[seminar] progress


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研究方法 27

res achus, ut Cas crum n on I tar id acc iemus rem nes et? Nihiliis eorEdium omnesi tam publi, moremor ehebenimpos loctame virte

案例分析 38

res achus, ut Cas crum n on I tar id acc iemus rem nes et? Nihiliis eorEdium omnesi tam publi, moremor ehebenimpos loctame virte ipicivir potie patiocum iu culica atimusque mentium sus publicul vis paris, unum sidiescri publicul tanum te aut noverit? Nihilis consupio,

研究動機 ( 用內文中標 ) 1

研究目的 10Opubist 50

res achus, ut Cas crum n on I tar id acc iemus rem nes et? Nihiliis eorEdium omnesi tam publi, moremor ehebenimpos loctame virte ipicivir potie patiocum iu

Ossolies 77

elus, ursulego nes efacessa vivercepore nim ingultus et; nunum ignatorte abissi pareortem. Cupica L. Am, vocum vercerestem in vit, videm di pro vid aHacidem ta pultordit, conostod sum medem, oc, quam

Ossolies 96

elus, ursulego nes efacessa vivercepore nim ingultus et; nunum ignatorte abissi pareortem. Cupica L. Am, vocum vercerestem in vit,

Ossolies 103

elus, ursulego nes efacessa vivercepore nim ingultus et; nunum ignatorte abissi pareortem. Cupica L. Am, vocum vercerestem in vit,

研究結構加目錄 蔡寧

res achus, ut Cas crum n on I tar id acc iemus rem nes et? Nihiliis eorEdium omnesi tam publi, moremor ehebenimpos loctame virte ipicivir potie patiocum iu culica atimusque mentium

res achus, ut Cas crum n on I tar id acc iemus rem nes et? Nihiliis eorEdium omnesi tam publi, moremor ehebenimpos loctame virte

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it's based on the fairytale, in which a beautiful, rich prince, after been thrown an evil spell on, is trapped within the shape of a frog. one day, when the princess kisses him, he is transformed back to the prince he really is, and they live happily ever after.( 賦予 " 青蛙 " 一有機形狀,詮釋跨足藝術、建築、設計、流行文化領域。同時以此 temporary art pavilion 作為過去 ( 老國家畫廊 ) 與現今 ( 新的藝術殿堂 ) 之連結。)

KISS THE FROG by MMW Architects


the fabrication

A s e l f - s u p p o r t i n g construction is erected by establishing a higher air pressure ins ide a space defined by a membrane, t h a n f o u n d o n t h e outside. It's fitted with 4 entrances – 1 main with 3 supplementary emergency exits. The exhibition concept is based on a pneumatic principal.The walls appear a s c o n c a v e p l a n e s growing out from the f loor. The membrane used is a green colour, opaque PVC weave with a fire retardant layer. The inside has a white surface allowing projections of film, photo and digital sources to be displayed.

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pneumatic textile structure

The non-pneumatic part

Revolving doors.(avoid decreasing the frog’s pressure.)


Parking(stage activities and dining

Materials:Opaque PVC weave with a fire retardant layer.

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stage activities and dining.

The non-pneumatic part.

Pneumatic textile structure.


Box Mobile Gallery

The ‘Box Mobile Gallery’ is a gallery responsive to various exhibition intentions and art media. The gallery consists of 12 panels soft-hinged side by side. Each of these panels features an art work fixed to its inside. The flexibility of the soft hinge system allows the spatial r e c o n f i g u r a t i o n of t h e gallery, transforming one space to another according to site conditions, exhibition intention, and art media; from independent cells for an individual exhibition, to a common exhibition space


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The Box also functions as a crate, Art can be packed within the gallery, with some pieces sandwiched between panels and some contained within individual cells. In its folded and locked state, the box becomes an art crate, ready for travel or for storage.

for a group exhibition, often times with an introductory area or a court yard, and to a special exhibition space for various art media.

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12 13The different constitution.


能從情感上和財力上感到擁有一個屬於自己的小天地的移動住宅,對那些無家可歸的人來說有多大的意義。( 它擁有生存所需的必需品,它也是你冒險和城市生活的一個棲身空間,而不是一個偏遠的藏身處。)

基本建設材料:20 公尺的木板 (3.4 公分乘 3.4公分,需約 300 美元 )、牆紙、200 個 螺 絲 釘、4 個 輪 子、1扇壓克力玻璃窗、1 扇門

One Sqm House

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One Sqm House

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18 19蛋殼居 蛋殼居製作過程

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身處外地城市中,提供等待或暫時只求一可安穩休息空間之旅客。材 料:ash-veneered MDF ( 貼面中密度纖維板 ),金屬及玻璃塑料纖維 ( 增加強度 )


面積:4 平方公尺為使需求者不需花費太多時間尋找旅館。供應充電插座、電視、網路,使其自成一小型辦公室。設置地點:@ 機場 @ 車站@ 住宿設施 @ 會展中心

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Tricycle House and Tricycle Garden


The inability to own land is a fundamental condition in China unique from many we s te r n c o u n t r i e s . T h e Tricycle House suggests a future where the temporary relationship and the public nature between people and the land they occupy is embraced.


Translucent polypropylene, to ensure the interior is always well lit whether by the sun during the day or

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street lamps at night.(The plastic can be folded without losing its strength.)Tricycle.


Welding and Folding.(It can be entirely open up to the outside, expand out

Solus re te cri, nonte con dit.

like an accordion to increase space, and connect to other houses.)

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a. 折出伸縮外殼 b. 焊接內櫃及固定板

c. 組裝 c. 固定至三輪車

d. 伸縮處銜接收尾 d. 完成

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It's intended to be used as temporary shelters in the aftermath of an earthquake. T h i s s h e l te r w a s e a s i l y p r o d u c e d , c h e a p a n d environmentally friendly and can adapt to respond to the needs of different situations.


Bamboo and renewable materials.

The Origami-Inspired Folding Bamboo House


It utilizes a system of bamboo poles that are pre-assembled and can be folded easily into rigid geometric shapes.(The geometr y of these f o r m s p r o v i d e s e a c h structure's integrity, allowing a r a n g e o f l i g h t w e i g h t modular structures to be quickly assembled in factories and t ranspor ted to thei r destination.)

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This breathing architecture is an attempt to approach t h e o r i g i n a l Te a Ro o m , aiming to oppose to the non-breathing 20th century concrete architectures.

materialsTechnically, a membrane using a new material called Tenara was used to create a double membrane with air inserted in between.( 高透明度,質地十分輕軟 )

Tea House

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The idea derives from a reflection on the change in our relationship with the domest ic env i ronment , due to the effects of our increasing mobility, and how this has affected our concept of intimacy, creating new demands.


materialsmade from paper bonded to polyethylene and fabric.

the fabricationfolding

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Hush MATERIALSIt is made of 100% wool felt.( 質地輕軟,移動方便然體積過大且因縫紉方式及其厚度,收納不易 )THE FABRIC通過剪裁、縫紉及折疊,利用厚質羊毛氈的塑性形成一可敞開可關閉之空間。

WHYThe 'womb' shape inspires very different feelings in different people; to me it is a warm, cosy space, for contemplation and rest… By creating an enclosed space HUSH provides a personal retreat, an escape into a dark, quiet, natural space, or state of mind.

Solus re te cri, nonte con dit.

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46 47開合 & 摺疊

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48 49Solus re te cri, nonte con dit.

THE FABRIC: The dwel l ing core i s a self- supporting pleated tube to which deployable components – s leeping a r e a s , v e r a n d a a n d bathroom – adhere. Dwelling parts were stored i n t h e l o c a t i o n i n f l a t packages and erected in situ. The pleated surface is multi-layered, including structural s t r a t a ( h o n e y c o m b cardboard, Tectan board) and insulation strata (Actis, Gore-Tex). On its south-facing side, the hot air accumulated between the pleats can be released into the interior. Side and top facets can rotate into openings. The ambition behind the formal aspects of the design of the pleated shelter was to c o m b i n e k n o w l e d g e from the domain of folded plate shells and deployable structures employing pleat pa t te r n s d e r i v i n g f ro m origami.

MATERIALS:corrugated paperboard(prototype)

WHY:The project aimed at the production of an emergency e c o - p a r k s t r a t e g i c a l l y designed with the potential to transform within a few days into a settlement to shelter people af fected by natural disasters and particularly earthquakes which are common in the reg ion of Thessa lon ik i , Greece.In terms of urban design the proposal highlighted opportunities for the re-a p p r o p r i a t i o n o f t h e redundant terrains of former military camps in the city. T h e p r o p o s e d s h e l t e r unit is energy-eff ic ient , recyclable, polymorphic and extendable, easy to transfer and install and capable of engaging the dwellers in its construction process.

Emergency Shelter

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The performance of these origami based surface prototypes in terms of kinematics is fascinating; they manifest translational and rotational deployment,flat packaging, axial revolutions.

They bare the potential to become a prime field of research for kinetic - responsive surfaces.


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方式追求更寧靜更全面更廣闊的 思 考, 然 而 人 終 究 來 自 群體,儘管脫開了人群,卻也仍然想念群體的支持。此次操作以空間表達人的雙面性,既追求安定的生活,又渴想漂泊的風景。而我們既不能始終如一的伏身團體裡,亦無法完全的離散,那便給予一種可單元組構的方式連結生命。

[PIPE COMBINATION_group&ungroup]

Study Folding model 01

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01 以此空間裝置作為感知環境的媒介。( 當你想保持周遭安靜不受打擾,此空間可提供不直接面對人群的隔離和包覆 )ex.@ 河堤:於河邊尋找一平坦地面架構裝置,觀賞河景。

@ 大廈頂樓:架設裝置俯視城市。@ 橋下空間

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02 此 Group&Ungroup 的空間裝置除表達人的一體兩面外,亦探討其於真實生活中可被置入事件中的實際應用。( 尋找生活中較臨時性、即時性的空間裝置 )ex. @ 難民營:以模矩化方式作為單元,可極易快速展開使用並拼接。

大誌販賣者people who sells

the Big Issue.

徹夜排隊的粉絲f a n s , l i n e u p f o r something or someone

all night.

活動臨時服務台t h e t e m p o r a r y counter, for some

of activities.

難民營refugee camps, for those who lose their


vendors, always ready to escape all the time.


@ 鬧區流動攤販 :可快速收納的裝置,方便於警察來襲時快速脫逃。@ 市集:基於土地的需另作他用,收納和組構皆十分方便容易。


Function:@instant pavilion@backpack transform to tent@space for architectural student

機能較單純,可擺放展品 ( 可釘可掛可夾 ...

目前型式偏向 folding, inflated, stuffing.移動性高。

機能較單純,提供休息、暫止 ( 可坐可臥 ...較複雜,提供架子可供收納 ( 可掛可擺 ...

ex. 睡眠、梳洗、放空

大誌販賣者people who sells

the Big Issue.

徹夜排隊的粉絲f a n s , l i n e u p f o r something or someone

all night.

活動臨時服務台t h e t e m p o r a r y counter, for some

of activities.

難民營refugee camps, for those who lose their


vendors, always ready to escape all the time.

鬧區中隨時準備逃亡的流動攤販Function:@instant pavilion@backpack transform to tent@space for architectural student

機能較單純,可擺放展品 ( 可釘可掛可夾 ...

目前型式偏向 folding, inflated, stuffing.移動性高。

機能較單純,提供休息、暫止 ( 可坐可臥 ...較複雜,提供架子可供收納 ( 可掛可擺 ...

ex. 睡眠、梳洗、放空

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Define the user function:

architectural student, stay up late at school, no space to lie down, no private space to clean up your body, travel to somewhere for increasing our experience...

[ 裝置限制 ]:

輕 >>> 才能夠負荷著長途跋涉好架設 >>> 才能立即展開使用防水 >>> 設置戶外時下雨不致濕身感冒防蚊蟲 >>> 才能安心入眠可隔離外界視線 >>> 才能於內更衣梳洗裝置架設須隔離地面 >>> 保持室內乾淨體積限制 >>> 至少能容納一 180cm 人盤坐和臥 ( 可轉身 )

[ 參考材料 ]:聚丙烯板、金屬支架、特多龍銀膠布、尼龍平織布 ( 防水帆布 )、棉布、防水膠、金屬鎖件、蠟線、麻繩 ...

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Study Folding model 02

因應不同材質之使用:使用於軟性材質 (ex. 紙張 ) 時可直接以 " 折疊 " 方式進行。使用於硬質材 (ex. 聚丙乙烯板,紙板 ) 可於欲彎折處以刀輕劃便於凹折塑型。folding 方向:藉由同向摺痕的長寬可改變成形壁強度,同一面積寬度愈小則成形後之柔軟度愈佳,較易進行塑形及包覆之動作 [ 如右上圖 04]於同一面向做出較小較密 (a 處 ),改變 B 側向摺之角度可隨之改變形成壁之彎曲度 [ 如右上 08、09]

Solus re te cri, nonte con dit.

塑性:因此次操作材質為紙張,故可較隨意進行塑形而摺疊出不同空間。( 集中某處 )[ 右上圖 02、03、07、04]

A. 主摺

B. 側向摺 ( 凹 )

C. 側向摺 ( 凸 )


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Study Folding model 03

How to build it up:木 板 裁 切8.5*8.5cm, 四 邊向 內 offset 1 cm後再裁切。四邊磨R 角,固定至氣泡紙內。

Solus re te cri, nonte con dit.

Materials:巴爾沙木板 3mm氣泡紙


檢討項目:01 若放大為 1:1 之實體,木框架尺寸約 70cm,則量體過於龐大。解決辦法:以可彎折之金屬桿件替代,量體對折。( 如圖 02)02 氣泡紙厚度較厚,導致收納時物體難以輕量化。

01 02

解 決 辦 法:study model 比 例較小,可實驗 1:1 尺寸,或試驗其他材質 (EX. 防水帆布03 支撐構件如何固定於 skin 內。解決辦法:( 如圖 01)

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Study Folding model 04 說明

以重複折疊後的量體進行二次對折。 如圖 04 水平向折線,相對應於使用者之身高、坐姿,可隨之更動水平向折痕。圖 02 中 folding tent 末 端, 可參照圖 10、11 中連結孔進行固定 方 式 改 變, 可 造 成 圖 02、03短向尺寸變化。圖 08 中以膠帶附著短向折痕,目的為避免量體於切割成型後使用

時斷裂。圖 12,可於此 folding tent 表面進行開口動作以利對外視線。操作時使用高磅數水彩紙,模擬1:1 實體之堅硬材質。缺點:摺疊攜帶時較費力,另需考慮使用者置身其中時,和地面接觸之關係。

01 02 03

04 05 06

07 08 09

10 11 12

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Study Folding model 05



以 橫 向 凸 線 的 數 量 做 打 折 次數,兩凸線形成ㄇ字型
