 135, 1691-1695 (1988).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 음율 소속: 부산대학교 지도교수: 조남주

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-510-2462/051-513-7720/[email protected])

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Fabrication of transparent flexible display substrate using glass cloth reinforced polymer

전상열, 박새미, 조남주*

부산대학교 고분자공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

As a part of flexible display, the great attention has been focused on a flexible substrate because it is a key element to determine the processability and reliability of flexible display. Glass cloth reinforced polymer (GCRP) composite films for flexible displays can be strongly recommended. To improve thermal property, GCRP composite films with glass cloth reinforcement and organic-inorganic hybrid epoxy polymer having excellent heat resistance and chemical stability resulted from the siloxane bond were prepared in a variety of mixing ratios to obtain the excellent optical property.[1]

When the matrix resin with the multifunctional group was cured by heat treatment during the fabrication of GCRP, then the matrix resin was formed into network polymer. And the refractive index of matrix resin was also changed. GCRP film was fabricated by heat curing of matrix resin, three different refractive indices from cured resin, uncured resin, and glass cloth exist in GCRP film.[2] Therefore, GCRP film did not have the best optical properties because of scattering and interference of light at the boundary of each phase. However if GCRP film was fully cured, GCRP film was composed of the only two different refractive indices from cured resin and glass cloth.


1. H. Y. Kim, J.-Y.Bae, Y. H. Kim, and B.-S Bae, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 39968 (2014)2. T Wan, J Lin, X Li, W Xiao, Polymer bulletin, pp. 749-758 (2008)


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Flexible display substrate 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 전상열 소속: 부산대학교 지도교수: 조남주

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-510-2462/051-513-7720/[email protected])

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High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery Base on K2V6O16・2.7H2O nanorod Cathode Material

Seulgi Lee, Muhammad Hilmy Alfaruqi, Sohyun Park, balaji Sambandam, Jun Lee, Seunggyoung Lee, Seungmi Han and Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

Advanced rechargeable batteries with low cost, high safety, good operational capacity, and eco-friendly materials must be implemented in large-scale energy storage systems (ESSs). In this respect, rechargeable multivalent ion batteries, namely, Zn-ion, Mg-ion, Al-ion, and Ca-ion, are considered promising and risk-free charge-storage devices compared to unsafe and expensive Li-ion batteries. 1D nanorods of the layered material K2V6O16∙2.7H2O (KVO) are implemented for the first time as cathode materials in secondary aqueous rechargeable Zn-ion batteries (ARZIBs) and exhibit excellent electrochemical Zn storage properties. This cathode material delivers a reversible capacity of 296 mA h g-1 over 100 cycles. At current densities of 1000, 3000, and 5000 mA g-1 for 700 cycles, the electrode displays reversible capacities of 223, 177, and 138 mA h g-1, for approxi-mately 170, 300, and 230 cycles, respectively. In addition to these properties, it withstands over 500 cycles at an applied current density of 6000 mA g-1 with nearly 82% capacity retention. The battery offers a specific energy of 128 Wh kg-1 at a specific power of 5760 W kg-1, revealing the advantages of the material in an ecofriendly atmosphere.

References1. W. Liu, J. Hao, C. Xu, J. Mou, L. Dong, F. Jiang, Z. Kang, J. Wu, B. Jiang and F. Kang, Chem.

Commun., 2017, 53, 6872-6874.2. Z. Hou, X. Zhang, X. Li, Y. Zhu, J. Liang and Y. Qian, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 730-738.3. B. Sambandam, V. Soundharrajan, S. Kim, M. H. Alfaruqi, J. Jo, S. Kim, V. Mathew, Y.-K. Sun

and J. Kim, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2018, 6, 3850-3856.33)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Zinc Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이슬기 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202/062-530-0202/[email protected])

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Metal organic framework-combustion: NiO nanoparticles for lithium ion batteries having excellent anode property

Jeonggeun Jo, Vinod Mathew, Seokhun Kim, Sohyun Park, Seulgi Lee, Moonsu Song, Seungmi Han and Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

NiO nanoparticles with an average particle size of 30 nm synthesized using MOF-C (one-pot metal-organic framework-combustion), for use as an anode material in rechargeable lithium ion batteries (LIBs). The structural and electronic properties of these nanoparticles are studied using various techniques, including powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and N 2 adsorption/desorption stud- ies. The as-synthesized NiO nanoparticles sustained reversible stable capacities of 748 and 410 mAh/g at applied current densities of 500 and 1000 mA/g, respectively, after 100 cycles. Furthermore, the anode displays a notable rate capability, achieving a stable capacity of ∼200 mAh/g at a high current density of 10 A/g. These results indicate that the size of the NiO nanoparticles and their high surface area influence their electrochemical properties. Specifically, this combustion strategy is clearly favorable for improving the cyclability and rate capability of various metal oxides in rechargeable battery electrodes.

References1. J. Chen, L.N. Xu, W.Y. Li, X.L. Gou, Adv. Mater. 17 (2005) 582-586.2. A. Debart, L. Dupont, P. Poizot, J.B. Leriche, J.M. Tarascon, J. Electrochem. Soc. 148 (2001)

A1266-A1274.3. W.Y. Li, L.N. Xu, J. Chen, Adv. Funct. Mater. 15 (2005) 851-857.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 송문수 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202 / [email protected])

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Iron chloride dopped polypyrrole used as a water-based conductive binder in lithium-ion battery anodes

Yanchunxiao Qi, Minh Hien Thi Nguyen, Chengxiang He, JinYeong Kim, Eun-Suok Oh*

School of Chemical Engineering, University of Ulsan, 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-Gu, Ulsan 44610, Republic of Korea

(e-mail: [email protected])

In recent years, the binder used for LIB anodes are appealed to possess a high adhesion strength, processability, and eco-friendly. Take examples are carboxylmethyl cellulose (CMC), polyvinyl-acohol (PVA), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), alginate, and so on. However, there has been not much attention to the conductivity of binder. A high adhesive binder with low electrical resistance would have a close connection between collectors and active material, and as well as among active material. Meanwhile, good conductivity can give more electrons paths leading to a better cycling performance, and high rate performance. Therefore, in this study, we are going to introduce conducting polypyrrole combined with a high adhesive binder, poly(acrylonitrile-butyl acrylate) (P(AN-BA)) for anodes of lithium-ion battery (LIB). The polypyrrole was synthesized via emulsion polymerization using iron chloride. These are used for Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) electrodes, because LTO is a low conductive active material, though it has very stable cycle performance. Physical and electrochemical properties will be carefully examined. The results reveal that these conducting binders are not only water-treated but also conductive and are very promising for anodes of LIB.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표 분야 : Lithium Secondary Battery 발표 형식: 구두발표포스터 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: Yanchunxiao Qi 소속: 울산대학교 지도 교수: 오은석

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-3076-4312/[email protected])

Page 67: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Direct measurement of the electrical resistivity of a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) and its electrochemical origin

Jun-Hyoung Parka,b, Yong-Seok Choia, Hyung Cheoul Shimc, Jae-Pyoung Ahnb, and Jae-Chul Leea*

aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea UniversitybAdvanced Analysis Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology

cDepartment of Applied Nano-Mechanics, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials(e-mail: [email protected])

Lack of understanding on the electrical properties of the solid electrolyte interface (SEI) has been one of the major hurdles for developing fast-charging Li-ion batteries.[1,2] Here, we report the first experimental result on the measurement of the electrical resistivity of SEI using the state-of-the-art experimental technique based on electron microscopy combined with 4-point-probe micro-electrical method. We observed that the SEI layer, which covers uniformly the surface of the graphite anode, exhibits a high resistivity (2.3 × 105 Ω∙m) comparable to those of typical electrical insulators.[3] In this study, using first-principles calculations performed on the computational LixF1-x (0.25 < x < 0.75) model alloys, we elucidate the electrochemical origin responsible for the high resistivity of SEI by analyzing the electronic structures.


1. A. Andersson, A. Henningson, H. Siegbahn, U. Jansson, and K. Edstrom, J. Power Sources. 119, 522 (2003).

2. S. J. An, J. Li, C. Daniel, D. Mohanty, S. Nagpure, and D. L. Wood III, Carbon. 105, 52 (2016).3. D. C. Giancoli, Physics: Principles with Applications, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs,

NJ, London (1995).36)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 박준형 소속: 고려대학교 지도교수: 이재철

연락처(전화/e-mail): (02-3290-3702/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Organic electrolyte dependent electrochemical performance of lithium metal anode materials for lithium-metal batteries

Da Yeon Lee, Seong In Kim, Ji Hoon Kang, Ji-Yong Eom*

Energy Storage System R&D Center, Korea Automotive Technology Institute(e-mail: [email protected])

Lithium metal is the most attractive anode material for batteries because of its high specific capacity (3861mAh g-1) and low negative potential (-3.04 V vs. NHE). However, lithium dendrite growth during lithium deposition leads to serious safety problems and poor cycling performance. The conventional liquid electrolyte used in lithium metal batteries results in significant lithium dendrite formation at room temperature and a high current density. Thus, there has been much research effort to achieve the suppression of the lithium dendrite formation.

According to the previous reports, the electrochemical performance of lithium metal anode material for LIBs highly depends on the composition and physicochemical properties of the electrolytes used. However, a key factor with regard to electrolytes that can determine the electrochemical characteristics of the anode materials is not fully understood yet.

Thus, in the present work, we observed the electrochemical performance of lithium metal anode material as a function of electrolyte parameters, and elucidated the chemical/electrochemical reaction behavior of various electrolytes on the surface of lithium metal.

Reference1. Yasuo TAKEDA,* Osamu YAMAMOTO, and Nobuyuki IMANISHI, Electrochemistry, 84(4),



---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이다연 소속: 자동차부품연구원 지도박사: 엄지용

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (041-559-5926/041-559-3181/[email protected])

Page 69: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Excellent performance of Na3V2(PO4)8 @C cathode material for safe and low-cost aqueous hybrid batteries

Jun Lee, Jeonggeun Jo, Saiful Islam, Vaiyapuri soundharrajan, Seunggyeong Lee, Seulgi Lee, Woong Park, and Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

Rechargeable hybrid aqueous batteries (ReHABs) have emerged as promising sustainable energy-storage devices because all components are environmentally benign and abundant. In this study, a carbon-wrapped sponge-like Na3V2(PO4)3nanoparticle (NVP@C) cathode is prepared by a simple pyro-synthesis for use in the ReHAB system with impressive rate capability and high cyclability. A high-resolution X-ray diffraction study confirmed the formation of pure Na ion superionic conductor (NASICON) NVP with rhombohedral structure. When tested in the ReHAB system, the NVP@C demonstrated high rate capability (66 mAhg-1 at 32C) and remarkable cyclability over 1000 cycles (about 72% of the initial capacity is retained at 30C). Structural trans-formation and oxidation change studies of the electrode evaluated by using in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction and ex-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, respectively, confirmed the high reversibility of the NVP@C electrode in the ReHAB system through a two-phase reaction. The combined strategy of nanosizing and carbon-wrapping in the NVP particles is responsible for the remarkable electrochemical properties. The pyro-synthesis technique appears to be a promising and feasible approach to prepare a high-performance electrode for safe and low-cost ReHAB systems as next-generation large-scale energy storage devices.

References1. J.-M. Tarascon, M. Armand, Nature 2001, 414, 359-367.2. M. Armand, J.-M. Tarascon, Nature 2008, 451, 652-657.3. D. Larcher, J.-M. Tarascon, Nat. Chem. 2015, 7, 19-29. 38)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이 준 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202 / [email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Characteristics of Over-lithiated Metal Oxides Synthesized with Precursors Prepared under Various Process Conditions

임라나, 정재윤, 김점수*

동아대학교 화학공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

리튬 이온 배터리(lithium-ion batteries, LIB)의 양극 소재 다성분계 이 속이 용되는

층상계 산화물은 고용량 배터리 소재로 연구되고 있다. 그 에서도 리튬을 과량으로 포함하

는 과잉 리튬 층상계 산화물 xLi2MnO3・(1−x)LiMO2 (0<x<1, M = Ni, Co, Mn)은 250 mAh g-1 이상의 높은 가역 용량을 가지므로, 기존 층상계 소재의 용량 한계를 극복할 수 있는 차세 고용

량 양극 활물질이다. 이러한 다성분계(Ni, Co, Mn)의 이 속 산화물 합성 방법에는 고상, sol-gel, 공침 법 등이 있으나 조성의 균일성 생산 효율면에서 공침 법이 가장 우수하다. 공침

법을 통해 구체를 합성할 경우, 반응 조건에 따라 구체의 형상, 크기 조성에 차이가 나

타나고 이는 양극 소재의 물리 , 기화학 특성에 큰 향을 미친다[1,2].본 연구에서는 합성 조건에 따른 소재 특성 차이를 확인하고자 다양한 조건변수(pH, 반응시

간, chelating agent비율 등)하에서 과잉 리튬 층상계 산화물 구체를 제조한 후 이를 이용하여

활물질을 합성하 다. 합성된 소재의 입자 형상, 결정구조, 조성 등 물리 특성과 기화학 특

성 평가 결과로 합성 조건에 따른 소재의 특성에 해 보고한다.


1. Patrick Rozier, Jean Marie Tarascon, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 162(14), A2490 (2015).

2. Yanhong Xiang, Zhoulan Yin, Xinhai Li, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 18, 2123 (2014).39)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 임라나 소속: 동아대학교 지도교수: 김점수

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-200-7722/051-200-7722/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



The MoS2/Carbon Composite Materials as an Anode for Sodium-ion Batteries

임효 a,b, 장지혜a,b, 이용흠a,b, 최원창a,b

a한국과학기술연구원 에 지 장연구단b과학기술연합 학교 에 지-환경 융합 공

(e-mail: [email protected])

Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) have recently attracted intensive interesr due to cheap and natural abundance of sodium, compared to lithium. However, the larger ionic radius of sodium ion compared to lithium disturbs electrochemical reaction kinetics, which makes it hard to find suitable anode materials for sodium ion storage. Among all proposed anode materials for SIBs, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is well known for the anode material of SIBs because the typical 2D layered structure of MoS2 is favorable for initial sodium ion intercalation /deintercalation, and the followed conversion reaction enables high theoretical capacity (670 mA h g-1). Despite the high theoretical capacity advantage, poor cycling stability and low rate capability are the main challenges for MoS2 anode in SIBs because of its volume change of layered structure during repeated sodiation/desodiation and low electrical conductivity. The synthesis of MoS2-Carbon composite materials can effectively overcome the abovementioned shortcomings. However, the facile synthesis of MoS2-Carbon composite structures still remains a challenge. In this study, we synthesize the MoS2-carbon composite material (MoS2/C) via a simple and effective wet chemical method by using furfural not only as a carbon source, but also as a surfactant. The enhanced electrochemical performance of the MoS2/C are due to the carbon composite structure, which suppress volume expansion during sodiation/desodiation and provides electrical conductivity. In this study, simple and effective preparation method of MoS2/C composite materials can be extended to other transition metal-chalcogenides materials as an anode for SIBs.40)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 임효준 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도교수: 최원창

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/02-958-5229/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



A simple method of Improvements in the electrochemical performance Li4Ti5O12-coated graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries

강지훈a, 김성인a, 이다연a, 엄지용a


(e-mail: [email protected])

Li4Ti5O12 (LTO)-coated graphite anode materials for lithium-ion batteries with superior rate- capability and cycling performance were prepared by simple ball-milling in a short time. LTO particles, uniformly coated on the surface of graphite active materials, improved the kinetics and stability on the surface of graphite particles on the basis of their high Li-ion diffusivity and structural stability. As a result, the LTO-coated graphite, which was ball-milled for 5 min, presented a high initial discharge capacity (324 mAh g-1 at 0.2 C), superior rate-capability (>260 mAh g-1 at 5 C), and excellent cycling performance (~94% after 100 cycles at 0.2 C).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 강지훈 소속: 자동차부품연구원

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-8980-4214/[email protected])

Page 73: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



수계 아연 이차전지용 Copper Hexacyanoferrate 활물질의

전기 화학적 특성에 미치는 전해질 농도의 영향

이상엽a, 이하진a, 김두열a, 이창희a 정순기a

a순천향 학교 나노화학공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

본 연구에서는 CuHCF 극을 양극으로서 사용한 수계 아연 이차 지 시스템에서 해질의

농도를 증가시킴으로써 기화학 특성을 향상시키고자 하 다. 이론 으로 해질의 농도

가 높을수록 해질 내에 존재하는 이온의 수화수가 감소될 수 있다. 따라서, 해질의 농도를

증가시킴으로써 아연 이온의 수화수를 감소시켜, 낮은 수화수를 가진 아연 이온의 CuHCF 극으로의 수월한 삽입/탈리 극 내부에서의 용이한 확산을 가능하게 하고자 하 다[1,2].

해질은 Zinc nitrate염을 사용하여 0.5 M, 1.0 M, 2.0 M, 3.0 M, 4.5 M 의 5가지 농도로 제조

하 다. 기화학 측정은 3 극 시스템에서 작업 극으로 CuHCF를 사용하여 각 농도 별로

진행하 다. 수명 특성 측정은 10 C-rate에서 100 cycle 진행 하 으며, 충/방 테스트는 0.1 C-rate에서 5 cycle동안 진행하 다. 두 측정 모두 동일하게 0.15 V ~ 1.15 V 의 압범 에서 진

행하 다.수명 특성 측정 결과, 100 cycle 후의 쿨롱효율은 모든 해질에서 약 100 % 를 나타내었고,

용량유지율은 4.5 M 의 해질에서 약 22 %, 이를 제외한 나머지 해질에서는 약 66 %를 나

타내었다. 한 충/방 측정을 통해 0.5 M, 1.0 M, 2.0 M 농도에서 약 60 mAh g-1 의 방 용량

이 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있었고, 3.0 M에서는 약 30 mAh g-1, 4.5 M에서는 약 40 mAh g-1의

방 용량이 찰되었다.

**본 연구는 산업통상자원부(MOTIE)와 한국에 지기술평가원(KETEP)의 지원을 받아 수행

한 연구 과제입니다. (No. 20184030202130)


1. C.D. Wessells, R.A. Huggins, Y. Cui - Nature communications. 550 (2011).2. M. Jayalakshmi, F. Scholz - Journal of Power Sources. 91 (2000). 42)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Zinc Ion Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이상엽 소속: 순천향대학교 지도교수: 정순기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (041-530-1358/041-530-1466/ [email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



A study on surface modification of Zinc metal electrode

김지 a,b, 김한성b, 이 기a*

a한국과학기술연구원 에 지 장연구단, b연세 학교 화공생명공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

아연 속은 수계 해질을 사용할 수 있는 음극소재로써 지의 높은 안 성을 보장하며, 높은 이론용량(820 mAh g-1)과 낮은 극 (-0.762 V vs. SHE), 풍부한 원료매장량, 낮은 독성

을 갖는다[1]. 하지만, 수계 해질을 사용하는 지에서의 아연 속은 충・방 시 표면에서의

덴드라이트 성장, 수소가스를 발생시키는 부식반응의 문제 을 가지고 있어 아연 속 지의

상용화가 지연되고 있다. 이러한 문제 을 해결하기 해, 아연 속 표면에 다양한 물질들을

코 하여 덴드라이트의 성장억제 해질과의 직 인 을 단 시켜 덴드라이트 성장

과 동시에 아연 속의 부식을 효과 으로 억제하여 지의 성능 안정성을 향상시킬 수 있다.본 연구에서는 코 물질로써, 탄소(C), 루오르화마그네슘(MgF2), 탄화티타늄(TiC)을 사

용하여 아연 속 극의 부식정도와 이온 도도의 변화를 조사하 다. Tafel plot을 통해 부식

류와 , 부식속도를 비교하 고, 부식실험 후 표면 개질된 아연 속 표면형상변화를 주

사 자 미경(SEM)을 통해 확인하 다. 한 EIS분석을 통해 극계면에서의 이온 도도를

측정하 다.

References1. Joseph F. Parker, Christopher N. Chervin, Eric S. Nelson, Debra R. Rolison* and Jeffrey W.

Long, Energy Environmental Science 7 (2012).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Metal-air Battery 발표형식: 구두발표포스터 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김지영 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도 교수: 이중기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/02-958-5229/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



A Study on the Polyvinylalcohol Gel type electrolyte for zinc-polyaniline secondary battery

심가 a,b, Guicheng Liua, 변동진b, 이 기a*

a한국과학기술연구원 에 지융합연구단b고려 학교 신소재공학과, c동국 학교 물리학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

아연-폴리아닐린 이차 지에서 사용되는 ZnCl2+NH4Cl 혼합 수용성 해질은 높은 도성, 화학 안정성, 온도 반응 범 차가 크다는 장 이 있다. 그러나 이와 같은 수용성

해질의 경우 액이 발생할 수 있으며, 과열 과충 상태에서 폭발의 험성을 갖고 있어 안

정성 문제가 두 되고 있다. 이에 따라 수용성 해질의 단 을 보완하기 해 고체상의 해

질이 개발되었으나, 안정성은 높지만 이온의 이동이 원활하지 않아 이온 도도가 낮은 단 이

있다. 따라서 안정성과 이온 도도를 동시에 충족시킬 수 있는 겔 형태의 해질 개발을 고려

하게 되었다.일반 으로, 아연-폴리아닐린 이차 지의 수명은 해질의 pH와 염농도의 향을 많이 받

는다. 낮은 pH 에서 폴리아닐린은 높은 활동도를 나타내는 반면, 아연 극의 표면에서는 부식

이 발생한다. 해질의 염 농도가 높으면 이온 도도가 좋은 반면, 충・방 사이클 동안 아연

극의 표면에서 부식을 진시킨다.본 연구에서는 수용성 해질의 단 을 보완하고 아연-폴리아닐린 이차 지에서 발생하는

문제를 개선하기 해 겔 형태 해질을 제조하여 pH와 염농도에 따른 해질 성능을 조사하

다. 극의 표면 특성을 확인하기 해 주사 자 미경 (SEM)을 실시하 으며, 기화학

성능을 확인하기 해 순환 류법 (CV), 기화학 인피던스 분 법 (EIS), 정 류법을 실시하


References1. M.S.Rahmanifar et al, Journal of Power Source 110 (2002) 229-232.2. P.Sivaraman et al, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 38 (2008) 189-195. 44)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 심가영 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도교수: 이중기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/02-958-5229/[email protected])

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고 에너지와 안정성을 갖는 리튬이온배터리를 위한 표면의 니켈

침출에 의한 코어-쉘 구조 Ni-rich 양극 소재 합성

김도원a.b, 장지혜a.c, 이용흠a.c, 변동진b, 최원창a.c

a한국과학기술연구원 에 지 장연구단b고려 학교 신소재 공학과

c과학기술연합 학원 학교 KIST 스쿨 에 지-환경 융합 에 지공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

층상구조를 가지는 Ni-rich 산화물은 기존 사용 양극 소재인 LiCoO2 소재보다 높은 방 용

량과 에 지 도를 갖고, 가격이 렴하기 때문에 차세 리튬 이온 지의 유망한 양극 소재

로 주목받고 있다. 하지만 충 상태에서 높은 산화 상태인 Ni4+ 는 기화학 반응 에 표면에 구 인 NiO와

같은 암염층을 형성한다. NiO 층은 충/방 과정동안 극과 해질 간의 리튬 이온 확산을 방

해하여 기화학 성능이 하된다는 단 을 가지고 있다.이러한 문제 을 보완하기 해 Ni-rich 양극 활물질에 CeO2, SiO2, Al2O3, AlPO4, and ZnO과

같은 무기물을 코 하여 표면 개질 기술을 도입하여 기화학 성능을 향상시키는 연구가 활

발히 진행되어 왔다. 하지만 이와 같은 무기 산화물을 활용한 표면 개질은 무기물 코 층의

연 특성으로 인해 활물질의 낮은 기 도도와 이온 도도를 유도한다.본 연구에서는, 이러한 단 을 보완하기 해 Ni-rich 속 수산화물 구체에 묽은 황산을 이

용한 간단한 처리를 하여 표면의 Ni을 침출시킴으로써, Ni-less 표면과 Ni-rich 코어를 구성하는

코어-쉘 형태의 Ni-rich 양극물질을 합성하 다. 표면처리하여 합성된 이 속 산화물은

Ni-rich 코어에서 발 하는 높은 용량과 동시에 Ni-less한 표면의 뛰어난 안정성과 가역성으로

인해 부피변형을 완화시킬 수 있었다. TEM EPMA 분석을 통해 Ni-rich 양극물질 표면의

Ni-less region을 확인하 다. Ni-leaching된 Ni-rich 양극소재는 상온 고온 환경에서 기존

Ni-rich 양극소재보다 향상된 수명특성과 율 특성을 가졌다.45)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김도원 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도교수: 최원창

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/02-958-5229/[email protected])

Page 77: 한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회 · 2018-11-21 · (사) 한국전지학회 사무국 (46241) 부산광역시

한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Na1.1Li2.0V2(PO4)3/C Composite Cathode Monoclinic-Orthorhombic for Na+/Li+ Hybrid-Ion Batteries

Sunhyeon Park, Sungjin Kim, Jeonggeun Jo, Seulgi Lee, Duong Tung Pham and , Woong Park, Seungmi Han Jaekook Kim*

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University(e-mail: [email protected])

For the past decade Monoclinic Li3V2(PO4)3 (LVP) has been considered a promising cathode material for lithium-ion batteries because of its high average potential (>4.0 V) and specific capacity (197 mAh g-1 ). In this paper, we report a new monoclinic-orthorhombic Na1.1Li2.0V2

(PO4)3/C (NLVP/C) composite cathode synthesized from monoclinic LVP via a soft ion-exchange reaction for use in Na+/Li+ hybrid-ion batteries. High-resolution synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal studies, and electrochemical data confirm room temperature stabilization of the monoclinic-orthorhombic NLVP/C composite phase. Specifically, we report the application of a monoclinic-orthorhombic NLVP/C composite as cathode material in a Na half-cell. The cathode delivered initial discharge capacities of 115 and 145 mAh g-1 at a current density of 7.14 mA g-1 in the 2.5-4 and 2.5-4.6 V vs Na/Na+ potential windows, respectively. In the lower potential window (2.5-4 V), the composite electrode demonstrated a two-step voltage plateau during the insertion and extraction of Na+/Li+ ions. Corresponding in situ synchrotron XRD patterns recorded during initial electrochemical cycling clearly indicate a series of two-phase transitions and confirm the structural stability of the NLVP/C composite cathode during insertion and extraction of the hybrid ions. Under extended cycling, excessive storage of Na ions resulted in the gradual transformation to the orthorhombic NLVP/C symmetry due to the occupancy of Na ions in the available orthorhombic sites.46)Moreover, the estimated average working potential and energy density at the initial cycle for the monoclinic-orthorhombic NLVP/C composite cathode (3.47 V vs Na/Na+ and 102.5 Wh kg−1, respectively) are higher than those of the pyro-synthesized rhombohedral Na3V2(PO4)3 (3.36 V vs Na/Na+ and 88.5 Wh kg−1) cathode. Further, the cathode performance of the composite material was significantly higher than that observed with pure monoclinic LVP under the same electrochemical

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 박순현 소속: 전남대학교 지도교수: 김재국

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (062-530-0202 / [email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회


measurement conditions. The present study thus showcases the feasibility of using a soft ion-exchange reaction at 150 °C to facilitate the formation of composite phases suitable for rechargeable hybrid-ion battery applications.

References1. Crabtree, G.; Kocs, E.; Trahey, L. The Energy-Storage Frontier: Lithium-Ion Batteries and

beyond. MRS Bull. 2015, 40 (12), 1067-1078.2. Barker, J.; Gover, R. K. B.; Burns, P.; Bryan, A. J. Hybrid-Ion: A Lithium-Ion Cell Based on a

Sodium Insertion Material. Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2006, 9 (4), A190-A192.3. Walter, M.; Kravchyk, K. V.; Iban ez, M.; Kovalenko, M. V. Efficient and Inexpensive

Sodium-Magnesium Hybrid Battery. Chem. Mater. 2015, 27 (21), 7452-7458.

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Facile synthesis of partially oxidized Mn3O4-functionalized carbon cathodes for rechargeable Li-O2 batteries

Juhyoung Kim, Inhan Kang, Younggwon Cho, Jungwon Kang*

Department of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, Mokpo National University(e-mail: [email protected])

High charging overpotential (low energy efficiency) is one of the most important challenges preventing the use of current nonaqueous Li-O2 batteries. This study demonstrates direct insitu- incorporation of metal oxides on carbon during synthesis and the associated application to nonaqueous Li- O2 battery catalysts. The partially oxidized Mn3O4 (Mn3O4/Mn5O8)-incorporated carbon cathode shows an average overpotential reduction of ~ 8 % charge/discharge during 40 cycles in a rechargeable nonaqueous Li-O2 cell. Here, we suggested the possibility that only a small amount of the oxide species (< 5%) could show catalytic effects during charge in a rechargeable Li-O2 cell.

References1. G. Girishkumar, B. McCloskey, A. C. Luntz, S. Swanson and W. Wilcke, J. Phys. Chem. Lett.,

2010, 1, 2193.2. M. Balaish, A. Kraytsberg and Y. Ein-Eli, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014, 16, 2801.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김주형 소속: 목포대학교 지도교수: 강정원

연락처(전화 /e-mail): (010-4785-6502/[email protected])

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Effect of Ball Milling on Electrochemical Properties of Sulfur/Polyacrylonitrile(SPAN) Cathode in Li/S Battery

Sang-Hui Park, Gyu-Bong Cho, Hae-Bin Park, Han-Gyeol Lee, Ki-Won Kim*

Department of Materials Engineering and Research Institute for Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University, 501, Jinju-daero, Jinju, Gyeongnam 660-701, Korea

(e-mail: [email protected])

Ball-milling process was applied to increase sulfur content in sulfur/polyacrylonitrile (SPAN) composites and improve electrochemical properties of Li/S batteries. In contrast to as-received PAN, pre-heated PAN was pulverized by the ball-milling, resulting in the continuous size reduction with increasing the milling time. Sulfur contents in SPAN composites synthesized with a pre-heated and milled PAN were increased with prolonging the milling time and the maximum content reached 44.5% for the milling time of 10 h. Li/S cells with SPAN electrodes delivered the first discharge capacities of 1356, 1409, 1512, and 1610 mAh/g-sulfur for milling times of 0, 1, 5, and 10 h. The 10 h-milled SPAN electrode with the highest sulfur content exhibited poor initial efficiency and low capacity retention at 100 cycles, whereas from a comprehensive viewpoint of the specific capacity and capacity retention, the 6 h-milled SPAN electrode exhibited the best electrochemical performance due to the suitable size and sulfur content.


1. J. X.-G. Yu, J.-Y. Xie, J. Yang, H.-J. Huang, K. Wang, and Z.-S. Wen, J. Electroanal. Chem. 573, 121 (2004).

2. W. Zheng, Y. W. Liu, X. G. Hu, and C. F. Zhang, Electrochim. Acta 51, 1330 (2006).3. X. Ji, K. T. Lee, and L. F. Nazar, Nat. Mater. 8, 500 (2009).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 박상희 소속: 경상대학교 지도교수: 김기원

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (055-772-1663/055-772-2586/[email protected])

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Electrochemical properties of Si film electrodes depending on crystallization

Han-gyeol Lee, Gyu-Bong Cho, Hae-Bin Park, Sang-Hui Park, Ki-Won Kim*

Department of Materials Engineering and Research Institute for Green Energy Convergence Technology, Gyeongsang National University

(e-mail: [email protected])

Lithium-ion batteries are extensively utilized in technology, with notable growth coming from applications in portable electronics and hybrid electric vehicles. New electrode materials with high capacity are essentially needed to realize power sources with high energy density. Some of the candidates are Si, Sn Al, Ge and compounds including these elements. In particular, Silicon is considered one of the most promising anode materials for Li-ion batteries because of its exceptional specific capacity of 4200mAh/g. However, conventional Si anodes typically suffer from rapid capacity decay due to mechanical fracture caused by large volume expansion during the Li-Si reaction. Cycleability of Si electrode can be approved in a thin film electrode. In <111> direction, lithium ion cannot be easily intercalated/de-intercalated into Si and volume expansion is limited. Therefore, in this study an amorphous Si film was deposited on Cu substrate, which was induced into the crystallization after and studied for its structural and electrochemical properties. The amorphous Si film was crystallized through crystallization inducing metal thin film (Al). The Si film on a Al film was crystallized by annealing at 550℃ for 30min and with annealing time increased, (220) and (311) planes appealed as well as (111) plane. The crystallinity of Si film was characterized good on Al film.


1. G. B. Cho, K. K. Cho, K.W. Kim, Materials Letters, 60, 90-93 (2006).2. D. Linden. (1984). Handbook of batteries and fuel cell. Ch.1, 3. 49)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이한결 소속: 경상대학교 지도교수: 김기원

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (055-772-1663/055-772-2586/[email protected])

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Hollow core shell polymer binder 중합과

전기화학적 특성 분석

서승동, 김진영, Qiyan chunxiao, He chengxiang, 오은석*

a울산대학교 화학공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

최근 휴 용 자기기의 끊임없는 발달과 4차 산업 명이 두되면서 지의 연구는 더욱더

박차를 가하고 있으며 재는 자동차의 동력원이 될 만큼 용량 고출력의 에 지 장장

치로 거듭나게 되었다. 지의 연구는 부분 Active material에 집 되어 왔으며 Binder의 연구

비 은 비교 작은 편이 다. 하지만 최근 Hollow Core-Shell등과 같은 Hollow Polymer Particle의 뛰어난 물리 , 화학 특성과 높은 안정성을 바탕으로 염료, 약학 등 여러 분야에서

연구개발을 진행하고 있으며 지 분야에서도 차세 바인더로 주목 받고 있다. 재 상용

인 다른 Binder들과 비교하 을 때 Hollow라는 구조 특징에 의해 변형 능력이 우수하여 극

의 유연성 안정성이 상승될 것으로 기 되며, Hollow 구조로 인해 해액 함침력 출력 특

성 한 향상될 것으로 상된다.본 실험에서는 Hollow Core-Shell Morphology를 지니고 있는 수분산 바인더의 기화학

특성을 평가하 고, 이를 기존의 상용화된 SBR 바인더와 비교, 분석하 다.


1. Cai-Deng Yuan, Ai-Hua Miao, Jian-Wei Cao, Yong-Shen Xu, Tong-Yu Cao, Preparation of Monodispersed Hollow Polymer particles by Seeded Emulsion Polymerization under Low Emulsifier Conditions (2005).

2. Qinghua Zhang, Zhongbing Yang, Xiaoli Zhan, Fengqiu Chen, Preparation and Structure Control of Hollow Polymer Particles : Influence of Seeded Emulsion Polymerization and Alkalization Treatment Process (2008).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 서승동 소속: 울산대학교 지도교수: 오은석

연락처(전화/e-mail): (052-259-1513/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Modification on the Surface Characteristics of Carbon Fiber for Zn-PANI Batteries

유 진a,b, 김지 a, Minh Xuan Trana ,Guicheng Liua,c, 변동진b, 이 기a*

a한국과학기술연구원 에 지융합연구단, b고려 학교 신소재공학과c동국 학교 물리학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

아연-폴리아닐린 이차 지에 사용되는 양극 활물질 폴리아닐린은 높은 도성을 가진 고분

자로서 기화학 특성에 있어 우수한 산화-환원 반응을 갖는다. 하지만 충・방 시 염소이온

의 흡・탈착으로 인한 폴리아닐린의 열화가 일어나 용량 유지율이 격히 떨어지게 된다는 문

제 을 갖는다[1].본 연구에서는 폴리아닐린의 기화학 수명 열화를 방지하기 해, 폴리아닐린의 기 이

되는 탄소나노섬유를 산소 라즈마 처리하 다. 라즈마 처리를 통해 탄소나노섬유 표면에

생성되는 작용기는 친수성을 띄게 함으로써 폴리아닐린을 균일하게 코 시킬 수 있으며, 수소

결합을 통해 폴리아닐린과 강하게 결합하는 역할을 한다[2]. SEM 분석을 통해 폴리아닐린이

고르게 증착됨을 확인하 고, FTIR 분석을 통해 폴리아닐린과 산소작용기의 결합력을 확인하

다. 기화학 수명 특성을 통해 라즈마 처리된 탄소나노섬유/폴리아닐린 극이 기존의

탄소나노섬유/폴리아닐린 극보다 우수한 용량유지율을 보여주며 장시간 안정된 수명 특성

을 확인하 다.

References1. R.Sivakumar et al, Journal of Power Source 104 (2002) 226-233.2. M.S.Rahmanifar et al, Journal of Power Source 132 (2004) 296-301.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Rechargeable Zn-Polyaniline battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 유현진 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도 교수: 이중기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/ 02-958-5229/ [email protected])

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Plasma-polymerized-C60 functional layer coated carbon nanotube as a bifunctional interlayer for high-powered lithium-sulfur batteries

Minh Xuan Trana,b, Ryanda Enngar Anugrah Ardhia,b, Guicheng Liub,c, Joong Kee Leea,b*

aCenter for Energy Storage Research, Green City Research Institute, KIST, bDivision of Energy and Environment Technology, KIST-School, UST, 3Department of Physics, Dongguk University

(e-mail: [email protected])

Lithium-sulfur batteries have been considered as an one of the promising future energy storage devices owing to its high theoretical capacity of 1675 mA h g-1, high energy density of 2500 W h kg-1 and economical merits of raw active material.1 However, practical application of Li-S batteries still struggles to overcome challenging obstacles, including poor cycling capability and rate capability, caused by the dissolution of long-chained lithium polysulfide and the “shuttle effect”.2 Herein, a novel Li-S cell configuration incorporated a CNT@PC60 multifunctional interlayer, composed of carbon nanotube (CNT) film and plasma-polymerized-C60 (PC60) functional film, is employed in order to enhance the electrochemical performance. The CNT film acts as a conductive upper current collector to provide fast electron pathway for complete utilization of sulfur. The mesoporous PC60 which has rich of oxygen-contained functional groups can immobilize soluble high-ordered polysulfide chemically and physically. The synergetic effect of CNT film and PC60 coating layer can not only accelerate the polysulfide conversion kinetics but also suppress the diffusion of long-chained lithium polysulfide which enhance electrochemical performance such as specific capacity and rate capability. By the introduction of carbon-based coating layer, the capacity decay reduces from 1.56% to 0.1% per cycle over 500 cycles at 1 C with high areal loading of sulfur (1.8 mg cm-2). The rate capability of the Li-S batteries was enhanced with the capacity of 836 mA h g-1 at a charge rate of 5 C (corresponded to 8.4 A g-1, approximately). Scanning electron microscopy observations of after cycling interlayers, separators and Li metal anodes confirm the perm-selectivity of CNT@PC60 interlayer to polysulfide species which were produced during Li-S electrochemical reactions. 52)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 발표형식: 구두발표포스터 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: Minh Xuan Tran 소속: 한국과학기술연구원

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References1. Ji, X.; Lee, K. T.; Nazar, L. F., A highly ordered nanostructured carbon-sulphur cathode for

lithium-sulphur batteries. Nature materials 2009, 8, 500.2. Qie, L.; Manthiram, A., A facile layer-by-layer approach for high-areal-capacity sulfur cathodes.

Advanced materials 2015, 27 (10), 1694-700.

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Synergistic Performance Improvement of Fiber-shaped Dye-sensitized Solar Cells through Photoanode Interfacial Engineering

Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhia,b, Minh Xuan Trana,b, Guicheng Liub,c, Joong Kee Leea,b*

aCenter for Energy Convergence Research, Green City Research Institute, KIST, b Division of Energy and Environment Technology, KIST-School, UST,

cDepartment of Physics, Dongguk University(e-mail: [email protected])

Fiber-shaped dye-sensitized solar cells (FDSSC), instead of planar-shaped DSSC, is favorable for the application of wearable devices due to its properties, such as high efficiency, stable performance, and high flexibility. The typical TiO2 metal oxide photoanode plays a critical role for electron extraction from dye molecules to achieve high-efficiency FDSSC, especially in the TiO2/dye interface. However, interband trap states commonly presence at TiO2/dye and TiO2/electrolyte interface hamper the electron extraction from dye molecules and degrade the efficiency of FDSSC. The interfacial interband trap states of the TiO2 photoanode are effectively reduced by passivates the dilapidate intrinsic oxygen-deficient defect using a chemical modifier (3-Aminobenzoic acid). As a result, high power conversion efficiency of 7.43% is achieved due to the suppression of the interfacial recombination between trapped electrons in the TiO2 region and the holes in the dye and electrolyte regions.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 발표형식: 구두발표포스터 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도 교수: 이중기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (02-958-5257/02-958-5229/[email protected])

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The Effects of Anode Additives towards Suppressing Dendrite Growth and Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Zinc - Air Secondary Batteries

Emmanuel Olugbemisola Aremu, Da-Jeong Park and Kwang-Sun Ryu*

Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan, Doowang dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan 44776, Korea(e-mail: [email protected])

In our continual effort to developing a cost effective rechargeable zinc-air batteries, herewith we demonstrated zinc anodes that comprises of (i) Zinc : 3 wt. % bismuth oxide : 10 wt. % potassium sulfide (ZBK) (ii) Zinc : 3 wt. % bismuth oxide : 5 wt. % lead (II) oxide (ZBP) and (iii) Zinc : 3 wt. % bismuth oxide : 10 wt. % potassium sulfide : 5 wt. % lead (II) oxide additives (ZBKP) in 6 M KOH aqueous solution. Among the various zinc anodes analysed, ZBKP showed a superior cathodic peak of -1.805 and 1.950V at 5th and 40th cycle respectively during electrochemical cycle voltammetry analysis at a potential range of -2.0 ~ 0.5 and scan rate of 1 mV/s. Tafel polarization test revealed that ZBK has the highest corrosion behavior followed by ZBP and ZBKP. The estimated polarization resistance of ZBK, ZBK and ZBKP were 0.937 Ω, 1.968 Ω and 3.734 Ω respectively. Upon further analysis, the superior ZBKP electrode showed 60 cycles without noticeable loss in performance during galvanostatic charge and discharge with an initial efficiency of 80 % and specific capacities of 400 mAh/g and 300 mAh/g. The various elemental additives were evenly deposited on the zinc anode surface as revealed by SEM and EDS analysis. Thus, these level of improvement is attractive for the design of large scale and economically viable rechargeable zinc electrode for the future.

References1. D. J. Park, E. O. Aremu, K. S. Ryu, Applied Surface Science, 456 (2018) 507-514.2. S. H. Lee and K. S. Ryu, Bull. of the Korean Chem Soc. 2017, Vol. 38, 523-524.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Zinc-Air Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자성명: 소속: University of Ulsan연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (052-712-8002/[email protected])

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The high electrochemical performance and Li+ ion diffusion of LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 coated with the Li2ZrO3 in lithium ion batteries

Young-Jin Kim and Kwang-Sun Ryu*

Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan, doowang-dong, Nam-gu, Ulsan, Korea(e-mail: [email protected])

The LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2(NCM622) is one of the most widely used cathode material in industry today because of high capacity and low toxicity and price. But many problems such as irreversible cycle ability or thermal and structural instability at the full charge state with poor rate capability are not solved entirely. Even the generated HF attacks the cathode material, causing the capacity of the electrode to decrease as it is repeatedly charged and discharged. To prevent those effects, various lithium-ion conductive oxides coating such as LiTaO3, LiAlO2, Li2SiO3 and Li2NbO3 were reported in the cathode materials as well as improving the ionic conductivity. In this study, we tried to form Li2ZrO3(LZO)-coating layer on NCM622 particles using sol-gel technique. NCM622 has a higher specific capacity (180 mAh/g in the range of 3.0-4.3 V) and even the LZO possesses available ionic conductivity, which can improve Li-ion diffusion transfer. Homogeneous coating of LZO on NCM622 was obtained by sol-gel technique with different weight ratio (1.0, 2.0, and 4 wt.%). The morphology of LZO-coated NCM622 and elemental analysis were carried out by SEM with EDS. TEM analysis confirmed that about 13 nm LZO coating on NCM622 [1 wt.% LZO coated NCM622]. The electrochemical performances of Li2ZrO3-coated LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 were carried out from impedence to charge-discharge analysis with c-rate performances. All coated samples showed the improved charge transfer resistance, cycle stability, and capacity maintaining but pristine NCM622 showed the high resistance and continuous degradation up to 50 cycles. In addition, Galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) and potentiostatic intermittent titration technique(PITT) were employed to determine the diffusion kinetics of Li-ion intercalation and to estimate the chemical diffusion coefficients of Li+ ion in pristine and 1 wt.% LZO-coated NCM622. 55)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( O )발표자 성명: 김영진 소속: 울산대학교 지도교수: 류광선

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (052-712-8003/[email protected])

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Lead ruthenate expanded pyrochlore on reduced graphene oxide for oxygen reduction and evolution reactions for metal-air batteries

Subin Naa,b,, Boeun Leea, Jihwan Choia, Woo Young Yoonb and Si Hyoung Oha*

aCenter for Energy Storage Research, KISTbDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Korea


Metal-air batteries such as zinc-air, magnesium-air and aluminum-air batteries have received world-wide attention owing to 5-10 times higher theoretical energy density compared to conven-tional lithium-ion battery. Moreover, these batteries are composed of alkaline-earth metal electrodes and aqueous electrolytes, which are safe to operate, cost-effective and environmentally-benign. However, several critical technical challenges prevent their commercial applications, one of which is sluggish kinetics of oxygen redox reactions during the charge and discharge process. It is known that the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in aqueous solution follows one of two possible reaction pathways. One is a four-electron pathway that directly produces hydroxide ions and the other is an indirect two-electron pathway that includes the formation and removal of peroxide by-product. It means that catalysts with a penchant for a four-electron pathway are more efficient for ORR. So far, platinum (Pt)-based catalysts exhibit a superb activity as having a four-electron pathway, but alternative catalysts are positively necessary due to their high cost and poor stability. Therefore, lots of studies regarding Pt-free catalysts such as transition metal oxides, nitrides, sulfides and carbon materials have been reported over the past few decades. In this study, we investigate lead ruthenium oxide (PbxRuyOz, PRO) of an expanded pyrochlore structure with a lot of oxygen vacancies. PRO is known for excellent bifunctional properties as reducing activation energies for both oxygen reduction and evolution reactions (ORR and OER). However, the agglomeration of the particles deteriorates the catalytic properties. In this regard, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is applied as a catalyst support material to anchor the PRO nanoparticles on it. The well-dispersed PRO on the surface of rGO shows better onset potential and limiting current density than the pristine PRO. The analysis of characterization was performed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Beyond LIB 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 나수빈 소속: 한국과학기술연구원 지도교수: 오시형

연락처(전화/e-mail): (02-958-5224/[email protected])

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(TGA), Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM).

References1. S. H. Oh and L. F. Nazar, Advanced Energy Materials 2 (2012) 903-910.2. Md. Arafat Rahman, Xiaojian Wang, and Cuie Wen, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160

(2013) A1759-A1771.3. M. Shao, Q. Chang, J. Dodelet, R. Chenitz, Chemical Reviews, 116 (2016) 3594-3657.

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Salt-expedited reduction mechanism of silicon microsphere under bi-functional metal halide for battery anode materials

Gyujin Songa, Jaegeon Ryub, Jin Chul Kima, Sang Kyu Kwaka & Soojin Parkb

aDepartment of Energy Engineering, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, UNISTbDepartment of Chemistry, POSTECH

(e-mail: [email protected] and [email protected])

Semi-conducting silicon (Si) materials have been studied for an anode in lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)1,2. These feature high theoretical capacity (3579 mAh g-1) and energy density, suitable to large-scale energy storage system. Si usually exists as mostly SiO2 in the earth, not pure Si. So, it is necessary that SiO2 compounds are reduced to pure Si by many kinds of reduction methods like gaseous reduction with hydrogen or natural gas and thermochemical reduction reaction based on Ellingham diagram. Unfortunately, as-mentioned methods require considerable Gibbs free energy, in other word high operating temperature, to proceed reduction reactions. Few researches recently reported new reductants, metal halides, to reduce the temperature up to about 250 °C3,4. This strategy can open the Si synthesis under low reaction temperature. However, the reaction mechanism hasn’t been unexplained clearly. In here, we suggest the fine mechanism how the metal halide can change reduction condition and what the metal halide has role on the reduction reactions by both synthetic and computational results. Further, as-synthesized Si structure characters hollow core and porous shell Si microsphere (HPSS). In terms of electrochemical performance, HPSS shows stable long-term cyclability due to the pores on the surface and inside voids, which have the role of space-enhancing to moderately accept lithium-ion on electrochemical reaction. We expect new synthetic design, scientifically demonstrated, can be applied widely to other metals or metal salts system to synthesize pure Si easily.57)

References1. Q. Xiao, M. Gu, H. Yang, B. Li, C. Zhang, Y. Liu, F. Liu, F. Dai, L. Yang, Z. Liu, X. Xiao, G.

Liu, P. Zhao, S. Zhang, C. Wang, Y. Lu, and M. Cai, Nat. Commun. 6, 8844 (2015).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 송규진 소속: 울산과학기술원 지도교수: 박수진

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-9427-3469/[email protected])

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2. D. S. Jung, M.-H. Ryou, Y. J. Sung, S. B. Park, and J. W. Choi, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 12229-12234 (2013).

3. N. Lin, Y. Han, J. Zhou, K. Zhang, T. Xu, Y. Zhu, and Y. Qian, Energy Environ. Sci. 8, 3187-3191 (2015).

4. Z.-W. Zhou, Y.-T. Liu, X.-M. Xie, and X.-Y. Ye, Chem. Commun. 52, 8401-8404 (2016).

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Study on structural manipulation approach and Li+ ion transfer mechanism of Li3OCl and doped Li2(OH)0.9X0.1Br(X=I) for superionic conductor

Su-yeon Junga and Kwang-Sun Ryu*

Department of Chemistry, University of Ulsan, Korea(e-mail: [email protected])


Li3OX (X=Cl, Br) called lithium rich anti-perovskite materials recently reported as superionic conductors with 3-dimensional Li migrating channels. The positively charged Li ions form the corner sharing octahedra while the negatively charged O ions occupy the large cages at the center of the unit cell coordinated by 12 Li ions. Several first principles studies of Li transport in the anti-perovskite crystal structure have predicted low migration barriers for Li vacancy exchanges, with values on the order of 350meV. Even lower migration barrier of approximately 160meV was predicted dumbbell mechanism. So the materials have low melting point and high electrochemical stability, the materials have showed low interface resistance causing good ionic conductivity (10-7~10-3 S cm-1) by melting method and high anodic electrochemical stability.

However, subsequent studies of the Li+ conductivity in crystalline ‘Li3OX’ compounds have reported room-temperature conductivities from 5 x 10-7 to 2 x 10-4 S cm-1. So with studying Li3OX, we studied that of Li2OHX. For developing low ionic conductivity of Li2OHX, John B. Goodenough et al. have studied Li2(OH)1-xFxCl which is F doped anti-perovskite material in OH site. Because fluorine has smaller ionic size than Cl, substitution of F in OH site of Li2OHCl not only reduces the concentration of H+ hindering Li+ diffusion by coulombic repulsion, but also form larger size of the cavity composed with Cl-O-Cl triangle cavity hole. As the results, the Li+ conductivity of F doped Li2OH1-xFxCl was improved.

Based on above studies, we have investigated Li3OCl and X doped Li2(OH)0.9X0.1Br (X=I) to study difference of structure between Li3OCl and Li2(OH)0.9X0.1Br and the according to size effect structural change. Also We studied Li+ ion transfer mechanism of the substitution with I each having larger ionic size than Cl and Br. The materials were synthesized by using a solid-state

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( O )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 정수연 소속: 울산대학교 지도교수: 류광선

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (052-712-8003/052-712-8003/[email protected])

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method and compared with the crystal structures and ionic bonds by XRD and FT-IR. The morphologies, contents, and distribution of the elements in the materials were analyzed by SEM and EDS. As the electrochemical analysis, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) with various temperature was conducted to evaluate Li+ conductivity of the materials.

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Fabrication of bacteria captured sponge@ZnO for environmentally sustainable supercapacitors

Sang Jun Kima, Isheunesu Phiria, Chris Yeajoon Bona, Manasi Mwemezia, Chung Sup Yoonb, Jang Myoun Koa*

a한밭 학교 응용화학생명공학부, b한밭 학교 신소재공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

Supercapacitors have attracted significant attention in recent years for energy storage application. Herein, bacteria captured ZnO on sponge were synthesized and used as supercapacitor electrodes. ZnO on sponge was obtained by sputtering and growth process, and their structure was able to capture bacteria by electrostatic interaction and morphological isolation of bacteria. Then, bacteria captured ZnO on sponge were easily prepared by one-step carbonization, which not only endow higher surface area through porous structure between ZnO and inherent porous structure originated from sponge, but also act as heteroatoms resources due to carbon and nitrogen sources in bacteria consisting of an outer membrane containing lipopolysaccharides, a periplasmic space with a peptidoglycan layer. The bacteria captured ZnO on sponge electrodes exhibited significantly enhanced specific capacitance (133 F g−1) at a discharge current density of 0.2 A g−1, and excellent cycling stability of 89 % retention after 5000 cycles. Therefore, these results showed a novel type for recyclable and biomass-derived high-performance electrode materials in supercapacitor applications.


1. Y. H. Kwon, S. W. Woo, H. R. Jung, H. K. Yu, K. Kim, B. H. Oh, S. Ahn, S. Y. Lee, S. W. Song, J. Cho, H. C. Shin, J. Y. Kim, Adv. Mater. 2012, 24, 5192.

2. M. Zhou, F. Pu, Z. Wang, S. Guan, Carbon. 2014, 68, 185.59)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 김상준 소속: 한밭대학교 지도교수: 고장면

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): ([email protected])

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Hydroxy Terminated Poly(dimethylsiloxane) as an Electrolyte Additive to Enhance the Cycle Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries

Mwemezi Manasia, Chris Yeajoon Bona, Sangjun Kima, Phiri Isheunesua, Chung Sup Yoonb, Jang Myoun Koa*

aDepartment of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology, bDepartment of Advanced Materials Engineering, Hanbat National University

(e-mail: [email protected])

Hydroxy terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS-HT) is used as an electrolyte additive in electrolyte systems containing 1 M LiPF6 in EC:DMC with solvent ratios 1:9, 3:7, 4:6, and 1:1 v/v to enhance the cycle performance of lithium-ion batteries. In this study, it is observed that adding a small amount of PDMS-HT to the standard LIB electrolyte leads to improved specific capacity as well as improved capacity retention over prolonged cycles. The use of PDMS-HT as an electrolyte additive leads to a slight increase in Li+ ion conductivity and has no impact on the electrolyte potential window. Also, the PDMS-HT additive allows the formation of a more stable solid electrolyte interface (SEI) layer that enables the LIB cells to be cycled for longer cycles with minimal capacity fading. This combination of improved ionic conductivity and enhanced SEI layer is due to the PDMS-HT additive provides enhanced electrochemical performance allowing for the cells to surpass standard electrolytes which makes it an excellent candidate for an electrolyte additive for lithium ion batteries.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium-ion battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: Mwemezi Manasi 소속: 한밭대학교 지도교수: 고장면

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Zwitterionic Lithium-Silica Sulfobetaine Silane as Electrolyte Additive for Lithium Ion Batteries

Isheunesu Phiria, Kim Sang Juna, Chris Yeajoon Bona, Manasi Mwemezia, Chang Sup Yoonb, Jang Myoun Koa*

a한밭 학교 응용화학생명공학과, b한밭 학교 신소재공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

Zwitterionic lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane is fabricated by first synthesizing zwitterion sulfobetaine silane, grafting it onto hydrophilic silica to form silica sulfobetaine silane, and then lithiating the silica sulfobetaine silane. The resultant lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane additive is used as a liquid electrolyte additive in lithium ion batteries with varying weight percentages in 1 M LiPF6 (ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate = 1:1). The electrolytes with the lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane shows higher ionic conductivities and greater electrochemical stability (anodic limit at ~5.5 V vs. Li/) than the pure electrolyte (anodic limit at ~4.6 V vs. Li/). The discharge capacity of the lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide/graphite cells is improved at higher C-rates with the addition of lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane due to increased ionic conductivity. The lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide/graphite cells with the lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane additive also show stable cycling performance. These findings warrant the use of lithium-silica sulfobetaine silane as an electrolyte additive in lithium ion batteries.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: Isheunesu Phiri 소속: 한밭대학교 지도교수: 고장면

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): ([email protected]

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Thermal conductive polyurethane/modified boron nitride composite with a flame retardancy

이창록, 조남주*

부산 학교 고분자공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

As household appliances such as mobile phones, notebooks, and automobiles are highly integrated and miniaturized, a large amount of heat is generated in the driving time. And it is very important to release the heat to the outside, because this heat degrades the performance of device, causes malfunctions, and has a large impact on durability. Then the social interest and market size of the heat-radiating materials are increasing every year.

In this study, polyurethane (PU)/modified boron nitride (m-BN) composites were prepared for heat-radiating film. PU is flexible and has excellent tensile strength, also physical property can be easily controlled through the molecular design [1,2]. However, owing to the PU is unstable in heat and easy to burn, its use is restricted in the field which is a risk of fire due to heat, leakage, spark, etc.. Then BN was modified with organo-phosphorus incorporated silane coupling agent to solve the combustion problem. Synthesis and properties of PU/m-BN composites were investigated by fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectrometer, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermo-gravimetric analysis(TGA) and layser flash analysis(LFA).


1. Zaho, Jin-Chao. Composites Part B : Engineering 42.8 (2011).2. Cakmakc, Emrah. Polymer Composites 35.3 (2014).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Heat-radiating film 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이창록 소속: 부산대학교 지도교수: 조남주

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (051-510-2462/051-513-7720/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



LiFePO4/graphite flexible batteries with solid polymer electrolyte

Hyunjin Kima, Balasubramaniyan Rajagopalana, Do Youb Kima, Jungdon Suka, Yongku Kanga, Dong Wook Kima

aAdvanced Materials Division, Korea, Research Institute of chemical Technology (KRICT), (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected])

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have widely extended to be used in high energy storage devices for electrical vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems (ESSs). However, there are several challenges to be solved. Especially, safety issues are critical problems related to explosion accidents. Commercial liquid electrolyte for LIBs are at risk for leakage and organic solvents can be reason for ignition and explosion of LIBs. To overcome these obstacles, solid state electrolytes with high electrochemical stability have been studied. However, it has poor ionic conductivity that decreasing the cell performance. So, we propose the solid state electrolyte containing [poly(ethylene glycol) dimethyl ether] [Bisphenol A dimethacrylate] and composite electrodes of LiFePO4 and graphite. LiFePO4/graphite full cells were assembled with N/P ratios of 1.05, 1.10, 1.21 and 1.32. The coin cell with the N/P ratio of 1.10 exhibited the highest capacity of 114.7 mAh/g at 0.2 C-rate at room temperature. Also, it shows capacity of 107 mAh/g with pouch cell at 0.2 C-rate and flexible properties. As a result, suggested solid state electrolyte full cell system demonstrated comparable performance to liquid electrolyte batteries.

References1. M. Stanley Whittingham, Chem. Rev. 104, 4271-4301 (2004).2. M. Stanley Whittingham, Chem. Rev. 114, 11414-11443 (2014).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김현진 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 김동욱

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-727/042-860-7200/[email protected])

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리튬이온전지용 Li4Ti5O12/Si 복합 음극활물질의

제조와 전기화학적 특성

서진성, 김 수, 나병기*

충북 학교 화학공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

리튬이온 지는 휴 폰,노트북과 같은 소형 자기기에 부분 사용이 되었지만, 자 기술

의 빠른 발달과 친환경 인 요소가 요구되면서, 기자동차(EV), 하이 리드 자동차(HEV), 드론 그리고 에 지 장장치(ESS)와 같은 형 자기기에 용시키는 연구가 활발하게 진행되

고 있다.스피넬구조의 Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) 음극활물질은 흑연을 체할 음극활물질 한가지로 각 받

고있다. 흑연에 비하여 높은 압에서의 평탄 를 가지는 LTO 활물질은 극의 표면에서

발생하는 해질의 환원으로 인한 SEI 층을 거의 형성하지 않고, 충 과 방 을 진행하는동안

구조 인 변화가 어서 매우 안정한 용량유지특성을 보이는 장 을 가지고있다. 하지만 흑연

에 비하여 상 으로 낮은 용량 (175 mAh/g)과 낮은 기 도성 때문에 상용화를 하기에는

다소 무리가 있어서 이에 따른 해결책이 필요하다.이러한 문제 을 보완하고자 실리콘을 용량보충제로 사용하여 LTO의 용량을 개선하 고,

triblock-copolymer를 이용하여 Gelation이 진행되는동안 LTO 구체가 응집되지 않게하여

해질과의 면 을 증가시켰다. 입자의 열 특성을 분석하기 해 TGA를 측정하 고, 입자의 결정성 확인은 XRD, SEM 을 사용하여 분석하 다. 기화학 특성은 원아테크

WBS3000L을 이용하여 분석하 으며, 항 극의 기화학 반응 성질을 분석하기 해

원아테크 MP-1을 이용하 다.64)


1. 현시철, 나병기, PVC를 원료로 탄소코팅한 Li4Ti5O12의 합성 및 전기화학적 특성 (2018).2. Kim, Sun-Ah; Cho, Woo-Ram; Jeong, Koo-Hyun; Cho, Byung-Won; Na, Byung-Ki, Electro-

chemical Characteristics of Cr Added Li4Ti5O12 Prepared by Sol-gel Method (2010).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 서진성 소속: 충북대학교 지도교수: 나병기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-9488-8225/ X /[email protected])

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Silicon/C/Graphene 음극활물질 제조와 전기화학적 특성

김현수, 서진성, 나병기

충북대학교 화학공학과

(e-mail: [email protected])

최근 이산화탄소 배출에 의한 지구온난화와 화석연료와 같은 자원의 고갈이 심각한 문제로

두되고 있다. 따라서 리튬 이차 지의 역할이 기 되어지고 있으며, 기자동차와 같은 친

환경 분야뿐만 아니라 력 장, 의료산업 분야에도 용이 확 되고 있다. 이와 같이 형 고

성능 이차 지가 요구됨에 따라 리튬 이차 지의 에 지 도, 워 도 개선뿐만 아니라 안정

성 확보를 한 연구가 진행되고 있다.리튬이차 지의 음극물질로써 Si는 매우 유망한 후보이다. Si은 Li와 반응하여 최종 으로

Li4.4Si 의 형태를 형성하며, 량당 4200 mAhg 의 이론 인 용량 도를 가진다. 그러나 리튬

이온이 삽입/탈리하는 과정동안 Si의 부피가 수축과 팽창함을 반복함으로써 큰 비가역용량이

생기고 결과 으로 사이클 특성이 하되는 문제 을 갖고 있다.본 연구에서는 이러한 Si의 단 인 부피팽창을 완화하기 하여 Si(<300 nm)의 사이즈를 사

용하 고, PVA의 열분해를 통해 Si에 탄소 코 을 하여 Si/C 제조 후 단순 믹싱을 통해

Graphene을 첨가하 다. 증류수 용매 하에 Si과 PVA를 혼합하여 건조시키고 PVA의 열분해를

해 700 ℃에서 3시간동안 열처리를 하 다. Si과 탄소의 조성을 변수로 하 으며 제조된 시

료는 TGA, XRD, SEM등을 통해 비교, 분석하여 시료의 형태와 구조 특성을 확인하 다. Coin cell을 제조하여 용량, 사이클 수명 등 기화학 특성을 측정하 다.


1. A Reum Yang , Byung Ki Na, Electrochemical Characteristics of TiO2 Coated Silicon Anode by Sol-gel Method for Lithium-ion Battery. (2013)

2. 백 용, 정상문, 나병기, 졸겔법으로 제조한 탄소피복된 SiOx/ZnO 복합체의 합성 기

화학 특성. (2016)65)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 김현수 소속: 충북대학교 지도교수: 나병기

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-7576-9779/[email protected])

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Semi-interpenetrating Solid Polymer Electrolyte in Electrochemical Stability of LiCoO2-based Lithium Polymer Batteries at Room


Tien Manh Nguyena,b, Jungdon Suka,b*, Do Youb Kima,b, Dong Wook Kima,b, Yongku Kanga,b*

aAdvanced Materials Division, KRICTbDepartment of Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering, UST

(e-mail: [email protected])

Conventional lithium ion batteries (LIBs) containing a liquid electrolyte are at higher risk of fire or explosion because of using a large amount of flammable electrolyte. Therefore, poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)-based solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) become the promising solid electrolyte for improving safety of lithium ion batteries. However, due to low ionic conductivity, the oxidation of PEO group, and Al current collector corrosion at high potential, PEO-based SPEs were hard to apply for LiCoO2 (LCO) cathode materials at room temperature. In this study, a semi-inter-penetrating polymer network PEO-based SPE with high electrochemical stability window up to 5 V was used to investigate the performance of LCO/SPE/Li metal cell at different range of voltages. The results indicate that the SPE can be applied for LCO-based lithium polymer batteries with high electrochemical performance. By using carbon-coated Al (C-coated Al) current collector, the Al corrosion was mostly suppressed during cycling, leading the cycle stability of cell was improved.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( O )발표자 성명: Tien Manh Nguyen 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 강영구

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7207/[email protected])

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한국전지학회 2018년도 추계학술대회



Room-temperature operated all-solid-state flexible Li metal battery using solid polymer electrolyte

Chang Hyun Lee, Do Youb Kim,* Dong Wook Kim, Jungdon Suk, Yongku Kang*

Energy Materials Research Center, KRICT(e-mail: [email protected])

After P. V. Wright’s confirm the ionic conductivity in alkali metal salt complexes of poly (ethylene oxide) (PEO),1 solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) have been considered as one of the promising alternatives to solve the drawbacks of conventional liquid electrolyte.2 However, SPEs have difficulty in applying to conventional lithium ion batteries due to their high interfacial resistance between the electrode and electrolyte. In order to overcome existing problems, we fabricated a composite electrode that contains ionic conducting material. In addition in-situ polymerization process was introduced, where SPE solution was injected during a cell fabrication and then polymerized after a cell fabrication. Through the process all-solid-state Li metal battery cell using the composite electrode with SPE was successfully fabricated and their electrochemical performance was investigated. Thanks to reduced interfacial resistance, resulting all-solid-state LMB could be operated at room-temperature at moderate current density. Especially, we could also increase loading density of active material up to 5 mg/cm2, which was attributed to the reduced interfacial resistance. Finally, we demonstrated 3042 pouch-type all-solid-state LMB cell, which was highly flexible under bending and even folding deformations.

References1. P. V. Wright, British Polymer Journal. 7, 319, (1975).2. W. H. Meyer, Advanced Materials. 10, 439, (1998).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이창현 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 김도엽

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7204/[email protected])

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Enhancement of ionic conductivity and rate capability in semi-interpenetrating polymer networks by introducing PEO multi-arm

unit for lithium polymer batteries

Woonghee Choia,b, Yongku Kanga, Woong-Ryeol Yu b and Dong Wook Kima*

aAdvanced Materials Division, Korea Research Institute of Chemical TechnologybDepartment of Material Science and Engineering, Seoul National University

(e-mail: [email protected])


Following the development of various portable and flexible devices, there are demands to lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) with flexibility and structural stability. However, although a liquid electrolyte has good ionic conductivity and performance, there is some problem such as the possibility of leakage, dendrite growth of lithium on the electrode and unstable structural properties in high potential. For these reasons, many studies have proceeded for development of solid-state electrolyte having a more stable and rigid phase than the liquid electrolyte. Among the results of these studies, solid polymer electrolyte with polyethylene oxide can be a good alternative for the liquid electrolyte.

PEO has sufficient solubility for lithium salt, and it can transfer lithium ion through interactions between ethylene oxide units. Especially, PEO has a stable phase in various thermal and chemical conditions. However, high crystallinity of PEO in lower/room temperature causes lower ionic transfer, and it is a limiting factor to real application of electrolyte with PEO. Therefore, most of the studies about PEO-polymer electrolyte have proceeded for the enhancement of ionic conductivity by control the crystallinity of PEO. Among them, using a polymer electrolyte with the semi-interpene-trating network is a method which can control PEO crystallinity while securing good mechanical strength of a polymer.

Semi-interpenetrating polymer network electrolyte has consisted of a cross-linked structure, ionic conductive liquid (plasticizer) and a lithium salt. The plasticizer can enhance the ionic conductivity of polymer electrolyte by lowering PEO crystallinity, including the role of ionic transfer. In this study, we confirmed the effect of introducing the multi-arm structure of PEO to crosslinking agent

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 최웅희 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 김동욱

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7206/[email protected])

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and a plasticizer by DSC analysis and ionic conductivity measurement. We also compared effectivity of the multi-arm structure in each crosslinking agent and plasticizer. Additionally, through rate capacity property test in low temperature, we verified the PEO with the multi-arm structure can be applied in the broader operating temperature.

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3D hetroatom-doped carbon framework for high performance lithium sulfur batteries

Huanhee Yooa,b , Gyuseung Hanb, Jungdon Suka*

aEnergy Materials Research Center, Advanced Materials Division, KRICT, bDepartment of Chemistry Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Chungnam National University

(e-mail: [email protected])

Lithium-sulfur battery is one of the powerful keys to the portable electrical energy storage devices due to their high specific energy, low cost and environmental friendly. However, there is problem such as low coulombic efficiency and poor cycle performance are caused by “shuttle effect” of sulfur and high soluble lithium polysulfides generated during the charge/ discharge process. To solve these problem, we developed a nanocomposites papers of sulfur with heteroatom-doped carbon nanotube and graphene oxide. Carbon materials doped with heteroatom can adsorb strongly lithium polysulfides via Li-X bonds. We prepared nitrogen doped CNT (N-CNT)[1] and boron and oxygen dually doped CNT (BO-CNT).[2] To demonstrate the ability to adsorb lithium polysulfides, we compared the CNT, N-CNT and BO-CNT as host material for sulfur cathode. Our study shows that N-CNT and BO-CNT are better cyclic stability and rate capability performance than CNT. In this paper, N-CNT and BO-CNT enable the effective trapping of lithium polysulfides on electroactive sites within the cathode, leading to a cycle performance.

Reference1. Li-Feng Chen, Xu-Dong Zhang, Hai-Wei Liang, Mingguang Kong, Qing-Fang Guan, Ping Chen,

Zhen-Yu Wu, and Shu-Hong Yu, ACS Nano, 2012, 8, 7098-7102. 2. Chengbin Jin, Wenkui Zhang, Zhenzhan Zhuang, Jianguo Wang, Hui Huang, Yongping Gan,

Yang Xia, Chu Liang, Jun zhang and xinyong Tao, 2017, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, 632-640.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 유환희 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 석정돈

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7338/[email protected])

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Inorganic hybrid solid electrolytes for graphite-silicon composite lithium-ion batteries

HyeaWon Yuna,b, Dongwon Kima, Jungdon Sukb

a Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang UniversitybAdvanced Materials Division, KRICT

(e-mail: [email protected])

Lithium ion batteries (LIBs) have been identified as the promising energy storage technology and electric vehicles. However, LIBs based on organic liquid electrolytes are increasing concern on the safety issues which are flammable and volatile. To solve these safety issues, solid polymer electrolytes are developed. However, solid polymer electrolytes have low mechanical integrity and lower ion conductivity than liquid electrolytes. In this study, we prepared cross-linked solid polymer-inorganic hybrid electrolyte for high ion conductivity and cycle stability in lithium-ion batteries. Inorganic electrolytes have high mechanical integrity but low ion conductivity, so they were applied with cross-linked solid polymer to increase both ion conductivity and mechanical integrity. We applied organic-inorganic hybrid solid electrolytes in graphite-Si composite anode half cell. Our study shows that inorganic hybrid solid electrolytes which can effectively maintain the mechanical integrity of the cycled graphite-Si composite anode half cell and show high Li ion conductivity.

References1. Ban, X., Zhang, W., Chen, N., & Sun, C. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122(18),

9852-9858. (2018).2. Liu, Y., Lee, J. Y., & Hong, L. Journal of Power Sources, 129(2), 303-311. (2004).


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 이창현 소속: 한국화학연구원 지도교수: 석정돈

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (042-860-7338/[email protected])

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Variation of Battery Entropies and Its validation related to Electro-thermo-chemistry

Chil-hoon Doha,b*, Yoon-cheol Haa,b, Seung-wook Eoma,b

aKorea Electrotechnology Research Institute, bUST (KERI campus)(e-mail: [email protected];[email protected])

In the measurement and supervision of the amount of heat generation involved an endothermic/ exothermic reaction, variations in temperature and internal resistance are important for preventing thermal runaway and prolonging the cycle life of batteries. The information of heat generation of batteries is very important to use serially/parallelly accumulated battery package for electric vehicles and stationary energy storage systems. In this study, the entropy variation in a battery is measured using accelerated rate calorimeter.

The temperature variation of battery could be calculated using the theorem of electro- thermo-chemical relationship with the measured physical properties of entropy, specific heat and internal resistance. Acceptable agreement was obtained between the experimental and calculated results of constant current charge and discharge for the C rate <0.5 C. For the C rate of 1.0 C.

Variations in the battery charging capacities at different temperatures are closely related to entropy. The state of charge (SOC) increased with the increase in temperature during charging. This increase in SOC can be ascribed to a decrease in cell potential with increasing temperature owing to negative entropy.


---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 도칠훈 소속: 한국전기연구원

연락처(전화/e‐mail): (055‐280‐1662/[email protected])

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Li7P2S8I1-xBrx 고체전해질의 합성과 특성 평가

최선화, 하윤철*

한국전기연구원 전지연구센터

(e-mail: [email protected])

리튬이온 지는 에 지 도와 출력 도, 충방 효율이 높아 오늘날 크고 작은 다양한 기

장장치로 리 사용되고 있다. 그러나 상용 리튬이온 지의 액체 해질은 가연성 유기용매

를 사용하므로 지사고에 의한 발화 는 폭발의 문제를 일으킬 수 있다. 따라서 이를 불연성

고체 해질로 체하면 발화 는 폭발의 험에서 벗어날 수 있으므로 더욱 안 한 기 장

장치를 구 할 수 있다. 액체 해질을 고체 해질로 체하기 해서는 상온에서도 높은 이온

도도를 나타내면서 양극 음극 활물질과 화학 기화학 인 안정성이 우수한 고체

해질의 개발이 선행되어야 한다. 한 고체 해질 입자간 는 고체 해질과 활물질 사이의

계면 항을 최소화하면서 면 극제조가 가능한 공정 개발이 필수 이다. 최근 Li7P2S8I 조성을 갖는 Li2S-P2S5-LiI 고체 해질에 한 연구에서 이온 도도가 낮은 결

정상의 형성을 여 상온에서 1.35 x 10-3 S/cm의 높은 이온 도도를 나타내는 유리-결정질

(glass-ceramic) 고체 해질 합성법이 보고되었고[1], 이 고체 해질의 온소결 특성을 이용하

여 비정질 상태로 슬러리에 혼합한 후 온소결함으로써 슬러리형 극 제조과정에서 발생하

는 계면 항 문제를 이고, 고체-고체 계면의 기계 내구성을 향상시킨 논문이 발표되었다

[2]. 본 연구에서는 Li7P2S8I에 Br 치환을 통해 결정상의 안정성을 조 함으로써 보다 높은 이

온 도도를 갖는 Li7P2S8I1-xBrx 고체 해질을 합성하고, 할로겐 화합물의 혼합 비율 열처리

온도가 고체 해질의 결정상과 이온 도도에 미치는 향을 고찰하 다.

References1. S.J. Choi, S.H. Lee, Y.C. Ha*, J.H Yu, C.H. Doh, Y. Lee, J.W. Park, S.M. Lee, H.C. Shin, J.

Electrochem. Soc. 165, A957 (2018). 2. S.J. Choi, S.H. Choi. A.B. Bui, Y. Lee, S.M. Lee, H.C. Shin, Y.C. Ha*, ACS Appl. Mater.

Interf. 10, 31404 (2018).

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Electrochemistry and reaction mechanism of Sb-based anode materials for rechargeable sodium ion batteries

Jeong-Hee Choi*, Min-Ho Lee, Hae-Young Choi, Sang-Min Lee

Battery Research Center, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute(e-mail: [email protected])


Recently sodium ion battery (SIB) has been regarded as the attractive alternative system to lithium ion battery (LIB) considering that it has the electrochemical similarity to LIB and cost is much cheaper than LIB. The development of SIB comparable to LIB performances has been still recognized as a big challenge. Particularly, the anode materials adequate for SIB have been difficult to develop, because sodium cannot intercalate into graphite used mainly as anode material for LIB. As alternatives to graphite, carbonaceous materials with low crystallinity including hard carbon, nanowire, expanded graphite, and carbon fiber exhibited the capacity lower than 300 mAh g-1, and limited rate capabilities. In order to address it, the metallic elements alloyable with sodium, including Sn, Sb, P showed the much higher capacity than carbonaceous materials. However, they suffered from the severe volume change, resulting in the electrode pulverization. Among the alloyable metallic anode for SIB, antimony (Sb) was worthy of notice because its atomic packing factor (APF) is lower than other elements and little negative influence by fluorotheylene carbonate (FEC) as the inevitable additive for cycling performances. In this study, we focused on enhancing the electrochemical performances of Sb-based anode by designing intermetallic nanocomposite form of Sb with Na-alloyable elements, or inactive metallic element within electrical conductive network buffering the volumetric change. As another approach of accommodating the huge volume change, we controlled the porosity of both bulk Sb electrode by unzipping polymer and intermetallic porous SnSb material synthesized by melt spinning and subsequent etching process. Based on their results, theoretical reaction mechanism and modeling were also suggested for the improved performances of the Sb-based nanocomposite and porous structured Sb-based anode.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Sodium Ion Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )발표자 성명: 최정희 소속: 한국전기연구원

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (055-280-1367/055-280-1369/[email protected])

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1. H. Kim, H. Kim, Z. Ding, M. H. Lee, K. Lim, G. Yoon, K. Kang, Adv. Energy Mater. 6 (2016) 1600943.

2. Y. Liu, X. Liu, T. Wang, L. Z. Fan, L. Jiao, Sustainable Energy Fuels 1 (2017) 986-1006.3. S. W. Kim, D. H. Seo, X. Ma, G. Ceder, K. Kang, Adv. Energy Mater. 2 (2012) 710-721.

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Development of hybrid composite membrane with solvated ionic liquids for All-Solid-state lithium ion batteries

Min-ju Kim, Jun-Woo Park*, Byung-gon Kim, Yoon-cheol Ha and Sang-min Lee

Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute(e-mail: [email protected])


Recently, lithium secondary batteries (LIBs) are applied to large capacity devices such as electric vehicles (EVs) and energy storage systems (ESSs), which require high power and long term cycle life. However, small battery has frequently experienced temperature increases or explosions. As a solution to this problem, All Solid State Batteries (ASSBs) have been proposed because of the stability and safety at high pressure or temperature. However, solid electrolytes are difficult to commercialize due to their low lithium ion conductivity and unstable interface contact between solid electrolytes and electrodes.

In our previous research, the composite membranes were produced by incorporating tetragonal Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO) into a polyethylene oxide (PEO) matrix[1]. However, the ionic conductivities of this composite membrane are still insufficient for application to the real battery system. So we made a composite membrane by adding solvated ionic liquids (SILs) to improve the interface properties of the ASSBs[2].

In this study, we propose the new concept of a free standing composite membrane with high ionic conductivity and good process ability. We used a mixture of Li[TFSA] and tetraglyme [Li1(G4)1][TFSA]as SILs. It has high thermal and electrochemical stability as well as high ionic conductivity. Therefore, composite membrane with SILs can improve the ion conductivity and maintain thermal and electrochemical stability which is an advantage of ASSBs. It showed the higher ionic conductivity such as 10-4 S/cm at 55 °C by reducing the crystalline character of polymer based composite, resulting in the enhanced ion conducting property.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------발표분야: Lithium Secondary Battery 일반세션: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( o )International Session: 구두 ( ) 포스터 ( )발표자 성명: 김민주 소속: 한국전기연구원 지도교수: 박준우

연락처(전화/팩스/e-mail): (010-3866-6484/055-280-1660/[email protected])

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References1. J.H. Choi, C.H. Lee, J.H. Yu, C.H. Doh, S.M. Lee, J.Power Source, 274, (2015), 458-463. 2. J.Y. Park, J.W. Park, C.H. Doh, Y.C. Ha, S.M. Lee, S. Kim, Res Chem Intermed, 44, (2018),


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