personal goals presentation

Ciarάn Gibson Born in Ireland, to proudly Irish parents. Australian Citizen Aged 22, and I’m a 93 Boy Twin, to a Sister, and have two elder brothers. James Joyce Bridge

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Ciarn Gibson

Born in Ireland, to proudly Irish parents. Australian Citizen

Aged 22, and Im a 93 Boy

Twin, to a Sister, and have two elder brothers.

James Joyce Bridge

Family and FriendsCyclingWritingLearningAdventureTravelRugby League AKA The Greatest Game of AllPersonal Profile

The Mantra Hotel Southbank

Market Researcher

Bar Attendant Suncorp Stadium

Coles Services Currently Working There

Work Experience

Be Grateful for One thing (Anything)

Learn a new word

Set one main goal

Present Everyday Goals

Listen more talk less

Being consistent and aware of being fallible to complacency

Always challenge myself to be better than I was yesterday

Development to Aid Professional/Personal Goals

Spend less time on technology and more time having meaningful connections with known and new people.

Become more young at heart and more mature in the mind

Become more Mentally Strong

Become more self-disciplined and confident

Complete the Mooloolaba Triathlon

Grasp the lessons I learn from my mistakes better.

Become more assertive

Personal 3-5 Year Goals

Everyone Learns More From Mistakes

Become a role model for one person

Get a job at a Bike Shop

Achieve a GPA of 5.5 or higher in a chosen course at university

Network with people to enhance job prospects, do this whenever possible.

Write as a freelancer about depression and anything that interests me or is a big issue in the world at that time. Also start a blog!!

Graduate from Diploma of Business with the highest possible OP.

Volunteer be an advocate for DSAQ

Professional Goals 3-5 Years

Network with anyone and everyone


If you, yourself want to learn something your mind must be open Housemate Bike Story

I am a visual learner when being taught

Studying I make acronyms and stories to aid my learning

Learning Style

Compete as if every moment is my last

Learned this from Johnathan ThurstonOne Competitive Edge Strategy