orchuulga life

I. The order of admission for students 1. The first general education class is for children aged six to seven years. 2. Admission is based on a competitive basis. Students wishing to study in the school are tested for the ability to comprehend the educational program starting at secondary school. 3. Admission to other classes is on a competitive basis, subject to availability. New students must pass the following exams: 2-5 classes - Mathematics, Russian Grade 6 - Mathematics, English and Russian languages Grade 7 - Mathematics, English and Russian languages Grade 8 - Algebra, Russian and English languages , Physics 9 -12 classes - Algebra, Russian and English languages , Physics, Chemistry I. Training schedule and mode of employment

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Post on 10-May-2017




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Page 1: Orchuulga Life

I. The order of admission for students

1. The first general education class is for children aged six to seven years.2. Admission is based on a competitive basis. Students wishing to study in the school are tested for the ability to comprehend the educational program starting at secondary school.3. Admission to other classes is on a competitive basis, subject to availability. New students must pass the following exams: 2-5 classes - Mathematics, Russian Grade 6 - Mathematics, English and Russian languages Grade 7 - Mathematics, English and Russian languages Grade 8 - Algebra, Russian and English languages , Physics 9 -12 classes - Algebra, Russian and English languages , Physics, Chemistry

I. Training schedule and mode of employment

1. The academic year begins on September 1.2. The duration of the school year in grades 1 -29 weeks of training, 2-5-x -34 weeks training in 6-12 classes - 35 weeks of training. The academic year is divided into four quarters.3. The routines of classes, the setting of the school schedule, and daily school routine is determined by the director.4. Training takes place in classroom and lecture forms. Lesson length = 40 minutes.

II. The system of estimation of students’ knowledge

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1. The main form of estimation of students’ knowledge is independent control in the form of the automated testing.2. During each term the independent commission carries out a current control of students’ knowledge in accordance with the materials (the chapter or the section) that has been studied.3. Assessment of students’ knowledge is scaled using the one hundred-mark system: A90-100% - students have acquired an excellent level of knowledge of the educational unit, B80-89.9% - a good level, C70-79.9%- an average level, D60 – 69.9%-a level below average, F0-59.9%- unsatisfactory level.4. In each lesson the teacher carries out a homework check. The following points are added for homework performance: 1 point for “5”, 0.7 for "4", 0.4 for "3", - 0.4 for non-performance.5. The term mark is the average of the results of the independent control tests. The points for homework performance are added to the testing result average.

III. Student’s certification

1. Intermediate certification of students in the 1-5, 6-9, and 11th grades is an obligatory form of control and diagnostics of students’ level of knowledge. Students of the 1-4 grades must pass end-of -year examinations in mathematics and Russian language. Students of 6-9 grades must pass examinations in mathematics, Russian and Mongolian languages.2. Students who have no more than one “F” grade in any subject are allowed to repeat end-of-year examinations if required.

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3. Total certification is carried out after a student successfully passes the general education programs of primary, main, general and secondary (full) education. Students having “D” and above are permitted to a total attestation. 4. Total certification is carried out according to the regulations on total certification approved by the authorized bodies within the education system.5. Students who fail total certification can reattempt certification in the next academic year.

IV. Order of learners in the following classes

1. Students who have completed the evaluation with a D grade or above advance to the next grade.2. Students with a failing grade in one subject may be subject to probation. Responsibility for the elimination of academic debt at the beginning of the next school year rests with parents of the failing student (or persons in loco parentis)

V. The transfer procedure of students for external studies

1. Students who have an average score above 95 at the end of school year can transfer to external studies in accordance with the wishes of parents.2. Parents who wish for their children to study externally should apply to the director of the school at the end of the school year.3. Students who elect to study externally must pass intermediate and final tests in accordance with deadlines established by the school administration.4. External study students who have not passed the intermediate tests in two or more subjects or have not attended final testing face expulsion from the school.

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VI. The procedure for expulsion from the school

1. Students who have attained “F” grades (poor performance scaled on the 100 point system below 59 points) in two or more subjects according to the results of the academic year are expelled from the school by the decision of the Teachers’ council.2. Students, not liquidating academic debt, are expelled from school by order of the school Director.3. Students who are absent for 10 or more unexcused lessons shall be expelled from school.4. Students who commit unlawful acts including, but not limited to, repeated violations of the Charter and internal regulations, shall be expelled from school by the decision of the Commission of violations. 5. The expulsion of a student is documented by written order of the school Director.

General requirements for students in school

1. Students must fulfill the following requirements in the school: Attend school in school uniform. Refrain from damaging and/or defacing the school and all property belonging to the school. Do not bring to school items that are hazardous to the health and the lives of others. Do not commit acts harmful to the health and lives of others.

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2. Students are responsible for: Arriving at school a minimum of 10 minutes before the start of the first lesson. Making a conscientious effort to learn. Respecting the honor and dignity of students and school staff. Complying with school staff in part, classified by the Charter and other local acts to their competence.

Duties of parents (legal guardians)

Parents (legal guardians) are required to:

1. Create a favorable environment in which their child can study.2. Be responsible for ensuring their child has the necessary tools for successful training and education, including school uniforms.3. Together with the educational institution, monitor the child's education.4. Be responsible for the child's behavior in school, studying academic debt elimination.5. Ensure all payments for educational services provided are promptly paid for.6. Be held liable for damages caused by the fault (intentional and unintentional) of their child to the educational institution.7. Attend parent meetings, including school-wide assemblies and conferences.8. Participate in the educational institution in accordance with its Charter.