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 Research Paper Holocaust Overview Sarah Yutesler Eng. Comp 102-101 Mr. Neugurger 2-Apr-12

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Research Paper

Holocaust Overview

Sarah Yutesler

Eng. Comp 102-101

Mr. Neugurger


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This is where they decided what they would do

with the Jewish population.

The Holocaust is a very important part of American History. Many people are

clueless as to what the events were that lead up to all of the hardship during this period of 

time. One way to inform the public about all of the events is to tell about these important

events. In this research people should be informed of the key events that would offer the

information needed to become knowledgeable about this time period. The events are;

The Final Solution, Nuremberg Laws, Kristanllnacht, Ghettos, Propaganda, Selection,

Methods of Extermination, and Liberation.

Wannsee Conference: Final Solution

In the article: The Wannsee Conference, On January 20, 1942 there was a meeting

held called the Wannsee Conference that had decided

what was going happen to the Jewish Population. It was

a meeting held with the top Nazi bureaucrats and the fate

of Jews was held in the hands of these people. They

discussed how they could eliminate over 11 million

people without a controversy. How they could get away

with exterminating so many people. “Eliminated by natural causes” refers to death by

hard labor and starvation.” This is how they decided that they would get away with the

death of millions. IN doing this they would then put them in the camps to have them

work to death, or worse extermination of the killing methods that would be later to come.

(History Place)

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The Jews churches were burned down.

They were banded from places and not

allowed to have full freedom.

htt ://bit.l /IHIYtY

Nuremburg Laws

According to the article Nuremburg Laws, Nuremburg Laws happened in 1935 and it

was only to remove the influences of Jews out of the

country. Then later it was used to take away Jews

freedom which became less and less.

Hitler decided Jews would be denied citizenship, they

were not allowed to marry a non-Jew or have any

relationship with them. They were not allowed to have

people working for them, such as a maid. Slowly the Jews had lost almost all of their

freedom. “… Hitler had to first discard the Jews, a” people” incompatible with “true

Germans” The Nuremberg Laws Helped Hitler take the first step toward getting rid of 

“theses parasites” and imposing racial society.” Treated the Jews as if they were rats they

could just be exterminated like an exterminator would do.(Jewish Virtual Library)


This happened in November of 1938 also known as “The Night of Broken Glass”.

This started as a state riot. Theses soldiers had no mercy

for the Jews and just tried to destroy anything they knew

was owned by the Jews. It seemed as if everyone had it

out for the Jews. Many windows were broken from

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Many kids would be on the side of the road trying

to get food.

homes and businesses. Then the Jews houses were burned and many places that were

meant for prayer, vandalized thousands of homes and businesses. Over 90 Jewish people

were killed. All of this happened in one night. They destroyed or vandalized almost

everything the Jews owned. This was the start of the mistreatment that the Jews would

encounter, and the start of the striping of every right they deserve to have as a citizen.


According to the article The Ghettos of the Holocaust All Jews were to be sent to an area

in a city. They were confined in a small area surrounded by wire fencing. Their whole

way of life changed. They had to give up all of 

their valuables and they could not bring in food.

If they were caught smuggling in food they would

be killed. This was only the beginning, people

though they would be able to be released after

awhile, but they had no idea what was in store for

them. Many found it hard to find food, so many people would starve. People were so

weak that didn’t leave an area and they lived in filth. This is far from what the Jews

thought it would be like, but this wasn’t even anything compared to what they would be

experiencing next. (Holocaust Research Project)

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hese are the posters used during

olocaust against Jews.


This is how they would line up the Jews to see if 

they would live or die right away.


According to Propaganda in Nazi Germany, “Propaganda is the art of 

persuasion- persuading others that your side of the story is correct.”

Propaganda played a very important role during this period. Nazi’s used

it as a method to get the public to agree and allow what they had in store

for the Jewish population. Hitler used this as a big advantage and once

he had the public to agree with him he could finally have the power to

take down the Jewish population. There were many ways they use

propaganda to persuade. They used media, posters, radio and speeches

to get their word out to the public. They wanted everyone to agree with Hitler so that

violence would be accepted. So people wouldn’t go against Hitler and everyone would

accept extermination of Jews. Just like today they use propaganda on TV to convince

people to buy things or to go out and do things. Just back during the holocaust it was

used for a different purpose and not a good one.(History Learning Site)


In the article : The Holocaust, When the Jews

would get into the Ghettos they would be

separated right when they walked in the gate.

They had a fate right as they walked in the gate

and were looked at by the soilders. The people

would be separated men and women and children.

The men and the older children would be the ones that would have a chance to even

survive for a little longer and hopefully survive through the holocaust. Some were

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This was the way they lined the Jews up.

selected to just dig the graves for all of the dead bodies. They would have the Jews do all

of the hard labor that the soldiers would not want to do, that was hard labor. Even some

would be used to do experiments to test things on, like lab rats. Sometime they would get

lucky to get selected that might save their life. It was all in the luck of what and who you

are and if you look like you could work. (Martin Frost)

Methods of Extermination

After the Jews were segregated into the Ghettos it was easier to exterminate them. They

had many methods that they thought would be good. Many they late found out weren’t

as efficient or effective as they wished. The three methods were; Firing squads, Gas

vans, and Zyclon B.

Firing Squads

In the article: The killing Evolution This method was the first idea they had thought up to

eliminate the Jews. This was done in not a nice

manner. All of the Jews were lined up and they

would be shot at one by one. This wasn’t as

effective as they planned. It put mental effect on

the soldiers and was very tiring. So the Nazis

then had to come up with a better way of extermination.

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These are the vans that the people were transportedin.

The rooms they were taken to be exterminated with

Zycoln B.

Gas Vans

This was the next method this was a faster method. They would load up as many Jews as

possible into a van, telling the Jews they would be going to a different location. Along

the way they were poisoned by carbon monoxide.

When they reached the destination all of the Jews

would be dead and the soldiers would put them in

a pile to be buried with all the others that were

next. Both of these methods were causing a

 problem of where to put all the bodies. There were so many bodies they didn’t even

know what to do with.

Zyklon B

Jewish people thought they were taking

showers. They all go in this room they got

gassed all in the room. They then would have the bodies buried and spread out. This

seemed to be a way of dividing the women and children from the men. They found this

much more effective and they used this method

every day. Thousands of Jews could be killed

this way daily. (Pbs)

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When the Jews were found by the Soldiers, theywere all happy.


In the article: Liberation, Liberation all started when Germany was invaded June 6, 1944

would be a day for many people to remember. This was a day to remember for all those

who had to suffer in the concentration camps. This was also known as D-Day where

American, British and Canadian troops ended Nazi Power over the people of Europe.

This put an end to the extermination of the Jewish

population. Theses soldiers got to see what was

going on and it really brought attention to this

harsh time for the people that suffered during this

time. The soldiers had found camps with

surviving Jews, and in many they were shocked to

find all of the young children that were in these camps. It was not the main purpose of 

Liberation, but it sure was a good thing that theses soldiers came to stop German soldiers

when they did. There is no telling if there would be as many survivors if they didn’t

invade Germany. It opened up people’s eye; no one really had any clue as to everything

going on and how many people died just because they were Jewish. If they had never

invaded the Jews would never have their story to tell of how harsh these times were and

how lucky they were that they were found and had a chance to live. (USHMM)

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After knowing theses main eight events there should be more knowledge about the

Holocaust. These are the major events during the Holocaust, in doing this research

people will have a better understanding of the harsh times that the Jewish population had

to face during this time period. The Final Solution, Nuremberg Laws, Kristallnacht,

Ghettos, Propaganda, Selection, Methods of Extermination, and Liberation. There are

many more events in During the Holocaust that were important, theses are just the major

eye opening one that would make people really realize how good they really have it

today. People take for granted the life they live today, if people take the time to look into

this time period , they may change the way they live or think about how they can make

life better for others and give back.



40Content  – paper demonstrates

understanding and confidence about topic 10

20Sources  – uses only primary and

secondary sources  5


In-Text Citations  – integrates sources

within text with effective use of signalwords and phrases 


35Formatting  – properly uses MLA

formatting  10

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25Works Cited  – works cited page has the

required number of sources and is properly

formatted 10


Pictures  – uses pictures to enhance the

text with effective captions and sourceinformation  5

25Writing Mechanics  – Paper is free from

errors in spelling, punctuation, etc.  10

Total =


Total Score


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Works Cited

"Firing Squads." A History of Violence. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

"Holocaust History." Liberation. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

"The Holocaust." Welcome Back to The Frost Blog. Web. 15 Apr. 2012. "I." The History

Place. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

"Nuremberg Laws." Jewish Virtual Library. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

PBS. PBS. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

PBS. PBS. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

"Propaganda in Nazi Germany." History Learning Site. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.

"Spartacus Educational." Spartacus Educational. Web. 15 Apr. 2012.