pranayam 18

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  • 7/24/2019 Pranayam 18


    the accumulated mucus in the nose, this being

    a breeding ground.

    Regular pra ctice of neti when you don 't have

    a cold keeps the nasal passages working at

    optimum efficiency and thereby helps to

    maintain a healthy body. Remember, breathing

    through the mouth or insufficient treatment

    of the inh aled air pri or to entry into the lungs,

    due to nasal blockage and congestion, can

    enc oura ge the o nset of disease, by allowing

    germs to infect the lungs, or by generally

    weak ening t he state of heal th of the body.

    Ne ti is al so a he lp in cur in g si nusit is, ai lm en ts

    of the eyes, nose an d throat , tonsillitis, cata rrh,

    as well as inflammation of the adenoids and

    mucus membranes. It is effective in removing

    headaches, insomnia and tiredness. Neti has asubtle influence on the various nerves which

    end in t he nasal passages, such as the olfactory

    bu lb and ot he r a dj ac en t ne rv es wh ic h in ne rv at e

    the eyes, ears, etc. This has a very soothing

    influence on the brain and can help to relieve

    such ailments as migraine, epilepsy, depres-

    sion, tension, etc.

    Ne ti he lps in no smal l man n er to pr eve nt

    and cure lung diseases such as asthma, pneu-

    monia, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis,

    etc . , for the reasons already mentioned.

    Respiration becomes much easier, which leads

    to an improve d intake of oxygen, i mprov ed

    remova l of carbo n dioxi de and consequentl y

    be tter he al th .

    Importance of neti in yogic physiology

    Th e science of yoga mai ntai ns tha t the flow of

    air in each nostril alternat ely chang es. If you

    test this for yourself, you will find this to be

    true . At pres ent on e of you r nostrils is

    admitting more air than the other. After some

    time the other nostril will admit the greater

    amount of air.

    This alt erna te flow of brea th th roug h the

    two nostrils in turn has a profound influence

    on the e nergy cycle of man . It control s our

    thinking and physical activity, our introversion

    and extroversion. This cycle has a great

    be ar ing on our ment al and ph ys ical he alt h.

    Now if on e or bo th of th e nost ri ls ar e pe r-

    manently blocked, then this natural alternation

    of bre ath flow can not occur. O ur heal th can

    suffer. Th is is an oth er reas on why jal a neti is so

    important; it cleans both nostrils and allows the

    br ea th to al te rn at e free ly be tw ee n th e two.

    Notes1See the index of practices at the end of the

    book.2 See Topic 3 of this lesson.
