podno grijanje brosura


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Post on 23-Nov-2015




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Podno Grijanje Brosura


  • (CB=cffi?


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    As the entire oor surface radiates heat, you get the same comfortable,

    healthy heating in all parts of the room, plus economy from lower

    indoor temperature settings. A further advantage with oor heating is

    that you can arrange your furniture any way you please, letting your

    own ideas and desires be your guide. Discreet room thermostats are

    hardly noticeable; there is no need to worry about radiators and piping.

    You simply let the rooms shape, or lighting, or the beautiful oor be the

    starting point for your inspiration and decoration.



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  • 0@ejkXccXk`fej]fiXepJfc`[=cffi

    CB:C@G$I8@C(-&)' is used for instal-

    ling in screed above oor insulation.

    The clip-rail is xed to the building

    insulation using plastic staples. The oor

    heating pipes are then simply and easily

    pressed into the clip-rail. The clip-rail

    holds the pipe securely and at the cor-

    rect spacing to guarantee uniform heat


    Once the installation is complete,

    screed is applied and the nal oor

    nish can be laid.

    CB:C@G$I8@C() is designed for LKs

    12-mm pipes and is often used for

    the renovation of small areas, such as

    bathrooms, entrance halls and laundry


    The clip-rail has double-sided tape so

    that it can be easily xed direct to the

    sub ooring. Once the pipes are posi-

    tioned in the clip-rail, they are encap-

    sulated in self-levelling screed or ller.

    Then, all that is left is installation of the

    nal ooring.

    CB =cffi ?\Xk`e^ `j \Xj`cp `ejkXcc\[ `e e\n$Yl`c[ fi




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    CBNFF;)) is an eco-labelled sub

    ooring that is load bearing and designed

    for joists with centres between 400mm and

    600 mm. The Wood 22 replaces standard

    22 mm sub ooring and is often installed

    at an early stage of construction and before

    the oor heating is installed.

    Wood 22 is pre-routed and the grooves

    must be laid at 90 to the joists. Alumi-

    nium heat distribution plates are tted

    prior to pipe installation. The oor heating

    pipes are easily pushed into the aluminium

    grooves; the plates ensure heat is spread

    evenly across the entire oor surface. Final

    ooring is then oated above.


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    Behind the cosy, reliable and economic

    heating lies some clever engineering.

    Water temperature and room tempera-

    ture are carefully balanced for comfort

    by a range of solutions; consult your LK

    installer or LK system supplier to ensure

    the right solution for your home.




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    The heating circuit manifold is the heart of your oor

    heating system. It is discreetly hidden in a convenient

    location to supply the heating loops. LK Heating

    Circuit Manifolds range is 2 to 12 port.

    Primary plumbing from the boiler is connected to

    the manifold, where the ow to each heating loop is

    controlled, ensuring the manifold balances the oor

    heating system so that different rooms or areas have

    the correct temperatures.


    Using LK Room Thermostat, each room has just the

    right temperature. Thermostats are placed in all

    rooms to detect and communicate the rooms hea-

    ting needs to the motorised valves on the manifold.

    The valves then regulates ow to the oor heating

    loops in each room.

    LK Room Thermostats also help you save energy;

    the room thermostat will react to any excess heat

    from, for instance, a decorative re or strong sunlight

    by signalling the manifold valves to close, aiding


    LK Room Thermostats are available in two versions

    hard-wired and a wireless version that works via

    radio signals. LK Wireless Room Control Cq is ideal

    for renovations and other instances where you do not

    wish to route cable in the walls.

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    Floor heating systems are low-temperature systems

    that generally have ow temperatures about 20C to

    25C lower than a radiator system. For this reason,

    a shunt pack is necessary if oor heating is to be

    installed in combined heating systems with radiators.

    LK Shunts are designed to mix boiler heated

    radiator water with cooled return water from the oor

    heating coils before the water is returned to the oor

    heating system. This makes it possible for both radia-

    tors and oor heating to have the right temperature.

    LK Shunts are available in several sizes, so regard-

    less of how large or small your oor heating system,

    we have the right shunt for you.


    LK Mini Circuit Valve M5 is the obvious choice for

    small oor heating installations, such as bathrooms,

    entrance halls or laundry rooms.

    The mini circuit valve makes it easy to connect

    small oor heating areas to an existing heating system.

    It also gives you a stylish, discreet installation since

    the compact valve can be mounted in the wall in an

    integrated cabinet or hidden behind a wall cover.

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    LK Mini Shunt M60 is a compact, yet complete,

    mixing unit for oor areas to about 30m2.

    The mini shunt is used to connect to existing

    radiator systems where the oor heating is installed in

    extensions or conservatories.

    LK Mini Shunt M60 can be connected direct to

    existing radiator pipes.

    LK Mini Shunt M60 gives you a complete mixing

    unit at a low investment cost, plus it requires very little


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    As oor heating experts, we can re-

    commend system solutions for all kinds

    of homes. Using our design program, we

    will create the perfect solution for your

    home. All you have to do is send a oor

    plan to your LK installers or suppliers.

    LK Floor Heating has been developed

    for use with all types of oor materials.

    We take account of material, thickness

    and thermal properties when designing

    your system. Please feel free to discuss

    these and any other questions with your

    LK installers.

    Once installation has been completed,

    you will own a reliable, safe and econo-

    mic oor heating system throughout the

    life of your home.

    LK Floor Heating will not be seen or

    heard, but it will give you a sensual fee-

    ling of well being. Truly, a warm home

    to desire