pytania rozprawkowe

Do you agree that teenagers should always listen to adults? To my mind, teenagers should listen to adults a lot, but not always. I disagree with the idea that adults are always right because it depends on the person. Sometimes adults make mistakes, do all the wrong things or are even criminals. Young people mustn't listen to their advice because these people don't know how to help them. But, most adults are good people and want to help teenagers. That's why it's a good idea to listen to those caring and honest adults. With their help, young people can understand life and how to act better. What makes a good restaurant? In my opinion, a good restaurant is a friendly place with excellent food. Good restaurants serve healthy meals and the staff know a lot about the food on the menu. Also, the decor in a good restaurant is stylish and interesting. A good restaurant is a very clean place too. It is good when the restaurant has a nice view of a garden or a park and it's not noisy. Well,... a welcoming and warm atmosphere is very important in a good restaurant as well. You want to feel relaxed and happy when you have a meal there. What is a healthy diet? In my opinion, a healthy diet contains the food rich in vitamins and proteins, such as fresh vegetables, fruit and milk products. It hasn't got a lot of carbohydrates and fat, so you don't eat many sweets and fatty things. When you are on a healthy diet, you eat small meals and you have them regularly. You also drink a lot of mineral water and you can't have a lot of coffee, sweet drinks or alcohol. In fact, you shouldn't eat out in fast food restaurants. It's a good idea to cook at home if you want to eat healthily, Are you a great fan of weekend shopping? To me, weekend shopping is a very bad idea. Firstly, I hate shops at the weekend because they are always crowded and noisy. Everyone wants to do the shopping on Saturday or Sunday

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Do you agree that teenagers should always listen to adults?

To my mind, teenagers should listen to adults a lot, but not always. I disagree with the idea that adults are always right because it depends on the person. Sometimes adults make mistakes, do all the wrong things or are even criminals. Young people mustn't listen to their advice because these people don't know how to help them. But, most adults are good people and want to help teenagers. That's why it's a good idea to listen to those caring and honest adults. With their help, young people can understand life and how to act better.

What makes a good restaurant?

In my opinion, a good restaurant is a friendly place with excellent food. Good restaurants serve healthy meals and the staff know a lot about the food on the menu. Also, the decor in a good restaurant is stylish and interesting. A good restaurant is a very clean place too. It is good when the restaurant has a nice view of a garden or a park and it's not noisy. Well,... a welcoming and warm atmosphere is very important in a good restaurant as well. You want to feel relaxed and happy when you have a meal there.

What is a healthy diet?

In my opinion, a healthy diet contains the food rich in vitamins and proteins, such as fresh vegetables, fruit and milk products. It hasn't got a lot of carbohydrates and fat, so you don't eat many sweets and fatty things. When you are on a healthy diet, you eat small meals and you have them regularly. You also drink a lot of mineral water and you can't have a lot of coffee, sweet drinks or alcohol. In fact, you shouldn't eat out in fast food restaurants. It's a good idea to cook at home if you want to eat healthily,

Are you a great fan of weekend shopping?

To me, weekend shopping is a very bad idea. Firstly, I hate shops at the weekend because they are always crowded and noisy. Everyone wants to do the shopping on Saturday or Sunday and I don't understand why. For instance, if there are some good special offers, you can't get them at the weekend because there are so many people everywhere. What's more, if you go shopping at the weekend, you don't have time for other relaxing things, such as meeting friends, going to the cinema or just watching TV. And this is something I want to do on Saturdays and Sundays when I don't have to go to school. That's why I'm definitely not a fan of weekend shopping.

What are the good sides of working for yourself?

Well, erm ... that's a good question. Working for yourself is good because you can work from home and you don't have to go to the office every day. Besides, you don't have a boss, so you can make your own decisions. It's great for people who like to be free. What's more, when you work for yourself, you can have holidays when you want and work when you want. All in all, in my opinion, it's a great idea to work for yourself.

What is your dream job?


I'd like to work as a radio DJ because I think I'd be good at this job. First of all, I'm really into music and I know a lot about the latest music trends, so I could use this at work. My English is also quite good, so I understand the song lyrics and this is very useful in this job. I'm good at talking to people too, so I could do interviews with music stars. I think I am quite clever and tell good jokes and I'm sure the radio listeners would like my programmes. Finally, a DJ's job is well-paid and really exciting. That's why it's my dream job.

Do you think the people are taking good care of the animal?

All the people in the picture look really worried and I think they really want to help the animal to feel better. Everyone is looking at the panda very carefully and probably talking to the animal. Maybe they feel very close to it and, for them, such a wild endangered animal could feel like a family pet or even a family member. The vet and the woman on the right are even touching the panda. They are not afraid at all. That's why I'm absolutely sure they are taking very good care of the panda bear.

Should all the zoos be closed?

In my opinion, zoos are a very bad idea. For instance, African animals should live on their continent, not in Europe or North America, because they can only feel happy and survive as a species in their natural environment. Many zoos don't have enough money to look after the animals really well. Some, such as the zoo in Warsaw, are in the noisy city centre and I don't think it's good for the animals. All of these places should be closed as soon as possible. But there are also some fantastic places - huge zoos with great experts, doctors and scientists. Sometimes these specialists can help endangered animals survive, so these special zoos are a very good idea. Unfortunately, there aren't too many of them. So, all in all, most zoos should be closed and only the specialist ones should stay open.

Why do young people enjoy summer camps?

Well, it's hard to say. Some teenagers love summer camps because they can spend their summer holidays in an active way. If they are into sports, adventure holidays with lots of sports activities are perfect for them. Other young people choose summer camps because they want to be far away from their parents. They prefer travelling and having fun with their friends. Personally, I love summer camps because you can meet new people, make new friends and go crazy together. I am a great fan of active holidays.

Are hitchhiking holidays always a good idea?

I can't think of one good answer. Going on hitchhiking holidays is always a great adventure, that's for sure. On the one hand, you can have fun and meet fantastic people on your way. On the other hand, it can be dangerous - you can get into trouble, travel with strange people or spend a night in a unsafe place. Personally, I believe hitchhiking is a very good idea for people who have little money, a lot of time and can travel as a group. When you travel with your friends it is safer and more exciting. It's also a great idea for people who like visiting small, unpopular places. Driving from one place to another, you can stop in small villages and towns and enjoy their atmosphere. All in all, hitchhiking is good for groups of student


travellers, but it can be a bad idea when you are older and travel alone in a dangerous country.

Which do you think is worse, telling white lies or gossiping and why?

In my view, honesty is the best policy, but if I have to choose, gossiping is worse than telling white lies. When you tell a white lie, it's often because you want to be nice to someone, or you don't want to hurt their feelings. Telling white lies is a way of helping someone, especially your friends. For example, if your girlfriend is happy with a new dress, you don't want to tell her that the colour doesn't suit her, But when people gossip about someone, they don't want to help this person. They usually want to feel better than others and for me this is wrong. That's why I think gossips are worse than liars.

Would you like to learn to play baseball?

Personally, I wouldn't like to play this sort of game because it's better for boys. For example, you have to be really strong to hit the ball and I'm not strong enough. Also I'm not too quick, so I couldn't be a really good player. Besides, it's a team sport in which you have to compete, and I prefer individual sports without too much competition and stress. My favourite sport is scuba diving.

What makes a best-selling book?

Well, that's a very good question! A real best-seller is a novel which is very attractive to many readers. In my opinion, it must have an exciting story, lively dialogues and an extremely attractive cover. Firstly, it must be easy to notice in a bookshop. That's why an original cover is so important. Secondly, it must be a pleasure to read. Readers love exotic locations, frightening adventures and characters they can identify with. The novel must have a lot in common with real life, but it also has to remind you of your incredible dreams. Take, The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, for example. It's a beautiful story with fantastic characters who have problems and ambitions like we all do. And the plot is quite dramatic and sometimes unreal, like in a very good action movie. That's what makes a best-selling novel.

Is it a good idea to see a film adaptation before reading a book? Why?

Personally, I prefer reading books to watching films, so it's a better idea to me to read the book first. First of all, when you read a novel, you can use your creativity and imagine all the characters, places and events in the book. It's easy to create the whole story in your mind and that's very exciting - for instance, the Harry Potter books. The book author had such incredible ideas that reading the novel was a great adventure. But, when I saw the films, I was really disappointed. My imagination was better than the special effects I saw on the cinema screen. On the other hand, when you see a really good film adaptation first, it can be a great invitation to read the book later. There are some books, like the stories of Sherlock Holmes, which I read after seeing their cinema version. All in all, it's a great idea to read a


book before you see a movie. But a really successful film adaptation can help you discover an exciting book as well.

What electronic gadget is the most useful for you? Why?

For me, the most useful device is my mobile phone. I think I am addicted to it and sometimes I use it too often. But it's because it's so useful. It helps me a lot because I can send and receive text messages to keep in touch with my friends. I can also call my parents and tell them that I am going to be late for dinner so they don't have to worry about me. And it's not everything. I take a lot of pictures with my mobile phone and then upload them on my blog. It's great because I can post the news very quickly with my mobile. I also use it to download audio files and listen to music on my way to school. I simply can’t imagine my life without my mobile.

What makes a good teacher?

If you ask me, a good teacher should love his or her job because students can notice that quite easily. A good teacher respects the students and tries to understand their problems. What's more, to be good at this job, you have to know a lot about the subject you teach and be good at explaining difficult things in an easy way. A good teacher can plan exciting lessons and knows how to keep his or her students interested in the subject. Most importantly, good teachers must be patient and understanding. They have to control their emotions when they give marks, test or exams and they must show positive emotions to motivate their students to study hard. As I see it, it's not easy to find a good teacher, but if you find one, you'll always remember the person.

What is the best way to encourage young people to go to university?

Nowadays, young people decide to go to university for many different reasons. The best way to encourage them is to offer them interesting courses to do at university. Besides, universities should have excellent student facilities - comfortable lecture rooms and dormitories, great sports facilities, free access to the Internet for all students and modern libraries. University teachers should also be experts with a real passion for their job and subjects. Finally, university studies should be free for all students. And the students who get very good marks or are gifted should get money to pay the fees to be able to study abroad. I'm sure those are the best ways to encourage young people to go to university.

What kind of protest would you like to join? Why?

Personally, I am absolutely passionate about animal rights, so I would like to take part in a protest against animal experiments. I'd like our politicians to do something about it and for me the only way is to protest. I am not an aggressive person, so I'd love to make a petition or write a manifesto and ask people in the streets to sign it. I could also organise a school debate and invite some experts to tell the truth about animal experiments to all the students in my school. Then we could make banners and go on a street march. It would be a great idea to set up an animal lovers' party and organise similar protests more regularly.

What can you learn from visiting foreign countries?


Well, that's a very interesting question. Personally, I love travelling and I believe that visiting foreign countries can teach you a lot of important things. First of all, you meet new people and make new friends. They come from different cultures, so you can learn a lot about their customs and traditions. That's the best way to learn the most interesting things about the world. You also become more tolerant when you see how people live and think differently from you. Besides, when you visit a foreign country and stay there for a while, you can learn the local language. This is the best method of learning languages for me. Finally, travel is also about sightseeing, listening to local music and tasting local food. It's always the most enjoyable part of my holiday. I always take plenty of pictures, bring back CDs with new music and find new recipes. Then, after many months, when I look at the photos, listen to the music or try a foreign recipe, I realise how much I have learnt from the holiday experience.

Is sightseeing a good way to spend a holiday? Why?/ Why not?

This question is quite difficult to answer because a lot depends on the person. Some people enjoy lazy holidays on the beach, so for them sightseeing is not a good idea at all. They prefer relaxation and entertainment. Other people who are more interested in learning about other cultures are great fans of sightseeing. They like to visit interesting places in their own country or abroad, and they often buy a guidebook before the trip or buy a guided tour to learn as much as possible about the places they see. What's more, photography is getting very popular as a hobby. Amateur photographers travel around with their cameras and take plenty of pictures while sightseeing. For them as well, this is the best idea for a holiday. To sum up, a sightseeing holiday is a perfect idea for travellers who want to find out more about foreign cultures and traditions or take photographs of the beautiful landscapes and sites. For many tourists who prefer doing nothing on holiday, sightseeing is not fun.

Would you prefer to go on a lazy holiday or to spend it in an active way? Why?

If you ask me, the best holiday is a peaceful and relaxing time with nothing to worry about. That's why I'd prefer to go on a lazy holiday far away from the noise and the crowds. My day-to-day life is very busy and stressful. I have to do a lot of things at school and at home. What's more, I always need to be on time, so I'm always in a hurry. I want my holiday to be totally different. Personally, I'd be much happier on an all-inclusive beach holiday than on a backpacking adventure trip where you have to make all the arrangements yourself.

Why do young people get addicted so easily these days?

As far as I can see, there are several reasons for underage 14 addictions nowadays. Firstly, young people live under a lot of stress these days. Because their parents work so hard, they don't have enough time to talk to their teenage children. And so teens are left with the stress on their own. For some, the easiest way is to try alcohol, cigarettes, legal highs, or drugs. Others feel better as a result of binge eating, playing computer games or shopping. These habits quickly become addictions they can't live without. What's more, the contemporary mass media and music industry promote celebrities who believe it is trendy to have addictions. It's enough to look at the latest music videos, teen magazines and TV programmes to understand what I mean. All kinds of addicts are becoming role models for young people. Finally, if you have enough money, you can easily buy addictive substances.


Alcohol, cigarettes, legal highs or soft drugs are easily available in places where young people often hang around. Most teenagers can afford them or find ways to get the money for them. Even if it is illegal to sell these substances to under-eighteen is very few adults respect the law. This, in my view, explains why contemporary young people get so easily addicted.

What is the best way to discourage young people from using drugs?

It s difficult to give an easy answer to this question. Everything depends on the specific situation. But generally, I believe adults can do a lot to discourage teenagers from using drugs. A lot of money should be spent on education and advertising campaigns against drugs. If youngsters understand why people use drugs and how harmful they are, and when they realise that it is not cool at all to be addicted, they will probably try to avoid drugs. To make young people understand this, we need experts who can effectively communicate this message. Only those teachers, psychologists and doctors who know how to talk to teenagers will be successful. And finally, a lot depends on parents. If they spend more time with their teenage children, talk to them every day, respect their opinions, get to know their friends and try to understand what's happening in their lives, young people won't need to look for escape outside the family. So, all in all, to me. the best way to discourage teenagers from using drugs is to teach them how to be happy without using these addictive substances.

Would you participate in a protest march and why?

It depends on so many things. First of all, I really care about animals. They have to suffer only because some rich people want to wear trendy coats, and I can't put up with that. For that reason, I would like to participate in a similar protest. On the other hand, I don't think I could take part in this kind of protest. It's too extreme for me. I wouldn't walk naked in the street. All in all, I would protest for that cause, but I would do it in a different, less extreme way.

Do you think eating out is always a good idea?

To be honest, I have never thought about it before. Let me think ... Well, eating out is definitely a perfect idea for everyone who can't cook or doesn't have enough time for cooking on his or her own. And it is also very attractive for people who enjoy experimenting with new, exotic tastes as these days you can visit all kinds of themed restaurants serving the most unusual food. The only problem seems to be money. If you decide to eat out on a daily basis, it means spending quite a lot of money on meals every day. It's probably twice as much as you spend on home cooking. So this idea would be perfect only for the people who are wealthy and can afford it. Eating out can also be a problem if you don't know the right place to have a meal. In my case, I never eat at fast food bars because I'm afraid the food may not be fresh enough or the kitchen might be not clean enough. I simply don't trust such places. On the other hand, I hear that some expensive restaurants can sometimes serve old food or have dirty kitchens as well. So eating out seems a good idea only if you are sure the place is up to your expectations. I reckon the best way to find a good place to eat out at is to ask your friends for advice or check the Internet and local guidebooks for recommendations. To put it in a nutshell, better safe than sorry.


Do you prefer to take oral or written exams and why?

As far as I'm concerned, oral exams are a much better idea. Firstly, you get a chance to talk to an examiner in person and you can explain what you mean if they don't understand your answer at first. You can also immediately correct a mistake you have made there and then. What's more, oral exams usually check your knowledge in practice - in that sense they are more useful in real-life because you can show your skills, not just give information. Besides, oral exams take less time than written tests, so they are less stressful for the student. Another advantage of oral exams is that you get the results very quickly, so you and your family don't nave to wait for ages and stress out. Finally, I am much better at talking and I usually do badly in written assignments, so personally I prefer having a conversation with an examiner to writing essays or doing written tests.

What is the best way to promote sporting activities among teenagers?

That's a good question. I've been thinking about it recently. It's funny that in the USA so many sports events attract thousands of fans. In Poland only football matches and ski jumping contests are so popular. Oh, perhaps dance contests as well. But even if young people in Poland watch sporting events, they do not really enjoy doing the sports. And I believe a lot depends on upbringing. To make things better, it would be an idea to launch a national advertising campaign to promote sports and healthy lifestyles. By doing this, we could convince teenagers that doing sports is beneficial for their health and trendy. The situation could be improved if more money was spent on building modern sports facilities in bigger and smaller towns. They should be close to schools and available to teenagers free of charge. This could lead to more young people across the country participating in sporting activities. Finally, families should do sports together in their spare time. If children learn that sport is great fun when they are still very young, they will want to take part in all sorts of sports contests later on as well. In a way, children should be taught to enjoy sports I would say. All things considered, adults can do a lot to encourage [he yuunyer generation lu get Involved in sports.

What can schools do to help students keep fit?

modern sports facilities built at the school or near the school and available for free would be a great idea. However, schools can do even more to help students keep fit. The problem could be solved by employing PE teachers who are not only good at sports but also extremely enthusiastic. A good PE teacher should know how to encourage students to compete and enjoy sports without stressing them out. Keeping fit is also connected with a healthy lifestyle. The problem of overweight teenagers could be solved if pupils knew what makes a healthy diet. If kids could learn at school how to make healthy meals, that would make things better for sure. Finally, school canteens should offer healthy meals and snacks. To sum up, if schools promoted a healthy lifestyle, students would find it easier to keep fit.

I was wondering if you could recommend a good book by a Polish author to me.

Well, in fact, I've just finished reading an autobiography of Wfadyslaw Szpilman, called The Pianist. A real treasure on the market! It s a must read for anyone who wants to understand Poland's past as it is set during World War II in Warsaw. The book is based on real-life


events and tells the story of a Polish Jewish pianist who tries to survive the war in Warsaw. As the Polish capital is occupied by the Nazis, ail the Jewish residents have to escape or hide in order to avoid suffering and death. Szpilman is one of them. With the help of some brave Poles and one German officer, he manages to stay alive, but it is not easy. This moving story is full of unexpected twists and it kept me in suspense until the very end.

How often and when do you use technology to communicate with your family members?

Never thought about it before. Hmm ... Well, actually I use all kinds of technological gadgets to stay in touch with my family every single day. I think it happens so often because everyone in my family has a very busy life and we seldom have enough time to sit down and talk together face-to-face. But of course, we have to keep in touch during the day. There are hundreds of reasons. I usually text my parents when I need to tell them where I am or when I am going to get back home. I have an iPhone so I tweet my brother a lot. Sometimes we even argue on Twitter. Well, and there's my girlfriend ... Let me put it this way. She's not my family member yet, not officially anyway, but we are very close. We do skype practically every evening, having video conversations or simply chatting online. I must admit I didn't realise how much technology affects the way I communicate with my family. What is the best part-time job for a student?

It's difficult to choose one part-time job which would suit all the students. It has to be rewarding and quite well-paid, but it can't be too challenging as people of that age are not experienced enough. Most students hate mundane tasks, so the work can't be boring, either. I would consider two options: a job as a personal assistant and a sales representative. In these two jobs, you can learn a lot from other people and you can be on flexitime, which is important for students. As a PA, you can show your communication and organisation skills and if you are successful you can get a permanent job and later get promoted. Working as a sales rep, you learn how to persuade people to do things for you, how to negotiate and it's also easy to see the results of your work. If you sell a lot, you get a pay rise. This is what matters to many students. With both jobs, you get some perks too, such as a company car, a laptop or a mobile. That too can be quite appealing to a student. If I had to choose myself, I would apply for a PA job because I love working in a team.

What are the disadvantages of working for a big company?

Although many people dream of working for an international corporation, I think there are too many negative aspects connected with working at such big companies. The greatest disadvantage is the hours you have to spend at work. To give you one example, take my brother. He works for a multinational company and does a lot of overtime. Sometimes he even works at the weekend. As a consequence, he is exhausted and has no time to enjoy our family life. Another drawback is the atmosphere at work. In a big company everyone wants to do better than others. One reason is to earn more. The other is that most employees simply don't want to be made redundant, so they try really hard. The competition makes people aggressive and it's very difficult to work with colleagues who think you are their biggest enemy. There is also one more negative aspect which is very important to me personally. Working for a corporation, you have to follow a specific dress code and I hate wearing suits.


I can't stand it when everyone in the office looks exactly the same -grey and boring. For those reasons. I'd prefer to be self-employed.

Where do you do shopping more often? -gdzie najczęściej robisz zakupy

It depends on that what kind of things I need to buy. If I want to buy some food, I go to one of supermarkets nearby. But if I want to buy Version for ladies: some clothes for myself I go to my favourite boutiques. Of course clothes aren’t cheap there but I am sure they are fashionable and made of good quality material/fabric. What’s more, I buy on the internet because I can find almost every product there. What’s more, I can bargain(negocjować by obniżyć cene) the price what isn’t possible in local shops.

Do you think if it is important who you spend your holiday with?-czy uważasz ze ważne jest to z kim się spędza wyjazd

Of course it is important because the best holiday I mean wonderful places(destination), the perfect weather, accommodation in five star hotels may be ruined by people, who are different to us, because they don’t have the same interests and prefer spending free holiday time in ways, which are unacceptable for us.

Why is it better to go on trips out of season? -dlaczego lepiej jest jezdzic na wycieczki poza sezonem

There are a lot of advantages connected with going on trips out of summer season but imothe most important are lower prices, peace and quiet during the season, these places are busy/crowded and noisy. What’s more, you don’t have to book a few months earlier and pay deposits.

1. Why do you use a mobile phone? Dlaczego używasz telefonu?

First of all, I use my mobile to be in touch with my family and best friends and by the way to surf on the Internet, listen to music, play games, watch movies and to take photos when I don’t have my digital camera with me.

: 1.How to encourage young people to healthy food?Jak zachecic mlodych ludzi do zdrowego jedzenia

IMO, the best place to encourage young people to eat healthy food are schools, because they are responsible for education, so they should promote it by inviting experts, doctors to convince young people during their lecturers. Posters promoting health eating habits on the walls in classes would be a good idea too.

2.What can I do to promote healthy food?Co mogę robić, aby promować zdrową żywność

First of all, I shouldn’t eat junk food myself and have health eating habits to show that I’m in good shape and what’s the most important, I feel very well, so I’m the best example to follow me.

What can you do to stop smoking by young people?co można zrobić żeby młodzi ludzie nie palili papierosów.

First of all, it is necessary to show them destroying results of smoking. IMO, the best place to do it is school, because it is responsible for education, so it can invite experts, doctors to convince young people during their lecturers. Posters showing destroying results of smoking would be helpful too.


Is it difficult to give up addictions?czy cieżko jest wyjsc z uzależnienia

I’m convinced that it’s very difficult to give up addictions because a lot of people aren’t able to do it and they need somebody’s help I mean medical treatment in hospital, support by experts and family.

Is it important to eat meals together? czy to wazne aby jesc wspolnie posilki?

In my opinion, it is important, because it is a perfect period of time to spend it together and what’s the most important, talk to each other about interesting things for us.

Do you think if set books at schools are interesting , would you like to change them?czy lektury w szkole sa fajne i czy chcialabym je zmienic.

In my opinion the choice of set books(lektury) is very difficult to make most students glad, but I think they are quite interesting, so I woldun’t like to change them. Not every student has the same interests, so they prefer reading different books. I am convinced set books first of all should encourage to read, because most students dislike reading

What are disadventages of having parties in public places? drugie minusy robienia imprezy w takim miejscu publicznym

There are a lot of disadventages connected with having parties in public places but imo the most important is: no privacy(zero prywatności), because there are a lot of people in places like these.Next disadvantage is price, because most restaurants are very expensive and you have to book it earlier.

What are teenagers’ favourite activites? jakie są rozrywki nastolatków

Imo teenagers’ favourite activites depend on (zależą od) their interests. So some of them do sports, go to cinemas, discos, clubs, pubs. Unfourtunately, others stay at home, especially boys and play computer games, watch films and surf on the internet.

Where do you do shopping? gdzie najczęściej robisz zakupy

It depends on that what kind of things I need to buy. If I want to buy some food, I go to one of supermarkets nearby. But if I want to buy something more I try to buy it on the internet because I can find almost every product there. What’s more, I can bargain(negocjować by obniżyć cene) the price what isn’t possible in local shops.

Do you do shopping on the internet? kupujesz on-line? Of course, I do shopping on the internet, because I can find the best product and buy not only in Poland, but abroad too. What’s more, I can bargain(negocjować by obniżyć cene) the price what isn’t possible in local shops. So buying on the internet is very comfortable because it is faster, cheaper, easier and what the most important we can do it sitting comfortably in front of computer at home.

Do you think, if you can cook well? jak myślisz czy dobrze gotujesz?

Of course, I can cook, but not very well, because I can cook different pasta and make main courses with baked meat and potatoes. I hope I will be a good cook in the future.


Do you like eating in fast food restaurants ?czy lubisz jeść w fastfoodach

I don’t like eating in fast food restaurant, because this kind of restaurants serve rather unhealthy food, so I avoid eating there because most meals are junk food.

- What man’s activities are the most harmful for natural environment jakie działania człowieka szkodzą najbardziej środowisku?

The worst activities are connected with industry especialy in countries which are not developed. I mean big factories polluting not only air but water and soil too.

- Do you think if Polish people protect natural environment? jak myślisz, czy Polacy dbają o Środowisko naturalne, wyjaśnij.

It’s difficult to say because I don’t know any statistic data connected with this problem but IMO more and more people sort rubbish to protect NE. What’s more, improving this situation depends on local authorities because they should organise recycling and support inhabitants (mieszkańców)who want to sort rubbish, (wastes, litter, junk, garbage).

-Do you prefer buying new or used things? Czy wolisz kupować nowe rzeczy czy używane.

It’s difficult to decide because it depends on kind of thing. If something is in good condition or slightly used(lekko zużyte) and what’s more, it is for a good price, of course I buy it. But generally, I prefer buying brand new things especialy electric devices because they are under guaranty.

What do you think about the meditation? co myślisz o medytacji

In my opinion it is useful for people who live in a hurry (pospiech)so they need some time to relax/ rest and first of all, feel better not only phisicaly but especialy mentaly.

What are teenagers’ favourite activities gdzie najchetniej chodzi mlodziez?

Clubbing going to pubs , doing sports, discoes cinemas

Do you think if it’s a good idea to go to the museum abroad ? - czy uwazasz ze to dobry pomysl, zeby za granica isc do jakiegos muzeum.

Of course, it is a good idea because visiting museums broadens our minds and what’s more, we can learn / find out more about history of this country, it’s culture , religion , music, customs and many more.

- dlaczego graffiti jest postrzegane jako sztuka?"

Graffiti is real art because it is different kind of fine arts because the paintings are created on the walls but not on canvas(płutno) and paper. Good example to prove it is Banksy who is one of the most famous graffiti artist in the world and his works of arts/masterpieces are not only expensive but also really well known.


What advantages were during your trip? zalety podróżowania, jakie były zalety podczas Twojej wycieczki.Of course there were a lot of advantages of my trip but imo the most important was. First of all, I visited one of the most beautiful and the oldest cities in Poland, I mean Cracov, the capital of Poland in the past so I saw really impressive monuments, I liked to of them best, I mean royal castle called wawel and museum with amazing exhibits especially paintings. What are disadvantages of staying at the seaside? Wady wyjazdu nad morze.

Staying in Poland at the seaside is rather expensive because summer season is short,what’s more, the weather is more often bad and what’s worse the water in the sea is cold and dirty, beaches are crowded (busy) and noisy.

- Do you think if sightseeing/visiting has more advantages or disadvantages? Czemu warto zwiedzać czy jakoś tak. Czy to naucza

Imo, there are a lot of advantages conntected with sightseeing but I am convinced the most important ones are: the first it broadens our minds and helps to develop our skills and abilities. What’s more, we can learn / find out more about history of this country, it’s culture , religion , music, customs and many more.

- Do you like exams?

CZY LUBIE EGZAMINY Of course when I’am well prepared for them, unfortunately the others are very stressful for me, like for most students, who didn’t have enough time to revise because especially in Polish schools students have to much homework and information which they have to learn by heart or the subject is difficult to understand and learn. - Why don’t teenagers like taking part in PE lessons?Czemu nastolatkowie nie lubia uczestniczyc w zajeciach z WFu? When teenagers are plump, weak, smaller than their classmates or they haven’t got abilities.

- Czy Polska jest krajem spełniającym oczekiwania sportowcow? (stadiony, sciezki rowerowe, blabla)

It depends on the kind of sportsmen. Imo in Poland there are enough sports facilities for teenagers, the best example are sport centres called ORLIK. Completely different situation is connected with professional sportsmen because they need more money to spend on the best equipment, coaches(trenerzy), doctors, advisers(doradcy), expercts, sports facilities to train(trenować(practise))

- Which way does healty lifestyle influance on a man ? jaki wplyw ma na czlowieka zdrowy tryb zycia ? There are a lot of different advantages of healthy lifestyle but in my opinion the most important are longer lives, , getting ill not so often/rarely, more energy and generally feeling better because you’re in good shape/ you’re fit.

-What to do to have healvy lifestyle? jak prowadzic zdrowy tryb zycia ?

To do it we must remeber about 4 the most important conditions, I mean healthy diet,( avoiding eating junk food and drinking fizzy drinks) no addictions,( especially taking drugs, drinking alcohol, smoking,) doing sports and a proper way to relax/ rest

Would you like to be a famous person ?-czy chciałbyś byc sławny? czemu tak/nie??


I wouldn’t like to be a famous person because imo there are more disadvanatages(wad) than advantages(zalety) I mean no private life, paparazzi follow celebrities all the time, stressful work, false friends, worring about children I mean kidnaping

-Why do ordinary(zwykli ,przecietni) people want to meet celebrities and get their autographs? czemu ludzie chca sie spotkac z gwaizadmai i miec ich autograf(czy coś takiego) Ordinary people want to meet celebrities, because they are their fans and they love them, so they want to have some souvenirs and IMO an autograph is an easy kind(rodzaj) of souvenir to get.

- Do you like going with your parents on holiday ?czy lubisz jeździć z rodzicami na wczasy?

I like going with my parents on holiday, because we have the same interests I mean visiting foregin countries, so during summer holiday we have a great time together. Our favourite countries are especially Asian countries, because the weather is always perfect there and of course many impressive monuments to visit. The next important advantage is money, I don’t worry about anything, because my parents pay for everything.

Can you describe a trip which was badly organised - opowiedz źle zorganizowaną wycieczkę.

Yes of course I remember such a trip. It was 2 years ago and it was organised by London Travel Agency to Bath.The coach arrived later than scheduled. We had to wait in the street on a hot day, which was very tiring. After two hours of travelling the coach broke down and we had to wait for the road side assistance. Reparing lasted very long and we lost one full day of our trip, so we didn’t visit all places and monuments. The worst thing was a problem with getting my money back. Fortunately this Travel Agency gave me a discount for next trip and this one was amazing.

- What are consequances of smoking jakie są konsekwencje palenia nikotyny?

According to scientific researches smoking cigarets causes many the worst ilnesses/disseases for people especially connected with cancer(rak), I mean cancer of lungs(płuca) and throat. I don’t know any statistic data connected with number (ilość do policzalnych, amount of money ilosc do niepoliczalnych) of dying because of smoking cigarets, but I’m sure many people aren’t able to give up it/cope(poradzić sobie) with it and they die earlier than the others.

-Who kto jest najbardziej narażony na uzależnienia.

In my opinion many diferent groups of people may be addicted easily. It depends on (to zalezy od) bad company(towarzystwo), especially membership(czlonkostwo) in one of subcultures where taking drugs is typical for their members for example fans of metal or reggae music, curiosity(ciekawość) or influence(wpływ) by peers(równiesnicy) especially among young people. Quite different situation is connected with adults(dorosli), the main reasons are stressful situations, unemployment(bezrobocie), serious(powaznie) illnesses, depression. People who have well paid jobs or important positions are under preasure to be successful all the time.

What do you do to stay healthy? co robisz aby byc zdrowym?

Of course to stay healthy I prefer healthy lifestyle, I mean healthy food, no addictions, doing sports and proper way of resting/relaxing.


Describe a situation when you or your friend needed a doctor’s help? opisz sytuacje w ktorej Ty albo Twoj kolega mieliscie doczynienia z lekarzem

Of course, I remember such a situation. It was last winter during my holiday in the mountains. One day the weather was really awful but I wanted to ski. It was the worst day in my life. It was foggy and snowy so when I was skiing suddenly I fell down and I broke my leg. Fortunately, I had my mobile phone with me and I called rescue team who took me to hospital by helicopter. I had to stay in hospital for two weeks. Doctors and nurses were very kind for me, especially one of them. He visited me every day and he was very helpful, because he gave me painkillers.And what’s the most important, he helped me to recover, soon. Now everything is ok and I can walk without any problems. Maybe I will go skiing next year.

Do you think, what kind of danger situations can foreign tourists have during their stay in Poland? jak myslisz jakie niebezpieczenstwa moga spotkac turysci kiedy beda w Polsce?

First of all they can be stolen by thiefs, pickpockets or muggers. Maybe they will be cheated by waiters, barmans, and taxi drivers

Why is Poland the country worth of visiting? dlaczego Polska jest krajem wartym odwiedzenia?

First of all, Poland is one of the nicest countries in central Europe. So there are many amazing places to see like e.g. Lake District in Masuria, the Tatra Mountains,The Sudety Mountains(Narnia) Jura Highlands and the largest cities Kraków, Lublin, Poznań, Warszawa, Wrocław and many more.. The most popular and known is Kraków which is the most beautiful and the oldest city in Poland. In the past, this city was the capital of Poland so there are a lot of impressive old monuments.

Do you think why young people don’t like going to the theatre? Jak myślisz dlaczego młodzi ludzie nie lubią chodzić do teatru

IMO young people don’t like going to theatre, because they prefer quite different kind of entertainment. I mean watching movies, playing computer games especialy boys, clubbing. I can say most teenagers think/claim opera, museums and theatres are boring.

-Do you think if celebrities/famous/well known/popular people feel happy? Czy ludzie popularni czują się szczęśliwi

IMO some of famous people feel unhappy because their lives are stressful, they are followed by paparazzi, fans, so their private lives are very difficult, they need security, they are worried about their children.

Why don’t teenagers want to wear uniforms? Dlaczego młodzież nie chce nosić mundurków

What is your opinion about perfect school?Jak twoim zdaniem wygląda idealna szkoła

Do students like uniforms? czy uczniowie lubią mundurki

czy second school przygotowuje młodzież dobrze do przyszłości

- Is the water necessary for people? czy woda jest jest potrzebna dla ludzi


Of course, the water is necessary for people, because man isn’t able to live/be alive without water. Human body consists of 80% of water. Generally the whole natural environment can’t excist without water. So water and oxygen are the most important things for people.

- What kind of events make people realise that people should take care of environment? jakie imprezy uświadamiają ludziom że należy dbać o środowisko

-czy woda jest ludziom potrzebna?

Water is essential to life. Thanks to her we have a tree, we can prepare the food. Water is needed for everything.

-jakie imprezy uświadamiają ludziom, że należy dbać o środowisko?/

Why do people go abroad? Dlaczego ludzie wyjeżdżają za granice?

The answer depends on many situations. Some people leave their countries to improve their economical situations

-dlaczego idziemy na uniwersytet?

I would like to go to uniwerstytet, in order to have the education and then find a good job.

- Co sprawia że człowiek jest szczupły - Dlaczego ludzie jedzą fast-food? - Kto lepiej gotuje, mężczyźni czy kobiet ? - Czy polscy ludzie zdrowo się odżywiają ?

-gdzie robisz zakupy?

For shopping go to the supermarket because it is cheaper and there is a big choice.

-czy lubie fast foody?

Do not like fast food because they are unhealthy. -moja ulubiona rzecz?

My favorite thing is the phone, so that I can communicate with friends. -jak wygląda twoje typowe śniadanie?

/ My typical breakfast consists of tea and sandwiches.

-gdzie spędzasz czas ze znajomymi?

Usually I go to the cinema and bowling. -co sprawia, ze człowiek jest szczupły?

/ The man is slim, because he eats healthily and exercises a lot. -kto lepiej gotuje?/ It seems to me that both men and women of good cooking. It depends on the skill and labor. -dlaczego ludzie jedzą fast-foody?/ People eat fast food because they are cheap and quick to prepare.


-czy polacy zdrowo się odżywiają?/ It seems to me that it is not because they have no time to cook, have to work.

- w jaki sposob najbardizej lubisz komunikowac sie z ludzmi

- opowiedzieć czy masz telefon i czy go używasz

- sytułacje w jakiej nie miałes telefonu i co zrobiłeś

-czy wszyscy powinni miec prawo jazdy?/

-najlepszy srodek transportu?

- czy uważam, że polscy artyści i muzyka mają szansę zaistnieć na świecie - czy nastolatkowie lubia nosic mundurki? - Co lubilas w swojej szkole? - Czy chcialabys pracowac na dworzu? - Czemu nastolatkowie nie lubia muzyki klasycznej? - Czy polskie gwiazdy maja szanse na bycie swiatowymi gwiazdami?

-czy nastolatkowie lubią nosić mundurki?/

-I thing young people don’t want to wear uniforms because they feel better in own cloth which thay choose. -co lubiłaś w szkole?/ Most classes I liked the music, because I love to sing. -czy chciałabyś pracowac na dworzu?/

Yes, because I would have access to fresh air, which is healthy for the body. -czemu nastolatkowie nie lubią muzyki klasycznej?/ -czy polskie gwiazdy mają szansę na bycie światowymi gwiazdami?/

- co sądzisz o reality show? - gdzie byś chciał pojechać na wakacje? - jaka jest najlepsza pora na robienie zakupow - I think the best shopping in the evening because it is then less people. - Gdzie lubisz robic swiateczne zakupy - I like to do Christmas shopping at the supermarket because I can get everything in one place.

-czy chciałabyś mieć egzotyczne zwierze?/ So I would like to have an exotic pet, especially a small tiger, they are awfully cute.

-jaki wpływ na twoje życie lasy tropikalne?/

Tropical forests are important for many animals, because they create appropriate conditions for their lives.

-jaki typ robotów najbardziej posunie ludzkość do przodu?

/ It seems to me that robots will play a big role in cleaning, which will carry out all activities for the people. -czy roboty sa w stanie myślec?/


The robots are only programmed mechanism that responds to commands.

- Czy Anglia wydaje ci sie ciekawym miejscem

- czy lubisz spedzac czas samemu w odosobnieniu od innych i dlaczego

-czy pomagasz ludziom bezdomnym czy to jest dobre

I don’t help homeless people because I don’t have enough money and free time but I think people should do it because it can give them a lot of satisfaction.

- Jak według mnie zmieni się telewizja w przyszłości.

-idealny pokój dla nastolatka?/ Perfect teen room should be practical and well furnished. -wady mieszkania w bloku?/

Living in the block are doomed to be neighbors, who often behave loudly.

- Czy uważasz, że kupowanie jedzenia przed internet wejdzie całkowicie w życie? - Co jest najgorsze: palenie, picie czy (cos tam jeszcze).

- czy lubisz sporty wyczynowe/niebezpieczne?

- I don’t like dangerous sports because I have fear of water, fire and heights

. - Jakie są minusy pobytu w miejscowościach wypoczynkowych?

- If you spend time in holiday resorts you pay more for accommodation and for food. There are lots of people and lots of rubbish.

- czy podróże są potrzebne

- dlaczego nastolatkowie ubierają się jak ich idole?

- czy uważam że kupowanie w second-handach jest dobrym pomysłem


- Czy ja często gotuje i czy to lubie ? - coś o 'dobrym' posiłku gdzie poszłabym z rodziną - Czy Ty pomagasz w kuchni?

- W szkole jest dużo agresji, co można z tym zrobić- jakoś tak - coś, że młodzież jest teraz bardziej agresywna, i że często spotykam takich ludzi - czy sama byłam świadkiem jakiegoś napdu/ agresji - Dlaczego młodzi ludzie kradną? - Czy uważasz, że w Polsce jest duży problem złodziejstwa?

- Schools should be monitored, teachers should control aggressive students. There should be more meetings with psychologists.

- dlaczego ludzie poddają się operacjom plastycznym

-dlatego ludzie poddają się operacjom plastycznym?/ People want to stop the aging process. They think that they will be forever young thanks to surgery.

- Czy uwazam ze Polska jest atrakcyjnym panstwem do przyjazdu na wakacje? - czy gory sa bardziej atrakcyjne latem czy zimą? - czym powinien sie wyrozniac czlowiek ktory podrozuje - najpopularniejsze miejsce w polsce do wypoczynku

-czy jesz zdrowe jedzenie?/

Yes, I try to eat healthy food, because it is important for my body -czy mundurki są popularne wśród nastolatków?/

Uniforms are not popular among teens, because young people want to have your own style, unlike any other. -czy uważam, że Polska jest atrakcyjnym państwem do przyjazdu na wakacje?/

In Poland there are many interesting and worthwhile places that really are worth seeing.

-czy góry są bardziej atrakcyjne latem czy zimą?/

The mountains are more attractive in winter, because you can then enjoy skiing.

-zalety wymiany międzynarodowej studentów

/ While international trade may be to learn the language, know the history and culture of the country.

- Czy palenie papierosów to duży problem w Polsce. - Czy nastolatkowie lubią czytać i kupować gazety. - Jakie są wady długiego podróżowania.


- wady i zalety poróżowania autobusem

In the long trip I would choose a modern car, because you can at any time to stop and rest. The bus is crowded and uncomfortable. The advantages of traveling by bus is that you can get some sleep, and enjoy the view outside the window. The disadvantages is that the bus takes you much longer, and usually it is very hot in the bus.

- minusy gry zespołowej

The downside of team play is that often people argue, because something was done wrong.

- dlaczego bycie sportowcem moze byc przyjemne

dlaczego bycie sportowcem może być przyjemne?/ It can be fun, because you earn a lot of money, and everyone knows us.

- co myślę o występach zwierząt w cyrku - czy lubię chodzić do zoo, opowiedzieć o tym doświadczeniu Animals should not work in the circus! One is at the same tired, have no strength for anything. -czy lubię chodzić do zoo?/ I enjoy going to the zoo, because I love animals.

-czy jestes za wpuszczaniem turystow do parkow krajobrazowych czy jakis tam

No. Because people could destroy the environment, and scare the animals that live there.

- czy dzieci powinny chodzić do przedszkoli/żłobków

- czy chcesz byc zawodowa artystka?

- czy to jest mecz profesjonalny czy amatorski? - czy lubisz grac w sporty drużynowe?

- jakie jedzenie powinno sie podowac w stolowkach szkolnych?

- School canteen should serve healthy food with a lot of meat and salads because tenagers needs many vitamins and proteins.


- bycie politykiem to nie prawdziwa praca czy zgadzasz sie z tym stwierdzeniem Being a politician, I believe, is the work. They must care for our country to get things working.

- czy mlodzi ludzie interesuja sie polityka tak/nie dlaczego

Do young people not interested in politics because they do not have the time and they are bored.

-czy lubię biwaki?/ I do not like, because I'm afraid to sleep outside.

czy w polsce mlodziez zdrowo sie odzywia?


co robie, aby nie wyrzucac jedzenia?

-czy lubisz spędzać wakacje w mieście?/ I do not like because it is very hot here, and there is nothing to do. -jak myślisz czy wojna jest zła czy dobra?

/ War is evil, because it shares a lot of people, and carries a lot of damage. -co możemy zrobić zeby pomóc ludziom zyjącym w krajach objętych wojną

?/ You can provide them with the necessities of life products. -jakie jest twoje ulubione święto rodzinne?/

I like Christmas, because then we meet his family and give each other gifts. -czy czesto jemy w domu rodzinne posiłki?/ Eat family meals every Sunday. -czy wspólne posiłki z rodziną sa dla Ciebie ważne?/ Yes, they are very important because they bring together family.