presentation feb 2014

Transition Project KS4- KS5 Avonbourne College

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Transition Project KS4-KS5 Avonbourne College

2. Size 1150 Ages 11-18 Specialisms Business and enterprise, Thinking Skills, Internationalism Sex Girls (Mixed 6th form) Introduction to Avonbourne and the context 3. Core purpose Self-directed learners Less didactic approach Teachers as facilitators & coaches Teaching as learning design Learning as problem solving, not information retention 4. Action Transition Project Yr11 students Training ELLI profiles Learning conversations Staff training Whole-staff training day BLP Establish cross-college learning communities Research, develop and deliver BLP Whole-college approach (less 11y) Harmonisation T&L initiatives under BLP banner Lesson planning/observation has BLP focus SofW amended to include explicit reference to BLP 5. PDSA Challenges encountered / what did we learn? Semi-structured interviews Engagement Training Curriculum pressures Logistics all in different classes Counter initiatives 6. PDSA what did we learn? Core team essential Support form Headteacher Time Buy in Timetable of events Flexibility/ adaptability/ resilience 7. Measuring Student Outcomes ELLI profiles Start, middle, on transition Students capacities as self-directed learners Significant stories of change Reflective diaries Semi-structured interviews Student progress Working at grades (captured on SIMS) Learning profile score (contribution to own learning) Cf cohort Surveys Staff Students 8. Achievements to date ELLI group Staffing and logistics KLH, KWT, HPH Support and backing BLP culture Training Lesson observation form Learning Communities 9. Extract from Semi-structured Interview 10. How will we share our learning? All staff taking part in Learning Communities Share knowledge and ideas Programme evaluation ELLI Focus group evaluation Share results with Harewood College Inform curriculum planning for Avonwood Primary BLP introduced for 6th Form Sep 2014 Parental engagement 11. Our next steps Data analysis from SIMS Developing a language for learning Further staff training BLP NQT/new staff Student group 12. Any questions?