ringkasan materi kombis uas

RINGKASAN MATERI KOMBIS UAS A. Barriers in Communication Penggunaan Bahasa: jargon, bahasa yang rumit, bahasa yang jarang digunakan, bahasa- Daya Tangkap : Kurang perhatian, Kurangnya Minat , Kurang relevan, adanya gangguan Penilaian :Persepsi dan cara pandang yang berbeda, hambatan fisik, hambatan bahasa, prasangka, stereotyping Perbedaan Kultur seperti status sosial, strata o Contoh : hugging, pidato tentang hal pribadi, arti “uang receh” B. Influencing Skill 1. Reciprocity 2. Commitment (and Consistency) 3. Social Proof 4. Liking 5. Authority 6. Scarcity C. Cross Cultural Communications 1. The important of intercultural communication Globalization of Market Technological Advancements Multicultural Work Force 2. Characteristics of Culture (Learned, Inherently Logical, Identity, Visible-Invisible, Dynamic) a. Culture is learned In Asia, same sex people may walk hande in hand. In Arab, conversations are often held in close proximity, sometimes nose to nose. In western culture, too close means violation. b. Cultures are inherently logical In Japan, Barbie doll was a failure because of the toothy smile c. Culture is the basis of self-identity and community Who we are and what we believe. d. Culture combines the visible and invisible. In Japan, harmony with the environment is important. In India, people avoid stepping on ant or insects because they believe in reincarnation. e. Culture is dynamic Culture change as a result of migration, disasters, and wars. 3. Dimension of Culture Context (Low or High) Individualism Communication style

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RINGKASAN MATERI KOMBIS UASA. Barriers in Communication Penggunaan Bahasa: jargon, bahasa yang rumit, bahasa yang jarang digunakan, bahasa- Daya Tangkap : Kurang perhatian, Kurangnya Minat , Kurang relevan, adanya gangguan Penilaian :Persepsi dan cara pandang yang berbeda, hambatan fisik, hambatan bahasa, prasangka, stereotyping Perbedaan Kultur seperti status sosial, strata Contoh : hugging, pidato tentang hal pribadi, arti uang receh

B. Influencing Skill1. Reciprocity2. Commitment (and Consistency)3. Social Proof4. Liking5. Authority6. Scarcity

C. Cross Cultural Communications1. The important of intercultural communication Globalization of Market Technological Advancements Multicultural Work Force

2. Characteristics of Culture (Learned, Inherently Logical, Identity, Visible-Invisible, Dynamic) a. Culture is learnedIn Asia, same sex people may walk hande in hand. In Arab, conversations are often held in close proximity, sometimes nose to nose. In western culture, too close means violation.b. Cultures are inherently logicalIn Japan, Barbie doll was a failure because of the toothy smile c. Culture is the basis of self-identity and communityWho we are and what we believe.d. Culture combines the visible and invisible.In Japan, harmony with the environment is important. In India, people avoid stepping on ant or insects because they believe in reincarnation.e. Culture is dynamicCulture change as a result of migration, disasters, and wars.

3. Dimension of Culture Context (Low or High) Individualism Communication style Time orientation

4. LOW vs HIGH Context

5. Achieving Intercultural Sensitivity Avoiding Ethnocentrism: The belief in the superiority of ones owned race. Bridging the Gap Emphaty: trying to see the world through anothers eyes. Saving face: indirectly respect the feelings and dignity of others Patience: tolerance, patient, silent

D. Teamwork CommunicationRoles You Can Take The INITIATOR suggests or proposes to the group new ideas. S/he offers a novel point of view concerning problems, procedures, goals, or solutions. The INFORMATION SEEKER asks for clarification of suggestions made in terms of their factual adequacy, for authoritative information and facts pertinent to the problem being discussed. The INFORMATION GIVER offers facts or generalizations which are "authoritative" or relates his/her own experience pertinent to the group problem. The OPINION SEEKER asks primarily for a clarification of values pertinent to what the group is undertaking or values involved in various suggestions that have been made. The OPINION GIVER states his/her belief pertinent to a suggestion made. The emphasis is on what s/he believes should be the groups view of pertinent values, not primarily upon relevant facts or information. The ENERGIZER prods the group to action or decision, attempts to stimulate or arouse the group to "greater" or "higher quality" activity. The GATE-KEEPER expedites attempts to keep communication channels open by encouraging or facilitating the participation of others ("we havent gotten the ideas of Mr. X yet," etc.) or by proposing regulation of the flow of communication ("why dont we limit the length of our contributions so that everyone will have a chance to contribute?" etc.) The REALITY TESTER subjects the accomplishment of the group to some standard or set of standards of group- functioning in the context of the group task. Thus, s/he may evaluate or question the "practicality," the "logic," the "facts," or the "procedure" of the suggestion or of some unit of group discussion. The SUMMARIZER defines the position of the group with respect to its goals by summarizing what has occurred, points to departures from agreed upon directions or goals, or raises questions about the direction which the group discussion is taking. The DIAGNOZER defines the position of the group with respect to its goals by summarizing what has occurred, points to departures from agreed upon directions or goals, or raises questions about the direction which the group discussion is taking.Relationship Roles The ENCOURAGER praises, agrees with, and accepts the contribution of the others. S/he indicates warmth and solidarity in her/his attitude toward other group members, offers commendation and praise and in various ways indicates understanding and acceptance of other points of view, ideas, and suggestions. The HARMONIZER mediates the differences between other members, attempts to reconcile disagreements, relieves tension in conflict situations through good hearted jokes, a soothing attitude, etc. EVALUATOR OF EMOTIONAL CLIMATE merefleksikan perasaan atau suasana yang ada pada peserta PRAISE GIVER menebar kehangatan, memberikan pujian EMPHATIC LISTENER menunjukan minat, tidak menginterupsi, lebih banyak mendengarkanDiscfunctioned Roles The BLOCKER tends to be negativistic and stubbornly resists, disagreeing and opposing without or beyond "reason" and attempting to maintain or bring back an issue after the group has rejected or by-passed it. The RECOGNITION-SEEKER works in various ways to call attention to her/himself, whether through boasting, reporting on personal achievements, acting in unusual ways, struggling to prevent being placed in an "inferior" position, etc. The ATTACKER tries to attack The JOKER, speaks too much in joking The WITH-DREWER

E. Presentation Skill Structure => introduction, main points & conclution (in logical order) Practice => practice in front of mirror Body Language => smile, make eye contact, move around a bit, dont hide behind podium Speech => clearly, confident & not to fast Nervousness => preparation & practice will reduce nervous Interaction => build a rapport with your audience, use humor Powerpoint => keep slides clean & simple, dont have a lot of text, use charts, diagram & pictures Notes & Handouts

F. Negotiation Skill Two or more parties with diferent need and goal discuss an issue to find a mutually acceptable solution Strong negotiators master written, verbal & non verbal communicationGood Negotiator:FOGPAWC1. Flexible (F)2. Creative ( C )3. Aware of themselves and others (A)4. Good pleasure (P)5. Honest (O)6. Win-win oriented (W)7. Good communicator(G)

Jangan Dilakukan: Negosiasi bukan menang-menangan Tidak emosional Jangan menyalahkan orang lain

G. Selling Skill Not just selling a product Also selling a service Undestanding customer

Verbal ada Kata-kata (35%)1. Specific2. Smalltalk3. Simple language4. Paraphrase -> istilah5. Plan your message6. Greet cutomer warmly and sincerely7. Communicate to your costomers style8. Agree with customer9. Solicit customer feedback and participation10. Ask positively phrased question

Non verbal tidak harus ada kata-kata (65%)Contohnya: mimik, ekspresi, gesture, gerakan tubuh, penampilan


message effective = clear, complete, save time, goodwillAnalyze business communication problem : 1. What are your PURPOSE in writing or speaking?2. Who is (are) your AUDIENCE(S)?3. What INFORMATION must your message include?4. What reasons or reader BENEFITS can you use to support your position?5. What OBJECTIVES can you expect your reader(s) to have?6. How will the CONTEXT affect the readers response?GROUP AND TEAMWhy : better decisions respond faster increase productivity achieve greater buy-in reduce resistance to change improve employee morale, reduced risk for individuals. individual works may be better then team work, so team work will: Slowed Decision Shielded workers from responsibility Reduced productivity

LISTENING SKILL40 % of Communication ActivityPoor Listening Habits: Most of us listen at only 25 percent efficiency. We are inefficient listeners due to: Lack of training Competing sounds Slowness of speech DaydreamingBarriers: Inattention Prejudgments Differing frame of reference Closed-mindedness Pseudo listening