securitas sentinel – 公司通訊 securitas security services ... · pdf...

Securitas Sentinel – Issue No. 2 May 2010 公司通訊 公司通訊 公司通訊 公司通訊 Securitas Security Services (Hong Kong) Limited 塞科利達保安服務 塞科利達保安服務 塞科利達保安服務 塞科利達保安服務 (香港 香港 香港 香港) 有限公司 有限公司 有限公司 有限公司 Content 內容 內容 內容 內容: Director’s Corner 常務董事 常務董事 常務董事 常務董事的話 的話 的話 的話 Management Team 管理層 管理層 管理層 管理層團隊 團隊 團隊 團隊 What’s New 直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 直擊報導 Environment, Health and Safety (EH & S) 環境 環境 環境 環境、健康 健康 健康 健康及安全 及安全 及安全 及安全

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Page 1: Securitas Sentinel – 公司通訊 Securitas Security Services ... · PDF fileÈ¤É ÊËÌÍ #ΤÏÐ ÑÒ Ó #

Securitas Sentinel – Issue No. 2 May 2010 公司通訊公司通訊公司通訊公司通訊 – 第二期第二期第二期第二期 二零一零年五月二零一零年五月二零一零年五月二零一零年五月

Securitas Security Services (Hong Kong) Limited 塞科利達保安服務塞科利達保安服務塞科利達保安服務塞科利達保安服務 (香港香港香港香港) 有限公司有限公司有限公司有限公司

Content 內容內容內容內容:

• Director’s Corner 常務董事常務董事常務董事常務董事的話的話的話的話

• Management Team 管理層管理層管理層管理層團隊團隊團隊團隊

• What’s New 直擊報導直擊報導直擊報導直擊報導

• Environment, Health and Safety (EH & S) 環境環境環境環境、、、、健康健康健康健康及安全及安全及安全及安全

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Director’s Corner 常務董事常務董事常務董事常務董事的話的話的話的話

Dear colleagues, It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to address you all through our second issue of the Securitas Sentinel newsletter. The newsletter is another opportunity for you to learn more about Securitas Hong Kong and the global operation of Securitas. There are a number of new and enhanced

programs being worked on and we will communicate more about the new programs such as the “Excellence in Service” award - to recognize staff providing a quality service to our valued customers. The management team welcomes and promotes, a culture of open and honest two-way communication between the supervisors and management and our front-line colleagues. Along with the regular monthly operation meetings where we invite the Post IC’s and Site Supervisors back to the office to share their thoughts and comments with management this program will be enhance and we will be inviting all ranks of staff to join us for “town hall events” with the management team. With all these activities going on it is more than ever important to have a communication platform available to share news and the future development with all of our colleagues. Finally, I hope you will enjoy this newsletter and I urge you all to suggest topics and ideas to enable you to participate in its success. Sincere regards, Douglas Renwick Managing Director










榮德傑 常務董事 塞科利達保安服務﹝香港﹞有限公司


Management Team 管理層管理層管理層管理層團隊團隊團隊團隊

Managing Director 常務董事

Sales and Marketing Manager 銷售及市場經理

Operation Manager 營運經理

Human Resources Manager 人力資源經理

Operations Support Manager 營運支援經理

Finance Manager 財務經理

Douglas Renwick 榮德傑 Terrence Wong 黃俊偉

Kenneth Tong 湯慶民 Winnie Chiu 趙玉蓮

Pauline Tang 鄧珮欣 Kelly Tong 唐詠珊


What’s New 直擊報導直擊報導直擊報導直擊報導

Removal Notice We are moving from our temporary Hunghom office to the new address, effective from 28th May 2010. Room 3 & 5, 8/F Clifford Centre 782 Cheung Sha Wan Road Kowloon Phone: +852 2191 8918 Fax: +852 2774 5357

搬遷啟示搬遷啟示搬遷啟示搬遷啟示 由二零一零年五月二十八日起我們將由紅磡臨時辦事處遷往以下新地址:

香港九龍長沙灣道香港九龍長沙灣道香港九龍長沙灣道香港九龍長沙灣道 782號香港中心號香港中心號香港中心號香港中心 8樓樓樓樓 3及及及及 5室室室室 電話:+852 21918918 傳真:+852 27745357

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Congratulations! Securitas is ISO9001:2008 certified

The issuance of certification demonstrates that Securitas within the scope of the certification of quality management complied with international standards. The implementation of ISO9001: 2008 certification enables us to continual improve the quality of our management system. For our clients, obtaining ISO9001:2008 certification is a guarantee of our service standard.

恭賀恭賀恭賀恭賀塞科利達塞科利達塞科利達塞科利達成功通過成功通過成功通過成功通過 ISO9001 認證認證認證認證 認證的頒發證明塞科利達於認證範圍內的品質管制符合國際標準。實施了ISO9001:2008 認證,使我們不斷地改善服務品質管制體系。對客戶而言,獲得 ISO9001:2008認證是服務水準的保證。


Hong Kong Security Association Award Congratulations! We are glad that 4 of our Gurkha officers were awarded the Certificate of Merit from Hong Kong Security Association (HKSA). The awards were for Appreciation of their outstanding performance in the execution of duties. Our awarded colleagues are: • Mr. Thapa Bisnukumar • Mr. Gurung Min Bahadur • Mr. Pun Sher Bahadur • Mr. Gurung Kumar Bahadur Mr. Thapa Bisnukumar was selected for the HKSA Cash Award of $1000 together with a Certificate of Merit and invited to the HKSA Annual dinner on 15th April 2010. It was an honour that our guard received the award from Mr Ted Devereux, the Chairman of HKSA. We are proud of the contribution of our guards. Thus, Securitas prepared another Certificate of Appreciation for them in recognition of their outstanding performance.

香港保安業協會香港保安業協會香港保安業協會香港保安業協會獎獎獎獎 恭喜! 恭喜! 很高興,,,,我們有四位啹喀保安主任榮獲香港保安業協會頒發優異獎,這個獎項是表揚保安員當值時的優秀表現。 我們獲獎的同事:

• Thapa Bisnukumar 先生

• Gurung Min Bahadur先生

• Pun Sher Bahadur先生

• Gurung Kumar Bahadur先生

Thapa Bisnukumar先生更獲選得到一千元獎金、獎狀及被邀請出值於二零一零年四月十五日舉行的香港保安業協會週年晚會。


我們對四位保安主任的表現感到很驕傲,因此,塞科利達亦頒發嘉許獎狀表揚 有 關 員 工 , 以 表 場 鼓 勵 。

If you have any comment or you would like to see an article in the newsletter, please feel free to contact Clara Shea at 2191 8918 ([email protected]) 若對本公司通訊有任何意見,或對特別的題材有興趣,請聯絡佘小姐,電話 2191 8918或電郵([email protected])

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Country of Origin Rugby Tournament (20th March 2010) 二零一零年二零一零年二零一零年二零一零年三三三三月月月月二二二二十日舉行十日舉行十日舉行十日舉行的的的的 Country of Origin 欖球欖球欖球欖球賽賽賽賽 We are proud to sponsor “Team China” the Country of Origin Rugby Tournament 2010 which was held in King’s Park Sports Ground, Jordan on 20th March 2010. This sponsorship is meaningful to us as it celebrates our presence in China and Hong Kong. On the day, our management and some office staff were there to support the team. We are glad that team China won the 4th place out of 10 teams in the game. Country of Origin Rugby Tournament is a unique event in Hong Kong calendar where local rugby players cast aside their club loyalties for a day to represent their countries.

10 Teams / 10隊

• New Zealand紐西蘭 • Hong Kong香港

• Scotland蘇格蘭 • Wales威爾斯

• Australia澳洲 • France法國

• China中國 • Ireland愛爾蘭

• Japan/Korea日本/韓國 • England英國

我們很高興贊助 Country of Origin欖球賽的其中一隊 - 中國隊。欖球賽於二零一零年三月二十日在佐敦京士柏球場舉行。是次的贊助為了慶祝塞科利達進軍中國和香港,是很有意義的。比賽當日,我們的管理層及一些辦公室的員工亦有到場支持。最後,中國隊於十隊中取得第四名,成績令人鼓舞。


Environment, Health and Safety (EH & S) 環境環境環境環境、、、、健康健康健康健康及安全及安全及安全及安全 Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work Any worker who is required to work in a hot environment, no matter outdoors or indoors, may suffer from heat stroke if no appropriate preventive measures are taken. Risk Factors for heat stroke include 1. High Temperature 2. High Humidity (because it hinders sweat

evaporation) 3. Poor ventilation 4. High radiant heat load, such as exposure to direct

sunlight 5. Heavy manual activities 6. Wearing clothing that hinders sweat evaporation and heat dissipation Symptoms of Heat Stroke

• Thirst, Fatigue, Lethargy

• Nausea and headache • Fainting and transient loss of consciousness

• Clammy skin and paleness • Weak and rapid pulse, and even muscle cramps A Safe and Healthy System at Work 1. Work Environment

• Isolate heat generating facilities at the workplace and use isolating materials heat dissipation to other work areas;

• Increase air flow by using appropriate ventilation or air conditioning system as appropriate, especially in workplaces such as kitchens and containers.

• Avoid working under direct sunlight and set up temporary sunshade whenever possible.

2. Work Arrangement • Avoid working in the hot environment for prolonged periods of time. • Minimize physical demand by using mechanical aids at work • Make arrangement for employees to rest in a cool or shady place during

very hot periods • Allow employees to take regular breaks or rotate to other worksites within

the shift to reduce their exposure to the hot environment

3. Supply of Cool Portable Water

• Provide cool portable water for employees at all times during work • Encourage employees to take plenty of water or other appropriate

beverages to replenish the fluid and electrolytes lost through sweating. Employees’ Heath Special attention should be paid to any report of employees suffering from symptoms of heat stroke. Employees should be trained to observe their body responses. Whenever there are any symptoms of heat stroke, they should inform their supervisors and take appropriate actions immediately. Some employees may have difficulties in adapting to the hot working environment because of their health condition or the effects of drugs. Employers should take this

into account and consider the recommendations of the employees’ attending doctors when assigning work to these employees. 酷熱環境下工作預防中暑


僱員的健康 特別留意並處理僱員因酷熱而引致不適的報告,教導員工留意身體的反應,如有中暑的初期徵狀,應立即通知管方,並作出適當行動。



1. 高氣溫

2. 高濕度﹙因其妨礙汗水揮發﹚

3. 空氣不流通

4. 高熱輻射來源,例如曝曬於太陽下

5. 從事需求大量體力的活動

6. 穿著妨礙空氣流通及汗水揮發的衣服


• 非常口渴、祿疲倦、四肢乏力

• 噁心、頭痛

• 暈眩或短暫神志不清

• 皮膚濕冷、面色蒼白

• 脈搏急速及微弱,甚至肌肉痙攣疼痛

1. 工作環境

• 隔離工作內的高溫設施同及散熱裝置,減少熱能散發到工作間

• 增加空氣流通量,特別是廚房、貨櫃等工作地點,應在適當情況下使用通風或空調設備。

• 盡量避免在猛烈陽光下工作,盡可能架設臨時上蓋以阻擋直接照射的陽光。

2 工作編排

• 避免長時間在高溫環境下工作。留意天氣報告,重新編排,把所有或大部分工作安排於

• 考慮減少工作上的體力需求,如借助機械進行工作。

• 在酷熱時段,盡可能安排僱員在較清涼的地方小休。

• 考慮把當值時間分段,在日間最酷熱的時段採取輪班制度,讓僱員交替在酷熱和較清涼的環境下工作。

3. 清涼的飲用水

• 供應清涼的飲用水,讓僱員可隨時飲用。

• 鼓勵僱員多飲水,或其他補充體力的飲料,以補充因流汗而失去的水份及鹽份。

Source: Occupational Safety and Health Branch, Labour Department 資料來源:勞工處,職業安全及健康部