radionuclides in groundwater - wild apricot · soil – mixture of long and short half-lives ... et...

Radionuclides in Groundwater State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa Dustin May Laboratory Supervisor

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Page 1: Radionuclides in Groundwater - Wild Apricot · soil – Mixture of long and short half-lives ... et al. Occurrence of Selected Radionuclides in Ground Water Used for Drinking Water

Radionuclides in Groundwater

State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa

Dustin May

Laboratory Supervisor

Page 2: Radionuclides in Groundwater - Wild Apricot · soil – Mixture of long and short half-lives ... et al. Occurrence of Selected Radionuclides in Ground Water Used for Drinking Water

• What is radioactivity? And more importantly, why should you care?

Page 3: Radionuclides in Groundwater - Wild Apricot · soil – Mixture of long and short half-lives ... et al. Occurrence of Selected Radionuclides in Ground Water Used for Drinking Water

• Types of Radioactivity – Alpha (α)

• Helium nucleus, 2 protons, 2 neutrons, positive charge – Beta (β-/β+)

• Electrons or Positrons, can have negative or positive charge – Photons (Gamma/X-Rays)

• Electromagnetic radiation • Often occur as a result of beta decay or electron capture

(γ/x-rays) or due to material interaction (x-ray, Bremsstrahlung)

– Neutrons • Deeply penetrating, usually man-made, often in particle



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• Radioactivity Units – Becquerel (Bq) = disintegrations per second, SI

Unit, named after Henri Becquerel – Curies (Ci) = 2.22x1012 disintegrations per minute,

named after Marie & Pierre Curie • Roughly the disintegrations per minute of 1 gram of

radium-226…it’s a long story. •


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• Health Physics – Radioactive particles cause damage to cells and

DNA – Usually via either direct action (kinetic) or indirect

action (free-radicals and reactive oxygen species) – Two main types of effects, stochastic and

deterministic – Exposure to radiation comes from many sources – There is no such thing as a “safe” dose of radiation


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• Natural Radioactivity – Generally the result of

two decay series, originating from the primordial nuclides, Th-232 and U-238

– K-40 is the most abundant radioactive nuclide

• Also the only natural positron emitter

– Cosmic Radiation • Gamma/X-Rays,

particles generated in in atmosphere

Figure 1. Autunite ore, Calcium uranyl phosphate (Parent, 2011)


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• Uranium Series – Abundant in rock and

soil – Mixture of long and

short half-lives – Leads to complex

relationships – Radium is especially

soluble • Ra-226 is usually

most concerning in water

– Radon is a noble gas, low adsorption, non-reactive


Figure 2. Uranium decay chain. Half-lives and decay information were obtained from the NuDat 2 Database (NNDC 2013). Abbreviations: d, days; h, hours; m, minutes; s, seconds; y, years.

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• Thorium Series – Thorium is more

abundant than U – Radium especially

soluble • Ra-228 usually

most concerning in water, but has a much shorter t1/2 than Ra-226

– Half-lives are very different than U series


Figure 3. Natural thorium decay chain. Half-lives and decay information were obtained from the NuDat 2 Database (NNDC 2013). Abbreviations: d, days; h, hours; m, minutes; s, seconds; y, years.

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Radioactive Equilibrium

A. Figure 4. Secular Equilibrium, daughter t1/2 <<< parent t1/2 B. Figure 5. Transient Equilibrium, daughter t1/2 < parent t1/2 C. Figure 6. No Equilibrium, daughter t1/2 > parent t1/2



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Groundwater and Minerals

Figure 7. Interaction between minerals and groundwater (Porcelli & Swarzenski, 2003)

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Iowa Bedrock Aquifers

Figure 8. Iowa bedrock aquifers (Prior et al, 2003).

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• Drinking Water Regulations – Community water

supplies • >15 connections or

25 persons • Safe Drinking Water

Act (SDWA) – Combined Radium –

MCL = 5 pCi L-1

• Only Ra-226 and Ra-228

Risk Based Regulation

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• Drinking Water Regulations – Uranium – MCL = 30 μgL-1

• Regulated as mass, not radioactivity

– Gross Alpha Particles – MCL = 15 pCiL-1

• Regulated excluding Uranium

– Gross Beta/Photon Emitters – MCL = 4 mremyr-1

• No enforcement in Iowa • Dependent on

susceptibility to man-made nuclides

Risk Based Regulation

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• Review of Risk from Public Water Supplies – Risk calculated based of EPA FGR 13 – Several assumptions made

• 2 Liters consumed/day • Lifetime of consumption (70 years)

– EPA guidelines for Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) • 1:10,000 to 1:1,000,000 mortal cancer incidence (CI)

• Available Data, Public Water Supplies in Iowa 2012-2017 – 547 Community Water Systems Tested – 856 Gross Alpha Analyses – 293 Uranium Analyses – 1049 Ra-226 Analyses – 1055 Ra-228 Analyses – 1.62 million Iowans Served


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Risk Based Regulation

Figure 9. Risk Estimate for Iowans Consuming Public Drinking Water (May, 2017)

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• Private Drinking Water – No regulation – Installation testing,

few tested for radionuclides

– Many wells are not treated

– Water softening – Radionuclide

impact in private well water

Risk Based Regulation

Figure 18. Well Spudder (Wikipedia, 2016)

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Figure 10. Uranium Decay Series (Nelson, unpublished)

• Polonium-210 – Alpha emitter – High specific activity

(166 TBqg-1)3 – Uranium series – t1/2 = 138 days – Parent Pb-210

• t1/2 = 22.2 years

Current Research

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• Polonium-210 Health Risk – ~50% ingested Po-210

retained (ICRP, 1993; Thomas et al, 2001)

– Accumulates in reticuloendothelial system (Moroz & Parfenov, 1971)

• liver, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes

– Ra-226 and Pb-210 incorporate into bony tissue

• Potential source of Po-210

Current Research

Figure 11. Death by acute radiation syndrome via Po-210 (Telegraph, 2006)

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• Iowa Groundwater Monitoring Project – Fall 2015 Sampling, 59 sites – Public Wells – Mostly shallow, alluvial wells – Generally deemed vulnerable to surface water

contamination – Found very low concentrations of NORM

Current Research

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Current Research

Figure 12. Sampling sites for FY2016 IGWM (Hruby, 2015)

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• Private Well Water Study – Iowa is majority rural; represents a significant

population at risk – Private wells are entirely unregulated – Co-funded by CHEEC and SHL – Will examine 50 confined-aquifer wells across

Iowa – Broad range of chemical parameters – Uranium-series radionuclides, including radon

Current Research

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• Feel free to contact me: – [email protected]

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• Parent, Géry. (2011). Autunite_1(France).jpg [Image file]. Retrieved from:

• Focazio MJ, et al. Occurrence of Selected Radionuclides in Ground Water Used for Drinking Water in the United States: A Targeted Reconnaissance Survey, 1998; U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4273. Reston, VA:U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior (2001).

• ICRP, 1993. Age-dependent Doses to Members of the Public from Intake of Radionuclides - Part 2 Ingestion Dose Coefficients. ICRP Publication 67. Ann. ICRP 23 (3-4).

• Thomas PA, Fisenne I, Chorney D, Baweja AS, and Tracy BL. Human Absorption and Retention of Polonium-210 from Caribou Meat. Radiat Prot Dosimetry (2001) 97 (3): 241-250.

• Moroz BB and Parfenov YD. 1971. Effects of Polonium-210 on the Organism. Moscow, Atomizdat. Translation Series Report AEC-tr-7300, Biology and Medicine (TID 4500), United States Atomic Energy Commission, Technical Information Center, National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, Springfield, VA. Issued April 1972.

• “Polonium-210.” Fact Sheet. May 2010. Health Physics Society. McLean, VA. Web. • Telegraph. (2006). Death by polonium-210 [Image file]. Retrieved from:

2006-_631086a.gif • Porcelli, D and Swarzenski, PW. The Behavior of U- and Th-series Nuclides in Groundwater. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry (2003) 52

(1): 317-361 • Wikipedia. (2016). 874px-Well_spudder_8606.jpg [Image file]. Retrieved from: • Frame, PW. (1996). How the Curie Came to Be. Retrieved from: • Prior JC, Boekhoff, JL, Howes MR, Libra RD, VanDorpe PE. (2003). Iowa’s Groundwater Basics. Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Iowa.

Reference List