quran cce 04a ikhlaas

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  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Understand Quran the EasyUnderstand Quran the Easy


    For Primary School Children (Book-1)For Primary School Children (Book-1)

    Lesson-4: Surah Al-IkhlaasLesson-4: Surah Al-Ikhlaas

    In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    If we understand this Surah then we willIf we understand this Surah then we willknow who Allah is. Our faith will in Allahknow who Allah is. Our faith will in Allah

    will be pure and correct. No wrongwill be pure and correct. No wrongideas or beliefs.ideas or beliefs.

    Prophet Muhammad pbuh said that thisProphet Muhammad pbuh said that thisSurah equals to one third of the wholeSurah equals to one third of the wholeQuran. Because, it teaches us aboutQuran. Because, it teaches us aboutAllahs attributes or qualities.Allahs attributes or qualities.

    Al-Ikhlaas: Purity (of faith)Al-Ikhlaas: Purity (of faith)

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    ExampleExample Some people ask help from statues,Some people ask help from statues,

    pictures, idols, etc. Let me ask you apictures, idols, etc. Let me ask you aquestion. If those idols fall and break,question. If those idols fall and break,can they repair themselves??? Nooooo.can they repair themselves??? Nooooo.

    They cannot even lift themselves up. They cannot even lift themselves up. Then how are they going to help us? Then how are they going to help us?

    Therefore we should worship Allah alone Therefore we should worship Allah aloneand ask for His help alone. He Createdand ask for His help alone. He Createdall of us and the whole world, He caresall of us and the whole world, He caresfor us, loves us, and we all will return tofor us, loves us, and we all will return toHim.Him.

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Let us start with the 1Let us start with the 1 stst


    anyone. comparable unto Him And (there) is not'aad kufu wa Walamyakul-la-Hoo )4(

    is He begotten, and nor He did neitherbeget

    Allah, the Self-Sufficient.walamyoolad Lamyalid 'Allahu-amad

    )3( )2(

    [who is] One. (is) Allah, He Say,'Aad Hu-wAllahu ul




  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Qul: SayQul: Say Qul - Qul means Say. Here, AllahQul - Qul means Say. Here, Allah

    is telling the Prophet pbuh, and to allis telling the Prophet pbuh, and to all

    of us to first understand this Surahof us to first understand this Surahandand then tell it to otherthen tell it to other s in the mosts in the mostbeautiful and kind way.beaut

    iful and kind way.

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Ahad: One and Only OneAhad: One and Only One There is no partner to Him. He does There is no partner to Him. He does

    not need any help at all. He Alonenot need any help at all. He Alone

    created us, and He alone should becreated us, and He alone should beworshipped and obeyed.worshipped and obeyed. If we do not believe in Him or obeyIf we do not believe in Him or obey

    Him, then we will be ungrateful toHim, then we will be ungrateful toAllah, and Allah will be very angryAllah, and Allah will be very angrywith us.with us.

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Example: How manyExample: How many

    mothers do you have?mothers do you have? If someone asks you how manyIf someone asks you how manymothers we have, how will we feel?mothers we have, how will we feel?

    Very angry.Very angry. If we get angry about such a question,If we get angry about such a question,then imagine how angry Allah will getthen imagine how angry Allah will getif we say there is more than one God!if we say there is more than one God!

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Practice 1Practice 1 stst Verse 3 times;Verse 3 times;Go to the nextGo to the next

    [who is] One. (is) Allah, He Say,'Aad Hu-wAllahu ul




  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Practice 2Practice 2 ndnd Verse 3Verse 3times;times;

    Allah, the Self-Sufficient.



  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    As-Samad: Self-As-Samad: Self-

    SufficientSufficient All of us need His help. We ask Him forAll of us need His help. We ask Him forour health, food, money, toys, clothes,our health, food, money, toys, clothes,

    Paradise etc.Paradise etc. He needs no food, no sleep or no rest. HeHe needs no food, no sleep or no rest. Hewatches over us all the time, even whenwatches over us all the time, even whenwe are sleeping. He does not need anywe are sleeping. He does not need anyhelp from any one.help from any one.

    He is sufficient for Himself, i.e., Self-He is sufficient for Himself, i.e., Self-sufficient.`sufficient.`

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Practice 2Practice 2 ndnd Verse 3Verse 3times; Go to 3times; Go to 3 rdrd

    is He begotten, and nor He did neither beget

    walamyoolad Lamyalid


    Allah, the Self-Sufficient.'Allahu-amad


  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    He has no son orHe has no son or

    daughterdaughter Allah is the All-Mighty and thereforeAllah is the All-Mighty and thereforeHe does not need any partner, or anyHe does not need any partner, or any

    children.children. Allah did not give birth to anyone orAllah did not give birth to anyone oranything.anything.

    Allah does not grow old and thereforeAllah does not grow old and thereforedoes not need the help of children likedoes not need the h elp of children likeold people need helpold people need help ..

  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    He has No father,He has No father,No motherNo mother

    No one created Allah or gave birth toNo one created Allah or gave birth toHim.Him.

    He has the power to create everythingHe has the power to create everything just by a single command: just by a single command: Be!Be! And itAnd itis created.is created.

    There was never a time when Allah There was never a time when Allahwas not there or when He was born.was not there or when He was born.

    Allah was alwa s there is alwa s

    is He begotten, and norwalamyoolad


  • 8/14/2019 Quran CCE 04a Ikhlaas


    Practice 3Practice 3 rdrd Verse 3Verse 3times;times;

    is He begotten, and nor He did neitherbeget

    walamyoolad Lamyalid )3(