portfolio leen maraqa-

LEEN MARAQA II BA of Landscape Architecture American University of Beirut II 2015 PORTFOLIO

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LEEN MARAQA II BA of Landscape Architecture

American University of Beirut II 2015


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“An artist, he paints with lakes and wooded slopes, with lawns and banks and forest-covered hills.” Fredrick Law Olmsted

Leen Maraqa- BA of Landscape Architecture

This portfolio showcases work done during my years studying Landscape Architecture at AUB.

Through this collection of work I share with you a glimpse of my academic adventure, as I learn the art and science of placemaking.

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Table of Contents

CV......................................................................................................Page 1

Final year project FYP - WEAVING THE WADI ...............................Page 3

Campus Space - AUB’s Ada Dodge Outlook ..............................Page 13

Residential Design - Visitors’ Executive Villa .................................Page 15

Landscape Planning - Quarantina Eco-Park ...............................Page 19

Road Median Plating Design..........................................................Page 22

Sketches ...........................................................................................Page 28

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LEEN MARAQAPhone Number: Jordan (+962777333050) Lebanon (+96176609889) Email:[email protected] / [email protected]



Faculty of Agriculture and food Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon Bachelor’s degree in Landscape Architecture

PRINCIPLE STUDIES INCLUDED: Landscape management, water management, horticulture, ecology, geology, technical and descriptive drawing, design, site engineering, GIS, Sustainable Development and Professional Practice

FINAL YEAR PROJECT (FYP): It is an issue raised project which has within its folds social, ecological ,cultural and economic aspects. The project is designed to become a part of the society’s daily living. The Aim of the project is to transform the structural Landmark of Abdoun Bridge to a city green landmark that is used by the community for recreational and connection purposes.

New English School, Amman, Jordan


RESEARCH ASSISTANT- Student part time Job at AUB with Dr. Mehran Madani Research and writing research papers for publication

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPDAR AL-HANDASAH (SHAIR AND PARTNERS), JORDAN Worked on Al salt city center (Jordan) and Salahiddin university campus (Erbil)Autocad drawings- Tiling- grading- plant selection- Photoshop rendering

LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, PROFESSIONAL INTERNSHIPMK ASSOCIATES (AMMAN-JORDAN) Dealt with several Landscape Architecture projects in Jordan Worked on King Hussein Business Park -streetscape, analysis and street furniture design Worked on several residential designs – AutoCAD plans

MARAQA CERAMICA (AMMAN- JORDAN) Worked on various AutoCAD Drawings ,Tiling designs for interior and exterior spaces. Prepared excel schedules that dealt with employees.

Sept.2010 – 2015

February- May 2015

June 2014-July 2014

December2013-January 2014

June-July 2012

June 2010

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LEEN MARAQAPhone Number: Jordan (+962777333050) Lebanon (+96176609889) Email:[email protected] / [email protected]


Sept.2010 – 2015 May 2015

October 2014- May 2015

October 2011 April 2013

March 2009 July-August 2012


Chair’s Award of Excellence to outstanding Final Year Landscape Architecture Student


Fluent in spoken and written English and Arabic. Basic in French SpecialInterestinPhotography,ComputerGraphicsandSketching. ProficientinAutoCAD,Sketchup,InDesign,AdobePhotoshop,Illustrator,MicrosoftWord, PowerPoint, and Excel. Advancedstudiesinagricultureandhorticulture TeamManagement-Organizingandcoordinatingcontent&teamroles PublicSpeaking-Eloquent,expressive&concise FastLearner


Elected Cabinet member (secretary ) for the Landscape society AUB VolunteerforIBSAAR,TreePlantinginChouf,Lebanon Ibdaa’competitionfor“WaterandBiodiversity”–GreenroofsinBeirut ModelUnitedNations-conferences


Amideast public speaking course (Amman-Jordan) Autocadand3DmaxcourseatAlQudsCollege(Amman-Jordan)WithAutodeskcertificationforAutoCAD

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Wadi Abdoun is located west Wadi Amman, which is a land assembly located to the southwest of the historic Hedjaz Railway Station and to the northeast incorporating the Roman Amphitheatre. The strip, serves as the eastern gateway to historic downtown Amman for visitors traveling from Zarqa and points beyond. The character of Wadi Amman is defined by its location along the seil that distinguishes the Wadis from their surrounding communities.

Final year project WEAVING THE WADI








Urban, Natural, Context

Previous proposals

Finding solutions

Urban park proposal in Wadi Abdoun's city void

An Urban park along the wadi with integrated pathways and activities connected to different sides of the city with water collection and erosion control systems Location: Wadi Abdoun

amman/ Jordan

Social barrier , water scarcity, Connection problem

Social, Economical, Historical, Ecological, Cultural ,

Existing sections

Existing Plan

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD

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Chair’s Award of Excellence to outstanding Final Year Landscape Architecture Student

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Existing Plan

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WEAVING THE WADI : “Vision & Conceptual Approach”

VisionIt is an issue raised project which has within its folds social, cultural and economic aspects. The project is designed to become a part of the society’s daily living.

AimTransform the structural Landmark of Abdoun Bridge to a city green landmark that is used by the community for recreational and connection purposes. This Park would be connected through a cycling and pedestrian links to different parts of the city and can be a start for a journey.

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INTEGRATING PATHWAYS with xeriscaping plants base

Media: Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop & AutoCADLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 5

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Media: Sketchup, Adobe Photoshop & pencil colors; Model Making: corrigated boards , color card boards and thin threads. Leen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 6

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Amount of water that can be collected at the lowest point of the project area According to Return Period 5 years (common design parameter)

I5 = 21.19 mm/hV = Q (Flow) * timeV= 0.588 * 1363V = 801.444 m3




Integrate "with Activities"

Xeriscaping - Drought tolerants plants Erosion Control Plants on slopes

WEAVINGTHEWADI:“Design Principles”

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCADLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 7

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WEAVINGTHEWADI:“Proposed plan & Sections”

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD & pencil colorsLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 8

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WEAVINGTHEWADI:“Proposed Sections”

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD & pencil colorsLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 9

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WEAVINGTHEWADI:“Proposed Sections”

Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD & pencil colorsLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 10

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Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD & pencil colorsLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 11

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Media: Adobe PhotoshopLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 12

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Campus Design - AUB’s Ada Dodge Outlook -

The landscape design guidelines have beenorganizedintotwomajorcatego-ries: • General design guidelines applicable

to the entire campus landscape.

• Emergency vehicles will have access to the campus through the vehicular gates. From those points on the pri-mary promenade system, emergency vehicles will have access to all facili-ties on campus. The pedestrian prom-enade system is designed to accom-modate all emergency vehicles.

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Media: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD,

Paper, Foam, Cork, Chipboard, Natural Materials

Site&Location TheAdaDodgeOutlook at the heart of AUB’s campus

PhaseI -Classificationofcampusvegetationzones - Site base maps - Teammate: Yara Berbari

Phase II - Team concept development - Preliminary/schematic design - Teammate: Rami Alouta




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Residential Design - Visitors’ Executive Villa and Deans villa

●Site&Location Visitors’residenceatAUB’sresearchcentreinthe Bekaawith two semi-duplex villa.

●PhaseI -Teambasemapdevelopment&siteanalysis;Individual concept development - Our team studied the history of the site and its context - Individual mental maps were made to assess priority issues and features to be used in the design - Concept :

●PhaseII -Preliminary/schematicdesign - Teammates: Rami Alouta Yara Berbari

Flow on site

Context / Building and history

In the design , the architecture of the house is inter-played with it’s surrounding landscape. The areas of the garden are divided according to certain programs using certain hardscapes, furniture, and vegetation.

Media: Paper, Pencil, Pen, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & AutoCAD

Surrounding Context

Division of spaces


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Existing concrete slab

Initial Proposed seating element

Residential Design - 3D views

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Residential Design - Visitors’ Executive Villa and Deans villa Individual design phase

Individual phase- new design, concept and construction details- This phase included design and construction drawings such as Benches , Pergola ,Water feature , Curbs and


The forces and views around the site plays a role on the design. Interplay the architecture of the house into its surrounding landscape. As the villa itself is a semi-duplex, one part of it being for executive visitors and the other for the dean herself, the landscape design around the villa should portray this in some way. This is where all elements of the design are equally divided.Therefore merging the softscape and the hardscape in a balanced way is used to serve the concept.Regional + site conditions affects the manner in which the visual balance can be effectively achieved on a project site. The manner in which balance is achieved in the building should relate to the site balance, in order to unify the building and the site.

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Residential Design - Details

Section A-A

Section B-B

Section A-A

Water Feature Detail

Counter DetailConcrete Slab Detail

Gate Detail

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Landscape Planning - Quarantina Eco-parkSite & Location Industrial area, towards the Norh of the Beirut River (the estuary)

●Phase I - Our team studied the acceessibilty and circulation of the river&itscontext - Teammates: Sara Chatila Loulya Halwani Serine Meneeim● Phase II - Preliminary/schematic design

Context Master Plan (Access points)

The metropolitan connection around Beirut river

Constructed wetland treats water pollution it integrates wastewater treatment, native revegetation and the creation of recreational and ecological links between the edges of the river. Additionally, creating a union pedestrian bridge towards themouthoftherivertomaximizethecommunicationbetween the riverbanks.

Reed bed species have the ability to transfer oxygen from its leaves, down through its stem and out via its root system in the gravel bed. This encourages micro-organisms that digest the pollutants in sewage to colonise the area.

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Existing conditions

Quarantina Eco-park design-Diagrams

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Media: Marker, Pencil, Ink, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, AutoCAD, Sketchup up

Quarantina Eco-park design- Sketches and collage


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Road median

Media: Paper, Pencil, PenLeen Maraqa PORTFOLIO I 22

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Contact Information Email Address [email protected] [email protected] Phone Number...................Lebanon .+961-76-09889 Jordan +962-777-333050